Eurochild Conference 2016 Guide

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Why Europe needs to invest in children EUROCHILD CONFERENCE GUIDE 5-7 July 2106 Palais des Académies, Brussels Under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians


Welcome to the Eurochild Conference 2016! With almost 250 participants, including 60 children and young persons from 32 countries, we are delighted to be hosted by our Belgian members Kind en Gezin and Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance (ONE) at the prestigious buildings of Palace of Academies under the Patronage of Her Majesty Queen of the Belgians. Children and young people have been involved from the beginning of this conference and will play crucial roles in the delivery of the conference. This icon depicts activities that are co-chaired or facilitated by children or young people. These 3 days will offer interactive learning opportunities and discussions with politicians, policy makers, practitioners and children and young people on the theme of the conference: ‘Children’s Rights Matter: Why Europe needs to invest in children’. Over the three days, we will together answer why and how Europe needs to invest in children. The conference will focus on three target groups in particular: •

Children in poverty: More than 1 in 4 children in the EU is growing up in poverty and social exclusion.

Children on the move or affected by migration: 30% of all asylum seekers in the EU last year were children; 90,000 of them are unaccompanied, making their own journeys across Europe and therefore, at added risk.

Children in institutions or at risk of going into institutional care: An estimated 500,000 children in the EU are growing up in institutional care, without the love of a family and disconnected from mainstream society.

As Europe moves into a new chapter, let’s rewrite the way we see our society by putting children at the heart of it. Warmest wishes, Jana Hainsworth




SITE PLAN: Groundfloor


SITE PLAN: First Floor



During the Conference

When sharing photographs of the activities and the speakers tag the right speaker and use the hashtag #EurochildConf Check our social platforms for the highlights of the day If you are on Snapchat, use our official Geofilter The conference hashtag is #EurochildConf. Twitter: @Eurochild_org. Other hashtags #investinginchildren #childrights Facebook: eurochild

Flickr: Eurochild Network KEY MESSAGES: • Investing in children is smart for all of society. It’s time for Europe to invest in children, with children #EurochildConf • I’m attending #EurochildConf where children and adults together will find solutions #investinginchildren

Follow youth4eurochildconf on Instagram hildconf

Follow youth4eurochild on Snapchat hildconf Updated by children and young people!


ACCESSIBILITY CARDS We want everyone at the conference to be able to follow and engage in the discussions. So, all participants will be provided with accessibility cards so that they can choose to indicate their level of understanding. The moderators and speakers will be responsive to these signals and will alter their style of communication accordingly to be clear and easily understood. The accessibility cards were initially developed by Inclusion Europe and have been used in different contexts such as schools and conferences. Each participant gets a green, a yellow and a red card. Here is what each card means:

This is just right for me. I’m feeling included. I am understanding and following. I’m keeping up but please don’t go any faster. I’m starting to find this difficult to understand. You need to repeat this. I’m feeling lost. Please try to re-explain more clearly. 7

DAY 1: Tuesday 5 July

12:00 15:0018:00

Registrations Opening Session Turn to next page for details


Welcome reception and dinner at Palace of Academies


DAY 1: Opening Session 15:00-18:00 Norah Gibbons, Eurochild President Address from Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians - Patron of Eurochild Conference 2016 Katrien Verhegge, General Administrator, Kind en Gezin Benoit Parmentier, General Administrator, Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance Cath Larkins, Co-Director, Centre for Children’s and Young People’s Participation, University of Central Lancashire. From personal to political: children & adults share personal experiences of poverty & social exclusion, being affected by migration and living in alternative care. Valeriu Nicolae, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly, Romania and activist Dijana Pavlovic, Vice President Federazione Rom e Sinti insieme and Claudia Selimovic (19 yrs), young Roma, Italy Abbee McLatchie, Education, Participation and Achievement Manager, By the Bridge Therapeutic Fostering & Vika Tchibor, care experienced young person, UK Lilana Keith, Advocacy Officer, PICUM. Viola Gjoka, Programmes Coordinator, Network for Children’s Rights, Greece. Co-moderators: Ross Ashcroft independent filmmaker and Managing Director at Motherlode Studio & Yasmine Naciri, Young Ambassador (17 yrs), Youth Council of Brussels, Belgium.­­


DAY 2: Wednesday 6 July 08:0013:00

Study Visits (Exact meeting time will be on your badge). Meeting point: ATRIUM Participants will discover and learn about one of 14 services offered to children and families in and around Brussels, while some of them will have the opportunity to visit EU Institutions or the Youth Parliament of Wallonia-Brussels. Turn to next page for details


Lunch break


Workshops - Session I and II Promising practices will be presented in the varied fields of: • Education • Early years policies • Health promotion • Family strengthening • Social protection and welfare support Turn to page 12 for details


Conference dinner: Hotel Le Plaza, Adolphe Maxlaan 118-126, 1000 Brussels.


