Hetman Sahaidachny Project History

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Ing news-t n so, contact INDUSTRY EDITOR Malcolm Reece en (0973)2822

Marina forges Ea European links lw5+$kl-






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11THE Ukrainian challenge F"Pri the Whitbread ~ o u n a the World yacht race has made its base in I P S W ~ C ~ . The links forged between the Hetman Sahaidachny syndicate -?d FOX'SMarina promise to mtinue long after the race, hich starts on September 25, is

star neu

plement to the East Anglian Daily Times,Wednesday, July 28, 1993 Page Seven

The.cloud Marina forgeslinks I the Ukr;-L: may have a ,!---From Page One

Rather then being the "poor" relation of other Hetman Sahaidachny has first call on Fox's expertise. "Our initial contact was to provide a base for the

He described it as "a very substantial contract." In developing fittings for the boat, the Ukrainians will eventually sell in Britain. And when the mast was


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A unique opportunity

support the Ukrainian entry in the Whitbread Round-the-Worlcf Race1993-4

HETMANSAHAIDACHNY AIMS AND ASPIRATIONS The Hetman Sahaidachny Syndicate was established in pursuit of a number of key ideals:

1. To commission and build a competitive Whitbread 6 0 class yacht to compete in 93-4 Whitbread Round the World Race. 2. To harness the advanced technologies available from the decommissioned Soviet Defence Plants and demonstrate to the West the capabilities of the Llkrainian Aviation Industry - in a highly competitive global arena. 3. To attract worldwide exposure for Ukraine's natural resources, technologies, manufacturing potential and vast surplus of low cost, skilled and technically rich labour. 4. To ignite the imagination of every Ukrainian and accelerates national demand for tweway communication and co-operation with the West. 5. To attract a major league western sponsor to underwrite the actual race costs and develop the above ideals throughout the 9-month race duration - and afterwards. HETMAN SAHNDACHNY PROJECT UPDATE Under the charismatic direction of Project Manager/Skipper Eugene Platon, the Hetman Sahaidachny project has now completed the first three legs of the 93/4 Whitbread.

I.Bruce Farr designed '2nd generation' W.60 yacht construction carried out at Kharkov Joint-StockAviation Factory. Laser-beam technology was used to achieve accuracy to Farr drawings of 0.02 - 003mm - a standard unlikely to have been achieved elsewhere in the fleet.

2. Working in close co-operation with Fox's Marina, Ipswich, on the UK's East Coast, the complete rig, hydraulics, engine, electronics and other ancillary equipment were obtained in the UK and flown to the Ukraine for installation. The yacht was launched on the Black Sea on 3rd August 1993 and sailed non-stop to

Ipswich via the Mediterranean. 'The race committee recognised this as the qualifying distance and validated the entry. Hetman Sahaidachny was based in lpswich until September 15 for final testing and preparation. 3. The design, construction and crew credentials of the Ukrainian entry have formed a combination that hasalready proved competitive in the W.60 fleet. HETMAN SAHAIDACHNY FUNDING The Hetman Sahaidachny project has been news story No 1 for some time in the Ukraine which has generated high levels of national support. Principal costs thus far have been borne by the Ukrainian Commercial Bank, Gradobank, who are anxious to develop a market economy within the Ukraine leading to expansion outside the borders of the CIS. Materials support has been provided by the builders Viter - and the French composite manufacturer Sicomin who have developed the advanced hull materials used in the construction. Western support has come from FBW (Formula Business Work] a multi-level American company with a wide range of services and interest in converting the Ukrainian economy to market. FBW-Hetman has been established to manage the Hetman Sahaidachny Syndicate and market the defence plant consortium. HETMAN SAHAIDACHNY DILEMMA To have built a world class yacht and already completed the first three legs of the 93-4 Whitbread, the Hetman Sahaidachny Syndicate have achieved a great deal. Against extraordinary odds. To complete the remaining three legs of the race, the Syndicate requires additional funding of $250,000. And it recognises that it has to attract a major sponsor from

outside he CIS with the visian to identify and maxirnise what could prove o unique opportunity.



Hetmon ~ahaidachn~, Proied Monager/Skipper Kyiv Headquarters, Henry Bahwse Str, 9A, Kyiv, 252 1 50, Ukraine.

The benefits to o principal sponsor of o Whitbreod yacht during the course of ihe race itself are widely recognised. The general consensus of sponsors after h e last event was of tremendous overall sotisfoction. The race format had at last provoked worldwide interest in yachting and the exceptional 9-month durction provided an unprecedented continuity of exposure. And with BT's revol~tionor~ digital video y s k m on b a r d Helman Sahaidachny - live pictures for worldwide syndication are tronsmi~edto further enhance race progress and activity to an expect& audience in excess of I .2 billion. Because of the similarity in specification and design of the Whitbread 60 class division in the race, booI-owboat competition is closer than hfore - ensuring greater uwareness and interest.

