Orlando Weekly - July 10, 2024

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JORGE CELEDON: TOUR USA 2024 1/10/25 2/01/25










11/14 O.A.R: FLORIDA TOUR ‘24









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Contributors Rob Bartlett, Rob Brezsny, Melissa Perez Carrillo, Kieran Castaño, J.D. Casto, Ida V. Eskamani, Jacquelin Goldberg, Shelton Hull, Holly V. Kapherr, Grayson Keglovic, Faiyaz Kara, Seth Kubersky, Jim Leatherman, Matt Keller Lehman, Bao Le-Huu, Gabby Macogay, Anthony Mauss, Dan Perkins, Leah Sandler, Steve Schneider, Nicolette Shurba, Ian Suarez, Chelsea Zukowski

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Clean sweep Yanira Collado’s Florida Prize-winning installation speaks the visual language of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora 15 Live Active Cultures

Three cool new attractions employ water or ice to entice guests into braving Orlando’s current brainmelting temperatures

7 ICYMI Feds propose worker heat protections after Florida tries to ban them being required, abortions drop after six-week ban goes into effect, and other news you may have missed. Plus “This Modern World”

Inchin’ toward mediocrity Inchin Bamboo Garden’s Indo-Chinese cuisine has a ways to go

Tip Jar

dish and food events around town

23 Couchsurfing

Streaming premieres this week including Vikings: Valhalla series finale, Sunny, Another Self and more

25 Why be blue?

Blue Bamboo’s Chris Cortez discusses new venue for Winter Park performing arts center on eve of its eighth anniversary

27 This Little Underground

The Synthetics carry the torch as devout and true disciples of 1980s post-punk — and they do it right

28 The Week

Our picks of the best things to do this week, plenty of event listings, and concerts down the road. Plus “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!”

35 Classified advertisements

Cover photos by J.D. Casto, design by David Loyola

For clean water, please follow Orange County’s fertilizer rules.


Feds propose worker heat protections after Florida tries to ban them from being required; state child labor law loosened but stricter federal law prevails; abortions drop after six-week ban goes into effect, and other news you may have missed.

» Biden administration proposes worker heat protections after DeSantis banned such local rules in Florida

The Biden administration is moving forward with a proposal that would require heat protections for workers across the country, after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this spring signed a controversial law barring local governments from imposing such requirements on businesses. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration released a proposed rule that would require employers to provide such things as water and rest breaks when temperatures top certain thresholds. Neither the state nor federal government currently has specific standards for hazardous heat conditions, although federal OSHA can take action against businesses through what is known as a “general duty clause.” This requires employers to ensure workplaces are “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” The new federal rule — first proposed in 2021 — seeks to provide specific standards, and comes after the enactment of a new state law (HB 433) approved by lawmakers this year that, in part, bars local governments from approving any similar heat safety mandate for employers in their communities. That part of the bill came after the Miami-Dade County Commission last year considered a proposal to require construction and agriculture companies, specifically, to offer basic protections for employees working outside in extreme heat (at least 95 degrees).

» New Florida law loosens child labor rules, but no, employers still cannot put kids to work on roofs

Two new laws went into effect July 1 that loosen certain child labor restrictions specifically for 16- and 17-year-olds in Florida’s workforce. One law (HB 49) allows minors 16 and older to work more than 30 hours per week during the school year, with a parent or school superintendent’s permission (previously, 30 hours was the max). The other law (HB 917) specifically loosens child labor rules on home construction sites, allowing minors 16 and up to work more jobs in residential construction. At the same time, policy analysts with the Florida Policy Institute and labor attorney Andrew Zelman warn that, while older teens in Florida can now do more kinds of work in home construction, federal law still bars employers from allowing any minor to do any roof-related work — even if that work is performed on the ground, like painting a roof or doing roof repairs. Under a clause in the U.S. Constitution, when federal law is more restrictive than state law, the federal law applies. Similarly, when states pass laws that are more restrictive than federal law, the state law applies. Violating federal child labor law can come with certain penalties, if caught by federal regulators. Zelman, of the Berger Singerman law firm, said it’s also important for employers to do proper recordkeeping — filling out time sheets, having records of minors’ date of birth, their pay and meal breaks — to avoid fines for noncompliance with child labor law.

» Abortions in Florida dropped after six-week ban took effect, new report shows

A new report posted online by the state Agency for Health Care Administration gives an initial picture of the reduced number of abortions being performed in Florida following the enactment of a six-week abortion ban in Florida on May 1, 2024. The new report is dated July 1 and said 36,221 abortions had been performed in Florida in 2024. That was up from a total of 32,081 abortions included in a monthly report dated June 3. That 4,140-abortion increase, however, was far lower than increases reported in previous months. For example, the June 3 report represented a 9,672-abortion increase over the total included in a May 1 report. Similarly, the May 1 total reflected a 7,674-abortion increase over the total noted in the April report, and so on. It’s unclear whether the July 1 total fully reflects the effects of the six-week abortion limit because of lags in reporting. Abortion clinics are required to submit reports to AHCA within 30 days after the end of each month. Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republican-controlled Legislature approved the six-week abortion limit in 2023 after passing a 15-week limit in 2022. The state Supreme Court on April 1 rejected a constitutional challenge by abortion-rights supporters to the 15-week limit, a ruling that also resulted in allowing the six-week limit to take effect May 1. Meanwhile, the state Supreme Court also allowed a proposed constitutional amendment to go on the ballot this

November, setting up perhaps the state’s biggest political fight of 2024. The proposed Florida amendment (Amendment 4) from abortion rights supporters says, in part, that no “law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” It would need approval from 60 percent of Florida voters to pass.

» You can now be jailed for selling lab-grown meat in Florida

The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the sale of cell-cultured chicken by two companies a little more than a year ago, giving the seal of approval for those businesses to sell lab-grown meat to Americans. But now if you sell, manufacture or distribute cultivated meat in Florida, you would be breaking the law and, if found guilty, face 60 days in jail and a fine of up to $500. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the law (SB 1084) on May 1 and it went into effect last week, making the Sunshine State the first in the nation to ban lab-grown meat. (Alabama became the second state to do so later in May, but its law won’t go into effect until October.) Tampa Republican state Sen. Jay Collins, who sponsored the bill during the 2024 legislative session, said the intent of the law was to protect consumers. Cultivated meat is animal meat (including seafood and organ meats) produced by growing animal cells directly. When DeSantis signed the legislation in May, he called the development of cultivated meat over the past decade an effort with an “ideological agenda that wants to finger agriculture as the problem.”

Safety concerns arise at Orange County Jail

Red flags aplenty as new audit reveals a corrections contractor’s failure to comply with staffing and training requirements for guards

Aprivate security firm responsible for staffing security guards at Orange County Jail and the county’s juvenile assessment center failed to meet minimum hiring and staffing requirements, a new audit by county staff reveals, potentially putting corrections staff, visitors, and children or adults held at these facilities at risk.

The new report, released by the Orange County Comptroller’s Office last week, details discrepancies the county’s audit team found in hiring and staffing practices, and security requirements, during an audit of private security firm Allied Universal’s contracted services for the county Corrections Department.

The county’s audit of the $7.14 million publicly funded contract was performed from Oct. 2021 through May 2022, with auditors identifying numerous problems that indicate Allied Universal failed to meet its contractual obligations.

Auditors found, for instance, that over a fourweek period, at least one female guard was missing during multiple shifts at the juvenile center, despite the fact that continuous staffing of female guards is required under contract.

The juvenile assessment center, located just west of downtown Orlando, serves as a centralized processing center for youth taken into custody by law enforcement for “alleged delinquent act[s],” according to a county webpage. At the facility, youth may be screened for mental health, physical health, substance misuse and suicidal thoughts or intent, to determine appropriate placement. It functions separately from a juvenile detention facility off East Michigan Street.

Auditors also found that the security contractor had failed to provide annual “refresher” training for guards at the juvenile center on topics such as suicide prevention, child abuse reporting and emergency procedures — which their employer is contractually obligated to provide.

One guard hadn’t completed suicide awareness and prevention training since 2018, the report notes, while training for child abuse reporting was never completed by any of the four guards audited.

Numerous other red flags pertaining to compliance assessments and hiring requirements for guards — including background checks and psychological evaluations — were similarly

identified both at Orange County Jail and the juvenile center, according to the report, which contains recommendations for both Allied Universal and the Corrections department to address safety concerns.

“Failure to complete required screenings before guards start working at their posts could risk the safety of hired guards, Corrections employees, inmates, and the general public,” the report reads.

According to County comptroller Phil Diamond, the audit was performed as a “risk assessment,” in part to follow up on issues flagged with the company years before.

“Thankfully this didn’t come about because we were investigating the aftermath of a tragedy,” County comptroller Phil Diamond told Orlando Weekly in a phone interview.“Hopefully we can avoid a tragedy.”

Allied Universal Services, also known as Universal Protection Service, is one of the largest private security firms in the world, and has a multi-year, $7.14 million contract with the county’s Corrections Department, awarded in 2018, that is set to expire later this year on Oct. 1.

Auditors found a plethora of issues with the contractor’s practices during their investigation. Yet, this isn’t the first time Allied Universal or its affiliated firms have raised red flags for county work.

An audit performed by the Comptroller’s Office five years ago, looking into a separate contract the county had with an affiliated company, found similar but separate issues with Allied Universal’s security services at the Orange County Courthouse and administrative building.

Back then, the security firm was called G4S Solutions — the same security firm that employed Omar Mateen, the infamous gunman who murdered 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub in 2016.

G4S Solutions was acquired by Allied Universal in 2021, five years after receiving a $151,000 fine from the Florida Department of Agriculture, in the wake of the Pulse tragedy, for listing false psychological testing information on forms that allowed security employees to carry guns.

Allied Universal and its affiliated businesses have, broadly speaking, been fined dozens

of times over the last two decades for various offenses discovered across the country, including wage and hour violations, employment discrimination, health and safety violations, and employment screening violations among others, according to the watchdog group Good Jobs First. Some enforcement actions are recent, with fines levied by state and federal governments this year and last over wage theft and workplace safety violations.

When asked about this documented history of violations, Diamond told Orlando Weekly his office’s focus was primarily on the contract between the firm and Orange County Corrections. “We just focused on these issues,” he confirmed.

Based on their findings, Diamond’s team recommended several changes be made to security guard services at the Corrections department, and the county’s contract with Allied Universal, should county leaders decide to renew the contract this fall.

Responsibility for the issues detected during the audit is attributed in part to Allied Universal, but also to the county Corrections Department, which findings indicate has been negligent in its oversight.

“Based on the results of our testing, Allied did not fully comply with the Contract requirements,” the report notes.“Corrections monitoring needs improvement to identify and correct Contract noncompliance promptly.”

County Corrections, in response to audit findings, said they had taken measures to address compliance issues, according to communications included in the final report.

“An unsatisfactory notice will be issued if the contractor continues to not meet the requirement,”the department stated, although Diamond conceded that his office will not verify the department’s pledge to monitor compliance until they perform a follow-up audit. He said this will occur after they have given the department “ample” time to implement recommended changes.

An email included in the report from Robert Wood, President of Allied University Services’ Florida Region, to Diamond in late April similarly includes confirmation that recommendations from the county have, in most cases, “already been implemented or are in the

process of implementation.”

Allied Universal did not respond to a request for comment from Orlando Weekly on the finalized audit.

The firm, doing business as Universal Protection Service, has two other contracts with the Orange County government that are currently active. One, worth approximately $11 million, for security services in the Utilities Department is set to expire June 30.

Another contract, worth $8.9 million, is for security services at the Courthouse, county administration building, and other county facilities throughout Orange County, including a juvenile detention center and community centers. That contract isn’t set to expire until March 31, 2025. Diamond’s audit team told Orlando Weekly that there are no current plans to audit the first, but they are currently working on a follow-up to the 2019 audit “to check on the implementation status” of their recommendations.

Audit findings were presented to county staff last week, said Diamond, and to Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings and county commissioners Wednesday morning.

A more detailed look at problems identified

Auditors within the County Comptroller’s office analyzed various forms of documentation — including time sheets, invoices and compliance monitoring records — and used state firearm licensing databases to verify whether Allied Universal was in compliance with their contractual obligations at Orange County Correctional facilities.

During the audit period, a number of issues were flagged, primarily in concerns to hiring/ screening processes, staffing requirements and training requirements.

According to assistant comptroller Wendy Kittleson, auditors communicated with Allied “continuously” during the audit period, notifying them of issues as they were identified. Issues flagged include:

· Ineffective monitoring of hiring requirements

The report states that Corrections “did not ensure that security guards completed all new hire requirements before they were allowed to work at Corrections’ facilities,” with some hiring requirement forms either MIA or otherwise failing to indicate whether such requirements were adequately met.

Additionally,“numerous” requirements on the hiring forms provided were marked “pending” or the completion date field was left blank, and auditors found “issues”with verifying the completion of psych evaluations, driver’s license checks, employment history checks and physical exams.

One guard hired to work at the juvenile center during the audit period did not complete their psych evaluation until 13 days after their starting date. Even then, the form indicated that “clinical

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review” was recommended for the new hire, yet Allied could not produce any evidence of this review ever occurring.

One guard at the Corrections Complex (the county jail) without an active Class “G” firearms license was billed by Allied as an armed guard, a position that’s paid a higher rate.

· Annual refresher trainings were not completed in a timely fashion

Four guards audited by the Comptroller’s team did not complete certain trainings for work at the juvenile center on an annual basis, as they are required to under their contract with the county. This includes trainings on child abuse reporting, suicide awareness, emergency procedures, professionalism and ethics, and report writing.

· Staffing requirements were not met

Auditors found that, over a four-week auditing period, Allied Universal failed to adhere to staffing requirements they’re contractually obligated to meet, which include the number of guards required at each location, hours, and the armed/ unarmed status of guards.

At least one female guard was missing during multiple shifts at the county’s juvenile assessment center, for instance, despite contractual staffing requirements. A copy of the contract, reviewed by Orlando Weekly, clearly states, “One female staff person, regardless of rank or position shall

be assigned and available on all shifts.”

According to the report, there were zero female officers present at the facility for a total 80 hours over the four-week period.

Auditors also identified multiple instances where there were one or more guards missing for entire shifts, while noting that because multiple officers were sometimes assigned to one post, no post was left completely unguarded.

Corrections Department officials told auditors in response that their staffing requirements had changed over the course of their contract as a result of “staffing shortages.” However, this was reportedly only communicated to Allied Universal verbally, and not formally amended in any sort of writing.

Furthermore, auditors note that, based on data collected, it appears Allied Universal did not follow such staffing requirements verbally communicated to them by the Corrections Department either.

· Corrections has an inadequate process for assessing contract compliance

Although Corrections is required to review contract compliance annually, auditors found the department had no written procedures for conducting such a review. This, the report states, results in reviews that are “inconsistent” with some “higher-risk” requirements left unreviewed.

· Contract requirements appear to be “inconsistent” with current practices

Auditors noted some inconsistency between contract language and current practices adopted by both the Corrections Department and Allied.

“Some Contract requirements are inconsistent with current practices that were verbally approved by Corrections personnel,” the report reads. “If the scope and nature of services required from Allied have changed, the Contract should be amended.”

· Lack of gear for staff to detect radiation levels during X-ray screens

According to the report, Allied also violated contractual obligations by failing to equip security guards at X-ray screening posts with a dosimeter (a small device that measures radiation levels) over the duration of their audit period.

The audit found that no guards were provided dosimeters during that time, meaning radiation levels — and dosimeters — were left unchecked.

“Inadequate monitoring of radiation exposure levels could lead to untimely detection of abnormal radiation levels compromising the health and safety of contracted guards,” the report reads.

Wood, President of Allied’s Florida’s region, told auditors in April of this year that guards have been equipped with dosimeters since April 2022 — months after the audit began. They have also had an outside firm evaluate dosimeter readings monthly since Feb. 2023, he said, with no exposure to radiation so far “substantiated.”

Corrections told auditors the same in their response to the finding, while sharing that this

Vote by mail ballot registration drops steeply

Thousands of voters may be unaware that their registration to vote by mail has expired. Unless you registered after Dec. 22, 2022, you’re probably one of them

According to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office, the number of registered voters in Orange County who have registered for vote-by-mail has dropped by more than half since the 2022 election cycle, presumably as a result of new election law changes.

In 2021, Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature approved a sweeping (and controversial) elections law, SB 90, that in part requires registered voters in Florida to re-register for mail-in ballots after every general federal election cycle.

As a result, all vote-by-mail requests in Florida

expired on Dec. 22, 2022 — so if you haven’t re-registered for vote-by-mail since then, and would like to, now is the time to do so. You’ll also probably want to mark your calendar, or write a reminder to do so in the future, if you wish to vote by mail in other upcoming elections, too.

As of July 3, there are 81,915 voters in Orange County who are registered to vote by mail, compared to the 195,935 voters who were registered for mail-in ballots for the 2022 election cycle. If you do the math, that’s fewer than half who are registered today compared to two years ago.

In order to vote by mail in the upcoming Aug. 20, 2024, Primary Election, the deadline to

monitoring requirement “will be removed” from the new contract that county commissioners are set to vote on this fall.

A key security provider in Central Florida, Allied Universal is one of the largest private security firms around, and as such, it’s not surprising that Orange County isn’t the only local government — or private entity — to contract them for their services.

Indeed, the firm has contracts with the city of Orlando, and provides security at Orlando’s Inter & Co Stadium, home to the Orlando City Major League Soccer team and Orlando Pride of the National Women’s Soccer League.

There are currently over 30 job listings from Allied in the Orlando area alone.

A takeaway of the audit, comptroller Diamond told our reporter, after a pause, is that “when government privatizes functions, [the] government needs to make sure that those functions are being handled well.” This new audit, he said simply, “is an example of that.”

