Rete Montagna Interna,onal Congress Eurac Conven,on Center -‐ Bolzano/Bozen -‐ IT November, 6th -‐ 8th 2014
A"er Schengen
Strategy for a smart reuse of disused areas sites in Pontebba
Francesca Peroni Marianna Mazzucco
After Schengen
Strategy for a smart reuse of disused areas sites in Pontebba
Topics changing economies, tourism & regionality, Alpine agricolture, new inhabitans and demographic inversion, reuse, recovery of land, renewable energies, sustainable mobility and sustainable tourism
Master thesis in landscape design
UniversitĂ IUAV di Venezia academic year 2013-2014 supervisor Viviana Ferrario
Design approach 1. 2. 3. 4.
Identification and quantification of abandonments Identification of resources Strategy formulation Check one of the components of the strategy through an exploration project
Which metodology? a. b. c. d.
an important fieldwork interviews to main stake holders a photographic campaign cartographic research
We mapped each single disused area in Pontebba and reconstructed graphically the evoluCon of land use changes (e.g. forest expansion and loss of slope meadows).
region Friuli Venezia Giulia province Udine altitude 568 m asl residents 1.503
Pontebba Pontafel Udine
Villach Tarvisio
Udine Trieste
1915 Border of the Kingdom of Italy and Austro-Hungarian Empire until the WW I
1918 Border of Italy and Austria after the WW I
1. customs disuse
[Schengen Agreement 1995]
2. military areas abandonment [End of Cold War 1989]
3. mountain farming decline (spontaneous reforestation)
Numbers of military disuse in Friuli
50% 3928 Km2 militarized areas in Friuli
1,3% 103 Km2 militarized area in Friuli- a barrack every 100 km
428 sites the total number most probable
[Cinemazero, Tuckerfilm e Larea – Arpa FVG, 2010, sito web: Un paese di Primule e Caserme]
1. customs disuse 2. military areas abandonment
280.000mq Abandoned areas (% on the urban area)
military disuse customs disuse
border changes 1914/18
1939/45 1951/63
1989 1995 End of Schengen Cold War Agreement
2007 Schengen Agreement
169.000mc Abandoned areas
3. meadows and pastures decrease
1960 border changes 1914/18
Mountain farming extension of the decline customs in Pontebba 1939/45 1951/63
1995 1989 Schengen End of Cold War Agreement
2007 Schengen Agreement
STRATEGY_goals > Redevelopment of the area > PopulaCon inversion > new employment > new opportuniCes for young people
STRATEGY Tourism The Contracting Parties shall, when developing tourism, take account of issues such as the conservation of nature and the countryside. They undertake to promote, as far as possible, projects which enhance the countryside and are environmentally acceptable. Tourism Protocol, Alpine Convention
Mobility Ensure the movement of intra-Alpine and transalpine transport at economically bearable costs by increasing the efficiency of transport systems and promoting modes of transport which are more environmentally-friendly and more economic in terms of natural resources. Transport Protocol, Alpine Convention
[…] seek to make energy use more environmentally friendly and shall, as a priority, encourage energy saving and rational energy use, particularly concerning production processes, public services and large hotel complexes, as well as facilities for transport and sport and leisure activities. Energy Protocol, Alpine Convention
Energy Mountain farming […] recognising and securing the continuity of its essential contribution to maintaining the population and safeguarding sustainable economic activities, particularly by means of producing typical high-quality produce, […] and recreational value of nature and the countryside and of cultural life in the Alpine region. Mountain Farming Protocol, Alpine Convention
Synergy of resources
STRATEGY Temporality
ski slopes Ropeway Pontebba/Nassfeld-Pramollo WW I multimedia museum
Farming cooperative Summer PONTEBBA
production and sale visit to huts
path of the trenches of WW I
Alpe Adria Radweg (rent,bike grill) nature trails and hiking
“Saper individuare la bellezza del mondo, saperla leggere e interpretare non serve solo a diventare più intelligenti, serve a goderne meglio e di più. Perché non ci sono solo bellezze evidenti, ma anche bellezze difficili, difficili come certi quadri, che diventano incantevoli solo quando li si è studiati un pò” [G. Cenacchi, La valle più brutta delle Dolomiti, marzo 1996]
Thank you