Fleckvieh 2023

Page 1

PRICE LIST Page Bull Code € 4 Imhoff SI7206 €23 5 Zeitsprung SI8148 €25 6 Viehscheid SI7209 €23 7 Hooper S3389 €23 8 Porto Alegre S3695 €20 9 Hutubi S3691 €23 10 Magnum S3692 €25 11 Etoscha SI6043 €25 12 Mahango S3171 €25 13 Veltliner SI5677 €25 14 Veteran S3011 €20 15 Zucherberg SI5686 €20 16 Wolfsland SI €25 17 Serval SI8247 €25 18 Zerberus SI €25 19 Ingmar S3787 €25 Eurogene AI Services is the supplier/seller of semen and does not carry any responsibility for, or liability to the buyer in respect of loss arising from performance or fertility issues, or any other matters which are outside of the direct control of Eurogene AI Services. The purchase of semen does not guarantee fertility or conception.




1 SI7209  Viehscheid  €164 6

2 S3692  Magnum  €149 10

3 S3787  Ingmar  €146 19

4 SI7206  Imhoff  €141 4

5 SI8247  Serval  €134 17

6 S3171  Mahango  €131 12

7 SI Wolfsland  €131 16

8 SI8148  Zeitsprung  €111 5

9 S3695  Porto Alegre  €110 8

10 SI5677  Veltliner  €98 13

Milk Kgs


1 S3692 Magnum 986 10

2 SI Zerberus 816 18

3 S3171 Mahango 794 12

4 S3691 Hutubi 688 9

5 SI5677 Veltliner 438 13

6 SI6043 Etoscha 432 11

7 S3389 Hooper 355 7

8 SI Wolfsland 260 16

9 SI7209 Viehscheild 250 6

10 SI8247 Serval 210 17

Fat % page

1 SI8148 Zeitsprung +0.50 5

2 SI7209 Viehscheild +0.39 6

3 S3787 Ingmar +0.39 19

4 SI8247 Serval +0.37 17

5 SI5677 Veltliner +0.29 13

6 S3695 Porto Alegre +0.28 8

7 SI Wolfsland +0.26 16

8 S3692 Magnum +0.20 10

9 SI7206 Imhoff +0.16 4

10 S3389 Hooper +0.12 7


1 S3787  Ingmar  128 19

2 S3389  Hooper  128 7

3 SI6043  Etoscha  127 11

4 SI5677  Veltliner  127 13

5 SI Wolfsland  127 16

6 SI Zerberus  127 18

7 SI8148  Zeitsprung  125 5

8 S3692  Magnum  125 10

9 SI7206  Imhoff  122 4

S3171  Mahango

Source ICBF Oct '22

Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22


1 SI6043 Etoscha 119 11

2 S3389 Hooper 114 7

3 SI8148 Zeitsprung 114 5

4 SI5686 Zuckerberg 113 15

5 SI Wolfsland 110 16

6 SI8247 Serval 105 17

7 SI5677 Veltliner 102 13

8 SI7206 Imhoff 102 4 9 S3171 Mahango 100 12 10 SI Zerberus 100 18

Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22

Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22

Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22

Milk Solids Kgs


Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22

Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22


1 S3692 Magnum 89 10

2 SI Zerberus 66 18

3 S3787 Ingmar 62 19

4 SI7209 Viehscheild 59 6

5 SI5677 Veltliner 56 13

6 SI8247 Serval 54 17

7 SI Wolfsland 54 16

8 S3171 Mahango 47 12

9 S3389 Hooper 41 7

10 SI8148 Zeitsprung 38 5

Protein %

1 SI8148 Zeitsprung +0.26 5

2 S3787 Ingmar +0.19 19

3 SI8247 Serval +0.15 17

4 SI Wolfsland +0.14 16

5 SI7206 Imhoff +0.10 4

6 SI5686 Zuckerberg +0.10 15

7 SI7209 Viehscheild +0.09 6

8 S3011 Veterna +0.05 14

9 S3695 Porto Alegre +0.01 8

10 SI6043 Etoscha +0.00 11

Fitness page

1 SI8148  Zeitsprung  122 5

2 S3389  Hooper  117 7

3 SI6043  Etoscha  115 11

4 SI Wolfsland  107 16

5 SI7209  Viehscheid  106 6

6 S3787  Ingmar  106 19

7 SI7206  Imhoff  106 4

8 SI Zerberus  106 18

9 SI5686  Zucherberg  105 15  10 S3691  Hutubi  105 9




Line: Redad


Eli REUMUT RAUFBOLD DE 09 47657880 7/4,3 8.048 4,35 3,74 Elis MARINO HL 2020 9.963 4,17 3,77 Emilia


