Orlando Weekly College Guide 2014

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COVER PHOTO BY ADAM MCCABE mOdEls: ALMA HiLL and LEiF MOrTON Publisher Graham Jarrett editor Erin Sullivan

EDiTOriAL arts & culture editor Jessica Bryce Young associate editor Ashley Belanger seNior staFF Writer Billy Manes caleNdar editor Brendan O’Connor Web editor Jacki Mick coPy editor Thaddeus McCollum iNterNs Lauren Ball, Stephanie Garcia, Kaleb Quast



advertisiNg director Matthew Gull accouNt MaNager Jerrica Schwartz seNior sales exec Dan Winkler retail sales execs Jon Bowers, Dave Freedman, Matt Whiting, Candice Andrews, Eddie Smith classiFied liNe exec Jerrica Schwartz MarketiNg/ProMotioNs Andreina Icaza MarketiNg/ProMotioNs iNterNs Leanne Leuterio, Daniela Diaz, Leif Morton


TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 11 Be kind Welcome to college

43 How to study abroad (the right way)

13 No regrets

49 Interns R Us

Suggestions to help you keep your head above water for the next four years

How to land an internship that won’t make you resent being somebody else’s cheap labor

18 Let the web be your guide

53 Social studies

The best sites for navigating Orlando culture

23 Eat this How to feed yourself when you don’t know how to cook and don’t have anything to eat

28 Weighty issues

Club nights, bar specials and nightlife happenings in Orlando

57 The best things in life are cheap (or free) A few of our favorite student discounts and freebies

61 You said it

Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15

Students tell us about life near their campuses

30 How many calories are in what you eat?

86 Save the dates

31 … or what you drink? 35 Things to do if you don’t love the club Want to go out but don’t feel like hanging out at clubs? Try one of these activities instead

Twelve awesome events in Orlando you don’t want to miss

90 Watering holes From UCF haunts to downtown hangs, a sampling of bars you’ll want to check out this semester

creative director Adam McCabe ProductioN MaNager Shelby Sloan graPhic desigNer Alex Clark, Bradley Lynch

BUSiNESS MaNager Elizabeth Hubbard assistaNts Alma Hill, Veronica Solorzano

CirCULATiON MaNager Fabio Aranguibel

NATiONAL ADVErTiSiNG voice Media grouP 1-800-278-9866

EUCLiD MEDiA GrOUP regioNal Publisher Michael Wagner

CONTriBUTOrS Reyan Ali, Christopher Balogh, Rob Bartlett, Jeffrey C. Billman, Rob Boylan, Justin Braun, Jason Ferguson, Matt Gorney, James Greene Jr., Paul Hiebing, Scott Horn, Holly V. Kapherr, Faiyaz Kara, Seth Kubersky, Bao Le-Huu, Katherine Ramirez Massey, Nick McGregor, Cameron Meier, Jeff Meyers, Richard Reep, Steve Schneider, Andrew Spear coPyright 2014, OrlandO Weekly, all rights reserved. Orlando Weekly is a wholly owned subsidiary of Euclid Media Group LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher does not assume any liability for unsolicited manuscripts, materials or other content. Any submission must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All editorial, advertising and business correspondence should be mailed to 1505 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL, 32803.

OrLANDO WEEKLY iNC. 1505 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803; 407-377-0400 • 407-377-0420, fax • 407-377-0415, classified orlandoweekly.com

2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 7

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“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies – God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”


n Kurt Vonnegut’s genius novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, one of the book’s characters makes this speech to a couple of babies he’s baptizing. It’s a sort of a short, sweet orientation speech for life. While you, college students, are not babies, you are being baptized into a strange new world when you enter college – there’s a whole new set of expectations and responsibilities and rules you’ve got to follow when you get there, and sometimes it does sort of feel like you’re a baby trying to navigate a round, wet, crowded world you’ve hardly had a chance to acquaint yourself with. Just as Vonnegut’s character reminds those babies in his novel, your time in college is finite – it’s going to go quickly, and you ought to make the most of it while you’re here. We hope that this guide we’ve put together for you helps you do just that.

In it, we’ve compiled advice from your fellow college students about traveling abroad, landing internships, getting over your insecurities during freshman year and more. We’ve also compiled listings of the best events, club nights and college deals we could find, and we’ve paired that with a listing of some of our favorite bars in town. We encourage you to get out there and explore. And though you’re not babies, we do hope you’ll take Vonnegut’s excellent advice, which we think transcends all ages: Be kind. Life’s too short to be a douchebag. Orlando 101 was written almost entirely by three college students: Lauren Ball (Lipscomb University), Stephanie Garcia (Rollins College) and Kaleb Quast (University of Central Florida). They had just a little bit of help from Orlando Weekly’s editor, Erin Sullivan.

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8/7/14 11:05 AM


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8/7/14 11:01 AM

No regrets Suggestions to help you keep your head above water for the next four years BY LAurEn BA LL, STEp hAn IE G ArCIA And KALEB QuAST


reshman year is full of change – most of us are moving out on our own for the first time, learning to live independently and being pushed to our absolute limits. So we’re bound to make mistakes. Some we’re bound to repeat – say, drinking too much – and we all know at least one person who seems to be stuck making the same stupid decisions over and over again (seriously, stop getting back together with your ex). But there are some pitfalls you can avoid and things you can do that will help you get the most out of your college experience with as few regrets as possible. Trust us, we know. We’ve been there (very recently), and we’ve put together this list of things you should keep in mind as you navigate the sometimes murky waters we like to call college living.

Do: Put yourself out there. If you’re introverted, making friends can seem daunting. But don’t fall into the trap of wallowing in loneliness and using your shyness as a shield – instead of hoping that you just stumble across potential friends, put yourself out there. It may sound wonky or lame or unoriginal, but join a club or social group, introduce yourself to people (the worst that can happen is that they aren’t super-receptive – big deal, their loss) and go to campus events that interest you. You’re not in a unique situation – everyone else out there is hoping to meet cool new people, too. Chances are they feel as awkward as you do. Talk to them. You may be pleasantly surprised. Don’t: Compare yourself to others. Everybody’s college experience is different. If you compare your progress to that of others, you’ll make yourself crazy and kill your self-esteem. Congratulate your friends for

their successes – don’t resent them for them – and remember that you’ll get there when you’re ready, too. Do: Transfer if you’re unhappy. If you’re not satisfied with where you are, don’t be afraid to do something about it. Transferring schools doesn’t mean you’re giving up – in fact, one out of three students transfer schools at least once during their college career. The process of transferring credits and moving away doesn’t necessarily have to be messy, as long as you communicate with guidance counselors and financial-aid officers. Do: Let yourself be alone sometimes. As a freshman, especially if you moved to a new town for school, you tend to feel a lot of pressure to make friends and do things. When you’re alone, you feel … well, like you CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

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should be with people, doing something. While you should try to put yourself out there (see the first item in our list), don’t feel bad if you find yourself hanging out by yourself. It’s OK to be alone. use that time to focus on yourself: Chill out, go to the gym, catch up on some reading or develop your hobbies and talents. Do: Sit in on any class. It’s easy to forget what’s acceptable these days, (especially when doing unacceptable things is usually more fun), but there’s nothing wrong with sitting in on a class on any college campus. Yeah, you might feel awkward because your internal monologue is screaming, “You don’t belong here! Sooner or later somebody is going to know that you didn’t sign up for this class and then you’re done for!” Tell that voice to knock it off, because this time it’s a liar. As long as it’s not some doctorate-level chemistry lab, it’s usually A-OK to waltz into a classroom and just listen. Look up classes that sound interesting, regardless of whether they fit in with your major, and check them out for a day. You’re bound to learn something new. Don’t: Move in with a roommate you met online before you meet them IRL. Finding rooms and roommates online is easy – but it can also be treacherous. don’t ever commit to a place to live – or a person to live with – sight unseen. Always meet every potential roommate in person before you sign a lease. If you’re part of the LGBT community, it’s a good idea to inform potential roommates before you move in. It might make you feel tense and insecure, but it’s far better to feel weird for 20 minutes than it is to be stuck living with someone who has a problem with your gender or sexual orientation for the next six months.

Do: Back up your computer. Invest in a hard drive and back that term paper up. If external hard drives aren’t your thing, back up your files on Google drive, dropbox or iCloud. Whatever you use, make sure you save your files as the semester progresses. Finals week meltdowns are not pretty on anyone. Do: Explore electives. It’s never a bad idea to get your prerequisites out of the way, but don’t get so focused on burning through the basics that you don’t take classes you really enjoy. Sometimes the classes you take as electives (which some students may only view as necessary evils) are the most fascinating ones you’ll take all semester. Don’t: Overplan your college experience. This goes out to the overachieving freshmen who have their four years mapped out before even stepping foot on campus. Accept that plans may fall through: That major may not be the best fit and getting that dream internship may not be attainable. The world keeps on spinning, even if your grades plummet for one semester or you get rejected from a dazzling sorority. Just remember that if plan A fails to come to fruition, there’s always plan B. And even plan C.

Don’t: Put that picture online. Think twice, or maybe four times, before uploading that dick pic or underage drinking selfie to a social media site or smartphone app. It may seem hot to your crush, but trust us: It’s not hot to future employers, roommates or down-theroad boyfriends or girlfriends. If you really feel you must take a racy photo and publish it somewhere, at least hide your face first. 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 17

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Let the web be your guide The best sites for navigating Orlando culture Orlando Weekly orlandoweekly.com facebook.com/orlandoweekly @orlandoweekly Yes, we know, it’s our publication and our site. But our weekly issue, published in print and online every Wednesday, tells you about all the good stuff happening in Orlando – think of it as your guide to the city. You can browse our website, pick it up in hard copy (it’s somewhere on your college campus) or browse it in flipbook form on your iPad (just download the app). We have blogs, a weekly calendar, guides to dining and neighborhoods and tons more.

The Daily City thedailycity.com @thedailycity Not only does the Daily City keep tabs on local news and happenings around Orlando, it also hosts listings of area

farmers markets, blogs, vintage stores, food trucks, cupcake shops and more. The Daily City is also the sponsor of the Food Truck Bazaar, a curated food truck gathering that happens at various locations monthly. Check the website or sign up for the newsletter for details.

Tasty Chomps tastychomps.com @tastychomps Restaurant reviews and foodie news. Food blogger Ricky Ly and his team are always on top of restaurant openings and closings, and they’ll tell you which Orlando restaurants are worth checking out – and which you should probably avoid.

The Orlandoan theorlandoan.com This site features interviews with local people doing cool things and a weekly events cal-

endar, and it sells our favorite Orlando T-shirts, which read: “Orlando doesn’t suck.”

Orlando Retro orlandoretro.com We love blogs and websites that give us a sense of what came before, and Orlando Retro does just that. From stories about old downtown buildings to cool historical lists (“10 historic places in Orlando to get a drink,” “3 Orlando businesses in vintage Publix buildings”) to images and postcards of old Orlando, this site is a treasure trove of awesome info about the place we call home (well, at least until graduation).

Orlando Hipsters facebook.com/ orlandohipsters.com This Facebook page is updated daily with all the best stuff going on in Orlando.

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8/7/14 11:07 AM

Weighty issues Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 BY LAurEN BAL L


h, the feared Freshman 15. For generations, first-time college students have experienced the shock of moving away from their parents and suddenly realizing that their metabolisms aren’t exactly bulletproof. It’s totally normal to gain some weight (though you’ll hate it when fat starts to appear in places that seemed nonexistent when you ran track in high school), but what isn’t normal is when weight gain threatens your health and starts to raise your body mass index stats to an unhealthy level. In an effort to keep your weight in that mythical “normal” zone, take note of the following guidelines: Avoid emotional eating! College is a stressful time for everyone. Some exams are worth 60 percent of your grade, you’re dealing with the insecurity that comes with making new friends and homesickness inevitably catches up with you. Despite all of this, you cannot let anxiety control your eating habits. Aim to get the heaviness out in a more constructive way – go on a long run, listen to angry music, create something or simply take a nap. You’re bound to feel better when you wake up. Pay attention to portion sizes When you have an unlimited meal plan it’s second nature to pile your plate high with everything that doesn’t look too much like “cafeteria food.” While letting yourself go and grabbing seconds isn’t so bad when done in moderation, making a daily habit of expanding your portion sizes is the No. 1 cause of weight gain. Eat slowly and pace yourself, and you’ll probably find that you feel comfortably full after consuming much less than you originally intended.

tone your muscles, and yoga will stretch you out while helping you attain a calm state of mind – and remember, your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health. Don’t deny yourself food If your stomach’s growling when that 3 o’clock hour rolls around, grab a healthy snack to tide you over until dinner. Choosing an apple or granola bar instead of suffering through the discomfort means that you’ll probably choose a smaller, healthier option at dinner time, helping you stick to that smaller portion size rule. Whatever you do, don’t binge drink! Though there are much worse consequences to binge drinking than weight gain, overdoing it on the beer and liquor can raise that BMI fast while also damaging internal organs, so be sure to take it easy. Want a rundown on the calories in that drink you’re sipping? See our handy chart on page 31.

Exercise, exercise, exercise! We all hear this all of the time, from the mouths of doctors to teachers to parents … but it really is a pivotal factor in maintaining a healthy weight. Weight gain is caused by “an excess of energy intake over expenditure,” so it’s important to work off the extra calories you might take in over the course of the day. And you don’t have to run a mile around campus to make it count – try taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe e 2014

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8/7/14 10:47 AM

Eat this How to feed yourself when you don’t know how to cook and don’t have anything to eat By KalEB QUaST


ey, fellow college students: Do you ever feel like your skin’s starting to peel off, your face is covered in pimples and your bones ache? We call that malnutrition, and you need to eat something soon before you keel over. Preferably something with nutrients. But you’re broke and hungover and tired, and you’re sick of pasta. How do you sustain yourself? Especially if you aren’t much for cooking. Potatoes: There’s a reason the Irish are famous for surviving off of these roots, and that’s because they’re an excellent staple. They’re filling, energy-providing and generally pretty easy to make. The easiest way: Bake ’em. Wash them, stab them full of holes – cover them in olive oil and salt if you want them to taste better – wrap them in some tin foil and put them in an oven at 375 degrees for an hour or so (smaller potatoes won’t take as long). Peel open that foil once your tater is cooked and cover it with butter, sour cream, more salt, garlic powder, chopped onions, chives and more sour cream. Eat till it’s gone or until you have to take a nap. Fruit: Fruits are good for you, and we should all make an effort to eat more of them. They’re good by themselves, but they aren’t super-filling. So smother them with peanut butter. If you ever tire of apples and bananas covered in peanut butter, pick up a tub of Greek yogurt, get your handy peanut butter and some locally sourced honey – it helps your allergies – and mix it all up in a bowl. (My advice: Use equal portions peanut butter, yogurt and honey.) Dip your fruit, dip your fingers, pour the whole batch down your throat because it’s so damn tasty. Vegetables: Vegetables will also help you maintain your mortal husk/body/life force when you’re in a pinch. Just like with potatoes, you can cut them, cover them with spices and bake them up, or you can eat them raw if you have something to

dip or smother them in (dressing, hummus, sriracha, etc.). you can buy a tub of hummus at the store if you want, or you can get yourself a can of chickpeas, a bag of frozen edamame and some cloves of garlic. Blend all of that in a food processor or blender (set aside the liquid from the canned chickpeas for later!) until it’s a paste, then add the juice of one lemon and some cumin, salt and pepper. Drizzle in 1/4 cup of olive oil. Blend some more and add that leftover chickpea juice until you deem the dip appropriate to eat. Then eat the hell out of it. Pasta: at some point, you’re going to grow sick of eating pasta. But it’s cheap and easy, and everyone always has some on hand. The best way to eat it? Covered in pesto. and while it may sound like a complicated process, making pesto is really only slightly more involved than baking a potato. Get a bunch of basil leaves (you’ll need about three cups), a cup and a half of chopped walnuts, six cloves of garlic, a quarter of a cup of Parmesan cheese and a cup of olive oil. Got it all? Good. Now dump it in a blender and pulse that baby until it’s a decent texture for you. Then taste it and add tons of salt and pepper to it until it pleases you. Dump a large spoonful or two onto your pasta and cover it with more Parmesan. Enjoy this pasta meal. Even if you eat nothing else today, at least the protein in the walnuts will keep you alive for a little longer.

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8/7/14 10:49 AM

Weighty issues issues Weighty

Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 BY L A u r E N B A L L BY L A u r E N B A L L


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tone your muscles, and yoga will stretch tone yourwhile muscles, andyou yoga will stretch you out helping attain a calm you while–helping you attain a mencalm stateout of mind and remember, your state of mind –isand your tal well-being just remember, as important asmenyour tal well-being physical health.is just as important as your physical health. Don’t deny yourself food Don’t deny yourself food If your stomach’s growling when that 3 If yourhour stomach’s growling when that 3 o’clock rolls around, grab a healthy o’clock hourtide rollsyou around, a healthy snack to overgrab until dinner. snack to an tide you over until dinner. Choosing apple or granola bar instead Choosing anthrough apple or granola bar instead of suffering the discomfort means of suffering thechoose discomfort means that you’ll through probably a smaller, that you’ll probably choose a smaller, healthier option at dinner time, helping you healthier option at dinner time, helping stick to that smaller portion size rule. you stick to that smaller portion size rule. Whatever you do, don’t binge drink! Whatever do,are don’t binge drink!conseThough you there much worse Thoughtothere aredrinking much worse quences binge than conseweight quences to binge drinking than gain, overdoing it on the beer andweight liquor gain, overdoing on while the beer liquor can raise that BMIit fast alsoand damaging can raiseorgans, that BMI also damaging internal sofast be while sure to take it easy. internal organs, so be sure to take Want a rundown on the calories it in easy. that Want a rundown on See the our calories in chart that drink you’re sipping? handy drink you’re on page 31. sipping? See our handy chart on page 31.

