Georgia's European Way ninth edition - საქართველოს ევროპული გზა მეცხრე პერიოდული გამოცემა

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საქართველოს ევროპული გზა Georgia’s European Way

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparati evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi Oficeof the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

სარჩევი mimarTva daviT baqraZe giorgi kvirikaSvili iohanes hani

5 6 8

saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris asocirebis SeTanxmeba ZalaSi Sevida GLOBSEC-is politikis instituti _ baTumis me-13 saerTaSoriso konferenciis _ „saqarTvelos evropuli gza“ partniori kooperativi evropis kvireuli


12 16 22

saqarTvelo da nato natos kvireuli saqarTvelos Tavdacvisa da usafrTxoebis rigiT me-10 konferencia


`Cven vdgavarT qarTuli jaris gverdiT!~

32 36

„Rirseuli partniori 2016“ _ qarTul-amerikuli samxedro swavleba


biznesi da ekonomika raWa


interviu mixeil giorgaZe


ganaTleba da kultura evropasTan integracia Tu reintegracia? (saqarTvelo - evropis istoriuli urTierTobebi) natos gafarToeba da WeSmariti misia

56 60

saqarTvelos Sesaxeb fotokolaJi


biznesi da ekonomika baTumis me-13 saerTaSoriso konferenciis _ „saqarTvelos evropuli gza“ sponsorebi


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


Content Address

5 6 8

David Bakradze Giorgi Kvirikashvili Johannes Hahn

Georgia and EU

10 12 16 22

EU-Georgia Association Agreement Enters into Force GLOBSEC Policy Institute – as a partner of the 13th Batumi International Conference – “Georgia’s European Way” Cooperative Europe Week

Georgia and NATO

28 32 36 40

NATO Week The 10th Defence and Security Conference (GDSC) “We stand by the Georgian army!” Noble Partner 2016 – Georgian and U.S. military training exercise

Business and Economy





Mikheil Giorgadze

Education and Culture

56 60

Integration or Reintegration? (History of GeorgianEuropean relations) The enlargement and the mission of NATO

About of Georgia



Business and Economy


Sponsors of the 13Th Batumi International Conference – „Georgia’s European Way”

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


saredaqcio sabWo mariam raqviaSvili evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris moadgile zurab qarumiZe politikis analizis, strategiuli dagegmvisa da koordinaciis departamentis, sagareo urTierTobaTa samsaxuris pirveli mrCeveli, saqarTvelos mTavrobis administracia laSa tuRuSi gazeT `rezonansis~ mTavari redaqtori ivane CxikvaZe evrointegraciis mimarTulebis menejeri fondi Ria sazogadoeba saqarTvelo Tornike nozaZe evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis ufrosi ana CixraZe evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis strategiuli komunikaciis departamentis mTavari specialisti

gansakuTrebuli madloba: Tamar miqaZe saqarTveloSi evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis politikisa da presis ganyofilebis TanamSromeli

daibeWda Sps `gazeTi saqarTvelos macneSi~ ISSN 1987-8486

Editorial Board Mariam Rakviashvili Deputy State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlanic Integraion Zurab Karumidze First Advisor, Foreign Relaions Unit, Department of Poliical Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordinaion the Administraion of the Government of Georgia Lasha Tugushi Editor-in-Chief of Resonance Newspaper Ivane Chkhikvadze EU Integraion Field Manager Open Society Georgia Foundaion Tornike Nozadze Head of Strategic Communicaion Department of the Oice of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlanic Integraion Ana Chikhradze Chief Specialist of Strategic Communicaion Department of the Oice of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlanic Integraion SPECIAl tHANkS tO: Tamar Mikadze Press and Informaion Oicer at the Poliical and Press Secion of the Delegaion of the European Union to Georgia

Printed by ltD “Newspaper Sakartvelos Matsne” ISSN 1987-8486


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Address | mimarTva

დავით ბაქრაძე ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ სტრუქტურებში ინტეგრაციის საკითხებში საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მინისტრი David Bakradze State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

m nomers vuZRvniT baTumis rigiT me13 saerTaSoriso konferencias _ „saqarTvelos evropul gza _ stabiluroba, ganviTareba da mravalferovneba“, romelic 2007 wlidan, tradiciulad, evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis organizebiT tardeba. aRsaniSnavia, rom 1-li ivlisidan, evrokavSiris sabWos prezidenti qveyana slovakeTi gaxda. Sesabamisad, mniSvnelovania, rom wlevandeli konferencia slovakeTis „globaluri usafrTxoebis forumTan“ TanamSromlobiT imarTeba. konferenciaSi monawileobas iReben saqarTvelos, evrokavSiris da „aRmosavleT partniorobis“ wevri qveynebis maRali rangis Tanamdebobis pirebi da parlamentarebi, aseve samoqalaqo, akademiuri, media da biznes seqtoris warmomadgenlebi. wels, konferencia mieZRvneba evropul dRis wesrigSi arsebul iseT mniSvnelovan sakiTxebs, rogoricaa: Tanamedrove usafrTxoebis gamowvevebi, evropuli integracia da TanamSromlobis axali formebi evrokavSirsa da partnior qveynebs Soris, regionis roli evropis energousafrTxoebaSi da ekonomikuri ganviTareba da stabiluroba.


e have dedicated this issue to the traditional 13th Batumi Annual International Conference “Georgia’s European Way – STABILITY, DIVERSITY AND DEVELOPMENT” organised by the Ofice of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration. It is noteworthy that from July 1, Slovakia became the president country of the Council of European Union. Hence, it is of utmost signiicance that this year`s Conference is held in cooperation with Slovak “Global Security Forum”.


The Conference welcomes government oficials, parliamentarians, business, civil society, academia and media representatives from the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries. This year, the Conference is focusing on some of the key topics of the current European affairs, including challenges of the modern security architecture, European integration and new forms of cooperation between EU and its partner countries, role of the region for Europe’s energy security, economic development and stability.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Address | mimarTva

გიორგი კვირიკაშვილი საქართველოს პრემიერ-მინისტრი Giorgi Kvirikashvili Prime Minister of Georgia


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Address | mimarTva


aqarTvelo sul ufro mtkice nabijebiT agrZelebs svlas evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis mimarTulebiT. swored es aris qarTveli xalxis arCevani, ualternativo gza. 2014 wlis 27 ivniss asocirebis SeTanxmebis xelmowera udidesi wingadadgmuli nabijia da mis warmatebiT ganxorcielebas gadamwyveti mniSvneloba aqvs saqarTvelos evropuli momavlisTvis. Cveni mizania, SevqmnaT iseTi sakanonmdeblo baza, romelic uzrunvelyofs saqarTvelos Tanamedrove, ganviTarebul da evropuli tipis saxelmwifod Camoyalibebas, rac, pirvel rigSi, saqarTvelos moqalaqeebis keTildReobas moemsaxureba. asocirebis SeTanxmebis samoqmedo gegmebis farglebSi ukve gavatareT Zireuli reformebi iseT mniSvnelovan sferoebSi, rogoricaa marTlmsajuleba, sasjelaRsruleba da probacia, personaluri monacemebis dacva, migraciis marTva, sajaro seqtoris reforma, soflis meurneoba, garemos dacva, kultura, ganaTleba, vaWroba da vaWrobasTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebi, romlebic dadebiTad Seafasa evropulma mxarem. evrokavSiris ekonomikur sivrceSi integracia uzrunvelyofs saqarTvelos ekonomikuri zrdis stimulirebas da, zogadad, qveynis ekonomikur ganviTarebas. es aris saukeTeso SesaZlebloba, viqceT ucxoeli investorebisTvis kidev ufro mimzidvel qveynad. saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisTvis savizo reJimis liberalizacia iqneba evrokavSiris mtkice mxardaWeris gamoxatuleba da udidesi stimuli evropuli transformaciis gzaze. darwmunebuli var, rom es procesi uaxloes momavalSi warmatebiT dasruldeba. evrokavSiri udides daxmarebas gviwevs rogorc eqspertuli, ise finansuri kuTxiT. saqarTvelos mTavrobisa da mTeli sazogadoebis saxeliT, minda kidev erTxel didi madloba gadavuxado evrokavSirs, mis wevr saxelmwifoebs. aseve warmatebiT mimdinareobs evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis procesi qveynis Tavdacvisunarianobis ganviTarebisa da demokratiuli procesis winsvlis gziT. saqarTvelos mniSvnelovani wvlili Seaqvs saerTaSoriso stabilurobisa da usafrTxoebis ganmtkicebaSi da monawileobs natos, evrokavSirisa da gaeros egidiT warmoebul saerTaSoriso misiebSi. varSavis samitma kidev erTxel daadastura, rom Cveni partniorebi mxars uWeren saqarTveloSi mimdinare demokratiul procesebs. es aris politikuri gzavnili, romelic kidev erTxel gvimtkicebs rwmenas, rom gaZlierdeba praqtikuli meqanizmebi nato-saqarTvelos TanamSromlobis mimarTulebiT. dRes saqarTveloSi umniSvnelovanesi istoriul-politikuri procesebi mimdinareobs, romlebmac unda gansazRvros Cveni demokratiuli da evropuli momavali da qveyana saxelmwifoebrivi ganviTarebis axal etapze gadaiyvanos. mtkiced mwams, rom am procesebs veraferi SeaCerebs da saqarTvelo Tavis kuTvnil adgils daikavebs evropul erTa Soris.


eorgia continues its path to European and European integration in leaps and bounds, which is the choice of the Georgian people, a path that has no alternative.

The Association Agreement, signed on June 27, 2014, was a giant step forward, and its successful implementation is crucial for Georgia’s European future. We seek to create a legal framework that ensures Georgia’s transformation into a modern, developed European state committed to bolstering the prosperity of its citizens. Under the Association Agreement Action Plan, we have already carried out substantial reforms in such areas as justice, corrections and probation, personal data protection, migration management, public sector reform, agriculture, environment, culture, education, trade and related aspects, which have been commended by the European side. Georgia’s integration into the EU economic area will boost our economic growth and economic development in general, which is the best opportunity to attract more foreign investors. Visa liberalization for Georgian citizens will be a clear demonstration of EU support and an incentive of paramount importance on our path to European transformation. I am convinced that the successful completion of this process is just around the corner. The European Union has been an invaluable provider of expertise and inancial assistance. On behalf of the Georgian Government and our society as a whole, I once again thank the European Union, its member states. Equally successful is our Euro-Atlantic integration as the country’s defense capabilities are growing and democratic processes are progressing. Georgia, as an important contributor to greater international stability and security, participates in NATO, EU, and UN-led international missions. The Warsaw Summit has reafirmed our partners’ support for the ongoing democratic processes in Georgia. This is a political message which reinforces our conviction that practical mechanisms for NATO-Georgia cooperation will grow stronger. Today we witness key historical and political processes in Georgia, which are destined to deine our democratic European future and to lead the country to a higher level in the development of its statehood. I am convinced that these processes are unstoppable, and Georgia will take its due place among the European nations.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Address | mimarTva


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Address | mimarTva იოჰანეს ჰანი ევროკომისარი ევროპული სამეზობლო პოლიტიკის და გაფართოების საკითხებში Johannes Hahn EU Commissioner, Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations vrokavSiri da saqarTvelo erTad muSaoben ambiciuri dRis wesrigiT gaTvaliswinebul sakiTxebze. molodini, romelsac orive mxare gamoxatavs, didia. aman kidev ufro unda gagvamxnevos, rom ormagi ZalisxmeviT SevZloT mniSvnelovani cvlilebebis ganxorcieleba saqarTvelosa da misi moqalaqeebis sakeTildReod. asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmeba, Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis CaTvliT, Cveni urTierTobebis safuZvlad rCeba. Zalian vafaseb saqarTvelos mier evrokavSiris kanonmdeblobasa da standartebTan dasaaxloveblad ganxorcielebul reformebs. es did Sromas moiTxovs, magram Sedegebi imedismomcemia. evrokavSiris bazari yvelaze didi bazaria saqarTvelosTvis. Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis SeTanxmebis amoqmedebis pirvelive wels saqarTvelodan evrokavSirSi eqsporti 15%-iT gaizarda. is reformebi da SesaZleblobebi, romlebic asocirebis SeTanxmebis farglebSi Seiqmna – evrokavSiris mxardaWerasTan erTad – ufro metad daexmareba saqarTvelos ekonomikis gardaqmnis saqmeSi. ekonomikuri ganviTareba umniSvnelovanesi Semadgenelia stabilizaciisa, rac ,,ganaxlebuli evropuli samezoblo politikis“ qvakuTxeds warmoadgens. yvela im qveyanasTan, romelTanac Cven Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis SeTanxmeba gvaqvs gaformebuli, da gansakuTrebiT saqarTvelosTan, aqcenti ,,asocirebis dRis wesrigis“ daxvewaze gvaqvs gadatanili, rom Seiqmnas ekonomikuri ganviTarebisTvis sasargeblo garemo da SesaZlebeli gaxdes axali SeTanxmebebidan sargeblis miReba investiciebis gazrdisa da evrokavSirisa da saqarTvelos biznesisTvis xelsayreli garemos Seqmnis saSualebiT. es investiciebi da SesaZleblobebi daexmareba qveyanaSi meti samuSao adgilis Seqmnas, rac uSualo sargebels moutans saqarTvelos moqalaqeebs. evrokavSirTan uvizo mimosvla erT-erTi is sakiTxia, romelsac saqarTvelos moqalaqeebi did mniSvnelobas aniWeben. am sakiTxze sakanonmdeblo winadadeba evrokomisiam ukve warmoadgina. saqarTvelo uvizo mimosvlas imsaxurebs, radgan qveyanam Seasrula gegmiT dasaxuli yvela niSnuli da did winsvlasac miaRwia. mouTmenlad veli am sakiTxze evrokavSiris wevri qveynebisa da evroparlamentis gadawyvetilebebs. dabolos, Cveni TanamSromlobis mTavar sakiTxebad rCeba kargi mmarTveloba, demokratia, kanonis uzenaesoba da adamianis uflebebi; am yvelafers zurgs umagrebs samoqalaqo sazogadoebis mzardi monawileoba. vmuSaobT samoqalaqo sazogadoebis maqsimalur CarTulobasa da liderobis unar-Cvevebis gaZlierebaze. Cemi azriT, cvlilebebis xelSewyobaSi, Tavisuflebis, adamianis uflebebisa da kanonis uzenaesobis uzrunvelyofaSi samoqalaqo sazogadoebas fundamentaluri roli akisria.



he European Union and Georgia are working hand-inhand together towards a very ambitious agenda. The expectations are high on both sides and this should

additionally motivate us to double our efforts, and to make a difference, for Georgia and its citizens. The Association Agreement with its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) continues to be the basis of our relationship. I acknowledge the efforts that Georgia is making to align its laws and standards to those of the EU. This is a demanding work but the results are already promising. The EU is the biggest market for Georgia, and in the irst year of DCFTA Georgian exports to the EU increased by 15%. The reforms and opportunities created by the Association Agreement, coupled with the substantial EU support, will further help transforming the Georgian economy. Economic development is indeed key to stabilisation, which is at the heart of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy. With the DCFTA countries, and with Georgia in particular, our focus is on reining the Association Agendas to create the right environment to do well economically and beneit from the new agreements by increasing investment and creating opportunities for businesses on both sides. These new investments and opportunities will help create more jobs, beneiting directly Georgian citizens. Visa free travel is another matter of major importance for people in Georgia. The legislative proposal has been put forward by the Commission. This is well-deserved as Georgia has fulilled all benchmarks and made a good progress. I am looking forward to the decision by the Member States and the European Parliament on this issue. Finally, good governance, democracy, rule of law and human rights will remain a key area of our cooperation, supported by an increased role for civil society. We are working on reaching out to civil society in its broadest sense and also to promote the skills of civil society leaders. I see a fundamental role for civil society in promoting change, save-guarding freedom, human rights, and the rule of law.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

მიხეილ ჯანელიძე საქართველოს საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი

საქართველო-ევროკავშირის ასოცირების შეთანხმება ძალაში შევიდა Mikheil Janelidze Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia



aqarTvelo-evrokavSiris asocirebis SeTanxmeba 2016 wlis 1 ivliss Sevida ZalaSi. ratifikaciis sakmaod Sromatevadi procesi, or welze naklebi gagrZelda da masSi monawileobdnen evroparlamenti, evrokavSiris 28 wevri qveynisa da saqarTvelos sakanonmdeblo organoebi.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


n 1 July 2016 the Association Agreement between the European Union and Georgia entered into force after less than two years of the thorough ratiication processes by the European Parliament, the national parliaments of 28 EU Member States and Georgia.

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri SeTanxmebis uprecedentod mokle vadebSi ratifikacia calsaxad warmoadgens evrokavSiris wevri qveynebis mxridan saqarTvelos evropuli gzis mtkice mxardaWeras. damoukideblobis aRdgenis dRidan, rodesac qarTvelma xalxma istoriuli arCevani gaakeTa, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo Zalisxmevas ar iSurebda, rom evrokavSirTan integracia Seuqcevad procesad qceuliyo. SeTanxmebis ZalaSi SesvliT, saqarTvelos evrokavSirTan politikuri asocireba da ekonomikuri integracia samarTlebriv CarCoebSi moeqca, ramac Cveni urTierTobebi xarisxobrivad sruliad axal etapze gadaiyvana. evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebas didi mniSvneloba aqvs qarTveli xalxis evropuli ocnebis realizaciisTvis, rac gulisxmobs Cvens qveyanaSi saukeTeso evropuli normebisa da standartebis etapobrivad danergvas yvela sferoSi, maT Soris kargi mmarTvelobis, kanonis uzenaesobis, adamianTa uflebebis, marTlmsajulebis, socialuri CarTulobis, media pluralizmisa da sabazro ekonomikis sferoebSi. 2014 wlis 1 seqtembridan asocirebis SeTanxmebis Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis komponentis droebiTi amoqmedebiT, Cven ukve viRebT sargebels evrokavSiris Sida bazarTan integraciiT. Sedegad, evrokavSiri gaxda saqarTvelos umsxvilesi savaWro partniori. kerZod saqonelbrunvis moculobaSi evrokavSiris wilma 30%-s gadaaWarba, xolo evrokavSiris bazarze saqarTvelos eqsporti mudmivad izrdeba. ekonomikuri modernizaciis kvaldakval, Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali vaWrobis sivrciT gaxsnili perspeqtivebi mniSvnelovani faqtori aRmoCda saqarTveloSi ucxouri investiciebis mosazidad. evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis bankma (EBRD) 2016 weli saqarTveloSi gansaxorcielebeli investiciebis moculobis kuTxiT uprecedentod gamoacxada. evropuli standartebis danergvasTan erTad, gaRrmavda TanamSromloba evrokavSirTan iseT strategiul sferoebSi rogoricaa energetika, transporti, komunikaciebi da infrastruqtura, rac kidev ufro zrdis Cveni qveynis satranzito funqcias. evrokavSiris „SemoqmedebiTi evropisa“ da „horizonti 2020“ programebTan asocirebiT kidev ufro meti SesaZleblobebi Seiqmna ganaTlebis, mecnierebisa da kulturis sferoebSi TanamSromlobis gaRrmavebisaTvis. saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisTvis evrokavSirSi moklevadiani uvizo mimosvlis reJimis SemoReba xels Seuwyobs xalxTa Soris urTierTobebis ganviTarebas da mobilurobis zrdas. am Zalisxmevis Sedegad dRes saqarTvelo evropuli integraciis gzaze warmatebuli transformaciis naTeli magaliTia. SeTanxebas udidesi pozitiuri gavlena aqvs Cveni saxelmwifos Sida politikur, ekonomikur da socialur sferoebze, vinaidan xdeba evropuli standartebis danergva. evrokavSiris daxmareba sxvadasxva programisa Tu instrumentis farglebSi umniSvnelovanesia Cven qveynaSi mimdinare reformebis ganxorcielebisaTvis. evrokavSirTan asocirebis SeTanxmebis implementaciiT Cven vaSenebT namdvil evropul saxelmwifos da vxdebiT evropuli wesrigis ganuyofeli nawili.

