Eton School Safe 2022-2023
Eton School Safe
1 Goals
2 Campus Life
3 Symptom Decision Tree 1*
4 Symptom Decision Tree 2
5 COVID-19 Testing Available On-Campus for Students and Employees
6 Consent Form for Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test
7 If a Student Develops Signs of COVID-19 or Becomes Sick While at School
8 If an Employee Develops Signs of COVID-19 or Becomes Sick While on Campus
9 If There is a Confirmed COVID-19 Case at Eton School
10 Guidelines for Travelers
11 Eton School Safe Plan Sources
11 More COVID-19 Information and Resources From the DOH
We are...
Inspired: to learn, to relate, to create, to make a difference
Prepared: to question, to work collectively, to excel, to lead
Empowered: to think critically, to be compassionate, and to become a world citizen
The policies in this handbook are under continuous review and subject to change as we monitor conditions and receive guidance from government and health authorities. Any modification of these policies will be promptly communicated.
Table of Contents
Eton School Safe
We are currently offering in-person learning on our campus for all students with a commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of everyone on campus and in our school community. Our smaller size and independence allow Eton School to be more nimble and make adjustments responsively and proactively, depending on the needs of the moment. We are also able to make decisions and plan in a student-centered way that puts the needs of children first.
This plan is a “living document,” that we modify during the academic year as new guidelines and requirements are issued by various public health and state authorities. The document lives on the Eton School website, and a notice is posted and shared when it is updated. Please refer to the date stamp in the page footer to ensure you are consulting the most recent version.
If you have any questions regarding this plan or instruction during the school year, please contact our COVID-19 Liaison at
Protect the physical, social, and emotional health of our community.
Remain committed to the delivery of Eton School’s Mission.
Develop and maintain a plan that mitigates and minimizes the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
*Based on Guidelines and Recommendations:
Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Public Health – Seattle & King County
Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Eton School Safe | 1 ETON SCHOOL 2701 Bellevue-Redmond Road Bellevue WA 98008–2253 Ph: 425–881–4230 | Fax: 425–861-8011 |
Campus Life
✅ General Health
✔ Face coverings (mask) guidelines are in accordance with DOH guidelines and are optional on the entire Eton School campus both indoors and outside.
✔ Promotion of hand washing through the day
✔ Each student brings and uses their own water bottle, which can be refilled at school.
✔ Outside spaces set up for a class to use during the day.
✔ When the COVID-19 Community Level is high, we follow the DOH recommendation for universal indoor masking.
✅ Attendance and Illness.
✔ Monitoring of student and employee attendance and absences.
✔ Plan and steps for when a student or employee becomes sick while on campus (page 7).
✔ Plan and steps for when there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 (page 9).
�� Daily cleaning for high-touch surfaces in accordance with the DOH guidelines.
�� Routine cleaning of high touch and frequently touched surfaces and adjusting the frequency based on the level of use.
�� Soap and water for cleaning and then sanitization with the use of a COVID-19 approved disinfectant.
�� Eton School uses Oxivir Five 16 (mixed according to directions).
�� Alcohol wipes or 60% isopropyl alcohol are used to clean keyboards and electronics.
�� All restrooms have contact-free soap and paper towel dispensers.
�� Increased ventilation in all buildings.
�� The school uses a janitorial service for the day-to-day maintenance
Auxiliary Programs: Subject to Change Depending on Health Guidelines
✳ After-school Classes and Cubs
✳ Clubhouse (childcare) Before/After School and during Mid-Winter and Spring Break
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What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms
This decision tree is for the general public and non-health care settings, such as schools and child cares.
If you have one or more of these new, changed, or worsening symptoms:
❑ Fever (≥100.4°F) or chills
❑ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
❑ Muscle or body aches
❑ Loss of taste or smell
❑ Congestion or runny nose 1
❑ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
❑ Headache
❑ Fatigue
❑ Sore throat
❑ Cough
Stay home and test for COVID-19 or see a healthcare provider
You do not get tested
You test POSITIVE for COVID-19
Isolate at home
You can leave isolation after 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared if:
• You have had no fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
• Your symptoms have improved
Notify people who have been exposed to you 2 and refer them to Tree 2.
