Orlando Weekly - August 28, 2024

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11/14 O.A.R: FLORIDA TOUR ‘24



2/01/25 KANSAS




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¶ The state’s latest petty attempt to erase LGBTQ+ Floridians

Florida’s official tourism website quietly removed a landing page for the state’s LGBTQfriendly travel destinations sometime in the past four months.

The website for the state’s tourism marketing corporation, VisitFlorida.com, had an “LGBTQ Travel” section that no longer exists, according to archived versions of the site viewable on the Internet Archive. The landing page previously featured blog posts and videos related to the state’s gay-friendly beaches, Pride events and LGBTQ road trip ideas.

“There’s a sense of freedom to Florida’s beaches, the warm weather and the myriad activities — a draw for people of all orientations, but especially appealing to a gay community looking for a sense of belonging and acceptance,” the landing page used to read. “Whether you’re a couple seeking a romantic getaway or a modern family searching for kid-friendly fun, here are some LGBTQ-friendly destinations for you, throughout the Sunshine State.”

“For years, the LGBTQ+ community in Florida has endured the extremist conservative policy-making of this governor who now resorts to this kind of pettiness to continue his attempts at erasure,” said Gina Duncan, The Pride Chamber of Orlando’s CEO and President. “The LGBTQ+ community in Florida and around the world contributes millions of dollars in travel and leisure economic dollars to the state. Gay tourism contributes millions of dollars in tax revenue to the state. Apparently, our Governor’s obsession with demonizing and ostracizing the LGBTQ+ community is more important than the economic well-being of the state of Florida,” Duncan said.

The link where the LGBTQ Travel page had been now directs users to a general “things to

do” landing page. It is unclear exactly when the landing page was removed, but it was available as recently as April 19, according to the Internet Archive. It is also unclear why Visit Florida, a nonprofit created as a public-private partnership by the Florida Legislature in 1996, removed the landing page and who was behind the decision.

¶ For-profit utility companies and the fossil fuel industry

As the country and the rest of the world experience another year of scorching heat waves, private for-profit utility companies — who we rely upon for our basic necessities like air conditioning and electricity — are keeping us reliant on climate-wrecking fossil fuels while reporting record profits.

When they work well, utilities exist in the background of our lives: They power our homes, cool us down when it’s hot, and give us heat when it’s cold. But too often, they are sources of aggravation: The power goes off when it’s dangerously hot or cold out (as in hurricane season), our bills skyrocket, and these for-profit companies threaten to shut off services when we’re unable to pay.

We know that climate change raises those stakes even higher, and utility companies themselves play a massive role in exacerbating the climate crisis: 80% of electric utilities in the U.S. run on fossil fuels.

Shifting utilities to clean energy is integral to working toward a safer climate, but these private, for-profit companies would rather maintain the status quo and keep the public in the dark.

For clean water, please follow Orange County’s fertilizer rules.
DeSantis wants to pave paradise and put in pickleball courts, parents can use state school vouchers toward Disney passes, Orange County commissioner races head to runoff, and other news you may have missed

» Orange County commissioner races head to runoff, Vanos wins school board seat

Three Orange County commissioner races — for Districts 1, 3 and 5 — are headed for runoffs this November, after candidates in all three races failed to get the minimum 50% of voter support they needed to secure victories last week during this year’s Primary Election. The District 1 race — between incumbent Nicole Wilson (an environmental lawyer) and Republican gym owner (and developer fave) Austin Arthur — was literally split by just a couple of votes, with Wilson just barely leading. Voter turnout across the county was low, with just around 17 percent of registered voters casting ballots. While some local races are headed for runoffs, others were decided last week, including the closely watched race for the Orange County School Board District 6 seat. Stephanie Vanos, a public schools advocate and mom, crushed opponent Jeni Grieger, a mom and former teacher in Seminole County who had been accused of ties to the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty (she denied this, but shared policy positions on LGBTQ+ issues and diversity, equity and inclusion that matched those held by Moms for Liberty members). Vanos, who led in campaign fundraising by a mile, secured 68 percent of the vote, while Grieger received just under 32 percent.

» AT&T workers are on strike over the company’s ‘bad faith’ bargaining in contract talks

Thousands of AT&T employees in the Southeast region of the United States — across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee — have been on strike since Aug. 16 over allegations from the union of bad faith bargaining. It’s been five years since AT&T wireless technicians, customer service reps, and installation and maintenance workers (represented by the Communications Workers of America) last struck, back in 2019. The union and the company are in talks to hammer out a new union contract, but the CWA says AT&T isn’t taking contract talks seriously and has accused the company of depicting wireless technicians as “second-class” employees. In Florida and across the Southeast, union-repped workers will be out on strike until the company brings someone to the table who has the authority to make decisions on contract language. “Corporate is going to have to do something, and we’ll get our asses back to work,” Keith Harmon, an AT&T worker of 20-plus years from Saint Cloud, told Orlando Weekly. “Which is where we want to be.”

» Florida parents can still use state-funded vouchers to pay for Disney World passes

Step Up for Students, the organization providing approximately 99% of school choice scholarships in Florida, has released its guide for what families can and cannot purchase with state-funded vouchers when homeschooling their children. As in the past, authorized purchases will still include paddle boards, televisions, and theme park admission for Florida parks such as Disney World, SeaWorld, Universal and Legoland, according to the organization’s purchasing guide. The list is largely unchanged since an earlier version prompted discussion during this year’s legislative session about whether the program needed guardrails. A bill introduced by Rep. Josie Tomkow, a Republican from Central Florida, would have limited eligible items to materials linked to basic areas like language arts, math, science and social studies — and kept out items not directly tied to education. The Legislature did not approve those changes. The guide as published allows the purchases listed above as well as physical education items like swim goggles, skateboards, musical instruments and dress-up clothing. Step Up (Florida’s main scholarship distributor) defended its reimbursements for theme park passes if a family provides a statement of educational benefit for the student.

» DeSantis admin unrolls unpopular development plan for state parks that garners GOP criticism

Some Republican lawmakers publicly came out against a controversial proposal to add lodges, pickleball courts, “glamping” and golf at Florida state parks, as Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office defended the idea of making the sites “more visitor-friendly.” The Florida Department of Environmental Protection announced the proposal, dubbed the “Great Outdoors Initiative,” last week. The DEP had set up public meetings to review the plans — but these meetings have since been postponed, due to “overwhelming interest.” Environmental groups quickly criticized the initiative

and so did some of the state’s most powerful Republican electeds, including Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, who is a chief proponent of creating a statewide wildlife corridor. Republican Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson expressed a need to be careful about “building infrastructure in state parks.” DeSantis spokesman Jeremy Redfern defended the proposal, contending that there will be “multiple phases” of public discussion to get feedback.

» Florida Supreme Court OKs controversial financial impact statement on abortion amendment

In a defeat for supporters of a proposal aimed at ensuring abortion rights in the state Constitution, the Florida Supreme Court last week cleared the way for a revised “financial impact statement” to appear on the November ballot along with the proposal. Financial impact statements, which usually draw little attention, provide estimated effects of proposed constitutional amendments on government revenues and the state budget. But the revised statement for the abortion amendment — Amendment 4 — has drawn controversy because Floridians Protecting Freedom, a political committee backing the proposed amendment, contends it is politicized and misleading. The committee filed a lawsuit alleging that House Speaker Kathleen Passidomo and House Speaker Paul Renner lacked the power to direct a panel of economists, known as the Financial Impact Estimating Conference, to revise the statement. The legislative leaders made the move amid legal wrangling after a circuit judge’s decision that an initial statement needed to be rewritten. But this 6-1 ruling. authored by Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz, rejected the committee’s arguments. The revised statement that will appear on the ballot says, in part, that there is “uncertainty about whether the amendment will require the state to subsidize abortions with public funds. Litigation to resolve those and other uncertainties will result in additional costs to the state government and state courts that will negatively impact the state budget.”

‘The company hires these people to basically lie to them’

Trucking company pays union-busters $3,750 a day each to obstruct Orlando drivers’ effort to unionize

Trucking company MBM Logistics, affiliated with logistics companies DHL Express and VMW Express, has hired two out-of-state “union avoidance” professionals to discourage its drivers in Orlando and other Florida cities from joining forces with the Teamsters.

According to a report recently filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, the company last month entered into an agreement with the antiunion labor relations firm Action Resources to “communicate” with drivers in Orlando, Gainesville, Lakeland, Daytona Beach, and Palm Bay, Florida about “their rights to unionize and refrain from unionizing.”

The Teamsters labor union (formally known as the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters) represents about 1.3 million workers, including tens of thousands of people in Florida who work at places like UPS, Walt Disney World and in the public sector.

A spokesperson for the international union blasted the trucking company’s decision to hire on the firm, when reached for comment. “Union busting is a multimillion-dollar subsidiary of the anti-labor corporate machine, structured to erode workers’ rights, undermine collective bargaining, and shield the ultra-wealthy,” they shared in a statement.

“Lesser-known contractors like MBM Logistics often fly under the radar, spending tens of thousands on so-called ‘union avoidance consultants.’ The sad reality is these companies would rather burn millions to silence workers than pay the benefits and fair wages the very people who fuel their success have earned.”

Action Resources, a labor relations firm based in Nevada, prides itself on helping employers in “fending off an organizing campaign.” Records show the firm enlisted two anti-union consultants (also known as “persuaders”) for the job. Both persuaders — Gustavo Flores and Fernando Rivera — have been hired to disrupt organizing campaigns with the Teamsters in the past. Flores, based out of California, belongs to a family of anti-union persuaders, including at least one former Teamsters official who was allegedly ousted from his union. The Californian also runs his own union avoidance firm out on the West Coast, and his services — pulling workers into meetings, passing out anti-union

literature — don’t come cheap.

A contract filed with the U.S. labor department in early August shows MBM Logistics agreed to pay Action Resources a daily rate of $3,750 per consultant for onsite “employee relations consulting services,” plus “all reasonable expenses,” including travel costs and meals. Services performed off-site will similarly be billed at a rate of $375 an hour, according to the agreement. The timing of the agreement is notable. Signed by representatives of both parties, the agreement is dated July 19, 2024 — the very same day that MBM Logistics filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board for a union election, after a majority of their 115 delivery drivers demonstrated support for unionizing with the Teamsters Local 385.

Under a federal rule finalized last year, an employer is required to file a petition for a union election if they are presented with evidence that a majority of employees want to unionize. The employer has the opportunity to then voluntarily recognize the union, or otherwise file a petition for a union election.

Walt Howard, president of Teamsters Local 385 in Orlando, told Orlando Weekly over the phone that local drivers contacted the union in the hopes of addressing issues they were experiencing on the job such as lack of job security, insufficient pay, and poor or nonexistent benefits.

Jose Faneitty, a new organizer for the local who’s been in close contact with the workers, confirmed Howard’s account. He said that workers have also reported unsafe vans — one worker shared that his vehicle’s windshield literally flew off while he was driving one day on the Florida Turnpike — and said benefits like healthcare are “so expensive, nobody can basically afford them.”

Faneitty specifically recalled one pregnant worker he spoke to who said she felt pressured to keep working as her pregnancy progressed, because the company didn’t offer maternity leave. Another driver, according to Faneitty, had a death in the family. After requesting time off to go to the funeral, however, the driver was told that if he left to attend it, he would be fired.

“I don’t even work for the company and I want to quit,” Faneitty quipped.

Both Howard and Faneitty said drivers for MBM Logistics are also concerned about what

they perceive as a lack of transparency from their employer, especially when it comes to pay.

The company has been cited for wage theft in the past, reaching a settlement with the Berger Montague law firm in 2021 over a wage-and-hour lawsuit filed with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida. The law firm reached a $292,000 settlement with MBM Logistics and DHL Express on behalf of over 300 hourly drivers who the firm says were not paid for all hours worked, including overtime pay.

MBM Logistics, registered with the state as MBM Delivery and Logistics LLC, is a service provider for DHL Express, a logistics company that employs over 7,300 workers who are unionized with the Teamsters. It also recently settled a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on behalf of employees.

MBM Logistics itself has a muted presence online. However, the company’s controller, Amir Danesh — who signed MBM’s agreement with the anti-union firm — is affiliated with VMW Express, a regional carrier based in Virginia with clients that include DHL and UPS.

Danesh’s name also appears on a permit agreement that MBM Logistics has with the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, a governmental entity and operator of the Orlando International Airport that has entered into publicly funded contracts with union-busting employers in the past. The permit agreement essentially allows for the company to conduct business and make money from their use of the airport’s property.

Orlando Weekly reached out to Danesh and MBM for comment on the new agreement with Action Resources via email, but did not receive a response ahead of publication.

Flores, one of the two union avoidance professionals hired to turn local drivers off the idea of organizing, has a messy history of alleged labor violations that some Teamsters, and members of other labor unions, know well.

Last year, Flores’ firm — GNE Consulting — led a union-busting effort at the private equity-owned Aspire Bakeries in California that was so aggressive the National Labor Relations Board ordered a re-do union election.

Workers in that case narrowly voted against

unionizing with the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union both times, after Flores’ union-busting outfit was accused by the union of multiple violations of federal labor law, including unlawful intimidation tactics, harassment and surveillance.

Gustavo’s brother Carlos — a former Teamster who later joined the union avoidance industry — reportedly threatened undocumented workers at the Long Island-based Tate’s Bakeshop who were trying to unionize a few years ago up north. As reported by Gothamist, Carlos allegedly told the workers he would look into their immigration documents and have them deported if they voted in favor of the union.

Both Carlos and Gustavo also appear to be related to Abraham “Abe” Flores, another union avoidance professional from California who is allegedly a former Teamsters official who was kicked out of the union.

“He got terminated because of the use of political campaign funds for his reelection,” Teamsters Local 135 organizer Vance Smith told Orlando Weekly in December, after facing off with the Flores family and Wildine Pierre (a consultant based near Orlando) during an organizing drive in Indiana.

According to federal records, Gustavo has in the past also been hired to bust organizing efforts among employees of the Hershey Company (targeting production and maintenance workers), Portillo’s Hot Dogs, Williams-Sonoma and La Maestra Community Health Centers, a federally qualified health center that serves low-income and immigrant communities in San Diego, among others.

His partner on the new job here in Orlando — Fernando Rivera — also has a history of targeting Teamsters’ union drives. According to Vice, Rivera was hired by Amazon in 2022 to obstruct organizing efforts by contracted Amazon delivery drivers, who ultimately voted to join the union anyway.

As Vice reported at the time, Amazon’s hiring of anti-union consultants was notable due to the fact that Amazon had repeatedly argued that these drivers were contracted drivers technically employed by a third-party company, not Amazon itself.

The Teamsters claimed this was just Amazon’s way of evading responsibility for recognizing the drivers’ union — and said the company’s hiring of so-called “union busters” was proof of the ruse. Amazon has spent millions of dollars on anti-union consultants, including several that are reportedly based in Central Florida.

Under federal law, anti-union consultants — also known as “persuaders” — are required to file reports known as LM-20s with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor Management Services when they enter into agreements with employers.

When filled out correctly, these reports offer a basic snapshot of what these consultants are being hired to do and how much they’re being paid for it.

[continued on page 13]

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According to the Economic Policy Institute, companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on anti-union persuaders each year, although due to lackluster enforcement of reporting requirements, not all of it is publicly reported. Employers, by law, must also file reports, known as LM-10s, detailing how much they’ve spent on this persuader activity.

It’s common for employers to report spending thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars on persuaders. As HuffPost reported in their five-part series on the union-busting industry last summer, it’s also not uncommon for former union officials who are spurned or ousted from office to later switch sides and make bank as professional union busters.

Joseph Brock, a self-described “unabashed liberal union buster” who may or may not work out of Apollo Beach, Florida, is one of them. Then there’s the Flores brothers, former Unite Here organizer-turned-union-buster Lupe Cruz, and David Grima, who formerly served as president of a United Auto Workers local before he was ousted from his post for alleged internal election misconduct.

A spokesperson for the Teamsters told HuffPost last year that this kind of switch by a former union official “really brings into question what their [the persuaders’] values were, if they ever had any to begin with.”

Sometimes, persuaders will even use pseudonyms to hide their real identities from workers, or (unlawfully) report inaccurate or incomplete information in reports submitted to OLMS.

Once they’re hired on, persuaders will spread the employer’s anti-union message by, at times, training managers or supervisors (who aren’t eligible to join the union) to talk down the union without breaking federal law.

They are also known to hold one-on-one or so-called “captive audience” meetings with workers during work hours, featuring presentations on what they depict as the “truth about unions.” Workers for companies like Amazon, Trader Joe’s and Chipotle have described such meetings as manipulative, and several states — not including Florida — have even moved to ban them.