Exercise, exercise, exercise! Exercise, exercise, exercise! We all hear this all of the time, from the We allofhear this all of the time, from the mouths doctors to teachers to parents … mouths of doctors to teachers … but it really is a pivotal factor to in parents maintainbut really isweight. a pivotal factor in maintaining aithealthy Weight gain is caused ing a healthy Weight gain is caused by “an excessweight. of energy intake over expenby “an excess energy intake over off expenditure,” so it’sofimportant to work the diture,” so it’s you important to work off the extra calories might take in over the extra take in over coursecalories of the you day. might And you don’t havethe to course of the day.campus And you to run a mile around to don’t make have it count run mile around campus to make it count – trya taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will – try taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe e 2014 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe 2014

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8/7/14 10:23 AM

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30 Cafeteria Cafeteria caloric caloric values values b y C o n n o r C ava n a u g h b y C o n n o r C ava n a u g h

Food Food Baked potato with butter and sour cream Baked potato with butter and sour cream Chicken Caesar salad with dressing Chicken Caesar salad with dressing Cobb salad without dressing Cobb salad without dressing French fries French fries Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino with whole milk Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino with whole milk Potato chips Potato chips Sour cream and onion potato chips Sour cream and onion potato chips Barbecue potato chips Barbecue potato chips Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Cheese pizza Cheese pizza Pepperoni pizza Pepperoni pizza Hot dog with bun Hot dog with bun Hamburger (plain) with bun Hamburger (plain) with bun Hamburger (plain) without bun Hamburger (plain) without bun Chicken strips without dipping sauce Chicken strips without dipping sauce Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread Turkey sandwich on white bread Turkey sandwich on white bread Roast beef sandwich on white bread Roast beef sandwich on white bread Fruit salad Fruit salad Chicken quesadilla Chicken quesadilla Omelet Omelet Omelet with cheese Omelet with cheese Vanilla ice cream cone Vanilla ice cream cone

Calories Calories 310 310 560 560 270 270 365 365 440 440 410 410 152 152 160 160 160 160 160 160 272 272 298 298 272 272 450 450 310 310 372 372 352 352 160 160 341 341 68.7 68.7 528 528 94 94 140 140 164 164

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Alcohol Alcohol caloric caloric values values by C o n n o r C ava n a u g h by C o n n o r C ava n a u g h

Light beer

Light beer 103 calories/12 fluid ounces 103 fluidounce ounces 8.6calories/12 calories/fluid 8.6 calories/fluid ounce

Red wine

Red wine 113 calories/5 fluid ounces 113 calories/5 fluid ounce ounces 22.6 calories/fluid 22.6 calories/fluid ounce


Mojito 153 calories/6 fluid ounces 153 fluid ounce ounces 25.5calories/6 calories/fluid 25.5 calories/fluid ounce

Rum & Coke

Rum & Coke 284 calories/12 fluid ounces 284 calories/12 fluidounce ounces 23.6 calories/fluid 23.6 calories/fluid ounce

Jose Cuervo Tequila

Jose Cuervo Tequila 104 calories/1.5 fluid ounces 104 fluid ounces 69calories/1.5 calories/fluid ounce 69 calories/fluid ounce

Regular beer

Regularfluid beer 150 calories/12 ounces 150 fluidounce ounces 12.5calories/12 calories/fluid 12.5 calories/fluid ounce


Martini 101 calories/3 fluid ounces 101 calories/3 fluid ounce ounces 33.6 calories/fluid 33.6 calories/fluid ounce


Margarita 196 calories/4 fluid ounces 196 fluidounce ounces 49calories/4 calories/fluid 49 calories/fluid ounce


Screwdriver 210 calories/7 fluid ounces 210 fluidounce ounces 30calories/7 calories/fluid 30 calories/fluid ounce

Fireball Whiskey

Whiskey 108 Fireball calories/1.5 fluid ounces 108 fluid ounces 72calories/1.5 calories/fluid ounce 72 calories/fluid ounce

Sweetwater 420

185 Sweetwater calories/12 fluid420 ounces 185 calories/12 fluid ounce ounces 15.42 calories/fluid 15.42 calories/fluid ounce

White wine

White fluid wine 107 calories/5 ounces 107 fluidounce ounces 21.4calories/5 calories/fluid 21.4 calories/fluid ounce


Cosmopolitan 159 calories/3 fluid ounces 159 fluidounce ounces 53calories/3 calories/fluid 53 calories/fluid ounce

Piña Colada

Piña Colada 444 calories/8 fluid ounces 444 fluidounce ounces 55.5calories/8 calories/fluid 55.5 calories/fluid ounce


Jägermeister 154 calories/1.5 fluid ounces 154 calories/1.5 fluidounce ounces 103 calories/fluid 103 calories/fluid ounce

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6 things to do if you don’t love the club Want to go out, but you don’t feel like hanging out at clubs? Try one of these activities instead By LAurEn BA LL A nd STEP HAniE G ArCiA


et’s face it: Some of us just aren’t clubbers. The lights, people, loud music, dancing – sometimes it’s just too much. Fortunately, there’s plenty to do in Orlando outside of the club nights, dance parties and party-til-you-puke haunts some of your peers live for. 1. Laugh out loud at SAK Comedy Lab Catch a comedy show at this improv theater that’s been open in downtown Orlando since 1991. SAK Comedy Lab never misses a cue, with shows six days a week. The actors interact with the audience and build skits around their suggestions. When embarking on this comedic adventure, go

with a group of non-sensitive friends and don’t be afraid to sit in the front row, otherwise known as the roasting zone. 7:30-11:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday | SAK Comedy Lab, 29 S. Orange Ave. | 407-648-0001 | sakcomedylab.com

2. Have a date night at Leu Gardens For just $6, see an outdoor movie at Harry P. Leu Gardens, a local botanical gem not far from some of our other favorite hangs. Every month, the Gardens show movies and invite vendors like Curbie’s Sidewalk Cafe and Peak Season Pops to sell snacks. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39

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knowledge while chowing down on smoked fish dip and potato wedges.

Things that have screened recently include The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, and one feature film this fall we’ll be looking forward to is Hitchcock’s classic The Birds. Alcohol is permitted, and you can bring a dinner picnic basket to this romantic evening event. 6 p.m., first Friday of every month | Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 N. Forest Ave. | 407-246-2620 | leugardens.org

3. Challenge your mind at Fiddler’s Green Trivia Night Fiddler’s Green is a hot spot for rollins students, but other collegiates can get in on the fun, too. Who knows, maybe you’ll even strike up an interschool friendship. Weekly trivia challenges are held at the irish pub and eatery located on Fairbanks Avenue in Winter Park. Any topic is fair game, so test your history and rock & roll

7 p.m., Wednesday | Fiddler’s Green, 544 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park | 407-645-2050 | fiddlersgreenorlando.com

4. Test your vocal range at Big Daddy’s Roadhouse Big daddy’s roadhouse is a casual sports bar that takes its singing seriously, hosting karaoke every night of the week. At Big daddy’s, belting out tunes to your soul’s content is free of charge. Sing a throwback pop classic from the ’90s or a current chart topper. To give the glory of karaoke justice, we recommend that you make this a group activity. Mutual ridicule and mockery is all part of the fun. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m., Monday through Sunday | Big Daddy’s Roadhouse, 3001 Corrine Drive | 407-644-2844 | bigdaddysorlando.com

5. Game on at Cloak and Blaster instead of hitting that sports bar, geek out at a gaming pub. Cloak and Blaster offers a sweet tavern atmosphere and selection of nerdy beverages with ample space for gameplay. you won’t be bombarded by soccer matches or football games on the TV screens here, because C&B streams episodes of Dr. Who and Game of Thrones instead. Opening its doors on select evenings, C&B brings together gaming tournaments, costume contests and a fantasy-campaign setting in one space. 6 p.m.-midnight., Wednesday through Sunday | Cloak and Blaster, 875 Woodbury Road | 407-674-7435 | cloakandblaster.com

6. Unburden your soul at Austin’s Coffee This 24-hour coffee shop can be your salvation when pulling all-nighters, and on Wednesdays, Austin’s Coffee transforms into an open mic poetry venue, where emerging writers can recite their literary masterpieces. Sip an espresso and hear aspiring poets drop couplets and rhymes. if you consider yourself a budding poet, share your lovely sonnet or thought-provoking ballad with the other creative minds. 8 p.m., Wednesday | Austin’s Coffee, 929 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park | 407-975-3364 | austinscoffee.com 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 39

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How to study abroad (the right way) By Stephanie Garcia


n the words of Saint augustine, “the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Whether taking a weeklong excursion to africa or spending a semester in europe, studying abroad is at the top of many college bucket lists. So read away, mark the pages of your odyssey and decorate your passport with foreign stamps. But when experiencing this rite of passage, remember to heed the advice of those with more wisdom than you – that is, the international program directors at your college. We asked the directors of study-abroad programs at various central Florida schools to give us some dos and don’ts when it comes to pursuing academic endeavors overseas. Use these tips to conquer your host country like a travel writer, rather than a clueless tourist.

Giselda Beaudin, director of international programs, Rollins College Her top tip for studying abroad: Spend time alone: Beaudin says taking part in activities alone may be challenging, but stepping outside your comfort zone has its own rewards. Whether catching a meal on your own or exploring a neighborhood by yourself, she says, “you’ll be much more likely to interact with locals, and you will have time to observe and reflect.” Most popular programs: rollins in Shanghai and capa Semester and internship in London are the most popular and competitive programs at rollins college. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t forget to challenge yourself. this sentiment can take on different meanings for different students. “it might

mean speaking the local language more,” Beaudin says, “or asking a local friend for coffee, or joining a student group, or taking a really intense course.”

Kevin Konecny, director of the Center for Global Engagement, Seminole State College His top tip for studying abroad: plan early: Konecny recommends giving yourself at least a year to plan and save for an international experience. competitive grants from the U.S. Department of State and student loans via financial aid can make studying abroad “affordable for the average student.” Most popular programs: Faculty-led short-term programs to CONTINUED ON PAGE 44

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Western european destinations are the most popular study abroad trips at Seminole State. the most competitive program is the Salzburg Global Seminar, where four Grindle honors institute students are fully funded ($3,500) to attend an annual conference in austria. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t commit to a program abroad that doesn’t provide college credit. Konecny suggests meeting with an international study abroad director, “to identify a program that is a good fit for your major and will help you … fulfill graduation requirements.”

Chris Cook, study abroad coordinator, University of Central Florida Her top tip for studying abroad: Set goals: cook says that since “these experiences tend to fly by,” decide what you want to get out of international study before you sign up for it. Most popular programs: Up to 75 percent of UcF students take part in short-term summer programs that last two to six weeks. programs in italy tend to

be the most popular. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t forget that studying is a mandatory component of studying abroad. if you don’t want to take the studying seriously, she says, “it is cheaper to go on vacation.” While study abroad is a chance to see and experience new things, you should also learn from that experience.

Jennifer Robertson, director of study abroad and global experiences, Valencia College Her top tip for studying abroad: Be flexible: “a student might really want to go to italy, for example, but there might be a program that’s a better fit in France,” robertson says. have three to four solid choices for semester programs, but still “keep your options open.” Most popular programs: humanities courses going to europe. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t run low on money; have a back-up plan if funding options fall through. also, “Don’t carry all cash and don’t put it all in one place,” she says. Many students run out of in-country spending money or get pickpocketed while abroad.

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Interns R Us How to land an internship that won’t make you resent being somebody else’s free labor By S t e p h a n i e G a r c i a


erforming free labor is an unavoidable milestone in your college career. Whether you volunteer on a weekend for a nonprofit or spend a summer interning at a law firm, doing stuff without compensation is something you’re going to have to come to terms with. though most internships are unpaid (lucky you if you’ve managed to land one of those coveted paid internship positions), you do usually gain from the experience – an internship can help you determine a major, inspire a career choice or develop professional networks. Most importantly, internships give you a taste of the real world, so you don’t experience too much culture shock, or a quarter-life crisis, after graduation. Finding an internship you’ll really love not only requires a great résumé, but also some elbow grease, persistence and a strategy. Follow these steps to nab your ideal internship and get one step closer to the career of your dreams. Find something you enjoy doing if you’re going to work for free, you might as well enjoy it. there’s a company, nonprofit or city agency for just about every conceivable interest, so think about what you really want to do and pursue internships in that category. Love animals? Look at volunteer opportunities at the pet alliance of Greater Orlando (2800 county home road, Sanford, petallianceorlando.org). Want to learn about working in media? you can apply to this very publication (orlando weekly.com) for an internship for college credit. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s something you want to pour your heart into. Because once you commit to the internship, you’ll be expected to treat it like a real job. Think about goals What is your motivation for finding an internship? is it to explore a new field, learn on-the-job skills or just to fluff your résumé? identifying your objective will narrow down your internship search. Take advantage of your personal network ask professors, club advisers and coaches for help. check with family and friends; they may know someone within your field of interest.

Research your companies Spending half an hour on a company’s website is not research. if you want to land the internship you’re pursuing, you need to know more than just the company’s mission statement. What are its products? Does the company have a presence on the stock market? What kinds of people work there? What are their backgrounds? What can you bring to the table to make you an appealing candidate? Apply and follow up Make sure your résumé and cover letter are accurate and relevant. recruiters appreciate applicants who respond quickly and efficiently (if they email you, email them back; if they contact you by phone, respond by phone). Prepare for an interview if you land an interview, be ready to tell the recruiter why you want this particular internship, and be ready to tell them why you chose to apply to their company. Be sure to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early and dress appropriately. after the interview, send a thank-you email or handwritten note to the recruiter. if you’re hired, congratulations. if not, don’t be discouraged – and don’t be shy about asking your interviewer for feedback. his or her response could help you find the holes in your interview strategies. Good luck!

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Social studies


he college experience isn’t just about book learning – it’s also about expanding your horizons, meeting people and teaching yourself to balance work and play. Your school has you covered on the work part of the equation – we’ll help you out with the playing. Below, we’ve listed a bar special, club night or drinking event for every day of the week. And once you’ve worn out the options on this list, check our website at orlandoweekly.com for tons more drinking, nightlife, parties and events.

MONDAY Clear Pong Mondays at Waitiki Retro Tiki Lounge, 26 Wall Street Plaza, wallstplaza.com Weekly beer pong tournament with cash prizes.

Curtis Earth Trivia Mondays at Graffiti Junktion, 900 E. Washington St., graffitijunktion.com Starting at 7 p.m., Curtis Earth hosts a trivia night that Orlando Weekly readers named the Best of Orlando for 2014.

Sock Hop Mondays Mondays at Backbooth 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com DJs spin music from the ’50s and ’60s, and free shots are handed out every hour.

TUESDAY Grits and Gravy Tuesdays at Independent Bar (I-Bar), 70 N. Orange Ave., facebook.com/independentbar orlando Old school rock and Motown soul are the musical backdrop.

Ladies Night

Tasty Tuesdays

Mondays at Knights Pub 3910 Alafaya Trail, knightspuborlando.com Free cover for girls until 10:30 p.m., free drinks until midnight.

Tuesdays in the Milk District, East Robinson Street and North Bumby Avenue, facebook.com/tasty tuesdaysorlando A rotating lineup of local food

trucks brings a crowd every Tuesday for this pop-up street party.

WEDNESDAY Dirty Bingo Wednesday nights at the Original Devaney’s Sports Pub 7660 University Blvd., Winter Park, theoriginaldevaneys.com $5 burgers and $5 pitchers, followed by Dirty Bingo at 10 p.m.

Liquor Pitcher Wednesdays Wednesdays at Knight Library 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com Free liquor pitchers and free drafts until midnight. Make CONTINUED ON PAGE 54

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Ignition sure you don’t have an early class scheduled for the next morning. Because you probably won’t make it.

Nickel Beer Night Wednesdays at Big Belly and Latitudes, 33 W. Church St., churchstreetbars.com Unlimited Bud Light drafts for a nickel from 5 p.m to 9 p.m.

Spacebar Comedy Showcase Wednesdays at Spacebar 2428 E. Robinson St. facebook.com/spacebar comedy Free entry with two-drink minimum purchase at this indie comedy night, which starts at 10 p.m.

THURSDAY Burger and Beer Night Thursdays at Friendly Confines 3088 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, myfriendlyconfines.com $4.99 gets you a halfpound burger and a domestic draft until 9 p.m.

Food Truckin’ Thursdays Thursdays in the Mills 50 District, Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave., facebook.com/ foodtruckinthursdays Local food trucks hang out all day, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Korndogg’s Karaoke Thursdays at the Wall Street Cantina, Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.com With more than 11,000 songs to choose from, music videos and more, this is one of downtown’s best karaoke nights.

Thursdays at Firestone Live, 578 N. Orange Ave., firestonelive.net Serious fans of electronic dance music know that this night brings some of the best EDM to town.

Techno Thursdays Thursdays at the Falcon, 819 E. Washington St., thefalconbar.com DJs spin techno music in this hip Thornton Park neighborhood bar. It’s not a college bar per se, but it definitely attracts a young, fun crowd.

FRIDAY 3-4-1 Happy Hour Fridays at Big Belly, Chillers and Latitudes, 33 W. Church St., churchstbars.com Yes, you read that right: Three drinks for the price of one from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Get your weekend started.

Exxcess Friday Fridays at Vyce Lounge, 112 S. Orange Ave., vycelounge.com Music by Justin Faze and Jimmy Joslin at this downtown boutique nightclub.

SATURDAY Midnight Mass Saturdays at Backbooth, 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com From midnight until 2 a.m., DJs spin pop, rock and Motown while you confess your sins to your patient bartenders.

Shit Sandwich Standup Comedy Showcase Every other Saturday at Bull and Bush, 2408 E. Robinson St., bullandbushorlando.com Admission is free to this stand-up comedy showcase, which features local comedians.

Single Saturdays Saturdays at Knight Library, 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com $1 shots, $1 bottled beer and free drafts until midnight. No matter how broke you are, you can surely afford this night.

SUNDAY Barrio Sundays and Tropical Sundays

Fridays at Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.com Wall Street Plaza is known for its weekend block parties. Wander the plaza, drink in hand, and take advantage of $4 Fireball shots at all eight plaza bars. No cover.

Sundays at the Beacham, 46 N. Orange Ave., thebeacham.com Pay at the door and pay no more (cover is $13-15, ages 21 and up). All you can drink for one cover fee, plus reggaeton, Top 40 and Latin hip-hop music spun by DJs in the Social and salsa, bachata and merengue in the Beacham.

Nerdy Karaoke

Shake ’n’ Bass

Fridays at the Geek Easy, A Comic Shop, 114 S. Semoran Blvd., acomicshop.net Karaoke in the Geek Easy, a lounge/bar connected to one of Orlando’s most popular comic-book shops.

Sundays at Backbooth, 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com The Moombah Mafia just celebrated two years of Shake ’n’ Bass! DJs spin tropical bass, moombahton, booty bass and more.

Friday Night Block Party

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The best things in life are cheap (or free) A few of our favorite student discounts and freebies By StEPhAnIE G ArCIA


uition is high, your student loan repayments are looming and chances are you barely have $2 stashed away in your dorm room for an emergency. But, somehow, you still gotta live. that’s what student discounts and freebies are for. they’re hardly publicized on billboards, so finding killer deals requires a bit of digging. Don’t worry – we’ve done it for you. here’s a list of student deals, discounts and freebies that’ll help you embrace living on a budget.