Comptroller Diamond said his office “welcomes”any concerns or feedback that community members have about fraud, waste or abuse of county resources. “We welcome comments or concerns from the public,” said Diamond.

You can reach out to the county Comptroller’s Office with comments by contacting their Government Watchdog program, reachable by email at fraudhotline@occaudit.com or by phone at 407-836-5775.


vote in person, we want to make sure any voter who wants to vote by mail knows the approaching deadlines for the primary,” Gilzean said in a statement.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Gilzean had previously shared the wrong cut-off date for vote-by-mail registration in a Facebook post in late June, although the post has since been edited. Gilzean, a Republican, recently announced that he is not running for a full term as Supervisor of Elections this November, thus leaving five candidates in the running for the open seat.

How to check your Vote by Mail status or register to vote:

register for a mail ballot is Aug. 8, according to the Supervisor of Elections Office.

The deadline to register to vote (in general) in the August Primary is July 22, 2024.

The significant drop in mail ballot requests was acknowledged in a recent press release by acting Supervisor of Elections Glen Gilzean, a former administrator for the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District who was appointed to the role of elections chief by Gov. Ron DeSantis in March.

“This year we have seen a sharp drop in the number of people requesting vote-by-mail ballots and while more people may be opting to

Orange County voters can register to vote for mail ballots online by visiting ocfelections.com/vote-by-mail

If you are a resident of Orange County who is eligible to vote, but have not yet done so, you have three options:

1. You can fill out a voter registration application online.

2. You can register to vote by printing and mailing in an application.

3. You can register to vote in person at a public library, driver’s license office, WIC and DCF offices, Center for Independent Living, or at the Supervisor of Elections Office. mschueler@orlandoweekly.com

Sept. 28, 2024

Melrose Center, Orlando Public Library VOT


Yanira Collado’s Florida Prize-winning installation speaks the visual language of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora with industrial textiles, carbon paper and soap

The Orlando Museum of Art has trained us to happily await their Florida Prize summer exhibit with fervent feelings of curiosity about what contemporary artists in Florida are actually up to these days. This year is the 10th anniversary of the competition exhibition, and OMA’s crop of creatives this year give us a deep dive into the state of the art.

The Florida Prize this year went to Yanira Collado, a Miami artist. Collado’s work ranges in size from a tiny cup of blue soap flakes to a 12-foottall panel, and her work is mostly contained in a gallery within a gallery.

“It creates a quiet platform,” she explained to us in an interview, “to amplify the sense of reliquary, and convey a shift in energy.” Along the exterior of her room, intriguing framed bits lead you through an opening into a room where your perception subtly shifts the longer you gaze at the work.

Born in New York, Collado grew up in the

Dominican Republic and now maintains a multidisciplinary studio. She won the 2013 South Florida Biennial, the 2019 and 2023 Ellie Awards given by Oolite Arts Foundation in Miami, and now Orlando Museum of Art’s Florida Prize in Contemporary Art. Her work explores the visual language of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora by painting localized sacred symbols onto unlovely scraps of global industrial mass production.

Collado layers large, flat installations of rough-textured material, subtly painted with aquas and lavenders, onto her gallery’s walls, framed partially in crisp wood but otherwise ending in studiously ragged edges. In a corner of her space, an amber and ivory glowing window appears, and an unusually shaped pedestal carries two small objects. Just as your vision adjusts to light, so here your vision adjusts to the patterns and symbols emerging slowly as you take it all in.

“Threading weaves extensions of our present

and our path together,” Collado shared. “These works explore the loss of cultural meaning due to mass production of textiles.” She experienced this while living near Santiago in the Dominican Republic, where her family was employed in industrial-scale garment manufacture. Like graffiti tags, Collado threads symbols and patterns from her local heritage over brightly colored Dominican-made bandannas, the backs of used carpets, and deep purple carbon-paper transfers (which are still manufactured in the Dominican Republic and Haiti).

Collado quotes Wu-Tang Clan’s Ghostface Killah when describing her gallery space: “You see the universe, which consists of the sun, moon and stars, and them planets, that exist in my space.” Bandannas for head protection refer to the Caribbean subculture, and in fact a large layered panel is titled “Penumbra #36 for Wu-Tang Clan,” a tribute to the icons. She interpolated a chair used for indigenous Caribbean religious practice


Through Aug. 25

Orlando Museum of Art 2416 N. Mills Ave. 407-896-4231 omart.org $20

into the pedestal. Collado also created the small internal window titled “Ojala,” actually built out of soap, with the double meaning of both cleansing and an interpretation of the term Ojala, translated as “God willing.”

“I want to disrupt the preconceived idea of what the white cube, or gallery, is supposed to represent,” Collado told us, “by altering the perception of the viewer.” Viewers who take time to decode the references in her gallery will awaken to an artist’s reclamation of meaning from the mostly meaningless world we live in.

Thanks to the generous support of Gail and Michael Wynn, the Florida Prize in Contemporary Art celebrates a successful 10th iteration. 2024’s artists document contemporary culture with finesse and a strong, consistent aesthetic. The Florida Prize’s sustainability is a testament to the state’s cultural vitality, despite gale-force headwinds. arts@orlandoweekly.com

‘Areito #5,’ by Yanira Collado (installation view) | Photo by Macbeth Studios, courtesy Orlando Museum of Art

Three cool new attractions employ water or ice to entice guests into braving the current brain-melting temperatures. One is worth braving now, but the second should be savored in fall and the third left me cold

Central Florida is schvitzing its way into another record-shatteringly hot summer, and all three of Orlando’s major theme park resorts have debuted cool new attractions which employ water or ice to entice guests into braving the brain-melting temperatures. I risked heat stroke to report that one of these E-Tickets is worth venturing out in this withering weather, the second should be savored in fall, and the third simply left me cold.

CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular at Universal Studios Florida

Eighteen years ago, I reviewed the then-new Universal 360: A Cinesphere Spectacular in one of my first articles for Orlando Weekly . Ever since, I’ve covered every Cinematic Spectacular and Celebration that Universal Studios Florida has launched from its central lagoon. So trust me when I say that CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular — which has been running nightly at park closing since its June 14 debut — is Universal’s first such nighttime show to not merely approach its competitors’ equivalents, but satisfyingly surpass them in both technology and emotion.

The tech is represented by 228 upgraded fountain nozzles, 4K projection mapping and a choreographed fleet of 600-plus drones creating Lite Brite–like shapes in the sky. But the all-important feels come from the newly arranged musical score and cinematic images (lovingly curated by directors Mike Aiello and Jason McManus) which triggered my Gen X childhood

memories of Ghostbusters and Back to the Future, while also entertaining Gen Alphas with Trolls and Minions.

The best tribute I can pay to CineSational is to say I recently rewatched it on a night when rain prevented the drones from taking flight, and still found it fully entertaining even without that significant element. With its featured performers, Universal’s latest spectacle edges out Anaheim’s current World of Color as my new favorite event spectacle currently running in a domestic park … at least until Disneyland’s Fantasmic! gets another dragon.

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Magic Kingdom

In the four years since Disney announced the closure of their Splash Mountain flume rides in Florida and California, there’s been nonstop online speculation (not to mention ugly “anti-woke” whining) about the long-running attraction’s Princess and the Frog–themed replacement. Following a social media blitz from Disney — which included a point-of-view video that did the ride zero favors — fans like myself finally got to preview the new Tiana’s Bayou Adventure early last month ahead of its official opening June 28.

After all the buildup, anyone anticipating a brand-new experience should dampen their expectations, because for better or for worse, Tiana’s trip is still the same old Splash in many ways. The flume path and profile of the drops — including the iconic finale plunge — are entirely unchanged, and the old log-like boats are back, merely bereft of their Br’er bunny ornaments. The tree-stump peak was pruned and covered with fresh faux vegetation, turning the mountain into a mossy molehill, and the queue redecorated with Easter eggs like Tiana’s beignet recipe. But if you closed your eyes and plugged your ears, you’d be hard-pressed to tell what has changed. Of course, if you did that you’d miss out on the upbeat original music and fluidly animated figures that populate the redecorated show scenes. These next-generation electrical animatronics are amazing (when they work), but there are noticeably fewer of them than in the old ride; projections fill in some of the gaps, with mixed results. The updated attraction admirably embraces an inclusive atmosphere that won’t alienate or intimidate anyone, as the old version could. However, Dr. Facilier is MIA, and without any villain the storytelling lacks dramatic tension.

All that’s academic, since actually riding Tiana’s Bayou Adventure requires the aid of “friends on the other side.” There’s no standby line for now, so you must snag a reservation through either Disney’s free Virtual Queue or the paid Genie+ service (soon to be called Lightning Lane Multi Pass). I was lucky enough to enjoy a near-ideal ride-through during previews; but despite snagging a single-digit boarding group on opening weekend and arriving at the Magic Kingdom for rope drop, technical delays kept the attraction from operating until afternoon. By that time I’d abandoned the sizzling park; I’ll attempt it again in the autumn after a few months of fine-tuning.

Penguin Trek at SeaWorld

When I toured Penguin Trek’s construction site back in February, SeaWorld promised that their family coaster replacement for the ambitious-but-abandoned Antarctica trackless ride would debut in “spring,” but its eventual ribbon-cutting didn’t happen until July 7. Perhaps it should have been allowed to cook even longer, because although riders during early previews declared it “smooth,” my opening-day experience — directly behind the Scouting troop of ceremonial first riders — was anything but.

After navigating a blissfully air-conditioned “research station” queue, Penguin Trek begins inside a brief “dark ride” through sculpted ice caverns and past an unconvincing video vista before launching outdoors, which is when the serious issues arise. I found myself rattling uncomfortably around my tipped-back bucket seat, unable to brace myself with my dangling feet, as the vehicle vibrated beneath me like a shopping cart with a chipped wheel. There were particularly violent jolts around the second launch and entering the brake run, which would have made me think twice about re-riding even if there weren’t a three-hour standby wait posted.

Unless SeaWorld significantly improves on the two-minute dispatches between snowmobile-style trains that I timed on opening morning (which equals just over 500 riders per hour), I predict summertime guests will be grumpy by the time they disembark the coaster … especially when they discover that there’s no exit except through the dark, frigid and, er, fragrant penguin enclosure, which may require a lengthy wait to walk through. skubersky@orlandoweekly.com

Maybe wait a few months before trying Tiana’s Bayou Adventure | Photo by Seth Kubersky


Inchin Bamboo Garden’s Indo-Chinese cuisine has a ways to go

Iwas really looking forward to sampling the fare from Inchin’s Bamboo Garden, the Alpharetta, Georgia-based chain specializing in Indo-Chinese cuisine, commonly referred to as “Hakka” cuisine. With 24 locations across the continent and counting, Inchin’s appeared to have found a winning formula to bring Hakka cuisine to the masses. So, yeah, I had my hopes up and made the drive down to Hunter’s Creek with some Hakka enthusiasts who, too, were stoked to feast on scorching soy-sauced dishes. The arrival of the Hakka Chinese to India in the late 1700s led to a gastronomic synthesis of infernal spicing from the subcontinent fused with Chinese cookery. It’s the sort of food I became quite familiar with, having grown up eating the noodly and stir-fried renditions at Federick’s, Yueh Tung, Lin Garden and Chopstick House in the greater Toronto area. But inside this sizable space that previously housed Palate Bistro & Bar — and Melbourne Seafood Co. and Jimmy Hula’s before that — the kitchen clearly

wasn’t overly concerned with quality.

The hot and sour soup ($5 small, $15 large), which one of my dining comrades couldn’t wait to try, was more like an infernal pool of dishwater. The thin, egg-free broth was more sweet than it was sour. One sip of the comfortless liquid was enough to relegate the bowl to the fringes of our table. Equally unsatisfying was the crispy chili baby corn ($12). “It feels like I’m eating cobs,” joked the other pal about the very firm cores of this chili fry. And it wasn’t the only unevenly cooked item we ordered — a plate of crispy chili potatoes ($12) had more of a crunch than anything else. The pan-fried chili fish ($14) was cooked just fine, but the soggy coating didn’t do any wonders for the tilapia fillets. By now it dawned on us that our meal was not going to be the superlative Chindian chowdown we thought it would be. The steamed dumplings filled with lamb ($9) we ordered (and were charged for) never materialized. Instead, we picked away at the sambal lamb

($20) which came served on a hot plate, it seems, for looks only — the mix of chopped lamb with onion, celery and garlic had zero sizzle. And the sambal? “I think they’re just using Asian names now,” said my dining comrade with a straight face. Flavors of lemongrass and shrimp paste were largely nonexistent. A dish of eggplant ($15) cooked in a hot bean sauce with bell peppers and onion fared a lot better. The garlic naan ($6), on the other hand, looked like it was premade and not baked in a tandoor. Plus, it was so soaked in ghee, we wondered if the clarified butter was a masking agent. If there was a dish we actually enjoyed, it was the Cantonese rice noodles ($16) with chicken. “Guangzhou Meets Bombay” is how it’s hyped, and the chili pickle tossed with cabbage, carrots, bell peppers and chives had all the crunchy-fiery feels. We ended with a dessert of fried wontons filled with dates and vanilla ice cream ($9). Let’s just say we ate the ice cream. On a positive note, the servers and staff couldn’t have been more gracious. At times, their courtesy came off as desperate, almost a means to make up for the food. I kinda felt bad for them, especially when a couple of staff members raced out to the car to hand us the doggy bag I accidentally left behind. I just wish I was able to meet their warm exuberance with the same amount of enthusiasm.



Vegan Scoops, A Lo Vegano and Águila Coffee have banded together to take over Market on South. They are actively seeking additional plant-based food vendors, but in the meantime they are open for business during this transitional phase where some remodeling will take place ... Speaking of, Chuan Lu Garden in Mills 50 has closed for four months for a major “floor-to-ceiling” renovation that will strip most of the existing decor’s chinoiserie and replace it with a contemporary aesthetic à la sister resto Chuan Fu in Winter Park ... Bánh Mì Boy has reopened inside the Mills Market (formerly Tien Hung Market) with a fresh new look and menu featuring eight new sandwiches like the pho fresh dip, Viet-Cajun shrimp, breakfast bánh mì and more ... Doral-based Asian fusion restaurant Baku Asian Fusion Bar will move into the old New Orleans Kitchen & Oyster Bar space at 8204 Crystal Clear Lane. The restaurant will present a menu fusing Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Korean flavors and offer a full bar ... Queens, New York-based chain Shah’s Halal Food has opened in the old iCajun Seafood Shack space at 10725 E. Colonial Drive. Shah’s serves everything from chicken, lamb and kebab platters to gyros to other handhelds ... Perkins Restaurant & Bakery is getting a “vintage fresh” brand makeover and will now go by Perkins American Food Co. The first redesigned restaurant will, of course, launch right here in Orlando in late 2024 Rico’s Mexican has opened in Altamonte Springs at 851 W. State Road 436 ... Skyebird, the smoothie and juice bar inside East End Market, will serve its last beverage July 21 after 11 years of serving the community. In a post, owner Elizabeth Key said a growing family and other business commitments led to the decision.


Chefs Bruno Fonseca (Foreigner Restaurant) and Mario Pagán (Chayote Barrio Kitchen) will collaborate on a 10-course dinner July 18. Cost is $265 and includes wine pairing. Tickets can be purchased at Tock ... Mike Vang of Bar Kada (subject of last week’s review) will host a chef collaboration dinner with Kristine Young of Little Giant, a pop-up outfit specializing in regional Chinese fare. The dinner is Wednesday, July 17, at 4 p.m. Visit barkadafl.com for more ... Norman’s has launched its seasonal fivecourse chef’s tasting menu, dubbed Homage to Spain. Cost is $140 ... Looks like cease and desist orders were delivered to Eataly Pizzeria in College Park, because they’ve changed their name to Italy Pizzeria. But nice try.