Faneitty, the local Teamsters organizer, said that a language barrier for drivers here makes it easier for the employer to exploit and take advantage of them. Many drivers, he explained, came from other countries, and don’t know their legal rights as workers under U.S. law. As The Intercept has reported, the union avoidance industry has been diversifying itself in order to accommodate such changes in unionizing workforces.

Common messages from persuaders, who may depict themselves as a neutral third party, include that union staffers offer false promises or will force workers to go on strike whenever they feel like it. Another common talking point is that unions only serve to stuff the pockets of politicians and union leaders with members’dues.

“The company hires these people to basically lie to them,” Faneitty said, with distaste. One

driver he reached out to said he’d walked out of one of the company’s recent captive-audience meetings because he was pro-union and “because he got tired of hearing the lies.”

A Barnes & Noble College Bookstore worker up in New Jersey told Orlando Weekly last year that a persuader hired through an Orlando-based firm subjected one of their Black co-workers to a comparison of union membership to “chattel slavery.”

Brothers Gustavo and Carlos Flores also found themselves in trouble for things they said during a counter-campaign they were hired to lead against a unionization effort at Alstyle Apparel in California in 2005.

Their conduct during the job was flagged in a complaint filed with the federal labor board, which later wrote in their decision that, according to multiple workers, Gus described “potential consequences” of unionizing that included “stymied bargaining and strikes with resultant plant closure and or job loss, drawing on recent, widespread grocery store strikes as illustrative examples.”

Flores reportedly shared a similar message with Colectivo Coffee workers who unionized their own shop in Milwaukee a few years ago, and was paid $29,104 to do so. Before their IBEW contract, that could’ve been a year’s pay for some Colectivo workers.

Threatening job loss as a result of unionization is illegal under the National Labor Relations Act. So is firing workers, demoting them, or giving them less hours for supporting organizing efforts or for engaging in lawful strikes.

Former President Donald Trump doesn’t know this, apparently, and is now facing his own labor complaint over it. The United Auto Workers union, which has repeatedly called Trump a “scab,” filed a complaint against the Republican presidential nominee, after Trump voiced support for (illegally) firing striking workers on X.

Trump has crossed a picket line before — during the filming of his show The Apprentice — and Trump-owned hotels have in the past also hired their own union busters, paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars in an effort to keep the hotels union-free. Even so, the former president has been courting the Teamsters in his bid to return to the White House.

Action Resources did not respond to a request from Orlando Weekly for an explanation of the work they’ve been hired to do in Florida, nor did the Teamsters union offer comment when asked about Flores’ ties to former Teamsters and a response to DHL Express’ ties to MBM as one of its clients. More than 1,300 DHL workers in Kentucky officially joined the Teamsters this week.

Faneitty, the local organizer, however, expressed frustration over the company’s hiring of professional union busters to trash-talk the union. Persuaders “build a narrative,” said Faneitty, that organizing collectively to better people’s working conditions isn’t the answer to their problems. “It’s discouraging,” he said, that the law “allows them to hire these people.”



Nursing home workers warn of danger at Rosewood Health and Rehabilitation, a long-term facility in Orlando

Nursing home staff in Orlando organized a picket line outside the long-term care facility Aspire at Rosewood last week, as part of a statewide action organized to raise awareness of what staff call a “care crisis.”

Eleven nursing homes were targeted. All are owned by Aspire Health Group, a for-profit company that recently acquired ownership of the 120-bed Orlando facility.

Aspire at Rosewood, formerly known as Rosewood Health and Rehabilitation, was previously owned by the mega-chain Consulate Health Care, which no longer lists facilities located in the state of Florida (save for one) after suffering years of bad press, filing for bankruptcy and going through a rebranding in 2022.

Staff members’ picketing action was coordinated through their union, the 1199 Service Employees International Union. The picket was organized following unsuccessful talks between the union and Aspire, which owns more than 55 facilities in the state.

Aspire and the union — including nursing home staff on the union’s bargaining committee — are currently in negotiations for a new union contract, covering over 1,000 certified nursing assistants, dietary aides and housekeepers across Florida.

Denise Allegretti, chief negotiator for the union and a former CNA herself, said Aspire’s labor relations team has put up a fight at the bargaining table, particularly on the issue of staffing levels.

“They’re refusing to even talk about staffing,” Allegretti told Orlando Weekly on the picket line, which featured about a dozen staff joined by other union members and community allies in purple union shirts, marching on the sidewalk outside Rosewood in solidarity.

According to Allegretti, “They’re [Aspire] saying they’re going to go with whatever the state says, and that’s unacceptable.” Under a Republican-backed bill signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2022, long-term residents of nursing homes are now only required to receive two hours of CNA care daily, down from 2.5 hours per resident.

Staff at Rosewood say this isn’t enough time to dress, feed, bathe and provide quality care for residents.

They’re chronically understaffed and underpaid — many earn just a few dollars above Florida’s minimum wage of $12 an hour

— leaving caregivers overstretched, frustrated and burnt out.

“We just want to give them the love that they deserve,” said longtime caregiver Diane McMullen, a CNA of 20-plus years at Rosewood. McMullen shared that she was inspired to become a CNA because of her brother, who also spent time in a nursing home.“That inspired me to become a CNA.”

Speaking of Rosewood’s residents, and the quality of resident care, McMullen stressed the importance of maintaining a workforce that’s also taken care of, and not suffering from the instability of staff turnover.

“We are their family,” McMullen said of Rosewood’s residents, as Florida’s 90-plus degree heat enveloped her and others gathered around her on the sidewalk. “We love them, too.”

Yet, when staff like herself are overstretched — tasked with taking care of more residents, with less support from their employer — they have less time to actually provide the quality of care they’d reasonably wish to provide for someone they treat as family.

This includes smaller actions, like finding a resident’s favorite necklace to wear, that mean a lot.“Staff don’t have five minutes to go find their necklace or their lipstick, or even give a bath on some days,” said Allegretti.

Staffing shortages — and low pay for nursing home staff — were some of the primary issues voiced by workers Thursday, who carried signs outside of the Orlando facility demanding “Safe Staffing Now” and “Contract Now.”

“The turnover is ridiculous,” said Allegretti, clad in a purple shirt like the nursing home staff around her. “Back in the day in the ‘90s, when I was a CNA, it was like eight to 10 patients on a day shift, maybe 15 on an evening shift, but never more than that,” she recalled.“Nowadays, they’re doing 15 patients on a day shift, 20 or more on a night shift, which is criminal.”According to federal data compiled by ProPublica, nursing homes owned by Aspire Health Group in Florida have seen a higher-than-average rate of “serious deficiencies,” and higher-than-average staff turnover.

A federal inspection report, published in April, found over a dozen deficiencies in the Rosewood facility’s operations in Orlando, all posing “no harm, but with a potential for more than minor harm,” according to inspectors.

Deficiencies identified ranged from quality of care issues, such as failing to provide

trauma-informed or culturally competent care, to pharmacy issues, like medication errors.

Under different ownership, the facility in 2022 was fined $163,183 over three severe deficiencies identified by inspectors, posing an “immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety,” and two deficiencies posing minimal or no harm.

Some of Aspire’s other facilities in Florida have similarly been cited for deficiencies, including inadequate supervision at Aspire at Saint Lucie on the Treasure Coast and a failure to “[E]nurse that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards,” according to an April report summarizing deficiencies.

Aspire Health Group has faced an average fine of $50,782 in penalties for health citations, according to the ProPublica database. Penalties are issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for serious health citations, or for health citations that have not been fixed.

As The New Yorker reported in 2022, federal staffing rules haven’t changed for nursing homes since 1987. In April of this year, the Biden-Harris administration took action to change that, announcing a new rule on minimum staffing standards in nursing homes that will, for the first time, establish staffing requirements in facilities overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The implementation of this new rule, however, is subject to a “staggered implementation timeframe,” according to CMS. The union in Florida argues that “immediate and contractual obligations for safe staffing” are needed from nursing home operators in Florida now — not later.

“Staffing and retention always has been an issue because it can be a complicated and back-breaking job for very little pay,” said Margarette Nerette, vice president of the union’s Long-Term Care division, in a recent statement.

“Add the pandemic where workers were at ground zero of COVID risk, lowered safe-staffing rules in Florida, and the state’s skyrocketing housing and insurance costs, and we have a perfect storm of pressure,” Nerette continued.

“To help relieve this crisis and to better protect patients and their caregivers across the state, we’re fighting for new contracts that respect us, protect us, pay and staff us.”

The workers’ fight for a fair contract — and meaningful action on the issue of staffing — comes in the wake of a financial boost approved for nursing home operators by the Florida legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis earlier this year.

As part of the state’s 2024-25 fiscal year budget, state leaders approved a $247.8 million Medicaid increase for the state’s nursing home operators, in part to help address staffing problems.

“The state budget provides an 8% increase ($247.8 million) in Medicaid funding, amounting to nearly $470,000 per center, per year to support the state’s nursing centers with meeting the growing demand for qualified caregivers and the needs of Florida’s vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities,” the Florida Health Care Association shared in a statement celebrating the extra funding.

The Florida Health Care Association, a state affiliate of the nation’s largest nursing-home lobbying group, represents over 86 percent of Florida’s nursing centers — with Aspire-owned facilities among their federation’s membership. Aspire Health Group facilities in Florida have, as part of their membership, contributed to the FHCA’s political activities through regular contributions to an associated FHCA PAC. State records show Aspire facilities have contributed over $20,000 to one of their PACs in 2024 alone.

Getting a fair union contract for staff at Aspire-owned nursing homes would give residents “a better home,” said CNA McMullen. “A better home for them, better staffing and better wages for us,” she added.

Registered nurses at HCA Hospitals in Florida have similarly raised alarms about unsafe staffing levels at their facilities, and are also in negotiations for a new union contract.

Nurses at HCA Osceola Hospital, represented by National Nurses United, organized their own picket line on Thursday, calling on their multi billion-dollar, for-profit employer to invest in high quality staff and patient care.

“We’ve been at the bargaining table for months fighting for what we need to take care of our patients,” said Elisabeth Mathieu, a registered nurse in HCA Osceola Hospital’s emergency department, in a statement.

“We need HCA to hear us, so we’re holding this informational picket to let the public know what we’re demanding in our contract when it comes to patient care and, especially, safe staffing.”

The most recent NNU contract covering RNs at 10 HCA hospitals in Florida — including HCA Osceola and HCA Lake Monroe in Sanford — was negotiated in 2021. The contract officially expired July 1, after being extended once from its original May 31 expiration date.

The union contract covering nursing home staff at Aspire Health Group facilities, represented by 1199 SEIU Healthcare East, has also expired, according to Allegretti.

Nearly 50 nursing home facilities in Florida represented by 1199 SEIU Healthcare East, covering 4,000 staff total, have union contracts that have expired or will expire at some point this year, according to the union.

While NNU staff have politely declined to comment on what the next steps are for RNs that they represent if HCA continues to remain resistant at the bargaining table, Allegretti said that if Aspire Health Group fails to budge, the next step for their union is a strike vote.

“If management doesn’t follow us with [bargaining] dates, and come with real proposals, the next step is that we will be out on strike,” Allegretti confirmed.

The last time workers went on strike at the Rosewood facility in Orlando, and 18 other nursing homes in Florida, was 2016. The union described it then as the largest-held strike in the Southeastern United States in nearly two decades.



Rob Winn Anderson talks about his journey there and back again to the Garden Theatre, and increasing audience accessibility ahead of the opening weekend of the musical Pippin

Rob Winn Anderson has been a professional entertainer since age 13, working his way from Disney’s Kids of the Kingdom to Tokyo Disneyland and back to Universal Orlando. While writing and directing for all the major theme parks, he’s also been contributing creatively to Winter Garden’s Garden Theatre since its opening gala, going on to serve as artistic director until he “burned out” and took a break in 2019. Anderson has returned as the Garden’s consulting producing creative director, following last year’s staff conflagration and season of outsourced shows.

I interviewed Anderson last week ahead of the opening weekend of Pippin (through Sept. 15) — which incorporates two deaf actors and sign language into Stephen Schwartz’s metaphorical musical — about his journey there and back again, as well as about …

His personal connection to Pippin: I was in high school, I guess, when it opened on Broadway. It became a favorite of mine at that time, and then two of the songs from the show were sung in our wedding. I had a real affinity for the show, [so] when I was looking at putting together this first season back, it was one I thought I really wanted to explore on my own.

His prior experience with sign language: I studied ASL in college, and so I was really interested in the language. And then when I came to Disney, I was always enamored by the ASL interpreters for the shows. I felt they were a show unto themselves, [and] I thought to myself, I really would love to see that on stage as part of

the show. And so it was in the back of my mind to do this for a very, very long time.

Working with Michelle Mary Schaefer, Director of Artistic Sign Language:

When you translate a script and lyrics into ASL, you take artistic license to do that. … Obviously your goal is still to make sure that your deaf audiences can follow the story and be engaged, but it’s not a direct interpretation. And so Michelle has been working for months now translating the entire show into what she calls her “gloss” [and] also working with our two deaf actors on their translations, because they carry such a huge load in the show.

Casting leading player Treshelle Edmond, who appeared on Broadway in Deaf West Theater’s Spring Awakening revival: She reached out to me last December or so, interested in All Shook Up. … I wasn’t able to accommodate that, but I told her, “I have a show next season that I’m really interested in. Can I come back to you?” What I am finding out is that there really aren’t that many opportunities around the country for deaf actors. We are one of few that is allowing them to have a chance to do what they love to do and to be on stage.

Increasing audience accessibility:

We are also going to closed-caption the show, because … there are quite a few people in the deaf community who don’t sign and who want to see this show, [so] truly anyone can enjoy the show, whether you’re hearing or deaf. We’ll have one performance that will be ADI [audio description interpreted], and then there will also be two performances that are ASL interpreted. It’s an initiative that we want to try to continue,

to really bring accessibility to the Garden stage. I feel like when you speak of DEI, A [for accessibility] is kind of left off a lot, and I really want to make sure that we are being truly diverse across the whole great spectrum of what it means to be diverse.

Returning to the Garden Theatre:

I love the theater. I’ve been around it since the beginnings. I’ve had a lot of passion for it and have seen what its potential was, so it broke my heart to see where things went and that people were hurt.

I knew that the board had done some work to really address internally the things that were being said. Also I know Keith Davenport, our CEO, well; I’ve known him for many, many years, I trust him completely. And Rich Taylor, the board president, is someone I’ve known for many decades; he was actually my best man in my wedding, so I know and trust him as well. I was very clear there were some things that I needed to put into place that made me feel more comfortable with accepting the role again, and everybody agreed to that, and now we’re just in trying to do the work.

Continuing controversy amid the theater community:

I know there’s still a lot of feelings around it. I deal with it every day, when I’m trying to cast, when I’m trying to crew; it is something that we’re all at the Garden extremely aware of. But we’re trying to move forward and do the work, and we feel like that’s going to really tell the story more than anything else. There’s a lot that could be said, but words just don’t really have as much impact as action.


A sign-language-friendly Pippin comes to the Garden | Photo by Bagwell Photography



Park eatery misses the mark with its

muddled take on Mediterranean

Asubtle anxiety grips whenever I consider our southern horizon. It’s cuckoo down there. A world apart. I find little comfort staring into the evil I’s — I-4, I-Drive. But this was to be different. Yes, it would be different. After all, I was headed to the Riviera. Orlando’s Riviera. Helena Modern Riviera in Icon Park.

Helena is the brainchild of the Atelier Dining Group — it of Rosallie Le French Café and Mangoni Italian Market Pizza in Winter Garden. Themes are its theme, even if in Helena it is one very loosely applied. Ooh, la, la: Nothing says Riviera like a chicken burger and fries. One look at the menu and the promise of pissaladière went poof.

To its credit, Helena does describe its food as broadly Mediterranean and hedges further with claims of American fusion. But ceviche, miso, chimichurri, criolla, Asian slaw, empanadas spelled empenadas? It is global fusion. It is also not very good. Platitudinal and unfocused.

Let me set the stage. Thursday evenings on the Riviera are “Havana Nights.” Our host ushered us into an interior tilt-a-whirl of spinning lights and Cuban beats, through a pleasant enough hanging-plant and wicker space self-described

as Balinese. A scantily clad dancer shimmied from room to room — rooms that were loud and largely empty. A faux Ibizan delirium made further surreal by the passing of tiny passenger trains and revolving of the Orlando Eye outside.

