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MARCH 2013
“Don't give up on Europe!” H.E. Ambassador Luc Vandebon MARCH 2013 RM8.00
Peacekeeping and Reconstruction in Afghanistan
“EUMCCI needs to grow.” — Fermin Fautsch, Chairman EUMCCI
ISSN:2289-3628 KDN NO:PP14083/07/2013(032799)
EUMCCI turns
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A New Era
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Greetings! Welcome to the first issue of the Review for the year. This year marks a special year for EUMCCI as it celebrates its 10th anniversary. What started out as a loose association known as the European Union Business Council has today become the European Union-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry or EUMCCI. EUMCCI started off with just one member and today has grown to 130 members and it is still growing! In the process EUMCCI has become a chamber of distinction whose voice is respected. And we thank you the members for giving your full support to make this possible. 2012 was a challenging year for the EU. Things are looking better now. Although the EU has still not gotten out of the woods yet but there is optimism. This is reflected in the three major interviews that we have published in this issue: with H.E. Ambassador Luc Vandebon, Chairman of EUMCCI Fermin Fautsch and past Chairman David Jones. This issue of EUMCCI Review comes with a new look and feel to it. EUMCCI is working with MPH to bring the Review to a wider audience. The Review will now be available on the shelves of leading bookstores. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and as always I welcome suggestions on how to make it even better.
Minna Saneri Editor
Editor’s Note
Cover Story “Don’t give up on Europe” FEATURE
“EUMCCI Needs To Grow.” Interview with EUMCCI Chairman Fermin Fautsch
A Chamber of Recognition Interview with former Chairman of EUMCCI, David Jones
Celebrating 10 Years of EUMCCI
Peace and Reconstruction in Afghanistan
EU Country in Focus: Croatia
Chamber News
Corporate Partner News
New Corporate Partners
Corporate Partner Benefits
Calendar of Events
STRENGTHENING THE EU-MALAYSIA TIES Luc Vandebon, Ambassador and, Head of Delegation of the EU speaks to Sharmila Valli Narayanan on his posting in Afghanistan, the importance of the Free Trade Agreement between EU and the myth some Malaysian companies have about doing business in the EU. photography by Zurin Noh
is Excellency Luc Vandebon has been in Malaysia slightly more than five months but he has already immersed himself with the many issues at hand. He has a Zen-like calmness which makes it difficult to believe that this is the man who had spent the last three years in Afghanistan, definitely one of the most dangerous places for anyone to be posted. Vandebon, who hails from Belgium, graduated with a degree in Business Engineering from the Free University of Brussels. After graduation, he wandered around for a couple of years trying to fit into a career that fulfilled him. He finally found it when he joined the European Commission in 1985. From there he went to work for the European External Action Service (EEAS). In 1991 he was given his first posting in Asia, in Beijing, China. He would stay on here for six years. Over the next few years he was posted to South Korea (where he also dealt with North Korea, which he said was “fascinating”), Philippines and then back to his home country of Belgium for three years. Then in 2009 he was posted to Afghanistan. The posting there left a very deep impression on him. Afghanistan very frequently pops up in his conversation.
EUMCCI REVIEW (ER): You have frequently mentioned that the three years in Afghanistan had a huge effect on you. What did those years in Afghanistan teach you? Luc Vandebon (LV): They taught me a lot about myself. I was alone there, like most of my colleagues, as family was not allowed. When you are alone, it gives you a lot of time to reflect about yourself in between the huge pile of work that one has to do in Afghanistan. Career wise, it was a fascinating job that I highly recommend to all my colleagues who are interested in working with policies especially security policies. It was frustrating because things don’t always go the way we as would like them to go. Despite the setbacks, the EU delegation did and still does a lot of good work in Afghanistan. EU has one of its bigger Delegations there, employing about 110 staff. And it also runs the largest cooperation programme it has in Asia.
“I hope for the best for the Afghan people because they have suffered so much”.
Afghanistan has definitely taught me that extremism is not good. You don’t
really have to be posted there for three years to know that but it certainly brings it home very intensely when you look at all the misery it causes to the average Afghan who probably feels very detached with everything that is going on above their heads but who are the ones who suffer the consequences. The civilians are the ones who suffer the most whenever there is a suicide attack when in fact they have nothing to do with
whatever the perpetrators have in mind. It is very tragic. I hope for the best for the Afghan people because they have suffered so much. Despite the violence and the uncertainty, I made a lot of good friends there. Which is why whenever I hear bad news from that country, I feel very sad. (ER): How does it feel to be posted to Malaysia after Afghanistan? (LV): It is pleasantly bizarre to be here. In Kabul I always had a retinue of eight bodyguards who followed me where ever I went. Here, I wonder around the city by myself. It is going from one extreme
to another. Compared to Kabul, Kuala Lumpur is like paradise. Still, I have not been able to completely shake off my Afghanistan experience. (ER): Is there anything that Malaysia can learn from Afghanistan? (LV): Avoid extremism! The initiative taken by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak with the Global Movement for Moderates (GMM) is something that everyone from the rest of the world is very keenly observing. It would be very useful if we could get a definition of what is exactly understood by moderation and moderates. But when you look at it from a distance, the initiative is fantastic. If GMM takes off and becomes a
success, then it could be an example for the rest of the world, especially for that part of the world where extremism runs wild. One of the big problems of Afghanistan is the ethical divisions in the country. Malaysia too is a multi-racial country. The impression I have after living here for a few months is that Malaysians live in harmony. As long as you can avoid extremism the world would be a much better place. (ER): What are your major objectives during your years here in terms of EU Malaysia relationship? (LV): The easy thing to say is to strengthen and deepen the relationship. I think we have
very good relationship with Malaysia but there is always room for improvement. 2013 is an important year because this is going to be a defining year for Malaysia with the upcoming elections. It is also a very important year for the EU because we celebrate our 10th year here in Malaysia. We would like to see solid progress and hopefully conclusion of our negotiations on three very important agreements: the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA); the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) in the context of the timber trade. If these can be accomplished and we can start working on the implementation of the PCA, the FTA and the VPA, then we will automatically deepen and strengthen the bilateral relations between EU and Malaysia. So, this is my main objective as this is the mandate that I have received from Brussels.
(ER): What are some of the misconceptions that Malaysian companies have of doing business with EU? (LV): Malaysian companies regard EU’s health and safety standards as trade obstacles. Yes, it is indeed true that we pursue legitimate policies that concern environment, natural resources and consumer protection that are very high and very demanding that can have an impact on trade. But it is very important to point out that these standards are always implemented with complete transparency and in a nondiscriminatory way, completely in line with international standards and with the WTO law and it is open and equal for everybody who trades with us. Once you meet these standards, your products can be sold in any of the 27 countries (28 once Croatia joins in mid 2013) thorough out the EU. That is the beauty of our single market. The onus is on the Malaysian companies to comply with these standards.
“As long as you can avoid extremism the world would be a much better place.”
(ER): How would you describe the current state of economic cooperation between EU and Malaysia? What areas need urgent attention? (LV): In 2011 total trade between Malaysia and EU was 32.9 billion Euros of which 14.9 billion Euros in exports to Malaysia and 17.9 billion Euros worth of exports from Malaysia to EU. Malaysia’s annual trade surplus with EU since 2006 has been an average of 5 billion Euros. I would say the EU-Malaysia trade relations are very strong. There will be some decline in the 2012 trade figures due to the crisis in Europe but I am confident that EU will bounce back and come out of this crisis stronger than ever. Areas that we need to pay urgent attention to are a number of issues under the FTA such as trading in goods, automotive, alcoholic beverages, some services sectors like financial sectors, procurement etc. In short, there are a number of issues pending under the FTA that deserve our attention. Which is why it is important for the EU and Malaysia to find a mutually acceptable solution so that we can sign the FTA.