1 DAY 2: STUDY VISITS 08:00-13:00 • Youth Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation • CEMôme: extracurricular activities for children in Saint-Gilles’ city hall • TCC Accueil AMO: aid service for youth in Anderlecht • Youplaboum ASBL: Center for expression and creativity for children from 18 months to 12 years of age • SOS Jeunes - Quartier Libre AMO: an open social service for youth 18 years or younger • Folon & La Porte Ouverte: a foundation developing its activities for so called “vulnerable” public & the foster families association of Wallonia Brussels • Aquarelle: non-profit organisation offering services to undocumented pregnant women • Elmer: a community-based preschool for children between 0 and 3,5 years old • Huis der Gezinnen: a small scale organization specialized in parenting support, child development and social integration • Klein Kasteeltje: The first and largest reception centre for asylum seekers which hosts 40 unaccompanied children in Brussels • Vrienden van ‘t Huizeken: an association of people in poverty for people in poverty • CKG De Stap Genk: organisation offering voluntary assistance, customised to families with young children from 0 to 12 years • Huis van het Kind Genk: preventive services for children and their families • EU Institutions: visit to the European Commission and the European Parliament • Ateliers du soleil: centre for lifelong learning, collective and individual homework support, creativity and expression


DAY 2: WORKSHOP SESSION I 14:30-16:00 Youth clubs: Empowering disadvantaged young people, Igor Nosach, Project Manager & Kateryna Snisarenko, Project Assistant, Partnership for Every Child, Ukraine. The right to education for children who are being evicted, Bruno Vanobbergen, Flemish Children’s Rights Commissioner, Belgium. Resilience and Social Capital: The Voices of Care Leavers from one London Borough, Lucille Allain & Dr. Helen Hingley-Jones, Assistant Professors, Social Work, Middlesex University, UK. Promoting Health in children’s intimate relationships online and offline: an app available in 5 languages, Cath Larkins, Co-Director, Centre for Children’s and Young People’s Participation, University of Central Lancashire. Christine Barter, Reader, Connect Centre, University of Central Lancashire. Charity Anderton and Emily Holt and Bradley Baker, Ucan Young Researchers, Lancashire County Council, UK. The Voice of Children in Foster Care, Heidi Marchal and Ward Campo, Coaches, Pleegzorg Vlaanderen, Belgium. Participation in child protection: Essential for sustainable safety for children and families with disabilities, Veronica Smits, Assistant Professor Family and Youth Law, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Maartje Snelders, Child Psychologist, William Schrikker Group, The Netherlands. School based food aid programs – an investment in children’s future, Afroditi Veloudaki, Director of Programs & Dina Zota, Head of National Projects, Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental and Occupational Health, Greece. 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break


1 DAY 2: WORKSHOP SESSION II 16:30-18:00 How will we leave the world for children - the time capsule, Irena Petković and Karlo Škorić, Members of Children’s Forum, Society “Our children“ Opatija, Croatia. Foster Care – A Place of Sanctuary for Children, Gabrielle Jerome, Head of International Social Work at Core Asset and Richard Jadesten, Social Worker, Familjehem i Fokus, Sweden. Children first: local consultation platforms for prevention and identification of child poverty, Julien Van Geertsom, President, Federal Public Planning Service for Social Integration, Belgium. Hilde Genetello, Psychological Department of the Public Social Welfare Center of Ghent; Simon Hupkens, Public Social Welfare Center of Liège, Belgium. Children’s participation in daily life: How protection can liberate participation, Jonathan Levy, Initiatives et Changement France. Pascale Camus, ONE and University of Liège and Paris 13. Kassandra Beltran, Cyprus Children’s Parliament and Member of the Children & Young People’s Advisory Group to the Eurochild Conference Realizing children’s rights in alternative care, Krešimir Makvić and Radostina Paneva and Ronan Mangan, SOS Children’s Villages International. Léo M. and Artūrs Pokšāns, young persons/ presenters. Child Protection benefitting from new technologies, Judit Nemeth-Almasi and Evgenia Generalova and Arina Cretu, Terre des hommes. Family Centres in Flanders: partnerships towards better services for children and their families, Leentje De Schuymer, staff member Kind en Gezin. Nele Travers, coordinator EXPOO, expert center on parenting and family support.


