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Effective policymaking depends on data collection AND analysis

A forum on energising rural areas in Europe and reversing the decline that has afflicted many of them for decades drew high level participation from the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The event will contribute to realizing the potential of rural Europe.

From 27-29 September, Aris


Adlers from Euro sh participated in a forum on the future of Europe’s rural areas. In countries across Europe rural areas su er from economic decline; depopulation; limited access to services like healthcare, education, and public transport; inadequate infrastructure, including roads, broadband internet, and utilities; and social isolation which can a ect mental health and overall quality of life.

Rural decline is real but remediable

Titled “Shaping the Future of Rural Areas” the forum was held in Sigüenza, Spain and was hosted by the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, in collaboration with the Rural Pact Support O ce. Its primary aim was to advance the political agenda concerning the future of rural areas in Europe, foster meaningful discussions within the Council of the EU, and o er support to Member States to realise the potential of rural regions. e reasons behind the decline of rural areas are diverse. Rural areas often lack the economies of scale that urban areas enjoy. Limited job opportunities can lead to outmigration and economic decline. Some areas tend to get neglected by policymakers at the national and regional level which exacerbates the challenges. A lack of investment in infrastructure hinders economic development and access to services. Aging populations and declining birth rates contribute to population decline and may even be more marked in rural than in urban settings. A further factor is lower levels of digital literacy and poorer access to technology which can further isolate rural communities and ampli es the rural urban divide. e event was attended by the Commissioners of Agriculture,

Reversing the decline of rural areas in Europe and unlocking their potential is a priority among policymakers in the European Commission and in Member States, attendees at a forum on the future of rural areas were told.

Cohesion, and Reforms, along with the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. eir participation underscored the signi cance of the event in addressing the pressing issues and policy concerns surrounding rural development. e forum comprised several key sessions, with a strong focus on two main themes: “Taking Stock of Existing Policy Support” and “Making Rural Pact Happen.” ese themes delved into the challenges and opportunities facing rural areas while exploring ways to translate policy intentions into actionable strategies. According to experts the solutions to rural decline include the diversi cation of rural economies through entrepreneurship, innovation, and support for small businesses to boost economic growth. is will call for investments in digital, healthcare and transport infrastructure to improve living conditions and attract businesses. Access to education and training must be improved to equip residents in rural communities with the skills demanded by the labour market. And support for rural communities will help in the adaptation to changing conditions and could empower them to take charge of their own development with its own speci cities.

Good data is critical to good policy

e agenda at the forum re ected some of these strategies. Breakout sessions elaborated on speci c topics. For instance, Mr Adlers contributed his expertise to sessions on “Data and Evidence for Policy Making” and “Enabling Community-Led Innovations and Smart Villages.” Among the insights emerging from the discussions is the recognition that data collection, while vital, is only one facet of e ective policy formulation. Equally crucial is the accurate interpretation of this data to inform decision-making and policy implementation. Moreover, it has become apparent that while innovation is essential, there are inherent limitations to the extent to which new practices can be introduced. erefore, replicating and adapting successful models and practices hold substantial value in the context of rural development. In conclusion, the event exempli es the commitment of key stakeholders and policymakers to chart a prosperous and sustainable path forward for rural Europe. e insights and discussions from this event are expected to contribute signi cantly to ongoing e orts to revitalise and empower rural communities across the European Union.

Aris Adlers, Euro sh, aris@euro sh.dk

Enhancing dialogue between authorities and stakeholders

Aris Adlers is a member of the Coordination Group of the Rural Pact, an initiative dedicated to fostering cooperation among authorities and stakeholders at multiple levels: European, national, regional, and local. The Rural Pact represents a collaborative framework that seeks to address the unique challenges faced by rural communities and advance sustainable development strategies. And it enjoins public authorities to design a strategy and an action plan to address the challenges faced by rural communities.

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