Source LfL Bayern Oct '22

4 IMHOFF SI7206 IMHOFF PS 203 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000951013781 100%SI DOB: 06.06.2015 FITNESS 106 84% Productive Life 116 79% Persistence 101 94% Fertility 102 81% Udder Health 114 92% Cell Count 113 92% Milking Speed 97 93% Calving Ease Pat 120 97% Prod. Increase 116 93% Calf Vitality 101 87% Calving Ease Mat 102 88% Semen Fertility -2 BIO 122 92% Milking Behaviour 100 72% BEEF 114 92% Daily Gain 108 94% Dressing perc. 116 83% Carcass Grade 107 92% High solids Suitable for Fleckvieh heifers Naturally polled MILK 109 96% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +46 +0.16 +15 +0.10 +10 100 days 79 7,916 2,575 4.15 107 3.28 85 1. L 75 7,885 6,772 4.29 290 3.55 240 2. L 49 8,038 7,732 4.23 327 3.64 281 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 97 109 100 98 96 106 96 97 111 109 100 103 110 99 83 90 104 104 105 97 98 93 91 105 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 122 89% MI 109 96% CG 107 92% FIT 112 89%
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22
Official Evaluations EBI €141 29% Calving -€ 9 36% Milk €73 54% Calving Diff. Heifer 8.28% 35% Milk kgs 203 54% Calving Diff. Cow 4.66% 44% Fat 12kg +0.07% 54% Gest Len (Days) 0.23 37% Protein 11kg +0.07% 54% Health €10 7% Fertility €42 5% Maintenance -€ 4 33% Calv. Int -2.20 5% Management -€ 5 4% Survival 1.13 4% Milk Time (Secs) -21.36 6% Beef €33 34% Temperament -0.31 2% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2


5 ZEITSPRUNG SI8148 ZEITSPRUNG *TA 184 Daughters HB No: SSIMDEUM000815378414 100%SI DOB: 31.08.2012 FITNESS 122 90% Productive Life 119 83% Persistence 106 94% Fertility 114 84% Udder Health 123 92% Cell Count 124 92% Milking Speed 98 92% Calving Ease Pat 83 95% Prod. Increase 99 93% Calf Vitality 97 83% Calving Ease Mat 103 89% Semen Fertility BIO 118 93% Milking Behaviour BEEF 97 90% Daily Gain 83 93% Dressing perc. 109 82% Carcass Grade 94 91% Unrivalled milk solids Top udder quality & SCC’s Use on cows only MILK 118 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg -278 +0.50 +27 +0.26 +11 1. L 74 7,683 6,426 4.59 295 3.65 235 2. L 60 7,627 7,064 4.66 329 3.78 267 3. L 50 7,991 7,826 4.65 364 3.77 295 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 96 100 113 106 96 91 93 97 107 101 118 100 98 94 101 102 104 104 103 95 101 99 101 91 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
S RA TMI 125 90% MI 112 96% CG 94 91% FIT 122 90% PEDIGREE Line: Zander ZAPFHAHN ZAHNER ZAHN DE 09 40559486 Ninett HODSON Nicki Dolona WEINOLD WEINOX 13.022.428 10/8,7 10.034 4,22 3,67 Dalone ENGADIN Dalina Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €111 29% Calving -€34 33% Milk €73 57% Calving Diff. Heifer 10.8% 31% Milk kgs 66 57% Calving Diff. Cow 5.05% 40% Fat 13kg +0.18% 57% Gest Len (Days) 1.78 33% Protein 9kg +0.10% 57% Health €10 4% Fertility €36 3% Maintenance € 2 32% Calv. Int -1.89 3% Management -€ 5 3% Survival 0.98 3% Milk Time (Secs) -16.47 5% Beef €28 33% Temperament -0.28 1% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2
6 VIEHSCHEID SI7209 VIEHSCHEID 613 Daughters HB No: SIMAUTM000673688529 100%SI aAa: 561432 DOB: 29.04.2016 FITNESS 106 84% Productive Life 93 85% Persistence 89 98% Fertility 90 88% Udder Health 100 95% Cell Count 102 96% Milking Speed 117 97% Calving Ease Pat 108 99% Prod. Increase 101 93% Calf Vitality 103 96% Calving Ease Mat 115 95% Semen Fertility 1 BIO 117 96% Milking Behaviour 94 81% BEEF 116 98% Daily Gain 112 99% Dressing perc. 112 96% Carcass Grade 112 98% Massive fat % improver Top udder quality Calving ease sire MILK 119 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +252 +0.39 +43 +0.09 +16 100 days 377 7,940 2,576 4.39 113 3.26 84 1. L 224 8,009 6,874 4.53 311 3.54 244 2. L 12 8,050 7,071 4.73 334 3.68 261 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 89 103 113 109 89 95 91 92 90 88 95 111 106 102 109 105 97 99 89 95 124 108 107 98 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S RA TMI 119 94% MI 119 99% CG 112 98% FIT 93 93% PEDIGREE Line: Redad VOLLGAS P*S VALERO PS VANSTEIN DE 09 45624775 755 ERMUT 640 Prisma GS RAU RUMBA AT 947.195.617 8/3,9 8.628 4,22 3,49 Primel Harvester Prinzi Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €164 30% Calving -€ 8 33% Milk €97 58% Calving Diff. Heifer 7.99% 32% Milk kgs 239 58% Calving Diff. Cow 3.83% 40% Fat 20kg +0.17% 58% Gest Len (Days) 1.33 34% Protein 13kg +0.08% 58% Health €12 8% Fertility €48 4% Maintenance -€14 33% Calv. Int -2.78 4% Management -€ 5 5% Survival 1.07 4% Milk Time (Secs) -19.55 7% Beef €34 34% Temperament -0.30 2% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A2A2