1 DAY 3: Human Library7 09:00-11:00 DAY 3: Thursday July 09:00 11:00

Human Library Turn next page for details


Coffee break


Conference declaration: presented by the Children’s Advisory Group together with adults


Conference closing: Reflections on how to invest in children with European leaders See page 17 for details




1 DAY 3: Human Library 09:00-11:00 No need to be quiet in this library! Unlike a traditional library, the Human Library is an interactive activity where ‘books’ (speakers) will share their stories, experiences and work, and ‘readers’ (participants) will listen, ask questions and enter into a dialogue. The Human Library allows participants to learn more about the specific themes discussed at the conference and to enter into a dialogue about them in small groups. It will enable participants to take away knowledge on the target groups (on children in poverty; children on the move; education; family strengthening; children in care), which are all linked to the overall theme of the conference ‘Why Europe needs to invest in children’. Learn, be inspired by the personal stories and share your reviews of the books with other readers! There will be 16 books in total. Coming from a wide spectrum of genres, the books will feature stories from EU decision-makers, civil society leaders and young people. You will have the opportunity to pick 3 books! How can you choose a book? Simply pick up a book slip of your choice at the Library desks in the Trone room. There are limited book slips per book to ensure that each ’book club’ has a small group of participants. Each book will have three rounds of 20 minutes to present his/ her ‘book’ to a group of participants and to enter into dialogue with them. A bell will announce the end of each ‘reading session’. Participants will then have 10 minutes to go back to the library tables to choose another book. A group of librarians will be present to guide the participants to the ‘books’ they have chosen and to ensure the participants switch between ‘books’ after each session. Discover the book titles and authors in the human library below.

• “The Youth Taskforce on Violence Against Children: what it is and why it works”, Fahima Elmi, Member of the Youth TaskForce established by Augeo foundation, The Netherlands • “What is a big European institution doing to protect children in migration?” Margaret Tuite, Coordinator for the rights of the child, European Commission


• “Is it possible to be successful despite childhood tragedy and disadvantage?”, Sir Al Aynsley Green, President of the British Medical Association, UK and Former Children’s Commissioner for England • “From Afghanistan to Sweden – Children in foster care”, Donya Azimi, Young Advocate, Member of Children’s Advisory Group, Sweden • “Who will take care of the difficult children?”, Bruno Vanobbergen, Flemish Children’s Rights Commissioner, Belgium • “Fighting against educational inequalities: A top educational priority”, Bernard de Vos, Wallonian Children’s Ombudsperson, Belgium • “The transition of institutional to community based care”, Susanne Bosman, Regional Representation for Europe of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN • “Children’s Rights are basic for human rights, to be respected everywhere and always” Luc Van den Brande, Former President, Vice-President of the EU Committee of the Regions, Belgium • “Milan-Brussels, Thumbelina running against child poverty” Ivana Di Martino, Marathon Runner and advocate against child poverty, Italy • “My Normal Gay Family”, Darragh Tibbs, Young delegate, Northern Ireland • “Alternative ways of living”, Sean Downey, Youtuber, Member of Children’s Advisory Group, Ireland • “Exploratory Analysis of child-budgeting”, Pierre-Yves Rosset, Observatory on Childhood, Youth and Youth Assistance (OEJAJ) – Ministry of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Belgium • “Give a voice to children: Campaigning for the climate, that is respecting my rights!”, Florine Pruchon, Solidarite Laique, France • “From a refugee baby to a child’s rights activist?” Zgjim Gashi, Young delegate, representing the Council of Europe, Kosovo • “Facing the Future – presenting outcomes of Council of Europe Strategy on Children’s Rights”, Nermina Delic, Young delegate, representing the Council of Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina “How is the European Commission supporting investment in children?”, Emmanuaelle Grange, Head of Unit Disability and Inclusion at the European Commission, DG Employment, Directorate Social Affairs.


1 DAY 3: Closing 11:45-13:00 Under the auspices of the Slovak Presidency in the Council of the European Union

Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, European Commission Elke Sleurs, State Secretary for Combating Poverty, for Equal Opportunities, for Disabled People and for Science Policy, Belgium Ioannis N. Dimitrakopoulos, Head of Equality and Citizens’ Rights Department, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Gianluca Esposito, Head of Equality and Human Dignity Department, Council of Europe Andrea Cisárová, Director of Center for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth, Slovak Republic Verena Knaus, Senior Policy Advisor, UNICEF Brussels Office Co-moderators: Ross Ashcroft, independent filmmaker and Managing Director at Motherlode Studio and Emily Holt, Ucan Young Researcher, Lancashire County Council Closing words: Norah Gibbons, Eurochild President.


