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MEXICO: VOICE AND IMAGE AL-Invest IV Programme. Facilitating the Internationalization of Latin American SMEs. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Nacional Financiera, S.N.C., and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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The AL-INVEST Program is one of the most important Regional Economic Cooperation Programs of the European Commission in Latin America.

The general aim of phase IV of the AL-INVEST program is to contribute to the social cohesion, through support to the strengthening and internationalisation of Latin American Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), and the exchange of innovations, knowledge and economic relations with their European counterpart companies.

The Program is based on the shared values and common strategic interests that exist between the European Union and Latin America. But it also exists because the European Union is an important political, economic, commercial and financial partner for Latin America. The AL-INVEST Program is part of the development Policy of the European Union, established under the European Consensus on Development, and is based on the objectives of: poverty reduction; sustainable economic and social development; and the progressive and harmonious integration of developing countries into the world economy.

More specifically, this Program wants to contribute to Latin American SMEs becoming the local development engine, taking advantage of: globalisation opportunities; regional integration; commercial agreements; and business cooperation with Europe.

AL-INVEST is a pioneering Programme of the European Commission that began its activities in 1994, with a pilot phase, at the time in which market liberalisation policies were beginning to facilitate international trade expansion. So far there have been three phases: Phase I (1995-1999), Phase II (2000-2004), and Phase III (2004-2008). Phase IV of this Program began in January 2009.

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ACALOA IMAGEN It was founded with the objective of developing film and television projects, as well as new technologies for production, sales and distribution, as well as interactive applications and computer games. Production of audiovisual contents | 3D Animation Production | Stereoscopic Production | Manuel Ma. Contreras 10-308 | Col. San Rafael | CP 06470, MEXICO DF Phone 52 55 52085941

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ANIMA ESTUDIOS With a strong focus on technology and innovation, Ánima prides itself on producing original comedies that feature unique characters and stories. In addition, the versatile house is known for stellar service work in both Flash and CG. In November 2003, Ánima released Wizards and Giants. This charming, well-received comedy marked a number of milestones. It was not only the first film animated in Mexico in over 30 years, but the first movie to be animated digitally in the region. Wizards and Giants was later released throughout Latin America to large audiences with a solid M&L campaign. Imaginum, the company’s second film, appeared in Latin American theaters in 2005. Agent Macaw:

Shaken and Stirred, Ánima’s third cinematographic project, was released in Mexican territories in 2009. The studio is currently at work on its first all CG movie, Gaturro a co-production with Illusion Studios and on Top Cat: The Movie. Long-format co-productions include Kung Fu Magoo with Classic Media and Triple A: The Movie, with PAP. Ánima’s extensive work in animated series for television includes Cascaritos and Poncho Balón. And, with over 113 episodes in the can, the studio continues to produce El Chavo. The animated 2D & 3D Animation Production | Montes Urales 360 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo | CP 11000, MEXICO D.F Phone 52 55 52026858

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What is Laguna Fest?


LagunaFest is an animation, video game, and new media festival that was born to ignite and to promote the creative industries related to entertainment in the northern region of Mexico. Also, to broaden the type of productions, the training and the development of the producers and entrepreneurs, along with the professionalization of the sector and the networking with creators all over the world.

The “Comarca Lagunera” is located in the Northern area of Mexico; between the statelines of Durango and Coahuila. It is a dry region that had in the past 13 lagoons that gave its current name. In the last decades its main business have been the dairy, automotive, and beer industries. Currently, the metro area of La Laguna is one of the largest in the country, furthermore, its closeness to Monterrey (one of the main industry cities in Mexico) and the USA, has slowly but steadily helped the development of the multimedia industry with a growing population of students currently in the universities and a rising number of people interested in the sector.

LagunaFest supports the sharing of knowledge and best practices between artists and producers from abroad with the local industry in various activities such as conferences, workshops, business meetings, and consulting. Finally, with a varied selection of the best and most representative works of animation, video games, and experimental art from around the world, LagunaFest wants to create new audiences in Mexico for the different expressions of the moving art and interactive narratives while connecting the local producers and market with international artists and future investors.

LagunaFest wants to become an advertising and exchange platform of the best animated and interactive content in the world, while generating new audiences in the North Zone of Mexico stimulating the creation of the local industry with international standards.



México is country full of contrasts. Through time, its vast and ample territory has been a stage for the settlement of human groups that, even though they share many cultural aspects, they ended differentiating against each other in radical ways because of the great lengths that splitted them and the poor contact and exchange between them.