Eugene Platon

Tel: 0 1 0 7 104.4) 261 91 84 Fox: 0107 (04.4) 268 I5 30/268 56 21

Breaker Furthes FBW-Hetman Joint Venture Kyiv Headquarters, Sofievsko Str, 8, Kyiv,

252001, Ukraine. Tel: 0107 (044) 293 76 65 Fax: 0107 (044) 229 44 82


Ian Roberts Washington Office, 4 10 Skyhill Road, Alexondrio, VA

22314 TeI: 0101 (703)751 4763 Fax: 0101 (703)75 1 0525

Nigel Theadom UK Project Coordinator

Whot is unique 'lo on association wiih Hetmon Sahaidachny ore the multi-various opportunities and resources of h e Ukraine itself.

Fox's Mprina lpswich Ltd, Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 8SA Tel: 0473 689 1 1 I Fax: 6473 601737

1. 53 million population hungry for westetn ideology and

Jean-Claude Weil Paris Office, 1 2 Rue Raffet, up5 3, Poris 750 1 6 Tel: 01033 I 45 27 40 58 Fox: 01033 1 45 2723 10

consumer g m d s . 2. 5 Tefevision stations committed lo blanket coverage of Hetman Sahaidachny and its sponsors. 3. Dearth of low cost raw moterials - Aluminium, steel, titanium, carbon, basalt, t r m b r etc.

4. Extraordinarily advonced aerospoce/electronics technology and expertise available for low cost manufacturing.

5. Tourism development potential of Crimea 6. Highly receptive ottitude to proposals

Syndicate Hetman Sahidachny Fox's Marina ipswich Itd The Strand Wlrersteud ipswich iP2 8SA Telephone: 0473 691 130 Fax: 0473 601737 Henri Barbusse St 99 Kiev Ukraine Telephone: #7 044 26 1 9 184 Fax: #7 044 268 1530


WHITBREAD 60 HETMAN SAHAIDACHNY LOA 19.60 m LWL 17.20m Beam 5.30 m Draft 3.70 m Displatement 14,000 kg Conslruttion Kevlar/Epoxy/Foam Vat-bagged tomposile Keel Computer tontrolled milling from spetial steel with tomputer milled lead bulb Spars Spurtrah, intorporating topmast shrouds with Nitronit rod rigging by Novtet. Spectra, Dyneema running rigging by Fox's Rigging bails All Kevlar fore e ah xl~isand r~yior~ spinnakers to W60 rules Electronits Full B8G Offshore System 2 x GPS reteivers Furuno Weatherfax 8 Radar Navtex Skanti 'datch Receiver Matsea, Folarview, Routing, Windsea, Macat Comms ICOM SSB and VHF, 2 x lnmarsat C,


lnmarsat ABT Kodec Video Transmission and digitising system


Detk Gear Some Harken, Lewmar winches, Ukrainian blacks, Spinlock iammers Engine Yanmar 75 hp. Gori folding prop. ,

Generator Yanmar 20 hp - also driving desalination plant and waler ballasi transfer pump Heater Eberspather 3UL

Fax's Marina lpswich Itd The Simd Wherste~dlpswich lP2 85A Telephne: 0473-,69 1 130 Fox: 0473 60 1737

Henri Burbsse Sf 9a Kiev Ukraine Telephone: #7 044 26 1 9 184 Fax: #7044 268 1530







1. Ploton, Eugene 2. Dorcxhenko, louri - -


Skipper W -Leader W. Leader -


3. Chtcherbakov, Serguei 4 Gordeiko, Konstantine - 5. Kostioutchenko, Ivan -.

Helm -



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+ I




r v r u r u u r r , ~ c ~r L -


7. Moussatov, . --Vladimir 8. Sysenko, Via tchesiav .


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10. Nijegorodtsev, Petr I 1 . Semerliollk,Iovri 12. Kulinichenko,Vlodimir -- - . -







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1 9.10.53




01.1 1.53

Helm Trimmer

10.03.64 '1 5.09.60


07.06.61 21.01.60

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Technical Technic01 -- -





2 1 -04.64 1 1.09.64 06.01.55


Officer OfFicer







1?..5f. . -

14-12 56








-- ."

