Best Dental Treatment To Save Your Teeth They say… ‘Smile till you have teeth’! Well, so to maintain that smile one should maintain those teeth too. Teeth are the most exposed to every kind of temperature, from freezing to boiling. People eat variety of food and flavors. To keep your Natural teeth for life, one needs to take care even at home and by visiting the dentist for a routine checkup. TheDentalHub can come to your rescue to get you best consultation. Preventing the damage can help you, to not face problems and pain that is unbearable. Tooth ache is one of the most unbearable pains and one cannot eat and drink properly. This just sometimes cannot be tolerated. It is not a tedious task to take care of your oral regime, but following and committing to it at regular intervals can avoid you the after effects. However, there are many dentists who provide effective root canal treatment in Gurgaon. One needs to keep a check on their eating habits like, limited intake of sugary and acidic food and drinks. Cleaning habits like, brushing your teeth twice a day, rinsing the mouth after every meal, and sometimes floss prove helpful. But still these home initiatives may miss out a portion of the mouth left un cleaned and for that, one needs to visit a doctor as that hidden portion may start decaying and spoiling the teeth. It is better to save a natural tooth, as it makes chewing easy, maintains natural appearance and one can continue to have their favorite food and natural teeth can apply a lot more force that Dental Implants, which needs to be taken care off. And if your natural teeth are preserved, there is definitely no chance of high cost consultation and dental treatment. With best dental packages in Gurgaon , the costing can be managed with best of doctors. The best treatment if needed is Root Canal Treatment; it is any day better that that of Extraction. Extraction is a little dangerous as there can be a possibility of shift in the position the teeth and it can be more dangerous. It is better to restore the natural teeth, as any implants, bridges, crowning can never be a comfortable thing; they make come off and hurt the interior of the mouth. That is when Root Canal Treatment comes to rescue. Take advantage of Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon and get the best results. RCT (Root Canal Treatment) is a little painful, but by anesthesia, the area is numbed and the treatment becomes painless. But after Extraction of tooth or any other treatment, handing the after effects can be a pain adding on to the pain by the treatment. Endodontic treatment (RCT) needs one or two visits to the doctor and you are sorted. One can avail some of the best Dental packages in Gurgaon. Keep extraction as the last option, but first try to save the natural teeth. Discuss your dental issues thoroughly with your dentist and if needed consult an Endodontist who is expert in RCT. Take frequent checkups, attend dental camps to get your complete check up done. TheDentalHub usually gives out schemes and camps for patients to get their checkups done. Reference By:save-your-teeth/