Last Night I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt
Last night I knelt where Hiram knelt And took an obligation Today I’m closer to my God And I’m a Master Mason Though heretofore my fellow men Seemed each one like the other, Today I search each one apart; I’m looking for my Brother And, as I feel his friendly grip, It fills my heart with pride; I know that while I’m on the square, That he is on my side His footsteps on my errand go If I should such require; His prayers will plead in my behalf If I should so desire. My words are safe within his breast As though within my own; His hand forever at my back To help me safely home. Good counsel whispers in my ear An warns of any danger; By square and compass Brother now! Who once would call me stranger. I might have lived a moral life And risen to distinctions Without my Brother’s helping hand And fellowship of Masons But God, who knows how hard it is To resist life’s temptations Knows why I knelt where Hiram knelt And took that obligation. Author Unknown
Words from the East Greetings to all brethren of St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7!
would like to begin by giving all praise and honor to the Grand Architect of the Universe for His many blessings upon myself, family, and our great Lodge. Secondly, I would like to thank you brethren for the immense and humbling opportunity to become the Worshipful Master of St. Mark’s Lodge No 7. It is truly an honor and privilege that you have bestowed upon me. I shall cherish this experience for the rest of my life. By being granted the mantle of leadership of our historic Lodge, I promise you to work tirelessly to continue the rich legacy inherited from our Past Masters and senior brethren. One of our primary goals this year will be to continue the three year strategic plan initiated during the administration of Past Master Wes Gilliam, and continued during the administration of junior Past Master Joe D. Rawls. As this strategic plan will conclude in 2010, a new three year strategic plan will be introduced to the Craft with input from future administrations. For the 2010 fraternal year our Lodge will utilize a FIVE POINT PROGRAM. These FIVE POINTS are: 1) Community Relations; 2) Masonic Education; 3) Membership; 4) Temple Restoration; and 5) Fundraising. The specifics of these goals are outlined in the following pages, in addition to my administrative goals and a calendar of events. For 2010, I have chosen the theme of “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” Our key focus for 2010 must be to increase the workings of St. Mark’s Lodge in our community and Grand Lodge, and to also remember, foster, and improve our brotherly connection with one another. The trestle board for 2010 is full of opportunities for the Craft to “dwell in unity” amongst one another. I pray that all brethren embrace these opportunities as they will make our Masonic bond and careers more fruitful and enjoyable. In closing, Brother George E. Burow once stated that, “We can only know the fullest joys of Masonry when we truly walk the paths of service and of hard work in the quarries.” No Lodge embodies these words more than ours. St. Mark’s Lodge has made significant achievements in our rich history with the assistance of the Grand Architect of the Universe and the sincere hard work and dedication of you brethren. I ask now for that same dedication and passion this year as we embark on this journey together. May the Great Architect of the Universe bless each of you this upcoming year and make the 2010 fraternal year a success for St. Mark’s Lodge. Fraternally,
Wor. Bro. Eugene W. Greenfield Worshipful Master St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7
2010 Line Officers
Bro. Julian Harper Senior Warden
Wor. Bro. Clarence Davis, PM
Bro. Kenneth Rhynehardt Junior Warden
Wor. Bro. David Murray, PM
Bro. Jerry Minter
Bro. Marlon Hayles
Senior Deacon
Bro. David Phillips Senior Steward
Bro. Douglas Fowler
Junior Deacon
Bro. Kevin Rankins Junior Steward
Bro. Oyauma Garrison
Bro. Art Franklin
Wor. Bro. Antonio Caffey, PM
Assistant Secretary
St. Mark’s Five Point Program Community Relations Committee One of the greatest Masonic tents is that of Charity. In keeping with our Masonic obligations, we will complete ten community related events during the 2010 fraternal year. The goal of the Community Relations Committee is not only to be engaged in the much needed work of rebuilding our community, but also to increase the visibility of Free Masonry in the greater Columbus area. The chairman of all community relations events will be our Senior Warden Bro. Julian Harper. Each individual event will have an event coordinator from among the various appointed line officers and general members of the Lodge. While this ambitious goal requires effective use of scheduling and manpower, let me assure the brethren that it is very obtainable. Our goal should be to make St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 one of the top community service organizations in Columbus, Ohio. Community Relations Events for 2010 Fraternal Year 1. St. Paul’s AME Church Miracle Day on Long Street 2. First Annual Street Clean-Up 3. Second Annual Street Clean-Up 4. Third Annual Street Clean-Up 5. St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Day in May 6. St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Day in October 7. St. Mark’s John A. James MS Walk 8. St. Mark’s and Esther Chapter make a difference Day 9. Prince Hall Americanism Day 10. Statewide Black History Program
Masonic Education Committee The corner stone of the Masonic experience is the learning of the Work. Before any man may enter our society, he must first commit certain knowledge to memory and recite this knowledge upon command. Our goal is to create a Masonic Education Program (MEP) that rivals any Prince Hall lodge in the state. The MEP is designed to enrich the Masonic experience of both candidates and brethren. The chairman of the MEP will be Wor. Bro. Antonio Caffey, PM. The Senior Deacon Bro. Jerry Minter will be the co-chairman of this committee.
