Portofolio 2015-2018

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Eugénie HINGOT


Eugenie HINGOT 6th of January 1998

9, rue de la croix du val 92190, MEUDON Currently in : 10 Royalty Mansions, Meard St, W1F0E, LONDON

eugenieh@hotmail.fr +33627398275

Skills • French mother tongue

EDUCATION Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Val de Seine:

Currently taking a gap year before starting Master degree.

• Architecture degree ( «Licence») - 13,4 / 20 • Third year undergraduate in 2017/2018 In the studio of Cyrille Faivre-Aublin & Laurent Beaudouin / Brigit De Kosmi • Second year undergraduate in 2016/2017 In the studio of Alessandro Mosca & Clément Blanchet /Jean-Michel Veillerot & Jean Mas • First year undergraduate in 2015/2016 In the studio of Thibaut David & Michel Lagersie

• Baccalauréat speciality economic and social sciences ( with a visual art option ) - 14,16/20 in 2015 - Lycée Rabelais, Meudon.

• English fluent • Spanish basic • Chinese notions

WORK • Longterm internship (Gap year) - MOSSESSIAN ARCHITECTURE, London, September 2018 - February 2019. • First practical internship in an architectural & urban design agency - ATELIER NOVEMBRE, Paris, July 2017. • First hand short term internship on construction site’s - Albert Kahn museum by KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES, Boulogne Billancourt - two weeks in April 2017 • Project leader in the « architektonik » workshop organisation for UNEAP (National Union of architecture and landscape students) - Creation and coordination of Paris’s 13th district visits. • Member of organisation team of French Horse Riding championships ( Open de France 2016 ).

INTERESTS • Digital and film photography, video, visual arts, drawing, reading, writing. Photographic technical development in dark room.

Driving Licence (January 2018)

• Horse-riding -Galop 7, Horse back riding competitions (2009 to 2015), French vice-championne in 2014. • Diving (Level 1), Swimming, Surfing. • Numerous trips abroad; United state of America (New-York, Boston, Atlanta) Japan, Vietnam, Thaïland, Israël, numerous European cities.


sommary PROJEcts 6-11

• Cultural

& sport center - Rue René Villars, Ivry-sur-Seine.


• Architecture

school - Place de la porte d’Aix, Marseille.


• Appartment

block - Rue des fossés Saint-Bernard, Paris 5ème


• Ideal


housing model - Without context.

Student housing - Avenue Saint-Mandé, rue de Picpus, Paris 12ème.

personal WORKS 40-43

Analysis, researchs, experimentations...


Organisation on site visits - Workshop ATK-ArchiTectoniK


• Digital


• Drawings

Cover: Architecture school in Porto by Alvaro Siza Draw: Etienne Martin

and film photography

Cultural and sport center Brigit De Kosmi & Helmut Dietrich

This project is situated Street RenĂŠ Villars Ă Ivry sur Seine in Parisian suburbs. It is a public building dedicated to sports and culture activities. The site is overlooking Paris and profit of a large space for a public garden. We are interested in offering interesting views and lanscaping design.


Third year

Cultural and sport center In group of two w/ Jules BARBET

Ground floor

Perspective view from Street René Villars

The site we worked on was along the «parisian peripherique». We are seeking to protect the project from these noises and global desgrements. Our main goal were to create a large open space within spatial and visual connexions. For those differents reasons, we decided to create a wooden structure turning it back to the «peripherique». The mains elements of the programm are linked to the structure. Level 1


Longitudinal and tranversal section

The omnisport hall profit of a large height thanks to the site’s slope and the structure. For the concert hall, we also wanted it goes directly under the wooden curve to improve the accoustic performance. The structure is totally opened on the south side overlooking the garden. This allows to create external spaces dedicated to cultural or sport activites. The structure is composed of a series of wooden beams. Each of them has a different geometry wich allows this particular curve. Structural details


Perspective views from the garden and the omnisport hall

architecture school Laurent Beaudouin & Cyrille Faivre-Aublin

This project is situated in Marseille, in the first discrit, « place de la porte d’Aix». It is an architecture school for 600 students approximately. A theorical reflexion is necessary to understand the stakes. In fact, we are seeking to create a real platform of exchanges, transmission and learning; a sort of « knowledge temple». Moreover, another question guides us during the design process: How can we make this project from the inside? A reflexion around a major space naturally enlightned has come.


Third year

architecture school

This project spread out on the quasi-totality of the site allowing an inner space and an extern circulation around the volume. During the semester we have looked the notion of : ÂŤ let the outside go insideÂť. The major space, here represented in sections, has appear from this issue and also from a topography adaptation. This space is structurated by a hudge and central void around wich the user circule to find differents program components.


Ground floor

Perpectives sections - major space

Three levels in plan: Exhibition room, classrooms and studios, cafeteria and rooftop.