We ordered several starters. Malta Garlic Shrimp ($22) were satisfying enough — the garlic properly heady, shrimp smallish but quality. What made Cyprus Meatballs ($14) Cypriot is a mystery, served atop basic marinara, bland and texturally teetering between bouncy and gelatinous — a far cry from flavorful keftedes. “Medusa” ($28), a plate of poorly prepared octopus, did as promised — turn us to stone. It ate like garden hose.

Mains were a mixed bag, one largely filled with disappointment. The good started and stopped at a cioppino that was not cioppino ($54) — rather, a white bouillabaisse anchored in butter, cream and fennel. It won us over with its wellcooked seafood, though, the standouts being lobster and shrimp. A bored Seafood Paella for two ($54) arrived devoid of socarrat and topped with a scattering of shriveled calamari, clams, shrimp and mussels. Edible but deeply flawed. Helena’s Baked Chicken ($28) was a forgettable

8441 International Drive 407-226-2929

helenamodernriviera.com $$$$

riff on airline chicken accompanied by equally forgettable broccolini and mash and was dubbed by one tablemate Poulet Cafétéria. Between ordering and receiving, a lamb shank became Lamb Chops ($38), which our server graciously (correctly) removed from the bill. Even free, the chops were overpriced. Desecrated — tough and overdone — the flavor cooked away, they were reliant on a dim side of chimi.

The mediocrity fumbled along for three hours. Despite Helena being only a third full, our friendly service was painfully slow. Drinks arrived haphazardly. One entrée lagged the others by 10 minutes. Sensing how things were playing out, when I ordered a first glass of passable albariño, I also ordered a second.

It wasn’t all for naught. We did end with a learning experience: Tableside Tiramisu ($24) is unnecessary. Like a tableside ham sandwich. Purely performative. Unexciting. Reflective of Helena itself; a bit of popular theater — thematically meandering and bereft of substance. The unrealized aspiration here seems targeted at the likes of Winter Park’s Ava Mediterraegean. And if you were to take the fine dining chic of Ava and shoehorn it into a cruise ship — a theme park — it would likely be shaped like Helena. Yes, bingo. Helena is theme-park Ava — a distraction from the restaurant real world, with dumbed-down food and marked-up prices.



City Food Hall in Ivanhoe Village is poised to open late next month where the Hall on the Yard once stood, and Danilo’s Pasta Bar chef DJ Tagalin is joining forces with Soseki’s Michael Collantes on three concepts inside the twostory space: Chez Les Copains, a classic French brasserie; Asin, a Filipino chef’s tasting counter; and a reboot of Collantes’ Taglish, but with a whole new menu overseen by Tagalin. Other vendors setting up shop inside the two-story food hall are Ramen Takagi and egg sandwich outfit EggDose … Across the yard from City Food Hall, Arden, an apéritif and wine bar, will open in the space at 1420 Alden Road … Hoi Nguyen, the man behind Mills 50 Korean fried chicken joint Chi-Kin, channels his inner Roy Choi with Side Chik, a Korean-Mexican street food concept next door. A menu of burritos, tacos, bowls and more with such proteins as gochugaru chicken, bulgogi carne asada and soy-garlic carnitas is being offered … Nguyen will also be taking over The Mongolorian space in Mills 50, which has closed for good. In its place, Nguyen will open DZÔ! BBQ, a new concept bringing everything from skewered meats to Vietnamese-style lemongrass spare ribs to Laotian-style sausage. Look for it to open in October … Norwegian DJ Kygo will bring the Palm Tree Club to Pointe Orlando after opening a similar venue with a hotel component in Miami this December. In addition to the thumping sounds, Palm Tree Club promises “upscale coastal cuisine” and “laid-back luxury.” An opening date hasn’t been announced … Meat and seafood market Wild Fork has opened its third area location, this one at 11851 Narcoossee Road in Lake Nona. The other locations are in Winter Park and Dr. Phillips … Qreate Coffee has opened a location in Creative Village at 591 Chatham Ave. to go along with its original location in Mills 50 … Look for Lake City, Floridabased chain Ellianos Coffee to open in Winter Springs at 1483 E. State Road 434.


Dining in the Dark, an eat-while-blindfolded experience, seats at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, at the Wilson in Celebration. Cost of the three-course meal is $64 … Proud Souls Barbecue & Provisions in Winter Park will host champion pitmaster Bill Gillespie of Smokin’ Hoggz BBQ Sunday, Sept. 1, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gillespie will share his approach to smoking chicken and ribs in a class. Visit proudsoulsbbq. com for more.

The fare at Helena Modern Riviera comes off thematically meandering and underwhelming | Photo by Rob Bartlett


Streaming premieres you won’t want to miss this week.

Premieres Wednesday:

After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun — A fourpart retrospective of the ’90s phenomenon features interviews with just about everybody who was involved — except David Hasselhoff. Come on, that’s like doing a documentary on the Dark Ages and not talking to leprosy. (Hulu)

Untamed Royals — In this Mexican series, goodfor-nothing rich kids use their social position as a shield to go on a crime spree at the expense of the less fortunate. Hey, remember when Paris Hilton had her own nightclub on Church Street? Just crossed my mind. No reason. (Netflix)

Premieres Thursday:

Chastity High — Social media erupts in controversy when students at an elite Japanese school violate a policy that the boys and girls have to keep their hands off each other. Boy, talk about a roundabout way of pushing the gay agenda. (Netflix)

Cookie Monster’s Bake Sale: Back to School — The new educational year is the theme of this sequel to last year’s hybrid reality/spoof show

that had some of the Sesame Street gang presenting their own baking competition while helping raise funds for a track team. Anybody else get the feeling Tim Walz would practically hyperventilate at the mere thought of this? (Max)

Gary — The cause of Gary Coleman’s death is officially listed as an epidural hematoma, but this muckraking doc points to something more sinister. Weird fact: Nobody’s quite sure what happened to his ashes. And believe me, a lot of people have been hunting low and lower for them. (Peacock)

IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack — Naseeruddin Shah headlines a nail-biter of a series based on the 1999 skyjacking that ended up lasting a full seven days. Yes, it’s always nerve-wracking when a hostage situation lasts longer than the boarding process at MCO. (Netflix)

Represent — In Season 2, France’s first Black president faces a host of obstacles, from the delicate protocol of international relations to death threats from the less satisfied members of his constituency. The ace up his sleeve: going back to identifying as Indian. (Netflix)

The Deliverance — Lee Daniels of Empire and Precious fame directs the story of an Indiana family who believe they’re being pursued by demons. In a show of great restraint, Daniels has cast Mo’Nique as a sympathetic social worker, and not as the Devil himself. (Netflix)

K-Pop Idols — Gain a deeper appreciation for the cute-as-a-button musical genre by going behind the scenes with superstars Jessi, CRAVITY and BLACKSWAN. The underdog, of course, is Jessi, who’s had to endure the potentially crippling handicap of going through life with normal capitalization. (Apple TV+)

KAOS — Three humans band together to stave off a potential apocalypse when the Greek god Zeus starts to lose his marbles. In the role of Zeus is Jeff Goldblum — because when the world is ending, absolutely anything is fair game! (Netflix)

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power — The most expensive TV series ever made lost more than half its viewers by the end of Season 1. And with Sauron taking center stage in Season 2, it sounds like just about everybody is going to be watching out of only one eye. (Prime Video)

Terminator Zero — Just when you thought Hollywood had run out of ways to milk the Terminator franchise, here comes its very own anime series, with Timothy Olyphant voicing the title role and Rosario Dawson as a Japanese AI that could be just as dangerous as Skynet. “Right, but I’m the asshole.” — TikTok. (Netflix)

Premieres Friday:

A-List to Playlist — Korean actor Choe Jungseok has just 100 days to reintroduce himself as a professional singer, with an album’s worth of original tunes and a promotional campaign all mapped out. Seems kind of pointless in a country where Spotify takes 99 percent of your streams and your first-born male child. (Netflix)

Breathless — ER goes Spanish as the staff of a Valencia hospital strives to balance their devotion to their patients with professional intrigue and workplace romance. If the show’s a hit, star Najwa Nimri could become her country’s George Clooney. And then Prime Minister Sánchez will really have to watch his step! (Netflix)

(Un)Lucky Sisters — Two Argentinian siblings face a moral quandary when they find a cache of millions hidden in their late father’s home and can’t decide if they have a right to claim it as their own. Things must be really different in Argentina, because in my old neighborhood, the only question mark about a family fortune was whether you were morally justified in having your folks offed so you could get your hands on it. (Netflix)

Premieres Monday:

Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef — Declared persona non gluttona by Nathan’s, champion hot-dog scarfer Joey Chestnut finds a new forum in which to take on old rival Takeru Kobayashi — one where they don’t care if you endorse plant-based alternatives as long as you’re willing to stick to beef on the day. But you know what they say about eating meat: Fifty bucks is 50 bucks! (Netflix)

Premieres Tuesday:

Last One Standing — The third season is the last for the Japanese hybrid show in which top comics are cast in a crime drama but get the hook if their ad libs aren’t funny. Can’t wait for the American knockoff starring the Uvalde Police Department, because those guys can shuck and jive like nobody’s business. (Netflix)

Phil Wang: Wang In There, Baby! — The British comic riffs on his status as a minor celebrity from the stage of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, the replica Jacobean theater at Shakespeare’s Globe complex. Yes, this is definitely what the Elizabethans had in mind, at least on nights when they couldn’t book bear-baiting. (Netflix)

Untold: Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer — The controversial goalkeeping great looks back on a career that’s seen her clash with everyone from her husband to Megan Rapinoe to the producers of Dancing With the Stars. And now that she has your attention, she’d like to share a few things that piss her off about Bluey. (Netflix)

Jeff Goldblum’s Zeus ushers in the apocalypse (maybe) in KAOS | Photo courtesy of Netflix


Athens alt-rock legends Pylon Reenactment Society are ready to ‘Chomp’ into Orlando

Athens, to paraphrase some singer somewhere, has so much to answer for — in the annals of alternative rock. For a few halcyon years in the 1980s, the Georgia college town was ground zero for adventurous guitar pop, birthing a scene that included R.E.M., The B-52s, Love Tractor … and Pylon.

Though never reaching the commercial heights of their better-known pals, Pylon’s angular, brittle, but deeply groovy and buoyant sound has become an inextricable element of the DNA of modern indie music. Pylon released their influential debut album, Gyrate, in 1980, a perfect Southern answer to the post-punk grooves of Gang of Four and Siouxsie and the Banshees; all razor-sharp precision pieces led by the exuberant and commanding snarl and scream of frontwoman Vanessa Briscoe Hay.

Pylon carved out a niche as an oft-copied cult act — though they did play big shows opening for U2 and R.E.M. — before disbanding in 1991, later regrouping in the early 2000s to record for tastemaking label DFA. The death of guitarist Randall Bewley put an end to the original Pylon,

but Pylon Reenactment Society is an utterly charming successor. Members of Casper & the Cookies support the inimitable Hay on a romp through the Pylon catalog — and, of late, some new material.

As part of a run of upcoming dates that includes shows in Jacksonville, Memphis and Nashville, Pylon Reenactment Society returns to Orlando on Friday. It will be their first Central Florida date since a concert at Thornton Park’s Veranda in 2018 and before that, the Beach Club around about 1990. Singer Hay remembers a surreal moment at an early show in Fort Lauderdale where, sitting outside the venue, she spotted a plane in the sky towing a banner that shouted “PYLON TONIGHT.” (Local promoters, take note of this hustle.) “I just cracked up,” she laughs.“Why didn’t I have my camera with me?”

As you may have now surmised, Orlando Weekly had the singular honor of an audience with the iconic Hay, wherein we chatted about past, present and future matters Pylon Reenactment Society.

PRS was originally intended as a one-off, a live



8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30 Will’s Pub 1042 N. Mills Ave. willspub.org $20

Kay Stanton and Supercluster, and so we just couldn’t help it. We started writing songs. Here we are, 10 years later, we just put out an album [Magnet Factory],” recounts Hay.

“So the idea wasn’t just to continue the Pylon process, it was also a fun thing for us to do. Getting to write with these creative people and perform. With the name, we wanted to be sure that we differentiated ourselves from Pylon. I had the idea to call ourselves the Pylon Reenactment Society. Because the third time, we were having to relearn all of our music and we were jokingly calling ourselves at practice the Pylon Historical Reenactment Society. So I shortened that down a little and that’s where the name came from.” Hay looks back at a now 45-plus-year “career” in music with a mix of understated surprise and deep gratitude.

“I never could have foreseen this. It’s been very therapeutic for me, and it’s been fun, you know, all the craziness and changes that life brings — to be able to still connect creatively,” she marvels. “In the 1980s, bands didn’t have much of a lifespan beyond five years. I never expected people to continue to have interest. But there were two things that happened in the mid-to-late ’80s after we disbanded. The first was that R.E.M. recorded ‘Crazy’ as a b-side for one of their singles, and that rekindled interest. The other thing was Athens, GA: Inside Out [the 1986 Athens scene doc], that brought focus back to Pylon. Otherwise, I think we would have been in cut-out dustbins all over the country, 99 cents.

happening as part of Art Rocks Athens in 2014, but it quickly became apparent that there was some alchemy at work. The event’s curator, Jason NeSmith, reached out to Hay, wanting to include Pylon’s music in the proceedings. Although hesitant at first, she worked with NeSmith to put a band together. NeSmith studied hard on Dooley’s unique guitar techniques and they did the gig successfully. Hay promptly “put it on a shelf and forgot about it,” but things weren’t over yet.

“A year later, [NeSmith] was like, ‘Hey, we’re doing it again, and we could give you more time this year.’ So we played longer, opening for [B-52s singer] Fred Schneider’s solo project

The Superions. Some friends of ours, [Denver indie-rockers] Dressy Bessy, heard about this, and they were about to do a short tour in North Carolina and in Georgia. And they said, ‘Would you like to open for us?’ And I was like,‘Somebody wants to see this? They’ll pay to see this?’ But I told them we would. Then after that, we just continued to get offers to play. It organically grew into a writing project. I had, you know, previously been involved in a writing project with Jason and

“In 1988, after I had my first child, R.E.M. started talking to [Pylon members] Michael and Curtis and Randy — I wasn’t going out a whole lot at that point. They were like, ‘Y’all need to get back together. We think the world’s ready for you now.’ Well, they might not have been ready, but we sure had fun.”

Despite the tongue-in-cheek appellation “Reenactment Society,” PRS is a living and breathing creative undertaking with new, younger fans dancing to all points of the Pylon discography.

“I think the kids have always gotten us. When we play around the country, I see our audience. They’ll be people that are my age, and down somewhat younger into their 40s, and then I’ll see almost an equal-sized group of high school- and college-age kids who just discovered us,” she says.

“I love that energy. I don’t dance as much as I used to; I spend a lot of my energy just getting sounds out there. But the music itself inspires movement. The audience dances for me. I live vicariously through them.”

You have your gyrating orders, Orlando. music@orlandoweekly.com

Pylon Reenactment Society (Vanessa Briscoe Hay, center) | Photo by Jason Thrasher


The rising tide of AI has flooded the public discourse of late to much anxiety from those awake enough to be concerned about human autonomy. But one local artist is surfing it with stylish insouciance by turning the technology on itself.

While Orlando’s Will Clark is a genre vagabond whose musical work ranges wide on a spectrum that includes synthwave, video game music, anime music, dance pop, among many more, what more tidily sums him up as an artist is a specialist interest in niche digital culture. Although Clark’s work frequently uses AI, his latest album is perhaps his best, most direct parody of it to date.

Stylistically, Doo Wop for the Digital Age is a batch of 1950s-style pop whose retro charm belies its modern slyness. Thematically, Clark says,“I wanted to create something that captures the nostalgic essence of doo-wop while addressing contemporary topics like social media apps, incels, and NFTs.” Indeed, the collection is packed with song titles like “OnlyFans Angel,” “TikTok Tick Tock,”“Snapchat Pics” and “Insta Filter Girl.” Beyond simply addressing the idea of AI, Doo Wop for the Digital Age wields its very capabilities.

of songs that sound straight out of a Boomer’s record collection but that could only come from a millennial.

Whether Doo Wop for the Digital Age is more social commentary or musical art is debatable. What’s not, however, is that it’s a whimsical work of post-modernism with a sense of both satire and irony. Doo Wop for the Digital Age is currently available on Bandcamp and YouTube.


The Psychedelic Furs, Black Lips: Ever get the eerie feeling that the cosmos has zeroed in on you personally and plucked something straight out of the deepest recesses of your mind? Well, this bill is something like that for me. I’ve no logical idea how it took shape, but I am so for it.

