Orlando Weekly - February 10, 2021

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FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

Florida Group Publisher Graham Jarrett Editor in Chief Jessica Bryce Young Editorial Managing Editor Matthew Moyer Interns Melissa Carillo-Perez, Sierra Williams Contributors Peg Aloi, Rob Bartlett, Tess Bonacci, Jen Cray, Solomon Gustavo, Maisie Haney, Liv Jonse, Holly V. Kapherr, Faiyaz Kara, Seth Kubersky, Bao Le-Huu, Anthony Mauss, Cameron Meier, Richard Reep, Leah Sandler, Steve Schneider, Madeleine Scott, Nicolette Shurba Advertising Director of Sales Jeff Kruse Multimedia Account Exec Dan Winkler Classified and Legal Rep Jerrica Schwartz Sales Department Administrator Rachel Gold Creative Services Production Manager Daniel Rodriguez Business Director of Operations Hollie Mahadeo Events and Marketing Events & Promo Manager Miranda Hodge Circulation Circulation Manager Collin Modeste Euclid Media Group Chief Executive Officer Andrew Zelman Chief Operating Officers Chris Keating, Michael Wagner VP of Digital Services Stacy Volhein Director of Digital Strategy Colin Wolf Senior Marketing and Events Director Cassandra Yardeni Digital Operations Coordinator Jaime Monzon Controller Kristy Dotson euclidmediagroup.com National Advertising: Voice Media Group 1-888-278-9866, vmgadvertising.com Orlando Weekly Inc. 16 W. Pine St. Orlando, Florida 32801 orlandoweekly.com Phone 407-377-0400 Fax 407-377-0420 Orlando Weekly is published every week by Euclid Media Group Orlando Distribution Orlando Weekly is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Copyright notice: The entire contents of Orlando Weekly are copyright 2021 by Euclid Media Group LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher does not assume any liability for unsolicited manuscripts, materials, or other content. Any submission must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All editorial, advertising, and business correspondence should be mailed to the address listed above. Subscriptions: Six-month domestic subscriptions may be purchased for $150; oneyear subscriptions for $240. Periodical Postage Pending at Orlando, FL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Orlando Weekly, 16 W. Pine St., Orlando, FL 32801.

News & Opinion 6 Your Words Readers react to stories from the past week

9 Informed Dissent I can show you the future of the Republican Party. It’s not bright. You won’t need shades

10 News briefs + “This Modern World” Floridians say it’s “past due” for Marco Rubio to pay up, Winn-Dixie to offer the jab, Matt Gaetz is dumb and Tom Tomorrow’s comic

Arts & Culture 12 Here comes the sun Photographers Lynn Johnson and Patricia Lanza address Van Gogh’s profound influence on contemporary sensory perceptions in a new show at Snap! Downtown

17 Live Active Cultures Orlando Shakes honors two powerful Black female artists who had crucial ties to the civil rights movement

Food & Drink 19 Papa’s got a brand-new bag Papa Llama now has a permanent space in which to showcase its Peruvian plates

19 Tip Jar Perla’s Pizza and Portillo’s are opening soon, plus more local food news

21 Recently Reviewed Short takes on restaurants we’ve reviewed

Film & Television

25 Stirring the melting pot

Wild greens and factory eggs are all ingredients in the American dream in the stunning Minari

27 On (small) screens in Orlando After Midnight, Nadiya Bakes and more streaming premieres this week


29 This Little Underground New local releases plus concert picks this week: Jessy Lynn Martens, Keb’ Mo’ and more

Back Pages 31 The Week 32 Savage Love 33 Classifieds


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


¶ Editor’s note

@Tim Palomo No way he’d win the presidency. He has all the charisma of a mossy rock.

A blurb in last week’s On Screens column misidentified the Netflix film Space Sweepers as Japanese instead of South Korean in origin, and in the context of a joke that understandably read as offensive to several readers. We apologize sincerely and profusely for the errors, and for any injury that was caused.

@Eddie Jones DeSantis has been an AWESOME governor, it’s a shame so many mayors lack backbone & can’t handle their jobs of overseeing the counties/cities they were hired to run.

¶ COVID relief payments are essential As an ambassador for the Borgen Project and a citizen of the state of Florida, it is imperative that we take action to combat the growing daily rates of COVID-19 in Florida. Many families are being displaced all around the Central Florida area as well as others being pushed into poverty all around the globe because of COVID-19. I want to urge Sen. Rubio and Sen. Scott to support at least $20 billion in the next emergency supplemental for the International Affairs Budget to fight COVID-19. I also want to thank Sen. Rubio for being proactive recently in co-sponsoring a few bills which protect human rights, such as the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 and the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019. By ensuring people have access to clean drinking water, an education, the right to work, etc., we are not only ensuring their way out of poverty but also their basic human rights. Thank you for your time! Jenna Browning, Orlando

¶ Citizen Reaper Santa Rosa Beach attorney Daniel Uhlfelder has been dressing up like the Grim Reaper, in an excellent hybrid of performance art and political activism, as a critique of Florida’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now he’s launching the Remove Ron political action committee (“‘Grim Reaper’ Uhlfelder launches political committee targeting Florida Gov. DeSantis,” Feb. 7) with DeSantis’ political future directly in its crosshairs. The bell tolls for you, governor. @James Mitchell Unfortunately, most politicians are now only concerned with furthering their careers. Not helping their communities. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. @Lisa Hyde I think DeSantis is great. I hear Cuomo needs people in NY. If you want to move I will be happy to help. @Inker Backwoods Ron’s awesome, he’s a man for the people like Trump. @Ben Nicely DESANTIS NEEDS TO RESIGN 6

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

@Susan Mercer Eddie Jones: an awesome governor wouldn’t run through the crowd at a Trump rally and high-five everyone on the way. Then wipe his face with the same hand. (Super spreader video available.) He wouldn’t kiss up to Trump every chance he got. He wouldn’t despise public education. He wouldn’t destroy our aquifer. He wouldn’t withhold vaccinations from some areas and just give them to republican areas. He wouldn’t tell people they don’t need to listen to science and to wear masks. What has he done that is awesome? He sucks. That’s why his nickname is DeathSantis or even DeathSentence. @Brady Allen Susan Mercer: actually an awesome governor would run through the crowd of the Greatest President since Reagan and high-five supporters. @Susan Mercer Brady Allen: oh, I didn’t know he was at President Obama’s rally. I thought it was lying Trump’s ego festival super-spreader.

¶ Machine gun Jesus Priorities! The Republican-controlled Florida Senate is moving forward on legislation that would expand the authority of people to carry concealed firearms at religious institutions (“New Florida bill would lift restrictions from carrying guns in churches that host preschool or day care programs,” Feb. 3). “People who go to church are being deprived of the same rights that they have when they go shopping and into a business or a private property of an organization or entity,” said longtime NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer, the distinct smell of sulphur wafting around her. @Pembo Slice Tell Marion Hammer to have the churches pay their goddamn taxes, then they can have the same rights as the rest of us. @Shantoya St James I’m sure this is a good idea and will bring high-wage-paying companies to Florida. @Rob Sharpstein Maybe it is a scheme to make people pray harder. @Robert G Bernier Guns + Church = FREEDOM @Josh Freeman “Ghoulish” … wow, that took some thought. I bet someone pulled out the thesaurus for that one.

orlandoweekly.com ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com


CRACKPOTS, CHEATS AND VICTIMS I can show you the future of the Republican Party. It’s not bright. You won’t need shades BY JEFFREY C. BILL M A N

I can show you the future of the Republican Party in two numbers, one quote and two legislative proposals. Ready? Let’s start with the numbers: 199, the House Republicans who opposed stripping QAnon lady Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments last Thursday; and 61, the House Republicans who voted to remove Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership position last Wednesday. Cheney’s transgression, of course, was voting to impeach Donald Trump for plainly impeachable acts — which immediately produced a primary challenge and a censure from the Wyoming GOP. You could interpret the caucus’ 145-61 vote in her favor as a sign that the party is moving past Trump, as some Beltway reporters did. But it was a secret ballot. The vote over Greene’s committee seats was not. Greene had Trump’s support, and a vote against her amounted to a public repudiation of the party’s leader and his base. So Republicans bent themselves into pretzels trying to defend Greene without defending her lunacy. Some claimed to take at face value her newfound commitment to reality. On the House floor, she admitted that 9/11 and school shootings were not false flags — a round

of applause, everyone — and said she’d abandoned QAnon in 2018: “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true, and I would ask questions about them and talk about them, and that is absolutely what I regret.” (Not only is that a bizarre mea culpa, but it’s a demonstrable lie.) Others said Democrats would rue the day they asserted “a new right to be able to exercise a veto over minority committee assignments,” as Rep. Tom Cole put it, a thinly veiled acknowledgment that Republicans would abuse the precedent at their first opportunity. At a press conference last Friday, an unrepentant Greene declared that the party “doesn’t belong to anyone else” but Trump. (Weirdly, she also made Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida Man, horny.) After the last week, the dynamic among House Republicans is clear: At least a third, probably more, are full MAGA. Those with reservations mostly keep them to themselves. The handful with brains and spines won’t be welcome much longer. The party may be Trump’s, but the White House isn’t. That brings us to the quote, from a woman named Alice O’Lenick: “I will not let them end this session without changing some of these laws. They don’t have to change all

of them, but they’ve got to change the major parts of them so that we at least have a shot at winning [italics mine].” Context is everything, so here it is: Joe Biden won Georgia by 12,000 or so votes. Democratic Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock won by razor-thin margins, too. So the legislature began its session this year by creating a Special Committee of Election Integrity — led by an infamous vote suppressor, state Rep. Barry Fleming — and filing a raft of bills to restrict ballot access: eliminating automatic registration, ballot drop boxes and no-excuse absentee voting, for starters. The ostensible justification, according to Fleming, is election fraud: “Democrats are relying on the alwayssuspect absentee balloting process to inch ahead in Georgia and other close states.” As became blindingly obvious during Trump’s postelection bullshit campaign, however, the only truly suspect thing was that Democrats voted in numbers Republicans didn’t like. The reality is what O’Lenick said. She’s the Republican chairwoman of the elections board in Gwinnett County in the Atlanta suburbs. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the county 51-45, a 19,000-vote spread. In November, Biden won it 58-40, a 75,000-vote margin. O’Lenick made the classic political gaffe of telling the truth: If Republicans don’t stop voters in Democratic areas from voting, they won’t be able to compete in a rapidly changing state. So that’s what they’re doing. Finally, the legislation, which brings us to Florida and the mini-Trump who runs it, Gov. Ron DeSantis, a man who is neither compelling nor charismatic but nonetheless intuits the belligerent mentality that was central to Trump’s appeal. Like Trump, his political patron, DeSantis scorned expertise during the pandemic — pushing herd immunity, banning mask mandates, withholding information from the public, purchasing absurd quantities of hydroxychloroquine, even siccing his cops on a prominent critic — while Florida racked up more than 27,000 deaths. Also like Trump, DeSantis saw protests against police brutality as a chance to burnish his authoritarian cred. In his case, it was a bill that makes it a felony to pull down racist statues, allows the state to overrule any local government that cuts its police budget, and severely increases penalties for criminal acts committed during a vaguely defined “riot.” The bill also prohibits “mob intimidation” — in other words, protests, if the DA says the protest carries the “threat of force” — and makes doxxing a first-degree misdemeanor. And when Trump got banned by Twitter, DeSantis saw an opportunity. He proposed a law — obnoxiously unconstitutional, stupidly impractical and the polar opposite of laissez-faire — to slap $100,000-a-day fines on social media companies that deplatform a political candidate. Just to underline this: DeSantis wants to require private corporations to provide politicians with a free platform from which to spread propaganda, regardless of whether it’s factual, disseminates hate speech, or explicitly calls for violence. This is the future of the Republican Party: extremists acting with impunity, politicians basking in victimhood and a party that unapologetically cheats when it can’t win. If there was a post-Trump civil war, it didn’t last long. Get Informed Dissent delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe today at billman.substack.com.


