German Masters Sale 2017

Page 1

28. Consignor


FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.











HH. -







Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV









































Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


HolyfaithUhr VG-86-FR Freitag, 20. Oktober 2017, 15:00 | 2yr.Friday, October DKR thePronto 20thFaith 2017, 15:00 hr VG-86-DE 2yr.

Faithlove NC

Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Bitburg - Germany

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000


NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA



BHV1 frei nach Artikel 10! Alle Tiere können sofort nach der Auktion zu Festpreisen in alle Länder ohne Quarantäne exportieret werden!

IBR Free area! No quarantaine needed to any other countries! Purchases will be exported right away after the sale for a flat price!

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

EUROPEAN MASTERS SALE Friday, 12. April 2019 | Libramont, Belgium

During the European Show 2019

Plan your future consignments now for one of the most exciting events of this century! Do not hesitate to contact the sale organisation for more information.

Sale Management Eurogenes • Tel. +31 (0)6 43985150 • Email. • European Livestock Service • Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388⁠• Email. Roccafarm Livestock • Tel. +32 (0)496614477⁠• Email.



28. Willkommen YLOVE / Welcome Consignor


FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.


iebe Züchterfreunde, 08/16






















ear breeders, -1.2 3.6 9.0










HH. -











Topfreuen 15 PTATuns calf sehr, Ihnen den Katalog zur vierten Auflage Wir in Europe!! 08/16 DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 des German Masters Sale präsentieren zu können.

2.70 105 Masters 106 14 fourth102 German Sale. 13

Die tollen und positiven Rückmeldungen im Anschluss an die German Masters Sales 2014, 2015 & 2016 gaben uns den Ansporn, dieses Jahr den 4. German Masters Sale zu veranstalten. Wir sind wirklich begeistert und überwältigt von den Anmeldungen, die wir hierfür von Züchtern von der gaznen Welt bekommen haben. Und freuen uns Ihnen das mit Abstand umfangreichste und beste Angebot, das wir bisher hatten, anbieten zu können!

The great responses we had after the German Masters Sale 2014, 2015 & 2016 motivated us extra to organize this year already the 4th German Masters Sale. We are extremely happy and overwhelmed for the consignments we recieved for this edition from breeders from all over the World. We believe to offer you this year the best and most complete offering we ever had.

Wir möchten uns bei den Beschickern aus aller Welt bedanken, die uns ihre allerbesten Tiere gemeldet haben und somit einen Katalog mit dieser Qualität erst möglich machen. Ein großer Dank geht auch an die vielen Sponsoren, ohne die diese Auktion nicht durchzuführen wäre.

We want to thank the consignors which entered their very best and made it possible to make this great selection we have for the German Masters Sale 2017. Also we want Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA to thank our sponsors which help us makes this event possible.

Durch die vielen tollen Anmeldungen ist es uns gelungen, Ihnen ein breit gefächertes Angebot von über 170 Katalognummern aus den momentan besten Kuhfamilien der Welt zusammen zu stellen. Für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei! Im Katalog finden sie einige der höchsten genomischen Rinder die jemals angeboten wurden, dazu die bisher größte und beste Kollektion an abgekalbten mit über 35 fantastischen Färsen und Kühen , überragende Schaurinder, eine große Auswahl an hornlosen Tieren, Embryonenpakete, und 3rd dam: Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. das allesDKR in rot oder schwarz. Natürlich dürfen auch einige Spitzentiere der Rassen Wagyu, Brown Swiss und Jersey nicht fehlen!

Because of the many consignments we received for this years sale we had the great position to make a catalogue with over 170 lots out of the best cow families which the World can offer. There is something for everybody! In the the catalogue you will find some of the higest genomic animals ever to sell, a fantastic group with more then 35 fantastic fresh milkers, fantastic show heifers & cows, polled and homozygous polled animals, B&W and R&W, embryo packages and7th diffrent breeds. dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

View-Home MONTEREY Und das in allen Preiskategorien, für jeden ist etwas dabei!! Pine-Tree AltaOAK (McCutchen x Robust)

We are very excited to present you the catalogue of the 3020

There is something for everybody and in all diffrent price ranges!! Gillette WINDBROOK

Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, Sie am 20. Oktober 2017 VG-86-FR zum 4. 2yr. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday, October Holyfaith DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. the 20st at the 4th German Masters Sale in Bitburg, German Masters Sale in Bitburg in der Auktionshalle begrüßen Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. Faithlove NC Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. Germany. zu dürfen. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info


US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

it besten Grüßen,

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / 50 GTPI& #16 PTAT in Europe IhrTop German Masters Salecow Team • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol est regards, • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA


The German Masters Sale Team

NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA



FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

Milk Top ADRESSE 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 08/16 DGV










HH. -




GTPI 2489









































AUKTIONSHALLE BITBURG (Eifelhalle) Adresse: Südring 19 - 54634 Bitburg - Germany

CONTACTS DE Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388 NL Jan de Vries +31 (0)6 26250502 Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA NL Arjan v.d. Vlis +31 (0)6 43985150 NL Jan Postma +31 (0)6 42778550 NL Reinier v.d. Steege +31 (0)6 51005715 DE Gerd Grebener +49 (0) 1725353693 DE Uwe Müller +49 (0)1725353691 DE Torben Melbaum +49 (0)17661303019 DK Martin Rasmussen +45 (0)28998625 LUX Arno Grengs +352 (0)621326128 IT Angelo Pozzatti +39 (0)3356776396 IT Carlo Valsecchi +39 (0)335274512 ES Pablo Reboiro +31 (0)6 52371848 FR Jan v.d. Oord +33 (0)679961625 FR Louis Jacquin +33 (0)683803325 FR Daniel Schwartz +33 (0) 698619557 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. AT Rupert Wenger +43 6769712913 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM PO Agnieszka Jonczyk +48 514281060 UK Mark Lee +44 (0)79809924179 UK Ryann Spackmann +44 (0)7725653542 View-Home MONTEREY Pine-Tree AltaOAK UK Richard Bostock +44 (0)7989219686 Gillette WINDBROOK (McCutchen x Robust) UK Andy Cope +44 (0)7778056327 BE Ivo Hulsbosch +32 (0)496614477 Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. NA Steve Mower +1 2405205906 Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. Faithlove NC NA Sebastien Dion +1 5193200656 sunviewholstein@hotmail.comConf. VG-86-DE 2yr. CH Thomas Gerber +41 (0)627566223La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P Just fresh, see Bosshard sale updates for more CH Peter +41info (0)41794307167 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P IE Joseph O’Callaghan +353 862607445 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Auktionator Andreas Aebi, Nici Nosbisch • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe Pedigrees Torben Melbaum, Mark Lee • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed NEXT DAMS Ringmen Mertes (BE), Henrik Wille (DE), Eckhard Hauck (DE), Jörg Seeger (DE), Udo Richter (DE), / One of the highest outcross cowsMatthias in the breed 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.

Martin Leijen (NL), Pablo Reboiro (ES), Arno Grengs (LUX), Yvon Sachet (FR) 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Fitting Crew

Torben Melbaum, Luke Lancaster & Team 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Alberto Medina, Cameron Baty, Singh Vki, Jonas Melbaum, Joe Schweigen, Valentin Boulet

6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

SALE ORGANISATION: Nosbisch Holsteins, Eurogenes & RUW

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

28. Consignor

MAUKTIONSINFO YLOVE FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.











Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV




GTPI 2489









































FREITAG, 20. OKTOBER 2017 / FRIDAY, OCTOBER THE 20TH 2017 AUKTIONSHALLE BITBURG (EIFELHALLE) - Südring 19 - 54634 Bitburg - Germany



HH. -





Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

TOUR Lassen sie sich diese einmalige Veranstaltung nicht entgehen. Es werden touren aus verschiedenen Ländern organisiert. Ein Kurzausflug mit maximalem Spaßfaktor

Join this great event, several tours will be organized from different countries, a short trip with maximum pleasure:


bekannt aus dem Bierkönig in Mallorca 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.


7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)


Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Gerne Faithlove NC buchen wir für Sie Ihr Hotel:

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

Jutta Nosbisch - Tel. +49 (0)65687187 - Email.

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P

We will be happy to assist in your travel arrangements hotel @ reservations. 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Sister to NHand Fabulous Ascol / US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 Do not hesitate to contact us. Jutta Nosbisch Tel. +49 (0)65687187 Email. Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Eifelbräu Bitburg +49 (0)6561 9100 Top Hotel 50 GTPI& #16-PTAT cow-inTel. Europe • #4 GTPI in Europe / #4 -GTPI Europe3422 HotelOak Leander - Bitburg Tel. Oak +49 in (0)6561 • OneHotel of theLouis highest outcross cows in the Müller - Bitburg - Tel. +49breed (0)6561 9190 / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Hotel Eifelstern - Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 91500


NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA


The following airports are all close from the sale place and open day: * Frankfurt / Hahn

Top 10*GTPI Schwester zu Charley Köln

* Luxembourg * Düsseldorf

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

We GTPI can organize for you the Transport from the Airport and back again and10 help with yourheifer reservations. • Top 10 Polled heifer in Europe! • Top GTPI Polled in Europe! Nosbisch: • SuperNici fitness & type:0049/1714368388 SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

28. Consignor

MAUKTIONSINFO YLOVE FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

HH. -

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Auktionsbedingungen Durchführung der Auktion: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41Veterinär2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 Bitburg 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 Leitung: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinäraufsicht: und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Auszug aus den Auktionsbestimmungen. Die vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im Auktionsbüro Milk %F %E Fat Eiw zur Einsicht SCS aus.MS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI 15 PTAT 1. Die Top RUW verkauft die calf aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. Die Auktion ist im Artikel 10 Gebiet! BHV1 frei nach Artikel 10! Alle Tiere in Europe!! unterwirft sich diesen 08/16Auktionsbestimmungen. DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105 106 14 13 13 +16 3020 2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer können sofort Auktion Festpreisen in alle Länder ohne Quarantäne 3. Zugelassen in der Auktionshalle sindnach nur Tiereder aus amtlich tbc- undzu bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere wurden serologisch mit negativem Ergebnis auf BHV-1 untersucht. 4. Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen Tiere sind virologisch negativ auf MD/BVD untersucht. exportiert werden! 5. Bekannte wertmindernde Mängel werden vom Auktionator angesagt oder stehen im Update. 6. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werden angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbern haftet der Verkäufer mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen The Auction is inBlutgruppenbestimmung Article 10 Area!nachweisbar) IBR Free No qurantaine needed to any other countries! Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch undarea! keine Zwitter sind. Purchases will be exported away after the sale for a flat rates. All sale animals qualify for export within Europe, 7. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht für fehlerhafte Angabenright im Katalog verantwortlich geamcht werden. 8. Der Verkäuferexceptions leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben einerupdate. Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. will be mentioned in the mit sale We will take care of the Abstammung export until your barn with speciliazed elite 9. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direktIn 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. derbe gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens dreithe Monate nachdem das letzte ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. animal transport. case animals can’t exported right after sale, they will Kalb be geboren housed at the sellers place until Vor der Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle das die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. export, the first 30 days of housing will be free, after that EUR 3 / day will be charged. 10. Bei Doppelgebot und Streitigkeiten entscheidet die Auktionsleitung. 11. Vom Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. + Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr entsteht unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für eigene Rechnung (Eigengeschäft)PRICES oder für fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro TRANSPORT (Flat prices, delivered at tätig home) zu erfolgen. HOUSING MÖGLICHKEITEN * GERMANY EURder75-150 12. Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn Schaden nicht durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt ist. Unterbringung, Embryotransfer & IVF Möglich13. Auktionsversicherung: * LUXEMBOURG EUR 75 keiten können10.000 für die Käufer organisiert Die Tiere sind*obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag €, Höherversicherung möglich. Fürwerden. nicht verkaufte BELGIUM EUR 185 Same family: Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA Sieaußer nicht bei Fragen zu Ralma kontaktieren. Tiere gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für ExporttiereZögern an der Grenze, bei uns den Benelux-Staaten. * FRANCE EUR 150-400 Transportversicherung (100%): * SWITZERLAND EUR 300-400 Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. HOUSING POSSIBILITIES * UNITED KINGDOM Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): EUR 300-400 Housing, flushing & IVF possibilities will be Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion EUR (Hautallergietest, freiento bzw.buyers. unverdächtigen Gewährfrist ein Monat bei * DENMARK 300-400Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt offered Don’tBestand. hesitate to contact usTbc forund Brucellose, drei Monate bei Leukose. * ITALY EUR 350-500 more info. BHV1-Versicherung: THE NETHERLANDS 250-350 Während des* Antransports zur Auktion, bei der AuktionEUR und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach gültiger * Export dieseEUR 50 /verstoßen, animalist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) BVO (Stand Dezember 2001)documents erfüllen. Wird gegen Obliegenheit im Käuferstall innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis ergibt. Die Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach dem Eingang der Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung durchführen Preis zu lassen.variiert Ergibt sichabhängig hierbei ein anderes so ist die durch einen Amtstierarzt Probe bis maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten Lieferort und Folgeschäden nicht erstattet. Bei allen vonErgebnis, der genauen Entfernung vongezogene Bitburg zum gewünschten im werden jeweiligen Land. / Versicherungsschadensfällen werden Verwertungserlöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung. Flucturable prices are an indication and depending on the exact location within the country. 14. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel.: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz.


REQUEST for the price to your country & conditions

3rd dam:+49 DKR(0)1714368388 Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Tiere in Abwesenheit: Exportpreis kann variieren. Exportpreis wird berechnet von dem Ort / Land aus wo das Rind

SaleView-Home Conditionssteht, MONTEREY dieser Ort / Land wird im Auktionsupdate bekannt gegeben. / Pine-Tree AltaOAK Sales organisation: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins Gillette (McCutchen x Robust) Absentee lots: Export price could be different for the lots selling in absentee, export price willWINDBROOK be charged from the Management: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg place the heifer is located, which can be seen in the catalogue / or update. Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can be inspected in the sale office. Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its own behalf or on commission. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. NC 2. Faithlove Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 3. All animals are from officially acknowledged tuberculosis-, leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn were serologically tested negative on BHV-1. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 4. Just All animals are virologically negative tested MD/BVD. fresh, see sale updates for onmore info 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 5. All known value-reducing defects of an animal are announced by the auctioneer or will be mentioned in the sale update. 6.09 305d 3.8% 499F 3.3% 6. Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, to the NH sellerFabulous is liable to a term of 2 years/ after the sale, that the female calves13.127kgM do not come from an opposite-sex twin 433P pregnancy • Sister @ Ascol USblood 8/16testPTAT +3.29and/ are GTPI +2483 (by detectable) no hermaphrodites. interessierte Leute die nicht an der Auktion vor Ort sein können, Sister to NHFür Fabulous @ Ascol Für das die aktuellen 7. The sale organisation can Auktionsupdate not be held responsible for und any mistakes made in the catalogue. • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 gibt es die Möglichkeit die Auktion Live über Internert zu verfolgen 8. • TheTop seller50 guarantees periodPTAT of sixSie: weeks all catalogue of parental descent by blood group determination in ET-offspring occurred. News besuchen GTPI-for & a#16 cow that in Europe / information is correct. The assurance und online zu bieten, über die Homepage: / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 9. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is born, the selection has to take place. Prior to the acquisition the Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / For the sale updates and latest news visit: remaining 75% of the purchase price have to be paid. If the guarnatee can not be fulfilled, theFor complete first payment will bewho paid back. interested people can not attent the sale, there is the option • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe 10. In the case of double bids and disputes the auction management will make a decision. to follow the sale live and bid online through the sale website • One the outcross in thefeebreed 11. Price to beofpaid by highest the buyer: Auction price +cows 9,0% auction + tax + insurance premium (plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be chargedNEXT regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) DAMS WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM WWW.LIVEDAIRYAUCTION.COM of thebusiness. highestPayment outcross indirectly the breed or/forOne commission has tocows be made after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 12. The seller is responsible for justified complaints, if the damage is not covered by insurance. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 13. Sale insurance: 6ehigher Ralma Christmas Fudge DOM Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, insurance is possible. The VG-88-USA insurance valueGMD for unsold animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Transport insurance (100%): 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrival in the German buyer’s stable. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): In case of official veterinary proven positive reaction (skin allergy test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is one month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, 3 months for leucosis. Für das leibliche Wohl ist den ganzen Abend durch einen professionellen IBR / BHV1-insurance: During the transport tobestens the place of gesorgt, sale, during thedazu sale and during the transport to the buyer’s barn, animals alle may only get into contact with animals, which meet the requirements of a BHV1-free cattle according Caterer können Sie den ganzen Abend Getränke to the valid act (Decembergenießen. 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. kostenlos The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The insurance company is entitled within 14 days after receipt of the complaint to have made a follow-up analysis. If this result is different, the result of the sample, taken by the official veterinarian, is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurance claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance. 14. BehaviourCatering in case of damages: will be available at the sale place with several dinners served. buyer obliged Polled to contactheifer Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and•accidents thePolled transport heifer or during in the Europe! stay on the auction place. •TheTop 10is GTPI in Europe! Top 10during GTPI




Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

The whole night you can enjoy the free drinks. • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA


28. MUST YLOVE GO EVENT! Consignor

FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

HH. -

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Auktionsbedingungen Durchführung der Auktion: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41Veterinär2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 Bitburg 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 Leitung: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinäraufsicht: und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Auszug aus den Auktionsbestimmungen. Die vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im Auktionsbüro Milk %F %E Fat Eiw zur Einsicht SCS aus.MS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI 15 PTAT 1. Die Top RUW verkauft die calf aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. in Europe!! unterwirft sich diesen 08/16Auktionsbestimmungen. DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105 106 14 13 13 +16 3020 2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer 3. Zugelassen in der Auktionshalle sind nur Tiere aus amtlich tbc- und bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere wurden serologisch mit negativem Ergebnis auf BHV-1 untersucht. 4. Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen Tiere sind virologisch negativ auf MD/BVD untersucht. 5. Bekannte wertmindernde Mängel werden vom Auktionator angesagt oder stehen im Update. 6. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werden angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbern haftet der Verkäufer mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch Blutgruppenbestimmung nachweisbar) und keine Zwitter sind. 7. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht für fehlerhafte Angaben im Katalog verantwortlich geamcht werden. 8. Der Verkäufer leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. 9. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direkt 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. Vor der Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle das die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. 10. Bei Doppelgebot und Streitigkeiten entscheidet die Auktionsleitung. 11. Vom Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. + Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr entsteht unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für eigene Rechnung (Eigengeschäft) oder für fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) tätig wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro zu erfolgen. 12. Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn der Schaden nicht durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt ist. 13. Auktionsversicherung: Die Tiere sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 €, Höherversicherung möglich. Für nicht verkaufte Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA Tiere gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für Exporttiere an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staaten. Transportversicherung (100%): Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt freien bzw. unverdächtigen Bestand. Gewährfrist ein Monat bei Tbc und Brucellose, drei Monate bei Leukose. BHV1-Versicherung: Während des Antransports zur Auktion, bei der Auktion und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach gültiger BVO (Stand Dezember 2001) erfüllen. Wird gegen diese Obliegenheit verstoßen, ist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) im Käuferstall innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis ergibt. Die Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach dem Eingang der Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung durchführen zu lassen. Ergibt sich hierbei ein anderes Ergebnis, so ist die durch einen Amtstierarzt gezogene Probe maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten und Folgeschäden werden nicht erstattet. Bei allen Versicherungsschadensfällen werden Verwertungserlöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung. 14. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel.: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz. 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

SaleView-Home Conditions MONTEREY Pine-Tree AltaOAK Sales organisation: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins Gillette WINDBROOK (McCutchen x Robust) Management: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can VG-86-FR be inspected in the sale office. Holyfaith 2yr. 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its own behalf or on commission. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. NC 2. Faithlove Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 3. All animals are from officially acknowledged tuberculosis-, leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn were serologically tested negative on BHV-1. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 4. Just All animals are virologically negative tested MD/BVD. fresh, see sale updates for onmore info 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 5. All known value-reducing defects of an animal are announced by the auctioneer or will be mentioned in the sale update. 6.09 305d 3.8% 499F 3.3% 6. Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, to the NH sellerFabulous is liable to a term of 2 years/ after the sale, that the female calves13.127kgM do not come from an opposite-sex twin 433P pregnancy • Sister @ Ascol USblood 8/16testPTAT +3.29and/ are GTPI +2483 (by detectable) no hermaphrodites. Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol 7. The sale organisation can not be held responsible for any mistakes made in the catalogue. • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 8. • TheTop seller50 guarantees periodPTAT of six weeks all catalogue ET-offspring occurred. GTPI-for & a#16 cow that in Europe / information is correct. The assurance of parental descent by blood group determination/ inTopseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 9. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is born, the selection has to take place. Prior to the acquisition the Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe remaining 75% of the purchase price have to be paid. If the guarnatee can not be fulfilled, the complete first payment will be paid back. • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe 10. In the case of double bids and disputes the auction management will make a decision. • One the outcross in thefeebreed 11. Price to beofpaid by highest the buyer: Auction price +cows 9,0% auction + tax + insurance premium (plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be chargedNEXT regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) DAMS of thebusiness. highestPayment outcross indirectly the breed or/forOne commission has tocows be made after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 12. The seller is responsible for justified complaints, if the damage is not covered by insurance. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 13. Sale insurance: 6ehigher Ralma Christmas Fudge DOM Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, insurance is possible. The VG-88-USA insurance valueGMD for unsold animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Transport insurance (100%): 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrival in the German buyer’s stable. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): In case of official veterinary proven positive reaction (skin allergy test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is one month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, 3 months for leucosis. IBR / BHV1-insurance: During the transport to the place of sale, during the sale and during the transport to the buyer’s barn, animals may only get into contact with animals, which meet the requirements of a BHV1-free cattle according to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The insurance company is entitled within 14 days after receipt of the complaint to have made a follow-up analysis. If this result is different, the result of the sample, taken by the official veterinarian, is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurance claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance. 14. Behaviour in case of damages: buyer obliged Polled to contactheifer Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and•accidents thePolled transport heifer or during in the Europe! stay on the auction place. •TheTop 10is GTPI in Europe! Top 10during GTPI

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

28. Consignor

MSHOW YLOVE AWARDS SHOW AWARDS FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

Sold through the German Masters Sale ‘14 & ‘15


es Milk gibt

HH. -

%F SCHAU %E ein

Fat Eiw SCS AWARD System

Neu German Topam 15 PTAT calf Masters Neu am German MastersSale, Sale, es gibt ein SCHAU AWARD System in Europe!! 08/16German DGV +1458 -0.04Sale +0.09 51 Wenn 58 2.70 für alle Tiere die ihr Masters kauft! für alle Tiere die ihrbeim beim German Masters Sale kauft! Wenn Schau Schaueure eureLeidenschaft Leidenschaftist istund undihre ihregroßartige großartigeFamilien Familienliebt, liebt, dann dannhaben habenwir wirdieses diesesJahr Jahrgenau genaudas dasrichtige richtigefür füreuch, euch,mit mit einer einerfantastischen fantastischenund undnie nieda dagewesenen gewesenenAuswahl Auswahlan anüberraüberragenden Schautieren: Gewinnt die Schau, verdient Geld genden Schautieren: Gewinnt die Schau, verdient Gelddamit, damit, entwickelt entwickelteure eureeigene eigenegroßartige großartigeFamilie Familiefür füreure eureHerde! Herde!Wir Wir geben gebeneuch eucheine eineextra extraAuszeichnung. Auszeichnung.Wenn WennDu Dugewinnst gewinnstununterstützen terstützenwir wirDich! Dich!Die DieAuszeichnungen: Auszeichnungen:








GTPI 2489























Beechrow Twains Atwood Res. Jr. Champion Luxembourg Open ‘16 Jr. Champion Pesse ‘16

YOU YOU WIN WIN –– WE WE SUPPORT!! SUPPORT!! New Newininthe theGerman GermanMasters MastersSale, Sale,aaSHOW SHOWAWARD AWARDsystem systemfor for your animals purchased through the German Masters your animals purchased through the German MastersSale! Sale!IfIf showing showingisisyour yourpassion passionand andyou youlike likegreat greatfamilies, families,we webelieve believe there thereisisaagreat greatoffering offeringofofpotential potentialshow showwinners winnerswho whocan cando do ititall for you: win shows, make business with them and develop all for you: win shows, make business with them and develop great greatcow cowfamilies familiesininyour yourherd! herd!We Wegive giveyou youan anextra extraaward, award,ifif you youwin, win,we wesupport supportyou! you!The Theawards: awards:

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

I-Cow Aurora Champion Calf Pesse & Jr. Champion Beilen ‘15

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

REGIONAL REGIONALSCHAU SCHAU//REGIONAL REGIONALSHOW SHOW 1st € 150 1st € 150 View-Home MONTEREY €€300 Champion 300 Champion Pine-Tree AltaOAK (McCutchen x Robust) Res. €€200 Res.Champion Champion 200


FG Ladd Madagaskar P Top 3 R&W Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘16

Faithlove NC

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

NATIONAL NATIONALSCHAU SCHAU//NATIONAL NATIONALSHOW SHOW • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 1st € 250 1st € 250 Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol 2nd 2nd €€150 150 • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / 3rd €€100 100 3rd50 Top GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • Champion #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe € 500€ Champion € 500€ • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Res. €€350 Res.Champion Champion 350 / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Seegers Atwood Alexis VG-87-DE 2yr. 5e Ralma C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2yr.Finley old Champion RUW Show ‘16 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

INFOS INFOS - -Dies Diesististgültig gültigfür füralle alleeuropäischen europäischenLänder Länder - -Die Diemaximale maximaleAuszahlung AuszahlungististEUR EUR500€ 500€pro proTier Tier - -Auszahlungsformulare Auszahlungsformularesind sindüber überdie dieAuktionsorganisation Auktionsorganisationverfügbar verfügbarum umeuren eurenGewinn GewinnininBares Bareszuzuverwandeln! verwandeln!

Top NOTES NOTES10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

- -These Theseare arevalid validininallallEuropean Europeancountries countriesyou youshow showyour yourheifer heiferinin • can Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! - -You winning price You canearn earnup uptotothe themaximum maximum winning priceofofEUR EUR500 500 - -Pay are ononrequest bybythe cash • out Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / organisation +2.6 DPR /totoPTAT +2.13 Pay outforms forms areavailable available request the organisation cashyour yourprize! prize!

• The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6Lotus DPRJoy / PTAT Wiesenfeld Red +2.13 Show Ettelbrück ‘16 @ ABS • The maternal sister of Jr. theChampion global Nat’l sensation DG Charley Jr. Champion Luxembourg Open ‘16 • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA



of the German Masters Sale ‘17 heifers

FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

HH. -


Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Auktionsbedingungen VISIT WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM FOR MORE PICTURES OF THE SALE ANIMALS WHICH WILL BE ADDED UNTIL THE START OF THE SALE Durchführung der Auktion: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41Veterinär2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 Bitburg 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 Leitung: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinäraufsicht: und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Auszug aus den Auktionsbestimmungen. Die vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im Auktionsbüro Milk %F %E Fat Eiw zur Einsicht SCS aus.MS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI 15 PTAT 1. Die Top RUW verkauft die calf aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. in Europe!! unterwirft sich diesen 08/16Auktionsbestimmungen. DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105 106 14 13 13 +16 3020 2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer 3. Zugelassen in der Auktionshalle sind nur Tiere aus amtlich tbc- und bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere wurden serologisch mit negativem Ergebnis auf BHV-1 untersucht. 4. Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen Tiere sind virologisch negativ auf MD/BVD untersucht. 5. Bekannte wertmindernde Mängel werden vom Auktionator angesagt oder stehen im Update. 6. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werden angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbern haftet der Verkäufer mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch Blutgruppenbestimmung nachweisbar) und keine Zwitter sind. 7. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht für fehlerhafte Angaben im Katalog verantwortlich geamcht werden. 8. Der Verkäufer leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. 9. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direkt 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. Vor der Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle das die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. 10. Bei Doppelgebot und Streitigkeiten entscheidet die Auktionsleitung. Lot 1. Käufer SPH Yelena VG-89-DE Lot 59. N&B Sol+ Of Lyscha 57. Bel Doorman 11. Vom zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer).Lot Die Auktionsgebühr entstehtZita unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für eigene Rechnung (Eigengeschäft) oder für fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) tätig wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro zu erfolgen. 12. Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn der Schaden nicht durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt ist. 13. Auktionsversicherung: Die Tiere sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 €, Höherversicherung möglich. Für nicht verkaufte Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA Tiere gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für Exporttiere an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staaten. Transportversicherung (100%): Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt freien bzw. unverdächtigen Bestand. Gewährfrist ein Monat bei Tbc und Brucellose, drei Monate bei Leukose. BHV1-Versicherung: Während des Antransports zur Auktion, bei der Auktion und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach gültiger BVO (Stand Dezember 2001) erfüllen. Wird gegen diese Obliegenheit verstoßen, ist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) Käuferstall innerhalb von ergibt. Versicherungsgesellschaft Eingang der All Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung Lotim24. FG Jamandra *RC7 Tagen nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis Lot 90. MoxDieBlooming Bacardi ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagen Lot nach 128.demNH DG Sid Time Favourite durchführen zu lassen. Ergibt sich hierbei ein anderes Ergebnis, so ist die durch einen Amtstierarzt gezogene Probe maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten und Folgeschäden werden nicht erstattet. Bei allen Versicherungsschadensfällen werden Verwertungserlöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung. 14. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel.: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz. 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

SaleView-Home Conditions MONTEREY Pine-Tree AltaOAK Sales organisation: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins Gillette WINDBROOK (McCutchen x Robust) Management: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can VG-86-FR be inspected in the sale office. Holyfaith 2yr. 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its own behalf or on commission. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. NC 2. Faithlove Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. Lot NHareMission Induacknowledged Red Lotbrucellosis-free 63. Rhala Hul Chalyssa Lot 35. Wilcor PGnegative Amalia 3. 6. All Col animals from officially tuberculosis-, leucosis- and herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn were serologically tested on *RC BHV-1. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 4. Just All animals are virologically negative tested MD/BVD. fresh, see sale updates for onmore info 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 5. All known value-reducing defects of an animal are announced by the auctioneer or will be mentioned in the sale update. 6.09 305d 3.8% 499F 3.3% 6. Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, to the NH sellerFabulous is liable to a term of 2 years/ after the sale, that the female calves13.127kgM do not come from an opposite-sex twin 433P pregnancy • Sister @ Ascol USblood 8/16testPTAT +3.29and/ are GTPI +2483 (by detectable) no hermaphrodites. Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol 7. The sale organisation can not be held responsible for any mistakes made in the catalogue. • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 8. • TheTop seller50 guarantees periodPTAT of six weeks all catalogue ET-offspring occurred. GTPI-for & a#16 cow that in Europe / information is correct. The assurance of parental descent by blood group determination/ inTopseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 9. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is born, the selection has to take place. Prior to the acquisition the Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe remaining 75% of the purchase price have to be paid. If the guarnatee can not be fulfilled, the complete first payment will be paid back. • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe 10. In the case of double bids and disputes the auction management will make a decision. • One the outcross in thefeebreed 11. Price to beofpaid by highest the buyer: Auction price +cows 9,0% auction + tax + insurance premium (plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be chargedNEXT regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) DAMS of thebusiness. highestPayment outcross indirectly the breed or/forOne commission has tocows be made after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 12. The seller is responsible for justified complaints, if the damage is not covered by insurance. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 13. Sale insurance: 6ehigher Ralma Christmas Fudge DOM Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, insurance is possible. The VG-88-USA insurance valueGMD for unsold animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Lot 17. Mox Solomon Ragstar Lot 76. Dunkhorst Atwood Fey Lot KOE Gentleman Transport insurance (100%): 8e 171. RalmaFGLeadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrival in the German buyer’s stable. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): In case of official veterinary proven positive reaction (skin allergy test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is one month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, 3 months for leucosis. IBR / BHV1-insurance: During the transport to the place of sale, during the sale and during the transport to the buyer’s barn, animals may only get into contact with animals, which meet the requirements of a BHV1-free cattle according to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The insurance company is entitled within 14 days after receipt of the complaint to have made a follow-up analysis. If this result is different, the result of the sample, taken by the official veterinarian, is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurance claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance. 14. Behaviour in case of damages: buyer obliged Polled to contactheifer Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and•accidents thePolled transport heifer or during in the Europe! stay on the auction place. •TheTop 10is GTPI in Europe! Top 10during GTPI

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA Lot 19. Hul-Stein Fedi 2 Lot • 93.Goes KWHback Goldina-Red

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA Lot 109. Mox Beemer Rockbaby



FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL Ein paar Beispiele von erfolgreichen Tieren die über die letzten German Masters Sale´s verkauft wurden. / 08/16 A few examples of successful animals sold through the previous editions of the German Masters Sale: 3.6 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV



HH. -




GTPI 2489
































Wiesenfeld Lotus Joy Red Res. Jr. Champion R&W Swiss Expo ‘17 Owner: Bosseler & Belle-Vue (Lux)

NH Mogul Champain 1st & Res. Champion Belgium National Show ‘17 Owner: S. Peeters (BE)


HAM Apples Dream-Red 1st & Res. Jr. Champioon RUW Hendrix Cup ‘17 Owner: F. Köster & T. Wiethege (DE) Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

Col DG Alessa Red Champion Calf Beilen 3rd dam: DKR Pronto‘17 Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Owner: Maikel Bosma (NL)

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

RIS Doorman O’Karinan 2nd at the Edinbridge Show UK ‘17 Owner: Hennikers Holsteins (UK)

WI Beemer Felli Top ranking PTAT & Many embryos sold 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Owner: ARGH Holsteins (NL)

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Faithlove NC

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

•Corringham Top 50 GTPI& Crimson #16 PTAT cow in Europe / NH Indiansunshine Red KB SS Dam of the #1 RZG heifer for R&W World Wide!! Her son50sold for EUR 82.000 Top GTPI& #16 PTAT cow in Europe De Oosterhof Holsteins & DG (NL) •Owner: #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe Owner: Genesland & NH (DE) • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

I-Cow Aurora Champion Wintershow Pesse & Jr. Champion Beilen Owner: Hullcrest Holsteins (NL)

Hobbies Sweetheart 1st & Convis Winter Show ‘17 Owner: Pascal Vaessen, Luxemburg

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000

M.E. Dal/ Gold InloveNH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Topseller MANY embryos sold for her new owners Owner: Jungclaus & Middelkampf (DE)

NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Roccafarm Zandorra >40 embryos sold for the new owner!! Owner: Heidehof Ahrens (DE)

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA




FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

HH. -

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Großartige Ergebnisse für die neuen Besitzer dieser German Masters Sale Tiere mit vielen Bullen in der Besamung, tollen Schauresultaten,fantastisch vererbenden 08/16legen +1095 Kühen die das Stammgerüst ihrer Herde können +0.06 / Great results achieved for the new owners with bulls selling to AI stations, huge show and great +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569results 2489 transmitting cows for the next foundation of your herd! Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS MS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV


NH HS Marilyn Monroe #1 RZG Cow in Germany MANY sons in AI til date








Rocca-DG Abricot 2nd Jr. 2yr. Old UK National Show ‘17 Owner: Firstlook- & Jackpot Holsteins (UK)







FG Ladd Madagaskar 3rd Jr. Heifer R&W Show Swiss Expo ‘16 Owner: Samson, Bainvel, Dano (FR) Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

DG Belle Red Incredible R&W grand dtr of Talent Barbara EX-95 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Owner: Panda Holsteins (UK)

Seegers Atwood Alexis Res. Champion 2yr. Old RUW Show ‘16 & 2nd HZ Owner: Diamond Genetics & NH (NL & DE)

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Faithlove NC

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

NH Supersire Realtime Beechrow • Top 50 Tains GTPI-Atwood & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Sons in AI and dam to Pleasure (GTPI +2775) Res. Jr Champion Top 50 GTPI- Luxembourg & #16 PTAT Open cow ‘16 in Europe Owner: Hullcrest (NL) • #4 GTPI Oak Holsteins in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in EuropeOwner: Shavington Holsteins (UK)

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

KNS Garden One of the highest flush age heifers: GTPI +2822 Owner: Genesland & ELS (DE)

• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000

Double-M Manga / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Incredible R&W cow Owner: Dueholm Breeding (DK)

NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Welcome Supersire Lisbeth Great production & transmitting cow Owner: J. & N. van der Weij (NL)

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

Lis Golda Red VG-88-DE 1st RUW Farsenschau ‘16 (Red Braxton dtr) 7thKreutz dam: GBR Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Owner: (DE)

NH Mogul Brasiliangirl Many embryos sold Owner: ARGH Holsteins (NL)

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA




FERTIGHAUS Niedrigenergiehäuser als Einfamilien-, Doppel-, Mehrfamilien- oder Reihenhäuser


INDUSTRIE UND GEWERBE Industrie- und Gewerbehallen


LANDWIRTSCHAFT Rinder- und Schweineställe Geflügelställe | Güllebehälter Kläranlagen | Dachkonstruktionen Maschinen- und Lagerhallen Biogasanlagen | Fahrsilos Reithallen | Mehrzweckhallen

WOLF System GmbH Am Stadtwald 20 94486 Osterhofen Tel. +49 9932 37-0



Neline DE 0539462969 Geb. Datum. 06.08.2016 Gespendet / founded durch Diamond Genetics & Nosbisch Holsteins


HH. -





















+2.1 7.1








…Villa Kunterbunt (Klinkums Mutterhaus, Trier)

Hilfe, wo sie besonders nötig ist: krebs-, chronisch- oder schwerstkranke Kinder und deren Familien werden durch die Villa Kunterbunt am Klinikum Mutterhaus der Borromäerinnen in Trier unterstützt. Kaufen sie vor Ort Lose und helfen sie mit, Der komplette Erlös wird an die Villa Kunterbunt gespendet!!