When resuming normal activities days 6–10:
• Wear a mask around others at home and in public 3
• Avoid people who are immunocompromised, health care settings and other high-risk settings
• Refer to What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 for more information, such as:
» what to do in certain congregate settings
» how to use antigen testing to determine when to leave isolation and remove your mask
You test NEGATIVE for COVID-19
Stay home
• Consider retesting every 24–48 hours through at least 5 days after your symptoms started. 4
• Resume normal activities when:
» You have had no fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
» Your symptoms have improved
1 If the person is under the age of two and ONLY has this symptom, testing and isolation are not required. If the child’s symptoms worsen or persist beyond 5 days, contact a health care provider.
2 Exposed to COVID-19: someone who was within 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for more than 15 minutes within a 24-hour period during the case’s contagious period. The definition of a close contact may vary in some situations.
3 If you cannot wear a well-fitting mask, you should complete a full 10-day isolation at home.
4 See Self-Testing Guidance for the Public for additional information about using repeat testing if you test negative. If you tested negative with a molecular laboratory test (e.g., PCR), you do not need to repeat testing.
You test NEGATIVE for COVID-19 OR receive a different diagnosis from a health care provider
Were you exposed to COVID-19? 2
You received a different diagnosis from a healthcare provider
Stay home
Resume normal activities if:
• You have had no fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
• Your symptoms have improved
Eton School Safe | 3 see tree 2 YES
tree 1
Symptom Decision Tree 1*
Symptom Decision Tree 2
What to do if you have been exposed to COVID-19 tree 2
This decision tree is for the general public and non-health care settings, such as schools and child cares.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 1, do you have symptoms? YES
Stay home and immediately test for COVID-19 2
You test NEGATIVE for COVID-19
Stay home
• Consider retesting every 24–48 hours through at least 5 days after your symptoms started. 5
• Wear a mask if you must be around others while you are sick or through 10 days after your last exposure, whichever is longer.
• Resume normal activities when:
» You have had no fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
» Your symptoms have improved
See What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19 for more information.
DOH 420-456 February 6, 2023
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You test POSITIVE for COVID-19
See Tree 1 AND What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
You test NEGATIVE for COVID-19
Retest and take precautions
• Consider retesting 24–48 hours after your first test, 5 AND
• For 10 days after your last exposure:
» Wear a mask when you are around others indoors
» Do not go places you are unable to wear a mask
» Monitor for symptoms
» Avoid people at high risk for severe disease
See What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19 for more information.
1 Exposed to COVID-19: someone who was within 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for more than 15 minutes within a 24-hour period during the case’s contagious period. The definition of a close contact may vary in some situations.
2 If you tested positive in the past 90 days and have symptoms of COVID-19, use an antigen test (not a PCR test).
3 If you have tested positive in the past 30 days and recovered and do not have symptoms, testing again for COVID-19 is not recommended. You should, however, wear a well-fitting and high-quality mask around others, not go places you cannot wear a mask, monitor for symptoms, and avoid people at high risk for severe disease for 10 days after your last exposure.
4 If you tested positive in the past 30–90 days, use an antigen test (not a PCR test).
5 See Self-Testing Guidance for the Public for additional information about using repeat testing if you test negative. If you tested negative with a molecular laboratory test (e.g., PCR), you do not need to repeat testing.
4 | Updated 6 January 2023
Test 3–5 days after your exposure to COVID-19 3,4
see tree 1
COVID-19 Testing Available On-Campus for Students and Employees
Eton School is partnering with the Washington State Department of Health and Health Commons Project to offer free COVID-19 testing on-campus this year. This program provides students and employees with quick and highly accurate COVID-19 testing if symptoms arise while on campus.
Diagnostic testing is voluntary, free, painless, and private.
• Voluntarily opts-in to testing when COVID-19 symptoms or exposure arises*
• Testing is free; there is no out-of-pocket costs or co-pay
• Antigen Testing is quick and highly accurate
› A trained Eton School staff member conducts the test using the collected specimen and reads the results.
› Results of the test are reported to the parents/guardians as quickly as possible.
• Sample(s) are self-collected by the individual (parent/guardian may assist if needed) under the supervision of trained Eton School staff with a quick and painless shallow nasal swab (not the dreaded “brain tickler”) as follows:
› Swab enters the nose to gentle resistance, about half-an-inch into each nostril
› Several rotations of the swab are made
• All health information is kept private and protected:
› Under federal HIPAA regulations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
› Contact tracers are alerted if there is a positive test result so they can immediately start contact tracing and outbreak mitigation procedures.
*Family and staff can still choose to get tested by their health care provider, at a community test site, or using at at home COVID-19 test kit.