Ratiication of the Agreement in a record time clearly demonstrates a irm support of the EU Member States towards Georgia’s European way. Since restoration of independence and the day when the Georgian people made their historical choice, the Georgian Government has been making all efforts to ensure that integration with the EU would become irreversible. Entry into force of the Agreement has brought the political association and economic integration of Georgia with the EU into a formal legal framework and oficially launched a qualitatively new era in our relationship. This important moment highlights a fundamental meaning of the Association Agreement for materialising a longstanding vision of the Georgian people to bring the country gradually in line with the best European norms and standards across all sectors including good governance, rule of law, human rights, justice, social inclusion, media pluralism and market economy. Since a provisional application of the Association Agreement, on 1 September 2014, we have already beneitted from integration into the EU internal market. Consequently, the EU became the largest trading partner of Georgia, with a share in total trade of more than 30% and constant growth of Georgian exports to the EU market. While stimulating economic modernisation an effect of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) has been fundamental for increasing attractiveness of Georgia for foreign investments. Not surprisingly, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced record volume of investments in Georgia for 2016. Along with the approximation to the European standards, cooperation deepened with the EU in strategic sectors such as energy and transport, communications and infrastructure further contributing to strengthening Georgia’s transit potential. Being associated with the EU programmes such as Creative Europe and Horizon 2020, Georgia is set to beneit from building stronger links with the EU in education, research and culture. Introduction of a visa-free travel regime with the EU for the Georgian citizens will augment people-to-people contacts and mobility opportunities even further. Through these efforts, Georgia became a vivid example of transformative power of the European integration. The Agreement is bringing genuinely positive effects to the Georgian state in political, economic and social ields by implementing the European standards. The EU’s assistance to Georgia delivered through a wide-range of programmes and instruments has been vital to achieve our reform objectives. With the entry into force of the Association Agreement with the EU and its full scale implementation Georgia builds truly European state, and becomes an indispensable part of the European order.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

ელჩი რასტისლავ კაჩერი GLOBSEC-ის პოლიტიკის ინსტიტუტის საპატიო თავმჯდომარე

Amb. Rastislav Káčer Honorary Chairman of GLOBSEC

GLOBSEC-ის პოლიტიკის ინსტიტუტი - ბათუმის მე-13 საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის „საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ პარტნიორი



oxaruli var, rom globsekis politikis instituti (GLOBSEC Policy Institute) baTumis me-13 saerTaSoriso konferenciis – „saqarTvelos evropuli gza – stabiluroba, ganviTareba da mravalferovneba“ organizebaSi evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris aparatis partnioria. saqarTvelo yovelTvis aqtiurad iyo warmodgenili globsekis usafrTxoebis forumze, amitomac Cveni TanamSromlobis es axali forma logikur nabijad mimaCnia. slovakeTsa da saqarTvelos marTlac rom bevri aqvs saerTo, rac mxolod cnobili filmiT „raWa Cemi siyvaruli“ ar amoiwureba. Cven varT ori patara eri, romelTac mogviwia Tavisuflebisa da demokratiisaTvis brZola. orive qveyanam strategiuli arCevani gavakeTeT, vmdgariyaviT im qveynebis gverdiT, romlebic iziareben liberaluri demokratiisa da Tavisuflebis principebs. „saqarTvelos evropuli gza“ – mesmis, rogorc patara qveynis arCevani, gaxdes evropis politikuri nawili, vinaidan is kulturuli kuTxiT, istoriulad yovelTvis misi nawili iyo.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


am very pleased, that the GLOBSEC established partnership with the State Ministry of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration on organizing the “13th Batumi International Conference – Georgia’s European Way 2016”. I see it as a next logical step after Georgia has always been strongly represented at the “Bratislava Global Security Forum – GLOBSEC” and as a natural cooperation of two nations – Slovakia and Georgia, that have so much in common. And I do not mean only the past and the old famous cinematography (“Racha My Love/Rača, láska moja”). We are two small nations that had to struggle for freedom and democracy and who made the strategic decision to belong among nations with shared values of liberal democracy, respect for human rights and freedom. This is what I understand under “Georgia’s European Way”. The decision of a small nation − Georgia, that culturally and historically has always belonged to Europe, to walk that path against all odds (and a stronger neighbor) to belong to the modern Europe politically. And maintained that decision despite uneasy days for Europe, we experience just recently, when our values are tested and we have to prevail.

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri aRsaniSnavia, rom miuxedavad evrokavSiris SigniT arsebuli sirTuleebisa, saqarTvelo kvlav mondomebiT agrZelebs am gzas. wels, istoriaSi pirvelad, slovakeTi evrokavSiris sabWos prezidenti qveyana xdeba. mixaria, rom am istoriuli etapis dasawyisSi GLOBSEC baTumis me13 saerTaSoriso konferenciis sapatio partnioria. Cven mxars vuWerT saqarTvelos evropul da evroatlantikur miswrafebebs. amas ki Cveni xuTwliani moRvaweobiTa da mTeli rigi warmatebuli proeqtebiT vamtkicebT. swored es yvelaferi warmoadgens GLOBSEC-sa da baTumis saerTaSoriso konferenciebis partniorobis mTavar mizezs. minda, gamoviyeno SesaZlebloba da mokled mogiTxroT GLOBSEC-is 11 wlis winandeli daarsebis istoria: GLOBSEC sagareo politikisa da usafrTxoebis saerTaSoriso konferenciaa, romelic imarTeba bratislavaSi 2005 wlidan tradiciulad slovakeTis atlantikuri komisiis mier. 2016 wlidan ki slovakeTis atlantikuri komisia ukve GLOBSEC-is saxels atarebs. am mniSvnelovani platformis daarseba robert vaSis xelmZRvanelobiT ramdenime axalgazrdis didi Tavdadebis, energiisa da Semoqmedebis Sedegia. miuxedavad profesionalizmis maRali donisa Tu wlebis ganmavlobaSi dagrovili gamocdilebisa, GLOBSEC dResac sazrdoobs axalgazrdebis energiiTa da enTuziazmiT. GLOBSEC-is pirveli konferencia Catarda slovakeTis evrokavSirsa da natoSi gawevrianebidan erTi wlis Semdeg. ideis irgvliv Tavmoyrili axalgazrdebi

Therefore, it is not only the occasion that Slovakia took over the Presidency in the Council of the EU two weeks ago – irst time in the history, that I am honoured to address you from these pages on behalf of GLOBSEC as a partner of the 13th Batumi International Conference. It is also because we have been supporting Georgia on its European and Euro-Atlantic way for 5 years now, through number of projects that our organization – previously named as the Slovak Atlantic Commission – successfully implemented in this country. The partnership of GLOBSEC with the Georgia’s European Way conference has many logical reasons – irst and foremost both are well established and recognized international expert conferences that deal with foreign and European affairs and security. Secondly, this years’ conference coincides with the Slovak Presidency in the EU and it is therefore logical, that all discussions about Europe are somewhat funnelled through Slovakia this semester. Thirdly, GLOBSEC or previously the Slovak Atlantic Commission celebrates its ifth year of working in Georgia and with Georgia as an NGO and a think-tank. Last but deinitively not least are the reasons I mentioned above – to support Georgia on its way, support it in its strategic decision to belong to the modern European (and Euro-Atlantic) family. However, I would also like to use the space here to tell you the story of GLOBSEC, because it is not just another big and renown conference. There is also a story behind it that started eleven years ago.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

ჩვენ მხარს ვუჭერთ საქართველოს ევროპულ და ევროატლანტიკურ მისწრაფებებს WE SUPPORT GEORGIA’S EUROPEAN AND EUROATLANTIC ASPIRATIONS

miznad isaxavdnen qveyanaSi dasavluri Rirebulebebis gamyarebasa da slovakeTis msoflio rukaze datanas. istoriis ganmavlobaSi centraluri evropa ufro xSirad warmoadgenda, saerTaSoriso urTierTobebis obieqts, vidre subieqts. mdgomareoba mas Semdeg Seicvala, rac 2004 wels centraluri evropis qveynebi evrokavSirisa da natos wevrebi gaxdnen. GLOBSEC msoflioSi mimdinare sagareo politikisa da usafrTxoebis sakiTxebis irgvliv Tavs uyris 1000-ze met monawiles, romlebic diskusiebSi aqtiuri monawileobiT cdiloben problemebis gadaWris Sesabamisi gzebis moZiebas. Tavisi masStaburobiTa da prestiJiT GLOBSEC-ma ukve daamtkica, rom maRali donis diskusiebi mxolod dasavleTis saxelmwifoebis dedaqalaqebis privilegia araa. dRes Cveni konferencia centralur evropas periferiidan globaluri sakiTxebis ganxilvis epicentrad aqcevs. GLOBSEC warmoadgens adgils, romelic SesaZleblobas aZlevs centraluri evropis saxelmwifoebs Tavisi wvlili Seitanon evropuli da evroatlantikuri institutebis saboloo gadawyvetilebebSi. 11 wliani arsebobis ganmavlobaSi bratislavaSi dabadebulma GLOBSEC-ma sagareo da usafrTxoebis Temebze gamarTuli msoflioSi cnobili miunxenis, briuselis, vaSingtonisa da halifaqsis konferenciebis gverdiT daikava adgili. SegviZlia vTqvaT, rom man slovakeTSi sajaro da kerZo seqtorebs Soris axali saxis TanamSromlobas Cauyara safuZveli. GLOBSEC-is organizatorebi axerxeben politikuri neitralitetis SenarCunebas, sakuTari saqmianobiT ki sagareo da usafrTxoebis sakiTxebSi aZliereben slovakeTis diplomatias, amaRleben qveynis reputaciasa da imijs. am TanamSromlobis wyalobiT, sajaro, arasamTavrobo da kerZo kompaniebs Soris axali xarisxis urTierTobebi yalibdeba. viSegradis qveynebs Soris slovakeTi yvelaze patara da naklebad cnobilia. miuxedavad imisa, rom praRasTan, varSavasa da budapeStTan SedarebiT, bratislavaSi konferenciis Catareba naklebad xelsayrelad miiCneoda, slovakeTis dedaqalaqi ukve 11 welia yovelwliurad maspinZlobs am masStabur


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

GLOBSEC is an international conference on security and foreign policy, which has been organised in Bratislava, Slovakia, since 2005 by the Slovak Atlantic Commission, an independent non-governmental organisation (in May 2016 organization renamed itself as GLOBSEC too). The founding and development of this important platform is a fascinating story of courage, energy and the creativity of young people who have fully taken advantage of the opportunities afforded by a free and democratic society. Founded by a group of then university students under the leadership of Robert Vass as a “non-governmental start-up” that led to the creation of unique “GLOBSEC - Made in Slovakia” brand. And even now, despite high level professionalism and years of experience, GLOBSEC still relies on a large number of young people, which gives this conference the appropriate freshness and enthusiasm. The irst GLOBSEC event took place one year after the socalled “super-integration” year when Slovakia joined NATO and the EU more or less simultaneously. It was founded by ambitious university students who had a desire to anchor Slovakia inside Western values and at the same time to put their country on the world map. Throughout its history, Central Europe has more often been the object rather than the subject of international relations. The situation started changing when the countries of Central Europe joined the EU and NATO in 2004. GLOBSEC’s ambition has been to contribute to making this region a part of a strategic European and international discussion where participants look for answers to current issues. In its scale and prestige, GLOBSEC has proven that a high-quality discussion and the shaping of international politics are not privileges of Western cities such as Brussels or Washington D.C. Today, this conference shifts the region of Central Europe from the periphery to the centre of discussion on global issues. GLOBSEC is not a place for politicians to announce joint decisions or present statements. Its primary goal is to be a part of an open debate and allow Slovakia and Central Europe to inluence and shape the debate on key issues so that the inal decisions of European and transatlantic institutions also relect regional interests and needs. GLOBSEC thus contributes to dispelling prejudices about post-Communist countries and to building Central European self-conidence. Thus, this Bratislava-based conference has in just a few years become one of the most important events of its kind in the world and has joined the ranks of foreign policy and security conferences in Munich, Brussels, Washington D.C. and Halifax. GLOBSEC created a new model of private-public cooperation not only in Slovakia, but also in a wider context. The GLOBSEC organisers have managed to preserve political neutrality while maintaining clear value orientation. This private-public project in the ield of foreign and security policy multiplies Slovak diplomacy, and strengthens its voice, reputation and image. Thanks to this network of cooperation, a new quality of relations between public institutions, non-governmental organisations and companies is created. Among the Visegrad Group countries, Slovakia is the smallest and globally least known. Compared to Prague, Warsaw and

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri Sexvedrebs. viSegradis qveynebi ki GLOBSEC-s sakuTari ideebis, azrebisa da gamocdilebis gaziarebisaTvis arsebul mniSvnelovan platformad miiCneven. msoflios Tanamedrove movlenebidan gamomdinare, dRes demokratiuli Rirebulebebi gamocdas gadis. mzardi populizmi, eqstremizmi da zogadad sazogadoebis mxridan politikuri elitebis mimarT ndobis dakargva, evrokavSiris samezobloSi arsebuli konfliqtebi kidev erTxel amtkicebs GLOBSEC-is mniSvnelobasa da aqtualobas. GLOBSEC slovakeTSi, centraluri evropis patara qveyanaSi dabadebuli ideaa, romelic amtkicebs, rom ara mxolod diplomatebi da politikosebi, aramed samoqalaqo sazogadoebis eqspertebi xdian slovakeTs saqveynod cnobils.

Budapest, Bratislava’s perceived status for organising a regular security conference was less favourable. Despite this, it was in the Slovak capital where the biggest annual meeting, which now has a Central European character, was launched. Political leaders and experts from the Visegrad Group countries consider GLOBSEC their platform for exchanging views and experiences as well as for communication with partners from various regions of the world. GLOBSEC pays a lot of attention to the agenda of security, freedom and democracy while it strategically contributes to strengthening transatlantic cooperation. This is immensely important for the region of Central Europe which has suffered a lot throughout its history. The values of freedom and democracy are being severely tested these days. They are not to be taken for granted even in the transatlantic family where we have seen a rise in populism, extremism and general decline of public trust in political elites. Tensions in the Balkans, the expansion of terrorist groups and the emergence of armed conlicts in the EU’s direct neighbourhood make GLOBSEC a very up-to-date and needed platform. GLOBSEC is a remarkable phenomenon born in Slovakia, a small Central European country, which has found its anchor in the world of Western values. It is not only our eminent diplomats who serve in prestigious institutions and troubled territories but also experts from civic society who have made Slovakia well-known abroad.


saqarTvelos evropuli gza baTumis saerTaSoriso konferencias maRali donis Sexvedrebis maspinZlobis STambeWdavi istoria aqvs. mjera, rom wels Cveni Zalebisa da gamocdilebis gaerTianebiT saqarTvelo-slovakeTis urTierTobebi axal xarisxs SeiZens. darwmunebuli var, „saqarTvelos evropuli gza“ gaagrZelebs eqspertebisa da maRali rangis pirebisagan inovaciuri ideebis, problemebis gadaWris gzebisa da SeTavazebebis Segrovebas mniSvnelovan politikur, diplomatiur da usafrTxoebis gamowvevebze regionsa da mis farglebs gareT. saqarTvelo kulturulad da istoriulad saukuneebis ganmavlobaSi evropis nawili iyo. moxaruli var, rom evropul ojaxSi politikuri integraciis procesSi Cven Tqvens gverdiT varT. minda, warmatebebi vusurvo baTumis me-13 saerTaSoriso konferencias! imedi maqvs, baTumSi, saqarTvelos sazafxulo dedaqalaqSi, kidev sxva mravali maRali donis Sexvedra gaimarTeba.

The Batumi International Conference has also an impressive history of high-level meetings and discussions about the EU, security and foreign affairs. I believe that project like this year’s will enable us to join our strengths and experience and bring a new quality into cooperation between Georgia and Slovakia. I truly believe that the Georgia’s European Way conference will keep on accumulating opinions of the major decision-makers and experts as well as formulating innovative ideas, proposals and solutions for major political, diplomatic and security challenges in the region and beyond. As I mentioned at the beginning - culturally and historically, Georgia has always belonged to Europe for centuries, I am glad, that our effort can also assist Georgia into the modern Europe – into EU. I wish the Batumi International Conference – Georgia’s European Way a lot of success and I wish us many more meetings in Batumi - the Summer Capitol of Georgia!

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

მამა პეტრე (გიორგაძე) father Petre (Giorgadze) სტატიის ავტორი – ნინო ბოჯგუა ნატოსა და ევროკავშირის შესახებ საინფორმაციო ცენტრის პროექტების განხორციელების სამსახურის უფროსი

კოოპერატივი Author of the article – Nino Bojgua Head of the Project Management Division, Information Center on NATO and EU

COOPERATIVE dekanozi petre (valeri giorgaZe)

Deacon Petre (Valeri Giorgadze)

„bavSvobaSi vocnebobdi mefutkre naTesavi myoloda. Tafli miyvarda da Zalian mainteresebda futkrebis cxovrebis wesi. mogvianebiT mivxvdi, rom ocneba Tavadac SemeZlo amesrulebina. saqmianoba swored ase - sul raRac 4 ojaxiT daviwye“.

As a child, I dreamed of having an apiarist as a relative. I loved honey and I was very interested in the lifestyle of bees. Later, I realized that I could fulill the dream on my own. That’s how I started my work with only four families.


sasuliero cxovreba dekanoz petres (valeri giorgaZe) pirvelad vanis sakaTedro taZarSi Sevxvdi, wminda ninos mSoblebis, zabulonisa da sosanasa saxelobis ekle-


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

I met Deacon Petre (Valeri Giorgadze) for the first time at the Vani Cathedral, a church named after St Nino’s parents, Zabulon and Sosanna, and a place where he made great contributions in its construction. As he says, he makes an

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri siaSi, romlis mSeneblobaSic Tavadac didi wvlili miuZRvis. rogorc TviTon ambobs taZris galamazebas yoveldRiurad cdilobs radgan sjera, rom iq sadac movlili RvTis taZari aqvT xalxic ufro keTili cxovrobs. mama petrem sasuliero cxovreba 1995 wlidan daiwyo, Tumca intervius ganmavlobaSi ramdenjerme aRniSna, rom bavSvobidan eklesiuri gaxldaT. misi TqmiT diakvnad kurTxevis gadawyvetileba vanisa da baRdaTis eparqiis mRvdelmTavarma meufe antonma miaRebina. xumrobiT imasac ambobs, rom Tavidan sasuliero cxovrebis dawyeba kosmonavtobaze rTuli egona. 1998 wlis 23 noembers sofel bzvanis wminda giorgis saxelobis taZarSi daiwyo msaxureba. 2 wlis Semdeg vanSi dabrunda da im dRidan mSobliuri qalaqis ganviTarebaze zrunavs. 2010 wlis 2 ivniss vanis sakaTedro taZari akurTxes, amave wels dekanozi petre wminda ninos saxelobis sasuliero gimnaziis proreqtorad dainiSna. gimnazia ukve 6 welia funqcionirebs da warmatebebis mixedviT sapatriarqos skolebis xuTeulSi Sedis. mefutkreoba da soflisa da soflis meurneobis ganviTarebis programa (ENPARD) 2001 wlidan mefutkreobas mihyo xeli. garSemo 10 axalgazrda Semoikriba da maTTan erTad gaagrZela saqmianoba. Tumca dauRalavi Sromis miuxedavad mixvda, rom Taflis realizacia rTuli, danaxarji ki Zalian didi iyo. rogorc Tavad ixsenebs Tavdavpir-

effort to look after the church daily, because he believes that where there is a well taken care church the people are kinder. Father Petre’s religious life began in 1995. However, during the interview he mentioned several times that he was very religious since childhood. According to him, a decision for him to be coronated as a Deacon was made with the help of the Diocese of Vani and Bagdati, Bishop Anton. He joked that he had imagined the start of a religious life to be more dificult than becoming an astronaut. On November 23, 1998 he started serving in St George’s cathedral located in the village Bzvani. After two years he returned to his hometown to dedicate himself to its development. On June 2nd 2010 he was ordained in the Vani cathedral church. The same year deacon Petre was ordained as the pro-rector of St. Nino ecclesiastical gymnasium. The gymnasium has been functioning for six years and it is among the ive most excellent schools of the Patriarchate. APIARIsT AND ENPARD In 2001 father Petre started beekeeping. He devised a group of 10 young workers. However, despite the tireless work he realized that the sales potential of honey was very low and costs were huge. As he recollected, initially they only had one honey extrator which they used to distillate honey one by one. From 2001-2004 they were moving at a really slow pace, each of them had 20-30 hives, some even less.

