Templeton Ginger – Australia’s largest producer of premium fresh ginger – has established an Australian-first ginger ‘on-farm’ powder and juice concentrate production facility.
The on-site, drying technology produces a high quality, traceable Australian fresh ginger powder and juice concentrate which uses the whole
crop – promoting sustainability and eliminating the commonly faced problems of oversupply or cancelled orders. The new technology aims to address the increasing demand for high-quality, locally sourced ginger powder and juice.
Templeton Ginger – located at North Arm near Eumundi – has been operating Cont. p3
If you have been thinking about selling, now might be the right time for you. We are currently working with the below buyers who are eager to purchase.
First home owners looking for: To enter the market. Budget: Up to $1m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Young family from Peregian Beach looking for: Tree change to move somewhere with more space and privacy. Budget: $1 - $1.5m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Elderly man from Victoria looking for: Dual living to house himself and his daughter. Budget: $1.5 - $1.7m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Empty nesters looking for: House on a big block, 700m² plus. Budget: $900,000 - $1.2m Areas: Cooroy
Discover the full list of eager buyers ready to purchase by simply scanning the QR code.
since the 1940s when Kylie Templeton's grandparents started the legacy with just a square metre of ginger. Today the family business has grown to include third and fourth generations, where they grow up to 60 hectares (600,000 sq m) annually on farms located from Eumundi to Maryborough.
Ginger is a well-known spice used in cooking with wide-ranging health benefits. In powder form it’s used in nutritional supplements, herbal teas, drinks, and even animal feed. The dried product offers an alternative to imported ginger, has a shelf-life of up to 3 years and no ongoing costs of electricity or refrigeration. This new technology is a game-changer that provides manufacturers with an alternative to imported products from overseas and allows them to support an Australian grown product.
Templeton Ginger director Kylie Templeton said, “Finding ways to upcycle our ginger will help our business become more sustainable and create opportunities for our valued employees.”
The company supplies fresh ginger all year round to markets through a network of agents, and directly to food manufacturers throughout Australia. They have long-term supply agreements with major manufacturers including Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, McCormick Foods Australia and Buderim Foods.
Director Shane Templeton said, “We don’t see ourselves being competitors to our manufacturing customers, but rather an alternative for wholesalers seeking an Australian grown product rather than imports from overseas.”
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Starry Nights Movies and Experience Eumundi are hosting a free movie night at the Eumundi Amphitheatre on 5 April from 6pm.
The film Sing centres on an optimistic koala who tries to save his struggling theatre with a singing contest that attracts animal talent of all shapes, sizes and species. Gather your picnic rugs and enjoy the movie under the stars. Popcorn and sausage sizzle available for purchase. Visit: FB Experience Eumundi.
Local band The Freddys will play at Alfresco’s Garden Café at 1381 Eumundi-Noosa Rd Eumundi, 30 March from 12-3pm as part of the cafe’s Live Music Sundays. If you can’t make it, they play at Alfresco’s again on 18 May and 6 July. Choose from Alfresco’s lunch menu or take up the special $20 burger and beer deal. Bookings: alfrescosgardencafe.com.au.
Specialising in
Four-day festival tickets are now on sale for the Gympie Music Muster held at Amamoor State Forest from 28-31 August, which allow holders to camp at no extra cost anytime from 23 August until 2 September 2025. Premium campsites suitable for caravans, RVs and larger vehicles are available at extra cost from 9 August, or book into Banjos Tent Motel from 27 August. While assistance animals are permitted, pets are not. See the stellar line-up of performers announced so far at muster.com.au.
What plants would grow well in your garden? If that's a question you can't answer but you want to, take a trip down to Noosa Botanic Gardens at Lake Macdonald on 29 March from 7am-noon to find out!
Friends of Noosa Botanic Gardens volunteer group are holding their annual massive Autumn Plant Sale, where you can get expert advice on what to plant to create a great native garden.
The “friends” have been beavering away in their propagation shed for months, preparing a whole range of plants grown from seeds they collected from the Botanic Gardens. The plant range is enormous, including old-fashioned, collectable, and both native and sun-hardy plants. There is also a great range of exotics, including indoor and shade-loving plants, salvias and other pollinator-attracting plants.
Eumundi Book Club meets again on 25 March at 10am at Berkelouw Books on Memorial Dr, Eumundi. Visit: FB Eumundi Connections Hub.
It’s not too late to register for the Yandina Five ’O’ trail races to be held on 29 March. Yandina Five ‘O’ is in its 4th year and offers a choice of trails that include 50km, 36km, 21km or 12km around Yandina, through Mapleton National Park and over some private land. Although races start and finish at Terella Brewing in North Arm, parking for the event is at 124 Lees Rd, Bridges. There is no event parking or drop off for runners at Terella. A free courtesy bus will transport participants to the start area. Visit: runqld.com.au.
The RSPCA has run the Million Paws Walk across Australia for the past 30 years to raise funds to fight animal cruelty. But this year, 25 May will be the final walk.
