The WAY TO GO — thesis process book

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CHAPTER 1 Topic ideation

_Searching for idea _Finalyzing concept _Visual insights _Personal connection


5 SUBJECTS TO CHOOSE FROM After a week long research on the possible thesis topics, I have come up with 5 that can be potentially interesting to explore. Than topics were out for a vote in class, but it turned out that I picked the one nobody has voted...

TOO MUCH SCIENCE IN THE WORLD Idea: Scintific discoveries make previous knowledge obsolete. It happpens with very recent scientific concepts too. We need a more stable basis for our daily decisions, which is established rituals and cultural knowledge. DISTRACTIONS... TO DISCOVERY! Idea: We are being constantly distracted by the number of things. As for designers those distractions can actually bring a freash perspective into the projects. I’d like to research the ways design can help with that. PERFECTIONISM? Idea: Perfectionism paralyzes. The art of letting things go can be studied. It often helps to look at the different cultures. Japanese wabi-sabi is one of them. I want to research graphic design solutions so people won’t feel restricted by a perfect way to do things and can embrace the beauty of imperfection. A WHOLESOME FUN...? Idea: Why can’t we combine a game experience with brain and strategic thinking development, personal and psychological development, aesthetics and creative thinking development? I’d like to research for a graphic design solutions that will help bring it to a Western world. EVERYTHING’S TOO FAST Idea: In our modern world, the speed is a beacon of development and progress. Now we have fast-food (both delivery and cooking), fast sex, fast reading, fast shopping…fast everything. I’d prefer to live in a Slow World and research design solutions for that problem.

VARIATIONS WITHIN THE GAME SUBJECT Idea: Designers are playing increasingly important roles in every sphere of business. Recent boom in Chief Design Officers nominations highlights this trend. Though, here comes extra requirements and designers usually lack the formal training in strategic and analytical thinking. We need to know abou the tool that will help to fill the gap without spending another 2 years to complete a second degree in business. I’d like to explore graphic design solutions to bring the ancient strategic board game GO into our community.


Can this be investigated by me?

Is there a problem here?

Yes, it’s purely design and communication problem + 8 years ago I set up a GO club .

Yes, we are paralyzed by the variety of choices and unable to effectively prioritize

Is this topic oversaturated?

Can design help? Yes, game needs a new more approachable brand and a compelling story. Also, design wise the game hasn’t been given a lot of attention, so all the materials related to game are poorly designed which contributes to lack of interest.

No, very little known. Did you already solved the problem? No, it hasn’t been solved by anyone yet. Is this the real issue? Yes, big industry suffers from lack of attention of designers


When I was young, ... I wanted to be the world’s best GO player.

—Bill Gates, Insights From the World’s Most Successful Enterpreneur, p. 227

WHY WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT? Go, the oldest game still played in its original form by more then 100 millions people around the globe, is practically not present in the Western world. Research proves that it can bring substantial benefits to the player and to society as a whole, though it’s adaptation to our our world presents the challenge.

Eugene Gushchin 11 03873507

WHAT IS GO? Go, the game of ancient China and modern Japan (and now popular throughout the world), is unique in that every piece is of equal value and can be played anywhere on the board. The aim is not to destroy but to build territory. Single stones become groups, and groups become organic structures which live or die. A stone’s power depends on its location and the moment. Over the entire board there occur transformations of growth and decay, movement and stasis, small defeats and temporary victories.


IN SEARCH FOR THE VISUAL INSIGHTS. Once the topic is finalyzed it’s the time to look out in the world searching for inspiration. In order to channel creative thinking I devised a set of keywords, that reflects the very nature of the subject. LEARN ART STRATEGIC VISION PLAY I imagined the keywords to form an actionable narrative to test how well they work together. “LEARN THE ART OF STRATEGIC VISION THROUGH GAMEPLAY” That sort of construction insured that my search is channeled into looking for comletely different, yet connected, aspects of the subject.