In style, sensibility and age, these bands are worlds apart. But between the Furs’ classic alternative romanticism and the Lips’ garagepunk experimentation, there’s so much to love in a double-headed bill featuring two bands that are superlatives of their respective generations. (8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, Hard Rock Live, $40.50-$75)

Buckethead: For all their dazzling technical ability, guitar gods have been responsible for some of history’s most boring music. And yet, you need not be a six-string nerd to geek out on a performance by Buckethead.

This enigmatic masked virtuoso is through and through a guitarist’s guitarist. He was in the oddball Chinese Democracy-era Guns N’ Roses lineup and was even offered a stint with Ozzy but ultimately defied both just by being his own weird self, which is sign of big personality, big balls or both.

Orlando’s Will Clark is a genre vagabond whose work ranges on a spectrum that includes synthwave, anime music and dance pop, among many more. Although Clark’s work frequently uses AI, his Doo Wop for the Digital Age is perhaps his best parody of it to date

The songs were actually crafted using AI music generator Udio. The lyrics, however, are Clark’s original work and personal thoughts. The sole exception is album opener “Groovin’ with AI,” a song about ChatGPT that he felt should, (un) naturally, be written with ChatGPT. It’s a suite

While no one fully knows what goes on underneath that chicken bucket of his, what his legendary performances consistently prove is that his unique brand of shredding exists beyond genre and borders on the avant-garde. Whenever Buckethead plugs in, heads will bang, jaws will drop and minds will be blown. (7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, Plaza Live, $36-$60)

Maurice “Mobetta” Brown: Maurice “Mobetta” Brown’s jazz bona fides are 24K. He owned the Miles Davis Trumpet Competition as a teenager and was a protégé of Louisiana clarinet legend Alvin Batiste, but calling him just a jazz artist is far too reductive.

Besides being a former member of all-star blues group Tedeschi Trucks Band, the trumpet wunderkind has deep cred in hip-hop and beyond. He’s recorded with the legit likes of Talib Kweli, The Roots, De La Soul, Wyclef Jean and Aretha Franklin, as well as performed with newgen royalty like Anderson .Paak, Thundercat and Kamasi Washington. Come see Mobetta’s electric collision of bebop and hip-hop up close and personal. (7 and 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, Judson’s Live, $75-$125) baolehuu@orlandoweekly.com

Will Clark | Courtesy photo

of the



South Korean R&B artist Colde is bringing his “BluePrint” tour to Orlando. The singer-songwriter, rapper and producer has been going hard with his solo career as of late, first rising to fame as half of duo OffOnOff back in 2016. Since his solo debut in 2018, Colde has only expanded his reach to fans across the globe, diversifying his sound and adding hip-hop elements to his work. Colde’s show in Orlando is his only Florida tour date, so be sure not to miss out. 7 p.m., House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista, houseofblues. com, $50-$75. — Gabby Macogay


Eugene Snowden

Eugene Snowden may not live in Orlando at present — familial obligations took him elsewhere — making his shows a more rare commodity, but any time he graces a local stage, it’s like he never left. This weekend sees the grand old (relatively speaking!) man of Orlando soul-punk mark another solar return playing his heart out. Snowden is on very familiar turf at Lil Indie’s, where he used to hold court weekly with his Ten Pints of Truth residency. Expect raw and ragged blues from a man who’s been through it and lived to sing the tale. 8 p.m., Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave., willspub. org, free. — Matthew Moyer


Great Irish Hooley Roots Music Festival

Is it a big ask for us to breezily suggest that you tool on down to the theme park area on a long weekend that is also (theoretically) the last gasp of summer? Yes. But we do it with good intentions, as Disney Springs Irish pub Raglan Road throws their annual Irish Hooley Roots Music

Festival for a 12th year. Featuring authentic Irish entertainment, step-dancing and a menu full of fancy Emerald Isle eats and drinks, this one will make you forget you’re in scorching Florida for approximately 4.25 seconds. The big feature of the event is a staggering array of Irish and world music performances from the likes of Northern Crossing, Men of Aran, The Connemara Ramblers, Cassie & Maggie, and The Byrne Brothers. Warning: You will most likely hear “Danny Boy” several times, so pack some tissues. Raglan Road Irish Pub, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista, raglanroadirishpub.com, free. — MM


Orlando Urban Film Festival

The Orlando Urban Film Festival is heading back to town with a special guest in tow. After selling out last year, the film and music awards celebration is set to take over the Dr. Phillips Center, highlighting Black talent and culture in the arts. Guests can expect celebrity meet-and-greets, artist performances and a selection of more than 30 films. The event aims to uplift both emerging artists and established figures in the industry. And to help drive that sentiment home, this year’s fest is bringing in Emmy-winning actor Glynn Turman. The NYC native has remained active in the industry for decades, known largely for his start on Broadway and later roles in successful TV series and films including Cooley High, The Wire, Fargo, In Treatment and House of Lies. 7 p.m., Alexis and Jim Pugh Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave., drphillipscenter.org, $48-$53. — Chloe Greenberg


Summer Fest

As summer’s end is right around the corner, Summer Fest organizers picked up the phone to call in one of the last certified cool concerts of

Friday: Colde at House of Blues

the season. “Two Phone” Kevin Gates answered and will bring friends to Addition Financial Arena on Saturday. Gates has been in the game for well over a decade. He began his rap career in 2007 in his hometown of New Orleans, and was further established in the genre when he signed to Atlantic Records in 2013. The Fest’s lineup also features GloRilla, WRRY, Boston Richey and Rob 49. Along with the night’s heavy lineup, WRRY has hinted at an additional special guest joining the five on stage. Summer Fest is sure to be a night for the books with live renditions of signature club anthems like “Really Really” by Gates, “Yeah Glo” and “Tomorrow 2” by Glorilla, “Bullseye 2” by Boston Richey and more. If you’re looking to get lit on Labor Day Weekend, Summer Fest tickets are still available. For now. 7 p.m., Addition Financial Arena, 12777 N. Gemini Blvd., additionfiarena.com, $50-$175. — Grayson Keglovic



Goblin Market

It’s spooky season in September with the return of Goblin Market. The traveling community art festival will host a “bargain and barter art mart” Sunday at Park Ave CDs. Local artists can sell damaged, misprinted, bundled or out-of-season products to art enthusiasts — all at discounted prices. “These events not only provide discount and sale items to guests who may otherwise not be able to afford full-priced art but still want to show support, but allow vendors a space to clear out deadstock,” organizers explain. Nearby Audubon Park shops Dear Prudence, The Lovely, Hellcats USA and brewery Redlight Redlight will co-host the event along with Park Ave CDs. Attendees can buy crafts and trinkets from local artists; get a bite to eat from food trucks; and peruse vintage clothing, all sold at pop-up stations throughout the block. Guests can also bring their own clean, usable art supplies, clothes and home goods to swap or donate at a “trading tent.” Anyone looking to take an item must bring some-


thing of their own. All trades happen under the “fair and watchful eye of the goblin king.” 1 p.m., Park Ave CDs, 2916 Corrine Drive, goblinmarketfl. com, free. — Zoey Thomas


DJ Icey, DJ Magic Mike, Kimball Collins, Baby Anne

It must be a holiday weekend because there’s a big ol’ Orlando Breaks reunion shindig on the immediate horizon. On a Sunday night (gasp!) at Disney Springs (gasp!), a Mount Rushmore of Breaks titans will be spinning serious grooves. Kimball Collins, DJ Magic Mike, DJ Icey, Jimmy Joslin and DJ Baby Anne take the wheels of steel and CDJs of … cobalt to give dancefloor denizens a masterclass on crucial local music history.

Orlando Breaks for a time in the 1990s set the tone for adventurous and undeniable electronic dance, with big-city tastemakers taking feverish notes. This quintet still has their chops intact, so expect a night of feverish nostalgia. And then some very bleary-eyed cookouts the next day. 7 p.m., Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista, houseofblues.com, $25-$100. — MM



Allen Stone 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $32.50-$80; 407-934-2583.

Australian Pink Floyd 8 pm; Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $39-$183.16; 844-513-2014.

Heavy Temple, Valley of the Sun 7 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $15-$20.


Friday: Eugene Snowden Lil Indie’s

Lavon Rushing 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $15.

Nesto’s Jazz Trio 10 pm; Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free.


Candlelight: Mozart’s Requiem and More 9 pm; Azalea Lodge at Mead Botanical Garden, 1300 S. Denning Drive, Winter Park; 402-249-2445.

Hannah Stokes and Will Patrick 7 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $19.50.

Imaginary Colors, Carrabelle, Outeredge, Aerosol Falls 7 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $10-$15.

Rock for Children Record Release Listening Party 6 pm; Speed and Sounds Museum, 1640 Timocuan Way, Longwood; $10.

Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity: Sept. 7, Conduit

Twenty One Pilots: Sept. 11, Kia Center

Cigarettes After Sex: Sept. 13, Kia Center

Herbie Hancock: Sept. 14, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Punk in the Park: Sept. 14, Orlando Amphitheater

Jelly Roll, Warren Zeiders, Alexandra Kay: Sept. 17, Kia Center

Weezer, The Flaming Lips, Dinosaur Jr.: Sept. 20, Kia Center

Squeeze, Boy George: Sept. 22, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Sum 41: Sept. 24, Orlando Amphitheater


The 12th Annual Great Irish Hooley Roots Music Festival 4 pm; Raglan Road Irish Pub, 1640 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista; free; 407-938-0300.

Bear Grillz, Vastive, Hostage Situation 10 pm; The Vanguard, 578 N. Orange Ave.; $14.99-$49.99; 817-583-1136.

Colde 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $50-$75; 407-934-2583.

Eugene Snowden Birthday Bash 8 pm; Lil Indie’s, 1036 N. Mills Ave.; free.

Fatima Hajji, Carlos Mendoza 9 pm; Mango’s Tropical Cafe Orlando, 8126 International Drive; $30; 321-276-2498.

Jordan Foley and The Wheelhouse 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $15.

K-Pop Rave 9 pm; Conduit, 6700

Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $20; 407-673-2712.

Kurtis Conner 7 pm; Steinmetz Hall, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $49.50$150; 407-358-6603.

The Long Shot 8 pm; Tuffy’s Music Box, 200 Myrtle Ave., Sanford; free.

Pylon Reenactment Society, The Pauses 8 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $20.

Tru Phonic 8 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; $10; 407-322-7475.


The 12th Annual Great Irish Hooley Roots Music Festival 11 am; Raglan Road Irish Pub, 1640 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista; free; 407-938-0300.

Ben Katzman, Breed 5 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave.,

Dark Tranquillity: Sept. 7, Conduit

MICO: Sept. 24, The Social

Violent Femmes: Sept. 26, House of Blues

STRFKR: Oct. 5, Plaza Live

Xiu Xiu: Oct. 5, Conduit

Charli XCX and Troye Sivan: Oct. 6, Kia Center

Sanford; $15; 407-322-7475.

Buckethead 7 pm; The Plaza Live, 425 N. Bumby Ave.; $36-$60; 407-228-1220.

Cannons, MRCH 6 pm; The Beacham, 46 N. Orange Ave.; $27.50-$40; 407-648-8363.

DJ BMF presents Michael vs Janet 9 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave; $10.

Fiel a la Vega 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $65$150; 407-934-2583.

Fluffy’s Birthday Bash: The Palmeranians, Off the Rails, Written Off, 1 1/2, TV Generation 7 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; $10; 407-322-7475.

Galactic Empire, Power Glove, Super Guitar Bros 7 pm; The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive; 407-704-6261.

Gavin Adcock 6:30 pm; Tuffy’s Music Box, 200 Myrtle Ave., Sanford; $30.

Orlando Jazz Collective Presents: Maurice “Mobetta” Brown 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $65; 407-358-6603.

The Psychedelic Furs, Black Lips 8 pm; Hard Rock Live, 6050 Universal Blvd.; $40.50-$75; 407-351-5483.

Summer Fest: Kevin Gates, GloRilla, Boston Richey 7 pm; Addition Financial Arena, 12777 N. Gemini Blvd.; 407-823-6006.

Varanger, Withering Earth, Othalan, Somnent, Pontifex 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $15; 407-673-2712.


The 12th Annual Great Irish Hooley Roots Music Festival 11 am; Raglan Road Irish Pub, 1640 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista; free; 407-938-0300.

The Allan Vaché Swingtet 5 & 7:30 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $35.

Sabrina Carpenter: Oct. 24, Kia Center

Mannequin Pussy: Oct. 25, the Beacham

Pig and Unicode: Machine: Oct. 30, Conduit

Nitzer Ebb: Nov. 1, The Abbey

Babymetal: Nov. 5, Hard Rock Live

Soft Kill: Nov. 7, Will’s Pub

EDC: Nov. 8-10, Tinker Field

Justin Timberlake: Nov. 9, Kia Center

Kreator and Testament: Oct. 15, Hard Rock Live

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark: Oct. 19, Plaza Live

Coco: Oct. 19, The Social Rainbow Kitten Surprise: Oct. 22, Hard Rock Live

O.A.R.: Nov. 14, Hard Rock Live

P!nk: Nov. 18, Camping World Stadium

Kacey Musgraves: Dec. 2, Kia Center

Creed: Dec. 5, Kia Center

Labor Day Bash: Kimball Collins, DJ Magic Mike, DJ Icey, Jimmy Joslin, DJ Baby Anne 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $25-$100; 407-934-2583.

Louyah, Angel Hill 6 pm; The Social, 54 N. Orange Ave.; $20; 407-246-1419.

Pub Choir 7 pm; The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive; $30; 407-704-6261.

Sister Killcycle, October Noir 7 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; $20; 407-322-7475.


The 12th Annual Great Irish Hooley Roots Music Festival 11 am; Raglan Road Irish Pub, 1640 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista; free; 407-938-0300.


Gerald Law II and The Clutch 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $20.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When an infant giraffe leaves its mother’s womb, it falls 6 feet to the ground. I suspect that when you are reborn sometime soon, Virgo, a milder and more genial jolt will occur. It may even be quite rousing and inspirational — not rudely bumpy at all. By the way, the plunge of the baby giraffe snaps its umbilical cord and stimulates the creature to take its initial breaths — getting it ready to begin its life journey. I suspect your genial jolt will bring comparable benefits.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Many people living in the Napo province of Ecuador enjoy eating a dish called ukuy, which is a Kichwa word for large ants. This is not an exotic meal for them. They may cook the ukuy or simply eat the creatures alive. If you travel to Napo anytime soon, Libra, I urge you to sample the ukuy. According to my reading of the astrological omens, such an experiment is in alignment with the kinds of experiences you Libras should be seeking: outside your usual habits, beyond your typical expectations, and in amused rebellion against your customary way of doing things.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The theory of karma suggests that all our actions, good and bad and in-between, send ripples out into the world. These ripples eventually circle back to us, ensuring we experience events that mirror our original actions. If we lie and cheat, we will be lied to and cheated on. If we give generously and speak kindly about other people, we will be the recipient of generosity and kind words. I bring this up, Scorpio, because I believe you will soon harvest a slew of good karma that you have set in motion through your generosity and kindness. It may sometimes seem as if you’re getting more benevolence than you deserve, but in my estimation, it’s all well-earned.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I encourage you to buy yourself fun presents that give you a feisty boost. Why? Because I want you to bring an innovative, starting-fresh spirit into the ripening projects you are working on. Your attitude and approach could become too serious unless you infuse them with the spunky energy of an excitable kid. Gift suggestions: new music that makes you feel wild; new jewelry or clothes that make you feel daring; new tools that raise your confidence; and new information that stirs your creativity.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): On a Tuesday in August in 2012 — one full Jupiter cycle ago — a Capricorn friend of mine called in sick to his job as a marketing specialist. He never returned. Instead, after enjoying a week off to relax, he began working to become a dance instructor. After six months, he was teaching

novice students. Three years later, he was proficient enough to teach advanced students, and five years later, he was an expert. I am not advising you, Capricorn, to quit your job and launch your own quixotic quest for supremely gratifying work. But if you were ever going to start taking small steps towards that goal, now would be a good time. It’s also a favorable phase to improve the way your current job works for you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Three years ago, an Indonesian man celebrated his marriage to a rice cooker, which is a kitchen accessory. Khoirul Anam wore his finest clothes, while his new spouse donned a white veil. In photos posted on social media, the happy couple are shown hugging and kissing. Now might also be a favorable time for you to wed your fortunes more closely with a valuable resource — though there’s no need to perform literal nuptials. What material thing helps bring out the best in you? If there is no such thing, now would be a good time to get it.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): For many years, I didn’t earn enough money to pay taxes. I was indigent. Fortunately, social programs provided me with food and some medical care. In recent years, though, I have had a better cash flow. I regularly send the U.S. government a share of my income. I wish they would spend all my tax contributions to help people in need. Alas, just 42 percent of my taxes pay for acts of kindness to my fellow humans, while 24 percent goes to funding the biggest military machine on earth. Maybe someday, there will be an option to allocate my tax donations exactly as I want. In this spirit, Pisces, I invite you to take inventory of the gifts and blessings you dole out. Now is a good time to correct any dubious priorities. Take steps to ensure that your generosity is going where it’s most needed and appreciated. What kind of giving makes you feel best?