Other countries in ASEAN see the benefits of the FTA. We have concluded one with Singapore and are in the process of negotiating with Vietnam and we will soon start negotiations on the FTA with Thailand. Some people are not happy with us that we are negotiating the FTA with individual countries in ASEAN instead of the group as a whole. We do not see it that way. We feel by negotiating with each country we in fact are helping to facilitate an overall view of ASEAN FTA at a certain point. (ER): Are you confident that the FTA between EU and Malaysia will be signed before 2014, the year Malaysia loses its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) status in EU? (LV): Negotiations for the FTA started towards the end of 2010 and it was supposed to have been signed by 2012. We were not able to do that. Obviously the sooner we get it done the better. Currently Malaysia enjoys the GSP to EU on 6,000 of the overall 9,000 tariff headings. After the end of 31 December 2013, the GSP on these 6,000 tariffs will be abolished. The fact that Malaysia “graduates” from GSP is a testimony to the development and strength of the Malaysian economy. However, a lot of Malaysian companies are going be very badly affected. I don’t think Malaysia realises the implication of this and the severe effect it will have on Malaysian companies. We are convinced that the existence of a FTA will be able to take off some of the pain that can cause for Malaysian companies. We believe the FTA is a win-win situation for all. The scoping exercise (scoping exercise is done before the start of negotiations to provide information on whether a treaty is beneficial for both parties) for this FTA done in 2006/2007 showed that Malaysia stands to gain 8 percent GDP by 2020 from an ambitious and substantive FTA with EU. Some people have claimed that the only party to gain from this FTA is EU because it can flood Malaysia with its goods while Malaysia only gains through the exports of palm oil and timber to EU. We beg to differ. We had our trade section undertake a study to see if Malaysia had other business interest in EU besides just exporting palm oil and
“There are a number of issues pending under the FTA that deserve our attention.” timber. We made a surprising discovery. Since 2007, Malaysia’s outward FDI has surpassed inbound FDI. In other words, more investments have been flowing out of Malaysia than investments that were coming into the country. Thirty percent of the outbound FDI is directed towards developed countries (in Europe mainly to Germany, United Kingdom and Netherlands) targeting sectors such as mining, quarrying, construction, property and financial services. This outward FDI is materialized through acquisition and also through setting up high end research facilities. Although Malaysia outbound FDI is very much focused on ASEAN, Malaysia also has interests in Europe beyond just selling its palm oil and timber. Lastly, there are some 2,000 EU companies operating in Malaysia. Malaysia can attract even more investment and interest from other EU companies if there is predictability and certainty. The FTA would act like a binding document between EU and Malaysia to create that predictability and certainty. In short, the FTA would have a very positive impact on investments from EU to Malaysia. So to answer your question, I hope the FTA will be signed by this year if not many Malaysian companies are going to be affected when the GSP ends. (ER): There has been lots of negative new coming out of Europe. How should Malaysian business community react to these developments in Europe? (LV): Yes we have problems, yes we made mistakes; we are now concentrating on bringing order to our house with substantial results. No one talks anymore about Greece leaving the EU. We are not out of the woods yet. But the fundamentals that will get us
out of this mess have been laid down with short term and long terms measures. There is a lot more fiscal discipline now among the member states. European Central Bank (ECB) responsibilities have been enlarged and the ECB is acting like a real central bank. The promises and statements that ECB made last year has brought back the confidence in the Euro. EU is on the road to recovery. I don’t think we are going to see dramatic economic growth figures, let me be honest about that. But there is progress. I am confident that we will come out from this crisis stronger than ever before. My advice to Malaysian companies is: don’t give up on Europe!
(ER): How has EUMCCI helped you in your work in Malaysia? (LV): EUMCCI acts as a conduit for us with the business community by giving us feedback on what is going on in the community. Thanks to EUMCCI we can keep our fingers on the pulse of the business community. EUMCCI has also helped us enormously with contacts in the EU and Malaysian business circle. In short, it is vitally important for us to have EUMCCI as a partner especially when we need to take up an issue with the Malaysian Government. EUMCCI is deeply respected in the government circles. EUMCCI is our partner in any matters related to economy and trade between EU and Malaysia. EU
ermin Fautsch is truly a citizen of the world. He is an American and European (Portuguese, of French and Spanish descent) who was born and raised in Latin America. He has lived in Europe, Africa and North America (where he worked and studied). He has worked in South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Since 2009 he has called Malaysia his home. He took up the resident pass RP-T from Talent Corp and describes the process as “one of the best experiences with immigration in the world. Talent Corp is very efficient. Everything was settled in less than four weeks”. He is also the new Chairman of EUMCCI. Fautsch took time out from his busy schedule to answer some questions for EUMCCI Review.
FORGING A NEW PATH Fermin Fautsch, the new Chairman of EUMCCI, shares with Sharmila Valli Narayanan his vision for the organisation and compares Malaysia’s business scene to the rest of the world. photography by Zurin Noh
When did your involvement with EUMCCI start? I started to get involved in 2011. My former company was a member of two chambers of commerce -- the British and the Dutch. As a member of these chambers, I was often invited to participate in EUMCCI’s events. I was involved in a couple of EUMCCI committees such as the Oil and Gas committee in 2011 and the Environment, Energy and Green Technology (EEGT) committee. I found the events organised by EUMCCI very interesting and stimulating. In late 2011, I was invited to become the Head of the Oil and Gas committee and subsequently in mid 2012, I was elected as a director and acted as the deputy chairman for the rest of the year with a view to becoming the Chairman in 2013. David Jones led the Chamber as Chairman for almost seven years and after many positive contributions he decided to step down at the end of 2012. In January 2013, I became the Chairman of EUMCCI. What were some of the benefits that you experienced after joining EUMCCI? In my former company, I was the regional head. For someone in my position, a chamber like the EUMCCI is a great way to gain access to key policy makers, influence advocacy, network and meet people, and learn more
“We need to position Malaysia as a hub in ASEAN.”
about how things work in Malaysia, business practices, on what to do and what not to do and make new friends. It has been a wonderful learning experience. Joining EUMCCI is great for new comers. Also, those who have been here many years can gain a lot from joining the Chamber. Chambers like EUMCCI are a unique avenue for one to voice one’s concern about the industry or business in one of the 14 committees that the Chamber runs and a conduit for business advocacy. Now that you are the Chairman of EUMCCI, what are your objectives for it? My colleagues at the Executive Committee and I are in the process of launching a strategic and governance review of EUMCCI. EUMCCI has had quite a number of successes since its set up in 2003. I am quite impressed with the Malaysian Government’s acknowledgment of us as a very important conduit of interaction with European businesses. We hold regular dialogues with the key stakeholders in all key sectors of EU-Malaysia trade and investment. The Government takes our views seriously. EUMCCI has also, over the years, built its credibility and has gained a good reputation with key stakeholders. That’s a fantastic achievement. Its membership has grown with most of the big relevant European companies participating directly and indirectly through the bilateral chambers. The challenge now is to take it further. I want to get input from the Executive Committee, from the Board, and from the staff and then draw up our strategic plans for EUMCCI for the coming three to five years. The Chamber needs to continuosly grow. I believe all organisations need to grow. If you don’t grow, you’re in trouble. We need to expand our membership by getting more Malaysian, EU and ASEAN companies to become members. I also want to solidify and enhance our good relationship with the government to fulfill one of our main missions which is to facilitate and to increase the trade and investment amongst EU, Malaysia and ASEAN. Another thing that we need to do is to position Malaysia as a hub in ASEAN. EUMCCI is a member of the EU ASEAN Business Council (EABC), representing Malaysia,
and we are in the process of strengthening the Council to better serve the interests of European businesses in ASEAN and promote investment and trade in ASEAN. We are collaborating with our sister Chambers in ASEAN to accomplish this. In Malaysia, we need to hyper focus and select a few activities that Malaysia can do very well and exploit the complementarities of the nations. EUMCCI is promoting Malaysia as a hub to ASEAN in facilitating investments and trade. You have worked all over the world. How do you compare the Malaysian business scene to the rest of the world? Malaysia is well developed and has a modern business environment. Its infrastructure is very good. For example its telecommunication system is on par with those of developed countries. The transportation system is also good and is profiting from new investments, while it still offers many opportunities for investments from Europe, where we have top technologies in this sector. When I first moved here, I was positively surprised to find that Malaysia has a very good and dynamic labour market. There is a healthy level of labour mobility: people are not afraid of taking on challenges; they are interested in developing their skills, which is what Malaysia needs at the moment: focus on skills and human capital development -- that would be its most precious asset in competing with neighboring countries. Having said all that, in order to compete with other countries, Malaysia needs to think of ways to enhance its education system especially in relation to science and technology. These two subjects are very important for any economy. Malaysia
can strengthen its education and skills in science and technology to accelerate its path towards becoming a high income economy. Innovation is the key component in spurring the growth. Look at how Singapore and South Korea have put a lot of emphasis on developing a strong curriculum in math, science and technology. This cannot be achieved overnight and has to start from primary school. The good thing is that the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) is addressing this issue but it will take some time for it to bear fruit. We at EUMCCI can help Malaysia by facilitating interaction with European universities that are dedicated to science and technology. We are developing and proposing partnership models with universities to groom entrepreneurs mentored by industry leaders. We can also get European institutions that specialise in vocational and technical training to partner with Malaysian institutions. What advice do you have on working with people from different cultures? My first advice is to listen, listen, listen and learn. When you go to another country, listen and learn about the culture. Be humble and respectful; go with an open mind and don’t be condescending. There is no substitute for good preparation. This means you have to do your homework and your research. Make some effort to learn the local language as this will help you integrate better with the locals. It will also help you understand the country better too. Finally, no matter where you go, have a professional attitude to your work. That means no slacking, delivering on time as promised and working hard. EU EUMCCI REVIEW
David Anthony Jones had been the Chairman of EUMCCI for seven years when he stepped down last year. He looks back on the growth of EUMCCI over the years and how it has evolved to become a chamber of distinction.
avid Anthony Jones had an adventurous streak in him that wanted to explore the unknown. In 1977 he left England and decided to follow his Malaysian wife to Malaysia and start life all over again. Armed with a degree in aerospace engineering, he could find no work in Malaysia. Undeterred, he began his career in Malaysia as a Math and Physics teacher in an international school. Almost a year later in 1978, he joined Malaysian Airlines as a technical engineer. His career took off from there. In 1987, he decided to go back to the United Kingdom with his family. He would remain there for 14 years before coming back to work in Malaysia in 2001. “At that time I was working for Rolls Royce. I was seconded to the Malaysian government for Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) as an aerospace consultant. My office back then was in the Prime Minister’s Department. I was with them for 18 months.” Jones is still working for the aerospace industry. He calls it “and industry I love and I’m in a region I love.” Jones was the Chairman of EUMCCI for seven years, from 2005 till he stepped down last year. Q: How did you become involved with EUMCCI? A: Before the formation of EUMCCI, there was the European Union Business Council in 1993 which was a loose association that consisted of every single European chamber member. When it was decided to form the chamber, I was interested partly due to its European context and with the approval of the Chief Executive of Rolls Royce , my then company, I joined the Board of Directors of the soon to be formed EUMCCI.
