English Portfolio - Etienne Gravisse

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portfolio Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse Born in February 11th, 1994 (22) Driving License issuu.com/etiennegravisse


Address 28 place Jules Ferry 92120 Montrouge France Contact +33 6 61 38 94 66 e.gravisse@gmail.com




September 2016 Mission - ABN, Paris 13

July 2016 Master of Architecture

[Projet Development, plans, 3D views]

ENSA Paris-Val de Seine

June - October 2015 Bertrand Naut Architects, Paris 13

September 2014 - June 2015 Technical University of Madrid (UPM)

Internship [Projects Development, Construction Licenses, Contests participation, 3D Views, Construction sites visits, Construction Receipt, Dialogue with customers, Models, Press Files, Dialogue with the photograph]

Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid

July 2014 Bachelor of architecture

July 2013 Bertrand Naut Architects, Paris 13

ENSA Paris-Val de Seine

Internship [Models, 3D Views, «Executive» Plans, Constructions sites visits]

July 2011 Scientifical High School Diploma

May 2013 Archivox Architects, Paris 18

European Section (Spanish)

Construction internship



September - November 2016 Participation in Archasm Competition

Liberty Museum New York : Freedom to the people

2016 Work Presentation for the Venice Biennale of Architecture Work on the Ivory Coast

September 2012 - July 2013 Material Shop of ENSA Paris-Val de Seine

Archicad Autocad Revit Sketchup Artlantis Studio Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Indesign

September 2012 - July 2013 Student Union

Adobe Illustrator

May 2012 Bellastock Festival




Microsoft Office

In charge of the events

Mac OS






Associative Work





Etienne Gravisse - 2016

architecture projects

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016


1 2011-2012 Exhibition Hall

Architectural Anlysis

Horizontal House

Vertical House

4 Units Building


[Cultural Center]

12 Units Building

[Ecumenical Chapel]

[Elementary School]

Student Housing


Givenchy Studio

[Urban Planning]

[Public High School and Boarding School]

2 2012-2013

3 2013-2014 4 Units Building

[80 Units Building]

4 2014-2015

5 2015-2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Public High School and Boarding School DATE March - July 2016 LOCATION Bagneux - France DIRECTED BY Simon Rodriguez-Pagès DESCRIPTION This final architecture project takes place in Bagneux, in Paris suburb. The working area was the place where the General Arming Direction (DGA) took place. Since they left for new work place in Paris, the city of Bagneux wanted to convert the zone into a new district with offices, housing and a High School. The site is quite exceptional by its topography. The working area is in fact a headland permitting views at 180° particulary on the «Parc de Sceaux», a big park 2 km more on south.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

The urbanistic idea is based on big independant hybrid units separated by pedestrian or car ways and linked on the second floor. So then, the pedestrian can pass trhrough every unit and go to another one without walking in the street. This generates various reference levels at different heights. The biggest that I named the ÂŤsteleÂť is here to remind other steles already there and structuring the views on the south side. The High school takes place as one of these units. The main development idea for it was to think over the schoolyard. My first idea was to say that in France the schoolyards were too big for their use and that we could do someting to have more enjoyable spaces respecting the uses. My first purpose was to organise the High scool and the boarding school around a big cloister generating peaceful and order in the school. That idea guide me through all the conception phase, organizing the classrooms and all the functions of an High School. The cloister become the a meeting point and a place surrounded by chill spaces and meet points. The vertical element is here the housing for students enjoying the views and notifying the entrance of the all school. For this stele, I worked on the thickness of the facade which allows to the people to occupy it giving a massive impression of protection. These two massive towers are linked by footbridges and receive common spaces on many floors for boarders.



Etienne Gravisse - 2016



18 Lycée professionnel Lycée général et/ou technologique Collège/Lycée général et/ou technologique

Etienne Gravisse - 2016



Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Urban Planning DATE October 2015 - January 2016 LOCATION Songon - Ivory Coast DIRECTED BY Simon Rodriguez-Pagès AWARD This work have been presented on the Venice architecture Biennale in 2016 - Michiel Palace DESCRIPTION The objective of this project was to plan the future expansion of an african city : Songon located on the west of Abidjan in Ivory Coast. The goal was the erection of a new town through a private financing to accomodate 200.000 people. So then the principal issue was to propose a master plan and a project leading the town development and giving a guiding line to it. The work from the urban scale until the house scale have generated a lot of questions strenghtened by the exceptionnal geographical situation of the work area.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