…Villa Kunterbunt (Hospital motherhouse,Trier)

Help, where it’s necessary: Cancer, chronic or terminal ill children and their families will be helped in the house Villa Kunterbunt, organisated by the Motherhouse hospital in Trier. Buy tickets and help them with, the entire revenue of the lottery will be donated to the Villa Kunterbunt! 3. M. RR Super Noemi *TY VG-86-DE 2yr.

De-Su AltaSUPERSTAR (Halogen x Supersire)


Amighetti NUMERO UNO

RR Numero Uno Naomi DG RT Nadina-ET NC Conf. NC 2.08 145d 3.970kgM 4.3% 169F 3.3% 132P (Inc.) • Mutter von: / Dam to: NYGEL @ Alta (s. Superstar) - 8/17 GTPI +2600 / PTAT +3.12 • Die tolle N Kuhfamilie aus Deutschland / The great N cow family from Germany • Charley Sohn mit hohem PFT & RZG auf Station / Charley son with high PFT & RZG in to AI

RR Super Noemi *TY VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Mutter von: Netflix (s. Commander ) @ ABS / Dam to Netflix (s. Commander) @ ABS • Sie war einer der höchsten Numero Uno Töchter ihres alters / She was one of the highest Numero Uno dtrs of her age • Jedi Enkelin verkauft für EUR 14.000, welche eines der höchsten GPFT Rinder in Italien war / Jedi granddaughter sold for EUR 14.000, who was in the top of the Italian GPFT rankings

Vollschwester zu NYGEL – Die deutsche N-Familie • Die Vollschwester zu NYGEL @ Alta (GTPI +2600 / PTAT +3.12) • Hohe Inhaltsstoffe in ihrem Index: +0.11% Fett & +0.07% Eiweiß • +2.49 PTAT Rind +2.36 Euter!! • Aus der deutschen N-Familie • Diese Familie steht für gute Typkühe

La1 305d 12.723kgM 3.7% 470F 3.5% 441P • Ihre Großmutter war vorselektiert für die Europaschau in Oldenburg / Her grand dam was preselected for the European Show in Oldenburg NEXT DAMS 4e RR Bolton Narzisse VG-87-DE 2yr. 5e Riverland Nadine VG-87-DE 2yr. 6e AMA Nathalie EX-90-DE 7e AMA Nachtigal VG-87-DE 8e AMA Nadja VG-88-DE

Full sister to NYGEL - The German N-family • The full sister to NYGEL @ Alta (GTPI +2600 / PTAT +3.12) • High components in her index: +0.11% Fat & +0.07% Protein • +2.49 PTAT heifer with +2.36 UDC!! • From the German N-family • Family which stemps high type

01. SPH Consignor Prod. Conf. Show results Genomics Offspring:


Yelena VG-89-DE

DE 0666188938 Geb. Datum. 25.11.2012 HH. - H. & A. Ekkel- Tel. +49 (0) 162 9848124 - Email. La1 305d 9.515kgM 5.3% 508F 3.9% 373P | La2 305d 12.728kgM 4.7%F 3.6%P (Proj.) - SCS 47 89 88 88 89 / VG-89-DE La2 Res. Champion Emslandschau ‘17 3rd Int. Cow German National Show 2017 US 8/17 NM $ 655 / PTAT +2.01 (UDC +2.37) / GTPI +2461 Dtrs: Ekkel Yasmin (GTPI +2682), former #2 GTPI in Europe with +2763 GTPI, sold to PEAK Genetics Sons: Kingsley @ Masterrind, Kaluscho @ GGI & Singstar @ Cogent & already 3 grand sons in AI First 2 milking dtrs already VG 2yr. old















+0.5 +6.3












2461 Han Hopman

Her son: Ekkel SINGSTAR @ Cogent

SPH Yelena VG-89-DE | SHE SELLS!! SPH Yelena VG-89-DE | SHE SELLS!!

Mountfield SSI Dcy MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh)

Ronelee Toystory DOMAIN


Co-Op Bosside Yelonda-ET VG-86-USA DOM Conf. VG-86-USA DOM

Yvette EX-90-DE Conf. 91 91 89 91 / EX-90-DE

Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA GMD DOM

La4/3 305d 10.616kgM 4.3% 457F 3.4% 356P HL2 305d 11.303kgM 4.2% 477F 3.3% 369P

2.00 365d 12.878kgM 4.9% 629F 3.6% 457P 5.03 365d 14.577kgM 4.1% 598F 3.3% 481P

1.11 365d 16.751kgM 3.6% 606F 3.1% 512P

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Molotov @ Masterrind & Lockerley @ GGI • OUTCROSS!/ Domain x Mascol x Bret x Manfred • Dam of #1 German Proven Bull on TPI base SPH Mercury (2485 TPI / RZG 144)

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: MASSEY!

• Tolle OUTCROSS Zuchtkuh / Great OUTCROSS brood cow

02. EKKEL YOUTUBE DE 0360343299 Sire Westcoast Kerrigan 8/17

Geb. Datum. 23.03.2017 Dam SPH Yelena VG-89-DE

HH. -



















+2.2 7.7







Eine der BESTEN!!! • Eine der besten Mogul Töchter der Welt und sie wird verkauft! • Sie hat alles! Das Exterieur um die Schauen zu gewinnen und eine un glaubliche Zuchtkraft: >3 Söhne in der Besamung und Mutter der #3 GTPI Superman welche für einen Rekordpreis an PEAK Genetics verkauft wurde • Eine der komplettesten Kühe die jemals in Europa verkauft wurde

NEXT DAMS 4e Milkworth Manfred Yadda VG-86-USA GMD DOM 5e Milkworth Megabuck Yen GP-83 VG-MS 6e Milkworth Blackstar Nach-ET GP-81 VG-MS 7e Foxworth Secret Naples-ET VG-86 GMD DOM 8e Foxworth Tradition Nicolena VG-87 DOM 9e Ransom-Rail Nicolette VG-86 GMD DOM 10e Ransom-Rail Nicki Combination EX-90 GMD DOM 11e Ransom-Rail Celeste Nicholas VG-88 GMD 12e Ransom-Rail Pilot Ursula VG-86 GMD

One of Mogul’s greatest!!! • One of the greatest Mogul dtrs in the breed selling! • She has it all! The show winning type and a great transmitter, >3 sons in AI and dam of the #3 GTPI Superman which sold for a record price to PEAK Genetics • One of the most complete cows ever offered in a European sale

Imagine... this could be your view every morning!!!

03. Thosta Doorman Consignor


CH 120131991656 Geb. Datum. 01.02.2017 Staub Thomas - Tel. +41 (0)179 2103336 - Email.

Mat. sister to Grace: La Prairie Winhniana

M. Bel Goldwyn Golriana EX-93-CH & left her full sister Goldriana EX-93

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda) Bel Goldwyn Golriana EX-93-CH Conf. EX-93-CH EX-94-MS 2.04 333d 9.602kgM 3.9% 378F 3.4% 330P 3.05 305d 12.508kgM 3.8% 472F 3.3% 409P 4.07 305d 13.997kgM 3.6% 508F 3.2% 450P • 1st @ Jr. Bulle Expo • 4th @ Swiss Expo ‘13 • Mutter von: / Dam to: La Prairie Windbrook Winhniana EX-91-DE - 3rd Swiss Expo Int. Class Swiss Expo ‘16 • Mutter von: / Dam to: GOLDRIANO (s. Bookem) @ Swiss Genetics, his first dtrs are fresh now and very impressive, like Gloria (1st. at RH Night ‘17) • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Goldriana EX-93, 2nd Int. Class Swiss Expo ‘16

Braedale GOLDWYN

Al-e Bell-Rex QUARTZ

Al-Pe Doriana EX-97-IT 3E Conf. EX-97-IT 3E

Al-Pe Astre Vectra EX-93-FR Conf. EX-93-FR

2.04 305d 10.925kgM 4.0% 437F 3.4% 371P 3.11 301d 11.208kgM 3.8% 430F 3.2% 359P 5.04 305d 13.099kgM 4.5% 590F 3.2% 416P 6.07 305d 15.158kgM 4.1% 619F 3.0% 460P • 3x Grand Champion @ Cremona • 2x Res. Grand Champion @ Cremona & 7x Best Udder!! • 2x Grand Champion International Dairy Show Italy

Doorman aus den Doriana´s!! • Fantastisches März Doorman Kalb! • Direkt aus 4 Generationen EXZELLENTER Kühe • Großmutter Doriana war 3 x Grand & 2 x Res. Grand auf der Nationalschau in Italien!! 7 x Bestes Euter! • Schwester war 3. auf der Swiss Expo, Schwester zur Mutter 2te. • Bruder zu Goldriano @ Swiss Genetics

2. M. Al-Pe Doriana EX-97-IT

2.03 305d 10.016kgM 3.2% 320F 3.1% 310P 4.03 305d 12.193kgM 3.2% 390F 3.0% 366P 5.02 305d 12.995kgM 3.6% 468F 3.1% 403P 6.11 305d 13.463kgM 2.8% 349F 3.0% 404P • 2nd during Farmingtour France

NEXT DAMS 4e Al-Pe Dynamo Luna EX-96-IT

Doorman from the Doriana’s!! • Incredible March ‘17 Doorman heifer • Straight out of 4 generations Excellent • Grand dam Doriana was 3 x Grand & 2 x Res. Grand at the Italian National Show in Cremona!! 7 x Best Udder! • Sister was 3rd at the Swiss Expo, sister to dam 2nd • Brother to Goldriano @ Swiss Genetics

04. GS-Lis Diamond Consignor


LUX 99563392 Geb. Datum. 28.02.2017 Lis-Leck Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email.

2. M. Fradon-WL SS Jodie Red EX-94-CH

3. M. Fradon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN 14*

M. GS Alliance Alando Jodie-Red EX-93-CH

Mr D Apples DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent) GS Alliance Alando Jodie-Red EX-93-CH Conf. EX-93-CH EX-94-MS 3.02 305d 10.321kgM 4.7% 487F 3.4% 355P 5.00 305d 11.136kgM 4.7% 525F 3.2% 352P • 1st & Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘16 • Intermediate Champion R&W Swiss Expo ‘14 • 1st & HM. Grand Champion Expo Bulle ‘14 • Res. Grand Champion Expo Bulle ‘16

Ladinodale ALANDO


Fradon-WL SS Jodie Red EX-94-CH Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. 2.02 305d 8.784kgM 4.7% 413F 3.2% 283P 3.06 305d 9.943kgM 5.0% 497F 3.2% 313P 5.02 305d 10.109kgM 4.5% 455F 3.1% 317P 7.07 305d 10.987kgM 4.8% 524F 2.9% 316P • 1st @ Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘10

Fradon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN 14* Conf. 90R 96DS 95MS 93FL / EX-94-CAN 14* 3.11 365d 12.435kgM 4.6% 578F 3.5% 431P 5.08 365d 13.779kgM 4.9% 671F 3.5% 486P • 1st R&W Mature Cow Madison ‘08 • Grand Champion QC International ‘06 • All-American R&W Mature Cow ‘08 • HM. All-Canadian R&W Mature Cow ‘08 • Nom. All-American R&W Jr. 2-Yr ‘04 NEXT DAMS 4e Fradon Rudolph Jodie EX-90-CAN 5e Bridon Inspira Jodie EX-CAN 6e Bridon Threat Jarrice VG-86-CAN 4yr.

Aus einer der besten ROTEN Kühe der Welt! • Eine einmalige Gelegenheit! Eine unglaubliche ROTE Diamondback aus einer der spektakulärsten roten Kühe der Welt • Alando Jodie war Res. Grand @ the Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle! • Aus 5 Genartionen EXZELLENTER Kühe in direkter Reihenfolge! • 3.te Mutter ist Fradon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN: 1st R&W Mature Cow @ Madison, mehrere All-American & Canadian N ominierungen & Grand Champion QC International ‘06

From one of the World’s greatest Red cows! • Once in a lifetime opportunity! An incredible R&W Diamondback straight out of one of the greatest R&W cows World Wide • Alando Jodie was Res. Grand @ the Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle! • From 5 generations STRAIGHT EXCELLENT cows in a row! • 3rd dam Frandon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN: 1st R&W Mature Cow @ Madison, several All-American & Canadian Nominees & Grand Champion QC International ‘06

05. KOE Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0538892177 Geb. Datum. 26.06.2015 Gek. June ‘17 Koester KG - Tel. +49 (0)151 15590934 - Email. 1st test 32kg Milk / day 3,7%F 3.4%P NC

Angemeldet für die RUW Schau 2017 – 26. Oktober 2017 Entered for the RUW Show 2017 - 28th. October 2017

Grand dam Limited @ the Royal Winter Fair!

Grand dam Limited @ Madison!

2. M. Wilstar-RS LTL Limited EX-94-USA

Mr Ansley ADDICTION P-Red (Ladd P x Goldwyn) Watermolen Dusk Laura Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 9.657kgM 4.4% 427F 3.5% 337P La2/2 305d 11.476kgM 4.3% 494F 3.5% 396P HL2 305d 13.294kgM 4.2% 561F 3.4% 455P • Verkauft für EUR 12.000 als junges Kalb / Sold for EUR 12.000 as a young heifer • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Watermolen Dusk Lady Red VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Milksource Destry Lorel *RC VG-88-USA EX-MS • Selbe Familie wie: / Same famly as Wiesenfeld Lynette Champ EX-93-NL: - Res. Sr. Champion @ National HHH Show ‘10 - Senior Champion CRV Epxo ‘11

Scientific DUSK-ET

Ladino Park TALENT *RC

Wilstar-RS LTL Limited EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 1.11 365d 10.987kgM 3.8% 421F 3.4% 374P 3.07 365d 16.989kgM 4.1% 690F 3.5% 587P 5.09 365d 16.053kgM 3.8% 602F 3.4% 540P • Grand Champion R&W @ Madison ‘11 • HM. Grand Champion @ Royal ‘11 • Res. All-American Aged Cow ‘11 • Res. Sr. Champion WI Championships ‘09 • Nom. All-American R&W 4-Yr. ‘09

Fantastische ROTE Färse aus Limited! • Aufregende frische ROTE Färse mit Schaupotential • Lacey-Red hat gerade gekalbt und kann ihre Kuh für die RUW Schau 2017 sein • Großmutter war Res. Grand R&W @ Madison & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair • Geht zurück auf die Hanoverhill Lulu’s!!

Wilstar-RS Kite Lover EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2E 2.03 305d 11.158kgM 3.7% 414F 3.3% 370P 3.03 305d 12.574kgM 3.6% 455F 3.3% 411P 4.07 305d 16.30kgM 3.9% 631F 3.3% 534P • Vater: / Sire: Markwell KITE NEXT DAMS 4e Wilstar-RS Rub Lazter-Red EX-91-USA 2E 5e Wva-Greystone M Lexus *RC EX-91-USA 2E 6e Hanover-Hill Charlyly-Red VG-85-USA 3yr. DOM 7e Hanoverhill Star Lulu EX-93-USA GMD DOM 17* 8e Tora Triple Threat Lulu EX-96-USA GMD DOM 11* 9e Ormsby Lougo Alta EX-90-USA 2E GMD 10e Ormsby Alta Pride VG-85-USA

Exciting R&W fresh grand dtr of Limited! • Very exciting fresh R&W 2yr. old with show style!! • Lacey-Red is just fresh and entered for the RUW Show 2017 • Grand dam won Res. Grand R&W @ Madison & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair • Going back on the Hanoverhill Lulu’s!!

06. COL NH Consignor



DE 0539782090 Geb. Datum. 01.04.2017 HH. HH3 / RED Nosbisch Holsteins & Genesland - Tel. +49 (0) 15112121766 - Email.





























DAS #1 RZG ROTBUNT Rind der Rasse ! / THE #1 RZG R&W Female in the breed!

M. NH Indiansunshine-Red

Col NH Indy-Red | She sells!

MISSION *P *RC (Missouri x Asterix) NH Indiansunshine-Red CD Kalbt: / Due: February 2018 • Ehemaliges #1 RZG RBT Rind der Welt! / Former #1 RZG R&W Heifer World Wide! • #1 RZG Durango Tochter in Deutschland / #1 RZG Durango dtr in Germany • Verkauft für EUR 23.000 auf den GMS ‘15 / Sold for EUR 23.000 in the GMS ‘15 • Ju Red Sohn @ Masterrind / Ju Red son @ Masterrind

2. M. NH Dakker Indianagirl-Red VG-86-DE 2yr.

Ocd Mccutchen DURANGO

Kings-Ransom O DAKKER

NH Dakker Indianagirl-Red VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La2/1 305d 11.710kgM 4.1% 483F 3.5% 411P • Ehemalige #1 RBT RZG Kuh in Deutschland / Former #1 R&W RZG cow in Germany • Halbschwester zu NH Indian Summer Red *PO, ehemaliges #1 Rot & hornlos Rind der Rasse und Mutter des ehemaligen #1 PP Rindes der Rasse! / Maternal sister to NH Indian Summer Red *PO, former #1 Red & Polled Heifer in the breed and dam to the former #1 PP Heifer in the breed!

DAS #1 ROTBUNT RZG Rind der Rasse!! • Ja es stimmt, das #1 RBT RZG Rind der Rasse wird verkauft!! • Ganz kompletter Index mit fantastischer Leistung und überragenden Eutern • +1878 kg Milch mit +0.13% EIWEIß!!! • Mutter und Großmutter waren beide ehemalige #1 RBT RZG Rinder in Deutschland • Aus der überaus erfolgreichen India Kuhfamilie • Selbe Familie wie der beliebte Bulle Gunnar

NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Indianster *PP @ Genoservis • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: GUNNAR

NEXT DAMS 4e NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE 5e Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS 6e Isabell VG-85-DE 7e Imperiale VG-89 8e EX-92 Ugela Bell 9e EX-94 Ben

THE #1 R&W RZG Heifer in the breed!! • The #1 R&W RZG Heifer in the breed sells!! • Very complete index with a huge production and incredible udders • +1878 kg Milk with +0.13% PROTEIN!!! • Dam and grand dam were both #1 RZG R&W Females in Germany! • From the successful German India cow family • Same family as the sucessful proven sire Gunnar

07. Rhala RE Consignor

NL 753908642 Geb. Datum. 07.07.2017 HH. RED Reer Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 51005715 - Email.

Milk #1 R&W INET Heifer Top 5 GTPI R&W heifer Europe RZG restult back before the sale

08/16 08/17

M acarena-Red















GTPI 2479







+0.3 6.8











Long Geb. FLC


















2. M. Alh Australia *RC VG-87-NL 3yr.

M. Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red-ET

Mr SALVATORE *RC (Supershot x Sympatico) Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red

Sister to 4th dam: KHW Regiment Apple-Red



Alh Australia *RC VG-87-NL 3yr. Conf. 88FR 85DS 85MS 88FL / VG-87-NL 3yr.

Kalbt: / Due. Spring 2018

2.04 305d 10.353kgM 4.2% 434F 3.4% 356P Fresh in 2nd lactation | ± 50kgM / day

• Top 5 GTPI RBT in Europa / Top 5 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe • 1 GTPI RBT Salsa Tochter der Rasse / #1 GTPI R&W Salsa dtr in the breed • Interessante Blutführung für die Rotbuntzucht: / Interesting bloodlines for the R&W breed: Salsa x Supersire x Alexander x Goldwyn

• Mehrere hoche RC & Rote Nachkommen / Multiple high ranking RC & Red offspring • Atwood Tochter war Jr. Champion @ Fryslan Schau ‘16 / Atwood daughter won Jr. Champion @ Fryslan Show ‘16

KHW Alendr Ayako *RC VG-85-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 3yr. 2.07 332d 12.111kgM 3.8% 465F 3.6% 442P 3.08 365d 13.803kgM 4.3% 592F 3.8% 529P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC, Applejax *RC & more • Nächste Mutter ist die Halbschwester zu KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA! / Next dam is the maternal sister to KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA! NEXT DAMS 4e KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA DOM 5e Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 6e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 9e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 10e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

#1 INET & Top 5 GTPI RBT Rind in Europa • Das #1 R&W INET Rind im holländischen System • Top 5 GTPI RBT in Europa • Ihre Mutter ist ebenfalls in den TOP 5 GTPI RBT in Europa • Interessante Blutführung für die Rotbuntzucht: Salvatore RC x Salsa RC x Supersire x Alexander x Goldwyn • Beobachten sie ihren RZG im Saleupdate

#1 INET & Top 5 GTPI R&W heifer Europe • The #1 R&W INET Heifer in the Dutch index system • Top 5 GTPI R&W heifer in Europe • Dam is as well in the European Top 5 GTPI R&W • Interesting bloodlines for the R&W breed: Salvatore RC x Salsa RC x Supersire x Alexander x Goldwyn • Watch for her coming RZG index in the sale update

Marla PP-Red

08. NH Anderstrup Consignor


DE 0770497963 Geb. Datum. 10.12.2016 HH. PP / RED Nosbisch & Anderstrup Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.





























Brother to dam: MISSION P @ RUW

NH Anderstrup Marla PP Red | SHE SELLS!

2. M. Apina RUW Maya P VG-85-DE 2yr.

DEAL-RED P (Debutant x Snowman)



Merle PP

Maya P-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr.

Kalbt / Due: November & looks very good!!

La1 305d 9.700kgM 3.8% 371F 3.9% 376P

• Halbschwester zu MISSION P!! / Maternal sister to MISSION P!! • Roter PP Mission Sohn@ RBB (RZG 157) & schwarzer Mission Sohn@ Göpel (RZG 150) / Red PP Mission son to RBB (RZG 157) & B&W Mission son to Göpel (RZG 150)

• Mutter von MISSION P, dem ehemaligen #1 RZG Bullen und aktuellem #1 RC & P Bullen in Deutschland 8/17 SBT RZG 156 / Dam of MISSION P, the former #1 RZG bull and reigning #1 RC & P bull in Germany 8/17 B&W RZG 156

Massia 211-Red VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 86FR 87DS 85MS 84FL / VG-86-NL 2yr.

09. NH Anderstrup Mona Lisa Red P DE 0770598988 Sire Westcaost Styx Red


Geb. Datum. 03.08.2017 Dam Merle PP






























PP Rind aus der Schwester zu MISSION P • ROT & HOMOZYGOT HORNLOS • Ihre Mutter ist die Schwester des #1 RC & P Bullen in Deutschland: MISSION P @ RUW • Aus der überaus erfolgreichen Massia Kuhfamilie AND a 153 RED & POLLED heifer with +2585 kg MILK!!!

2.02 305d 8.226kgM 4.15 338F 3.3% 267P 3.02 305d 9.754kgM 4.1% 403F 3.2% 316P 4.06 305d 10.786kgM 4.4% 476F 3.3% 357P 5.07 305d 10.567kgM 4.2% 446F 3.4% 355P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Aoina MESSIAH-P-RED @ Genus ABS

NEXT DAMS 4e Apina Massia 125 *RC VG-85-NL 5e Apina Massia 48 (s. Sinatra) 6e Apina Massia 14 VG-85-NL 2yr. 7e Massia 13 VG-86-NL 2yr. 8e Massia 9 VG-85-NL 2yr.

PP heifer from the sister of MISSION P • RED & HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • Her dam is the sister to the #1 RC & P bull MISSION P @ RUW • From the very successful Apina Massia cow family AND a 153 RED & POLLED heifer with +2585 kg MILK!!!

10. Wilcor Glauco Consignor Prod. Conf.

M aebell

VG-85-DE 2yr.

DE 0357989353 Geb. Datum. 07.06.2015 Gek. 23.07.2017 Wilcor Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 7793828 - Email. 1st test: 42.7kg Milk 3.3%F 2.8%P - See sale updates for more information VG-85-DE 2yr.

2. M. Stantons Durham Miley VG-88-DE

M. Wilcor Atwood Milena VG-87-DE

Toc-Farm GLAUCO (Duplex x CB Allen) Wilcor Atwood Milena EX-91-DE Conf. EX-91-DE La1 305d 11.563kgM 3.6% 415F 3.3% 381P La3/2 305d 12.824kgM 3.6% 463F 3.2% 415P HL2 305d 14.085kgM 3.6% 511F 3.2% 448P • 2nd @ WEU Konvent

4. M. Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD Stantons Durham Miley *TV VG-88-DE Conf. 89 88 90 86 / VG-88-DE La3/3 305d 11.969kgM 3.8% 443F 3.5% 409P HL3 305d 12.441kgM 4.1% 507F 3.5% 441P • Enkeltochter von einer besten Zuchtkühe der Rasse, Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95! / Grand daughter from one of the greatest brood cows in the breed, Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95! • Vollschwester zu DURBY / Full sister to DURBY

Frische Färse aus der Lead Mae Familie • Ganz vielversprechende abgekalbte Färse • Tolle Väterfolge: Glauco x Atwood x Durham x Wade x Lead Mae EX-95!! • Die Kuhfamilie hinter so vielen erfolgreichen Bullenvätern: Kingboy, Wonder, Epic, Emmett & viele mehr

Regancrest Elton DURHAM Wauregan Wade Melody EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 1* 2.04 334d 13.336kgM 4.7% 625F 3.5% 462P 3.07 365d 12.746kgM 4.0% 505F 3.6% 455P 5.04 365d 13.472kgM 4.4% 594F 3.4% 459P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Explode, Epic, Emmett, Wonder, Kingboy & more! NEXT DAMS 4e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 5e Raymau Bstar Monica VG-89-USA 2yr. DOM 6e Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA DOM 7e JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 9e La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-86-USA 10e La-Ko-Land Monitor Nancy EX-90-USA

Fresh 2yr. old from the Lead Mae family • Very promising young and fresh 2yr. old • Great sire stack! Glauco x Atwood x Durham x Wade x Lead Mae EX-95!! • The cow family behind many successful sires of sons such as: Kingboy, Wonder, Epic, Emmett & many more



12. NH Arvis

Endless *RC

28. NH Megasire 11. YLOVE DE 6771204363 FR 0770224545 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2015 24.05.2016 Consignor D. Henneke J. Schwarz- Tel. & Nosbisch +41 (0)794178314 Holsteins- Tel. - Email. +49 (0)171 4368388 Gekalbt: / Calved: 09.09.2017 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC


Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV











+1458 DE-0.04 +0.09 0770498016

NC HH. -




GTPI 2489

















51Geb. Datum. 58 2.70 102 (Arvis 105 x106 14 Mascalese 13 13 20.04.2017 Roccafarm Elly) +16


Same 3. M. Wabash-Way family: RalmaEmilyann GoldwynVG-88-USA Carmel EX-92-USA 2yr.

3rd Roccafarm M. dam: DKR Pronto Mascalese Faith Elly VG-87-DE VG-88-DE 2yr.

Butz-Hill MEGASIRE View-Home MONTEREY (Supersire (McCutchenx xMan-O-Man) Robust) Roccafarm Mascalese Elly VG-88-DE Faithlove NC Conf. 90 89 87 88 / VG-88-DE La2 Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 11.161kgM 4.1% 453F 3.4% 384P La2 305dPTAT 14.771kgM 3.33%P (Proj.) US 8/16 +3.29 4.11%F / GTPI +2483 • 1st Old @& RUW Showcow ‘15 in / Europe / Top 2jr. 50 GTPI#16 PTAT • Heifer EYBS Top 50 Champion GTPI- & #16 PTATBattice cow in‘14 Europe • 4th at the International Libramont ‘14 #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / Show #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • Eine derthe besten Mascalese / One of highest outcrossTöchter cows inder theWelt breed Mascalese dtrscows in Europe! /One Oneofofthe thebest highest outcross in the breed

7thM.dam: 3. Roccafarm Ralma Juror Iota Evy FaithVG-86-BE EX-91-USA 2yr.GMD DOM

Zani Bolton MASCALESE Pine-Tree AltaOAK

Gillette WINDBROOK Regancrest AltaIOTA

Roccafarm Iota Evy VG-86-BE 2yr. Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-BE VG-87-MS 2yr. VG-86-FR 2yr. 2.05 305d9.970kgM 9.135kgM3.3% 4.0%329F 366F3.0% 3.6%299P 330P La1 305d • Teilgenommen an der internationalen Schau Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / in Libramont / Participated at the Int Show Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol in Libramont • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Emmett, Epic & Wonder

Top 10abgekalbte Frisch GTPI Schwester Färse aus zu Charley den Emilyann´s • Frisch Top 10abgekalbte GTPI PolledMegasire heifer inFärse Europe! wird verkauft • Ihre SuperMutter fitnessist&eine type:der SCSbesten 2.77 /Mascalese +2.6 DPRTöchter / PTAT +2.13 in Europa: 1st @ • The RUWmaternal Show ‘15sister & Rinder of the Champion global sensation Battice ‘14 DG Charley @ ABS • Selbe Goes back Familie to Larcrest wie: Explode, Crimson Emmett, EX-94-USA Epic, Wonder & mehr • Geht zurück auf Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., ehemalige #1 GTPI Kuh der Rasse

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Wabash-Way Gldwn Eva VG-87-CAN 4yr. VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN 4yr. 5.01 305d 14.221kgM 11.719kgM 4.7% 3.6% 669F 422F 3.6% 3.2% 511P 375P 1.11 6.09 305d 11.853kgM 13.127kgM 3.4% 3.8% 407F 499F 3.5% 3.3% 421P 433P 3.02 Topseller NH Sale EUR • Vollschwester zu: /‘10 Fullfor sister to:42.000 Exact @ Taurus / Topseller Sale for EUR 42.000 • Sister to: / NH Sister to ‘10 EXPLODE NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr. 4e Wabash-Way 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USAGMD 2yr. DOM 5e Crockett-Acres Elita-ET VG-87-2YR-USA 5e Crockett-Acres Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Mtot Elly EX-90-USA 6YR. GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Wauregan RudolphFudge Elly Mae EX-90-USA 7e Whittier-Farms Ralma Juror Faith GMD 3E DOM 8e LeadEX-91-USA Mae EX-95-USA GMD DOM 9e Bstar Monica VG-89-USA 2yr. DOM 8e Raymau Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 10e Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA DOM 11e JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA GMD DOM 12e La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 13e La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-86-USA

Top 102-Yr. Fresh GTPIOld POLLED from sister Emilyann to Charley •A Top fresh 10 GTPI 2-Yr. Polled old daughter heifer in byEurope! Megasire sells • Her Super dam fitness is one & of type: theSCS best2.77 Mascalese / +2.6 dtrs DPR in / PTAT Europe: +2.13 • The 1st @ maternal RUW Show sister‘15 of &the Heifer global CHampion sensationBattice DG Charley ‘14 @ ABS • Same Goes back family toas: Larcrest Explode, Crimson Emmett, EX-94-USA Epic, Wonder & more • Goes back to Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., former #1 GTPI cow in the breed

13. Consignor Prod. Conf.




DE 0357139912 Geb. Datum. 15.02.2015 Gek. 12.08.207 Lis-Leck Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email. 1st test: 27kgM 4.1%F 3.3%P NC





























2. M. Co-Vista Atwood Desire EX-90-CAN

M. Velthuis R Snowman Deluxe VG-85-CAN 2yr.

Clear-Echo Lexor RACER (Lexor x Observer) Velthuis R Snowman Deluxe VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85R 86DS 85MS 86FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr.

3. M. Scientific Deluxe Rae EX-91-USA 4yr.

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Co-Vista Atwood Desire EX-90-CAN 8* Conf. 91R 93DS 89MS 92FL / EX-90-CAN 8*

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD Scientific Deluxe Rae EX-91-USA 4yr. Conf. EX-91-USA 4yr.

1.11 365d 12.840kgM 3.5% 456F 2.9% 366P 3.02 257d 13.270kgM 3.1% 409F 2.7% 357P (Inc.)

2.03 365d 12.206kgM 3.9% 479F 3.4% 420P 4.10 365d 15.961kgM 3.8% 608F 3.1% 497P 6.11 (Proj) 305d 13.616kgM 4.2% 567F 3.1% 426P

2.00 305d 10.914kgM 4.0% 434F 3.3% 361P 3.11 305d 13.531kgM 3.8% 518F 3.4% 457P

• Mutter von DOLPH @ Masterrind / Dam to DOLPH @ Masterrind

• Mutter von: / Dam to: DEMAN @ Jetstream & DONATELLO @ Taurus

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Detox *RC & Destry *RC • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Demello NEXT DAMS 4e Scientific Debutante Rae *RC EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM 6e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 9e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 11e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Frische Färse aus den Rae´s!! • Eine der höchsten RZG & TYP Kühe in Deutschland • RZE +137 mit > 1100kg Milch und +0.07% EIWEIß in ihrem Index! • Halbschwester zu DOLPH @ Masterrind, hoher Typsohn von Liquid Gold • Selbe Familie wie Deman, Detox *RC, Defiant *Rc, Destry *RC & viele weitere • Geht zurück auf die Königin der Rasse: Glendrige Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

FRESH cow fof the Rae’s!! • One of the highest RZG & Type cows in Germany • RZE +137 with > 1100kg Milk and +0.07% PROTEIN in her index! • Maternal sister to DOLPH @ Masterrind, high type Liquid Gold son • Same family as Deman, Detox *RC, Defiant *Rc, Destry *RC & many others • Goes back to the Queen of the breed: Glendrige Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

14. NH Consignor Prod.

Lila K


DE 0770322222 Geb. Datum. 09.09.2015 Gek. 21.09.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Just fresh - See sale updates for more info

3. M. Calbrett Shottle Lea EX-90-USA

M. HLM Lulu

Lookout Pesce Ponder KOOPER (Mixer x Man-O-Man) HLM Lulu VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 83 85 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 10.075kgM 4.4% 440F 3.8% 379P La2 (Proj) 305d 11.158kgM 4.5%D 3.6%P • Lulu wird diese Laktation neu eingestuft und wird ihre Einstufung steigern / Lulu wil be rescored later this lactation and should go higher in points • Bereits > 10.000kgM mit 4.4% Fett & 3.8% EIWEIß in ihrer 1. Laktation! / Already > 10.000kgM with 4.4% Fat & 3.8% Protein in her 1st lactation! • Topserller DHV Sale ‘13 für EUR 29.000 / Topseller DHV Sale ‘13 for EUR 29.000 • Eine der höhchsten Numero Uno Töchter ihrer Generation für RZG & GTPI / One of the highest RZG & GTPI Numero Uno dtrs from her generation

4. M. Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Ensenada Taboo PLANET

Hellmuths Planet Lana VG-85-De 2yr. Conf. 86 86 84 86 / VG-85-DE 2yr.

Calbrett Shottle Lea EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA

La1 305d 10.843kgM 4.1% 444F 3.5% 381P HL3 305d 10.873kgM 4.3% 469F 3.4% 367P

2.03 365d 12.079kgM 4.0% 479F 3.4% 410P

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lexor, Latimer, Larson *RC, Willpower, Liquid Gold, Let It Snow & more!