Entry hall and exhibition room

We are seeking to have a real coherence between the architectural shape and the spaces positions. The studios are treated as a detached volume - the cafeteria as a pause in the building - the library as lifted volume wich overhang the project - the exhibition room attached to the street but a specific porosity. The building is quite hermetic to enhance the view given on the rooftop. The materiality is important in this project: we chose a concrete with a wood aspect thanks to the casing. It absorbs the light and show off the work on undersides.


appartment block Alessandro Mosca & Clément Blanchet

This project is situated in the 5th disctrict of Paris, between «Rue des Fossées Saint Bernard» and «Rue du Cardinal Lemoine». The program contain approximatively 40 one and two storey flats, student rooms, shared spaces with possibility of businesses or shops on the ground floor.


Second year

appartment block

The shape of this project come from the objective of connecting the mains gables walls, create a breathing space with inner courtyard liking two adjoining streets. We are seeking to create housing oriented East and West with new views and a transparent axis leading to Rue du Cardinal Lemoine.

Ground floor


Curent floor

Work on typologies: The irregularity of this figure is balanced by the strict repetitive order of the facade created by arrangement of the flats. Here, like in a previous former project project we find the active band. The common areas and flats work together to favor exchange and social cohesion. The outer common areas are oriented toward the south while common work areas are oriented to the north. Vertical circulation is situated in the « awkward » corners of the structure.

Chambre d’étudiant




T5 duplex


perpective from rue des FossĂŠs Saint Bernard

ideal housing model Alessandro Mosca & ClĂŠment Blanchet

This collective housing project aims for harmony between the flats and the structure always present during the design and conception. With neither context or program, the goal was to create apartments following a powerful idea.


Second year

ideal housing model In group of two with David BLONDEL

Our four bedroom double level flat is organized around an active band including the following functions; circulation, bathrooms, kitchen and storage areas. Developed to accommodate four students with varied lifestyles; priority is given to privacy and clear separation space including a night area and a day area separated by a stone rock wall giving the impression of a thick layer of separation.


mur fonctionnel circulation verticale studio T2 T5

Then new typologies are created following the initial concept. Studios flipped horizontally and include an inner core for circulation In the horizontal wall is found the vertical circulation: the modules concept is apparent in the sections as well as in the facade.

student housing Jean-Michel Veillerot & Jean Mas

Situated between Avenue Saint-MandĂŠ and rue de Picpus, this housing project was conceived in three main phases. From student dorm to the student housing block including a community center. The structure and landscaping of the site favors shared spaces with the option of privacy.


Second year

student dorm

The aim goal target of this project is to give impression of greater space. Using space dilatation, the objective is to make 21 squares matters bigger. In this project, the layout is conceived to create space; separation walls double as storage space. Highting and northern exposition exposure help create the impression of space. The spacing requires particular attention and privacy needs of students are taken into consideration. Wood coating contributes to a warm and light atmosphere while conserving privacy. Security barriers are in wood coating too helping create an aesthetic effect in facade, because of the assembly of the dorms in miror.


plan au 1/20


Second year

student housing block

Student rooms are now organized in a block 30 meters height by 15 meters width. A second type of rooms is conceived deeper within with a southern exposure. The housing program include common areas; all are treated with double height; A spiral walking wind around those spaces. Thanks to this work with common spaces, the building is punctuate by different viewpoints and urban R+2



R+5 Vide sur espace collectif Espace collectif de plein pied



Second year

community center

Ground floor

Level 1

A public building attached to the housing block is create then. It includes a library, a large common room, an exhibition gallery and common spaces for students. All of these elements are built around an inner courtyard.


This inner courtyard gives an impression of open breathing space. The building is accessible from Avenue Saint-MandĂŠ and Rue de Picpus. Community center and student housing are connected yet function independently. There is two entries; one with a large transparency showing the courtyard, another on the south side.


analysis, researchs, experimentations


Analysis section model Villa Noailles, Hyères - Robert Mallet-Stevens in group of two with Dorine BOTTERO

Analysis of Ford Foundation - Roche et Dinkeloo

Analysis of 1/2 house - John Hejduk


Sensitive experimentation around colors

Installation and experimentation around several main themes that are: Minimalism, matter, colors, light, reflects. Interested of the effect that this installation can produce, we took pictures of it by night and a particular aestheticism appear that moved us a lot.

personal works ATK

PARIS VAL DE SEINE Du 20 au 26 Mars

visits The workshop ATK is a national architecture and landscape student workshop. It is organized by UNEAP ( National union of architecture and landscape students ). ATK permit students to exchange on urban problematics. It is also a way to highlight a city and a school for a week punctate by visits, animations and conferences.For the 12th edition, the workshop ATK take place in Paris for the first time, at ENSA Paris Val de Seine in the 13th district. Within organize team, my main role were to prepare et coordinate site visits which was essential for the subject comprÊhension. The walk had been prepared to answer few architectural and urban questions about our district history and position in Paris. The site visits make the territory appropriation better linked to the workshop’s subject. Our school as epicenter, the walk goes alongside the Seine, around the 13th and 12th district and in periphery in the near Ivry-sur-Seine suburb.


