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Diary Dates
by Eurofish
5 February 2020 Marel Salmon ShowHow Copenahgen, Denmark salmondivision@marel.com https://marel.com/events/salmon-showhow-2020/
19-20 February 2020 Aqua Farm Pordenone, Italy Tel.: +39 0434 232233 www.aquafarm.show
25-26 February 2020 2020 International Forum on the Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture Rome, Italy climefish@uit.no https://climefish.eu/events/final-climefish-conference/
3-5 March 2020 North Atlantic Seafood Forum Bergen, Norway Tel.: +47 908 26 111 jk@nor-seafood.no www.nor-seafood.com
15-17 March 2020 Seafood Expo North America Boston, USA Tel.: +1 207 842 5590 sales-na@seafoodexpo.com www.seafoodexpo.com
20-23 April 2020 Alimentaria Barcelona, Spain prensa@alimentaria.com www.alimentaria.com
21-23 April 2020 Seafood Expo Global / Seafood Processing Global Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +1 207 842 5590 sales-global@seafoodexpo.com www.seafoodexpo.com
19-21 May 2020 Aquaculture UK Aviemore, Scotland Tel.: +44 7823 374568 info@aquacultureuk.com www.aquacultureuk.com
15-17 June 2020 AquaVision Stavanger, Noway Tel.: +47 913 77 825 post@blueplanet.no www.aquavision.org
27-29 May 2020 World Tuna 2020 Bangkok, Thailand Tel.: +603 8066 8112 info@infofish.org tuna.infofish.org 21-23 September 2020 Seafood Expo Russia St. Petersburg, Rusia Tel.: +7 499 922 44 17 info@rusfishexpo.com www.rusfishexpo.com
23-25 September 2020 Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition Reykjavik, Iceland Tel. +44 1329 825 335 jmiller@mercatormedia.com www.icefish.is

15-17 October 2020 Future Fish Eurasia Izmir, Turkey Tel.: +90 212 347 10 54 info@eurasiafairs.com www.eurasiafairs.com