urban farming shop’s exterior area church/mosque school


This work cannot be done without thinking about public equipments in the city. After a programmatic study, the implementation of public equipement have become a major part of the work. Every «brick» which is the name I gave to the repeted units structuring the city receive in its center a public elementary school and a place of worship. Every other public equipement, less plentiful are generated by the resultant space between two bricks or by the distortion of the brick itself.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Around the central elements which are the worship place and the learning place, a grid grows. Every patio house is in fact thinked like a unit at the service of the urbanity. Its multiplication forms a dynamic all almost random and homogeneous. Every house group is linked with others forming a block which is going to be multiplied itself. This logic answers to the few means available for the erection of this program. It permits the construction of the city block by block and unit by unit.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

THE BRICK The brick is an element which is able to be multiplicated and deformed to constitue a DESCRIPTION consistent all. This scale of work allows the study from the public space until the private zone and get us to come to terms with the multiplication of these units and how they are linked. So every brick is subdivide into four blocks separated by roads generating a place in the centre : the ÂŤurban baobabÂť, meeting and life place at the heart of the all.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

la brique Element multiplié du projet d’urbanisation de Songon, la brique possède des voies internes permettant la circulation et le stationnement en son sein. Au centre on trouve l’école et le lieu de culte -église, mosquée-, baobab urbain articulant les logements. Chaque brique est séparée en quatre parties accueillant les maisons en R+1 elles-mêmes organisées autour d’un espace permettant une agriculture urbaine. Chaque ilôt de la brique est indépendant des autres et offre une intimité progressive aux habitants à travers diverses barrières induites. La brique accueille également des commerces ayant un espace frontal suffisant pour se l’approprier.

agriculture urbaine église/mosquée école

emprise extérieure des commerces






Etienne Gravisse - 2016


Enseignant - S. Rodriguez-Pag Etudiant - Etienne Gravisse

THE CHURCH This work have been lead at various scales. I chose to plan in detail the houses, DESCRIPTION their multiplication and the church. More than all I tried to design what could be a church in this part of the world learning how peapole live and considering the weather. The church is here planned like an open space allowing to welcome more than its capacity. As the central element of the brick, its architecture distinguish it and make it a symbol of the neighboorhood. It is part of the ÂŤurban baobabÂť.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Library DATE November 2014 - January 2015 LOCATION Alajärvi - Finlande DIRECTED BY Anton Capitel DESCRIPTION This project is located near the city hall of Alvar Aalto for Alajärvi in the heart of a big tree-filled park. So then the project is located in harmony with its site in parallel with the city hall making an open angle which permit views on the landscape and the horizon. The big glass area allows an important relation between the library and the park. The topography allows to the volume to be raised from the groud to enjoy the views. Big empty areas break through the volume to bring light under the volume where the entrance is and organize the reading zones. Moreover, these openings organize the spaces of the library separating the types and generate the path between them.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Every surrounding building is quite low and take place into a master plan thinked by Alvar Aalto. Thus integrated to the site, the library takes place in the area without facing up to those other buildings : it is not higher and never comes perpendicularly to them respecting the site’s ambient.


Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

conference room storage

children space

reading space


Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Housing Building DATE March - June 2014 LOCATION Paris 11 - France DIRECTED BY Thibaut David - Jean-Michel Veillerot DESCRIPTION This 80 collective housing and 12 semi-collective housing project is located in front of the cemetery «Père-Lachaise» near the basilica «Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours. The strong basilica’s presence and the level difference between the two ways surrounding the project’s area involve a reflexion on the human flow and on the distinction between public and private space. The gymnasium, semi-buried serve as shelf for the two housing building and link them together, its roof used as a common space semi-public. This organization greet the entrance and the semi-collective housing on a side which close the area for not authorized people. Every semi-collective housing enjoy a structurant patio.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Elementary School DATE October 2013 - January 2014 LOCATION Villeneuve-la-Garenne - Parc des Chanteraines - France DIRECTED BY Thibaut David - Jean-Michel Veillerot DESCRIPTION This Elementary School project is located on the begining of the «Parc des Chanteraines» at the bottom of the Caravelle estate in the parisian suburb. This location and the stretched out area made me consider a simple but strong architecture which were like an answer to the brutal forms of the estate, preserving the park. Moreover, the relief and the dyniamic initiate by the parcel made me think again about the sliding and the resulting movement. We can see this big white area which come to land on the ground floor quite transparent and slide on to affirm the dynamic. We will find again this structure inside the school with classrooms sharing a common studio with the same geometry allowing different lightings and visual lines and diagonals between the different floors preserving the classrooms’ privacy.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