Line: Huch HUTERA HUTMANN HUTNER DE 09 41688886 Wandera MADERA Walona

ENRIKE RUAP ROMEN DE 09 41185995 7/5,8 8.565 4,72 3,79 Sendite ENGADIN HL 2012 10.019 4,52 3,71 Sedura


LfL Bayern Oct '22

7 HOOPER S3389 HOOPER 155 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948413330 100%SI aAa: 564132 DOB: 04.08.2013 FITNESS 117 91% Productive Life 115 82% Persistence 103 95% Fertility 114 84% Udder Health 111 93% Cell Count 110 93% Milking Speed 103 94% Calving Ease Pat 112 99% Prod. Increase 100 93% Calf Vitality 104 92% Calving Ease Mat 105 92% Semen Fertility 0 BIO 124 94% Milking Behaviour 97 75% BEEF 108 96% Daily Gain 106 97% Dressing perc. 107 92% Carcass Grade 104 96% Top udder quality SCC improver Very high solids MILK 114 97% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +355 +0.12 +25 +0.04 +16 1. L 66 7,651 6,715 4.34 292 3.51 236 2. L 53 7,860 7.969 4.28 341 3.61 287 3. L 36 7.921 8,110 4.32 351 3.57 289 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 114 102 98 113 113 116 112 107 106 91 91 100 106 109 102 110 89 110 92 99 101 103 106 99 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 128 91% MI 114 97% CG 104 96% FIT 117 91%
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source
Official Evaluations EBI €88 56% Calving -€43 81% Milk €72 56% Calving Diff. Heifer 9.66% 59% Milk kgs 224 56% Calving Diff. Cow 4.37% 94% Fat 13kg +0.07% 56% Gest Len (Days) 4.00 98% Protein 11kg +0.05% 56% Health € 2 37% Fertility €41 41% Maintenance -€11 64% Calv. Int -1.99 40% Management -€ 5 48% Survival 1.32 43% Milk Time (Secs) -22.12 75% Beef €31 91% Temperament -0.34 16% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2









8 PORTO ALEGRE S3695 PORTO ALEGRE *TA 79 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000949628772 100%SI DOB: 10.12.2014 FITNESS 97 88% Productive Life 101 76% Persistence 97 92% Fertility 93 79% Udder Health 98 90% Cell Count 98 89% Milking Speed 106 91% Calving Ease Pat 112 99% Prod. Increase 92 90% Calf Vitality 107 92% Calving Ease Mat 100 87% Semen Fertility -2 BIO 103 91% Milking Behaviour 100 69% BEEF 91 93% Daily Gain 98 94% Dressing perc. 94 89% Carcass Grade 90 92% Alternative bloodline Strength and udder improver Suitable for Fleckvieh heifers MILK 111 95% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +137 +0.28 +29 +0.01 +5 1. L 44 8,038 7,014 4.50 315 3.43 241 2. L 33 7,877 7,303 4.53 331 3.55 260 3. L 2 9,611 9,899 4.13 409 3.35 332 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 117 115 108 106 114 115 118 113 99 102 99 97 113 102 102 101 101 105 119 107 113 100 94 104 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 105 88% MI 111 95% CG 90 92% FIT 97 88%
Line: Planet II PASSION
41387798 Banane
44125225 3/3,4 7.911 4,31 3,64 Caro WAL HL
9.895 4,36 3,53 Coco Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €110 34% Calving -€ 9 58% Milk €51 54% Calving Diff. Heifer 8.98% 39% Milk kgs 152 54% Calving Diff. Cow 4.31% 59% Fat 14kg +0.13% 54% Gest Len (Days) 0.23 76% Protein 6kg +0.01% 54% Health €12 11% Fertility €41 11% Maintenance -€13 38% Calv. Int -1.54 11% Management -€ 8 8% Survival 1.72 11% Milk Time (Secs) -2.88 13% Beef €37 42% Temperament -0.25 2% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A2A2