MEP for Candidates Starting from a candidate’s first admission into the Lodge, our process for new Masons should be meaningful, spiritual, insightful, and inspirational. Dedication and commitment is at the heart of our MEP for our candidates and will include a standard based curriculum for all aspiring to call themselves Masons by way of St. Mark’s. The Masonic Education Program curriculum for the 2010 fraternal year for the candidates will include: 1. Learning the ritual proficiency required 2. Learning history about St. Mark’s Lodge, and basic facts and structure about the PHGL of Ohio 3. Learning basic facts about the life of Prince Hall and early Prince Hall Masonry 4. Learning basic Masonic etiquette and protocols 5. Having detail discussions about the meaning and concepts of “Brotherhood” 6. One class community service project 7. One class temple project
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
The lodge will be complying with the wishes of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and bring candidates to the statewide raising at the Grand Lodge Communication in Cincinnati. All Master Mason raisings will be conducted on Saturdays, followed by a small celebration luncheon. These small luncheons will be for the candidates and a few family members to celebrate their coming into the Fraternity. All Master Masons are welcomed to attend at small cost for the meal. Due to Grand Lodge, the second luncheon will be the second Saturday in August.
MEP for Brethren Commitee Hoping to increase the number of brothers proficient in the various degrees, lectures, charges, symbolisms, and funeral team rituals, the MEP Chairman will also be in charge of trainings for any brothers wishing to further their Masonic knowledge. Our goal is to engage the new brethren as much as possible in this effort. This Masonic Education Program Outline for 2010 Fraternal Year for the Brethren will include: 1. Assignments of lectures, symbolisms, charges, and creation of primary and secondary degree teams for the second section of the MM degree and the Funeral Ritual. 2. Four small presentations for the lodge on a topic within Masonic history, lesson, facts, protocol or etiquette. These will be conducted on the work night meetings in December, February, March, and November. 3. St. Mark’s Lodge Brotherhood Retreat in January.
Membership The better making of men is one of Free Masonry’s primary objectives. The only way to accomplish this aim is to make sure that all brethren keep well informed and connected to the Craft. We will begin a reclamation campaign to help increase our membership and participation. We must do this through increased and diverse forms of communication to make sure that we are listening to our brothers, addressing their concerns, and soliciting their support. Our reclamation campaign and membership committees will be chaired by the Senior Deacon Bro. Jerry Minter.
Membership Goals for 2010 Fraternal Year 1. Reclaim five inactive brothers 2. Raise ten Master Masons 3. Home visits to eight elderly Masons to be conducted by the Worshipful Master and the Senior and Junior Wardens 4. Diversify communications through: a. Phone Committee (Quarterly) b. Website c. Newsletter (Bi-annual and Elderly Brothers Only) d. Automatic Video Email/Phone Communication e. Email Listserv 5. Work Night Dinners 6. Ladies Appreciation Breakfast 7. End of year surveys for all Brethren.
Temple Restoration Committee The greatest of our efforts must be placed on the perseveration of our Temple. Our Temple, built by our forefathers, has stood strong and proud for more than 70 years. Not only has it been a place to meet, but it has become a second home to many who have traveled its halls. It is our responsibility to see that it does the same for the next generation of St. Mark’s Men. Working with the St. Mark’s Temple Association, Bro. Steve Phillips will serve as the chairman of the Temple Restoration Committee for the Lodge. The duty of the committee will be to organize and implement temple restoration projects as well as helping to find any government sources of funding to help in our restoration efforts.
