Hello, Please, write two questions referring to those special aspects of Einstein’s biography that you already have presented with the prezi program. Don’t forget to write the answers to the questions as well. Thank you Eugenia
The Egaleo team (His scientific work) 1.What’ s the “ greatest speed ” in the universe ? The speed of ……… ( gravity wind light ) The correct answer is : light 2.Travelling close to the speed of light , the length of an object appears to be…… ( shorter longer disappears ) The correct answer is: shorter The Ioannina team (His travels) 1. In December 1930 visited: (Singapore Japan America) The correct answer is: America 2. He writes a letter to President ……. for atomic bomb: (Roosevelt Lincoln Washington) The correct answer is: Roosevelt The Italian team 1. Where did Einsten family move when he was a child? (Italy The U.S.A Switzerland)The correct answer is: Italy