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


Activists deliver thousands of ‘past due’ $2,000 invoices to Rubio’s Orlando office Ten thousand “past due invoices” for COVID relief were delivered to U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio’s office in downtown Orlando last Thursday. These invoices represented constituents across the nation who signed a Change.org petition — also included in the boxes delivered to Rubio’s office — for reoccurring $2,000 payments from Congress for pandemic-related economic relief. This petition surpassed 2 million signatures earlier that week. The invoices were delivered by Erica Wright, a member of Income Movement, a nationwide grassroots organization that advocates for a universal basic income. “[The invoice] says ‘Past Due,’” Wright explained, “and it has the month of March last year all the way to January. Just to cover all the months we’ve been in this pandemic.” Rubio is just one of 18 senators in 14 cities across the U.S. to receive invoices from Income Movement. “Doing past-due invoices seemed like a good way to show Congress it was past due on taking action,” said Stacey Rutland, founder of Income Movement, in a phone interview with Orlando Weekly. “We thought this would be a creative way to show how many months have gone by,” Rutland said. The Change.org petition was created by Stephanie Bonin, a restaurant owner in Denver who had to close their restaurant and let staff go twice during the ongoing pandemic, said Wright. “Florida alone has over 154,000 signatures [on the petition],” said Wright. “But, you know, printing costs a lot, so we’re gonna give [Rubio] about 10,000.” Rutland explained that monthly, or at least reoccurring, payments are vital, because people know the stimulus checks are one-time, right now. She said reoccurring payments will give people the ability to plan and budget for the future, instead of constantly playing catch-up. “I think it’s a real shame that Congress has not recognized the real dire effects of the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic,” Rutland said. “We don’t want people to wait until Congress figures out people need money.” A virtual rally was held Friday, Feb. 5, with several U.S. representatives in attendance, including Reps. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota. Sen. Rubio’s office did not respond to requests for comment. — Sierra Williams

Winn Dixie will offer the COVID-19 vaccine at Florida locations beginning this week Florida’s other giant grocery chain, Winn-Dixie, will soon be inoculating residents. Winn-Dixie’s parent company, Southeastern Grocers, says 8,100 Moderna vaccines will be available starting Feb. 11. The vaccines will be free, with or without insurance, and available to residents 65 and older, health-care workers, and residents and staff of long-term care facilities. Reservations are required and will be available through an online portal. The Jacksonville-based company did not say exactly which locations will offer the vaccines, but says its other grocery chains will participate in the program, including Fresco y Más and Harveys Supermarkets. The locations and appointments availability will be posted to each grocery chain’s site: — Winn-Dixie: winndixie.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine — Fresco y Más, frescoymas.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine; — Harveys Supermarket, harveyssupermarkets.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine The vaccines are being distributed by the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, in partnership with the CDC, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, and the Florida Dept. of Health. 10

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

“The State of Florida is proud to partner with Winn-Dixie, Fresco y Más and Harveys Supermarkets to provide eligible Floridians across the state access to the vaccine,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a statement. “We look forward to collaborating and expanding these efforts, together.” — Colin Wolf

Gaetz says he would resign his seat to defend Donald Trump during impeachment trial if asked As Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial draws ever closer and the former president’s legal team remains in a state of flux, Florida Rep. and Trump superfan Matt Gaetz last Wednesday expressed willingness to do anything to defend Trump. And that includes resigning his own seat in the House of Representatives. In news that was surely music to the ears of a good percentage of Floridians, Gaetz, during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s podcast “War Room Pandemic,” let it be known that there are few limits to how far he’d go to stand up for Trump. As reported by Talking Points Memo, Gaetz bemoaned Trump’s current “low energy” defense team, and then said that he would “absolutely” resign his seat in Congress to join Trump’s defense — if Trump asked — and that it would be “the top priority of my life.” Given that Gaetz was one of 13 Florida Republicans to vote to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, it goes without saying that this man stans Trump. And yet Gaetz did indeed say it. Poetically, even. “I would leave my House seat. I would leave my home,” Gaetz told Bannon. “I would do anything I had to do to ensure that the greatest president in my lifetime, one of the greatest presidents our country’s ever had, maybe the greatest president our country has ever had, got a full-throated defense that wasn’t crouched down, that wasn’t in fear of losing some moderate Republican senator, but that was worthy of the fight he gave to the great people of this country for four years.” Listen to your heart, Mr. Gaetz. You know what you have to do. — Matthew Moyer


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


HERE COMES THE SUN In ‘The Van Gogh Affect,’ photographers Lynn Johnson and Patricia Lanza address Van Gogh’s profound influence on contemporary sensory perceptions BY J ESSI C A BRYC E YOU N G


incent Van Gogh died at 37, painted for just about a decade, yet holds an outsize place not only in art history but in history, period. His starry skies and blazing sunflowers stun viewers still, and have influenced ways of seeing for well over a century. Photographers Lynn Johnson and Patricia Lanza followed Van Gogh’s footsteps through the places he lived, studied, and paid tribute to what they see as his “most enduring muse — the sun.” 12

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

In The Van Gogh Affect, their work both documents the sources of the sense of color and space that was way ahead of his time, and delves into the mind of the artist who has had a profound effect on modern perception. About that title: They are artists, not grammarians, and they work from the heart, not a grammar book. Johnson, who decided on the title, told us, “The word ‘affect’ has a more emotional significance than ‘effect,’ thus the choice of word in this title.”

“Traveling and working in France fostered one of the most prolific periods of Van Gogh’s life. In a very short time, he produced hundreds of oil paintings and drawings; indeed, some of his finest masterpieces were created between 1884 and 1890. Following in Van Gogh’s footsteps, the route of the sun, I sought to capture with a camera what Van Gogh dreamed on canvas,” says Lanza. Van Gogh’s grounding in place is so strong — witness one of his most famous works, his

bedroom at Arles — so central to his vision that for Lanza and Johnson, visiting those very spaces in France, Belgium and the Netherlands was integral to the work in this exhibition. Lanza’s process went even deeper than travel — she pored over material objects that were part of Van Gogh’s world from a tea towel (a sample of the cloth he painted on) to the staircase leading to the room where he died. These sensory ephemera offered “textural evidence” that made the artists’ connection with Van Gogh more tactile and immediate. “We are all artists and, in some way, identify with this eccentric man whose paintings grace everything from the secret spaces of elite collectors to the walls of museums and your favorite coffee cup. His art is both spectacular and accessible: Van Gogh makes us believe we too can be artists,” says Johnson. See her work, and Lanza’s, and dream your own, at Snap! Downtown from Friday through May.

THE VAN GOGH AFFECT Photographs by Lynn Johnson and Patricia Lanza opening 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12 on view through May Snap! Downtown, 420 E. Church St. snaporlando.com free

Above: The Boac Canal and Van Gogh bridge at Langlois, Arles. Van Gogh painted the Langlois Bridge many times while in Arles. The bridge was not far from his residence. (Photograph by Patricia Lanza) Cover: Sunflower fields in Provence, France, pulled Van Gogh to the sun as he sought colors to match Japanese prints he admired. (Photograph by Lynn Johnson)

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FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


Above: A re-creation in the Hotel Riche of Van Gogh’s bedroom in Arles, France, well-known from his 1889 painting. At the close of World War II, the original bed from Arles was donated to Boxmeer, the Netherlands, by the Van Gogh family, to be used by local residents displaced by the war. (Photograph by Patricia Lanza) Left: The entrance to Van Gogh’s room above a café in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, where he was staying at the time of his death. (Photograph by Patricia Lanza) Right: Drawing lessons at the Belgium Académie Royale des Beaux Arts. Van Gogh participated in classes here for less than a year. (Photograph by Lynn Johnson)


ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com


Orlando Shakes honors two powerful Black women with crucial ties to the civil rights movement and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. TYMISHA HARRIS IN ‘JOSEPHINE’ | PHOTO BY HERIOT PRENTICE





History Month, and Presidents’ Day observed on this coming Monday, Orlando Shakes is honoring both occasions with a pair of productions inspired by two powerful Black women who used their artistic voices to help establish Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial as the symbolic center of America’s civil rights movement. First up is My Lord, What a Night, which is available for on-demand streaming now through Feb. 14. This National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere by playwright Deborah Brevoort (Women of Lockerbie) explores the unlikely reallife relationship between famed physicist Albert Einstein (Eric Zivot) and African American opera singer Marian Anderson (Sheryl Carbonell), who experienced racial discrimination despite being acclaimed as her era’s greatest vocalist. Brevoort, Carbonell and Zivot joined other members of the cast and crew for a Facebook chat prior to the play’s premiere to discuss the impact of the events it depicts on our present-day politics. Brevoort’s interest in Anderson began with a commission for a one-act play set in New Jersey. Her research led her to the 1937 encounter between Anderson, who was denied lodging at a whites-only hotel while on tour, and her fan Einstein, whose offer of shelter sparked a lifelong friendship. Brevoort calls that chance encounter a “prelude” to Anderson’s 1939 concert at the Lincoln Memorial for an integrated audience, which she says “historians now recognize as the starting bell for the civil rights movement. … [Anderson] established the Lincoln Memorial as the symbol of civil protest in the United States, and that is the symbol that has endured to this day.” “It was both a thrill and a scare” to play Anderson, says Carbonell, who studied rare footage of the diva appearing on Groucho

Marx’s game show What’s My Line? to observe her mannerisms and speaking patterns. “She fought with her voice, and that is what I took away from that. I took that quite seriously, and apply that to my own life. I think it’s OK for us to use our voice, literally and figuratively, in the way that we were meant to use it.” Due to COVID-19, original plans to present My Lord, What a Night for live audiences were scrapped. The show was instead filmed on the Lowndes Shakespeare Center’s Goldman stage under strict safety precautions; even the teacups and chocolates were carefully choreographed to avoid contact between actors. “We filmed over about a two-week period. We tended to film in about four-minute chunks, and we did 178 takes,” says artistic director Jim Helsinger. “Everybody wore their masks under social distancing until we actually filmed, and then when we were filming, they had to stay six feet apart. … There were a couple situations [where] they got closer, but they could not speak.” Clever editing covered any awkward pauses. Following in My Lord’s footsteps from Feb. 17 through March 12 as Shakes’ first in-person production of 2021 is Josephine, starring Orlando actress Tymisha Harris, who created the “burlesque cabaret dream play” with Michael Marinaccio and Tod Kimbro. The award-winning biography follows Jazz Age icon Josephine Baker’s rise from poverty to international superstardom, climaxing in her participation in Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic March on Washington, where she was the only woman to speak from the Lincoln Memorial. “I believe that the show has the power to make people think about themselves, think about their actions and how they relate to people. And with what happened this past

year [with Black Lives Matter], maybe that will hit a little more,” says Harris. “There are a lot of things that Americans don’t talk about too deeply, because we don’t know how. … We have to take a look at ourselves. And I think that the show has the power to do that.” If not for the pandemic, Josephine would have spent the past year touring Europe and Canada, and would currently be in Australia and New Zealand. Quarantine waylaid those ambitious plans, although they were able to perform last fall in a New Jersey parking garage. On the bright side, because the Shakes tapped Josephine as a late substitute for their previously scheduled production of Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill, Central Florida audiences now have another opportunity to experience this moving memory musical, before the team moves on to focus on a sister script about Baker’s friendship with Princess Grace of Monaco that’s set to debut at May’s Orlando Fringe Festival. Josephine will be staged in Shakes’ newly covered outdoor courtyard, which was upgraded late last year with CARES Act funding. Precautions for the cast and crew have included regular onsite COVID testing, and temperature checks and masks are required for all attendees under the limited-capacity tent, which has been transformed into the gardens of Baker’s beloved Château de Milandes. “We’re doing everything we can to make sure that it’s a really safe production, [and] we want to make sure that the audience feels like they have value for their ticket,” says Marinaccio. “Our hope is that audiences will be so excited to get back out and see some theater again that they will appreciate it and understand that this is what we have to do right now.” skubersky@orlandoweekly.com orlandoweekly.com