• Halbschwester zu Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN, der Mutter von Lexor & Latimer / Matenal sister to Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN, dam to Lexor & Latimer

Frisch abgekalbte Färse aus den Lila Z´s! • Schöne junge Färse aus der Lila Z Kuhfamilie • Ihre Mutter hat bereits in der 1.Laktation >10.000 kg Milch in 305 Tagen mit 4.4% FETT und 3.8% EIWEIß gegeben • Eine Familie welche schon viele positive Bullen, hoch testende weibliche & fantastische Schaukühe geliefert hat! Diese Familie kann alles!

NEXT DAMS 4e Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 22* 5e Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8* 6e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E 7e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1*

Fresh 2yr. old of the Lila Z’s! • A nice fresh 2yr. old from the Lila Z cow family • Her dam produced >10.000 kg Milk in 305 days with 4.4% FAT and 3.8% PROTEIN • A family which delived proven sires, high genomic animals & show cows! A family who can do it ALL!!

15. HH Beemer Consignor


DE 0360157257 Geb. Datum. 01.12.2016 Höven Holsteins - Tel. +41 (0)173 4588469 - Email.

16. 5 Embryos Combination Consignor

Our-Favorite UNDENIED x Cameron Diaz VG-85-DE 2yr. Volber / Rebone GbR

Full sister to dam: Robrook Goldwyn Cameron EX-95-USA

Pol Butte Mc BEEMER (McCutchen x Goldwyn) Cameron Diaz VG-85-DE VG-MS 2yr. Conf. 86 84 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 8.863kgM 4.2%F 3.8%P (Proj.) • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Robrook Goldwyn Cameron EX-95-USA: Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘13 & HM. Grand World Dair Expo ‘13 • Cameron was All-Canadian 4yr. 2013 • Cameron was All-American 4yr. 2013 • Cameron ihre ersten 5 Töchter sind alle VG in Kanada / Cameron her first 5 dtrs are VG in Canada til date

Braedale GOLDWYN

Regancrest DUNDEE

Robrook Dundee Constance VG-88-CAN 5yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN EX-MS 5yr. 4* 2.02 305d 8.426kgM 3.3% 278F 3.2% 267P 3.03 365d 14.071kgM 3.5% 492F 3.2% 455P 5.00 365d 18.576kgM 3.4% 629F 3.0% 558P

Robrook Ben Coralee VG-86-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-86-CAN 3yr. 3.11 365d 10.712kgM 3.9% 419F 3.4% 361P • Vater: / Sire: Robrook BEN

• Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers ‘09 • HM. All-Canadian & Ontoria 4-H Int. Calf ‘06 • Nom. All-Ontario Int. Calf ‘06

Beemer aus Cameron´s Schwester! • Eine Beemer aus der Vollschwester zu Robrook Goldwyn Cameron EX-95-USA - Grand Royal ‘13 und HM Grand Madison ‘13 • Die ersten abgekalbten Beemer Töchter begeistern überall! • Fantastisches Pedigree: Beemer x Goldwyn x Dundee

NEXT DAMS 4e Willrae Gruber Corrie EX-CAN 5e MCF024 Selection Candy VG-85-CAN 3yr.

Beemer from Cameron’s sister! • A Beemer out of the full sister to Robrook Goldwyn Cameron EX-95-USA - Grand Royal ‘13 and HM Grand Madison ‘13 • The first milking Beemer dtrs are looking exceptional • Incredible pedigere: Beemer x Goldwyn x Dundee

17. Mox Solomon Consignor


DE 0816557174 Geb. Datum. 12.12.2016 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)170 3151251 - Email.

Mox Solomon Ragstar | SHE SELLS!!

M. Mox Ragtime VG-87-DE 2yr.

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) Mox Ragtime VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 88 87 85 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 106d 3.999kgM 4.7%F 2.9%P (Inc.) • Tolle Capital Gain Tochter mit VG-87 2yr-DE VG-87MS eingestuft / Fantastic Capital Gain daughter, scored VG-87 2yr-DE VG-87MS • 12 Generation VG oder EX / 12th generation VG or EX

2. M. Mox Rachel EX-90-DE



Mox Rachel EX-90-DE Conf. 90 90 90 90 / EX-90-DE

Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90-DE Conf. 90 90 90 90 / EX-90-DE

La2/2 305d 9.647kgM 4.2% 402F 3.4% 331P HL1 305d 10.596kgM 3.6% 385F 3.4% 356P • Halbschwester zu: Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE: Int. Champion & Best Euter RBW-Show ‘14 & Grand Champion & Best Euter RBW-Show ‘16! / Maternal sister to: Mox Rihanna EX-93DE: Int. Champion & Best Udder RBW-Show ‘14 & Grand Champion & Best Udder RBWShow ‘16! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Mr Sam, Socrates, Mr Samuelo, Mr Shane & others

Fantastisches SOLOMON Schaurind!! • Eines der besten Schaurinder welches sie momentan bei Mox Holsteins finden können • SOLOMON x VG-87 2yr. x EX-90 Yorick x EX-90 Goldwyn • 10 EXZELLENTE Kühe in ihrem Pedigree • Selbe Familie wie Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo & Socrates

HL2 305d 13.985kgM 3.9% 540F 3.2% 447P 3/2La 305d 12.567kgM 3.9% 484F 3.3% 410 • Grand Champion Kufeuerwerke ‘11 • Grand Champion RBW-Show ‘11 NEXT DAMS 4e Kerndtway Metro Rosey EX-90-USA 5e Regancrest-UR Robin VG-86-USA 2yr. 6e Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7e Sher-Est Emory Swanny EX-90-USA 2E DOM 8e Sher-Est Prelude Swan EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday EX-90-USA GMD DOM 10e Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 11e Buena-Vista Tony Sandra EX-91-USA 2E DOM 12e Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90-USA

Awesome SOLOMON show heifer!! • One of the most impressive show heifers in the Mox Holsteins barns at this moment! • SOLOMON x VG-87 2yr. x EX-90 Yorick x EX-90 Goldwyn • 10 EXCELLENT cows in her pedigree • Same family as Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo & Socrates

18. Mox Atw Consignor

Rock´n Roll

DE 0359766020 Geb. Datum. 12.12.2016 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

2. M. Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90-DE

M. Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x Durham) Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE Conf. 93 91 92 94 / EX-93-DE La1 305d 9.893kgM 4.2% 419F 3.5% 348P La4/3 305d 11.324kgM 4.0% 448F 3.35 371P HL3 305d 12.510kgM 3.9% 484F 3.1% 390P

2. M. Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90-DE


Braedale GOLDWYN

Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90-DE Conf. 90 90 90 90 / EX-90-DE HL2 305d 13.985kgM 3.9% 540F 3.2% 447P 3/2La 305d 12.567kgM 3.9% 484F 3.3% 410 • Grand Champion Kufeuerwerke ‘11 • Grand Champion RBW-Show ‘11

• Int. Champion & Best Udder RBW-Show ‘14 • Grand Champion & Best Udder RBW-Show ‘16

Kerndtway Metro Rosey EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA HL2 3 05d 12.589kgM 3.5% 434F 3.4% 427P La2/2 305d 12.310kgM 3.3% 408F 3.3% 400P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Mr Sam, Socrates, Mr Samuelo, Mr Shane & others NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-UR Robin VG-86-USA 2yr. 5e Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Sher-Est Emory Swanny EX-90-USA 2E DOM 7e Sher-Est Prelude Swan EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9e Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 10e Buena-Vista Tony Sandra EX-91-USA 2E DOM 11e Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90-USA

Atwood aus 10 Generationen EXZELLENT • Wunderschöne Atwood aus Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE • Rihanna: Int. Champion & Bestes Euter & Grand Champion & Bestes Euter RBW-Schau ‘14 & ‘16 • Großmutter hat mehrere Schauen gewonnen • 10 x EXZELLENT in ihrem Pedigree • Selbe Familie wie Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo & Socrates

Atwood dtr from 10 generations EXCELLENT • Beautiful Atwood dtr from Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE • Rihanna: Int. Champion & Best Udder & Grand Champion & Best Udder RBW-Show ‘14 & ‘16 • Grand dam won multiple shows • 10 EXCELLENT generations in her pedigree • Same family as Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo & Socrates

19. Hul-Stein Consignor


Fedi 2

NL 728450480 Geb. Datum. 10.08.2016 Hul-Stein - Tel. +41 (0)5 14582453 - Email.

HH. -





















+2.1 6.5







Top 10 GTPI Rind (>9 Monate) in Europa!! / Top 10 GTPI Flush age (>9 Months) heifer in Europe!! Super ET-Ergebnisse, im Schnitt >10 Embryonen in ihren bisherigen Spülungen. Siehe Saleupdate für weitere Infos. / Great flush heifer, averaged >10 in her flushes so far. See sale update for more info.

2. M. Fily Sher VG-86-FR 2yr.

Hul-Stein Fedi 2


She sells!

S-S-I Montross jEDI (Montross x Supersire) Schreur DG Fantastica-ET NC Conf. NC 2.00 305d 10.015kgMM 4.1% 406F 3.4% 338P • Verkauft nach UK / Sold to the UK

5. M. Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN

Fily Sher VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-86-MS 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.799kgM 3.8% 409F 3.1% 335P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Fontoy @ Evolution • Selbe Familie wie: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA, Mutter von Sympatico *RC, Seneca *RC & Stoic *RC / Same family to: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA, dam to Sympatico*RC, Seneca *RC & Stoic *RC

Top 10 GTPI & bereit für ET!! • Eines der höchsten spülbereiten GTPI Rinder welches jemals verkauft wurde!! • Toller Index: +1926M +163 CFP / DPR +2.1 / PTAT >2 / GTPI +2796 • Ganz interessanter Zweig der kanadischen Splendor Familie • Selbe Familie wie Durham-Red, Secure-Red, Sunfish *RC, Sniper & mehr

Dinas Sher VG-86-FR Conf. VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2.04 305d 11.333kgM 3.8% 432F 3.2% 357P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: DurhamRed, Secure-Red, Mr Savage, Sympatico *RC, Sunfish *RC, Sniper & many others NEXT DAMS 4e Belis Sher RC VG-85-FR 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* 10e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4* 11e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN 12e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

Top 10 GTPI flush age heifer!! • One of the highest flush age GTPI heifers to be sold!! • Great index: +1926M +163 CFP / DPR +2.1 / PTAT >2 / GTPI +2796 • Very interesting branch of the Canadian Splendor cow family • Same family as Durham-Red, Secure-Red, Sunfish *RC, Sniper & more

20. CPR Kerrigan Consignor

DE 0666980367 Geb. Datum. 21.05.2017 C. Pohlmann - Tel. +49 (0)533 1408 - Email.

Milk 09/17 #3 GTPI Kerrigan dtr in Europe / #6 World Wide


Rosylane 0367










HH. -











+2.6 8.9



































Top: Rosylane-LLC Oak 7276 Sold for $ 176.000

Westcoast KERRIGAN (Kingboy x Numero Uno)

Uecker Josuper JOSUPER


Rosylane-LLC Shamrck5489-ET Rosylane-LLC Josuper 8038 1.10 146d 7.766kgM 270F 220P (Inc.) • Mutter der #1 GTPI Kerrigan Tochter der Rasse: / Dam to the #1 GTPI Kerrigan dtr in the breed: Rosylane-LLC Kerign10775 (GTPI +2798) • Sons close to 2800 GTPI / Sons close to 2800 GTPI • Selbe Familie wie Rosylane-LCC Oak 7276, verkauft in´´14 für 176.000$ / same family as Rosylane-LCC Oak 7276, sold in ´14 for 176.000$

La1 305ME proj. 18.711kgM • Eine der höchsten Shamrock´s ihrer Altersgruppe / One of the highest Shamrock dtrs of her age • Über 50 Bullen aus dieser Familie sind in der Besamung / > 50 bulls from this family went to AI

Rosylane-LLC Super 4712 1.10 305d 12.660kgM 2.8% 361F 3.0% 382P Lifetime so far: 3La. 49.270kgM 1994F 1515P • Söhne auf Station / Sons in AI

NEXT DAMS 4e Rosylane-LLC Jetstream 3461 5e Rosy-Lane Demo 2852 VG-87-USA

Von Rosy-Lane Holsteins (Wisconsin,USA), einer sehr hochwertigen Herde, es wird generell nicht eingestuft From Rosy-Lane Holsteins (Wisconsin,USA), a high genetic profile herd, non classifying.

#3 GTPI Kerrigan in Europa / #6 der Welt! • Die #3 GTPI Kerrigan Tochter in Europa / #6 der Welt!! • Vollschwester zu Rosylane-LLC Kerign10775: #1 GTPI Kerrigan Tochter der Welt! (GTPI +2798) • GTPI +2729 / RZG 156 Rind – Tolle Kombination • Ganz exklusiv! Aus der überragenden Genetik Herde von Rosylane Holsteins!

#3 GTPI Kerrigan in Europe / #6 World Wide! • The #3 GTPI Kerrigan dtr in Europe / #6 World Wide!! • Full sister to Rosylane-LLC Kerign10775: #1 GTPI Kerrigan daughter in the World! (GTPI +2798) • GTPI +2729 / RZG 156 heifer - Great combination • Very exclusive! From the high genetic herd of Rosylane Holsteins!

21. DG PG Consignor



DE 0539274676 Geb. Datum. 28.11.2016 HH. - Diamond Genetics & S.J. Kat - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.





















+1.5 7.7







Great complete index: >2000 Milk / +69F / +58P / SCS 2.65 / DPR +1.5 / PL +7.7

4. M. Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS

M. Corringham KB Ss Crimson (Sold through the Gemran Masters Sale 2015)

DG CHARLEY (Supershot x Mogul)

2. M. Corringham Supersire Crimson VG-2yr.

Morningview Mcc KINGBOY


Corringham Supersire Crimson VG-85-UK 2yr. Conf. VG-85-UK VG-MS 2yr.

Corringham KB Ss Crimson NC Conf. NC Frisch abgekalbt / Just fresh: > 30kg Milk / day

2.02 305d 10.101kgM 4.3% 435F 3.7% 373P

• Sehr vielversprechende frische Kingboy Tochter / Very promising fresh Kingboy dtr • #3 GTPI Kingboy dtr in Europa • Mutter zu: / Dam to: DG PG Cooper (s. Charley - GTPI +2742) - Sold for EUR 82.000 in the Online Elite Bull Sale

• Ganz hohe Eiweißkuh, 3.7%! / Huge protein cow, 3.7%! • Vollschwester zu Cosworth @ Intermizoo / Full sister to Cosworth @ Intermizoo • Outcross Zweig aus der Larcrest Cosmopolitan Familie/ Different bloodlines from the Larcrest Cosmopolita family

22. DG PG Charming DE 0539763015 Sire DG Charley

Geb. Datum. 05.03.2017 Dam Corringham KB Ss Crimson NC

HH. -



















+0.5 7.2







Das Beste aus den Crimsons! • Tolle Charley aus super interessantem Zweig der Crimson´s • Die Mutter hat gekalbt, sieht gut aus und ist die #3 GTPI Kingboy Tochter in Europa • Tolles Pedigree: 3 Generationen mit 3.77% EIWEIß im Durschnitt • Geht zurück auf die unvergleichliche Larcrest Crimson EX-94 EX-96-MS!! • Selber Zweig wie Charley, Chevrolet, Fanatic, Commander & mehr

Larcrest Chessa EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.08 365d 11.408kgM 4.5% 511F 3.9% 443P • EXZELLENTE Lightning Tochter aus Crimson! / EXCELLENT Lightning dtr of Crimson! • Schwester zu Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA La1, der Großmutter von DG Charley! / Sister to Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA La1, the granddam to DG Charley! NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1 GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

The best of the Crimson family! • Great index Charley dtr from interesting line of the Crimson’s • Dam is fresh, looks good and is the #3 GTPI Kingboy dtr in Europe • Great pedigree: 3 generations with 3.77% PROTEIN average • Goes back to the one & only Larcrest Crimson EX-94 EX-96-MS!! • Same line as Charley, Chevrolet, Fanatic, Commander & more

23. NH Kerrigan Consignor



DE 0770497970 Geb. Datum. 20.12.2016 J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388

HH. -





























3. M. Larcrest Chenile VG-86-USA 2yr.

2nd dam: Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr.

Westcoast KERRIGAN (Kingboy x Numero Uno) DG Crispine VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 189d 7.285kgM 3.6% 262F 3.4% 250P (Inc.) (Proj) 305d 11.238kgM 3.9%F 3.6%P • Mogul & Supersire FREI! / Mogul & Supersire FREE! • Outcross Abstammung aus der Larcrest Cosmopolitan Familie / Different branch from the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast, Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic & Charley!

Sister to 3. M. Larcrest Cosmopolitan



Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 87DS 86MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.041kgM 5.0% 446F 3.8% 343P • OUTCROSS aus den Cosmopolitan’s! / OUTCROSS from the Cosmopolitan’s! • Mutter von: / Dam to: Ghandi @ Vost, Gustavo @ RBB & Blooper @ Ai-Total

Outcross Zweig der Cosmopolitan´s • Hohes Fett & Eiweiß in ihrem Index: +0.26% Fett & +0.12% EIWEIß!! • Outcross Zweig der Cosmopolitan Familie • Großmutter ist eine fantastische Zuchtkuh mit vielen Bullen auf Station • Selbe Familie wie Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA, Stammkuh hinter: Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic & Charley!

Larcrest Chenile VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.03 365d 12.040kgM 4.8% 577F 4.0% 480P 5.03 305d 10.782kgM 4.2% 458F 3.6% 387P • Halbschwester der Legende: Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA! / Maternal sister to the World famous: Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87USA! NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 7e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

Outcross line of the Cosmopolitan’s • High Fat & Protein in her index: +0.26% Fat & +0.12% PROTEIN!! • Different branch from the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family • Grand dam is a great outcross brood cow with multiple sons in AI • Same family as Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA, foundation cow behind: Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic & Charley!

24. FG

Jamandra *RC

VG-87-DE Consignor Prod. Conf.

DE 0357030482 Geb. Datum. 01.03.2014 Gek. 02.05.2017 Future Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)170 7722531 - Email. La1 304d 8.033kgM 3.3% 266F 3.3% 264P La2 305d 11.356kgM 3.2%F 3.1%P (Proj. 88 86 85 89 / VG-87-DE La2

1st & Res. Int. Champion Oldenburger Münsterlandschau 2017

Jamandra | SHE SELLS!!!

FG Defiant Jamandra *RC VG-87-DE

| She sells!

Scientific B DEFIANT *RC (Braxton x Goldwyn) FG Jay-Lo-Red VG-85-DE VG-MS Conf. 88 84 83 85 / VG-85-DE VG-MS La1 3 305d 10.625kgM 3.1% 325F 3.1% 331P La2/2 283d 10.559kgM 3.1% 327F 3.1% 324P


Ladino Park TALENT *RC

FG Joy-Red VG-88-DE Conf. 89 87 89 88 / VG-88-DE La5/5 305d 11.770kgM 3.0% 348F 3.1% 367P HL5 305d 13.365kgM 3.3% 446F 3.1% 409P

FG Jamaica VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La5/5 305d 12.553kgM 4.0% 502F 3.5% 439P • s. Balonko

• 1st @ WEU Konvent NEXT DAMS 4e FG Clus VG-85-DE (s. Cleitus)

Fantastische Schaukuh wird VERKAUFT! • Diese fantastische Schaukuh wird verkauft! Gezüchtet von Henrik Wille (Future Genetics) • ROTFAKTOR Defiant Tochter aus tiefer deutscher Kuhfamilie • Jamandra war 1. & Res. Int. Champion auf der Münsterland- schau ‘17 • Sie ist bereit für die großen Schauen!!

Incredible show cow SELLS! • Incredible show cow sells! Bred by Henrik Wille (Future Genetics) • Red Carrier Defiant dtr from deep German cow family • Jamandra was 1st & Res. Int. Champion at the Münsterlandschau 2017! • She is ready for the big dance!!



28. KNS YLOVE 25. Golden DE 6771204363 FR 0357788662 Geb. Datum. 17.01.2015 24.05.2016 Consignor D. Henneke J. Schwarz- -Tel. Tel.+41 +49(0)794178314 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. See sale updates for more info Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

NC HH. Gek. 18.09.2017 -




GTPI 2489









































Same 5. M. family: Fontanella Ralma Skywalker GoldwynGinger CarmelEX-90-USA EX-92-USA

3rdM.dam: 3. KNS DKR Golden Pronto Gate Faith VG-88-DE VG-87-DE 2yr.

Larcrest COMMANDER View-Home MONTEREY (Mogul x Observer) (McCutchen x Robust) KNS Golden Faithlove NCMay GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. 82 83 84 84 / GP-84-DE 2yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 9.085kgM 4.1% 373F 3.2% 294P La3/2 301d 4.1%+2483 383F 3.2% 302P US 8/16 PTAT9.454kgM +3.29 / GTPI HL2 296d 9.822kgM 4.0% 392F 3.2% 309P • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / • Selbe beliebten Bullen Top 50Familie GTPI- &wie #16die PTAT cow in Europe Ikarus@ Rinderallianz / • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe /&#4Blossom GTPI Oak@inRUW Europe Sameoffamily as the popular • One the highest outcrosssires cowsIkarus in the@breed & Blossom @ RUW /Rinderallianz One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

2. KNS Golden Bridge As a heifer 7thM.dam: Ralma Juror Faith |EX-91-USA GMD DOM

De-Su D MAYFIELD Pine-Tree AltaOAK 893-ET

Gillette WINDBROOK Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN

KNS Golden Bridge VG-85-DE 2yr. Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf.VG-86-FR 85 87 86 2yr. 84 / VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. La4/3 305d 9.182kgM 4.1% 377F 3.3% 305P La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P HL3 305d 9.666kgM 4.2% 407F 3.5% 336P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / • Ihre Tochter wurde auf dem DHV SisterTochter to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Sale für € 12.000 verkauft / Her daughter sold at the DHV Sale for EUR 12.000

Top 10Commander Frische GTPI Schwester aus italienischer zu CharleyKuhfami• Diese Top 10Familie GTPI Polled stammt heifer ursprünglich in Europe!aus Italien • Ganz Superfrische fitnessCommander, & type: SCS bereit 2.77 /ihnen +2.6 DPR den /Milchtank PTAT +2.13 zu füllen • Tolle The maternal Kuhfamilie sister mitofvielen the global Qualitäten sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. KNS Golden Gate VG-88-DE VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-88-DE 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS DAMS VG-88-DE (s. Shottle) 4eNEXT KNS Ginster Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley 2yr. 5e4eFontanella Skywalker Ginger VG-87-USA EX-90 (s. Skywalker) 5e Ralma Finley C-Fcow Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM - Successful show @ Verona, Epinal & more Ralma Christmas Fudge GMD DOM 6e6eFontanella Elica EX-90 (s.VG-88-USA Corso) 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10Commander Fresh GTPI POLLED from sister Italian to cow Charley family • Italian Top 10 cow GTPIfamily Polledfrom heiferorigin in Europe! • Fresch Super fitness Commander & type: ready SCSto 2.77 fill /your +2.6tank DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Very The maternal nice cowsister familyofwith the great globalqualities sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA



EX-90-DE EX-91-MS FR 113037030 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2013 Gek. 31.07.2017 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Josef Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La3/2 305d 9.654kgM 4.0% 385F 3.6% 344P HL2 305d 11.974kgM 4.1% 489F 3.5% 416P Fresh in 3rd lactation Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

Angemeldet für die RUW Schau am 26.Oktober / Entered for the RUW-Show. 26. October

M. Morel Eldorado VG-86-FR 2yr.

2. M. Morel Adidas EX-93-FR EX-94-MS

Genervations LEXOR (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn) Morel Eldorado VG-86-FR VG-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-MS 2yr. 2.03 305d 11.682kgM 4.0% 466F 3.2% 378P • 3rd Show Open Genisse 2010 • Diese Familie hat bereits mehrere positive Bullen geliefert: / Family which produced multiple proven sires: Salisburry, Ulpius & more • Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Morel Liza, der #5 GTPI Bombero der Welt (8/17 GTPI 2654) / Full sister is dam to Morel Liza, the #5 GTPI Bombero World Wide (8/17 GTPI 2654)

Sister to dam: Morel Hollywood

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ


Morel Adidas EX-90-FR Conf. EX-90-FR

Penelope EX-91-FR Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

2.03 305d 13.533kgM 3.2% 435F 3.1% 419P 4.02 305d 16.858kgM 3.6% 601F 3.2% 539P • Top 5 @ SIA Paris 2010 • 1st Departemental 2009 • 2nd Regional Rhone-Alpes 2010 • Selbe Familie wie Girard Goldwyn Goldwyna, Bullenmutter für Swissgenetics / Close family to Girard Goldwyn Goldwyna, bull dam at Swissgenetics

EXZELLENTE Kuh – Bereit für die SCHAU!! • EXZELLENTE eingestuft ganz frisch nach dem 3. Kalb mit EX-91 im Euter • Angemeldet für die RUW Schau wo sie am 26.10 für den neuen Besitzer starten kann! • In der 2. Laktation fast 12.000kg Milch in 305 Tagen mit 4.1%F & 3.5%E • Eine Familie mit >100.000 kg Kühen, top GTPI Rindern, Schausiegern, erfolgreichen Bullen in der Besamung und mehr!

2.03 305d 13.533kgM 3.2% 435F 3.1% 414P 4.02 305d 16.856kgM 3.6% 601F 3.2% 534P 5.03 305d 15.520kgM 3.3% 516F 3.1% 431P Lifetime: >100.000 kg Milk • V. / S. Rudolph NEXT DAMS 4e Judelle EX-92-FR - Grand Champion Departemental of Haute-Marne - 1st Eurogenetique & Agric. Fair ‘02 5e Pride Thor Roxette EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Pride Ned Boy Racquel VG-85-USA GMD DOM

Incredible 3rd calver - Ready to show! • EXCELLENT 3rd calver with an EX-91 udder! • Entered for the RUW show where she can be shown for you! • 2nd La. almost 12.000kgM in 305d with 4.1%F 3.5%P • Family with >100.000 kg cows, top GTPI heifers, show winners, successful bulls in AI and more!

27. HAM Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0358212476 Geb. Datum. 27.09.2015 Gek. 14.09.2017 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email. Weitere Infos auf dem Auktionsupdate / See sale updates for more info NC

2. M. BIL Fantasia EX-90-DE

3. M. BIL Fiere EX-96-DE

Lirr Drew DEMPSEY (Goldwyn x Derry) HAM Fabe VG-85-DE Conf. 85 84 85 86 / VG-85-DE La4/3 305d 9.681kgM 3.8% 371F 3.4% 324P HL3 305d 11.190kgM 3.8% 421F 3.2% 361P

3. M. BIL Fiere EX-96-DE

Hartline TITANIC

Startmore RUDOLPH

BIL Fantasia EX-90-DE Conf. 91 88 89 90 / EX-90-DE

BIL Fiere EX-96-DE Conf. EX-96-DE

La5/5 305d 13.310kgM 3.7% 486F 3.1% 409P HL3 305d 15.335kgM 3.5% 542F 3.2% 485P • EXCELLENT Rudolph x Fiere!!

La1 305d 9.781kgM 3.9% 377F 3.3% 323P La7/7 305d 12.125kgM 4.3% 518F 3.4% 409P HL5 305d 14.105kgM 4.3% 606F 3.3% 466P • 3x Sachsen Champion • 2x Champion OHG Show • 2x Senior Champion DHV Show • Res. European Holstein Champion NEXT DAMS: 4e Ciforine

Frische Färse aus der FIERE Familie • Frisch abgekalbte Färse die zurück geht auf Fiere EX-96 • Fiere ist eine der erfolgreichsten Schaukühe in der deutschen Geschichte: Sie hat eine Vielzahl von Titel gewonnen, u.a. Res. Europachampion!

Fresh 2yr. old from the FIERE family • A fresh 2yr. old going back on Fiere EX-96 • Fiere is one of the most successful show cows in the German history: won multiple championships including Res. European!

28. Wit Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0538996319 Geb. Datum. 20.06.2015 Gek. 25.08.2017 Wiethege Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email. 1st test: 32.5kgM 3.8%F 3.4%P - See sale update NC

Full sister to Moonshine: JK Eder Malina VG-NL 2yr.

M. Wit Momo VG-89-DE

Boldi V S G ANTON (Epic x Man-O-Man) Wit Momo VG-89-DE Conf. 86 89 90 89 / VG-89-DE La1 305d 11.090kgM 3.7% 408F 3.4% 375P La4/3 305d 12.682kgM 3.8% 480F 3.3% 424P HL3 305d 13.993kgM 3.9% 543F 3.3% 460P

4. M. Dukefarm Malina VG-89-BE EX-MS

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP

Endsenada Taboo PLANET

Moonshine VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 87 87 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La2/1 305d 10.389kgM 4.2% 440F 3.5% 367P • Halbschwester zu / Maternal sister to Highlife @ Semex • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to JK Eder Planet Malina 2 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Dukefarm Oman Malina VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.132kgM 4.2% 429F 3.6% 364P 5.08 569d 16.029kgM 4.4% 701F 3.8% 609P • Stark kontraktierte Vertragskuh im CRV Zuchtprogramm / She was a heavily contracted cow in the CRV breeding programm • O-Man Tochter aus der Man-O-Man Familie! / O-Man dtr from Man-O-Man his family! NEXT DAMS 4e Dukefarm Malina VG-89-BE EX-MS 5e Dirgo Pond Oak Malina EX-93-USA 6e Pond-Oak Ned Boy Margot EX-95-USA 3E DOM 7e Pond-Oak Valiant Missy EX-92-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e Pond-Oak Elevation Pumpkin VG-87 GMD DOM

Frische Anton Tochter aus den Malina´s • Eine frisch gekalbte Anton Tochter aus der Malina Kuhfamilie • 32.5 kg Milch in ihrer ersten Kontrolle mit 3.4% Eiweiß! • Die 3.te Mutter war einer der gefragtestetn Kühe im CRV Zuchtprogramm • Geht zurück auf die amerikanische Zuchtikone: Pond-Oak Ned Boy Margot EX-94-USA

Fresh Anton dtr from the Malina’s • A fresh Anton daughter from the Malina cow family • 32.5 kg Milk in her 1st test with 3.4% Protein! • 3rd dam was one of the most heavily contracted cows in the CRV breeding programm • Goes back to the American brood cow: Pond-Oak Ned Boy Margot EX-94-USA

29. Schönhof’s Durbin Consignor



AT 798792628 Geb. Datum. 25.03.2015 Schöhnhof Holsteins - Tel. +43 (0)6769712913 - Email.

Kalbt vor der Auktion, weitere Infos auf dem Update Will be fresh before the sale - see sale updates for more information

M. PJP Atwood Galaxy VG-86-AT 2yr.

Same family: PJP Inouie VG-88-CH 3yr. - 2nd & Championship Finalist Swiss Expo ‘17 / #3 PTAT cow

Ladys-Manor DURBIN (McCutchen x Goldwyn) PJP Atwood Galaxy VG-86-AT 2yr. Conf. 85FR 85DS 87MS 85FL / VG-86-AT 2yr. La1 305d 8.992kgM 3.3% 299F 3.0% 571P La2 305d 13.869kgM 3.3% 458F 2.8% 283P • Selbe Mutterlinie wie PJP First @ Genes Diffusion - #2 PTAT Atwood Sohn der Rasse! (PTAT +3.42) / Same maternal line as PJP First @ Genes Diffusion - #2 PTAT Atwood son in the breed with NAAB code (PTAT +3.42)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD PJP Etoile GP-FR VG-86-MS 2y. Conf. GP-84-FR VG-86-MS 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.666kgM 3.1% 304F 2.9% 583P 3.09 305d 10.800kgM 3.0% 326F 3.0% 324P • Cousine zu PJP Chipie, Mutter von PJP FIRST & Großmutter vonPJP Inouie - 2nd place @ Swiss Expo ‘17/ Maternal cousin to PJP Chipie, dam to PJP FIRST & granddam to PJP Inouie - 2nd place @ Swiss Expo ‘17

4. M. PJP Uracile EX-92-FR

Ensenada Taboo PLANET PJP Classe EX-90-FR Conf. EX-90-FR EX-93-MS 2.04 305d 9.944kgM 3.4% 333F 3.2% 318P 3.08 305d 11.274kgM 3.1% 345F 3.1% 349P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: PJP Extase: HM. 2-Yr. Champion Britany Show ‘12 NEXT DAMS 4e PJP Uracile EX-92-FR - Res. Int. Champion SPACE ‘08 - HM. Champion Farming Tour ‘05 5e JPP Royale GP-84-FR 2yr. 6e Opte VG-85-FR

Frische DURBIN aus hoher Typfamilie, den Uracile´s

Fresh DURBIN from the high type Uracile’s

• Ganz frische Durbin Färse aus fantastischer Exterieurfamilie • Selbe Familie wie PJP Inouie – 2.Platz Swiss Expo und die #3 PTAT Kuh in Europa: 8/17 PTAT +3.62 • Selbe Familie wie PJP First - #2 PTAT Atwood Sohn der Welt (PTAT +3.42) • 4.te Mutter ist die berühmte Zucht-& Schaukuh aus Frankreich: PJP Uracile EX-92-FR

• A very fresh 2-yr. by Durbin from incredible TYPE cow family • Same family as PJP Inouie - 2nd Swiss Expo and she is the #3 PTAT cow in Europe: 8/17 PTAT +3.62 • Same family as PJP First - #2 PTAT Atwood son in the World (PTAT +3.42) • 4th dam is the famous brood & show cow from France: PJP Uracile EX-92-FR

30. Balsters


NC Consignor Prod.

DE 0538171958 Geb. Datum. 19.08.2015 Patrick Balster - Tel. +49 (0)25929199300 See Sale Update

Kalbt vor der Auktion, weitere Infos auf dem Update Will be fresh before the sale, see sale updates for more info

M. K&L HWH PD Sina VG-85-NL 2yr.

5. M. Ricecrest Bellwood Brianne VG-88-USA 2. M. Sandy-Valley Bolton!

2. M. PBCD FD Sina VG-87-NL

View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) K&L HWH PD Sina VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 88DS 82MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 8.829kgM 4.2% 375F 3.4% 304P 3.05 305d 10.633kgM 4.6% 489F 3.4% 364P • Schwester zu: / Sister to Background & Sinus

Rickland PREDESTINE 669-ET PBCD FD Sina VG87-NL Conf. VG-87-NL

Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Sandy-Valley Sho Sodanor VG-88-USA DOM Conf. VG-88-USA DOM

2.05 305d 11.198kgM 3.8% 420F 3.1% 341P 4.02 305d 11.847kgM 3.6% 429F 3.1% 372P

2.01 305d 12.837kgM 3.7% 478F 3.1% 404P

• Mehrere Brüder auf Station / Multiple brothers in AI

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Stol Joc, Bolton, Marshall, Murphy & more!

NEXT DAMS 4e Sandy-Valley Blitz Blizz VG-87-USA 5e Ricecrest Bellwood Brianne VG-88-USA - Granddam to: Sandy-Valley Bolton 6e Ricecrest Southwind Kaye VG-87-USA GMD DOM 7e Ricecrest Ned Boy Noreen EX-91-2E-USA GMD DOM 8e Ricecrest Jemini Jayanna VG-87-USA DOM 9eh Ricecrest Elevation Ella VG-86-USA DOM

Frische 2. Jährige aus Bolton´s Familie • Sie kalbt kurz vor dem Sale und ist bereit um ihnen den Milchtank zu füllen! • Frühe Missouri aus 9. Generationen VG oder EX • Selbe Familie wie die erfolgreichen Bullenväter: Bolton, Stol Joc, Marshall, Murphy & andere • Geht zurück auf Ricecrest Southwind Kaye VG-87-USA GMD DOM

Fresh 2yr. old from Bolton’s family • She’ll be just fresh before the sale & ready to fill your tank! • Early Missouri dtr out of 9 generations VG or Excellent! • Same family as the successful sire of sons: Bolton, Stol Joc, Marshall, Murphy & others • Goes back to Ricecrest Southwind Kaye VG-87-USA GMD DOM


31. Mattenhof Consignor Index

CH 120137288439 Geb. Datum. 11.07.2017 Mattenhof Holsteins (Junker) & Staub - Tel. +41 41 794 47 37

US 09/17 (Prelim) PTAT +3.02

GALYS-VRAY!!! Denn Bilder sagen mehr als 1000 Worte!! Because pictures says more than 1000 words!!!

