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TumorImager™ TumorManager™

Next-generation Measurement for Preclinical animal studies


Ǧ Make accurate tumor volume measurements fast (scan time <1.4 sec) Ǧ Improve statistical significance and sensitivity Ǧ Eliminate manual data transcription errors Ǧ Eliminate operator bias Ǧ Decrease manual repetitive tasks Ǧ Increase productivity Ǧ Reduce labor costs (up to 50%) Ǧ Reduce animal costs (up to 35%) Ǧ Shorten time to IND

Tumor Management System

A Complete Solution for Subcutaneous Tumor Measurements

TumorImagerTM provides the most accurate results… Camera Laser



TumorImagerTM is a 3D laser scanning device for subcutaneous tumor measurements on small lab animals. It uses a laser and camera system that projects a laser line on the tumor to be measured. As the laser line moves over the tumor placed within the mask, the camera takes pictures of the line and calculates the x, y, and z coordinates of the surface of the tumor. The patented algorithms then segment the tumor out of all the data points and calculate the volume. This leads to more accurate volumes than the simple formulas assumed when using calipers.

TumorImagerTM accurately measures the volume of necrotic as well as odd shaped tumors while Calipers are recognized as highly inaccurate.

Comparison with Current Processes





Average deviation1



Measurement time2

7-10 sec

<3.0 sec

Recording time3

9 sec

0 sec

Tumor shape dependency

Half ellipsoid

Shape independent

Tumor size (long axis)


<2.8 cm4

Operators needed



1. Average of deviations from plethysmometer measurements (mm3) 2. Time for making one tumor measurement. 3. Time to record results to paper/Excel or to a database for manual entry systems only. 4. With the use of a special larger mask.

Ǧ Accurate volume measurements Ǧ Improved p values and greater detection sensitivity Ǧ Fast (scan animal in <1.4 sec) Ǧ Sedation of animals is not required Ǧ Real time data analysis Ǧ Eliminate operator bias Ǧ Tumor Shape independent measurements Ǧ Measure necrotic tumors accurately Ǧ Save scanned tumor images automatically for further analysis

TumorManagerTM automates data management ‌ The integrated program controls the scanner plus collects and manages tumor data for oncology drug research. It consists of study protocol creation; tabular and graphical presentation of individual and group animal volume, weight and clinical observational data; real time tumor metric calculations; statistical analysis; survival tests; integrated randomization of animal grouping; cage handling; user defined task management; and extensive reporting of results.

Comparison with Current Processes Function

Typical Lab


Data recording


SQL Server Database




Data protection


Database, password, task and user dependent

Tumor metric calculations

If calculated they are not real time.

Real time calculations of Volume, TDT, LogCellKill etc.

Data display

Requires programming

Real time table/ graphs

Animal grouping

Either manually or by use of a program

Volume/weight based randomization integrated


Tables, manual transfer to Word, pdf, Excel etc.

30+ reports on protocol, data and analysis integrated

TumorManagerTM 6 Reports

30+ user selected reports Export data to Word, Excel, PDF & html

Descriptive Normality, Homogeneity ANOVA / DOE Multiple Comparisons

TumorImagerTM / Calipers / Balances 1 Multi-source RFID Readers / Manual data entry data entry Import study data from other imagers

2 Multiple Tumor Metrics

5 Statistical Analysis

Animal ID / Tumor Volume Body Weight / Weight stratification User defined / Manual

4 Animal Randomization

3 Protocol driven

T-C, TDT, TVDD Log Cell Kill Tumor Growth Inhibition

Study creation / User roles / Task scheduling Dosing / Animal Fate / User defined terms

Tumor Management System:

A Complete Solution Studies have shown that the TumorImagerTM gives you more accurate volume data with better p-values, resulting in Dose Response curves that are more sensitive allowing drug response to be detected earlier in xenograft studies than is possible with calipers.