9 HUTUBI S3691 Hutubi TA 1,184 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948272258 100%SI aAa: 564132 DOB: 28.06.2013 FITNESS 105 97% Productive Life 99 94% Persistence 116 99% Fertility 99 96% Udder Health 107 98% Cell Count 109 99% Milking Speed 96 99% Calving Ease Pat 105 99% Prod. Increase 102 96% Calf Vitality 106 99% Calving Ease Mat 97 99% Semen Fertility -1 BIO 116 98% Milking Behaviour 100 94% BEEF 104 99% Daily Gain 92 99% Dressing perc. 106 99% Carcass Grade 107 99% Fertility Suitable for Fleckvieh heifers Flat lactation curve MILK 112 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +688 -0.05 +24 -0.13 +13 1. L 995 8,445 7,303 4.18 305 3.46 253 2. L 122 8,120 8,481 4.18 355 3.52 299 3. L 67 8,000 8,619 4.25 367 3.50 301 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 91 105 114 105 93 90 94 89 92 92 101 112 104 101 107 106 102 104 112 93 84 86 94 109 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 117 98% MI 112 99% CG 107 99% FIT 105 97%
DE 09 41688886 Wandera MADERA Walona
DE 09 40376886 7/6,1 9.739 3,94 3,67 Eumel ENGADIN HL 2012 11.623 3,88 3,71 Eule Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL
Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €88 37% Calving -€32 68% Milk €57 64% Calving Diff. Heifer 10.4% 50% Milk kgs 248 64% Calving Diff. Cow 4.38% 74% Fat 11kg +0.02% 64% Gest Len (Days) 2.56 88% Protein 10kg +0.02% 64% Health € 8 9% Fertility €38 8% Maintenance -€ 8 36% Calv. Int -1.84 8% Management -€ 5 9% Survival 1.22 8% Milk Time (Secs) -25.28 13% Beef €30 39% Temperament -0.35 4% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A1
10 MAGNUM S3692 MAGNUM 237 Daughters HB No: SIMCZEM000674425052 100%SI aAa: 516342 DOB: 15.09.2013 FITNESS 102 93% Productive Life 98 87% Persistence 103 98% Fertility 92 86% Udder Health 116 95% Cell Count 119 96% Milking Speed 106 94% Calving Ease Pat 97 99% Prod. Increase 104 93% Calf Vitality 98 99% Calving Ease Mat 108 96% Semen Fertility 2 BIO 117 96% Milking Behaviour 109 84% BEEF 88 98% Daily Gain 94 99% Dressing perc. 83 96% Carcass Grade 98 99% Top milk production, 89 kgs Solids Top udder quality Milking speed & SCC Improver MILK 118 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +986 +0.20 +59 -0.05 +30 1. L 116 7,986 7,427 4.21 313 3.61 268 2. L 69 7,674 8,465 4.11 348 3.59 304 3. L 52 7,895 9,327 4.15 387 3.53 330 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 105 97 106 115 103 104 103 113 99 108 105 106 99 114 108 104 119 97 96 107 109 100 108 102 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S RA TMI 125 94% MI 130 99% CG 98 99% FIT 102 93% PEDIGREE Line: Horex WILLE WINNIPEG WESPE DE 08 13516428 Liesel HUMLANG Lemone ENRIKE GS RAU RUMBA CZ 208.845.952 7952 5MRAK 4545 Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €149 39% Calving -€31 70% Milk €116 59% Calving Diff. Heifer 8.90% 42% Milk kgs 404 59% Calving Diff. Cow 4.78% 74% Fat 24kg +0.12% 59% Gest Len (Days) 2.37 92% Protein 18kg +0.06% 59% Health €14 17% Fertility €38 13% Maintenance -€ 4 41% Calv. Int -2.28 13% Management -€ 5 14% Survival 0.73 13% Milk Time (Secs) -24.59 22% Beef €21 43% Temperament -0.35 5% Source ICBF Oct ‘22