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Although there are over 7,000 varieties of apples, your grocery store probably offers no more than 15. But you shouldn’t feel deprived. Having 15 alternatives is magnificent. In fact, most of us do better in dealing with a modicum of choices rather than an extravagant abundance. This is true not just about apples but also about most things. I mention this, Aries, because now is an excellent time to pare down your options in regard to all your resources and influences. You will function best if you’re not overwhelmed with possibilities. You will thrive as you experiment with the principle that less is more.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus comedian Jerry Seinfeld, now 70 years old, has testified,

“As a child, the only clear thought I had was ‘get candy.’” I encourage you to be equally single-minded in the near future, Taurus. Not necessarily about candy — but about goodies that appeal to your inner child as well as your inner teenager and inner adult. You are authorized by cosmic forces to go in quest of experiences that tickle your bliss.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I’m not saying I would refuse to hire a Gemini person to housesit while I’m on vacation. You folks probably wouldn’t let my houseplants die, allow raccoons to sneak in and steal food, or leave piles of unwashed dishes in the sink. On the other hand, I’m not entirely confident you would take impeccable care of my home in every little way. But wait! Everything I just said does not apply to you now. My analysis of the omens suggests you will have a high aptitude for the domestic arts in the coming weeks. You will be more likely than usual to take good care of my home — and your own home, too. It’s a good time to redecorate and freshen up the vibe.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): These days, you are even smarter and more perceptive than usual. The deep intelligence of your higher self is pouring into your conscious awareness with extra intensity. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, mostly. But there may be a downside: You could be hyper-aware of people whose thinking is mediocre and whose discernment is substandard. That could be frustrating, though it also puts you in a good position to correct mistakes those people make. As you wield the healing power of your wisdom, heed these words from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Misunderstandings and lethargy produce more wrong in the world than deceit and malice do.”

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had an older sister, born under the sign of Leo. Her nickname was Nannerl. During their childhoods, she was as much a musical prodigy as he. Supervised by their father, they toured Europe performing together, playing harpsichord and piano. Nannerl periodically got top billing, and some critics regarded her as the superior talent. But misfortune struck when her parents decided it was unseemly for her, as a female, to continue her development as a genius. She was forcibly retired so she could learn the arts of housekeeping and prepare for marriage and children. Your assignment in the coming months, Leo, is to rebel against any influence that tempts you to tamp down your gifts and specialties. Assert your sovereignty. Identify what you do best, and do it more and better than you ever have before.

Mister William (shelter ID A489346) is 7 years old, and surprisingly has been at the shelter for almost an entire month. He was rescued as a stray by one of our officers, who saw him being chased by a couple of coyotes. He’s vocal and wiggly when excited, but fiercely independent. He loves treats and attention, and even at his age he still gets the zoomies in the play yard.

Mister William is exactly the kind of dog that people come in looking for. He is small but chunky, barely weighing 40 pounds. He is sweet, with zero aggression, and loves other dogs. Mister William is very shy around people, but who can blame him? Someone abandoned him for the second time in his life, so it’s no wonder he has some trust issues. Let’s change that for him.

Orange County Animal Services is located at 2769 Conroy Road in Orlando, near the Mall at Millenia. The shelter is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. every day except Wednesday, when it’s open 2-6 p.m. For more information, please call 407-8363111 or visit ocnetpets.com.

Meet Mister William!


We weave your unique local flavor into every social media campaign. We don’t just navigate the social media landscape; we own it! Your success is our success, and we believe in the power of community. Ready to embark on a social media journey that celebrates your local culture and propels your brand to the forefront? Let’s create, connect, and conquer together.

RV Sales


WANTED - All motorhomes, fifth wheels and travel trailers. Cars, vans and trucks any condition. Cash paid on the spot. Call 954-595-0093.

Legal, Public Notices

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location

indicated: September 13, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following:

12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 831 N. Park Avenue Apopka, FL 32712 (407) 4500345 Valerie Perez - Boxes. Leon Phillips - Household goods. Nekiya Desseau - Household items. Ronny Torres - office equipment. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to comlete the transaction.

Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: September 10th, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 610 Rinehart Rd. Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 637-1360 Irma Montarsi-Qn bed - Dresser - 2 night stands - futon - tv - 5 totesmicrowave - coffee maker , Montana Davis- bags of clothes, furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated September 10th, 2024 at the time and location listed below. 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 1451 Rinehart Rd Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 915-4908. The personal goods stored therein by the following: Jamila: furniture, boxes. LaShalonda Robinson : boxes, furniture. Dante Cadelaria: furniture, outdoor items, tools. Sean Swift: Luggage, clothing. Cierra Smith: furniture, exercise equipment, computer. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property de-

scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: September 13th, 2024. at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 11920 W Colonial Dr Ste 10, Ocoee FL 34761, 407-794-6970. Tina Jordan-Nelson - Furniture, Gregory Charles Spreng- household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2631 E Semoran Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 408-7437 on September 13, 2024 12:00PM Walter Dixon-Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 8235 N Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando FL., 32810, 727.428.6564 on September 13, 2024 @ 12:00PM Danirlle Marsh-Bed, Bins, Clothes, Kids Elect. Bike Yaudel Munoz-Tools, Misc items, Household Goods Rotunda Trust-Furniture, Household Goods Andrew Schaffer-Household Goods Decalo Hancock-Tables, Chairs, Couch, Boxes Adrienne Starks-Stroller, Baby Items, Boxes, Chairs Champayne Green-Table, Chairs, Bench Suelaa Brown-Clothes, Couch, Loveseat, TV, Bins Lisa Smith-Furniture, Household Goods Shawn Feldt-Furniture, Household Goods Shelia Baxter-Bed, Boxes, Chairs, Clothes, Shoes Eliot Martinez. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility inorder to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Extra Space Storage 6035 Sand Lake Vista Drive, Orlando, FL 32819 September 13, 2024, 11:00AM Preshenique Grant- Appliances, furniture, electronics, etc. Tonniesha Thompson/ Puvoir LLC- Beauty Supply Guillermo Maggiolo- Boxes, 3 beds fully furnished Emma Smith- Boxes and household items Kamaria Arrington- dresser, boxes, bed, bags Steve Blaser- Household items Crystal Maxwell- clothing, boxes, household Daixi Li- Appliances Celena Carroll- Boxes Mark Harrell- Furniture, DVDs, misc Gardy

Ovide- Furniture Rebecca Shaw- bikes, box springs, household items, boxes Paul Contreras- Household items David Rosato- Furniture, clothes, dishes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: September 19, 2024, at the times and locations listed below: The personal goods stored therein by the following: The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:00PM Extra Space Storage, 11971 Lake Underhill Rd Orlando, FL 32825 4075167913: Ricardo Lopez – boxes. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage, 11071 University Blvd Orlando, FL 32817, 3213204055 Anthony Schmidt dresser, king bed frame, boxes, totes, toolbox; Manuel Tamayo boxes and clothes; Zekiya Watson bedroom set, 1 bedroom apartment, computer stand, sofa, loveseat, chest, entertainment stand, ET The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:00 AM Life Storage 11583 University Blvd Orlando FL 32817 4077772278: Gerald Kanyok- household items; Gerald Kanyok- Household goods and furniture; Nyssa Diaz- Household goods/Furniture, boxes and bins; Rebekah Marsh- Household goods/Furniture; Blanca Barro- boxes, dog cage, mattress. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:00AM Life Storage, 9001 Eastmar Commons Blvd, Orlando, FL 32825, 4079016180: Milery Honore: Couch, totes, boxes. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 12280 East Colonial Drive, Orlando FL 32826, 3212867324: Eduardo Lozada Vargas Jr: hand truck, furniture, electronics, appliances, lawn equipment, tools; Carmelo Berrios: Headboard, boxes, furniture, household Goods; Patrice Hughes: lamp, chair, totes, boxes, books, toys; Garry Harriott: boxes, watches, toys. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 14916 Old Cheney Hwy, Orlando FL 32826, 4079179151: Lykisha Robinson: decor, couch, TV, toys, Jonathan Okoye: car parts, tools, TV. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 3364 W State Rd 426 Oviedo, FL 32765, 4079304293: Rudolph Narcisse: Household goods, Mattress, Appliances, Bike, Electronics, Boxes, Bags. Logan Jackson: Household Goods, Couch, Coffee Table, Baseball Bats, Wall Art, Lamp, Outdoor Materials. Electronics. Shaun Harris: Boxes, Bags, Clothes, Side Table. Christine Rivera: Boxes, Decor Supplies, Bags, Bike, Folding Table, Books, Totes, Janine Gomez: Household Goods, Outdoor Furniture, Boxes, File Cabinet The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 6068 Wooden Pine Drive. Orlando, Florida 32829 407.974.5165: Felipe Robledo; Boxes, Washer dryer, 2-seater couch, 3-seater couch, entertainment center. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:30PM Extra Space Storage, 10959 Lake Underhill Rd Orlando FL 32825, 4075020120: Aundre Holland:

couch, boxes, paintings, bean bag; Bryson Mapt: vending machine, shoe boxes, book shelve, PS4, tires, washer and dryer, mattresses; Darius Bowers: Mercury boat motor, tires, fishing rod, dolly, TV, hand tools; Tamirys Rodrigues: bed frames, back packs, luggage, mattress, couch, clothes, boxes; Tamirys Rodrigues: floor lamp, vacuum, TV stand, crock pot, toys, table, bed. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:15AM Extra Space Storage, 1305 Crawford Ave. St. Cloud FL 34769, 4075040833: Denise Tucher: decor furniture, toys, Petre Costache: furniture, Haley Motley: furniture, household items, Maria Vines: dryer, chairs, household items, Jonathan Fuentes: holiday decor, furniture, boxes, Khalil Wilson: oxygen tank, electric scooter, household items, Gaiana Miskovich: Generator, furniture, decor, household items The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:30PM Extra Space Storage, 14800 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando, FL 32832 407.987.4115: Alexandra San Inocencio: Camera bag, old stuff, household items The personal goods stored Therein by the following: 9:52AM Extra space storage, 12709 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, Fl 32826, 4076343990: None The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00AM Extra Space Storage, 12915 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando, FL 32832 407.501.5799: Michelle Tatom: Mattress & Bedding, furniture, boxes, bed frame, sofa, dresser, christmas tree, luggage.; Patricia Garcia: Toys, clothing & shoes, electronics, furniture, golf clubs, boxes. ; Kaitlynn Ann Davis: Olyptical, clothing & shoes, mattress & bedding, wall art, furniture, boxes. ; Jediael Rivera: toys, mattress & bedding, wall art, furniture, household items, boxes, mirrors, tools. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:30pm Extra Space Storage, 15551 Golden Isle Blvd, Orlando FL 32828 4077101020: Mike Jastremski: tools, mini fridge The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12PM Extra Space Storage, 342 Woodland Lake Drive Orlando FL 32828, 3218004793, Legend search 4 merch LLC (Marcus Johnson): Tools, Home Appliances, Enrique Lesende: DVDs Bed Dresser Clothes, veronica nunez: bins, decor, legos The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:15PM Extra Space Storage, 11261 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando FL 32832, 4072807355: Imran Tariq: furniture, appliances, boxes, Jasmine Cuevas: furniture, household items The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:45 PM Extra Space Storage, 9847 Curry Ford Rd Orlando, FL 32825, 4074959612: Carlos Negron-Household; Wanda Falcon-Household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2650 September 10th, 2024 at 12:00pm Jordan Roberson: household goods, Jason Mendez : Household Goods, Andrew Zic: household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid

at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Life Storage, #3700, 5645 W State Road 46, Sanford, FL 32771 (321)2867326. On September 10th, 2024 at 12:00 PM Wayne Martin Jr-Household goods/ furniture. Max Berry-Household goods. Yolanda M. Szobonya-Household goods/ furniture. Justice Morgan-Household goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property

Extra Space Storage/ Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Store 3057 4066 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32808 (407) 734-1959 on September 13th, 2024 12:00PM Markez Towns-Clothing, Boxes, Bags Sabrina Johnson-Totes, Bags, Boxes, Chairs, Mattress and Bedding, Personal Effects, Sports and Outdoors George Kellam-Appliances, Lamps, Electronics, Furniture, Boxes, Mirrors, Tables, Suitcases Diane Adams-Motor Vehicles, Old Stuff, Tires, Boxes, Coolers Trayton Lawson-Health and Wellness, Personal Effects, Electronics, Household Goods, Guy Mort-Household Goods, Boxes, Totes Tellani Griffin-Mattress and Bedding, Personal Effects, Furniture, Totes, Bags Michael Thomas-Personal Effects, Bags, Boxes, Clothing and Shoes Anthony Wynter-Clothing and Shoes, Mattress and Bedding, Personal Effects, Household Items, Furniture, Boxes Roy Ashby-Personal Effects, Boxes, Ladders, Bags, Totes Susana Cervantes-Bags, Totes, Old Stuff, Personal Effects, Boxes Demetrius Dallas-Couch, Ottoman, Window AC Unit Tavarious Shaw-Personal Effects, Wall Art, Tools and Equipment Suitcase, Speaker Box, Fishing Poles Mark Francis-Totes, Tires, Personal Effects, Motor Vehicle Parts, Tools and Supplies, Boxes Dasha McGriff-Personal Effects, Bags, Boxes Somjai Maner-Appliances, Household Items, Furniture, Bags Danny Cintron-TV, Bags, Personal Effects, Clothing and Shoes, Sports and Outdoors, Bags. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Personal property of the following tenants will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy a rental lien in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sections 83.801 - 83.809. Auctions will be held on the premises at locations

and times indicated below. Wednesday September 18, 2024, Thursday September 19, 2024. Contents: Misc. & household goods and vehicles. Viewing is at time of sale only. The owners’ or their agents reserve the right to bid on any unit, and to refuse any bid. 2580 Michigan Ave Kissimmee,FL 34744 (Wed, September 18 @ 11:30am) 0693AC-Oskar Pulgaron, 1155Sandra Vargas 5622 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando,FL 32811 (Wed, September 18 @ 1:00pm) 0220-Lewis Epstein, 0538- Jose Perez Gonzalez, 0674-Peter Thomas, 0734-Richard Crain, 1017-Aleicia White, 1034-Tarrence Richardson, 1590-Marcelo De Lemos, 2017 Ram 3500, VIN#: 3C63RRGL7HG628014, Owner: Marcelo Mendonca De Lemos, Lien Holder: Lendbuzz Funding LLC. 6401 Pinecastle Blvd Orlando,FL 32809 (Wed, September 18 @ 2:30pm) 36-Myoshia Meralla, 109-Adam Cruz, 227-Claudio Nascimento, 227-Claudio Martins, 227-Claudio Martins Nascimento, 509-Adam Cruz 3625 Aloma Ave Oviedo,FL 32765 (Thurs, September 19 @ 11:00am) 0667-Donald Wilson, 0705-Tabitha Kelly, 0741-Donald Wilson, 1802-Jeffrey Reese; 2002/HAUM Trailer VIN#4XSPB12202G038676 17420 SR 50 Clermont,FL 34711 (Thurs, September 19 @ 1:00pm) 7118-Adam Brown 2300 Hartwood Marsh Clermont,FL 34711 (Thurs, September 19 @ 2:00pm) 1701-Donald Bonnette. Run dates 8/28 and 9/4/24.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF: E.D. DOB: 1/20/2008, MINOR CHILD / CASE NO.DP21-156 NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: IBRAHIMA DOUKANSE, Address Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: E.D. born on January 20, 2008. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM before the Honorable Greg A. Tynan, at the Thomas S. Kirk Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street Courtroom 5 Orlando, FL 32806, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD (OR CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD OR CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Human Resources, Orange County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 510, Orlando, Florida 32801, (407) 836-2303, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS, my hand as Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 6th day of August, 2024. Clerk of Court By: /s/ As Deputy Clerk.