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Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

9 შვილის მამას, რომელიც ეკლესიაში, გიმნაზიასა და მეფუტკრეობის კოოპერატივში ერთნაირი წარმატებით ახერხებს მოღვაწეობას სამომავლოდ დიდი გეგმები აქვს

velad erTi cibruti hqondaT, romliTac Tafls rigrigobiT xdidnen. „2001 wlidan 2014 wlamde kus nabijebiT miviwevdiT win, TiToeul Cvengans 20-30 ojaxi Tu hyavda, zogs naklebic“. 2014 wels ENPARD-is Sesaxeb pirvelad gaigo da mis partniorebs sagranto konkursSi monawileoba SesTavaza. ambobs rom Tavidan kooperativis Seqmnis ideas undoblobiT moekidnen, Tumca nawilma mainc scada bedi. „proeqtSi monawileobaze aTidan eqvsma kacma Tqva uari. eSinodaT, axsovdaT komunistebis dros rogor xdeboda xolme. magram Cven gavbedeT, mivendeT da gamogvivida kidec“. dekanoz petres gadawyvetilebis miRebaSi isic daexmara, rom evrokavSiris Sesaxeb informacia ukve hqonda. rogorc Tavad aRniSnavs ganviTarebisa da demokratiis centris mier Catarebul sainformacio Sexvedrebis ciklSi „saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri“ aqtiurad iyo CarTuli. man amomwuravi informacia miiRo asocirebis xelSekrulebis, evrokavSirTan Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebisa (DCFTA) da evropuli faseulobebis Sesaxeb. swored proeqtis “saqarTvelo da evrokavSiris” daxmarebiT kooperativis wevrebma ENPARD-s ndoba gamoucxades. „mas mere rac evrokavSiris Sesaxeb codna SeviZineT sasuliero gimnaziaSi evropuli klubi SevqmeniT, moswavleebma Zalian bevri iswavles da monawileoba miiRes sxvadasxva konkursebSi. is rom evrokavSiris saqmianobis Sesaxeb informirebuli viyavi sagranto konkursSi monawileobasTan dakavSirebiT gadawyvetilebis miRebaSi Zalian damexmara.“ ase daiwyo kooperativi “ore et laboras” (locva da Sroma) ENPARD-Tan TanamSromloba. mersi qorfsis daxmarebiT axali cibrutebis SeZena da Tanamedrove teqnologiebis danergva SeZles. kooperativis wevrebs 2 Tvis ganmavlobaSi intensiuri treningebi utardebodaT, proeqtis fermeri-fermerisTvis farglebSi gamocdilebis gaziarebis mizniT vans amerikeli eqsperti ewvia. sxvadasxva periodSi kooperativis wevrebi saswavlo vizitiT did britaneTSi, estoneTsa da bosniaSi imyofebodnen. rogorc dekanozi petre ambobs maTi kooperativi zogierTi qveynisgan ganviTarebis doniT jer kidev Sors aris, magram sjera, rom bevri Sromis Sedegad SeZleben evropuli standartebisTvis fexis awyobas. „ENPARD-is grantis


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

FATHER OF NINE CHILDREN HAS BIG PLANS FOR THE FUTURE. HIS ENJOYS EqUAL SUCCESS IN THE CHURCH, THE GYMNASIUM AND IN BEEKEEPING COOPERATIVE In 2014 father Petre heard about ENPRD and offered his partners to participate in the grant contest. At irst, the idea of establishing a cooperative was met with doubt, however some of them still tried. “6 of 10 refused to participate in this project, they were fearful because of soviet experience of cooperatives. But we took a chance and we succeeded” Already being informed about the European Union helped deacon Petre in making his decision. As he mentioned, he was actively involved in the cycle of information meetings “Georgia and the European Union” which were organized by the Centre of Development and Democracy. He acquired basic information about the Association Agreement, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement (DCFTA) and European values. With the help of the project “Georgia and the European Union” members of the cooperative acquired

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

mopovebis Semdeg ojaxebis raodenoba da warmoeba gavzardeT. ufro Sors daviwyeT yureba, momavlis imedi mogveca.“ samomavlo gegmebi 9 Svilis mamas, romelic eklesiaSi, gimnaziasa da mefutkreobis kooperativSi erTnairi warmatebiT axerxebs moRvaweobas samomavlod didi gegmebi aqvs. „gvinda ganvaviTaroT dargi romelic 90-ian wlebSi saqarTveloSi TiTqmis ganadgurda, amasTanave gvinda Cveni qveynisTvis sasargeblo saqme vakeToT“. mama petre kooperativis sxva wevrebTan erTad ENPARD 2-Si iRebs monawileobas. ramdenime kooperativis gaerTianebiT axali saSualebebis gaCenas da arealis gafarToebas gegmaven. meore donis kooperativs „Tafli saCino“ hqvia. „ENPARD 2 is faglebSi ori granti movipoveT, mTlianobaSi biujeti 200 000 laramde gamodis. aqedan 40 000 lari Cveni Senatania.

trust towards the ENPARD. “We had opened European club in the gymnasium where we got information regarding the European Union. students learned a lot and took part in various competitions. I was informed about the activities of the European Union which helped me during a decision making process.” That is how cooperative our “Ore et Laboras” (pray and work) was created with the ENPARD. With help of Mercy Corps we were able to buy new honey extractors. Over the course of two months, intensive trainings were conducted for the member of the cooperation. Under the frame of the project “farmer for farmer” American expert visited Vani to share experience. Members of the cooperative had study visits in Great Britain, Estonia and in Bosnia. As deacon Petre says, their cooperative is still far from the quality of European cooperatives, but he believes that with hard work, they will be able to catch up with the European Standards. “After getting the ENPARD grant we have increased the amount of hives and production. We started looking ahead, we have a hope for the future.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

Tanadamfinansebeli roca xar ufro fxizlob, ginda meti gaakeTo“. kooperativis ganviTarebasTan erTad sasuliero gimnaziaSi mefutkreobis wris gaxsnis ideac aqvT. dekanozi petre miiCnevs, rom misi moqalaqeobrivi valia SeZenili codna axal Taobas gadasces. msgavsi praqtika ukve hqondaT, sakvirao skolaSi 3 Tvis ganmavlobaSi praqtikul gakveTlebs atarebdnen. samomavlo gegmebze saubrisas mama petre pirvel cibruts ixsenebs romelic didi xania Tanamedrove cibrutebiT Caanacvles. rogorc simbolos rom warmatebamde kidev grZeli gzaa gasavleli. Tumca imeds gamoTqvams, rom sul male Tafl „saCinos“ evropelebi maTive qveynebSi gausinjaven gemos.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

fUTURE PlANs Father of nine children has big plans for the future. His enjoys equal success in the church, the gymnasium and in beekeeping cooperative. “We want to develop the ield, which was practically destroyed in the 90s; We also want to carry out useful work for our country.” Father Petre is going to participate in the ENPARD 2 with the other members of the cooperative. “Honey Sachino” is a name of the second level cooperative. “Under the framework of ENPRD 2 we got two grants, our overall budget amounts of 200 000 GEl, out of which 40 000GEL is our own contribution. When you are a co-inancer, you are more vigilant, and try to do more” With the development of the cooperation they also have an idea to create a beekeeping circle in the gymnasium. Deacon Petre considers that it is his civil responsibility to pass his knowledge to the new generation. They already had such an experience, over the course of three months they conducting practical lessons at the Sunday school. While talking about future plans father Petre recalls the irst honey extractor, which was replaced by bigger, and modern ones. As a symbol that there is still a long way to go before they reach success. However, he hopes that soon, Europeans will be able to taste the honey “Sachino” in their own countries.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

proeqti „maswavlebeli _ megzuri evropisken“ The project “Teacher – Guide to Europe”

ევროპის კვირეული




016 weli, 8 maisi, sainformacio centris kuTxe ukve mzad aris da evropuli soflis stumrebs elodeba: broSurebi, wignebi, bukletebi evrokavSiris da saqarTvelos TanamSromlobisa Sesaxeb, droSebi da buStebi bavSvebisTvis. aseve,mxatvari da memogrami, romliTac nebismieri msurveli uamrav saxaliso fotos gadaiRebs da samaxsovro suraTic darCeba _ warweriT evrokavSirTan erTad! _ es evropis dReebis dasawyisia. mravalferovani da dasamaxsovrebeli gaxsnis Semdeg 2016 wlis evropis dReebma starti Tbilisidan aiRo, mogvianebiT mas saqarTvelos 8 regionma auwyo fexi. proeqti „maswavlebeli, megzuri evropisken“, romelmac evrointegraciis Temaze momuSave 100 pedagogs umaspinZla. Tbilisis wignis saerTaSoriso festivali, sadac evrokavSiris Sesaxeb literatura iyo gamofenili. kulinariuli Sou „Sef-mzareuli elCebi“, romlis meSveobiTac evropuli saxelmwifoebis mravalferovnebas kidev erTxel gaesva xazi. saqarTvelos da evrokavSiris TanamSrolobis markis prezentacia. aseve, „evropuli kafeebis turi“, romlis farglebSic slovaki da qarTveli eqspertebi saqarTvelos 7 regions estumrnen da franebis aqcia riyis


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

016, 8th April, Information Center corner is ready and European Village will meet the visitors with: brochures, books, booklets about EU-Georgia cooperation, lags and balloons for children. Also, painter and memogram, ready to create lots of fun images for anyone wishing to have memorable photos with an inscription - “Together with the EU! This is the beginning of the EuropeWeek.” After the manifold and memorable opening ceremony, 2016 Europe Week started in the Capital, followed by events in 8 regions of Georgia. The project “Teacher – Guide to Europe” hosted 100 teachers, working on the issues of European integration. Tbilisi Book International Festival exhibited books about the European Union. Culinary TV show “Chef Ambassadors” emphasized diversity of European states once again. A presentation of the post stamp, symbolizing EU-Georgia cooperation, was held. Also, 7 regions of Georgia were visited by Slovak and Georgian experts in the framework of “Tour of European Cafes”, dozens of kites were lied in the Rike Park to celebrate International Children’s day and these is only a short list of the activities carried out within the scope of the Europe Week.

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

proeqti „Back to school“, saqarTvelos prezidenti pirvel klasikur gimnaziaSi The project “Back to school”, President of Georgia in irst classical gymnasium

evropuli kafeebis turi marneulSi, evropis dReebi European Cafes Tour in Marneuli, European Days

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

2016 წლის ევროპის დღეებმა სტარტი თბილისიდან აიღო, მოგვიანებით მას საქართველოს 8 რეგიონმა აუწყო ფეხი

proeqti „maswavlebeli _ megzuri evropisken“ The project “Teacher – Guide to Europe”

parkSi bavSvTa dacvis saerTaSoriso dRis aRsaniSnavad _ es evropis dReebis farglebSi ganxorcielebuli RonisZiebebis mcire CamonaTvalia. maisis ganmavlobaSi Tbilissa da regionebSi 105 RonisZieba gaimarTa. natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centris TanamSromlebi, partniorerbTan da eqspertebTan erTad sxvadasxva asakisa da interesis mqone 5000-ze met moqalaqes pirispir Sexvdnen. maswavleblebi, moswavleebi, studentebi, fermerebi, sasuliero pirebi Tu sajaro moxeleebi _ sxvadasxva, maTTvis saintereso formiT iRebdnen informacias im SesaZleblobebis da sikeTeebis Sesaxeb, romelic evrointegracias CvenTvis da Cveni qveynisaTvis moaqvs. evropis dReebi saqarTveloSi evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saxelmwifo ministris aparatis, premier-ministris aparatis, saqarTvelos parlamentis, Tbilisis meriis, saqarTveloSi evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis, fridrix ebertis fondis, saqarTveloSi estoneTis saelCos, ganviTarebisa da demokratiis centris (CDD), kavSiri „21 saukunis“ da arasamTavrobo organizacia globsekis mxardaWeriT ganxorcielda.

proeqti `Sef-mzareuli elCebi~ The project “Chef Ambassadors”

daviT baqraZe baTumisa da lazeTis eparqiaSi David Bakradze in Batumi and lazeti Eparchy

evropuli sofeli riyis parkSi, evropis dReebis gaxsna Euro-village in Rike Park, opening ceremony of European Days


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris TanamSromlobis markis prezentacia Presentation of the EU-Georgia cooperation post stamp

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

evropis dReebi baTumSi European Days in Batumi

proeqti „erTianoba mravalferovnebaSia“ The project “United in Diversity”

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri


evropuli sofeli riyis parkSi, evropis dReebis gaxsna Euro-village in Rike Park, opening ceremony of European Days

saqarTvelo-evrokavSiris TanamSromlobis markis prezentacia

During the month, 105 events were carried out in Tbilisi and regions. The NATO & EU Info Center employees together with partners and experts met more than 5000 citizens of Georgia. Teachers, pupils, students, farmers, priests and public oficials were receiving information regarding possibilities and advantage which could be brought by a process of European integration for our future and for our country. Europe Days were carried out by the Ofice of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, the Prime Minister’s Ofice, the Parliament of Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Estonian Embassy, the Center for Development and Democracy, the Delegation of the European Union in Georgia, the Union of “21 Century” and the non-governmental organization GLOBSEC.

Presentation of the EU-Georgia cooperation post stamp

proeqti „Sefmzareuli elCebi“ The project “Chef Ambassadors”


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Georgia and EU | saqarTvelo da evrokavSiri

sportuli Sejibreba rusTavSi, evropis dReebi sport contest in Rustavi, European Days

franebis aqcia riyis parkSi, evropis dReebis daxurva fly kites event in Rike Park, closing ceremony of European Days

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, natos kvireulis gaxsna, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, NATO Week opening, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

ნატოს კვირეული NATO WEEK


emi momavali, Cemi usafrTxoeba, Cemi arCevani, Cemi Tavisufleba, nato Cemi arCevania! - es gzavnili natos kvireulisTvis studentebisa da ufrosklaselebis mier momzadebul video-rgolSi SegiZliaT moisminoT. kvireulisTvis romelic 2016 wlis 4 aprils Crdiloatlantikuri aliansis samocdameSvide dabadebis dReze gaixsna. ukve tradiciad qceuli RonisZebebis cikli wels gansakuTrebuli mravalferovnebiT gamoirCeoda. 2016 wlis natos kvireulze SexvdebodiT, rogorc natos generaluri mdivnis moadgilis TanaSemwes,


ine Future, mine security, my choice, mine freedom and NATO is my choice! These messages were heard in a video made by the participant students and pupils of NATO week which was opened on the 67th birthday of the North Atlantic alliance, 4th April, 2016. Event cycle, which had already become a tradition, was characterized with diversity. You could meet the Deputy of Secretary General of NATO, the Prime-minister of Georgia, the President of Georgia, who spoke about the role of public diplomacy and methods and countermeasures against intensiied anti-western

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, natos kvireulis gaxsna, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, NATO Week opening, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

samxedro mosamsaxureebis Svilebis warmodgena britanul kuTxeSi Children of Military soldiers in British Corner

saqarTvelos premier-ministrsa da prezidents, romlebic saxalxo diplomatiis mniSvnelobasa da regionSi gaaqtiurebul antidasavlur propagandasTan brZolis meTodebze msjelobdnen, ise moswavleebs sxvadasxva sajaro skolebidan, romlebic natos Tasis mosapoveblad ibrZodnen sakuTar regionebSi. gaicnobdiT Jurnalistebs, romlebmac erTi dRiT jariskacis forma moirges da gaiges ras niSnavs emsaxurebode saqarTvelos. moismendiT evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxebSi saxelmwifo ministris daviT baqraZisa da sxva saintereso momxseneblebis sajaro leqciebs. naxavdiT moxaliseebs, romlebic tye-parkebs asufTavebdnen da sainformacio aqciebs awyobdnen mSobliur qalaqebSi.

ნატო ჩემი არჩევანია! NATO IS MY CHOICE!

propaganda in the region. Along with high ranking oficials, you could also see various schools’ pupils who competed for the winning NATO cup in their regions. Also you had possibility to meet journalists wearing uniforms of soldiers for one day in order to understand what does it mean to serve as soldier to Georgia. You would listen to public lectures offered by several high rank-

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, 2016 welis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, 2016 welis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

4 aprilidan 24 aprilis CaTvliT saqarTvelos 3000 ze meti moqalaqe natosa da evrokavSiris Sesaxeb sainformacio centris 80-mde RonisZiebaSi iyo CarTuli. sainformacio centrma moswavleebs, maswavleblebs, studentebs, samxedro mosamsaxureebs, eTnikur umciresobebs _ yvela dainteresebul adamians nato-saqarTvelos urTierTobebis Sesaxeb uaxlesi informacia miawoda. natos kvireuli saqarTveloSi evropul da evroatlantikur struqturebSi integraciis sakiTxrebSi saxelmwifo ministris aparatis, premier-ministris aparatis, prezidentis administraciis, Tavdacvis saministros, meriis, natos samekavSireo ofisis da rumineTisa da britaneTis saelCoebis mxardaWeriT ukve mecxred Catarda.

ing oficials, including the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Mr. David Bakradze. A visitor would see also volunteers who cleaned parks and squares and undertook information campaigns in their home towns. From 4th April till 24th April, more than 3000 citizens of Georgia were engaged in 80 events and activities, which were carried out by the NATO & EU Info Center. Pupils, teachers, students, military oficers, ethnic minorities and other interested persons have received information regarding NATO-Georgia relations. NATO Week has already conducted 9 times in Georgia by the support of the Ofice of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Ofice of Prime minister, Administration of President, Ministry of defense, Tbilisi city Hall, NATO Liaison Ofice and embassies of Romania and UK.

proeqti „erTi dRe jarSi“ mediasaSualebebis warmomadgenlebi vazianis meoTxe brigadaSi The project “One Day in the Army” media representatives in Vaziani, IV Mechanized Brigade


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

proeqti „erTi dRe jarSi“ mediasaSualebebis warmomadgenlebi vazianis meoTxe brigadaSi

proeqti „erTi dRe jarSi“ mediasaSualebebis warmomadgenlebi vazianis meoTxe brigadaSi

The project “One Day in the Army” media representatives in Vaziani, IV Mechanized Brigade

The project “One Day in the Army” media representatives in Vaziani, IV Mechanized Brigade

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, natos kvireulis gaxsna, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

nato-saqarTvelos saxalxo diplomatiis forumi, 2016 wlis 4 aprili, sastumro redison blu iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, NATO Week opening, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

NATO- Georgia Public Diplomacy forum, April 4, 2016, Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria

natos kvireulis daxurva, turniri mini-fexburTSi „natos Tasi“ NATO Week closing ceremony, football tournament “NATO Cup”

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

საქართველოს თავდაცვისა და უსაფრთხოების რიგით მე-10 კონფერენცია


NATO ევროატლანტიკურ სივრცესა და მის გარეთ

უსაფრთხოებისა და სტაბილურობის შენარჩუნებაში გადამწყვეტ როლს ასრულებს – გიორგი კვირიკაშვილი NATO has a crucial role to play in strengthening the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond – Giorgi Kvirikashvili

avdacvis saministros organizebiT 24-25 maiss TbilisSi rigiT me-10 „saqarTvelos Tavdacvisa da usafrTxoebis konferencia“ (GDSC) gaimarTa. konferenciis stumrebs sityviT saqarTvelos Tavdacvis ministrma TinaTin xidaSelma, aSS-is atlantikuri sabWos aRmasrulebelma vice-prezidentma deimon uilsonma da saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma mimarTes. „Cven gvwams, rom nato evroatlantikur sivrcesa da mis gareT usafrTxoebisa da stabilurobis SenarCunebaSi gadamwyvet rols asrulebs. am TvalsazrisiT, saqarTvelo aliansTan Tavisi TanamSromlobis gaRrmave-



Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


n 24-25 May, Tbilisi hosted the 10th annual Georgian Defence and Security Conference (GDSC) held under the aegis of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia. The Minister of Defence of Georgia, Tinatin Khidasheli, the Executive Vice President of the United States Atlantic Council, Damon Wilson and the Georgian Prime Minister, Giorgi Kvirikashvili addressed the participants of the Conference. “We have irm conviction that NATO has a crucial role to play in strengthening the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond. In this context, Georgia is fully committed to pursue and deepen its cooperation with the Alliance. We

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato bis miznis erTgulia. aT welze meti xnis manZilze Cven saerTaSoriso misiebSi mniSvnelovani wvlili Segvaqvs. Cven davamtkiceT, rom Cven ara mxolod vsargeblobT usafrTxoebis garantiebiT, aramed vqmniT maT. es Seexeba rogorc sagareo, ise saSinao viTarebas. erovnul doneze, Cven vagrZelebT ambiciur reformebs ufro Zlieri saxelmwifos asagebad, romelsac ZaluZs gaumklavdes safrTxeebs, romlebic evropas mis sazRvrebSi da sazRvrebs miRma emuqreba. saqarTvelo, Savi zRva da kavkasiis regioni im Tavsatexis mniSvnelovani nawilebia, romelsac nato agrovebs. esaa wertili, sadac aRmosavleTi dasavleTs xvdeba. esaa teritoria, sadac aliansi da misi partniorebi pasuxismgeblobas inawileben.“ “evrokavSirTan asocirebis Sesaxeb SeTanxmebis implementaciis kuTxiT Cven mniSvnelovan progress mivaRwieT da uvizo mimosvlis reJimi momaval TveebSi amoqmeddeba. unda aRniSnos, rom Cveni evroatlantikuri miznebi aravis winaaRmdegaa mimarTuli. piriqiT, Cvenma swrafvam Savi zRvisa da kavkasiis regionSi mSvidoba da stabiluroba unda gaaZlieros“, - ganacxada giorgi kvirikaSvilma. misi TqmiT, ukanasknel wlebSi gaZlierebuli antidasavluri propagandis miuxedavad, saqarTvelos xelisufleba Zal-Rones ar iSurebs, rom daupirispirdes dezinformacias da mzard safrTxeebs, rac SeuZlebelia dasavleTis mxardaWeris gareSe. saqarTvelos Tavdacvisa da usafrTxoebis konferenciis pirveli dRe mTlianad natos Temaze msjelobas daeTmo. panelze saubari saqarTvelos natoSi gawevrianebis perspeqtivebs, varSavis samitis molodinebs da regionSi arsebul gamowvevebs Seexo. regionSi arsebul gamowvevebze gaamaxvila yuradReba jeims apaturaim da usafrTxoebis uzrunvelyofis aucileblobaze imsjela. misi TqmiT, aliansi wvrTnebis CatarebiTa da informaciis gacvliT regionis gaZlierebas cdilobs. „uelsis samitis Semdeg, nato ufro metad aris warmodgenili saqarTveloSi da saqarTvelo ufro metad aris warmodgenili natoSi. Cven pirvel rigSi vaxorcielebT paketiT gansazRvrul mimarTulebebs. saqarTveloSi Camovida natos mrCevelTa jgufi, gavxseniT pirveli erToblivi wvrTisa da Sefasebis centri, romelmac ukve Caatara pirveli wvrTna. varSavis samitze saqarTvelo ufro metad iqneba warmodgenili, vidre nebismieri sxva partniori saxelmwifo“ - ganacxada jeims apaturaim saqarTvelos Tavdacvis ministrma TinaTin xidaSelma gaancxada, rom Cven gvsurs meti saqarTvelo natoSi. mis TqmiT „gaerTianebuli nato saukeTeso pasuxi iqneba Sekavebis politikasa da yvela arsebul gamowvevaze.“ „saqarTvelos Tavdacvisa da usafrTxoebis konferenciis“ farglebSi saqarTvelos Tavdacvis ministrsa da jeims apaturais Soris ormxirivi Sexvedrac gaimarTa. Sexvedraze mxareebma natos varSavis samitisTvis mzadebis procesi detalurad ganixiles. „ganvixileT, Tu rogor gavaZlieroT saqarTvelos TavdacviTi SesaZleblobebi, davexmaroT reformebis ganxorcielebisa da natoSi integraciis procesSi.“ „natos momaval samitze Cven safuZvels CavuyriT saqarTvelosTan partniorobis kidev ufro gafarToebas, aseve, davexmarebiT saqarTvelos damoukideblad iz-