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Temple Restoration Goals for 2010 Fraternal Year 1. Thorough cleaning of backstage and rooms downstairs. 2. Fix and refinish steps leading both down and upstairs 3. Replace lodge room carpet 4. Obtain new name plate for Past Masters
Fundraising Committee In order to return St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 to a position of fiscal solvency, the Lodge must look at alternative ways to raise capital outside of present dues and sales events. For 2010, a fundraising committee, chaired by the Junior Warden Bro. Kenneth Rhynehardt, has been created to explore unique fundraising opportunities. The Lodge will pursue the following predetermined fundraising endeavors during this administration: 1. Two Annual Fish Fries 2. St. Mark’s Bus Trip 3. Grand Lodge Scholarship Raffle
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Lodge Committees Advisor Committee Joe D. Rawls, PM, Chairman All Past Masters
Audit Committee Charles Smith, PM, Chairman Kenneth Rhynehardt, JW Oyauma Garrison
Budget and Finance Committee Julian Harper, SW, Chairman Clarence Davis, PM, Treasurer David Murray, PM, Secretary Richard Day, PM
By~Laws Committee Charles Smith, PM, Chairman J.T. Ayers, PM Chester Christie, PM Kenneth Rhynehardt, JW
Charity Committee Eugene Greenfield, WM Julian Harper, SW Kenneth Rhynehardt, JW
Community Relations Committee Julian Harper, SW, Chairman David Glenn, Coordinator of Miracle Day Kristopher Hale, Coordinator of St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Days in May and October David Phillips, Coordinator St. Mark’s Street Clean~Ups Oyauma Garrison, Coordinator of John A. James, PM, MS Walk Michael Madry, Coordinator of Prince Hall Americanism Day Doug McCollough, Coordinator of Make a Difference Day Daryle Cobb, PM, Advisor
Funeral Team Committee All Principle Officers & Chaplin Richard Day, PM Johnny Pitts, PM Clarence Davis, PM Chester Christie, PM David Murray, PM Gary McKinley, PM Felix Powell, PM
Investigation Committee Marlon Hayles, Chairman Art Franklin David Phillips Kevin Rankins Antonio Caffey, PM, Advisor
Masonic Education Committee Antonio Caffey, PM, Chairman Jerry Minter, Co-Chairman, Coordinator of Raisings and New Member Luncheons David Murray, PM David Jeffries Douglas Fowler
Membership Committee Jerry Minter, Chairman Antonio Caffey, PM, Coordinator of Brotherhood Retreat Doug Fowler, Coordinator of Ladies Appreciation Breakfast John A. James, PM, Advisor Wesley Gilliam, PM Advisor
Pythagorans Committee Kenneth Rhynehardt, JW, Chairman David Phillips Kevin Rankins Daryle Cobb, PM, Advisor
Temple Restoration Committee Steve Phillips, Chairman All Line Officers All Lodge Members Danny Rawls, PM, Advisor
Fundraising Committee Kenneth Rhynehardt, JW, Chairman, Coordinator of PHGL Scholarship Tickets David Murray, PM, Coordinator of Bus Trip Marlon Hayles, Coordinator of Fish Fries Wesley Gilliam, PM, Advisor
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Calendar of Events
DECEMBER 2009 15
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Degree Practice)
St. Paul A.M.E. Church Miracle Day- 5:00 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist Day
JANUARY 2010 5
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Brotherhood Retreat
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Degree)
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
Statewide Black History Program
FC Degree Practice – 6:00 p.m.
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Proficiency/FC Degree)
March 2010 2
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
Occasional Grand Lodge
St. Mark’s Work Night (FC Proficiency MM Degree Practice)
MM Raising/Celebration Luncheon – 9:00 a.m.
St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 Visits Esther Chapter No. 3
Third Masonic District Meeting/Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
APRIL 2010 6
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Street Clean Up – 9:00 a.m.
St. Mark’s Work Night (Esther Chapter Visits St. Mark’s/MM Proficiency)
MAY 2010 1
St. Mark’s Bus Trip
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Degree)
St. Mark’s Spring Fish Fry and Bake Sale/St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Day in May
JUNE 2010 1
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Proficiency/FC Degree)
St. Mark’s Street Clean Up – 9:00 a.m.
