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editor's letter
Editor'sEditor's LetterLetter
written by Delbar Rosana Ifra Zafira
Fashion is truly a magnificent aspect of art that allows us to take selfexpression to a whole new extent. Fashion not only reflects our personality, it reflects our mood, style, and overall, who we are as a person. Each and every one of us has our own fashion sense, and that’s what makes us unique.
Okay, moving past that cliché opening, I do moderately agree that someone’s fashion sense is able to reflect their personality. “Oh this person is wearing bright and flashy colors” - chances are that person probably has a bubbly personality, or maybe not at all! Someone could be wearing dark colors and still have a bubbly personality, someone could be wearing extravagant clothing and still be shy to talk to people. So really, does our fashion sense reflect who we are as a person? Well the answer is: it often does!
We usually dress based on our style of interest, or or on how we feel at that time. That means a bigger portion of the clothes we wear do actually represent our mood and personality, except for the days where our mood might have shifted, or maybe the days where we just want a change in style and try out new looks.
Not only that, the way we interpret other people’s fashion sense also tells us a whole lot about ourselves. You see someone walking by and the first thing you notice is that they’re wearing head-to-toe designer clothing what is your first assumption of them? Are you going to judge them based on this? It’s undeniable that some people judge others based on what they wear, at least before they get to know one another. When meeting new people or simply seeing strangers pass by it’s common to judge them based on our preconceptions.
So what do you think about this topic of fashion? If it has drawn your interest, then this issue is perfect for you! In this issue we cover all sorts of interesting topics revolving around fashion, which will hopefully be enjoyed by all our readers.

eu/noi/art by Renata Gautama Woen (G7)