Apple, apple.com (or visit one of the three local stores at the Mall at Millenia, the Florida Mall or the Altamonte Springs Mall): Students can get up to $200 off a new Mac and a $100 credit to spend on Apple products. If you buy a new iPhone, you can get a $50 credit. Education pricing is available to college students, students accepted to college and parents buying for college students.

BOOKS, SOFTWARE, SUPPLIES Amazon.com: Join the Amazon student program to make your book purchases smoothly. All you need is a .edu email address to sign up for six months of free twoday shipping, $3.99 one-day shipping (because – d’oh! – you forgot to buy that book you need for class later this week) and access to Amazon Prime benefits, like free streaming movies. Guilford Press, guilford.com: Check the site for regular student sales, during which full-time students get a 40 percent discount on books, videos, newsletters and journals, with no minimum order and free shipping. JourneyEd.com: Find academic software and hardware for students. Save $130 when purchasing Windows 8.1 Pro, for example, or save $118 on Acrobat XI Pro.

THEME PARKS AND STUFF TO DO Theme park discounts: Many college campuses sell student discounts for a variety of theme park destinations. UCF’s Student Government Association ticket center, for instance, offers deep discounts on tickets CONTINUED ON PAGE 58

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to Busch Gardens ($66 for a ticket), Walt Disney World ($73), SeaWorld ($68) and Universal Orlando ($68). Check with your school to find out what kinds of discounts your student status can score you. Orlando Power Yoga: Combat the freshman 15 and meditate your stress away with Orlando Power yoga’s student special. For $40, enjoy unlimited yoga classes for 40 consecutive days.

FREE STUFF TO DO Audubon Park Community Market, 6-10 p.m. Mondays, parking lot of Stardust Video and Coffee, 1842 E. Winter Park Road, audubonmarket.com: Local foods, art and live music make this weekly market a popular (and fun) weekly gathering spot. Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 Forest Ave., leugardens.org: revel in botanical wonders with free admission to Leu Gardens on the first Monday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon. Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, enzian.org: See a free outdoor film on the lawn of the Enzian at its weekly Wednesday night Pitcher Show.

TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION STA Travel, statravel.com: this discount student travel agency is like Expedia or Kayak, but just for college students. Search for student discounts and deals in airfare, accommodations and more. hit this site up before you plan your semester abroad or spring-break vacation. Geico, geico.com: Believe it or not, you could save up to $200 on your car insurance through Geico if you maintain a B or better average. Safe Ride: Don’t drink and drive! UCF students can get a free cab ride home through Safe ride. Just go to the UCF SGA ticket center, show your UCF ID, fill out a form and get a voucher for a cab ride up to $35. you get to use one of these every 60 days, so save it for an emergency.

Cornell Fine Arts Museum, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, rollins.edu/cfam: Located on the rollins College campus, the museum is not only free for students – it’s also free to the public for 2014. Barley and Vine Biergarten, 2406 E. Washington St., barleyandvineorlando. com: Venture to the Milk District neighborhood for complimentary grub every Sunday from noon until it runs out. Orlando Brewing, 1031 Atlanta Ave., orlandobrewing.com: Enjoy a free tour and complimentary ale samplings every Saturday. Free yoga at Lake Eola Park: Participate in a free yoga class every Sunday at the corner of Washington and Eola; quality stretching begins at 11 a.m. CityWalk at Universal Orlando: Even if you can’t afford to buy a ticket, you can wander CityWalk at Universal for nada.

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You said it Students tell us about life near their campuses I N T E r v I E W s By L A U r E N B A L L , s T E P H A N I E G A r C I A A N D K A L E B Q U A s T

University of Central Florida What’s your name, age and year in school? Thomas Higgins, 22, supersenior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? One of the many bars off University. (Editor’s note: Try Knight Library, 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary. com; The Public House, 12046 Collegiate Way, publichousefl.com; The Original Devaney’s, 7660 University Blvd., theoriginaldevaneys.com) Do you have a favorite? I don’t drink beer; it’s the hoppy taste. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? California Pizza Kitchen in Waterford Lakes (695 N. Alafaya Trail, cpk.com). What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Oh, I don’t eat that shit. What do people do for fun on this campus? On UCF campus, usually they find a watering hole and drink. How’s parking on this campus? Do you have any tips for beating the parking nightmares? I just go straight for the garage’s top floor. People are lazy and they don’t want to walk. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Memory Mall. There’s always people sitting around. Just strike up a conversation at random. CONTINUED ON PAGE 65 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 61

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What’s your name, age and year in school? Crystal Whisenant, 23, junior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? Mellow Mushroom (11680 E. Colonial Drive, mellowmushroom.com). Good variety of beer. What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Corner Café in the student Union, all the way. Definitely. What do people do for fun on this campus? Oh jeez, I don’t really have fun on campus. I kinda go off campus to people’s houses. How’s parking on this campus? It’s not bad, but they’re pretty big sticklers for parking passes. so many parking tickets just for parking in the wrong place. Even for, like, the doctor. you have to go in and get a pass and then come back out and put it on your dash, and they don’t advertise that, so you can get tickets for that.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? vicki stepherson, 18, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I don’t drink. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Ummm … I like Panera Bread (11472 University Blvd., panera bread.com) and Buffalo Wild Wings (11400 University Drive, buffalowildwings.com). What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? I like the wrap place right here (Corner Café, inside the UCF student Union). What do people do for fun on this campus? I go to the leisure pool by the gym. How’s parking on this campus? I live on Neptune, which is right next to the gym, and there’s, like, private – not private, but only for Neptune people – parking. so I just park there. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? I go to the gym and do classes and group exercises, and I meet people there. Did you hear about incoming UCF freshmen being assigned to live in closets and bathrooms? Apparently when some students checked their housing assignments before school started, there were some errors and people were set up to live in closets. Haha, no, I didn’t.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? Danielle Pierce, 25, “it’s complicated.” Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? For alcohol, I have no idea. I don’t drink. What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Probably the sushi. What do people do for fun on this campus? I don’t know, this is actually my second time on campus. I had someone show me where my classes were yesterday. How’s parking on this campus? I don’t know. I take the bus. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Pride Commons (facebook.com/pridecoalitionucf). I just met a lot of people there last week.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? Austin Dorval, 21, junior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? One of my favorite bars is World of Beer (3402 Technological Ave., worldofbeer.com), and you can always go to On Tap (10028 University Blvd., facebook.com/on.tap.9). How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Um, that’s a good one. There’s the … what is it, Great Panda? Or uh, Giant Panda (11726 E. Colonial Drive, flgiantpanda.com), which is an all-you-caneat Chinese place. There’s Mellow Mushroom. We also have Flippers Pizza (4498 N. Alafaya Trail, flipperspizzeria.com), which is really good pizza. And we have Lazy Moon (11551 University Blvd., lazy moonpizza.com). Lazy Moon is the best place to get pizza if you’re a UCF student. And for anything else, there’s Waterford Lakes Town Center (413 N. Alafaya Trail). What do people do for fun on this campus? For fun on campus, I usually head over to the student Union, because usually they have something going on. For fun off campus, I usually head to, like, the mall, or something. They don’t really have a good mall, so you kinda have to go to the Mall at Millenia (4200 Conroy road, mallatmillenia.com). Any tips for finding parking on campus? I remember my first year of college, I got like three tickets because I never paid attention to the colors of where you’re supposed to park. If you’re a new student coming in there’s a lot of free places to park, if you know where to look. There’s Garage F. It’s all the way inconveniently behind the CFE Arena, but it’s free, so .... you can’t park there until 11 p.m.-2 a.m., though, which is like “who the fuck’s on campus?” If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Oh, I would go to, like, one of the club events when I first started, and I use classrooms to meet people. But the student Union always tries to have big events to get people to come out. And if you live on campus, usually your housing area will do something like that. 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 73

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Rollins College What’s your name, age and year in school? Patrick smith, 21, senior. Say I’m new to campus and looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where I should go? Oh, definitely hit up Fids (Fiddlers Green, 544 W. Fairbanks Ave., fiddlersgreenorlando). It’s an authentic Irish pub that is frequented by rollins students and has good food, good drinks, real darts, live music, sports games and everything you need. It’s just a really cool atmosphere to go with some friends and enjoy your time. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? you can’t go wrong. Take a walk down Park Avenue and randomly pick; you won’t regret it. My favorites are 310 Park south (310 s. Park Ave., Winter Park, 310parksouth.net) if you want a nice sit-down restaurant, or BurgerFi (538 s. Park Ave., burgerfi.com) if you’re looking for a more relaxed burger joint. What’s the best option on the dininghall or cafeteria menu? Oh, that’s a tough one. It’s hard to pick, only because everything on campus is delicious. Normally when you think of cafeteria food, you think “nope, that sounds horrendous,” but with rollins’ cafeteria, it’s all practically gourmet and made right in front of you, fresh. My favorite is when they have the French onion soup and the homemade authentic southern fried chicken, or the BBQ chicken. What do people do for fun on this campus? There’s always something going on. We have an entire office dedicated to coming up with fun things to do on campus called rollins Entertainment Programs. They do stuff like movies on the lawn, or de-stress days close to finals, with five-minute massages and smoothies for free. The fraternities and sororities put on events as well, like Watermelon Bust, wing fling and puppy dates. Or, if you want something quieter, we have a room in the library full of pillows, which is a good place for a nap.

How’s parking on this campus? Parking can be a challenge. since we are such a small campus, there is only so much room for vehicles. Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? Easiest way would be to not even bring your car. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, you don’t even need a car. If you do have a car on campus, be sure to come early. Once 8:30 a.m. hits, good luck finding a spot on campus. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go and meet new people? Pick a spot. People are so friendly here that at times I forget not everyone is this nice. you can go up to pretty much anyone and strike up a conversation. Best spots to hit are the cafeteria, any of the cafés on campus or even the library.

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Valencia East

What’s your name, age and year in school? Daniel rodriguez, 21, sophomore. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? Mostly if I wanted to just hang out I’d go to the library. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Definitely it’s gonna be Kobe’s (Kobe Japanese steak House, 11609 E. Colonial Drive, kobesteakhouse.com), which is on East Colonial. What do people do for fun on this campus? Um, fun? Mostly I just study. It’s the most fun thing I do. How’s parking on this campus? Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? During the end of the year, it’s nice and easy. But at the beginning of the year, it’s gonna be packed. It’s really annoying. you just gotta show up early and beat the traffic. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? you’re just gonna have to walk around outside, I guess. Be like, “Hey, what’s up, hi.”

What’s your name, age and year in school? Kayla (no last name given), 18, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I don’t know. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? I’m very Hispanic; I like La Lechonera (Lechonera Latina, 9850 E. Colonial Drive, lechoneralatina.net). It’s really good. What’s the best option on the dininghall or cafeteria menu? All of the cafeteria food is good. It’s better than high school, that’s for sure! What do people do for fun on this campus? I like going to the gym. There’s a gym upstairs. How’s parking on this campus? sometimes it’s bad. It just depends on the day and how early you are. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? The cafeteria.

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Full Sail University What’s your name, age and year in school? JT schneider, 19, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I have no clue because I don’t drink beer, but the Wing House (Wing House of Winter Park, 227 s. semoran Blvd., winghouse.com) has beer, I think. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? sonny’s (sonny’s real Pit BarB-Q, 3390 University Blvd., Winter Park, sonnysbbq.com) is really good, but also I like Crispers (391 s. semoran Blvd., Winter Park, crispers.com). What do people do for fun on this campus? Just hang out in the parking lot. But me and my friends are getting together to play Minecraft at the end of the month. Just a Minecraft party. How’s parking on this campus? Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? Depends on what time you get here. If you get here 10 minutes before class, it’s a nightmare. If you get here 30 minutes before class, it’s fine. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Definitely the Fishbowl. It’s Building 3 on campus. It’s this big glass bowl from the outside, and it’s just where everyone goes to hang out. There’s a starbucks there.

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Save the dates 12 awesome events in Orlando you don’t want to miss City Skip Day Everyone in Orlando is encouraged to play hooky from school or work and spend the day taking advantage of drink and food specials, as well as free Yuengling while the keg lasts, at downtown’s Wall Street Plaza. Aug. 22 starting at noon, Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.net

about it right now. Sept. 25-28, schedule TBA, orlandoindiecomedy.com

Halloween Horror Nights Universal Orlando’s insanely elaborate haunted houses make this the Halloweenseason event in Orlando. This year’s HHN will include Walking Dead and Alien vs. Predatorthemed haunts. UCF students, this would be a good excuse to get those discounted tickets from the SGA office. Sept. 19Nov. 1, Universal Studios, halloweenhorrornights.com

Orlando Film Fest Orlando indie-film showcase features tons of movie screenings, panel discussions, parties and more. Oct. 22-24, Cobb Cinema Plaza Café, 155 S. Orange Ave., orlandofilmfest. com

Orlando Indie Comedy Fest This brand-new event, which takes place at various venues around Orlando, will bring 30 cutting-edge comedians to town. Everybody’s talking

Come Out With Pride A week of Pride events, of which the huge downtown parade is the most lively and colorful. Oct. 6-12, various locations and times, comeoutwithpride.com

Fiesta in the Park This festival takes place in spring and fall, and features food, music, arts, crafts and vendors. Fall dates: Nov. 1-2; spring dates: April 11-12, 2015. Lake Eola Park, 195 N. Rosalind Ave., fiestainthepark.com Light Up UCF Ice skating, carnival rides and

food vendors, plus screenings of holiday movies make this one of the best holiday traditions on campus. Usually begins the weekend before Thanksgiving and ends just after New Year’s Day. UCF campus, cfearena.com/ light-up-ucf.php Florida Film Festival Central Florida’s biggest and best film fest features documentaries, feature films, animated movies and shorts, as well as lots of fun parties and food events. Spring 2015, Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, enzian.org Megacon 2015 Ginormous celebration of nerd culture – think comics, TV shows, sci-fi and gaming vendors, discussions and more. April 10-12, 2015, Orange County Convention Center, 9860 Universal Blvd., megaconvention.com CONTINUED ON PAGE 86

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 83 UCF Book Fest One of Florida’s best literary events, this festival on the UCF campus is more than just a bunch of books for sale. It’s also got workshops for budding writers, author discussions, book signings and more. April 18, 2015, CFE Arena, UCF campus, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., education.ucf.edu/bookfest Florida International Beer Festival This downtown Orlando beer festival features samples of tons of craft beers for just $20, and it includes live music and more. Age 21 and over only. Exact date TBD, but plan for spring 2015, Heritage Square at the History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., floridabeerfestivals. com Bite 30 Orlando Weekly sponsors this month of awesome deals at participating local restaurants. Think you can’t afford to dine at some of Orlando’s high-end eateries? During Bite 30 you can, because multi-course, prix fixe meals range from just $10 to $30. June 2015, bite30.com

Back to School events Friday, Aug. 15 UCF Fan Fest 2014 This is your chance to meet all of the current and new student athletes before the season starts. Get ready for those selfies! 6-9 p.m.; Bright House Network Stadium, East Plaza Drive; 407-823-5105; events.ucf.edu Saturday, Aug. 16 Target Back to School Shopping Event This is a chance for new UCF students to pimp out their new pads with an after-hours trip to Target. Transportation will pick up and drop off at multiple locations. 10:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.; UCF, 4000 Central Florida Blvd.; 407-823-5105; events.ucf.edu Monday, Aug. 18 Taste of UCF This party is hosted by the Multicultural Student Center as a way to celebrate the food and culture of the more than 40 countries that are represented by the UCF student body. There are usually around 3,000 students in attendance, so be sure to bring a buddy so you don’t get lost. Noon-4 p.m.; UCF Pegasus Ballroom, 4000 Central Florida Blvd.; free; 407-823-0401; msc.sdes.ucf.edu Keep tabs on all the good stuff going on in Orlando by checking our website, orlandoweekly.com, and liking us on Facebook: facebook.com/orlandoweekly


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Watering Watering holes holes UCF college UCF college haunts haunts Knight Library Knight LibraryBlvd., 11448 University

11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com knightlibrary.com Named one of the top Named bars one of college in the the top country by college bars in the Knight country by thedailymeal.com, thedailymeal.com, Knight Library has four bars, beer Librarytons has of four bars, beer pong, drink specials pong, tons of drink specials and notoriously gross and notoriously gross bathrooms, just like any bathrooms, just like any respectable college bar respectable college bar should. should.

Knights Pub Knights PubTrail, 407-3823910 Alafaya 3910 knightspuborlando.com Alafaya Trail, 407-3824171, 4171, of knightspuborlando.com One the newer UCF-area One of the newer bars, Knights Pub UCF-area caters to bars,college Knights Pub caters to the crowd: DJ nights, the collegespecials crowd: DJ game-day andnights, weekly game-day specials weekly drink specials that’lland be easy on drink specials that’ll student’s be easy on the average college the average college student’s wallet. wallet.

The Moat Sports Grille The Sports Grille 4250Moat Alafaya Trail, 407-5424250 Alafaya Trail, 407-5424938, themoatsportsgrille.com 4938,of themoatsportsgrille.com Tons craft beers, plus Tons of craft beers, domestics and beerplus “floats” domestics “floats” and drinks.and Get beer half off all craft drinks. Get half off$1 alloff craft and import drafts and and import draftsbottles and $1on off craft and import craft and import bottles on Thursdays. Thursdays.

Tilted Kilt Pub and Eatery Tilted Kilt PubBlvd., and Eatery 11650 University 11650 University Blvd., tiltedkilt.com tiltedkilt.com Pub grub and cold beer served Pub and cold beer served in angrub Irish/Scottish-themed bar, in an college-aged Irish/Scottish-themed bar, with waitresses with college-aged waitresses wearing kilts. wearing kilts.

Tried and true Tried and true downtown downtown hangs hangs Finnhenry’s Finnhenry’s 39 N. Orange Ave., 407-648-

39 N. Orange Ave., 407-6480100, finnhenrys.com 0100, A littlefinnhenrys.com more neighborly A little more neighborly appreciation of sports can appreciation of sports be found downtown atcan be found downtown Finnhenry’s, where a at halo Finnhenry’s, whereana array halo of TVs displaying TVs displaying array of sporting eventsan rings the of sporting rings central bar. events The pub is a the throwcentral pub is a throwback tobar. old The public houses of back to old public of yore, sporting cozyhouses high-top yore, sporting high-top tables and tonscozy of bar seating. tables and tons of bar seating.