Activities whose goal is to construct a network of contacts for professional exchange and coproduction initiatives. Meeting intersections that link existing technologies and producers with national multimedia studios that have new talent and aim for international exposure.

03 Recruitment: Space in which new talent (students in the last stage of their bachelor’s career or recently graduated) can present their portfolio and create bonds with the multimedia industry producers.

During the 20th Century, the development of the nation was focused toward the center of the country. Mexico City became a great metropolis that not only represents the largest human settlement in the world, but also the creator of the majority of media production in the country. Most of the content and narratives are developed around the City.

04 Expotools: Companies that have stateof-the-art Multimedia Technology will showcase their new products developed for the Mexican market.


The activities are as follows:

01 Speed Meetings: Short face to face meetings (up to 5 minutes) between national content artists and producers, investors and international distributors to present and discuss projects.

02 Pitching: Public presentations of projects that are in the final stages of development in order to obtain producing funds, investors, or distributors.

School’s Corner: An expo where the main schools will show their current multimedia courses and degrees as well as any multimedia training courses that some of the main studios offer.

06 Multimedia Mx: Pavilion in which Mexican companies will be able to showcase their services, Products, and content.

Art challenges technology and technology inspires art

07 Gamezone: Videogames and interactive activitied with assistants that will teach people, with no previous gaming experience, how to play them as well as organize tournaments.

John Lasseter

Foto de Francisco Diez

Forum Activities which focus on knowledge exhange. The main objective is for participants to know international success stories straight from the protagonists themselves: artists, animators, producers, and developers from around the world.

It is not only a matter of infrastructure and technology to inter-communicate the country but to stimulate a conversation and exchange between us and the world. This can only be achieved in a symmetrical way, starting from the creation of personal content that reflects on the vision of the diverse cultures of México. Because these diferences join us and divide us; they make us different but at the same time universal... The goal is, in the long run, that more people are able to construct new stories about México.

Meanwhile, the rest of the territory diversified in an different way: there are regions that are so isolated from the rest of the country that have kept their cultural and natural richness but at the same time they suffer from developing issues already surpassed in other regions; simultaneously, there are zones that experience an accelerated technological and qualityof-life development that is common to the developed nations, but at the same time, they have the social and environmental issues that all the big cities suffer. Pixelatl is a colective that was created with the purpose of generating platforms to bring the gaps that split the nation closer together. Not only the physical separation, but the cultural, educative, and economic distances too, taking advantage of IT and communication that, in addition to connect spaces, they democratize the multimedia creation.

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12 international conferences that will showcase best practices from the distribution, production and sales’ side. 3 Public conferences on which a famous international artist will meet with a mexican specialist to discuss their work. 6 specialized workshops for professionals, presented by some of our more renowned guests.

For that, through different platforms and projects, we are beginning to work with indigenous communities and vulnerable populations from many parts of the country, with artists and businessmen of the big cities, with the only objective to generate accessible content to the world that reflects our diversity while stimulating the industry in México that, despite recent advances, does not consolidate into a powerful sector yet.

Information and Communication Technologies are known as tools that can help social inclusion... They help to build opportunities and welfare for vulnerable communities

Participant Institutions and Business Partners Secretaría de Economía del Gobierno Federal a través del Fondo PyME Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (E-México) PROMEXICO Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico Secretaría de Cultura Secretaría de Turismo Canal onceTV Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación (CANACINTRA) Asociación Mexicana de la Industria de Tecnologás de Información (AMITI) Asociación Nacional de la Industria Audiovisual, Multimedia, Entretenimiento, y Arte Digital (ANIAMEAD) Cámara Nacional de la Industria del Cine y del Videograma (CANACINE) La Cámara Nacional de la Industria Electrónica, de Telecomunicaciones, de Tecnologías de Información (CANIETI) La Asociación Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas (AMCC) El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Torreón Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá

Partners: LatAm Cinema View Conference (Italia) Mundos Digitales (España) 3D Wire (España) Loop Festival (Colombia) Festival Cartón (Argentina) Toon a Ville (España)

Art does not reproduce the visible; rather it makes it visible

Mexico’s Digital Policy (2006-2012) Norma Jean Harris

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ARTIC (PIXELATL) Pixelatl is a collective that was created with the purpose of generating platforms to bring the gaps that split the nation closer together. Not only the physical separation, but the cultural, educative, and economic distances too, taking advantage of IT and communication that, in addition to connecting spaces, they democratize the multimedia creation. Stop Motion animation production | Animation School | Networking events and festivals