Pol-Butte Mc BEEMER (McCutchen x Goldwyn x Shottle x Barbie) * #1 Dtr proven TYPE sire in the breed!! Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS La3. Conf. 93 94 95 94 / EX-94-CH La3. 2.02 375d 10.511kgM 3.6% 383F 3.3% 349P 3.05 305d 12.583kgM 3.5% 445F 3.3% 421P 4.05 305d 15.643kgM 3.9% 545F 3.5% 545P • European Champion Colmar 2016 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016 • Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2015 • Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015 • Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014 • Jr. 2yr. Old Champion SPACE 2013 • Mutter von / Dam to SIRWOOD @ St. Jacobs ABC • Watch for the huge numbers of her Solomon son with skyhigh PTAT & Conf.!

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Erbacres DAMION

Corse-Vray EX-92-FR Conf. EX-92-FR

Naples-Vray EX-90-FR Conf. EX-90-FR

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.5% 321F 3.5% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.4% 332F 3.2% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P • Mutter von / Dam to Hanna-Vray - Udder Champion Swisss Expo 2017

2.01 305d 8.762kgM 3.5% 304F 3.0% 266P 3.01 305d 10.282kgM 3.4% 348F 3.1% 314P 4.04 305d 10.817kgM 3.5% 376F 3.0% 329P 5.09 305d 10.061kgM 3.4% 344F 3.3% 327P • GRAND CHAMPION Loire Atlantique 2000

Hanna-Vray - full sister to Galys

Eine einmalige Gelegenheit! • Die erste Live Tochter auf einer Auktion weltweit, aus der heißesten Schaukuh der Welt: GALYS-VRAY!!! • Galys war Expo Bulle, Swiss Expo & Europa GRAND Champion!! • Fantastisches Kalb, in Kombination mit hohem Typindex!

NEXT DAMS 4e Lassie EX-90-FR 5e Gentille VG-88-FR 6e Lentille EX-90-FR - Selbe Familie aus der Besne Buck stammt / Same cow family which produced Besne Buck

Once in a lifetime opportunity! • The first live dtr to be offered World Wide of one of the hottest show cows World Wide: GALYS-VRAY!!! • Galys was Expo Bulle, Swiss Expo & European GRAND Champion!! • Incredible heifer, combined with a high type index!

32. HAM Doorman Consignor


DE 0359766085 Geb. Datum. 20.02.2017 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

M. Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-92-CH

2. M. Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-92-CH 2E Conf. EX-92-CH EX-95-MS 2E 3.02 305d 10.102kgM 4.5% 454F 3.6% 368P 4.09 305d 11.626kgM 4.9% 566F 3.5% 410P • Jr. Champion Aargauer Eliteschau ‘13 • HM. Grand Champion & Best Udder Aargauer ‘14 • Grand Champion Olma-Vierrassenschau ‘15 • Best Udder 6-Yr. Jr. Bulle Expo National Holsteins Show ‘15 • Tochter einer der besten Schau- & Zucht kühe der Welt: Vangogh Durham Treasure EX-96! / Direct daughter from one of the greatest show and brood cows in the breed: Vangogh Durham Treasure EX-96! • Fever Schwester war 4th Milking Yrlng @ Madison / Fever sister was 4th Milking Yrlng @ Madison

2. M. Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS

Braedale GOLDWYN

Regancrest Elton DURHAM

Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-US EX-99-MS 3E 2.02 305d 9.752kgM 3.7% 356F 3.3% 325P 4.10 305d 13.413kgM 4.0% 538F 3.4% 451P 6.03 305d 14.247kgM 3.8% 547F 3.3% 427P 7.07 305d 13.826kgM 3.8% 611F 3.5% 556P Lifetime: > 100.000 kg Milk • Unglaubliche Eutereinstufung: EX-99!! / Tremendous Udder score: EX-99!! • Nom. All-American 150.000lb cow • All-American 125.000 lb cow 2013 • Res. Grand Champion Mid-West Spring ‘14 • Res. All-American Aged Cow ‘11 • 2nd Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair ‘11 • Nom. All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘11 • Nom. All-American Sr. 3-Yr. Old ‘07 • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to: Tatoo: #5 PTAT bull in the breed! (PTAT +4.04)

Unglaubliches Angebot aus Treasure!! • Seltene Chance: DOORMAN x EX-92-CH Goldwyn x Treasure!! • Treasure hat die höchste Eutereinstufung die jemals in den USA vergeben wurde: EX-99 • Treasure ist die Großmutter des #5 PTAT Bullen der Rasse: Duckett Crush TATOO (PTAT +4.04) @ Select Sires • Ihre Mutter hat mehrere Schauen gewonnen und war Bestes Euter der 6yr. auf der National Schau der Expo Bulle 2015

Talk-About Linjet Try EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN 2E 2.04 365d 9.190kgM 4.0% 367F 3.3% 307P 3.05 305d 10.741kgM 4.0% 427F 3.2% 347P 4.07 365d 12.592kgM 3.7% 467F 3.3% 414P • Vater: / Sire: Sunnylodge LINJET NEXT DAMS 4e Devello-Hills Star Trixter EX-90-USA 5e Rol-Chris Astro Jet Trixie EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Apple-Lawn Matt Thea VG-88-USA 7e Apple-Lawn Beau Trena VG-85-USA

Incredible opportunity of Treasure!! • UNIQUE offering: DOORMAN x EX-92-CH Goldwyn x Treasure!! • Treasure is the highest udder score cow in the USA ever: EX-99 • Treasure is grand dam of the #5 PTAT bull in the breed: Duckett Crush TATOO (PTAT +4.04) @ Select Sires • Dam won multiple shows and was Best Udder 6yr. old at the National Show the Expo Bulle ‘15

33. 1st Consignor

Choice Female

La Brasserie Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)6 83803325 - Email.

Wahl aus / choice out of: 3 FEMALE pregnancies SOLOMON x Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA 3 FEMALE pregnancies AWESOME-RED x Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss VG-87-CAN

Due: 09/11/17 & 14/12/17 Due: 28/09/17, 15/11/17 & 14/12/17

Left: M. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA 2E Top: Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA Same family

Left: Garay Awesome Beauty (full sister to lot) 1st Spring Calf MADISON ‘16 Top: 3. M. Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA

Das MADISON Packet!! • Eine der spektakulärsten Auswahlen die jemals in Europa angeboten wurde! • Eine erste Wahl aus Madison Champions, Schwestern zu Madison Champions, hohen PTAT Kühen und mehr!! • Diese Gelegenheit kommt nur einmal im Leben!!

The MADISON Package!! • One of the most special 1st choice packages ever to be offered in Europe! • A 1st choice from Madison winners, sister to Madison winners, huge PTAT cows and more!! • A once in a lifetime opportunity!!

The Madison Package Der Käufer kann aus allen weiblichen Kälbern von den nachfolgenden Kombinationen auswählen Buyers choice ouf of all resulting females from pregnancies below:

3 FEMALE pregnancies SOLOMON x Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA 2E Conf. EX-96-USA 2E 2.02 305d 9.460kgM 4.1% 391F 3.5% 327P 4.10 305d 13.544kgM 4.3% 584F 3.3% 442P 5.11 305d 14.860kgM 3.7% 545F 3.2% 474P • 1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair ‘16 • All-American & All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘16 • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr. Old ‘12 • HM. All-Quebec Jr. 3-Yr. Old ‘12 • Top 5 Aged cow MADISON ‘16 • SUPREME Champion of the Junior Show World Dairy Expo MADISON 2015

Braedale GOLDWYN Blond R Marker Sublime *RC EX-93-CAN 5yr. Conf. 89R 93DS 95MS 92FL / EX-93-CAN 5yr. 2.03 365d 10.679kgM 5.2% 556F 3.7% 397P 3.11 362d 14.073kgM 5.6% 790F 3.5% 487P 5.02 365d 14.460kgM 4.5% 648F 3.6% 525P 10.08 365d 16.234kgM 4.7% 768F 3.3% 535P Lifetime: 5La. 73.707kgM 5.0%F 3.6%P • 2nd 4-Yr. Old Three Rivers ‘06 • 2nd Jr. 1-Yr. Old Bethier ‘03 • Maternal cousin to: / Maternal cousin to Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA: 2x GRAND Champion R&W @ MADISON & 3x GRAND Champion R&W @ Royal Winter Fair!!

Due: 09/11/17 & 14/12/17

Indianhead RED-MARKER Blondin James Supra EX-90-CAN 9* Conf. 93R 94DS 91MS 87FL / EX-90-CAN 9* 2.04 365d 11.348kgM 4.2% 474F 3.5% 398P 4.08 365d 15.282kgM 4.8% 740F 3.6% 547P 7.00 365d 14.348kgM 4.5% 644F 3.4% 487P • 3rd 4-Yr & Sr. 2-Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair • Res. All-Canadian 4-Yr. & Sr. 2-Yr. Old • Res. All-Quebec 4-Yr. Old • 1st & HM. Grand Champion Ontario Summer ‘05 • 1st & HM. Grand Champion Ontario Summer ‘05 • Grand Champion Eastern Champ ‘04 NEXT DAMS EX-93-CAN 2E 34* Skychief x VG-87-CAN 17* Starbuck x VG-87-CAN x VG-CAN x VG-CAN

3 FEMALE pregnancies AWESOME-RED x Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. Due: 28/09/17, 15/11/17 & 14/12/17 Luck-E AWESOME-RED (Absolute x Advent) Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.03 365d 12.527kgM 4.5% 559F 3.3% 410P • Dam to: GARAY AWESOME BEAUTY 1st Spring Calf MADISON ‘16 & All-American Jr. Calf ‘16 & Res. All-Canadian ‘16 • Dam to: GARAY AWESOME BARBARA 2nd R&W Swiss Expo ‘17 • Both Beauty & Barbara are full sisters to this lot!!

Braedale GOLDWYN Rainyridge Sanchez Beth EX-92-CAN 2* Conf. EX-92-CAN 6yr. EX-94-MS 2* 2.03 365d 13.283kgM 3.8% 506F 3.0% 403P 3.09 365d 13.954kgM 4.2% 585F 3.0% 414P 5.08 365d 16.002kgM 4.0% 633F 2.9% 466P • 2nd 4-Yr. Old Three Rivers ‘06

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA 12* Conf. EX-95-USA 12* 3.04 365d 15.633kgM 3.7% 594F 3.3% 538P 5.00 305d 12.996kgM 3.8% 498F 3.3% 514P • 1st 5yr. old MADISON & Royal ‘10 • All-Canadian & -American 5yr. ‘10 • Holstein Canada Cow of the Year ‘13 NEXT DAMS EX-95-USA 2E Outside x EX-CAN 2E Milan x Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* Grand Champion MADISON as a 14 yr. old cow

34. 4 Consignor Coomb.


Diamond Genetics & Rijnhof Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. 4 x MAS (Mutual Agreeable Sire) x RZN Enya-Red VG-88-FR VG-88-MS

Die allerersten Embryonen aus ENYA nach ihrem fantastischen Triumph auf der Space Schau / The very first embryos to be offered of ENYA after her big win at the SPACE!!!!

Same family: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95

Dam: RZH Enya VG-88-FR

MAS (Mutual Agreeable Sire) RZH Enya-Red VG-88-FR VG-88-MS Conf. VG-88-FR VG-88-MS 4.00 69d 2.472kgM 3.5%F 3.1%P • Res. Int. Champion @ SPACE ‘17 (between B&W cows - UNIQUE!!!!) • Eine der besten ROTEN Kühe Europas! / One of the greatest R&W cows in Europe right now! • ROT aus der Rainyrdige Tony Beauty Kuhfamilie / RED from the Rainyridge Tony Beauty cow family

RZH Enya VG-88-FR: Res. Int. Champion @ Space ‘17

Tiger-Lilly LADD P-Red


Rainyrdige Mr Burns Eara *RC EX-92-CAN Conf. EX-92-CAN 2.01 365d 12.435kgM 4.5% 561F 3.4% 418P 3.11 360d 14.051kgM 4.7% 655F 3.3% 465P 505 365d 14.170kgM 4.1% 575F 3.2% 461P • Nom. All-West 2-Yr. & 1-Yr. • All-West Jr. Calf ‘08 • HM. Jr. MB Spring Show ‘09 & Morris ‘09

Rainyrdige Shottle Etain VG-89-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN 3yr. 2.00 305d 10.714kgM 4.6% 488F 3.6% 382P • Maximale Eistufung in der 2. Laktation / Maximum score in her 2nd lactation • Selbe Familie wie: / Same famly as: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Raverley Leader Eva EX-90-CAN 5e Rayverley Prelude Evelyn EX-90-CAN 3E 13* 6e Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* 7e Despics Tempo Diana VG-85-CAN

Embryo´s aus der unglaublichen ENYA!!

Embryo’s from the incredible ENYA!!

• Die allerersten Embryonen die aus ENYA nach ihrem fantastischen Erfolg auf der französischen Nationalschau der SPACE!! • Enya wurde Res. Int. Championship auf der SPACE gegen die Schwarzbunte Konkurrenz • Eine unglaubliche Vorstellung • Geht zurück auf die unvergleichliche Rainyridge Tony Beauty • Selbe Familie wie die All-Canadian & -American Talent Barbara

• The very first embryos to be offered out of ENYA after her big win at the French National show the SPACE! • Enya won the Res. Int. Championship at the SPACE between the B&W’s! A Unique performance • Going back on the one & only Rainyridge Tony Beauty • Same family as the All-Canadian & -American Talent Barbara

35. Wilcor-PG

Amalia *RC Consignor

DE 0358965479 Geb. Datum. 09.01.2017 Wilcor Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 7793828 - Email.

US 08/17 UDC +2.08 / FLC +2.10 / PTAT +3.42

#4 PTAT RED CARRIER heifer in Europe!!


3. M. Ms Apples Aria *RC EX-92-USA

4. M. KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA

Wilcor-PG Amalia *RC | SHE SELLS!!!

Mr Hotstuffs HYPNOTIC-ET *RC (Windbrook x Starmark Ad Hotstuff)

Morningview Mcc KINGBOY

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Golden-Oaks I Am Amazing

Ms Farnear Uno Amazing *RC VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA

Kalbt: / Due: March 2018

2.03 305d 8.877kgM 4.3% 382F 3.5% 311P

• Wird verkauft im World Classic Sale ‘17 / Sells in the World Classic Sale ‘17

• Selbe Familie wie: Advent, Jotan, Acme & Schwester zu KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX91-USA, der Stammkuh hinter: Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC, Aikman *RC & others / Same family as: Advent, Jotan, Acme & to KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA: the foundation cow behind: Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC, Aikman *RC & others

#4 ROTFAKTOR PTAT Rind in Europa! • #4 PTAT Rotfaktor in Europa PTAT +3.42 • Eine der wenigen Töchter von HYPNOTIC (Sohn von Hotstuff) • Toller Zweig der Apple Familie • 4.te Mutter ist Apple-Red EX-96: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison mehrere male

Ms Apples Aria *RC EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA EX-94-MS 2.01 365d 11.072kgM 4.9% 544F 4.1% 449P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red, Armani *RC, Mcgucci *RC & more! NEXT DAMS 4e KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA GMD DOM - Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison 5e Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 6e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 9e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 10e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

#4 RED CARRIER PTAT Female in Europe! • #3 PTAT Red Carrier Female in Europe!! PTAT +3.42 • One of the rare dtrs of HYPNOTIC (son of Hotstuff) • Great line of the APPLE cow family • 4th dam, Apple-Red EX-96: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison several times

36. MS Rising Star Consignor


LUX 99529677 Geb. Datum. 03.03.2017 HH. - Rising Star Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)621525777 - Email.


8/17 GTPI +2172 / PTAT +3.04

8/17 DGV LPI +2804 / MS +13 / F&L +11 / DGV-Conf. +14

Sister to dam: MS Candy Apple Red

2. M. KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Ms Apples Audrina *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. See sale update • Direkte Tochter von APPLE EX-96!! / Direct dtr of APPLE EX-96!! • Vollschwester zu Ms Apples Uno Armana *RC EX-91-USA, Mutter von: Arvis *RC @ ST & Apple Pie Red @ AI Total / Full sister to Ms Apples Uno Armana *RC EX-91-USA, dam to: Arvis *RC @ ST & Apple Pie Red @ AI Total • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Absolute-Red, Armani *RC, Big Apple-Red & more • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Ms Candy Apple Red: HM Grand Champion @ Madison & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair

M. MS Apples Audrina *RC VG-86-USA 2yr.

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Carrousel REGIMENT-Red

KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 5.03 365d 13.975kgM 5.0% 693F 3.9% 550P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P • Grand & Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo, Madison! • All-American R&W Mature Cow ‘11 • The “One Million“ Dollar Cow! • Schwester zu: Advent, Jotan, Acme & Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, der Mutter von Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC & more / Sister to: Advent, Jotan, Acme & Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, the dam to Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC & more

Doorman Enkeltochter von APPLE EX-96! • WOW! Was für eine Chance, eine DOORMAN Enkeltochter aus der lengendären KHW Regiment APPLE EX-96-USA! • Grißmuuter ist der Grand & Res. Grand Champion RBT @ Madison • Selbe Familie wie Absolute, Diamondback, Advent, Acme, Jotan, und viele weitere!!

Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 2E Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM 2.00 305d 13.077kgM 3.8% 498F 3.7% 484P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 5e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 6e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 8e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

Doorman grand dtr of APPLE EX-96! • WOW! What a great opportunity to purchase a DOORMAN grand daughter of the legendary KHW Regiment APPLE EX-96-USA! • Granddam is the Grand & Res. Grand Champion R&W @ Madison • Same family as Absolute, Diamondback, Advent, Acme, Jotan, and many others!!

37. NH Atacamas Consignor


DE 0770497991 Geb. Datum. 29.01.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

M. AGH Du Bon Vent Atacama Jessica

2. M. Du Bon Vent Sid Graal VG-89-FR

Crasdale BANKROLL-ET (Let It Snow x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara) AGH Du Bon Vent Atacama Jessica VG-85-DE Conf. VG-85-DE VG-MS La1 La1 113d 3.785kgM 4.0% 151F 3.4% 128P (Proj) 305d 9.249kgM 4.2%F 3.6%P • Fantastische Windbrook Tochter, hochgerech net: 4.2% Fett & 3.6% EIWEIß! / Incredible Windbrook dtr, projected: 4.2% Fat & 3.6% PROTEIN!! • Eine der ganz wenigen Mitglieder dieser tollen Kuhfamilie / One of the very frew memberes of this special cow family • Tolle Väterfolge: / Great sire stack: Windbrook x Sid x Goldwyn x Stormatic • Geht zurück auf die unglaubliche Du Bon Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95 / Going back on the amazing Du Bon Vent Atacama EX-95

4. M. Du Bon Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95-CH


Pine-Tree SID

Du Bon Vent Sid Graal VG-89-FR Conf. VG-89-FR 2.04 382d 9.467kgM 4.3% 404F 3.3% 313P • VG-89-CH EX-93-MS Vollschwester / VG-89-CH EX-93-MS full sister • 1st & Best Udder Ohhh La Vache ‘14 (FR)

Du Bon Vent Emblematic EX-91-CH 3E Conf. EX-91-CH 3E 2.03 305d 8.675kgM 3.6% 315F 3.2% 280P 3.04 258d 9.174kgM 3.6% 328F 3.0% 272P 4.03 305d 10.005kgM 3.8% 397F 3.1% 318P 5.03 305d 11.225kgM 3.6% 401F 3.2% 363P • Vater: / Sire: Braedale GOLDWYN NEXT DAMS 4e Du Bont Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95-CH - 2x Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘11 & ‘12!! - Grand Champion National Expo Bulle ‘12 - Res. Grand Champion Jr. Bulle Expo ‘09 5e Du Bon Vent Tabqa EX-90-FR 6e Never VG-89-FR

NH Atacamas Girl | She Sells

Exklusive Möglichkeit aus den Atacama´s • Fantastisches Schaukalb welches zurück geht auf den 2 x Res. Grand Champion der Swiss Expo: ATACAMA EX-95-CH!!! • Atacama ist bekannt als eine der besten Euterkühe die jemals einen europäischen Schauring betreten hat!! • Tolle Blutführung: Bankroll x Windbrook x Sid x Goldwyn

Great opportunity from the Atacama’s • Very fancy heifer going back on the 2 x Res. Grand Champion of the Swiss Expo: ATACAMA EX-95-CH!!! • Atacama is well known as one of the best uddered cows ever entered in a European show ring!! • Great sire line: Bankroll x Windbrook x Sid x Goldwyn

38. HWL Consignor


LUX 99489560 Geb. Datum. 04.03.2017 Neser & Jerome Reuter - Tel. +353 (0)691 994033 - Email.

M. Morsan Doorman Heaven VG-86-LUX 2yr. 2nd 2yr. Old Luxembourg National Show ‘17

3. M. Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN

Mr Lr Edg ARVIS *RC (Defender x Numero Uno) Morsan Doorman Heaven VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. 85 86 85 86 / VG-86-LUX 2yr.

2. M. Morsan Miss Heroic VG-87-CAN 3yr.

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Siemers Toys HERO 9701-ET

Morsan Miss Heroic VG-87-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-89-MS 3yr.

Just fresh - 2nd test: 38kg Milk 4.2%F 3.1%P

2.03 365d 12.835kgM 4.4% 563F 3.1% 401P 3.06 361d 13.731kgM 4.1% 558F 3.0% 414P

• 2nd 2-Yr @ Luxembourg National Show ‘17 • Doorman Enkeltochter der ungeschlagenen Queen von 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN! / Doorman granddtr of the unbeaten Queen of 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: MEGASIRE

• 2nd Sr. 1-Yr. Western Champ ‘14 • Eng verwandt mit Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN: Res. Grand Champion Ontario Spring Show & HM. Int. Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13 / Close family member to Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN: Res. Grand Champion Ontario Spring Show & HM. Int. Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13

Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN Conf. 98R 94DS 95MS 96FL / EX-95-CAN 2.00 338d 11.668kgM 4.6% 540F 3.3% 383P 3.01 308d 14.441kgM 4.4% 638F 3.2% 461P 5.00 365d 18.363kgM 4.2% 776F 3.2% 596P • Die ungeschlagen Königin von 2011! / The unbeaten show Queen of 2011! • Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘11 • All-American 5-Yr., Jr. 3-Yr. & Jr. 2-Yr. • All-Canadian 5-Yr. & Jr. 2-Yr. Old • Nom. All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘13 NEXT DAMS 4e Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88-CAN 4yr. 5e Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-CAN 3yr.

Schautyp aus der Missy Familie • Sehr schöner Zweig aus der Missy Kuhfamilie von Eastside Lewisdale! • Die 3.te Mutter ist die ungeschlagene Königin von 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Missy EX-95-CAN: Grand Champoin Royal Winter Fair & Madison ‘11 • Ihre Mutter war bereits 2.te auf der Nationalschau in Luxemburg • Selbe Familie wie Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN: Res. Grand Ontario Spring Show & HM. Grand Champion @ the Royal ‘13

Show type from the Misssy family • Very nice line of the MISSY cow family of Eastside Lewisdale! • 3rd dam is the unbeaten Queen of 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Missy EX-95-CAN: Grand Champoin Royal Winter Fair & Madison ‘11 • Dam was already 2nd at the National Show in Luxembourg • Same family as Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN: Res. Grand Ontario Spring Show & HM. Grand Champion @ the Royal ‘13

39. Gerbrothe Consignor


Lautella *RC

DE 1603904859 Geb. Datum. 24.06.2017 GbR Gerbothe-Wiesnr - Tel. +49 (0)162 2518639






























Eines der höchsten RC RZG Rinder der WELT / One of the highest RC heifers for RZG World Wide!!

Mat. brother to dam: REQUEST @ Masterrind

2. M. Snowbiz N Uno Lucious VG-87-CAN 2yr.

Westcost STYX-Red (Entitle *RC x Sympatico *RC) Lautellin NC Weitere Infos auf dem Auktionsupdate / Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 1st test: 42.2kg Milk 3.5%F 3.1%P • Schwester zu: / Sister to REQUEST @ Masterrind (s. Racer) - RZG +152

3. M. Freurehaven FGS Lucy VG-86-CAN 2yr.


Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Snowbiz N Uno Lucious VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. 87R 88DS 87MS 85FL / VG-87-CAN 2yr. 2.03 365d 13.142kgM 4.2% 546F 3.3% 428P • Söhne in der Besamung @ Semex & Masterrind / Sons in AI @ Semex & Masterrind • Mutter des #1 RZG Racer Sohnes in Deutschland / Dam to the #1 RZG Racer son in Germany

Freurehaven FGS Lucy VG-86-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-86-CAN 2yr. 2.01 365d 16.669kgM 4.2% 697F 3.1% 515P 4.10 362d 19.804kgM 3.4% 678F 3.1% 613P • V./s. Snowman • 4 VG Töchter in Kanada / 4 VG dtrs in Canada • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Littelton @ Semex & Lukas, Livewire & more NEXT DAMS 4e Freurehaven Shottle Lautella VG-89-CAN 3yr. 5e Freurehaven Lautella Bolton EX-92-CAN 6e Comestar Lautella Goldwyn VG-87-CAN 7e Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-4YR-CAN 21* 8e Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-CAN 2YR 2* 9e Comestar Lausan Black VG-87-CAN 23* 10e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23* 11e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15*

GANZ HOHES Rotfaktorrind: RZG 160

HUGE Red Carrier heifer: RZG 160

• Eines der höchsten ROTFAKTORRINDER im deutschen System • RC, +2451 Milch, RZM 149, RZE 134 & RZG +160!! • Dieser Zweig der Familie steht für hohe Leistungswerte • Großmutter ist eine Halbschwester des ganz hohen Leistungsvererbers Littleton @ Semex • Selber Zweig der Familie wie der neue kanadische Topbulle Lautrust • Die Laurie Sheik´s, die Familie von Starleader, Outside, Lauthority & mehr

• One of the highest RED CARRIER Heifers in the German system • RC, +2451 Milk, RZM 149, RZE (Type) 134 & RZG +160!! • This branch of the family stamps huge production indexes • Granddam is maternal sister to the huge milk sire Littleton @ Semex • Same branch of the family as new Canadian top sire Lautrust • The Laurie Sheik’s from bulls like Starleader, Outside, Lauthority & more

40. RZN Consignor



DE 0770555950 Geb. Datum. 05.04.2017 Nöhl GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 - Email.






























6. M. Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 16*

Mr Dds MEGA-WATT *RC (Megasire x Alchemy *RC) RZN Lamir-Red NC Fresh since: 30.08.17, see sale updates for info 1st test: 27kgM 4.2%F 3.2%P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lexor, Latimer, Larson *RC, Lavaman, Let It Snow, Willpower, Liquid Gold & many more

3. M. Gen-I-Beq Sterling Lecy *RC VG-88

Full sister to Lava: Calbrett Goldqyn Layla EX-96-CAN 1st Mature cow @ Royal Winter Fair

4. M. Gen-I-Beq Baxter Legacy EX-90-CAN

6. M. Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG-87-CAN 2yr.

Scientific DEBUTANT-Red

Hunsberger ALCHEMY *RC

RZN Lana-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 86 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 12.778kgM 3.8% 488F 3.3% 417P • Ehemaliges #4 GTPI RBT Rind in Europa! / Former #4 GTPI R&W Female in Europe! • Mutter zu Gen-I-Beq Lancity *RC @ Semex / Dam to Gen-I-Beq Lancity *RC @ Semex • Her 3rd dam is the identical twin to: Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN, dam to Lexor & Latimer / Her 3rd dam is the identical twin to: Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN, dam to Lexor & Latimer

RZG +157 – RZE 136 – RBT LILA Z! • Extrem hohes ROTES Rind: 157 RZG mit 136 RZE • Fantastischer Gesamtindex mit tollem Exterieur: 136 RZE & 138 Euter! • Ganz interessanter Zweig der Lylehaven Lila Z Kuhfamilie • Eine Familie die positive Bullen, fantastische Schaukühe, Topseller und hohe Index Tiere liefert!

Gen-I-Beq Sterling Lency *RC VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. 87R 93DS 89MS 85FL / VG-88-CAN 4yr. 6* 2.03 365d 19.167kgM 4.1% 794F 3.2% 607P 4.05 365d 18.991kgM 4.7% 895F 3.1% 585P 5.09 365d 17.910kgM 4.9% 477F 3.5% 630P • Her 2nd dam is the full sister top: Calbrett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature cow @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13 / Her 2nd dam is the full sister to: Calbrett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature cow @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13 NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Baxter Legacy EX-90-CAN 3* 5e Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG-87-CAN 2yr. 16* 6e Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 22* 7e Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8* 8e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E 9e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1*

RZG +157 - RZE 136 - R&W LILA Z! • Top charting R&W heifer: 157 RZG with 136 RZE • Fantastic overall index with great type: 136 RZE & 138 udders! • Very interesting branch of the Lylehaven Lila Z cow family • A family which has produced proven sires, great show cows, topsellers & high index animals!

41. SHS Consignor


Lila-Red *PO

DE 0770247213 Geb. Datum. 01.09.2016 HH. HRR HHP Thomas Schäfer - Tel. +49 (0)160 7070366 - Email.





























Fleury Gen Cashmoney Lonestar VG-88-CAN Grand dtr of Lisamaree - Grand Champion Lotbiniere

4. M. Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree EX-91-CAN

5. M. Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN

Schreur APOLL P-Red (Aikman x Lawn Boy) Lucky Black *RC GP-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-83-DE 2yr. La1 305d 6.491kgM 3.7% 241F 3.6% 231P • Kalbt im Oktober wieder und hat das Potential für eine VG Einstufung / Will be fresh again in October and has the potential to go VG • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lexor, Latimer, Larson *RC, Lavaman, Let It Snow, Willpower, Liquid Gold & many more

Swissbec BREKEM *RC

Hunsberger ALCHEMY *RC

Fleury Gen Alchemy Leona *RC EX-90-CAN Conf. 91R 90DS 92MS 87FL / EX-90-CAN 2E 1.09 365d 10.382kgM 4.3% 446F 3.5% 360P 3.01 346d 14.080kgM 3.8% 539F 3.5% 496P 4.03 319d 12.715kgM 4.2% 529F 3.7% 467P • Eine der besten Alchemy Töchter der Rasse / One of the very best Alchemy dtrs in the breed

Fleury Gen Bronco Laurel GP-83-CAN 2yr. Conf. GP-83-CAN 2yr. 2.02 365d 14.726kgM 3.7% 540F 3.1% 454P 3.10 320d 15.617kgM 3.4% 525F 3.1% 478P 4.10 323d 16.760kgM 3.5% 592F 3.2% 533P 5.10 365d 16.893kgM 3.6% 608F 3.3% 552P • Ihre Mutter ist die Schwester zu: Calbrett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature cow @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13 / Her dam is the maternal sister to: Calbrett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature cow @ Royal Winter Fair ‘13 NEXT DAMS 4e Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree EX-91-CAN 21* 5e Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 22* 6e Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8* 7e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E 8e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1*

ROT & HORNLOS aus der LILA Z Familie • Eine ROTES & HORNLOSES Rind aus der Lila Z Familie wird verkauft • Eines der höchsten ROTEN & HORNLOSEN Rinder ihrer Altersgruppe für RZG • Super interessanter Zweig der Lila Z Familie • Hoher Leistungszuchtwert: +2867 kg Milch

RED & POLLED From the LILA Z family • A RED & POLLED Heifer sells out of the Lylehaven Lila Z family • One of the highest RED & POLLED flush age heifers for RZGy • Very interesting line of the Lylehaven Lila Z cow family • Huge milk index: +2867 kg Milk

42. Siepermanns Consignor


Sissi *RC

DE 0539683116 Geb. Datum. 11.07.2017 HH. Red Carrier Zuchtbetrieb Siepermann - Tel. +49 (0)2337 482730 - Email.





























Mat. brother to this lot: Mr SALVATORE *RC

M. Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr.

Mr Dds MEGA-WATT *RC (Megasire x Alchemy *RC) Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 2-04 305d 11.678kgM 4.0% 466F 3.2% 369P • Ehemalige #1 GTPI RBT Kuh der Rasse! / Former #1 GTPI R&W cow in the breed! • Mutter des populären RC Bullenvaters: SALVATORE *RC @ Jetstream Genetics / Dam to the popular RC sire of sons: SALVATORE *RC • Großmutter des #1 GTPI RBT Kalbes der Welt: / Grand dam to the #1 GTPI R&W female in the breed @ 8/17 GTPI +2759 • Mehrer hohe RC / RBT Nachkommen / Mutliple high ranking RC / RED offspring • Sofia war Topseller für $ 195.000 / Sofia was topseller for $ 195.000

2. M. Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer VG-CAN 2yr.

Dymentholm S SYMPATICO *RC Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.01 365d 13.932kgM 3.5% 485F 3.1% 432P • RC Snowman Tochter aus den Splendor’s / Unique RC Snowman dtr from the Splendor’s

SALVATORES Schwester wird verkauft!! • Tolle Möglichkeit die Halbschwester des ehemaligen #1 RC Bullen der Rasse zu kaufen: Mr SALVATORE *RC! • Sofia VERERBT! Großmutter des #1 GTPI RBT Rindes in den USA. • Sofia hat viele hohe RC & RBT Nachkommen auf der ganzen Welt

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Gen-I-Beq Bolton Secret *RC *BY VG-87-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 5yr. 2.01 365d 13.823kgM 4.4% 602F 3.4% 473P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6* - Global R&W Cow of the Year 2011 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* 10e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4* 11e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN 12e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

The maternal sister to SALVATORE *RC! • Great opportunity to buy the maternal sister to the former #1 GTPI RC bull in the breed: Mr SALVATORE *RC! • Sofia TRANMITS! Grand dam to the #1 GTPI R&W Heifer in the U.S. • Sofia has multiple high ranking RC & Red offspring all around the Globle

43. Ms Salvatore Consignor

DE 0360157713 Geb. Datum. 04.07.2017 Höven Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 4588469 - Email.

Milk #12 ISET heifer in the breed and the #2 for RC: +1620!!


Top charting RC heifer!!


Attraction *RC






















+1.7 6.0



































9. & 11. M. Duster Cindy & Cinder Cinnamon

4. M. Gold-N-Oaks Arabell 1765 VG-88-USA DOM

Mr SALVATORE *RC (Supershot x Symptico *RC)

2. M. Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-86-CAN 3yr.


Seagull-Bay MVP

Westcoast Penman Aria 3774

Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-86-CAN 3yr. Conf. 83R 88DS 86MS 85FL / VG-86-CAN 3yr.

