2 minute read

Eumundi Voice - Issue 102, 19 September 2024


Save the Koala Month

September is Save the Koala Month which culminates with Save the Koala Day on 30 September. In 2022 the combined koala populations in Qld, NSW and the ACT were ugraded from 'vulnerable' to 'endangered' under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

There are a number of things we can do to encourage the survival of koalas. Plant trees along fences and creek lines as linkages to parks and bushland, allowing the koalas more safety from dogs and cars. Do not plant koala trees in places that encourage koalas into danger, such as on main roads, fenced in with swimming pools or close to power lines.

July to December is the time that koalas are on the move. Young koalas leave their mothers and older koalas are looking for mates, particularly between dusk and dawn. Road injuries increase significantly. Significant hot spots include McKinnon Dr and Cooroy Noosa Rd.

If you see a sick or injured koala, call Wildcare Noosa 24-hr Emergency Rescue hotline on 5527 2444. Download the QWildlife App to report koala sightings and help researchers and conservationists gather data.

Eco Kids Day Out

Alsahwa Estate at 63-83 Sudholz Rd, Verrierdale is holding a jam-packed Eco Kids Day Out on 25 September from 9am-2pm. The event is for children aged 5-12. Activities include Yoga, meeting Bear the koala detection dog, gardening, meditation, arts and crafts, and learning how to be a koala detective.

It’s a day full of fun, learning, and adventure for all eco-loving kids. A delicious bbq lunch is included. Tickets are $45. Visit: t.ly/NpOo8.

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