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6. Lessons learned

6. Lessons learned

The DEEP projects, with strong and continuous support from the European Commission, started ten years ago (in 2011) a research and development program in which over thirty European partners joined efforts to bring forward Modular Supercomputing Architecture. This concept, first received with scepticism by many, has in the meantime reached a high level of maturity, and is now taken over as a mainstream concept by HPC-centres across Europe and worldwide, with many large-scale production HPC-systems certifying it. At the same time, and to address the changing requirements of HPC users and take benefit of the latest technology trends, its further development continues within a series of initiatives, among which the SEA projects family (DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA, RED-SEA) and the pilot projects (EUPEX, HPCQS) shall be highlighted. The already achieved milestones and the bright future ahead, allows acknowledging the Modular Supercomputing Architecture as one of the major success stories of research and development in Europe.


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