The Celt Irish Pub The IrishAve., Pub407-48125 S. Celt Magnolia 25 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-4812928, harpandcelt.com 2928, harpandcelt.com You like wood? Like lots of it? You like wood? Like lots of it? How about some awesome How about awesome beer? Well, some the Celt bids you beer? Well, the Celt bids “céad míle fáilte” and it’s you the “céad míle fáilte” and it’s the closest downtown Orlando closest Orlando gets to downtown a genuine Irish pub gets to a genuine pubof experience. PoundIrish a plate experience. a plate of Irish nachos,Pound slide over a few Irish nachos, slide over a few

pints of Guinness, and you pints of Guinness, and you won’t want to be anywhere won’t want beofanywhere else for the to rest the evening else for thebecause rest of the evening – probably your legs – probably because will stop working at your somelegs will stop working at some point. This traditional Celtic point. This haven feelstraditional like home Celtic from the haven feels home from the the moment youlike walk through moment youpart walkways through door till you and the door till you part ways and stumble on home. stumble on home.

Independent Bar Independent Bar 70 N. Orange Ave. 70 N. Orange Ave. 407-839-0457 407-839-0457 independentbar.net independentbar.net I-Bar is hipster central; there’s I-Bar is hipster there’s no other way tocentral; put it, which no other to put which makes it away target for it, teasing, makes it ait target for teasing, sure, but also means that you sure, but it also means thatafter you always have a story to tell always a night have there.a story to tell after a night there.

Wall Street Plaza Wall Street Ave., Plaza 19 N. Orange 19 N. Orange Ave., 407-849-0471, wallstplaza.net 407-849-0471, wallstplaza.net Special occasions, from New SpecialEve occasions, from New Year’s to Oktoberfest, Year’s Eve to Oktoberfest, belong to this meeting place belong to this meeting for the masses. Locatedplace at for the masses. at the epicenter ofLocated downtown the epicenter of downtown Orlando, and always throbbing Orlando, and always throbbing with music, booze and vitality, with Street music, Plaza boozeand andits vitality, Wall eight Wall Street its eight venues takePlaza up anand entire city venuesbut take an entire city block, it’sup easy to navigate, block, on butdrink it’s easy to navigate, heavy specials and heavy on drink specials and CONTINUED ON PAGE 95 CONTINUED ON PAGE 95

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stocked stockedwith with eye eyecandy candyfor forall. all.It’s It’snot not exactly exactlyupscale, upscale,but butititgets gets the job done with laughter, the job done with laughter, music and a hangover music and a hangover souvenir. souvenir.

Divey Diveyfavorfavorites ites Wally’s Wally’sMills MillsAvenue Avenue Liquors Liquors

1001 1001N.N.Mills MillsAve., Ave., 407-896-6975, 407-896-6975, wallysonmills.com wallysonmills.com When Whenyou youwalk walkinto intoWally’s, Wally’s, you’ll you’llfind finda adevoted devotedcrowd crowd ofofseasoned seasonedregulars regularswho who mean serious drinking mean serious drinkingbusibusiness. It’s smoky, it’s dark, ness. It’s smoky, it’s dark,and and ififyou youcan canfind finda aseat seat(there (thereare are maybe maybe25 25total) total)atatthe thebar, bar,stiff stiff cocktails cocktailsare arecoming comingyour yourway. way. Those Thoselooking lookingfor forbooze boozeon on the thego gocan canpurchase purchasefrom fromthe the liquor liquorstore storethat thatmakes makesup upone one side sideofofthe thejoint. joint.

Whiskey WhiskeyLou’s Lou’sLounge Lounge

101 101N.N.Bumby BumbyAve., Ave., 407-898-2593 407-898-2593 Always Alwaysa agood goodtime timeatatthis this raucous raucousdive divebar, bar,which whichisis best bestknown knownfor forits itscheap cheap drinks, drinks,heavy heavypours, pours,bright bright neon sign marking it neon sign marking itasasa a haven for drinkers and haven for drinkers andits itslifelifesized sizedBlues BluesBrothers Brothers mannequins. mannequins.

Craft Crafthotspots hotspots Oblivion OblivionTaproom Taproom

5101 5101E.E.Colonial ColonialDrive, Drive, 407-802-4800, 407-802-4800, obliviontaproom.com obliviontaproom.com One Oneofofthe thecity’s city’sbetter betterbeer beer bars barssits, sits,unexpectedly, unexpectedly,on ona a forgettable strip of Colonial forgettable strip of Colonial Drive Drivewith with40 40beers beerson ontap tapand and more moreavailable availableby bythe thebottle. bottle. But Butthe themeaty meatybar barbites bites– –ininventive ventiveburgers burgersespecially especially– –are are what whatsets setsthis thisplace placeapart apartfrom from the therest. rest.

Redlight RedlightRedlight RedlightBeer Beer Parlour Parlour

2810 2810Corrine CorrineDrive, Drive, 407-893-9832, 407-893-9832, redlightredlightbeerparlour.com redlightredlightbeerparlour.com Orlando’s Orlando’smuch-lauded much-laudedand and cornucopia-est cornucopia-estcraft craftbeer beerspot spot has hastotoclear clearroom roomfor foranother another placard, placard,this thistime timelanding landingon on Draft DraftMagazine’s Magazine’s2013 2013list list ofofbest bestAmerican Americanbeer beerbars. bars. Redlight RedlightRedlight Redlightgrew grewfrom from a asmall Park Avenue boutique small Park Avenue boutique into the 23-draft, 250-plusinto the 23-draft, 250-plusbottle bottlewonderland wonderlandon onCorrine Corrine Drive Drivetoday. today.

World WorldofofBeer Beer

3402 3402Technological TechnologicalAve., Ave., 321-235-9741; 321-235-9741;7800 7800Dr. Dr.Phillips Phillips Blvd., 407-355-3315; 155 Blvd., 407-355-3315; 155 Cranes Roost Blvd., Altamonte Cranes Roost Blvd., Altamonte Springs, Springs,407-834-2337, 407-834-2337, wobusa.com wobusa.com This ThisTampa-based Tampa-basedcraft-beer craft-beer chain chainnow nowhas hasthree threefranchise franchise locations locationsininOrlando, Orlando,and andthey they allallhave haveone onevery veryimportant important thing thinginincommon: common:They Theyare are temples templestotocraft craftbeer, beer,with withtons tons ofofchanging drafts, walls changing drafts, wallsofof coolers coolersfull fullofofenough enoughbottled bottled beer beertotodrown drownan anelephant elephantand and a alaid-back, laid-back,friendly friendlyenvironenvironment mentininwhich whichtotoconsume consumeit.it.

Live Livemusic music Backbooth Backbooth

37 37W. W.Pine PineSt., St.,407-999-2570, 407-999-2570, backbooth.com backbooth.com Doubling Doublingasasa alive livemusic musicvenue venue for forthe theunderground’s underground’sbest best bands and a dance club for bands and a dance club for some someofofOrlando’s Orlando’sfavorite favorite theme themenights, nights,Backbooth Backboothisisa a place placetotogain gaina anew newfavorite favorite song songororlose loseyourself yourselfentirely entirely totothe theparty. party.Discover Discoverwhy why devoted devotednightcrawlers nightcrawlersare are downright downrightreligious religiousabout aboutits its Midnight MidnightMass. Mass.

The TheHaven HavenLounge Lounge

6700 6700Aloma AlomaAve., Ave.,Winter Winter Park, Park,407-673-2712, 407-673-2712, thehavenrocks.com thehavenrocks.com Fans Fansofofmetal, metal,here’s here’syour your place. place.Nearly Nearlyevery everynight nightofofthe the week, the Haven (near week, the Haven (nearFull FullSail Sail University) features live bands, University) features live bands, tribute tributenights nightsand andeven evenopen openmics. mics.

The TheSocial Social

54 54N.N.Orange OrangeAve. Ave. 407-246-1419 407-246-1419 thesocial.org thesocial.org Local Localbands bandsstrive strivetotoperform perform on onthis thisstage, stage,the theone oneshared shared with withmost mostofofthe thePitchforkPitchforkworthy worthybands bandsthat thatcome come through throughOrlando. Orlando.It’s It’sa asmaller smaller room, room,which whichmeans meansnine ninetimes times out outofof10, 10,you’re you’reshouting shoutingthe the lyrics shoulder-to-shoulder lyrics shoulder-to-shoulder with withsimilarly similarlyimpassioned impassioned fans. fans.Get Getthere thereearly earlyand andsnag snag a atable tableininfront frontofofthe thepit. pit.

Stardust StardustVideo Video&&Coffee Coffee

1842 1842E.E.Winter WinterPark ParkRoad Road 407-623-3393 407-623-3393 stardustie.com stardustie.com The TheStardust Stardustmain mainroom room provides providesa aden denthat thatwelcomes welcomes allallthe theweird weirdideas ideasits itsdevoted devoted community cooks up community cooks upininterms terms ofoflive livemusic musicperformances, performances, original originalplays, plays,performance performance art artand anda ahaven havenfor forawesome awesome music. music.

Uncle UncleLou’s Lou’sEntertainment Entertainment Hall Hall

1016 1016N.N.Mills MillsAve. Ave. There Thereisisperhaps perhapsno noprivate private business businessininthe thecity citythat thathas has become becomea aDIY DIYcommunity community venue venueso soorganically organicallyand andauauthentically. thentically.Besides Besidesthe thestreet street culture culturethat thatits itsbarflies barfliesprovide, provide, the thefringes fringesofofthe themusic musicscene scene have also adopted this joint have also adopted this joint asastheir theirclubhouse. clubhouse.Although Although known knownfor forits itspunk punkshows, shows,its its day-to-day day-to-dayofferings offeringscan canbe be disorientingly disorientinglydiverse. diverse.Truly Truly the thestrangest strangestcross-section cross-sectionofof Orlando’s Orlando’smusic musicunderground. underground.

Will’s Will’sPub Pub

1042 1042N.N.Mills MillsAve. Ave. willspub.org willspub.org IfIfyou are a fan you are a fanofofpunk, punk,metal, metal, garage, garage,Americana Americanaororallallofofthe the above, above,you youneed needtotoget getdown downtoto Will’s Will’sPub. Pub.This Thisgrizzled grizzledvenue venue isisan anOrlando Orlandotradition traditionthat that provides providesstacked stackedlineups lineupsand and a ahuge hugebeer beerselection selectionand andisis home to the much-loved home to the much-loved Southern SouthernFried FriedSundays. Sundays. CONTINUED CONTINUEDON ONPAGE PAGE96 96


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music Tuesdays through Saturdays, and itthrough specializes in music Tuesdays the VIP experience. If you’re a Saturdays, and it specializes in localVIP celeb, or just want to feel the experience. If you’re a like one, Tier is the place to go local celeb, or just want to feel to make feel fancy. like one, yourself Tier is the place to go to make yourself feel fancy.


Winter Park Winter Park watering holes watering holes Fiddler’s Green 544 W. Fairbanks Fiddler’s GreenAve.,

Winter 407-645-2050, 544 W. Park, Fairbanks Ave., fiddlersgreenorlando.com Winter Park, 407-645-2050, This Fairbanks Avenue Irish fiddlersgreenorlando.com bar and restaurant is a Irish popular This Fairbanks Avenue spotand for restaurant Rollins College stubar is a popular dentsfor to Rollins stop for a beer stuand a spot College bite toto eat. Though the atmodents stop for a beer and a sphere is not typicalthe collegebite to eat. Though atmobar wild, andcollegewarm, sphere is it’s notcozy typical like a good Irish pub should bar wild, it’s cozy and warm,be. like a good Irish pub should be.

Spatz Deli, Billiards & LiquorDeli, Billiards & Spatz 1025 W. Fairbanks Ave., Liquor

Winter 407-647-3354, 1025 W.Park, Fairbanks Ave., spatzwp.com Winter Park, 407-647-3354, Just a stone’s throw away from spatzwp.com the Rollins College Just a stone’s throwcampus, away from this Rollins low-keyCollege joint has pool the campus, tables, darts,joint arcade this low-key hasgames pool and cheap drinks. It’sgames popular tables, darts, arcade withcheap the Rollins crowd, and and drinks. It’s popular unlikethe a lot of the bars and with Rollins crowd, and restaurants in the the bars Park and Avenue unlike a lot of area, it’s open pastPark midnight restaurants in the Avenue on most nights.past midnight area, it’s open on most nights.

Club life Club life Firestone Live 578 N. Orange Ave. Firestone Live

407-872-0066 578 N. Orange Ave. firestonelive.net 407-872-0066 Is it a venue or a club? With firestonelive.net some of the or best EDM nights Is it a venue a club? With in town miss Ignition on some of(don’t the best EDM nights Thursday nights), it doesn’t in town (don’t miss Ignition on matter which way itFirestone Thursday nights), doesn’t swings,which because no othmatter waythere’s Firestone swings, because there’s no oth-

er place like it in Orlando and theplace crowds come. and er likealways it in Orlando the crowds always come.

Lux 5688 International Drive, 407Lux

352-8838, luxorlando.com 5688 International Drive, 407Orlando’s permanent high352-8838, luxorlando.com decibel DJ dance party Orlando’s permanent highspot hasDJ a staggering decibel dance partynumber of revolving events and spot has a staggering number performers. you’reand just of revolving If events sitting at home staring at your performers. If you’re just lollipop/soother/glow-stick sitting at home staring at your collection, you should probably lollipop/soother/glow-stick spray on some glitter and get collection, you should probably on over spray onthere. some glitter and get on over there.

Ono Nightclub 1 S. Orange Ave., 407-701-9875, Ono Nightclub 1ononightclub.com S. Orange Ave., 407-701-9875, This is a new arrival on the ononightclub.com Orlando dance club on scene This is a new arrival the and it seems dance to be doing just fine. Orlando club scene and The club’s a super-chic it seems togot be doing just fine. design, the lighting is great The club’s got a super-chic and the the DJslighting are top-notch. design, is great and the DJs are top-notch.

Vain 22 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-835Vain

3590, vainorlando.com 22 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-835If you vainorlando.com happen to be wearing 3590, your heels, just hair If you happen togot be your wearing did and you’re your heels, justsmelling got yourgood hair … and you’re walking around did and you’re smelling good downtown looking foraround a party, … and you’re walking you should looking definitely into downtown forhop a party, Vain.should The crowd is always a mix you definitely hop into of young old, the aDJs, Vain. The and crowd is and always mix some of whom areand VH1the reality of young and old, DJs, celebsof – whom we’re looking you, some are VH1at reality Brian Dawe – are always celebs – we’re looking at spinyou, ning the right tracks. Brian Dawe – are always spinning the right tracks.

Tier 20 E. Central Blvd., 407-317Tier

9129, 20 E. tiernightclub.com Central Blvd., 407-317This massive 10,000-square9129, tiernightclub.com foot club features open-format This massive 10,000-squarefoot club features open-format

Gay bars Gay bars The Parliament House 410 N. Orange Blossom The Parliament House

Trail,N.407-425-7571, 410 Orange Blossom parliamenthouse.com Trail, 407-425-7571, The sprawling Parliament parliamenthouse.com House Resort is widely lauded The sprawling Parliament as the premier – and, House Resort isLGBT widely lauded some even argue, as thewould premier LGBT – and, straight – nightlife destination some would even argue, in town. –The clubs destination and bars straight nightlife scattered throughout in town. The clubs andthe bars complex attract throngs scattered throughout theof revelers, and come Gay Days, complex attract throngs of it’s raining men. revelers, and come Gay Days, it’s raining men.

Pulse 1912 S. Orange Ave., 407-649Pulse 3888, 1912 S.pulseorlandoclub.com Orange Ave., 407-649Every pulseorlandoclub.com night has something 3888, different in store, but Pulse is Every night has something known toinhave some different store, but pretty Pulse is impressive dragsome shows, and known to have pretty the bar’s dancers are usually impressive drag shows, and gorgeous. the bar’s dancers are usually gorgeous.

Savoy 1913 N. Orange Ave., (407) Savoy

898-6766, savoyorlando.com 1913 N. Orange Ave., (407) Savoy has always been a good 898-6766, savoyorlando.com place to goalways to have some lowSavoy has been a good key fun see some familiar place toand go to have some lowgay fun or gay-friendly faces. key and see some familiar gay or gay-friendly faces.

Stonewall Bar 741 W. Church St., Stonewall Bar

407-373-0888, 741 W. Church St., stonewallorlando.com 407-373-0888, This laid-back neighborhood stonewallorlando.com bar, complete a pool This laid-back with neighborhood table, dartboards an bar, complete withand a pool antique wine pressand that’s table, dartboards an quite the conversation piece, has a antique wine press that’s quite casual vibe, madepiece, all thehas more the conversation a so by motel lobby all furniture casual vibe, made the more andbya motel menu lobby of standard so furniture pub afare. and menu of standard pub fare. Find more Orlando bars and clubs our website Find moreon Orlando bars at orlandoweekly.com and clubs on our website at orlandoweekly.com

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COVER PHOTO BY ADAM MCCABE mOdEls: ALMA HiLL and LEiF MOrTON Publisher Graham Jarrett editor Erin Sullivan

EDiTOriAL arts & culture editor Jessica Bryce Young associate editor Ashley Belanger seNior staFF Writer Billy Manes caleNdar editor Brendan O’Connor Web editor Jacki Mick coPy editor Thaddeus McCollum iNterNs Lauren Ball, Stephanie Garcia, Kaleb Quast



advertisiNg director Matthew Gull accouNt MaNager Jerrica Schwartz seNior sales exec Dan Winkler retail sales execs Jon Bowers, Dave Freedman, Matt Whiting, Candice Andrews, Eddie Smith classiFied liNe exec Jerrica Schwartz MarketiNg/ProMotioNs Andreina Icaza MarketiNg/ProMotioNs iNterNs Leanne Leuterio, Daniela Diaz, Leif Morton


TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 11 Be kind Welcome to college

43 How to study abroad (the right way)

13 No regrets

49 Interns R Us

Suggestions to help you keep your head above water for the next four years

How to land an internship that won’t make you resent being somebody else’s cheap labor

18 Let the web be your guide

53 Social studies

The best sites for navigating Orlando culture

23 Eat this How to feed yourself when you don’t know how to cook and don’t have anything to eat

28 Weighty issues

Club nights, bar specials and nightlife happenings in Orlando

57 The best things in life are cheap (or free) A few of our favorite student discounts and freebies

61 You said it

Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15

Students tell us about life near their campuses

30 How many calories are in what you eat?

86 Save the dates

31 … or what you drink? 35 Things to do if you don’t love the club Want to go out but don’t feel like hanging out at clubs? Try one of these activities instead

Twelve awesome events in Orlando you don’t want to miss

90 Watering holes From UCF haunts to downtown hangs, a sampling of bars you’ll want to check out this semester

creative director Adam McCabe ProductioN MaNager Shelby Sloan graPhic desigNer Alex Clark, Bradley Lynch

BUSiNESS MaNager Elizabeth Hubbard assistaNts Alma Hill, Veronica Solorzano

CirCULATiON MaNager Fabio Aranguibel

NATiONAL ADVErTiSiNG voice Media grouP 1-800-278-9866

EUCLiD MEDiA GrOUP regioNal Publisher Michael Wagner

CONTriBUTOrS Reyan Ali, Christopher Balogh, Rob Bartlett, Jeffrey C. Billman, Rob Boylan, Justin Braun, Jason Ferguson, Matt Gorney, James Greene Jr., Paul Hiebing, Scott Horn, Holly V. Kapherr, Faiyaz Kara, Seth Kubersky, Bao Le-Huu, Katherine Ramirez Massey, Nick McGregor, Cameron Meier, Jeff Meyers, Richard Reep, Steve Schneider, Andrew Spear coPyright 2014, OrlandO Weekly, all rights reserved. Orlando Weekly is a wholly owned subsidiary of Euclid Media Group LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher does not assume any liability for unsolicited manuscripts, materials or other content. Any submission must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All editorial, advertising and business correspondence should be mailed to 1505 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL, 32803.