Kalbt / Due February 2018

2.02 342d 11.844kgM 4.4% 521F 3.6% 425P

• Vollbruder in der Besamung @ RSH / Full brother in AI @ RHS • Die Gold-N-Oaks Marbella Familie / The Gold-N-Oaks Marbella family

• #1 GTPI MVP Tochter der Rasse! / #1 GTPI MVP dtr in the breed! • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Westcoast Alcove (GTPI +2843), Ardor (GTPI +2710) & more • 6 sons in AI, all @ Semex / 6 sons in AI, all @ Semex • Jett Tochter > 2800 GTPI (8/17) / Jett daughter > 2800 GTPI (8/17)

#2 RC ISET Rind der Rasse! • Eine ROTFAKTOR Listenführerin • Das #12 ISET Rind der Rasse & #2 für Rotfaktor! • Hoher Leistungsindex >2000M & +0.14%E in der Schweiz • Ganz kompletter fehlerloser Index in Deutschland mit 130 RZE • Tolle Blutführung: Salvatore *RC x Penmanship x MVP x Epic

Gold-N-Oaks Adore 2500 GP-83-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-83-USA 2yr. • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Großmutter von Buiner Da Silva @ Ascol, verkauft für EUR 41.000 / Her maternal sister is the granddam to Buiner Da Silva @ Ascol, sold for EUR 41.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Gold-N-Oaks Arabell 1765 VG-88-USA DOM 5e Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella-ET VG-89-2YR-USA GMD DOM 2* 6e Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu-ET EX-94-USA 2E 7e Gold-N-Oaks Marshl Cinda VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8e Gold-N-Oaks Bosco Cinnamon EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Gold-N-Oaks Duster Cindy VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Gold-N-Oaks Melwood Cinder VG-89-USA GMD 11e Gold-N-Oaks Cinder Cinnamon VG-85-USA 12e Gold-N-Oaks Command Brandy VG-86-USA 13e Gold-N-Oaks Columbus Val GP-USA

#2 RC ISET Heifer in the breed! • A chart topping Red Carrier heifer • The #12 ISET heifer in the breed & #2 for Red Carrier! • Huge production index with >2000M & +0.14%P in Switzerland • Very complete no hole German index with 130 RZE (Type) • Great bloodlines: Salvatore *RC x Penmanship x MVP x Epic

44. HMH

Carli-Red VG-86-DE DE 0537720281 Geb. Datum. 11.03.2014 HH. - Consignor Heiner Meiering - Tel. +49 (0)172 4170076 - Email. Prod. La16/03 305d 9.468kgM 3.6% 340F 3.4% 323P Conf. 84 86 86 87 / VG-86-DE La2 Bel. / Ins.: 22.06.2017 Sexed DIAMONDBACK *RC Angemeldet für die RUW Schau 2017 – 26. Oktober 2017 Entered for the RUW Show 2017 - 28th. October 2017

PM Carmen EX-91-DE | Godwyn x Rubens

3. M. AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE

Tiger-Lilly LADD P-Red (Destry x Lawn Boy) Christa VG-88-DE Conf. 88 90 89 87 / VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.099kgM 3.7% 377F 3.2% 321P La5/4 305d 10.011kgM 3.9% 392F 3.4% 335P HL3 305d 11.648kgM 4.1% 477F 3.2% 374P

2. M. PM Callis-Red EX-91-DE


A.Par. St. ELAYO-Red

PM Callis-Red EX-91-DE Conf. 92 90 90 93 / DE-91-DE

AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE Conf. EX-95-DE

La6/6 303d 10.644kgM 4.0% 425F 3.4% 359P HL3 305d 11.856kgM 3.8% 455F 3.4% 397P • Schwester zu: / Sister to Girod All, Schaffner & Tequila *RC • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Amaretto

La7/7 305d 13.936kgM 4.6% 644F 3.4% 467P HL3 305d 16.043kgM 4.8% 764F 3.3% 534P • Teilnehmerin Europaschau / Participated at the European Championships • > 100.000kg Milch Lebensleistung / > 100.000kg Milk lifetimeproduction • Sieger Kuh Alt RUW Show ‘07 / Senior Champion RUW Show ‘07 NEXT DAMS 4e AHA Camilla VG-88-DE 5e Carmel 22 VG-87-DE 6e Blair-Br Carmel Delight EX-90-USA 7e Dunwood Chief Carmel X-92-USA 8e Mar-Elv Divended Coco EX-90-USA

Rote Zweitkalbskuh aus Rubens Carla • Tolle ROTE Zweitkalbskuh die im Februar wieder kalbt mit gesexte Diamondback

• Fantastisches Hintereuter an dieser Ladd P Tochter die ihre Schaukuh für die RUW Schau 2017 sein kann • Diese Familie kann alles: Fantastische Lebensleistung, tolles Exterieur, positive Bullen & mehr • Die 9.te Generation VG oder EX • Die tolle AHA Rubens Carla EX-95 Familie!

R&W milker from the Rubens Carla family • R&W milkder due again in February with sexed Diamondback *RC • Big time rear uddered Ladd P daughter, entered for the RUW Show ‘17 • This family does it all: Extreme high longevity, high scores, successful proven bulls & more! • The 9th generations VG or Excellent cow • The great AHA Rubens Carla EX-95 family!


28. WiltYLOVE 45. bay VG-87-FR La1. Consignor Prod. Conf. Milk

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

FR 6770942627 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 06.03.2014 24.05.2016 HH. - GAEC D. SchwarzWilt - Tel. Tel. +33 +41 (0)6 (0)794178314 16111949 -- Email. Email. Fresh in 2nd lactation: 1st test: 39kgM / day - See sale update for more information VG-87-FR %F La1. %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI










































SameEMILIO Wilt family:@ Ralma AscolGoldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

3rd dam: Sister to dam: DKR Pronto Wilt Emy Faith VG-89-FR VG-87-DE 3yr.2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Mr Atlees Shtl AFTERSHOCK (McCutchen x Robust) (Shottle x Durham) Faithlove NC Wilt Elsa VG-88-FR Conf. VG-88-FR Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 2.04 305d 9.715kgM 3.6% 349F 3.1% 601P US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI 4.08 305d 11.767kgM 3.9%+2483 459F 3.2% 377P Top 50 GTPI- & zu #16 PTAT cowMutter in Europe • Halbschwester Wilt Emy, von / Top 50 GTPI& #16/ PTAT cow sister in Europe EMILIO @ Ascol! Maternal to Wilt • #4 GTPI #4Ascol GTPI Oak in Europe Emy, theOak damintoEurope EMILIO/ @ One of the highest outcross cowsExpo in the • Wilt Emy VG-89-FR: 3rd @ Swiss ‘16 breed & ‘17 / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

7thWilt M. dam:Elsa Ralma VG-88-FR Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Crackholm FEVER


Holyfaith Wilt ElenaVG-86-FR EX-92-CH2yr. VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. EX-92-CH

DKR ProntoSam Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Crandehill Elegance EX-90-FR VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. EX-90-FR

La1 305d 3.08 321d9.970kgM 9.077kgM3.3% 4.6%329F 413F3.0% 3.3%299P 302P Sister to NH von Fabulous @ Ascolehemaliger / • Großmutter Wilt EMILIO, Sister NH Fabulous @ Ascol #1 PTATtoBulle der Rasse! / Granddam to Wilt EMILIO, former #1 PTAT bull in the breed! • Schwester zu: / Sister to Wilt Excellence: Int. Champion & Best Udder Swiss Expo ‘15

Top 10 GTPI Frische Schaukuh Schwester aus derzuEMILIO Charley Familie! • Fantastische Top 10 GTPI Polled Zweitkalbs heiferAftershock in Europe!Tochter aus Emilio´s Familie • • Super fitness Schwester ist die & Mutter type: SCS von2.77 EMILIO / +2.6 @ DPR ASCOL! / PTAT +2.13 • Emilio The maternal ist einer sister der besten of the global Typbullen sensation der Rasse: DG Charley +4.01 @ ABS • Geht Goes zurück back toauf Larcrest Kull Broker Crimson Elegance EX-94-USA EX-96 • Fantastisch züchtender Zweig der Elegance Familie

5.01 417d 305d 11.131kgM 11.719kgM 5.1% 3.6% 567F 422F 4.0% 3.2% 445P 375P 4.01 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • 4.0% EIWEIß!! / 4.0% PROTEIN!! • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS Encore Elegance NC 4e Cradenhill 4e Krull Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.DOM 5e Broker Elegance EX-96-USA 3E GMD 5e Krull RalmaStarbuck Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Excellency 6e Fudge VG-88-USA 7e Ralma Krull TTChristmas Excellency EX-90-USA DOM GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD 8e Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92-USADOM 2E GMD DOM 8e Krull RalmaKingstead Leadman Excellency Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 9e EX-92-USA 4E GMD

Top 10 cow FRESH GTPIfrom POLLED the EMILIO sister tofamily! Charley • Fantastic Top 10 GTPI 2ndPolled calf Aftershock heifer in Europe! from Emilio’s cow family • Sister Super to fitness dam &is type: the dam SCSof 2.77 EMILIO / +2.6 @DPR ASCOL! / PTAT +2.13 • Emilio The maternal is one of sister the of great the type global bulls sensation in the breed: DG Charley +4.01@ ABS • Goes gack back to Kull Larcrest Broker Crimson Elegance EX-94-USA EX-96 • Fantastic transmitting banch of the Elegance family

46. AH


VG-86-DE 2yr. Consignor Prod. Conf. Bel. / Ins.

DE 0666398322 Geb. Datum. 22.06.2014 Christian Allendörfer - Tel. +49 (0)170 8155011 - Email. La1 100d 3.591kgM 4.0% 142F 3.3% 117P 87 85 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. 09.04.2017 - Tragend mit dem 2. Kalb mit: / Pregnant with her 2nd calf by Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Show Results

Siegerkuh (Champion cow young) Bad Vilbel ‘17 / Siegerkuh (Champion cow young) Usingen ‘17

2. M. NH Faithfull VG-89-DE

M. NH Fantastic EX-91-DE

Swissbec BREKEM *RC (Bookem x Man-O-Man) NH Fantastic EX-91-DE Conf. 92 92 90 90 / EX-91-DE La3/3 305d 11.118kgM 4.3% 483F 3.4% 378P HL3 305d 11.427kgM 4.7% 535F 3.3% 374P • Verkauft für EUR 11.400 über den NH Sale ‘10 / Sold for EUR 11.400 through the NH Sale ‘10 • 1st & Int. Champion Hessens Zukunft ‘11 • Awood Enkeltochter bereits VG-88 3yr. / Atwood granddtr already scored VG-88 3yr.

AH Future VG-86-DE 2yr. @ KTS Show | SHE SELLS

Braedale GOLDWYN


NH Faithfull VG-89-DE Conf. VG-89-DE

NH Fatima VG-86-DE Conf. VG-89-DE

3.00 305d 11.056kgM 4.0% 446F 3.4% 370P HL2 305d 12.383kgM 4.1% 507F 3.4% 424P • Überragende Bullenmutter, 10 Söhne auf Station!! / Incredible bull dam, 10 sons in AI!!

Hochleistende Schausiegerin! • Hoch leistende Färse: 35kg Milch im durchschnitt ihrer ersten 100 Tage • Sie wurde bereits 2 x zu Siegerfärse auf verschiedenen Schau gekürt und ist bereits mit VG-86 2yr. eingestuft! • Sie hat 6 EXZELLENTE Kühe in ihrem Pedigree • Tiefe französische Kuhfamilie, entwickelt bei Nosbisch Holsteins, Deutschland

La2/1 305d 10.522kgM 4.5% 473F 3.3% 350P HL2 305d 12.383kgM 4.1% 507F 3.4% 424P • Vater: / Sire: Lukas • 7 Brüder in der Besamung / 7 brothers in AI NEXT DAMS 4e NH Fidji EX-90-DE (s. Lazer) - Dam to JURUS - Nom. Global Cow of the Year ‘06 5e Finabell EX-92 (s. Ugela Bell) 6e Dauphine EX-90 (s. Revelation) 7e Aliance VG-85 (s. Valiant)

High yielding show winner! • High yielding milkingheifer: avg. 35 kg milk in first 100 days • She won the KTS Show for 2 times and scored VG-86 2yr. • She has 6 EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree • Deep French family, developed in the Nosbisch herd in Germany

47. Mox Consignor Prod. Conf.


VG-86-DE 2yr.

DE 0815776117 Geb. Datum. 07.01.2014 Gek. 06.09.2017 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)170 3151251 - Email. La1 305d 7.211kgM 4.0% 289F 3.5% 254P La2 1st test @ 8 days after calving: 39,9kgM 5.24%F 3.66%P (Currently 46 kg Milk) - see sale update 85 86 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr.

Same family: Mox Sid Brasilia VG-88-DE

3. M. Bunte-Red EX-94-DE

Lirr Drew DEMPSEY (Goldwyn x Derry) Mox SS Bouquet EX-91-DE Conf. 91 91 91 90 / EX-91-DE La1 305d 9.173kgM 4.1% 372F 3.5% 318P La5/5 305d 11.808kgM 4.5% 525F 3.4% 397P HL4 305d 12.828kgM 4.9% 633f 3.3% 425P • Grand Champion Kuhfuerwerk ‘09 • Enkeltochter der All-German & National Grand Champion: Bunte EX-94 / Grand dtr from the All-German & National Grand Champion: Bunte EX-94 • Ihre Halbschwester die Mutter von: / Her maternal sister is the dam to: to Mox Sid Brasilia VG-88-DE

M. Mox SS Bouquet EX-91-DE

Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM *RC Bonnie *RC EX-91-DE Conf. 85 92 91 91 / EX-91-DE

Bunte-Red EX-94-DE Conf. EX-94-DE

HL3 305d 11.957kgM 4.4% 527F 3.8% 392P La5/5 305d 10.049kgM 4.2% 464F 3.3% 366P • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter von mehreren Schausiegern, z.B.: Wilt Anny: Res. Grand Champion SIMA Paris ‘09 & Wilt Bess: Res. Grand Champion & Beste Euter French National Show ‘10 / Her maternal sister is dam to multiple show winners such as: Wilt Anny: Res. Grand Champion SIMA Paris ‘09 & Wilt Bess: Res. Grand Champion & Best Udder French National Show ‘10

VG-86-DE 2yr. aus der Bunte Familie • Ganz schicke Dempsey, frisch in der 2. Laktation • Bunte: All-German & Siegerkuh Alt Nationalschau Deutschland!! • Schwester ist die Mutter von Mox Sid Brasilia VG-88-DE • Viele erfolgreiche Schaukühe aus dieser Familie bei Gaec Wilt in Frankreich


HL6 305d 11.354kgM 5.1% 581F 3.2% 359P La8/8 305d 9.503kgM 4.5% 439F 3.3% 314P • All-German 2008 • Senior Champion German National Show ‘03

NEXT DAMS 4e Bone VG-86-DE 5e Borne GP-84

VG-86-DE 2yr. old from the Bunte family • Very nice fresh 2nd lactation Dempsey • Bunte: All-German & Senior National Champion in Germany!! • Sister to dam is dam to Mox Sid Brasilia VG-88-DE • Many successful show winning family members at Gaec Wilt • 1st test: 39,9kgM 5.24%F 3.66%P - Currently 46 kg Milk!!

48. KHW Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0770191754 Geb. Datum. 15.01.2015 Gek. 14.08.2017 Kreutz GbR - Tel. +49 (0)170 5561373 - Email. 1st test: 36kgM 3.7%F 3.2%P - See sale update NC

Shottle sister to dam: KHW Lametta

2. M. KHW Goldwyn Lustre EX-93-DE

De-Su Bkm MC CUTCHEN (Bookem x Shottle) KHW Lesperron VG-89-DE Conf. 90 90 89 89 / VG-89-DE La1 305d 7.655kgM 4.4% 336F 3.5% 268P La6/5 305d 10.767kgM 4.5% 488F 3.4% 367P HL4 305d 12.832kgM 4.8% 612F 3.4% 440P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95, Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95, Dundee Lavish EX-95, Fever Legacy EX-95 & Gold Lustre VG-89 2yr. (MAX)!

4. M. Idee Lustre EX-95-USA 3E

Den-K Marshall LAURIN

Braedale GOLDWYN

KHW Goldwyn Lustre EX-93-DE Conf. 95 91 94 92 / EX-93-DE La6/5 305d 10.766kgM 4.9% 526F 3.5% 375P HL5 305d 11.439kgM 4.9% 560F 3.5% 399P • Res. Champion 2-Yr. RUW Show ‘09 • Teilnehmerin Europaschau ‘13 in Fribourg / Participated at the European Championships in Fribourg ‘13 • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Bosdale Goldwyn Liberty EX-92-CAN & Bosdale Dundee Lustre EX-91-CAN: 1st Jr. 2-Yr. @ Royal Winter Fair

Frisch abgeklabte Färse aus der LUSTRE Familie • Sehr schöne agekalbte Färse mit bereits 36kg in der ersten Kontrolle • Die Großmutter war im deutschen Team für Fribourg 2013 • Die Idee Lustre Kuhfamilie! Aus dieser Familie stammen solch wunderbare Kühe wie Licorice, Lavish, Legacy, Lotto, Luster und viele weitere!

Ehrhardt Durham Liberty EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN 2.01 365d 12.119kgM 4.6% 563F 3.3% 399P 3.11 365d 14.416kgM 4.6% 669F 3.1% 450P 6.10 365d 12.130kgM 4.0% 484F 3.1% 370P • Ihre nächste Mutter ist der Royal Grand Champion: Idee Lustre EX-95! / Her next dam is the Royal Grand Champion: Idee Lustre EX-95! NEXT DAMS 4e Idee Lustre EX-95-USA 3E 5e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 19* 6e Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-CAN 7e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 8e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3* 9e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8* 10e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5* 11e Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG-CAN 3* 12e Eveermot Pabst Ormsby VG-CAN 3*

Fresh 2yr. old of the LUSTRE family • Very nice fresh 2yr. old with 36 kg Milk in her 1st test! • Grand dam was in the German Team at the European show in Fribourg 2013 • The Idee Lustre cow family! Family delivered cows like Licorice, Lavish, Legacy, Lotto, Luster and many others!

49. DG Caps Consignor Prod. Conf.

M airy


DE 0538920290 Geb. Datum. 14.06.2015 Gek. 03.09.2017 R. Thoenes - Tel. +49 (0)1633799861 - Email. 1st test: 33kgM 4.2%F 3.8%P - see sale update NC

Sudan x Xacobeo x Mairy 4: Vekis Mellow VG-87 2yr. Sold for EUR 21.500

M. Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL

Larcrest COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer) Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL Conf. VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2.06 305d 11.546kgM 4.3% 500F 3.5% 398P 5.09 305d 14.396kgM 4.2% 605F 3.1% 441P Fresh for 3rd time and looks fantastic!!! • #1 Jeeves Tochter der Rasse! / #1 Jeeves daughter in the breed! • Verkauft für EUR 58.000 / Sold for EUR 58.000 • Viele Bullen in der Besamung, 3 @ Semex / Many sons in AI, 3 @ Semex

2. M. Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Ked Outside JEEVES

Braedale GOLDWYN

Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr.

Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr.

2.05 305d 10.098kgM 4.2%F 428F 3.7%P 370P • The Genomic Giant! • Fantastische Zuchtkuh / Incredible brood cow • Großmutter von Vekis Sudan Mellow VG87-DE 2yr., Mutter von HS NH Mercedes, dem ersten Tier mit +170 RZG, verkauft für EUR 70.000 & von NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86DE 2yr. verkauft für EUR 84.000 als junges Kalb / Her maternal sister is dam to Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr., dam to HS NH-Mercedes, the very first heifer which ranked +170 RZG, sold for EUR 70.000 & to NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. sold for EUR 84.000 as a young heifer

Auf der Suche nach FETT & EIWEIß?? • Super schöne frisch abgekalbte Tochter direkt aus Mairy 14 • 1. Kontrolle mit 33k kg Milch mit 4.2% FETT & 3.8% EIWEIß!! • Sie hat mehrere Brüder auf Station / 3 @ Semex! • Selbe Familie wie die berühmte Marilyn Monroe VG-86 2yr. - verkauft für EUR 84.000 und eine der besten Zuchtkühe weltweit

2.00 305d 10.474kgM 3.7% 392F 3.6% 375P 3.04 305d 12.548kgM 3.4% 429F 3.7% 468P • Aus einer tiefen US-Kuhfamilie / From a deep American cow family NEXT DAMS 4e Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 5e Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 6e Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 7e Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8e Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM 9e Jo-Wal Valiant Millie VG-85-USA

High FAT & PROTEIN 2yr. old! • A very nice and promising 2yr. old from the great Mairy 14 • 1st test 33k kg Milk with 4.2% FAT & 3.8% PROTEIN!! • She has multiple brothers in AI / 3 @ Semex! • Same family as the famous Marilyn Monroe VG-87 2yr. - who sold for EUR 84.000 and is a great transmitting cow

50. AH NH


NC Consignor Prod. Bel./ Ins.

DE 0666398310 Geb. Datum. 27.05.2014 Gek. 09.06.2017 Christian Allendörfer - Tel. +49 (0)170 8155011 - Email. La1 287d 8.208kgM 4.0% 326F 3.2% 259P Fresh in 2nd lactation. See sale update 24.08.2017 - by Sunlight (DE 0121498945)

Show results

Champion 2-Yr. Bad Vilbel ‘16 / Champion 2-Yr. ‘16 / 2nd & Res. Int. Champion Show Usingen ‘17

2. M. Smiddiehil Goldwyn Sharon VG-88-UK 2yr.

M. Willsbro Million Sharon VG-89-DE 3yr.

Regancrest BRADNCIK (McCutchen x Robust) Willsbro Million Sharon VG-89-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-89-DE 3yr. 203 305d 10.055kgM 4.4% 442F 3.4% 344P • Eine der besten Million Töchter der Rasse / One of the best Million dtrs in the breed • Mccuchen grand son in AI / Mccuchten grand son in AI • Die Condon Aero Sharon Familie, Mutter von: SHOTTLE!! / The Condon Aero Sharon family: the dam to SHOTTLE!!

Family member: SHOTTLE

England-Ammon MILLION

Braedale GOLDWYN

Smiddiehil Goldwyn Sharon VG-88-UK 2yr. Conf. VG-88-UK EX-MS 2yr. 2.03 305d 14.071kgM 3.7% 522F 3.0% 413P • Champion & Best Udder Jr. Heifer in Milk National Show ‘09

Frische 2. Kalbskuh aus SHOTTLE´S Familie! • Frisch abgekalbte 2. Klabskuh von Bradnick und wieder beleft für ihr 3. Kalb • Mutter ist eine der besten Million Töchter der Rasse • Aus 10 Generationen VG oder EXZELLENTER Kühe • Sie war bereits 2 x Siegerfärse und vor kurzem Res. Inter. Champion auf verschiedenen Schauen • Diekt aus dem Herzen der Familie des legendären Picston SHOTTLE

Picston Silky Shula 16 EX-91-UK Conf. EX-91-UK EX-92-MS 2.02 305d 10.663kgM 4.2% 444F 3.1% 332P 3.03 305d 13.625kgM 3.8% 522F 3.0% 405P 5.11 305d 12.453kgM 4.1% 514F 2.9% 366P • Vater: / Sire: Silky Cousteau NEXT DAMS 4e Picston Ked Shula 3 EX-90-UK EX-91-MS 2* 5e Picston Prelude Shula VG-85-UK 6* 6e Condon Aero Sharon EX-91-UK 60* 7e Condon Inspiration Sally VG-87-CAN 8e Condon Commissioner Sally VG-85-CAN 1* 9e Condon Ormsby Sally VG-85-CAN 10e Condon Texal Lass VG-CAN 3*

Fresh 2nd calver of SHOTTLE’S family! • A fresh 2nd calver by Bradnick, and pregnant with 3rd calf • Dam is one of the best Million daughters in the breed • From 10 generations VG or EXCELLENT cows • She was already 2 x Jr. Champion as heifer & now fresh in 2nd laction, winning: Res. Inter. Champion at multiple shows • Straight out of the heart of the legendary Picston SHOTTLE family

51. Paeßens Consignor Prod. Conf.


VG-85-DE 2yr.

DE 0538522394 Geb. Datum. 07.05.2015 Gek. 12.07.2017 Hans-Peter Paeßens - Tel. +49 (0)173 7352647 - Email. 1st test: 35kgM 4.5%F 3.7%P - See sale update 86 86 84 84 / VG-85-DE 2yr.

2. M. Arienne 106 VG-85-DE Paeßens Armani VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS!

Larcrest COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer) MOM Akazie EX-90-DE Conf. 91 91 90 88 / EX-90-DE La1 305d 9.397kgM 4.1% 383F 3.8% 354P La4/4 305d 12.368kgM 4.7% 578F 3.7% 463P HL3 305d 13.693kgM 5.1% 692F 3.7% 511P • EXZELLENTE Kuh 3.7% EIWEIS! / EXECELLENT cow with 3.7% PROTEIN! • Diese Familie steht für hohes Eiweiß und Nutzungsdauer/ This family marked with protein & high lifetime produtions • Familie mit verschiedenen Schauerfolgen / Family with several show successes

Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN

Ladino Park TALENT *RC

Aria 42 VG-87-DE Conf. 90 87 87 87 / VG-87-DE La5/5 299d 10.211kgM 4.3% 438F 3.6% 367P HL2 305d 11.274kgM 4.3% 479F 3.5% 397P • 7. Generationen mit duchschnittlich 65.000kg / 7 generations average 65.000kgM lifetime!

Frische abgekalbte Färse mit 4.5%F / 3.7%E! • Fresh 2yr. Old with a 1st test of 35kgM 4.5%F 3.7%P • She already scored VG 2yr. old • Multiple generations of HIGH production cows with high Fat & Protein percentages • From an EXCELLENT dam with 3.7% PROTEIN • From 7 generations averaged 65.000kg milk in lifetime production!

Arienne 106 VG-85-DE Conf. VG-85-DE • Vater: / Sire: TUGOLO

NEXT DAMS 4e Aranka GP-84-DE (Dombinator) 5e Arne VG-88-DE (s. Inspiration) 6e Amsel VG-87-DE (s. Elevation Very) 7e Ameli VG-85-DE (s. Astronaut Inka) 8e Amanda EX-90-DE (s. Ted)

Fresh 2yr. old milking 4.5%F / 3.7%P!! • Fresh 2yr. Old with a 1st test of 35kgM 4.5%F 3.7%P • She already scored VG 2yr. old • Multiple generations of HIGH production cows with high Fat & Protein percentages • From an EXCELLENT dam with 3.7% PROTEIN • From 7 generations averaged 65.000kg milk in lifetime production!


52. EBA Consignor Prod.

DE 0539046067 Geb. Datum. 07.09.2015 Gek. 08.09.2017 EBH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 3463501 - Email. See sale updates for more info

Milk 08/17 08/17





















+3.0 8.3



































Sister to 3. M. Rolling-Spring G Escence EX-95 2E

4. M. Budjon-JK Dur Esquisite EX-92-USA GMD DOM

2. M. Blue-Horizon Plan Edith VG-85-USA 2yr.

View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust)


Zahbulls Ransom Edina

Blue-Horizon Plan Edith VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr.

• Seltener Zweig der Krull Broker Elegance Familie / Rare branch from the Krull Broker Elegance family

Ensenada Taboo PLANET

2.02 365d 13.644kgM 3.7% 505F 3.4% 464P • Mutter von: / Dam to: AltaSUPLEX • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Wilt EMILIO @ Ascol, former #1 PTAT bull!

53. EBH Outlast Externe DE 0539919271 Sire Progenesis Outlast

08/17 09/17

Geb. Datum. 18.07.2017 Dam EBH Externe (Fresh)

HH. -
























































Index aus der Elegance Familie • EBH Externe: Eine ganz frisch gekalbte Missouri Tochter mit tollen Inhaltsstoffen im deutschen Index: +0.19% Fett & +0.15% Eiweiß! • Ihr Outlast Sohn mit fast 2800 GTPI ist bereits an Semex verkauft! • Ihre Outlast Tochter im Sale hat einen ganz kompletten deutschen Index mit 135 für Euter, in den USA glänzt sie mit SCS of 2.46 • INDEX aus der Typfamilie von Krull Broker Elegance!

Rolling-Spring M Eclipse VG-86-USA Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 1.11 365d 20.144kgM 3.8% 772F 3.4% 693P 3.07 305d 21.795kgM 3.7% 815P 3.4% 741P • s. Shottle • Aus 7. EXZELLENTEN Müttern! / Straight out of 7 Excellent dams!

NEXT DAMS 4e Budjon-JK Dur Esquisite EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Budjon-JK Encore Electra EX-95 2E GMD DOM 3* 6e Krull Broker Elegance EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Krull TT Excellency EX-90-USA DOM 9e Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 10e Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92-USA 4E GMD

Index from the Elegance cow family! • EBH Externe: a very fresh Missouri dtr sells with a great Fat & Protein index in the German system: +0.19% Fat & +0.15% Protein! • Her Outlast son with almost 2800 GTPI sold to Semex! • Her Outlast dtr in the sale has a very complete index with 135 Udders in the German system and an extremely low SCS of 2.46 in the USA • INDEX from the great type Krull Broker Elegance cow family!

54. HS Consignor

DE 0952479559 Geb. Datum. 28.08.2017 Hammon-Schürer - Tel. +49 160 90181597

Milk HUGE FITNESS traits SCS 2.59 SCS / PL +10.7 / DPR +3.5


Prelim / Vorl. RZG +159 See sale update

08/17 DGV











HH. -




GTPI 2695







+3.5 10.7

































De-Su Oman 6125 VG-86-USA Full sister to 5th dam

4. M. De-Su 7012 EX-92-USA DOM

Wa-Del Yoder BANDARES (Yoder x Massey)

6. M. De-Su BW Marshall Georgia EX-90-USA



De-Su Maurice 2618

De-Su 1061 G-USA Conf. G-USA

CHH Delicia • Topseller Hessens Zukunft für EUR 46.000 / Topseller Hessens Zukunft for EUR 46.000

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Goli, Observer, Fantasmic, Motif, AltaTribune, Genesse, Osmond, Gator, Derry, Galaxy & others

3.00 286d 15.259kgM 3.4% 518F 3.2% 488P

NEXT DAMS 4e De-Su 7012 EX-92-USA DOM 5e De-Su Oman 6125-ET 6e De-Su BW Marshall Georgia EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e De-Su Patron Gold-ET EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Kerndtway Lead Gretchen-ET 9e Kerndtway Goldust-ET VG-86-USA GMD DOM 10e Miss Milk-Key Gold Mine-ET EX-9-USA 11e Milk-Key Bootmaker Grace Ann EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Hohe GLPI & GTPI Bandares Tochter • Fantastische Fitnessmerkmale: SCS 2.59 / PL +10.7 / DPR +3.5 • NM $ 854 Bandares Tochter • Eines der höchsten GLPI Rinder in Europa: DGV-LPI +3632 • Exklusives Rind aus der De-Su Georgia Kuhfamilie • Geht zurück auf De-Su 7012 EX-92-USA!!!

Huge GLPI & GTPI Bandares dtr • Incredible FITNESS traits: SCS 2.59 / PL +10.7 / DPR +3.5 • NM $ 854 Bandares dtr • One of the highest GLPI heifer in Europe: DGV-LPI +3632 • Exclusive heifer from the De-Su Georgia cow family • Goes back on De-Su 7012 EX-92-USA!!!


28. PM YLOVE 55. iola

NC FR 6771204363 DE 0770054199 Geb. Datum. 01.03.2015 24.05.2016 Consignor D. SchwarzPeter MeutesTel. - Tel. +41+49 (0)794178314 (0)160 6111783 - Email. - Email. Prod. Frisch abgekalbt. Weitere Infos auf dem Auktionsupdate / Milk Just fresh, see for more %F %E sale updates Fat Eiw SCSinfo DPR PL SCE FLC Index DE 08/17 RZG 136 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

HH. Gek. 28.08.2017 -




GTPI 2489































Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

M. PM Birga VG-88-DE

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home BIG POINT MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust) (Bookem x Man-O-Man) Faithlove NC PM Birga VG-88-DE Conf. 85 87 89 89 / VG-88-DE Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 10.293kgM 3.9% 402F 3.7% 378P US 8/16 PTAT9.618kgM +3.29 / GTPI La3/2 297d 4.0%+2483 380F 3.8% 366P

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM


Gillette WINDBROOK Regancrest DOLMAN

Holyfaith PM BiankaVG-86-FR VG-87-DE2yr. VG-86-FR 2yr./ VG-87-DE Conf. 87 88 87 87 La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F451F 3.0% 299P La5/5 305d 11.891kgM 3.8% 3.3% 393P HL2 305d 13.151kgM 4.1% 542F 3.2% 422P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Top 10aus Färse GTPI leistungstarker Schwester zu Familie Charley • Eine Top 10 ganz GTPI frisch Polled abgekalbte heifer in Big Europe! Point Färse aus einer Familie • Super mit gewaltiger fitness & Leistung type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Mehrere The maternal Generationen sister of the von global VG eingestuften sensation Kühen DG Charley @ ABS • Mutter Goes back hat to imLarcrest Schnitt Crimson 3.8% EIWEIß EX-94-USA

DKRBetty Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. PM VG-85-DE VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 5.01305d 305d11.218kgM 11.719kgM3.1% 3.6%346F 422F3.3% 3.2%367P 375P La1 6.09 305d 305d 15.670kgM 13.127kgM 4.0% 3.8% 624F 499F 3.0% 3.3% 464P 433P HL4 • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. NEXT DAMS 5e PM Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 4e Britta VG-85-DE 6e Christmas 5e Ralma PM Billa GP-DE Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 102yr. Fresh GTPI oldPOLLED from high sister prod. to Charley family •A Top just 10fresh GTPI Big Polled Point heifer dtr from in Europe! a very high production family • Multiple Super fitness generations & type:VG SCScows 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Dam The maternal averagedsister 3.8%ofPROTEIN the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA


28. NH YLOVE 56. lamour-Red NC Consignor Prod. Conf. Milk

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

FR 6771204363 DE 0770224563 Geb. Datum. 09.07.2015 24.05.2016 HH. Gek. 04.08.2017 - D. Nosbisch SchwarzHolsteins Tel. +41- (0)794178314 Tel. +49 (0)171- 4368388 Email. - Email. > 35kgM / day NC %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI










































Sameher Gabi family: EX-94-Udder Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

Same 3rd dam: family: DKRDueholm Pronto Faith Savard VG-87-DE Gabi-Red 2yr. EX-92 EX-94-MS

Mr Ansly ADDICTION P-Red View-Home MONTEREY (Ladd P-Red xx Robust) Goldwyn) (McCutchen Wit Gambia Faithlove NCVG-89-DE Conf. 89 90 89 88 / VG-89-DE Just fresh, see sale updates for more info HL3 305d 11.509kgM 3.5% 407f 3.3% 384P La7/6 305d 3.7%+2483 361F 3.3% 322P US 8/16 PTAT9.798kgM +3.29 / GTPI

7thM.dam: 2. WitRalma Garantie Juror EX-90-DE Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM



WIT Garantie EX-90-DE Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. 90 95 88 88 VG-86-FR 2yr./ EX-90-DE

DKR Galaxie Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. WIT EX-90-DE VG-86-DE 2yr./ EX-90-DE Conf. 90 91 89 89

La5/4 305d 10.091kgM 4.3% 3.5% 352P La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F432F 3.0% 299P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Top 10 GTPI FRISCHE ROTESchwester Färse >35kg zu Charley Milch! • Frisch Top 10abgekalbte GTPI PolledROTE heifer Färse in Europe! wird VERKAUFT! • Bereits Super fitness jetzt mit & type: >35 kg SCSMilch! 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Aus The maternal einer tiefen sister roten of the Kuhfamilie global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Fantastisches Goes back to Larcrest Euter beiCrimson dieser jungen EX-94-USA Färse

5.01 305d La6/6 305d11.719kgM 12.492kgM3.6% 4.1%422F 510F3.2% 3.4%375P 430P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • 4.te Mutter einer der besten rotbunten • Schaukühe Topseller NH ‘10 for EUR in Sale Dänemark: / 4th42.000 dam to one / Topseller NH Sale for cows EUR 42.000 of the greatest R&W‘10 Show in Denmark: Dueholm Savard Gabi EX-92 EX-94-MS NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 4e Griseldi VG-87-DE 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 5e Grimaldi VG-88-DE 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10 R&W FRESH GTPI 2yr. POLLED old >35 sister kgtoMILK!! Charley • Fresh Top 10R&W GTPI2yr. Polled old heifer SELLS!in Europe! • Super Alreadyfitness producing & type: >35SCS kg 2.77 milk!/ +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The Frommaternal a deep R&W sistercow of the family global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes Watchback for the to Larcrest fantasticCrimson udder on EX-94-USA this beautifull 2yr.

57. Bel Doorman Consignor Bel.: / Ins.:


IT 1990936278 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 14.08.2017 FEMALE Mr Apples ABSOLUTE-RED (Confirmed pregnant)


Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne 2017!

58. 4 Embryos Combination

Bel Doorman Zita


See sale update for more information


Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda) Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT Conf. EX-94-IT 2.02 305d 9.172kgM 4.2% 385F 3.35% 307P 3.05 280d 10.068kgM 4.17% 520F 3.36% 338P 4.05 305d 11.481kgM 3.83% 451F 3.32% 389P 5.08 276d 11.502kgM 3.83% 441F 3.32% 382P • 2nd Int. Dairy Show Verona, Italy 2016 • Mutter von Bel Doorman Zita: Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2017!!/ Dam to Bel Doorman Zita: Jr. Champion @ Swiss Expo 2017! • Halbschwester zu: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX 95-IT: 2x National & 1x Weltchampion / Maternal sister to Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95IT: 2x National & 1x World Champion!

Zita winning her class

M. Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT

Zita winning it all!!

Sister to dam: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT

Braedale GOLDWYN


Toc-Farm Progress Amy EX-93-IT Conf. EX-93-IT 2.00 300d 8.631kgM 4.0% 343F 3.6% 307P 3.00 305d 9.964kgM 4.1% 413F 3.7% 368P 4.02 305d 11.521kgM 4.6% 528F 3.3% 382P 5.07 305d 12.321kgM 4.7% 436F 3.5% 436P • Mutter von Toc-Farm Allen Amyly, der Mutter von GOLDSUN / Dam to Toc-Farm Allen Amyly, the dam to GOLDSUN

DER JUNIOR CHAMPION SWISS EXPO ‘17!! • EINZIGARTIGE MÖGLICHKEIT den JR. CHAMPION der SWISS EXPO zu kaufen • TRAUM PEDIGREE: Doorman x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-93 Progress x Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK! • Ihre Mutter ist die Schwester zu AMYLY EX-95-IT: 2x National & 1x WELTCHAMPION! • Amyly ist auch die Mutter des populären Bullen: GOLDSUN • Wie oft haben Sie die Chance einen Swiss Expo Champion zu kaufen..?

Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK 2E Conf. EX-95-UK 2E 5* 2.02 305d 9.790kgM 4.2% 411F 3.6% 352P 3.07 305d 12.120kgM 4.3% 525F 3.5% 423P 5.04 305d 10.714kgM 3.6% 386F 3.4% 360P 7.00 305d 14.825kgM 4.1% 614F 3.3% 482P • Res. Grand Champion Eastern & Dundas ‘99 • Supreme Champion Royal Welsh & Res. Breed Champion RASE ‘03 • Supreme Interbreed Champion DFE & Best Udder NHS ‘03 NEXT DAMS 4e Sunnylodge Tab Ann EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 8* 5e Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18* 6e Sunnylodge He Man Judy VG-86-CAN 7e Sunnylodge Lolie VG-85-CAN 8e Sunnylodge Edith EX-CAN 9e Sunnylodge Carol Maple VG-86-CAN 10e Merkdale Tena President VG-CAN

THE JUNIOR CHAMPION SWISS EXPO ‘17!! • UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to buy the JR. CHAMPION of the SWISS EXPO!! • DREAM PEDIGREE: Doorman x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-93 Progress x Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK! • Her dam is the sister to AMYLY EX-95-IT: 2x National & 1x WORLD Champion!! • Amyly is also the dam to the successful sire: GOLDSUN • How often do you have the chance to buy a Swiss Expo Champion

59. N&B Sol Of Consignor


NL 613022268 Geb. Datum. 08.01.2017 Nature’s & Beechrow Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 17590113 - Email.

Covergirl der Septemberg ´17 Ausgabe der Holstein International / Covergirl of the Holstein International September ‘17

N&B Sol Of Lyscha

Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 83FR 86DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr.


2. M. Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95-IE

M. Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish VG-85-NL 2yr.

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard)


Braedale GOLDWYN

Regancrest DUNDEE

Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95-IE Conf. EX-95-IE EX-96-MS

2.00 397d 9.424kgM 4.1% 389F 3.4% 322P 3.03 80d 3.043kgM 3.9%F 3.2%P (Inc.)

La1 329d 9.569kgM 3.4% 327F 3.5% 338P La2 494d 13.567kgM 3.6% 494F 3.3% 450P La3 305d 9.225kgM 3.3% 303F 3.5% 320P La4 305d 10.755kgM 3.4% 360F 3.3% 352P

• Junior Champion National HHH Show ‘15 • Sie sieht besser aus als je zuvor!/ She look better than ever! • Eng verwandt mit: / Close family to: Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95-USA, Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95-CAN & Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89CAN 2yr. (MAX) • Schwester zu: / Sister to: N&B Sid Lavy - 1st Jr. Heifer HHH-Show ‘16 • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish II VG-89-IE - 3rd Int. Class Baileys ‘17

• Eine der besten Schaukühe Irlands / One of the greatest show cows from Ireland • 1st & Best Udder Mature Cow Emerald Expo / 1st & Best Udder Mature Cow Emerald Expo • Nächste Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘02 / Next dam is the full sister to Idee Lustre EX-95-USA Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘02

Das Holstein International COVERGIRL! • Fantastisches Januar´17 Schaurind! Bereit für die großen Schauen! • Mutter ist der Junior Champion der Natianl HHH Show ‘15 • Die Großmutter ist eine der besten Schaukühe Irlands • 3te Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu: Idee Lustre EX-95-USA Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘02 • Selbe Familie wie: Lotto EX-95, Legacy EX-95, Lustre VG-89 2yr. & weitere

Idee Integrity Lavish EX-92-CAN 4E 3* Conf. EX-92-CAN 4E 2.03 364d 12.294kgM 4.1% 502F 3.1% 384P 3.06 365d 12.330kgM 4.2% 521F 3.1% 387P 5.03 365d 13.958kgM 4.2% 587F 3.1% 430P 6.09 365d 12.492kgM 4.6% 569F 3.2% 398P

NEXT DAMS 4e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 19* 5e Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-CAN 6e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 7e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3* 8e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8* 9e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5* 10e Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG-CAN 3* 11e Eveermot Pabst Ormsby VG-CAN 3*

The Holstein International COVERGIRL! • Incredible January ‘17 show heifer! Ready for the big shows! • Dam is the Jr. Champion of the National HHH Show ‘15 • Grand dam is one of the greatest show cows from Ireland • 3rd dam is the full sister to: Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘02 • Same family as: Lotto EX-95, Legacy EX-95, Lustre VG-89 2yr. & more

60. Siepermanns Doorman Consignor


DE 0538690047 Geb. Datum. 23.05.2016 Zuchtbetrieb Siepermann - Tel. +49 (0)2337 482730 - Email.

Full sister to M. Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish VG-85 2yr.

M. Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish 2 VG-89-IE

2. M. Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95-IE

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish 2 VG-89-IE 3yr. Conf. VG-89-IE 3yr. La1 339d 7.711kgM 3.8% 293F 3.3% 257P La2 109d 4.595kgM 3.4% 154F 3.3% 153P (Inc.) • 3rd place Baileys competition ‘17 • Vollschwester zu Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish VG-85 2yr.: Junior Champion National HHH Show ‘15 / Full sister to Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish VG-85 2yr.: Junior Champion National HHH Show ‘15 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to N&B Sid Lavy: 1st Jr. Heifer @ National HHH Show ‘16 • Eng verwandt mit: / Close family to: Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95-USA, Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95-CAN & Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89CAN 2yr. (MAX)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Regancrest DUNDEE

Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95-IE Conf. EX-95-IE EX-96-MS La1 329d 9.569kgM 3.4% 327F 3.5% 338P La2 494d 13.567kgM 3.6% 494F 3.3% 450P La3 305d 9.225kgM 3.3% 303F 3.5% 320P La4 305d 10.755kgM 3.4% 360F 3.3% 352P • Eine der besten Schaukühe aus Irland / One of the greatest show cows from Ireland • 1st & Bestes Euter alte Kühe Emerald Expo / 1st & Best Udder Mature Cow Emerald Expo • Nächste Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘02 / Next dam is the full sister to Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘02

Doorman x Goldwyn x Dundee!! • GOLDEN CROSS! Doorman x Goldwyn hat es uns schon oft genug bewiesen, es ist eine der besten Kombinationen für herausragende Schautiere • Die Mutter erreichte den 3. Platz in der Bailey´s Ausscheidung in Irland ‘17 • Großmutter ist eine der besten Schaukühe Irlands • Die 3.te Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu: Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘02

Idee Integrity Lavish EX-92-CAN 4E 3* Conf. EX-92-CAN 4E 2.03 364d 12.294kgM 4.1% 502F 3.1% 384P 3.06 365d 12.330kgM 4.2% 521F 3.1% 387P 5.03 365d 13.958kgM 4.2% 587F 3.1% 430P 6.09 365d 12.492kgM 4.6% 569F 3.2% 398P

NEXT DAMS 4e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 19* 5e Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-CAN 6e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 7e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3* 8e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8* 9e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5* 10e Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG-CAN 3* 11e Eveermot Pabst Ormsby VG-CAN 3*

Doorman x Goldwyn x Dundee!! • GOLDEN CROSS! Doorman x Goldwyn has proven to be one of the greatest combinations for big time show heifers! • Dam was 3rd at the Baileys competition, Ireland ‘17 • Grand dam is one of the greatest show cows from Ireland • 3rd dam is the full sister to: Idee Lustre EX-95-USA - Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘02

61. Lylehaven Consignor


DE 0770455040 Geb. Datum. 06.08.2016 Ruben & D. V. Stein - Tel. +49 (0)171 4819351 - Email.

Same family: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN

2. M. Lylehaven Atwood Lylly EX-95-USA

Regancrest Elton DURHAM (Elton x Chief Mark) Lylehaven D-Man Latifah VG-88-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-88-USA 2yr. 2.03 365d 14.828kgM 4.1% 615F 3.5% 526P • Super junge Doorman Färse, bereits mit VG 88 2yr. eingestuft!! / Very promising 2yr. old by Doorman already scored VG-88 2yr.!! • Eine Familie die bereits unzählige erfolgreiche Bullen und Schaukühe geliefert hat, wie z.B.: Calbrett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature Cow Royal ‘13 / Family which produced multi ple successful sires and show cows, like Cal brett Goldwyn Layla EX-96-CAN - 1st Mature Cow Royal ‘13

Dam: Lylehaven D-Man Latifah VG-88-USA 2yr.

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD

Lylehaven Atwood Lylly EX-95-USA Conf. E E E E E / EX-95-USA 2E 2.03 346d 11.709kgM 4.7% 550F 3.7% 433P 3.03 358d 11.827kgM 4.9% 580F 3.6% 426P 4.04 365d 14.805kgM 4.5% 666F 3.7% 548P 5.11 299d 15.708kgM 4.5% 707F 3.4% 534P • 1st Aged Cows N-E Fall National ‘16 • 1st 5-Yr. & HM. Sr. Champion NY Spring Show ‘15 • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter der “One MILLION Dollar” Kuh: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN / Her maternal sister is the dam to the “One MILLION Dollar” cow: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN

Eine DURHAM aus der Lila Z Familie! • Eine der letzten Möglichkeiten eine Tochter der Legende zu kaufen: DURHAM • Toller Zweig der Lylehaven Lili’s! • DURHAM x DOORMAN x ATWOOD x STARBUCK • Die Halbschwester der Großmutter ist die Mutter der “One Million Dollar” Kuh: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN!! • Großmutter Lylly EX-95 war 1. auf der NY Spring Show ‘15!!

Tiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E Conf. EX-95-USA 5E 3-11 2x 338d 11.964kgM 4.5% 543F 3.3% 390P 5-00 2x 358d 13.694kgM 4.6% 629F 3.2%P444P 8-00 2x 365d 13.522kgM 4.9% 659F 3.4% 454P 9-11 2x 365d 14.021kgM 4.5% 628F 3.3% 464P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Lylehaven Damion Lynx EX-94, Lassie EX-94 & Form Laura EX-94 • Vater: / Sire: Hanoverhill STARBUCK

NEXT DAMS 4e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1*

A DURHAM from the Lila Z family! • One of the final opportunities to by a dtr of the legend: DURHAM • Great branch of the Lylehaven Lili’s! • DURHAM x DOORMAN x ATWOOD x STARBUCK • Her granddam’s maternal sister is the dam to the “One Million Dollar” cow: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN!! • Grand dam Lylly EX-95 won 1st at the NY Spring Show ‘15!!

62. Hul-Stein Consignor



NL 621690073 Geb. Datum. 12.07.2017 Hul-Stein- Tel. +31 (0)5 14582453 - Email.

HH. -





















+2.2 7.5







RZG results will be back before the sale, see sale update The #2 GTPI Outloast dtr in Europe til date (9/17) >150 Comb. F+P / FE +204 / FI +1.9 / SCS 2.71!!

DG Charley @ ABS | same line of the family

4. M. Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS

M. Hul-Stein Corvette

Progenesis OUTLAST (Doorsopen x Oak) Hul-Stein Corvette Kalbt / Due: October 2017 Wird vor der Auktion abkalben, weitere Infos auf dem Update / Will be fresh before the sale, see sale update • #2 GTPI Josuper Tochter in Europa! / #2 GTPI Josuper dtr in Europe! (GTPI +2684) • #11 GTPI Kuh (> 2yrs) in Europa / #11 GTPI Cow (> 2yrs) in Europe

Uecker Supersire JOSUPER

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

DG Calinda Conf. NC

Larcrest Calinda

2.04 305d 10.562kgM 4.6% 485F 3.6% 375P Fresh in 2nd lactation: > 46kgM / day • Vollschwester zu Larcrest COMMANDER @ ABS / Full sister to Larcrest COMMANDER @ ABS • Full cousin to DG Candide VG-NL 3yr, the dam to DG Charley! / Full cousin to DG Candide VG-NL 3yr, the dam to DG Charley!

Die #2 GTPI Outlast • Die #2 GTPI Outlast in Europa • Outlast x Josuper aus der Larcrest Cosmopolitan Linie • Mutter ist eine Tochter des erfolgreichen töchtergetesteten Bullen Josuper • Der RZG des Kalbes wird vor der Auktion zurück sein • Selbe Mutterlinie wie DG Charley • Großmutter ist die Vollschwester zu Commander @ ABS

Nach dem kalben verstorben / Died after calving • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Chevrolet, Fanatic, O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast & more NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 8e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 9e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

The #2 GTPI Outlast • The #2 GTPI Outlast dtr in Europe • Outlast x Josuper from the Larcrest Crimson branch • Dam is a dtr of the very successful dtr proven Josuper • This heifer will have an RZG result back before the sale • The same maternal branch as DG Charley • Grand dam is the full sister of Commander @ ABS

63. Rhala Hul Consignor

NL 687718184 Geb. Datum. 18.05.2017 HH. - Rhala Holsteins & Hul-Stein- Tel. +31 (0)6 51005715 - Email.

Milk #8 gPFT heifer of the foreign ranking, #16 World Wide


#4 IES heifer in the Italian foreign ranking











FLC 1.34











+3.0 7.8














Long FLC



















4. M. Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS

Rhala Hul Chalyssa |


S-S-I 1stclass FLAGSHIP (1st Class x Supersire)

M. Hul-Stein Chipmunk


Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

Hul-Stein Chipmunk NC

DG Calinda Conf. NC

Frisch abgekalbt. Weitere Infos auf dem Auktionsupdate / Just fresh see sale update

2.04 305d 10.562kgM 4.6% 485F 3.6% 375P Fresh in 2nd lactation: > 46kgM / day

• Frische Supershot Tochter/ Fresh Supershot dtr • Halbschwester zu Hul-Stein Corvett - #2 GTPI Josuper Tochter in Europa! (GTPI +2684) / Maternal sister to Hul-Stein Corvett - #2 GTPI Josuper dtr in Europe! (GTPI +2684)

• Vollschwester zu Larcrest COMMANDER @ ABS / Full sister to Larcrest COMMANDER @ ABS • Cousine zu DG Candide VG-NL 3yr, der Mutter von DG Charley! / Full cousin to DG Candide VG-NL 3yr, the dam to DG Charley!

GPFT Listenführerin! • Das #8 gPFT Rind im ital. System der Auslandsrinder • Das #4 IES Rind (ital. Index) im Auslandsranking! • Die Cousine der Großmutter ist die Mutter von DG CHARLEY! • Großmutter ist die Vollschwester zu Commander @ ABS • Geht zurück auf Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Larcrest Calinda Died after calving • FVollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Chevrolet, Fanatic, O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast & more NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 8e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 9e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

GPFT Charttopper! • The #8 gPFT heifer in the Italian foreign ranking! • The #4 IES heifer (Italian index) in the foreign ranking! • Grand dam’s full cousin is the dam to DG CHARLEY! • Grand dam is the full sister of Commander @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

64. DG Consignor

DE 0539701853 Geb. Datum. 28.05.2017 HH. - Allevamenti Al.Be.Ro & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Milk Super complete: >1600 Milk / +145 CFP / SCS 2.7 / DPR +1.5 / SCE 6.6 / PTAT >2.3

08/17 08/17 DGV

#5 Pledge in the breed!!














GTPI 2680







+1.5 6.8

































Full brother to Enrica: ELDORADO

2. M. All.Nure Supersire Eleonora VG-85-IT

M. DG Albero Enrica

Westcoast PLEDGE (Pulsar x Man-O-Shan)

Bacon-Hill MONTROSS All.Nure Supersire Eleonora VG-85-IT 3yr. Conf. VG-85-IT VG-85-MS 3yr.

DG Albero Enrica

2.09 305d 10.643kgM 3.8% 404F 3.1% 330P

• Top 10 Leistungsrind in Europa 172 CFP (F+E) / Top 10 production heifer in Europe with 172 CFP (F+P) • Eine der höchsten GTPI Montross Rinder ihres alters / One of the highest GTPI Montross dtrs of her age • Vollschwester zu ELDORADO (GTPI +2712) @ AI To tal / full sister to: ELDORADO (GTPI +2712) @ AI Total • Halbschwester zu ELLIOT @ Cogent / Maternal Sister to ELLIOT @ Cogent • Mutter von: / Dam to the #1 GTI Pledge & Baylaboy World Wide


DG Evelien DE 0539701852 Sire Westcoast Pledge



• Super vererbende Leistungskuh / Great transmitting production cow • Mutter zu: / Dam to: ELDORADO & ELLIOT • Aus der Savage-Leigh Linda Familie, selbe Familie wie: Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92USA / From the Savage-Leigh Linda family, same family as Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA

Geb. Datum. 28.05.2017 Dam DG Albero Enrica

HH. -



















+0.6 5.5







2# GTPI Plede Tochter in Europa • DG Eva: die #2 GTPI Pledge in Europa, #5 der Welt • Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu ELDORADO - int. Bullenvater • Aus der Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda Familie, selbe Familie wie die All-American: Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA • Wo INDEX & FAMILIE zusammen kommt!

All.Nure (197) VG-87-IT 2yr. Conf. VG-87-IT 2yr. 2.07 305d 13.049kgM 3.3% 424F 3.0% 391P • Vollschwester zu / Full sister to: Starblue @ Semex

NEXT DAMS 4e All.Nure Elegant Bullestar EX-90-IT 5e Savage-Leigh Skychief Louise EX-94-USA 6e Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7e Savage-Leigh Star Linda VG-87-USA 3YR GMD 8e Savage-Leigh Glenview Linda EX-90-USA 7YR GMD DOM 9e Savage-Leigh Lindas Chairman GP-84 10e Savage-Leigh Creek Lydia VG-88 11e Savage-Leigh Kate Linda VG-85

#2 GTPI Pledge daughter in Europe • DG Eva: the #2 GTPI Pledge in Europe, #5 World Wide • Dam is the full sister to ELDORADO - int. sire of sons • From the Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda family, same family as the All-American: Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA • Where INDEX meets TYPE and FAMILY


66. DG Vekis M Consignor


DE 0539763029 Geb. Datum. 06.05.2017 HH. - Diamond- & Vekis Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 46115216 - Email.





















+1.6 7.0







Same family: Croteau Lesperron UNIX

M. Dukefarm Mon Deloria

DG Kingboy SNIPER (Kingboy x Sympatico *RC) Dukefarm Mon Deloria Conf. NC Gerade gekalbt, mehr Infos auf dem Saleupdate Just fresh, see sale updates for more info • Topseller Alh Sale ‘14 für EUR 44.000 / Topseller alh sale ‘14 for EUR 44.000 • Superstar Tochter: Vekis Superhero (GTPI +2713) - #3 GTPI Superstar in Europa / Superstar dtr: Vekis Superhero (GTPI +2713) - #3 GTPI Superstar dtr in Europe • Bereits mehrere Söhne auf Station / Already multiple sons in AI

5. M. Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA


Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Speek-NJ Uno Dance GP-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 9.412kgM 3.3% 314F 3.1% 292P • Mehrere Söhne auf Station, wie IHG Discussion @ Semex / Multiple sons in AI, like IHG Discussion @ Semex • Uno Enkeltochter von A-L-H Destiny, der Stammkuh hinter der neuen Typsensation: UNIX @ Semex - #1 aller töchtergeprüften Bullen in Kanada! / Uno granddttr from A-L-H Destiny, the foundation cow behind the new type sensation: UNIX @ Semex - #1 dtr proven type bull in Canada!

Die Markwell Durham Daisy´s • Sniper Tochter mit> 2.00 PTAT & +2.12 UDC aus der Daisy Familie • Selbe Familie wie der #1 Typbulle mit Töchtern im Zuchtwert: UNIX • Mehrere Brüder sind bereits in der Besamung • Geht zurück auf die weltbekannte Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA

Regan-Alh Planet Deloria VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 13.336kgM 4.4% 590F 3.6% 476P • Söhne / Sons @ ABS, CRI & more • Halbschwester zu: / Mat. sister to: Goldday & Danillo NEXT DAMS 4e A-L-H Destiny VG-87-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 4* 5e Markwell Durham Daisy-ET EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA 3E GMD DOM 7* 7e Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95 GMD DOM 8e Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM 9e Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM

The Markwell Durham Daisy’s • Sniper dtr with > 2.00 PTAT & +2.12 UDC from the Daisy family • Same family as the #1 dtr tested type bull in Canda: UNIX • Several brothers sold to AI • Goes back on the famous Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA


28. DG YLOVE 67. maline Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0539701891 Geb. Datum. 12.09.2017 24.05.2016 HH. - Diamond D. SchwarzGenetics Tel. +41 - Tel. (0)794178314 +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. Email.

Milk Genomische Ergebnisse der Auktion weitereUDC Infos auf %F %E Fat werden Eiw vor SCS DPR zurück PL erwartet, SCE FLC PTATdem Update NM GTPI Genomic results will be back before the sale, see sale updates for more info 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV




























Same 3. M. family: Tramilda-N Ralma Baxter Goldwyn EmilyCarmel VG-85-CAN EX-92-USA 2yr.

3rdM.dam: 2. Jolicap DKR Emilia Pronto Snowman Faith VG-87-DE VG-87-CAN 2yr. 2yr.

Wa-Del Abs MONTEREY BOURBON View-Home (Montross (McCutchenx xMassey) Robust)

4. Wabasy-Way Evett VG-86-CAN 2yr.GMD DOMDOM 7thM.dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA

Cogent SUPERSHOT Pine-Tree AltaOAK

Gillette WINDBROOK Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN

Calbrett Emily FaithloveSupershot NC

Jolicap Emilia Snowman Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. 88R 86DS 2yr. 87MS 87FL / VG-87-CAN 2yr. VG-86-FR

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

2.00 365d9.970kgM 11.903kgM 4.2% 505F 3.2% 379P La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

•USSelbe wie//GTPI Same+2483 family as: 8/16 Familie PTAT +3.29 Kingboy, Explode, Epic, Emmett, Wonder & many50others • Top GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

• Schwester zu:Fabulous / Sister to: Sister to NH @ Epic Ascol&/Emmett! • Ihre ist die zu SisterGroßmutter to NH Fabulous @ Vollschwester Ascol Wabasy-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., ehemalige #1 GTPI Kuh der Rasse! / Her granddam is the full sister to Wabasy-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., former #1 GTPI Cow in the breed! • Emilyann ist Mutter zu: / Emilyann is dam to: Explode, Evolve, Esteem & more

Top 10 GTPI Bourbon x Supershot Schwesterx zu Lead Charley Mae’s • Ganz Top 10interessante GTPI PolledVäterfolge: heifer in Europe! Bourbon x Supershot x Snowman • xSuper Baxter fitness x Shottle & type: x Oman SCS 2.77 x Mtoto / +2.6 x Rudolph DPR / PTAT x LEAD +2.13 MAE!! • Selbe The maternal Familie sister wie Emmett, of the global Epic, Explode, sensationWonder DG Charley und viele @ ABS weitere! • Warten Goes back sie to gespannt Larcrestauf Crimson ihren EX-94-USA genomischen Zuchtwert im Auktionsupdate

DKR Pronto Baxter Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Tramilda-N Emily VG-85-CAN 2yr. VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 6* 5.01 282d 305d 14.037kgM 11.719kgM 4.2% 3.6% 584F 422F 3.4% 3.2% 481P 375P 2.05 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Emmett, Epic & Highway • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller 4e Wabasy-Way Evett VG-86-CAN 2yr. DOM 17* 5e Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 6e Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly EX-90-USA 6YR. GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 7e Rudolph MaeVG-87-USA EX-90-USA2yr. 4e Wauregan Langs-Twin-B Gold Elly Ashley 8e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA GMD DOM 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e Bstar Monica DOM 6e Raymau Ralma Christmas FudgeVG-89-USA VG-88-USA2yr. GMD DOM 10e Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMDDOM DOM 11e JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 12e La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 13e La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-86-USA 14e La-Ko-Land Monitor Nancy EX-90-USA

Top 10 GTPI Bourbon x Supershot POLLED sister x LeadtoMae’s Charley •A Top very 10 interesting GTPI Polledsire heifer stack: in Europe! Bourbon x Supershot x Snowman • Super x Baxter fitness x Shottle & type: x Oman SCS 2.77 x Mtoto / +2.6 x Rudolph DPR / PTAT x LEAD +2.13 MAE!! • Same The maternal family assister Emmett, of theEpic, global Explode, sensation Wonder DG Charley and many @ others! ABS • Watch Goes back her genomic to Larcrest index Crimson in theEX-94-USA sale update

68. HAM Consignor

Beaujolais RED P

DE 0359765966 Geb. Datum. 11.10.2016 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

2. M. Greenlea-TM Atwood B EX-94-USA

Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS Absolute x Reality x Beulah | Supreme Champion IL State Fair ‘16

3rd dam: Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA

Mr D Apples DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent) SavageLee-TM Billie-Red P VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. See sale update • Hornlose Enkelin / RBT Grand Champion @ Madison ‘08: Cherrie-Kreek Beulah -Red EX92-USA!! / Polled granddtr from the R&W Grand Champion @ Madison ‘08: Cherrie-Kreek Beulah -Red EX-92-USA!! • Selbe Mutterlinie wie Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS: Grand & Supreme Champion IL State Fair ‘16, All-American R&W Fall Yearling ‘15 & more! / Same maternal line as Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS: Grand & Supreme Champion IL State Fair ‘16, AllAmerican R&W Fall Yearling ‘15 & more!

Tiger-Lilly LADD P-RED

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Greenlea-TM Atwood B-ET EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2.03 365d 13.721kgM 4.2% 572F 3.1% 572P 3.06 365d 16.071kgM 4.1% 664F 3.2% 507P • 4th 5-Yr. All-American Dairy Show ‘15 • Halbschwester zu Greenlea-TM Real AB-Red EX-93-USA: Res. Grand Champoin Eastern Nat’l R&W Show ‘13, Int. Champion Jr. Heifer @ Madison & 2x All-American Nominees / Maternal sister to Greenlea-TM Real AB-Red EX-93-USA: Res. Grand Champoin Eastern Nat’l R&W Show ‘13, Int. Champion Jr. Heifer @ Madison & 2x All-American Nominees

ROT aus 8 x EXZELLENT in Folge! • ROTE & HORNLOSE Diamondback die zurück geht auf eine der einflussreichsten roten Kühe der Geschichte: Pinehurst Beaujolais-Red EX-94-USA!! • Ihre 3.te Mutter ist der Rotbunt Grand & Res. Grand Champion in Madi son: Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA • Selbe Familie wie Greenlea-TM Real AB-Red EX-93-USA & Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS

Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 2.02 365d 12.882kgM 3.7% 471F 3.4% 433P 4.02 365d 17.631kgM 3.5% 618F 3.4% 596P • Grand & Res. Grand Champoin @ Madison • 1st 4-Yr. Eastern National B&W Show & MD State Fair B&W Show ‘08 • Res. All-American 4-Yr. Old ‘08 NEXT DAMS 4e Pinehurst-FL Britney EX-90-USA EX-MS 5e Pinehurst Burgandy-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS - HM. All-American R&W 3-Yr. 6e Pinehurst Beaujolais-Red EX-94 EEEEE 3E - 6x Winner @ International R&W Show - Grand Champoin R&W @ Madison ‘94 7e Pinehurst Fascination *RC EX-90 8e Pinehurst Pleasure EX-93 4E GMD 9e Pinehurst Precious EX-95 4E GMD 10e Jan-Com Fond Matt Matilda EX-97 5E GMD

RED from 8 generations EX cows! • RED & POLLED Diamondback going back on one of the most sucessful R&W cows in history: Pinehurst Beaujolais-Red EX-94-USA!! • Her 3rd dam is the R&W Grand & Res. Grand Champion in Madison: Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA • Same family as Greenlea-TM Real AB-Red EX-93-USA & Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red VG-89-USA EX-93-MS

69. Antony’s Belle-Vue Consignor

LUX 99477569 Geb. Datum. 02.10.2016 Antony’s Belle-Vue Holsteins - Tel. +352 621 722 348


3. M. Wiesenfeld Kite Mila *RC EX-90-DE

6. M. Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE

M. Wiesenfeld Lotus Joy-Red

Luck-E AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent) Wiesenfeld Lotus Joy-Red VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. VG-86-LUX 2yr. La1 305d 11.448kgM 3.2%F 3.2%P (Proj.) • Res. Jr. Champion R&W @ Swiss Expo ‘17 • Res. R&W Champion Int. Show Libramont ‘16 • 1st Milking 2yr. Old at the Luxembourg National Show (Between the B&W’s) • Jr. Champion Luxembourg Wintershow ‘16 • One of the grestest young R&W Cows in Europe! / One of the greatest young R&W cows in Europe! • Sie wurde als junges Kalb am German Masters Sale ´15 verkauft / She was sold as a young heifer through the German Master Sale ‘15

Blondin LOTUS *RC

Valleyriver JOYBOY-Red

Wiesenfeld Mila 63 *RC EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE • Die 9. Geneartion EXZELLENT in Folge / The 9th generation EXCELLENT in a row Joy - Res. Jr. Champion R&W Swiss Expo ‘17

Fantastische Gelegenheit! • Wunderschöne ROTE Awesome Red Tochter aus dem Res. Jr. Champion Rotbunt der Swiss Expo 2017!! • Joy-Red: Res. R&W Champion Int. Show Libramont ‘16 & mehr • Geht zurück auf den Europa-& 7 x deutscher National Champion: Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE!!

Wiesenfeld Kita Mila *RC EX-94-DE Conf. EX-94-DE La1 305d 10.949kgM 4.0% 436F 3.4% 369P • Res. Grand Champion Thuringia Open ‘12 NEXT DAMS 4e Wiesenfeld Monica *RC EX-95-DE 5e Wiesenfeld Madame EX-90-DE 6e Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE - 7x National Grand Champion - European Champion 2000! 7e Lylehaven Melvin Marrietta EX-93-CAN 8e Matt Mistys Marriette EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Mity-Fine Matt Misty EX-96-USA 2E GMD DOM 10e Muroc P I Mike Mit EX-93-USA 3E GMD 11e Beerston Pioneer Mitzi VG-86-USA

AWESOME opportunity!!! • Lovely R&W Awesome Red dtr of the Res. Jr. Champion R&W of the Swiss Expo 2017!! • Joy-Red: Res. R&W Champion Int. Show Libramont ‘16 & more • Goes back to the European-& 7 x German National Champion: Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE!!

70. C-Sold Consignor


LUX 99517830 Geb. Datum. 12.01.2017 C-Sold Holsteins - Tel. +352 621624769

2. M. Ven Dairy Breesh VG-87-BE VG-89-MS

Mat. sister to dam: Rocca-DG Bremase VG-87-BE EX-MS

Apples ABSOLUTE-Red (Talent x Regiment) Roccafarm Brelady *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 85 83 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 7.034kgM 4.8% 335F 3.7% 257P • 2nd place Junior Wintershow Luxembourg ‘17 • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Rocca-DG Snowbreezer VG-86-BE 2yr. Rocca-DG Windbrook Britt VG-89-IE: Int. Champion & Best Udder Ath By Night ‘14 & to: Rocca-DG Bremase VG-87-BE EX-MS: Grand Champion Udder Int. Show Libramont ‘17! • Schwester zu: / Sister to: One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

M. Roccafarm Brelady *RC

Tiger-Lilly LADD P-Red

Regancrest-HHF MAC

Ven Dairy Mac Breesh VG-87-BE Conf. VG-87-BE VG-89-MS 2.03 305d 8.143kgM 4.2% 339F 3.5% 283P 4.01 305d 10.313kgM 4.4% 455F 3.5% 356P • Ehemalige Top 10 GTPI Kuh in Europa / Former top 10 GTPI cow in Europe • Topseller HM Sale ‘10 für EUR 42.000 / Topseller HM Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Rocca-DG Brendy @ Ascol • Nächste Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu Re gancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA, der Mutter von: Butz- Butler Goldwyn Barbara EX-95USA: 3x Klassensiegerin @ Madison, Int. Champion & Res. Int. Champion @ Madison / Next dam is the full sister to Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA, the dam to: Butz-Butler Goldwyn Barbara EX-95-USA: 3x Class Winner @ Madison, Int. & Res. Int. Champion @ Madison

Eine ROTE BARBIE!!! • Ein ROTES Familienmitglied der Barbie Familie • Wunderschöne ROTE Absolute Red x Ladd P! Super Kombination • Mutter ist eine Schwester des EUTER Grand Champion Libramont ‘17 • Super stark vererbende Linie der Barbie Familie • Selbe Familie wie Delight @ Select, PTAT +4.32

Regancrest Breeshia NC • Vor dem kalben gestorben / Died before calving • Die einzige Tochter direkt aus Barbie, die schon vor dem kalben unter Vertrag stand / The only daughter straight out of Barbie which was contracted before calving

NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6* 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD D 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 9e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA 10e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

A R&W BARBIE!!! • A R&W member of the Barbie’s!! • Lovely R&W Absolute Red x Ladd P! Very nice cross • Dam is the sister to the Udder Grand Champion Libramont ‘17 • Very successful transmitting branch of the BARBIE family • Same family as Delight @ Select, PTAT +4.32

71. Mox Consignor


DE 0816373508 Geb. Datum. 03.10.2016 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)170 3151251 - Email.

M. Regancrest-UR Bluestar EX-92-DE

4. M. Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM

Sister to lot: Mox Gold Chip Bluechic VG-87-DE 2yr. (s. Gold Chip)

Toc-Farm FITZ (Doorman x Snowman x Quality GW Flansco) Regancrest-UR Bluestar EX-92-DE Conf. 90 94 90 92 / EX-92-DE La3 La1 283d 9.677kgM 4.2% 410F 3.7% 353P La2 305d 13.626kgM 4.8% 654F 3.3% 450P • Eine der besten Sanchez Töchter der Rasse / One of the very best Sanchez dtrs in the breed! • Die 8te Genartionen EXZELLENT in Folge! / THE 8th generation EXCELLENT in a row! • Selbee Mutterlinie wie Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA: 3x Klassensiegerin, Intermediate & Res. Intermediate Chapmion @ Madison!! / Same maternal line as Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA: 3x Class winner, Intermeidate & Res. Intermeidate Champion @ Madison!!

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ


Regancrest MB Breauna EX-92-USA 4yr. Conf. EX-92-USA 4yr. (MAX) 2.03 365d 15.537kgM 3.7% 575F 3.1% 482P • Ehemalige #1 PTAT Kuh in den USA / Former #1 PTAT cow in the U.S. • Halfschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Regancrest Bradnick @ Select Sires • Selbe Mutterlinie wie Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, Mutter von Gold Chip, Colt 45 & Großmutter von: Cashcoin, Capital Gain, High Octane & anderen / Same maternal line as Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, dam to Gold Chip, Colt 45 & granddam to: Cashcoin, Capital Gain, High Octane & others

8 Generationen EXZELLENT aus den Barbie´s! • Fantastisches Pedigree! Fitz Tochter direkt aus 8 Generationen EXZELLENT aus den Regancrest BARBIE’S! • Aus einer der besten Sanchez Töchter der Welt • Selbe Mutterlinie wie: Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA & Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA

Regancrest Breya EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 14.497kgM 3.6% 528F 3.0% 438P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Braxton & Baltimor

NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6* 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 9e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA 10e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

8 generations EXCELLENT Barbie’s! • Incredible pedigree! Fitz dtr straight out of 8 generations EXCELLENT dams from the Regancrest BARBIE’S! • From one of the best Sanchez dtrs World Wide • Same maternal line as: Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA & Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA


28. NH Beemer 72. YLOVE Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0770498009 Geb. Datum. 12.03.2017 24.05.2016 HH. - Nosbisch D. SchwarzHolsteins Tel. +41- (0)794178314 Tel. +49 (0)171- 4368388 Email. - Email.

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV














GTPI 2489









































Same family: Family member: Ralma Picston Goldwyn SHOTTLE Carmel EX-92-USA

7. Condon Aero Sharon 7thM.dam: Ralma Juror FaithEX-91-UK EX-91-USA GMD DOM

3rdM.dam: 2. Willsbro DKR Pronto Million Faith Sharon VG-87-DE VG-89-DE 2yr. 3yr.

