9 minute read

Future-proo ng sh farming in Hungary

The goal of MAHOP Plusz is to support micro, small, and medium-size enterprises in ways that increase the competitiveness and sustainability of their sh production and processing. The goal is to increase innovation and digitalization while also reducing environmental impact. An important aspect is to support climate- and environment-friendly farming methods, increase the number of production systems which are based on the principles of circular farming, and maintain and develop the biodiversity of water and wetland habitats.

The sh farming sector includes sh production from pond farms and recirculation aquaculture systems, sh processing, and management activities related to the utilisation of natural waters for recreational shing. e main task of Hungarian sh farming is to supply consumers with healthy and safe aquaculture products, but also to contribute to job creation and the preservation of traditions.

Priorities and their main target areas for support

Hungarian sh farms usually undertake all the stages of sh production, from fry rearing to table sh production, by themselves. As the main supplier of sh, the aquaculture sector supports food security in Hungary and provides stocking material to restock natural waters and recreational shing ponds. As wild marine stocks dwindle, demand for healthy sh protein can increasingly be satis ed from aquaculture. To realise this, Hungary plans for an economically and environmentally sustainable expansion of production capacities by renovating and modernising existing aquaculture farms, and by creating and deploying innovative solutions.

In Hungary, pond sh farmers are trying to increase their production capacity by restoring ageing shpond infrastructure instead of creating new ponds, which require high levels of investment and o er slow returns. In 2019, operating pond area was 27,056 hectares, 29 hectares of new shponds were established, and 206 hectares of pond area were restored. Considering this, the primary goal is to expand the production of existing farms instead of increasing the pond area. Expanding the scope of activities of pond sh producers and reducing production costs by upgrading technology is critical to increase stability and enhance the income-generating capacity of the sh farming sector. Production processes rely too much on manual labour and technical e ciency is low. Investments that aim to develop and improve pond management by modernising obsolete infrastructure contribute to improve the health and well-being of sh leading to higher product quality and food safety and reduced need for pharmaceuticals. Under MAHOP Plusz, in accordance with the relevant directives on habitat and bird protection, the purchase of devices that aim to protect sh farms from predators will also be supported as this too contributes to improved health and well-being. Innovation can contribute to improving sh welfare, eliminating the use of antibiotics, and achieving environmental protection objectives, and will be supported.

Intensive and circular aquaculture systems with high yields and low environmental impact are also supported.

Introducing new species and developing innovative production technologies

It is important to introduce new species that are competitive on the European export market into aquaculture production, as well as to develop new production technologies to improve the supply of sh products. MAHOP Plusz provides support to companies to expand their range of species and to diversify, intensify and develop the necessary production technology, as demand for more valuable predatory sh is higher than for herbivorous species. anks to MAHOP Plusz support, producers can diversify their production to satisfy the growing and changing consumer needs, as well as the needs of the growing number of recreational anglers. A signi cant increase in the proportion of sh pond areas with ecological certi cation is not a realistic goal until the share of consumers willing to pay a higher price for these products can be increased. However, MAHOP Plusz supports the production of organic sh and wants to achieve this with an increase in the proportion of shpond areas certied to organic standards.

It is important to emphasise that the intensi cation to be achieved does not simply mean a higher volume of production, which would automatically bring with it a greater environmental impact, but a higher yield achieved with innovative solutions and/or a similar yield achieved at a lower cost (including a lower environmental impact). Many pond sh producers, especially the smaller ones, do not have sh storage facilities of su cient quantity and capacity for their sh. For this reason, during the autumn catch, part of the sh caught is sold immediately, mostly live, at dumping prices which makes these producers vulnerable to traders. MAHOP Plusz also supports initiatives that aim to deliver aquaculture products to consumers more e ciently, for example, by establishing sh shops, mobile sales, or by investing in suitable transport equipment.

Use of renewable energy to mitigate the sector's environmental impact

In many cases, sustainability and climate neutrality goals are related. Hungary can improve the environmental sustainability of domestic aquaculture systems by developing sustainable and low carbon footprint sh production technologies based on the use of renewable energy sources. With this in mind, investments in sustainable fuels will be supported. Besides the development of existing businesses, MAHOP Plusz plans to put more emphasis on supporting activities connected to the main activity of sh production, and the role of sh ponds in maintaining nature value. In Hungary, the primary form of sh production is semi-intensive pond sh farming, which, in addition to creating job opportunities and sustaining traditions, can also be considered close to nature. e spread of a multifunctional sh farming concept can also play a role in the social acceptance of pond aquaculture. By opening pond farms to visitors and by o ering tourist services related to sh farming ( shing tourism, eco-tourism, gastro-tourism, etc.), sh farming comes closer to people who will better understand and accept the farmer’s activity. One of the main purposes of MAHOP Plusz is to assist pond sh producers to diversify their activities, i.e. to increase the number of multifunctional pond farms.

In the maintenance of biological diversity European pond farmers preserve and enrich valuable water and aquatic ecosystems thanks to their pond management techniques and the use of combined intensive-extensive systems. Here the minimisation of harmful environmental e ects is a priority, which is primarily managed by the establishment, renovation, and modernisation of sh ponds. Wellmanaged sh farms can also help to adapt to climate change. Due to the microclimate created by shponds, annual temperature uctuations are smaller, thus the expansion and maintenance of shpond systems could be a suitable tool to mitigate the local e ects of extreme weather conditions and climate change. ere are several options to retain excess water, additionally, extensive sh ponds can also function as water puri cation facilities. Pond systems are able to improve chemical parameters of water used in sh farming by removing certain pollutants (mainly nutrients) present in the water. In view of this, investments for sh-producing enterprises/companies which are able to reduce negative impacts on water utilization and water quality, particularly investments that are able to reduce the amount of water, chemicals, antibiotics, and other medicines that are used, and improve the quality of discharge water (e.g. multitrophic aquaculture systems) will be supported by MAHOP Plusz.