2. Clegg, Julian -- 3 . Tertetskii, Vludimir --4. Platon, Victoria - -- 5. Doroshen- ko, Elena 6. Kurrnenko, Nicoloi -



Helm -


p -


I 1.05.57 04.08.55



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1. Martin, Andrew



Trimmer -


9 . Tokovoi, louri


17.1 1.59 -



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Technical -. ..-

1 1.05.6 1

06.0 1.48 - --

I I# hrs 15 November 1 W3 For I m m d b f e Release

HETlMAN SAHAlDACHNYOFF TOA FLYING STARTIN WT IBREADSECOND LEG Nâ‚ŹW$2W,WaSPONSORSWIPDEAl FROM GMDOBAUK UKRAINE HRMAH SAHAIDACHI ihe Bruce Forr designed, Ukroiniun Whitbread 60 wos among the Ieoders of the W60 fleet, 48 hours ofier leaving Punto del bte, Urvguoy. The second leg - the bngest of the ruce at 7,500 miles - joker the fleer lo bemantle in Wesfern Alrstrolio &ere the leuders ore expeaed to orrive in mid-December. HETIAN '5 crew, skippered by EUGEElE PLA TON, ore reported to be in high spirits uffer o very successful dogover in Uruguoy. Foll repuirs have been mode lo rhe Mbed keel whith wos damoged before the siud in the 1IK und w h i d hm been assessed a/ costing HEMA# at leart one knoj of bootspeed over leg 1 This assessment would appeor to be borne out by her impressive upwind speed in rhe very eoiiy sroges of leg 2. Ukraine's premier bonk, GRADOBAIK, who funded the devehpmenr ond building of Hetman ot o de-commissianed Soviet Airtioft fuctory, aflnwncedsubstufifiul further in vestment in the proled with u much needed $200,000 iniection rhody oher the leom orrived in Pun fa. This has e n d e d the Teom io orquire three new North spinnakerr and carry oul exped iepujrs lo the boot - us well us estohlishing a 5-strong suppod team lo /roubieshuu\ h e (umpuign around the world. The slrpport group are lead by AIDREW MARTIN - who wus odminis~ro!ionmonoger at FOX'S MARINA, Ipswich, who hove gloyed o key role in getting HtTMAI to the front o f the flee\. FOX '5 teom under UK Project ieoder, My el Theodom built the entire rig for the yochi os well as lour(ing md supplyinJ mufh of the boo1 'ssuphistimfed hurdwore. novigafiunol e/ertroni(s, engine, hydraulics md many other advanced components were supplied by Fox 'r and flown out to h e Ukroine for on-site installotion. Conceived as a showrose project to develop commercial business exchange beheen the Ukroine and the rest of the world, Andrew Mortin and his teom will shudy fly to Fremonfle to prepore {or Heirnun T arrival ond tu promote h e Ukraine '5 /remendous business potential to the Australion community.

f i e Ukrainian Teum remain conhdeni tho#he unprecedented, long-term media upportunfiies available will omad the odditionol sponsorship the proiect still needs fo complele the rore. And if ir means winning the second leg to gef someone lo toke notice, they 're confident of doing tho!, loo! Further Informufion from: Uigel Theadom IUK Project Cowdinator1 Td:# 144) 473 689 1 1 1 Fax: # (44j 473 60 1737 Martin Treadway (UK PRI Tel: # (44) 376 5 1 7534 Fax: # (44) 376 5 1 6072


Sy~dicuteHetman Sabridurkny Fox's Norinn Ipnrirh ifd The Strend Whersteod Ipswirh IP2 8SA Telephone: 0473 69 1 130 fox: 0473 60 1737


30 November 1993 For lmmediufe Relmse

LIFE IN THE FREUER H E T W SKIPPER, EUGWE PLATON RIVRTS FROM THE ERN OaEAN As rhe Ukrainian Nhit6read 60 'Hetmon Sohoidochny ' struggles iu gel bock on terms wirh the front runners, â‚Źugene PIoton provides o vivid occount of the less glomurous uspecfs 01 doing the Whitbread on o very tighl budget. ' f i e air temperture is currently - P centigrade but we connot use !he heoter - /he condensation would make it impossible io get onyfhing dry. The boot is sofurutedin every corner. I hove been using dozens of toilet rolls lo keep rhe e/e(troni[s dry ond working so tho! I (on ploy the westher puffem on rhe compufer. I hove to use my own breoth to keep my fingerr working 10 iype this !elex. Sleeping is difli~ulfin o dripping we1 sleeping bog on o dripping wef bunk. I take o f fmy Henri-[loyds ond [limb in to o seiondset of Re&y thermals which ore srill very dump offer a #-hour 'rest'. With these on, I insert myself into two sleeping bogs - one inside the other - bur they are wet rhrough und w m r h is very elusive. Some of the guys get into huge plosiic bogs first, which si dryer but not too cornfortuble.

