ISDL Newsletter AUGUST 2019

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JUNE 2019

NEWSLETTER The 2nd newsletter of the project Integration by Social and Digital Learning, ISDL

About us

Other articles About us - ISDL 1 Project results 3 Training Event 4 Third project meeting 6 Fourth project meeting 8 My experience 12

ISDL Integration by Social and Digital Learning) is an international project of research and exchange of good practice examples, funded through the EU program Erasmus+. The project focuses about migrant population and unemployed in different countries and grows out of the belief that successful social inclusion and integration is dependent on the availability of intensive adult learning pathways promoting specifically cultural sensitivity and digital literacy.

Project partners: We are 6 project partners - organisations from Poland, Italy, Turkey, Romania, and Germany - reflecting on and sharing knowledge, experiences, and data collected.

Institutul Bucovina, Romania BUCOVINA: NGO working in the field of adult education and rehabilitation of disadvantaged groups.

Euro-Idea Fundacja SpolecznoKulturalna: It is a non-profit, private organization, funded in 2010 in Krakow, Poland. Working daily in social and cultural fields. The mission is based on collaboration and pro-European spirit.

Euro-Net: A not-for-profit association from Italy that provides social services to children, young people and adults.

Kirsehir Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugh, Turkey: It is the national education directorate at regional level, and it is responsible towards the Ministry of Education in terms of duties and services.

Knuepfwerk e.V., Germany Creates a basis for encounters between people from different social and cultural contexts and backgrounds through interdisciplinary workshops and artistic projects.

Fundacja Biuro Inicjatyw Spolecznych, Poland: Is a non-governmental organization, which has been functioning in the Lesser Poland Region.


The aim of the project has therefore been to seek out examples of good practices from

about European cases of integration by social and digital learning. Since the end of 2017 the six partners of the project – organizations based in Poland, Italy, Turkey, Romania and Germany - have researched, collected, reflected and exchanged information about the topic of integration in their respective national contexts.

NGOs, organizations and initiatives, that have developed creative and wellworking methods and practices for integration. In this research and selection process we have specifically looked for examples that have shown to adapt well to changing circumstances, keeping a stable and sustainable structure over time. Another important criteria for us in the search was that the examples

We believe that there are many important innovative approaches to this form of adult learning already existing, and that we can all profit a lot from seeing what is working well in other countries and contexts.

found offered methods or approaches that could be transferred to and easily applied in different national and regional contexts. Our project is aimed at anyone working within adult education with a focus on migrants and unemployed. Our goal and wish is that this collection of best practices can be used as source of inspiration for organizations all over Europe that work with and promote integration of migrants. Through our findings we are hoping to be able to offer new ideas and impulses for the educational activities they are offering.

Joint Staff Training Event, Potenza, 06th 10th November 2018

Joint Staff Training Event was hosted by Euro-Net from 06th to 10th of November 2018 in Potenza (Italy). Generally, the Joint Staff Training Event was designed to train the staff about the main project topics as well as for group building experience.

The event was to: • improve and reinforce language skills in the target and the host country language,

• provide adequate training approach with a different culture, • train participants on the use of modern ICT tools. During the event it was provided a mix of activities and transfer of knowledge thanks to lessons, interactive presentations, training and open sessions to discuss about the project topics and to share experience and knowledge.

The overall aim of the event was to become an expert in the integration by social and digital learning and ready to transfer the acquired knowledge by acting as educators for adults.

The participants attended in following workshops and trainings: • Cultural awareness workshop by BUCOVINA INSTITUTE • Cultural Awareness & Active Citizenship and Community Building by BIS • Social Communication Methodologies workshop by KNÜPFWERK e.V. • Digital literacy, Social networks management by EURO-NET • Digital Education by KIRSEHIRMEM • Open Government presentation by EURO-IDEA.FSK.

The group building was reinforced throe social meals and cultural visit. In fact, the participants were able to visit the European Capital of Culture 2019 – Sassi di Matera and try local cuisine.

More insights on: and facebook

Third project meeting, Suceava,9th-10th May 2019

The third Transnational Project Meeting in Suceava (Romania) was hosted by Institutul Bucovina, from 09th to 10th of May 2019. The project partners were involved in management and administrative issues considering the final output of the project - the best practices guide and best practice selection process.

During our cultural study visit to the Migrants center from Radauti, Suceava, we have accomplished new and surprising information regarding their activities and the work of local NGO`s in the process of integration of this vulnerable group.

During our second day of meeting, we have developed newsletter content and attended "The International Seminar on Good Practice on Inclusion migrants ", a dissemination event for our project, best practice exchange by presenting 1 BP from each partner country followed by presentation of every local party involved in the matter of vulnerable groups integration-NGO`s and local authorities with their activities. The whole experience, both cultural and management related experience was productive.

Fourth project meeting, Berlin,25th-26th July 2019

During the last transnational project meeting our team was engaged in finalizing the project activities. The main focus was on final handbook proofreading and correction of the texts in order to: 1. ensure that the descriptions of the practices will be accessible and easily readable 2. increase our awareness about the content of the handbook to reach up on more effective dissemination activities

We also visited the Berlin Wall Memorial and discovered Berlin through the eyes of a Syrian woman who came to the city as a refugee. The meeting ended with a dinner at a restaurant run by refugees in an informal atmosphere.