“A strong Europe will import more goods and that’s good news for Malaysia.”
I was happy to go along with his suggestion because my company while quintessentially a British company, also had a number of bases in Europe in countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain. At that time I was also a member of the British Chamber of Commerce. I felt that EUMCCI would be an excellent way for me to network with the trade delegations from other European countries. I am proud to say that I was there when EUMCCI was formed in 2003. When the then Chairman Jari Silventoinen wanted to step down, I received a surprise call inviting me to become the new Chairman. I felt very honoured. This happened towards the end of 2005. Q: How has EUMCCI grown over the years? A: When I first became Chairman, EUMCCI had one permanent staff. Now we have eight! I have seen EUMCCI over the years trying to develop its own mark to become a chamber of recognition. And it is nice to say that today EUMCCI is definitely a chamber of recognition. The Chamber does not have to invite itself to various conferences; nor need to ask to become a speaker at various forums and seminars -- we are invited. The Chamber is also invited to be part of Government think tanks. Whenever the Chamber organises an event, it is easy to get the top business people from European companies here to attend. Top Malaysian Government officials too have generously given their time to attend the events organised by the Chamber. All this indicates the high regard with which the Chamber is held. EUMCCI has also been very successful as a business chamber that showcases the views
of different sectors in Europe. Very often when Malaysia thinks of Europe it thinks of the United Kingdom, France and Germany but forgets that there are 27 countries in EU. Other countries in EU also deserve some recognition and they offer opportunities for bilateral trade with Malaysia. One of the successes that we have had is to make sure those countries’ views and requirements are heard as well. EUMCCI has also broadened itself by creating the EU-ASEAN Business Council. It has ensured that there is a European interest in the form of a chamber in the ASEAN countries and that there are dialogues between these various chambers in ASEAN. Q: How would you describe your years as chairman? A: When I look at it in a holistic manner, I must say it has been an extremely rewarding and challenging experience. It was also an excellent learning experience for me. Selecting the right people – those who were really motivated and who would willingly give their time for the Chamber -- that was a challenge in its own right. When I became Chairman I realised while we were the European Union Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we did not have a single Malaysian director on board. I brought in two Malaysian directors to ensure that there was a Malaysian context to the chamber. It was also an interesting experience selecting people to be part of the management team and to witness their development. The nicest
feeling was seeing everyone work together to make a project successful. And when we organise these projects – whether talks, seminars, workshops etc. – to receive the heartfelt thanks from those who attended, showed that we were actually on the right path and are ensuring we are offering benefit to our members. Q: How do you think 2013 is going to shape up for EU and Malaysia in terms of trade and growth? A: There have been some encouraging signs coming from Europe. If the economists are to be believed, in the third quarter of this year, Europe is going to come out of this current situation and the growth is going to be thorough. Europe’s growth is going to benefit Malaysia. Malaysia is heavily dependent on foreign trade. Almost 75 percent of what it produces is exported. A strong Europe will import more goods and that’s good news for Malaysia. I think we will see an uplift in trade between Europe and Malaysia. This will be noticeable in the third and fourth quarter of this year. Q: What did being chairman of this chamber teach you? A: I’ve learned that sometimes we need to be flexible in our views if we are to reach our vision or goal. This is especially true if you work with a team where there is bound to be different points of view. It is also important to learn to accommodate the differing views to achieve the goals. You must learn to accept that there might be more than one path to achieve the goals and the path that you think is the appropriate one might not necessarily be the best. The job of the Chairman is a voluntary role. The job has its frustrations, demands and challenges but overall I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I read somewhere that one can be only truly happy when giving and not taking. I discovered it to be true during my tenure as the Chairman. Giving back to the community – in this case the business community – really made me a happier person. EU
“Giving back to the community – in this case the business community – really made me a happier person.” EUMCCI REVIEW 11
Eco Tourism in Malaysia One of the first major programmes for EUMCCI was in the field of eco tourism in Malaysia. A few pilot sites were chosen for this project from Perak and Sabah. The EUMCCI and the state of Perak organised the EU-Malaysia Ecotourism Conference from 26th to 28th September 2005 in Ipoh. The conference, co-financed by the European Union and Perak, offered practical tools to Malaysia to become a premium ecotourism destination. The conference was officiated by the then Minister of Tourism, Datuk Dr Leo Michael Toyad.
EUMCCI has come a long way from its nascent days in 2003 to become a chamber that is well established and respected. Here’s a look at some of the events at EUMCCI over the years.
Survey of Malaysian logistics The EUMCCI Logistics Committee Survey of Malaysian logistics was much appreciated by the members as it highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of Logistics in Malaysia.
EUMCCI first started off as the European Union Business Council (EUBC). It emerged as the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) on 8 May 2003. Jari Silventoinen and Robert Jaimond were EUMCCI’s first co-chairmen. When they stepped down, David Jones took over as chairman towards the end of 2005. He served as chairman for seven years before stepping down. EUMCCI’s current chairman is Fermin Fautsch.
The Logistics Committee was the first committee of EUMCCI. Now it has 14 committees representing key sectors in EUMalaysia trade and investment, which is the core of the chamber.
Over these 10 years, EUMCCI has organised many events attended by high level ministers and officials from Malaysia and other countries. It would be impossible to list down all the events organised by EUMCCI or the events it attended. Below are highlights of some of the major events in EUMCCI’s decade long history.
Y.B. Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz at the launch of EUMCCI’s new office.
Datuk Dr. Leo Michael Toyad (in the dark suit) at the EU-Malaysia Ecotourism Conference.
The Second EBO regional meeting against counterfeiting and piracy The Second EBO regional meeting in Asia was held in Seoul, South Korea from 30th to 31th May 2005. This meeting was held to
discuss one of the most pressing problems in Asia: counterfeiting. At the end of the meeting, eight new strategies for the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) were recommended by the EU.
The EBO members who attended the conference.
01 EUMCCI’s new office EUMCCI’s first office as a Chamber was in Menara Kemayan in Jalan Ampang. The EUMCCI’s new office was launched on 24th January 2005. It was attended by many high level officials. The opening of the new office was launched by Y.B Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of International Trade and Industry. The other guests at the event were H.E. Thierry Rommel, Head of European Commission Delegation in Kuala Lumpur and other EU Ambassadors, VIPs from Malaysian government organisations and company representatives. EUMCCI’s co-chairman Jari Silventoinen was on hand to welcome the guests.
03 04
01 EUMCCI team in 2012 Europa Awards Gala. 02 SF Wong, Minna Saneri and Christine Cassagne, in a one-room-office in 2004.
03&04 The various committees that make up EUMCCI form the core of Chamber.
VIP Luncheon series This is one of the most looked out for events organised by EUMCCI. The VIP Luncheon series is a series of talks where Ministers and prominent Malaysians from the private and government sector are invited to talk about current issues. This is followed by a Q & A session with the audience. People look forward to this event because it gives a chance to audience to have a one to one session with the invited guests. Some of the people who have spoken at this event are Human Resources Minister YB Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam, YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Idris Jala, PEMANDU, YBhg Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Honourable Governor of Bank Negara and YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, the Honourable Chief Minister of Penang.
The European Services Forum (ESF) visits to the EUMCCI office The European Services Forum (ESF), is an organisation that represents service industries across the EU. The Managing Director of ESF, Mr Pascal Kerneis, visited Malaysia on the 21st to 22nd September 2005. On his agenda was the lunch meeting with EUMCCI where he heard the views of the European business community on the prospects for the Doha Round, on an eventual EU-ASEAN free trade agreement and on trade and investment barriers in Malaysia. From left: Mr Azlam Shah Alias, Director of Corporate & Legal Affairs of Tesco, Mr Pascal Kerneis, Managing Director of ESF, Mr Jari Silventoinen, EUMCCI Co-Chairman and Mr Jacob V Nicholas, Operations Director, TNT Express.
A cultural performance for the participants of the conference.
EU-Thailand-Malaysia Matchmaking Conference 2007 The EUMCCI, Finpro and other partners in Germany and Thailand organised the EU-Thailand-Malaysia Matchmaking Conference which was held in Bangkok from 10th to 11th September 2007. The conference was the highlight of the 16 month project, “Care and Prevention of the Lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases.” Around 73 companies from six countries in Europe, Malaysia and Thailand attended the conference.
YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, the Honourable Chief Minister of Penang.
Trade Forum One of our annual signature events where the EUMCCI Trade Issues and Recommendation book is launched. The publication is a valuable source of information that contains issues covering all key sectors from EUMCCI’s 14 sectoral committees. 05 Tan Sri Amirsham Abdul Aziz, MIDA Chairman and Deputy Chairman of EUMCCI Prof Dr Geoffrey Williams. 06 Guest of honour to the Trade Forum, Datuk Dr Rebecca Sta Maria, Secretary General of MITI, flanked by the former Head & Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Malaysia, HE Vincent Piket and former EUMCCI Chairman, Mr David Jones. 07 The panel discussion.
YB Human Resource Minister Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam, with former EUMCCI Chairman David Jones and Deputy Jean-Francois Jadin.
YBhg Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Honourable Governor of Bank Negara
YB Datuk Seri Idris Jala, PEMANDU.
YBhg Tan Sri Zeti having a conversation with the former Ambassador & Head of EU Delegation to Malaysia, HE Vincent Piket
CSR work EUMCCI’s CSR Committee is focused on getting more attention for CRS work done in Malaysia.