Inchin’s ‘Chinese Bhel’ crunchy noodle tower shows off Hakka cuisine’s indo-Chinese fusion | Photo by Matt Keller Lehman


The sake list impresses at this lounge joined at the hip to Soseki in Winter Park, but it’s chef Mike Vang’s Japanese-leaning dishes incorporating global flavors that leave guests wanting to linger. Try a sake flight with your meal, or with bar snacks like za’atar-spiced chickpeas and leche de tigre-doused kanpachi sashimi. (reviewed July 3) 957 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park, 407-619-3952, barkadafl.com, $$$


The menu has grown since the restaurant opened, but it’s the boiled fish soups fusing tart, sour and spicy profiles thanks to the addition of pickled mustard greens, citrus and chilies that makes it worth visiting. Of note: “lemon flavor sauerkraut fish” soup, Sichuan cold chicken with chili oil and the meat-free fried gyoza. Open daily. (reviewed June 26) 8910 Turkey Lake Road, 407-866-0116, boiledfishfl.com, $$$


Inviting café in the South Eola/Thornton Park corridor serves a healthy roster of casual, plantbased eats, many with a Latin twist. Wraps, burritos and bowls comprise the bulk of the menu, none better than the “Toonah Sensation Wrap.” Smoothies, juices and açai bowls are also worth a look. Closed Monday. (reviewed June 19) 420 E. Church St., 407-270-6059, instagram.com/ earthypicks, $$


This “mid-century dive bar and restaurant” embraces College Park’s past with its modernist aesthetics and menu of old-school hits. Burgers are of the highest order, as are sandwiches like the Cajun fish. Blue plate specials intrigue, as does a plate of duck à la king. Cocktails are crafty and stiff, while desserts like pineapple upsidedown cake and homemade chocolate-chip cookies keep within the restaurant’s mid-century milieu. (reviewed June 12) 2401 Edgewater Drive, middrivedive.com, $$$


This sister restaurant to Mills 50’s Z Asian specializes in all things chicken, specifically superb slurps of pho ga fashioned from farmfresh chicken. Try the version with miến (mung bean noodles) for added textural complexity. Also worth ordering: bracing chicken salad, stirfried chicken gizzards and a fowl-free plate of porky bites and leafy greens called bún dậu mắm tôm. Closed Fridays. (reviewed June 6) 5282 W. Colonial Drive, 407-420-0634, $$$


One of the city’s finest smokehouses plates Central Texas-style barbecue, be it barky brisket of the highest order, Black Angus beef ribs, drybrined chicken smoked over hot coals or sausages that leave you wanting more. Sides like jalapeñodill potato salad and chili-like pinto beans are just as worthy. No better way to end than with banana pudding. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (reviewed May 29) 1400 S. Crystal Lake Drive, 407-270-9199, smokemade.com, $$$


This cocktail bar situated next door to The Strand presents boozy doozies and cheffy snacks — like tuna tartare with green curry aioli, octopus salad and duck flatbread — that impress. Closed Sundays and Mondays. (reviewed May 22) 809 N. Mills Ave., 407-920-7744, strandorlando.com/ d-b-a, $$


The fetching boîte by Heberto and Rona Segura serves some of the best fare in the downtown core, be it za’atar-spiced flatbread served with a trio of delectable dips, or the “duck, duck, goose” featuring flaky duck strudel, aged duck breast and goose foie gras. The prime NY strip with marrow soubise and shiraz gastrique should not be passed on. Pavlova de maiz is the big finish. Closed Monday. (reviewed May 8) 361 N. Rosalind Ave., 407-776-3333, thedrakeorl.com, $$$


Striking restaurant in Flamingo Crossings — Disney’s master-planned, mixed-use development — specializes in the coastal cuisine of the Amalfi Coast and Southern Italy. Neapolitan pizzas, housemade pastas, veal meatballs and Bistecca all Nerano are solid. The wine list will please lovers of Italian vino. Open daily. (reviewed May 1) 114 Ruby Red Place, Winter Garden, 407-783-7700, simplycapri.com, $$$


Orlando’s outpost of this international big city ramen chain ladles bowls of worth, most notably the umami-topping “Tokyo Tonkotsu Shoyu” with black garlic and the “Kyushu Spicy Tonkotsu,” a blazing bowl. Chicken ramen has soul, as does soft, plush takoyaki. End with light, floral cherry blossom jelly. Open daily. (reviewed April 24) 3402 Technological Ave., 407-668-4088, kyuramen.com, $$


Halal burger joint in the south lands of Orlando lures them in for their proper all-American smashburgers kicked with intriguing flavor combinations, none more so than the “Karachi Fire” with its cashewchipotle sauce. Don’t overlook the chicken sandwiches like the “Mango Habanero.” Side, like the truffle aioli fries, sweet potato shoestrings and perfectly crisp onion rings, don’t disappoint. Open daily. (reviewed April 10) 12200 Menta St., 407-6010314, instagram.com/beef.n.buns, $$


This Mills 50 absinthe house shakes and stirs some stellar cocktails, and has a stellar food menu to match. Impeccable Spanish-leaning dishes include the house-made chorizo smashburger, pork belly atop pasilla mole, and charred octopus braised in fennel and smoked pimentón topped with a mound of seasoned black lentils. Basque cheesecake makes a fine and filling ending. Open daily at 5 p.m. (reviewed March 27) 930 N. Mills Ave., instagram.com/death.in.the.afternoon_, $$$


Disney Springs’ newest restaurant is a lakeside beauty with a Cali-inspired menu to match. Wood-fired items — grilled avocados with salsa matcha, heirloom artichokes, and chicken paillard slicked with Calabrian chili vinaigrette — impress. The cookie bar is popular, but pass on those sweet rounds and opt instead for a sexy slab of chocolate fudge layer cake. Open daily. (reviewed March 20) 1498 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, 407-598-8645, summerhouserestaurants. com, $$$$


Lake Nona finally gets a Japanese restaurant that, as owner Hong Wong puts it, “Japanese people will enjoy.” Former Hanamizuki chef Tatsuki Takayama oversees a superb lineup of dishes, from crackling “gyoza with wings” and baby octopus karaage to stellar ramen slurps, like a soy milk tonkotsu and a fiery spicy ramen reddened with a paste of gochujang and tobanjan. Closed Mondays. (reviewed March 13) 10627 Narcoossee Road, 407-613-5500, instagram.com/ waramenlakenona, $$$


Thornton Park boîte serves all the brunchtime faves along with a bevy of handhelds and diner classics. Of note: airline chicken breast with duxelles risotto and garlicky haricots verts and

“wagyu” sliders with a crisp smashburger-like exterior. Open daily. (reviewed Feb. 21) 808 E. Washington St., 407-440-4079, jackandhoneys. com, $$


Indian fare finally comes to Disney Springs, but Eet’s menu errs well on the side of caution, with dishes catering more to Indiana palates than actual Indian ones. Open daily. (reviewed Feb. 14) 1780 E. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, 615483-1544, eetfunindian.com, $$


This contemporary Sichuan house inside the Ravaudage complex in Winter Park is a sister concept to Mills 50 mainstay Chuan Lu Garden and offers a menu that impresses. Peppercorn junkies will revel in every bite of “rattan pepper sliced fatty beef” and shuizhu fish with hot chili oil. More classics: jelly noodle blocks made from mung bean starch slathered in chili sauce, or for the chili-averse, crispy pork knuckle, crispy duck and stewed beef brisket with tomato. “Sichuan brown sugar glutinous rice cake” is a satisfying dessert. Closed Tuesday. (reviewed Feb. 7) 1035 N. Orlando Ave., Winter Park, 321-972-3606, chuanfuorlando.com, $$$


Renato Viola’s highly touted pizzeria makes its Orlando-area debut in Lake Mary and it doesn’t disappoint, whether you eat a traditional 13-inch round or a signature star-shaped pie. Notable offerings include the “Coffee Paolo,” a sweet and savory number with raw honey, ground coffee, rich gorgonzola and spicy salami Calabrese. Also worth ordering: the “Alessandra Jalapeño” with avocado slices, pepper rings and mushrooms. End with a Nutella and banana calzone and you’ll sleep well. Open daily. (reviewed Jan. 31) 1210 International Parkway, Lake Mary, 561-631-9035, mistero1.com, $$$


Along with a dizzying array of Chinese-style pastries, breads, buns, cakes, rolls, tarts, cookies and savory baked goods, this perpetually buzzing Mills 50 bakery serves stellar steamed and panfried dumplings, as well as soup dumplings and dumplings in soup. Don’t overlook such gratifying dim sum items as fried tofu tossed in a peppery mix or Taiwanese popcorn chicken. Milk, boba and fruit teas are some of the best in the city. Open daily. (reviewed Jan. 24) 2021 E. Colonial Drive, 407-668-4128, bakery1908.com, $$


Streaming premieres you won’t want to miss this week.

Premieres Wednesday:

Eva Lasting Season 2 — Back to 1970s Bogotá we go as Eva Samper continues to balance the pros and cons of being the first girl at an all-boy’s academy. Pros: You have your pick of dates to the prom. Cons: Not many chances to borrow sanitary products. (Netflix)

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years Season 2 — Another summer of sleepaway camp allows the 10-year-old SpongeBob to pursue a bunch of new interests, like archeology and … um … I was going to say “exploring his sexuality like everybody else does at camp.” But could he find anybody to experiment with who’s actually sponge-worthy? (Paramount+)

Receiver — Documentary cameras chronicle the 2023 NFL season as experienced by players Davante Adams, Justin Jefferson,

tell her off good. This sounds like the kind of movie the cops find on a guy’s hard drive after he does something terrible. (Netflix)

Premieres Thursday:

Another Self — Season 2 brings fresh challenges for our trio of introspective Turks as they put down stakes in the seaside town they’ve made an incubator of their spiritual growth. That’s a lot to expect from a seaside town; usually, all I’m looking for is corn dogs. (Netflix)

The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge — In the world’s first “wildlife reality competition,” a bunch of Alaskan bears are secretly graded on their success at navigating the hibernation process. The winner has the honor of being shot dead by Ron DeSantis. (Peacock)

MILF of Norway Newly jobless and dissatisfied in her marriage, a middle-aged Scandinavian is rejuvenated by her unexpected success as an internet porn star. Of course, this only works in Scandinavia. If you want to go viral here, you have to get thrown off your flight for demanding a white pilot. (Max)

Sausage Party: Foodtopia — Most of the original voice cast is back for an eight-episode spinoff from the raunchy animated feature about anthropomorphic foodstuffs. As for all those animators whose names were taken off the movie because they complained about the shitty working conditions, look for their credits on an FDA label in 4-point type, right under the warning against eating uncooked seafood. (Max)

Teen Torture Inc. — The horrors of the “troubled teen” reconditioning industry are exposed by survivors of its profit-driven abuses, including hip-hop star Bhad Bhabie. Not consulted for rebuttal: Christian rapper Ghud Ghirl. (Max)

playing Risk and both fellas want to annex Poland. (Netflix)

Exploding Kittens — God and Satan prowl the planet disguised as pet cats in an animated show that’s only loosely based on the popular card game. But don’t you worry, because plenty of stuff still blows up. You think anybody would watch a show called Cards That Feel Pretty A-OK About Humanity? (Netflix)

Lobola Man — A South African marriage negotiator who’s relationship-averse himself finds his stance softening after he meets a captivating woman. So who’s going to draw up their contract, Jackie Chiles or Elle Woods? (Netflix)

Me — Discovering that he has superpowers only complicates life further for a tween who’s already been dealing with more mundane challenges, like growing up in a blended family and being bullied at school. Those used to be the reasons to wish you had superpowers, but we don’t teach the value of a good haymaker anymore. (Apple TV+)

Premieres Monday:

Hit-Monkey — Leslie Jones and Cristin Milioti join the voice cast in Season 2, which finds our conflicted antihero hoping that a move to New York will help him carve out a permanent path on the straight and narrow. Sure, just like starting over in Jacksonville will help you kick meth. (Hulu)

Wonderoos — A quintet of CGI animal friends help preschool viewers cope with the anxieties of life, from losing your teddy bear to getting your first vaccination shot. Now if RFK Jr. could just get on the ballot in all 50 states, they’d only have to worry about the teddy bear. (Netflix)

Premieres Tuesday:

George Kittle, Deebo Samuel and Amon-Ra St. Brown. And guess what they have in common? They’re all receivers, duh! But give yourself partial credit if you said CTE. (Netflix)

Sunny — After apparently losing her husband and child in an air accident, a grieving Rashida Jones finds unexpected comfort in the helper robot she’s inherited. Hey, most women would drive their family off a cliff if they thought they could get a good Roomba out of it. (Apple TV+)

Sugar Rush: The Baking Point — Season 2 has six new pairs of Mexican bakers competing to win 1 million pesos. If you’re unfamiliar with foreign exchange rates, that’s four bags of Oreos. (Netflix)

Wild Wild Punjab — Four Indian pals embark on a crazy, event-filled road trip, just so one of them can confront his ex at her wedding and

Vanished Into the Night — An Italian man and his estranged American wife begin to lose their grip on reality after their children are kidnapped and held for a ransom of 150,000 euros. You’d go crazy too if you had to figure out how much that was in stable currency. (Netflix)

Vikings: Valhalla — The legendary saga of Harald Sigurdsson, Leif Eriksson and Freydís Eiríksdóttir sadly comes to a close in Season 3. Fortunately, there’s an avatar show coming that’ll let you watch them perform “Dancing Queen” until the end of time. (Netflix)

Premieres Friday:

Blame the Game — A German woman gets more than she bargained for when she welcomes the guy she’s dating to her traditional game night, and her ex happens to show up as well. Even more uncomfortably, they’re

Chad Daniels: Empty Nester — The comic/ podcaster uses his 10th stand-up special to describe what it’s like to have your kids grown up and out of the house. But who takes an entire hour to say “Only marginally less rewarding than never having acknowledged them in the first place?” (Netflix)

Homicide: Los Angeles — The irrepressible Dick Wolf shines a light on some of the most notorious murder cases in the history of the City of Angels. Be hilarious if he finally cleared O.J. (Netflix)

Mafia Spies — Hard-working Orlando actress Rachel Comeau plays alleged JFK/Sam Giancana mistress Judith Exner in a sixpart docuseries that shows the CIA and the Chicago mob plotting to take out Fidel Castro at the height of the Cold War. Kind of a shame they didn’t succeed, because you don’t want to waste Rachel Comeau on just anything. (Paramount+)

The third season of Vikings: Valhalla closes this legendary saga | Photo courtesy of Netflix



Blue Bamboo’s Chris Cortez discusses new venue for Winter Park performing arts center on eve of its eighth anniversary

Local music aficionados were hit with disheartening news of Blue Bamboo Center for the Arts’ closure back in December.

While Blue Bamboo originally had plans to transfer over to a venue in the Packing District, a new opportunity arose in a proposed revamping of the old Winter Park public library, a move that managing director Chris Cortez believes will benefit not only the organization, but the community.

“The new building gives us the opportunity to really grow into something much more substantial for a lot of people, other than just ‘that jazz place,’ I think people think of us that way,” Cortez shares during a phone interview with Orlando Weekly. “I like the idea of being able to diversify all of the things we do.”

Alongside a brutal rent hike levied upon the original venue — which opened on Winter Park’s Kentucky Avenue back in 2016 — the conditions of Blue Bamboo’s original space seemed to no longer serve the Center’s ambitions in terms of capacity, hosting a max of 100 patrons

per performance. With the new venue, Cortez imagines a much larger-scale arts center that can encompass a variety of artistic endeavors, including dance and theater.

Cortez explains that the first floor of the new space will be able to hold audiences of up to 200 people in a planned auditorium, alongside a smaller room that would be suitable for smaller performances accommodating around 60 people.

The second floor would host an educational collaboration between Blue Bamboo, Central Florida Vocal Arts and Winter Park Chamber Music Academy, providing vocal and music lessons.

A unique aspect of the renovations comes in the plans for the building’s third floor, which Cortez wants to utilize as a flexible space for a variety of nonprofit arts organizations’ use, including as rehearsal and show spaces. Cortez says he wants to make it a priority to provide a space specifically for the arts community to use at minimal cost.

“Central Florida just doesn’t have anything

everybody thought we grossly underestimated the cost of this. So when Commissioner Weaver delivered that report, it was vindicating. We knew we were on the right track,” Cortez says of the oft-bumpy road to approval.

“Now, that doesn’t mean we’re going to do a lousy job or it’s not going to look fantastic. We have a plan to make the building beautiful and functional. If you don’t change the floor plan and you don’t change the footprint too much, this can be accomplished for far less money.”

To keep the creative fires burning while the Center was between venues, Cortez had the idea of hosting Blue Bamboo “satellite shows.” This traveling concert series has provided an opportunity to keep the Blue Bamboo mission alive.

“We started with the Winter Park Library, the new library building, and they were very accommodating. They gave me six months’ worth of shows and they have a beautiful theater inside the library that I really like,” Cortez says. “Then Casa Feliz reached out, and we started doing a series for them, and they very graciously allowed us to expand that series and do ticketed events.”

Blue Bamboo hosts their eighth anniversary concert [1 p.m. Sunday, July 14, $15] at the Casselberry Arts Center with the Orlando Jazz Orchestra. These recent developments will no doubt add more oomph to this celebration.

Aside from the Packing District, Casselberry was where Cortez was considering taking Blue Bamboo, heartened by the energy that city has put into becoming an arts and culture destination. However, with lifelong roots in Winter Park, he felt the library was the most natural fit, both personally and because the performing arts as a whole still hasn’t garnered enough attention and focus there.

“If they don’t have that opportunity in Winter Park, [people] will get in their car and they will drive over to Orlando, they’ll pay to park in Orlando, they’ll pay to have dinner in Orlando, and they’ll pay to shop in Orlando,” Cortez says.

like that. There’s a thriving business on one or two floors and then the upper floor is just, ‘come one, come all,’ sign up and you could do your rehearsal here,” Cortez says. “It’s going to take a load off the other performing arts spaces like Shakes and Orlando Family Stage. … They’re always booked up. This is a situation I think that we could alleviate some of that need.”

Blue Bamboo finally won out in their bid to take over the old library space against the proposed new Rollins Art Museum at the Winter Park City Commission meeting on June 26. The lease is set to be reread at the July 10 meeting, where the deal will be officially authorized.

There were discrepancies around the estimated cost of renovating the old library, with some estimated values in the multi-millions, but WP Vice Mayor Todd Weaver’s inspection report estimated the expenses at only $175,000.

“That was like moving a mountain, trying to get people to let go of that idea that it had to cost so much more money than we thought;

Cortez critiques the position of politicians who ignore the essential importance of the arts to the vitality of the greater Orlando area [or, ahem, the state], especially in such a large tourist sector. It’s leaving money on the table, he argues.

The Winter Park community backed up Cortez’s point with their testimonials at the June 26 Commission meeting, sharing stories of the impact Blue Bamboo had on their lives.

“Melody [Cortez, assistant manager] and I [were] just tearing up through the whole thing. It’s just amazing. As you’re doing it, it’s not so apparent, but when you look back on it, you go, ‘Oh, there’s that lady, she’s 102 years old, and she comes to an average of two Blue Bamboo shows a week.’ … It piles up over the years.”

Cortez anticipates opening the new space by the end of the year, specifying November as an end goal. And he is hopeful that this transition will allow Blue Bamboo to continue to provide a quality space for the arts community to thrive.

“It’s about love. We love what we do. We love the people we do it with. We love the people we do it for.”


Chris Cortez has several reasons to smile this week | Photo by Jim Leatherman


The Orlando music underground has seen a post-punk renaissance in recent years with the emergence of a crop of stylish new bands, and young duo The Synthetics have sprung from the very heart of all this fertile activity. Between vocalist Nathan Munizzi and guitarist Sean Labree, their collective résumé sports homegrown names of the genre like Daisy-Chain and RV. As The Synthetics, Munizzi and Labree continue to carry the torch as devout and true disciples of 1980s post-punk.