11 ETOSCHA SI6043 ETOSCHA *TA 4,881 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948786057 100%SI aAa: 426135 DOB: 27.09.2013 FITNESS 115 99% Productive Life 101 98% Persistence 92 99% Fertility 119 98% Udder Health 115 99% Cell Count 117 99% Milking Speed 92 99% Calving Ease Pat 106 99% Prod. Increase 85 99% Calf Vitality 103 99% Calving Ease Mat 103 99% Semen Fertility -1 BIO 118 99% Milking Behaviour 102 96% BEEF 123 99% Daily Gain 121 99% Dressing perc. 119 99% Carcass Grade 114 99% TMI 127 - Daughter proven Perfect dual purpose Udder health MILK 107 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +432 -0.17 +3 +0.00 +15 1. L 3,060 8,588 7,499 4.04 303 3.51 263 2. L 1,543 8,725 8,411 4.02 338 3.59 302 3. L 278 8,999 8,924 3.99 357 3.55 317 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 111 114 108 116 108 117 115 106 115 100 90 112 121 106 88 103 105 114 89 100 124 102 104 105 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S R
TMI 127 99% MI 107 99% CG 114 99% FIT 115 99% PEDIGREE Line: Eder EVEREST
D 09 45582236 Liniwin WINNIPEG Linse Mina
DE 0944599972 6/5,6 8.640 3,92 3,59 Mira Gebalot GL 2015 10.186 3,60 3,51 Mirabel Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €90 37% Calving -€16 64% Milk €44 70% Calving Diff. Heifer 8.78% 40% Milk kgs 133 70% Calving Diff. Cow 4.92% 67% Fat 3kg -0.04% 70% Gest Len (Days) 0.54 85% Protein 9kg +0.06% 70% Health €12 7% Fertility €31 4% Maintenance -€ 7 35% Calv. Int -1.48 4% Management -€ 5 6% Survival 0.96 4% Milk Time (Secs) -19.84 10% Beef €31 40% Temperament -0.32 2% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A2A2












LfL Bayern Oct

12 MAHANGO S3171 MAHANGO P 23,868 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948097266 100%SI aAa: 423561 DOB: 29.10.2013 FITNESS 102 99% Productive Life 101 99% Persistence 103 99% Fertility 100 99% Udder Health 105 99% Cell Count 106 99% Milking Speed 94 99% Calving Ease Pat 104 99% Prod. Increase 91 99% Calf Vitality 96 99% Calving Ease Mat 113 99% Semen Fertility -2 BIO 113 99% Milking Behaviour 109 99% BEEF 110 99% Daily Gain 111 99% Dressing perc. 102 99% Carcass Grade 110 99% Polled high production sire Our most popular Fleckvieh bull Strong muscularity MILK 116 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +794 -0.04 +29 -0.11 +18 1. L 12,562 8,446 7,671 4.17 320 3.42 262 2. L 7,876 8,549 8,504 4.22 359 3.52 300 3. L 3,430 8,642 9,077 4.18 379 3.45 313 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 119 122 108 98 118 122 115 116 129 97 89 111 119 103 99 112 95 104 120 105 77 81 93 105 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 121 99% MI 116 99% CG 110 99% FIT 102 99%
44042437 8/7
4,31 3,61
9.753 4,37 3,50 FALTER Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source
'22 Official Evaluations EBI €131 56% Calving -€16 82% Milk €67 78% Calving Diff. Heifer 9.35% 74% Milk kgs 258 78% Calving Diff. Cow 4.96% 92% Fat 14kg +0.06% 78% Gest Len (Days) 0.06 98% Protein 11kg +0.03% 78% Health €16 27% Fertility €41 29% Maintenance -€13 45% Calv. Int -2.19 29% Management -€ 5 32% Survival 1.06 28% Milk Time (Secs) -24.92 50% Beef €41 84% Temperament -0.36 9% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2