The RSPCA has advised that since the pandemic, costs to host the event have risen, whilst numbers attending have dropped. The local event will be held at Tewantin Noosa Lions Park in Noosaville from 8.30am-2pm, with the walk kicking off at 10am. Early registrations receive a discount. Visit: millionpawswalk.com.au.
The 2025 GourMay Mary Valley Festival kicks off on 1 May with a grand opening at Woollahra Homestead in Kybong. The month-long festival is all about showcasing the farmers, producers, creatives and foodies of the Mary Valley. The program is out now with plenty to choose from! Events include dinners and lunches, a film with food evening, farm tours, bush food, vineyards, a camp oven competition, a Mother’s Day Garden Party brunch and walks with wild macadamias or bellbirds on the Mary Valley Rail Trail. Festival Day is on 10 May at Imbil from 8.30am-3pm, with competitions, cooking demonstrations, the GourMay Mary Valley quiz and a Kid Zone. Visit: gourmaymaryvalley.com.au.
Bookings open on 1 April for the Buderim Craft Cottage Winter School that runs from 5-13 July. The program includes workshops catering for a range of interests from traditional painting to mixed media, silversmithing and calligraphy.
Launceston-based pastel artist Leoni Duff and Melbourne-based master calligrapher Gyounghee Lee will be amongst the established artists who will tutor at the winter school. The school is suitable for beginners or those wanting to strengthen their skills. All workshops are held at Buderim Craft Cottage, 5 Main St, Buderim. Visit: buderimcraftcottage.com.au.
There are two new exhibitions at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre which run from 27 March until 8 May.
Colour Hum features the work of local artist Sophia Cameron and reflects the memorable times she has spent on the Sunshine Coast. This is expressed in vivid colour combinations to reflect its unique and special hum.
Narawi – Waves of the Sea brings together a dynamic group of emerging First Nations artists: Kane Brunjes, Stevie O'Chin, Naomi Green, Jemma Stewart, Tiesha Martin-King, Elysia Love-Anderson and Grace Naveikata. Visit: butterfactoryartscentre.com.au.
The Majestic Theatre in Pomona is the venue for the Rythme Melodiqué jazz group on 27 March at 1pm. Originally formed in 2018 for the Sunday Hot Club in Brisbane, the band plays tuneful melodies with an infectious beat. Bookings: themajestictheatre.com.au.
The next Coolum Pre-loved Designer and Local Clothing Market is on 22 March from 8-11am at the Coolum Civic Centre.
Apart from being economical, buying pre-loved clothing stops much of it from going into landfill. Entry is free and it’s completely under cover so no need to worry about the possibility of rain. Visit: barelyworn.com.au.
Tickets went on sale on 20 March for The Planting – a weekend of planting and caring for the land at Woodfordia – the site of the Woodford Folk Festival.
Run over the long weekend of 2-5 May, the gathering combines working bees, food and drinks with talks and an evening program of artists and musicians. The talks will be by experts in citizen science and regeneration and will give participants practical skills to use at home. Only season tickets (not day) are available. Visit: woodfordia.org.
A Dog’s Life Pet Expo returns to Noosa Lions Park, Gympie Tce on 5 April from 8am-1pm. Over 50 vendors from Gympie to the Gold Coast will be present, as well as a puppy play zone, competitions including Furry Fashions on the Field, and advice from vets and groomers. Entry is free. Visit: adogslifepetexpo.com.au.
If you’re interested in camping and travelling, head along to the Nambour Showgrounds from 4-6 April to find everything you might need at the Suncoast Outdoor Adventure Expo. There will be premiering caravans, camper trailers, 4WD accessories, plus access to the latest advice on how to travel on the road in style and comfort. There will also be RACQ on-road and off-road safety presentations, bush food cooking with Peter Wolfe and prizes to be won. Buy tickets online and save 20%. Visit: suncoastexpo.com.au.
We are sincerely grateful to our valued clients and the community for supporting David Berns in being named Agent of the Year for an exceptional eighth consecutive year. This achievement is a testament to the trust and confidence you’ve placed in us.
We are honoured to be part of such a dynamic and inspiring community, and we look forward to continuing our success and collaboration for many years to come.
Eumundi Residents Assn (ERA) will soon be calling for everyone to identify walking network gaps to get in and out and around our beautiful town, and to get our children safely to school. A list of identified gaps in our footpath network, non-existent pathways, unsafe road crossings, areas which lack suitability for mobility scooters and the like will then be presented to council with the aim to have Eumundi included in the SCC Walking Network Plan. Keep an eye on the community pages.
Sunshine Coast Council's (SCC) updated Planning Scheme will soon come up for public comment again. After an initial public consultation in 2022, recommended changes were presented to the State Government for review. After a long wait and a change in government, council is in the process of amending the Planning Scheme to comply with conditions imposed by the State, before community feedback commences. To keep up to date, visit council's webpage at haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
The Eumundi Writers Festival on 22-24 August 2025 has attracted a lineup of acclaimed writers, trainers and services for writers. A website will be available in April to subscribe to updates and to volunteer. The program will be released with tickets on sale throughout May and June. Keep an eye on the Eumundi community pages or contact ERA on secretary@eumundiresidents. org.au.