Shortly after forming The Synthetics, however, the two players were scooped up by Teen Suicide — the notable formerly Baltimore band of Sam Ray and Kitty Ray (whom many will know as Daytona breakout star Kitty) that’s now Orlando-based. Being the rhythm section for that nationally known touring group has occupied much of the past two years. But now, at long last, The Synthetics are finally back to follow up with the new Glimpses of Heaven EP, their first release since their 2022 debut singles (“Assume the Position” and “Sin City”) and their first collection ever.

Like the moody, broody tone set by those two introductory songs, The Synthetics’ new work

early sounds of The Cure and New Order. While their first singles were an exacting flashback to the dawn of post-punk, The Synthetics’ latest, more developed work evokes the moment when that era began to become something cogent and entirely its own. All four songs here, without exception, are an evolution for them. With even more dimension and aesthetic, Glimpses of Heaven is a tight compendium on the eternal gothic-pop alchemy of shimmering melodies and dark sensibilities. Glimpses of Heaven now streams everywhere, but the EP is also available on Bandcamp as a name-your-price download.


Orlando Girls Rock Camp Showcase: You probably won’t know any of these bands because they all formed within the confines of Orlando Girls Rock Camp, some of them only a week ago. Furthermore, these young bands aren’t professional, with some performing in public for the first time ever. But, trust, this will be one of the best, most moving show experiences you’ll ever have in your life.

With a collective résumé sporting leading names of the genre like Daisy-Chain and RV, vocalist Nathan Munizzi’s and guitarist Sean Labree’s The Synthetics carry the torch as devout and true disciples of 1980s post-punk — and they do it right

is a faithful portal back to the shadowy underground that first began to branch off and find its own legs after punk irrevocably changed everything. In that sprawling post-punk spectrum, The Synthetics draw direct inspiration from the darkly melodic headwaters that spawned the

Each year, OGRC opens to a new class of female, trans and nonbinary youth ages 8-17 and ushers them through a weeklong safe-space session of artistic expression and fellowship guided by deeply passionate mentors, many of whom are distinguished icons of the Orlando music scene. All of it culminates in this concluding public showcase, where these glowing young campers get to show their shine. Between all the human magic that happens on stage, behind the scenes and in the wildly supportive audience, it’s like a beautiful real-life collision of School of Rock and Ted Lasso. I’ve cried at nearly every one I’ve attended. All proceeds from door to merch will directly support OGRC. (2 p.m. Saturday, July 13, Conduit, $10-$30 sliding scale donation)

Modern Music Movement 13-Year Anniversary: For the past 13 years, Orlando events promoter Modern Music Movement has managed the deft trick of remaining relevant without succumbing to fad. While their music events have spanned wide — from indie rock to Americana to experimental — they’ve all been curated with taste and concept.

The musical lineup for this 13-year celebration isn’t just fittingly good and diverse but also emblematic of the Modern Music Movement itself. All-star indie-rock cover band New Eagles, dream-pop combo Shampoo Tears, heavy improv ensemble Tinnitus Rex and alt-smart Americana bard Stephen Rock are all current acts stocked with deeply credentialed veterans from the most interesting pockets of Orlando’s music scene. For the occasion, the venue will serve a commemorative tangerine wheat beer called “Back Stage Pass.” Come toast the Movement’s 13 years of keeping Orlando’s concert menu deep. (7 p.m. Saturday, July 13, Ten10 Brewing Co., free)


The Synthetics | Courtesy photo

of the


Def Leppard

If you “wanna get rocked,” on a school night no less, Def Leppard, Journey and Cheap Trick are storming into Camping World Stadium for their Summer Stadium Tour. And this is quite a trio of heavy hitmakers. The U.K.’s Def Leppard, with more than 110 million albums sold across the world and a spot in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, has a long history of hard rock dominance. Rising out of the ‘New Wave of British Heavy Metal’ of the early 1980s, the band has become the leader of the heavy music pack with albums full of lean, lethal hits, from Pyromania to Hysteria to Adrenalize. Songs like “Photograph,” “Hysteria,” “Let’s Get Rocked” and “Pour Some Sugar on Me” have somehow not aged a day — much like their evergreen live performances. Next on the bill is Journey, still going strong with guitarist and sole remaining original member Neal Schon at the helm. The band has racked up gold and platinum records aplenty along with, latterly, a billion Spotify streams on the strength of anthems like “Don’t Stop Believin’” and “Any Way You Want It.” By combining the vibe of the British invasion with heavier rock sounds, special guests Cheap Trick broke big in the ’70s with ship-smart hits like “I Want You to Want Me” and have been going strong since with uproarious live shows. Def Leppard brought the fury the last time they played Orlando a couple of years ago, and we expect nothing less Wednesday. 6 p.m., Camping World Stadium 1 Citrus Bowl Place, campingworldstadium.com, $49-$600. — Sarah Lynott

nual Maker Day. The library will open both floors of their new building to makers and creators of all ages to participate in free activities and exhibits ranging from crafty to technical. Aspiring artists can sculpt with clay or make a zine, while engineers can dabble in robotics and computing enthusiasts can try their hands at a coding class. Rollins Museum of Art, the Orlando Science Center, Blackbird Comics and Mathnasium are among the partners involved in the event. 1 p.m., Winter Park Library, 1052 W. Morse Blvd., Winter Park, winterparklibrary.org, free. — Zoey Thomas


Summertime Slamma Jamma

Summer is well and truly heating up with this weekend’s Summertime Slamma Jamma in Mills 50 — a two-day bender of music (lots of music), art, zines and vendors. So here’s the deal: Friday and Saturday evenings, Will’s Pub, Lil Indie’s and Uncle Lou’s will play host to over 20 local and regional bands — including Trash World, Stiletto, M.A.C.E., Hijas de la Muerte, Baseline, Triangle Fire, Double Bubble, Petty Thefts and many more. A new issue of Hawt & Popular drops and, even more notably, seminal Orlando zine Bitch Rag gets a retrospective, alongside an art opening by April Hawkins, one of the Rag’s founders. Past, present and future collide to raise some money for S.W.A.N. “No TERFS, No Swerfs, No Jerks,” the organizers warn. Best believe. Various locations, willspub.org, $20. — Matthew Moyer


Maker Day

What do Legos, sourdough bread and bespoke T-shirts have in common? Visitors can create them all at the Winter Park Library’s second an-



Tattoo Arts Festival

Tattoo artists from Miami to France will travel to Orlando this week to ink Central Floridians at

Wednesday: Def Leppard at Camping World Stadium

the second annual Orlando Tattoo Arts Festival. The three-day event features hundreds of artists, including eight former contestants from the reality show Ink Master, alongside live entertainers. Slated performers include Captain and Maybelle, a husband-and-wife sideshow circus duo first seen on America’s Got Talent in 2006, and James Maltman, a former Ringling Bros. juggler. Of course, people there for the ink rather than the circus should stick around for the Tattoo of the Day and Best in Show awards. The event is hosted by Villain Arts, a traveling festival tour that will return to the Sunshine State in November for the Tampa Tattoo Arts Festival. Orange County Convention Center, 9800 International Drive, villainarts.com, $20-$40. — ZT


Circuit Church Showcase

The tradition of the in-store performance at a record shop is a long and proud one — and if it’s adventurously local-forward, so much the better. This weekend continues Smartpunk’s showcase of Orlando underground acts, this time giving shine to electronics collective Circuit Church. Three acts from that cassette label’s roster play between the shelves of vinyl at this early (and free) show near UCF. Making the trip for this one are CC stalwart and modular maestro Zap Danger (he will sadly not be wearing Phantom of the Opera garb pictured; we’ve just been sitting on this picture from a Halloween show forever), ambient tone generator Pulzwav and — in an abrupt tonal shift — industrial synth rager Earth Fault. 7 p.m., Smartpunk’s Record Shop, 12078 Collegiate Way, instagram.com/smartpunkshop, free. — MM


Jagged Little Live ’95

Alanis Morissette fans who were frustrated by the psychobabble script and sucky sound mix of the Jagged Little Pill Broadway tour should be more than satisfied by Jagged Little Live ’95, a high-test tribute concert covering the seminal 1995 album. A Fringe favorite earlier this year, lead singer Alanna Chuyan fronts a fiery four-piece band as they tear through every track with tinnitus-inducing energy. In brief between-song banter, Alanna identifies with Alanis without pretending to personify her, sharing her own personal connection to the music without overexplaining its appeal. Want to experience what it might have felt like to catch an early-career Morissette in an intimate venue, when she was just on the verge of achieving grunge-rock super-stardom? How about on the stage of Will’s Pub for that extra bit of vérité sweat and booze. 6 p.m., Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave., willspub.org, $14. — Seth Kubersky


Two Door Cinema Club

The band behind the album Tourist History will soon, fittingly, visit one of the country’s biggest tourist meccas. Two Door Cinema Club, the Irish alternative pop band that first burst onto the U.S. music scene with the 2010 hit “What You Know,” is traveling to the House of Blues as part of their biggest-yet U.S. tour. For Central Floridians who couldn’t make it to the U.K.’s Glastonbury Festival this year — understandable — the Irish trio’s catchy guitar hooks and danceable synths will bring the festival across the Atlantic. With much less mud. 7 p.m., House of Blues, Disney Springs, houseofblues.com, $59.50-$89.50. — ZT



Saturday: Circuit Church Showcase at Smartpunk



Def Leppard, Journey, Cheap Trick 6 pm; Camping World Stadium, 1 Citrus Bowl Place; $49-$600; 407-423-2476.

Jazz Common Ground 7 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $15-$35.

Rest Ashore, Better Place, The Real You, The Synthetics 8 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $10.


Black Matter Device, Shock and Awe, Monterey, Drosera, M.A.C.E.,

The Aquabats: July 18, House of Blues

Asia: July 20, Hard Rock Live

DIIV, Horse Jumper of Love: July 20, House of Blues

Janet Jackson, Nelly: July 20, Kia Center

HIRS Collective: July 21, Will’s Pub

Lamb of God, Mastodon, Kerry King: July 24, Orlando Amphitheater

Missy Elliott, Ciara, Busta Rhymes, Timbaland: July 30, Kia Center

Lindsey Stirling: Aug. 2, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

New Found Glory, Sincere Engineer: Aug. 16, House of Blues

March Violets, Rosegarden Funeral Party: Aug. 25, Conduit

Pylon Reenactment Society: Aug. 30, Will’s Pub

Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity: Sept. 7, Conduit

Tangent 7 pm; The S.P.O.T., 6633 E. Colonial Drive; $10-$15.

Blue Bamboo Presents: Chris Cortez

7 pm; Winter Park Library and Events Center, 1052 W. Morse Blvd., Winter Park; $20; 407-636-9951.

Felly 7 pm; The Social, 54 N. Orange Ave.; $25-$150; 407-246-1419.

Khasm, Dose, Jezter, Return to Pain

7 pm; IronLife Athletics, 1331 Brookhaven Drive; $12.

Michael Feinberg Trio 7 & 9 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $29.50.

Robots Are Dix, Justin and the Out, Zemar Red 7 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $12.

Summer Serenades: Game and Anime Bangers 8 pm; Women’s Club of Sanford, 309 S. Oak Ave., Sanford; $50-$75; 407-391-9830.


Arrows in Action 6 pm; The Social, 54 N. Orange Ave.; $24-$74; 407-246-1419.

Blue Bamboo Summer Concert Series: Cortez and Koelble 8 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry;$20; 407-636-9951.

The Early November 7 pm; The Beacham, 46 N. Orange Ave.; $29.50$84.50; 407-648-8363.

The Heavy Pets, Ajeva, Moonstone Riders 8 pm; Tuffy’s Music Box, 200 Myrtle Ave., Sanford; $15.

The Intracoastals, Smoky Lynn 8 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; free; 407-322-7475.

Lydia Can’t Breathe, Sid Stratton, Noctus, Disorient, Aludamin 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $15; 407-673-2712.

Nashville Night: Jacob Davis, Cole Taylor 8 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $65.

A Night of Terror: Crossbreed, Cultus Black, The Casket Creatures 7 pm; The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive; $20; 407-704-6261.

Nirvanna: Tribute to Nirvana, Still Alive: Pearl Jam Tribute 7:30 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $17.50-$65; 407-934-2583.

Summertime Slamma Jamma: Bitch Rag Party and Retrospective 6 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $20.


13 Year Anniversary of the Modern Music Movement Presents 7 pm; BSide at Ten10, 1110 Virginia Drive; free; 929-722-4873.

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark: Oct. 19, Plaza Live

Twenty One Pilots: Sept. 11, Kia Center

Cigarettes After Sex: Sept. 13, Kia Center

Herbie Hancock: Sept. 14, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Jelly Roll, Warren Zeiders: Sept. 17, Kia Center

Weezer, The Flaming Lips, Dinosaur Jr.: Sept. 20, Kia Center

Squeeze, Boy George: Sept. 22, Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

Sum 41: Orlando Amphitheater, Sept. 24

Violent Femmes: Sept. 26, House of Blues

STRFKR: Oct. 5, Plaza Live

Charli XCX and Troye Sivan: Oct. 6, Kia Center

Kreator: Oct. 15, Hard Rock Live

Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark: Oct. 19, Plaza Live

Rainbow Kitten Surprise: Oct. 22, Hard Rock Live

Sabrina Carpenter: Oct. 24, Kia Center

Mannequin Pussy: Oct. 25, the Beacham

Babymetal: Nov. 5, Hard Rock Live

EDC: Nov. 8-10, Tinker Field

Justin Timberlake: Nov. 9, Kia Center

P!nk: Nov 18, Camping World Stadium

Kacey Musgraves: Dec. 2, Kia Center

Creed: Dec. 5, Kia Center

The 3rd Annual Vaudeville Spectacular 7:30 pm; Alexis and Jim Pugh Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $35-$55.

Auditory Armory, Red Calling, Modern Mimes, Meka Nism 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $13; 407-673-2712.

Ballroom Bluesfest 11:30 am; Space Coast Convention Center, 301 Tucker Lane, Cocoa; $66; 321-783-9004.

Black Guayaba, 3RG Miami 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $47.50-$142.50; 407-934-2583.

Blue Bamboo Summer Concert Series: Jeff Rupert Quartet 8 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry; $35; 407-636-9951.

Chris Brown, Muni Long, Maeta 6:30 pm; Kia Center, 400 W. Church St.; $105-$445; 800-745-3000.

Circuit Church: Pulzwav, Zap Danger, Earth Fault 7 pm; Smartpunk Record Shop, 12078 Collegiate Way; free.

Gimme Gimme 8 pm; West End Trading Co., 202 S. Sanford Ave., Sanford; $10; 407-322-7475.

Goth Rodeo Festival: KT Kink, Dream October, Meadow Desperado, JLG, Hevanx, Midhouse, Midi Memory 7 pm;

The S.P.O.T., 6633 E. Colonial Drive; $15-$20.

Jorge Celedon 8 pm; Hard Rock Live, 6050 Universal Blvd.; $49.50-$85.50; 407-351-5483.

Lion Country Ferrari, Power Pants, Rude Television, Tiger Beat 8 pm; Stardust Video and Coffee, 1842 E. Winter Park Road; $15; 407-623-3393.

Nashville Night: Jacob Davis, Cole Taylor 4 & 8 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $65.

Orlando Girls Rock Camp Showcase 2 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $10-$30; 407-673-2712.

Summertime Slamma Jamma: Bitch Rag Party and Retrospective 8 pm; Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave.; $20.


Ballroom Bluesfest 11 am; Space Coast Convention Center, 301 Tucker Lane, Cocoa; $66; 321-783-9004.

Blue Bamboo Presents: Don Soledad Trio 11 am; Casa Feliz, 656 N. Park Ave., Winter Park; free; 407-636-9951.

Blue Bamboo’s 8th Anniversary: The Orlando Jazz Orchestra 3 pm; Casselberry Arts Center, 137 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry; $35; 407-636-9951.

Menudo, Luis Arturo, Peja, Sm6 1:30 pm; The Abbey, 100 S. Eola Drive; $35-$39; 407-704-6261.

Palomino Blond, MX Lonely, Eyelash, Catnap 7 pm; Stardust Video and Coffee, 1842 E. Winter Park Road; $15; 407-623-3393.

Ryan Devlin Quartet 5 & 7:30 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $20.

Sexblood, Livernois, Human Factors Lab, DJ Christina Zombie 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $15-$20; 407-673-2712.

Two Door Cinema Club 7 pm; House of Blues, Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista; $59.50-$89.50; 407-934-2583.


Jamie WilliamS. 7 pm; Judson’s Live, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $20.

MC Chris, Crunk Witch 7 pm; Conduit, 6700 Aloma Ave., Winter Park; $20; 407-673-2712.


Bill Bellamy Friday-Saturday; Funny Bone Comedy Club, 9101 International Drive; $40-$70; 407-480-5233; orlando.funnybone.com.

Let’s Get Weird Story Hour

A comedic and high-energy show where patrons will be asked to bring an item from home to be added to our set for a “create your own” storytelling show. Written & Performed By Melanie Bailey. 8 pm Saturday; College Park Gallery, 2300 Edgewater Drive; $25; 407-961-2858; facebook.com/ letsgetweirdorlando.

Marco Luque em Dilatados 7:30 pm Sunday; Steinmetz Hall, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $30-$124; 407-3586603; drphillipscenter.org.

Rickey Smiley Wednesday-Thursday; Funny Bone Comedy Club, 9101 International Drive; $42-$72; 407-4805233; orlando.funnybone.com.

Tasha K 5:30 pm Sunday; Funny Bone Comedy Club, 9101 International Drive; $32-$62; 407-480-5233; orlando. funnybone.com.