13 VELTLINER SI5677 VELTLINER *TA 252 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948784581 100%SI aAa: 543162 DOB: 28.07.2013 FITNESS 103 96% Productive Life 97 91% Persistence 108 99% Fertility 102 93% Udder Health 107 98% Cell Count 109 99% Milking Speed 106 99% Calving Ease Pat 84 99% Prod. Increase 108 94% Calf Vitality 93 99% Calving Ease Mat 105 98% Semen Fertility 0 BIO 121 98% Milking Behaviour 97 89% BEEF 120 99% Daily Gain 113 99% Dressing perc. 118 98% Carcass Grade 115 99% Perfect dual purpose Fat & protein improver Super quality calves MILK 118 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +438 +0.29 +42 -0.01 +14 1. L 143 8,340 7,069 4.44 314 3.54 250 2. L 68 8,157 8,019 4.55 365 3.62 290 3. L 41 8,118 8,414 4.56 384 3.58 301 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 97 108 93 105 96 98 100 94 104 109 89 105 111 113 102 101 116 97 108 100 126 118 104 105 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S R
TMI 127 97% MI 118 99% CG 115 99% FIT 103 96% PEDIGREE Line: Redad REUMUT RAUFBOLD RAUBLING DE 09 44127123 Fiona RUAP FIOLA Lipek WINNIPEG WESPE DE 09 41265826 6/4,6 10.259 4,35 3,56 Lara DIONIS HL 2012 11.418 4,42 3,42 Liro Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI €98 43% Calving -€56 75% Milk €69 65% Calving Diff. Heifer 12.5% 49% Milk kgs 109 65% Calving Diff. Cow 6.64% 82% Fat 15kg +0.18% 65% Gest Len (Days) 0.59 96% Protein 8kg +0.07% 65% Health €12 13% Fertility €42 12% Maintenance € 3 45% Calv. Int -2.06 12% Management -€ 5 13% Survival 1.33 11% Milk Time (Secs) -29.98 20% Beef -€33 69% Temperament -0.40 5% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2



Line: Redad


09 34586859 Ursel MALF


AT 98.337.509


6/305 9.461 4,43 3,63 Sabi LOCK

3. 11.470 4,26 3,64 Sonha


LfL Bayern Oct '22






14 VETERAN S3011 VETERAN 7,674 Daughters HB No: SIMAUTM000056095316 100%SI aAa: 153426 DOB: 08.06.2008 FITNESS 96 99% Productive Life 97 98% Persistence 101 99% Fertility 90 99% Udder Health 105 99% Cell Count 103 99% Milking Speed 100 99% Calving Ease Pat 99 99% Prod. Increase 116 99% Calf Vitality 101 99% Calving Ease Mat 106 99% Semen Fertility 2 BIO 110 99% Milking Behaviour 99 92% BEEF 113 99% Daily Gain 116 99% Dressing perc. 112 99% Carcass Grade 104 99% Top quality udders Milk & beef High farmer satisfaction MILK 106 99% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +160 +0.00 +7 +0.05 +9 1. L 3,796 7,848 6,838 4.22 288 3.51 240 2. L 2,587 7,944 7,912 4.18 331 3.58 283 3. L 1,291 7,950 8,284 4.14 343 3.53 293 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 99 102 87 113 97 102 98 102 91 114 109 85 93 104 105 106 111 101 94 109 107 110 118 107 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 108 99% MI 106 99% CG 104 99% FIT 96 99%
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source
Official Evaluations EBI €97 79% Calving
85% Milk €72 96% Calving Diff. Heifer 12.2% 72% Milk kgs 333 96% Calving Diff. Cow 5.96% 92% Fat 12kg -0.01% 96% Gest Len (Days) 3.52 98% Protein 13kg +0.03% 96% Health € 7 63% Fertility €59 62% Maintenance
75% Calv. Int -2.73 62% Management
3 51% Survival 1.97 63% Milk Time (Secs)
78% Beef €45 94% Temperament
17% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2


PEDIGREE Line: ZANDER ZASPIN ZASPORT ZASTER DE 08 14101128 Bavaria ENGADIN Bianca Adriane MADNELA MALEFIZ DE 09 42380423 6/6,4 11.741 4,09 3,89 Annika WATERBERG HL 2014 14.215 3,95 3,90 531


LfL Bayern Oct '22




15 ZUCKERBERG SI5686 ZUCKERBERG *TA 26,606 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000948647031 100%SI DOB: 05.03.2014 FITNESS 105 92% Productive Life 106 84% Persistence 94 96% Fertility 113 86% Udder Health 96 93% Cell Count 96 94% Milking Speed 109 95% Calving Ease Pat 96 98% Prod. Increase 96 94% Calf Vitality 97 92% Calving Ease Mat 102 91% Semen Fertility 0 BIO 110 94% Milking Behaviour 99 75% BEEF 105 94% Daily Gain 95 96% Dressing perc. 107 85% Carcass Grade 106 95% Strong muscularity Top feet and legs Outcross pedigree MILK 108 97% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +202 -0.01 +7 +0.10 +15 1. L 112 7,777 6,881 4.15 286 3.53 243 2. L 83 7,922 7,784 4.19 327 3.65 284 3. L 52 7,907 8,089 4.09 331 3.60 291 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 101 119 118 101 99 104 100 102 102 81 89 113 112 103 110 108 96 97 104 102 97 93 92 98 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 113 92% MI 108 97% CG 106 95% FIT 105 92%
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source
Official Evaluations EBI €82 32% Calving
62% Milk €64 58% Calving Diff. Heifer 13.0% 33% Milk kgs 185 58% Calving Diff. Cow 5.70% 62% Fat 8kg +0.02% 58% Gest Len (Days) 1.17 86% Protein 11kg +0.07% 58% Health €11 2% Fertility €34 1% Maintenance -€ 2 35% Calv. Int -1.81 1% Management -€ 5 2% Survival 0.93 1% Milk Time (Secs)
3% Beef €28 40% Temperament
1% Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A2A2