Intensive-extensive cultivation offers the best of both worlds

Climate neutrality e orts are supported by freshwater aquaculture, especially through pond management and the use of combined intensive-extensive systems. An important aspect of the development of such systems is to increase resilience against the e ects of climate change. To develop domestic aquaculture, construction, development, and wide distribution of innovative, combined sh production systems is important. ese are able to eciently combine the pro tability of intensive systems with the environmental sustainability of pond farming systems. MAHOP Plusz therefore aims to support the use of combined intensive-extensive sh production systems in Hungarian aquaculture. All subsidised aquaculture investments must fully comply with the EU environmental protection regulations, with a particular focus on avoiding the negative environmental impacts of intensive aquaculture facilities, including impacts on protected species and habitats.

Production of the aquaculture sector has been increasing worldwide, but in Europe it has been stagnant for years. e EU is a net importer of aquaculture products. A possibility to reduce import dependence is to increase the volume of sh produced in Europe which could be done by boosting intensive cultivation. In 2019 in Hungary 21 companies operated intensive sh production plants/ systems at 23 sites/premises. Hungary has excellent capacities for intensive production, including the availability of geothermal waters and waste heat sources, which are able to cover part of the water demand and part of the heat demand of sh production. As geothermal resources provide a competitive advantage, the share of intensive aquaculture in Hungarian food sh production is constantly increasing. MAHOP Plusz intends to support investments aimed at using geothermal resources and circular farming solutions. e aim is to support the establishment of intensive sh production plants where it is possible to produce several species of sh with minimal environmental impact. Such systems can more simply adapt to changes in market demand, thus enabling a continuous supply of sh. In the case of intensive sh farming, the organic matter load of the wastewater of the ow-through water systems is exceptionally high, so a primary aim is to support projects that focus on water puri cation and the recycling of utilised water. Support is also available for recirculating sh production. Such plants can be established in many places, require little land and water supply, can be adapted to the production of many sh species and are able to ensure a continuous supply of sh. In addition, the amount of waste water and the environmental impact of recirculation systems is minimal.

Better working conditions may attract more people to the sector

MAHOP Plusz supports investments in work safety, hygiene, health, and physical infrastructure that are able to improve working conditions. In 2019, a total of 1,246 people were employed fulltime in pond farms and intensive aquaculture systems. e objective is to increase the number of people employed in sh farming not only by supporting the startup of new businesses, but also by expanding sta numbers at existing businesses. To achieve this the improvement of working conditions is essential to make them more attractive.

e area of sh pond farming in Hungary is 27,056 (2019) hectares, which is a considerable area both for nature conservation and water management. e sh ponds are sources of high biodiversity and o er numerous valuable ecological services. Several Hungarian pond farms are located in protected or NATURA 2000 areas, as many species covered by habitat protection and bird protection directives are associated with sh ponds at certain stages of their life cycle or even during their entire life, e.g. utilising them as living, hiding, breeding or feeding places. e presence of such species often causes damage. e target for 2029 for areas managed by operations promoting good environmental status and the aim to protect, preserve, and restore biodiversity and ecosystems is 150 km2. In the extensive and semi-intensive production methods mostly used in sh production, agro-chemicals, and energy-intensive inputs only have a minor role, production processes are not very mechanised, and resources for sh production are used in an environmentally friendly way. ere is a real risk that producers abandon sh production in ponds that maintain signi cant ecological values and switch to more intensive production methods or other forms of management in search of greater economic pro t. is may result in a large loss of biodiversity and a signi cant decline in the level of ecological services. MAHOP Plusz aims to support production methods that are able to maintain wetlands as well as improve the resilience of the sector, increase biodiversity, and reduce the e ects of climate change.

Recreational fishing contributes to healthier habitats

Since 1 January 2016, when commercial shing in inland waters was forbidden, sheries management in natural waters has been through recreational shing. Hungarian shery legislations places obligations on the recreational shing community to collect garbage at shing sites before starting to sh. Failure to do so will result in sanctions, meaning that the recreational shing community directly contributes to reducing plastic pollution in waters and at waterfronts. In 2020, there were 2,660 registered water areas for sh management totalling 172,297 hectares. By protecting and strengthening native sh stocks and protecting habitats, sheries management contributes to the improvement of the environmental condition of stagnant waters and watercourses. e goal for 2029 is the rehabilitation of an approximate area of

600 hectares by implementing 24 measures. MAHOP Plusz supports science-based sheries management practices, such as those aimed at protecting and developing habitats in natural waters and ensuring the migration route of migratory sh. In addition, the aim is to support recreational activities, selective shing for ecological purposes aimed at catching nonnative invasive species, and shing for demonstration purposes.

MAHOP Plusz, the Hungarian sh operational programme plus, aims to increase the resilience and sustainability of pond sh farming and to exploit the ecosystem services the sector provides to create a more pro table and attractive industry for entrepreneurs, employees, and consumers alike.

Klára Szűcs Szathmáriné, Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary

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