OrLANDO WEEKLY iNC. 1505 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803; 407-377-0400 • 407-377-0420, fax • 407-377-0415, classified orlandoweekly.com

2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 7

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“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies – God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”


n Kurt Vonnegut’s genius novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, one of the book’s characters makes this speech to a couple of babies he’s baptizing. It’s a sort of a short, sweet orientation speech for life. While you, college students, are not babies, you are being baptized into a strange new world when you enter college – there’s a whole new set of expectations and responsibilities and rules you’ve got to follow when you get there, and sometimes it does sort of feel like you’re a baby trying to navigate a round, wet, crowded world you’ve hardly had a chance to acquaint yourself with. Just as Vonnegut’s character reminds those babies in his novel, your time in college is finite – it’s going to go quickly, and you ought to make the most of it while you’re here. We hope that this guide we’ve put together for you helps you do just that.

In it, we’ve compiled advice from your fellow college students about traveling abroad, landing internships, getting over your insecurities during freshman year and more. We’ve also compiled listings of the best events, club nights and college deals we could find, and we’ve paired that with a listing of some of our favorite bars in town. We encourage you to get out there and explore. And though you’re not babies, we do hope you’ll take Vonnegut’s excellent advice, which we think transcends all ages: Be kind. Life’s too short to be a douchebag. Orlando 101 was written almost entirely by three college students: Lauren Ball (Lipscomb University), Stephanie Garcia (Rollins College) and Kaleb Quast (University of Central Florida). They had just a little bit of help from Orlando Weekly’s editor, Erin Sullivan.

2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 11

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FreshmanRegrets.indd 12

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No regrets Suggestions to help you keep your head above water for the next four years BY LAurEn BA LL, STEp hAn IE G ArCIA And KALEB QuAST


reshman year is full of change – most of us are moving out on our own for the first time, learning to live independently and being pushed to our absolute limits. So we’re bound to make mistakes. Some we’re bound to repeat – say, drinking too much – and we all know at least one person who seems to be stuck making the same stupid decisions over and over again (seriously, stop getting back together with your ex). But there are some pitfalls you can avoid and things you can do that will help you get the most out of your college experience with as few regrets as possible. Trust us, we know. We’ve been there (very recently), and we’ve put together this list of things you should keep in mind as you navigate the sometimes murky waters we like to call college living.

Do: Put yourself out there. If you’re introverted, making friends can seem daunting. But don’t fall into the trap of wallowing in loneliness and using your shyness as a shield – instead of hoping that you just stumble across potential friends, put yourself out there. It may sound wonky or lame or unoriginal, but join a club or social group, introduce yourself to people (the worst that can happen is that they aren’t super-receptive – big deal, their loss) and go to campus events that interest you. You’re not in a unique situation – everyone else out there is hoping to meet cool new people, too. Chances are they feel as awkward as you do. Talk to them. You may be pleasantly surprised. Don’t: Compare yourself to others. Everybody’s college experience is different. If you compare your progress to that of others, you’ll make yourself crazy and kill your self-esteem. Congratulate your friends for

their successes – don’t resent them for them – and remember that you’ll get there when you’re ready, too. Do: Transfer if you’re unhappy. If you’re not satisfied with where you are, don’t be afraid to do something about it. Transferring schools doesn’t mean you’re giving up – in fact, one out of three students transfer schools at least once during their college career. The process of transferring credits and moving away doesn’t necessarily have to be messy, as long as you communicate with guidance counselors and financial-aid officers. Do: Let yourself be alone sometimes. As a freshman, especially if you moved to a new town for school, you tend to feel a lot of pressure to make friends and do things. When you’re alone, you feel … well, like you CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

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should be with people, doing something. While you should try to put yourself out there (see the first item in our list), don’t feel bad if you find yourself hanging out by yourself. It’s OK to be alone. use that time to focus on yourself: Chill out, go to the gym, catch up on some reading or develop your hobbies and talents. Do: Sit in on any class. It’s easy to forget what’s acceptable these days, (especially when doing unacceptable things is usually more fun), but there’s nothing wrong with sitting in on a class on any college campus. Yeah, you might feel awkward because your internal monologue is screaming, “You don’t belong here! Sooner or later somebody is going to know that you didn’t sign up for this class and then you’re done for!” Tell that voice to knock it off, because this time it’s a liar. As long as it’s not some doctorate-level chemistry lab, it’s usually A-OK to waltz into a classroom and just listen. Look up classes that sound interesting, regardless of whether they fit in with your major, and check them out for a day. You’re bound to learn something new. Don’t: Move in with a roommate you met online before you meet them IRL. Finding rooms and roommates online is easy – but it can also be treacherous. don’t ever commit to a place to live – or a person to live with – sight unseen. Always meet every potential roommate in person before you sign a lease. If you’re part of the LGBT community, it’s a good idea to inform potential roommates before you move in. It might make you feel tense and insecure, but it’s far better to feel weird for 20 minutes than it is to be stuck living with someone who has a problem with your gender or sexual orientation for the next six months.

Do: Back up your computer. Invest in a hard drive and back that term paper up. If external hard drives aren’t your thing, back up your files on Google drive, dropbox or iCloud. Whatever you use, make sure you save your files as the semester progresses. Finals week meltdowns are not pretty on anyone. Do: Explore electives. It’s never a bad idea to get your prerequisites out of the way, but don’t get so focused on burning through the basics that you don’t take classes you really enjoy. Sometimes the classes you take as electives (which some students may only view as necessary evils) are the most fascinating ones you’ll take all semester. Don’t: Overplan your college experience. This goes out to the overachieving freshmen who have their four years mapped out before even stepping foot on campus. Accept that plans may fall through: That major may not be the best fit and getting that dream internship may not be attainable. The world keeps on spinning, even if your grades plummet for one semester or you get rejected from a dazzling sorority. Just remember that if plan A fails to come to fruition, there’s always plan B. And even plan C.

Don’t: Put that picture online. Think twice, or maybe four times, before uploading that dick pic or underage drinking selfie to a social media site or smartphone app. It may seem hot to your crush, but trust us: It’s not hot to future employers, roommates or down-theroad boyfriends or girlfriends. If you really feel you must take a racy photo and publish it somewhere, at least hide your face first. 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 17

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Let the web be your guide The best sites for navigating Orlando culture Orlando Weekly orlandoweekly.com facebook.com/orlandoweekly @orlandoweekly Yes, we know, it’s our publication and our site. But our weekly issue, published in print and online every Wednesday, tells you about all the good stuff happening in Orlando – think of it as your guide to the city. You can browse our website, pick it up in hard copy (it’s somewhere on your college campus) or browse it in flipbook form on your iPad (just download the app). We have blogs, a weekly calendar, guides to dining and neighborhoods and tons more.

The Daily City thedailycity.com @thedailycity Not only does the Daily City keep tabs on local news and happenings around Orlando, it also hosts listings of area

farmers markets, blogs, vintage stores, food trucks, cupcake shops and more. The Daily City is also the sponsor of the Food Truck Bazaar, a curated food truck gathering that happens at various locations monthly. Check the website or sign up for the newsletter for details.

Tasty Chomps tastychomps.com @tastychomps Restaurant reviews and foodie news. Food blogger Ricky Ly and his team are always on top of restaurant openings and closings, and they’ll tell you which Orlando restaurants are worth checking out – and which you should probably avoid.

The Orlandoan theorlandoan.com This site features interviews with local people doing cool things and a weekly events cal-

endar, and it sells our favorite Orlando T-shirts, which read: “Orlando doesn’t suck.”

Orlando Retro orlandoretro.com We love blogs and websites that give us a sense of what came before, and Orlando Retro does just that. From stories about old downtown buildings to cool historical lists (“10 historic places in Orlando to get a drink,” “3 Orlando businesses in vintage Publix buildings”) to images and postcards of old Orlando, this site is a treasure trove of awesome info about the place we call home (well, at least until graduation).

Orlando Hipsters facebook.com/ orlandohipsters.com This Facebook page is updated daily with all the best stuff going on in Orlando.

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8/7/14 11:07 AM

Weighty issues Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 BY LAurEN BAL L


h, the feared Freshman 15. For generations, first-time college students have experienced the shock of moving away from their parents and suddenly realizing that their metabolisms aren’t exactly bulletproof. It’s totally normal to gain some weight (though you’ll hate it when fat starts to appear in places that seemed nonexistent when you ran track in high school), but what isn’t normal is when weight gain threatens your health and starts to raise your body mass index stats to an unhealthy level. In an effort to keep your weight in that mythical “normal” zone, take note of the following guidelines: Avoid emotional eating! College is a stressful time for everyone. Some exams are worth 60 percent of your grade, you’re dealing with the insecurity that comes with making new friends and homesickness inevitably catches up with you. Despite all of this, you cannot let anxiety control your eating habits. Aim to get the heaviness out in a more constructive way – go on a long run, listen to angry music, create something or simply take a nap. You’re bound to feel better when you wake up. Pay attention to portion sizes When you have an unlimited meal plan it’s second nature to pile your plate high with everything that doesn’t look too much like “cafeteria food.” While letting yourself go and grabbing seconds isn’t so bad when done in moderation, making a daily habit of expanding your portion sizes is the No. 1 cause of weight gain. Eat slowly and pace yourself, and you’ll probably find that you feel comfortably full after consuming much less than you originally intended.

tone your muscles, and yoga will stretch you out while helping you attain a calm state of mind – and remember, your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health. Don’t deny yourself food If your stomach’s growling when that 3 o’clock hour rolls around, grab a healthy snack to tide you over until dinner. Choosing an apple or granola bar instead of suffering through the discomfort means that you’ll probably choose a smaller, healthier option at dinner time, helping you stick to that smaller portion size rule. Whatever you do, don’t binge drink! Though there are much worse consequences to binge drinking than weight gain, overdoing it on the beer and liquor can raise that BMI fast while also damaging internal organs, so be sure to take it easy. Want a rundown on the calories in that drink you’re sipping? See our handy chart on page 31.

Exercise, exercise, exercise! We all hear this all of the time, from the mouths of doctors to teachers to parents … but it really is a pivotal factor in maintaining a healthy weight. Weight gain is caused by “an excess of energy intake over expenditure,” so it’s important to work off the extra calories you might take in over the course of the day. And you don’t have to run a mile around campus to make it count – try taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe e 2014

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Eat this How to feed yourself when you don’t know how to cook and don’t have anything to eat By KalEB QUaST


ey, fellow college students: Do you ever feel like your skin’s starting to peel off, your face is covered in pimples and your bones ache? We call that malnutrition, and you need to eat something soon before you keel over. Preferably something with nutrients. But you’re broke and hungover and tired, and you’re sick of pasta. How do you sustain yourself? Especially if you aren’t much for cooking. Potatoes: There’s a reason the Irish are famous for surviving off of these roots, and that’s because they’re an excellent staple. They’re filling, energy-providing and generally pretty easy to make. The easiest way: Bake ’em. Wash them, stab them full of holes – cover them in olive oil and salt if you want them to taste better – wrap them in some tin foil and put them in an oven at 375 degrees for an hour or so (smaller potatoes won’t take as long). Peel open that foil once your tater is cooked and cover it with butter, sour cream, more salt, garlic powder, chopped onions, chives and more sour cream. Eat till it’s gone or until you have to take a nap. Fruit: Fruits are good for you, and we should all make an effort to eat more of them. They’re good by themselves, but they aren’t super-filling. So smother them with peanut butter. If you ever tire of apples and bananas covered in peanut butter, pick up a tub of Greek yogurt, get your handy peanut butter and some locally sourced honey – it helps your allergies – and mix it all up in a bowl. (My advice: Use equal portions peanut butter, yogurt and honey.) Dip your fruit, dip your fingers, pour the whole batch down your throat because it’s so damn tasty. Vegetables: Vegetables will also help you maintain your mortal husk/body/life force when you’re in a pinch. Just like with potatoes, you can cut them, cover them with spices and bake them up, or you can eat them raw if you have something to

dip or smother them in (dressing, hummus, sriracha, etc.). you can buy a tub of hummus at the store if you want, or you can get yourself a can of chickpeas, a bag of frozen edamame and some cloves of garlic. Blend all of that in a food processor or blender (set aside the liquid from the canned chickpeas for later!) until it’s a paste, then add the juice of one lemon and some cumin, salt and pepper. Drizzle in 1/4 cup of olive oil. Blend some more and add that leftover chickpea juice until you deem the dip appropriate to eat. Then eat the hell out of it. Pasta: at some point, you’re going to grow sick of eating pasta. But it’s cheap and easy, and everyone always has some on hand. The best way to eat it? Covered in pesto. and while it may sound like a complicated process, making pesto is really only slightly more involved than baking a potato. Get a bunch of basil leaves (you’ll need about three cups), a cup and a half of chopped walnuts, six cloves of garlic, a quarter of a cup of Parmesan cheese and a cup of olive oil. Got it all? Good. Now dump it in a blender and pulse that baby until it’s a decent texture for you. Then taste it and add tons of salt and pepper to it until it pleases you. Dump a large spoonful or two onto your pasta and cover it with more Parmesan. Enjoy this pasta meal. Even if you eat nothing else today, at least the protein in the walnuts will keep you alive for a little longer.

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Weighty issues issues Weighty

Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 Some tips to help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 BY L A u r E N B A L L BY L A u r E N B A L L


h, the feared Freshman 15. For generations, first-time college students have expeh, the feared Freshman 15. Foraway generations, first-time students have experienced the shock of moving from their parentscollege and suddenly realizing that rienced the shock aren’t of moving away from their and suddenly that their metabolisms exactly bulletproof. It’sparents totally normal to gainrealizing some weight exactly bulletproof. It’s that totally normalnonexistent to gain some weight (thoughtheir you’llmetabolisms hate it whenaren’t fat starts to appear in places seemed when you (though hate it whenbut fat what startsisn’t to appear seemed when you ran trackyou’ll in high school), normalinisplaces whenthat weight gain nonexistent threatens your health ran high school), but what normal weight gain threatens yourtohealth andtrack startsinto raise your body massisn’t index stats is towhen an unhealthy level. In an effort keep and toinraise body“normal” mass index an unhealthy level. guidelines: In an effort to keep yourstarts weight that your mythical zone,stats taketo note of the following your weight in that mythical “normal” zone, take note of the following guidelines: Avoid emotional eating! Avoid emotional eating!time for everyone. College is a stressful College is aare stressful time for everyone. Some exams worth 60 percent of your Some worth with 60 percent of your grade,exams you’reare dealing the insecurity grade, you’re with dealing with the insecurity that comes making new friends that comes with inevitably making new friends and homesickness catches up and inevitably up with homesickness you. Despite all of this, catches you cannot with you. Despite of this, you cannot let anxiety controlall your eating habits. let control your out eating Aimanxiety to get the heaviness in ahabits. more Aim to get the a more constructive wayheaviness – go on a out longin run, listen constructive way – go something on a long run, listen to angry music, create or simply to angry music, create something or simply take a nap. You’re bound to feel better take nap. You’re whenayou wake up. bound to feel better when you wake up. Pay attention to portion sizes Pay attention to portion sizes meal plan When you have an unlimited younature have an unlimited meal plan it’sWhen second to pile your plate high it’s nature pile your high withsecond everything thattodoesn’t lookplate too much with everythingfood.” that doesn’t look too much like “cafeteria While letting yourself like “cafeteria food.” While letting yourself go and grabbing seconds isn’t so bad when go andingrabbing seconds isn’t asodaily bad when done moderation, making habit done in moderation, making a daily of expanding your portion sizes is thehabit No. 1 of expanding your portion sizes isand the pace No. 1 cause of weight gain. Eat slowly cause of weight gain. Eat slowly yourself, and you’ll probably findand thatpace you yourself, and you’ll find thatmuch you feel comfortably fullprobably after consuming feel full after consuming much less comfortably than you originally intended. less than you originally intended.

tone your muscles, and yoga will stretch tone yourwhile muscles, andyou yoga will stretch you out helping attain a calm you while–helping you attain a mencalm stateout of mind and remember, your state of mind –isand your tal well-being just remember, as important asmenyour tal well-being physical health.is just as important as your physical health. Don’t deny yourself food Don’t deny yourself food If your stomach’s growling when that 3 If yourhour stomach’s growling when that 3 o’clock rolls around, grab a healthy o’clock hourtide rollsyou around, a healthy snack to overgrab until dinner. snack to an tide you over until dinner. Choosing apple or granola bar instead Choosing anthrough apple or granola bar instead of suffering the discomfort means of suffering thechoose discomfort means that you’ll through probably a smaller, that you’ll probably choose a smaller, healthier option at dinner time, helping you healthier option at dinner time, helping stick to that smaller portion size rule. you stick to that smaller portion size rule. Whatever you do, don’t binge drink! Whatever do,are don’t binge drink!conseThough you there much worse Thoughtothere aredrinking much worse quences binge than conseweight quences to binge drinking than gain, overdoing it on the beer andweight liquor gain, overdoing on while the beer liquor can raise that BMIit fast alsoand damaging can raiseorgans, that BMI also damaging internal sofast be while sure to take it easy. internal organs, so be sure to take Want a rundown on the calories it in easy. that Want a rundown on See the our calories in chart that drink you’re sipping? handy drink you’re on page 31. sipping? See our handy chart on page 31.