School-based testing for COVID-19 is a proven strategy for minimizing transmission of the disease and maximizing in-person learning time. Masks, testing, and other safety strategies are essential for safe and sustainable in-person learning this year until vaccinations, for all ages, reach critical levels. Our new COVID-19 testing program is one more way to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and communities.
To learn more, please visit the Washington State Department of Health, and Health Commons Project Learn to Return website to find out more about testing programs, vendors, and what to expect when getting a diagnostic test.
Eton School Safe | 5
Consent Form for Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test
Consent Form for Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test
Student Name:
Student Birthdate: Classroom:
Please carefully read the following informed consent notice and sign the authorization to test for COVID-19.
1. I understand that COVID-19 testing of the above-named student will be conducted through an antigen test provided by the Washington State Department of Health.
2. I understand that the ability of the above-named student to receive testing is limited to the availability of test supplies.
3. I understand the entity performing the test is not acting as the above-named student’s medical provider. Testing does not replace treatment by a medical provider. I assume complete and full responsibility to take appropriate action with regards to the test results, including seeking medical advice, care, and treatment from a medical provider or other health care entity if I have questions or concerns, if the above-named student develops symptoms of COVID-19, or if the above-named student’s condition worsens.
4. I understand that, as with any medical test, there is the potential for a false positive or false negative COVID-19 test result.
5. I understand it is my responsibility to inform the above-named student’s health care provider of a positive test result, and that a copy will not be sent to the above-named student’s health care provider for me.
6. I understand that the antigen test result will be available in 15-30 minutes.
7. I understand and acknowledge that a positive antigen test result is an indication that the above-named student needs to self-isolate to avoid infecting others.
8. I have been informed of the test purpose, procedures, and potential risks and benefits. I will have the opportunity to ask questions before proceeding with a COVID-19 test. I understand that if I do not wish for the above-named student to continue with the COVID-19 diagnostic test, I may decline the test.
9. I understand that to ensure public health and safety and to control the spread of COVID-19, the test results may be shared without my individual authorization.
10. I understand that the test results will be disclosed to the appropriate public health authorities, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and as otherwise permitted or required by law.
11. I understand that I may withdraw my consent to the testing at any time before it is performed.
I consent to authorize the above-named student to undergo COVID-19 testing.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name(s): Home Address:
Cell Number: Email:
6 | Updated 6 January 2023 2701 Bellevue-Redmond Road Bellevue, WA 98008-2253 Ph: 425.881.4230 Fax: 425.861.8011
If a Student Develops Signs of COVID-19 or Becomes Sick While at School
Classroom with student who shows signs of COVID-19:
The student who shows signs of illness is removed from the classroom immediately to a designated isolation room where they must wear a mask. A staff member supervises and cares for the student.
Parents/Guardians of the sick student are called to pick up their child immediately and offered on-site COVID-19 tests for the student.
Areas and materials that the sick student spent time in or used are disinfected.
Parent/Guardian signs consent form and receives Testing Fact Sheet for Patients.
Trained school staff observes student self-collect COVID-19 test specimen (with parent/guardian help if needed)
Student sent home if directed by the the flowchart on (page 3) or the Eton School Health Policy.
Trained school staff conducts the test using the collected specimen.
Trained school staff notify the student’s parents/guardians of COVID-19 test results and informs them of the next steps.
Student Sent Home
Parents/Guardian asked to follow the recommendations of the Washington State Department of Health. The parents are also asked to notify Eton School immediately if the student is diagnosed with COVID-19.
Eton School Safe | 7
If an Employee Develops Signs of COVID-19 or Becomes Sick While on Campus
Employees who show signs of illness leaves the classroom or office as quickly as possible to isolate, notifies supervisor and is offered an on-site COVID-19 test(s).
Employee signs consent form, receives Testing Fact Sheet for Patients.
Trained school staff observes employee self-collect COVID-19 test specimen and conducts the test using the specimen.
Employee sent home if directed by the flowchart on (page 3) or the Eton School Health Policy
Trained school staff notifies the employee of the COVID-19 test results and informs them of the next steps.
Employee goes home and follows the recommendations of the Washington State Department of Health.
Employee notifies Eton School immediately if they are diagnosed with COVID-19.
8 | Updated 6 January 2023
Eton School staff immediately notify families and staff who had close contact* with the case while the person was sick.
Eton School follows the CDC recommendations on the cleaning and disinfection of rooms and areas occupied by those with confirmed COVID-19.
Eton School notifies Public Health – Seattle & King County.
