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Eumundi Voice - Issue 102, 19 September 2024

Police Beat

August was another busy month for Eumundi Police with 129 calls for service/emergencies throughout the month. Five years ago, we were averaging half those numbers per month, so times have sure changed for our area.

Eumundi Police attended to 17 domestic and family violence incidents, an assault, 5 traffic crashes, 4 stealing offences, 2 trespass offences, 2 cyber threats, 2 stolen vehicles and prosecuted 2 drug offenders. Police also executed 6 warrants throughout the month for offenders failing to attend Magistrates Courts as per bail requirements.

Highway Patrol (Traffic Branch) based out of Coolum issued 18 tickets for speeding, hooning and illegal parking near Eumundi state School. A reminder that the safety of kids will always be of the highest priority, so please follow the rules around traffic crossings near our school.

Eumundi Police also intercepted 392 vehicles throughout August with 4 drivers being caught drink driving and 3 caught for disqualified driving.

A 53yo local was also charged with public nuisance/threatening police and had his weapons seized for threats against his neighbours. This offender was also charged with drink driving offences and refusing to provide a breath test when he was attending Eumundi police station.

Eumundi has a new Senior Constable who commenced at Eumundi during the month of August. Senior Constable David Solonec has replaced Warwick who is now working with the child protection investigation unit. Dave has been in the police force for 20yrs and was an officer in the army prior to joining the police. Dave has already proven himself to be a great asset to the Eumundi community and station. Until next month.

Sgt Ryan Hanlon – Officer in Charge Eumundi Police Hanlon.Ryanp@police.qld.gov.au ,131444 – Policelink

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