Legal, Public Notices


Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: T.G. born on 3/7/2023. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 4, 2024, at 9:30 AM before the Honorable Wayne Wooten at the Orange Courthouse, 2000 East Michigan Street Orlando, Fl 32806, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTIVE CONSENT TO THE TPR PETITION OF THE CHILD(REN) AND COULD RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD(REN). WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 21st day of August, 2024. CLERK OF COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal)


Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: C.C.Y., born on October 13th, 2009. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 2nd, 2024, at 9:30 A.M. before the Honorable Wayne C. Wooten, Judge of the Circuit Court, in Court Room 6 of the Thomas S. Kirk Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 E. Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS HEARING AND AT ALL STAGES OF THIS PROCEEDING. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COURT AND THE COURT WILL DETERMINE IF YOU ARE ENTITLED TO COURT APPOINTED COUNSEL. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD OR CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE. WITNESS my hand as Clerk of said Court and the Seal thereof, this 15th day of August, 2024. This summons has been issued at the request of George Lytle, Esquire Florida Bar Number: 985465 george.lytle@myflfamilies. com CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, By: /s/ Clerk (seal)



A.N.W. DOB: 3/19/2012, D.W. DOB: 10/14/2016, Z.W. DOB: 12/8/2017, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: BRIAN WALKER, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: A.N.W. born on 3/19/2012, D.W. born on DOB: 10/14/2016, Z.W. born on DOB: 12/8/2017. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 7, 2024 , at 9:30 AM before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 742-2417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 20th day of August, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE 2023-DP060 IN THE INTEREST OF J.P.A. DOB: 6/19/2023, MINOR CHILD, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: JOANNELLIE DIAZ, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: J.P.A. born on 6/19/2023. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 22, 2024, at 10:30AM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 742-2417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand

and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 12th day of August, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE 2024-DP-108 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: J.A. DOB: 7/25/2024, MINOR CHILD, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: JOANNELLIE DIAZ, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: J.A. born on 7/25/2024. You are hereby commanded to appear on October 22, 2024, at 10:30AM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 742-2417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 12th day of August, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, JUVENILE DIVISION: 7 CASE NO.: DP22-231 IN THE INTEREST OF: T.T. DOB: 09/22/2007, B.L. DOB: 05/01/2012, minor children. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL ADVISORY AND FATHER’S MANIFEST BEST INTEREST HEARING, STATE OF FLORIDA. To: Nghia Trong Thai Address Unknown. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this Court regarding the above-referenced child(ren). You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable Judge Wayne C. Wooten, on October 1st, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., at the Thomas S. Kirk Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a Termination of Parental Rights Advisory Hearing and Father’s Manifest Best Interest Hearing. You must appear in- person on the date and at the time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING AND FATHER’S MANIFEST BEST INTEREST HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THESE CHILDREN. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. “Pursuant to

Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” Witness my hand and the seal of this Court in Orange County, Florida on 21st day of August, 2024. CLERK OF COURT BY:/s/ DEPUTY CLERK.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2650 N Powers Dr. Orlando, FL 32818 (407) 982-1032 on September 13th, 2024 at 1:00PM Nevita Mc Larty-Household Goods, Vegenia Taylor-Household Goods,Oreste Mesidor- Household Goods, Peter Blake-Household Goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 7244 Overland Rd Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 794-7457 on September 13th, 2024 12:00PMVernon Jones-q bed, toddler beds, and misc. items; Linda Whipset-Tables/chairs; Yamilet Piza-Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13th, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 8439: 1420 N Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL, 32804 407.312.8736 @ 12:00PM: Meyling Terry: Furniture; David Best: Paperwork; Stephanie Duclos: 1 Dresser, 2 night stands,1 Chest , 8 Boxes; Jamal Thomas: Household goods, office furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 25 E Lester Rd Apopka, FL 32712 (407) 551-5590 on September 13th, 2024 12:00PM Ryan Thomas-spare furniture.- Jazmin Hall- household belonging.-Marianne Werk-home goods, one bedroom.-Clarissa Kostenko-bedroom and home items.-Tanya Castillo-household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.

com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


August 2024


1. Cellphone Rio Ln/ 26th St

2. Bag with Cellphone 40 Blk of W Washington St

3. Backpack with keys 5830 Blk of T G Lee Blvd

4. Electronics 800 Blk of Main Ln

5. Electronics 6400 Blk of Raleigh St

6. Electronics 800 Blk of Mcfall Ln

7. Electronics 5800 Blk of Precision Dr

8. Cellphone 20 Blk of N Fanfair Ave

9. Cellphone 60 Blk of N Orange Ave

10. Cellphone 4800 Blk of Silver Star Rd

11. Cellphone 4890 Blk of Lake Ridge Rd

12. Bag with tools and electronics 1000 Blk of E Kayley St

13. Bag with electronics 510 Blk of Virginia Dr

14. Electronics 10300 Blk of Jeff Fuqua Blvd

15. Cellphones 9600 Blk of Jeff Fuqua Blvd

16. Cellphones 4640 Blk of Millenia Plaza Way

17. Electronics 5800 Blk of Raleigh st

18. Electronics 20 Blk of N Fanfair Ave FOR INFO CALL (407) 246-2445, MONDAY



U-Haul Moving and Storage of Haines City, 3307 US Hwy 17-92 W. Haines City, FL 33844 09/10/2024: H0931 Claudia Vila, F0623 Janese or Innocent Mendez or Verneuil, F0608 Michael Jacoby, F0621 Josian Medina, G0758 Courtney Coombs, H0927 Ricardo Zelaya. U-Haul Moving and Storage at Kirkman Road, 600 S. Kirkman Rd. Orlando, Fl 32811 09/10/2024: 3022 Christian Oliver, 3058 Mathew Arana, 6035 Angilyn T Lamey, 2028 Daniyal Asghar, 3010 Wanda Jones, 5006 Christopher Paige, 8025 Courtney Gordon, 5009 Matthew Downs II, 4049 Cain Patterson, 2093 Richard Lemmon, 1009 Waldi Dupre, 4029 Victor Clavizzao, 3094 Claude Baker, 3003 Wanda Jones, 8020 Sylvia Mincey, 2000 Kim Droz, 2020 Ranise Santiago, 1045 Kenia Ruiz, 3018 Wanda Jones, 1088 Shantania Bell, 2042 Kamiya Gwinn. U-Haul Moving and Storage of Clermont, 13650 Granville Ave. Clermont, Fl 34711 09/10/2024: AA4204Q Angela Hernandez, 2025 Juana Cotto, 3087 Jeremy Clapper,

2123 Jacorey Bush. U-Haul Moving and Storage of Ocoee, 11410 W. Colonial Dr. Ocoee, Fl 34761 09/10/2024: 2361 Jessica Williams-Nelson, 3400 Keshia Brady, 1565 Kenneth Knight, 2490 Brittany Graham, 2508 Glenwood Pilson, 1407 Chimene Jackson, 1102 Christopher Szuhay, 3456 Chimene Jackson, 2203 Shisshonna Raynorcossom. U-Haul Moving and Storage of Four Corners, 8546 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, Fl 34747 09/10/2024: 2008 Tifany Maldonado Medina, 2459 Miguel Rivera, 1142 Angela Howard, 1841 La’Sharae Abrams, 1336 Vaughn McDougal, 2223 Shareefah Bailey, 1249 Lashaunda Wiggins, 1890 Shirley Etienne, 1047 Alyshia Bottomley, 2192 Alexander Irizarry Muniz, 2300 Amil Collins.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION FOR MONIES DUE ON STORAGE LOCKERS LOCATED AT UHAUL COMPANY FACILITIES. STORAGE LOCATIONS AND TIMES ARE LISTED BELOW. ALL GOODS SOLD ARE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, MISCELLANEOUS OR RECOVERED GOODS. ALL AUCTIONS ARE HELD TO SATISFY OWNER’S LIEN FOR RENT AND FEES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES, SELF STORAGE ACT, SECTIONS 83.806 AND 83.807, STARTS AT 8:00am and RUNS CONTINOUSLY. Auction will be held online: www.storagetreasures. com U-Haul Ctr. 4001 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando Fl. 32803 09/11/2024. D152 Davina Fielder, D128 Ozkan Guven, D121 Sandro Amaro. U-Haul Ctr. 3500 S. Orange ave. Orlando Fl. 32806 09/11/2024 2109 Keona Davenport, AA6340E Lori Quinones, 1526 Angel Davis, AB5724A Stephanie Mazzullo, AA0289Q, 1724 Emanuel Houston, 1813 Galo Tenorio. U-Haul Ctr. 508 N. Goldenrod Rd. Orlando Fl. 32807 09/11/2024 1405 Breaunie Medina, 404 Angelo Mcleod, 1415 Poala Acosta, 328 Frantzie Jones, 439 Monica Perez, 221 Damion Thompson. U-Haul Ctr. 11815 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando Fl. 32826 09/11/2024 1515 Nadege Cherubin, 1436 Riddick Bowe, 1243 Micheal Hennessy, 1223 Michael Perez, 1019 Riddick Bowe, 1801 Francisco Bolanos.


Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1334: 5603 Metrowest Blvd Orlando FL, 32811 407.516.7751 @ 12:00PM: Diamond Brown: household goods; Keith Austin: 75 in TV, 65 in TV; Anthony Brand: household goods; Fred Coller: Furniture, washer dryer, sml fridge, tvs; Adriano Caetano: household goods; Brynn Pomeroy: apt furniture and items; Louis Ernst: boxes, clothes, furniture, mattress; Roberto Souza: 3 suit cases, shoes; Zacary Barbosa: trailer; Munchan Powell: Clothes shoes Decorations; Cathy Edwards: household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Notice of Public Auction for monies due on storage units located at U-Haul company facilities. Storage locations are listed below. All goods are household contents or miscellaneous and recovered goods. All auctions are hold to satisfy owner’s lien for rent and fees in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self-Storage Act, Sections 83.806 and 83.807. The auction will start at 8:00 a.m. on September 5th, 2024 and will continue until all locations are done. U-Haul Moving and Storage at Maitland Blvd, 7815 North Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810; B33 MARCELLA YOUNG

$547.75, L46 Kiana Hartwell $781.74, 1004 SANDREA SHANEA ERNEST $1,204.70, F26 jeffrey mcwhorter $689.65, B05 Shalayia Ferguson $831.10, D39 Twyla Hill

$1,388.24, U99 Johanna Rodriguez $506.79, D19 ENOCK SENOGA $1,123.34, A30 vieta sawyer $1,020.55, D14 TROY DUNNELL


$380.94, B10 Ahmani Standifer $1,101.30, L47 ROBERTA BRYANT $1,349.89, C73 SHELISIA BROWN-DUKES $729.74, 1025 Denderick Gadson $1,279.70, 1006 karen rice $2,169.85, D03 ALTHEA PEDDIE


RIVERA $1,749.60, F12 KARIM BELL

$809.65, C28 jeffery Knayer $1,650.00, B73 Antonio Henry $1,301.05, C57 anton wynn

$1,673.50 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Apopka, 1221 E Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703; 1149 TESSA MARTIN

$844.00, 1275 Kendale Hamilton $1,895.20, 1108 Anthony Loper $1,551.10, 1145 Anthony Loper

$1,551.10, 1130 Tonya Holmes $1,176.49, R049 Anthony Loper $892.89, 1233 Joel Smith $839.00, 1301 JAMES WILLIAMS

$1,429.14, 1265 derek pollard

$1,158.40, 1312 Taurean Richardson $1,935.65

U-Haul Moving and Storage of Altamonte Springs, 598 West Highway 436, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; E103 Jose Acevedo

$1,452.20, B133 peter leon $1,638.95, AB2155A karl davis $762.00, E101 FERDELL BAKER $3,189.25, AA5023Q edwin valle

$657.35, C115 Joshua Mederro $1,446.20, D102 james O’Shaughnessy $2,163.65, B110 Chantel Coaxum $2,089.34, AB9867C Kiel Brandt $962.20, AB6136E Kiel Brandt

$962.20, A101 Serderius Bryant $1,778.20 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Semoran Blvd, 2055 State Rd 436, Winter Park, Fl 32792; 1166 JAMES OSHAUGHNESSY

$1,579.77, 1104 Ryan Johnson $1,054.75, 1112 Shiwan Blue $1,368.45, 1160 MIGUEL SANTANA $1,516.17, 1074 maurice patterson $851.36, 1309 Amanda Huff $1,700.08, 1603 Shirley Rivera $907.50, 2004 BRIAN FARR $813.58, 1420 Drexlell Moss $907.50, 1194 tania VASQUEZ $1,691.84 U-Haul Moving & Storage of Longwood, 650 N Ronald Reagan Blvd, Longwood, FL 32750; A028 TIMOTHY SANCHEZ $1,792.67, E039 TALYA WRIGHT $1,356.85, E067 ANTONIO RUANO $985.80, A054 Ashley Quinones $1,096.60, C049 DESIREE MIRANDA $1,741.40, A020 Michael Dargan

$1,705.07, B071 Jordon Debard $813.15, A096 ZOMORRA CHRISTIAN $1,025.05, A050-51 saxon kamay $1,266.70, A103

FELESIA TRAMMER $875.80, C024 sidney jordan $1,213.00, E021 KENYA TRIMBLE

$1,669.70 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Lake Mary Blvd, 3851 S Orlando Drive, Sanford, Fl 32773; 1457 Chantelle Rumph

$598.38, 1704 Micheal Mendez $634.90, 2524 sadrack clervil $947.96, 1728 Denise Williams $975.55, 5088 COLUMBUS JOHNSON $1,569.50, 1225 Ateasha

Moye $1,359.72, 1435 Kimberly LaMorte

$873.61, 1750 Mystery Room $519.75, 2572

AUNDREA DERBY $511.36, 5032 alexandre Gonzalez

$1,878.20, 2440 Jaquantay Mike

$860.19, 1463 Kenny Delgado Garrasteguis

$756.97, 2519 Betty Georges $1,134.15, 1003 Charlene Robb Cole $1,516.20, 1001

Charlene Robb Cole $1,516.20, 1120 Micheal Wynn $1,516.20, 1035 ARLETHA


$708.82, 1106 opal simmonds

$1,867.90, 1406 Jeffrey Hyacinthe $1,522.04, 1269

TIMOTHY ADAMS $1,604.86, 2005 Denisse Martinez $868.46, 1276 JASON COVER

$1,040.88, 2238 Marquetta Spant $1,684.00, 2712 William Douglas $648.75, 1724 Joe Phillips $580.55, 2596 Dana Esposito

$868.46, 1448 Gerardo cardenas $865.34

U-Haul Moving and Storage of Sanford, 3101 S Orlando Drive, Sanford, FL 32773; 1421 Darian Willis $750.75, 1702 Cynthia Mack $598.48, 1928 Wendy Allen $1,068.16, 1528 CHRISTIAM RUBIERA $1,271.15, 1261 Loreal Dungee $494.19, 1666 Stanley Swinton $1,417.50, 2010 Shawn Hill

$1,263.72, 0017 Domonic Robinson $408.71, 1799 Hannah Astorga $436.22, 1481 Zachary Wright $1,710.20, 1285 Miley Brown $813.70, AA9590N paris huckaby $769.18, 1064 Michael Vazquez $865.32, 1729 JAKE EGDIVERS $923.75, 1899 Jeremy Barrett $1,964.49, 1383 Althera Thompson $1,032.91, 1151 Cora Butts $682.23, 0169 Thomas Brim $1,229.17, 1484 roberto torres $939.74, 1270 billy williams $750.75, 1485 KEESHALON KNIGHT $1,218.10, 1517 carlos hernandez $2,259.88, 1440 Armani Johnson $966.74, 1282 MICHAEL YOUNG $1,710.20, 1171 Latroy Childress $682.23, 1416 Roberto Gomez $664.18, 1673 John Caicedo $688.10 U-Haul Moving & Storage of Sanford at Rinehart Road, 1811 Rinehart Road, Sanford, FL 32771; 2104 Delvy Duran $1,724.66, 4072 Debbie Thompson $661.18, 3073 Sheila Warby $694.74, 4048 John eugene $1,436.60, 4136 Rhadeijah Manuel $1,636.87, 4054 CARLTON SUMNER $1,090.10, 1062 SHEENA STARR $1,026.30, 2109 SHAYLA TUCKER $1,533.79.