TumorImagerTM Specifications Scan range (along y axis)

35 mm

Camera working distance

100 mm

Maximum tumor size along x-y

25 (28) mm

Maximum tumor height

18 mm

Tumor scan time

<1.4 sec

Resolution, z axis

0.04% (10 Îźm)

Linearity, z axis (Âą3 sigma)

0.2% (50 Îźm)

Light source laser diode

655 nm, 15 mW

Laser class

Class 2M

Computer Interface

Firewire & USB 2.0

Interface cable length

Up to 6ft

rs needed


TumorManagerTM Specifications ÇŚ “™Š—‹†ˆŠ˜ ™” š’”— ’†ŒŠ—TM, serial balances, calipers and RFID readers. ÇŚ —”™”ˆ”‘ ‰—Ž›Š“ ‹š“ˆ™Ž”“˜ ˜šˆÂ? †˜ ‰†™† Š“™—žƽ ‰”˜Ž“Œ †“‰ ™†˜Â? ŒŠ“Š—†™Ž”“ǀ ÇŚ —”Œ—†’ Â‘ÂŽÂ’ÂŽÂ™Â˜Ćż Č Č› ÂŒÂ—Â”ÂšÂ•Â˜Ç Â˜Â™ÂšÂ‰ÂžĆ˝ ČœČ›Č› Â†Â“ÂŽÂ’Â†Â‘Â˜Ç ÂŒÂ—Â”ÂšÂ•Ć˝ Č?Č› Â‰Â—ÂšÂŒÂ˜Ç Â˜Â™ÂšÂ‰ÂžÇ€ ÇŚ Š•”—™˜ †“‰ ‰†™† ˆ†“ ‡Š ŠÂ?•”—™Š‰ ™” ”—‰ƽ Â?ÂˆÂŠÂ‘Ć˝ †“‰ —Ž˜’ǀ ÇŚ Ž“‰”œ˜ ‡†˜Š‰ š˜Š— Ž“™Š—‹†ˆŠ †‘‘”œ˜ ™Â?Š š˜Š— ™” ˆÂ?””˜Š † Â’Â”ÂšÂ˜ÂŠĆ˝ ™”šˆÂ? Â˜ÂˆÂ—ÂŠÂŠÂ“Ć˝ Â†Â“Â‰Ç Â”Â— ‹””™ •Š‰†‘˜ ™” ˆ”“™—”‘ ™Â?Š ˜ž˜™Š’ǀ ÇŚ Š—›Š— Č?Č›Č›Č Ç ČŁ ‡†ˆÂ?Š“‰ǀ ÇŚ —”Œ—†’ Â˜ÂŠÂˆÂšÂ—ÂŽÂ™ÂžĆ˝ †ˆˆŠ˜˜ †“‰ š˜Š— ˆ”“™—”‘ǀ ÇŚ Š•”—™ ŒŠ“Š—†™Ž”“ ‹”— Â›Â”Â‘ÂšÂ’ÂŠÇ ÂœÂŠÂŽÂŒÂ?™ ‰†™† ĘŽ •‘”™˜ǀ ÇŚ Č?Čœ †—™ ČœČœ ˆ”’•‘Ž†“™ǀ

Tumor Management System TumorImager™ +TumorManager™

A Complete Solution! 이제 “Anesthetics”, “Sample Prep Time”, Expensive Price”, “Radioactive Materials”, “Contrast Agent”로부터 벗 벗어나라!! 어나라!! Check Point Ǧ 연구자의 눈높 눈높이에 맞춰 가장 실용적으로 사용 가능한 System (Simple, Fast, Accurate) Ǧ 동물이 살아 있는 상태에서 측정 가능하며, Foot Pedal 제공 Ǧ 3D 레이져 스캐닝으로 1.4초 내에 정확한 volume 측정 및 데이터 전환 가능 Ǧ 편리한 프로그램 구성으로 즉시 Data randomization & 통계처리 가능 (p-value 우수) Ǧ Necrotic Tumor 측정 가능 Ǧ Fully automated & Compacted Design Ǧ Save Time & Money Ǧ 검증된 Reference: AstraZeneca, Bayer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson

The working principle SCANNER

Data capture to analysis & Reporting final results


Laser Lens z

y x

Tumor Mask

Many types of tumor models

Biopticon ෉֝‫ܒ‬୥۩ࠤ୥ 서울특별시 서초구 양재동 205-1 성운빌딩 2층

Tel : 02-3672-3188

Fax 02-3672-3187

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