8 YEARS IN LOVE Being personally engaged into something you are working on is a rare luck. Thankfully, I was able to finally turn my passion on the game into actionable design project. It’s all strated more than 8 years ago, when a professional GO player came to the University where I was getting my first degree at that time. He told us that big corporations teach their executives to play GO in order to perfect their strategic thinking. He said it was importatnt for Economists (I was getting a degree in Finance) to master strategic thinking, as well as the ability to look onto things from a birds view, without being coaught by the small problems. Eventually, I discovered many more game aspects that fascinates me know and finding something else with every other play.

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SKILLS LEARNED BY PLAYING GO BENEFIT THE DAY-TO-DAY LIFE GO assumes that you are mastering the skill of setting priorities and balancing the different battle areas on the board based on their importance. Very similar to the way we are making to-do lists. After finishing a game, I can clearly see what needs to be done first.

FROM PRO HANDICAP SYSTEM ALLOWS ME TO PLAY WITH EVERYBODY World’s most popular game we know nothing about.





GO has a very developed handicap system that allows people to pley regrdless of their skill level.

GO came to us from over 3 millennia and every aspect of it has been carefully reconsidered by generations of the Japaneese players, where the game has developed the most.

A kid can be playing an adult and novice can be playing a professional.

Even the sound of placed stones has been carefully crafted. That component brings unprecedented pleasure from the gameplay.

CHAPTER 2 Topic Development

_Socrat questionning _Finding references in the world _Audience _GO tournament


Why do we know so little?


Go, the oldest game still played in its original form by more then 100 millions people around the globe, is practically not present in the Western world. Research proves that it can bring substantial benefits to the player and to society as a whole, though its adaptation to our world presents the challenge.


World’s most popular game we now nothing about...

What were the reasons for its creation?

1 2 3


Can peop inte that

One story claims that Go was invented by the legendary Emperor Yao (ruled 2357-2256 bc) as an amusement for his idiot son.

Was it a street or a noble game?

A second claims that the Emperor Shun (ruled 225505 bc) created the game in hopes of improving his weak-minded son’s mental prowess.

By 400-300 B.C., Chinese scholars such as Confucius were writing about wei-chi (a Chinese name for the game) to illustrate correct thinking about filial piety and human nature.


By the 1600's it had become one of the "Four Accomplishments" (along with calligraphy, painting, and playing the lute) that must be mastered by the Chinese gentleman.

A third one says that One Wu, a vassal of the Emperor Chieh (ruled 1818-1766 bc), invented Go, as well as some card games.

This kind of sanctified thinking about the game has inspired people to play for millennia.

Finally, a fourth theory suggests that Go was developed and used by military strategists to plan out the battles during the Chou Dynasty (1045-255 bc).

What is it like to be a pro?

In any case, it is generally agreed that Go is at least 3,000 and might be as much as 4,000 years old, which makes it the world’s oldest strategic board game.



It is said in Japan that a player with ordinary attitude for the game would have to play ten thousand games in order to attain professional rank of the lowest degree. When we think that it would take twenty-seven years to play ten thousand games at the rate of one game per day, we can get some idea of the Japanese estimate of its difficulty.

The difficulty of the game and the remarkable amount of time and labor which it is necessary to expend in order to become even a moderately good player, are the reasons wWhy Go has not spread to other countries since Japan has been opened to foreign intercourse. For the same reasons few foreigners who live there have become familiar with it.




of chance?

it element



It’s a game of pure skill, into which the element of chance does not enter.


Why do we want someone to be interested in?

Go, the ancient Asian board game that's as compelling today as it was 4,000 years ago. The game is simple enough for a child, yet too challenging for a computer, it's a gateway for learning, and a model for parallel thinking. A game of Go is a wordless communication, the mutual construction and solution of a puzzle as easy or as complex as the players can make it.


an Eugene Gushchin 11 03873507

a pro?

and the remarkable amount is necessary to expend in oderately good player, are the t spread to other countries ned to foreign intercourse.