A small group of volunteers from the Eumundi Dragons Rugby Union Club has been striving for the past few years to secure funding for the installation of full-field lighting at the Eumundi Showgrounds. The aim is that the showgrounds can be used as a multipurpose venue with benefits to the entire community.
Designs have been drawn up, and a quote for completion of the job has been accepted at approximately $275,000. The group’s grants writer is now in the process of applying for a $100,000 Community Gambling Fund Grant to add to the $35,000 already put aside by the Eumundi Showgrounds Committee, so a start can be made on the project.
A long list of community groups and organisations could benefit from the expanded use of the facility at nighttime. These could include sporting groups such as the Eumundi Magpies Football Club, Eumundi Ultimate Frisbee, Eumundi Dog Agility Club, rodeos, touch football, Oztag or Little Athletics clubs. Cultural events would also benefit, such as outdoor movies, music and arts festivals and the Eumundi Show.
Letters of support for the grant application or other offers of support can be forwarded to Doug Toms (President, Eumundi Dragons Rugby Union Club) at admin@dragonsrugbyunion.org.au.
The heat is on!
Local 19yo singing sensation Marshall Hamburger from Doonan – aka Burger Boi – has made it to the top 10 of this year’s Australian Idol, airing on Channel 7 and 7plus. The self-professed nerd and gamer is hoping to overcome his nerves to claim the Idol title.
Marshall said, “I am so honoured and grateful to be a part of the legendary Australian Idol Top 10! I’m excited to keep performing on the Idol stage and show Australia what kind of music I have to offer the industry. This is the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my career so there’s definitely a bit of pressure to deliver some Idol-worthy performances, but I’m mostly just excited to get to work and give it my all!”
Marshall’s top 10 performance of The Heat is On earned him a safe pass with the judges selecting him to go straight through to the top 10 without waiting for the viewer vote count.
Australian Idol judge and renowned musician Amy Shark commented after his performance saying, “Oh my god, burger with the lot! That was so cool man. I loved it!”
We hope that Marshall makes it through to the next stage! Visit: @marshallhamburgermusic or to vote for Marshall SMS ‘Marshall’ to 0457 500 700.
The Better Together Housing Program helps to reduce housing stress by helping women over 55 find secure and affordable shared-living solutions. Women over 55 is the fastest growing demographic of homelessness in Australia.
Strong Community Portfolio Cr Taylor Bunnag said as part of council’s Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Action Plan, council was supporting Better Together Housing to help women find accommodation.
“Currently, housing on the Sunshine Coast is mismatched. Only 2 in 5 homes are considered appropriate to their housing size and 52% of households are either occupied by one person or a couple,” said Cr Bunnag.
If you have a spare bedroom, you could help to be part of the solution through the Better Together Housing Program. Visit: bettertogetherhousing. com.au.
Plans to clean up our beaches in the wake of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred are under way, with the community invited to help in a coordinated operation.
SCC Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair Rosanna Natoli said, “We understand there are so many volunteers and community groups who want to do their part to help with the cleanup, including our beautiful beaches.”
Similar to Clean Up Australia Day, council will work to support volunteer groups involved in the cleanup, ensuring an efficient operation. For information on how to register visit: cleanup.org. au/community.
Katie Rose Cottage Hospice – a community-led palliative care service located in Doonan – has welcomed a new chief executive officer to lead its growth and advocacy. Rebecca Grisman is a long-time local with community and charity leadership experience.
Board chair and director Les Godwin said Ms Grisman’s passion for health and aged care and expertise in senior management and consulting with not-for-profits, government and corporate leaders, would be key to the organisation’s continued success.
“Rebecca has a proven ability to foster collaboration, innovation and relationship building that has supported charities, universities and major businesses to achieve their vision, and we are very pleased to have her join and lead our team,” he said.
“Rebecca has been recognised with many community and industry awards, and served on high-profile charity, school and government committees and boards, in addition to her professional career in media, marketing and fundraising for more than 30 years on the Sunshine Coast. She is an ideal fit for us now and in the future.”
Priorities for the new CEO include extending the facility’s partnership with the state government to deliver more beds for people requiring endof-life care, developing the hospice’s fundraising strategy to support its exceptional nurses, and improving public understanding of palliative care.
Mon to Fri 8.30am - 5.00pm
Closed Weekends & Public Holidays
Suite 6 / 2-6 Etheridge St EUMUNDI QLD 4562
Debbie is a Clinical Psychologist with 20 years of experience in government and private practice. She has worked for Queensland Health in roles such as Clinical Educator and Senior Psychologist, focusing on mental health, pain management, and parenting. For the past 8 years she has practiced privately on the Sunshine Coast specialising in individual and couples therapy. She sees clients 14+ for individual therapy and all ages for couples and family therapy, both in-person and via telehealth. Her primary approach is Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), supported by training in Schema Therapy, EMDR, ACT, DBT, CBT, IFS, and trauma-focused methods. Her specialties include:
• Anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, grief, and loss
• Relationship issues, attachment trauma, and sexual well-being
• Chronic conditions, persistent pain, women’s health, and LGBTQIA+ care
• Perinatal and infant mental health and parenting transitions.