Festival // Forum // Links

October 24 - 28, 2012 | Fray Juan de Zumarraga no.215 | Lomas de Cortes | CP 62245 Cuernavaca, Mor. MĂŠxico Phone: 52 777 2418813

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Caaliope At Caaliope, you can be assured of access to a cadre of highly qualified, talented and artistic men, women, and child actors ready to deliver the finest and most accurate voice performances available in the industry. Our studios are based in Mexico City. Subtitling is available for translation of all languages into Spanish, Portuguese and English. You can be assured of excellent quality translations. Caaliope is producing Movies, Soup Operas and Series. At this time we are working the Spanish Language Dubbing of Spartacus, Camelot, The Pillars of the Earth, The Tudors, Crash, The Borgias, The Big C, Dog Whisperer.

We have been working on Spanish Language Dubbing of soap operas from different countries: Aladdin (India), Prohibited Passions (Brazil), Metamorphosis (Brazil), The Orange Lime Tree (Brazil), Little Angels (Rumania), In the name of Honour (Rumania), Reed Moon (Portugal) Boys over flowers (Korea).

Spanish-Language Dubbing | English-Language Dubbing | Subtitling: Spanish, English, Portuguese | Production | Distribution. | | Enrique Rebsamen 446 Suite 9 | Col. Narvarte CP 03020 | MEXICO D.F Phone : 52 55 24559325

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CANAL 22 Canal 22 is one of the top public TV broadcasters in Latin America. With almost 20 years, since its creation by the Mexican National Council for Culture and Arts, the station has met the expectations of a demanding and well informed audience, in the context of a very competitive market. Canal 22’s production includes a diversity of subjects, such as art, music, dance, literature, history, biography, science, nature, film, pop culture and controversial social issues. It offers content with high production values in a wide range of formats and genres: documentaries, factual programs, live shows, reality shows, panels, interviews, animation, news programs, and films made for television.

Canal 22 has obtained a number of important awards, such as UNESCO’s Camera Award for the best cultural public policy, and his programs have participated in the International Emmy Awards and the Banff World TV Festival, as well as the most important short film festivals in Mexico. The interview series, Portraits, has been recognized with the 2012 Prize UNESCO Memory of the World. Canal 22 has been instrumental in creating an appreciative audience in Mexico for a variety of artistic and cultural expressions from all over the world. Canal 22 can also be seen throughout the United States on pay television through an array of cable companies, with programming for a Spanish speaking audience interested in Mexico and Latin America. | | Atletas 2, Edif. Pedro Infante | Col. Country Club, Coyoacán | CP04220, MEXICO D.F Phone: 52 55 56899774

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CHAMAN ANIMATION STUDIO Chaman Animation Studio, based in Mexico City, offers post-production services including animation, visual effects, and audio.


2D & 3D animation Visual effects (VFX) | Post-Production | Stereoscopic animation | Video mapping Río Yangtse 26 oficina A | Col. Cuauhtémoc, CP 06500 | MEXICO D.F Phone 52 55 55358846

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DUBBING HOUSE Dubbing House is an Audio Production and Post Production company settled in Mexico since 2004. Providing services for the entertainment industry such as multilingual dubbing, ADR recording, subtitling, simultaneous interpretation, duplication, M&E tracks manufacturing, DVD authoring, audio postproduction, 5.1 mix for HD, storage, distribution and Digital delivery services. Our main clients are NBC-Universal, 20th Century Fox, Televisa, Anima Estudios, Power TV, Televix, IMAX, Fremantle Media, Dargaud Media, Sesame Workshop, Solferino Midia, TV Azteca, Comarex, Swen, Marvista among other International distribution and Production companies.

We had developed TV. Programs such as Modern Family, How I met your mother, Pokemon, Garfield, Power Rangers Samurai, El Chavo Animado, Hungry Heart, Le Petite Prince, Iron Man and successful Theatricals like Top Cat and Paranorman and several documentaries.