foreigners who live there have

26. Will it be less pleasure to play on mockup equipment? 27. Will it impend the way people play? 28. What are the proper situations we can play in? 29. Is there any environment requirements to play? 30. Is there any rituals associated with play? 31. Do they add to the game or complicate it? 32. Why do we want someone to be interested in? 33. Can it be played among the crowd? 34. Should we sit in a specific posture? 35. Can it be played remotely? 36. What does remote play bring to the game? 37. What does remote play subtract from the game? 38. How many people can play this game? 39. Can multiple people play the game? 40. Why people may want to play multiplayer? 41. What are the reasons they are interested in it? 42. Is it cool to play with a constant partner? 43. Why it’s cool to play with your permanent game partner? 44. What people learn about each other during the game? 45. What people uncover for themselves during the game? 46. Can they get to know themselves better? 47. Can they get to know opponent better? 48. Can we test people’s intelligence that way? 49. Is the result of tWhe game unpredictable? 50. What is the level of predictability is in the game? 51. Does it have an element of chance? 52. Can there be a draw (nobody wins)?W 53. How can one win the game? 54. When does the counting occur? 55. Can players count throughout the game? 56. What if the win is obvious? 57. Can somebody surrender at the beginning? 58. Is it weak to surrender? 59. When the game ends? 60. What are the rules of the game? 61. Are they very complex? 62. Can a child learn the rules of the game? 63. Can it play against a pro? 64. Who are professionals that play it? 65. Is it prestigious to be a pro? 66. Is it prestigious to know how to play? 67. Was it a street or noble game? 68. Why do kings played it? 69. Why they taught their offsprings to play it? 70. What was it created? 71. What was the reason for its creation? 72. What was the initial purpose of its use? 73. How it’s influence the history? 74. Does it have any references in the modern times? 75. What is the current state of its development? 76. Where it’s present in a large scale?

1. Why would anyone be interested in it? 2. Why do we need someone to be interested in? 3. Who might be interested in that? 4. Why they might be interested in the game? 5. What prevents them to play now? 1. Why would anyone be interested in it? 6. Is that a solvable obstacle? 7. What are the obstacles in game spreading? 8. Why there are any obstacles in spreading the game? 9. Why it’s a game? 10. Why it’s not a game? 11. What’s is then? 12. How can we describe it? 13. Why should we need to describe it? 14. Why any explanation needed? 15. Is it a complex game? 16. Is it an easy game? 17. What’s the pleasure of playing it? 18. Is there only one pleasure? 19. Does the game is expandable enough to fit diff people? 20. Does it fit different people? 21. Does it fit all of the people? 22. Is there any prerequisites to play it? 23. Are those prerequisites in skills? 24. Are those prerequisites in equipment? 25. Do we need a serious equipment?








Can we test people’s intelligence that way? 48

The board is a mirror of the mind of the players as the moments pass. When a master studies the record of a game he can tell at what point greed overtook the pupil, when he became tired, when he fell into stupidity, and when the maid came by with tea.

—A Go player

THE ART OF ASKING QUESTIONS Asking thequestions around the subject like Socrat did thousands years ago can tremendously benefit the overall understanding of the area you are working with. Those questions helps to define the subject matter and can bring insights on what areas of it are needed to adress the most, while the others can be left behind. That sort of an exercise help determine the problem and look at the subject from deiffernet perspectives.


HOW GO INFLUENCED THE WORLD For its 3000 years of history, GO has influenced the world in many ways: - Politicians referer to the game when they are talking about other countries strategies. - Game have influenced several areas in mathematics and remain the only game that can’t be played by AI. - Historically, the game was used to develop mental abilities in royal Asian families, while the current research proves that. - GO is a big business and vice versa, big business is interested in GO. Many influential businessman attribute their success to the game. - There are numerous books, movies and other cultural artifacts related to the game.

Game has surprisingly many similarities with ecological restoration principles


LG, Samsun and other top companies hire GO teachers for their executives.



P.hD. research found that the game can push futher current project management principles.

$1.8 mln awaites developers that can create AI playing GO.


Western linear strategic military thinking is deficient against one backed by GO principles.