ჩვენ დავამტკიცეთ, რომ არა მხოლოდ ვსარგებლობთ უსაფრთხოების გარანტიებით, არამედ ვქმნით მათ WE HAVE PROVED THAT WE ARE WILLING AND ABLE PROVIDERS OF SECURITY - NOT JUST CONSUMERS

have been contributing substantially to international missions for over a decade. We have proved that we are willing and able providers of security - not just consumers. This is true as much externally as internally. At national level, we continue to implement ambitious reforms to build a stronger, more conident state, capable of dealing with the new threats which beset Europe at its borders and beyond. Georgia, the Black Sea and the Caucasus region are crucial pieces of the security puzzle which NATO is assembling. It is the point where East meets West. It is a space of shared responsibility for the Alliance and its partners.” “We are making good progress in implementing the Association Agreement with the EU and hope to be granted visa liberalization in the coming months. It should be said that our Euro-Atlantic aspirations are not aimed against anyone. On the contrary, this should enhance peace and stability in the Black Sea and Caucasus region.” – Giorgi Kvirikashvili said. According to him, notwithstanding the wave of anti-western propaganda Georgia has faced in recent years, the Government of Georgia spares no effort to counter disinformation and deter growing threats, but this cannot be done without support from the West. The irst day of the Georgian Defence and Security Conference was dedicated to NATO with a special focus on Georgia’s prospects for NATO membership, expectations for NATO’s Warsaw Summit and the persisting challenges in the region. James Appathurai also spoke about the challenges facing the region and the need to ensure security. According to him, the Alliance tries to strengthen the region by conducting trainings and the exchange of information. “There is more Georgia in NATO and more NATO in Georgia after the Wales summit. We are irst of all implementing provisions of the Substantial Package; the NATO Advisory Group arrived in Georgia; the Joint Training and Evaluation Centre was established, which already conducted its irst training; after the Warsaw summit Georgia will participate in more NATO meetings than any other partner” - James Appathurai said. The Minister of Defence, Tinatin Khidasheli said that we need more Georgia in NATO. According to her, “enlarged NATO will be the best response to NATO’s policy of deterrence and to all existing challenges”. Tinatin Khidasheli and James Appathurai held a bilateral meeting on the side-lines of the Georgian Defence and Security

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato runos sakuTar usafrTxoebaze da Seitanos sakuTari wvlili saerTaSoriso operaciebSi“- ganacxada jeims apaturaim. „saqarTvelos Tavdacvisa da usafrTxoebis konferenciis“ farglebSi saqarTvelos Tavdacvis ministrm latviel, litvel da estonel Tavdacvis ministrebTan ormxrivi Sexvedrebis dros samxedro sferoSi TanamSromlobisa da regionuli usafrTxoebis sakiTxebi ganixila. Sexvedris erT-erTi mTavari Tema natos varSavis samitTan dakavSirebuli molodinebi iyo. „is, rom isini aq imyofebian, calsaxa dasturia saqarTvelos erTmniSvnelovani mxardaWeris, saqarTvelos moTxovnebis, saqarTvelos usafrTxoebis interesebis mxardaWeris. Cven velodebiT da imedi gvaqvs, rom erTiani xmiT, oTxive erTad, iseve, rogorc bevri sxva qveyana, erTi xmiT warvdgebiT varSavis samitze, erTi tipis amocana gveqneba, rom am samitidan saqarTvelo gamovides kidev ufro metad daculi, ufro meti Tavdacvisunarianobis SesaZleblobebiT Cveni qveynis saxelmwifo interesebisTvis“, - aRniSna TinaTin xidaSelma. Savi zRvis regionis usafrTxoebis gamowvevebze msjelobisas ZiriTadi aqcenti CrdiloeTidan da axlo aRmosavleTidan momdinare safrTxeebsa da ukrainis krizisze gakeTda.

Conference where they discussed in details the preparations for the upcoming Warsaw Summit. “We discussed the ways to strengthen Georgia’s defence capabilities, and how to assist the country in carrying out its reforms in advancing its integration with NATO”. “At the next summit of NATO we will lay the foundation for more extended partnership with Georgia and will also assist Georgia to independently provide for its own security and to make its own contribution to the international operations” – stated James Appathurai. During bilateral meetings with the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian defence ministers held within the framework of the Georgian Defence and Security Conference, Tinatin Khidasheli discussed issues related to military co-operation and regional security. Expectations with respect to the NATO Summit in Warsaw were also at the centre-stage of discussions at these meetings. “The fact that they are in Georgia is a clear proof of their unequivocal support for Georgia, as well as for the requirements and security interests of Georgia. We expect and hope that the four of us, like many other countries, will join our voices into one at the Warsaw Summit, with one task ahead, which is to ensure that Georgia emerges from this summit as a country enjoying a higher level of protection and greater defence capabilities, for the beneit of our national interests” – Tinatin Khidasheli said.

„Cven survili gvaqvs am regionSi nato metad iyos warmodgenili, rogorc Semakavebeli faqtori“, - ganacxada rumineTis erovnuli Tavdacvis ministris moadgilem stefan aleqsandru tinkam. saerTaSoriso usafrTxoeba da arakonvenciuri omi; globaluri da evropuli usafrTxoebis mTavari gamowvevebi, arsebuli safrTxeebis Sefaseba da maTTan gamklavebis xedvebis ganxilva, ruseTisa da aRmosavleTidan momdinare safrTxeebi -aseTi iyo 25 maiss CDSC-is konferenciis meore dRis ZiriTadi Temebi, romelic Semajamebeli gamosvlebiT amave dRes sazeimod daixura. konferencia saqarTvelos prezidentma giorgi margvelaSvilma da saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma Seajames. „Cven varT demokratiuli saxelmwifo, romelic evropul standartebs uaxlovdeba. srulyofilebamde didi gzaa, Tumca ganviTarebis zogadi tendencia dadebiTad unda Sefasdes“, - aRniSna saqarTvelos premierma.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

While on the subject of security challenges facing the Black Sea region, special emphasis was made on threats emanating from the North and the Middle East, as well as on the crisis in Ukraine. ”More NATO presence in the region is needed as a deterrent factor” - Stefan Alexandry Tinca, the State Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence of Romania said. International security and unconventional warfare; main challenges to global and European security; assessment of threats and discussion of the ways to mitigate them; threats emanating from Russia and the Middle East – were the keynotes of the GDSC conference on 25 May, which ended the same day, by closing statements of the speakers. The President of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelashvili and the Prime Minister, Giorgi Kvirikashvili summarized the results of the conference. “We are a democratic state moving closer to European standards. We have still a long way to go before we attain perfection. However, the general tendency for development remains, however, positive” – stated the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

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Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

„ჩვენ ვდგავართ ქართული ჯარის გვერდით!“ თავდაცვის სამინისტრომ ქართული ჯარის 25 წლის იუბილე სახალხო ღონისძიებით აღნიშნა

“WE STAND BY THE GEORGIAN ARMY!” THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE HAS MARKED THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GEORGIAN ARMY BY HOLDING A PUBLIC CELEBRATION avdacvis saministroSi jer kidev 2 Tvis win gadawyda: SeiaraRebuli Zalebis 25 wlis iubile unda yofiliyo uprecedento dResaswauli, romelic kidev erTxel gausvamda xazs samxedro-samoqalaqo TanamSromlobis mniSvnelobas da yvela stumarze dauviwyar STabeWdilebas moaxdenda. rogorc ki RonisZiebis yvela detali daigegma, ukve cxadi iyo, rom RonisZieba gamorCeulad saintereso da emociuri bavSvebisaTvis iqneboda. amitom, skolis moswavleebis informireba gansakuTrebul mniSvnelobas iZenda. swored am mizniT, erovnuli



Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


he decision was made as early as 2 months before the event: the Ministry of Defence set itself a task to turn the 25th anniversary of the Georgian armed forces into an unprecedented festival thus highlighting an importance of civil-military co-operation and leaving a lasting impression on the memory of each guest. The planning process made it clear that the event was to prove an emotional experience and a real source of inspiration for children, in particular. Therefore, informing schoolchildren, took on a special importance. With this in mind, Junkers of the National Defence Academy visited all public schools sharing

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato Tavdacvis akademiis iunkerebi Tbilisis yvela sajaro skolas estumrnen da RonisZiebis Sesaxeb informacia moswavleebs piradad gaacnes. erTi SexedviT, Cveulebriv pre-kampanias iseTi gamoxmaureba mohyva, ise swrafad aWrelda socialuri qselebi samxedro hamerebTan CafxutebiTa da javSanJiletebiT gadaRebuli fotoebiT, rom bolomde gavaanalizeT sakuTar Tavze aRebuli pasuxismgebloba: maTTvis imedis gacruebis ufleba ar gvqonda! “mxolod 4 dRe darCao” - RonisZiebamde darCenil dros iTvlidnen kadetebi da igive situaciaSi viyaviT yvela, 27 maiss velodiT mouTmenlad, rogorc did gamowvevas, rogorc kidev erT dRes, dResaswauls, romelsac saqarTvelos SeiaraRebuli Zalebis samxedro mosamsaxureebTan erTad gavatarebdiT. 27 maisi gamovida sanaxaobrivi, megobruli da emociuri... RonisZiebebis farglebSi britanelma da qarTvelma samxedroebma saparaSute Sou moawyves, gamoifina “deltas” mier warmoebuli samxedro teqnika da aRWurviloba. bavSvebs SesaZlebloba hqondaT samxedro Sinaarsis TamaSebSi CarTuliyvnen. specialurad maTTvis, saqarTvelos SeiaraRebuli Zalebis konkretulma qvedanayofebma wvrTnis da sxva samxedro aqtivobebis adaptirebuli, gasarTobi xasiaTis versiebi warmoadgines. organizatorebma patarebis mxiarul ganwyobaze sxva mimarTulebiTac izrunes - maT saxeebi saqarTvelos droSebiTa da samxedro simboloebiT mouxates. samxatvro akademiis studentebma ipodromis teritoria Tematuri naxatebiT gaaformes. qarTuli jarisadmi damokidebuleba da mxardaWera ase gamoxates. sportuli RonisZiebebisTvis mowyobili iyo ragbis, frenburTis, kalaTburTis, Wadrakis da magidis

27 მაისი გამოვიდა სანახაობრივი, მეგობრული და ემოციური... 27 MAY PROVED TO BE A SPECTACULAR DAY, FRIENDLY AND HIGHLY EMOTIONAL…

information with children in person. A seemingly ordinary media campaign drew a spontaneous outburst of response: social media pages immediately became alive with images of people in helmets and bullet-proof vests poising in front of armoured Hummers. We instantly realized the gravity of responsibility we had assumed: we had no right to fall below their expectations! “Only 4 days left” – Junkers were counting the days until they could attend the event. We were all sharing this excitement, waiting impatiently for 27 May as a big challenge, as yet it was another occasion to celebrate, together with the Georgian troops. 27 May proved to be a spectacular day, friendly and highly emotional…

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Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

CogburTis saTamaSo moednebi. aseve, “AIR SOFT”-is saTamaSo moedani da simulaciuri sasroleTi. specialurad gamoyofil istoriul kuTxeSi agvistos omis Temaze gadaRebuli fotoebi gamoifina. aseve, gaimarTa iunkrebisa da kadetebis naxatebis gamofena-gayidva. gaimarTa warmodgena qarTuli sabrZolo ileTebis CvenebiT da moewyo samTo swavleba. SeiaraRebuli Zalebis iubileze mosul stumrebs sakvebiT da gamagrilebeli sasmelebiT ki „kvebiTi uzrunvelyofis kompania“ gaumaspinZlda. samxedro hopsitalis eqoskopiis kabinetSi nebismier msurvels, abslouturad ufasod, rentgenologiuri gamokvlevis Catareba da konsultaciis miReba SeeZlo. xolo, laboratoriis kabinetSi aseve nebismier msurvels SeeZlo sisxlis jgufisa da sisxlSi Saqris Semcveloba daedgina. dainteresebulma pirebma pirveladi samedicino daxmarebis Temaze leqciac moismines da reanomobilis aparatura da samedicino javSanmanqana daaTvalieres. gaimarTa kiberusafrTxoebis sabaziso eqspreskursi da saxaliso cdebi Catar-

British and Georgian servicemen put on an amazing parachute show as part of the festive activities. Military hardware and equipment produced by Delta were also displayed. Children had opportunity to take part in military games speciically designed for them; certain units of the Georgian armed forces organized a wide spectrum of simulated military activities, including ield exercises. Organizers of the event went further to lift spirit of children by painting their faces with Georgian lags and military symbols. Students from the Academy of Arts decorated the hippodrome with thematically inspired paintings, as a gesture of their appreciation and support for Georgian soldiers. Rugby, volleyball, basketball ields, chess boards and tennis courts were organized for sports enthusiasts. “Air Soft” arena and simulated shooting-ground were also set up. August war photographs were displayed in a speciically organized corner of history. An exhibition of paintings by Junkers and cadets was also presented. A demonstration of Georgian wrestling techniques and mountain military exercises were also conducted on the sidelines of the event. The “Food Provision Company” provided food and drinks for guests attending the anniversary event. Military hospital offered its X-ray facilities for free to any person wishing to take the X-ray or receive some medical advice. Volunteers could also have their blood sugar level tested and blood group established in a medical laboratory. Participants of the event were introduced to the basics of irst aid and had an opportunity to see a resuscitation ambulance and armoured medical vehicle. A basic cybersecurity course and simulated tests were conducted in physics and chemistry laboratories. Young inventors provided interested persons with detailed information on their inventions.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

da fizikisa da qimiis laboratoriebSi. axalgazrda gamomgoneblebma ki sakuTari mignebebis Sesaxeb dainteresebul pirebs detaluri informaciebi miawodes. “Cven vdgavarT qarTuli jaris gverdiT!” - am sityvebiT daiwyo Semajamebeli koncerti, romelSic natos wevri saxelmwifoebis samxedro orkestrebi, Tavdacvis saministros erovnuli gvardiis samxedro-saCvenebeli orkestri da qarTuli musikaluri jgufebi monawileobdnen. 27 maisi Sedga! amaze metyvelebs emociebi, romelic jer kidev ar ganelebula, fotoebi, romlebzec kargad sCans monawileebisa da stumrebis bednieri saxeebi da, rac yvelaze Zvirfasia, bavSvebis naxatebi, romlebic mozRvavebul STabeWdilebebs jer ver gaumklavdnen da sakuTar namuSevrebSi xan paraSutistebs, xanac samxedro teqnikasa da aRWurvilobas xataven, namdvil jariskacebTan megobrobaze ki dResac uyvebian Tanatolebs. “qarTuli jari 25” yovelTvis emaxsovrebaT da yvela SesaZlo situaciaSi etyvian samxedro mosamsaxureebs: “madloba samsaxurisTvis!”

“We stand by the Georgian army” – were the words which marked the opening of the inal concert where the military bands of the NATO Member States, the National Guard Military Band under the Georgian Ministry of Defence and various Georgian music groups gave their performance. 27 May was success with intense emotions; photos displayed happy faces of participants and guests and, most importantly, paintings of the children who are still obsessed with their bewildering impressions made them to paint skydivers, armoured vehicles and military equipment, and to speak endlessly about their friendship with real soldiers. They will never let their memories of “Georgian Army 25” go dull and will always use every opportunity to say “thank you for your service” to military men.

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Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

„ღირსეული პარტნიორი 2016“ – ქართულამერიკული სამხედრო სწავლება

NOBLE PARTNER 2016 – GEORGIAN AND U.S. MILITARY TRAINING EXERCISE arTul-amerikuli samxedro swavleba _ „Rirseuli partniori 2016“ saqarTveloSi 11-dan 26 maisamde vazianis samxedro bazaze Catarda. swavlebis saxeli „Rirseuli partniori“ SemTxveviT ar SerCeula. is Cvenma SeiaraRebulma Zalebma, Cvenma jariskacebma daimsaxures wvlilisTvis, erTgulebisa da TavdadebisTvis, romelic saerTaSoriso usafrTxoebaSi SeaqvT. erToblivi qarTul-amerikuli swavleba daexmara saqarTvelos Rirseulad momzadebuliyo momaval



Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


eorgian and U.S. military training exercise – “Exercise Noble Partner 2016” which took place at Vaziani Training Area, Georgia on May 11-26, 2016. The name of the military drills – Noble Partner - is not accidentally chosen. It really does justice to the contribution, commitment and sacriice our soldiers continue to make towards strengthening international security. The joint U.S.-Georgia military drills helped Georgia rise to the challenge of engaging effectively in multinational peacekeeping operations. The joint U.S.-Georgia training gave a major boost

Georgia and NATO | saqarTvelo da nato

„ღირსეული პარტნიორი 2016“ – მეტი სტაბილურობა და მშვიდობა რეგიონში! „NOBLE PARTNER-2016“ – MORE STABILITY AND PEACE IN THE REGION!

to professionalism, conidence and fortitude of each soldier and oficer! „Noble Partner-2016“ means more stability and peace in the region! And higher level of interoperability between the United States, Georgia and Great Britain, as well as between NATO Member States and regional partners.

mravalerovnul samSvidobo operaciebSi monawileobisTvis; gaZlierda TiToeuli jariskacisa da oficris profesionalizmi, TviTdajereba da simtkice! „Rirseuli partniori 2016“ niSnavs met stabilurobas da mSvidobas regionSi! SeerTebuli Statebis, saqarTvelosa da didi britaneTis, aseve natos wevri qveynebis Tu regionuli partniorebis urTierTTavsebadobis zrdas.

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Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

რაჭა RACHA


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

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aWa saqarTvelos istoriul-geografiuli mxarea, romelic mdebareobs dasavleT saqarTvelos Crdilo-aRmosavleT nawilSi, mdinare rionisa da misi Senakadebis xeobaSi. raWas oTxive mxridan maRali mTebi akravs: CrdiloeTiT _ kavkasionis qedi, aRmosavleTiT _ lixis mTa, samxreTiT _ naqeralas mTa da dasavleTiT _ svaneTis mTebi.


acha is a historic and geographic highland area located in North-East of Western Georgia in upper Rioni river valley. Racha is surrounded by mountains on all four sides: Caucasus Mountain range in the North, Likhi mountains in the East, Nakerala Mountain in the South and Svaneti Mountains in the West. ClIMATE:

klimati: raWaSi zRvis donidan 2000 metr simaRlemde notio havaa, zamTari civia da grZeli, xolo zafxuli xanmokle, Tbili da zogjer cxelic. raWis yvelaze maRal adgilebSi (2000 metris zemoT) namdvil zafxuls moklebuli notio da nivaluri havaa.

