European Democrat Students, BullsEye Magazine, 81st Edition

Page 14

The EU’s Role in Creating a Green World

5’ read

Climate change and environmental degradation are no longer topics reserved only for liberal arts graduates and hipsters. It has become mainstream and essential for our future. The consequences of our urbanisation, transportation, and agriculture are creating problems around the world. We have more and more extreme events during the year, from record high-temperatures to floodings and droughts. Over the last year, we have witnessed the potential a world crisis such as the pandemic can have on humanity. Only our joint efforts and response can solve, or at least manage, a worldwide problem. One of those is climate change. But before that, we have to recover from the COVID pandemic that hit us. At the start of her mandate, the President of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen, stated that Europe should become the first climate-neutral continent in the world. That promise was reaffirmed at the end of last year. The EU once again committed itself to a green recovery, but will that be enough?



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