$1.8 mln

fMRI brain screenings showed that game activates many areas that remain intack in other games.

Number of combinations in the game exceeds the number of particles in the known universe.

John Nash played GO in Beautiful Mind


“Beautiful mind�

The board conceived as a complete world system in potential form.

LG, Samsun and other top companies hire GO teachers for their executives.


GO is one of the four disciplines a Chinese gentelman has to master.


Visual music

Hikaru No Go manga is the most successful comercial anime.


Henri Kissindger in his book talks about Chineese military strategy through the lens of GO.

Sea Battles

Mao Strategy

Mao Zedong claims that GO strategy helped to solve Taiwan conflict.

On China

The game presents a valuable tool in modeling sea battles.

VR GO can solve the lack of estethical component in the online play.

Noble Prize

Book about the greatest GO player got the Noble prize.



The game designed with the Wabi-Sabi in mind. It’s a rare case when we can feel that estethic.

RICH HISTORY AND HUGE POTENTIAL The game influenced the world in many ways strating from military and political aspects to the cultural and scientific applications. Its rich 3K year history presents a challenge for any reasearcher as it conceal a lot of secrets of the past. Origins of the game also reamin the subject of myths and anecdotes. Meanwhile, it doesn’t rest in peace, presenting the challenge for computer scientists to make machines play GO. Facebook and Google assumes that successful solution to that challenge can make machines think the way human does. So they both raced to solve it...


B n o i n e li e t t d o ve hi in s nk g , in g

V ab p er o ic y ga u t k y m ne es w

hi L ik s g a to r e s m ic a es l

E in njo g a te r y s m ne es t

The game has a universal appeal, like chess, so all the design solutions should be centered on bringing up the story behind the subject, instead of focusing on audience.

Andrea, the Cook

Frank, the Intellectual

Zoe, the Philosopher

Daniel, the Crazy Gamer





She works in Safeway in a cooked food department, where she rolls great sandwiches.

He considers himself an intelligent person and always has a quick judgement about everything.

She is a college student that doesn’t have lots of money but has a lot of free time.

He is a big fan of online and computer gamer because of the cool visual effects.

She converts her time into money by babysitting. That allows her to do homework too while kids are asleep.

He likes to be challenged by strangers from the net, as they can become his future friends

She has a big family with 4 kids of different ages, and she cooks regularly for them, so she doesn’t have much time for playing games.

He’s actually very picky about trying new things in life, because he thinks he knows everything.

She is really busy keeping up the household so she barely has time to watch TV.

He doesn’t have a family, though he’s been married and divorced two times.

She doesn’t seem to care about herself as she works to provide the best for her kids.

He likes to compete with people intellectually, so he played chess a lot.

She goes to every sports and school event with her kids; she has also organized a few herself.

He can cite precisely a lot of books he read, as he has a great memory.

She believes that overthinking and planning really prevent people from getting things done. She enjoys crafting, so all the toys in her house are handmade.

He doesn’t give direct answers to his students, he prefers them to find an answer themselves. He believes it makes them internalize things. He likes abstract art, but he rarely really understands it, so he reads books about it to be able to talk about art with people.

She likes history and philosophy and usually entertain kids with interesting facts or weird concepts. She wants to bring cultural aspects to entertainment, so she researches a lot about historical games from around the world. She believes gameplay is a great source of learning new skills and becoming an intellectually and psychologically balanced person. She believes that developing both parts of the brain is a key to success, so she is learning to eat with both hands.

He believes one can get to know the person through through the way he plays without ever meeting one. His mom is worried about him spending all the time in front of the computer, so she tries to engage him in sport games instead. He has sharp humor and specific vocabulary that has developed through online gaming, so it’s hard for him to interact with his peers at school. He participates in the drama class, where he can pretend being somebody else. He likes cats because they are independent and unpredictable; he is actually a good caregiver.

g in g h e r o k hi lay Lo r a o p fo l G ve


s o ow t G e r K n o u ev i t n d a b u t ye b la p

s ke ex Li pl e s m co a m g

ys ne jo o En o n e s e m on ga

Kelly, the Control Freak

Dave, the Strategist

Min, the I-CanDo-Everything

Scotty, the Pro





She likes everything to be measured and arranged, because that’s the way she can make sure that something is true.