08 Datuk Paduka Marina Mahathir and Mr Loong Caesar at the launch of EUMCCI’s CSR Book, a collection of Inspirational Corporate Social Responsibility stories and best practises from our corporate members. 09 Contributors of EUMCCI’s first ever CSR publication, “Budi Disemai, Jasa Dituai”
Europa Gala Awards (2007, 2009, 2010, 2012) First started in 2007, this biennial awards is in celebration of the EU-Malaysia Trade and Investment Relations. This event showcases awards being given in recognition of corporate organisations and enterprises that have made efforts and succeeding in initiating, contributing and sustaining the growth of trade and investment links between Europe and Malaysia. This gala event, held in true European style also provides an excellent opportunity to network with a distinguished line-up of foreign and local dignitaries, ambassadors and VIPS from the Malaysian Government. The next Europa Gala Awards will be held in 2014.
It is not always serious events that are organised by EUMCCI. Many fun events are also planned where members can relax, have fun and network.
Standard Chartered was a winner in 2009.
Shell Malaysia - winner of Long Term Excellence in EU-Malaysia Trade / Investment.
Tastes of Europe (formerly know as the European Wine Beer & Cheese Fest) Currently in its 12 edition, this event is deemed one of EUMCCI’s most popular events with a growing number of participants and exhibitors. EUMCCI believes that besides the many business opportunities offered by the EU, one of its greatest attractions is its rich gastronomy and culinary tradition. This yearly fest allows members and guests to feast on European delicacies while they network and seek out new business opportunities in the food industry.
Datuk Rebecca Sta Maria, Secretary General of MITI joins in the fun too!
The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak launched the EU Pavilion at IGEM 2012.
Sporting events The power of sports in forging friendships and building new business networks has long been recognised. Several sporting events are held yearly. One of the most popular is the EU-Malaysia Golf Challenge. EU
DiGi Telecommunications - winner of Highest Excellence Awards by a European investor in Malaysia at Europa Awards 2012.
supported by:
Peace keeping and reconstruction in Afghanistan 2013 High level breakfast talk Date: Friday 18 January 2013 Venue: Melia Hotel KL Organised by: The Defence and Security Committee of EUMCCI
assistance (ODA) in Asia to Afghanistan. By the end of 2011, EU had provided aid worth more than 2 billion Euros. Most of this money was channeled to three areas: rural development, health and governance. The greatest success has been in the field of health. “Thanks to the EU and the joint efforts of the US and UN, today close to 75 percent of Afghans especially in the rural areas, have access to basic health care. Before, during the Taliban regime, only 10 percent of the population had this access,” he informed.
ar came to Afghanistan on 7th October 2001 when the armed forces of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France and the Afghan United Front (Northern Alliance) launched Operation Enduring Freedom. The objective of the invasion was to destroy the Al Qaeda (which was behind the deadly 9/11 attacks in the United States) which was using Afghanistan as its base. Another aim of the invasion was to remove the Taliban regime from power in Afghanistan. This was not the first time that Afghanistan had tasted war. Its long, turbulent history is filled with various wars. The last time Afghanistan faced an invader was in 1979 when the Soviet Union deployed its forces in Afghanistan. That war lasted nearly 10 years and ended with the withdrawal of Soviet forces in 1989.
The present Ms Minna Saneri, Lt. Col. Sani Royan, HE Luc Vandebon, Col. was has been Martin Bannon, Mr Krzystof J. Splawiec and Mr Andrin Raj. going on for more than 11 years. President Obama has announced that Afghanistan – in other words, Afghanistan the United States and other foreign troops beyond 2014 after the Americans and other that make up the International Security foreign troops leave the country. Assistance Force (ISAF) would withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014. How will this Three distinguished speakers spoke at the event headed by HE Luc Vandebon, EU Ambassador affect Afghanistan? and Head of Delegation to Malaysia. He was The high level breakfast talk organised by the also posted in Afghanistan for three years. Defence and Security Committee of EUMCCI The other speakers were Col Martin Bannon, was centered on peace and reconstruction in Adjunct Fellow, Stratad Asia - Pacific Strategic Centre and Special Adviser to the International Association for Counterterrorism Security Professionals, Southeast Asia Regional Office. The final speaker was Lt. Col. Sani Royan, former Malaysian Intelligence Officer , fellow at Stratad Asia-Pacific Strategic Centre and Deputy Head of IACSP At Southeast Asia Regional Office. Some successes Despite the doom and gloom that one hears from Afghanistan, there are some success stories, said Vandebon. He disclosed that the EU grants the largest official development
There have also been some improvement in human rights and women’s rights. The EU has done work to raise awareness of the evils of violence against women and child marriages. Safe houses have also been established for women who are victims of domestic abuse. Col Bannon pointed out other success as well such as the return of the refugees from Pakistan back to Afghanistan. “About four million refugees have returned home,” he said. “The country’s GDP is growing, although on a very small scale but nevertheless it is growing. In terms of agriculture, the nation can feed itself without having to rely on imports.” He also pointed out a survey which reported that
Malaysia’s role in Afghanistan Malaysia has played an important role in the humanitarian operation in Afghanistan. According to Lt. Col Sani MALCON (Malaysian Contingent) 5 success rate in winning the hearts and minds of the civilians has been recognised by other organisations such as US Aid. “Our programmes and our troops have been more warmly accepted by the locals compared to other troops,” said Lt. Col Sani.
Afghans considered themselves better off now than five years ago. Infrastructure across the nation has vastly improved in the last few years as compared to 10 years ago. One of the biggest successes is the opening of schools and the increase in the number of children attending them. “More than nine million children are attending schools including three million girls,” he informed the audience. The opening up of educational opportunities for girls is perhaps the lasting contribution that this war in Afghanistan has on the country. Under the Taliban, girls were strictly forbidden access to education. Challenges Afghanistan is a country that is in dire need of rebuilding. This means there are vast business opportunities for companies to be part of the reconstruction of the country. Unfortunately the challenges facing the country are the main obstacles that prevent many businesses from wanting to do any business in the country. The biggest problem facing Afghanistan is corruption which is endemic and has paralysed the country. Businesses cannot prosper in an environment that is rife with corruption. The speakers agreed that unless
MALCON 5 was stationed in the Bamyan province. During its time there, the MALCON 5 introduced a successful water filter system which was eventually followed by villages in other regions. It also developed solar panels to produce electricity for schools and health centres. On the whole, Malaysia has been given the thumbs up for its peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.
corruption is tackled seriously, nothing much can improve in Afghanistan. Other obstacles that businesses will face in Afghanistan is the lack of dispute settlement mechanisms, lack of transparency and a justice system that is in shambles. Col Bannon compared Afghanistan to Iraq. “When US invaded Iraq, it had a functioning bureaucracy under Saddam. The invasion broke it and produced chaos but eventually Iraqis will be able to put it back together again. But in Afghanistan, no such thing exists because it has been at war for more than three decades.” The lack of security is another serious matter that will hamper the growth of trade, according to Lt Col Sani. “Priority must be given to security first before one can think of development,” he said. “The question is can the Afghans provide security for their own country and people after the foreign troops pull out? The drastic reduction of American troops from the present 60,000 to just 6,000 post 2014 does not bode well for the country. Even the Afghans don’t seem to have faith in their troops.” The general feeling among the speakers is that the small success gained in education, especially education for women, health services etc. might not last once all the troops have been withdrawn. As Vandebon put it, “Afghans are convinced that access to health services benefits everyone. Unfortunately not all Afghans think positively about women’s education.” At the moment things do not look very promising for Afghanistan post 2014. As Col Bonnan said, “I am not optimistic about its future. But then things can change for the better.” EU EUMCCI REVIEW 19
Croatia’s contribution to the world Croatia has contributed to the enrichment of science and culture. Here are some of the famous Croatian inventions and people: • Over 600 million men all over the world use the tie or cravat. They were first invented in Croatia. • The inventor of the AC current is Nikola Tesla, who worked for the American firm Westinghouse. • Eduard Penkala was the inventor of mechanical pencils and solid ink fountain pen. In the early 20th century, his pen and pencil factory was one of the largest in the world. The company now known as TOZPenkala still exists today. • Three Croatians won the Noble prize: Ivo Andric for literature; Lavoslav Ruzicka and Vladimir Prelog for chemistry. • The parachute was invented by a Croatian Renaissance man, Faust Vrancic.
REPUBLIC OF CROATIA J uly (July 1 2013) is going to be a historic day for the Republic of Croatia as it will take its rightful place as the 28th Member State of the European Union. This event will take place after what H.E. Zeljko Bosnjak, Ambasaddor of Croatia describes as “six years of the most comprehensive negotiations in the history of the EU Enlargement.”