Audio post-producion | Multilingual Dubbing | ADR Recording Subtitling | Simultaneous Interpretation | Duplication DVD Authoring | Distribution | Felipe Carrillo Puerto no.83 | Del Carmen, Coyoacán CP 04100 | México DF | Phone 52 55 52 92 42 61

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FPU NEXUS FPU NEXUS is part of a group of advertising companies, production and post-production studios that focus on marketing to ensure that things happen in the place, time and way that the customer requires. We are in charge of creation to post-production. Advertising Campaigns | TV shows | Movies | Corporate Videos Documentaries | Mazatlán no.67 | Col. Condesa CP 06140 | México DF Phone: 52 55 52 60 58 79

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GYROSCOPIK STUDIOS We offer creative and technological capabilities to develop any type of animation project from a commercial, promotional, video clips, etc... To the production of animated series and feature films. 3D Visual Effects | Animation Production | Contents distribution and marketing | Cell shading animation | Motion capture VFX | Character Design Modeling | Mocap data clean-up | Ave. Cubilete no.224 | Col. Chapalita Sur CP.45040 | Zapopan, Jalisco, MEXICO Phone: 52 33 33352672

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Kaxan Media Group Kaxan Media Group is a company conformed by more than 100 people, focused on intellectual property development, mainly through films, animated series and video games produced by its three divisions: Kaxan Studios, Kaxan Games & Kaxan Campus.


Mobile Devices

• Apple iPhone / iPad Authorized Developer • Android • Microsoft Windows Phone Authorized Developer • Nokia Mobile Authorized Developer


Intellectual property development, game design, level design, concept art, character design, interface design, illustration, matte painting, 3D modeling, digital sculpting, texturing, mapping, 2D and 3D animation, inertial motion capture, cinematics, sound design, musical composition, programming.


• Authorized Developer Nintendo Wii™ • Authorized Microsoft Xbox360™ Developer • Sony PlayStation3™ and PSP® Developer Incubation Program

voice and image V06-1.indd 25 | Av. López Mateos Sur 2077–Z31 | Col. Jardines de Plaza del Sol. | CP 44510 GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, MEXICO Phone: 52 33 30307318

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LCI Incorporated LCI Incorporated offers specialized services in protection, needs detection and the best advice for safeguarding assets of individuals, private companies and government, through various services, such as: insurance and finance, Completion Bond, financing, leasing, investment, legal, administrative and financial consulting, consolidating confidence, while guaranteeing the tranquility and well being that the client deserves, plus supprt for international co-productions, distribution of films and documentaries and television in general. Production Insurance | Development & Marketing.

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LIZARD FILMS It is a production house specialized in all kinds of corporate videos, spots, advertising campaigns, tourism and industrial-oriented television programs, video-clips and feature films. Corporate videos | induction videos | commercials, advertising campaigns | TV shows | music videos, Films. | Av. Circunvalacion J. Alvarez No 1482 Int 204 | CP 44620 Ciudad Guadalajara, Jalisco, México Phone 52 33 3824 5564

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Metacube Metacube is a 100% Mexican company founded in 2002 in Guadalajara City, Jalisco State by a group of young creatives Carlos Gutierrez, Ruben Perez and Jaime Jasso to meet the growing demand for digital audiovisual productions of modern México.

Metacube experience in the field of commercial films and film and TV and other audiovisual projects and interactive media, coupled with the ongoing quest for innovative ideas and originality of Mexican talent, place our company as a leader in Animation industry and VFX in the country

Over time Metacube has specialized in digital animation and visual effects for films and television. Having a talented creative team, uses the latest digital technology to get visual results with export quality that exceed customer expectations.

Our customer commitment is to provide a professional service, always ahead and the height of the international market, with specific and practical solutions to the particular needs of their projects. VFX | 2D & 3D Animation | Stereoscopik Production | PostProduction. | Ave. General Ramón Corona | 2514 CP 45201 | Zapopan, Jalisco Phone 52 33 38327462

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NAO We are a mexican production company devoted to tv, film, web and mobile content we specialize in developing concepts as well as content. We have years of experience producing television, short films, feature films, and digital content strategies. We know how to make sitcoms, travel series, TV dramas, documentaries, and feature films, just to name a few genres. And when it comes to kids, we are one of the most experienced production team in Latin America. But what has distinguished us over the years is our ability to develop content. We are a unique mixture of research, creativity and production capacities necessary to bring our visions to life and those of our clients.