Tony Hinchcliffe 7 pm Friday; Hard Rock Live, 6050 Universal Blvd.; $39.75-$49.75; 407-351-5483; hardrock.com/live.


A24 X IMAX Present: Oasis: Supersonic 7 pm Tuesday; various theaters; $21.40.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind Richard Dreyfuss stars as a cable worker who, along with several other stunned bystanders, experiences a close encounter — witnessing UFOs soaring across the sky. 7 pm Wednesday; various theaters; $13-$14; fathomevents.com.

KidFest: Cinderella With a wicked stepmother (Eleanor Audley) and two jealous stepsisters (Rhoda Williams, Lucille Bliss) who keep her enslaved and in rags, Cinderella (Ilene

Woods) stands no chance of attending the royal ball. 11:30 am Sunday; Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland; $11; 407-629-0054; enzian. org.

Movie Trash: Tip Toes Sporting an all-star cast including Matthew McConaughey, Gary Oldman (as a dwarf and also the twin brother of McConaughey), Kate Beckinsale, Peter Dinklage and Patricia Arquette, directed by the absolutely incredible Matthew Bright (Freeway). 8 pm Saturday; The Nook on Robinson, 2432 E. Robinson St.; instagram.com/ orlandopopupmovieservices.

Saturday Matinee Classics: Le Samouraï Hit man Jef Costello (Alain Delon) goes through an elaborate set of rituals before carrying out a hit on a nightclub owner. Noon Saturday; Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland; $11; 407-629-0054; enzian. org.


Bazaar Botanica: Weird Artisan Market Over 25 unique artisans and shops, cool art, vintage clothing, plants, home and garden goods, records and CDs, collectibles and much more. 1 pm Sunday; Tuffy’s Music Box, 200 Myrtle Ave., Sanford; facebook.com/ bazaarbotanicaorlando.

Best Friends National Conference Learn the latest actionable tools and techniques to take home and immediately start saving more dogs and cats in your community to reach or sustain a no-kill status in 2025. Thursday-Saturday; Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal Blvd.; $395; 435-688-2327.

CLEO Speakers Network A space focused on climate change, environmental justice, and civic engagement. Explore the intersection of these important issues and provide participants with the skills and knowledge to become effective environmental advocates. Participants will receive a certificate and lunch will be provided. 11 am Saturday; Orlando Public Library, 101 E. Central Blvd.; free; 407-7445565; cleoinstitute.org.

The District 5th Anniversary Weekend A full weekend of drinks, vibes, and incredible food and vendors. Friday-Sunday; Hourglass Brewing Curry Ford, 2500 Curry Ford Road; 407-730-5249; facebook.com/ hourglassbrewingdistrict.

Dual: Mercedes Ruiz, Santiago Lara 7 pm Sunday; Alexis and Jim Pugh Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave.; $52.93; drphillipscenter.org.

Great American Big Band Patriotic Concert 7:30 pm Saturday; Ritz Theater at the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, 201 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford; $28-$35; 407321-8111; ritztheatersanford.com.

Just Call Moe Celebrity Bowl-o-Rama An afternoon of fun and fundraising. Roll strikes and raise funds for a fantastic cause, Rosie’s Adventures. 2 pm Saturday; Oviedo Bowling Center, 376 E. Broadway St., Oviedo; $15; 407-245-7723; justcallmoe.com.

Maker Day Open your world to engineering, art, science and more. There will be activities, exhibits, and more

for all ages. 1 pm Thursday; Winter Park Library and Events Center, 1052 W. Morse Blvd., Winter Park; free; 407- 623-3300; winterparklibrary.org/ maker-day.

Mecum Florida Summer Special

Featuring an estimated 1,500 American muscle cars, classics, Corvettes, trucks, exotics, hot rods, customs and more. Wednesday-Saturday; Osceola Heritage Park, 1875 Silver Spur Lane, Kissimmee; $30-$75; 321-697-3333; ohpark.com.

The Naughty Nightcap Burlesque Show

Featuring the sultry performers of Cosmic Chaos Burlesque. 9:30 pm Friday; The Falcon, 819 E. Washington St.; free; 407-986-0755.

Open Skate

A community based event for all skaters. Come out with your family & friends and learn how to skate or just practice and perfect your skill. 2 pm Saturday; Barber Park, 3701 Gatlin Ave.; 407-858-2295; instagram.com/ smooverollerz.

The Second Annual Orlando Tattoo Arts Festival The original tattoo festival offers three exciting days of togetherness, artistry and self-expression. Friday-Sunday; Orange County Convention Center, 9800 International Drive; $20-$40; 215-4234780; villainarts.com.

Subculture DJs Mr. Mogembo and SneakyPete playing deep, soulful, classic and afro house. 10 pm Saturday; The Arena Art Bar, 22 S. Magnolia Ave; free; 407-440-2288; facebook.com/ thearena407.


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RV Sales

Repairs Legal, Public Notices

WANTED - All motorhomes, fifth wheels and travel trailers. Cars, vans and trucks any condition. Cash paid on the spot. Call 954-595-0093.

ALL ABOARD STORAGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Personal property of the following tenants will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder to satisfy a rental lien in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sections: 83.801 - 83.809. All units areassumed to contain general household goods unless otherwise indicated. Viewing of photos will be available on www.lockerfox.com, up to 5 days prior to each scheduled sale. The owners or their agents reserve the right to bid on any unit and also to refuse any bid. All items or units may not be available on the day of sale. The Public Sale will take place via www.lockerfox.com on: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 1:30 p.m., or thereafter, at: SANFORD DEPOT 2728 W 25th St, Sanford, FL 32771 407-305-3388 1413 Sharonda Holley, 1083 Elvin Torres, 1408 Jaubri Cash, 1328 Erika Roberts, 1034 Justin Restrepo, 1202 Alsye Poleon, 1618 Erenstine Browne, 1578 Brian Brookins, 1370 Reginald Jones, 1372 Maria Mcgill, 1290 Juan Gomez, 1026 Kimberly Johnson, 1116 Alana Dennis. The above Tenants have been given proper notice, fourteen days prior to the first publication of this Notice of Sale, that the Owner will enforce a statutory lien on the property located in their respective unit of the above-mentioned self-storage facilities. Publication Dates: July 3 and 10, 2024.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 1001 Lee Rd. Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 489-3742 on July 26th, 2024 12:00PM. Arkeisha Adams: totes, bags, clothes; Altoria White: boxes, mattresses, bedding; Myriam Castor: Shelving, boxes, bags; Jennifer Osborne: Boxes, totes, clothes; Jessica Harris: boxes, totes, bike; Angela Smith: boxes; Clacema William: Bed Frame, Boxes, totes, bags; Alvin Brinson: Chairs, Furniture, bags, totes; Christopher Rosario: household items; Mitchell Wheatley: Clothing; Nancy Wilkins: Boxes, totes; Yaminel Gravesande: Bedding furniture, clothes; Clacema William: Bedding, Furniture, Boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on July 26, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 3404: 2650 N Powers Dr Orlando, FL 32818, 407.982.1032 @ 1:00 PM: Kadisha Henry-Household Goods,Shakayra Williams-Household Goods,Innocent Rose Marie -Household Goods,Rashay Mccree-Household

Goods,Prosper Philogene-Household Items,Tiara Gilbert-Boxes,David Jean-Household Goods,Emmanuel Hampton-Household Goods,Verdell Lovett-Household Goods,Tiara Gilbert-Clothing,Trenton Jones-Household Items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: July 23rd, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 610 Rinehart Rd. Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 637-1360 Deeja Cole-household goods, Angel Dela Cruz-Baby Items, 50 inch TV, Joseph kelly-household good,Meghan Snipes-Boxes and furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: July 26th, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 831 N. Park Avenue Apopka, FL 32712 (407) 450-0345 Carmelo Sanchez - Tools. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to comlete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: July 26th, 2024. at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 11920 W Colonial Dr Ste 10, Ocoee FL 34761, 407794-6970. Eugene Boyd- household items, Anthony Simpson- household items, Latisha Simeina- furniture, children’s items, Cynthia La Juan- Adams- household items, Bibi Sukhraj- household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property de-

scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: July 26, 2024 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 1101 Marshall farms rd., Ocoee FL 34761, 407-516-7221 Josephine Ducreay- Home goods. Marc Lopez- bar equipment. Latoya Boyd-house goods. Jason Todd Grace-house goods. Raylyn Sugar-household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated July 23, 2024 at the time and location listed below. 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 1451 Rinehart Rd Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 915-4908. The personal goods stored therein by the following: Krista Denoff: household, totes . Lashonda Tishale Rogers: appliances, household. Shaquantia Lingard : household, totes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Extra Space Storage 6035 Sand Lake Vista Drive, Orlando, FL 32819 July 26th, 2024, 11:00AM John Natoli: Bins, tools, Pakarcia Wilson: Totes, Bags, Clothes The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: July 25, 2024, at the times and locations listed below: The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 12280 East Colonial Drive, Orlando FL 32826, 3212867324: Daimon Zachery: Bags: Pressure Washer, Toys, Bedding; Jacolby Reddick: Boxes, household Goods, Tubs, Bags, Lamp, Suitcase; Cynamon Stroman: Suitcases, TV, Turn Table, Power Strip, household goods, Tools, Bike; Carollynn Curtis: Tubs, Boxes, Bags, Tripod, Lamps. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 14916 Old Cheney Hwy, Orlando FL 32826, 4079179151: Beverly Rodriguez: Household Goods, Boxes, Wall Art, Totes, Holiday Decor. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life

Storage, 3364 W State Rd 426 Oviedo, FL 32765, 4079304293: Christine Rivera: Household Goods, Boxes, Bags, Totes, Supplies. Veronica Crespo: Household Goods, Boxes, Totes, Electronics, Outdoor, Tools, Wall Art. Darlene Santiago: Household Goods, Boxes, Appliance, Dressers. Robert Emmet Gannon III: Boxes, Totes, Household Goods, Wall Art. Imari Leandre: Household Goods, Boxes, Bags, Wall Art, Collectables. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 1010 Lockwood Blvd Oviedo, FL 32765, 4079304370: Adam Burdette: Household Goods, Boxes, Vacuum, Plastic Bags, Motorcycle Helmet, Lamps, Bins. Richard Davidson: Household Goods, Bins, TV, Lab Top, Plastic Bag, Fold Table, The personal goods stored therein by the following: 10:00AM Life Storage, 6068 Wooden Pine Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32829, 4079745165: Jodel Borgella: Furniture, boxes, household goods. Clark Birkett: Tools, boxes, household items. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:00AM Life Storage, 11583 University Blvd, Orlando, FL 32817, 4077772278: Yanira Agosto: Household Goods/Furniture The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:00AM Life Storage, 9001 Eastmar Commons Blvd, Orlando, FL 32825, 4079016180: Mareile Thompson: bed, dresser, kitchen cabinets, boxes. Dustin Compton: wall art, boxes, chair. Desiree Gimenez: bed, matress, luggage, ceiling fan, totes, boxes. Lauren Romero: desk, wall art, boxes, bags. Joanna Ekemode: bed, couch, dresser, mattress, tv, wall art, clothing, boxes, bags. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 11:15AM Extra Space Storage, 1305 Crawford Ave. St. Cloud FL 34769, 4075040833: Pearl Sabino: Luggage, totes, household items; Shakyra De Jesus: clothing, Collectibles, sneakers, boxes; Robert Troupe: Couch, bed, Mattress and frame, Shoes, wall art; Victor Rodriguez: Gym Equipment The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage, 11071 University Blvd Orlando, FL 32817, 3213204055: Jenniser Colon 1 bedroom apartment The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:45 PM Extra Space Storage, 9847 Curry Ford Rd Orlando, FL 32825, 4074959612: Dulce Maria Pacheco Aquino-Household items; Dulce Maria Pacheco Aquino-Household items. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:15PM Extra Space Storage, 11261 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando FL 32832, 4072807355: Shauntrel Daniels- Clothes, TVs, iMac, Ladder; Timothy Lorenzo Bryant- Holiday Decoration, Household Furniture, Jewlery. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 1:30PM Extra Space Storage, 10959 Lake Underhill Rd Orlando FL 32825, 4075020120: Stephenie Daniel, Furniture crib Holiday decor tvs paint equipment The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:00PM Extra Space Storage, 12709 E Colonial Dr, Orlando FL 32826, 4076343990: Tommy Mclean, Household items; Claudine Satcher, boxes; Donald Jackson, 5-bedroom household. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 2:00PM Extra Space Storage 11971 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando FL 32825, 4075167913: Camille Baker homegoods, Joan Ouko totes, Shante Taylor homegoods. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage, 342 Woodland Lake Dr Orlando, FL 32828 3218004793: Kyel Francis - bed, file cabinet, books, lamps, art; Emmarie Pabon – Bikes, Holiday Decorations, Cloths; Ray Snider – Household Goods.

The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 8235 N Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando FL, 32810, 727.428.6564 @ 12:00PM on July 26, 2024 Oneck Delice -Office Equipment, computers, electronic devices Oneck Delice-Computers, documents, cabinets, electronic devices Oneck Delice-Boxes, Computers, electronic devices, office equipment Oneck Delice-Cabinets Clothing Documents, electronics, computers Ferquanza Hamilton-Cabinets, Dressers, Household, boxes Oneck Delice-Cabinets, old stuff, personal effects, electronics, computers Oneck Delice-Shelves, Electronics, computers, cable cords, office equipment Brandon Williams-Clothing, shoes, Boxes, computers Cristian Gonzalez-Motor/car parts,skate board, clothes, books, outdoor equipment Cynthia Wilson-Appliances, toys, clothes, wall art, household, outdoor Susan Loomis-Household Goods/Furniture Danirlle Marsh-Furniture appliances personal belongings. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility inorder to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 2650 W.25th St. Sanford, Fl 32771, 407-324-9985 on July 23rd, 2024 at 12:00pm Tailore Conyers: household goods, Michael Eason Sr : Household Goods, Marvin Mackeyroy : household goods, Rose Cooper: household goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Life Storage, #3700, 5645 W State Road 46, Sanford, FL 32771 (321)286-7326. On July 23rd, 2024 at 12:00 PM Timmy McClain-Household goods/furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes

possession of the personal property

Extra Space Storage/ Life Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Store 3057 4066 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32808 (407) 734-1959 on July 26th, 2024 12:00PM Rob AshbyClothing and shoes, Personal effects and Boxes. Marquise Rivers- Personal effects, Household items, Mattress and bedding, Bed frames, Kids bikes, T.V. and bags. Michael Thomas- Wall art, Boxes, Personal effects and Totes. Nancy Lewis- Clothing and shoes, Lamps, Cabinets and Shelves, Personal effects, Household items, Boxes and baby toys. Enrique Moran- Appliances, Dishes and Kitchenware, Boxes, Electronics, Mattress and bedding, Clothing and shoes, Sports and outdoors, T.V. Elgyn Croker- Clothing and shoes, Toys, Duffle bag and Boxes of pampers. Kiara BlancoT.V., Appliances, Cabinet and shelves, Dishware and kitchen ware, Furniture, Toys, Clothing and shoes, Mattress and Bedding, Personal effects and boxes. Rashida Foster-Appliances, Cabinets and shelves, Dishes and kitchenware, Lamps, Clothing and Shoes, Mattress and Bedding, and boxes. Rhonda RoaneClothing and Shoes, Personal effects. Morgan Saffold- Personal effects, Bags and Totes. Susan Cervantas- Clothing and shoes, Personal effects, Household items. Ronald Smith- Clothing and shoes, Sports and outdoors, Boxes and tools, Supplies and Wet vac. Barbara Kelly- Heavy equipment, tools and supplies, Construction machinery and Concrete bags. Tiffany Smith- Clothing and shoes, Personal effects and Boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA. CASE NO: DP14-182, IN THE INTEREST OF B.J. DOB: 1/17/2024, minor child. NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: CECILE JACKSON, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption:B.J. born on 1/17/2024. You are hereby commanded to appear on July 22, 2024, at 9:30 AM before the Honorable Wayne Wooten at the Orange Courthouse, 2000 East Michigan Street Orlando, Fl 32806, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTIVE CONSENT TO THE TPR PETITION OF THE CHILD(REN) AND COULD RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD(REN). WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 10th day of June, 2024. CLERK OF COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal)

Legal, Public Notices

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2024-CP-001000 IN RE: ESTATE OF SHARON MARIE GARVEY, a/k/a SHARON M. GARVEY Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of SHARON MARIE GARVEY, a/k/a SHARON M. GARVEY, deceased, whose date of death was January 6, 2023, is pending in the Circuit Court for Seminole County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is P. O. Box 8099, Sanford, Florida 32772-8099. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served, must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: July 10, 2024. Signed on this 19th day of June, 2024. /s/ Jerry W. Allender, Attorney for Personal Representative, Florida Bar No. 110030 ALLENDER & ALLENDER, P.A. 719 Garden Street Titusville, FL 32796 Telephone: (321) 269-1511 Facsimile: (321) 264-7676 22-318-JG Email: jallender@ allenderlaw.com Secondary Email: joan@ allenderlaw.com. /s/ BRIAN R. GARVEY, Personal Representative, 1249 Hollyridge Trail, Maitland, FL 32751


CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this court at Sanford, Seminole County, Florida this 12t day of June, 2024. GRANT MALOY, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, BY: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 7/WOOTEN CASE NO.: DP22-365 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: J.R.C. DOB: 07/11/2022 NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING ON PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: Johnathan Colon, A/K/A Jonathan Colon Muniz Father to the Minor Child, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: J.R.C., date of birth July 11th , 2022. You are hereby commanded to appear on July 30th, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. before the Honorable Wayne C. Wooten, Judge of the Circuit Court, in Court Room 6 of the Thomas S. Kirk Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 E. Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT TO REPRESENT YOU IN THIS HEARING AND AT ALL STAGES OF THIS PROCEEDING. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COURT AND THE COURT WILL DETERMINE IF YOU ARE EN-


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2022-DP-088 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: S.S. DOB: 4/11/2019, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: CHRISTOPHER WAGNER, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: S.S. born on 4/11/2019. You are hereby commanded to appear on August 9, 2024, at 2:00PM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 26th day of June, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE 23-DP-12 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: K.H. DOB: 1/12/2023, NOTICE OF ACTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. TO: JONATHAN EUGENE HODGE, Address Unknown. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following child for adoption: K.H. born on 1/12/2023. You are hereby commanded to appear on September 10th , 2024, at 9:30AM., before the Honorable Laura Shaffer, Juvenile Division, Courtroom 4C, at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for an ADVISORY HEARING. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 24th day of June, 2024. Kelvin Soto, as Clerk of Court. By: /s/ as Deputy Clerk (Court Seal).


ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 07 CASE NO.: DP23-056 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: G.W. DOB: 01/25/2023. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. STATE OF FLORIDA To: William Walker Last known address: 2807 W. Amelia St., Orlando, FL 32805. A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge Wayne C. Wooten, on July 19, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified: FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 14th day of June, 2024. This summons has been issued at the request of: Cynthia Rodriguez, Esquire FBN: 1026123 Cynthia.rodriguez4@myflfamilies. com CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, By: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal)

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 07/WOOTEN CASE NO: DP22-514 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD I.V.H. DOB: 1/31/2021. NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: JESUS RODRIGUEZ,, Address unknown. A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced child(ren). You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable Greg Tynan on August 7, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD(REN) NAMED IN THE PETITION. YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 17th day of June, 2024. This summons has been issued at the request of: Tracy Drewes, Esquire Florida Bar No: 1010702, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal)

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. KEVIN GREEN Petitioner and TYWONDA LASSITER WAGSTAFF, Respondent. Case No.: 2024-DR-004798-O Notice of Action for Family Cases with Minor Child(ren). TO: TYWONDA LASSITER WAGSTAFF, 4460 WELDON PLACE, ORLANDO, FL 32811. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Paternity (DISESTABLISHMENT) has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your

written defenses, if any, to it on KEVIN GREEN whose address is 626 CITRUS ST., ORLANDO, FL 32805 on or before 8/1/2024, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at Orange County Clerk of Court: 425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. No real or personal property. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 6/12/2024 TIFFANY MOORE RUSSELL, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. By: /S/ ROBERT HINGSTON {Deputy Clerk}

Life Storage/Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 7244 Overland Rd Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 794-7457 on July 26th, 2024 12:00PM Tina Gully-Household Goods/Furniture, TV/Stereo Equipment, Office Furn/Machines/Equip; Shanterse Mosby-Bed, mattress, clothes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Life Storage/ Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Flash Investigations LLC, of 14330 Alafaya Oak Blvd., Orlando, FL 32828, pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, is hereby advertising the following fictitious name: FLASH SERVICES USA It is the intent of the undersigned to register FLASH SERVICES USA” with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. Dated: 7/1/24


Rodriguez, 1407 Beatriz Collazo, 2280 Raymond Mulero, 1170 John King, 1035 Tiffany Wooden, 1140 Lorenzo Lamey, 1278 Che Feemster, 2307 Orville Campbell, 1061 Wanda Adorno, 2029 Raymond Cole, 1285 Isabel Castillo Urdaneta, 2100 Jenise Jordan, 1055 Carlos Carcamo, 1270 Keith Dixon, 2080 Oguzhan Kasar, 3349 Latoya Michael, 2352 Raymond Mulero, 1196 Linda Johnson, 2275 Yvette Mosquera. U-Haul Ctr. 2629 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee Fl. 34744 08/08/2024: 3441 Thynia Buckley, 3000 Robert Wilson, 1036 Jerry Wright, 3239 Elijah Hankerson IV, 3179 Charm Baxter, 1068 Nestor Ramirez De Arellano, 2014 Tameka Fulgham, AB1703D Jackeline Rohena, 2146 Christine Irizarry, 1265 John Prados, 2142 Grace Rios, 3081 Shanequa Gantt, 3149 Carmen Plana, 3026 Sheneice Williams, 3266 Kayla Cardona, 3096 Danielle Chin, 3117 Meghan King, 1280 Cassandra Johnson. U-Haul Ctr 13301 S. Orange Blossom Trl. Orlando Fl. 32837 08/08/2024: 1603 Diante Douglas, 1617 Isis Stone Peters, 3618 B H Polymers, 1624 Christopher Perez, 3096 Jonathan Astocondor, 2240 BH Polymers, 2337 Curtis Johnson, 1716 Yolanda Able, 3041 William No Last Name, 1615 Amalissa Accilien, 2417 Jonah Hasting, 1307 Cana Marriott, 1601 Robert Sanchez, 1211 Jonah Hastings, 3508 Kevin Castro. U-Haul Ctr 14651 Gatorland Dr. Orlando Fl. 32837 08/08/2024: 527 Michael Zurita, 600 Allie Fundalewics, 847 Roberto Cumbasantos, 1083 Chanae Hobbs, 710 Reggie Santoni, 393 Shakira York, 297 Cesarina Lluberes, 241 Marlyn McNair, 447 Kimberley Layne, 964 Eduardo Padilla, 368 John Eustace, 335 Froilan Morales Soto, 448 Froilan Morales Soto.


Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on July 12th, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1334: 5603 Metrowest Blvd Orlando FL, 32811 407.516.7751 @ 12:00PM: Alexandria Jones: clothes, laptop, monitors, shoes, clothes; Carlos Nelson: house items 1 bedroom; Jean Blaise: furniture, appliances; Joseph Collazo: boxes; Justin Shefton: household goods; Keisha Green: household goods; Zomiah Russell: Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on July 26, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 7420: 800 Beard Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787, 407.551.6985 @ 12:00 PM: Youlanda Parker: Holiday Decor, Boxes, Christmas tree. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

- Cathcart, Jonathon; E502 - rotundo, Brittany; F555 - Escobar, Salvador PUBLIC STORAGE # 25974, 1931 W State Rd 426, Oviedo, FL 32765, (407) 901-7497 Time: 11:20 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. A041 - Alonso Aquatics llc Alonso, Steven; C067 - Dampier, Tyrese; C085 - Mompoint, Carla; C128 - Hester, Callie; D465 - Johnston, James; D487 - Levander, Eleene PUBLIC STORAGE # 28084, 2275 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 545-2547 Time: 11:30 AM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. B121 - Huezo, Celeste; B131 - owsiannu, Megan; B168 - Davis, Brooke; B191 - Whitner, Antonio; B197 - Hipp, Donna; B198 - phillips, Kenlynn; B217 - Negron, Jasmine; C103 - Gil, Manuel; C140 - Mingo, Kay; C175Wakefield, Altwan; C193 - III, Alfredo Arrastia; C199B - Jimenez-Ortiz, Raul Ivan; C199E - Lajas, Christina; C199I - Garcia, Dolores; C205 - Marmolejos, Kennibeth; C227G - Rivera, yvette; C230E - Tirado Jr, David Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on July 26, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:15 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 07029, 3150 N Hiawassee Rd, Hiawassee, FL 32818, (407) 392-0863 Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1103 - Miller, Michelle; 1119 - Quillian, Katrina; 1403Moore, Darron; 1407 - Swanson, Aleia; 1505 - Butler, Jazmine; 1602 - Britt, Stephen; 1708 - Fuqua, Jeffery; 1804 - Jones, Shantoria; 1831 - silvestris, Brittany; 1905 - Louis Jean, Ritza; 1910 - Miller, Nathan; 1926 - Johnson, Sharmane; 2110 - Munoz, Stephanie; 2205 - Blount, Maya; 2320 - Kauffman, London E; 2421 - Riley, Alicia; 2425 - Clay, Tara; 2428 - Ratcliff, Susan; 2505 - SIMS, TYLO; 2601 - Dunn, Catherine; 2615 - Richemond, Welderson; 2626 - Cotto, Carmen; 2703 - Lofton, Michelle; 2714 - Munoz, Stephanie; 2721Fountain, Zena; 2730 - Porterfield, Morris. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08326, 310 W Central Parkway, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4595 Time: 01:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0085 - Wilson, Briana; 0130 - Hendrickson, Edward; 0253 - Russell, Eustace; 0256Powell,Terry; 0345 - Johnson, Matthew; 0439 - Wilson Jr, Larry; 0444 - Sanchez, Rosa; 0492 - Lewis, Ebony; 0512 - Hepburn, Denae; 1031 - Integrated Media Systems Reyes, Ysa; 2042 - Cintron, Bianca; 3036Majors, Rebecca; 3049 - Norton, Joshua; 3057 - Anderson, Shaynesha; 3067 - Houston, Danaysia; 3074 - Large, Crystal; 4043 - West, Rena; 4069 - Adelman, Joel; 5018Ariel, Brittany. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08705, 455 S Hunt Club Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703,

(407) 392-1542 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1014

- Shehee, Glen; 2013 - Isom, Angel; 4022Mcintosh, Alexis; 4046 - Rosa, Edgar; 4061 - Pena-Lopez, Veronica; 4074 - Miles, Darrayl; 5008 - Duquette, Jennifer Rosemary; 5013 - Graffuis, Dale; 5047 - PKC Morris, Carole; 5056 - ivory, Tiffany; 5087 - Vega, Jennifer; 5117 - Jalbert, Meghan; 5134DeBice, Derek; 6003 - Shaw, Toni; 6030 - Mobley, Alexa; 6073 - Riley, Johntreal; 6085 - agin, Toni; 6086 - Nienstedt, Mark; 6132 - Armand Prosper Shea,Jilaine. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08732, 521 S State Road 434, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 487-4750 Time: 02:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com 1010 - Vazquez Rodriguez, Luis; 1018 - Brodie, Vincent; 3030 - CHAPMAN, KAYLANIA; 4002 - simmons, Maxwell; 4024 - Heulitt, Letha; 5029 - Morales, Jordan; 5033Holmes, Janisia; 5055 - Seligman, Mort; 5088 - Corbin, Zorna; 5092 - Ortiz, Jorge; 5108 - Grillos, Michael; 6029 - Muniz, Emily; 6074 - Alonso, Maria; 6102 - Crowl, Jared. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20729, 1080 E Altamonte Dr, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701, (407) 326-6338 Time: 02:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B071 - Murati Rosa, Javier; B076 - Harris, Paige; B077 - Suarez, Gary; B099 - Rivera, Joancy; B110 - DeLosAngeles, Kimberly; B137 - Mendez, David; B167 - benitez, stephanie; B191 - Borges, Kimberlee; B197 - ii, Arthur young; B218 - Williams, Tiffany; C039 - jesus, Frances De; C063 - Brown, Corrin; C088 - santiago, Juan; C092 - Park, Wayne; D029 - Witty, Cregg; D050 - Joseph, Nathan; D074Kulik, Melissa; F026 - Rodriguez, Edgar. PUBLIC STORAGE # 22130, 510 Douglas Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, (407) 865-7560 Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A1018 - BARHATKOV, ALEXANDER; A1030Beacham, Timothy; B1005 - Ramsey, Lavar Kendriks; C1012 - DESTLER, HOWARD; C1115 - Machado, Stephanie; C1127Lynch, Anthony; C2001 - Williams, David; C2007 - Moody, Ayhanna; C2029 - Smith, Monique; C2053 - Thornton, Elizabeth; D1016 - Pierre, Elyse; D1044 - Fallon, Rebecca; D1112 - Smith, Sharon; D1127 - Hamlett, Matthew; D2009 - Henderson, Alicia; D2012 - Cius, Alexandra; D2018walker, Kenyarie; D2021 - Crump, Karlene; D2024 - Roberts, Qia; D2086 - Torres, Markus; D2101 - Smyre, Sheena; D2118Smith, Sharon; D2128 - Villalobos, Robert; D2137 - Polanco, Mayelin; D2144 - Smith, Sharon; D2153 - HENCY, TODD; D2157Clarke, Arielle; D2195 - Garcia, Zamary; E1009 - Matthews, Mark; E1024 - Victoria, Justin; E1039 - Smith, Monique; E1042Lee, Lateefah; E1057 - Guzman, Eva; E1083 - Lewis, Nikita; E1092 - Hensley, Emily; E1118 - Phly apparel Co Dorsaima, Andy; E1133 - Torres, Angela; Q0106 - Vasquez, Anselmo. PUBLIC STORAGE # 24107, 4100 John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 930-4381 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com A118 - Jones, Crystal; A127 - Sheely, Najae; A130 - Atwell, Akina; A151 - Stevens, Jessica; B210 - Robinson, Katherine; B214 - Wimberly, Gerald; B220 - Smith, Haraneisha; B228 - Lefperance, Mark; B231 - Forbes, Reuben; B238 - Champion, Carolyn; B244 - Forbes, Reuben; B261Forbes, Reuben; C301 - Jackson, Prestiss; C334 - Williams, Alana; C355 - Dreamlife Center Johnson, Stephen; D431 - corson, Tamieka; E005 - Mathis, Glenn; E011 - Escarment, Wilder; E012 - Mathiss, Marciaa; E015 - Porter, Destiny; E056 - Gordon, Fatema; E064 - Jones, Jessica; E073 - Davis, Yumani; E076 - Mathis, Deborah; E108 - Privat, Soraya; F612 - Washington, Celia;

F613 - Francois, Francis; F614 - Bennett, Connor; F631 - Sutherland, Ebony; F641

- Jack, Selida; G715 - Allen, Lance; G739 - Baker, Tonia; H814A - Joseph, Shelton; H814B - Jackson, Tawandra; J903Haynes, Dinaaya; J904 - Law, Telly; J914 - Dreamlife Center Johnson, Steve; J917 - Ashley, Brenda; J921 - Franklin, Terrie R; P002 - Mcleod, Angelo; P003 - Mcleod, Angelo; P010 - Wright, Jarick; P052Mcguiness, Shane. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25780, 8255 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (321) 247-6799 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures. com. 1203 - Palin, Thomas; 1210 - sanders, Porche; 1216 - Bush, Joe; 1320 - HANSON, MARIE; 1340 - Norelia, Aser; 1342 - Bess, James; 1361 - Clark, Nykeria; 1475NELSON, ELISEA; 1481 - Paillant, Paul; 1504 - Legree, Anthony; 1512 - Rodriguez, Elizabeth; 1610 - Jones, Terry; 1624 - Rodriguez, Elizabeth; 1628 - Bacon, Antwannette; 2034 - Morgan, Raymond; 2120 - Sthilaire, Quanterra; 2122 - Walker, Kristoffer; 2143 - Knight, Shannon; 2200CINE, PIERRE; 2206 - Parfait, Moise; 2209 - Palomino, Jose; 2211 - Goss, Gail; 2215 - Rainge, Constance; 2235 - Francis, Christopher; 2246 - Louis, Marcus; 2415 - Lorde, Eldric; 2476 - Reachback Foundation Inc. Henry, Sandra. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25813, 2308 N John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32804, (407) 603-0436 Time: 03:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com A010B - Cooper, Sameca; A042 - Craig, Johari; B006 - Finklea, Jaron; B019B - Lee, Michael; B031A - Alexander, Darrin; B033B - Sison, Bennie; B061 - Jones, Alice; B070A - EPPS, Santa; B074AMarin, Arthur; B074B - Denson, Lorenzo; B085B - Powell, Eric; B092 - Puglio, Diaqualyn; C003 - Embry, Mark; C074Adams, John; C080 - Reece, Andre; C082 - almonor, ernest; C086 - Mervilus, Chinita; D013 - Clark, Nelson; D014 - Neroni, Toni; D044 - Nivar, Noelia; D045 - Horton, Aaron; D060 - Doston, Melinda; D071Turner, Elijah; D084 - Hall, Breana; D090 - Breedlove, Natalie; D099 - ARTHUR, ROBERT; D125 - Culley, Cassandra; D132 Watson, Samiel; D142 - Watson Bailey, Laurell; E001 - Sands, Deshane; E007Marie, Vargas; E008 - Wilson, Barbara; E014 - Collins, Lorraine; E078 - Johnson, Raveendra; E100 - Scott, Cameron; F013 - wilson, Larry; F024 - Rowland, Beverly; F030 - Vann, Jonique; F037 - Barton, Tyrek; F068 - Cruz, Casino; F069 - Jackson, Charles C; F074 - Snipes, Mekea; F086Gambles, Justin; G002 - Mckinzie, Ashley; G020 - ANTHONY, CASSANDRA; O016Young, James. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25814, 6770 Silver Star Rd, Orlando, FL 32818, (407) 545-2394 Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0012 - jarvis, Kwame; 0034 - Rodney, Claudin; 0042 - LEWIS, LENARD; 0043 - Chambers, Ragine; 0059 - Puello, Valeria; 0060Brown, Brandon; 0075 - butler, desirae; 0080 - Costache, Marian; 0120 - Revis, Shamya; 0123 - Mosley, Brandon; 0131Louis, Merline; 0150 - Akande, Adewale; 0154 - Valentine, Evelyn; 0191 - White, Deijah; 0198 - Harvey, Laverne; 0208Esteva, Ever; 0235 - Milard, James; 0242 - BRILUS, JEAN CLAUDY; 0263 - Maduro, Gilcerio; 0264 - Williams, Daphina; 0268 - Gilmore, Ernest; 0272 - jenkins, Charles; 0291 - Allen, Timothy; 0292 - Samuels, Dwayne; 0346 - jett, Lassette; 0354Charles, Shakeelah; 0377 - Scott, Chelsea; 0388 - Allwood, Lorraine; 0404 - nelson, Deborah; 0416 - berryhill, shannon; 0432Rither, Diana; 0459 - Bellville, Joesph; 0480 - FERREIRA, VALTER; 0484 - Mincy, Tiffany; 0485 - Gaskins, Christina; 0493 - Garcia, Madeline; 0494 - Ellis, Marquisha; 0495nugent, Terrion; 0496 - Allwood, Lorraine;