St. John the Baptist Day
JULY 2010 6
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Work Night (FC Proficiency)
St. Mark’s John A. James, PM, MS Walk
July 30th – August 3rd
Grand Lodge Communication (MM Raising)
St. Mark’s Temple Restoration Projects
MM Celebration Luncheon – 11:00 a.m.
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
St. Mark’s Business Meeting (MM Proficiency)
Prince Hall and Americanism Day
St. Mark’s Work Night (EA Degree/PM Night)
OCTOBER 2010 5
St. Mark’s Business Night (JW Move Up Night)
St. Mark’s Lodge/ Esther Chapter Make a Difference Day
St. Mark’s Work Night (FC Degree/All Officers Move Up)
St. Mark’s Fish Fry and Bake Sale/St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Day in October
St. Mark’s Business Meeting
St. Mark’s Street Clean Up – 9:00 a.m.
St. Mark’s Work Night (MM Degree Practice)
MM Raising/Celebration Luncheon – 9:00 a.m.
St. Mark’s Ladies Appreciation Breakfast
St. Mark’s Business Meeting (MM Proficiency and Elections)
St. John the Evangelist Day
Esther Chapter No. 3 Important Dates March 20, 2009
Esther Chapter No. 3 Bible Walk Bus Trip to Mansfield
April 17, 2010
Esther Chapter No .3 Style Show and Luncheon
December 4, 2010
Esther Chapter No. 3 Honorary Banquet
December 11, 2010 Esther Chapter No. 3 Christmas Party “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010 2009 AUGUST July 31st – August 4th Grand Communication – Grand Lodge & Grand Chapter OES Columbus, OH 15th – 20th 116th Imperial Council Session AEAONMS, Inc. Atlanta, GA 14th – 20th Imperial Court Daughters of Isis Atlanta, GA 29th Organizational Meeting with Grand Lodge Officers: 8:30 am Columbus, Ohio 29th Heads of Houses Meeting 1:00pm Columbus, Ohio
2009 SEPTEMBER 3rd Grand Lodge Trustee Meeting Columbus, OH 5th Al Asir Court #200 Commandress Ball Youngstown, OH 5th Sinai Temple Past Potentate Council Testimonial Cincinnati, OH 12th El Hasa Temple #28 Potentate Ball Cleveland, OH 12th Sinai Court #35 Commandress Ball Cincinnati, OH 13th Prince Hall and Americanism Day Statewide 18th MAPHGC HOJ Southern Prayer Breakfast Dayton (changed 8/29/09) 18th – 19th Amer Court #65 Commandress Ball Dayton, OH 19th OES Trustee meeting Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09) 25th Gothic Lodge Recognition Banquet Cincinnati, OH 25th-26th Al Alim Temple Potentate Ball/ Elyria, OH Al Alim Court Commandress Ball 27th Mary E. Lawrence Scholarship Fashion Show Springfield, OH (changed 8/29/09)
2009 OCTOBER 2nd – 3rd Alla Baba Court #75 Commandress Ball Columbus, OH 3rd Grand Guild Workshop Cleveland, OH 10th Mecca Court #73 Commandress Ball Toledo, OH 10th Nobles Fall Desert Conference Springfield, OH 10th William T. Boyd #79 Past Master’s Ball Cleveland, OH 17th Al Kaf Court #144 Commandress Ball Akron, OH 17th HOJ School of Instruction Dayton (changed 8/29/09) 24th – 25th Council of Deliberation & State Loyal Lady Ruler Banquet Cincinnati, OH 11/19/09 updated
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010 2009 NOVEMBER 6th – 7th Grand Master’s Testimonial Banquet Cincinnati, OH 7th Youth Planning Session Cincinnati, OH 14th Brotherhood Night Cincinnati, OH 21st Amer Temple Potentate Ball TBA
2009 DECEMBER 4th Grand Lodge Trustees Meeting 5th-6th El Hasa Court #47 Commandress Ball Cleveland, OH 5th Lydia Rankin Prayer Breakfast Springfield, OH 12th Royal and Select Masters Northern District Mtg TBA (added 8/29/09) 20th St John the Evangelist Day State Wide 25th Knights Templar Christmas Observance World Wide
2010 JANUARY 2nd Knights Templar Workshop Akron, OH 9th Pythagorans Workshop Columbus, OH 16th First Masonic District Meeting Cincinnati, OH 16th Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting Cincinnati, OH 17th 1st & 4th District MLK Dinner Dance Cincinnati, OH 22nd-23rd Grand Communication Planning Session Cincinnati, OH 29th - 30th Gala Day Planning Session Springfield, OH