Serge; Mon ton, our look and budor - we now cull him 'IOKTOR ' - perhrms miracles with our awful dried ond powdered foods. And when clouds of steam rise with the promise of hot hod, the ohth crew irowd oround him like young birds in o nest. lok tor works in very d i h u l t and cramped conditions md yesterday when we hod to drop the spinnaker quilkly he disappeared underneoih - romplete with o holf-prepored meal ond mosses of steaming poh! On onother ocrosion, lokiur 's privoie and very precious 5 hre jar of honey suddenly become 2 litres. I had to carry out a very delicate onbuurd in vesiigotion. furtunde/y \he missing trewure wos anonymously returned before the mu tiny muld de vehp. It wus great for moruk rounding Prince Edword lslcrnd yesterday ot 1419 GMT ond we debroted Seryuei Iherbukovfs 8th weding anniversary with u few glosses o f loktor 's 'Megaton' reviver - the contents of which he will never divulge. But the 'worming ' eflecis ore quite outsto~ding. There was much talk o f sunny hemontie, fresh foodt pretty girh and Australian wine. We sure ore looking Forward to being worm, dry and well fed again. " Further information from: Migel Thwdom (IIK Projet t Co-ordinator) Td: # (44)473 689 1 1 1 Fux: # (44) 473 60 1 737 Martin Treadway IUK PRJ Tel: # (44) 376 5 17534 Fax: # (44) 376 5 16072

Syrdlcorr Hrrraa S ~ L m f d ~ r h r t . Fox '5 Marinn lpswich ltd The S t r r ~ dWherrhod Iprwirh IP4 BSA Suffolk

Jelephone: 0473 6 9 1 130 Fax: 0473 601137

9 January I 994

For immediate Relase

C R O A W KIWI,OZZIE AElD SWISS REINFORCEMENT FOR THE HETIWAN SAHAIDACHW COSSACKS After their eniouruginj 2ndleg 6th ph{e in the 10-strong W60 fleet, he Ukrainiun entry 'Hetman Sohoidurhny' has uonounred o number d r r e w changes in time \or rhe cruciul sprint to Auckjond - where they hope io do b e ~ e slij(. r

ZIVKO MATUTlNOVllond DURO BtBfllC from h o t i u hove o weuith of Muxi yucht sailing in furope. Zivko is dso o mined rhe fond the whole rrew ore looking forwrd to m u d higher (olering starrdords on ihir leu The new Croojioo mntingeni D boord Hetmon siggnifies the first steps !owords on EAST EUROPfAH l€AM /iflWAFI fo pontes! the 97/98 Whitbreud. Aucklonder DA IE TREMAIN (321joins 'Hetman ' us u new watch leuder for legs 3 und 4. Dale has sailed over 50,000 seo miles and hus skippered Yachis in Moxi ond Swun World Cups. He was aboord 'Fozisi' in the lust Whitbread ond his buthem Oceun helmsmanship experience is u welcome oddition i o the clmpuign. Also new on board 'Hetman ' is the highly experienced West Australian JOHN MtMULlZN and the Swi~s,PHI1 IPPE SCHILL€1 who sailed on 'Merit'in the 89/90 rote und is on sward-winning phofogropher.

HETMAN BUILD QUALIN PROVEN While mmy of !he Whitbread 60 fleet hove been undergoing mujor repair work he fo dehinurion and rudder bearing problems during the Fremonhe stopover, Helmon 'r skipper ELIGEM PLA TON reporb !hot !he Bruce Furr yacht remains in perfect seugoing condition - o tribute to her odvonad ronstrurtion at the Kburkov Aviation Fo(tory, Ukrsine. Discusrions between the Royal Perih hrht Club and the Syndicore Hetman hhoiduhny took place recently obout o joint venturs hr the 97/98 Whhrbreod Rue. The Syndicate o m the female mould fool hr the Fan W60 wirh rights fo more hull consfrvdion - which con be achieved for 50% of the post o f building in the West. In spite of doun f ing finuncial problems (HeIrnon still l ~ k os rnujor sponsor), h e Team remuids opiin~isiicthaf the New Zealund stopover will fiflally provide the opportunity to aflrud the suppod still needed to complete rhe rockFurther Inform~tionfrom:

Migel Theadorn IUK Project Co-ordinator) Tel: # (441 473 689 1 1 1 Fax: # 144) 473 60 1737 Martin Treudway (UK PRI Tel: # (44) 376 517534 Fax: # 1441 376 5 16072

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