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

[ food + drink ]

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PAPA LLAMA 52840 Curry Ford Road 407-706-9463 papallamaorl.com $$



PAPA’S GOT A BRAND-NEW BAG Papa Llama now has a permanent space in which to showcase its Peruvian plates BY FAIYAZ KARA


t’s a classic tale: Boy meets girl; boy marries girl; boy and girl open restaurant; restaurant slays and becomes a Top Table of 2020. I speak, of course, of Papa Llama, the Peruvian bistro by Kevin and Maria Ruiz that’s very much the Notting Hill of restaurants — equal parts beguiling, nerdy and charming. It’s a bit of a tear-jerker too (the aji amarillo gives quite the performance) and, in the end, leaves you wanting more. Roll credits. Rewind. Replay. Four years earlier, the Ruizes launched Papa Llama as a pop-up concept that soon garnered a rep for Kevin’s fastidious and modern approach to traditional Peruvian cooking. But after all the hustling, the pair found a permanent space in Curry Ford West and had it spiffed up by Dap, the koolkid architects every new restaurant wants. The open kitchen gleams in stainless steel and the interior, much like Kevin’s creations, reflects a bright, clean, unadulterated aesthetic. Ruiz treats his family’s recipes with a sort of deferential esteem — his compositions are thoughtful and contemporary, but never overly playful. He cooks with great affection, as with the delicately fried papa rellena ($8), two gorgeous potato croquettes fattened with ground sirloin, jammy egg and aji panca — a mild, smoky chili paste. The

crown of salsa criolla (red onion relish) and a slick of aji amarillo crema and fresno pepper sauce show real care and deliberation. Even a relatively simple plate of sliced avocados ($6), basted in aji panca then torched, had my dining comrade oohing on its arrival. I’d sampled it on a previous takeout run, but I really wanted to try it at the restaurant. This time, when the ruddy avocado slices were spread onto sourdough toast from Olde Hearth, the bread sustained its crunch. I should take an intermission to say indoor dining is limited to 14 people and guests are required to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire when booking online. Maria, who tended to us throughout our meal, was masked at all times, as was Kevin. As she ran through the items on the purposefully focused menu, it became clear we’d be ordering all seven dishes. For $80, it’s really the way to go for two people. From the all-natural selection of wines, we chose a bottle of Etna Rosso ($48) — poured using a Coravin — then went to town on the four mains. A plate of battered calamari ($14) comes layered with basil, cilantro and mint to

replicate the flavors of huacatay, the bold Peruvian black mint that’s hard to come by stateside. Lime and pickled onions add some pop. It’s not a dish we put a whole lot of focus on, not when an alluring lomo saltado ($18) with cherry tomatoes, red onions and USDA Prime skirt steak from Creekstone Farms stole our gaze. Fries and jasmine rice are served separately, leaving the mixing of the chifa (Chinese-Peruvian) dish to us. Another chifa item — arroz chaufa ($14) — is a simple blend of fried rice, aji panca chicken, choclo (giant corn kernels) and bok choy, but of note is the wokky essence, arguably the most important component. The fourth main, a veg offering of deceptively straightforward pappardelle noodles ($14) tossed in a creamy huancaina sauce made from aji amarillo peppers, bursts into a mushroom cloud of umami courtesy of maitake and fried enoki mushrooms. Picarones ($6), sweet potato doughnuts served with citrus-clove honey, make as syrupy an ending as Notting Hill’s. The dessert isn’t available for takeout, so don’t even try (not unless you promise Maria you’ll respect its integrity by eating it in your car). With the restaurant being empty, I felt at ease shamelessly licking the honey up with my finger. Still, it was real odd being the only ones dining inside the restaurant. Much like William Thacker and Anna Scott’s first meeting, the experience, I have to say, was surreal, but nice. fkara@orlandoweekly.com

Pizza news: Antonella’s Pizzeria will open a second location at 7591 University Blvd. on the corner of Goldenrod Road; Perla’s Pizza by Taglish’s Mike Collantes will soft-open Feb. 12-14 next to the Thirsty Topher in Ivanhoe Village at 603 Virginia Drive … Over at Pointe Orlando, the Hampton Social will open Feb. 18 in the old Tommy Bahama Restaurant space. They’ll offer coastal-inspired fare (lobster rolls, shrimp tacos and the like) … Chicago hot dog chain Portillo’s will open March 2 on Palm Parkway … Burger and shake joint Build My Burgers has opened in the UCF corridor on Technological Avenue next to World of Beer … The Daily Dose, offering shakes, tea, waffles, donuts and açai bowls, has opened on Tree Swallow Drive in Winter Springs … Lucciano’s, an Argentinabased gelato outfit, has opened its first gelateria in the U.S. inside the Florida Mall … Near the Margaritaville Resort, Lizzie’s Memphis Style BBQ is now serving up a bevy of porky meals.

CLOSINGS The Pharmacy in Dr. Phillips has closed. The speakeasy-style restaurant opened back in 2013 to much acclaim … Vito’s Chop House has closed after operating on International Drive for more than 20 years.

NEWS+EVENTS Chef Michael Cooper, formerly of Luma on Park, is the new executive chef at the Osprey in Baldwin Park … Reyes Mezcaleria’s Wendy Lopez will stage the next in her “En La Mesa” dinner series with a sixcourse seafood-focused meal Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. Cost is $85 … Through Feb. 28, Ravello at the Four Seasons Resort will offer a three-course fragole menu featuring Florida strawberries in such dishes as tuna tartare, chicken risotto and seared salmon. Dessert is a strawberry custard. Cost is $59.

Got restaurant dish? Send tips to dining@orlandoweekly.com


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

[ food + drink ]

recently reviewed $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$

$10 OR LESS $10-$15 $15-$25 $25 OR MORE

The price range generally reflects the average cost of one dinner entree. Bakeries, ice cream shops, etc. reflect relative cost for one person. Search hundreds more reviews at orlandoweekly.com


This Oviedo ramen-ya is pouring some of the best ramen in the city, courtesy of owner Yoko Takagi and chef Gabriel Leal. The tonkotsu comprises a 20-hour pork bone and trotter broth, while shio and shoyu ramens are fashioned with five-hour clear chicken broth. The spicy miso is, arguably, the most popular with a pork-chicken broth blend, chashu, minced pork, sprouts, corn, scallions and bok choy. Brothless mazesoba is offered as well, but don’t overlook the karaage and takeout-friendly onigiri. (reviewed Jan. 20) 3635 Aloma Ave., Oviedo, 321972-8602, ramentakagi.com, $$


Simple, fuss-free Thai dishes are whipped up inside Apna Bazaar, an Indian grocery store in Longwood catering primarily to South Asian Muslims. The eatery run by Isaan native Supaluk Khan and her husband, Jimmy, is focused on takeout, though there is a table where guests may enjoy everything from massaman and red curry to stir-fried noodles with meatballs and Thai crispy fish. Closed Tuesdays. (reviewed Jan. 13) 1155 W. State Road 434, Longwood, 407-674-7710. thaihalalgrill.com, $$


This breakfast/lunch joint in Edgewood has quickly garnered a reputation for serving ridiculously large platters of comfort fare — deep-fried French toast, biscuits and gravy, pretty (but messy) Reuben sandwiches. It’s worth mentioning again, because it can’t be stressed enough — portions here are huge. Open daily from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (reviewed Dec. 23) 5406 Hansel Ave., 407-674-7710, fkyourdiet.com, $$


Chef Nat Russell’s What the Chuck, the latest addition to Sanford food hall Henry’s Depot, is a must-stop for burger snobs, be they lovers of burger classicism or burger modernity. The “1960s Smashburger” will certainly please the former, while the Southern-inspired “Tennessee Truffle,” named after Russell’s restaurant across the street, will please the latter. Open daily. (reviewed Dec. 9) 212 W. First St., Sanford, 407-548-6931, wtcsanford.com, $$ n


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

[ film + tv ]

Alan Kim and Steven Yeun in Minari


Wild greens, factory eggs and the American dream BY C AMERON MEIE R


ecent conventional wisdom — per- factory required them to sift through thouhaps in an attempt to preach diversity sands of newborn birds, dumping females — proffers that the American Dream in one bin and males in another. Jacob had is different for each of us, but I’m not buy- bigger goals for his family, but, sadly, he and ing it. In my mind, native-born Americans his wife ended up doing identical work after and immigrants alike still strive for the clas- moving to Arkansas. “What’s that?” Jacob’s son, David, quizzes sic goals of free expression, respect, home ownership, a successful livelihood and the his father upon noticing the factory’s smokestack billowing death right to raise a family into the air like an orniin the manner of their MINARI thological Auschwitz. choosing. Those are the streaming on demand “Male chicks are diskey ingredients in our Friday, Feb. 12, at carded there,” Jacob national melting pot. a24film.com and enzian.org reluctantly yet introWriter-director Lee spectively responds. Isaac Chung would seem “Male chicks don’t taste to agree. In Minari, he good. They can’t lay eggs spins the emotional tale of a husband, wife, daughter and sickly son and have no use. So you and I should try to who move from Korea to Arkansas in the be useful.” And thus Chung posits the film’s central 1980s to gain a sense of self-fulfillment and prosperity. Before settling in the appropri- metaphor: a man in a foreign place, strugately nicknamed Land of Opportunity, Jacob gling to stay relevant in his own eyes and and Monica Yi drudged out their existence those of his wife, who is bitterly skeptical in a California chicken-sexing hatchery. The of his ambitious plans to farm the land they



have purchased. The plot might seem a bit on the nose, but with Chung’s pitch-perfect screenplay, Emile Mosseri’s gentle score and the best acting ensemble of the year, Minari is unforgettable. It’s also arguably the best movie of 2020 — it got a limited release last year — filmed primarily in a language other than English. And although the Golden Globes honored it with a nomination for foreign-language film last week, it will not be eligible for an Oscar for best International Feature, thanks to the Academy’s weird rules. (Entries in that category must be produced outside the United States.) Let’s hope it will instead be nominated for best overall film, in addition to lead actor (Steven Yeun as Jacob), lead actress (Yeri Han as Monica), supporting actor (Will Patton as a fascinatingly odd but loyal friend) and supporting actress (Youn Yuh-jung, as Monica’s mother, in the movie’s most memorable role). The film’s title, another of Chung’s metaphors, is a nod to an edible Asian plant. “Minari is truly the best,” Monica’s mother tells her grandson. “It grows anywhere, like weeds. So anyone can pick and eat it. Rich or poor, anyone can enjoy it and be healthy.” Regardless of your own diet, you’ll be healthier for watching this film. Minari opens in Orlando-area theaters March 5. In the meantime, stream the film at A24’s virtual screening room (screeningroom. a24films.com) or using Enzian On Demand (enzian.org/film/minari). feedback@orlandoweekly.com orlandoweekly.com

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

[ film + tv ]

Nadiya Hussain in Nadiya Bakes, premiering Friday on Netflix PHOTO COURTESY NETFLIX

ON (small) SCREENS IN ORLANDO Streaming premieres you won’t want to miss by Steve Schneider PREMIERES WEDNESDAY: Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel — Acclaimed documentarian Joe Berlinger presents a new series about notorious American locales. Season 1 takes us to the titular hotel, the site of everything from homicides to abductions. Worse yet: no 2-in-1 shampoo in the rooms! (Netflix)