2010 FEBRUARY 7th Statewide Black History Program Each District 13th Second Masonic District Meeting TBA 13th Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 19th – 20th Sinai Temple Potentate Ball Cincinnati, Ohio 20th Royal & Select Masters Southern District Meeting TBA 27th OES Workshop Columbus, OH 28th Taylor Guild Black History Program Columbus, OH 11/19/09 updated
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010
2010 MARCH 4th Grand Lodge Trustee Meeting Columbus, OH 6th Occasional Grand Lodge Columbus, OH 11th – 14th Midwest Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Matrons Omaha, NE 13th Nobles and Daughters Joint Desert Conference TBA 18th USC Scottish Rite Day of Remembrance State Wide (changed 8/29/09) 20th Prince Hall Grand Guild Southern District Meeting Indianapolis, IN 20th Mecca Temple #43 Potentate Ball Toledo, OH 20th Grand Girls Assembly Debutante Ball Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09) 21st Hattie B. Alexander Day Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09) 19th – 20th Midwest Shrine Coalition Louisville, KY 27th Third Masonic District Meeting Columbus, OH 27th Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 28th – Apr. 4th HOLY WEEK OBSERVANCE Statewide
2010 APRIL 2nd Good Friday Statewide 9th – 11th Imperial Commandress Testimonial Romulus, MI 10th Grand Girls Assembly District #1, #2, #5 TBA (changed 8/29/09) 17th Girls Assembly Meeting, District #3 & #4 TBA 17th Fourth Masonic District Meeting TBA 17th Pythagoran Day Toledo, OH (added 8/29/09) 17th Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 24th Grand Convocation, Royal Arch Masons Dayton, OH 25th Grand Convocation Heroines of Jericho Dayton, OH
2010 MAY 1st Fifth Masonic District Meeting TBA 1st Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 11/19/09 updated
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010
2010 MAY CONT’D 1st OES Northern District Meeting #1, #2, #3 TBA (changed 8/29/09) 8th Al Kaf Temple #109 Potentate Ball Akron, OH 8th Knights Templar Southern District Meeting TBA 13th – 15th Grand Masters and Grand Matrons Conference Boston, MA 14th – 16th Grand Assembly Royal & Select Masters TBA 16th Daughters of Isis’ Feast of Isis Worldwide 22nd Sixth Masonic District Meeting TBA 22nd Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 22nd OES Southern District Meeting #4, #5, #6 TBA (changed 8/29/09) 23rd Whit Sunday State Wide 28th – 1st United Supreme Council Philadelphia, PA
2010 JUNE 3rd Grand Lodge Trustees Meeting Columbus, OH 5th Simon #1 Military Ball Cincinnati, OH 3rd – 5th Shrine Gala Days Springfield, OH 6th Shrine Jubilee Day Celebration Worldwide 6th Zerubbabel Day TBA 11th – 12th Alpha Priory #1 Convocation Dayton, OH 13th Esther Day TBA 18th - 19th Alla Baba Temple #53 Potentate Ball Columbus, OH 19th Northern District Meeting Grand Guild Cleveland, OH (added 8/29/09) 19th Pythagoran District Meeting Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09) 26th Seventh Masonic District Meeting TBA 26th Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting TBA 27th St. John the Baptist Day Statewide 29th – July 3rd Grand Encampment Knights Templar & International TBA (changed 8/29/09) Court Syrene Crusaders 11/19/09 updated
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010
2010 JULY 2nd – 7th General Grand Conference RAM & Heroines of Jericho Memphis, TN (changed 8/29/09) 8th – 11th Youth Grand Session Central State University 16th – 18th Grand Guild Grand Conclave Knights Templar, Akron, OH Right Eminent Grand Commander Testimonial Banquet 24th MAPHGC HOJ Northern District Prayer Breakfast TBA 23rd-24th Akbar Court Commandress Ball Springfield, OH 25th OES Statewide Project Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09)
2010 AUGUST July 30th-August 3rd Grand Communications – Grand Lodge & Grand ChapterCincinnati, OH 14th – 19th Imperial Council Session Tampa, FL Imperial Court Tampa, FL