ordre ouvert - densite - diversite 1 Cité de Refuge La Cité de Refuge, centre d’hébergement et de réinsertion sociale, naît en 1929 et est inaugurée en 1933. Le Corbusier y construit son tout premier grand édifice. S’élevant sur onze niveaux, la façade initiale était en mur rideau vitré et orientée au sud. Elle subit de lourdes détériorations lors des bombardements, en 1944. Le Corbusier reprend la façade en 1952 par un apport de châssis vitrés sur allèges pleines et des brise-soleil en béton.


2 Bercy Ce programme, lancé par la SEMAEST en 1988, visait à créer un quartier mixte en valorisant le patrimoine. Le Parc de Bercy constitue le coeur du quartier, il est bordé de logements, du palais omnisports, de bureaux et de commerces. Il s’agit d’une cour pavée bordée de chais de pierre blanche et de terrasses paisibles. La Cour-Saint-Émilion et ses quarante-deux chais sont le dernier vestige des entrepôts de Bercy où, pendant plus d’un siècle, s’est tenu le plus grand marché vinicole du monde.



3 Bibliothèque François Mitterand

6 1


Projet fondateur de l’opération Paris Rive Gauche, la BFM est un vaste espace ouvert. La force de ce projet réside dans la radicalité de la proposition. L’identification analogique entre la forme et le contenu transforme le bâtiment en une allégorie lisible. Les quatre tours forment quatre livres ouverts sur l’espace central. Le cinéma MK2 et la passerelle Simone de Beauvoir permettent d’humaniser l’espace public, quelque peu délaissé par le passé.

4 Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Sagesse Au coeur d’un quartier dense, ce petit édifice religieux donne une impression immédiate de sérénité. Le geste monumental conjugué à la faible taille ramène le visiteur à l’échelle du jardin et du sol. À l’intérieur de l’édifice, la lumière naturelle circule grâce à de savantes ouvertures à peine visibles. La matérialité employée et l’ingéniosité du dispositif font de ce lieux un espace spirituel hors du commun.

5 Cité de la Mode et du Design Les « Docks de Paris » désignent les quais étroits et en longueur construits à la fin du XXème siècle servant de dépôts pour les marchandises transportées par la Seine jusqu’à la barge. En 2004, la ville de Paris lance un concours pour créer un nouvel édifice culturel sur ce site. Les architectes Jakob+MacFarlane ont choisi de conserver la structure existante et de l’utiliser pour influencer la forme et le nouveau projet. Le concept du nouveau projet est connu sous le nom de «PlugOver». Ici, l’idée est de créer une nouvelle peau extérieure, inspirée principalement par le flux de la Seine et des promenades le long de la rive.

6 Les Frigos


Les entrepôts frigorifiques ont été construit en 1921 comme un avantposte des halles. À l’époque, les trains rentraient directement à l’intérieur de ces gigantesques frigos de 20000 m². Les marchandises y étaient conservées avant d’être transportées en camion dans le centre de Paris. Dans les années 70, cette activité prend fin avec la création des halles de Rungis. Des artistes ont rapidement investi les lieux pour les transformer en espaces de création. Le bâtiment, qui appartient aujourd’hui à la ville de Paris, a conservé cette volonté de l’époque : une dizaine d’artistes actifs y ont installé leur atelier.

7 Les Étoiles de Renaudie

site visits leaflet

L’ensemble de logements bâti dans le cadre de la rénovation du centre d’Ivry-sur-Seine apparaît, au début des années 70, comme un des projets phares du renouveau architectural français. Activités, commerces, cheminements, logements s’imbriquent dans l’espace, à l’horizontale et à la verticale. Jean Renaudie refuse la forme architecturale de l’angle droit qui symbolise pour lui l’ordre et l’entassement. Il privilégie le triangle qui apporte une diversité dans le plan des logements, à l’image de la complexité de l’espace urbain. Tous les appartements sont différents et s’imbriquent les uns dans les autres, incitant leurs occupants à une appropriation créatrice.

digital photography Stade de Braga, Portugal

Mucem. Marseille, France

Eglise Santa Maria. Porto, Portugal.


Ulysse. Corse, France.

film photography

Eternels fidèles.

Those images have been taken principally in Paris. They have been developped and worked manually into dark room at ECLA’s laboratory in Saint-Cloud ( Hauts-de-Seine). 48

Heureux qui comme Ulysse.



Works selection - 2015 / 2018 Architecture degree and personal works 52

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