Sindi Grazia REUMUT RAUFBOLD DE 09 50082753 1/238 4.732 5,03 3,67 Gloria ZAUBER Gabi

Source LfL Bayern Oct '22



Diff. Cow 4.94%

(Days) 0.83 18%




-0.36 3%

16 WOLFSLAND SI WOLFSLAND 31 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000952603159 100%SI DOB: 11.04.2017 FITNESS 107 86% Productive Life 114 74% Persistence 89 91% Fertility 110 75% Udder Health 99 89% Cell Count 98 88% Milking Speed 111 92% Calving Ease Pat 106 94% Prod. Increase 102 76% Calf Vitality 95 82 Calving Ease Mat 105 85% Semen Fertility -4 BIO 121 89% Milking Behaviour 110 71% BEEF 116 91% Daily Gain 113 94% Dressing perc. 114 83% Carcass Grade 110 91% High solids Fertility improver Excellent milking speed MILK 118 94% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +260 +0.26 +33 +0.14 +21 1. L 31 8,083 2,627 4.29 113 3.38 89 2. L 3. L Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 106 112 106 101 106 103 105 105 112 95 96 101 111 111 102 92 103 89 90 97 113 111 106 99 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S RA TMI 127 86% MI 118 94% CG 109 91% FIT 107 86% PEDIGREE Line: Redad WOBBLER
DE 09 46673832 Sindi MANDELA
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22
Official Evaluations EBI €131 23% Calving
15% Milk €92 53% Calving Diff. Heifer
14% Milk kgs 182 53% Calving
16% Fat 17kg +0.16% 53% Gest Len
Protein 12kg +0.10% 53% Health € 7 10% Fertility €33 4% Maintenance
3 12% Calv. Int -1.67 4% Management
6 11% Survival 0.98 4% Milk Time (Secs)
17% Beef €26 15% Temperament
Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A2


SANDDORN SAFIR DE 09 45623781 GEBALOT Xima Serena WILLIE WINNIPEG DE 09 50305833 6/2,5 9.240 5,31 3,86 Sonne ZAUBER HL 2020 9.638 5,61 3,81 Susi

Source LfL Bayern Oct '22


Diff. Heifer 8.94%








17 SERVAL SI8247 SERVAL 58 Daughters HB No: SIMDEUM000952727333 100%SI aAa: 432156 DOB: 14.03.2017 FITNESS 101 85% Productive Life 98 74% Persistence 95 92% Fertility 105 74% Udder Health 102 90% Cell Count 98 89% Milking Speed 109 92% Calving Ease Pat 103 95% Prod. Increase 99 76% Calf Vitality 93 82% Calving Ease Mat 104 85% Semen Fertility 0 BIO 112 89% Milking Behaviour 109 69% BEEF 102 90% Daily Gain 102 93% Dressing perc. 102 84% Carcass Grade 100 90% Fertility improver High solids Excellent milking speed MILK 118 95% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +210 +0.37 +39 +0.10 +15 1. L 55 8,435 2,455 4.48 110 3.38 83 2. L 3 8,449 6,138 4.30 264 3.64 223 3. L Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 119 103 112 108 120 121 113 115 103 97 104 109 108 102 100 104 105 105 94 114 111 110 108 110 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S RA TMI 117 86% MI 118 95% CG 100 90% FIT 101 85%
Line: Streik SERTOLI
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22
Official Evaluations EBI €134 28% Calving
33% Milk €83 53% Calving
31% Milk kgs 144 53% Calving
40% Fat 18kg +0.20% 53% Gest Len (Days)
34% Protein 10kg +0.08% 53% Health €12 6% Fertility €36 4% Maintenance
33% Calv. Int -1.83 4% Management
5 4% Survival 1.07 4% Milk Time (Secs)
7% Beef €37 34% Temperament
1% Source ICBF Oct ‘22