Racha has a humid climate, with an elevation reaching up to 2000 meters above sea level. The winter is cold and long, while the summer is traditionally short and warm, sometimes hot. In the highest points of Racha (above 2000 meters) the climate is characterized by humidity and an absence of a real summer.

kultura da tradicia:


raWis maRalganviTarebul kulturaze feodaluri xanis eTnografiuli Zeglebi da yofa-cxovrebis daxvewili wesebi miuTiTebs. raWis mosaxleoba SromismoyvareobiT, vazisadmi usazRvro siyvaruliTa da simReris niWiT gamoirCeva. aq cocxalia mevenaxeoba-meRvineobis iseTive arqauli wesebi, rogorsac Zveli berZnuli da romauli Txzulebebi aRwers: rTvelis samzadisi, yurZnis krefisa da dawurvis wesebi, Rvinis dayenebis mravalsaukunovani tradicia. dResac arsebobs Rvinis marnebi, sawnaxlebi, mravalgvari saRvine WurWeli da xelsawyoebi. aq vazis 60-mde adgilobrivi jiSi gamouyvaniaT. yvelaze cnobilia xvanWkaris Rvino, romlis yurZenic mxolod sofel xvanWkaris nayofier miwaze izrdeba. mxolod iq dawurul

Ethnographic monuments and exquisite rules of living demonstrate high level of cultural development of Racha. Its people are known for their dedication to work, ininite love for vine and ability to sing. Racha still maintains ancient traditions of vine-growing and winemaking, just as they were described in ancient Greek and Roman writings: preparation for grape-picking and centuries-old wine making art. Even today you can ind wine-vaults, winepress, various wine reservoirs and tools. As many as 60 local species of grape wines were cultivated here. The most popular is Khvanchkara wine, made from grapes that can only grow on the rich lands of Khvanchkara village. During the 19th century, wine bottled in Racha was presented at famous European exhibitions and the prizes won can still be found in local museums. The population


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika Rvinos aqvs xvanWkarisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli aromati da gemo. XIX s-Si raWaSi Camosxmuli Rvinoebi evropis cnobil gamofenebze gahqondaT. maSindeli jildoebi axlac inaxeba arqivebsa da muzeumebSi. raWis mosaxleobam mevenaxeoba, mefutkreoba, rZis produqtebis warmoeba, mesaqonleoba da mebaReoba ganaviTara. Zvelad marcvlovani kulturebi da abreSumis Wia gamohyavdaT. maRalmTian raWaSi agebdnen svanuri koSkebis msgavs duroian anu saTofurian saxlebs, romlebic rogorc sacxovreblad, aseve Tavdasacavadac gamoiyeneboda. raWvelebi kargi meTevzeebi, monadireebi da xeze Wris ubadlo ostatebi iyvnen. zamTris periodSi spilenZis WurWels, samWedlo nivTebsa da xis avejs amzadebdnen. sakvarcxuli _ ojaxis ufrosis savarZeli iyo. eTnografiul yofaSi dRemde Semoinaxa mravalxmiani simRerebi da sagaloblebi, xalxuri ritualebi da wes-Cveulebebi. samzareulo: raWvelebi stumarTmoyvare xalxia. mxolod maTTvis damaxasiaTebeli sidinjiT, maspinZlebi sufras awyoben da stumrebs uamboben TavianTi kuTxis ambebsa da legendebs. stumrebs ugemrielesi kerZebiTa da Sin dawuruli SesaniSnavi RviniT umaspinZldebian. raWis gansakuTrebuli kerZebi da sakvebia: lobio, lori, lobiani (lobiosguliani puri), mWadi, yveli, mawoni, puri, mwvanileuli, fxali, Tevzi, frinvelis, saqonlisa da Roris xorcis kerZebis mravalsaxeoba, bostneuli, Tafli, xili, Ciri, muraba da sxva. cnobili kerZi – „Sqmeruli~, Tavisi warmoSobiT, raWis sofel Sqmers ukavSirdeba. kerZebis umravlesoba Tixis WurWelSi mzaddeboda da lamazad iyo gaformebuli. kurortebi: uwera: zRvis donidan 1500 metris simaRleze mdebareobs. mTis havis garda, mniSvnelovania samkurnalo-mineraluri wyali „uwera”. swored mineraluri wylis meSveobiT gaxda uwera cnobili balneologiuri kurorti. sofelSi Semoinaxa feodaluri xanis eklesia, romelic „sionad” moixsenieba, wminda giorgis darbazuli eklesia da soflis maxloblad mdebare cixisa da sami eklesiis nangrevebi. uweras gansakuTrebul xibls matebs araCveulebrivi peizaJebi da maradmwvane tyeebi. gansakuTrebiT sainteresoa uweris rvaaswliani urTxelis xeebis unikaluri xeivani. Sovi: raWis ulamazesi da mniSvnelovani klimatur-balneologiuri kurortia. mTis hava, ganumeorebeli buneba da mineraluri wylebi dasvenebis saukeTeso saSualebaa. dasaxleba mamisonis uReltexilis Ziras mdebareobs. garSemortymulia myinvarebiTa da Tovliani mwvervalebiT. Rebi: zRvis donidan 1350 metris simaRleze mdebareobs. sofelSi aRmarTulia mTavarangelozis eklesia, aqvea Sua saukuneebiT daTariRebuli ramdenime Zegli. sofeli da misi Semogareni uZvelesi droidan yofila dasaxlebuli, rac arqeologiuri gaTxrebis SedegebiTac dasturdeba. gansakuTrebiT sainteresoa Zv. w. III-I ss-is ormo-samarxebi, sadac oqros samkaulebi, stilizebuli cxovelebis gamosaxulebiani brinjaos balTebi da vercxlis xaris Tavis qandakeba aRmoCn-

რაჭა საქართველოს ისტორიულ-გეოგრაფიული მხარეა – კლიმატი, კულტურა და ტრადიცია, სამზარეულო, კურორტები RACHA IS A HISTORIC AND GEOGRAPHIC HIGHLAND AREA OF GEORGIA – CLIMATE, CULTURE AND TRADITIONS, CUISINE, RESORTS.

of Racha is known for viticulture, bee-keeping, production of dairy products, cattle-breeding and horticulture. They would also equally cultivate cereal crops and pursue silkworm farming. In mountainous Racha you could also ind towers similar to those of Svaneti that were used both for living and defense. Carpenters, ishers and hunters of Racha are famous throughout Georgia. During winter time they would work on copper vessel, smithery and wooden furniture. One of the biggest contributions they have made to Georgian art is the “Sakvartskhuli,” the chair used by the head of the family. Polyphonic songs and trisagions, folk rituals and customs have been well preserved in everyday life of Racha. CUIsINE: Racha, like most of Georgia, is known for its hospitality. In Racha, hosts will prepare ‘supra’ in staidness and entertain guest with stories and legends about their region. Guests in Racha are hosted by delicious food and home-made ine wine. Some of the special dishes and food of Racha include: beans, Lori (ham), Lobiani (spiced bean stuffed bread, baked or fried), Mchadi (fried corn bread usually served with cheese), Georgian cheese (usually soft, salty and homemade), Matsoni (fresh homemade yogurt), and Pkhali (fresh spinach ground with walnuts and spices). There are also several different dishes with ish, chicken, veal, vegetables, honey, dried fruit and jam. A well-known dish called “Shkmeruli” (chicken in garlic sauce) comes from the village of Shkmeri in Racha. Most of the dishes are prepared in clay pots and adorned for serving. REsORTs: UTsERA is located on 1500 meters above sea level. Together with the mountain climate, the place is known for its mineral water (of the same name) and health resort. It was the water that

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Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

da. rogorc Cans, xaris kulti odesRac raWaSic arsebobda. RebSi napovnia Zv.w. XVI-X ss-is metalurgiuli kerebi da gviandeli brinjaos xanis gora samarxebi, romelTac raWvelebi „gogriWianT natexebs” uwodeben. raWaSi Rebi erTaderTi koSkuri dasaxleba iyo, magram miwisZvrebma koSkebis umetesoba daaziana da mxolod ramdenime koSki Semoinaxa. Wiora: maRalmTiani raWis erT-erTi ulamazesi sofelia. igi kavkasionis mTavari qedis samxreT kalTaze 1360 metris simaRleze mdebareobs. sofeli istoriul wyaroebSi XV saukunidan moixsenieba. Sua saukuneebSi igi mWidrod yofila dasaxlebuli da mravali TavdacviTi nagebobac hqonia. dRes mxolod ramdenime sacxovrebeli koSki da ori mcire zomis eklesia

made Utsera a famous balneological resort. While the village boasts the usual Georgian medieval church called Sioni and ruins of castle and 3 other churches. Utsera’s charm is enhanced through the 800-year-old alley of yew trees. sHOVI is an important balneological resort of Racha. Visitors can enjoy the mountain climate, its natural beauty, and mineral springs. The resort is located at the base of the Mamisoni Mountain range and is surrounded by snowy mountains. GHEBI village is located 1 350 meters above sea level and hosts the Church of Archangel, as well as other cultural monuments of middle ages. Ghebi as well as its surroundings, has been settled since ancient times, a fact conirmed by inds from archeological expeditions. Burial mounds from the III-I centuries BC are especially interesting. Archeologists discovered artifacts including bronze belts and the head of a silver bull. Remnants of metal work from the 16-10th centuries BC as well as burial mounds from the late Bronze Age were found in archeological digs of the area. Ghebi was the only tower-type settlement in Racha, but most of the towers were damaged by an earthquake, and only a few remain standing today. CHIORA is one of the most beautiful villages in Racha. It is located 1 360 meters above sea level, on the south slope of the main Caucasus Mountain range. Historic sources mention the village in 15th century for the irst time. During medieval times it


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika SemorCa. Wiora, Rebi da oni Crdilo kavkasiis gadasasvlelebTan mdebareobs. miuxedavad rTuli geografiuli mdebareobisa, aq Tavs iyrida Crdilo kavkasiidan, qarTlidan, qvemo raWidan, imereTidan da svaneTidan momavali savaWro gzebi. bardnala: leCxumis erTi patara sofelia, romelic cnobili gaxada qarTvelebis sayvareli poetis, lado asaTianis leqsebma. lado asaTianis saxli bardnalaSi mdebareobs da iseTive xibli aqvs, rogorc XX s-is dasawyisSi – moCuqurTmebuli aivnebi, xis kibeebi, kramitis saxuravebi da lamazi ezoebi. saxl-muzeumSi legendadqceuli poetis nivTebi da gamocemebi inaxeba. bardnalaSi yovel zafxuls lado asaTianis xsovnisadmi miZRvnili dResaswauli - „ladooba” imarTeba. Saoris wyalsacavi: saqarTvelos mTian regionSi, raWaSi kavkasionis daTovlili mTebiT garSemortymul tyian ubeSi mdebareobs. Saoris garSemo ganlagebulia raWis uZvelesi soflebi: nikorwminda, CeliaRele, TluRi, administraciuli centri ambrolauri da sxva... Saori gamorCeulia mdidari floriTa da fauniT, mdinareebiT, CanCqerebiT, uRrani tyeebiT, kastruli mRvimeebiTa da samkurnalo wylebiT. Saori, unikaluri klimatis gamo SesaniSnavi zafxulis kurortia _ zomierad cxeli zafxuli, idealurad sufTa haeri da Tavad Saoris tba. zamTris periodSi ki maRali mTebis ferdobebi Saors mimzidvel zamTris kurortad aqcevs.

had a large population and a number of defensive structures. Currently there are only a few towers and two small churches still standing. Chiora, Ghebi and Oni are located near North Caucasus. Despite its complex geographic location, the trade routes from Caucasus, Kartli, lower Racha, Imereti and Svnaeti would accumulate there. BARDNAlA is a small village in Lechkhumi which was made famous through poems written by the well-known Georgian writer Lado Asatiani. The house of Lado Asatiani is in Bardnala and has been preserved as it was in the beginning of the 20th century, complete with an engraved balcony, wooden stairs, roof-tiles and a quaint yard. The museum contains a permanent public display of artifacts from the poet’s life. Every summer Bardanala hosts festival “Ladooba” dedicated to the memory of Lado Asatiani. sHAORI REsERVOIR is located in mountainous region of Racha. It is situated in the heart of forested area encompassed by the Caucasus Mountains. Shaori is surrounded by the oldest villages of Nikortsminda, Cheliaghele, Tlughi, administrative center – Ambrolauri, etc. The nearby territory of the reservoir is rich in lora and fauna. Waterfalls, rivers, deep forests, grottos and curative springs are abounding near it. Shaori’s unique climate – moderately hot summer and fresh air make it a splendid summer resort. In winter steep mountain slopes covered with snow turn the area into attractive winter resort.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

სლოვაკეთი – SLOVAKIA – RAčA რაჭა


aWa slovakeTis 14 TviTmmarTveli qalaqidan erT-erTia. igi yvelaze metad meRvineobis mdidari tradiciiTaa cnobili, romelic saTaves iRebs jer kidev romauli legionebis periodidan. 1964 wlamde damoukidebeli municipaliteti iyo, saxelad raCisdorfi. raWis venaxebi mdebareobs mcire karpatebis samxreT ferdobebze. dRes isini mcire karpatebis Rvinis gzis nawili arian. adgilobrivi mevenaxeebi da meRvineebi TavianT marnebs weliwadSi orjer aReben, raTa vizitorebma SeZlon raWis cnobili Rvinis dagemovneba. raWis erT-erTi yvelaze cnobili Rvinoa raCinska frankovka (blaufrankiSi an lembergeri), romelic Tavad imperatrica maria terezas mier iyo miCneuli saimperatoro sufris sakadris Rvinod. raWas aqvs blaufrankiSis unikaluri genetikuri fondi, romelic imarTeba raWis meRvineobis asociaciis mier. erT-erTi yvelaze cnobili tradiciuli RonisZiebaa raWis adgilobrivi festivali, romelic maisSi imarTeba imis-


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


ača is one of the 17 boroughs of Bratislava. It is known above all for its rich tradition in viniculture going back as far as to the period of Roman legions. Up to 1964 it used to be an independent municipality called Račišdorf. The vineyards of Rača are located on the southern slopes of the Small Carpathians. Today it is part of the Small Carpathian Wine Route. Local vinegrowers and winemakers open two times a year their cellars to visitors so they are able to taste famous wines of Rača. One of the best known wines from Rača is Račianska frankovka (Blaufrankisch or Lemberger) which even the empress Maria Theresa considered to be worth of the imperial table. Rača has its own unique gene pool of Blaufrankisch, which is managed together with the Vineyard Association of Rača. One of the best known traditional events is the local Feast of Rača, being held in May, to celebrate the local patrons of the church St. Philip and St. Jacob. Noteworthy as well is the Rača Grape Harvest Festival in September. Rača is also known for a beautiful lace, a monumental mosaic by Mark Rupnik in the St. Sebastian Cathedral and the oldest Locomo-

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

არაჩვეულებრივი მდებარეობის, მშვენიერი ბუნებისა და ცენტრთან მოსახერხებელი სატრანსპორტო კავშირის წყალობით რაჭა ბრატისლავას ერთ-ერთი წამყვანი მუნიციპალიტეტია

aTvis, rom pativi miagon raWis eklesiis wmindanebs _ wminda filips da wminda iakobs. amasTanave mniSvnelovania raWis yurZnis mosavlis festivali seqtemberSi. raWa aseve cnobilia originaluri maqmanis, mark rupnikis mier wminda sebastianis kaTedralSi Seqmnili mozaikiTa da viSodneSi arsebuli orTqmavalTaTvis gankuTvnili uZvelesi depoTi. raWis yoveldRiuri socialuri da kulturuli cxovreba germanuli modelis msgavsia. misi araCveulebrivi mdebareobis, mSvenieri bunebisa da centrTan mosaxerxebeli satransporto kavSiris wyalobiT raWa bratislavas erT-erTi wamyvani municipalitetia. misi garemo iZleva turizmis, sokos krefis, meTevzeobis, velosipediT seirnobis, gantvirTvisa da aqtiuri dasvenebis SesaZleblobas. raWaSi aris akvaparki, gasarTobi moednebi bavSvebisTvis, sportuli moednebi, mravalfunqciuri gasarTobi adgilebi, fexburTis stadioni da ganaxlebuli amfiTeatri kriJkova dolinas quCaze.

THANKS TO ITS EXCELLENT LOCATION, NICE SURROUNDING NATURE AND A GOOD TRAFFIC CONNECTION WITH THE CENTER, RAčA IS ONE OF THE LEADING BOROUGHS OF BRATISLAVA tive depot in Vychodne. Everyday scene of cultural and social life of people of Racan resembles German life. Thanks to its excellent location, nice surrounding nature and a good trafic connection with the center, Rača is one of the leading boroughs of Bratislava. Its surroundings are suitable for tourism, mushroom picking, ishing, biking and relaxation. It offers also various possibilities for active leisure. There are two water parks, lots of playgrounds for children, sports grounds, multifunction playgrounds, a football (soccer) stadium and the renovated Amphitheatre in Križkova dolina street.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Interview | interviu

მიხეილ გიორგაძე საქართველოს კულტურისა და ძეგლთა დაცვის მინისტრი Mikheil Giorgadze Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

1. saidan gaCnda proeqtis „Check in Georgia” ganxorcielebis idea da rodidan daiwyo amisTvis mzadeba? mTavrobis iniciativiT, 2015 wels daigegma kulturuli RonisZiebebis kalendari, romlis mizanic iyo turizmis waxaliseba da mxardaWera, qveynis cnobadobis gazrda mis farglebs gareT da pozitiuri imijis damkvidreba, aseve Sida da gare turizmis stimulireba da turistuli nakadebis gamsxvileba, aseve, turistul industriasTan dakavSirebuli kerZo seqtorisa da adgilobrivi mewarmeobis xelSewyoba. SarSan Catarda sapilote proeqti „hit-baTumi“, romelmac gvaCvena, rom Semosavlebi konkretul qalaqsa da regionSi mniSvnelovnad gaizarda, Sesabamis-

1. Where did the idea for the project: “Check in Georgia” originate from and when did the preparations begin? In 2015, with the government’s initiative, a cultural events calendar was created with the aim of supporting and broadening tourism, increasing awareness of Georgia abroad, and establishing a positive image. Moreover, we aim to increase domestic, as well international tourism and in parallel contribute to the betterment of local businesses. Last year, we held a pilot programme “Hit-Batumi”, which resulted in a signiicant increase in incomes of speciic cities and regions at large. As a result, this year we have planned an even bigger project – “Check in Georgia”, which encompasses concerts that bring together world class stars, local performers and musical ensembles , as well as more than 40 festivals. Considering the scale and extent of this project, it stands unprecedented. “Check in Georgia” began in April and will end in December. 2. What results do you expect from this project? This project was conceived as a pioneer of a yearly tradition, and as I mentioned before, in order to increase and diversify our tourism infrastructure and related businesses. All this will clearly contribute to an increase in foreign currency inlux and local in-


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

Interview | interviu ad wlevandeli wlisTvis kidev ufro masStaburi proeqti „Check in Georgia” daigegma; proeqtma gaaerTiana a-klasis varskvlavebis, adgilobrivi Semsruleblebisa da musikaluri koleqtivebis koncertebi, aseve 40ze meti festivali. Tavisi masStabiTa da intensiurobiT aRniSnuli proeqti aris uprecedento. „Check in Georgia” aprilSi daiwyo da wlis bolomde, dekembris CaTvliT gagrZeldeba. 2. ra konkretul Sedegs elodebiT aRniSnuli proeqtidan? es proeqti, rogorc tradiciuli da yovelwliuri, Cafiqrebulia imisTvis, rom ganviTardes turistuli infrastruqtura da turistul industriasTan dakavSirebuli biznesi. es TavisTavad ucxouri valutis Semodinebasa da adgilobrivi Semosavlebis gazrdas Seuwyobs xels, rac avtomaturad saxelmwifo biujetSi gadasaxadebis zrdas gamoiwvevs. Sedegs ara mxolod velodebiT, aramed dRemde arsebulma gamocdilebam ukve aCvena, rom interesi kulturuli RonisZiebebis, gansakuTrebiT ki msoflio varskvlavebis mimarT aris Zalian maRali. baTumSi „MAROON 5“-is koncertma cxadyo, Tu ra potenciali aqvs aseT grandiozul Sous da ramdeni adamianis mozidva SeuZlia konkretul qalaqSi; gadavsebuli iyo didi da patara sastumro-saxlebi, praqtikulad SeuZlebeli iyo sastumros dajavSna. garda amisa, gaixsna dakonservebuli mSeneblobebi da mosaxleobam daiwyo binebis garemonteba, radgan moTxovna binebis qiraobaze Zalian gaizarda; gadaitvirTa restornebi, barebi, swrafi kvebis obieqtebi, anu yvelaferi

comes, which as a result of taxes, will automatically broaden the State budget. We are not simply waiting for results, since from experience, we have already seen that the public shows a very high interest in having world class stars visit Georgia. The Maroon 5 concert in Batumi revealed the potential that such grandiose shows can have and the amount of viewers that they attract to speciic cities. All hotels, large or small, where at full capacity. It was practically impossible to book a room. What is more, we saw the recommencement of suspended constructions and people started renovating their apartments, since there was a sharp rise in demand for rentable spaces. The entire infrastructure that accommodates tourism was crowded. Namely restaurants, bars and fast food providers, not to mention the transport system.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Interview | interviu is, rac emsaxureba turistul industrias. aRarafers vambob transportze da a.S. 3. ramdenad momzadebuli xvdeba saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regioni gazrdil turistul nakads? bunebrivia, rom vizitorebis raodenobis mkveTrad zrdam SesaZloa garkveuli Seferxebebi gamoiwvios rogorc satranspoto moZraobis TvalsazrisiT, ise sxvadasxva obieqtze, Tumca aseTi ram nebismier qveyanaSi xdeba. mTavari aris is, rom es gamocdileba pozitiurad gamoviyenoT, viswavloT da Semdgom aseT RonisZiebebs kidev ufro momzadebuli davxdeT. es aris daxvewis procesi, romelic mudmivad gagrZeldeba.