The double-height studio have two orientations

The classrooms are connected aroud the double-height studio

The circulations are inverted on each floor offering two different orientations to every classroom

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

The circulation allows views on the studio preserving the privacy of the classrooms. It gets an additionnal borrowed lighting


Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Ecumenical Chapel DATE September 2013 LOCATION Cimetière de Bagneux - France DIRECTED BY Thibaut David - Jean-Michel Veillerot DESCRIPTION I took on this chapel project like the creation of a meditaion place. I wanted to offer a place far from everything where everyone can take a walk and commune with himself. Its location in the cemetery of Bagneux is a guiding element for this architectural decision : the project offer a silent place for a break where everyone can stop in the heart of the cemetery. We walk through ponds where rock walls organize the walk and the views. We can only see a piece of the chapel which appear between the trees like a closed and cloistered place. Once in the chapel, we are in another place where the only openings give views on a central tree-filled patio. At this moment we are at the heart of the system.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Cultural Center DATE February - April 2013 LOCATION Cité Universitaire - Paris 14 - France DIRECTED BY Norbert Laurent DESCRIPTION The developement line of this project was the sliding and the main goal was to link with the building the two parts of the «Cité universitaire» separated by the avenue David Weill. In order to do this, the two levels are marked by the projection evocated by the form connecting the fonctions of the cultural center inside. The only element which have no direct kink to the outside is the big exhibition hall, central room of the museum. It is like protected, glorified. The secondary ehibition hall and the outside one are taking place aroud the big one. We had to build six artists studios which are ericted in staggered rows letting a free space for big works. This geometry allows views on the cité universitaire to every artist from his studio.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016


big exhibition hall

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

outdoor exhibition hall



ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine s6-10 Théorie et pratique de la conception architecturale et urbaine : «Pratique du Projet d’architecture le [LYYP[VPYL L[ S»tKPÄJL® DE 2 « Matérialité de S»tKPÄJL -VYTL \ZHNLZ [LJOUPX\LZ ®

Créer une communauté grâce à l’architecture : le cas du Familistère de Guise

Enseignant Responsable Annalisa IORIO Étudiant Étienne Gravisse Année Universitaire 2013/2014

TITLE When architecture generate au community : the «Familistère de Guise» DATE June 2014 DESCRIPTION The goal of this bachelor report was to analyse which architectural elements can generate in the «familistère, a french social housing builing, a social and communitary utopia. So then this work is based on the analysis and the visit of the builing, linked to various essays like (Le Phalanstère» from Charles Fourier. It made me think about actual architectural subjects like the public space in the social housing. This subject gave me the principal idea for my final dissertation.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016


T uTeur . e mmanuelle sarrazin e TudianT . e Tienne G ravisse


TITLE The Ground of the «Grande Borne» : the tool of an utopia DATE February 2016 DESCRIPTION Throug a concrete example, I chose for my final dissertation to theorise over a housing scheme built one century after the «familistère» : the «Grande Borne» in Paris’ suburb. The first study made me consider this project through the ground trying to undertand how it works and why is it so important in this large housing estate. Moreover, how the architect, E. Aillaud design the ground and what can we now learn about it. This study have been done thanks to theorical elements likes Charles Foucault or Philippe Pannerai essays and thanks to a advanced parallel with other housing estates of the same period in France.

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

other works 1. Painting like Pollock 2. Architectural Costume 3. Dreamlike drawing 4. Nude drawings 5. Model 6. Stone cutting

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

some agency works 1. Housing Building - Saint-Denis 2. Housing Building - Saint-Denis 3. Housing Building - Saint-Denis 4. Reorganization of an area - Paris 8 5. Reorganization of an area - Paris 8

1. Domestic view / ABN

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

2. New Part / ABN

3. Restorated Part / ABN

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

4. Work Competiton Plans / ABN + Explorations Architecture

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

5. Work competitions sections / ABN + Explorations Architecture

Etienne Gravisse - 2016

+336. e.gravisse@gmail.com 28 place Jules Ferry 92120 Montrouge issuu.com/etiennegravisse

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