Exercise, exercise, exercise! Exercise, exercise, exercise! We all hear this all of the time, from the We allofhear this all of the time, from the mouths doctors to teachers to parents … mouths of doctors to teachers … but it really is a pivotal factor to in parents maintainbut really isweight. a pivotal factor in maintaining aithealthy Weight gain is caused ing a healthy Weight gain is caused by “an excessweight. of energy intake over expenby “an excess energy intake over off expenditure,” so it’sofimportant to work the diture,” so it’s you important to work off the extra calories might take in over the extra take in over coursecalories of the you day. might And you don’t havethe to course of the day.campus And you to run a mile around to don’t make have it count run mile around campus to make it count – trya taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will – try taking up yoga or Pilates. Pilates will 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe e 2014 28 ● ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe 2014

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30 Cafeteria Cafeteria caloric caloric values values b y C o n n o r C ava n a u g h b y C o n n o r C ava n a u g h

Food Food Baked potato with butter and sour cream Baked potato with butter and sour cream Chicken Caesar salad with dressing Chicken Caesar salad with dressing Cobb salad without dressing Cobb salad without dressing French fries French fries Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino with whole milk Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino with whole milk Potato chips Potato chips Sour cream and onion potato chips Sour cream and onion potato chips Barbecue potato chips Barbecue potato chips Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Cheese pizza Cheese pizza Pepperoni pizza Pepperoni pizza Hot dog with bun Hot dog with bun Hamburger (plain) with bun Hamburger (plain) with bun Hamburger (plain) without bun Hamburger (plain) without bun Chicken strips without dipping sauce Chicken strips without dipping sauce Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread Turkey sandwich on white bread Turkey sandwich on white bread Roast beef sandwich on white bread Roast beef sandwich on white bread Fruit salad Fruit salad Chicken quesadilla Chicken quesadilla Omelet Omelet Omelet with cheese Omelet with cheese Vanilla ice cream cone Vanilla ice cream cone

Calories Calories 310 310 560 560 270 270 365 365 440 440 410 410 152 152 160 160 160 160 160 160 272 272 298 298 272 272 450 450 310 310 372 372 352 352 160 160 341 341 68.7 68.7 528 528 94 94 140 140 164 164

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Alcohol Alcohol caloric caloric values values by C o n n o r C ava n a u g h by C o n n o r C ava n a u g h

Light beer

Light beer 103 calories/12 fluid ounces 103 fluidounce ounces 8.6calories/12 calories/fluid 8.6 calories/fluid ounce

Red wine

Red wine 113 calories/5 fluid ounces 113 calories/5 fluid ounce ounces 22.6 calories/fluid 22.6 calories/fluid ounce


Mojito 153 calories/6 fluid ounces 153 fluid ounce ounces 25.5calories/6 calories/fluid 25.5 calories/fluid ounce

Rum & Coke

Rum & Coke 284 calories/12 fluid ounces 284 calories/12 fluidounce ounces 23.6 calories/fluid 23.6 calories/fluid ounce

Jose Cuervo Tequila

Jose Cuervo Tequila 104 calories/1.5 fluid ounces 104 fluid ounces 69calories/1.5 calories/fluid ounce 69 calories/fluid ounce

Regular beer

Regularfluid beer 150 calories/12 ounces 150 fluidounce ounces 12.5calories/12 calories/fluid 12.5 calories/fluid ounce


Martini 101 calories/3 fluid ounces 101 calories/3 fluid ounce ounces 33.6 calories/fluid 33.6 calories/fluid ounce


Margarita 196 calories/4 fluid ounces 196 fluidounce ounces 49calories/4 calories/fluid 49 calories/fluid ounce


Screwdriver 210 calories/7 fluid ounces 210 fluidounce ounces 30calories/7 calories/fluid 30 calories/fluid ounce

Fireball Whiskey

Whiskey 108 Fireball calories/1.5 fluid ounces 108 fluid ounces 72calories/1.5 calories/fluid ounce 72 calories/fluid ounce

Sweetwater 420

185 Sweetwater calories/12 fluid420 ounces 185 calories/12 fluid ounce ounces 15.42 calories/fluid 15.42 calories/fluid ounce

White wine

White fluid wine 107 calories/5 ounces 107 fluidounce ounces 21.4calories/5 calories/fluid 21.4 calories/fluid ounce


Cosmopolitan 159 calories/3 fluid ounces 159 fluidounce ounces 53calories/3 calories/fluid 53 calories/fluid ounce

Piña Colada

Piña Colada 444 calories/8 fluid ounces 444 fluidounce ounces 55.5calories/8 calories/fluid 55.5 calories/fluid ounce


Jägermeister 154 calories/1.5 fluid ounces 154 calories/1.5 fluidounce ounces 103 calories/fluid 103 calories/fluid ounce

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6 things to do if you don’t love the club Want to go out, but you don’t feel like hanging out at clubs? Try one of these activities instead By LAurEn BA LL A nd STEP HAniE G ArCiA


et’s face it: Some of us just aren’t clubbers. The lights, people, loud music, dancing – sometimes it’s just too much. Fortunately, there’s plenty to do in Orlando outside of the club nights, dance parties and party-til-you-puke haunts some of your peers live for. 1. Laugh out loud at SAK Comedy Lab Catch a comedy show at this improv theater that’s been open in downtown Orlando since 1991. SAK Comedy Lab never misses a cue, with shows six days a week. The actors interact with the audience and build skits around their suggestions. When embarking on this comedic adventure, go

with a group of non-sensitive friends and don’t be afraid to sit in the front row, otherwise known as the roasting zone. 7:30-11:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday | SAK Comedy Lab, 29 S. Orange Ave. | 407-648-0001 | sakcomedylab.com

2. Have a date night at Leu Gardens For just $6, see an outdoor movie at Harry P. Leu Gardens, a local botanical gem not far from some of our other favorite hangs. Every month, the Gardens show movies and invite vendors like Curbie’s Sidewalk Cafe and Peak Season Pops to sell snacks. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39

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knowledge while chowing down on smoked fish dip and potato wedges.

Things that have screened recently include The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, and one feature film this fall we’ll be looking forward to is Hitchcock’s classic The Birds. Alcohol is permitted, and you can bring a dinner picnic basket to this romantic evening event. 6 p.m., first Friday of every month | Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 N. Forest Ave. | 407-246-2620 | leugardens.org

3. Challenge your mind at Fiddler’s Green Trivia Night Fiddler’s Green is a hot spot for rollins students, but other collegiates can get in on the fun, too. Who knows, maybe you’ll even strike up an interschool friendship. Weekly trivia challenges are held at the irish pub and eatery located on Fairbanks Avenue in Winter Park. Any topic is fair game, so test your history and rock & roll

7 p.m., Wednesday | Fiddler’s Green, 544 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park | 407-645-2050 | fiddlersgreenorlando.com

4. Test your vocal range at Big Daddy’s Roadhouse Big daddy’s roadhouse is a casual sports bar that takes its singing seriously, hosting karaoke every night of the week. At Big daddy’s, belting out tunes to your soul’s content is free of charge. Sing a throwback pop classic from the ’90s or a current chart topper. To give the glory of karaoke justice, we recommend that you make this a group activity. Mutual ridicule and mockery is all part of the fun. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m., Monday through Sunday | Big Daddy’s Roadhouse, 3001 Corrine Drive | 407-644-2844 | bigdaddysorlando.com

5. Game on at Cloak and Blaster instead of hitting that sports bar, geek out at a gaming pub. Cloak and Blaster offers a sweet tavern atmosphere and selection of nerdy beverages with ample space for gameplay. you won’t be bombarded by soccer matches or football games on the TV screens here, because C&B streams episodes of Dr. Who and Game of Thrones instead. Opening its doors on select evenings, C&B brings together gaming tournaments, costume contests and a fantasy-campaign setting in one space. 6 p.m.-midnight., Wednesday through Sunday | Cloak and Blaster, 875 Woodbury Road | 407-674-7435 | cloakandblaster.com

6. Unburden your soul at Austin’s Coffee This 24-hour coffee shop can be your salvation when pulling all-nighters, and on Wednesdays, Austin’s Coffee transforms into an open mic poetry venue, where emerging writers can recite their literary masterpieces. Sip an espresso and hear aspiring poets drop couplets and rhymes. if you consider yourself a budding poet, share your lovely sonnet or thought-provoking ballad with the other creative minds. 8 p.m., Wednesday | Austin’s Coffee, 929 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park | 407-975-3364 | austinscoffee.com 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 39

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How to study abroad (the right way) By Stephanie Garcia


n the words of Saint augustine, “the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Whether taking a weeklong excursion to africa or spending a semester in europe, studying abroad is at the top of many college bucket lists. So read away, mark the pages of your odyssey and decorate your passport with foreign stamps. But when experiencing this rite of passage, remember to heed the advice of those with more wisdom than you – that is, the international program directors at your college. We asked the directors of study-abroad programs at various central Florida schools to give us some dos and don’ts when it comes to pursuing academic endeavors overseas. Use these tips to conquer your host country like a travel writer, rather than a clueless tourist.

Giselda Beaudin, director of international programs, Rollins College Her top tip for studying abroad: Spend time alone: Beaudin says taking part in activities alone may be challenging, but stepping outside your comfort zone has its own rewards. Whether catching a meal on your own or exploring a neighborhood by yourself, she says, “you’ll be much more likely to interact with locals, and you will have time to observe and reflect.” Most popular programs: rollins in Shanghai and capa Semester and internship in London are the most popular and competitive programs at rollins college. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t forget to challenge yourself. this sentiment can take on different meanings for different students. “it might

mean speaking the local language more,” Beaudin says, “or asking a local friend for coffee, or joining a student group, or taking a really intense course.”

Kevin Konecny, director of the Center for Global Engagement, Seminole State College His top tip for studying abroad: plan early: Konecny recommends giving yourself at least a year to plan and save for an international experience. competitive grants from the U.S. Department of State and student loans via financial aid can make studying abroad “affordable for the average student.” Most popular programs: Faculty-led short-term programs to CONTINUED ON PAGE 44

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Western european destinations are the most popular study abroad trips at Seminole State. the most competitive program is the Salzburg Global Seminar, where four Grindle honors institute students are fully funded ($3,500) to attend an annual conference in austria. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t commit to a program abroad that doesn’t provide college credit. Konecny suggests meeting with an international study abroad director, “to identify a program that is a good fit for your major and will help you … fulfill graduation requirements.”

Chris Cook, study abroad coordinator, University of Central Florida Her top tip for studying abroad: Set goals: cook says that since “these experiences tend to fly by,” decide what you want to get out of international study before you sign up for it. Most popular programs: Up to 75 percent of UcF students take part in short-term summer programs that last two to six weeks. programs in italy tend to

be the most popular. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t forget that studying is a mandatory component of studying abroad. if you don’t want to take the studying seriously, she says, “it is cheaper to go on vacation.” While study abroad is a chance to see and experience new things, you should also learn from that experience.

Jennifer Robertson, director of study abroad and global experiences, Valencia College Her top tip for studying abroad: Be flexible: “a student might really want to go to italy, for example, but there might be a program that’s a better fit in France,” robertson says. have three to four solid choices for semester programs, but still “keep your options open.” Most popular programs: humanities courses going to europe. Study abroad pitfalls to avoid: Don’t run low on money; have a back-up plan if funding options fall through. also, “Don’t carry all cash and don’t put it all in one place,” she says. Many students run out of in-country spending money or get pickpocketed while abroad.

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Interns R Us How to land an internship that won’t make you resent being somebody else’s free labor By S t e p h a n i e G a r c i a


erforming free labor is an unavoidable milestone in your college career. Whether you volunteer on a weekend for a nonprofit or spend a summer interning at a law firm, doing stuff without compensation is something you’re going to have to come to terms with. though most internships are unpaid (lucky you if you’ve managed to land one of those coveted paid internship positions), you do usually gain from the experience – an internship can help you determine a major, inspire a career choice or develop professional networks. Most importantly, internships give you a taste of the real world, so you don’t experience too much culture shock, or a quarter-life crisis, after graduation. Finding an internship you’ll really love not only requires a great résumé, but also some elbow grease, persistence and a strategy. Follow these steps to nab your ideal internship and get one step closer to the career of your dreams. Find something you enjoy doing if you’re going to work for free, you might as well enjoy it. there’s a company, nonprofit or city agency for just about every conceivable interest, so think about what you really want to do and pursue internships in that category. Love animals? Look at volunteer opportunities at the pet alliance of Greater Orlando (2800 county home road, Sanford, petallianceorlando.org). Want to learn about working in media? you can apply to this very publication (orlando weekly.com) for an internship for college credit. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s something you want to pour your heart into. Because once you commit to the internship, you’ll be expected to treat it like a real job. Think about goals What is your motivation for finding an internship? is it to explore a new field, learn on-the-job skills or just to fluff your résumé? identifying your objective will narrow down your internship search. Take advantage of your personal network ask professors, club advisers and coaches for help. check with family and friends; they may know someone within your field of interest.

Research your companies Spending half an hour on a company’s website is not research. if you want to land the internship you’re pursuing, you need to know more than just the company’s mission statement. What are its products? Does the company have a presence on the stock market? What kinds of people work there? What are their backgrounds? What can you bring to the table to make you an appealing candidate? Apply and follow up Make sure your résumé and cover letter are accurate and relevant. recruiters appreciate applicants who respond quickly and efficiently (if they email you, email them back; if they contact you by phone, respond by phone). Prepare for an interview if you land an interview, be ready to tell the recruiter why you want this particular internship, and be ready to tell them why you chose to apply to their company. Be sure to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early and dress appropriately. after the interview, send a thank-you email or handwritten note to the recruiter. if you’re hired, congratulations. if not, don’t be discouraged – and don’t be shy about asking your interviewer for feedback. his or her response could help you find the holes in your interview strategies. Good luck!

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Social studies


he college experience isn’t just about book learning – it’s also about expanding your horizons, meeting people and teaching yourself to balance work and play. Your school has you covered on the work part of the equation – we’ll help you out with the playing. Below, we’ve listed a bar special, club night or drinking event for every day of the week. And once you’ve worn out the options on this list, check our website at orlandoweekly.com for tons more drinking, nightlife, parties and events.

MONDAY Clear Pong Mondays at Waitiki Retro Tiki Lounge, 26 Wall Street Plaza, wallstplaza.com Weekly beer pong tournament with cash prizes.

Curtis Earth Trivia Mondays at Graffiti Junktion, 900 E. Washington St., graffitijunktion.com Starting at 7 p.m., Curtis Earth hosts a trivia night that Orlando Weekly readers named the Best of Orlando for 2014.

Sock Hop Mondays Mondays at Backbooth 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com DJs spin music from the ’50s and ’60s, and free shots are handed out every hour.

TUESDAY Grits and Gravy Tuesdays at Independent Bar (I-Bar), 70 N. Orange Ave., facebook.com/independentbar orlando Old school rock and Motown soul are the musical backdrop.

Ladies Night

Tasty Tuesdays

Mondays at Knights Pub 3910 Alafaya Trail, knightspuborlando.com Free cover for girls until 10:30 p.m., free drinks until midnight.

Tuesdays in the Milk District, East Robinson Street and North Bumby Avenue, facebook.com/tasty tuesdaysorlando A rotating lineup of local food

trucks brings a crowd every Tuesday for this pop-up street party.

WEDNESDAY Dirty Bingo Wednesday nights at the Original Devaney’s Sports Pub 7660 University Blvd., Winter Park, theoriginaldevaneys.com $5 burgers and $5 pitchers, followed by Dirty Bingo at 10 p.m.

Liquor Pitcher Wednesdays Wednesdays at Knight Library 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com Free liquor pitchers and free drafts until midnight. Make CONTINUED ON PAGE 54

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Ignition sure you don’t have an early class scheduled for the next morning. Because you probably won’t make it.

Nickel Beer Night Wednesdays at Big Belly and Latitudes, 33 W. Church St., churchstreetbars.com Unlimited Bud Light drafts for a nickel from 5 p.m to 9 p.m.

Spacebar Comedy Showcase Wednesdays at Spacebar 2428 E. Robinson St. facebook.com/spacebar comedy Free entry with two-drink minimum purchase at this indie comedy night, which starts at 10 p.m.

THURSDAY Burger and Beer Night Thursdays at Friendly Confines 3088 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, myfriendlyconfines.com $4.99 gets you a halfpound burger and a domestic draft until 9 p.m.

Food Truckin’ Thursdays Thursdays in the Mills 50 District, Will’s Pub, 1042 N. Mills Ave., facebook.com/ foodtruckinthursdays Local food trucks hang out all day, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Korndogg’s Karaoke Thursdays at the Wall Street Cantina, Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.com With more than 11,000 songs to choose from, music videos and more, this is one of downtown’s best karaoke nights.

Thursdays at Firestone Live, 578 N. Orange Ave., firestonelive.net Serious fans of electronic dance music know that this night brings some of the best EDM to town.

Techno Thursdays Thursdays at the Falcon, 819 E. Washington St., thefalconbar.com DJs spin techno music in this hip Thornton Park neighborhood bar. It’s not a college bar per se, but it definitely attracts a young, fun crowd.

FRIDAY 3-4-1 Happy Hour Fridays at Big Belly, Chillers and Latitudes, 33 W. Church St., churchstbars.com Yes, you read that right: Three drinks for the price of one from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Get your weekend started.

Exxcess Friday Fridays at Vyce Lounge, 112 S. Orange Ave., vycelounge.com Music by Justin Faze and Jimmy Joslin at this downtown boutique nightclub.

SATURDAY Midnight Mass Saturdays at Backbooth, 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com From midnight until 2 a.m., DJs spin pop, rock and Motown while you confess your sins to your patient bartenders.

Shit Sandwich Standup Comedy Showcase Every other Saturday at Bull and Bush, 2408 E. Robinson St., bullandbushorlando.com Admission is free to this stand-up comedy showcase, which features local comedians.

Single Saturdays Saturdays at Knight Library, 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com $1 shots, $1 bottled beer and free drafts until midnight. No matter how broke you are, you can surely afford this night.

SUNDAY Barrio Sundays and Tropical Sundays

Fridays at Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.com Wall Street Plaza is known for its weekend block parties. Wander the plaza, drink in hand, and take advantage of $4 Fireball shots at all eight plaza bars. No cover.