U-Haul Ctr 14651 Gatorland Dr. Orlando Fl. 32837 09/04/2024: 1132 Jairo Rojos, 578 Deivy Mangones, 507 Mohammad Alsayed, 527 Michael Zurita, 962 Jessica Santiago, 446 Kirk Gregory Jackson Jr, 368 John Eustance, 241 Marlyn McNair, 849 John Porter, 447 Kimberley Layne, 559 Dorothy Schulert, 629 Alexis Rodriguez, 364 Eric Paga, 743 Briyauna Ayala, 556 Caleb Maxie, 408 Axel Perez. U-Haul Ctr 13301 S. Orange Blossom Trl. Orlando Fl. 32837 09/04/2024: 2032 Briaisha Mullens, 2327 Carshawna Turner, 2075 Ignacio Restrepo, 1601 Robert Sanchez, 2120 Melissa Ospino, 1615 Amalissa Accilien, 1050 Francine Ranger, 1207 Chriskelly Matson Criollo. U-Haul Ctr. 2629 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee Fl. 34744 09/04/2024: AA9770U Renato Romero, 1063 Gabrielle Ashley, 2095 Jose

Perez Cruz, 1056 Alejandro Acevedo, 1271 Braulio Aponte, 3308 C.J Watson, 1068 Nestor Ramirez De Arellano, 1280 Cassandra Johnson, 3266 Kayla Cardona, 2014 Tameka Fulgham, 3149 Carmen Plan, 3050 Emileiza Briales Nieves, 2154 Jessica Hoffman, 1159 Tonya Holmes, 3239 Elijah Hankerson IV. U-Haul Ctr 7800 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando Fl. 32822 09/04/2024: 1292 Nicole Dunn, 1148 Michael Lafatette, 3440 Antonio Colon Villanueva, 1223 Troy Kelly, 1129 Keith Dixon, 1393 Ismael Marin Florez, 2411 Andre Fortin.

Notice Of Public Sale

Personal property of the following tenants will be sold for cash to satisfy rental liens in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self Storage Facility Act, Sections 83-806 and 83-807. Contents may include kitchen, household items, bedding, toys, games, boxes, barrels, packed cartons, furniture, trucks, cars, etc. There is no title for vehicles sold at lien sale. Owners reserve the right to bid on units. Lien sale to be held online ending Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 at times indicated below. Viewing and bidding will only be available online at www.storagetreasures.com beginning at least 5 days prior to the scheduled sale date and time! Also visit www.personalministorage.com/Orlando-FL-storage-units/ for more info. Michigan Mini200 W Michigan St Orlando, FL 32806-at 10:30am: 26 Peter Hanson 43 Tameka Washington 55 David Tyrone Hill 62 Lisa McConnell 132 Scott Zubarik 211 Jacob Edwards VIN KMHCG35C25U350142 Personal Mini Storage Forsyth-2875 Forsyth Rd Winter Park FL, 32792-at 10:00 am: 75 Christopher Stafford 132 Jennifer Rene Horn 327 Jonathon Rivera 368 Sergio S Rodriguez Rojas 509 Tichannia Towns Personal Mini Storage West-4600 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando, FL 32811-at 11:30 am: 2 Isaac Black 86 Carlton Woods 97 Wayne Ramsey 105 Detric Williams 114 David Faniel 121 Darius Simpson 123 Alan L Hendrickson 161 Yolanda Jones 285 Debbie Harris 349 Elsa Duffy 382 Shaun Oswald Smith 491 Angela Denise Cade Fane 500 Deshonda Green 504 Drenesha Burks 522 Christopher O’Gilvie 533 Adrain Collins 631 Aaron Tolbert Sr. Personal Mini

Storage Lake Fairview-4252 N Orange

Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32804-at 11:00 am: 0089 Leena Marie May-Quinones 0097 SEQUOIA MCKINNEY 0260 Chezar

Chablis Phanord 0295 Maurice Willis 0305 Lucien Maddicks 0327 Kienon Carter 0373 Jessica Freeman 0994 Javon Dierius Fairview Mini Storage-4211 N Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32804-at 11:30 am: D32 Awilda Santiago Personal Mini Storage Edgewater-6325 Edgewater Dr Orlando, FL 32810-at 11:30 am: 139 Daunte

James 529 William Jacobe 605 Tara Bentley 843 Donna Arroyo 1107 Lymarie

Santiago 1418 Stefan Sheppard Personal Mini Storage Forest City Rd-6550 Forest City Rd Orlando, FL 32810-at 12:00 pm: 1030 Jamale Omar Ruise 1080 Jaquan Jolly 2041 Sherann Peters 3029 Kimberly Martin 3222 Tony Marks 3291 Cherrie

Rauls 3318 Calvin Batie, Jr. 4025 Kamesh Liafortune 5053 Cynthia Clayton 7101 Altamese Lovette 8038 David Donahue 9011 Deon Walker, Dodge Avenger, VIN1B3LC56B89N554219.

Family Moving & Storage - 717 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32811 to satisfy a lien, with bids closing on Friday, September 20, 2024, at approximately 12:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Shaqwan Green. Unit will be posted for bids starting Monday 09/09/2024 at www.storagetreasures.com - no onsite bidding. Cento Family Moving & Storage reserves the right to cancel the sale at any time for any reason. 8/21/2024, 8/28/2024

Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on September 13th, 2024 at 11:00 AM for units located at: Compass Self Storage 3498 Canoe Creek Rd St. Cloud, FL 34772. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances, unless otherwise noted. A135 Lisbeth Peralta A308 Bryan Bracero A331 Josue Medina F252 Kent Ward. Run dates 8/28/24 and 9/4/24.


To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on September 13, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 10:15 AM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www. storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 24328, 7190 S US Highway 17/92, Fern Park, FL 32730, (407) 258-3060 Time: 10:15 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B226 - Barnes, Keona; G714 - rivera, Luis; K006Phipps, Akeem PUBLIC STORAGE # 25455, 8226 S US Highway 17/92, Fern Park, FL 32730, (407) 258-3062 Time: 10:45 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B281 - Beasley, Angelo; D427 - Pollner, Delia; G734 - Gabriel, Jackson. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.


goods; Javonte Workman- Clothes, shoes, household items; Coraly ConcepcionBoxes and personal items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13th12:00pm at the location indicated: Store 8138: 1001 Lee rd, Orlando, FL 32810 407.489.3742 Arthur Raws-Bags, clothes; Rechard McCoyBoxes, furniture, desk, yard signs; Tara Ingram- bags, clothes, baskets; Sheena Sparks- Toys, clothes, bags; Jovette Williams- clothes, furniture, electronics. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 7420: 800 Beard Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787, 407.551.6985 @ 12:00 PM: Lauren Lemay: furniture, home decor items- Keyshia Owens: furniture, clothes, household appliances, household electronics- Carolyn Davila: household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1317: 5592 LB McLeod Rd Orlando, FL 32811, 407.720.2832 @ 2:00

Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 3502: 1236 Vineland Rd, Winter Garden Fl, 34787, 407.794.6460 @12:00 PM: Christopher Walker-Household Goods/Furniture, TV/ Stereo Equipment; Dan Fenimore-Household Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo Equipment, Tools/Appliances; Heritage 4 Life Inc.-Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13,2024 at the location indicated: Store 8460: 4390 Pleasant Hill Rd Kissimmee FL 34746 407.429.8867 @12:15 PM: Yomayra Olivo-boxes; Nadine Joseph-Housegoods; Leroy Bartley-Household Items; Malique Johnson-Furniture & Boxes; Kirsten Vegas-Johnson-Household items; Laughton Baldwin-Household Goods; Gerardo Rodriguez-household items; Fabrice Laguerre-Furniture ; VELANDE SEIDE-Boxes Store 8753 540 Cypress Pky, Poinciana, FL 34759 863.240.0879 @ 12:45 PM: Bonnie Mills-household items; Cynthia Weddleton-Boxes, Household items; Mary Ann Maskery-Household goods; Van Maarten-work supplies; Sarah Delgado-household items, Bonnie Mills- boxes; Tamoi Johnson-Household items; Jennifer Mendez-Boxes; Gary Van fleet-Household items, boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.



Moving storage unit contents of the following customer containing household and other goods will be sold by Cento

Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 7590: 7360 Sandlake Rd Orlando, FL 32819, 407.634.4449 @ 11:45 AM: Ruby Kainth- boxes and bags; Michelle Walker - White dresser king size bed queen size bed glass vase and other valuable items; Jules Helligar- Boxes, clothes; Davena Shabazz- medical equipment, boxes; Miller Mitchell- 3 bed sets living set; Victoria Jackson- Household

PM: Kemaine Dawkins- household items, Small boxes, Tv stand; Ian Bonacci-Tables, boxes, TVs, footlocker, tubes; Jon Galetta-furniture; Jacques Machadoboxes, luggage; Linsley Joseph-2 couches, 2 bar stools, end tables, and middle table; Cleyton Pompilio-household items; herbert harp-Twin size bed set, boxes, 2 dressers, etc; Ashley Alvarez-Boxes; Sidney Law-household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on September 13, 2024, at the locations indicated: Store 1333: 13125 S. John Young Pkwy, Orlando FL. 32837, 407.516.7005 @ 10:00 AM: Jim Beaubrun-home items,Nathan Whitehome items,Stefani Viramontes-home items,Anderson Cruz-household items, Wilfred Ortiz-tools,Kevin Howard-household items,Amber Turner-home items. Store 1631: 5753 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 212-5890 @ 10:15 AM: Jamilah Gin- recliner, couch, bag; Marcus Bryant- vacuum, bed frame, high chair, tv mount, mattress, boxes, nightstand; William J Matthews- nightstand, chairs, luggage, carpets, totes, clothing; Cam Wilton- bags, rugby balls, duffel bags, boxes, clothing; Destiny Johnson- boxes, clothing, chairs, duffel bags, bicycles, bins, gaming chairs, vacuum, tv mount, bikers rack. Store 7057: 13597 S. Orange Ave Orlando FL 32824, 407.910.2087 @ 10:30 AM: Mike Williams Mattresses,

Dressers, Washer/Dryer, Couch, Furniture, Household items, Raul Omar Plata Gomez Office supplies, Damaris Rios Household Items, Breeana Thomas Pool toys, fans & suitcases, Harold Knight boxes, clothes & household goods, Harold Knight boxes, clothes & household goods. Store 7107: 6174 S Goldenrod, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.955.4137 @ 10:45 AM: Edith Williams - house item boxes tots; Tanya Martinez - boxes and furniture; Blonide Jonathastable, chairs, boxes and totes Store 3024: 11955 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32837, 407.826.0024 @ 11:00 AM: Kevin Medina - boxes and clothes and bed, David Monroy - Household Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo Equipment, Tools/Appliances, Marcos Antonio Santana Rojas - Household goods, boxes, totes, walker Store 3378: 475 Celebration Pl, Celebration FL 34747, 321.939.3752 @ 11:15 AM: David Caran- Household goods/Furniture, boxes Store 8931: 3280 Vineland Rd, Kissimmee FL 34746, 407.720.7424 @ 11:30 AM: Erik Mosher House contents, Linda Cassie Furniture and hoyse hold items, Karla Julianna Leitão de Carvalho bed, refrigerator & table, Stanphill Donawa boxes & queen bed, Jeffery McBride Camera and audio equipment, Shifon Johnson Household goods and furniture, Francisco Sanchez Ortiz Bedroom set,bed, clothes, Kia Phillips furniture, Derrick Cox Tables Chairs Snow cone machine, Jasmine Walczak Personal items Store 3519: 4020 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, 32806, 407.480.2931 @11:45 AM: Felix Torres- Queen/king mattress, boxes, small furniture; Patricia JaworskiHousehold Goods/Furniture; Monique Smith- Household Goods/Furniture, Tools/ Appliances; Monique Smith- Household Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo Equipment. Store 8136: 3501 S. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL 32839, 407.488.9093 @ 12:00pm:Lachelle Annette Bridges-Boxes ,Totes,Bicycles,clothes,shoes:Eric Minns-Boxes,Bikes,Clothes,Sneakers:Jaliyah Anderson-Household Appliances,Boxes,Shoes,Bed:Candice Dejong-Couches,Beds,Dressors,Appliances:Valerie Lee Coleman-Wheelchairs,Clothes,Shoes,:Darrius Postell-Skate board,Bags ,House Hold Appliances,Beds Mattress:Victoria Hayward-Chairs, Furniture :Natasha Gray-Luggage,Chairs,Totes:Praxedes Lozada-Bed,Electronics,Toys,Baby games:Jessica Burke-Couch,Dresser;Baheejah Rasheed-Arcade game Pac-man,Guitar,Keybord,Clothes,Shoes:Christina Woods-Garden tools, Large Economy Fans,Trash Cans Store 7306: 408 N Primrose Dr, Orlando, FL 32803, (321) 285-5021 @ 12:15 PM: Kimberline Arrington; Suitcases, small home items. Robert Carroll; Clothing. Jonathon Garcia; Miscellaneous. Hillary Orr; Boxes and furniture. Tiffany Swanson; kings size bed, Boxes. Jhamil Pujols; Boxes, Furniture. Breana Davey; household goods and bows. Store 8612: 1150 Brand Ln Kissimmee FL 34744, 407.414.5303@ 12:30PM: Cheryl Lawrence: Household items and clothing. Dariana Toro: Furniture, apartment items. Lucys Kreationz LLC/Edda Miranda:Tables, chairs, event items. Hector Camacho Rivera: 1 Vending machine. Store 3526: 4650 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando Fl 32822, 407.823.7734 @ 12:45 PM: Madria Wilson-Appliances, Cabinets, clothing, personal effects, wall art, household, furniture, boxes, supplies; April Spurlindresser, tv, nightstands, desk, outdoor furniture, clothes, wall art; Adalberto Diaz Lopez-Cabinet, kitchenware, clothing/shoes, mattress, electronics, household, furniture; Amber Collier-Tires, toys, bedding items, wall art, electron-

ics, furniture, boxes, mirror; Kenyon Crosby-clothing, bedding items, personal effects, household goods, boxes, mirror, supplies; Alisha Flores-clothing, books; Lisandra Ortiz-clothing/shoes, wall art, electronics, household goods, furniture, sport items. Store 8778: 3820 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32806, 321.270.3440 @ 1:00 pm Winifer Pico Boxes/ ASHLEY REYES bedroom set/ Shachel Mills 2 couches, 2 beds/ Yvonne Seals bedroom items/ Ariel F Hendrix tv ,clothes/ Terrina Winn mattress, a little stand, and a bunch of clothes/ Ashley Hoven household goods. Store 4107: 9080 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee Fl 34747, 407.238.1799 @ 1:15PM: Sylvette Karamoko-Boxes, tote, carpets; Jeanette Bowie-Motorized wheelchair, folding table, clothes; Yari Gaeta-Misc household goods, tennis balls, bags, boxes; Nicole Mowatt-mannequins, water cooler, Appl dolly, propane tank; Victorya Lear-Household items, seat for a vehicle; Betty Cundiff-Totes, boxes, storage drawers, household items; Brittany Roberts-Luggage, furniture, boxes; Luis Flores-Commercial appliances, wicker curtains, bedframe;; ER Fusion LLC-Tools, appliances Store 4109: 13450 Landstar Blvd Orlando, FL 32824, 407.601.41.69@ 1:30 PM:Jamal Jerry; Bed and electronics. Janet Zipse; Household goods/furniture. Antonio Santana; household goods/Furniture. kiara Nicole Clark; bed, couch, tv’s, dresser, Justin Albino; boxes. cleaner equipment. Janet Torres; household goods/furniture. Janet Torres; Household goods/Furniture. Store 4217: 5698 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, Fl 32839, 754.551.4774 @ 1:45 PM: Robinson Lee; Appliance, Mattress and bedding, Electronics Furniture, Sports and outdoor, Boxes. Rochney Sylvester; Boxes, Wall art, Furniture. Store 4227: 2334 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.930.4541 @ 2:00 PM: Walter Lewisluggage, clothing, shoes, computer. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above-referenced facility to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Notice of Public Sale is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on September 13th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 800 Greenway Professional Ct. Orlando, FL 32824 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. 2005 Carmen Duclos 2010 Norman Silvestre 2315 Jonnelle Alvarez 1105 Dayanaris Melendez 1212 Samia Molina 2475 Angel Gomez. Run dates 8/28/24 and 9/4/24.

Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on September 13th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 14120 East Colonial Drive Orlando, Fl 32826 Purchases must

be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. #1101 Nathan Lucas #1309 Derek Jenkins #1558 Elizert Ramos #1707 Cathy Meyer #1715 Anthony Walsh.

Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on September 13th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 203 Neighborhood Market Rd. Orlando, FL 32825 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. Unless Otherwise noted. 1034 Leo Picciotto 2065 Katie Buckland 3134 Olivia Fernandez. Run dates: 8/28/24 and 9/4/24.