*Close contact: A close contact is generally defined by the CDC and DOH as someone who was within 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for 15 cumulative minutes or more over a 24-hour time period when the case was considered infectious. CDC acknowledges an exception to the definition of a close contact in the classroom setting when masks are worn.
If There is a Confirmed COVID-19 Case at Eton School Guidelines
for Isolation
Isolation: When someone who is sick or tested positive for COVID-19 without symptoms keeps away from others, even in their own home.
An individual who tests positive for COVID-19 with a viral test (Molecular (PCR/NAAT) or antigen, including self-tests) is required to follow isolation guidelines outlined below.
A student, child, or staff who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to isolate at home or where they are currently residing, regardless of vaccination status. The individual may return after 5 full days of isolation if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms have improved and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Individuals should continue to wear a well-fitting mask for an additional 5 days (day 6 through day 10) if they return to school after the end of their 5-day isolation period. If an individual is unable to wear a well-fitting mask, they should continue to isolate for a full 10 days.
Day 0 is the first day of symptoms. For people without symptoms, day 0 is the day of the positive viral test. See Isolation and Quarantine Calculator
If individuals have access to antigen tests, they can further decrease their risk of infecting others by taking a test when they plan to leave isolation, no sooner than day 6. They should only test if they are fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved. Loss of taste or smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and should not delay the end of isolation. When testing to potentially end isolation,
• If the test is positive, the individual may still be infectious. They should continue to isolate and wear a well-fitting and high-quality mask and wait 24-48 hours to test again.
• If the test is negative, they can end isolation and stop wearing a mask before day 10.
• If no additional testing is done, the individual should continue to wear a well-fitting and highquality mask for days 6-10.
If you continue to test positive on repeat testing through 10 days, you should continue to wear a mask and avoid people who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease until you receive a negative antigen test result..
Eton School Safe | 9
Guidelines for Travelers
All Travelers
• Domestic Travel:
› Wear a mask and take other precautions during travel.
› Self-monitor for symptoms.
• International Travel:
› Wear a mask and take other precautions during travel.
› Self-monitor for symptoms.
› Get tested 3-5 days after travel.
If You Are Not Up to Date With Your COVID-19 Vaccines
• International Travel:
› Stay home and self-quarentine for a full 5 days after travel.
› Follow additional recomendations above for all travelers.
If You Recovered from COVID-19 Recently
If you recovered from a documented COVID-19 infection within the past 90 days (regardless of vaccination status), you do NOT need to get a test 3-5 days after travel. People can continue to test positive for up to 90 days after diagnosis and not be infectious to others. You also do not need to self-quarantine after travel.
If you develop COVID-19 symptoms after travel, isolate and consult with a healthcare provider for testing recommendations.
Washington State DOH: Supplemental Considerations to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission in K-12 Schools
Public Health - Seattle & King County Travel Guidelines
Center for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Guidelines: Domestic and International
10 | Updated 6 January 2023
More COVID-19 Information and Resources From the DOH
Stay up-to-date on:
• Governor Inslee’s Proclamations
• WA DOH Frequently Asked Questions
A person’s race/ethnicity or nationality does not, itself, put them at greater risk of COVID-19. However, data are revealing that communities of color are being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. This is due to the effects of racism, and in particular, structural racism, that leaves some groups with fewer opportunities to protect themselves and their communities. Stigma will not help to fight the illness.
Share only accurate information to keep rumors and misinformation from spreading.
• WA State Department of Health 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)
• WA State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)
• Find Your Local Health Department or District
• CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19)
• Stigma Reduction Resources
Eton School Safe Plan Sources
The list below includes resources used by Eton School in developing this plan.
• Public Health – Seattle & King County
› COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Families
› For Schools and Child Care
› Keep Me Home If …
› What to do when you have a suspected or confirmed case in your facility
› COVID-19 testing
• Washington State Department of Health
› Requirements and Guidance to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission in K-12 Schools, Child Care, Early Learning, Youth Development, and Day Camp Programs
› COVID-19 Symptom and Exposure Flowchart for Schools and Child Care
› Classroom Cleaning Tips for Teachers
› Guidance on Cloth Face Coverings from the Washington State Department of Health
› Hand washing to Prevent Illness at School
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
› Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
› Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in Kindergarten (K) -1 2 Schools
› COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care Programs
› Stay Up to Date with Your Vaccines
Eton School Safe | 11
Inspired Prepared Empowered 2701 Bellevue-Redmond Road Bellevue WA 98008 Phone: 425.881.4230 #We Are Eton