3 minute read
Eumundi Voice Issue 112, 6 March 2025
Eumundi has officially become the first certified kind community, marking the beginning of an ongoing commitment to nurturing and growing a culture of kindness, thanks to the Kind Community Project – a social impact initiative developed by the founder of Choose the ‘Tude', Robyn Simpson. The project aims to promote a positive impact on current and future communities by inspiring, sharing and celebrating acts of kindness.
On 22 March members of the Rotary Club of Eumundi and community supporters – all in pink – spread joy throughout Eumundi, handing out flowers with kind messages, brightening the town and putting smiles on the faces of locals and visitors.
“It was a joy to see how such a small act could bring such big smiles to people in the markets,” said one of the floral flash mob volunteers. “Simple things like this make people remember Eumundi because of how we made them feel.”
The people of Eumundi are dedicated to creating a kinder community by serving as role models for kindness. To achieve certification, they have completed 4 kind activations designed to connect various parts of the community through their kind actions.
In November last year the Kindness Counts Awards celebration was held with over 60 nominees receiving recognition for their kind deeds in the local community. Kind stories are also shared in Eumundi Voice to celebrate and acknowledge acts of kindness.
Additionally, Clean Up Australia Day was held on 2 March where Rotary members and locals gathered to collect discarded rubbish, demonstrating their commitment to caring for and being kind to the environment.
However, this is just the first step – now, it’s about keeping kindness alive through sharing, cheering, and celebrating acts of kindness. The people of Eumundi invite other communities to follow their example, because no matter how kind your community is, we can all use more kindness.
You can contribute by sharing with Eumundi Voice a kind act you see or experience for the Kindness Counts column, putting your hand up to lead a kind activation, weaving kindness into something you’re already doing, or nominating someone for a Kindness Counts award. Let’s keep kindness going and growing in Eumundi, because what we do today, matters tomorrow. To learn more visit: choosethetude.com.