Sundays at the Beacham, 46 N. Orange Ave., thebeacham.com Pay at the door and pay no more (cover is $13-15, ages 21 and up). All you can drink for one cover fee, plus reggaeton, Top 40 and Latin hip-hop music spun by DJs in the Social and salsa, bachata and merengue in the Beacham.

Nerdy Karaoke

Shake ’n’ Bass

Fridays at the Geek Easy, A Comic Shop, 114 S. Semoran Blvd., acomicshop.net Karaoke in the Geek Easy, a lounge/bar connected to one of Orlando’s most popular comic-book shops.

Sundays at Backbooth, 37 W. Pine St., backbooth.com The Moombah Mafia just celebrated two years of Shake ’n’ Bass! DJs spin tropical bass, moombahton, booty bass and more.

Friday Night Block Party

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The best things in life are cheap (or free) A few of our favorite student discounts and freebies By StEPhAnIE G ArCIA


uition is high, your student loan repayments are looming and chances are you barely have $2 stashed away in your dorm room for an emergency. But, somehow, you still gotta live. that’s what student discounts and freebies are for. they’re hardly publicized on billboards, so finding killer deals requires a bit of digging. Don’t worry – we’ve done it for you. here’s a list of student deals, discounts and freebies that’ll help you embrace living on a budget.

Apple, apple.com (or visit one of the three local stores at the Mall at Millenia, the Florida Mall or the Altamonte Springs Mall): Students can get up to $200 off a new Mac and a $100 credit to spend on Apple products. If you buy a new iPhone, you can get a $50 credit. Education pricing is available to college students, students accepted to college and parents buying for college students.

BOOKS, SOFTWARE, SUPPLIES Amazon.com: Join the Amazon student program to make your book purchases smoothly. All you need is a .edu email address to sign up for six months of free twoday shipping, $3.99 one-day shipping (because – d’oh! – you forgot to buy that book you need for class later this week) and access to Amazon Prime benefits, like free streaming movies. Guilford Press, guilford.com: Check the site for regular student sales, during which full-time students get a 40 percent discount on books, videos, newsletters and journals, with no minimum order and free shipping. JourneyEd.com: Find academic software and hardware for students. Save $130 when purchasing Windows 8.1 Pro, for example, or save $118 on Acrobat XI Pro.

THEME PARKS AND STUFF TO DO Theme park discounts: Many college campuses sell student discounts for a variety of theme park destinations. UCF’s Student Government Association ticket center, for instance, offers deep discounts on tickets CONTINUED ON PAGE 58

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to Busch Gardens ($66 for a ticket), Walt Disney World ($73), SeaWorld ($68) and Universal Orlando ($68). Check with your school to find out what kinds of discounts your student status can score you. Orlando Power Yoga: Combat the freshman 15 and meditate your stress away with Orlando Power yoga’s student special. For $40, enjoy unlimited yoga classes for 40 consecutive days.

FREE STUFF TO DO Audubon Park Community Market, 6-10 p.m. Mondays, parking lot of Stardust Video and Coffee, 1842 E. Winter Park Road, audubonmarket.com: Local foods, art and live music make this weekly market a popular (and fun) weekly gathering spot. Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 Forest Ave., leugardens.org: revel in botanical wonders with free admission to Leu Gardens on the first Monday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon. Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, enzian.org: See a free outdoor film on the lawn of the Enzian at its weekly Wednesday night Pitcher Show.

TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION STA Travel, statravel.com: this discount student travel agency is like Expedia or Kayak, but just for college students. Search for student discounts and deals in airfare, accommodations and more. hit this site up before you plan your semester abroad or spring-break vacation. Geico, geico.com: Believe it or not, you could save up to $200 on your car insurance through Geico if you maintain a B or better average. Safe Ride: Don’t drink and drive! UCF students can get a free cab ride home through Safe ride. Just go to the UCF SGA ticket center, show your UCF ID, fill out a form and get a voucher for a cab ride up to $35. you get to use one of these every 60 days, so save it for an emergency.

Cornell Fine Arts Museum, 1000 Holt Ave., Winter Park, rollins.edu/cfam: Located on the rollins College campus, the museum is not only free for students – it’s also free to the public for 2014. Barley and Vine Biergarten, 2406 E. Washington St., barleyandvineorlando. com: Venture to the Milk District neighborhood for complimentary grub every Sunday from noon until it runs out. Orlando Brewing, 1031 Atlanta Ave., orlandobrewing.com: Enjoy a free tour and complimentary ale samplings every Saturday. Free yoga at Lake Eola Park: Participate in a free yoga class every Sunday at the corner of Washington and Eola; quality stretching begins at 11 a.m. CityWalk at Universal Orlando: Even if you can’t afford to buy a ticket, you can wander CityWalk at Universal for nada.

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You said it Students tell us about life near their campuses I N T E r v I E W s By L A U r E N B A L L , s T E P H A N I E G A r C I A A N D K A L E B Q U A s T

University of Central Florida What’s your name, age and year in school? Thomas Higgins, 22, supersenior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? One of the many bars off University. (Editor’s note: Try Knight Library, 11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary. com; The Public House, 12046 Collegiate Way, publichousefl.com; The Original Devaney’s, 7660 University Blvd., theoriginaldevaneys.com) Do you have a favorite? I don’t drink beer; it’s the hoppy taste. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? California Pizza Kitchen in Waterford Lakes (695 N. Alafaya Trail, cpk.com). What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Oh, I don’t eat that shit. What do people do for fun on this campus? On UCF campus, usually they find a watering hole and drink. How’s parking on this campus? Do you have any tips for beating the parking nightmares? I just go straight for the garage’s top floor. People are lazy and they don’t want to walk. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Memory Mall. There’s always people sitting around. Just strike up a conversation at random. CONTINUED ON PAGE 65 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 61

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What’s your name, age and year in school? Crystal Whisenant, 23, junior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? Mellow Mushroom (11680 E. Colonial Drive, mellowmushroom.com). Good variety of beer. What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Corner Café in the student Union, all the way. Definitely. What do people do for fun on this campus? Oh jeez, I don’t really have fun on campus. I kinda go off campus to people’s houses. How’s parking on this campus? It’s not bad, but they’re pretty big sticklers for parking passes. so many parking tickets just for parking in the wrong place. Even for, like, the doctor. you have to go in and get a pass and then come back out and put it on your dash, and they don’t advertise that, so you can get tickets for that.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? vicki stepherson, 18, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I don’t drink. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Ummm … I like Panera Bread (11472 University Blvd., panera bread.com) and Buffalo Wild Wings (11400 University Drive, buffalowildwings.com). What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? I like the wrap place right here (Corner Café, inside the UCF student Union). What do people do for fun on this campus? I go to the leisure pool by the gym. How’s parking on this campus? I live on Neptune, which is right next to the gym, and there’s, like, private – not private, but only for Neptune people – parking. so I just park there. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? I go to the gym and do classes and group exercises, and I meet people there. Did you hear about incoming UCF freshmen being assigned to live in closets and bathrooms? Apparently when some students checked their housing assignments before school started, there were some errors and people were set up to live in closets. Haha, no, I didn’t.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? Danielle Pierce, 25, “it’s complicated.” Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? For alcohol, I have no idea. I don’t drink. What’s the best option on the dining-hall or cafeteria menu? Probably the sushi. What do people do for fun on this campus? I don’t know, this is actually my second time on campus. I had someone show me where my classes were yesterday. How’s parking on this campus? I don’t know. I take the bus. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Pride Commons (facebook.com/pridecoalitionucf). I just met a lot of people there last week.


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What’s your name, age and year in school? Austin Dorval, 21, junior. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? One of my favorite bars is World of Beer (3402 Technological Ave., worldofbeer.com), and you can always go to On Tap (10028 University Blvd., facebook.com/on.tap.9). How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Um, that’s a good one. There’s the … what is it, Great Panda? Or uh, Giant Panda (11726 E. Colonial Drive, flgiantpanda.com), which is an all-you-caneat Chinese place. There’s Mellow Mushroom. We also have Flippers Pizza (4498 N. Alafaya Trail, flipperspizzeria.com), which is really good pizza. And we have Lazy Moon (11551 University Blvd., lazy moonpizza.com). Lazy Moon is the best place to get pizza if you’re a UCF student. And for anything else, there’s Waterford Lakes Town Center (413 N. Alafaya Trail). What do people do for fun on this campus? For fun on campus, I usually head over to the student Union, because usually they have something going on. For fun off campus, I usually head to, like, the mall, or something. They don’t really have a good mall, so you kinda have to go to the Mall at Millenia (4200 Conroy road, mallatmillenia.com). Any tips for finding parking on campus? I remember my first year of college, I got like three tickets because I never paid attention to the colors of where you’re supposed to park. If you’re a new student coming in there’s a lot of free places to park, if you know where to look. There’s Garage F. It’s all the way inconveniently behind the CFE Arena, but it’s free, so .... you can’t park there until 11 p.m.-2 a.m., though, which is like “who the fuck’s on campus?” If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Oh, I would go to, like, one of the club events when I first started, and I use classrooms to meet people. But the student Union always tries to have big events to get people to come out. And if you live on campus, usually your housing area will do something like that. 2014 ORLANDO 101 | COLLege SURVIVAL gUIDe ● 73

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Rollins College What’s your name, age and year in school? Patrick smith, 21, senior. Say I’m new to campus and looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where I should go? Oh, definitely hit up Fids (Fiddlers Green, 544 W. Fairbanks Ave., fiddlersgreenorlando). It’s an authentic Irish pub that is frequented by rollins students and has good food, good drinks, real darts, live music, sports games and everything you need. It’s just a really cool atmosphere to go with some friends and enjoy your time. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? you can’t go wrong. Take a walk down Park Avenue and randomly pick; you won’t regret it. My favorites are 310 Park south (310 s. Park Ave., Winter Park, 310parksouth.net) if you want a nice sit-down restaurant, or BurgerFi (538 s. Park Ave., burgerfi.com) if you’re looking for a more relaxed burger joint. What’s the best option on the dininghall or cafeteria menu? Oh, that’s a tough one. It’s hard to pick, only because everything on campus is delicious. Normally when you think of cafeteria food, you think “nope, that sounds horrendous,” but with rollins’ cafeteria, it’s all practically gourmet and made right in front of you, fresh. My favorite is when they have the French onion soup and the homemade authentic southern fried chicken, or the BBQ chicken. What do people do for fun on this campus? There’s always something going on. We have an entire office dedicated to coming up with fun things to do on campus called rollins Entertainment Programs. They do stuff like movies on the lawn, or de-stress days close to finals, with five-minute massages and smoothies for free. The fraternities and sororities put on events as well, like Watermelon Bust, wing fling and puppy dates. Or, if you want something quieter, we have a room in the library full of pillows, which is a good place for a nap.

How’s parking on this campus? Parking can be a challenge. since we are such a small campus, there is only so much room for vehicles. Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? Easiest way would be to not even bring your car. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, you don’t even need a car. If you do have a car on campus, be sure to come early. Once 8:30 a.m. hits, good luck finding a spot on campus. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go and meet new people? Pick a spot. People are so friendly here that at times I forget not everyone is this nice. you can go up to pretty much anyone and strike up a conversation. Best spots to hit are the cafeteria, any of the cafés on campus or even the library.

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Valencia East

What’s your name, age and year in school? Daniel rodriguez, 21, sophomore. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? Mostly if I wanted to just hang out I’d go to the library. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? Definitely it’s gonna be Kobe’s (Kobe Japanese steak House, 11609 E. Colonial Drive, kobesteakhouse.com), which is on East Colonial. What do people do for fun on this campus? Um, fun? Mostly I just study. It’s the most fun thing I do. How’s parking on this campus? Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? During the end of the year, it’s nice and easy. But at the beginning of the year, it’s gonna be packed. It’s really annoying. you just gotta show up early and beat the traffic. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? you’re just gonna have to walk around outside, I guess. Be like, “Hey, what’s up, hi.”

What’s your name, age and year in school? Kayla (no last name given), 18, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I don’t know. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? I’m very Hispanic; I like La Lechonera (Lechonera Latina, 9850 E. Colonial Drive, lechoneralatina.net). It’s really good. What’s the best option on the dininghall or cafeteria menu? All of the cafeteria food is good. It’s better than high school, that’s for sure! What do people do for fun on this campus? I like going to the gym. There’s a gym upstairs. How’s parking on this campus? sometimes it’s bad. It just depends on the day and how early you are. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? The cafeteria.

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Full Sail University What’s your name, age and year in school? JT schneider, 19, freshman. Say I’m new to campus, and I’m looking for a good place to get a beer (or cocktail). Where should I go? I have no clue because I don’t drink beer, but the Wing House (Wing House of Winter Park, 227 s. semoran Blvd., winghouse.com) has beer, I think. How about for food? Any good restaurants around here? sonny’s (sonny’s real Pit BarB-Q, 3390 University Blvd., Winter Park, sonnysbbq.com) is really good, but also I like Crispers (391 s. semoran Blvd., Winter Park, crispers.com). What do people do for fun on this campus? Just hang out in the parking lot. But me and my friends are getting together to play Minecraft at the end of the month. Just a Minecraft party. How’s parking on this campus? Any tips for beating the parking nightmares? Depends on what time you get here. If you get here 10 minutes before class, it’s a nightmare. If you get here 30 minutes before class, it’s fine. If you don’t know anyone around here, where’s the best place to go to meet people? Definitely the Fishbowl. It’s Building 3 on campus. It’s this big glass bowl from the outside, and it’s just where everyone goes to hang out. There’s a starbucks there.

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Save the dates 12 awesome events in Orlando you don’t want to miss City Skip Day Everyone in Orlando is encouraged to play hooky from school or work and spend the day taking advantage of drink and food specials, as well as free Yuengling while the keg lasts, at downtown’s Wall Street Plaza. Aug. 22 starting at noon, Wall Street Plaza, 25 Wall St., wallstplaza.net

about it right now. Sept. 25-28, schedule TBA, orlandoindiecomedy.com

Halloween Horror Nights Universal Orlando’s insanely elaborate haunted houses make this the Halloweenseason event in Orlando. This year’s HHN will include Walking Dead and Alien vs. Predatorthemed haunts. UCF students, this would be a good excuse to get those discounted tickets from the SGA office. Sept. 19Nov. 1, Universal Studios, halloweenhorrornights.com

Orlando Film Fest Orlando indie-film showcase features tons of movie screenings, panel discussions, parties and more. Oct. 22-24, Cobb Cinema Plaza Café, 155 S. Orange Ave., orlandofilmfest. com

Orlando Indie Comedy Fest This brand-new event, which takes place at various venues around Orlando, will bring 30 cutting-edge comedians to town. Everybody’s talking

Come Out With Pride A week of Pride events, of which the huge downtown parade is the most lively and colorful. Oct. 6-12, various locations and times, comeoutwithpride.com

Fiesta in the Park This festival takes place in spring and fall, and features food, music, arts, crafts and vendors. Fall dates: Nov. 1-2; spring dates: April 11-12, 2015. Lake Eola Park, 195 N. Rosalind Ave., fiestainthepark.com Light Up UCF Ice skating, carnival rides and

food vendors, plus screenings of holiday movies make this one of the best holiday traditions on campus. Usually begins the weekend before Thanksgiving and ends just after New Year’s Day. UCF campus, cfearena.com/ light-up-ucf.php Florida Film Festival Central Florida’s biggest and best film fest features documentaries, feature films, animated movies and shorts, as well as lots of fun parties and food events. Spring 2015, Enzian Theater, 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, enzian.org Megacon 2015 Ginormous celebration of nerd culture – think comics, TV shows, sci-fi and gaming vendors, discussions and more. April 10-12, 2015, Orange County Convention Center, 9860 Universal Blvd., megaconvention.com CONTINUED ON PAGE 86

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 83 UCF Book Fest One of Florida’s best literary events, this festival on the UCF campus is more than just a bunch of books for sale. It’s also got workshops for budding writers, author discussions, book signings and more. April 18, 2015, CFE Arena, UCF campus, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., education.ucf.edu/bookfest Florida International Beer Festival This downtown Orlando beer festival features samples of tons of craft beers for just $20, and it includes live music and more. Age 21 and over only. Exact date TBD, but plan for spring 2015, Heritage Square at the History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., floridabeerfestivals. com Bite 30 Orlando Weekly sponsors this month of awesome deals at participating local restaurants. Think you can’t afford to dine at some of Orlando’s high-end eateries? During Bite 30 you can, because multi-course, prix fixe meals range from just $10 to $30. June 2015, bite30.com

Back to School events Friday, Aug. 15 UCF Fan Fest 2014 This is your chance to meet all of the current and new student athletes before the season starts. Get ready for those selfies! 6-9 p.m.; Bright House Network Stadium, East Plaza Drive; 407-823-5105; events.ucf.edu Saturday, Aug. 16 Target Back to School Shopping Event This is a chance for new UCF students to pimp out their new pads with an after-hours trip to Target. Transportation will pick up and drop off at multiple locations. 10:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.; UCF, 4000 Central Florida Blvd.; 407-823-5105; events.ucf.edu Monday, Aug. 18 Taste of UCF This party is hosted by the Multicultural Student Center as a way to celebrate the food and culture of the more than 40 countries that are represented by the UCF student body. There are usually around 3,000 students in attendance, so be sure to bring a buddy so you don’t get lost. Noon-4 p.m.; UCF Pegasus Ballroom, 4000 Central Florida Blvd.; free; 407-823-0401; msc.sdes.ucf.edu Keep tabs on all the good stuff going on in Orlando by checking our website, orlandoweekly.com, and liking us on Facebook: facebook.com/orlandoweekly


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Watering Watering holes holes UCF college UCF college haunts haunts Knight Library Knight LibraryBlvd., 11448 University

11448 University Blvd., knightlibrary.com knightlibrary.com Named one of the top Named bars one of college in the the top country by college bars in the Knight country by thedailymeal.com, thedailymeal.com, Knight Library has four bars, beer Librarytons has of four bars, beer pong, drink specials pong, tons of drink specials and notoriously gross and notoriously gross bathrooms, just like any bathrooms, just like any respectable college bar respectable college bar should. should.

Knights Pub Knights PubTrail, 407-3823910 Alafaya 3910 knightspuborlando.com Alafaya Trail, 407-3824171, 4171, of knightspuborlando.com One the newer UCF-area One of the newer bars, Knights Pub UCF-area caters to bars,college Knights Pub caters to the crowd: DJ nights, the collegespecials crowd: DJ game-day andnights, weekly game-day specials weekly drink specials that’lland be easy on drink specials that’ll student’s be easy on the average college the average college student’s wallet. wallet.