Mon to Fri 8.30am - 5.00pm Closed Weekends & Public Holidays
Suite 6 / 2-6 Etheridge St EUMUNDI QLD 4562
Peace, Love and Pets – to most people a perfect combination – is now available through an inspirational organisation, with one mother’s dream to help her daughter, changing the lives of around 20 young adults.
Lee Williams sought a compassionate training and support program to help transition her teenage daughter with special needs into independent life and work. Finding none that matched her ideas, she began a small program from a 2-bedroom flat in Mt Coolum, before expanding to Marcoola in mid-2024. Now Tribe Community Connect has opened in a lovely rural homestead between North Arm and Yandina Creek. Its workshops, classroom and business outlet will soon include onsite living for 4 people.
Lee provides training and work skills with the support of office manager Yasmin and former Sunshine Beach High School teacher Leanne. Programs include functional academics, interview preparation, social skills, money
management, healthy habits, household tasks, meal preparation and responsibility. Most participants receive work experience and even paid part-time work. Support workers provide one-to-one assistance at work, home, the homestead or when out learning travel, shopping, socialising and other skills.
Participants attend when they can but must do at least 8 hours a week to show commitment to the program. Much of the learning comes from practical involvement in Tribe’s major source of income – a 100% Australian-made dog food company called Peace, Love and Pets.
The totally Australian ingredients are air dried, manufactured to HACCP, FDA and Safefood Qld standards by a Brisbane family business which delivers to the centre. Tribe members learn to weigh, hand pack, create labels, attach seals, keep accounts, sales records and help distribution through local markets, online or word of mouth. Products include handmade dog toys, bow ties, bandanas and aroma beads.
This page is sponsored from funds raised from market car parking to acknowledge and support Eumundi’s
Skilled sewing also produces hearts for Mater Hospital Maternity wards.
Yasmin said they have girls’ and boys’ groups, along with individual or whole group learning activities. There is a lot of fun, laughter, art, games, and even karaoke, to ensure attention doesn’t wane with the focus too long on just one activity.
Yasmin said, “Participants are from local families. They are brilliant young people who are so capable but need help to reach their full potential. Some are non-verbal but all can build the skills they need at their own pace and in their individual style.”
The only government help for Tribe is one
support worker through NDIS, although some participants get funding through NDIS to take part.
“We are definitely not in this for money,” Leanne said. “We do it for a lot of love and the pride we get seeing these young people developing into amazing adults.”
There is a waiting list for participants but the costs connected with running the pet business and teaching programme mean some will be disappointed.
You can find Peace, Love and Pets through Tribe Community Connect at: peaceloveandpets.com. au or tribecommunityconnect.com.au or phone 5378 2974. Eileen Walder
This page is sponsored from funds raised from market car parking to acknowledge and support Eumundi’s
Anglican Church of the Holy Nativity, blown off its stumps during cyclonic weather, Cooroy 19 February 1954. (Image courtesy of Heritage Noosa. Image No. M863588)
The recent weather event of ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred crossing the coast gives us pause to reflect that although it is not a regular occurrence, it is not unknown for cyclones to visit our region. In 1954, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast experienced 2 significant cyclonic disturbances that left a lasting impact on the regions. The most notable event was the Great Gold Coast Cyclone which struck on 20 February, 1954. This unnamed cyclone crossed the SE Qld coast at Coolangatta at around 10pm, bringing winds reaching 75 miles/hour (approximately
Join us in 2025 a year of growth, success, and community spirit.
120km/h), which caused widespread damage and loss of life. This cyclone happened in the period prior to 1964 when weather systems were unnamed.
The Bureau of Meteorology reported between 26 to 30 deaths due to flooding, severe winds and storm surges. The cyclone's effects were felt from the Sunshine Coast to Sydney, with heavy rainfall recorded as far south as Tasmania.
It was reported in the Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser as the “worst known blow in 69 years” with many public buildings and farms in the local area damaged. In Eumundi “sheets of iron were blown from the Eumundi State School building,” many dairies unroofed, and banana and maize crops flattened. The North Arm Hall was blown off its blocks.
Sea and flood waters swamped many dwellings at Munna Point and Noosa Heads. Kenilworth was also cut off by flood waters. In Cooroy, the Roman Catholic Church building “was completely blown down, and the Anglican Church forced off its stumps and narrowly missed sliding into a nearby gully.”
Six months later in July, a second cyclonic event struck, knocking down any crops that might have survived. Hundreds of acres of cane at Rosemount, Bli Bli and Maroochy River were flattened. Buildings, almost repaired after the damage in February, were destroyed again in July. Tania Watson
Fast asleep at 2am with the Alfie wind and rain howling outside, my friend woke in a panic, unable to breathe. Had the roof collapsed or was she being smothered by a robber?