Thanks to collaborative and work-in-group attitude the team was really effective pursuing the above goals. We were also focussed on the intensive ongoing dissemination activities in the last stage of the project.

Sunny meeting in Berlin

Thank you!!!

My experience

Merve Turkyurt / Turkey

Łukasz Filipiak / Poland

My best experience during this meeting was our visit to the migrant center in Radauti. It

At this stage of project, I think the biggest experience, which made a big impression on me, was the visits in places, in which You can learn about the biggest challenges connected with refugees and migrant, which national and regional host countries administration needs to face up. In this field, both visits – in migrants’ school in Kirsehir, Turkey and Migrants Centre in Radauti in Romania were crucial for me to experience how complex is the issue of migrant’s integration. Those visits prove that the action taken by states administration is not enough to provide sufficient help and support to refugees and migrants. Support of third sector organization is highly needed in this area, to help migrant to integrate with the local communities. I think many of good practices, we collected during our work, should be shared among NGO’s working for migrants integration. Many solutions are very universal, and it’s possible to transfer and use them in many European countries.

made me question myself. When I was there, I found a chance to put myself in their place, so I could understand them better and that made me more volunteer to work on this area. When I go back to my country, I`d like to learn more about the difficulties that they face, and I want to put more effort on this subject

learn about the biggest challenges connected with refugees and migrants

My experience

Ruxandra Lazariuc / Romania

Marta Marzec / Poland

ISDL means new experiences and new views regarding the matter of social integration not

This project gave me the opportunity to learn more about the situation of refugees and immigrants in Poland and other countries. I met great, passionate people who help others in a difficult process of starting new life in a different country, often after traumatized war experiences. Doing my research, I was in awe seeing such a great variety of innovative ideas and projects – which often were grass-root initiatives. Also, the meetings in the project we had in different countries were really important and inspirational. The most interested for me was the visit in Turkey where the refugee situation is a big issue. We visited school for refugees and had the opportunity to talk to teachers. It was an eyeopening experience making me see that refugee’s situation is a real challenge of the world we live in. And thanks to this project I am now in the network of people who really do things to change the situation of refugees and immigrants and I can engage in those actions as well.

Doing my research, I was in awe seeing such a great variety of innovative ideas and projects

only on migrants but on all vulnerable groups. The impact of this project on Bucovina Institute and personally on me is quite impressive as I had the opportunity to discover new values and approaches on working with these disadvantaged categories, by gathering interesting ideas from all over the world. I think the exchange of best practices we gathered during the project will have a great impact on the general target group of disadvantaged people, local authorities implied in the matter of social inclusion and on the labour market but also other NGO`s.

My experience Hanna Nordquist/Germany My experience in ISDL-Project! An important experience for me within the ISDLProject, was the practical sharing of approaches during the Joint Staff Event in Potenza in November 2019. I remember being instructed to draw a map of my living area, with the public institutions and places of meeting: How interesting it was to see how suddenly different problematic issues and lacks became so clear and visible to me. Which social groups and age groups were excluded or had less access to these places? How could this area be improved and made more accessible to all? What would improve the possibility for different social and age group to meet and exchange - to share the space in a positive way! These somehow very simple methods and approaches that lead to such deep reflections on inclusion and integration and sparked new creative ideas. Generally, this is also what I take with me from my experience with ISDL: The very valuable exchange of ideas, methods and approaches, both during formal events, presentations and workshops during the meetings where I took part - in Poland, Turkey and Italy. And also, the inspiring exchanges that took place during the more informal parts of the meeting: Like for example sharing experience and reflections on our work in the car on the way to Cappadocia, or during the walk along the river in Krakow, or through Matera’s historical city center…! This has given me extremely valuable new insights that have enriched and deepen my way of working with and my approach to integration and adult lifelong-learning.

My experince Ali Erdem/ Turkey

The project has been an example of good practice that should and can be follow. We did a whole range of activities, including socializing with our friends from other countries. We involved teachers from other NGO’s, parents, residents and local authorities. We produced questionnaires, surveys, quizzes, leaflets, posters and brochures, videos, a project website, Facebook. This project has undoubtedly had a positive impact on its participants, such as all the adults of the NGO’s, parents, the teachers and visitors. The project has also had a huge positive impact on the teachers who have participated in it. It has had a positive impact on our local communities, too. Due to some dissemination activities, including meetings with parents, with students, students’ photo and other works’ exhibitions, performances, leaflets distribution, we were able to make the ideas and results of this project widespread and raise public awareness locally. In particular, the directorate has changed its imagine for the better and its prestige has increased. It has gained the opportunity to act in the European educational space and thus has raised its European dimension.


Integration through Social and Digital Learning (ISDL) Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for adult education – Exchanges of Practices. Project no. 2017-1-PL01KA204-038285


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission/National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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