PREMIERES THURSDAY: After Midnight — This original horror flick invites us to ponder which is worse: your spouse leaving you unexpectedly or an inhuman monster invading your property. “Sounds like an even trade,” say married couples everywhere. (Shudder)

Joe Bob Put a Spell on You — Two romance-themed horror features are brought your way by the one redneck in America’s who isn’t facing charges for treason. (Yet!) (Shudder) Judas and the Black Messiah — Lakeith Stanfield plays William O’Neill, the snitch who helped bring down Black Panther leader Fred Hampton (Daniel Kaluuya). Ah, Black History Month: when white people find comfort in watching Black people sell each other out. (HBO Max) Marvel’s Behind the Mask — Get to know the creative geniuses who built the world’s favorite comics brand. (Now that the coast is clear and we can admit Stan Lee had help.) (Disney+)

Red Dot — A Swedish husband and wife have to address the cracks in their relationship while fleeing deranged hunters. Boy, does the streaming world know how to do Valentine’s week or what? (Netflix)

Nadiya Bakes — Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain shares her recipes for cakes, breads … and disaster? No, just cakes and breads. (Netflix)

Squared Love — A Polish journalist falls in love with a schoolteacher who’s masquerading as a model. And when a rabbi walks into a bar, the joke really gets going! (Netflix)

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things — In the umpteenth retread of Groundhog Day, a teenage boy and girl get to stop and smell the roses when they have to live the same day over and over again. Hey, kids: NOW YOU KNOW WHAT MIDDLE AGE IS LIKE. (Amazon Prime)

There Is No “I” in Threesome — This Sundance doc profiles an engaged couple who decide to go polyamorous. In the first of many surprise twists, it’s the dude’s idea. (HBO Max)

PREMIERES FRIDAY: Buried by the Bernards — Go behind the scenes of a family funeral home in a reality series that’s full of … maggots? No, silly! Warmth and laughs! (Netflix) Hate by Dani Rovira — The Spanish stand-up comic runs down all the things he doesn’t like. In a sop to the COVID era, “airline food” has been replaced by “a permanently compromised immune system.” (Netflix) Inside Pixar: Portraits — Enjoy mini-biographies of the diverse team that keeps the studio humming. Among the many fascinating revelations: “Brad Bird” is what John Lasseter called his penis! (Disney+)

To All the Boys: Always and Forever — The final installment in the teen romcom trilogy sees lovers Lara Jean and Peter confronting the challenges of adult romance. Boy, wait until they learn about polyamory! (Netflix)

PREMIERES MONDAY: The Crew — Kevin James is back in a new sitcom about NASCAR. Because you have sinned. (Netflix)

PREMIERES TUESDAY: Animals on the Loose: A You vs. Wild Movie — This interactive children’s film has young viewers helping Bear Grylls track down refugees from an animal sanctuary. Don’t look now, kids, but what’s John Lasseter doing to that caribou? (Netflix)


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com






Valentine’s Day, even if it’s just heavy petting through hazmat suits.

LOCAL RELEASES The rest of the world may know local artist Jessy Lynn Martens as the singing voice of Cherlene on the hilariously profane animated TV show Archer, but Orlando knows her better as a talented Americana artist and one half of JunoSmile with husband and longtime scene figure, Joseph Martens. She just released her first solo recording in almost four years, a seven-song mini-album titled For the Well of It, on Orlando label Richter Records. Now available on major platforms, the record’s a nice reminder of how good her voice is on its own terms. A strong new release from the city’s darker and experimental side is Altered States by Alien Witch, the solo project of Orlando musician Dee Crittenden that’s become one of the more distinctive acts in the scene lately. On this 13-track album, Alien Witch continues gazing into the void but takes a heavily electronic turn, even coming out of the gate with a brooding new-beat throb. From there, it’s a descent into bleak digital wastelands of coldwave, electro drone and minimalist industrial. Currently, it’s generously available as a name-your-price download on Bandcamp. Young Cassadaga band Cathedral Bells have been making modest inroads into the local scene for the past couple of years. But of everything they’ve done so far, the recent release of their new mini-album could be the thing that brings them to prominence. The eight-track Ether is an impressive collection of elegant dream-pop songs drawn in sleek lines and draped nicely with well-

Alien Witch’s new album veers from new-beat throb to a descent into bleak digital wastelands of coldwave, electro drone and industrial placed sheets of shoegaze haze. Easily their best, most crafted batch of recordings yet, Ether is a breakthrough work for Cathedral Bells and is available on Bandcamp.

CONCERT PICKS THIS WEEK If you go out, please respect everyone’s distance, for all our sakes. Keb’ Mo’: I mean, who doesn’t have the blues these days for one reason or another, right? At least modern blues legend Keb’ Mo’ can provide the proper soundtrack for it. Across a solo career that’s spanned more than 25 years, he’s taken the blues’ deep Delta roots and pushed them on out to enormously successful crossover work, earning a trail of Grammys that extends from his early years in the 1990s through to last year. This show is part of the Dr. Phillips Center’s Frontyard Festival, so you’ll be in your own distanced box with dining and drink options delivered right to you. Go see a living master at work. (8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, $35-$60) Kaleigh Baker and Someday Honey: Kaleigh Baker’s famous around here for

good reason, but seeing this Orlando-bred force of nature in the full-band context of St. Pete-based Someday Honey is an interesting setting. Fear not, Kaleigh heads, her horsepower still gets plenty of spotlight. It’s just paired with even more influences to make for an especially eclectic mélange that spans country, rock, soul, blues and beyond. And they play it all with skill, love and spirit. As part of the Plaza Live’s Front Porch Series, this is an outdoor and distanced show. (6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, Plaza Live, $15 general admission or $80 tables for up to four) FiddleRat: They may be young, but this new Orlando group specializes in the good ol’ stuff. And for the second anniversary celebration of SoDo brewery RockPit Brewing, they’ll be reviving the grand string-band tradition with bluegrass, folk and all manner of old-time sounds. (7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, RockPit Brewing, free) Baroque Chamber Orchestra: This online broadcast from Blue Bamboo Center for the Arts features string players from the Maitland Symphony Orchestra. Although they’re preserving the old Baroque style, this orchestra keeps it fresh by performing deep cuts as well as works by contemporary composers. Titled “Baroque and Beyond,” this particular program will feature the works of composers from Italy, Germany, Chile, Hungary and America. The broadcast is free, but all donations will go directly to Maitland’s Performing Arts Matter, so look for the donation link in the comments section. (8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14, bluebambooartcenter.com, free but donations accepted) baolehuu@orlandoweekly.com orlandoweekly.com

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY



ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com



U.S.-based artists of Arab and Iranian heritage. $15. Orlando Museum of Art, 2416 N. Mills Ave., omart.org T H R O U G H M AY 2 9

Jane Turner: The Evolution of an Artist


A retrospective exhibition of painting and sculpture from this self-taught Eatonville artist. Free. Hannibal Square Heritage Center, 642 W. New England Ave., Winter Park, hannibalsquareheritagecenter.org

T H R O U G H M A R C H 14


Immersive, outdoors, Alice in Wonderland-inspired theatrical walkthrough experience brought to you by Creative City Project. $22-$25. Mead Botanical Garden, 1300 S. Denning Drive, Winter Park, meadgarden.org

Group exhibition from new, young Orlando-based arts collective the Solution. Free. Kissimmee City Hall, 101 Church St., Kissimmee, thesolutionart.com

Down the Rabbit Hole

New Wild

T H R O U G H M AY 8

T H R O U G H F E B . 14

One World: International Women Artists of Florida

“I had the air conditioning checked. I don’t know what for. You never allow me to turn it on.” $48-$62 per table of two. Theatre West End, 15 W. First St., Sanford, theaterwestend.com

T H R O U G H M AY 2 8



City Lights

Opera del Sol’s City Lights series features local musical talent filmed in the intimate environs of founder Nicole Dupre’s living room. The headliner this time is theme park veteran Desiree Montes with pianist Julian Bond. City Lights showcases are free to view on Opera del Sol’s Facebook page, but viewers are encouraged to tip generously. 7 p.m., free. Opera del Sol, facebook.com/operadelsol T H U R S D AY- S U N D AY, F E B . 11 - 1 4

Moulin Rouge

Orlando Ballet brings acclaimed director Jorden Morris’ blockbuster Moulin Rouge (no relation to the Baz Luhrmann film) to the Dr. Phil. Guest artist Christian Clark — seen in the filmed version from 2014 — will play Mathieu during some of the performance run, and Morris worked with the company on this performance. $54-$990. Walt Disney Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, 445 S. Magnolia Ave., drphillipscenter.org F R I D AY, F E B . 1 2

Bach Festival: Colin MacKnight

Winter Park’s 86th Bach Festival will be a very different event this year, with performances outdoors at Central Park, in Knowles Memorial Chapel, and virtual “Bach at Home” events. The Festival kicks off with a free organ recital from Colin MacKnight, the associate organist and choirmaster at Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, New York. 7:30 p.m., free. Knowles Memorial Chapel, Rollins College, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, bachfestivalflorida.org

F R I D AY, F E B . 1 2

Frontyard Festival: Gilberto Santa Rosa

Latin music sensation Gilberto Santa Rosa brings an evening of “Amor y Salsa” to the Yard. The legendary music of Santa Rosa — six Grammys and a Guinness World Record for the most No. 1s on Billboard’s Tropical albums chart — has been inspiring dancing since the 1980s. Find out why “El Caballero de la Salsa” continues to grab new generations of listeners. 7:30 p.m., $60-$200. Dr. Phillips Center, 445 S. Magnolia Ave., drphillipscenter.org F R I D AY- M O N D AY, F E B . 1 2 - 1 5


Orlando Science Center’s annual showcase of the leading edge of interactive technology returns with a hybrid online/in-person weekender. Workshops, presentations and exhibitors will all be on offer in both realms. See the latest and greatest innovations in video gaming, digital media and immersive simulations. Orlando Science Center, 777 E. Princeton St., osc.org/otronicon S AT U R D AY, F E B . 1 3

Dark Crafts Carnival

The Florida chapter of the Satanic Temple marks the holy day of Lupercalia with a “virtual variety show” to fundraise for their good (or bad? or “bad” as in cool?) work. The show will stream live online at thesatanictemple.tv and feature Florida-based bands, performances and presentations A silent auction will run concurrently. 6 p.m., free, darkcraftscarnival.com S AT U R D AY, F E B . 1 3

Faire of the Dog

Take care of last-minute Valentine’s Day shopping

10 -16

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needs at this gathering of local vendors (better than Amazon Prime!) and fortify yourself for the crushing weight of expectation the next day from worthy local food trucks. The retail end includes Planet Caravan Vintage and Beta Bars; provisions come courtesy of the Pizza Slut and Framework Coffee; and let us not forget the obligatory “many more.” 2 p.m., free. Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave., willspub.org

G I L B E R T O S A N TA R O S A [ D R . P H I L L I P S C E N T E R , F E B . 12 ]


A showcase of work from nine working artists across the state of Florida. Free. Crealdé School of Art, 600 St. Andrews Blvd., Winter Park, crealde.org

Pushing the Envelope: Mail Art From the Archives of American Art

TH R O U G H F E B . 18

Songs for a New World

Inside the hidden world of DIY “correspondence” art. Free. Cornell Fine Arts Museum, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, rollins.edu/cfam

Time-traversing musical from the pen of Tony Awardwinner Jason Robert Brown. $18-$25. CFCArts Black Box Theatre, 260 SW Ivanhoe Blvd., cfcarts.com

T H R O U G H M AY 9


Rania Matar: On Either Side of the Window, Portraits During COVID-19

T H R O U G H A P R I L 11

Lebanese American photographer Matar presents an affecting and very timely twist on the notion of a portrait. Free. Cornell Fine Arts Museum, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, rollins.edu/cfam