2010 SEPTEMBER 2nd Grand Lodge Trustees Meeting Columbus, OH 4th Sinai Temple Past Potentates Council Testimonial Cincinnati, OH 4th Al Asir Court Commandress Ball Youngstown, OH 11th El Hasa Temple Potentate Ball Cleveland, OH 11th Sinai Court Commandress Ball Cincinnati, OH 12th Prince Hall And Americanism Day Statewide 18th Prince Hall HOJ Southern Prayer Breakfast TBA (added 8/29/09) 18th Pythagoran Advisory Meeting Cleveland, OH (added 8/29/09) 24th Gothic Lodge Recognition Banquet Cincinnati, OH 24th – 25th Alla Baba Court #75 Commandress Ball Columbus, OH 24th, 25th OES School of Instruction Columbus, OH 25th Youth Grand Session Pre-planning meeting Columbus, OH
2010 OCTOBER 2nd Prince Hall Grand Guild Workshop TBA 9th Mecca Court #73 Commandress Ball Toledo, OH 9th Nobles Fall Desert Conference TBA 9th William T. Boyd #79 Past Master s’ Ball Cleveland, OH 16th Al Kaf Court #144 Commandress Ball Akron, OH 11/19/09 updated 16
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Grand Lodge Calendar 2009-2010
2010 OCT CONT’D 16th HOJ School of Instruction TBA 23rd-24th Ohio Council of Deliberations & State Loyal Lady Ruler Toledo, OH (changed 8/29/09) Banquet 30th Pythagoran District Meeting Columbus, OH (added 8/29/09)
2010 NOVEMBER 5th-6th GrandWorthy Matron’s Testimonial Holiday INN Westlake Westlake, OH 13th Brotherhood Night Cincinnati, OH 13th Pythagoran & Grand Girls Assembly Planning Session Columbus, OH 20th Amer Temple #107 Potentate Ball Dayton, OH
2010 DECEMBER 6th El Hasa Court #47 Commandress Ball Cleveland, OH 25th Knights Templar Christmas Observance Worldwide 19th St. John the Evangelist Day Statewide
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
History of St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 The first stated communication The first stated communication of St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 was held on January 16, 1852. The Grand Master at that time was M.W. Griffin T. Watson. He granted the brethren permission to create the first Prince Hall Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the city of Columbus. St. Mark’s was the fourth Prince Hall Lodge founded in the State of Ohio. The first principle officers were: Charles Langston, Worshipful Master David Jenkins, Senior Warden Hanson Johnson, Junior Warden Brother Jenkins and Brother Langston were both involved in the early abolitionist movement in Ohio. Bro. Jenkins served as secretary for the movement. Both men advocated the end of slavery and equal rights for all African Americans.
The commitment to the Grand Lodge To understand and appreciate the accomplishments of our early brethren, you must place the creation of our lodge into historical context. Columbus in the mid-nineteenth century had approximately 1,277 Blacks in the city. During that time, many AfricanAmericans were engaged as laborers, barbers, cooks, and waiters. One of the reasons why Blacks settled in Columbus prior to 1850 was the relative security of its central location. From its inception, St. Mark’s members played a role in the development of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. One early brother was Bro. John H. Bowles. He served as Worshipful Master in 1893. He also served the Grand Lodge as Senior Grand Warden, Grand Lecturer, Grand Representative, and Deputy Grand Master. Many of our early brethren served on various committees of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. These early brothers started a trend that would be continued even to this day.
Our Past Roster Good men have always been attracted to St. Mark’s. A look at the roster over the years may be compared to a “Who’s Who” list of Columbus. Two early individuals who were on both lists were Bro. Hanson Johnson and Bro. J.J. Lee. Bro. Johnson served as Worshipful Master from 1871 - 1973. Past Master Johnson was said to be the wealthiest Black community member in Columbus in 1860. Bro. Lee was the Worshipful Master in 1904. Past Master Lee was one of the first Blacks elected to a public office in Columbus. He served on the Columbus Board of Education.
