2 minute read
Stylist: Braxton Smith Models: Ansley Caldwell, McKenzie Cooper, Grace Owens, Taylor Cobb Photographer: Georgia Hamilton Makeup: Lydia Rajaoberison & Ariel Hayes Hair: Madeleine Stringer & Maddie McCalla Writers: Kameron Keel, Kelsey Cour, Sadie Ogletree, Chrissy Hoof, Sophie Sabri
What does being a woman mean to you?

Women are worthy. Women are important. Women are powerful. It is hard to fully define what it means to be a woman or to capture its entire essence in just a few photos. There are so many different ways to describe women, because women are so many different things. To me, it is our similarities that make us different. Every day women walk home a little faster at night, speak a little louder to be heard, work a little harder to prove ourselves and do what we can to break out of the boxes that society tries to put us in by telling us who we are supposed to be. How we take these experiences and respond to them is what makes us individuals. Kelsey Cour
To put it simply: Being a woman is whatever you want it to be; that is its power. Sadie Ogletree
They said she shouldn’t be seen, only heard—it’s unladylike any other way. They said she can’t be career-driven and maternal— it’s too difficult to balance. They said she’s not worth as much as he is—it’s always been that way. They said she won’t conquer this world— it’s not hers to. But she should, she can, she is, and she will— not in spite of her being a woman, but because of it. Christina Hoof

Being a woman cannot be defined in one statement. The ability to sum it up in a few words is a mere sample of the freedom womanhood allows. It is not about uniformity and being what is expected of you, but rather, being what is expected of yourself. In the past women were expected to fill a role that was assigned to them. Debatably, that same sentiment is perpetuated today. The truth is, however, that being a woman isn’t reserved by certain actions, interests, or people. Being a woman is a mentality. It is an air, a strength that is carried by that person. To be a woman is a drastically different experience to each person, it cannot be generalized and applied to all that identify with it. To define womanhood is to limit it, and womanhood is immeasurable. Kameron Keel