Geographically, Croatia is in the centre of Europe. It is often described as a country that sits at the crossroad between north and south Europe and between west and east Europe. Its borders are one of Europe’s oldest and have mainly remained unchanged since the 17 century after the wars with the Ottoman empire ended. Croatia’s neighbours to the north are Austria and Italy; Slovenia to the west and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro as well as Serbia, to the east. Croatia’s unique position at the crossroads of Europe has resulted in a unique culture. Its people are very open due to different cultural influences. Croatia’s rich history is imprinted in its art and in its rich architecture that is famous throughout the world. “Croatia’s entry into the EU is not seen as Croatia joins Europe but returning to Europe,” says Bosnjak. Croatia’s economy is dominated by the service sector. The other economic drivers of the country are the industrial and the agricultural sectors. Tourism is also very important, contributing up to 20 percent of Croation GDP. In 2011 tourism brought in an income of 6.61 billion Euros. The tourist season peaks during the few months in summer when the bulk of the tourists arrives. Croatia receives over 11.5 million tourists, which is almost triple the size of its population. Croatia is ranked as the 18th most popular tourist destination in the world. Over the centuries, due to its geographical position, Croatia has had a turbulent history
H.E Zeljko Bosnjak, Ambassador of Croatia
interspaced with moments of peace. After the Second World War, Croatia had been part of Yugoslavia. After the break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the world became aware of Croatia when it became a target of Serb aggression. The Croatian War of Independence was from 1991 to 1995. It ended with the victory for the Croatian forces over the Serbs. Croatia at a glance Official Name: Republic of Croatia or Republika Hrvatska in Croatian Capital and Largest City: Zagreb Total Area: 56,594km² Population: 4,290,612 Official Language: Croatian
“Croatia wants to become a Member State of the EU, share the values that have been developing for the past six decades. Two of those values are maybe the most important – peace and stability. Sixty years of peace, to be more precise,” explains Bosnjak. Croatia is also preparing to join the Eurozone. “Adopting the Euro is not an option; it is part of the package you accept by becoming a member of the club,” says Bosnjak. “However, becoming part of Eurozone is not automatic and countries need to fulfil the Maastricht criteria… For Croatia whose market and financial institutions are highly dependent on Euro, joining the Euro brings a lot of benefits. Croatia has been preparing for the Euro from the onset of negotiations. The current crises will probably postpone the membership in the Eurozone, but rest assured Croatia will be fully prepared to adopt it when the time comes.”
Croatia was one of the most prosperous regions in the former Yugoslavia. The war in the 1990s severely damaged the economy of the country. After hostilities ceased, Croatia made remarkable strides on the economic front. The world financial crises of 2008 has put a brake on Croatia’s growth. Bosnjak is optimistic that things will turn around for Croatia. “We do have the capacity and means to take our rightful place on the international plane within the means we possess.”
Malaysia-Croatia trade The current trade figure is very small and favours Malaysia. At present, Croatia’s exports to Malaysia include lime, cement, construction material, optical products, clothes and accessories (except textile), cooling and heating equipment among others. Malaysia’s top four exports to Croatia are machinery for Automatic Processing of Information (AOP), office
“Other areas of cooperation would be the IT, electrical engineering industry (Končar, Monting are just some of the names of the vast list of world renowned companies), wood, textile and food industry,” informs Bosnjak. “Twenty two companies in Croatia have halal certificates. There are other companies that produce products that are of high quality. Our olive oil and wines are among the best in the world.” Ethnic Groups: • Croats 90.4% • Serbs 4.4% • Others 5.2% Religion: • Catholic 87.98% • Orthodox 4.42% • Muslim 1.28% • Atheist 5.21%
equipment, telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories and solid vegetables fats and oils. Ambassador Bosnjak believes that there are many areas of cooperation where both countries can benefit. These areas include oil and gas, ship building (Croatia’s shipbuilding tradition dates back several centuries. Croatian shipyards still build some of the world’s best ships), defence and pharmaceutical industry.
Tourism is another area where there could be greater cooperation between the two countries. “Croatian expertise in tourism goes back to the Austro-Hungarian empire, making some of Croatian destinations among of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe,” he says. Croatia also has some of the most beautiful natural parks and rich historical heritage. Its world famous medieval town Dubrovnik is perhaps even better known than the country itself! Malaysia could learn much about how Croatia preserves its historical heritage, safeguards its natural beauty and promotes agrotoursim. With the entry of Croatia into the EU, a whole new era will open for the country. EU
Source: CIA World Factbook and Wikipedia.
RETURNS The exhibition that built industry professionals look forward to is returning bigger and better.
very year the one event that built industry professionals look forward to is the ARCHIDEX, the International Architecture, Interior Design and Building Exhibition. ARCHIDEX showcases the latest innovations and
ARCHIDEX 2013 information Date: 19 to 22 June 2013 information for Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre the built industry Opening hours: 10am to 7pm. professionals. The Admission: Free. Open to persons aged 16 and above. exhibition offers Registration is required before entry. information from new contacts, new materials or For more information please call +603 7982 4668. products, systems, Website: www.archidex.com.my; email: info@archidex.com.my technologies and other features related to the architecture, interior design and built attract over 32,000 trade visitors and 500 industry. Over the years ARCHIDEX has unique companies to present their product gained a reputation as the one stop centre and services. Other added attractions to for industry professionals: from buyers to this year’s ARCHIDEX are international manufacturers to owners. ARCHIDEX has forums and conferences such as DATUM: become an industry event – a place where KL (International Architectural Design industry professionals can conveniently Conference) and KLDF (Kuala Lumpur source for their respective industry’s needs Design Forum). while meeting industry providers and experts This four-day event is touted as the region’s of the field face-to-face. most significant trade exhibition for Over the years, ARCHIDEX’s reputation has business and networking purposes for the grown to such an extent that it has become a built industry professionals. ARCHIDEX must in the itinerary of many built industry is jointly organised by PAM (Pertubuhan professionals such as architects, interior Akitek Malaysia) and C.I.S Network Sdn designers, developers, etc. to source for Bhd. ARCHIDEX was the winner of the materials and to gather new knowledge. prestigious MACEOS 2011 Best Trade This year ARCHIDEX 2013 expects to Exhibition Award. EU
ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The Second ECO-B 2013 aims to increase awareness of green architecture and design. ECO-B 2013 at a glance: Date: 26 to 28 March 2013 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Opening hours: 10am to 6pm Admission: Free. Open to persons aged 16 years and above. Registration required before entry. For more information: Call +603 7982 4668. Website: www.ecob.com.my; email: info@ecob.com.my
he green movement has swept the world. The architecture and design industries are not exempt from the influences of the green movement. The 2nd Malaysia Eco Building and Design Exhibition (ECO-B) 2013 aims to showcase green architecture and design for a more sustainable built and design industry in Malaysia and the region. Jointly organised by Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) and C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd, ECO-B is recognised by the Ministry of Works, KeTTHA, MATRADE and related green bodies such as Green Building Index (GBI), Malaysian Green Building Confederation (MGBC) and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). The aim of these bodies in recognising the importance of ECO-B is to stimulate eco architecture, practice and design for the future in the region. Some of the exhibit categories that will be showcased are Air & Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Materials & Resources, Eco-Invention & Innovation and Infrastructure Efficiency.
This year, ECO-B is held in conjunction with International Construction Week (ICW) 2013, which is organised by CIDB. This unique platform will gather all industry leaders and key players in the global construction industry in one place to showcase the latest construction product and services. This event will also showcase the key construction projects as outlined in the Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) and Regional Development Corridor (RDC). The 2nd ECO-B 2013 will focus on everything sustainable that the built environment needs to know. It is an excellent platform to explore green building technologies and designs, new solutions, the latest methods and expertise, new sustainable materials and product innovations, local governmental legislations as well as incentives, green building assessment and rating consultations amongst others. The exhibition will also reveal products that are more sustainable, aesthetically appealing and fulfilling today’s needs, while delivering a better tomorrow. ECO-B 2013 will act as an avenue for green businesses, networking with industry-led professionals and a source for updating oneself via concurrent eco forums, talks, workshops and other highlights.
The concurrent event, ECO-B Workshop on 26 March is organised by MGBC. The workshop sessions will feature topics such as Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources & Environment and Indoor Environmental Quality. Insightful case studies will also be presented. The ECO-B Forum on 27 March is another highlight not to be missed. With its theme “Green Distinction” seeks to highlight some of the innovative ideas and thoughts of some of the region’s leading architects and designers such as Dr Tan Loke Mun from ArchiCentre, Lee Chor Wah from Architecture Asia, Elora Hardy from Green School Bali, Vo Trong Nghai from Vietnam, Tip Yuen Hong from Singapore and BC Ang from Malaysia. Their projects have created works of green distinction, winning international recognition and also opening up a plethora of new ideas for the industry. Over 15,000 trade visitors comprising of architects, township planners, urban designers, property developers, builders and contractors, engineers and quantity surveyors, eco building specialists and consultants, green building certifiers and facilitators, interior designers and other built industry professionals are expected to attend ECO-B 2013. EU
Luncheon with MIDA Chairman
EUMCCI Corporate Partners Appreciation Evening
ne of the social highlights last year was the EUMCCI Corporate Partners Appreciation Evening which was held on 30th November at the Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur. The event was EUMCCI’s way of thanking all of its corporate partners for their continuing support towards the Chamber and it was a farewell for the outgoing Chairman of EUMCCI Mr. David Jones. The event was well attended and guests had a good time mingling and networking with one another. Guests were also given a review and highlight of the Chamber’s work for the whole year. A preview of what’s in store for the coming year was also unveiled for the guests. EU
alaysian Investment Development Authority or better known as MIDA, is the government’s principal agency for the promotion of manufacturing and services sector in Malaysia. Its mission is to “ensure Malaysia achieves its goal in economic transformation and is aspiration of a developed nation by 2020.” A market-oriented economy and government policies that provide businesses with the opportunity for growth and profits have made Malaysia a highly competitive manufacturing and export base. MIDA plays an important role in the growth of Malaysia as an industrialized nation as it assists companies which intend to invest in the manufacturing services sectors Members listening attentively to Tan Sri Amirsham Abdul Aziz as he delivers his speech as well as facilitating the implementation of their projects. MIDA provides a wide range of service to assist investors such as providing information on the opportunities for investments as well as facilitating companies which are looking for joint venture partners. EUMCCI invited Tan Sri Amirsham Abdul Aziz, the Chairman of MIDA to share his views on the future of MIDA and on how companies could sustain business growth in this current challenging economic climate. The event was well attended and members found the frank discussion with Tan Sri Amirsham useful. EU
MOU signing between EBO Worldwide Network and Business Europe
ovember 27th saw the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the European Business Organisations (EBO) Worldwide Network and Business Europe to set up a cooperative channel for collaboration and the co-ordination of efforts to advance European businesses in global markets. The MoU is a win-win situation for all as one of its purposes is to “work closely with Malaysian stakeholders to strengthen the international competitiveness, both for European and Malaysian SMEs in ASEAN”. EU
The President of the EBO Worldwide Network Mr. Jason Collins and the MD of ESF / Business Europe Mr. Pascal Kerneis. 26 EUMCCI REVIEW
SME Forum
EUMCCI Annual Golf Challenge 2012
n most developed countries, SMEs are one of the main engines of growth. Recognising the importance of SMEs to a country’s economy, EUMCCI organized a forum with the theme “Challenges and Opportunities for European and ASEAN SMEs in the Services Sectors” for Malaysian SMEs. The forum was held on 27th November 2012 and headed by well known industry leaders such as Dr Nordin Mohd Zain, Executive Director of Deloitte Malaysia; Datuk Wira Jalilah Baba, Chairman of Crewstone International Sdn Bhd; Hamdan Mohd Habibollah, Head of Developmental Banking of SME Bank; Hugh Vanijprabha, Executive Director of Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) and Pascal Kerneus, MD of ESF. The reason why the focus of the forum was on the services sector was because of the importance of the services sector as one of the drivers of economic growth. Studies done
Members at the panel discussion.