Feature Films production | T.V and short Film production Digital content strategies

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ONCE TV MEXICO Since its foundation 53 years ago, ONCE TV MEXICO, public broadcaster of the INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO NACIONAL, has been known for the responsibility with its audience, creating and transmitting contents that generate and promote human development. ONCE TV MEXICO stands out by producing attractive programs with innovative concepts and formats, for an audience that looks for intelligent, quality content. We offer the audience a wide variety of original productions such as fiction series, natural and cultural documentaries, comedy, travel, music, gastronomic tourism and art shows. The channel also counts with important programming strips: ONCE NOTICIAS, ONCE NIÑOS (for children), DIÁLOGOS (for women), and CENTRAL ONCE (for teenagers). With its analysis and debate programs, the channel adresses political, economic and social issues, along with its newscasts.

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ONCE TV MEXICO provides a new way of broadcasting where a variety of expressions are experienced and shared; a channel that engulfs the whole display of social, cultural and political events within and outside of the country; a television station that opens the door to national talent and showcases the plurality of Mexico today. Production of cultural entertainment contents | Broadcasting | Carpio No.475 | Colonia Casco de Santo Tomás | CP 11340 | MEXICO DF Phone: 52 55 53561111

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ORANGE PLANET ANIMATION STUDIOS (3D ESTUDIOS, AC) Since 2003, Orange Planet has been creating extraordinary 3D animation, stereoscopic 3D, visual effects, visualizations, live action, stop motion and video games for the medical, technology and entertainment industries. When in need to present a groundbreaking invention, to provide user tutorials for specialized machinery and processes, training material, architectural walkthroughs or preparing an appealing set of art for marketing campaigns, Orange Planet is able to do it for you, on time and within budget.

Our experienced team is ready and able to start working on your upcoming productions and endeavors. Let us help in taking your vision to another level. 3D Animation | Stereoscopic 3D | Visual Effects | Live Action Stop Motion | Video Games

3D Animation is a strong visual tool which can help explain and demonstrate some of the most complex technology, phenomena and devices. Adding to this offering, the creation of prototype presentations, motion graphics, corporate imaging, special effects, 2D animation, programming and design are amongst the solutions we can provide. | ChimalhuacĂĄn No. 3569 PB-C | Col. Ciudad del Sol | CP 45050 Zapopan, Jalisco, MEXICO Phone: 52 333122 7458

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SOLFERINO MIDIA Solferino Midia is a production and distribution company, based in Mexico City, with fifteen years of experience. It offers high quality programs in accordance with the audience, target and interests of our clients. Documentaries Production and Distribution | Galeana 101 Bis-8 | Col. San Angel | CP 01000 | MEXICO DF Phone 52 55 55500086

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TV UNAM Is the most recent tv station of the Country and gathers in it’s programming grid a high quality self production as well as an extraordinary sample of the best world television. Since it’s launching, on October 24th 2005, TV UNAM has created an own style through a programming fed from the richness of thought and creation of the University. From the widest concetioon of culture, with a deep sense of diversity and supporting new audiovisual languages and creators, TV UNAM has become a reference of the public cultural television in Mexico. TV UNAM has been the only cultural tv station to receive two nominations for the most important Mexican cinema award, the Ariel, granted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences and Arts of Cinematography. Finally, TV UNAM participated as a co-producer of the 2008 Oscar® award winning animated film Peter and the Wolf. Production of Arts & culture contents Broadcasting.

voice and image V06-1.indd 41 | Circuito Mario de la Cueva S/N, Frente a la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán | CP 04510 | MEXICO DF Phone 52 55 56229306 |

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UNMUNDUS UNMUNDUS is a production house that connects you with your audience. Our productions enhance a great value to global media and audiences that seek intelligent, entertaining and quality-oriented international contents.


With a specialized team of producers, photographers, post-producers as well as high quality and talented people we cover all your needs and we optimize your resources so that you can live the best possible production experience in Mexico. Production of Documentaries | Production of TV Series | Animation | Prolongación Río San Angel 329-6 | Col. Atlamaya | CP 01760 | MEXICO DF Phone 52 55 43 48 57 65

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The AL-INVEST IV Programme is funded by the European Union. The European Union is composed of 27 Member States that have decided to share their knowledge, resources and destiny. Together, during an enlargement period of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development, maintaining at the same time the cultural diversity, tolerance and the individual liberties. The European Union promises to share its achievements and values with the countries and peoples beyond its borders.

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Gabriel Moreno Barrón Project Manager Senior D: Plaza Inn, nivel paseo, local 340, Insurgentes Sur 1971 Col. Guadalupe Inn C.P. 01020, México D.F. M: T: 52 (55) 5325 6674 W: T @eurocentronafin


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Eurocentro Nafin México

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