The building of our own Temple One of the greatest accomplishments that our brethren achieved was the building of our own masonic temple. The building was completed and the lodge room was dedicated on January 15, 1927, 75 years after the Lodge was founded. At the time of its construction, our lodge hall was the first newly constructed masonic temple in Ohio.
Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters of St. Mark’s Lodge No. 7 During the 1950’s, our membership reached an all time high with 630 brothers on our roster. We are proud to have five members who served this jurisdiction as its Most Worshipful Grand Master. These Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters are: PMWGM John C. Logan PMWGM A. J. Worsham PMWGM K. Kenneth Williams PMWGM Russell Jefferson PMWGM Frederick E. Kelly, Sr.
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Past Worshipful Masters Since St. Mark’s was chartered, there have been 110 Worshipful Masters, 35 of which are still living. We take pride in our accomplishments as Masons and men. We are one of the oldest organizations in the Columbus community. We understand that we have a history that is to be revered and enhanced.
Charles H. Langston 1852 ~ 1855
M. H. Tyler 1919 ~ 1920
Hanson Johnson 1855 ~ 1858
N. J. Clark 1920 ~ 1921
David Jenkins 1858 ~ 1860
E. F. Chambers 1921 ~ 1922
George Johnson 1860 ~ 1862
John P. Bowles 1922 ~ 1924
Mathias Mitchell 1862 ~ 1865
Geo. W. Bowman 1924 ~ 1925
Alfred Roberts 1865 ~ 1868
S. M. Huffman 1925 ~ 1927
James Taylor 1868 ~ 1869
Cambell Mitchell 1927 ~ 1928
J. B. Taylor 1869 ~ 1871
John S. Farrison 1928 ~ 1930
Hanson Johnson 1871 ~ 1873
Walter M. Penn 1930 ~ 1931
James Ganson 1873 ~ 1876
A. J. Worsham 1931 ~ 1933
James Mortimere 1876 ~ 1877
Albert Berry 1933 ~ 1935
Henry Lane 1877 ~ 1882
W. H. Williams 1935 ~ 1937
George Lucas 1882 ~ 1883
R. Brown 1937 ~ 1939
James Hall 1883 ~ 1885
Walter Lowery 1939 ~ 1940
H. R. Davidson 1885 ~ 1890
Cecil Russell 1940 ~ 1943
J. B. Taylor 1890 ~ 1893
Geneway S. Fields 1943 ~ 1945
J. H. Bowles 1893 ~ 1896
Donald A. Wray 1945 ~ 1946
Benjamin Nelson 1896 ~ 1897
Marshall R. Cobb 1946 ~ 1948
George Weaver 1897 ~ 1898
Robert Myers 1948 ~ 1949
James Jenkins 1898 ~ 1899
John H. Taylor 1949 ~ 1951
William Darly 1899 ~ 1900
Rollin F. Kelly, Sr. 1951 ~ 1952
William Sparrow 1900 ~ 1902
Charles A. Method 1952 ~ 1953
Robert F. Jones 1902 ~ 1904
Wiley E. Bates 1953 ~ 1954
J. J. Lee 1904 ~ 1907
James E. Mason 1954 ~ 1955
E. S. Dempsey 1907 ~ 1909
Michael E. Wilson 1955 ~ 1956
J. Foster Lewis 1909 ~ 1911
Frederick M. Chancellor 1956 ~ 1957
William Bolton, Jr. 1911 ~ 1912
K. Kenneth Williams 1957 ~ 1958
Charles Bryant, Jr. 1912 ~ 1913
B. Crawford 1958 ~ 1959
John C. Logan 1913 ~ 1915
John W. Long 1959 ~ 1960
R. R. Gray 1915 ~ 1916
Temple Grady 1960 ~ 1961
Farrar 1916 ~ 1918
Raymond R. Davis 1961 ~ 1962
Ray E. Hughes 1918 ~ 1919
Wade M. Roberts 1962 ~ 1963
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Past Worshipful Masters E. Anderson 1963 ~ 1964
Johnny O. Pitts, Sr. 1994 ~ 1995*
Charles W. Connors 1964 ~ 1965
Albert Whatley 1995 ~ 1996*
Leslie E. Beard 1965 ~ 1966
Joseph T. Ayers 1996 ~ 1997*
Eugene E. Morton 1966 ~ 1967
Thomas Caliman 1997 ~ 1998*
Howard G. Ball 1967 ~ 1968
Antonio O. Caffey 1998 ~ 1999*
Forrest L. Flewellen 1968 ~ 1969*
Brent Robinson 1999 ~ 2000*
Donald E. Elder, Sr. 1969 ~ 1970*
Sir Carrington Melton 2000 ~ 2001*
Bernard E. Cooper, Jr. 1970 ~ 1971
Daryle Cobb 2001 ~ 2002*
Leroy H. Scranton 1971 ~1972
David W. Murray 2002 ~ 2003*