olf has a wonderful way of bringing people together to socialise and at the same time to get some exercise as well. The EUMCCI Annual Golf Challenge took place on 1st December 2012 at the Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC). The
in EU reveal that over three quarters of new jobs created in the EU are in the services sector. In his welcoming speech, EUMCCI deputy chairman Fermin Fautsch outlined the importance of SMEs to a country’s development. Citing Europe as an example, he revealed that studies show that SMEs contribute more than 75 per cent to the GDP in Europe where as in the ASEAN region,
Mr Pascal Kerneus, MD of ESF giving his presentation. SMEs contribution to the GDP is more than 50 per cent. “The forum is a good platform to gather all SMEs from Armenia, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other countries to gain knowledge and information on how their business can overcome challenges pursuing international opportunities in the services sectors, in particular,” said Fautsch. The panel discussion that followed touched on important themes such as how international success is within reach of SMEs and why it is strategically more important than ever that even small businesses consider going international. EU
Briefing on general elections, organised by EUMCCI Defense & Security Committee
ne of the most talked about topics among Malaysians and foreigners today is the upcoming 13th General Elections which is expected to be held in March. An exclusive presentation on the upcoming elections was held for EUMCCI Corporate members. The interesting presentation was given by Mr. Jason Leong, CEO of SIP Consulting Bhd. EU
event was organised to foster close partnership and networking between oil and gas companies in Malaysia and members from European embassies and chambers. EU
13th European Business Organisations Worldwide Network (EBO) meeting
he EUMCCI organised the 13th European Business Organisations (EBO) Worldwide Network meeting which was held from 25th to 28th November 2012. EBO Network was created between representative of EU business associations in non-EU countries and specific interest groups from the European Commission. Today, the EBO Network extends to more than 26 countries over three continents (Asia, Europe and the Americas). It aims to provide lobbying, information and networking
platform for European businesses worldwide. The main objective of EBO Network is to promote the exchanges of views between these associations and their host countries and to establish closer relationships between the Commission services and these organisations, raise awareness on EU policy priorities and activities and improve the basis for further development and implementation of EU policies.
The meeting in Kuala Lumpur had several important highlights among them a SME Forum titled ASEAN Members ironing out issues at a meeting.
Economic Community 2015 which focused on the challenges and opportunities for European and ASEAN SMEs in services sectors. Another highlight of the meeting was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between EBO and Business Europe. The three day meeting was chaired by the President of the EBO Worldwide network, Mr Jason Collins. During the meeting the participants had the opportunity also to meet and discuss with key Malaysia Stakeholders, such as MDEC, PEMANDU, MIDA and MOGSC. EU
Mr. Jason Leong giving the presentation to the EUMCCI Corporate members. 28 EUMCCI REVIEW
Pre-event cocktail and briefing DATUM Economic Forum 2013
Executive Kick-Off Meeting of the Automative Committee
pre-event cocktail and media briefing session was held on 28th February 2013 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre in conjunction with the DATUM Economic Forum 2013 which was held the next day. EUMCCI was a supporting partner of this event where it assisted the organisers by bringing in key experts for two panel discussions.
The cocktail was a fun and relaxed atmosphere where speakers, participants, guests, sponsors and partners of the forum mixed, networked and exchanged ideas. One of the speakers at the cocktail attracted more attention than others. He was Mr Nouriel Roubini, World Economist and one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers. Mr Roubini delivered the special key note address at the forum the next day. The other speakers who were present at the event were Mr Arthur Camarzzi, author, H.E Badria Al Mulla, Mr Arthur Camarzzi, motivational change leadership speaker and philanthropist; Carlos Basquets, Mr Carlos Basquets, Mr Othman Omar and Datin Paduka Norazlina Zakaria. Director of Investements, International
02 01 Mr Othman Omar and Mr Nouriel Roubini. 02 Ms Maurine Lam, Ms Haili Ismail, Shafee Sajari, Ms Nadiah Rodriguez and Puan Munirah Mohamad. Chamber of Commerce, Paris and H.E Badria Al Mulla, President, International Emirates Business Group. Later, the guests were ushered into a room for the presentation of souvenirs. The Chairman of Datum Corp International and General Manager of PKNS, Mr Othman Omar gave a short speech thanking the speakers and the main partners of the forum for their support. He then handed out souvenirs to all of them. EU
Introduction to the Healthcare Committee and Networking Session
UMCCI organised “The Introduction to the Healthcare Committee and Networking session” on 27th February at the Grand Millennium, Kuala Lumpur. The event saw the gathering of key healthcare industry players from the pharmaceutical, medical technology, consultants, hospitals, banks and construction industries. This gathering organised by EUMCCI gave these players an opportunity to network, exchange opinion and contribute ideas to the future objectives of the Committee. Ms Ai Li Ch’ng Koch, Committee Manager, kicked off the event by giving a warm welcoming speech to the participants.
This was followed by an interesting presentation on the current trends and issues in the industry by Dr Maxim Mamin, Head of Healthcare sector, Siemens, Malaysia. Dr Chua Hong Teck from PEMANDU followed next with his presentation that dealt on the updates of the Government’s Economic Transformation Programme with special emphasis on the Healthcare NKEA. This meeting was well attended by the top management from companies such as Siemens, Bayer, HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bureau Veritas, Faber Group, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novo Nordisk, Takeda, Prince Court Medical
Under the guidance of the Committee’s Interim Chairman, Mr. Klaus Landhaeusser from Robert Bosch (SEA) Ptd Ltd, the participants had a constructive round table discussion. The meeting followed by a cocktail and buffet lunch afterwards left a positive impression on the decision makers of companies such as Michelin, Volkswagen, TUEV Sued, TUEV Rheinland, Shell, Scania Trucks, Eurotruck Diesel and others.
Centre Kuala Lumpur, Sanofi Servier, Ubifrance, UWC Healthcare, MFG Vamed Engineering, Bioetch Corp, Frost & Sullivan and others. EUMCCI appreciates the contribution and feedback of the participants and is looking forward to welcoming everyone to the next committee meeting on 12th April 2013 at the EUMCCI conference room. One of the agendas of this meeting will be to discuss the issues and activities planned for 2013. EU
n 26th February 2013 the Executive Kick-Off Meeting of the Automotive Committee was held at the Heritage Club, Royale Chulan Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur. The meeting saw the decision makers of the European automotive industry gathered together to discuss strategies for a common policy in Malaysia.
The Automative Committee welcomes new members to join the committee. More members and their different views will ensure a greater representation in the Committee and give it more weight in its future talks with stakeholders and government officials. The next Automative Committee meeting is scheduled for 22nd May 2013 at the EUMCCI’s conference room. EU
IDFR Roundtable Discussion
UMCCI was invited to attend the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) Roundtable Discussion titled “Euro Zone Crisis: The Outlook for Europe in 2013 and Its Global Impact”. The guest speaker for this event was Professor (FH) Dr. Anis Bajrektaravic, Acting Deputy Director of Studies Export EU –ASEAN-NAFTA, Professor and Chairperson, International Law and Global Studies, University of Applied Sciences IMC –Krems Austria. The closed door event was attended by YBhg Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, the Dirctor General of IDFR who gave the welcoming speech and several ambassadors among them, the ambassador of Croatia, H.E Zelkjo Bosnjak; civil servants and senior management from GLCs. Many of those present expected a gloomy picture for Europe in 2013. This was dispelled by Prof Dr. Anis, who instead surprised everyone by showing the positive outlook for Europe and listed the many strengths and achievements made by the EU. He had some words of advice for Asia. Asia, he said, should look to Europe and learn from the experience of EU because until Asia unites and becomes one strong bloc, it will be difficult for it to become a very powerful and influential voice. EU
03 04
03 Professor (FH) Dr. Anis Bajrektaravic
04 Professor (FH) Dr. Anis Bajrektaravic, YBhg Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari and H.E. Zelkjo Bosnjak.