He served in the army for many years and understands the importance of long term thinking and planning

He is a retired professor that worked on climate change issues

She is aware of her lack of intuition and believes it impairs her as a researcher, because she can’t find insights and catches only obvious things.

He likes to play strategic computer games where one needs to manage resources and occupy territory

She spends a lot of money on personal development and education, visiting workshops and getting private lessons to acquire the skills she thinks are important. She feels great responsibility for the company’s longterm success, which involves developing a design strategy.

He used to be a 4d amateur Go player and is now rediscovering the game

She is a spreadsheet aficionado for its simplicity and total control over the content. She says she is somewhat a control freak, which is an understatement, as she arranges clothes in her closet by type and color. She doesn’t like uncertainty and never relies on a chance. She believes that her fate depends on her. She likes to feel things in her hands, so she enjoys cooking, though she always struggles with the inconsistency of the result.

He has a wife and two sons and he understands the importance of teaching them to think strategically. Besides the longterm strategic thinking, he wants his kids to learn how to develop intuitive thinking, as this is what kept him alive in dangerous, high pacing military environment. He is fascinated by historical figures and dictators, like Mao, Stalin, Che Gevaro and etc, because these people were able to handle very complex situations. He wants his kids to be future Presidents of the USA, preferably in a succeeding order.

She is fascinated by the Japanese culture, wabi-sabi principles and knows a lot about it. She reads military strategic books, both ancient Greek and Chineese authors in order to find insights relevant to todays world. She feels the lack of business and strategic thinking in her design education. She likes to play board games with colleagues at the office when they stay late and need to unwind.

Frequent member of conferences, where he can learn current stuff

He organized a meetup group to teach people to play Go and kill spare time He rides a bicycle, because it lets him stay physically healthy. He believes Go can help him stay mentally sharp and prevents alzheimer He can’t find people players of his level nearby and doesn’t like to play over the internet


THE BEGINNING Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici rem etur rest, etur? Voluptaquide por maion poriatur aut et voluptas ut pa veliquam, cus, nestrum nem. Luptatum etur, iscilis cus. Sum invel eiurecae reresequame lam inus dolupienis event, ant, cone comnis sum imet qui cum id ea eatemquas alit maionectibus id ut que

THE BEGINNING Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici

Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex

es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici rem etur rest, etur? Voluptaquide por maion poriatur aut et voluptas ut pa veliquam, cus, nestrum nem. Luptatum etur, iscilis cus. Sum invel eiurecae reresequame lam inus dolupienis event, ant, cone comnis sum imet qui cum id ea eatemquas alit maionectibus id ut que

HANDOUT Intellectual The game has very simple rules with almost

Inside (on the left):

limitless amount of combinations. It’s the only game on Earth where a computer can’t compete with even a middle level amateur player. Computers simply can’t compute

Aesthetic The game has been being developing through millennia, featuring abstract and

next steps successfully, as the number of

exquisite estethics that some call the music for the eyes. In the initial phase of the

combinations in the game exceeds the number of particles in the known universe.

game, when strategy is yet to be developed, intuition based on aesthetics of the forms

5. Anytime a player can pass a move, which counts as a regular move. Two sequential passes result in the end of the game.

4 faces of GO X X

Psychological Draw is impossible in GO, so it’s a competitive game. Greedy play will result

becomes a handy way around.

Outside (on the left, middle and bottom):

as well as It’s forbidden to make suicidal moves, i.e. placing stones that will diminish your group’s points of breath.

in a weaker position on the board, modest

4. It’s forbidden to make a move that leads to a repeating position,


play may result in the lack of territory and an eventual loss. Balanced play is what

3 2 5 6

3. The goal is to surround a larger territory than the opponent. Here counts the number of intersections under control.

each move actually speaks for itself and creates an internal dialog between the players set in stones.


creates the real beauty of the game where

The inside of handout talks about four main aspects of GO that you can fall in love with.