View-Home Pol Butte McMONTEREY BEEMER Robust) (McCutchen x Goldwyn) Faithlove NC NH Shila VG-85-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 3yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La2 305d 10.256kgM 3.4%F 3.4%P (Proj.) US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Regancrest BRADNICK

Gillette WINDBROOK England-Ammon MILLION

HolyfaithMillion VG-86-FR 2yr. VG-89-DE 3yr. Willsbro Sharon VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-89-DE 3yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 203 10.055kgM3.3% 4.4%329F 442F3.0% 3.4%299P 344P Sisterder to besten NH Fabulous Ascol /der Rasse / • Eine Million@Töchter Sisteroftothe NHbest Fabulous Ascol One Million@dtrs in the breed • McCutchen Enkelsohn auf Station / McCutchen grand son in AI • Die Condon Aero Sharon Familie, Mutter von: SHOTTLE!! / The Condon Aero Sharon family: the dam to SHOTTLE!!

Top Familie Die 10 GTPI von Schwester SHOTTLE zu Charley • Tolles Top 10Beemer GTPI Polled Rind heifer aus derinSHOTTLE Europe! Familie • Die Super Großmutter fitness & type: ist eine SCSder 2.77 besten / +2.6 Million DPR /Töchter PTAT +2.13 der Rasse • Beemer The maternal aus 11sister Genearionen of the global VG oder sensation EX DG Charley @ ABS • Direkt Goes back aus to dem Larcrest HerzenCrimson der legendären EX-94-USA Shottle Familie

DKR Pronto Goldwyn Faith VG-86-DE Smiddiehil Sharon 2yr. VG-88-UK 2yr. VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-88-UK EX-MS 2yr. 5.01 305d 14.071kgM 11.719kgM 3.7% 3.6% 522F 422F 3.0% 3.2% 413P 375P 2.03 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Champion & Best Udder Jr. Heifer in Milk • Topseller NH Sale National Show ‘09‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMSSilky Shula 16 EX-91-UK EX-92-MS 4e Picston 4e Picston Langs-Twin-B Gold3Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.2* 5e Ked Shula EX-90-UK EX-91-MS 5e Picston Ralma Finley C-FShula Chuckle EX-90-USA 6e Prelude VG-85-UK 6* GMD DOM 6e Fudge VG-88-USA 7e Ralma CondonChristmas Aero Sharon EX-91-UK 60* GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Condon Inspiration Sally VG-87-CAN 8e Condon Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 9e Commissioner Sally VG-85-CAN 1* 10e Condon Ormsby Sally VG-85-CAN 11e Condon Texal Lass VG-CAN 3*

Top 10 The family GTPIofPOLLED SHOTTLE! sister to Charley • Fancy Top 10Beemer GTPI Polled dtr from heifer theinfamily Europe! of SHOTTLE! • Grand Super fitness dam is & one type: of the SCSbest 2.77Million / +2.6daughters DPR / PTAT in+2.13 the breed • Backed The maternal by 10 sister generations of the VG global or Excellent sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Straight Goes back out toofLarcrest the heart Crimson of theEX-94-USA legendary Picston SHOTTLE family


28. HAMYLOVE 73. ammy *RC Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0359765927 Geb. Datum. 04.09.2016 24.05.2016 HH. - E. Büscherhoff D. Schwarz- Tel.- +41 Tel. +49 (0)794178314 (0)172 6445873 - Email. - Email.

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV













GTPI 2489









































Same family: Luck-E Ralma Goldwyn Linjet Twizzle CarmelEX-95-USA EX-92-USA

2. Luck-E Durham EX-91-USA 7thM.dam: Ralma Juror Tab Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

3rd dam: Same family: DKR Hallow Pronto Atwood Faith VG-87-DE Twizzle EX-93-IT 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Big APPLE-RED (McCutchen x Robust) (Talent x KHW Regiment Apple-Red) Faithlove NC Tamara *RC VG-89-NL Acacia Million Conf. 91FR 92DS 92MS 83 FL / VG-89-NL Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 2.06 305d 9.732kgM 5.1% 492F 3.6% 353P US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI 4.00 305d 11.139kgM 4.9%+2483 544F 3.4% 376P 5.02 305d 12.191kgM 5.0% 610F 3.4% 409P • Top305d 50 GTPI& #165.0% PTAT 627F cow in Europe 6.03 12.622kgM 3.3% 422P/ Top in 50her GTPI#16 PTAT cow in Europe Fresh 5th&lactation • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe One der of the highest outcross cowseine in the • Aus Luck-E Tabitha Familie, derbreed /Gründungsfamilien One of the highest outcross cowsHolsteins in the breed von Luck-E in den USA / Out of the Luck-E Tabitha family, one of the foundation families at Luck-E Holsteins in the U.S.

Pine-Tree AltaOAK England-Ammon MILLION

Gillette WINDBROOK Regancrest Elton DURHAM

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Luck-E Durham Tab EX-91-USA VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. EX-91-USA La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P L3/3 290d9.970kgM 11.898kgM 4.6% 548F 3.4% 108P HL2 305d 13.139kgM 4.7% 613F 3.5% 461P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister Mutterlinie to NH Fabulous Ascol Linjet Twizzle • Selbe wie@ Luck-E EX-95-USA welche die Großmutter ist von: Hallow Atwood Twizzle EX-93-IT (MAX) Grand Champion @ Cremona ‘16 & 1st Sr. Cow European Holsteins Show Colmar ‘16 / Same maternal line as Luck-E Linjet Twizzle EX-95-USA who is the grand dam to: Hallow Atwood Twizzle EX-93-IT (MAX) - Grand Champion @ Cremona ‘16 & 1st Sr. Cow European Show Colmar ‘16

Top TAB Die 10 GTPI Familie Schwester von Luck-E zu Charley • Top Unglaubliche 10 GTPI Polled Gelegenheit heiferfür in ein Europe! Mitglied der TAB Familie von Luck-E • Selbe Super Familie fitness & wie: type: Hallow SCS 2.77 Atwood / +2.6 Twizzle DPR EX-93-IT / PTAT +2.13 (MAX): Grand • The Champion maternal Cremona sister of & 1st the Sr. global European sensation ShowDGColamr Charley ‘16!! @ ABS • Sie Goesistback schön, to Larcrest sie hat den Crimson ROTFAKTOR EX-94-USA und stamm aus VG-89 x 3 Generationen EXZELLENT

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Luck-E Lee Tabitha *RC EX-92-USA VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. EX-92-USA 2E 5.01 305d 9.852kgM 11.719kgM5.0% 3.6%489F 422F3.5% 3.2%346P 375P 2.05 6.09 305d 11.784kgM 13.127kgM 5.4% 3.8% 633F 499F 3.6% 3.3% 427P 433P 3.10 4.11 295d 16.216kgM 6.3% 1018F 3.6% 585P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller zu NHBardholm Sale ‘10 for EURLee 42.000 • Schwester Trust EX-93-USA: Grand Champion & Best Udder IL State Show ‘04 / Sister to Bardholm Trust Lee EX-93-USA: NEXT DAMS Grand Champion & Best Udder IL State Show ‘04 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 4e Bradholm Truly Buck EX-90-USA 11yrs. 8e Bradholm Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV 5e Trudy VG-85-CAN 4yr.VG-89-USA

Top 10 The TABGTPI family POLLED from sister Luck-Eto Charley • Incredible Top 10 GTPIopportunity Polled heifer forina Europe! member of the TAB family of Luck-E • Same Super family fitnessas: & type: Hallow SCS Atwood 2.77 /Twizzle +2.6 DPR EX-93-IT / PTAT(MAX): +2.13 • The Grand maternal Champion sister Cremona of the & global 1st Sr. sensation European DGShow Charley Colamr @ ABS ‘16!! • She Goesisback a RED to Carrier Larcrestx VG-89 Crimsonx 3EX-94-USA generations EXCELLENT


74. Lory-Koba Consignor

FR 5025590445 Geb. Datum. 01.05.2017 Ferme Lorygenes - Tel. +33 (0)6 21603516 - Email.

Jasper x Koba 152: Bons Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL Top 5 Swiss Expo & Top 5 European Show Colmar!

Lauthority x Damion x Koba 167: Bons Holsteins Koba 219 VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX) Champion 2yr. old Dutch National Show (NRM) ‘17 & 1st Jr. 2yr. old European Show Colmar ‘16

Comestar LAUTHORITY (Goldwyn x Igniter) Bons Holsteins Koba 167 EX-91-NL Conf. 92FR 90DS 92MS 88FL / EX-91-NL 5yr. 3.03 305d 12.144kgM 4.1% 492F 3.6% 435P 4.09 305d 13.870kgM 4.1% 572F 3.4% 478P 5.10 305d 14.125kgM 4.4% 624F 3.7% 518P • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to: Bons Holsteins Koba 219 VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX) - Champion 2yr. old Dutch National Show ‘17 - Champion 2yr. old National HHH Show ‘16 - 1st Jr. 2yr. old European Show Colmar ‘16 - Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo ‘15 • Res. Sr. Champion Int. Show Libramont ‘09 • Int. Champion @ Hoornaar & CRV Expo ‘09



Bons Holsteins Koba 152 EX-92-NL Conf. 94FR 93DS 93MS 89FL / EX-92-NL 3.10 305d 12.018kgM 3.8% 459F 3.4% 406P 4.11 305d 11.123kgM 4.3% 478F 3.6% 399P 6.01 305d 13.565kgM 4.1% 559F 3.4% 464P 7.11 305d 12.681kgM 4.5% 573F 3.3% 424P • Res. Sr. Champion Dutch National Show & National HHH Show • Mutter von: / Dam to: Bons Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL - 5th Mature cow European Show Colmar ‘16 - Grand Champion National HHH Show ‘16 - Grand Champion Hoornaar ‘16 - 3rd place Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘15 - Grand Champion Dutch National Show ‘14

Tolle Möglichkeit aus den Bons Koba´s • Exklusive Möglichkeit aus einer der erfolgreichsten und aufstrebendsten Schaufamilien Europas: Den Koba’s! • Eine direkte Tochter aus “Der großen Stormatic” Koba 167 • Selber Vater und Großmutter wie Koba 219 (V. Lauthroity) Klassensiegerin Colmar ‘16, Res. Champion Swiss Expo, Siegerfärse an der National HHH- & NRM und mehr!

M. Bons Holsteins Koba 167 EX-91-NL EX-92-MS

Bons Holsteins Koba 116 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.05 305d 9.507kgM 3.5% 332F 3.0% 286P 3.10 305d 11.115kgM 3.5% 390F 3.1% 347P 5.03 305d 12.573kgM 4.1% 518F 3.1% 395P • Vater: / Sire: Browndale STARDUST

NEXT DAMS 4e Bons Holsteins Koba 89 VG-NL 2yr.

Great opportunity from the Bons Koba’s • Incredible opportunity from one of the most successful up& coming show cow families in Europe: the Koba’s! • A direct dtr of “the big Stormatic” Koba 167 • Same sire and grand dam as Koba 219 (s. Lauthroity) - class winner Colmar ‘16, Res. Champion Swiss Expo, Milking heifer Champion at the National HHH- & NRM and more!

75. 4 FEMALE Consignor Combination


Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. FEMALE Pine-Tree SID x JK Eder DG Darling 2 EX-90-NL

M. JK Eder DG Darling 2 EX-90-NL 4yr.

Full sister to dam: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-94-CH | Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ‘17

FEMALE Pine-Tree SID (Mr. Sam x Finley) JK Eder DG Gold Chip Darling 2 EX-90-NL Conf. 91FR 90DS 90MS 89FL / EX-90-NL 4yr. 2.01 339d 8.401kgM 3.6% 302F 3.3% 277P 4.00 305d 10.362kgM 3.8% 398F 3.2% 329P • Champion 2-Yr. Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt ‘14 • Solomon Sohn mit >3.7 PTAT! / Solomon son with >3.7 PTAT • Vollschwester zu DH Gold Chip Darling EX-94-CH: Grand & Supreme Champion @ Swiss Expo ‘17! / Full sister to DH Gold Chip Darling EX-94CH: Grand & Supreme Champion @ Swiss Expo ‘17 • DH Darling ist die Mutter von: / DH Darling is dam to: DARLING @ Masterrind - #1 RZE (Type) bull in Germany! (RZ +149)

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP

Regancrest-MR Drham SAM

Darling VG-89-NL Conf. VG-89-NL

Meadows-LLC BWM Dancia VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA

2.05 305d 9.810kgM 4.3% 420F 3.3% 325P 4.05 305d 11.554kgM 4.4% 504F 3.2% 370P • 1e & HM. im Finale Hamm Eliteauktion ‘08 / 1st & HM. in the Championships Hamm ‘08 • Verschiedene tolle Töchter in der Schweiz, Niederlanden, Frankreich, Australien, Deutschland & mehr/ Several great dtrs in Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Australia, German & more

WEIBLICHE Embryonen aus DARLING!! • Tolle Kombination: WEIBLICHE SID Embryonen aus der EXZELLENTEN Vollschwester des Swiss Expo Supreme Champion ‘17 • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter des #1 RZE (Type) Bullen in Deutschland: DARLINGO! (RZE +149) • 5.te Mutter ist die Vollschwester des legendären DURHAM! • Selbe Familie wie Dundee, Durham, Damion & mehr

6. M. Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA GMD DOM

2.07 365d 16.035kgM 3.8% 615F 3.2% 517P • Ihre Großmutter ist die Vollschwester zur LEGENDE: DURHAM! / Her granddam is the full sister to the legend: DURHAM! NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Jolt Diantha VG-87-USA GMD DOM 5e Regancrest Elton Dream VG-86-USA GMD DOM 5th Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 6th Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM

FEMALE embryos from DARLING!! • Great combination: FEMALE SID embryos from the EXCELLENT full sister of the Swiss Expo Supreme Champion ‘17 • Her full sister is the dam of the #1 RZE (Type) bull in Germany: DARLINGO! (RZE +149) • 5th dam is the full sister of the legendary DURHAM! • Same family as Dundee, Durham, Damion & more

76. Dunkhorst Atwood Consignor Prod. Conf.

DE 0358319884 Geb. Datum. 29.06.2015 Tobias Dunkhorst - Tel. +49 (0)5763 2047 1st test: 35.4kgM 3.2%F 2.9%P @ 14 days fresh NC

Fey Gek.



3. M. NH Faithfull VG-89-DE

Dunkhorst Atwood Fey |

2. M. NH Fantastic EX-91-DE


Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x Durham) GRH Famos EX-90-DE Conf. 90 91 90 89 / EX-90-DE 5/4La 305d 9.673kgM 4.0% 391F 3.4% 333P HL2 305d 10.905kgM 3.9% 429F 3.5% 381P • Awood Tochter ist bereits eingestuft mit VG-88 3yr. / Atwood daughter already scored VG-88 3yr.

Charlesdale SUPERSTITION NH Fantastic EX-91-DE Conf. 92 92 90 90 / EX-91-DE La3/3 305d 11.118kgM 4.3% 483F 3.4% 378P HL3 305d 11.427kgM 4.7% 535F 3.3% 374P • Verkauft am Nosbisch Sale ‘10 für 11.400 / Sold through the Nosbisch Sale ‘10 • 1st & Intermediate Champion Hessens Zukunft 2011

Braedale GOLDWYN NH Faithfull VG-89-DE Conf. VG-89-DE 3.00 305d 11.056kgM 4.0% 446F 3.4% 370P HL2 305d 12.383kgM 4.1% 507F 3.4% 424P • Vater: / Sire: Juror FORD • 11 Bullen auf Station / 11 sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e NH Fatima VG-86-DE (s. Lukas) 5e NH Fidji EX-90-DE (s. Lazer) - Dam to JURUS 6e Finabell EX-92 (s. Ugela Bell) 7e Dauphine EX-90 (s. Revelation) 8e Aliance VG-85 (s. Valiant)

Atwood Färse mit großem Potential

Promising 2-Yr. old Atwood daughter

• Eine ganz vielversprechende frisch abgekalbte Atwood Färse wird verkauft • 1. Kontrolle >35 kg Milch • Ihre Vollschwester ist bereits eingestuft mit VG-88 3-Yr. old • Im Pedigree finden wir 6 EXZELLENTE Kühe • Ihre Großmutter wurde für 11.400€ verkauft und war Inter. Champ. Hessens Zukunft’11 • Tiefe französische Kuhfamilie, entwickelt bei Nosbisch Holsteins in Deutschland

• A very promising fresh 2-Yr. old by Atwood sells! • 1st Test >35 kg Milk • Full sister already scored VG-88 3-Yr. old • Backed by 6 generations EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree • Here Grand Dam sold for 11.400 and was Inter. Champ. Hessens Zukunft’11 • Deep French family, developed in the Nosbisch herd in Germany


28. Brigeen 77. YLOVE oberta *RC FR 6771204363 DE 0358407518 Geb. Datum. 10.09.2015 24.05.2016 Consignor D. Middelkampf A. Schwarz- Tel. -+41 Tel.(0)794178314 +49 171 1979157​⁠​ - Email. Gekalbt: / Calved: 05.09.2017 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC See sale updates for more info 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV


HH. -




GTPI 2489































Same M. Ms family: Milksource Ralma BltGoldwyn Regina EX-90-USA Carmel EX-92-USA 3yr.

3rdM.dam: 5. Brigeen-C DKR Pronto Integrit Faith Robin VG-87-DE EX-95-USA 2yr. 2E DOM

KHW ANAHIEM *RC View-Home MONTEREY (Numero Unox xRobust) Kamps-Hollow Altitude) (McCutchen Ms Milksource Faithlove NC Blt Regina EX-90-USA 3yr. Conf. V E E E V / EX-90-USA 3yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info •USSehr der Glendrige 8/16interessanter PTAT +3.29 / Zweig GTPI +2483 Citation Roxy EX-97-USA Familie / Very50 interesting branch of cow the Glenridge • Top GTPI- & #16 PTAT in Europe / Citation Roxy &EX-97-USA Top 50 GTPI#16 PTAT family cow in Europe •9 EXZELLENTER Mütter #4Generationen GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak inimEurope Pedigree Backed by 9 generation • One of the/ highest outcross cows inEXCELLENT the breed /dams! One of the highest outcross cows in the breed • Anahiem Tochter eingestuft mit VG-88 2yr. / Anahiem dtr scroes VG-88 2yr.

3. Brigeen Rhonda EX-95-USA 7thM.dam: RalmaConvincer Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Sandy-Valley BOLTON Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Brigeen Rhonda HolyfaithShottle VG-86-FR 2yr. EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA VG-86-FR 2yr. 2.09 365d9.970kgM 15.359kgM 3.8% 585F 3.2% 494P La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 5.05 252d 15.640kgM 3.2% 503F 3.0% 472P 7.02 365d 4.2% • Sister to17.704kgM NH Fabulous @ 750F Ascol3.0% / 534P Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Destry *RC, Detox *RC, Deman, Defiant *RC, Demello *RC, Rolling *RC & more • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Scientific Debutante Rae *RC EX-92-USA: Res. Grand Champion Madison ‘05

Top 10 GTPIAnahiem Abgekalbte Schwester x 6 GENERATIONEN zu Charley EX • Exklusive Top 10 GTPI ANAHIEM Polled heifer Tochter! in Europe! Frisch abgekalbt • Dier Superersten fitness Anahiem & type:Töchter SCS 2.77begeistern / +2.6 DPR überall / PTAT! +2.13 • Vollschwester The maternal sister ist bereits of theVG-88 global2yr. sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Aus Goes6back GENERATIONEN to Larcrest EXZELLENT Crimson EX-94-USA • Im ganzen sage und schreibe 9 GENERATIONEN EXZELLENTER Kühe im Papier

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Brigeen Convincer Rhonda EX-95-USA VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. EX-95-USA 5.01 365d 305d 13.286kgM 11.719kgM 3.9% 3.6% 523F 422F 3.1% 3.2% 394P 375P 1.11 6.09 365d 305d 19.777kgM 13.127kgM 4.2% 3.8% 824F 499F 3.0% 3.3% 579P 433P 3.02 4.10 365d 30.128kgM 4.3% 1.288F 3.1% 939P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Show ‘07 • Grand Champion Maine State Holstein NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMSEmory Raisa EX-92-USA 4e Brigeen 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Robin AshleyEX-95-USA VG-87-USA2E2yr. 5e Brigeen-C Integrit DOM 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA DOM 6e Haselmere Prelude Rhonda EX-91-USAGMD 3E GMD 6e Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma BrigeenChristmas Southwind Rhonda VG-88-CAN 7e Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Mil-R-Mor Swd Rockette VG-86-USA 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV 9e Mil-R-Mor Toprox EX-94-USA 3E VG-89-USA GMD DOM 10e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 11e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 12e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Top 10 Anahiem FRESH GTPI POLLED fromsister 6 generations to CharleyEX • Exclusive Top 10 GTPI ANAHIEM Polled heifer dtr! Fresh in Europe! before the sale • Anahiem Super fitness dtrs &aretype: looking SCS very 2.77 promising! / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Full The maternal sister to this sister lotofalready the global scored sensation VG-88 2yr. DG Charley @ ABS • From Goes back 6 generations to Larcrest straight Crimson EXCELLENT EX-94-USA • 9 EXCELLENT generations in this pedigree in total!!

78. HKH Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0770291129 Geb. Datum. 22.08.2015 Marco Weires - Tel. +49 (0)151 72116129 - Email. 1st test: 32.2kgM 3.9%F 3.3%P - See sale upate NC

Gek. 26.08.2017

Sister to 3. M. Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

4. M. Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA EX-MS

Larcrest COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer) HKH Candy VG-87-DE Conf. 87 88 85 87 / VG-87-DE La1 305d 8.847kgM 3.8% 333F 3.2% 285P La4/3 305d 9.638kgM 3.7% 357F 3.2% 309P HL3 305d 10.141kgM 3.6% 368F 3.2% 327P

5. M. Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA

Wabash-Way EXPLODE

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Langs-Twin-B Atwood Chanel VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.05 365d 12.605kgM 4.3% 542F 3.2% 403P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Cricket, Focus, Gold Crown, Bouw Finder, Rocky, Final & many others!

Ralma Baxter Cheerio VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 1.11 365d 14.450kgM 3.9% 564F 3.3% 477P • Schwester zu: / Sister to Crown & Chairman NEXT DAMS 4e Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA EX-MS DOM 5e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 8e Ralma Melwood Fortress 9e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 11e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD

Aufregende abgekalbte Färse mit Schaupotential! • Frisch abgekalbte Commander mit Schaupotential • 1. Kontrolle >32.2 kg Milch! • Aus den Ralma Juror Faith’s!

Fresh 2-Yr. Old with Show potential! • Fresh Commander with show potential • 1st test >32.2 kg milk! • From the Ralma Juror Faith’s!

79. Seeger Ted Consignor Prod. Conf.

M arcy-Red


DE 0357758375 Geb. Datum. 01.03.2015 Gek. 05.08.2017 Seeger Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)177 5521143 - Email. See sale updates for more information NC - Looks very promising! She is ready for the big dance

Frisch abgekalbte ROTE Schaufärse! – Bereit für den großen Auftritt Fresh R&W show cow! - Ready for the big dance!!


M. Rose Royce-Red VG-86-DE 2yr.

GS Alliance O’Kalif-Red (Destry *RC x O’Kalibra EX-97) Rose Royce-Red VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 86 87 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 7.174kgM 5.4% 391F 3.5% 251P La4/3 305d 9.168kgM 5.2% 477F 3.7% 336P HL2 305d 10.268kgM 5.0% 518F 3.7% 384P

2. M. Seegers Maxim VG-86-DE 2yr.

Sterndale ROSE ROYCE-Red

Indianhead ENCOUNTER *RC

Seegers Maxim VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 88 86 87 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La2 305d 10.748kgM 3.8% 411F 3.1% 332P HL2 305d 10.457kgM 4.2% 437F 3.0% 318P • Erfolgreiche Teilnahme Europaschau ‘06 / Successful European Show participant ‘06

Mandy *RC VG-86-DE Conf. 88 86 86 86 / VG-86-DE La1 305d 8.439kgM 4.2% 350F 3.1% 264P La6/6 297d 9.497kgM 4.4% 415F 3.2% 302P HL4 305d 11.527kgM 4.0% 466F 3.1% 361P

• > 5.0% FETT & 3.7% EIWEIß! / 3.7% PROTEIN! NEXT DAMS 4e Ted Marcy-Red EX-94-DE EX-95-MS One of the greatest German cows from the 90’s 5e Eden EX-93-FR (s. Wimpyson) 6e Aovere EX-90-FR (s. Triple Threat)

Fantastische ROTE Schaukuh!! • Aufregende junge ROTE Färse • Geht zurück auf eine der erfolgreichsten Kühe der 90er Jahre in Deutschland, Ted Marcy EX-94-DE! Extrem erfolgreiche Zucht-& Schaukuh! • Sie ist bereit um ihnen die Siergerschärpen nach Hause zu bringen • Mutter hat im Schnitt 5.2% FETT & 3.7% PEIWEIß • Großmutter war im deutschen Team für die Europaschau´06

Incredible R&W show cow!! • Very promising R&W 2yr. old!! • Going back one of the greatest German cows of the ‘90 years, Ted Marcy EX-94-DE! Extremely uccessful show & brood cow! • She is ready to dance on the coloured shavings • Dam averaged 5.2% FAT & 3.7% PROTEIN • Grand dam was at the European Show ‘-06

80. LOH Consignor Prod. Consignor

Let’s Go


DE 0358101906 Geb. Datum. 14.08.2015 Andreas Lohmöller - Tel. +49 (0)160 93869648 - Email. Just fresh - see sale updates for more information NC

Same family: Loh Braxton Lillibrax VG-89-DE 3yr.

Same family: Loh Braxton Lillibrax VG-89-DE 3yr.

Same family: Loh Duplo Lissy EX-93-DE

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x Durham) Loh Liba GP-84-DE Conf. GP-84-DE La1 305d 12.692kgM 3.8% 480F 3.2% 409P La4/4 305d 13.970kgM 3.7% 516F 3.2% 448P HL4 305d 15.426kgM 3.6% 561F 3.3% 502P

Emerald-Acr-Sa T-BAXTER

Comestar LEADER

Loh Lill EX-91-DE Conf. 96 91 93 88 / EX-91-DE

Lilliput EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE

HL4 305d 16.149kgM 3.5% 557F 3.1% 507P La5/5 305d 13.822kgM 3.4% 472F 3.2% 437P

• Selbe Familie wie: Loh Duplo Lissy EX-93-DE: - Champion 2-Yr. Konvent 2011 - 1e & HM. Intermediate Champion Konvent ‘13 - Res. Int. Champion SDB 2014 - Grand Champion KTS Emsland 2015 - Sr. Champion KTS Emsland • Selbe Familie wie Loh Braxton Lillibrax VG-89 - 1st & HM. Int. Champion SDB 2017 - Young Cow Champion DHV Schau 2017 - Grand Champion KTS Emsland 2017

Spektakuläre abgekalbte Atwood! • Spektakuläre frische Atwood aus tiefer deutscher Kuhfamilie • Selbe Familie wie die extrem erfolgreiche Loh Duplo Lissy EX-93-DE • Selbe Familie wie der aktuelle Sieger Mittel der DHV Schau 2017 Loh Braxton Lillibrax VG-89-DE 3yr.!! • Geht zurück auf Loh Astro Jet Lata EX-94! 6 x hintereinander teilgenommen an der National Schau!!

6/4La 305d 13.017kgM 3.63% 473F 3.14% 409P HL4 305d 14.297kgM 3.56% 509% 3.19% 456P

NEXT DAMS 4e Loh Leur 31 VG-87-DE 5e Loh Lerm VG-88-DE 6e Loh Lern VG-87-DE

Exciting fresh Atwood dtr! • An exciting FRESH Atwood from deep German family • Same family as the very successful Loh Duplo Lissy EX-93-DE • Same family as the National Show DHV Young Cow Champion Loh Braxton Lillibrax VG-89-DE 3yr.!! • Goes back on Loh Astro Jet Lata EX-94! 6 generations in a row successful National show participants


28. HAMYLOVE 81. inatown NC DE 6771204363 FR 0358212477 Geb. Datum. 27.09.2015 24.05.2016 HH. Gek. 19.09.2017 - Consignor D. Heidehof SchwarzAhrens Tel. +41 KG -(0)794178314 Tel. +49 (0)17-36404184 Email. - Email. Prod. 1st test: 30kgM 3.8%F 3.1%P - See Sale Update Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV










































Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

Mat. sister to 2. M. 3. M.dam: Bil Charlotte EX-92-DE 3rd DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Boldi V S G ANTON (McCutchen x Robust) (Epic x Man-O-Man) Faithlove NC VG-87-DE HAM Chantry Conf. 88 85 86 88 / VG-87-DE Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 9.286kgM 3.9% 364F 3.3% 303P US 8/16305d PTAT 10.340kgM +3.29 / GTPI +2483 La3/3 3.9% 399F 3.1% 318P HL2 305d 11.803kgM 3.8% 450F 2.9% 345P • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Talent x Charlotte

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-TreeJORDAN AltaOAK Gillette

Gillette WINDBROOK Regancrest MR SAMUELO

Holyfaith HAM ClaraVG-86-FR VG-89-DE2yr. VG-86-FR 2yr./ VG-89-DE Conf. 88 89 88 89 La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P La3/3 305d 9.674kgM 4.0% 389F 3.2% 313P HL2 305d 9.822kgM 4.2% 414F 3.2% 318P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Top 10 GTPI Frische FärseSchwester aus der Charlotte zu Charley Familie • Die Top Charlotte 10 GTPI Polled Familie heifer von in Bielefeld! Europe! • Die Super 3.te fitness Mutter & Bil type: Charlotte SCS 2.77EX-92 / +2.6 warDPR erste / PTAT auf der +2.13 Nationalschau • The und maternal Siegerfärse sister der of OHG theSchwarzbunttage global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

DKRCharlotte Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. BIL EX-92-DE VG-86-DE 2yr./ EX-92-DE Conf. 95 92 92 90 5.01 305d La1 305d11.719kgM 11.278kgM3.6% 4.2%422F 474F3.2% 3.3%375P 369P 6.09 305d La3/3 305d13.127kgM 12.673kgM3.8% 4.2%499F 528F3.3% 3.2%433P 404P HL3 305d 13.538kgM 4.3% 579F 3.2% 428P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller 2-Yr. NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Champion Schwarzbunt-Tage • 1st place @ DHV Show NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. NEXT DAMS 5e BIL Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 4e Capeli VG-88-DE (s. Meadowlord) 6e Christmas Fudge 5e Ralma BIL Capri VG-85-DE 2yr.VG-88-USA (s. Prelude)GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 102yr. Fresh GTPI oldPOLLED of the sister Charlotte to Charley family • The Top 10 Charlotte GTPI Polled familyheifer of Bielefeld! in Europe! • 3rd Super dam fitness Bil Charlotte & type: SCS EX-92 2.77 was/ +2.6 1st atDPR the/National PTAT +2.13 Show • The andmaternal Champion sister 2yr. of oldthe at global the Schwarzbunttage sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

82. BaS


VG-DE 2yr. Consignor Prod. Conf. Bel. / Ins.

DE 0770160144 Geb. Datum. 13.10.2014 Gek. 16.02.2017 Christian Bange - Tel. +49 (0)171 2298438 - Email. La1 200d 6.009kgM 3.2%F 3.1%P VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. 03.08.2017 Wilt EMILIO

Teilgenommen an der DHV Schau´17 & angemeldet für die RUW Schau am 26.10.17 / Participated at the National Show and is entered for the RUW show


Scientific B DEFIANT *RC (Braxton x Goldwyn)



BaS Toska 44 BaS Thail 70 RC EX-90-DE EX-91-MS Conf. 92 89 90 91 / EX-90-DE

5/5La 305d 9.578kgM 4.0% 379F 3.4% 329P HL2 305d 11.460kgM 3.9% 450F 3.4% 389P

4/4La 305d 10.440kgM 3.5% 368F 3.4% 350P HL4 305d 11.647kgM 3.5% 410F 3.3% 385P

BaS Toska GP-83-DE La1. Conf. GP-83-La1. Hl4 305d 9.281kgM 4.4% 404 F 3.5% 325P

NEXT DAMS 4e BaS Tabea 47 EX-90-DE EX-92-MS 5e BaS Tamar 81 EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

Nationalschaukuh wird verkauft! • Sie hat erfolgreich an der DHV Schau teilgenommen und kann ihre Kuh für die RUW Schau sein! • 3 EXZELLENTE Kühe in ihrem Pedigree! • Tragend mit Emilio!!

National Show participant sells! • BaS TOTO SELLS! Participated at the National Show and entered for the RUW Show where she can show for her new owner! • 3 EXCELLENT cows in her pedigree • Pregnant with EMILIO

83. Wit Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 0538996343 Geb. Datum. 02.09.2015 Gek. 21.08.2017 Wiethege Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email. 1st test: 28kgM 4.3%F 3.4%P NC

2. M. ZS E-Mail EX-92-DE

Boldi V S G ANTON (Epic x Man-O-Man) Wit Elec VG-87-DE Conf. 88 89 86 86 / VG-87-DE La1 305d 8.436kgM 4.8% 408F 3.7% 308P La4/3 305d 8.752kgM 5.0% 436F 3.7% 322P HL3 305d 9.496kgM 5.0% 475F 3.7% 349P • Fantastische Inhaltsstoffe!! 3.7% EIWEIß! / Incredible Fat & Protein cow! 3.7% PROTEIN!


Emerald-Acr-Sa TICKET

ZS E-Mail EX-92-DE Conf. 90 92 91 92 / EX-92-DE

ZS Erle VG-88-DE Conf. 89 88 87 89 /VG-88-DE

La4/4 305d 10.356kgM 4.2% 434Ff 3.5% 367P HL3 305d 11.763kgM 4.4% 522F 3.6% 417P • Siegerfärse DHV Schau ‘09 / Champion 2-Yr. DHV Show ‘09 • Schwester zu: / Sister to Caburn @ RUW

La1 305d 7.205kgM 5.4% 389F 3.8% 270P La9/8 305d 9.697kgM 4.8% 468F 3.7% 354P HL4 305d 12.175kgM 4.6% 563F 3.7% 446P • She has the perfect combination: Great looks, production and FAT & PROTEIN! / She has the perfect combination: Great looks, production and FAT & PROTEIN! NEXT DAMS 4e Edelrose VG-89-DE (s. Esquimau)

Super abgekalbte Anton Färse aus DHV Siegerin • Frisch abgekalbte Anton Färse • Mehrer Generationen VG oder EX Kühe im Pedigree • Hohe Leistungskühe im Pedigree • Ihre Mutter hat im durchschnitt: 5% FETT & 3.7% EIWEIß in 3 Laktationen! • Großmutter war Siegerfärse auf der DHV Schau!

Very nice fresh 2yr. old by Anton • A fresh 2yr. old Anton • Multiple generations of VG & EXCELLENT cows • Multiple generations of high yielding component cows • Dam averaged 5% FAT & 3.7% PROTEIN over 3 lactations! • Grand dam was the 2yr. old Champion of the DHV Show ‘

84. Consignor Prod. Conf. Index.

M alinka *RC *PO DE 0770248653 Geb. Datum. 05.03.2015 Nohner GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 97253721 - Email. 1st test: 28.5kgM 4.2%F 3.7%P - See sale update NC DE 08/17 RZG 138

NC Gek. 06.07.2017

3. M. Apina Massia 125 *RC VG-85-NL 2yr.

M. Maya P-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.

NUGGET *RC (Numero Uno x Destry) Maya P-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 83 85 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.700kgM 3.8% 371F 3.9% 376P • Ehemalige #1 Rot & Hornlos Kuh in Deutschland / Former #1 Red & Polled cow in Germany • Mutter von MISSION P *RC - #2 RZG HORNLOS Bulle in Deutschland! / Dam to MISSION P *RC - #2 RZG Polled bull in Germany! (RZG +156) • Mutter von: / Dam to: Dublin Red-P & Crypton *PP: #8 PP Bull in Germany!