ეს პროექტი, როგორც ტრადიციული და ყოველწლიური, ჩაფიქრებულია იმისთვის, რომ განვითარდეს ტურისტული ინფრასტრუქტურა და ტურისტულ ინდუსტრიასთან დაკავშირებული ბიზნესი THIS PROJECT WAS CONCEIVED AS A PIONEER OF A YEARLY TRADITION, AND AS I MENTIONED BEFORE, IN ORDER TO INCREASE AND DIVERSIFY OUR TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE AND RELATED BUSINESSES

4. ra RonisZiebebs moicavs aRniSnuli proeqti? es proeqti ar Semoifargleba mxolod msoflio varskvlavebis koncertebiT, mTeli qveynis masStabiT dagegmilia Zalian intensiuri programa, romelSic qarTveli Semsruleblebi da sxvadasxva musikaluri koleqtivia CarTuli. regionebSi 150-ze meti kulturuli RonisZiebaa dagegmili. garda amisa, mTavrobis iniciativiT, wels qarTvel Semsruleblebs uprecedento SesaZlebloba eZlevaT – maT ufasod daeTmobaT baTumSi srulad aRWurvili sakoncerto sivrce (scena, dacva, sagrimiroebi, keTilmowyobili sivrce, sruli teqnikuri aRWurva, ganaTeba, gaxmovanebis aparatura). isini Tavisufali arian RonisZiebis formatis SerCevaSi, bileTis fasis gansazRvrasa da, rac mTavaria, koncertebidan Semosuli Tanxis gankargvaSi.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

3. How prepared are the different regions of Georgia for the increased inlux of tourists? Naturally, a sharp increase in visitors can possibly lead to certain delays for the transport system, as well as speciic locations. However, such effects occur in all countries. The important thing is to use such experiences effectively, learn from them and be even more prepared for future events. This is a process of constant improvement, which should continue indeinitely. 4. What are the main events of this project? This project does not simply concern itself with world class stars. We have planned a nation-wide intensive programme, which involves Georgian performers and a diverse list of musical talent. In the different regions, we have planned more than 150 cultural events. Apart from this, this year, with the government’s initiative, Georgian performers have been given an unprecedented opportunity. They will be able to use, free of charge, a fully equipped concert space in Batumi (stage, security, dressing room, social lounge, full technical equipment,

Interview | interviu

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Interview | interviu

5. ramdenad Seuwyobs xels es proeqti qveynis evrointegracias? bunebrivia, rom turistebis zrda ufro metad uwyobs xels ucxoelebis dainteresebas Cveni qveynis mimarT, rac aucileblad dagvexmareba saerTaSoriso arenaze qveynis pozitiuri imijis damkvidrebaSi; Sesabamisad, proeqti „Сheck in Georgia“ Zalian mniSvnelovania saqarTvelos evrointegraciis mimarTulebiTac. gayiduli bileTebis tranzaqciebiT Tu vimsjelebT, turistebs Soris lideroben didi britaneTidan, germaniidan da aSS-dan. saqarTveloSi Camosuli stumrebi koncertebis garda, ecnobian qarTul kulturas, Cven kulturul memkvidreobas, yvelaferi es ki, bunebrivia, xels uwyobs qveynis evrointegraciisken mimarTul strategiul kurss. saqarTvelo imkvidrebs Rirseul adgils, ara mxolod evropis, aramed msoflio kalendarzec.


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

lighting and sound system). The musicians are free to decide the format of the event, ticket prices and most importantly, the distribution of the concert’s revenue. 5. To what extent will this project help with Georgia’s European integration? Clearly, an increase in tourism helps increase foreign interest in Georgia, which will of course contribute to spreading a positive image of our country in the international arena. Therefore, the project “Check in Georgia” is very important for Georgia’s European integration path. Judging by the ticket sales, the highest level of tourism comes from the UK, Germany and the USA. Apart from the concerts, the visitors get to learn about Georgian culture, our cultural heritage, and all of this naturally leads to helping advance our course towards European integration. Georgia is establishing herself, not just on the European, but also the world stage.

Interview | interviu

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

ცოტნე ხეცურიანი გამარჯვებული, აკადემიური სტატიების კონკურსი: “საქართველოს ევროპული არჩევანი” Tsotne Khetsuriani Winner, Competition for Essays: “European choice”

ევროპასთან ინტეგრაცია თუ რეინტეგრაცია? (საქართველო - ევროპის ისტორიული ურთიერთობები)

INTEGRATION OR REINTEGRATION? (HISTORY OF GEORGIAN-EUROPEAN RELATIONS) anamedrove saqarTvelos saxelmwifos erT-erTi umTavresi gacxadebuli mizani evrointegraciaa. am process mxardamWerebTan erTad, mravali skeptikosic gamouCnda. arsebobs mosazreba, rom saqarTvelom evropasTan urTierToba ruseTTan SeerTebis Semdeg daiwyo da manamde ar ekuTvnoda evropul sivrces/civilizacias. unda iTqvas, rom msoflios erT-erT uZveles saxelmwifos, saqarTvelos, evropul sivrcesTan politikuri, ekonomikuri da kulturuli urTierTobebis didi istoria aqvs. yofila iseTi SemTxvevebic, roca qarTul da evropul saxelmwifoebs saerTo interesebi da politikuri koaliciebis Camoyalibebis survili hqoniaT. Tanamedrove evrokavSiri saerTo Rirebulebebze dafuZnebuli organizaciaa, RirebulebaTa erT-erTi umTavresi wyaro ki religiaa. saerTo religia qarTvelTa Rirebulebebis evropuli sazogadoebis RirebulebebTan Tavsebadobas ganapirobebs. geografiuli mdebareobidan gamomdinare, qarTul saxelmwifoebs yovelTvis hqondaT mWidro kavSiri axlo aRmosavleTTan da qarTuli kulturac ganicdida arabul, sparsul Tu Turqo-osmalur gavlenebs. Tumca qristianobam saqarTvelo aRmosavleTis civilizacias moswyvita da evropuls miakuTvna. rogorc politikis mecnierebebis mkvlevari semuel hanTingtoni aRniSnavs, swored religiaa saerTo civilizaciuri niSnebis Camoyalibebis umTavresi faqtori. unda iTqvas, rom qristianobamdec, saqarTvelo iyo nawili evropuli civilizaciisa. berZnuli kolonizacia iyo procesi, romelmac moicva mTeli xmelTaSuazRvispireTi da Savi zRvis sanapiroebzec SemoaRwia. dRevandel saqarTvelos teritoriaze daarsda berZnuli koloniebi, romelTa meSveobiT saberZneTsa



Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


ne of the most important goals of modern Georgian state is integration in Europe and in European political and economical unions. The process has a lot of supporters, as well as skeptics. It is thought that Georgian-European relations began only after the country was occupied by Russia and before that it had never been a part of the European civilization. It should be noted that as one of the most ancient states of the world - Georgia has a long history of communication with Europe in political, economical and cultural terms. There were times, when Georgian and European states had mutual interest and desire to establish certain coalitions. Modern EU is an organization which is based on shared values. The most important emissary of values is religion. The shared religion with European society makes Georgian people connected to them. Because of its geography, Georgian states always had connections with Middle East and Georgian culture had been greatly inluenced by Arabic, Persian or Turkish cultures. Though, Christianity managed to detach Georgia from the oriental civilization and appertain it to the European one. As a researcher of political sciences − Samuel Huntington admits, religion is the crucial factor in establishing common civilization marks. Georgia was a part of European civilization before common era. Greek colonization was a process that spread on Mediterranean area and the shores of the Black Sea. On the territory of modern Georgia there were Greek colonies which helped Greece to establish economic relations with Colchis. After Greeks, there was Roman civilization and one of the best warlords of the history - Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus visited Kartli with his army. Romans used to conquer every land, but they had agreement with the King Artag I of Kartli.

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura da kolxeTis samefos Soris mWidro savaWro-ekonomikuri urTierTobebi damyarda. berZnul civilizacias romaulma umemkvidra da pirvel saukuneSi qarTlis samefosac moadga msoflio istoriis erT-erTi gamorCeuli sardali gneus pompeusi. aRsaniSnavia, rom romaelebi ipyrobdnen yvela saxelmwifos, qarTlis mefe artagTan ki samSvidobo xelSekruleba gaaformes. berZnulma da Semdgom romaulma kulturam udidesi gavlena moaxdina qarTul yofaze. rogorc frangi poeti da filosofosi, pol valeri werda, nebismieri civilizacia, romelsac ganucdia berZnuli da romauli kulturebis gavlena, absoliturad evropulia. qristianobis miRebis Semdeg ki, qarTulma civilizaciam sabolood da samudamod miiRo evropuli kuTvnileba. Tumca arCevnis Secvlis aucileblobis winaSe bevrjer damdgara, arc erTxel uTqvams uari pirvel arCevanze. bolodroindeli statistikiT, marTalia saqarTvelos mosaxleobis umravlesoba evrointegraciis momxrea, magram arsebobs sakmaod mZlavri gansxvavebuli azric. ase iyo istoriuladac. meeqvse saukunisTvis egrisis samefo qristianuli bizantiisa da zoroastruli iranis gavlenis qveS iyo. 554 wels, bizantielebma gubaz mefe moakvlevines, ris Semdegac gaimarTa kreba, sadac unda gadawyvetiliyo, romeli qveynis mxare daeWira egrisis samefos. aq ar iyo arCevani mxolod or saxelmwifos Soris, arCevani or civilizacias Soris idga da miRebuli gadawyvetileba aCvenebs, rom qarTveli eri dasavlur civilizaciasTan ufro komfortulad Tanaarsebobda da evropisken misi swrafva mxolod politikuri interesebiT ar iyo ganpirobebuli. dasavlur da aRmosavlur civilizaciebs Soris mudmivi dapirispirebis umTavresi momenti albaT jvarosnuli laSqrobebi iyo. es iyo epoqa, roca koaliciuri evropa axlo aRmosavleTisken daiZra ieso qristes saflavis urjuloTa xelidan gaTavisuflebis sababiT. Turq-selCukebisgan didad Seviwroebul saqarTveloze wnexi Sesustda da mefe daviT IV-m (SemdgomSi aRmaSeneblad wodebulma) moaxerxa Turq-selCukebisTvis xarkis Sewyveta da saxelmwifos TandaTanobiTi aRorZineba. logikuria isic, rom saqarTvelos istoriis oqros xana swored jvarosnuli laSqrobebis periods emTxveva, radgan qarTuli samefoebis potenciuri mtrebi evropuli koaliciuri armiis Semosevebis mogeriebiT iyvnen dakavebulni da eqspansiuri politikisTvis ar ecalaT. qarTuli saxelmwifo jvarosnebis bunebriv mokavSired iqca. cnobili faqtia, rom 1121 wels, didgoris brZolaSi qarTvelTa mxardamxar jvarosani raindebic ibrZodnen. ilRazis koaliciuri muslimuri laSqaris daviTis armiaze gamarjveba jvarosnebisTvis didi kraxi iqneboda. regionSi sakmaod Zlier mokavSires dakargavdnen da axlo aRmosavleTis geopolitika maT sawinaaRmdegod Seicvleboda. swored ilRazis armiam daamarcxa didgoris omamde ramdenime wliT adre jvarosnebi da manac ,,sarwmunoebis varskvlavis’’ tituli miiRo. ukve mogvianebiT, Tamaris gamefebisas, saxelmwifo politikaze didi gavlena hqonda mis mamidas, rusudans, romelic xorasnis sulTnis qvrivi iyo da rogorc Cans, aRmosavluri politikis mimarT loialurad iyo ganwyobili. jvarosnebsa da aRmosavleTs Soris saqarTvelos neitralurma poziciam didad Seasusta

ევროინტეგრაცია არა თანამედროვე ქართული სახელმწიფოს, არამედ საუკუნეების წინანდელი ქართველების არჩევანია და ამ პროცესს შეგვიძლია, რეინტეგრაცია ვუწოდოთ EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ISN’T A DECISION OF A MODERN GEORGIAN STATE ONLY, BUT IT IS A CHOICE OF OUR ANCIENT ANCESTORS AND WE CAN EASILY NAME THIS PROCESS THE REINTEGRATION

Greek and Roman culture had a huge inluence on Georgian life. As a French poet and a philosopher - Paul Valery has it, any civilization, which had been inluenced by Greek and Roman cultures, is absolutely European. After bringing Christianity, Georgian became all European for good. Although there were many times when they had to deny the irst choice in order to survive, but the Georgians stayed loyal to Christian religion and therefore, to the European civilization. According to the latest statistics, despite the fact that majority of modern Georgian people wishes to join the European Union there are some strong anti-European sentiments and different opinions as well. And historically, such cleavage in public opinion has always been an issue. For example, in the 6th Century, Kingdom of Egrisi was under the inluence of Christian Byzantium Empire and in Zoroastrian Iran. King Gubaz was murdered by Byzantines in 554 and a convention had been held, where Georgians had to decide which side they should take. It wasn’t a choice between the two countries, it was a choice between the two civilizations and as the decision shows, Georgian people were comfortable with the Europeans and their aspiration to become their companions wasn’t conditioned by political reasons only. Probably the crucial moment in the history of the clash between western and eastern civilizations was the Crusades. There were times when European coalition army moved towards the Middle East for releasing grave of Christ from inidels.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura jvarosnebis gavlena regionze da muslimuri egviptis sasulTnos poziciebis gaZlierebas Seuwyo xeli. Tamaris Semdeg gamefebulma laSa-giorgim safrTxe igrZno da romis paps, honorius III-s mimarTa winadadebiT, monawileoba mieRo kidev erT, rigiT mexuTe jvarosnul laSqrobaSi, romelic aRadgenda evropelebis sasargeblo status-kvos regionSi. laSqrobac daigegma, magram is CaSala regionSi axali Zalis, monRolebis gamoCenam, romelic yvelasTvis erTnairad saxifaTo iyo. pirveli daryma saqarTvelom miiRo. evropul koaliciaSi monawileobac CaiSala da gadarCenisTvis xangrZlivi brZola daiwyo. monRolurma wnexma saqarTvelos sagareo politika mTlianad meore planze gadawia. ukve giorgi V brwyinvales dros (1318-1346), roca viTareba SedarebiT dastabilurda da monRoluri wnexi Sesustda, sagareo politikac aRdga. kvlav qristianul evropasTan koaliciuri qmedebis ideebiT. Semonaxulia misi werili safrangeTis mefis, filipe valuasadmi, sadac mefe giorgi filipes rogorc sCans, pasuxobs iniciativaze, Seution sarkinozebs. da iTxovs, filipem konkretuli TariRi daasaxelos, rodis gadmolaxavs misi armia Sav zRvas. radgan xSirad xdeba, roca evropeli monarqebi aRmosavleT qristianobas sarkinozTa winaaRmdeg sabrZolvelad aqezeben da Semdeg marto toveben Zlieri da sastiki mtris winaaRmdeg. Tumca am werilis daweridan maleve safrangeTi inglisTan aswlian omSi Caeba da misTvis aRmosavleTis geopolitikam meore planze gadaiwia. 1453 wels, osmalebma konstantinopoli aiRes da bizantiis imperia daeca. aman ki mTlianad Secvala regionis geopolitika da sagrZnoblad gazarda osmaluri safrTxe evropisTvis. bizantiis imperiis dacema da osmaleTis gaZliereba saqarTvelos qristianul saxelmwifos martodmarto tovebda uZlieresi osmaleTisa da iranis winaSe. amas Sida areulobac daemata da gasagebi xdeba is mudaris toni, riTac mefe simon pirveli espaneTis mefe filipe II- s da romis paps mimarTavda werilebSi. Tumca evropam ver SeZlo gaZlierebuli osmaleTis imperiisTvis regionis politikaze konkurenciis gaweva da saqarTvelo muslimanuri imperiebis winaSe sruliad marto aRmoCnda. roca saqarTvelosa da evropis urTierTobaze vsaubrobT, aucileblad unda vaxsenoT diplomati da sasuliero piri nikoloz ColoyaSvili, igive nikifore irbaxi. man ganaTleba evropaSi, kerZod italiaSi miiRo. Semdeg dabrunda saqarTveloSi da kaxeTis mefis, Teimuraz I-is karze msaxurobda. 1625 wels misi davalebiT gaemgzavra evropaSi, antisparsuli koaliciis Camosayalibeblad. iyo Teimurazis elCi romis pap urban VIII-is karze da eaxla espaneTis mefe filipe III-s. Teimurazs surda papis SuamdgomlobiT espeneTis samefosTan kavSiris damyareba da qristiani mokavSiris SeZena ori muslimanuri damyrobeli imperiis winaaRmdeg. Tumca ver moxerxda koaliciis mxardaWera, radgan espaneTi Sidaevropul omSi iyo CarTuli da regionaluri politikisTvis ar ecala. didi wvlili miuZRvis 1629 wels romSi pirveli qarTuli wignis dabeWdvaSi, amave wels dabrunda saqarTveloSi kaTolike misionerebTan erTad. Suamdgomlobda papsa da Teimurazs Soris qarTuli eklesiis romTan misaerTeblad. mfarvelobda kaTolike misionerebs, kaTolikeebis misia saqarTveloSi xorcieldeboda romis kaTolikuri eklesiis samisionero organizacia ,,propagan-


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

The Seljuk Turks pressure on Georgia was somehow decreased and King David IV of Georgia managed to stop paying tribute and to rebuild the state. Reasonably, the golden age of Georgian history coincided with the times of the Crusades, because the Middle East states had to ight against European army and had no time for expansive politics. Georgia became allies for the Crusaders. It’s well-known that the Crusaders fought for Georgians in 1121 Didgori valley battle. Defeat of David at Didgori battle would be a huge problem for the Crusaders - they’d lose strong allies in the region and geopolitics of Middle East would change against their interest. It was the Leader of Turkish army - Najm ad-Din Ilghazi ibn Artuq, who defeated the Crusaders in 1119 - years before the Didgori battle He was considered as one of the most powerful army leaders in Turkish history. Later, during the reign of Tamar (irst female king of Georgia), her aunt Rusudan had signiicant inluence on the state’s politics. She was the widow of Sultan of Khorasan and loyal to oriental politics. Neutral position of Georgia in the conlict between the Crusaders and Muslim countries decreased the Crusaders’ inluence in the region and made Egypt become the leader. After Tamar, his son Lasha-Giorgi sensed danger and sent a letter to Pope Honorius III, where he offered another- the 5th Crusade campaign where he also would participate and which would rebuild the inluence of Europe in region. But campaign failed because some new forces from the North -Mongols appeared in the region, which equally threatened all. Georgia was the irst to suffer from their power. Mongol pressure forced Georgia to stop foreign politics for a while. But King Giorgi V the Brilliant managed to stabilize the situation and foreign politics were rebuilt again with the purpose of collaboration with Christian Europe. There is Giorgi’s letter sent to French King Philippe Valois, in response to Philippe’s idea on attacking Saracen. The letter shows that Giorgi asked French King to set a date on which the French army would arrive at the shores of the Black Sea, because quite often western Christianity made eastern one to attack inidels, leaving them alone against powerful enemies. But shortly after that letter, France started the Hundred Years War against England and oriental politics lost its importance. In 1453, Byzantium Empire was defeated, that crucially changed politics of Middle East and Caucasus and raised inluence of Ottoman Empire, leaving Christian Georgia alone against powerful Ottoman Empire and Iran. If we consider the chaotic internal affairs of those times, the supplicating tone of the letter written by King Simon I to Spanish Philippe II and Pope becomes more understandable. But Europe couldn’t compete against powerful Ottomans, who by the way were a huge danger to Europe too and conquered large territories of European countries. So, Georgia was left alone against expansion of powerful Muslim empires. Speaking of Georgia-European relations, we must mention a diplomat and a clergymen Nikoloz Cholokashvili, a.k.a. Niceforo Irbachi. He was educated in Europe, Italy. And later, he returned to Georgia to serve King Teimuraz I. In 1625, he was sent to Europe to establish anti-Persian coalition. He was an

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura da fides’’ farglebSi. amiT cdilobdnen gaezardaT politikuri gavlena axlo aRmosavleTis qveynebSi da SeeswavlaT iranTan damakavSirebeli savaWro marSutebi. SemdgomSi amaod Caiara sulxan-saba orbelianis elCobam safrangeTSi. man ver miiRo is daxmareba, rasac iTxovda. safrangeTis mefes, ludoviko XIV-s SesTavaza qarTlis samefosa da mis SemogarenSi kaTolicizmis gavrceleba. amisTvis saWiro iyo Tanxa mefe vaxtang VIis iranidan gamosaxsnelad, misi gamahmadianebis gareSe. laparaki iyo aseve savaWro gzaze, romelsac qarTlis samefoze unda gaevlo da safrangeTs daexmareboda aziur qveynebTan savaWro urTierTobebis damyarebaSi. Tumca, proeqti ar Sedga. safrangeTs savaWro xelSekruleba hqonda dadebuli iranTan, aseve iranTan da osmaleTTan mWidro ekonomikur urTierTobebSi iyo da ar uRirda qarTlis samefos gamo riski da maTi gaRizianeba. Tundac kaTolicizmis mxardasaWerad. XVIII saukunidan kavkasiis politikaSi axali Zala, ruseTi erTveba. saerTo religiis gamo, saqarTveloSi es Zala xsnad miiCnies muslimuri osmaleTisa da iranisgan Tavis dasaRwevad. erekle meorem 1783 wels georgievskis traqtati gaaforma, riTac axali Zalis, ruseTis meSveobiT, iran-osmaluri eqspansia unda SeCerebuliyo da qarTl-kaxeTSi rusuli jari da samxedro teqnika mdgariyo. Tumca TandaTan ruseTma traqtatis darRveva daiwyo da erekles Zis, giorgi XII-is gardacvalebis Semdeg, sulac gaauqma mefoba qarTl-kaxeTis samefoSi da erT-erT guberniad miierTa, anu faqtobrivad, daipyro. ase moxda 1810 wels imereTis samefos SemTxvevaSic. qarTulma samefoebma saxemwifoebrioba dakarges, Sesabamisad, sagareo politikasac ver awarmoebdnen. erTmorwmunobis miuxedavad, ruseTis imperiis uRelqveS yofna dapyrobas niSnavda. qarTveli samxedro Tu samecniero moRvaweebi ruseTis samsaxurSi iyvnen. daaxloebiT erTi saukunis Semdeg, ruseTis revoluciiT isargebles imperiaSi Semavalma yofilma saxelmwifoebma da aRadgines damoukidebloba. ase moiqca saqarTveloc, 1918-21 wlebis damoukidebeli qarTuli ukve respublika da ara monarqiuli saxelmwifo aqtiurad cdilobda evropul sivrcesa da organizaciebSi integracias, Tumca es CaSala amjerad bolSevikuri ruseTis samxedro agresiam da okupaciam. saqarTvelo axladSeqmnil sabWoTa socialisturi respublikebis kavSirSi Seiyvanes da misi wevri iyo daSlamde, anu 1991 wlamde. saqarTvelom damoukideblobis pirvelive wlebSi daiwyo aqtiuri swrafva evropul politikur Tu ekonomikur struqturebSi integraciisken. 1999 wels ki evrosabWoSic gawevrianda. sadac maSindelma saqarTvelos parlamentis Tavjdomarem, zurab Jvaniam warmoTqva istoriuli sityvebi: ,,me var qarTveli, maSasadame me var evropeli’’. es fraza zustad asaxavs Cvens kuTvnilebas rogorc politikuri ideologiis, ise kulturuli da civilizaciuri sivrcis mxriv. dResac midis dava imis Taobaze, vekuTvniT Tu ara evropul civilizacias da gvinda Tu ara am sivrceSi integracia. istoriuli konteqsti gvaZlevs safuZvels, davaskvnaT, rom evrointegracia ara Tanamedrove qarTuli saxelmwifos, aramed saukuneebis winandeli qarTvelebis arCevania da am process evropasTan integraciis nacvlad, Tavisuflad SegviZlia, reintegracia vuwodoT.