0504 - Fair, Vivian; 0545 - Aristil, Brown; 0576 - Romain, Angelica; 0640 - squire, Amber; 0654 - Williams, Saleena; 0665cabrales, Angelina; 0693 - Morillo, Yanil; 0731 - Bailey, Deborah; 0755 - Allen, Ingrid; 0759 - Johnson, Kevin; 0794 - Williams, Noni; 0837 - Dugger, Antonio; 0842 - Sallis, Naomi; 0875 - Singletary, Tony; 0884 - Baptiste, Kessel; 0885 - Morris, Sherry; 0910 - Mason, Wellesley. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25891, 108 W Main St, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 542-9698 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0111 - Gibson, walter; 0219 - Gomez- Olivera, Jose Reynaldo; 0304 - Meadows, Victoria; 0305 - Fling, Vivian; 0315 - Toschlog, Toni; 0401 - Heers, Brittney; 0602 - Heers, Brittney; 0918 - Hurt, Ron; 0923 - Morse, Tangela M; 0935 - Bursey, John; 1104 - Gallon, Christopher; 1111 - Bradford, Michael; 1222 - Stay, Cleetha; 1224 - Walker, Shankeya; 1329 - Henderson, Kevin; 1361 - lewis, Kyajahia; 1452 - Pinkerton, Allan; 1472 - Mcvay, Sierra; 1504 - Williams, Marquis; 1527 - Belneau, Olivier; 1708 - Wray, Lloy; 1726 - Lanter, Charlene; 1731 - clark, Kelisha; 1739 - Pierre, Carline; 1752 - CARRION BARRETO, FRABIAN; 1800 - Tabury, Nana PUBLIC STORAGE # 25895, 2800 W State Road 434, Longwood, FL 32779, (407) 392-0854

Time: 04:00 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0305 - Tanzer, Betty; 0324 - bernabe, Raymundo; 0326 - Quintana, Juan; 0333 - gaston, reanne; 0475 - Richardson, Elizabeth; 0575 - Cruz, Eloi; 0713 - Thomas, Richard; 0723 - LEE, SANG WOO; 0801 - Pantazis, Matt; 0806Gibson, Susan; 0810 - Jr., Joshua Wilson; 0817 - Bradley, Bernadette; 0823 - Barr, Teresa; 0874 - Nurse, Treneice A; 0884Burton, Larea; 0918 - vanKeuren, Keith; 0942 - Plaza, Charlie. PUBLIC STORAGE # 28091, 2431 S Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 279-3958 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1014 - Thompson, Amy; 1018 - Toole, Gregory; 1060 - Viera, Rafeal; 1063 - Lewis, Christopher; 1069 - Rashid, Nadder; 1079 - Matthew, Chamara; 1109 - Ramos, Kimberly; 1117 - Davis, Lydell; 1120 - Munoz, Jesus; 1121 - May, Melinda; 1130 - Miller, Arthur; 1170 - Sanchez, Daniel; 1176 - It’s Not About Us Ministries aboutusminstries, Itsnot; 1185 - Williams, Mekia; 1220 - Tomlinson, Ltesia; 1282Hutto, Jarell; 1292 - white, Phashia; 1297 - Jones, Willie; 1315 - Irizarry, Jeremy; 1316 - Cintron, Carlos; 1352 - Grier, Ashley; 1381 - Butler, Tiffany; B037 - Bernhagen, Marlisa; D005 - Silva, Cisa; D010 - John, Nichola; D015 - Ingram, Dkeyvius; D061 - Velasquez, Noreily; G026 - Keller, Spencer; H026 - Martin, Ambra; T002 - Coates, Kristi; T004 - James, Majorie; T016 - Cancel,Keila; T018 - Griffin, Marcia; U014 - Motley, Julius; U021 - Taylor, Travis; U032 - Vasquez, Gabriel; V009 - Polanco, Mayelin; W011 - Glasgow, Patrick. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.


Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on July 26, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1317: 5592 LB McLeod Rd Orlando,

FL 32811, 407.720.2832 @ 2:00 PM: Esperance Charitable-household items, Arick Harris-Household, Alisha Holmes-3 mattress, bedrails, clothes, bags, boxes, Rachael Mitchell-bed, dresser, boxes, Felicia Frasier-Clothes, Shoes, Bags, Tayanna Purnell-1 bedroom apartment, Shakelle Coleus-household items, 5 bedroom house, Maria Medina Montanez-2 mattresses, Roy Willims-HHG, Total Body Sports LLC-Michael Lockley-workout equiptment, SS International Distributors LLC-Madeline Silva-Wine, Christian MAKOMBO-Appliances, furnitures, SS International Distributors LLC-Madeline Silva-Business Merchandise. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below on July 26, 2024 at the location indicated: Store 1333: 13125 S. John Young Pkwy, Orlando FL. 32837,407.516.7005@10:00 AM: Jessica Savage-clothing, home items, Carolyn Hernandez-household items. Store 1631: 5753 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 212-5890 @ 10:15 AM: Melanie Cadena-Bicycle, mattress, chairs, couch, bed frame, TV. Jaime Barreto- Chairs, table, sofa, dresser, golf clubs, speaker, decoration. Angely Gonzalez- Refrigerator, washer, dryer, toolbox, bicycle, music equipment. Kathleen White- Luggage, bags, vacuum, table. Store 7057: 13597 S. Orange Ave Orlando FL 32824, 407.910.2087 @ 10:30 AM: Petion Elie- household items, boxes. Store 7107: 6174 S Goldenrod, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.955.4137 @ 10:45 AM: Tasha Simmonds - stored items; Gloria Delgado Castillo - home goods; Agustin Guzmanboxes, totes; Xavier Eddings - Scooters, Tools And miscellaneous items Store 3024: 11955 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32837, 407.826.0024 @ 11:00 AM: Sunil Bhavnani – clothes, boxes, household items Store 3378: 475 Celebration Pl, Celebration FL 34747, 321.939.3752 @ 11:15

AM: Dawn Pelletier- Supplies; Tommy Lindig- household goods, furniture, tools, appliances; Jesseica Price- household goods, furniture Store 8931: 3280 Vineland Rd, Kissimmee FL 34746, 407.720.7424 @ 11:30 AM: Robert Spar Collectibles, Jean Pierre SEMINARIO Housegoods, Evonna Rucker clothes Store 8136: 3501 S. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL 32839, 407.488.9093 @ 12:00pm: John Keedy - House hold Appliances,Truck tool box :Marquita Bell- luggage,Hoome goods:Elizabeth Mitchell-Luggage,Small Personal Items,Home Goods:Bryce Marshall-Television ,Collectible Hats ,Shoes,Home Appliances:Demetrius Henderson-House hold Items,Sneakers,Tools and Appliances;Michelle Danza-Luggage ,House hold Appliances ,Dish and Kitchen ware;Sonyercia Carter-House hold Appliances,Boxes,Totes,Shoes,Clothes;;Lorenzo Murray-Appliances,Clothing Shoes-Nichole Nulls-Collectible dolls,Luggage,Shoes,;CJ Williams-Washer,Dryer,Drumset Store 7306: 408 N Primrose Dr, Orlando, FL 32803, (321) 285-5021 @ 12:15 PM: Joseph Hodges; Bedroom and office

items. Store 8612: 1150 Brand Ln Kissimmee FL 34744, 407.414.5303@ 12:30PM: Amanda Soto – household items, electronics; Dalma Santiago – household items, furniture, appliances; Nicolle Viera – furniture, appliances, boxes; Marangely Maysonet – household items; Caroline Del Valle – household items, furniture; Kevin Liebenstein – furniture, boxes. Store 3526: 4650 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando Fl 32822, 407.823.7734 @ 12:45 PM: Joshua Ruckman-Household goods, furniture, cooler, handbag; Robert Gimbel-Household goods, bedding, luggage, boxes, clothing; Luis Perez-Household goods, bedding, furniture, clothing, boxes, luggage, bags. Store 8778: 3820 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32806, 321.270.3440 @ 1:00 pm Valaria Watkins Rasheed Home goods/ Thomas Sandrus House hold items,fishing,sports cards,tools/ miracle brooks clothes packages shoes/ Mikeria Jones Boxes and moving supies/ Aaron Wilson clothes . Store 4107: 9080 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee Fl 34747, 407.910-2036 @ 1:15 PM: Carolina Marie Velazquez Davila- Household Goods/TV/Stereo Equipment; Luis Florestools Store 4109: 13450 Landstar Blvd Orlando, FL 32824, 407.601.41.69@ 1:30 PM: Stephanie Anne Gross-household goods/ furniture, Danielle Hardy- clothing, suit case, electronics, nintendo, laptop, ipads, iphone, androids, 1 hard case, 1 soft, Illia Rivas Robles- appliances, boxes Store 4217: 5698 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, Fl 32839, 754.551.4774 @ 1:45 PM: Terri Carey-Boxes, bins, household goods The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on behalf of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: Site #3086, 130 Concord Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707, July 23, 2024 @ 12:00 pm Amy Marie Hunley- Matteress/clothes/houseware/furn/boxes/2 bedroom apt Kelly Nimphius- Household Goods/Furniture. The auction will be listed an advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purcase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.


We weave your unique local flavor into every social media campaign. We don’t just navigate the social media landscape; we own it! Your success is our success, and we believe in the power of community. Ready to embark on a social media journey that celebrates your local culture and propels your brand to the forefront? Let’s create, connect, and conquer together.

Legal, Public Notices

Notice of Public Sale:

Pursuant to F.S. 713.78 on July 26th, 2024 at 9:00 am, Riker’s Roadside Of Central Florida, INC, 630 E Landstreet Rd, Orlando, FL 32824, will sell the following vehicles and/or vessels. Seller reserves the right to bid. Sold as is, no warranty. Seller guarantees no title, terms cash. Seller reserves the right to refuse any or all bids;

1FALP4040TF109343 1996 FORD


2017 FORD


2000 FORD


2006 CHEV

1GCGSDEN1N1191482 2022 CHEV

1HGCP26818A028334 2008 HOND

1NXBR32E45Z380545 2005 TOYT

4V4NC9EH9MN281373 2021 VOLVO

5FNYF28187B040400 2007 HOND


2013 YAMA


2020 KIA


ADAM AYED ENTERPRISES LLC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 7/26/2024, 09:00 am at 9712 RECYCLE CENTER RD ORLANDO, FL 32824- 8146, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ADAM AYED ENTERPRISES LLC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids.


1987 MERZ

2B3CA3CV2AH100540 2010 DODG

2B3CJ4DG9BH511036 2011 DODG



2018 FORD

3N1AB7AP9KY366604 2019 NISS.


CORTES TOWING SERVICE gives notice that on 7/26/2024 at 10:00 AM the following vehicles(s) may be sold by public sale at 245 ORANGE AVE., LONGWOOD, FL 32750 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery, towing, or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed pursuant to Florida statute 713.78.

1FTPX12V58KD11092 2008 FORD

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 2603 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY KISSIMMEE, FL 34744, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to

2005 FORD


2016 CADI

4A3AC44G51E195556 2001 MITS

7FARW1H96JE044381 2018 HOND

JM1BL1TF0D1739939 2013 MAZD

JULY 30, 2024

JS2YC414685104306 2008 SUZI

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 10850 COSMONAUT BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32824, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids.

JULY 27, 2024

2G1WU583289238968 2008 CHEV

5NPET46C99H522602 2009 HYUN

JULY 29, 2024

2HGEJ6613YH548993 2000 HOND

4F2YZ04184KM33359 2004 MAZD

JTHBD192420051056 2002 LEXS

WMWSV3C55BTY11858 2011 MNNI

JULY 30, 2024

3C3CFFAR2DT574043 2013 FIAT

5NPDH4AE6FH592091 2015 HYUN

JH2PC35012M303629 2002 HOND

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. To satisfy the owner’s storage lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will sell at public lien sale on July 25, 2024, the personal property in the below-listed units, which may include but are not limited to: household and personal items, office and other equipment. The public sale of these items will begin at 01:00 PM and continue until all units are sold. The lien sale is to be held at the online auction website, www.storagetreasures.com, where indicated. For online lien sales, bids will be accepted until 2 hours after the time of the sale specified. PUBLIC STORAGE # 08714, 8149 Aircenter Court, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 792-4965 Time: 01:00 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 1006 - Sabatino, Nellvyn; 1017 - Cooper, Natalie; 1117 - All About Auctions Steinfeld, Scott; 1118vega, Ann; 1138 - Steinfeld, Scott; 1204walker, chelby; 2023 - Devane, Dee; 2068 - Brown, William; 2145 - daniel, Theresa; 2206 - Barbot Jr, Eduardo; 3012 - Devane, Dee; 3013 - SANTIAGO, JESUS; 3026Steak up llc Ubeid, Marco; 3058 - Steak up llc Ubeid, Marco; 4022 - Schmidt, Gerhart; 4027 - Roberts, Marik; 4054 - Orozco, Aexander; 6014 - Buckley, Twanya; 6016 - Rivera Ortiz, Shelly; 6021 - Devane, Dee; 6133 - Acevedo, Mario; 7313 - vidal, Juan.

PUBLIC STORAGE # 08717, 1800 Ten Point Lane, Orlando, FL 32837, (407) 545-4431

Time: 01:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 0218 - cifuentes, camilo; 1017 - Redfin, Joseph; 1023Naranjo, Keyra Loaiza; 1040 - Balborin, Christian; 2044 - Smoker, Sylvia; 2064 - Cordova, Raul; 6001 - Gomez, Edgar; 7014 - Reyes, Jaime; 7022 - Williams, D’Mariya; 7067 - Prunoiu, Bogdan; 7073 - Miller,

Cristina. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20477, 5900 Lakehurst Drive, Orlando, FL 32819, (407) 409-7284 Time: 01:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. C159 - Preston, Latrice; C193 - Aponte, Richard; D142 - williams, Cordell; D148 - Stuart, Chris; D168 - Marzan, Jaime; D172Macahuachi, Luis; D173 - 5600 5700 5800 LLC richardson, rakel larenz; D174 - Booker, Antwan; E201 - Stoutt, DMari; E232Chapin, Matthew; E253 - Covington, Skylar; G055 - 360 Modular Furniture Installations Hernandez, Sezarina; H058 - Lassi, Nooribai; H061 - Lassi, Nooribai. PUBLIC STORAGE # 20711, 1801 W Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 792-5808 Time: 01:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. B046 - Leatherwood, James; C020 - FAST Restoration Jose, Igor; C031 - dixon, keara; D003 - Pardilla, Crystal; D009Almeida, China; D040 - duracin, Danielle; E020 - Jean, Cynthia; E033 - graham, sollostin; F015 - Mazzola, Diana; F044 - shuler, barbara; G023 - Cooper, Roscoe; H041 - Sheppard, Deantwaun; J002Camacho, Janessa; J005 - Deceus, Roseline; J007 - Jordan, Micheal; J036 - Mcneil, Lamario; J047 - Huber, Justin; J051 - Kirts, Tamara; J058 - Vives, Maritza; J065 - Foreste, Riduins; J070 - Elyzee, elius; J072 - Berry, David; J073 - Salazar, Rosemary; J092 - Emile, Jean; J135 - mondragon, Abel; J145 - Nelson, Emmanuela; J147 - Martinez, Victor; J156 - saint rose, zatavia; K011 - Lawlor, Laurren; K028 - Perez, Nettie; K036 - Breedwell, Breana; K082 - harris, Johnnie; K086 - henry, Antavya; K089 - LimongyAugustin, Clak; K092 - Wolf, Tamara; K098 - Delgado, Harold. PUBLIC STORAGE # 22120, 7628 Narcoossee Rd, Orlando, FL 32822, (407) 237-0496 Time: 02:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A255 - Ramos, JuanCarlos; A285 - Harlow, Stephanie; A28889 - DUMAOAL, KAUILANI; A292 - Louisne, Ashan; B106Batura, Chris; B126 - Saddler, Niang; B141 - Cardenas Chica, Juan; B147 - Abdo, Tom; B151 - Correa, Carlos; B152 - Avila, Mauricio; B156 - Chacon, Joshua; B195LaComb, GAML; B209 - Colon, Carmen; C401 - Piner, LaVonne; C427 - McGrath, Joan; C455- Greene, Alexis; C468 - Van Putten, Michelle; C479 - Nieves, Alexys; C505 - Doyle, Jaddel; C522 - ANTHONY, EDDY; C526 - Guerrero, Daysha; C545 - Callwood, Luella; C548 - Wells, Tre’vion; C550 - Doyle, Deshel; C558 - Nunez, Kevin; C591 - Meighoo, Mitra; D057 - Top Quality Movers Tierrejenne, Mark; F007 - Dowlen, Donisha. PUBLIC STORAGE # 22129, 13151 Reams Rd, Windermere, FL 34786, (407) 395-2605 Time: 02:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1033 - Henley, Christopher; 1201 - Bailey III, Marvin; 1327 - Perry, Matthew; 1402 - Sedillo, Robin; 1406 - Vitolo, Andrew; 2008Maldonado, Lamia; 2009 - Figueroa, Rebeka; 2109 - Pitman, Marcus; 2225Butler, Wayne; 2330 - Berrios-Pena, Stephanie; 2507 - Skipper, Sarah; 3034 - KARAMFILOV, ANTON AFTONOV; 3038 - negron, luis; 3112 - Simpson, Davinia; 3129 - WHEELER, WAYNE; 3215 - Barrett, John; 3400 - Arenas, Sarah; 3418 - Dilan, Melissa. PUBLIC STORAGE # 24303, 1313 45th Street, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 278-8737 Time: 02:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A107

