2 minute read
This issue has been by far my favorite to work on. I have loved watching how Être has grown and changed from when I first joined when Lauren Wolverton was Editor-in-Chief. As Editor-in-Chief this year, my main goal for the magazine was to not only do cool and interesting shoots, but to make our readers socially aware, whether it is informing the readers on fashion trends or current social changes. We designed these shoots to be microcosms of the world we live in. I have encouraged my teams of stylists, writers, graphics, and social media to push the borders and to make our readers reconsider how they previously thought. This year has been trying for all, and we wanted our spring/summer issue to be a positive light. TMRW is hope. TMRW is possible. TMRW is now. I hope you enjoy what we have worked so hard on this past semester and take what we have put together to inspire your 2021 endeavors. I’ll miss you most Être,
So, it’s TMRW. A whole new day. A clean slate for improvement, and a chance to make up for what has been lost in the last 12 months. The entire Être team has worked their hardest to give you a glimpse into what we hope tomorrow to look like, what tomorrow can be. This issue is about fresh, and prolific ideas that are intertwined with a little envelope pushing. This issue is a stamp in time and a particular moment for us all, however, these ideas and the people behind them live beyond these two covers and will continue after TMRW. Working with this group of brilliantly gifted individuals has been the most enjoyable part of my semester. Regardless of how you have found this magazine. Thank you tpb

To the members of Fashion Board- thank you so much for allowing me to serve as your President this year. It has truly been an honor and the best experience I could have asked for. This year has definitely had its challenges, but you have all remained passionate, driven, and eager to participate. You have all taught me so much, and I will forever be indebted to you. Thank you for working with me this year and being flexible with everything that has been thrown our way. Through all of this, we have been able to come together and create yet another amazing edition of Être magazine, had a fashion show in the midst of a pandemic, and so much more. The creativity of our members never ceases to amaze me. I am beyond proud of everything we have accomplished this year. I cannot wait to see what the future holds. With all my love,

COFFEES - BEERS - MIMOSAS 213 E Main St. Starkville, MS