ambassador to Pope Urban VIII and Spanish King Philippe III. Teimuraz wanted to connect with Spain through Pope and to ind companions against two Muslim empires. Though, there was a internal war in Europe and Spain had no time for regional Politics. Irbachi made a great contribution to printing the irst Georgian book in 1629 in Rome. He returned to Georgia with Catholic missioners and tried to connect Pope with Teimuraz for the purpose of uniting Georgian church with Roman one. Catholic mission in Georgia was held and regulated by the missionary organization - Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide). They tried to increase political inluence in Middle East and Caucasian countries and examine the trade routes to Iran. Later, a Georgian writer, scholar and diplomat -Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani was sent as an envoy to France, but all in vein. He was sent to French King Louis XIV by King Vakhtang VI of Kartli. Saba offered spreading Catholic belief over Caucasus, also trade routes to large Asian countries, but France had a trade agreement with Iran and didn’t want to risk relations with its economic partner for Kartli, even in return for spreading Catholic belief. From 18th century a new force – Russia came in Caucasian politics. Because of common religion, Georgians believed that the best way to survive from Ottoman and Persian expansion was collaboration with Russia. King Erekle II signed the Treaty of Georgievsk with Russia in 1783. With this, Ottoman and Persian expansion would stop and Russian military forces and equipment would be sent to the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti. But Russia broke the contract and after the death of Erekle’s son − Giorgi XII, Russia abolished the kingship in Karli –Kahketi and annexed it as one of its provinces, which in fact meant that it was occupied. The same happened with another Georgian Kingdom of Imereti in 1810. So, there were no more states on the territory of Georgia and therefore, foreign politics couldn’t proceed. Georgian scholars and military oficers worked under the name of Russia. About century later, due to the revolution, the conquered countries managed to declare independence from Russia. Georgia declared its independence on May 26, 1918. It was no longer a kingdom, but a republic. In 1918-21 country tried its best to join European political or economic unions, but process failed because of Bolshevik Russian military aggression and occupation. Georgia became a part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and remained until its collapse - 1991. Since the very irst years of a new independence, the country has been trying its best to join European political and economical unions. In 1999, the country joined the European Council, where the Head of Georgian Parliament - Zurab Zhvania stated: “I am Georgian, and therefore, I am European.” These words relect our belonging to Europe in both, political and cultural terms. And still, there are debates about Georgia’s belonging to Europe and whether we want European integration in the European political, cultural, economical or ideological area or not. Historical context allows us to conclude that, European integration isn’t a decision of a modern Georgian state only, but it is a choice of our ancient ancestors and we can easily name this process not the integration, but the reintegration.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura

გიორგი იმედაშვილი გამარჯვებული, აკადემიური სტატიების კონკურსი: “საქართველოს ევროპული არჩევანი”

Giorgi Imedashvili Winner, Competition for Essays: “European choice”

ნატოს გაფართოება და ჭეშმარიტი მისია THE ENLARGEMENT AND THE MISSION OF NATO velasTvis cnobilia Tu ra viTarebaSi da risTvis Seiqmna Crdiloatlantikuri kavSiri - meore msoflio omis Semdeg prodasavluri, damoukidebeli saxelmwifoebis Zalian gaZlierebuli sabWoTa kavSiris gavlenisagan dasacavad. rogorc uinston CerCilma marTebulad SeniSna, omis damTavrebisTanave aRmosavleT evropas „rkinis farda“ Camoefara da ioseb stalins daqvemdebarebuli evropuli qveynebi Tavisufali samyarosgan gamijna. Tumca, ar unda vifiqroT, rom „borotebis imperiis“ arqiteqtori ar cdilobda „rkinis fardis“ miRma sakuTari gavlenis gazrdas- safrangeTsa da italiaSi komunisturi partiebi cdilobdnen demokratiuli arCevnebis gziT mosuliyvnen xelisuflebis saTaveSi, saberZneTSi britanulma tankebma CaaxSes aseve komunistebis ajanyeba da yvela sxva damoukidebel saxelmwifoSic uprecendentod gaizarda sabWoTa dazvervis samsaxuris rezidentTa raodenoba. swored am yvelaferma aiZula damoukidebeli, prodasavluri Zalebi erTmaneTTan gaerTianebuliyvnen da rogorc brZolis velze, ise nominaluri mSvidobis Jams, koordinirebulad daecvaT Tavi yvelaze didi da saSiSi mtrisgan- sabWoTa kavSirisagan, romelsac gaerTianebis SemTxvevaSi Zalismieri TvalsazrisiT abalansebdnen. am SemTxvevaSi, yvelaferi garkveulwilad cxadi iyo saerTaSoriso urTierTobebis amxsneli ori dominanturi Teoriis TvalsazrisiT- realizmisa da liberalizmis mixedviT. 40-ian wlebSi dominanturi realizmis warmomadgenlebi da ufro mogvianebiT gamoCenili neorealistebi, samyaros bunebrivi mdgomareobidan gamomdinare absoliturad normalur movlenad miiCnevdnen imas, rom sabWoTa kavSirs sakuTari gavlenis gazrda surda- realistebisaTvis xom yovelgvari saxelmwifo garkveulwilad egoistu-



Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


veryone knows the reason behind the creation of NATO - to protect independent, pro-western countries from empowered Soviet inluence in the post-war era. As Sir Winston Churchill correctly stated Joseph Stalin’s Iron Curtain separated Eastern Europe from the free world after the Second World War. And this does not mean that the architect of the Evil Empire was not trying to enforce his inluence over western Europe too - in Italy and France communist parties almost came in power through the democratic elections, in Greece a communist revolution was stopped by British army and in all other democratic countries the number of the soviet intelligence residents signiicantly increased. This forced independent, western states to unify and consolidate their defensive power against the biggest threat - Soviet Union, even in the time of nominal peace. Together they could balance the increased soviet power.

In this case everything was relatively clear for the two dominant theories of international relations - for Realism and Liberalism. The realist scholars (which were very popular in the middle of the 20th century) believed that it was very normal for the Soviet Union to try and spread their inluence over whole Europe, since they believed that any state is a kind of egoistic actor which tries to develop economic and military strength in seek of security. That’s why it is clear for them that both the Soviet Union and the United States tried to spread their inluence over their border. It is also clear why the small countries have tried to unify around the superpowers. In one case they were forced to accept Russian dominance because of their weak position (as Thucydides said “the strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept”). And the western countries voluntary consolidated around the United States because only this state had enough power to balance the soviet bloc. From the realistic point of view it was very obvious. As a result of the security dilemma, the strong states try to improve

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura ri aqtoria, romlisTvisac ekonomikuri da politikuri gaZliereba usafrTxoebis garantiad iqceva da swored amitom gasagebia, rom sabWoTa kavSiric da amerikis SeerTebuli Statebic sakuTari sazRvrebis gareT gavlenis gazrdas cdilobdnen. aseve cxadia isic, Tu ratom gaerTiandnen am ori uZlieresi moTamaSis garSemo danarCeni qveynebi- erTis mxriv maT sisustis gamo mouwiaT sabWoTa kavSiris dominaciis aRiareba (rogorc Tukidide ityoda „Zlierebi akeTeben imas, rac ZaluZT, xolo sustebi imas, rasac aiZuleben“), xolo, meores mxriv, dasavluri qveynebi ZiriTadad nebayoflobiT aRmoCndnen aSS-s mxares- vinaidan, swored am demokratiul saxelmwifos hqonda Zala daebalansebina sabWoTa kavSiri. ase rom, realisturi TvalTaxedviT yvelaferi naTelia, usafrTxoebis dilemidan gamomdinare Zlieri saxelmwifoebi cdiloben sakuTari usafrTxoeba ekonomikuri da politikuri gavlenebis gazrdiT gaamyaron, sustebi ki an iZulebulebi arian aRiaron ZlierTa dominacia, an gaerTianden Tavis dasacavad. swored erTmaneTis dambalansebeli ori Zalis mier dominirebad msoflios uyureben neorealistebi rogorc sayovelTao mSvidobis ufro myar garants, vinaidan, Tanabari Zalis ori mowinaaRmdegis SemTxvevaSi orivem icis, rom nebismieri Ria Zalismieri dapirispirebisas orives aqvs sakmarisi birTvuli potenciali meoris gasanadgureblad, anu realuri konfliqti orives ganadgurebiT damTavrdeba, amitom orive mxare ecdeba am konfliqtis Tavidan aridebas. yvelaferi cxadia liberalizmisTvisac- Crdiloatlantikuri aliansi xom pirdapir jdeba demokratiuli mSvidobis modelSi, rac jer kidev imanuel kantis mosazrebiT gulisxmobs imas, rom Cveulebrivi xalxis interesebSi arasdros Sedis dapirispireba da omi. am SemTxvevaSi xom mosaxleoba mTavrobaze metad zaraldeba, xolo vinaidan demokratiuli qveynebis mTavrobebi xalxis nebas aRasruleben, isini ecdebian erTmaneTTan partnioruli urTierTobebi daamyaron da erToblivi ZalebiT aicilon Tavidan yvela SesaZlo dapirispireba. realurad, swored amas akeTebdnen „natos“ damfuZnebeli qveynebi, maSin, rodesac am alianss aarsebdnen da Semdegac, roca mis gafarToebaze midga saqme. garda amisa, liberalebisaTvis yvela saerTaSoriso organizacia struqturuli TvalsazrisiT saxelmwifoebs Soris TanamSromlobas uwyobs xels da amitom saWiroa maTi arseboba- amave xedviT aixsneba „natos“ SenarCuneba „civi omis“ dasrulebis Semdgom. civi omis droindeli natos gafarToebis talRebi sakmaod pragmatulia- gansakuTrebiT pirveli ori1952 wels TurqeTisa da saberZneTis, xolo 1955 wels germaniis federaciuli respublikis miReba. cxadia, rom samive am qveyanas strategiulad umniSvnelovanesi Rirebuleba hqonda sabWoTa banakTan dapirispirebisas. TumcaRa, 80-iani wlebis bolodan ukve cxadi gaxda, rom sabWoTa kavSirTan dapirispirebis faza nel-nela dasasruls uaxlovdeboda, vinaidan, Tavad sabWoTa imperia uaxlovdeboda sakuTar aRsasruls. 1991 wlis dekemberSi sabWoTa socialistur respublikaTa kavSiri sabolood daiSala da saerTaSoriso urTierTobisa da politologiis bevrma mkvlevarma gamoTqva varaudi (da zogierTma survilic) imis Ses-

„ნატოს“ გაფართოება გაგრძელდება მანამ, სანამ იქნებიან ქვეყნები, რომლებიც გაიზიარებენ დასავლურ ფასეულობებსა და ნორმებს NATO WILL ENLARGE AS LONG AS THERE ARE COUNTRIES WHICH SHARE THE SO CALLED WESTERN VALUES AND NORMS

their security with the spread of their economic and political inluence and the weak ones are forced to accept the dominance of others or consolidate with each other to defend themselves better. Neorealists believe that the bipolar world is the best formation for the global peace, because this kind of world means that both superpowers have enough nuclear weapon to destroy the other and both know, that any real conlict would mean destruction for each of them, so they both do their best to maintain peace. This is just as easy to explain from a liberalism point of view - the NATO concept its the Democratic Peace model, which starting back from when Immanuel Kant envisioned means that an average citizen war always is a tragedy - normal people suffer more than governments. So it seems that if the governments would be democratic in all states and would do the things their people really require from them, there would be no war and states would try to cooperate with each other to avoid any new conlicts. That’s exactly what western democratic countries did when they created NATO and when they started to enlarge it. Above all, for liberal scholars every international organization structurally helps to improve cooperation and dialogue between states, so their existence is very important. This explains why it was necessary to keep NATO together after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Cold war era enlargements of NATO were very pragmatic - especially the irst two: in 1952 Turkey and Greece were accepted as members and in 1955 the German Federal Republic was admitted as well. It is obvious that all three countries had strategically important location in time of conlict with the soviet bloc. Although in the late 80s it became clear that the Soviet Empire was collapsing and the conlict between western and soviet worlds was dying with it. In December 1991 the Soviet Union oficially collapsed and many scholars thought

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura axeb, rom „nato“ rogorc organizacia gauqmdeboda, radgan ubralod funqciurad aRar iyo saWiro- safrTxe, romlisgan Tavdasacavadac is Seqmnes, gaqra, aqedan gamomdinare, avtomaturad unda gamqraliyo misi funqciac. xolo, aSS-s rogorc erTaderT gadarCenil „supersaxelmwifos“ unda gaeuqmebina „nato“, vinaidan aRar uRirda ufunqciod darCenili organizaciis finansurad Senaxva. neorealistebis TvalsazrisiT aq yvelaferi cxadia- Tuki Ria safrTxe ar arsebobs, saxelmwifom resursebi ar unda gaflangos da piriqiT sakuTari SesaZleblobebis ufro gaZlierebisTvis unda gamoiyenos. Tumca, miuxedavad amisa, Crdiloatlantikuri aliansi civi omis Semdgom ramdenjerme gafarTovda, Tanac, yofili mowinaaRmdegeebis, daSlili „varSavis paqtis“ qveynebis xarjze. 1999 wels organizaciaSi miiRes poloneTi, CexeTi da ungreTi, 2004 wels samive baltiispiruli saxelmwifo, bulgareTi, rumineTi, slovakeTi da slovenia, xolo 2009 wels- xorvatia da albaneTi. rasakvirvelia, daibada kiTxva - ratom gafarTovda „nato“ Tuki, erTi SexedviT, aRar arsebobs is safrTxe, romlisgan Tavis dasacavadac es organizacia Seiqmna? neorialistebis mTavari kritikosi aleqsandr vendtia, romelmac Zalian mokle droSi moaxerxa mesame, dReisaTvis sakmod Zlieri saerTaSoriso urTierTobaTa Teoriis SemuSaveba. es Teoria konstruqtivizmis saxeliT aris cnobili- misi mimdevrebi miiCneven, rom adamiani, rogorc socialuri arseba, Tavad ayalibebs, akonstruirebs iseT realobas saerTaSoriso urTierTobebSi, rogoric dRes gvaqvs da swored amave mizeziT, survilis SemTxvevaSi, Tavadve SeuZlia Secvalos- es ki, upirispirdeba, realizmis mixedviT yovelives samyaros „bunebiTi kanonebidan“ gamomdinare aRqmas. vendti ambobs, rom neorealizms ar ZaluZs iwinaswarmetyvelos is, Tu rogori saxelmwifoebi rogor partniorebs gamonaxaven, rogor gagrZeldeba maTi TanamSromloba da is, Tu rogor saxelmwifoebs daupirispirdebian isini erTad. amisgan gansxvavebiT, konstruqtivistebi amtkiceben, rom Tuki SeviswavliT im sociumebs, romlebmac Camoayalibes konkretuli saxelmwifoebi, davakvirdebiT maT qcevas istoriis manZilze da maT Rirebulebebs, SegviZlia vivaraudoT is, Tu rogor sociumebTan moaxerxeben isini partiorobas da rogorebs daupirispirdebian sakuTari faseulobebisa da Tvisebebis gamo. es rasakvirvelia, ufro rTulsa da kompleqsurs xdis yvela sakiTxis aRqmas, magram amavdroulad ufro sainteresod gvixsnis bevr niuanss, Tundac „natos“ gafarToebis sakiTxs, gansakuTrebiT „civi omis“ Semgdom. „Cven ar unda SevwyvitoT uSiSari toniT gacxadeba Tavisuflebisa da adamianis uflebebis diadi principebisa, romelTa Camoyalibebac inglisurenovani samyaros erToblivi memkvidreobis Sedegia, gamomdinare Tavisuflebis diadi qartiis, uflebaTa bilis, habeas korpusis, naficmsajulTa sasamarTlosa da saerTo inglisuri samarTlis sistemidan, romlebmac yvelaze naTeli gamoxatuleba hpoves amerikis Tavisuflebis deklaraciaSi“, - es sityvebi uinston CerCilma 1946 wlis 5 marts Tqva, flutonSi, misi Zalian mniSvnelovani gamosvlisas. am tiradiT cxadia rom Crdiloatlantikuri partnioroba ZiriTadad e.w. „anglo-saq-


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

that NATO’s mission was over too. Why do we need an expensive shield if the biggest thread is gone? Many people believed that the USA was the only remaining superpower which would repeal the alliance because of the high cost of maintenance and the now non existing threat of a Soviet Union. This was the reasoning which neorealist scholars believed in. According to them, a state should not spend its resources if there is no real threat, but keep them to become more powerful. Despite this, NATO had several enlargement waves after the cold war. Moreover, basically, it was enlarged with former rivals, members of the Warsaw Pact. In 1999 Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary joined the alliance. They were followed by the three Baltic Republics, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia in 2004 and by Albania and Croatia in 2009. The one important question to ask was: why was NATO being enlarged if there is no real threat for the North Atlantic world? The biggest critic of neorealist scholars is Alexander Wendt who in a relatively short period managed to create a new major theory for International Relations. It is known as Constructivism and his followers believe that man as a social creature constructs and manages the reality that we have in international relations today and because of this he can also change it if he wants to. This view is different with the realistic beliefs which say, that everything in international politics is identiied from brutal “Natural Laws”. Wendt says that, Neorealism can’t predict which states could be partners for each other, how they might cooperate and which other states could be rivals for the irst two. Constructivists argue that if we study the society which has created the state and notice what values they hold over a historical period, we can predict what kind of societies they are likely to cooperate or be rivals with based on their beliefs, values and features. Of course, this makes the analytical process more complex and helps to ind interesting details and answers to the problematic questions. The enlargement of NATO is one of such problematic issues. “It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement. But we must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones the great principles of freedom and the rights of man which are the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world and which through Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and the English common law ind their most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence”, - these words were said by Sir Winston Churchill on March 5, 1945 in Fulton during his very important speech. This makes clear that the North Atlantic partnership is based on a so called Anglo-Saxon world and western Values. So NATO is not only a temporary military alliance against a speciic threat (as Realism scholars see it), or not only a functionally important international institute (as Liberals imagine it) - it is an alliance based on values, a society gathered around speciic norms and ideas and it represents a military wing of a larger concept- the western world which cares about the security of its societies. Now it becomes certain that NATO could not have been destroyed after the elimination of the biggest threat for western countries - the Soviet Union. Nor can it be destroyed after the elimination of any other speciic threat, because it represents