- Daniel, Shelia; A121 - Wilson, Felicia; A124 - Johnson, Darryl; A130 - Desir, Cheldens; A135 - Walker, Ophelia; A194 - baker, Tykeria; B205 - Santos, Lakesha; B218 - bosquet, alliyah; B231 - Clyburn, Sandra; B242 - Rose, Richard; B246Charles, Gerardine; C312 - Walden, Jeannell A; C326 - Walden, Joseph; C336

- Haynes, Grinada; D400 - Broxton, Kizzie; D435 - Knowles, Monique; D441 - Rodriguez, Joel; E519 - Noel, Fredina; E547 - Anderson, Ruby; E550 - Jackson, Regina; E552 - Haddock, Philip; E566 - Schwing, Jessica L; F630 - Simon, Karen Ingrid; F638 - Keaton, Andrea; J909 - Howell, Doreatha. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25454, 235 E Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809, (407) 326-9069 Time: 02:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. A108 - Britt, Dereanna; A137 - jean, Maxo; A138 - Pacheco, Israel; A156 - Paul, Nata; B201 - Kenney, Lawanda; B202 - Detweiler, Christopher; B224 - Raymond, Gretchen; B226 - Petty, James; B241 - Huerta, Jesus; B243 - Podesta, Carolina; B244 - Bonilla, Tasia; D415 - Gittens, Duane; D431 - Habachi, Samir; E503 - Clark, Edith; E515Ouazani, Jalil; F609 - Rodriguez, Carlos; F634 - rivera, Lisandra; G725 - Session, Evana; G734 - Mejia, Kimberlin; H813 - Taylor, Ian; I913 - Escobar, Jose; J009 - Martinez, Lillybeth; K122 - Rosa, Alexander La; K134 - Negron, Luis; N405 - Marciales, Fiorella; P029 - kenney, Jeff. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25782, 2783 N John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 422-2079 Time: 03:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1012 - Gonzalez Sanchez, Lisbeth Coromoto; 1024 - Vanegas, Rafael; 1054 - Sanders, Richard; 11010 - Renaud, Richard; 11043 - Kellis, Jeremy; 11062 - Perry, Helena; 11202 - Acosta Torres, Nina; 11214 - Garten, Kathryn; 11315 - Snare, Cj; 11405Williams, Dana; 11412 - Rivera, Diana; 11416 - Williams, James; 11420 - Garcia, Eliezer; 1156 - Perez, Raquel; 12051Coachman, Tamara; 12057 - Rolle, Lesley; 12112 - White, Rachael; 12120 - Rivera Ortiz, Jeanette; 12607 - velez, Brunilda; 292 - Akerill, Brandon; 302 - Hall-Inniss, Connie; 361 - Silvis, Tony; 392 - Primrose, Shannon; 465 - Gordon, Clive; 583 - Palmer, Thea; 596 - Oyola, Rotsenmary; 611CRUZ, ARLENE; 884 - Perosky, Mary; 904 - Menendez, Jonathan; 960 - davila, John; 981 - ALVARADO, ROMERO. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25806, 227 Simpson Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34744, (407) 258-3087 Time: 03:15 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 007 - Lasseter, Jory; 059 - Bresnihan, Warren; 085 - Renfroe, Toni; 095 - Boyd, Naterrence; 111Muniz, Stephanie; 112 - Hernandez, Victoria; 139 - Rigolizzo Jr, Michael; 238Sepulveda, Maria Camila; 243 - Rodriguez, Mary; 306 - Lammens, Regina; 335 - giron, Jeimarie; 336 - Lee, Kevin; 348 - Rodriguez, Aaron; 364 - Jesus, Stephanie; 430Cardenas, Luz; 490 - Nieves, Bryant; 494 - Matteson, Krystal; 501 - moody, william; 505 - vidal Rivera, Victor; 506 - O Rourke, Carol; 547 - Augeri, Patricia; 555 - Betancourt, Tony; 574 - Garcia, Victor; 576Bash, Chanel; 580 - Montes, Yaneiry; 612 - O’shea, Patricia; 720 - Lee, Lola; 824 - Sierra, Sandra; 826 - Mcall, Tierra; 853 - jr, Riad Faour; 858 - Rodriguez, Nori; 891- Fernandez, Dineldy. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25846, 1051 Buenaventura Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34743, (407) 258-3147 Time: 03:30 PM Sale to be held at www. storagetreasures.com. 01113 - Salgado Rivera, Eduardo; 01129 - Dulzaides, Denise; 02204 - Carbone, Eliza; 04210 - Ramirez, Mauricio; 04511 - Lala, Carolyne; 04514 - Watson, Leonard; 04525 - Raising knowledge academy Cotto, 05104 - DiMattei, Tyler; 05139 - Poteat-Scott, Zelda; 05141 - Pash, Tonya; 05145 - Romero, Pablo; 05148 - Rodriguez, Guillermo Jose; 05155 - Cora, Albert; 05156 - paulino, Madelin; 05162 - Martinez, Angela; 05210 - beach, brianne; 05247 - Green, David; 05250 - jackson, Monica; 05302 - lozano, Javier; 05312 – Gonzalez,

Monica; 05338 - Otero, Jose; 05343 - Silverio Pena, Rafael; 21291 - Tucker, Shema.

PUBLIC STORAGE # 25847, 951 S John Young Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (321) 236-6712 Time: 03:45 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 1016 - Maxie II, Steven; 1027 - Candanedo, Eric; 1115 - Lopez, Jerry; 1210 - olivares, Maria; 1302 - Vasal builders llc Vasquez, Georgiana; 1316 - Hijar, Brenda; 1414 - Cadet, Regine; 1435 - Ford, Deshawn; 1508Toro, Edwin; 1513 - Hudson, William; 1516 - Boronenko, Sergei; 1526 - Bedoya, Carlos; 1542 - Viney, Jaimal; 1715 - Podias, Lloyd; 1804 - FOX, MARC C; 1813 - Cadet, Regine; 2046 - Ramos, Antonio; 2047graves, Courtney; 2073 - Peterson, June; 2107 - levron, Nydia matos; 2148 - Houston, curt; 2168 - Louis, Daniel; 2189 - Barbosa, Nelson; 2192D - lugo, Solay; 2194B - corbeil, dawn; 2313 - Balthis, Jeremy; 2336 - Almonte, Mario. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25892, 1701 Dyer Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34741, (407) 392-1169 Time: 04:00 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0081 - Buford, Isabella; 0103 - Boyce, Anthony; 0114 - Arce, Melissa; 0166Chiquito, Oscar; 0174 - Cowell, Dale; 0205 - Roman, Barbara; 0326 - Roper, Jacqueline; 1020 - Doyle, Troy; 1022 - Ortiz, Alba; 2003 – Vargas, Noemi; 2021 - Jones, Csiaza; 2027 - Martinez, Ruth; 2033green, Loretta; 2038 - ochoa, Luis; 2041Islamov, Asilkhon; 2073 - Alejandro, Anderson; 2089 - castro, Marina; 2114Simmons, Nishae; 4010 - Northern, Eugene; 4015 - English, Devin T; 4029Linderman, Laura Arce; 4051 - Scott, Omar; 5002 - Holmes, Brittany; 5005 - DIXON, MARLENE; 5012 - Sweeney, Nicole; 6007 - Ruiz Aparicio, Humberto; 6053 - Elston-Knight, Kevin; 6056 - Horak, Austin; 6060 - Jordan, Alicia; 6066 - Conteras, Roger; 6067 - Ortiz Lopez, Luis David; 6078 - heras, Carlos; 6087 - Smith, Phyllis; 6140 - Quinones, Gilbert; 6157Dion, Hedwin; 6171 - James, Jordan; 6172 - Martinez, Juan; 6178 - Rodriguez Estremera, Ada; 6185 - Emile, Nadia; 6186 - WALLACE, KEAYRA; 6211 – Middleton, Brandon; 6218 - Flores, Shadaylian; 6220 - Smith, Nickeisha; 8004 - Murillo Varela, Luis; 8008 - molina, Migdalia; 8054 - Rivera, Darailys. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25896, 6040 Lakehurst Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, (407) 545-5699 Time: 04:15 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0020 - Crouch, Christopher; 0029 - otero, yolanda; 0038 - Higginbotham, Paula; 0066 - tilerin, cadeau; 0067 - Britt, Valeshia; 0074 - Gaines, Stephen; 0076 - Boneta, Maria; 0077 - Jones, Quanisha; 0088 -Moody, Albertha; 0104 - Young, Tamara; 0126 - Johnson, Jeff; 0159 - Reinl-Frias, Erica; 0208 - Rodgers, Keyona; 0214 - Fraser, James; 0265 - Foster, Maya; 0294 - Calvin, Vera; 0344 - Taylor, Shannon; 1023goldston, Dylan; 1056 - Sanchez, Maria; 1076 - MILLER, QUAN; 1080 - bouhou, Mohamed Ait; 1123 - Garner, William; 2030 - Lyons, Michael; 2041 - Arroyo, Mariah; 2043 - Caamano, Carlos; 2056 - Thompson, Matt; 2078 - Hall, Jennifer; 2099 - Rivera, Marisol; 2125 - Plush essentials llc Drake, Ryan; 2139 - Reinl-Frias, Erica; 2140Reed, Kimani. PUBLIC STORAGE # 28075, 4729 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32839, (407) 986-4867 Time: 04:30 PM Sale to be held at www.storagetreasures.com. 0136 - Vinson, Tiffany; 0147 - helton, Antedra; 0207 - fields, Doris; 0225 - Rucker, Tammy; 0234 - Adams, Kindra; 0238 - Horton, Buddy; 0243 - Manning, Raquera; 0246 - Iglesias, Isaac; 0248 - Romeo, Julianna; 0306 - Merritt, Michael; 0311 - Moise, Benite; 0315 - Perez, Jorge; 0323 - Smith, Ernest; 0329 - Nunez, Ivelis; 0330 - Parish, James; 0332 - Neal, Kallatta; 0342 - Ed-

wards, Andrina; 0354 - Villaman Morillo, Joxander; 0432 - francis, Nadia; 0507Venzen, Julie; 0511 - Wright, Bruce; 0518 - Bryant, William; 0521 - Harrison, Robert; 0606 – Adams, Javorris; 0608 - Rodrguez, Germania; 0728 - Augustin, Rosena; 0805 - turner, jamar; 0832 - Nipper, Michelle; 09109 - Maldonado, Giovanna; 0934Blanco, Angela; 0935 - Darby, Chanda; 0943 - etienne, Kenny; 0955 - White, Carolyn; 0966 - Anderson, Ernest; 0978 - rivers, Allyse; 1003 - Georges, Myriame; 1005 - hicks, Toussant; 1009 - Boston, Julie; 1039 - harvin, antonio; 1109 - Jusino-Rodriguez, Egda; 1112 - Cherelus, Elysee; 1121 - Baez, Edwin; 1128 - Peterson, Cortillius; 1139 - Lima, Guilnese; 1151 - Alfonso, Julia; 1160 - Johnson, Takelia; 1161 - Peterson, Cortillius; 1227 - Monestime, Widlie; 1242 - Ruiz Nunez, Orlando; 1246 - Riley, Sandra; 1252 - Glover, Antony; 1278 - Joseph, Nexon; 1303 - The Liberian Storm Tommy, Aaron; 1313 - Bearden, Steven; 1321 - Cooper, Chelsey; 1338Strickland, Don; 1339 - Cerutti, Pedro; 1340 - White, Cory; 1362 - Anthony, Demarcus; 1367 - Nealy, Cassandra; 1390 - Jusino-Rodriguez, Egda. Public sale terms, rules, and regulations will be made available prior to the sale. All sales are subject to cancellation. We reserve the right to refuse any bid. Payment must be in cash or credit card-no checks. Buyers must secure the units with their own personal locks. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201. (818) 244-8080.


Vehicles will be sold as is, no warranty. Seller gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates at 8:00AM. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid. Terms of bids are cash only. Buyer must have funds on hand at time of sale: 7/26/2024

1HGCG565XWA249869 HOND 1998


1FTFW1ET9DFD51946 FORD 2013


5XXGN4A78FG492920 KIA 2015


1D7RV1GT3BS630672 RAM 2011

Overtime Towing and Recovery, 11337 Rocket Blvd., Orlando, FL 32824


Vehicles will be sold as is, no warranty. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid. Terms of bids are cash only. Buyer must have funds on hand at time of sale: 2012 Hyundai VIN: KMHHU6KH3CU0171361

To be sold at auction at 8:00 am on July 31, 2024 at 7301 Gardner Street, Winter Park, FL. 32792 Constellation Towing & Recovery LLC


ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility Act. Bidding takes place on lockerfox.com and concludes Friday the 26th day of July, 2024 at 10:00 AM with payment at the facility. Store Space Millenia, 4912 S. John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL, 32839. Codayzjah Love; Iyanla Rock; Anthony Montalvo; Yolonda Lee; Joshua Montanez; WANDA JIMENEZ; Lennorris Murphy; Cynthia Holmes; Monica Thomas; Teresa A Johnson; Terri Taylor; Jasmine Hilts; Maribel vasquez; Zandra Ates; Marisol Maldonado; Taylor Gill; Sherry Avery Andrade; James Coleman; Travis Davis; Jasen White; Camirra cavanaugh; Vincent Forbes; Jarrod Daniels; Jamie Mince; Tameka Davis; Cierra Whitlock; Carlos Liriano; Tiffany Cook; Anteria Pollock; Melwin Colon; Tabatha Brown; Waylan Peters; Luz Medina; Anthony Jiménez; Peter Tribue; Jony Occenat; James Myree; Dexter Jones; Lionel Lozier; Shelcy Baker; Anaysha Hernandez; Alexandra Solivan; Aaliyah Liftherd; Store Space Sanford - Storage, 3980 E. Lake Mary Blvd., Sanford, FL, 32773. Alexus Porter; Vernia Jackson; Janeen Boone; Napoleon Thanis; La Shawn Burnett; Melinda Torres; Maria Negron; Marshal L Taylor; Christina Brown; Jaime Diaz; Tashianna Cooper; Fashana Alexander; Jessica Schnittker; Luz Ortiz; Eric Lawrence; devanni walker; Michael Leto; Ben Hollimon; Yalda Setayesh; Yalda Setayesh; Yalda Setayesh; Qaeem Garner; Yalda Setayesh; Yalda Setayesh; Yalda Setayesh; Alexis Weaver; Wendy Boone; Christopher Bullard; Tamiqua Williams.


Data Analyst, Sports Analytics, Electronic Arts - Tiburon, A Florida Corp, Orlando, FL. Utilize data analytics method. to carry out long-term strategic analysis for EA sports titles. Req Bach’s deg or frgn equiv in Comp Sci, Engg (any), or rel fld & 1 yr exp in job offrd or anaylst-rel occ. Telecommuting permttd. Send resumes to eajobs@ea.com & ref job code E2-434223.



Your Own Real Estate Business

$2000/wk/ptnl; No Selling; No RE-License/No Exp. Req; WFH PT/FT–Start Immediately; Call: 1-703-580-7154


ServiceNow Inc is accepting resumes for the following positions in Orlando, FL: Sr TSE, UX (ref# 4300033): Provide tactical engagement on critical issues. Telecommuting permitted. Annual salary $121,347$151,347. Sr TSE, UX (ref# 4371250): Guide our customers during critical issues to ensure a timely and effective case resolution. Telecommuting permitted. Annual Salary: $97,375-$127,375. Email resume to


@servicenow.com. Or mail resume to

ServiceNow Inc, Attn: Global Mobility, 2225 Lawson Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054. Resume must include job title, job ref. #, full name, email & mailing address. No phone calls. Must be legally authorized to work in U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.

After School Site Supervisor, (Middle Schools Program)

Avalon Middle School

YMCA of Central Florida 6605902

Faculty - Popular Culture in Media (Associate CD)

Full Sail University 6605900

Lift Station Operator A/B/C/ Trainee

City of Orlando 6605889 Sr HVAC Mechanic – $1000 Sign On Bonus

Orange County Government 6605861


Apartment Maintenance Technician/MAA Tiffany Oaks



Deputy General Counsel (Litigation & Admin, Proceedings)

Florida Virtual School 6605784

Investment ConsultantOrlando, FL

Charles Schwab & Co, Inc 6605748

Assistant General Counsel

Orange County Sheriff’s Office 6605733

Associate Paralegal

GreatInsuranceJobs.com 6605860


Seminole County Sheriff’s Office 6605812

Lift Station Maintenance Worker

City of Casselberry 6605732


Enterprise Mobility 6605514

Call Transfer, Inbound Sales (Remote)

Travel + Leisure Co. 6605513

Lift Station Construction Technician - All Levels

Toho Water Authority 6605347

Senior Administrative Assistant

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority 6605345

Staff Accountant

InsuranceStaffing.com 6605133

Commercial HVAC Sheet Metal/ Fiberglass Foreman Energy Air Inc. 6602745 (USA) Backroom AssociateSam’s Club

Walmart Stores 6602641

Industrial Engineer Early Career

Lockheed Martin 6602624

Development Manager

Electronic Arts (EA) 6602586

Bilingual (Japanese) Exadata

SME DBA - Principal Technical Support Engineer

Oracle 6602046


Home Depot 6601303

Night Audit/Security AgentPart Time

Give Kids The World


Summer Sales Intern OrlandoJobs.com 6599615

After School Site Supervisor, (Middle Schools Program) Avalon Middle School YMCA of Central Florida 6605902

Accounts Receivable Coordinator Darden Restaurants, Inc. 6602526

Co-Teacher, Leonard & Marjorie Williams Family YMCA YMCA of Central Florida 6605901

Rail Technician (HVAC) Orlando

Cybersecurity Engineer ThreatLocker 6605517

Marketing Coordinator The Balmoral Group 6604868

FL Mobility Customer Service Siemens 6602312

Faculty - Popular Culture in Media (Associate CD) Full Sail University 6605900

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