Notice is hereby given that Mindful Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the following times and locations: September 18h, 2024 9:30am, Mindful Storage facility: 900 Cypress Pkwy. Kissimmee, FL 34759 (321) 732-6032 The personal goods stored therein by the following: #1183-Boxes, #1162-Boxes, #1198-Households, #1194-Households, #1196-Households, #1186-Households, #1114-Furniture, #1106-Furniture, #1067-Furniture, #B107Bins, #1009-Households, #1002-Furniture, #D220-Households, #D254-Furniture, #2012-Furniture, #2014- Furniture, #2022-Boxes, #2024-Boxes, #M311-Boxes, #G227-Furniture, #F232-Boxes, #F222-Furniture. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Mindful Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Site #3086, 130 Concord Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707, September 10, 2024 @ 12:00 pm Johnny Joachimtools, jacks Natalie Brooks- boxes Doug Appel- Household Goods/Furniture Mitchell jacobowitz- clothes, tools, furniture, decorations Angela Wilkins- Boxes. The auction will be listed an advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purcase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal


PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Site #3503, 1170 W State Road 434, Longwood, FL 32750(407)602-3999, September 10, 2024 @ 12:00 pm Frederick Hayler-Household Goods/ Furniture/Office Furn/Machines/Equip, Dah’Neisha Pringle- Bedroom set/ boxes, Milanna Otway- Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on September 12, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 09:30 AM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08711, 3145 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826, (407) 613-2984 Time: 09:30 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1191 - Napoli, Jessica; 2149 - Lancaster, Kia; 2316hayden, justina; 2390 - Morgan, Mariah; 5131 - Byrd, Bladen PUBLIC STORAGE # 08726, 4801 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 392-4546 Time: 09:50 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0126 - Fani, Reginaldo; 0216 - Martinez, Edgar; 3031 - Chapman, Carol; 7137vargas, Martha; 7151 - Franklin, Ramarr; 8004 - Sierra, Alejandro; 8013 - Lopez, Daniela; 8092 - Castro, Jean Paul; 9008Fernandez, Yamileth PUBLIC STORAGE # 08729, 5215 Red Bug Lake Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708, (407) 495-2108 Time: 10:00 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0365 - CLIFT, JULIE PUBLIC STORAGE # 08765, 1851 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826, (407) 513-4445 Time: 10:10 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 2082 - Decker, Dean; 5019 - St. Surin, Ahriele; 5040Seifert, Alexander PUBLIC STORAGE # 20179, 903 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 392-1549 Time: 10:20 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com B013 - De la Cruz, Jorge; C055 - Roberts, Chastity; D030 - shropshire, Leeroy; D103 - Wong, Elvis; E028 - Torres Dias, Juan Carlos PUBLIC STORAGE # 24105, 2275 N Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 545-2541 Time: 10:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1270Morillo, Anthony; 2242 - Morales, Angelo; 2410 - Tidy tee cohen, Tanya; 3161 - RBS Wig Studio Boutique & Spa Akpan, Shantan; 3263 - Maysonet, Angel; F389 - bozan, Mathew; G525 - Bogan, Judith PUBLIC STORAGE # 25781, 155 S Goldenrod Rd, Orlando, FL 32807, (321) 247-6790 Time: 10:40 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1208 - montalvo, Ray; 1221 - Salazar, Johnathan; 1250 - Larroy, Miriam; 1272 - james, Mykayla; 1333

- Placide, Gemima; 2244 - Gilson, Jason; 2613 - Lewin, Antroy PUBLIC STORAGE # 25851, 10280 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32817, (407) 901-2590 Time: 10:50 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com.

2551 - Benjamin, Leon; 2592 - Abell, Kathy; 2690 - Rondil Richard, Farah PUBLIC STORAGE # 25897, 10053 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando, FL 32825, (407) 901-6126 Time: 11:00 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0493 - leto, Dolores; 2023 - brewer, Sharon; 4081 - Cook, Elliott PUBLIC STORAGE # 25973, 250 N Goldenrod Rd, Orlando, FL 32807, (407) 901-7489 Time: 11:10 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. A060 - Hilaire, Jimmy Saint; A276 - Wagner, Rene; D451 - Thomas, Tyler; E503 - Coy, Charles; F565 - valentin, Armando PUBLIC STORAGE # 28084, 2275 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 545-2547 Time: 11:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. C105 - Santiago, Manuel; C112 - Smith, Mario Arturo; C191 - Otero Melendez, Jezebel; C230E - Tirado Jr, David. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks.

Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on September 13, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 09:30 AM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified.

PUBLIC STORAGE # 07030, 360 State Road 434 East, Longwood, FL 32750, (407) 392-1525 Time: 09:30 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1128 - Baranowski, Vickie; 2404 - Oser, Daniel; 2506 - Leaf, Amy; 3104 - Jensen, Ashley; 3719 - waddell, Torin Jemel; 3802 - JR, JAMES POSLEY PUBLIC STORAGE # 23118, 141 W State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, (407) 512-0425 Time: 09:45 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. A022 - Pruitt, Greg; A023 - Albright, Maylynn; E169 - Sanders, Jacquelyn; G201 - Bonta, james; J356 - Bolden, keith; J358 - Bolden, keith; K435 - Boone Jr, William PUBLIC STORAGE # 24326, 570 N US Highway 17 92, Longwood, FL 32750, (407) 505-7649 Time: 10:00 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com B229 - ROI Home Services Haugabrooks, Sherrard; C375 - Hernandez, Virginia; D414 - Worske, Samantha; E042 - Ball, Amber; E050 - Fidler, Machaela; F601 - Pugh, Shanel; F640 - Adamson, Davanya; G014 - Gadson, Shamell; G045 - Willoughby, Yvonne; G094 - joseph, jennifer PUBLIC STORAGE # 25438, 2905 South Orlando Drive, Sanford, FL 32773, (407) 545-6715 Time: 10:30 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. C007 - black, Sadarius; D047 - Davidson, Monique; E043 - McFall, Tyrae; E082 - Whipper, Sabrina; J117 - Williams, Vickie; J617 - Cassanova, Horticia; J808 - Colindres, Allan; J903Gilchrist, Samantha PUBLIC STORAGE # 25455, 8226 S US Highway 17/92, Fern

Park, FL 32730, (407) 258-3062 Time: 10:45 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com B281 - Beasley, Angelo; D427Pollner, Delia; F606 - Brown, Darney; G734 - Gabriel, Jackson PUBLIC STORAGE # 25842, 51 Spring Vista Dr, Debary, FL 32713, (386) 202-2956 Time: 11:00 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 00261 - smith, Don; 00265 - Robinson, Raquel; 00547 - Coffey, Christine; 00625Steele, Pearl PUBLIC STORAGE # 25893, 3725 W Lake Mary Blvd, Lake Mary, FL 32746, (407) 495-1274 Time: 11:15 AM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1019 - Simon, Alberta Jean; 1108 - Mark, Michele; 2103 - GUERRERO, KAYLA; 3022 - Furtak, Jennie; 3056 - Maldonado, Adriel Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Notice is hereby given that on 09/30/2024 at 09:00 AM the following vehicles(s) may be sold at public sale at 6958 VENTURE CIRCLE for the amount owed on each vehicle to satisfy the lien for repairs, services and storage charges and any administrative fees allowed pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585. 1FTEW1EP5HKC75363 2017 FORD 12520.60 The name, address and telephone number and public sale location of the repair shop claiming the lien for unpaid charges is: Lienor Name: COLOR RECON CUSTOMS RESTORATIONS INC. Lienor Address: 6958 VENTURE CIR, ORLANDO, FL 32807-5370 Lienor Telephone #: 407-678-3368 MV License #: [COMPANY_MV_LICENSE] Location of Vehicles: 6958 VENTURE CIR, ORLANDO, FL 32807-5370 The customer or person claiming an interest, or a lien may redeem the vehicle by satisfying the amount due in cash on or before the sale date and time. The customer or person claiming an interest in or lien on a vehicle may file a demand for a hearing with the Clerk of Court in the ORANGE County where the vehicle is held to determine whether the vehicle has been wrongfully taken or withheld from him or her. At any time before the date of sale a customer or person of record claiming a lien on the vehicle may post a cash or surety bond in the amount stated on the invoice with the Clerk of Circuit Court where the disputed transaction occurred.

Notice of Public Sale: Notice is hereby given that Storage King USA at 4601 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32839 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents (pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes). The sale will take place at the website StorageTreasures.com on September 28, 2024, at 9:00 am. The sale will be conducted under the direction of Christopher Rosa (AU4167) and StorageTreasures.com on behalf of the facility’s management. Units will be available for viewing prior to the sale on StorageTreasures.com. Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder. A 15% buyer’s premium will be charged as well as a $100 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as “general household items” unless otherwise noted. Jean F. Guillaume - #0C013, Jean F. Guillaume - #0D014, Yamil Garcia Smaine#0D055, Kelvin Jackson - #0J001.

Notice of Public Sale: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on www.storagetreasures.com ending on September 13th, 2024 at 11:00 am for units located at: Compass Self Storage 2435 W SR 426, Oviedo, FL 32765 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances . 0145B -Eddie McGowan 0170- Georgette Simmons 0206-Darren McClendon 0338Jeremy Rueger.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on September 13, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:15 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www. storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 07029, 3150 N Hiawassee Rd, Hiawassee, FL 32818, (407) 392-0863 Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1400 - McCalla, Khristoffe Dewight; 2104 - Roberts, Deirdre PUBLIC STORAGE # 08326, 310 W Central Parkway, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4595 Time: 01:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 3049 - Norton, Joshua; 5025 - Gultay, Sefa PUBLIC STORAGE # 08705, 455 S Hunt Club Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 392-1542 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 4047 - Hickman, Jalissa; 6088 - Nienstedt, Mark; 6181 - Murray, Lynn; 6220 - Reese, Timothy PUBLIC STORAGE # 08732, 521 S State Road 434, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4750 Time: 02:00 PM Sale

to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 5120 - Williams, Wendy; 6035 - Alenezi, Ahmad PUBLIC STORAGE # 20729, 1080 E Altamonte Dr, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701, (407) 326-6338 Time: 02:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. B170 - Bentley, Tearanny; C088santiago, Juan PUBLIC STORAGE # 22130, 510 Douglas Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 865-7560 Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. D2157 - Clarke, Arielle; E1092 - Hensley, Emily PUBLIC STORAGE # 24107, 4100 John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 930-4381 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com A104 - Douze, Jemima; A141 - Banks, Lavette; B225 - Augustin, Martine; C322 - Williams, Tippony; E003 - Green, Brionica; E026 - Kimbrough, Angela; E111 - Galloway, Kathryn; E116 - Lopez, Paola PUBLIC STORAGE # 25780, 8255 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (321) 247-6799 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1210 - sanders, Porche; 1484 - DESROCHES, HERBY; 1630 - Perera, Daniella; 2001 - Sinora, Annthesa; 2228 - SAINT HUBERT, GUERLANDE; 2299Burleson, Toni; 2627 - Holmes, Amelia PUBLIC STORAGE # 25813, 2308 N John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 6030436 Time: 03:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B003 - Avila, Sonia; B008B - Morris, Tequilla; B048 - Vaught, Jerry; B074A - Marin, Arthur; B075A - Vargas, Lizbeth; C004 - Hossain, Joairia; C077 - Heffner, Billy; D002 - Bunbury, Wilfred; F028 - Griffin, Chantell; F068 - Cruz, Casino; F114 - Thomas, Quandra PUBLIC STORAGE # 25814, 6770 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (407) 545-2394 Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0153 - Bacon, Bertha; 0256 - Jackson, Khahaifa; 0264 - Williams, Daphina; 0301 - Jackson, Whitney; 0320 - Ambrosie, Faniastasia; 0427 - mallow, aja merlaine; 0507 - Eldridge, Teana; 0578 - Robb, Camille; 0623 - lyons, Davara; 0642 - Canto, Bryan PUBLIC STORAGE # 25891, 108 W Main St , Apopka , FL 32703, (407) 542-9698 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 0812 - wyatt, Luigi; 1308 - Shea, Brandon R; 1519 - Colin, Cherelle; 1750 - Ellis, Jason PUBLIC STORAGE # 28091, 2431 S Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 279-3958 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1111 - Cromartie, LaMiyah; 1296 - Jimenez, Belisaria; C012 - alloway, Misty; C013 - Clark, Quadrae; NA01 - Jones, Evan. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card - no checks.

Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original resale certificates for each space purchased are required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on September 12, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:00 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www. storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale

specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08714, 8149 Aircenter Court, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 792-4965 Time: 01:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 2266 - Calhoun, Carol PUBLIC STORAGE # 08717, 1800 Ten Point Lane, Orlando, FL 32837, (407) 545-4431 Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0266 - Bethea, Joseph; 0272 - Ray, Trevin; 7036 - portillo, Genesis PUBLIC STORAGE # 20711, 1801 W Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 792-5808 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. D040 - duracin, Danielle; E019 - woods, Brandy; E043 - Anders, Terica; G013 - Washington, Fredreca; J077 - Beasley, Andrea; K001 - Huang, Yuanping PUBLIC STORAGE # 22120, 7628 Narcoossee Rd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 237-0496 Time: 02:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B138Martinez, Josphine PUBLIC STORAGE # 24303, 1313 45th Street, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 278-8737 Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B209 - Francois, Fedline; B232 - Franklin, Irene; F618 - jones, Samuel; H850 - Kemp, Jennifer PUBLIC STORAGE # 25454, 235 E Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 326-9069 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B247Torres, Elizabeth; F613 - Diaz, Rosendo; I910 - coffee, Robin; J030 - Evans, Tyrek J PUBLIC STORAGE # 25782, 2783 N John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 422-2079 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1102 - Morgan, Lashonda; 12309 - Spell, Willie Pearl; 309 - Vazquez, Juan; 963 - Hernandez, Juan PUBLIC STORAGE # 25806, 227 Simpson Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34744, (407) 258-3087 Time: 03:15 PM www.storagetreasures.com. 231 - Deedy Solutions Karins, Linda; 717 - vazquez, manuel; 833 - Morales, Nicole; 876 - Rodriguez, Dominick PUBLIC STORAGE # 25846, 1051 Buenaventura Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34743, (407) 258-3147 Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 02104 - Jackson, Monica; 02109 - Cruz, Luis; 02413 - rhodes, Vanesa; 05254 - victoriano, diego; 05338 - Otero, Jose PUBLIC STORAGE # 25847, 951 S John Young Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 236-6712 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1123 - Marques, Matthew; 2053 - ALOMAR MARTINEZ, SHARON; 2069 - Green, Aidan; 2136 - rivera, Marmir; 2194A - Hernandez, Stacey; 2220 - Thompson, Shemariah; 2315 - Harris, Lorenzo C PUBLIC STORAGE # 25892, 1701 Dyer Blvd , Kissimmee, FL 34741, (407) 392-1169 Time: 04:00 PM Sale

to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 0020 - Armas, Maria De; 0054 - Cruz, Kimberly; 0077 - patterson, Nathaniel; 0083 - Peacon, Daisy; 0133 - Heredia, Nathan; 0145 - Freire, Gabriel; 2088 - ibarra, lillian m; 6091 - Barboza, Luis; 6096 - Nesdahl, Larry; 8073 - Jimenez, Jose PUBLIC STORAGE # 25896, 6040 Lakehurst Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, (407) 545-5699 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0343 - Willliams, Michael; 2065 - Merchant, Karen PUBLIC STORAGE # 28075, 4729 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 986-4867 Time: 04:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0117 - Gray, Tasha; 0326 - colon, Carlos; 0329 - Nunez, Ivelis; 0432francis, Nadia; 0701 - Simon, Johnny; 0728 - Augustin, Rosena; 0819 - Hall, Somarra; 0832 - Nipper, Michelle; 1001 - Perez, Ivan; 1128 - Peterson, Cortillius; 1214 - Charles, Louis; 1363 - Alberic, Sherley. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card - no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original resale certificates for each space purchased are required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

Jeeves, Inc. in Orlando, Florida to integrate user-facing elements developed by front-end developers w/ server-side logic. Position allows telecommuting from anywhere in the U.S. Salary: $140,000$180,000 per year. Apply at: https://www. tryjeeves.com/careers.

Social Media Specialist

Florida Virtual School 6608501

Lifeguards / Swim Instructors, Frank Deluca YMCA Family Center

YMCA of Central Florida 6608499

Business Insurance Client Service Representative GreatInsuranceJobs.com 6608495


No Experience; No Selling; $2,125/wk/ptnl; PT/FT; Real Estate; No RE-License Req; Start Immediately; EOE; WFH; Call: 703-776-9929

Maintenance Technician Performs repairs needed (plumbing, drywall, carpentry, painting, electrical, & HVAC system); visit properties to Inspect, repair &/or replace equipment or machines; prep estimates; maintain inventory & order supplies/materials needed for repairs & maintenance. Req: 24 months exp as Maintenance Tech. Send resume to DE PAULA REALTY USA, INC., 6965 Piazza Grande Ave, Ste 417, Orlando, FL 32835 or to paulo@depaularealtyusa.com

Senior Software Engineer sought by

Senior Retail Sales Associate (Full-Time) AutoZone 6608484

Adjunct Faculty - Creative Writing MFA (Part-Time) Full Sail University 6608390

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