Donald E. Terry 1972 ~ 1973*
Richard Day 2003 ~ 2004*
Rollin F. Kelly, Jr. 1973 ~ 1974*
Charles G. Smith 2004 ~ 2006*
John A. James 1974 ~ 1975*
Dean J. Jackson, I 2006 ~ 2007*
Maurice Elder 1975 ~ 1976*
Darryl Womack 2007~ 2008*
John B. Stidoms, Jr. 1976 ~ 1977
Wesley C. Gilliam 2008 ~ 2009*
Wilber Johnson, Jr. 1977 ~ 1978*
Joe D. Rawls 2009 ~ 2010*
Ernest W. Scott 1978 ~ 1979*
Eugene W. Greenfield 2010 ~ 2011*
Albert Barton 1979 ~ 1980*
John A. Pullins, Jr. 1980 ~ 1981
Jessie Camball
Frederick E. Kelly, Sr. 1981 ~ 1982*
Saul W. James
Clarence W. Davis, Sr. 1982 ~ 1983*
Harry Roberts
Robert E. Rand , Sr. 1983 ~ 1984
James O. Webster
Robert L. Pruitt 1984 ~ 1985
Charles R. Hedgepath
Gary L. McKinley 1985 ~ 1986 *
A. F. Mcoy
James Weatherly 1986 ~ 1987*
Clem. W. Thurman
Felix Powell 1987 ~ 1988*
Russell Jefferson
Ronald Ward 1988 ~ 1989*
Harlin P. Goins 1956
Chester C. Christie 1989 ~ 1990*
Wilse Simpson 1968*
Robert Chapman 1990 ~ 1991*
Glenn R. Rollins 1971*
Rosby E. Lee 1991 ~ 1992*
William H. Lucas 2004*
Benjamin White 1992 ~ 1993* Jimmy Plummer 1993 ~ 1994*
(*=Living) 20
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Third Masonic District Leadership
Rufus F. Gripper, PM #116 Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Cecilia Lucas #3 Worthy Matron Esther Chapter #3
Bill Lucas, PP #3 Worthy Patron Esther Chapter #3
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
Grand Lodge Leadership
Honorable Robert L. Jones, PM # 97 Most Worshipful Grand Master Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
John O. Pitts, Sr., PM #7
Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Darryl R. Smith, PM #115
James H. Willis Sr, PMWGM, PM #4
Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Carl Williams, PM #120
Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Trustee Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Kelvin J. Davis, PM #106
Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Trustee-At-Large Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Charles V. Williams III, PM #123
Alvertis W. Bishop, Jr., PM #3
Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Charles G. Smith, PM #7
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Right Worshipful Grand Attorney Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
Grand Lodge Leadership Cont’d
Sidney D. Broadnax Jr, PMWGM (2001-2003), #3 Right Worshipful Chairman of CCFC Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Robert H. Carpenter, PM #106 Right Worshipful Chief Administrative Officer Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Chester Christie, PM #7
Gregory S. Snead, PMWGM ( 2003-2005), #87 Right Worshipful Assistant Chairman of CCFC Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Bradford J. Stallworth, PM #123 Right Worshipful Grand Webmaster Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Leo C. Beavers, PM #79
Right Worshipful GLDF Committee Chairman Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Right Worshipful GLDF Committee Member Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Robert M. Estelle Jr., PM #115
Lonnie Jones II, PM #106
Right Worshipful GLDF Committee Member Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Right Worshipful GLDF Committee Member Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
“Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”
2010 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.” | ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7
ST. MARK’S LODGE NO.7 | “Remembering Brotherhood In All That We Do.”