18 ZERBERUS SI ZERBERUS 29 Daughters HB No: S 871035 100%SI DOB: 29.04.2016 FITNESS 106 85% Productive Life 109 74% Persistence 88 90% Fertility 100 74% Udder Health 114 88% Cell Count 116 86% Milking Speed 102 89% Calving Ease Pat 97 94% Prod. Increase 106 78% Calf Vitality 98 81% Calving Ease Mat 103 83% Semen Fertility 0 BIO 121 88% Milking Behaviour 101 70% BEEF 111 89% Daily Gain 110 92% Dressing perc. 109 81% Carcass Grade 106 89% All round sire Productive career Ingredients MILK 122 93% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +816 +0.05 +39 -0.02 +27 1. L 27 8,478 2,789 4.28 3.32 2. L 2 7,678 5,826 4.27 3.61 3. L Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 111 103 109 114 109 109 111 109 115 91 97 103 105 115 112 104 105 103 106 95 120 109 103 97 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36 TYP S R
TMI 127 85% MI 122 93% CG 111 89% FIT 106 85% PEDIGREE Line: Zander ZEPTER ZASPIN ZASPORT DE 09 49287315 Nele HUTOED Nene 56889 REUMUT RAUFBOLD DE 09 48556889 HL 2017 6.628 3,94 3,64 Gazelle WINNIPEG Gazelle Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22 Source LfL Bayern Oct '22 Official Evaluations EBI € % Calving € % Milk € % Calving Diff. Heifer % % Milk kgs % Calving Diff. Cow % % Fat kg % % Gest Len (Days) % Protein kg % % Health € % Fertility € % Maintenance € % Calv. Int % Management € % Survival % Milk Time (Secs) % Beef € % Temperament % Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A1A1



Line: Redad ABSTAMMUNG IROLA PS ROTAX IROKESE P*S Tabea WYOMING DE 09 47633254 Tanne 1005 VOLLGAS P*S VALERO DE 09 51271925 2/305 8.266 5,08 3,60 902 HUTERA HL 1. 8.266 5,08 3,60 788


Source LfL Bayern Oct '22


Diff. Heifer 6.94%

Calving Diff. Cow 3.86%


(Days) 1.33




-0.27 2%

19 INGMAR S3787 INGMAR Genomic HB No: SIMDEUM000954486471 100%SI aAa: 564132 DOB: 08.06.2019 FITNESS 106 84% Productive Life 114 74% Persistence 95 79% Fertility 91 74% Udder Health 114 83% Cell Count 115 79% Milking Speed 101 84% Calving Ease Pat 110 99% Prod. Increase 112 75% Calf Vitality 101 96% Calving Ease Mat 108 90% Semen Fertility 2 BIO 125 86% Milking Behaviour 100 62% BEEF 114 80% Daily Gain 110 82% Dressing perc. 115 80% Carcass Grade 109 78% Udder health Suitable for Fleckvieh heifers Polled MILK 121 86% Dtrs HD kg Milk Kg Butterfat % Butterfat Kg Protein % Protein Kg +191 +0.39 +40 +0.19 +22 1. L 2. L 3. L Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Body Length Hip Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Hock Angularity Hock Development Pastern Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Att. of Fore Udder Suspensory Ligament Udder Height Teat Length Teat Thickness Front Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Rear Teat Direction Udder Purity TYPE TRAITS DAUGHTER 94 97 109 104 93 98 93 99 107 107 117 100 99 100 90 97 103 102 89 85 92 101 103 100 small short narrow shallow ascending straight swollen weak low angles short short loose weak deep short thin wide outwards outwards add. teats large long wide deep slope sickled dry strong steep angles long long tight strong high long thick close inwards inwards clean udder -24 -12 0 12 24 36
TMI 128 79% MI 121 86% CG 109 78% FIT 106 84%
Source LfL Bayern Oct ‘22
Official Evaluations EBI €146 17% Calving
4 35% Milk €65 21% Calving
34% Milk kgs 162 21%
43% Fat 12kg +0.10% 21%
35% Protein 9kg +0.07% 21% Health
4% Fertility €42 3% Maintenance € 2 32% Calv. Int -2.15 3% Management
4 3% Survival 1.18 3% Milk Time (Secs)
4% Beef €34 32% Temperament
Source ICBF Oct ‘22 A2A2
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate, Eurogene Ai Services Ireland Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any errors contained within this catalogue and without prejudice do not accept any liability for losses which may result from any such error. Eurogene, Carrigeen Commercial Park, Cahir, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, E21 X006 Telephone: + 353 (0) 52 7442940 www.eurogeneaiservices.com Email: sales@eurogeneaiservices.com North Leinster/Ulster David Hazelton +44 7841 748764 Munster Tony O’Leary 087 2668494 Leinster PJ McGrath 087 6392794 North Leinster Paddy Cadden 087 9366003 Connaught Mark Connolly 086 3267798 Clare/Tipperary/Leinster Shane Quilligan 087 6656756 Breeding & Business Development Manager Tom Baker 086 2617417

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