EMERGENCY CONTACTS European Emergency Number 112 • • • • •

Direct access to Belgian Police, Emergency and Fire brigade 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Free for everyone Accessible from any mobile phone Accessible even when the mobile network is not available

Main hospitals near the conference venue Clinique Saint-Jean (1.7 km) Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 32 1000 Brussels +322 221 91 11 CHU Saint-Pierre – Site César de Paepe (1.8 km) Rue des Alexiens 11 1000 Brussels +322 506 71 11 CHU Saint-Pierre – Site Saint Pierre (2.0 km) Rue Haute 322 1000 Brussels

Child Protection Focal Person Ms. Annette De Niel Tel : +32 499 99 57 80 E-mail:


• Annette will be the first point of contact to ensure the protection, safety and well-being of children and young people at the meeting. Any concerns will be addressed in confidence keeping the best interests of the child in mind. • Annette will be present at all times during the preparatory sessions and during the conference • She can also be reached by phone and email if needed On child participation and safeguarding matters you can also contact the Eurochild team: • Mieke: +31622205680 • Nicolas: +32498652507

Organizing Team All Eurochild staff are involved in the organization and the running of the conference, together with staff members of ONE and Kind en Gezin (the co-hosts). You can recognize organising staff with their orange badges. BEFORE and AFTER the conference, you can reach us at: Hallepoortlaan 27, 1060 Brussels, Belgium Phone: +32 2 511 7083, Email: DURING the conference, you can approach all staff, ask assistance at the registration and information desk, or directly contact: • •

Andreia Dos Santos: +32 479 316 817 Isabelle Schlegel: +49 1624 041 748


CODE OF CONDUCT During the Eurochild Conference the wellbeing and safety of all participants is everyone’s responsibility. To make sure that everyone is safe, happy and able to fully participate, it is important that we all take care to follow these rules: 1. Please treat others, as you would like to be treated: do not use bad language,shout, discriminate, tease, bully or use any forms of violence. 2. Everyone is to be treated with respect. 3. Everyone is welcome – please make sure that you listen and allow space for everyone to participate. 4. If anyone treats you in a way you do not like or think is not appropriate, or if you see someone treats any other person badly, please share this with your accompanying adult or Annette de Niel (the person in charge of child protection) or any member of Eurochild staff so that they can take care of the situation and respond to any concerns. Staff will be wearing orange badges so you


can see them clearly. 5. You will be sharing a room with someone you are comfortable with, who is around the same age as you. We are going to ask children and young people of different genders to be in separate rooms. 6. WIFI is available in the conference centre and the hotel where you will be staying. Social media will be used to promote the conference and all conference participants are encouraged to use this as well. Please be respectful towards others in your use of social media at all times. 7. The Eurochild conference is a smoke free zone. You cannot smoke in the conference centre or in your hotel rooms. 8. At the Eurochild conference, alcohol will not be served to children and young people below the age of 18. 9. We all need to look after the environment and keep areas clean after we use them at the conference centre, the hotel and when going into the city.



Winner: Vlada Bujac, 11 years old, Moldova The ‘Sketch My Rights’ drawing competition invited children aged 18 years or less to draw their perspectives on the challenges faced by children ahead of the Eurochild conference. 112 entries were received from 13 countries in Europe; a significant majority of these focused on the refugee crisis and on children in poverty. The ages of children who contributed varied from 5 – 18 years. The winner, Vlada Bujac, will be at the Eurochild conference and will have the chance to speak to EU decision makers and the child rights community about her entry and interest in children’s rights. A selection of drawings will also be displayed at the conference.


About Eurochild: Eurochild advocates for children’s rights and wellbeing to be at the heart of policymaking. We are a network of organizations working with and for children throughout Europe, striving for a society that respects the rights of children. We influence policies, build internal capacities, facilitate mutual learning and exchange practice and research. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the foundation of all our work. About Kind en Gezin: Kind en Gezin (Child and Family) is an agency that works actively in ‘Public Health, Welfare and Family’ policy area. This Flemish agency focuses on preventive treatment and guidance of young children geared to good outcomes in the future. We work hard to enable children to achieve their full developmental potential, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially, with respect for diversity and children’s rights. This principle holds good for all the different areas that we work in. About ONE: The Office of Birth and Childhood (Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance, further referred to as ONE) is a public institution that develops birth and childhood policies. ONE is an independent organism under the Minister for Childhood of the Wallonia & Brussels Federation.


Eurochild AISBL Hallepoortlaan 27, 1060 Brussels Tel. +32 (0)2 511 70 83 Fax +32 (0)2 511 72 98


This publication is supported by the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020. The views expressed by Eurochild do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020 is a European-level financing instrument managed directly by the European Commission to contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. For more information see:


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