American Artists in the Southwest from the Melanson Holt Collection

Painters and printmakers who lived in Taos and Santa Fe throughout the 20th century, including many indigenous artists. $5. Mennello Museum of American Art, 900 E. Princeton St., mennellomuseum.org

T H R O U G H A P R I L 11

Robert Reedy: Revival

An exhibition of painting, sculpture, ceramics, metalwork and collage from this unique Orlando artist. $10. Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Gardens, 633 Osceola Ave., Winter Park, polasek.org


American Journey: Two Centuries of Art and Culture

Explore the ever-changing visions of America in art from the 18th century through to the present day, drawn from OMA’s permanent collection. $15. Orlando Museum of Art, 2416 N. Mills Ave., omart.org


Themers and Dreamers

Multimedia group exhibition of art from local Imagineers and creative staff from Disney and Universal Studios, many of who were laid off due to the pandemic. Free. Orlando Public Library, 101 E. Central Blvd., ocls.info

T H R O U G H D E C . 31

Art Encounters: Community or Chaos

Works from CFAM’s collection reflecting on the systemic nature of racial injustice in the United States. Free. Cornell Fine Arts Museum, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, rollins.edu/cfam


Yesterday This Was Home: The Ocoee Massacre of 1920

T H R O U G H M AY 2

Landmark exhibition marking the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Election Day Massacre, the largest incident of racist voting-day violence in U.S. history. $8. Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., thehistorycenter.org n

A Boundless Drop to a Boundless Ocean

This collaborative exhibition between OMA and the American University in Cairo brings you works by 21 orlandoweekly.com

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


“TOY BOY” My 16-year-old son is stealing our sex toys. My son took my husband’s handheld toy a several months ago. I found it where it shouldn’t have been and let my husband know. He talked to our son and told him these are personal items, like a toothbrush, and that he needed to stop taking them. A few weeks ago I noticed my dildo was missing. I thought I had misplaced it. As it turns out, our son took it. We talked with him again and stressed that these are not to be shared. I want to get him his own toy so he stops taking ours. My husband is squicked out about it and I agree it’s weird to have your parents buy a toy for you, but he clearly wants one. I don’t want to pick it out. I want to give him a prepaid gift card and have him pick out what he wants from the website of a reputable shop. Is there a better way to handle this? Mama In Houston Teenagers. Going into their rooms for even a second — even just to leave clean and folded laundry on their beds — is an unforgivable invasion of their privacy, an atrocity that should land mom and dad in a cell in the Hague. But that same kid will tear their parents’ bedroom apart looking for sex toys, cash, your secret stash of pot, etc. Because while they’re entitled to absolute privacy, mom and dad — or dad and dad or mom and mom — aren’t entitled to any privacy at all. (And your son may never forgive you for the embarrassment you caused him when you asked him not to steal — and not to use — your dildo.) How do you handle this? You could forbid him to go into your bedroom. You could even put a lock on your bedroom door. But you’ll forget to lock it one day or one day he’ll learn to pick the lock and before you know it, he’ll be back in your bedroom picking through your sex toys. Or: You could run out the clock. Your son is 16 years old and he’ll hopefully be out of the house in less time than it took to get him out of diapers. Twenty-four short months, hundreds of millions of COVID vaccinations and a few college applications are all that stand between you and having your house all to yourselves again. At that point you and your husband won’t have to worry about your son stealing your sex toys — hell, at that point you can make a lovely centerpiece out of them for the dining room table. But while running out the clock allows you to avoid some squickiness, you’re still gonna have to worry about him swiping your sex toys or — even worse — swiping one, using it and then putting it back without cleaning it properly. Most 16-year-old boys can’t clean themselves properly; the odds that your son is capable of sterilizing your dildo after using it on himself are very, very low. Or: You could buy him some sex toys. I think this is the best option. Get your son a gift card or pick out a few for him — you already have a pretty good handle on the type of sex toys he finds appealing — and leave them on his bed next to his clean, folded laundry. Having a few sex toys of his own won’t necessarily stop him from tearing your bedroom apart — there’s still your pot and cash to find — but it will make him less likely to use your sex toys. And perhaps most importantly, it will allow you to suspend your disbelief and pretend your son isn’t tearing through your bedroom long enough to help him fill out those college applications. 32

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com


A few weeks ago in your column, you were responding to a guy who was unsure about his relationship because his boyfriend’s kinks didn’t match up with his own. You said that kinks are “hard-wired” and that, for someone who has them, acting on their kinks is necessary for them to have a fulfilling sex life. Wow. That leapt off the page at me. This is something I’ve struggled with most of my life and that made things so crystal clear. From the time I was first sexually aware, I knew I was gay and that I was attracted to BDSM. I am five years out of a 20-year relationship. My partner and I dabbled in BDSM, but I never felt like he was really into it. He was just doing it for me. The relationship didn’t end over his stuff, but I regret sticking with it, and an unfulfilling sex life, for so long. The kink stuff started so early for me, hard-wired doesn’t even begin to describe it. Pre-puberty I was fascinated when I saw guys getting tied up on TV, in comics and in movies. But now here I am, single and 63 years old. I haven’t dated anyone since my relationship ended. I don’t want to date purely vanilla people or people with kinks that aren’t compatible with mine. I’m just not sure what to do. Any advice? I’ve No Clever Acronym In the column where I described kinks as hard-wired — which they are for most people, INCA, although some folks do manage to acquire them — I didn’t advise kinky people to date only other kinky people. So long as a kinky person isn’t, one, being shamed and two, is allowed to enjoy their kinks with others who share them, a mixed kink-vanilla relationship can work. So don’t limit yourself to dating only guys who are into BDSM. Date vanilla guys you meet through mainstream dating apps, but be open about your kinks from the start and be clear about your intent to enjoy your kinks with guys who share them. And date kinky guys you meet on kink dating apps — there are plenty of guys your age on Recon, the biggest personals site for kinky gay and bi men, and guys of all ages who are into guys your age. Good luck. Gay boy here with a new boyfriend. We’ve been together for almost two months and I TOLD HIM that

I want an open relationship but I AM NOT comfortable with him dating other men. I MADE THAT CLEAR. A week ago he oh-so-casually drops that he’s been meeting up with a guy for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS! I told him he had to STOP this but he REFUSES to stop it. He says they aren’t “dating” so he didn’t betray me. I looked at their text messages — GOING BACK YEARS — and this guy will send him a message once every few months and my boyfriend hurries over to his house to blow him. My boyfriend thinks it shouldn’t matter that he’s “servicing” this one other person since we both fuck around. My problem is the “ONE OTHER PERSON” part of the equation! I am NOT interested in monogamy but I am STRONGLY opposed to MY BOYFRIEND having an ONGOING THING with another man! If our ages matter: I am in my mid-20s and VGL, my boyfriend is in his mid-30s and VGL, and this guy is in his LATE 40s and TOTALLY AVERAGE LOOKING. I do not see why my boyfriend won’t GIVE UP this man for me. Really Angry Guy Into No Games I can almost see why your boyfriend wouldn’t want to give up this guy for you, RAGING. I mean, if I squint I can almost make it out … Look, your boyfriend has been servicing this guy for almost a decade. If they wanted to date, they’d be dating. If they wanted to be together, they’d be together. And if you force your boyfriend to choose between the DEMANDING INSECURE ALL-CAPS BOY he’s known for a little less than two months — that would be you — and the guy he’s been servicing for a little less than a decade, you’re going to lose. If you wanna be with your VGL boyfriend, RAGING, offer to grandfather the average guy in, i.e. agree to him continuing to service this impossibly old fart on the condition that your boyfriend doesn’t add any new “regulars” to his rotation. But on the off chance your boyfriend also reads my column: OMG, DUDE, RUN. mail@savagelove.net

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Legal, Public Notices ALL ABOARD STORAGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Personal property of the following tenants will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder to satisfy a rental lien in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sections: A83.801 - 83.809. All units are assumed to contain general household goods unless otherwise indicated. Viewing of photos will be available on www. lockerfox.com, up to 5 days prior to each scheduled sale. The owners or their agents reserve the right to bid on any unit and also to refuse

any bid. All items or units may not be available on the day of sale. The Public Sale will take place via www.lockerfox.com on: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 2:00 p.m., or thereafter, at: Sanford Depot 2728 W 25th Street, Sanford, FL 32771 321-363-1902 Matthew Knight #1222, Reteka McIntyre #1679. The above Tenants have been given proper notice, fourteen days prior to the first publication of this Notice of Sale, that the Owner will enforce a statutory lien on the property located in their respective unit of the above-mentioned selfstorage facilities. Ad to run: February 3 and February 10, 2021. AUCTION Extra Space Storage – Store 8138 1001 Lee Rd. Orlando FL. 32810 Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 1001 Lee Rd. Orlando, FL. 32810 (407) 4893742, February 26th, 2021 @ 4:00 PM Susan Larson-bags and boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. AUCTION Extra Space Storage – Store 8841 9847 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825 Extra Space Storage will hold a Public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location Indicated: 9847 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825 (407) 495-9612, February 26th, 2021 @ 12:45PM: Larcenuia HillsHousehold goods- Darrin DiCensoHousehold goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. AUCTION Extra Space Storage – Store 1631 5753 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32822. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 5753 Hoffner Ave, Orlando, FL 32822 (407) 212-5890, February 26, 2021 @ 11:30 AM: Narciso MelendezHousehold goods. Cecilia TorresHousehold goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and


Video Chat Video Push Notifications Search Filters … and more! paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 342 Woodland Lake Drive, Orlando, FL 32828, 321.800.4793, on 2/26/21 at 12:00pm. Chase Johnson couches, dresser, totes, household items, bags, clothes With Love, TMLLC bath scrubs The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 1420 North Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL, 32804 (407) 312- 8736, on 2/26/2021 @ 12:00PM: Edinam Folikumah office items; Tequila Henderson Cthes; Tenikia Bowe House Items. The auction will be

listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 408 N Primrose Dr Orlando FL 32803, 321-285-5021 on 2/26/2021 @ 12:15 pm. John Lutton-Household items, APRO Construction Services, LLC-Tools. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

2631 E Semoran Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 408-7437 Tamera Boggan- Household items Derica Taher- Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.

Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: February 26, 2021, at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


Legal, Public Notices Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: February 26, 2021 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 831 N. Park Avenue Apopka, FL 32712 (407) 450-0345 Stephen L Isom Household Goods, Michelle Gay - Household Goods,Christian J Tejada - Household good, electronic, boxes of clothing, Mary Ligon Ezell - household goods, clothes, boxes, Juanita Perez - Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 540 Cypress Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34759, on 2/26/2021 @ 1:45PM Sharnese Gibson Boxes, Dario Rodriguez Boxes, bikes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 5603 Metrowest Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32811, 407.516.7751 on 02.26.2021 @ 11:00 am. May Willie household goods; Willie May household goods; Jonquanbrick Williams 1 bedroom apt, 2 sofas, 2 end table; Jeffrey Bumgarner household goods; Debroah Balamage clothes, shoes, miscellaneous items; Landie Taylor housegoods, books, clothes, dishes; Jamiesha Ross toddler beds, boxes; Jovan Walkes housegoods; Sylvia Williams 2 bar stools (large), luggage; Carolyn Rozier household goods; Rachael Ella Bass housegoods. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 3820 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32806, 321.270.3440 on 02.26.2021 @ 11:30 am. Harry Gadson House-


hold item. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 5592 LB McLeod Rd, Orlando, Florida 32811, 407.720.2832 on 02.26.2021 @ 2:00 pm. James Conley Tv, kitchen table and chairs. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 3501 S Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32839, 407.488.9093 on 02.26.2021 @ 3:00 pm. Sara Olson- boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 1305 Crawford Ave St. Cloud, FL 34769, 407-504-0833 on 2/26/2021 @ 1:00pm Leroy Farley tools. Kayla Chouinard washer. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated:11261 Narcoossee Rd. Orlando, Fl 32832 407280-7355 on 2/26/2021 @ 12:30 PM Joan Lucas Orozco-Household Goods. Michelle Lynn Avrett CurtisHousehold goods. Lawrence AlbertHousehold goods. The auction will be listed and advertised on www. storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: On February 26, 2021 11:15 AM location: 13125 S. John Young Parkway Orlando FL 32837 (407)516-7005. Queens Armour Enterprises-Paperwork and crafting supplies, John BonaduceHome items, Nouvo Properties

LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture, Nouvo Properties LLC- Home items, furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: February 26th, 2021 at the times and locations listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00PM Extra Space Storage 12709 East Colonial Drive Orlando FL 32826, 4076343990. Annatta HillRufrano: cooler, luggage, boxes, totes, Comelena L Wiley: furniture, bikes, scooters, boxes, Ciera Maire Young: household items, appliances, furniture, Trevor Tigges: boxes, totes, fan, Imari X Blake: household items, boxes, furniture, the auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures. com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: February 26, 2021 at the times and location listed below. The personal goods stored therein by the following: 12:00 PM Extra Space Storage 1101 Marshall Farms RD, Ocoee FL 34761 (407) 516-7221: Frankie Harrison : Furniture. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreausures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above reference facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the property. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF MICHAEL R. GLUCKMAN, AKA MICHAEL RUSSELL GLUCKMAN, Deceased. File No. 2020-CP-003197-O, Division 01. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of MICHAEL R. GLUCKMAN, deceased, File Number 2020-CP-003197-O, by the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave., Suite 355, Orlando, FL 32801; that the decedent’s date of death was May 26, 2020; that the total value of the estate is approx. $15,000 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: JENIFER L. GLUCKMAN, 32 Andover Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is February 10, 2021. /s/ Brittni T. Feldenkreis, Esq., FELDENKREIS LAW, PLLC, Attorney for Person Giving Notice, 4440 PGA Blvd., Suite 600, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, FL. BAR NO.: 97903, (T): 561-4448353, (E-MAIL): btflaw@gmail. com. /s/ JENIFER L. GLUCKMAN, Petitioner, 32 Andover Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION. IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLES CLYDE HURT, JR.,, Deceased. File No. 2021-CP-0000610O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of CHARLES CLYDE HURT, JR., deceased, whose date of death was December 18, 2020 is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served, must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims

with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: 2/10/2021. Signed on 1/7/2021. /s/ CHARLES H. STARK, ESQ., Attorney for Personal Representative, Florida Bar No. 622680, CHARLES H. STARK, P.A., 312 N. PARK AVENUE, SUITE 2-A, WINTER PARK, FL 32789, Telephone: (407) 788-0250, /s/ RICHARD B. TROUMAN, Personal Representative 1101 N. KENTUCKY AVENUE, WINTER PARK, FL 32789. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION. IN RE: ESTATE OF DAVID B. KING,, Deceased. File No. 2021-CP-000186-O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of DAVID B. KING, deceased, whose date of death was DECEMBER 18, 2020 is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served, must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: 2/10/2021. Signed on 1/19/2021. /s/ CHARLES H. STARK, ESQ., Attorney for Personal Representative, Florida Bar No. 622680, CHARLES H. STARK, P.A., 312 N. PARK AVENUE, SUITE 2-A, WINTER PARK, FL 32789, Telephone: (407) 788-0250, /s/ MARILYN M. KING, Personal Representative, 358 VIRGINIA DRIVE, WINTER PARK,

FL 32789. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA. JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER CASE NO: DP18-74, IN THE INTEREST OF Minor Children: K.H. DOB: 10/14/2016, K.L. DOB: 09/14/2017, K.M. DOB: 12/31/2018 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: Keith Harris Address Unknown: A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above referenced children. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge A. James Craner on March, 11, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties shall participate via teleconference by calling 407-836-5646 and entering conference ID 517180# at the above reference date and time. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THESE CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 20th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: George Lytle, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 0985465 Supervising Attorney for Department of Children & Families. CLERK OF COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA. JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER CASE NO: DP19-454, IN THE INTEREST OF Minor Child: D. V. DOB: 12/28/2004 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: Robert Vollett Address Unknown: A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge A. James Craner on April 6, 2021 a 10:15 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified.

This is a telephonic hearing please dial 407-836-5646 (or toll-free 1-800-346-8020) and enter code number 517180#. The # key must be entered after the code numbers. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THESE CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 27th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Rachel Stawski Dlugokienski, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 1010876 Senior Attorney for Department of Children & Families. Rachel.Stawski@myflfamilies.com CLERK OF COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA. JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER CASE NO: DP19-536, IN THE INTEREST OF Minor Children: A.P. DOB: 05/04/2014 Y.R. DOB: 06/24/2016 E.R. DOB: 08/15/2018 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: Eliot Rosado Quinones Address Unknown: A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above referenced children. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge A. James Craner on March, 11, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. This is a telephonic hearing please dial 407-836-5646 (or toll-free 1-800-346-8020) and enter code number 517180#. The # key must be entered after the code numbers. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THESE CHILD(REN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 27th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Rachel Stawski Dlugokienski, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 1010876, Senior Attorney for

Department of Children & Families. Rachel.Stawski@myflfamilies. comfor CLERK OF COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2020-DR-010167-O Division: 31 Josena Marisol Vivas Diaz Petitioner, and Naum Elias Touma Fuentes Respondent, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: NAUM ELIAS TOUMA FUENTES 3221 S SEMORAN BLVD APT 16 ORLANDO FLORIDA 32822 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on JOSENA MARISOL VIVAS DIAZ, whose address is 5912 APPALOOSA WAY ORLANDO FLORIDA 32822 on or before 3/25/2021 and file the original with the clerk 425 North Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demand in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE MATTER OF THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS FOR THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A MINOR CHILD. DOB: 08/10/2020. CASE NO.: 2020-DR-004944-O. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: CLARENCE SPENCER; African American Male last known location Orlando, FL. Approximately 29 years of age, Brown hair, brown eyes, approximately 6’2” and 180lbs, father of the minor child born at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando FL on 08/10/2020. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to Ashley Filimon, P.A. whose

address is 1420 E. Concord St., Orlando, FL 32803, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N, Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you and the Court may enter an Order granting the Termination of Parental Rights for Adoption of the child. Copies of all court documents for this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Courts informed of your current address, You must file a response with the Clerk by 3/11/2021. Dated 1/14/2021, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, BY: /s/ Felicia Sanders, DEPUTY CLERK. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished via email to A CHOSEN CHILD, INC. at 1420 E Concord St. Orlando, FL 32803 this 13TH day of JANUARY, 2021. /s/ Ashley Filimon, Esq., Ashley Filimon, ESQUIRE, Florida Bar No. 0095954, Ashley Filimon, P.A., 1420 E. Concord St., Orlando, FL 32803, Telephone: (407) 801-5022, Primary E-mail: afilimon@legalperson. com, Secondary e-mail: nicole@ legalperson.com IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER. WESTGATE SERVICE CENTER CASE NO.: DP18453 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILDREN: P.J. DOB: 06/21/2013, S.M. DOB: 02/26/2016 NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Sherman Mitchell (Address Unknown) A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Honorable Judge A. James Craner on March 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. This hearing will be held telephonically on the above date and time by calling 407-836-5646 and entering conference code 517180#. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR

WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 13th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Jennifer McCarthy, Esquire Florida Bar No.: 0086793, Children’s Legal Services jennifer.mccarthy@myflfamilies. com By: /s/ CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.CASE NO. 2020-DR12519 IN RE: The Marriage of SPENDIA TEQUITHIA TANQUERAY HERRERA, Petitioner/ Wife, and PEDRO HERRERA, Respondent/Husband. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. TO: PEDRO HERRERA; 1005 CAMA COURT, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Michael T. Mackhanlall, Esq., On Behalf Of SPENDIA TEQUITHIA TANQUERAY HERRERA, whose address is 37 N. Orange Ave Suite 500, Orlando FL 32801 on or before 3/25/2021, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Ave Orlando FL 32801, before service on PETITIONER or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The Action is asking the Court to dissolve the bounds of marriage in this case. There is no real or personal property. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated 1/25/2021. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by: /s/ Deputy Clerk (court seal). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 3/ CRANER WESTGATE SERVICE CENTER CASE NO.: DP18-741. IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: J.L DOB: 10/21/2008, NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, ADVISORY HEARING. STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Calvin Leggett, ADDRESS UNKNOWN. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in

this court regarding the abovereferenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable A. James Craner, Judge on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. THIS HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY VIDEO VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 22nd day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Layali Salem, Esquire. Florida Bar Number 0111746 Senior Attorney for State of Florida Department of Children and Families Children’s Legal Services 882 S. Kirkman Road, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32811 Layali. salem@myflfamilies.com. PLEASE CALL THE ATTORNEY AT (407) 563-2324 IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 3/ CRANER WESTGATE SERVICE CENTER CASE NO.: DP19-218. IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: J.A DOB: 9/10/08, NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, ADVISORY HEARING. STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Joseph Jones, ADDRESS UNKNOWN. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the abovereferenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable A. James Craner, Judge on Tuesday, March 22, 2021, at 10:15 a.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. THIS HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED BY VIDEO VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE


DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 27th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Layali Salem, Esquire. Florida Bar Number 0111746 Senior Attorney for State of Florida Department of Children and Families Children’s Legal Services 882 S. Kirkman Road, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32811 Layali. salem@myflfamilies.com. PLEASE CALL THE ATTORNEY AT (407) 563-2324 IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION: 07/HIGBEE CASE NO: DP 15-580 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILD: K.B. DOB: 08/20/2018. NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: Dominique Christopher, LOCATION UNKNOWN. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge Heather L. Higbee, on Monday, March 15, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MIGHT LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 4th day of February, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Audrea Beth Ashcraft, Esquire, Florida Bar No.: 101358, Audrea.ashcraft@ myflfamilies.com. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal)

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


Legal, Public Notices

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, JUVENILE DIVISION: 07 / HIGBEE CASE NO.: DP20-127 IN THE INTEREST OF MINOR CHILDREN: A.L. DOB: 12/20/2010 A.L. DOB: 07/08/2016. NOTICE OF ACTION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING STATE OF FLORIDA. To: FERNANDO LOPEZ - ALEJO, Address Unknown. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this Court regarding the abovereferenced children, a copy of which is on file with the clerk; you are hereby commanded to appear before Judge Heather Higbee, February 26th, 2021 at 9:30am at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. DUE TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS THE HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA THE FOLLOWING WAY: 1. You may connect via ZOOM hearing with the following URL and Meeting ID: Zoom Hearing Direct URL: https:// zoom.us/my/judgeheatherhigbee 2. If you do not have video capability you may use the following information to call in: Call in phone number 1-301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID: 516 282 7605, followed by the # sign. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION. “Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 12th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Jennifer Ware, Esquire FB#109969 Jennifer.Ware@myflfamilies.com CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By /s/ Deputy Clerk (Court Seal). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER CASE NO.: DP10-542 IN THE INTEREST OF: A.C. DOB: 11/18/2007, J.C. DOB: 01/24/2013, J.C. DOB: 07/10/2019, minor children. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, STATE OF FLORIDA. To: AMANDA WALDRON, Address Unknown. WHEREAS a Petition for


Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this Court regarding the above-referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge A. James Craner, at 10:30 a.m., on the 7th day of April, 2021, at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. This is a telephonic hearing please dial 407-8365646 (or toll-free 1-800-346-8020) and enter code number 517180#. The # key must be entered after the code numbers. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD (THESE CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD (OR CHILDREN) NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. “Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 27th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Nancy A. Robak, Attorney for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families 400 West Robinson Street, Ste. N211, Orlando, FL 32801, (407) 921-7169. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk, (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, JUVENILE DIVISION: 03/ CRANER CASE NO.: DP10-542 IN THE INTEREST OF: A.C. DOB: 11/18/2007, J.C. DOB: 01/24/2013, J.C. DOB: 07/10/2019, minor children. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, STATE OF FLORIDA. To: JORGE CABAN, Address Unknown. WHEREAS a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this Court regarding the above-referenced child. You are hereby commanded to appear before Judge A. James Craner, at 10:30 a.m., on the 7th day of April, 2021, at the Juvenile Justice Center, 2000 East Michigan Street, Orlando, Florida 32806, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and at the time specified. This is a telephonic hearing please dial 407-8365646 (or toll-free 1-800-346-8020) and enter code number 517180#. The # key must be entered after the code numbers. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA-

TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD (THESE CHILDREN). IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD (OR CHILDREN) NAMED IN THE PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. “Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court at Orlando, Orange County, Florida this 27th day of January, 2021. This summons has been issued at the request of: Nancy A. Robak, Attorney for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families 400 West Robinson Street, Ste. N211, Orlando, FL 32801, (407) 921-7169. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Deputy Clerk, (Court Seal) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case: 2020-DR011976-O. Division: 42 – Greg A. Tyna. IN THE INTEREST OF: ZAHAVI AURIEL ATKINSON, Child JANELLE GRANT, Petitioners, and MERCEDES BREAUNNA GRANT ATKINSON and RHYEL MARTEZE ATKINSON. Respondent(s). AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION for PETITION FOR TEMPORARY CUSTODY BY EXTENDED FAMILY. TO: RHYEL MARTEZE ATKINSON: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Petition for Temporary Custody By Extended Family has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner’s Attorney, Michele M. Bernard, Esq. whose address is Holistic Legal, P.A., 390 N. Orange Ave. #2300, Orlando, FL 32801, on or before MARCH 25TH, 2021, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at: ORANGE County Courthouse, 425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801. A phone call will not protect you. Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the Court to hear your side of the case. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided, which is to each person their personal property and any marital property or items and monies to Petitioner. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. DATED: 1/26/2021 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by: /s/ Deputy Clerk (SEAL) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: Case No.: 2020-DR-013177 RYLYNN MARIE McCARTHY and MAKAYLA LILLY-ANN McCARTHY Adoptees. NOTICE OF ACTION OF JOINT PETITION FOR ADOPTION BY STEPPARENT TO: DYLAN KEITH McCARTHY, 9881 SW 67th Terrace, Ocala, FL 34476 OR 1695 Lee Road, A116 Winter Park, FL 32789. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Adoption by Stepparent has been filed and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses to it, if any, on Petitioners’ counsel of record, BETHANY C. SZEWCZYK, ESQ., whose address is 1060 Woodcock Road, Orlando, FL 32803 on or before MARCH 31, 2021 and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 North Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801, before service on Petitioner’s counsel or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. BY: /s/ Bethany C. Szewczyk BETHANY C. SZEWCZYK, ESQ. Attorney for Petitioners, Florida Bar No. 91673, 1060 Woodcock Road, Orlando, FL 32803, Phone: (321) 234.5288, Email: law@bethanyesq. com. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: 41 CASE NO.: 19-DP-123. IN THE INTEREST OF: M. M. H., DOB: 02/18/2015, M. E. H., DOB: 02/12/2016, N. I. H., DOB: 11/19/2016, M. O. M., DOB: 12/26/2017 MINOR CHILDREN. NOTICE OF ACTION AND OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: Marc Harrison, Unknown Address A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced children; you are to appear before Judge Laura Shaffer, on April 9th, 2021, at 10:15 a.m. at the Osceola County Courthouse at 2 Courthouse Square, Courtroom 4C, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and time specified. If you cannot enter the courthouse due to the pandemic, use the conference

call information: Dial 1(800)7197514, Conference Code # 530781. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD WHOSE INITIALS APPEAR ABOVE. “Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” DISABILITIES NOTICE: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 7422417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand as the Clerk of said Court and the Seal, this 27th day of January, 2021. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (Court Seal) By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: 41 CASE NO.: 19-DP-123. IN THE INTEREST OF: M. M. H., DOB: 02/18/2015, M. E. H., DOB: 02/12/2016, N. I. H., DOB: 11/19/2016, M. O. M., DOB: 12/26/2017 MINOR CHILDREN. NOTICE OF ACTION AND OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. STATE OF FLORIDA. TO: NICOLE MOORE, Unknown Address A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced children; you are to appear before Judge Laura Shaffer, on April 9th, 2021, at 10:15 a.m. at the Osceola County Courthouse at 2 Courthouse Square, Courtroom 4C, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and time specified. If you cannot enter the courthouse due to the pandemic, use the conference call information: Dial 1(800)7197514, Conference Code # 530781. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD WHOSE INITIALS APPEAR ABOVE.

“Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” DISABILITIES NOTICE: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 7422417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand as the Clerk of said Court and the Seal, this 27th day of January, 2021. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (Court Seal) By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: 41 CASE NO. 19-DP-91 IN THE INTEREST OF A.P. DOB: 08/21/2018, J.P. DOB: 05/30/2011, C.P. DOB: 12/18/2014 Minor Children. NOTICE OF ACTION AND OF ADVISORY HEARING FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Christopher Perez (unknown address) A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights under oath has been filed in this court regarding the above-referenced children; you are to appear before Judge Laura Shaffer, on April 19,2021 at 9:15 a.m. at the Osceola County Courthouse at 2 Courthouse Square, Courtroom 4C, Kissimmee, FL 34741, for a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVISORY /ADJUDICATORY HEARING. You must appear on the date and time specified. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THESE CHILDREN. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILDREN WHOSE INITIALS APPEAR ABOVE. “Pursuant to Sections 39.802(4)(d) and 63.082(6)(g), Florida Statutes, you are hereby informed of the availability of private placement with an adoption entity, as defined in Section 63.032(3), Florida Statutes.” DISABILITIES NOTICE: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 742-2417, at least 7

days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. WITNESS my hand as the Clerk of said Court and the Seal, this 2nd day of February, 2021. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (Court Seal) By: /s/ Deputy Clerk. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: The Former Marriage of: OSIRIS MARTINEZ, Petitioner/Former Husband, and JESSICA MARTINEZ, Respondent/ Former Wife. Case No.: 2018-DR1222. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR RELOCATION TO: Osiris Martinez, 1612 Whitewater Falls Drive, Orlando, Florida 32824. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to Permit Relocation with Minor Children has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on the Attorney for the Respondent/ Former Wife, Felicia A. Bunbury, Esquire, whose address is: The FAB Law Firm, LLC, 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 800, Orlando, Florida 32801, on or before 2/17/2021, and file the original with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, Florida 34741, before service on the Attorney for the Respondent/Former Wife or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated 1/14/2021, by: /s/ CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Notice of Public Auction for monies due on storage units located at U-Haul company facilities. Storage locations are listed below. All goods are household contents or miscellaneous and recovered goods. All auctions are hold to satisfy owner’s lien for rent and fees in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self-Storage Act, Sections 83.806 and 83.807. The auction will start at 8:00 a.m. on March 4, 2021 and will continue until all locations are done. U-Haul Moving and Storage at

Maitland Blvd, 7803 N Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Fl 32810; B25 Mary Ebron $604.40, L57 Thomas Moran $652.40, L53 Charles Proctor $731.60, B21 Makens Sejour $795.05, B07 Heather Raincrow $691.80, D48 Latrease Richardson $1113.00 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Apopka, 1221 E Semoran Blvd, Apopka, Fl 32703; 1299 James Mcsherry $1160.90, 1293 Ginni Estrada $1154.48, 1122 Daniel Miller $1737.80, 1062 Chris Armbruster $1149.40, 1112 Jamie Williams $2114.60 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Altamonte Springs, 598 W Hwy 436, Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714; C126 Carina Patterson $2531.24, B102 Bem Williams $1244.16 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Semoran Blvd, 2055 State Rd 436, Winter Park, Fl 32792; 1420 Heather Brucato $849.05, 1201 Adrienne Lee Taylor $1753.20, 1156 Corey Tigue $1272.40, 1422 Alfredo Acededo $676.00, 1506 Tabitha Wilson $784.40, 1162 Jeffrey Halter $1868.60, 1068 Khari Williams $1250.95, 1242 Danny Johnson $825.15, 1256 Julianna Sivon $1037.40, 2470 Luis Galvis $697.84, 1036 Adrienne Lee Taylor $1071.60, 1177 Jose Ayala $1421.45 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Longwood, 650 N Ronald Reagan Blvd, Longwood, FL 32750; E002 Bryce Jones $889.07, C015 Jarod Greene $1339.33, B006 Sterle Scott $1102.10, C039 Javier Aponte $1120.88, D013 Sterle Scott $1102.10 U-Haul Moving and Storage at Lake Mary Blvd, 3851 S Orlando Drive, Sanford, Fl 32773; 1629 Bianca White $1317.15, 2234 Juan Rivera $1615.60, 1415 Miguel Alameda $1232.16, 2545 Chayanne Arroyo $676.00, 5058 Timothy Johnson $1123.35, 5064 Timothy Johnson $1123.35, 2075 Casrlos Padilla $537.78, 2704 Johnell Brooks $526.95, 5030 Neil Callegari $1272.40, 1574 Deloris Foster $974.30, 1423 Francis Armstead $878.42, 1619 Andrew Eaton $1567.15, 1437 Ruvette Permaul $633.36, 2512 Ashlynn Mayranen $574.70, 1278 Tamara Nicosia $495.02, 1433 Catherine Romano $589.84, 2589 Nicole CArter $477.00, 2236 Juan Rivera $1633.90, 1238 Hector Rodriguez $573.51, 1214 Miriam Caicedo $481.70, 1422 Roland Sattler $932.24, 2429 Frederick Panke $1357.60, 1217 Sukhpal Singh $878.42, 1543 Tasheika Gillison $689.84, 5086 Tonya Owens $1432.10, 1750 Meghan Willis $564.19, 2815 Linda Koravos $904.50, 1408 Thomas Cabral $1277.63 U-Haul Moving and Storage of Sanford on Rinehart Road, 1811 Rinehart Road, Sanford, Fl 32771; 4162 Lee Burnett $713.14, 4199 Misten Brownlee $816.89, 4183 Jennifer Tejada $1794.14, 3120 Malieka Hodges $1024.39, 3128 Sidney LaShay $1096.15, 4047 Eric Rawlins $1685.19, 4153