The Moat Sports Grille The Sports Grille 4250Moat Alafaya Trail, 407-5424250 Alafaya Trail, 407-5424938, themoatsportsgrille.com 4938,of themoatsportsgrille.com Tons craft beers, plus Tons of craft beers, domestics and beerplus “floats” domestics “floats” and drinks.and Get beer half off all craft drinks. Get half off$1 alloff craft and import drafts and and import draftsbottles and $1on off craft and import craft and import bottles on Thursdays. Thursdays.

Tilted Kilt Pub and Eatery Tilted Kilt PubBlvd., and Eatery 11650 University 11650 University Blvd., tiltedkilt.com tiltedkilt.com Pub grub and cold beer served Pub and cold beer served in angrub Irish/Scottish-themed bar, in an college-aged Irish/Scottish-themed bar, with waitresses with college-aged waitresses wearing kilts. wearing kilts.

Tried and true Tried and true downtown downtown hangs hangs Finnhenry’s Finnhenry’s 39 N. Orange Ave., 407-648-

39 N. Orange Ave., 407-6480100, finnhenrys.com 0100, A littlefinnhenrys.com more neighborly A little more neighborly appreciation of sports can appreciation of sports be found downtown atcan be found downtown Finnhenry’s, where a at halo Finnhenry’s, whereana array halo of TVs displaying TVs displaying array of sporting eventsan rings the of sporting rings central bar. events The pub is a the throwcentral pub is a throwback tobar. old The public houses of back to old public of yore, sporting cozyhouses high-top yore, sporting high-top tables and tonscozy of bar seating. tables and tons of bar seating.

The Celt Irish Pub The IrishAve., Pub407-48125 S. Celt Magnolia 25 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-4812928, harpandcelt.com 2928, harpandcelt.com You like wood? Like lots of it? You like wood? Like lots of it? How about some awesome How about awesome beer? Well, some the Celt bids you beer? Well, the Celt bids “céad míle fáilte” and it’s you the “céad míle fáilte” and it’s the closest downtown Orlando closest Orlando gets to downtown a genuine Irish pub gets to a genuine pubof experience. PoundIrish a plate experience. a plate of Irish nachos,Pound slide over a few Irish nachos, slide over a few

pints of Guinness, and you pints of Guinness, and you won’t want to be anywhere won’t want beofanywhere else for the to rest the evening else for thebecause rest of the evening – probably your legs – probably because will stop working at your somelegs will stop working at some point. This traditional Celtic point. This haven feelstraditional like home Celtic from the haven feels home from the the moment youlike walk through moment youpart walkways through door till you and the door till you part ways and stumble on home. stumble on home.

Independent Bar Independent Bar 70 N. Orange Ave. 70 N. Orange Ave. 407-839-0457 407-839-0457 independentbar.net independentbar.net I-Bar is hipster central; there’s I-Bar is hipster there’s no other way tocentral; put it, which no other to put which makes it away target for it, teasing, makes it ait target for teasing, sure, but also means that you sure, but it also means thatafter you always have a story to tell always a night have there.a story to tell after a night there.

Wall Street Plaza Wall Street Ave., Plaza 19 N. Orange 19 N. Orange Ave., 407-849-0471, wallstplaza.net 407-849-0471, wallstplaza.net Special occasions, from New SpecialEve occasions, from New Year’s to Oktoberfest, Year’s Eve to Oktoberfest, belong to this meeting place belong to this meeting for the masses. Locatedplace at for the masses. at the epicenter ofLocated downtown the epicenter of downtown Orlando, and always throbbing Orlando, and always throbbing with music, booze and vitality, with Street music, Plaza boozeand andits vitality, Wall eight Wall Street its eight venues takePlaza up anand entire city venuesbut take an entire city block, it’sup easy to navigate, block, on butdrink it’s easy to navigate, heavy specials and heavy on drink specials and CONTINUED ON PAGE 95 CONTINUED ON PAGE 95

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stocked stockedwith with eye eyecandy candyfor forall. all.It’s It’snot not exactly exactlyupscale, upscale,but butititgets gets the job done with laughter, the job done with laughter, music and a hangover music and a hangover souvenir. souvenir.

Divey Diveyfavorfavorites ites Wally’s Wally’sMills MillsAvenue Avenue Liquors Liquors

1001 1001N.N.Mills MillsAve., Ave., 407-896-6975, 407-896-6975, wallysonmills.com wallysonmills.com When Whenyou youwalk walkinto intoWally’s, Wally’s, you’ll you’llfind finda adevoted devotedcrowd crowd ofofseasoned seasonedregulars regularswho who mean serious drinking mean serious drinkingbusibusiness. It’s smoky, it’s dark, ness. It’s smoky, it’s dark,and and ififyou youcan canfind finda aseat seat(there (thereare are maybe maybe25 25total) total)atatthe thebar, bar,stiff stiff cocktails cocktailsare arecoming comingyour yourway. way. Those Thoselooking lookingfor forbooze boozeon on the thego gocan canpurchase purchasefrom fromthe the liquor liquorstore storethat thatmakes makesup upone one side sideofofthe thejoint. joint.

Whiskey WhiskeyLou’s Lou’sLounge Lounge

101 101N.N.Bumby BumbyAve., Ave., 407-898-2593 407-898-2593 Always Alwaysa agood goodtime timeatatthis this raucous raucousdive divebar, bar,which whichisis best bestknown knownfor forits itscheap cheap drinks, drinks,heavy heavypours, pours,bright bright neon sign marking it neon sign marking itasasa a haven for drinkers and haven for drinkers andits itslifelifesized sizedBlues BluesBrothers Brothers mannequins. mannequins.

Craft Crafthotspots hotspots Oblivion OblivionTaproom Taproom

5101 5101E.E.Colonial ColonialDrive, Drive, 407-802-4800, 407-802-4800, obliviontaproom.com obliviontaproom.com One Oneofofthe thecity’s city’sbetter betterbeer beer bars barssits, sits,unexpectedly, unexpectedly,on ona a forgettable strip of Colonial forgettable strip of Colonial Drive Drivewith with40 40beers beerson ontap tapand and more moreavailable availableby bythe thebottle. bottle. But Butthe themeaty meatybar barbites bites– –ininventive ventiveburgers burgersespecially especially– –are are what whatsets setsthis thisplace placeapart apartfrom from the therest. rest.

Redlight RedlightRedlight RedlightBeer Beer Parlour Parlour

2810 2810Corrine CorrineDrive, Drive, 407-893-9832, 407-893-9832, redlightredlightbeerparlour.com redlightredlightbeerparlour.com Orlando’s Orlando’smuch-lauded much-laudedand and cornucopia-est cornucopia-estcraft craftbeer beerspot spot has hastotoclear clearroom roomfor foranother another placard, placard,this thistime timelanding landingon on Draft DraftMagazine’s Magazine’s2013 2013list list ofofbest bestAmerican Americanbeer beerbars. bars. Redlight RedlightRedlight Redlightgrew grewfrom from a asmall Park Avenue boutique small Park Avenue boutique into the 23-draft, 250-plusinto the 23-draft, 250-plusbottle bottlewonderland wonderlandon onCorrine Corrine Drive Drivetoday. today.

World WorldofofBeer Beer

3402 3402Technological TechnologicalAve., Ave., 321-235-9741; 321-235-9741;7800 7800Dr. Dr.Phillips Phillips Blvd., 407-355-3315; 155 Blvd., 407-355-3315; 155 Cranes Roost Blvd., Altamonte Cranes Roost Blvd., Altamonte Springs, Springs,407-834-2337, 407-834-2337, wobusa.com wobusa.com This ThisTampa-based Tampa-basedcraft-beer craft-beer chain chainnow nowhas hasthree threefranchise franchise locations locationsininOrlando, Orlando,and andthey they allallhave haveone onevery veryimportant important thing thinginincommon: common:They Theyare are temples templestotocraft craftbeer, beer,with withtons tons ofofchanging drafts, walls changing drafts, wallsofof coolers coolersfull fullofofenough enoughbottled bottled beer beertotodrown drownan anelephant elephantand and a alaid-back, laid-back,friendly friendlyenvironenvironment mentininwhich whichtotoconsume consumeit.it.

Live Livemusic music Backbooth Backbooth

37 37W. W.Pine PineSt., St.,407-999-2570, 407-999-2570, backbooth.com backbooth.com Doubling Doublingasasa alive livemusic musicvenue venue for forthe theunderground’s underground’sbest best bands and a dance club for bands and a dance club for some someofofOrlando’s Orlando’sfavorite favorite theme themenights, nights,Backbooth Backboothisisa a place placetotogain gaina anew newfavorite favorite song songororlose loseyourself yourselfentirely entirely totothe theparty. party.Discover Discoverwhy why devoted devotednightcrawlers nightcrawlersare are downright downrightreligious religiousabout aboutits its Midnight MidnightMass. Mass.

The TheHaven HavenLounge Lounge

6700 6700Aloma AlomaAve., Ave.,Winter Winter Park, Park,407-673-2712, 407-673-2712, thehavenrocks.com thehavenrocks.com Fans Fansofofmetal, metal,here’s here’syour your place. place.Nearly Nearlyevery everynight nightofofthe the week, the Haven (near week, the Haven (nearFull FullSail Sail University) features live bands, University) features live bands, tribute tributenights nightsand andeven evenopen openmics. mics.

The TheSocial Social

54 54N.N.Orange OrangeAve. Ave. 407-246-1419 407-246-1419 thesocial.org thesocial.org Local Localbands bandsstrive strivetotoperform perform on onthis thisstage, stage,the theone oneshared shared with withmost mostofofthe thePitchforkPitchforkworthy worthybands bandsthat thatcome come through throughOrlando. Orlando.It’s It’sa asmaller smaller room, room,which whichmeans meansnine ninetimes times out outofof10, 10,you’re you’reshouting shoutingthe the lyrics shoulder-to-shoulder lyrics shoulder-to-shoulder with withsimilarly similarlyimpassioned impassioned fans. fans.Get Getthere thereearly earlyand andsnag snag a atable tableininfront frontofofthe thepit. pit.

Stardust StardustVideo Video&&Coffee Coffee

1842 1842E.E.Winter WinterPark ParkRoad Road 407-623-3393 407-623-3393 stardustie.com stardustie.com The TheStardust Stardustmain mainroom room provides providesa aden denthat thatwelcomes welcomes allallthe theweird weirdideas ideasits itsdevoted devoted community cooks up community cooks upininterms terms ofoflive livemusic musicperformances, performances, original originalplays, plays,performance performance art artand anda ahaven havenfor forawesome awesome music. music.

Uncle UncleLou’s Lou’sEntertainment Entertainment Hall Hall

1016 1016N.N.Mills MillsAve. Ave. There Thereisisperhaps perhapsno noprivate private business businessininthe thecity citythat thathas has become becomea aDIY DIYcommunity community venue venueso soorganically organicallyand andauauthentically. thentically.Besides Besidesthe thestreet street culture culturethat thatits itsbarflies barfliesprovide, provide, the thefringes fringesofofthe themusic musicscene scene have also adopted this joint have also adopted this joint asastheir theirclubhouse. clubhouse.Although Although known knownfor forits itspunk punkshows, shows,its its day-to-day day-to-dayofferings offeringscan canbe be disorientingly disorientinglydiverse. diverse.Truly Truly the thestrangest strangestcross-section cross-sectionofof Orlando’s Orlando’smusic musicunderground. underground.

Will’s Will’sPub Pub

1042 1042N.N.Mills MillsAve. Ave. willspub.org willspub.org IfIfyou are a fan you are a fanofofpunk, punk,metal, metal, garage, garage,Americana Americanaororallallofofthe the above, above,you youneed needtotoget getdown downtoto Will’s Will’sPub. Pub.This Thisgrizzled grizzledvenue venue isisan anOrlando Orlandotradition traditionthat that provides providesstacked stackedlineups lineupsand and a ahuge hugebeer beerselection selectionand andisis home to the much-loved home to the much-loved Southern SouthernFried FriedSundays. Sundays. CONTINUED CONTINUEDON ONPAGE PAGE96 96


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music Tuesdays through Saturdays, and itthrough specializes in music Tuesdays the VIP experience. If you’re a Saturdays, and it specializes in localVIP celeb, or just want to feel the experience. If you’re a like one, Tier is the place to go local celeb, or just want to feel to make feel fancy. like one, yourself Tier is the place to go to make yourself feel fancy.


Winter Park Winter Park watering holes watering holes Fiddler’s Green 544 W. Fairbanks Fiddler’s GreenAve.,

Winter 407-645-2050, 544 W. Park, Fairbanks Ave., fiddlersgreenorlando.com Winter Park, 407-645-2050, This Fairbanks Avenue Irish fiddlersgreenorlando.com bar and restaurant is a Irish popular This Fairbanks Avenue spotand for restaurant Rollins College stubar is a popular dentsfor to Rollins stop for a beer stuand a spot College bite toto eat. Though the atmodents stop for a beer and a sphere is not typicalthe collegebite to eat. Though atmobar wild, andcollegewarm, sphere is it’s notcozy typical like a good Irish pub should bar wild, it’s cozy and warm,be. like a good Irish pub should be.

Spatz Deli, Billiards & LiquorDeli, Billiards & Spatz 1025 W. Fairbanks Ave., Liquor

Winter 407-647-3354, 1025 W.Park, Fairbanks Ave., spatzwp.com Winter Park, 407-647-3354, Just a stone’s throw away from spatzwp.com the Rollins College Just a stone’s throwcampus, away from this Rollins low-keyCollege joint has pool the campus, tables, darts,joint arcade this low-key hasgames pool and cheap drinks. It’sgames popular tables, darts, arcade withcheap the Rollins crowd, and and drinks. It’s popular unlikethe a lot of the bars and with Rollins crowd, and restaurants in the the bars Park and Avenue unlike a lot of area, it’s open pastPark midnight restaurants in the Avenue on most nights.past midnight area, it’s open on most nights.

Club life Club life Firestone Live 578 N. Orange Ave. Firestone Live

407-872-0066 578 N. Orange Ave. firestonelive.net 407-872-0066 Is it a venue or a club? With firestonelive.net some of the or best EDM nights Is it a venue a club? With in town miss Ignition on some of(don’t the best EDM nights Thursday nights), it doesn’t in town (don’t miss Ignition on matter which way itFirestone Thursday nights), doesn’t swings,which because no othmatter waythere’s Firestone swings, because there’s no oth-

er place like it in Orlando and theplace crowds come. and er likealways it in Orlando the crowds always come.

Lux 5688 International Drive, 407Lux

352-8838, luxorlando.com 5688 International Drive, 407Orlando’s permanent high352-8838, luxorlando.com decibel DJ dance party Orlando’s permanent highspot hasDJ a staggering decibel dance partynumber of revolving events and spot has a staggering number performers. you’reand just of revolving If events sitting at home staring at your performers. If you’re just lollipop/soother/glow-stick sitting at home staring at your collection, you should probably lollipop/soother/glow-stick spray on some glitter and get collection, you should probably on over spray onthere. some glitter and get on over there.

Ono Nightclub 1 S. Orange Ave., 407-701-9875, Ono Nightclub 1ononightclub.com S. Orange Ave., 407-701-9875, This is a new arrival on the ononightclub.com Orlando dance club on scene This is a new arrival the and it seems dance to be doing just fine. Orlando club scene and The club’s a super-chic it seems togot be doing just fine. design, the lighting is great The club’s got a super-chic and the the DJslighting are top-notch. design, is great and the DJs are top-notch.

Vain 22 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-835Vain

3590, vainorlando.com 22 S. Magnolia Ave., 407-835If you vainorlando.com happen to be wearing 3590, your heels, just hair If you happen togot be your wearing did and you’re your heels, justsmelling got yourgood hair … and you’re walking around did and you’re smelling good downtown looking foraround a party, … and you’re walking you should looking definitely into downtown forhop a party, Vain.should The crowd is always a mix you definitely hop into of young old, the aDJs, Vain. The and crowd is and always mix some of whom areand VH1the reality of young and old, DJs, celebsof – whom we’re looking you, some are VH1at reality Brian Dawe – are always celebs – we’re looking at spinyou, ning the right tracks. Brian Dawe – are always spinning the right tracks.

Tier 20 E. Central Blvd., 407-317Tier

9129, 20 E. tiernightclub.com Central Blvd., 407-317This massive 10,000-square9129, tiernightclub.com foot club features open-format This massive 10,000-squarefoot club features open-format

Gay bars Gay bars The Parliament House 410 N. Orange Blossom The Parliament House

Trail,N.407-425-7571, 410 Orange Blossom parliamenthouse.com Trail, 407-425-7571, The sprawling Parliament parliamenthouse.com House Resort is widely lauded The sprawling Parliament as the premier – and, House Resort isLGBT widely lauded some even argue, as thewould premier LGBT – and, straight – nightlife destination some would even argue, in town. –The clubs destination and bars straight nightlife scattered throughout in town. The clubs andthe bars complex attract throngs scattered throughout theof revelers, and come Gay Days, complex attract throngs of it’s raining men. revelers, and come Gay Days, it’s raining men.

Pulse 1912 S. Orange Ave., 407-649Pulse 3888, 1912 S.pulseorlandoclub.com Orange Ave., 407-649Every pulseorlandoclub.com night has something 3888, different in store, but Pulse is Every night has something known toinhave some different store, but pretty Pulse is impressive dragsome shows, and known to have pretty the bar’s dancers are usually impressive drag shows, and gorgeous. the bar’s dancers are usually gorgeous.

Savoy 1913 N. Orange Ave., (407) Savoy

898-6766, savoyorlando.com 1913 N. Orange Ave., (407) Savoy has always been a good 898-6766, savoyorlando.com place to goalways to have some lowSavoy has been a good key fun see some familiar place toand go to have some lowgay fun or gay-friendly faces. key and see some familiar gay or gay-friendly faces.

Stonewall Bar 741 W. Church St., Stonewall Bar

407-373-0888, 741 W. Church St., stonewallorlando.com 407-373-0888, This laid-back neighborhood stonewallorlando.com bar, complete a pool This laid-back with neighborhood table, dartboards an bar, complete withand a pool antique wine pressand that’s table, dartboards an quite the conversation piece, has a antique wine press that’s quite casual vibe, madepiece, all thehas more the conversation a so by motel lobby all furniture casual vibe, made the more andbya motel menu lobby of standard so furniture pub afare. and menu of standard pub fare. Find more Orlando bars and clubs our website Find moreon Orlando bars at orlandoweekly.com and clubs on our website at orlandoweekly.com

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