Education and Culture | ganaTleba da kultura sur“ samyarosa da dasavleT evropaSi gavrcelebul Rirebulebebs efuZneboda da amgvarad “nato“ ar aris mxolod konkretuli safrTxisgan Tavdasacavad Seqmnili droebiTi samxedro bloki, rogorc mas realistebi ganixilaven, da arc mxolod saerTaSoriso urTierTobebis funqciuri datvirTvis mqone instituti, rogorc amas liberalebi uyureben, aramed, Rirebulebebis garSemo Sekrebil saxelmwifoTa gaerTianebaa, normebisa da ideebis garSemo Sekrebili sazogadoeba, romelic warmoadgens ufro farTo cnebis- dasavluri samyaros, (gnebavT Crdiloatlantikuri samyaros) samxedro frTas da zrunavs am samyaros sociumebis usafrTxoebaze. amgvarad, aseTi gadmosaxedidan cxadi xdeba, rom „nato“ ver ganadgurdeboda dasavluri samyaros yvelaze didi safrTxis, sabWoTa kavSiris ganadgurebasTan erTad da verc sxva romelime konkretuli safrTxis damarcxebis Semdeg ganadgurdeba, vinaidan, rogorc ukve vaxsene, is warmoadgens specifikuri Rirebulebebis garSemo gaerTianebul saxelmwifoTa sazogadoebas da icavs mas gare safrTxeebisgan. garda amisa, cxadi xdeba isic, rom organizaciaSi gawevrianeba ukve aramxolod maTTvis aris SesaZlebeli, vinc strategiulad saWiro pozicias ikavebs geopolitikuri TvalsazrisiT, aramed maTTvis, vinc aRiarebs da eTanxmeba im principebs, ideebsa da Rirebulebebs, romelTa dacvisTisac Seiqmna es organizacia. organizaciis wevrobaze ganacxadis SetaniT, saxelmwifo, misi Semqmneli sazogadoeba, acxadebs, rom eTanxmeba im dasavlur Rirebulebebs, romlebic aerTianebdaT aliansis damfuZneblebs. xolo, Tavismxriv, organizaciaSi saxelmwifos miRebiT, wevrebic aRiareben, rom am konkretulma qveyanam da misma xalxma gaiazra dasavlur RirebulebaTa mniSvneloba da aRiara isini, rogorc TavisTvis faseuli da saWiro. amitom, „natos“gafarToeba ar aris damokidebuli sabWoTa kavSiris msgavs did gare safrTxeze, aramed damokidebulia dasavluri, liberaluri Rirebulebebis gavrcelebis arealebsa da tempebze. rasakvirvelia, am TvalsazrisiT, SesaZlebelia zogierTi wevri an kandidati saxelmwifos demokratiis xarisxi ar aris iseTi, rogoric damfuZneblebisa, magram mniSvnelovania, rom gafarToeba aRviqvaT rogorc erTgvari „socializacia“, romlis drosac wevrebi erTmaneTisgan bevr rames swavloben, maT Soris im faseulobaTa Sesaxeb, romelTa gaziarebisa da dacvis valdebulebasac organizaciaSi wevrobiT iReben. amgvarad, ufro saintereso xdeba samomavlod organizaciis gafarToebis perspeqtivebi da im saxelmwifoTa „qcevac“, romelTac oficialurad gacxadebuli aqvT aliansSi gaerTianebis survili. aSkaraa, rom „natos“ gafarToeba gagrZeldeba manam, sanam iqnebian qveynebi, romlebic gaiziareben dasavlur faseulobebsa da normebs. saqarTvelos, ukrainasa da sxva momaval kandidatebs, pirvel rigSi, swored am Rirebulebebis aRiareba da dacva mouwevT, raTa organizaciaSi gasawsevrianeblad moqmed wevrebs aCvenon sakuTari mtkice neba da mzadyofna liberaluri Rirebulebebis, demokratiis, adamianis uflebebis, dasavluri samarTlebrivi sistemisa da xelisuflebis dayofis principebis erTgulebis gziT.

the society gathered around values and is made to protect it from any possible threat now or in the future. This also makes clear, that joining this organization is free not only for them, who have strategically good position, but for every country, which accepts and respects the values of the Alliance for which it was created to protect. As for NATO accepting a new state means that all the member states agreed that the society of the candidate country has accepted the importance of western values and declared them necessary for itself. So the enlargement of NATO does not only depend on threats but on areas in which western values are spread and on the speed of their spreading. Of course, sometimes, the quality of a democracy in some of the member or candidate states is not equal, but we should understand the entire enlargement process as some kind of “socialization” in which the member and candidate states learn a lot from each other and exchange experience about protecting important values. After all that, the NATO enlargement process becomes more interesting from the point of view of future perspectives. As well as the behavior of the candidate states. It is clear that NATO will enlarge as long as there are countries which share the so called western values and norms. Georgia, Ukraine and any other candidate states should acknowledge and protect these values. They should prove the member states strong will and readiness by loyalty towards the democracy, human rights, western system of law and the principle of the separation of powers.

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb moZravi qandakeba „ali da nino“. baTumi qandakebis konfiguracia icvleba yovel 10 wuTSi

Moving sculpture “Ali and Nino” in Batumi. The coniguration of the sculpture changes every 10 minutes

mxiaruli delfini baTumis delfinariumSi Happy dolphin in Batumi dolphinarium


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

siyvaruli baTumSi love in Batumi

skulpturuli kompozicia „me, Sen da baTumi“ sculpture composition “Me, You and Batumi”

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb Seyvarebuli wyvilis brinjaos figurebi mdinare mtkvarze, Tbilisi

jvris monasteri, q. mcxeTa Jvari Monastery in Mtskheta

Bronze igures of couple in love over the Kura River, Tbilisi

saTafliis saxelmwifo nakrZali sataplia Nature Reserve

mSvidobis xidi, rkalis formis safexmavlo xidia, romelic TbilisSi, mdinare mtkvarze mdebareobs Bridge of Peace, bow-shaped pedestrian bridge over the Kura River in Tbilisi

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb martvilis kanioni. ulamazesi bunebrivi kanioni mTis mdinaris xediT Martvili canyon. Beautiful natural canyon with view of the mountain river

mTebisa da mdinaris peizaJi raWaSi landscape with mountains and river in Racha


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb cxenebi saZovarze mTaSi. stefanwminda Grazing horses in the mountains. stepantsminda

moTxilamure eSveba maRali mTidan. gudauri skier riding from the high mountains. Gudauri

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About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

qarTuli suvenirebi. xmlebi, Tasebi, Rvinis yanwebi Georgian souvenirs: swords, knives, cups, horn drinking wine

qarTuli ansambli `erisioni~ uefas super Tasis TamaSis win, TbilisSi Georgian ensemble “Erisioni” before the match UEfA super Cup in Tbilisi

qarTuli xelnakeTi suvenirebi TuSeTSi Georgian handmade souvenirs, Tusheti region

soflis peizaJi: tradiciuli qarTuli Rvinis qvevri da Tiva Rural landscape: traditional Georgian wine jug and hay


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

About Georgia | saqarTvelos Sesaxeb

dinozavris nakvalevi, saTaflia Dinosaur footprints, sataplia

borjomis parki Borjomi park

sofeli Satili piriqiTa xevsureTSi, mzis amosvlisas shatili village in upper Khevsureti at sunrise

asobiT mTis Txis fara eSveba mTis kalTaze, Camavali mzis sxivebiT ganaTebul mtvrian bilikze TuSeTis erovnul parkSi, Crdilo-aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi A herd of hundreds of mountain goats being driven down a mountain road with sunlight streaming through their cloud of dust at sunset in the Tusheti National Park, Northeast Georgia

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Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

ბათუმის მე-13 საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის –



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Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

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ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

ბათუმის მე-13 საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის –




nakliis jer auTvisebel sanapiro zolze, 400 heqtarze gaSlil teritoriaze, „anakliis ganviTarebis konsorciumi“ Rrmawylovan ports aaSenebs. Tanamedrove porti adgilobrivi da regionuli masStabiT sazRvao gadazidvebis bazars ganaviTarebs. is SeZlebs moemsaxuros didi moculobis gemebs, romelTa tevadoba 5 000 konteiners aRemateba. amasTan, konsorciumi portis mimdebared, 600 heqtar miwis farTobze Tavisufal industriul zonas Seqmnis. axali portis ganviTarebisa da zrdis grZelvadian perspeqtivas saerTaSoriso gzajvaredinze misi ganlagebac gvkarnaxobs. igi „abreSumis gzis“ geografiul centrSi mdebareobs da aziasa da evropas erTmaneTTan akavSirebs.

naklia Development Consortium was granted the rights to develop, inance, construct, operate, market, and manage the Greenield Anaklia Deep Sea Port on 400 hectares of undeveloped coastal land. Under this concession, ADC will create a state-of-the art port on the Black Sea which will capitalize on local and regional shipping markets with a pressing need of a deep sea port option for their increasing cargo volumes. In addition, the Anaklia port’s strategic location at the geographic center of the “New Silk Road” connecting trade between Asia and Europe will provide long term growth opportunities.


bazris aRweriloba saqarTvelos portebi saqarTvelos, azerbaijanisa da somxeTis 17 milion mosaxles emsaxureba. is kavkasiis qveynebisTvis erTaderTi sazRvao karibWea. 2014 wels qarTulma portebma Sav zRvaSi Semosuli tvirTis 18% gaatara. bolo wlebSi mkveTrad gaizarda saqarTveloSi konteinerebis tvirTbrunvac (2004-2014 saSualo wliuri zrdis tempma rTul procentebSi – 18.8% Seadgina). Tumca, qveynis portebis modernizebis done ganviTarebadi bazris moTxovnebs fexs ver uwyobs. dRevandeli sabazro tendenciis mixedviT, 2020 wlisTvis saqarTvelos portebis gamtarunarianoba kavkasiis bazarze arsebul moTxovnebs veRar upasuxebs. dResdReobiT Sav zRvaSi moZravi didi gemebis moculoba 10,000 TEU-s (oci futi konteineri) aRwevs da maT sul ufro meti gadamzidavi iyenebs didi gemebi gadazidvis xarjs da tarifs amcirebs. Tumca, isini qarTul portebSi ver xvdebian. gemebi, romelTa moculoba 1,500 TEU-s aRemateba, dRes saqarTveloSi ver Semodis. mizezi Rrmawylovani portis ararsebobaa – saqarTvelo Savi zRvis auzis erTaderTi qveyanaa, romelsac Rrmawylovani porti ar gaaCnia. am fonze, anakliis Rrmawylovani porti saqarTvelosa da regionis qveynebisTvis axali SesaZleblobaa. is gadamzidavebs SesaZleblobas miscems, kavkasiaSi tvirTi didi moculobis gemebiT Semoitanon da xarji


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016


As a further catalyst and economic driver, ADC will develop 600 hectares of land adjacent to the port for the creation of a Free Industrial Zone (FIZ). MARKET lANDsCAPE Georgian ports serve as the only marine gateway for the 17 million inhabitants of the landlocked Caucasus Region of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Current market trend indicates that container cargo demand at Georgian ports will exceed capacity in 2020, after which few alternatives will exist for shippers. Already with signiicant market share, Georgia processed 18% of Black Sea container cargo in 2014, but is the only country on the Black Sea which does not have a deep water port. The largest vessels on the Black Sea today are moving towards 10,000 Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (TEU); however, no port in Georgia can accept container vessels over roughly 1,500 TEU. Deep water access in Georgia will unlock signiicant value by enabling shippers to use larger vessels to establish direct calls as well as reduce costs by an estimated $160 per TEU over transshipped containers. Georgia has seen strong container growth (2004-2014 CAGR of 18.8%) but the country’s ports have not modernized to match the market dynamics. Vessel sizes on the Black Sea have been increasing and are forecasted to increase as shippers look to achieve economies of scale in the effort to provide lower tariffs. Georgia’s access to landlocked hinterland, coupled with the absence of a deep sea port, forces liner services to use smaller vessels. A deep water port at Anaklia would provide an option to liner services not currently available among competitors. In response to current limitations of Georgia’s ports, Anaklia will serve as a port of call for the ship liners to unlock huge

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

„საქართველოს ევროპული გზა“ სპონსორები

CONFERENCE - „GEORGIA’S EUROPEAN WAY” TiToeul TEU-ze minimum 160 aSS dolariT Seamciron. anakliis pirveladi bazris, saqarTvelos, azerbaijanisa da somxeTis mzardi ekonomika da mTliani Sida produqtis dagegmili zrda momavali 10 wlis manZilze anakliis portis ZiriTadi mamoZravebeli Zala gaxdeba. portis egreT wodebul meorad bazars yazaxeTi, uzbekeTi, TurqmeneTi, yirgizeTi, tajikeTi da Crdilo-dasavleTi irani warmoadgens. am qveynebs zRvaze gasasvleli ar aqvT. portis mSeneblobis sul 9 fazaa dagegmili da TiToeuli maTgani proeqtis ganviTarebis sxvadasxva mniSvnelovan faqtors iTvaliswinebs. pirveli fazis prioriteti pirveladi bazris (saqarTvelo, azerbaijani, somxeTi) dakmayofilebaa. mTlianobaSi, ganviTarebis 9-faziani sistema xels Seuwyobs kapitalis efeqtianad danawilebas, maqsimalur mogebasa da SesaZlo gafarToebas. sabolood, anakliis porti regionuli vaWrobis mniSvnelovani nawili gaxdeba da man bazarze arsebuli tvirTis daaxloebiT 48-50% unda moicvas. gamorCeuli iqneba anakliis portis wili meorad bazarzec, rac mas kavkasiisa da centraluri aziis qveynebis mTavar savaWro centrad aqcevs.

opportunities that Caucasus region and landlocked Central Asian countries have. Anaklia’s primary market consists of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Vibrant economy and high expected GDP growth anticipated by IMF for the next 10 years of above mentioned countries will be the key driver that will serve as Anaklia port’s main markets. The so-called secondary market that consists of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and North-Western Iran is an additional captive hinterland that Anaklia will be serving. Anaklia port will have a direct impact on the enhanced capabilities of Georgia’s transit corridor, to maintain its competitive edge as a bridge between Asia and Europe. Currently container throughput is driven by domestic demand and transit demand for imported goods. Therefore, Anaklia port’s primary goal will be to attain volumes destined both for primary and secondary markets. As port is planned to be constructed into 9 phases, each phase will have its priority in regards of port’s strategic development. During phase 1, top priorities will be to secure Primary market share (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia). By end of phase 1 Anaklia port will be critical part of regional trade with roughly 48-50% of containers from existing regional market. In addition, Anaklia port will be capturing signiicant part of Secondary market trade which in total converts port as the main trade hub for Caucasus and Central Asian countries.

portis maxasiaTeblebi anaklia saqarTveloSi pirveli 16-metriani siRrmis porti iqneba. misi Tanamedrove infrastruqtura portis produqtiulobas, sandoobas da momsaxurebis maRal xarisxs ganapirobebs. portis dagegmareba gamtarunarianobis etapobrivad gazrdazea morgebuli. es sistema, mis op-

PORT CHARACTERIsTICs The Port of Anaklia will be the irst port in Georgia with deep water and state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment. This will signiicantly increase port productivity (a reduction in vessel loading and unloading times), eficiency and reliability, and provide superior service to customers.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika eraciul efeqturobasTan erTad, kapitaluri danaxarjebis Semcirebasac iTvaliswinebs. anakliis porti aseve gamorCeuli iqneba: sarkinigzo da sagzao infrastruqturasTan maRali xarisxis komunikaciiT; 10,000 TEU-s gadamzidavi gemebisa da sxvadasxva tipisa da moculobis tvirTis gamtarunarianobiT; ekomegobruli aqtivobebiT. kadrebiT dakompleqteba da adgilobrivi ganviTareba erT-erTi mniSvnelovani Sedegi, romelsac anakliis portis ganviTareba iTvaliswinebs, adgilobrivi mosaxleobis dasaqmebaa. anakliis ganviTarebis konsorciumi yvela rgolSi maqsimalurad adgilobriv kadrebs mouyris Tavs. saqarTvelos moqalaqeebisgan dakompleqtdeba mSeneblobis etapze momuSaveTa 90% da portis ganviTarebis etapebze dasaqmebul kvalificiur TanamSromelTa sul mcire 40%-50%. saboloo jamSi, proeqtis farglebSi saqarTvelos aTasobiT moqalaqe dasaqmdeba. portis amuSavebamde anakliaSi adgilobrivi kadrebis gadasamzadebeli centri imuSavebs. mosaxleobis profesiuli ganviTareba konsorciumis mTavari amocanaa, radgan es proeqtis warmatebis sawindaria.

zrda: samomavlo SesaZleblobebi biznesis ganviTarebisTvis portis mimdebare teritoriaze dagegmili Tavisufali industriuli zonis ganviTareba anakliis proeqtis mniSvnelovani komponentia. Tiz-i adgilobriv da saerTaSoriso bizness xelsayrel pirobebs da damatebiT SeRavaTebs hpirdeba. zonaSi moqmedi biznesebi specialuri sakanonmdeblo CarCoTi isargebleben, romelic maT daubegrav reJims da importisa da eqsportis bazrebTan pirdapir wvdomas sTavazobs. amavdroulad, Tavisufali industriuli zona ports ekonomikurad ufro mimzidvels gaxdis da mas damatebiT brunvas moutans. rogorc zemoT aRvniSneT, Tavisi strategiuli mdebareobidan gamomdinare, anakliis porti CineTsa da evropas Soris vaWrobas Seuwyobs xels. wliurad CineTi 175 milion TEU tvirTs gadazidavs (2013), romlis daaxloebiT 20% evropiskenaa mimarTuli. es weliwadSi daaxloebiT 34 milion TEU-s Seadgens. Tu anaklia SeZlebs, miizidos da gaataros am tvirTis mxolod 1%, es weliwadSi damatebiT 340,000 TEU iqneba. saqarTvelos marSrutis sicocxlisunarianoba ganaxlebul „abreSumis gzaze“ bolodroindelma eqsperimentmac gaamyara, roca CineTis dasavluri qalaqidan, kiutunidan gamosuli ramdenime matarebeli TbilisSi sul raRac 8 dReSi Camovida. am moxerxebuli derefnis gasaviTareblad, saqarTvelosTan erTad, sazRvao Tu saxmeleTo infrastruqturaSi mniSvnelovan investicias yazaxeTi da azerbaijanic axorcieleben. portisa da mis garSemo gaSenebuli Tavisufali industriuli zonis kombinacia regionSi pirdapiri


Georgia’s European Way | July 2016

A master plan is suited to volume projections including suficient container storage and superior off-dock capabilities. Anaklia port is designed in such a way to maximize cargo throughput, enable lexibility to adapt to future cargo demands, and increase operating eficiency while minimizing capital costs. The design displays a port that will bypass all ports in the region with superior connections to existing rail and road infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, modern communication infrastructure, berthing of 10,000 TEU vessels, lexibility for multiple cargo and vessel types, and eco-friendly practices. The design has been divided into nine expansion phases to eficiently deploy capital, maximize return, and to provide ADC with expansion lexibility to match the market demands of the future. sTAffING AND lOCAl DEVElOPMENT The development of Anaklia port will have huge direct and indirect impact on local employment and the spread of most recent engineering and construction knowledge existing in today’s world. At least 40% - 50% of qualiied workforce will be Georgian employees and 90% of Non-qualiied workforce will also be citizens of Georgia who will be engaged during the construction period. After Port becomes operational, special training center and programs will apply to support local employment with the premises of Anaklia port. Anaklia Development Consortium (ADC) strongly believes that a strong base of professional talent, some of whom have construction experience will satisfy the needs that is required to build state-of-the-art port. ADC will be committed hiring locally at all levels, from low skilled jobs to highly technical engineering roles in order to maintain lawless execution of the project. Thousands of local Georgians will be employed by this project over the course of many years, and training this workforce will be a major focus to ensure a quality project is put in place and that the employees beneit greatly from the experience they gain. GROWTH: RElATED AND fUTURE BUsINEss OPPORTUNITIEs The Anaklia project envisages the development of a Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) adjacent to the port. ADC has proposed the additional concession of a Free Industrial Zone, which would be administered with a tax free regime, providing added incentive for shipping companies. Free Industrial Zone will be a signiicant component of the entire Anaklia project, which will create additional economies for local and international businesses. Businesses that will be operating at Anaklia’s Free Industrial Zone, will beneit from special legislative framework that proposes tax free regime and immediate accessibility to import-export markets. The port provides beneit to occupiers of the industrial zone who will be attracted to the location due to availability of port functions. Simultaneously, the industrial zone enhances the attractiveness of the port and provides additional throughput. In addition to Free Industrial Zone, port of Anaklia is located on “Ancient Silk Road” which will naturally facilitate China to Europe trade. The shortest route between the two continents passes through Georgia, giving Anaklia port strategic importance to handle Chinese volumes destined for European markets. On a yearly basis China transports over 175 million TEU (2013), of which an estimated 20% is transported towards Eu-

Business and Economy | biznesi da ekonomika

ucxouri investiciebis mozidvas ganapirobebs. TizSi Camoyalibdeba industriuli klasterebi, romlebic mrewvelobis momijnave dargebis ganviTarebasac Seuwyobs xels. mTlianobaSi, Tavisufali industriuli zona Tavis wvlils Seitans damatebiTi samuSao adgilebis Seqmnasa da regionuli ekonimikis ganviTarebaSi.


rope, over 34 million TEU per annum. If Anaklia succeeds to gain only 1% of this cargo low, this would translate into an additional 340,000 TEU per year. The recent developments on “Silk Road” has proven the viability of this route, when several trains departing from Chinese Western city quityn reached Tbilisi in 12 days. All countries that are located on “Silk Road” are extensively investing in infrastructure to meet with the recent developments to revive the ancient trade Route. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia are heavily investing in their sea/ land infrastructure to create seamless corridor that will match elevated future trade. The Anaklia FIZ, being a green ield development, will evolve over time as the clusters mature and start interacting with one another. The logistic clusters tend to develop initially as a general warehousing facility in the early phases and then eventually attract high valued services providers, inally becoming a hub for the region.


The combination of the Port and Industrial clusters around it can help attract new foreign direct investment (FDI) into the region and also help the Port to gain regional prominence. As the clusters mature, this will lead to allied industries locating next to this area and the area will transform into a port based industrial hub. This will also lead to job creation and enhancement of local skills.



The overall concept of Free Industrial Zone will be cluster based, which will enhance following industries: Logistics cluster will help Anaklia port establish as a regional transhipment hub for a range of exporting industries. Dedicated zone for training and development of human resources will help address regional workforce skills development objectives. In addition the development of advanced capability in food processing presents scope for small and medium scale businesses and an opportunity to train the local population with existing strengths in agriculture related skills.

ivlisi 2016 | saqarTvelos evropuli gza


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