The New Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) An Analysis of its Supervisory and Sanctioning Framework
With the formal approval by both the Council of the European Union (on 16 May 2023) (2) and the European Parliament (on 20 April 2023) (3), the new MiCARegulation (4) has successfully passed the last legislative hurdles before publication in the Official Journal. According to standard legislative procedure provided for in Article 297(1)TFEU,theRegulationwillenterintoforce20daysfrompublication.
By way of derogation, however, the Regulation will only fully become applicable a er an 18-month period according to Article 126 of the Regulation, in order to ‘allow for the adoption of regulatory technical standards, implementingtechnicalstandardsanddelegatedactsthatarenecessarytospecifycertainelements’(recital79).