No, neither. A large green frog had hopped onto the bed and clamped itself onto her face! I laughed and laughed, but it would have been a shock!
She had sensibly brought her large pot plants inside, so I am guessing that is where the frog was hiding. She lives in a first-floor apartment with no garden with just balcony pots ... and massive frog!
Poor woman. It is amazing that she didn’t have a heart attack. Kate Rider
Paul McKeown is a Sunshine Coaster through and through. He grew up here and has been residing in the Fairfax hinterland town of Eumundi for the last 20 years, with his veterinarian wife Katherine and their 4 amazing kids. The family also supports a once-stray cat, a spoilt rotten beagle and a couple of 'entitled' chickens.
Paul's childhood was spent skateboarding through the streets and exploring on his BMX, making the most of the laid-back coastal lifestyle.
"While the Sunshine Coast has grown over the years, it remains a wonderful place to raise a family. The connection to nature, from sunshine, sea breezes and sand between the toes, is something that continues to shape generations,” said Paul.
Paul appreciates the strong sense of community in Eumundi and the ever-present beauty of misty mountain mornings, which remind him each day of what a special place it is to live.
As the 2025 federal election approaches, Paul McKeown is stepping forward as an independent candidate for the AEC Division of Fairfax and is determined to offer voters a genuine alternative. Paul is not a career politician – he is one of us. He understands firsthand the beauty, charm and challenges of our region. From the creative heart of Eumundi to the rolling hills of Obi Obi, the working communities of Yandina and Nambour, and the coastal gems of Coolum and Peregian Springs – Fairfax is a diverse electorate with a strong sense of identity.
This deep connection to the region has driven Paul to run for politics. His career as a pilot has allowed him to travel across Australia and the world, meeting people from all walks of life and gaining a broad perspective on the issues we face. With over 30 years in the cockpit the former airline captain Paul has seen a lot of the world and every square inch of the country he loves.
“When I was growing up, my heroes were the great Australian aviation pioneers like Smithy and PG Taylor, and all I ever wanted to do was fly and have adventures! It's been a long, hard road, but somehow, I managed to make a living out of doing just that. I am very lucky," said Paul.
Paul also comes from a small business family and understands the critical role of small enterprises in keeping our economy strong. He believes Australia is at a crossroads – with growing division, economic pressures and political leaders putting party interests before people, he says it’s time for a change.
“I’m not a polished politician, but I am standing to be a fearless advocate for Fairfax – to bring real representation to Federal Parliament and navigate the big issues together as our constitution intended.”
As election day draws nearer, Paul McKeown is calling on Fairfax residents to consider an independent voice – one that puts people before politics. Visit: paulforfairfax.com for more information.
Local artist Alaїa Nell kindly poured her heart and soul into painting this mural, free of charge, for the Eumundi Wildlife Centre at 1411 Eumundi Noosa Rd. What a beautiful gesture!
Women's Collaborative Network Noosa (WCN) members met at the new art space in Cooran called Cart & Co on 2 March to celebrate International Women's Week and 3 inspiring local women. WCN certificates were presented to each of the recipients, to celebrate significant milestones in their life stories.
The recipients included Danielle Gonsal, who wrestled with self-doubt to create a healthy eating and lifestyle book called Retreat into Ayurveda. Also, Ellenie Faith Kirkman, an 18yo emerging artist who has a passionate dedication to her arts practice, creating high quality oil paintings; and Danielle Tomlinson who overcame a traumatic brain injury to create an
independent short film called Blue Tonic about her journey towards wellness.
WCN spokesperson Karen Finzel believes that publicly acknowledging women in this way is very empowering to the women, and also to those who attended the event.
Wendy Birrell
Our community's preparedness for the recent cyclone was impressive. Even though the impact was less than expected the effort everyone put in to stay safe and be prepared was heart-warming. From organising resources to staying informed, each person's contribution made a difference. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and commitment. This experience has shown that we can handle challenges together. Residents and businesses who were directly impacted have contacted council, which allows us to pass on their details to relevant
Looking for a way to stay active, feel great and give back to nature?
Join your local BushCare group.
It’s the perfect outdoor activity to de-stress and boost your fitness and mental health.
Imagine pulling weeds, planting trees, soaking up fresh air, listening to birds singing, all while making friends and helping our beautiful bushland thrive.
So why wait? More than 30 groups hold regular working bees across the Sunshine Coast, with 8 groups in the local area. There is no commitment necessary just join in where and where you can, to stay active, feel good, make friends and help nature. Search BushCare on council’s website to learn more.