Deep philosophy is ingrained in the gameplay, but managing a number of local conflicts even at the basic level requires an ability to take a 10000 ft view and prioritize. Just as Zen teaches us to look at the big


scale of things instead of being caught by the small problems.

opponents’ stones. to be captured when all the adjoining sections are occupied by 2. Stones are placed on the intersections and they considered


Welcoming message on the fron and game rules on the bottom. It becomes handy during the toutnament, when players need to consult with the rules.


1. Two players make moves alternating each other. Where Black plays first and pays 7.5 points to White for that privilege.


Margaux Welcome to the world of GO

Welcome to the world of GO


What was the most interesting aspect of the game for you? Why?


Was it difficult to learn the rules?


Would you be willing to continue playing Go?


Please share any other thoughts here:

Rules 1. Two players make moves alternating each other. Where Black plays first and pays 7.5 points to White for that privilege.


2. Stones are placed on the intersections and they considered to be captured when all the adjoining sections are occupied by opponents’ stones. 1 4

3 2 5 6

3. The goal is to surround a larger territory than the opponent. Here counts the number of intersections under control.

4. It’s forbidden to make a move that leads to a repeating position, as well as It’s forbidden to make suicidal moves, i.e. placing stones that will diminish your group’s points of breath.

5. Anytime a player can pass a move, which counts as a regular move. Two sequential passes result in the end of the game.

NAME TAGS Name tags served it primary purpose, while at the end became a questionnaire to submit. That helped to stay on track and collect feedback during the rush of a tournament.


At venihil ipsa voluptaes estem dem veliquam harum volum ipsae con ex ex et que laut ra sunt et eris alitam, simet eturit volor sus, consequi beaquatus. Occum eaque peria peliate mporunt pore doluptat autati aut quia sintiae sectatur si dem fuga. Itaquam, consequis volum recatibus ipsapictatur simet ipsus nienientiat aut volorum ipiet ut fuga. To doluptatibus eum adipsam reniet quame as volorepra ipsandio voluptis adis volorehent dio. Ellitae rnatust volut quis repudictur, sima volorumquaes et, ut aut et unt. Ximporehenis diorum fuga. Consequo est lia sum unt que rere sitio. Itaque nus assequo dignam rectium repelligniae sunt rem fuga. Ut as ea dolorrumqui ditiatibusa






THE BEGINNING Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici rem etur rest, etur? Voluptaquide por maion poriatur aut et voluptas ut pa veliquam, cus, nestrum nem. Luptatum etur, iscilis cus. Sum invel eiurecae reresequame lam inus dolupienis event, ant, cone comnis sum imet qui cum id ea eatemquas alit maionectibus id ut que

TAKAWAY FROM THE EVENT As the board conceived as a complete world system in potential form, I imagined the interactive packaging that can bring the effect of the life presence at the event for the viewer.

An iPad placed inside the board will show the video about the event through the board itself. Later on, cover can be replaced to a solid one and the board be used for play.

CHAPTER 3 Video proposal

_Settling on the esthethics _Narrative development

SETTLING ON THE AESTHETICS GO—the ultimate decision making model A strategic board game that came to us through millennia.

? ? ?

Why do we need to learn and play GO?



? ? ? ?


1 1






We need a compelling story to be presented in an engaging way.

We are unable to prioritize...



If presented with too many options. 1

1 1

1 1


Will connect players who would like to play in person.


20mln people plays regularly


Strategic game LIKE CHESS




Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici rem etur rest, etur? Voluptaquide por maion poriatur aut et voluptas ut pa veliquam, cus, nestrum nem. Luptatum etur, iscilis cus. Sum invel eiurecae reresequame lam inus dolupienis event, ant, cone comnis sum imet qui cum id ea eatemquas alit maionectibus id ut que


December 1, 2015

Midpoint Video Script // final

December 1, 2015 (12) GO has a universal appeal, with almost no age or wealth restrictions, where everyone can find something to be fascinated about:

Takes around 2:58 min.