De Lorenzo S.p.A develops a new laboratory
Global Business Centre’s virtual and serviced offices
The software that runs the Smart Grid monitors the electrical flow of the system, integrates renewable energy into the network and activates/suspends the industrial or domestic processes during periods when electricity costs less/more.
e Lorenzo S.p.A, the leading company in the field of technical and vocational training has developed a new laboratory for the study of the Smart Grid configuration. The Smart Grid is a system for an “intelligent distribution” of electricity. It is able to
identify the consumption of the various end users and to manage the generation and distribution of electricity according to demand. In other words, if there is a potential of overload of energy in an area, the excess energy can be redistributed to other areas that need it, based on actual requests from end users.
ntrepreneurs in search of smart, flexible workspaces that are located at a prestigious address should check out Global Business Centre’s (GBC) serviced office and virtual office. The serviced office comes fully furnished, equipped with phone, fax and top speed broadband internet. A virtual office offers a chance for a business person to have a high profile address on his or her business card without the person having to fork out the huge sum of money needed to rent such a place.
The modular laboratory for the study of the concepts related to the Smart Grid system developed by De Lorenzo simulates the generation of energy from three different sources (thermal, hydroelectric, wind farm), its transmission and distribution be means of high voltage line simulation models and its utilization, including small photovoltaic solar energy for domestic use. A SCADA software provides for the acquisition and storage of the data.
GBC’s serviced and virtual office are located in a prime area in Petaling Jaya with easy access to the highways and public transport. The GBC business centres also come with well equipped meeting rooms and a comfortable business lounge. Both the offices come with excellent supporting staff to take care of the operational details. EU
All De Lorenzo products are designed according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. EU
For more information on GBC, call 03 7966 2888.
Top foreign talents welcomed
s Malaysia embarks on its plan to become a high-income and industrialised country via the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), the need for highly skilled and a diverse workforce becomes a must.
BNP Paribas is the Bank Of The Year 2012
NP Paribas was named BANK OF THE YEAR 2012 by International Financing Review (IFR). IFR is Thomson Reuters’ leading financial industry publication. It is also regarded as the world’s leading source of capital markets intelligence.
In recognition of the role played by global talent in spurring the competitiveness and innovative capabilities of the local talent pool, Malaysia is further facilitating the entry and retention of foreign talent here with Residence Pass-Talent (RP-T). RP-T is an immigration instrument introduced by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and administrated by the Immigration Department together with TalentCorp to attract and retain foreign talent. Issued personal to the holder, it enables foreign talent to live and work for up to 10 years and is renewable. EU
For more information on RP-T, please call Talent Corp at 03 7839 700. Fax: 03 7839 7001 Email: info@talentcorp.com.my
In giving the award to BNP Paribas, IFR noted that, “It is no easy matter for a bank to deleverage, strengthen capital, secure access to alternative sources of funding and drive strategic change. It is even harder to do so without losing sight of the underlying business. But that is what BNP Paribas Group Chief Executive Jean-Laurent Bonnafe and his Executive Board achieved in 2012”
BNP Paribas’ expertise in debt capital markets was further recognized in the awards. BNP Paribas won Euro Bond House and EMEA Investment-Grade Corporate Bond House. The IFR awards are a key industry benchmark of global excellence and Bank of the Year is the top honour awarded.
BNP Paribas has been present in Malaysia since 1973. In the 90’s, BNP Paribas opened the Labuan Offshore Banking Unit and started its Corporate Finance and Equities Research activities. In 2007, BNP Paribas set up its Asset Management activities, including Islamic Asset Management. In 2010, the Bank obtained its full banking licence in Malaysia, marking 40 years of continuous expansion in the country.
BNP Paribas (www.bnpparibas.com) has a presence in 80 countries with nearly 200,000 employees. It ranks highly in its three core activities: Retail Banking, Investment Solutions and Corporate & Investment Banking.
BNP Paribas Malaysia Berhad became fully operational on 1st June 2011 with local capabilities across all Corporate and Investment Banking products and services, including Debt Capital Markets, in both conventional and Islamic banking. EU
NEAPOLI to provide Energy & Environmental Design of the new Suria KLCC Extension
NEW APPOINTMENTS Tesco has a new boss
new iconic building is going to rise near the Suria KLCC that will set a benchmark in energy and environmental design. And Neapoli, a leading environmental design and engineering company, has been appointed to team up with Cesar Pelli, the architect of the Petronas Twin Towers, to work in the new development.
Ericsson Malaysia has a new President
Thales’ new CEO
Located on Lot 185 that faces the KLCC park, between Suria KLCC and the Assyakirin mosque, this is a four million square foot development will have two additional towers – an office tower and a hotel, of between 60 and 85 storeys. These towers will be next to the Twin Towers and will sit on a four-storey podium retail block that will be integrated with the present four storey retail mall, Suria KLCC (near the Ampang exit). The new Suria KLCC extension and the two new towers by Cesar Pelli will be located at the fenced up area (left).
For more information contact: Neopoli Sdn Bhd Environmental Design and Engineering D-8-5 Megan Avenue 1, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 21666495 (Kuala Lumpur); +440 2081801930 (London) Fax: +603 21816495 www.neopoli.com.my, info@neapoli.com.my
Neapoli will provide Energy and Environmental Engineering as well as Green Building Certification consulting services. The project, currently under construction, is expected to receive Gold Award with the Malaysian Green Building Index rating system and the Platinum Award with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system by the U.S. Green Building Council. EU
SP Multitech Renewable Energy Sdn Bhd is one of the top 10 green companies
P Multitech Renewable Energy Sdn Bhd has plenty of reasons to smile. The company has been selected as one of Malaysia’s Top 10 Green Companies by the TOP 10 Magazine, as listed in their March 2013 issue. The award is in recognition of the company’s role and pioneering effort to introduce biogas technology and develop the country’s biogas and green electricity sector. Mr William Tan, the company’s Managing Director, said that this recognition will spur the company to strive for greater achievement
in the field of green technology in Malaysia and possibly overseas. The company has built two biogas plants, a small one for a dairy cow farm for the Ministry of Agriculture’s Veterinary Services Department, and a big one for a large chicken layer farm to supply up to 1 MW of electrical power for the farm’s own consumption. The company is also actively promoting its Zero Waste Park facility for the treatment of municipal solid waste. By converting organic waste to energy and recovering all
recyclable material, the Zero Waste Park has helped solve the ever increasing solid waste management problem. EU SP MULTITECH RENEWABLE ENERGY SDN. BHD. No. 11, Jalan BPU 5, Bandar Puchong Utama, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5882 1195 / 5595 Fax: +603-5882 7795 Email: info@spmultitech.com Web: www.spmultitech.com
eorg Fischer has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer for Malaysia by Tesco PLC with effect from January 2013. Fischer takes over from SungHwan Do who leaves Malaysia for an international bridging programme under Tesco PLC. Fischer has vast experience in managing a global discount supermarket chain in Europe. Fischer brings with him his international experience in the retail industry as well as leadership experience in areas of retail, fast moving consumer goods, real estate, consumer goods, international business and logistics. As CEO of Tesco Malaysia, Fischer will be responsible for all areas of the business. Tesco began its operations in Malaysia 11 years ago and today employs approximately 11,000 employees and operates 47 stores. EU For further inquiries please contact Jida Mohamed, Communications Manager, Corporate Affairs at 012 231 8602; email: rohazida.mohamed@my.tesco.com
odd Ashton has been appointed as President and Country Manager of Ericsson Malaysia from 1 February 2013. Ashton brings with him 17 years of experience in the ICT industry. Born in Washington D.C, Ashton has been based in Sweden since 1998, serving successfully in various executive roles in Ericsson AB. His prior role in the company was as Global Head of Sales for Ericsson Consulting & Systems Integration. He has also worked in leadership roles across several portfolios within Ericsson, including IP backbone networks, OSS, BSS and IP Multimedia software and services. Commenting on Malaysians’ appetite for quality high speed broadband services, Ashton said, “As broadband goes mobile, Malaysians will expect good coverage, with higher speeds and better quality of service, which is what our LTE technology will enable... These are truly exciting times for the Malaysian market. I am looking forward to share my global experience here in Malaysia and to bring our vision of a Networked Society closer to Malaysia and to its people.” EU
ean-Bernard Lévy has been elected to the position of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thales.
He is a graduate of of the École Polytechnique (1973) and Télécom ParisTech. He began his career in 1979 with France Telecom as an engineer in Angers. He has held many important high level posts in his distinguished career. On being appointed CEO of Thales, Lévy said he is very proud of his appointment to lead Thales. “Thales has all the strengths needed to play a leading role. I know I can count on the energy and commitment of all to meet the challenges ahead and work together to develop our Group.” Jean-Bernard Lévy is a chevalier of the Légion d’Honneur and an officer of the Ordre National du Mérite. EU
For more information on global trends in mobile data traffic, go to www.ericsson. com/ericsson-mobility-report.