If you have any other issues or suggestions to discuss, please contact me on 5475 9810 or maria. suarez@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
Div 9 Cr Maria Suarez, 07 5475 9810
A united community - Following the flooding and disruptions of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, I'm so grateful our community is safe. During this time, our community spirit really shone through. I'm proud of the way many in our community put their hands up to volunteer and help others prepare for the impacts of the cyclone. It was reassuring to have SCC’s Local Disaster Coordination Centre active with all key disaster and emergency agencies working together as a united front. Please continue to look out for your neighbours and others in your community who may be struggling as we recover from the effects of this significant weather event. During Cyclone Alfred, council's Disaster Hub saw more than 200,000 active users access the site to stay informed about weather warnings, road closures and other essential updates. New pedestrian bridge update - Seib Rd - I'm pleased Tropical Cyclone Alfred is now behind us and we're making good progress on the new pedestrian bridge and boardwalk over the North Maroochy River at Eumundi. We are currently
working on the boardwalk foundations with construction of the bridge abutments to follow. The first of the boardwalk elements is due to be installed later this month. The bridge structure will be assembled off site and is anticipated to be craned into place overnight in April.
The final stage of works will include new concrete footpath connections to the rail bridge in the west, and to River Tree Crt and Seib Rd in the east. The project is on track for practical completion in early June 2025, weather permitting. Council has partnered with the Department of Transport and Main Roads throughout the design and construction of this project, with 50/50 funding from the Australian and Qld Governments.
Please contact me with any questions or comments at email: david.law@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and follow my Facebook page for regular updates: @ DavidLawDivision10. Div 10 Cr David Law, 0437 825 569
The question of what we want to happen after we “shuffle off this mortal coil” is sometimes a topic for discussion. History shows a wide range of choices: the fiery end of a Viking funeral ship or a carved marble sarcophagus for a wealthy Roman couple.
Recently, members of the Rotary Club of Eumundi visited the Eumundi Cemetery at the corner of Bunya Rd and Golden Rain Lane in North Arm, to learn about Natural Burials from Kym Normand from Cherish Funerals Nambour. Eumundi Cemetery, on behalf of Sunshine Coast Council cemeteries, is now the second cemetery in Qld to offer a special kind of non-traditional funeral choice. The other is at the Gold Coast cemetery.
Kym explained the philosophy: “A natural burial means you are returned to the earth in a manner as natural as possible. Instead of the traditional coffin, you can select a casket, coffin or shroud provided they are made of natural materials. For many, it’s seen as kinder to the environment.
“Apart from a small memorial plaque to mark the location, your plot will return to natural vegetation, and ultimately blend in with the allocated area, surrounded by large wellestablished, native plants and wildlife. Flowers may be part of the service, but only natural ones without containers.
“Site reservations are not available – a site can be purchased at the time of the burial. A council record is maintained.”
If you are planning end-of-life arrangements it’s best to talk through your wishes with your family members, so they understand the principles of Natural Burial and can address their expectations.
Details are available at t.ly/L5MQy.
Visitors are welcome at the Eumundi Cemetery during daylight hours. Eumundi Cemetery was established in 1891. The traditional section will prove to be of interest for the historical memorials, including names celebrated in Eumundi streets: Gridley, Templeton and Arundell. Look for the oldest person buried there – a grand lady of 99 years.
Visit: t.ly/iBczj. Ruth Hickey
Authorised by Paul McKeown Eumundi Qld.
There’s been a lot in the news about tariffs being applied by the US government on exports to the US from a number of its trading partners who have responded saying they would retaliate with new tariffs on the US. So, what does this mean for Australia?
Australia’s prosperity is built on international trade and any slowdown in global trade has a domino effect on Australia. According to Richard Holden, professor of economics at University of NSW, “Anything that reduces trade is not good news for us.”
Tariffs increase the cost of a product in the market. Importers either absorb the cost or pass it on to consumers. Prices for those products go up, leading to increased cost-of-living and pressure on inflation.
While we don’t want the US to impose tariffs on Australian exports, the bigger impact on Australia of imposing tariffs on markets is likely to come indirectly. If demand for Chinese products into the US market falls, and those products rely on inputs of raw materials from Australia, that would impact the Australian economy since we sell so much to China. In addition, Australian businesses may face increased competition for
markets as companies in other countries start shifting their products and services away from the US to our part of the world. Producers, traders and markets don’t like uncertainty as we’ve seen lately in the weaker Australian dollar. Imposing a tariff on exports from one country to another is made more complicated by the fact that products these days are rarely made in one country. Components are gathered from various sources and countries through global supply chains. Introducing higher tariffs to the mix complicates the supply chain and costs could accumulate along with the supply chain.
The iPhone is a great example. Designed in the US by Apple Inc which sources components from 43 countries and has China assemble phones before shipping them to the US for sale. It’s not clear what the impact of US tariffs more broadly might be on the cost of inputs from countries along the supply chain. What is known is that iPhones are considered an export from China to the US. A tariff on China’s exports to the US likely would result in an increase in the price of iPhones.
If trade tensions escalate, expect more volatility. Rhonda Piggott
It’s a well-known line from Robert Burns’ poem: “The best laid plans of mice and men oft' go awry” and now, 225 years later, it’s still true.
I had a long-standing plan to have a shoulder rotator-cuff repair in December, so I could recover during the wet season, while wearing an immobilisation brace. Hubby Kelvin, would be on hand to help me cut up my dinner, get dressed, remove and fit the brace daily and drive me to the hospital and physio. All good, all planned well in advance.