(13) It can help me to better defend myself – Palak


Imagine a world where the choice you made yesterday affects how you die next year.


This is GO. The world’s most popular game you probably never heard about.

(15) A way to learn strategic thinking without MBA – Marina


In today’s world we are paralyzed by the uncertainty and number of choices to make.

(16) Currently the game is a hidden gem for a few connoisseurs.


GO in that sense is the ultimate decision-making model. It implies so many possible combinations and outcomes, that no two identical games have been played throughout the history, while the game counts it over 3 millennia.

(18) As a designer, what can I do to bring this ancient treasure to a larger audience? My research showed that it’s purely a design problem.


It’s is the game of strategy similar to chess, but, very different. GO begins with an empty board, starting out with no limitations or predefined patterns. The force of opposition is channeled into creation and whatever happens thereafter is the quality of your own mind.


(14) It’s the aesthetics that hit me first – Ravi

(17) When I was young, I wanted to be the best GO player – Bill Gates.

(19) GO needs to be presented for the Western audience in an appropriate way, highlighting its benefits that resonate with people. It takes crafting the appropriate visual system and a series of awareness campaigns. (20) Despite its universal appeal, the game requires quality equipment to enjoy its visual and tactile beauty, so an app that will work as an AirBnB for GO players will help tackle this.

Go is science, art and game. fMRI brain screenings proved that GO involves both intuitive and analytical thinking, and stimulates brain regions that remain intact in other board games.


The number of possible combinations is estimated at 10 followed by 170 zeroes. By comparison, the number of particles in the known universe is fewer than 79 zeroes. If you can master to deal with that complexity, then making a choice which college to go to becomes easy.


GO takes a few moments to learn, but a lifetime to master.


Edward Lasker, a chess grandmaster once said, the rules of Go are so elegant, organic, and rigorously logical that if intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the universe, they almost certainly play Go.

(21) It’s believed in the East that God does not play dice with the universe, he plays Go. the only game in the world that machine intelligence can’t crack. In this fast paced and high tech world, let’s immerse ourselves into the beauty of that last fully humane game!

(10) Its abstract beauty indeed seems to be extraterrestrial. Even the sound of stones placed on the board has been perfected by generations. (11) Thought it’s not just strategic thinking that LG and Samsung top executives are looking for in GO. Seeking Balance, Not Triumph. The game is about mastering a balanced personality, choosing between aggression and defense, territory and influence. !1


THE BEGINNING Xeria volessendi quuntur aceperu nderum fugiasp elluptatet rerupit ionsequunt estemporum et ut hil ium reperrum fuga. Onsed ullum volorem vellabo rernam quiae odit qui versperoris ventori unditaecum, eniandit, as doluptatiur, quat officiam, ea num archict assuntota sit ilit, aliquias eumqui sum laccae sit explabo. Duciae ium nonsequo conem rero es dolo tent iliciis destis ent ea eosapedio volorrovit postrum fuga. Uptatis eosapic idest, tem voluptae lab ipsam ex es destibustium doluptia dolorio ea sanienis sit, ilit, aut ipsam apit, omnihil igenihici rem etur rest, etur? Voluptaquide por maion poriatur aut et voluptas ut pa veliquam, cus, nestrum nem. Luptatum etur, iscilis cus.




Strategic game

GO is science, art and game





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God does not play dice with the universe,

When I was young... I wanted to be best GO player



God does not play dice with the universe, HE PLAYS GO


THE WAY TO GO Typefaces: Body: Rotis Semi Serif Headings: Rotis Semi Sans Printer: Eugene Publishing&Co. Š 2015 Eugene Publishing&Co. 901 Jefferson st, Oakland, CA Paper: Inside: 32lb RedRiver Matte Cover: 235 gsm Moab Lasal Printed on 4th May 2015 Designed, Illustrated and edited by Eugene Gushchin, student at Academy of Art University, San Francisco. Guided by Phill Hamlett and Sandra Isla, Visual Communication Lab, Fall 2015

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