Raffaele Scettro $1903.64, 1071 Katrina Doe $580.46, 4102 Stafford Mitchell $1263.99 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION FOR MONIES DUE ON STORAGE LOCKERS LOCATED AT UHAUL COMPANY FACILITIES. STORAGE LOCATIONS AND TIMES ARE LISTED BELOW. ALL GOODS SOLD ARE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, MISCELLANEOUS OR RECOVERED GOODS. ALL AUCTIONS ARE HELD TO SATISFY OWNER’S LIEN FOR RENT AND FEES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES, SELF STORAGE ACT, SECTIONS 83.806 AND 83.807, STARTS AT 9:30am and RUNS CONTINUOUSLY. U-Haul Ctr Orange Ave-3500 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806 on 3/2/2021: 1156 Alejandro Lazo, 1310 Dwight Clark, 1007 Brett Barr, 1525 Joann McCullough, 1423 Janett McCaskall, 1932 Britney Reed, 1827 Robert Payne, 1037 Erik Aquino, 2141 Katherine Miller, 1077 Eleanro Benet, 2014 Ryu Phillips, 1904 Mystery Unit, 1532 Michael Lavigne, 1923 Horace Roland, 1610 Richard Williams, 1017 Pamela Medina, 1005 Mystery Unit, 2202 Norverto Hernandez, 1825 Heather Davis, 1209 Michael Lavigne, 1833 Yulia Riedman, 1067 Mugri Tah. U-Haul Ctr Baldwin Park -4001 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32803 on 3/2/2021: D195 Jeanine Lingo, D244 Yemily Arriaga, A118 Tammy Robins, A109 Donna Whitney, A108 Joyce Hensley, C178 Reina Hernandez, D108 Quentin Hill, D220 Matthew Delgado, D203 Jorge Garcia, D184 Kevin Lay, C158 Wanda Brotzman, C141 Brackston Helms. Notice Of Public Sale Personal property of the following tenants will be sold for cash to satisfy rental liens in accordance with Florida Statutes, Self Storage Facility Act, Sections 83-806 and 83807. Contents may include kitchen, household items, bedding, toys, games, boxes, barrels, packed cartons, furniture, trucks, cars, etc. There is no title for vehicles sold at lien sale. Owners reserve the right to bid on units. Lien sale to be held online ending Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at times indicated below. Viewing and bidding will only be available online at www. storagetreasures.com beginning at least 5 days prior to the scheduled sale date and time! Also visit www. personalministorage.com/OrlandoFL-storage-units/ for more info. Michigan Mini-200 W Michigan St Orlando, FL 32806- at 10:30am: 131 Henry Parrish 175 Gustavo Jose Blanco Gallo Personal Mini Storage Forsyth2875 Forsyth Rd Winter Park FL, 32792- at 10:00 am: 307 Hakeem Orlando Rowe 320 Richard Miller 360 Donovan Taylor 398 Daniel Diaz 400 Edward Fullington 413 Connie Robyn Skinner 541 Melanie

Croxall 592 Frederick John Foltz IV Personal Mini Storage West4600 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando, FL 32811- at 11:30 am: 7 Ilianese Bauduy 178 Alilla Stover 238 Marzetta Casandra Polite 337 Betline Suimelus 420 Marcius Pascal 449 Demetrius Walls 458 Carol Cudjoe 594 Demetrice Nixon 642 Deandre Javone Moore Personal Mini Storage Lake Fairview- 4252 N Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32804- at 11:00 am: 034 Lonzie Gray Jr. 147 Denniston Carson Denniston 728 Sirous Ghanimati; Star Com LLC; Lighting Electric International Personal Mini Storage Edgewater- 6325 Edgewater Dr Orlando, FL 32810- at 11:30 am: 0315 Amanda Jeror 1101 Chelcia Edwards 1415 Franklin Joseph Personal Mini Storage Forest City Rd- 6550 Forest City Rd Orlando, FL 32810- at 12:00 pm: 1105 Jermaine McCullough 1110 Anthony Rivera 2072 Henry Joe Wiggins 3074 Denise Anthony 4031 Siarra Carrion-Booker 4052 Valarie Atkins 4055 Yonnie Reese 6005 Nathaniel Redding 8017 Brandon Kerr. Notice of Public Sale: Pursuant to F.S. 713.78 on February 26, 2021 at 9:00 am, Riker’s Roadside Of Central Florida, INC, 630 E Landstreet Rd, Orlando, FL 32824, will sell the following vehicles and/or vessels. Seller reserves the right to bid. Sold as is, no warranty. Seller guarantees no title, terms cash. Seller reserves the right to refuse any or all bids; 1B3HB48B77D115855 2007 Dodge 1D8HN11H28B157139 2008 Dodge 2CNFLEEW4A6204719 2010 Chevrolet 2HNYD18233H530119 2003 Acura 4T1BF12B6TU130028 1996 Toyota 5YFBURHE7HP677646 2017 Toyota JF1VA1A66K9822074 2019 Subaru JH4DC53012C020212 2002 Acura JTDBR32E532006975 2003 Toyota JTDS4MCEXMJ064848 2021 Toyota JTHB5LFF5J5003633 2018 Lexus JTHBA30G640006362 2004 Lexus KM8J3CA48JU743154 2018 Hyundai KMHCT4AE9DU567033 2013 Hyundai. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: ADAM AYED ENTERPRISES LLC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 2/26/2021, 09:00 am at 9712 RECYCLE CENTER RD ORLANDO, FL 32824- 8146, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. ADAM AYED ENTERPRISES LLC reserves

the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. JT6GF10U0X0023544 1999 Lexus 1J4G248S6YC410912 2000 Jeep JA32U2FU3AU017418 2010 Mitsubishi 1C3CDZCB3CN156421 2012 Dodge 5YFEPRAE9LP027966 2020 Toyota. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 10850 COSMONAUT BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32824, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/ or all bids. February 26, 2021 1N4AA51E19C855574 2009 Nissan JN8AZ08T17W515271 2007 Nissan FEBRUARY 27, 2021 19UUA5644XA015936 1999 Acura 2G1WB58K281332988 2008 Chevrolet 3FA6P0K99GR135818 2016 Ford 3N1CN8EVXML825279 2021 Nissan KL5JD56Z05K190945 2005 Suzuki FEBRUARY 28, 2021 1B3ES56C43D106173 2003 Dodge 1G6KD579X6U125168 2006 Cadillac 2B8GP54LX1R115347 2001 Dodge 3KPA24AB0KE209349 2019 Kia MARCH 1, 2021 1HGCP268X9A118633 2009 Honda KNAFE221995597966 2009 Kia MARCH 2, 2021 JN8AS5MT6DW519769 2013 Nissan MARCH 5, 2021 3VW2B7AJ4HM368853 2017 Volkswagen 4A3AA46G82E134948 2002 Mitsubishi 5N1AR18U76C645612 2006 Nissan WP1AB29P94LA70996 2004 Porsche. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 08:00 am at 2603 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY KISSIMMEE, FL 34744, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. NEW GENERATION TOWING AND RECOVERY, LLC. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/


or all bids. MARCH 1, 2021 KNAFE221995597966 2009 Kia NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Preston’s Towing. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on the following dates, 07:00 am 605 E Donegan Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34744, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Vehicles will be sold as is, no warranty. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid. Terms of bids are cash only. Buyer must have funds on hand at time of sale: March 4th, 2021 WDBNG75J1YA131213 Mercedes-Benz 2000 2HGES16385H569853 Honda 2005 1HGCM66554A002478 Honda 2004 JA3AU86U18U024408 Mitsubishi 2008 19XFB2F56DE071817 Honda 2013 1FTNE24L64HB39841 Ford 2004 3N1BC1AP8AL428133 Nissan 2010 JA4MR41H4TJ002605 Mitsubishi 1996 WDDHF5KB0CA619862 Mercedes-Benz 2012 4T1BE30K45U002942 Toyota 2005 3N1BC11E48L400516 Nissan 2008. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801-83.809). The undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding on, Wednesday, February 19th, 2021 at 12:00 PM, on lockerfox.com said property has been stored and which are located at: iStorage – Winterpark, 3400 Forsyth Rd, Winter Park FL 32792 Name, Unit #, Contents: Kenier Roman 357 , Misc house hold items, boxes, baby carrier, shoe rack etc. Robert Bryant 288 Dresser, Vacuum , Mattress, box Springs , Sofa,. Table Hayes, Deborah 221 Chairs, Microwave, Lamp, Bed. Frame, Misc Kitchen items, Dresser, Flat Screen TV, Chaise Chair, TV stand , Sm glass. Anthony Velez 24 Misc Household items. Carpenter, Joshua 224 Household Items, Totes, Table, Bed, Misc Items. Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase by cash only. All purchased items are sold as is, where is, and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Dated this 3rd and 10th day of February, 2021.

FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


Legal, Public Notices NOTICE OF SALE The following vehicles will be sold at Public Sale for cash to satisfy lien pursuant to F.S. 713.78 on March 1, 2021 at 9:00 am at Dynamic Towing, 6408 Old Cheney Hwy., Orlando, FL. (407) 273-5880 2007 NISS 1N4BA41E17C860351 2006 HOND 2HGFG12646H500178 1998 TOYT 4T1BG22K9WU329761 2014 KIA 5XYKT3A62EG441666 2010 CHEV 2CNALPEW5A6268466 2006 FORD 1FAFP53UX6A192411 2004 HYUN KM8SC13E74U686626 1994 SUBA 4S3BC6334R9645140 2002 MAZD 4F2CU09172KM39863 2005 HOND 5FNRL38485B005656. NOTICE OF SALE Vehicles will be sold as is, no warranty. Seller reserves the right to refuse any bid. Terms of bids are cash only. Buyer must have funds on hand at time of sale: 1994 Oldsmobile VIN# 1G3AG55M1R6438190 2009 Ford VIN# 1FAHP25W79G110366 2013 Chevrolet VIN# 2G1FA1E33D9119827 To be sold at auction at 8:00 a.m. on March 3, 2021 at 7301 Gardner Street, Winter Park, FL. 32792 Constellation Towing & Recovery LLC


Accounting Associate To prep tax returns; bookkeep’g; gather fin’l info from clients; provide tax plann’g for or Brazilian clients doing bus in the US; possess knowl of Brazilian tax laws; tax return compliance; creation of co’s; alterat’ns of corp docs. Req’s HS/GED & 12 mths exp in acctg. Must be Fluent in Portuguese. Mail resume to: Sousa & Associates Inc., 5728 Major Blvd. Ste 309, Orlando FL 32819

Claims Adjuster Trainee Progressive Insurance 6512048 Finance - Associate Equity Portfolio Manager New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company 6512011

Agency Licensing Coordinator Homeowners of America Insurance Company 6512010 Property Claims Supervisor Roanoke Valley Claims Service 6512009

Customer Service Representative / Producer AVA Insurance Group 6512008

Senior Account Consultant Dedicated Team, Risk Control, National Insurance Liberty Mutual Insurance 6512001 Claim Assistant Glatfelter Insurance Group 6511937


Client Administrator (Commercial Lines) Lovitt & Touche 6511775


Claims Adjuster Bodily Injury TheBest Claims Solutions 6511877

Associate Marketing Manager-Employer Brand & Recruitment Allstate Insurance Company 6511931

Insurance Agency Bookkeeper Wahve 6511842

Risk Control AssociateConstruction Travelers Insurance 6511922

Product Management - Senior VP Bankers Financial Corporation 6511911

Claims Adjuster Safeway Insurance Company 6511898 State Filings and Compliance Manager - Dallas - 4674 JL Nixon Consulting 6511884 Product Analyst (Remote) Gainsco Auto Insurance 6511878

ORLANDO WEEKLY ● FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● orlandoweekly.com

Telephonic Case Manager I Corvel Corporation 6511829

Loss Control Consultant Insurance Safety Consultants, LLC 6511800 Claims Adjuster Insure National 6511799

Underwriter Commercial Property & Casualty South & Western 6511797

Contents Inspector Personal Property Genpact 6511795

Claims - Commercial Catastrophe Field Rep - Experienced Auto-Owners Insurance Co 6511791

Homeowners Property Claims Analyst IAT Insurance Group 6511790

Director – Nebraska Department of Insurance State of Nebraska 6511789 Senior Commercial Insurance Marketer Capstone Search Group 6511787

Client & Policy Servicing Specialist CapSpecialty 6511771

Claims Adjuster / Investigator - Truck - Motor Truck Cargo Experience CJ Hester Adjusters / Investigators 6511748

Underwriter Commercial Lines Underwriter Vermont Mutual Insurance Group 6511742 Assistant Professor of Risk Management and Insurance Eastern Kentucky University 6511740

Claims - General Liability Claims Adjuster - Must have Operations Manager NY License- Labor Law AWL Insurance Agency a Must 6511700 NARS 6511786 P&C Assistant Actuary – PR11309 Pryor Personnel Personal Lines Agency, Inc. Account Manager 6511299 Lear and Associates, Inc. 6511785


FEB. 10-16, 2021 ● ORLANDO WEEKLY


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