The surgery went well, the hospital at Noosa was great, and I returned home for 6 weeks of wearing the brace, which Kelvin said made me “look like a trussed turkey” … so much for empathy!
That was when things started to “go awry”. A few days after I returned home, it was raining, and hubby said he was going to “bring the bins in” from our long driveway. You guessed it … he slipped, came back into the house as white as sheet, saying, “I think I’ve broken my arm”.
The ambulance paramedics were fantastic: calm, professional, and administered the very welcome pain control. Off to Nambour
for further treatment, then Sunshine Coast University Hospital the next day for the metal plate and 7 screws.
So, we were both out of action. One with left arm in a massive sling contraption, and the other with the right hand in a sling. The kitchen bench was festooned with pills. It was all only bearable by good friends who took my brace on and off each day; and took us shopping, to hospital and doctors’ visits for the many weeks when neither of us could drive.
Simple tasks become a moment of hilarity. “You hold the grater and I’ll move the carrot up and down.”“You hold the fridge door open and I’ll get the veges one at a time.” Chops and steak? No problem, one of us would hold it up, the other cut with kitchen scissors into long pieces we could stab with a fork. Opening cans and soda bottles was nearly impossible until we worked out how to use a wooden spoon as a lever, and one of my mum’s arthritis aids. Hanging out the laundry was a symphony of two, onearmed underachievers and a mouth full of pegs. Sleeping sitting up was a challenge, as moving the affected limbs was an instant, painful wakeup.
Now, after the 6 weeks are over, it’s a joy to drive again, take fewer pain medications, and count down the days until the next physio appointment. We are so grateful to have access to high-quality medical help from paramedics, hospital staff, orthopaedic surgeons, radiographers, fracture clinic specialists, physiotherapists and friends with cars and time.
Now we have a new plan: only move the bins when it’s not been raining. Ruth Hickey
Understanding and overcoming dieting roadblocks is crucial for anyone striving to improve their nutrition. When assessing personal eating habits, the initial response of "good" often masks underlying issues such as calorie overconsumption or imbalanced macronutrient ratios. To effectively address these challenges without resorting to a rigid meal plan, it is essential to examine weekly habits for potential obstacles that are hindering progress.
Common hurdles include subconscious snacking, excessive use of cooking oils, finishing children's meals, and hidden calories in alcohol sugars. These behaviours, often unnoticed, can significantly impact calorie intake and nutritional balance.
�� Mindless eating, like consuming snacks while engrossed in TV, exemplifies how distractions lead to overeating. Awareness of this tendency helps create more conscious choices during leisure activities.
�� Excessive oil usage in cooking can be mitigated by switching to controlled spray oils, ensuring added calories are accounted
�� Licking knives or finishing children's meals due to hunger can subtly increase calorie intake. Recognising these habits encourages mindfulness and alternative strategies to manage hunger.
�� Products labelled "low carb" or "sugar-free" may contain alcohol sugars, unnoticed calorie sources that thwart weight loss efforts. Understanding these hidden calories empowers better food choices.
�� Alcohol consumption – especially over weekends – can spike calorie intake and derail progress. Tracking weekend habits and setting realistic goals can help mitigate these fluctuations.
�� Emotional eating poses another challenge, where food becomes a coping mechanism. Identifying triggers and promoting alternative stress-relief activities fosters healthier habits.
�� Improving nutritional literacy provides a better understanding of calorie tracking and informed decisions, crucial for sustained progress beyond structured meal plans.
�� Lastly, avoiding grocery shopping on an empty stomach curbs impulse purchases and unhealthy snacking. Planning meals and eating beforehand ensure mindful shopping and healthier choices.
By addressing these roadblocks with awareness and strategic adjustments, long-term dietary improvements become achievable, paving the way for sustainable success in nutrition and health. Paul Hooper – Paul’s Body Engineering
“You can take the girl out of Tasmania but … ” Mary-Lou Stephen’s passion for her home state’s history inspired her latest novel The Jam Maker. Mary-Lou studied acting in Melbourne and enjoyed the bohemian life of touring bands before getting a “proper” job in radio on the Sunshine Coast. She found success with her memoir Sex, Drugs and Meditation, which led to her book set in historical Tasmania called The Last of the Apple Blossom. This was followed by her delicious bestseller, The Chocolate Factory. The book is set around the opening of Cadbury’s factory and describes the battle for women to have equal work opportunity, while industrial espionage leaves a bitter taste.
Her new release – The Jam Maker – uses the history of the IXL Jam Factory in Hobart as background to the lives of Harriet and Henry. From hungry children gluing labels on tins, they rise to become adults passionate about creating popular conserves, willing to do anything to protect and provide for their loved ones.
True history is blended with suspense, danger, secrets and lies which lead Harriet to make ever more desperate choices which, if discovered, threaten the lives of those she loves most. Meanwhile Henry rises to be the real Sir Henry Jones, powerful owner of IXL and Peacocks jam factories and other businesses in Tasmania and beyond.