Amer Sports Malaysia Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr. KL Choong, Country Manager Address: 19.01, 19th Floor, Menara IGB, No: 1 The Boulevard, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603 2282 0009 Fax: +603 2287 6541 Email: kl.choong@amersports.com Website: www.amersports.com Brief Company Profile: Amer Sports is the world’s leading sports equipment company.We offer technically advanced products that improve performance of sports participant. Our major brands include Salomon, Wilson, Atomic, Arc’teryx, Mavic, Suunto and Precor. The company’s business is balance by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major market. Amer Sports Malaysia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amer Sports Corp, Helsinki, Finland.
Imperial Management Centre Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr Jean Francois Jadin, Chief Executive Officer Address: B4-6-6 Solaris Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 6205 4818 Fax: +603 6211 3696 Email: solution@imperialconsulting.com Website: www.imperialconsulting.com Brief Company Profile: Imperial Consulting represents the American Management Association (AMA) in Malaysia, assisting organizations in term of talent assessment, talent development and talent certification, enabling people to drive organizational success.
Lawrence Graham LLP Person in Charge: Mr Hugh Maule, Managing Partner Address: 4 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AU Tel: +44 20 7379 0000 Fax: +44 20 7379 6854 Email: info@lg-legal.com Website: www.lg-legal.com Brief Company Profile: Lawrence Graham is a leading international law firm offering clients expert legal and business solutions based on practical, commercial advice across all industry sectors.
Sicpa Product Security Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr Alain Augsburger, General Manager Address: Unit G01 & G05, Block 2300, Century Square, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Tel: +603 8318 9393 Fax: +603 8318 2068 Email: Faralina.Mustaffa@sicpa.com Website: www.sicpa.com Brief Company Profile: Founded In 1927 And Headquartered In Lausanne, Switzerland, Sicpa Is Providing Secured Identification, Traceability And Authentication Solutions And Services
Thales Malaysia Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr Clement De Foucauld, Business Development Manager Address: 15th Floor, Wisma Genting Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 2178 3800 Fax: +603 2161 6390 Email: clement.defoucauld@asia.thalesgroup.com Website: www.thalesgroup.com Brief Company Profile: Thales is a global technology leader for the Defense & Security and the Aerospace & Transportation markets. With 67,000 employees in 56 countries, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers as local partners.
Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) Person in Charge: Encik Abd Rahim bin Hashim, Senior Director Address: 21 Jalan Raja Laut 50609 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 2613 2000 Fax: +603 2691 3620 Email: arahim@mara.gov.my Website: http://www.mara.gov.my Brief Company Profile: A trust council for the indigenous (Bumiputera) people, MARA continues to uphold its Transformation Plan (2011 – 2015) which is based on developing successful and innovative entrepreneurs, creating excellent students with high skills and developing a global competent workforce.
Recticel International Person in Charge: Ms Helga Laporte, International Business Development Manager SE Asia Address: Damstraat 2, Industriezone 7, B-9230 Wetteren, Belgium Tel: +3293687323 Fax: +3293689492 Email: laporte.helga@recticel.com Website: www.recticelflexiblefoams.com; www.recticel.com Brief Company Profile: The Group Recticel is a world wide leading manufacturer of polyurethane foam. Recticel Flexible Foams offers a broad range of technical PU foams for often highly specialised industrial and domestic applications. Solutions are developed for insulation, sealing, acoustics, shock absorption and more.
Spire Research and Consulting Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr John Yam, Country Manager Address: Level 42C, Vista Tower, The Intermark, 348 Jalan Tun Razak,54200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603 2161 6088 Fax: +603 2162 6088 Email: my.info@Sspireresearch.com Website: www.spireresearch.com Brief Company Profile: Spire is the leading market research and consultancy firm, whose core competencies lie in generating accurate and relevant knowledge, as well as addressing a wide range of research and consulting requirements.
VAMED Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd / VAMED Healthcare Services Sdn Bhd Person in Charge: Mr Siegfried GLANZNIG / Dr Peter GLAESER, Managing Directors Address: Level 18, Menara Park, No,12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 2162 2488 Fax: +603 2161 4290 Email: info.my@vamed.com Website: www.vamed.com Brief Company Profile: VAMED is a leading international market leader in healthcare and health tourism facilities, providing unparalleled range of services covering project development & design, engineering, contracting, management and maintenance as a single competent partner.
Exclusive Corporate Partner Benefits Network: With over 30 events each year, the Chamber enables members to meet leaders in business and political spheres. Communicate: The EUMCCI Quarterly Review reaches over 3000 companies, associations and stakeholders in hard copy and online. The EUMCCI e-bulletin is sent to over 6000 business leaders bi-monthly. Exposure: The Chamber is online at www.eumcci. com, on Facebook and Linked In. Advertise with us on our website and in our publications.
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Member perks: Attractive discounts from our member companies and vetted partners. Influence: Raise issues via Committees and dialogues.
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Qatar Airways – EUMCCI Platinum Partner Qatar Airways privileges for EUMCCI Corporate Partners include: year around discounted prices to select destinations.
EUMCCI Review is a magazine that is the voice of a business community that is vibrant, dynamic and is expected to grow by leaps and bounds. Generally, analysts believe that the EU-Malaysia trade relations is set to see tremendous growth.
EUMCCI Member – Get – Member Campaign 2013
What’s In It for You? You are the greatest testimony to the benefits of being an EUMCCI member. By referring others, you will: • Expand your network of industry peers • Strengthen EUMCCI—A vital and growing membership means greater recognition of the Chamber and OUR collective VOICE • Receive recognition for your recruitment efforts • Receive an exclusive complimentary invitation to our VIP event for every successful sign-up.
Online listing: All members are entitled to a listing in our online directory with a weblink direct to their own website.
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EUMCCI Review is distributed on a quarterly basis to EUMCCI members, all Embassies, industry associations and government officials with whom the Chamber has dealings as well as to European Chambers worldwide. It is also sold to the public in all the leading bookshops in Malaysia. EUMCCI Review is an excellent medium to showcase your company, products or services. Rest assured that your products and services will reach a very niche market that you are targeting. Advertise with EUMCCI Review and grow from strength to strength. 2013 is a special year for EUMCCI Review at it celebrates its 10th year. Be a part of the celebration and advertise with EUMCCI Review.
Target Market
Business community with a vested interest in the growth of trade and investment between EU and Malaysia.
• • • • • •
Magazine Details Frequency: Quarterly Issue: • Mar • Jun • Sep • Dec
all EU Bilateral Business Councils / Chambers all Embassies all EU diplomats Business information counters at KLIA & MIDA EU Delegations & EuroChambers in SEA Chambers of Commerce in Europe, Government agencies & organisations in Malaysia • European Business Organisation Network and EU-ASEAN Business Council • Hotels executive lounges
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For enquiries please call: Ganesan @ 012 3739422 MPH Group Magazine (M) Sdn Bhd (771396-H) Lot 1, 1st Floor, Bangunan TH, No. 5 Jalan Bersatu, Seksyen 13/4, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE, Malaysia Tel: 603-7960 7334 Fax: 603-7960 3278 E-mail: ganesan@mph.com.my
4 Times RM6 000 RM4 000 RM8 000 RM3 150 RM2 250 RM1 350
Here is a list of the recent and upcoming events organised or supported by EUMCCI:
Recent Events: •
25 February 2013 Interchamber Networking at the WTA BMW Malaysian Open 2013 Venue: The Royal Selangor Golf Club
26 February 2013 EUMCCI Automotive Committee Kick-off Executive Meeting & Networking Venue: The Heritage Club, Royale Chulan
27 February 2013 KL EUMCCI Healthcare Committee Executive Networking Venue: Champagne Room, Grand Millennium
28 February 2013 KL EUMCCI-MABC Talk & Networking Venue: Theatrette, Australian High Commission,
1 March 2013 The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Future of the Euro Venue: Westin KL
7 March 2013 Financing Solutions for the Future of Green Growth in Malaysia “The Real Effects of Venture Capital and Angel Investing Across the Business Cycle” Venue: The View, Royale Chulan
7 – 9 March 2013 Automechanika Kuala Lumpur Host: Messe Frankfurt Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
14 March 2013 Sustainability Networking Session Venue: Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur
Upcoming Events: •
25 – 27 March 2013 Energy Efficiency Manager Workshop Energy Auditing & Measurement of Industrial Processes – Universal Energy Manager Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm Venue: Putrajaya Marriott
26 – 27 March 2013 E-Mobilia World Conference 2013 Host/Sponsor: Koelnmesse and MAI Venue: Hilton Kuala Lumpur Website: http://www.eumcci.com/component/event/
28 March 2013 Breakfast Talk: Updates on Retirement Age & Minimum Wage Act Venue: Grand Millenium, Kuala Lumpur
18 April 2013 EUMCCI Trade & Investment Forum 2013 Venue: Hotel Istana
30 May 2013 Taste of Europe Fest Venue: Royale Chulan
1-8 September 2013 Defense Trade Mision to Czech, Slovakia and Poland Venue: TBC
14 September 2013 Defense & Security Committee Golf Challenge Venue: TBC
27 September 2013 Europa Gala 2013 Venue: Grand Hyatt
We are delighted to announce that EUMCCI is a supporting Organization for The Economist Events’ Healthcare in Asia 2013 summit. We invite all our members to take advantage of the EUMCCI’s special rate (20% discount). Healthcare in Asia 2013, will be held on March 21st–22nd 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the full support and participation of YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Minister of Health, Malaysia. The summit, now in its fourth year, will examine critical issues facing healthcare in Asia. Should you require more information, contact communications@eumcci.com / events@eumcci.com