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Mary-Lou’s characters are so vividly created we feel their pain, distress and struggle to survive. We smile when they find happiness in friendships and another new jam recipe which proves popular. We are saddened when another threat appears, or economic and political factors affect their future. Did I really hope certain criminal acts would remain undiscovered?
Mary-Lou often ‘vanishes’ on slow journeys in exotic locations to devote her time and energy fully to research and writing. However, anyone who visits Hobart or Cygnet, or takes a tour after reading The Jam Maker will certainly have a new taste for the history of this area. So many places mentioned are still right there still to see, admire or even stay in. Eileen Walder
Imagine arriving for an anniversary party to discover your host – a British government minister – has shot himself in the ear. Guests Ken and Chris wonder whether it was accidental. Others arrive including Len and Claire, who have already been injured in a car accident, while Ernest, Cookie, Glenn and Cassie all have their own problems. Efforts to avoid a scandal result in hilarious mayhem and soon police are involved. Audiences will be laughing nonstop at the crazy development and fast-flowing witty dialogue in Neil Simon’s upcoming play Rumours, at Noosa Arts Theatre.
Neil Simon is the master of social middle class farce, with innumerable Broadway hits turned into movies such as The Odd Couple, Plaza Suite, Barefoot in the Park and Rumours. The original version involved a New York Deputy Mayor –written during Simon’s messy divorce when he needed to find laughter in his life. Its huge success led to his UK farcical version with British characters and a “u” in the title.
Director Andrew Moon has gathered a super cast, including new faces and several wellknown favourites including Robert Boesch –recently incognito as Scrooge – Oriana Packman, Glen Miller, Liz Bear, Maria Karambelas, Michael Morgan, Ryan Carr, Lily Parisi, along with Jane Rivers and Stephanie Fratter – as the two shortest officers in the Metropolitan Police.
Tickets are selling fast, with performances on 3-20 April. Bookings: noosaartstheatre.org.au or at the Box Office on 5449 9343, Tuesday to Fridays between 10am-2pm.
Neil Simon’s
We invite you to an evening of secrets, scandal and chaos - paired with a generous serving of farce.
On 5 February the Dickabram Bridge closed for major maintenance and is expected to reopen around October. The bridge is heritage-listed and crosses the Mary River between Miva and Theebine. It is Qld’s oldest timber bridge and one of two remaining road and rail bridges in Australia – although the last train crossed the bridge in 2008. It is also the oldest remaining large, steel-truss bridge constructed in Qld. Dickabram Bridge was built from 1885-1886 as a major bridge on the Kingaroy branch railway line to provide access to the mineral resources at Kilkivan. These resources included gold, copper, silver, cinnabar and cobalt. During construction it was known as the Kilkivan railway bridge.
The Dickabram Bridge is also said to have its own ghost. During construction a worker who had been pushing a wheelbarrow full of concrete disappeared and it was suspected that he fell into one of the pylons. His body was never found. Some say that the ghost of the lost worker can be heard in the steel piles of the bridge.
At 21.3m above the Mary River, Dickabram Bridge has survived many floods, although in 1893 its decking was submerged, and in 2022 the water stopped just under the decking. Not bad workmanship given it was built using crosscut saws, wedges and wheelbarrows!
Rhonda Piggott
MARCH 2025
20-23 Noosa Ultra Trail, Noosa hinterland, globe noosaultratrail.com.au
21-23 Dragon Boat Championships, Lake Kawana, globe sunshinecoaststadium.com.au
Blue Turtles - The music of Sting, The J, Noosa, globe thej.com.au
Pre-loved Designer and Local Clothing Market, Coolum Civic Centre, globe barelyworn.com.au
23 Hobby Horse Riding, Belli Park, globe hobbyhorseriders.com
23 Chocolate and Chilli Festival, The Station , Birtinya, globe chillifestivalsaustralia.com
23 The Scream Jazz Orchestra, Pomona, globe themajestictheatre.com.au
25 Eumundi Book Club, Berkelouw Books Eumundi, FACEBOOK-SQUARE Eumundi Connection Hub
28 New Moon Dinner - Thai with Dhom, Kandanga, globe kandangafarmstore.com.au
29 Those Folk, Pomona, globe themajestictheatre.com.au
29 Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra, Caloundra, globe theeventscentre.com.au
29 Yandina Five‘O’, Yandina, globe runqld.com.au/yandina-50
30 The Freddys, Eumundi, globe alfrescosgardencafe.com.au
Neil Simon’s Rumours, Noosaville, globe noosaartstheatre.org.au
ISSUE 114 KEY DATES: Copy & advert deadline: THURSDAY 27 MARCH 2025
Available from: THURSDAY 3 APRIL 2025
Copy & advert deadline: THURSDAY 10 APRIL 2025
Available from: THURSDAY 17 APRIL 2025
Voice. ACN 628 234 891 GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Heidi Jenkins - The Creative Frog PRINTER: SunPrint DISTRIBUTION: Rotary volunteers and supporters deliver up to 4500 complimentary copies fortnightly to mail boxes and outlets in Eumundi, Doonan, Verrierdale,