Maternal brother to this lot: MISSION P *RC



Apina Massia 211 Red VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 8.226kgM 4.1% 338F 3.3% 267P 3.02 305d 9.006kgM 4.1% 372F 3.3% 293P • Großartige Outcross pedigree für Rotbunt / Great outcross pedigree for the R&W breed • 3 Schwestern VG-86 oder höher / 3 sisters scored VG-86 or higher • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI

Frisch gekalbte Schwester zu MISSION *P *RC! • Eine frisch gekalbte Schwester zu MISSION *P *RC @ RUW! • Mission P ist der #2 RZG Hornlos Bulle in Deutschland! (RZG +156) • Mutter ist die ehemalige #1 Rot & Hornlos RZG Kuh in Deutschland • Hohe Inhaltsstoffe, 4.2% FETT & 3.7% EIWEIß! • Die erfolgreiche Massia Kuhfamilie

Apina Massia 125 *RC VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 85DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.629kgM 4.5% 473F 3.5% 368P 3.07 381d 10.517kgM 4.6% 479F 3.5% 365P • Embryos an verschiedene Besamungsstationen verkauft / Embryos sold to several AI Stations • Nächste Mutter ist eine Schwester zu: / Her next dam is sister to: Apina Curtis, Kairo & more NEXT DAMS 4e Massia 48 *RC VG-87-NL 2yr. 5e Apina Massia 14 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Massia 13 VG-86-NL 2yr.

Fresh milking sister to MISSION *P *RC! • A FRESH 2yr. old sister to MISSION *P *RC @ RUW! • Mission P is the #2 RZG Polled bull in Germany! (RZG +156) • Dam is the former #1 Red & Polled RZG cow in Germany • High components, 4.2% FAT & 3.7% PROTEIN! • The successful Massia cow family

85. HKH Consignor Prod. Conf.



DE 770291113 Geb. Datum. 03.05.2015 Weires GbR - Tel. +49 (0)151 72116129 - Email. 1st test: 33 kg Milk - See Sale Update NC

Gek. 15.08.2017

2. M. PM Ramazotti EX-90-DE EX-MS

M. HKH Ronja EX-91-DE EX-92-MS

ONE-RED (Numero Uno x Aftershock) HKH Ronja EX-91-DE Conf. 91 91 88 92 / EX-91-DE La1 305d 7.216kgM 4.2% 304F 3.6% 258P La7/6 305d 10.437kgM 4.3% 449F 3.4% 356P HL5 305d 12.153kgM 4.4% 539F 3.2% 392P • 3. Platz RUW Schau 2011 / 3rd. Int. Cow RUW Show ‘11 • EX-91 eingestuft in der 7. Laktation / Scored EX-91 in here 7th lactation

3. M. PM Ricarda EX-90-DE EX-92-MS


Braedale GOLDWYN

PM Ramazotti EX-90-DE Conf. 89 90 89 90 / EX-90-DE

PM Ricarda EX-90-DE Conf. 90 89 86 92 / EX-90-DE

La7/6 305d 10.443kgM 4.8% 501F 3.3% 349P HL3 305d 11.087kgM 4.1% 568F 3.4% 377P • Diese Familie steht für hervorragende Lebensleistungen / This family stands out for fantastic lifetime production

Abgekalbte Färse aus tiefer deutscher Familie • Eine frisch abgekalbte Färse aus 3. Genartionen EX eingestufter Kühe • Aus der PM Ricarda Kuhfamilie • Tiefe deutsche Familie • Kuhfamilie mit fantastischen Lebensleistungen!!

La1 305d 12.579kgM 4.3% 538F 3.4% 425P La5/5 305d 14.402kgM 4.1% 729F 3.4% 490P HL4 305d 14.402kgM 4.1% 729F 3.4% 490P • V. / S. Rudolph NEXT DAMS 4e PM Raisa VG-87-DE (s. Bonus) 5e PM Resi VG-85-DE (s. Mingo) 6e PM Renate VG-85-DE (s. Gotthard) 7e KLH Rose VG-86-DE (s. Cadet)

Fresh young cow from deep German family • A fresh 2yr. old from 3 generations straight EXCELLENT cows! • From the PM Ricarda cow family • Deep German cow famliy • Cow family with lots of longevity!!

86. NH

Fatima *RC

NC DE 0770150962 Geb. Datum. 03.07.2014 HH. - Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La1 289d 8.112kgM 3.2% 260F 3.3% 264P Gekalbt / Calved: 03.08.2017 >40kgm / day Conf. NC

Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

2. M. DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

Wilder KANU P-Red (Colt P x Snowman) NH Faithlady *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 8.952kgM 3.% 304F 3.4% 304P La4/3 297d 11.618kgM 3.3% 383F 3.3% 381P HL2 305d 13.269kgM 3.2% 425F 3.2% 427P • Mehrere Brüder auf Station, u.a: Fabulous @ Ascol / Multiple brothers in AI, such as: Fabulous @ Ascol • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Gold Crown, Cricket, Focus, Rocky, Snowfever, Final & others

6. M. Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Hunsberger ALCHEMEY *RC DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La10/08 305dd 12.155kgM 4.1% 499F 3.4% 418P • Topseller Nosbisch Sale ‘10 für EUR 42.000 / Topseller Nosbisch Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Ihr Vater Pronto ist nicht in Europa verfügbar! / Her sire, Pronto is not available in Europe

Frische RC 2. Kalbskuh aus den Ralma Juror Faith´s • Eine frische Kanu p Tochter aus der tollen Ralma Juror Faith Familie • Tolle Väterfolge: Kanu P x Alchemey x Pronto (nicht verfügbar in Europa!) • Selbe Familie wie Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA • Selbe Familie wie die Bullen: Gold Crown, Cricket, Focuc, Rocky, Snowfever, Final & viele weitere

Windy-Knoll-View PRONTO Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. 2.03 365d 15.091kgM 4.3% 642F 3.4% 509P • Ihre Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA, Mutter von Goldwyn Carmel EX-92! / Her dam is the sister to Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA, dam to Goldwyn Carmel EX-92! NEXT DAMS 4e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 8e Ralma Melwood Fortress 9e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 11e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD

2nd calver from the Ralma Juror Faith’s

• A fresh Kanu P daughter sells from the great Ralma Juror Faith’s • Great sire stack: Kanu P x Alchemey x Pronto (not available in Europe!) • Same family as Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA • Same family as the bulls: Gold Crown, Cricket, Focuc, Rocky, Snowfever, Final & many others

87. Lis Consignor Prod. Conf. Index



LUX 399376062 Geb. Datum. 27.04.2015 Lis-Leck Holssteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email. ± 40 kg Milk / day 4.2%F 3.0%P - see sale updates for more info NC US 8/17 +1159M / UDC +2.28 / PTAT +2.27 / GTPI 2075

M. Lis Mogul Red | As maiden heifer

2. M. Morsan Lis F. Special-Red VG-87-LUX

Morningciew Mcc KINGBOY (McCutchen x Superstition) Lis Mogul Red VG-85-LUX Conf. VG-85-LUX La2 La1 305d 9.628kgM 3.8% 366F 3.2% 303P La3/2 305d 10.336kgM 4.1% 419F 3.3% 340P HL2 305d 11.044kgM 4.3% 471F 3.4% 376P • Exklusive ROTE Tochter des neusten Spermamillionärs der Rasse: MOGUL / Unique RED daughter by the newest Millionar in the breed: MOGUL

3. M. Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr.

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN

Morsan Lis F.Special-Red VG-87-LUX Conf. 87 90 89 85 / VG-87-LUX La1 3 05d 10.227kgM 4.0% 404F 3.3% 342P La3/3 305d 12.260kgM 3.9% 475F 3.3% 399P HL3 305d 14.511kgM 3.7% 539F 3.3% 477P • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter des ehemaligen #1 GTPI Rotbuntrindes in Europa / Her full sister is dam to the former #1 GTPI RED Heifer in Europe • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87 2yr. in Canada!

Frisch abgekalbte Kingboy Tochter wird verkauft • Frisch abgekalbte Kingboy Tochter aus toller kanadischer Familie • Kingboy x Mogul x MOM x Goldwyn x Lee • Aus der Stoneden Fools Gold Red Kuhfamilie • Tiefes kanadisches Pedigree

Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 3yr. 5* 2.04 365d 17.667kgM 3.6% 638F 3.0% 534P 4.03 365d 23.019kgM 3.8% 881F 2.9% 663P • 1st Int. Calf Tir-Country ‘07 • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Redshot & Detour-Red / Her full sister is dam to Redshot & Detour-Red NEXT DAMS 4e Marktwain Lee Diana VG-85-CAN 2* 5e Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-90-CAN 6e Marktwain Yolanda-Red VG-86-CAN 7e Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN

Fresh Kingboy daughter sells • A fresh Kingboy daughter sells from great Canadian family • Kingboy x Mogul x MOM x Goldwyn x Lee • From the Stoneden Fools Gold Red cow family • Deep Canadian pedigree

88. 1st Consignor

Choice Female

Nöhl GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 - Email.

Choice out of: Kalb datum: / Due: Location:

3 FEMALE pregnancies December ‘17 Deutschland / Germany

Action x Comet: Elliots Cosmo Action EX-93-USA All-American Sr. 3yr. Old 2014

2. M. Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA

M. Arethusa Veronica Comet EX-95-USA

Chilli Action COLTON (Action x Cennection) Arethusa Veronica Comet EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 3.07 305d 8.227kgM 6.0% 494F 3.8% 314P 4.06 305d 9.077kgM 6.5% 590F 3.7% 336P • Direkte Tochter DER Legende: Veronica EX97! / Direct daughter of THE legend: Veronica EX-97! • Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘10 • 6x All-American Nominees • Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘09 • Grand Champion NY Spring Show ‘11 • Mutter von: / Dam of: Elliots Cosmo Action EX-93-USA (s. Action) - All-American Sr. 3yr. Old 2014 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sitser to: Arethusa Response Vivid EX-95: Supreme Champion Royal ‘14, Res. Supreme Champion Madison & more!

Piedmont Nadine FUROR


Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA Conf. EX-97-USA 2.00 334d 8.857kgM 5.5% 480F 4.1% 347P 2.11 365d 11.710kgM 5.1% 577F 4.1% 478P 4.09 365d 11.144kgM 5.6% 635F 4.0% 443P 6.08 365d 11.087kgM 5.6% 650F 3.6% 433P 8.06 365d 9.852kgM 5.7% 1239 3.9% 387P • DIE LEGENDE / THE LEGEND • Gewinnder des Jersey Journal Beste Kuh Wettberwerbs ‘16 / Winner of the Jersey Journal Great Cow Contest ‘16 • 3x GRAND, 2x Res. Grand Champion & 2x SUPREME Champion @ Madison!

Das BESTE der JERSEY Zucht! • Tolle Gelegenheit das BESTE der JERSEY Rasse zu bekommen • Fantastische Kombination aus einer der besten Töchter der legendären VERONICA EX-97-USA! • Dieses Angebot ist eine Schwester zu Cosmo Action (s. Action) - Action ist ebenfalls der Vater von Colton! Cosmo Action 2014 All-American Sr. 3yr. Old

Genesis Renaissance Vivianne VG-87-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 1.11 305d 4.252kgM 4.8% 203F 4.1% 173P 4.00 305d 4.577kgM 4.8% 220F 4.0% 183P 5.00 305d 5.492kgM 4.2% 233F 3.8% 209P 6.00 305d 4.843kgM 4.5% 220F 3.9% 188P

NEXT DAMS 4e Genesis Juno Virginia EX-91-CAN 4E 5e Swissbell F Veronica SUP EX 1 6e Swissbell Ella Virginia EX-90 7e Swissbell Virginia SUP EX-90 8e Belmont Jester Virginia SUP EX

The BEST of the JERSEY breed!! • Great opportunity to get the best of the JERSEY breed • Fantastic combination from one of the very best dtrs of the legendary VERONICA EX-97-USA! • This lot is a sister to Cosmo Action (s. Action) - Action is also the sire to Colton! Cosmo Action 2014 All-American Sr. 3yr. Old

89. ROSE


*PP Consignor

DE 0539872983 Geb. Datum. 14.06.2017 Tom Rose - Tel. +49 (0)170 1876525 - Email.

Polled status Beta Casein

Homozygous POLLED *PP A2 / A2

M. As Evett *PO VG-87-DE

2. M. Evita EX-91-DE

Sexing David GOLDFRAP-P (David x Eclipes-P) As Evett *PO VG-87-DE VG-87-MS Conf. 85 84 88 87 / VG-87-DE La1 305d 8.465kgM 4.7% 397F 4.0% 335P • Einzigartige HORNLOSE Jersey / Unique Polled Jersey brood cow • 4.0% EIWEIß! / 4.0% PROTEIN!

Maternal sister to lot: Rose Evy *PP


Dutch Hollow BRENDON-P

Evita EX-91-DE Conf. 88 91 90 93 / EX-91-DE

Emily VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE

7/7La 300d 6.275kgM 4.7% 293F 3.7% 234P HL6 305d 8.543kgM 4.7% 402F 3.6% 311P • Leistung ist auf einem Bio-Betrieb ermolken / Production made on a organic (BIO) farm • 2nd German National Jersey Show ‘12

4/3La 305d 5.926kgM 4.8% 282F 4.0% 236P HL2 305d 6.327kgM 5.0% 314F 4.2% 268P • Leistung ist auf einem Bio-Betrieb ermolken / Production made on a organic (BIO) farm NEXT DAMS 4e Eleisa (s. Ace) GP-DE 5e Ellena

PP / A2A2 JERSEY Rind • Einzigartiges HOMOZYGOT HORNLOSES JERSEY Rind wird verkauft!! • Beta Casein A2A2 • Fantastisches Pedigree mit mehreren Generationen über 4% EIWEIß! • Die 2. Mutter hat die nationale Jersey Schau 2012 gewonnen

PP / A2A2 JERSEY heifer • Unique Homozygous POLLED Jersey Heifer sells! • Beta Casein A2A2 • Tremendous pedigree with multiple generations > 4.0% PROTEIN • 2nd and 3rd dam made their production on an organic farm • 2nd dam won the German National Jersey Show in 2012


28. MOXYLOVE 90. Blooming Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0816557164 Geb. Datum. 27.12.2016 24.05.2016 HH. - MoxSchwarzD. Holsteins Tel. - Tel. +41+49 (0)794178314 (0)170 3151251 - Email. - Email.

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV














GTPI 2489









































M. Mox Bienchen EX-90-DE Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

Mox Blooming BacardiFaith | VG-87-DE SHE SELLS!! 3rd dam: DKR Pronto 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Scherma Glenn BLOOMING (McCutchen x Robust) (Glenn x Premium) Faithlove NC EX-90-DE Mox Bienchen Conf. 91 88 91 89 90 / EX-90-DE Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 302d 8.247kgM 3.7% 302F 3.5% 285P US 8/16 +3.29 3.9% / GTPI375F +2483 La2 305dPTAT 9.700kgM 3.6% 346P La3 284d 9.416kgM 4.0% 379F 3.3% 351P • Top 50 GTPI& #163.8% PTAT484F cow 3.3% in Europe La4 305d 10.658kgM 351P / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe #4 GTPI OakatinRBW-Show Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • 2nd 2yr-old 2014 • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

3. M. Acres Even Bounty 7thTop dam: Ralma Juror FaithEX-90-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-TreePolo AltaOAK Jolahofs JONGLEUR


Holyfaith VG-85-DE VG-86-FR 2yr. Bearchen VG-86-FR 2yr./ VG-85-DE Conf. 86 84 85 85 9.970kgM 3.5% 3.3% 293F 329F 3.7% 3.0% 304P 299P La1 305d 8.338kgM Sister to NHatFabulous @2012 Ascol / • 3rd 2yr-old RBW-Show Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Top 10 The BOUNTY GTPI Schwester family!! zu Charley • Schaurind Top 10 GTPI aus Polled einerheifer der führenden in Europe!Familien der Rasse • Super - Top Acres fitnessEven & type: Bounty SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The Diese maternal Familiesister hat die of legendären the global sensation deutschenDG Bullen Charley Payssli @ ABS • Goes und Vassli back toggezüchtet Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA • Cadence, der führende Typbulle in den USA ist benfalls aus dieser Familie

DKRAcres Pronto Faith Bounty VG-86-DE 2yr. Top Jetway Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d NEXT DAMS13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P 4e Top Acres Denmark Beauty VG-USA • Topseller ‘10 for EUR 42.000 5e Top Acres NH EvenSale Bounty EX-90-USA Topseller NH SaleBloom ‘10 forEX-92-USA EUR 42.000 6e/Top Acres Prophet 7e Betta Vue DQ Blossom NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10 The BOUNTY GTPI POLLED family!!sister to Charley • Show Top 10heifer GTPI from Polledone heifer of the in Europe! leading families in the breed • Super - Top Acres fitnessEven & type: Bounty! SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • This The maternal family produced sister ofthe thelegendary global sensation German DG Sires Charley Payssli@ ABS • Goes and Vassli back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA • Cadence, the leading type sire in the US also is from this fantastic family


28. THI YLOVE 91. rancesca Consignor Index

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

FR 6771204363 DE 0539701750 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2017 24.05.2016 HH. - Thoenes D. Schwarz& Kuppel Tel. +41 - Tel. (0)794178314 +49 (0)1463- 3799861 Email. - Email.

08/17 RZG Milk DE %F %E 122 Fat










GTPI 2489









































Same family: HEBROY @ RBW Ralma | Maternal Goldwynbrother CarmeltoEX-92-USA this lot

3rd dam: Dam: Finni DKR VG-86-DE Pronto Faith 2yr. VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY VITO (McCutchen x Robust) (Vintage) Faithlove NC 2yr. Finni VG-86-DE Conf. 85 85 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 9.835kgM 4.0% 392F 3.8% 377P US 8/16 +3.29 4.8% / GTPI328F +2483 La2 154dPTAT 6.837kgM 3.6% 242P (Inc.)

7th dam: VAX @ RBW Ralma | Maternal Juror Faith brother EX-91-USA to this lot GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK HUXOY


Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Franzi GP-83-DE VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. GP-83-DE

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Fanvitel VG-85-DE VG-86-DE 2yr./ VG-85-DE Conf. 85 82 84 87

La1 305d 9.483kgM 9.970kgM 4.3% 3.3% 410F 329F 3.5% 3.0% 329P 299P La3 • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Top 50 von: GTPI-/ &Dam #16to: PTAT in Europe / • Mutter Vaxcow & Hebroy @ RBW, Top ranking 50 GTPI-&&popular #16 PTAT cow Swiss in Europe top Brown bulls #4 GTPI Oak für in Europe / #4 GTPI/Oak in Europe • Ausgewählt die RUW Schau • One of the outcross Selected forhighest the RUW Show cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Top 10 Brown Hohes GTPI Schwester Swiss Indexrind zu Charley • Hoch Top 10testendes GTPI Polled Brown heifer Swiss in Europe! Rind • Aus Super einer fitness ganz& erfolgreichen type: SCS 2.77Familie / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Schwester The maternal zu VAX sister& of HEBROY the global @ RBW! sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

5.01 305d La6/5 301d11.719kgM 7.226kgM 3.6% 4.3% 422F 308F 3.2% 3.3% 375P 238P 6.09 305d 305d 9.337kgM 13.127kgM4.0% 3.8%369F 499F3.4% 3.3%314 433P HL4 Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Sire: SIMVITEL / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Fanita VG-85-DE 4e Fanny Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e VG-87-DE 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10 High index GTPIBrown POLLED Swiss sister heifer to Charley • High Top 10index GTPIBrown PolledSwiss heiferheifer in Europe! • Super From afitness very successful & type: SCS cow2.77 family / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The Sister maternal to VAX & sister HEBROY of the @global RBW! sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

92. Lis Consignor



LUX 199563451 Geb. Datum. 15.05.2017 Lis-Leck Holssteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email.

Mat. sister to dam: Lis Tiara-Red VG-NL 2yr.

3. M. Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr.

Oh-River-Syc BYWAY (Meridian x Atwood) Lis Trixie-Red VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. 84 87 85 86 / VG-86-LUX 2yr. La1 305d 9.837kgM 3.8% 369F 3.4% 335P • Das allererste HOMOZYGOT ROTE VRC Rind der Rasse / The very first Homozygous Red-VRC Female in the breed!! • UNIQUE RED: Gilles B x MOM x Goldwyn • Halbschwester zu Lis Tiara Red VG-NL VG-87-MS 2yr., ehemalige #1 GTPI RBT Rind in Europa & Mutter von Tiger-Red @ Ascol / Maternal sister to Lis Tiara-Red VG-NL VG-87-MS 2yr., Former #1 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe & dam to TIGER-RED @ Ascol

2. M. Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86-LUX 2yr.

Gerard-Onwafogold (GILLES B) Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. VG-86-LUX 2yr. La1 305d 9.649kgM 4.0% 383F 3.6% 348P La3/2 305d 11.863kgM 3.9% 464F 3.5% 415P HL2 305d 14.077kgM 3.9% 545F 3.4% 481P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87 2yr. in Canada!

EXKLUSIV: ROTE Byway Tochter! • Eine exklusive ROTE Byway wird verkauft!! • Super Typkalb mit Schaupotential!! • Seltenes Pedigree für die Rotbuntzucht!! • Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zu Lis Tiara-Red, ehemaliges #1 GTPI Rotbunt Rind in Europa & Mutter von TIGER-RED @ Ascol • Tiefes kanadisches Pedigree

Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 3yr. 5* 2.04 365d 17.667kgM 3.6% 638F 3.0% 534P 4.03 365d 23.019kgM 3.8% 881F 2.9% 663P • 1st Int. Calf Tir-Country ‘07 • Her full sister is dam to Redshot & Detour-Red / Her full sister is dam to Redshot & Detour-Red NEXT DAMS 4e Marktwain Lee Diana VG-85-CAN 2* 5e Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-90-CAN 6e Marktwain Yolanda-Red VG-86-CAN 7e Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN

UNIQUE: RED Byway daughter! • A unique RED Byway daughter sells! • Lovely type heifer with show potential! • Unique pedigree for Red!! • Dam is maternal sister to Lis Tiara-Red, former #1 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe & dam to TIGER-RED @ Ascol • From a deep Canadian pedigree


28. KWHYLOVE 93. oldina-Red (VRC) Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0770459125 Geb. Datum. 07.01.2017 24.05.2016 HH. - Kreutz D. SchwarzGbR -Tel. Tel.+41 +49(0)794178314 (0)170 5561373 - Email. - Email.

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV













GTPI 2489









































Same 4. M. family: Stoneden Ralma FoolsGoldwyn Gold Red Carmel VG-88-CAN EX-92-USA 3yr.

M. Golda VG-88-DE 7th Lis dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

3rd dam: KHW Goldina DKR Pronto | SheFaith sells!VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home SSI MONTEREY Mountfield DCY MOGUL (McCutchen x Robust) (Dorcy x Marsh) Faithlove Lis Golda NC VG-88-DE Conf. 88 88 89 86 / VG-88-DE Just fresh, see sale updates for more info La1 305d 13.70529kgM 3.0% 408F 3.1% 424P US 8/16 PTATLactation +3.29 / GTPI +2483 Fresh in 2nd Top 50 GTPI#16German PTAT cow in Europe • Verkauft über&den Masters Sale /´15 50 through GTPI- & the #16German PTAT cow in Europe /Top Sold Masters Sale ‘15 #4 GTPI in Europe / 2016 #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • 1st RUWOak Färschenschau One of the highest outcross cowsRED in the • Einzigartige ROTE Kuh:/ Unique cow:breed /Braxton One of the highest outcross xcows x Pronto x Goldwyn Lee in the breed • Selbe Familie wie Lis Tiara-Red VG-85-NL, 1. Platz Opmeer (gegen SBT Kühe & Mutter von TIGER-RED @ Ascol, ehemaliger Top 5 GTPI RBT Bulle / Same family as Lis Tiara-Red VG-85-NL, 1st place Opmeer (between B&W cows) & dam to TIGER-RED @ Ascol, former top 5 GTPI Red bull

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Regancrest BRAXTON

Gillette WINDBROOK Windy-Knoll-View PRONTO

Holyfaith VG-86-FR Morsan Pronto Fools2yr. Gold Red VG-85-CAN VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN VG-85-MS 3yr. La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 2.08 365d9.970kgM 17.084kgM 3.7% 634F 3.2% 539P 4.02 315d 13.384kgM 3.8% 512F 3.3% 440P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / SisterHalbschwester to NH Fabulousist@die Ascol • Ihre Mutter des ehemaligen #1 GTPI Rotbuntrindes in Europa / Her maternal sister is dam to the former #1 GTPI RED Heifer in Europe

Top 10 ROTE MOGUL GTPI Schwester wird verkauft! zu Charley • Eine Top 10 exklusive GTPI Polled ROTEheifer MOGUL inTochter Europe!wird verkauft! • Tochter Super fitness des jüngsten & type: Spermamillionärs SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR aller/ Zeiten: PTAT +2.13 MOGUL!! • The Einzigartig maternal ROTE sister Mogul of the x Braxton globalxsensation Pronto x Stoneden DG Charley Fools @ Gold ABS Red • Ihre GoesNachkommen back to Larcrest werden Crimson zu 50% EX-94-USA ROT, egal womit sie angepaart wird • Tiefe kanadische Familie

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 3yr. 5* 5.01 365d 305d 17.667kgM 11.719kgM 3.6% 638F 422F 3.0% 3.2% 534P 375P 2.04 6.09 365d 305d 23.019kgM 13.127kgM 3.8% 881F 499F 2.9% 3.3% 663P 433P 4.03 Topseller NH Tir-Country Sale ‘10 for‘07 EUR 42.000 • 1st Int. Calf / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Redshot & Detour-Red / Her full sister is dam to Redshot & Detour-Red NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 6e Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA 4e Ralma Marktwain Lee Diana VG-85-CAN 2*GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD 5e Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-90-CANDOM 8e Marktwain Ralma Leadman FashionVG-86-CAN VEEVV VG-89-USA 6e Yolanda-Red 7e Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN

Top 10 RED MOGUL GTPI dtr POLLED sells!sister to Charley •A Top unique 10 GTPI REDPolled MOGUL heifer daughter in Europe! sells! • Dtr Super of fitness the youngest & type:Millionaire SCS 2.77 /in+2.6 the breed DPR / ever: PTAT +2.13 MOGUL!! • Unique The maternal RED Mogul sisterxofBraxton the global x Pronto sensation x Stoneden DG Charley Fools@Gold ABSRed • Goes Her offspring back to Larcrest will be 50% Crimson RED,EX-94-USA regardless her mating • Deep Canadian pedigree


28. 1st YLOVE 94. hoice Female

Consignor Colin Laird (Blythbridge Holsteins) - Tel. +44(0) 7764228325 - Email. FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 HH. - Choice out of: 3 FEMALES Location: United Kingdom Consignor D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email. Suchen Sie sich ihren Favoriten aus diesen unglaublichen Solomon Töchtern aus Australia aus

Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

Milkout of%F %E Fat Eiw of Australia: SCS DPR Pick your favorite these incredible Solomon’s Blythbridge Aussie UK 561670 506368 08/16 Solomon +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 Blythbridge Aussie Goes Solo UK 561670 106364 Milk Australia %F %E Fat Eiw 706363 SCS MS Blythbridge Solomon UK 561670




3.601/11/2016 9.0 2.89 27/10/2016 HL27/10/2016 DCA DS




GTPI 2489







08/16Videos DGV und Bilder, weitere Informationen werden58vor der2.70 Auktion102 verfügbar +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 105 sein, 106fragen 14 Sie uns! 13 / 13 Pictures, videos and more info will be available before the sale and on request



Same M. Illens family: Atwood Ralma Australia GoldwyninCarmel COLMAR! EX-92-USA

3rd dam: M. IllensDKR Atwood Pronto Australia Faith VG-87-DE EX-94-UK2yr. 2E winning GRAND CHAMPION UK Dairy Day ‘17

View-Home Walnutlawn MONTEREY SOLOMON (McCutchen x Robust) (Doorman x Lavanguard) Faithlove NC Australia EX-94-UK (MAX) Illens Atwood Conf. 92FR 95DS 95MS 96FL / EX-94-UK 2E Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 2.07 305d 12.975kgM 3.4% 445F 3.0% 387P US PTAT +3.29 / GTPI 3.088/16 283d 12.536kgM 4.8%+2483 597F 3.5% 441P 4.08 305d 17.947kgM 3.8% 679F 3.0% 535P • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50Champion GTPI- & #16 cow in ‘17 Europe • Grand UKPTAT Dairy Day • #4 Oak &inBest Europe / #4European GTPI Oak Holstein in Europe 2ndGTPI Sr. Cow Udder • One the highest outcrossthe cows in the breed ShowofColmar ‘16 (behind Grand /Champion: One of the Galys-Vray) highest outcross cows in the breed • Grand Champion Agriscot ‘16 • Grand Champion & Best Udder Jr. Expo Bulle ‘14 • 2nd Swiss Expo ‘14 • All-Britain tyr. Old 2016

7th dam: 2nd dam: Ralma Illens Lheros Juror Faith Nancy EX-91-USA VG-89-CHGMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Gillette WINDBROOK Comestar LHEROS

Holyfaith VG-86-FR Illens Lheros Nancy 2yr. VG-89-CH Conf. VG-86-FR VG-89-CH 2yr. La1 9.970kgM 3.3%3.5% 329F344F 3.0%3.0% 299P294P 2.02305d 305d 9.889kgM 4.00 305d 12.939kgM 3.4% 442F 3.0% 383P •6.01 Sister to NH Fabulous3.2% @ Ascol 305d 12.873kgM 407F /3.0% 380P Sister305d to NH Fabulous 3.2% @ Ascol 7.03 12.849kgM 412F 3.0% 381P Lifetime: 8 La. 113.239kgM 3.3%F 3.0%P

Top 10 GTPI Möglichkeit Wahnsinnige Schwester zu ausCharley AUSTRALIA!!

• Eine der am meisten bewunderten Schaukühe die Europa • Top 10 GTPIzuPolled heifer momentan bieten hat! in Europe! • Super fitness & type: / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 Australia war 2.te auf SCS der 2.77 Europaschau in Colmar´16 und war zudem der Liebling • The maternal sister vieler of the Zuschauer!! global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • vor to einLarcrest paar Tagen wurde sie zum GRAND CHAMPION auf der • Gerade Goes back Crimson EX-94-USA UK Dairy Expo ernannt und sah besser aus als je zuvor! • 1. Wahl aus 3 überragenden Solomon Töchter aus Australia, alle bereit für die Schau und für ET.

DKR Pronto Illens DanteFaith Lara VG-86-DE GP-CH 3yr.2yr. VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-83-CH 3yr. 5.01 305d 8.959kgM 11.719kgM3.7% 3.6%331F 422F3.2% 3.2%287P 375P 2.01 6.09 390d 305d 9.196kgM 13.127kgM3.9% 3.8%354F 499F3.2% 3.3%296P 433P 3.01 Topseller NH Elton Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • s. Regancrest Dante / Topseller NH Sale for EUR 42.000EX-MS • Sister to Illens Wade‘10 Europe EX-90-CH NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. NEXT DAMS 5e Illens Ralma Raider Finley Brise C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 4e VG-88-CH VG-87-MS La3. 6e 5Ralma Christmas Fudge GMD DOM La. 47.416kgM 3.8%F VG-88-USA 3.3%P 7e Juror Faith EX-91-USA 5e Ralma Vantouse VG-85-CH (s. Lindy)GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Top 10 GTPIopportunity Incredible POLLED sister of AUSTRALIA!! to Charley •• One of the admired cows in Europe right now! Top 10 GTPImost Polled heifer show in Europe! •• Australia was & 2nd at the show in/Colmar and Super fitness type: SCSEuropean 2.77 / +2.6 DPR PTAT +2.13 was maternal a show favourite visitors!! • The sister of of themany global sensation DG Charley @ ABS •• Won the UKCrimson Dairy Daiy and looking better then EVER! Goes GRAND back toatLarcrest EX-94-USA • 1st choice out of 3 incredible SOLOMON dtrs of Australia, all ready to show & flush!

95. Jacobs La Brasserie Consignor


FR 2934544899 Geb. Datum. 02.06.2017 La Brasserie Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)683803325 - Email.

M. Jacobs Goldwyn Bethaly EX-91-CAN

Sid x Britany: Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA Int. Champion @ Madison ‘15

Full sister to dam: Jacos Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) Jacobs Goldwyn Bethaly EX-91-CAN Conf. 88R 93DS 91MS 93FL / EX-91-CAN 4yr. 2.01 305d 10.670kgM 4.0% 428F 3.2% 340P 3.01 294d 14.344kgM 3.5% 499F 3.3% 466P 4.08 365d 19.113kgM 4.4% 846F 3.2% 612P • Vollschwester zu Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96 / Full sister to Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN - Grand Champion QC International ‘11 - 1st Royal Winter Fair ‘11 - Nom. All-Quebec Mature Cow ‘13 - Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers ‘13 - Res. All-Canadian & Quebec ‘11 - Nom. All-Quebec Jr. 2yr. old ‘09 • Britany ist die Mutter von: Jacobs Sid Breauty EX-95- USA - Int. Champion @ Madison ‘15 / Britany is dam to: Jacobs Sid Breauty EX-95USA - Int. Champion @ Madison ‘15

Braedale GOLDWYN

Wilcoxview JASPER

Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. 88R 88DS 88MS 88FL / VG-88-CAN 4yr. 16* 2.08 342d 10.996kgM 4.2% 460F 3.4% 376P 4.07 336d 18.638kgM 4.0% 741F 3.3% 616P • 3rd Jr. 1-Yr. 2006 Montmagny • 6 EXZELLENTE und 11 VG Töchter in Kanada/ 6 EXCELLENT and 11 VG dtrs in Canada

Eine Solomon aus den Jacobs Brittany´s!! • Eine Solomon Tochter! Solomon Töchter rocken gerade die großen Schauringe!! • Tolle Möglichkeit aus den Jacob Brittany’s • Ihre Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN welche bereits mehrere große Schauen gewonnen hat und eine Sterne Zuchtkuh ist! • Brittany’s Tochter Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA war Int. Champion in Madison ‘15 aund wurde verkauft für $ 170.000

Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-CAN 2E Conf. 92R 89DS 94MS 87FL / EX-91-CAN 2E 6* 2.03 326d 10.734kgM 4.5% 486F 3.8% 403P 3.11 329d 16.040kgM 4.4% 705F 3.5% 555P 5.10 365d 16.515kgM 4.2% 688F 3.3% 550P 8.01 328d 10.006kgM 4.4% 709F 3.4% 545P • Vater: / Sire: Maughlin STORM NEXT DAMS 4e Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-CAN 2E 5e Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-90-CAN 4* 6e Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-90-CAN 7e Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86-CAN 3yr. 2* 8e Cotopierre Superstar Binette GP-CAN 2yr.

A Solomon from the Jacob’s Brittany’s!! • A Solomon dtr! Solomon dtrs rocking in the big show rings!! • Great opportunity from the Jacob Brittany’s • Her dam is the full sister to Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN which won multiple big shows and is brood star cow! • Brittany’s dtr Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA was Int. Champion at Madison ‘15 and sold for $ 170.000


28. Female 96. YLOVEmbryo’s Consignor Consignor Coomb.

FR 6771204363 Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +44Geb. (0)7980 Datum. 924179 24.05.2016 - Email. HH. - D. 4 xSchwarzFEMALETel. Maverick +41 (0)794178314 CRUSH x Jacobs - Email. Archrival Blingo

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV













GTPI 2489









































SameJacobs M. family: Archrival Ralma Goldwyn Blingo Carmel EX-92-USA

3rdM.dam: 2. Jacobs DKR Pronto Goldwyn Faith Britany VG-87-DE EX-96-CAN 2yr. 2E

View-Home MONTEREY FEMALE Maverick CRUSH (McCutchenx Numero x Robust) (Doorman Uno) US 08/17 PTAT +3.83 ** Not available in Europe ** Faithlove NC Jacobs Archrival Blingo Just fresh, see sale updates for more info Kalbt: March/‘18 US 8/16/ Due: PTAT +3.29 GTPI +2483 •• Halbschwester Sid in Beauty EX-95Top 50 GTPI- & zu: #16Jacobs PTAT cow Europe / USA - Int. Champion @ cow Madison ‘15 / Top 50 GTPI& #16 PTAT in Europe Maternal sister Jacobs SidGTPI Breauty EX-95• #4 GTPI Oak in to: Europe / #4 Oak in Europe USA Int. Champion @ Madison ‘15 • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed für /highest sold foroutcross $ 170.000 /Verkaut One of the cows in the breed

Sid Britany: Jacobs Beauty EX-95-USA 7th xdam: Ralma JurorSid Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Int. Champion @ Madison ‘15

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL


Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. EX-96-CAN Jacobs Goldwyn Britany VG-86-FR Conf. 96R 95DS 2yr. 96MS 96FL / EX-96-CAN 2E 5* La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 2.01 305d9.970kgM 10.992kgM 3.9% 432F 3.3% 359P 4.01 365d 16.946kgM 3.9% 660F 3.3% 557P • Sister to10.800kgM NH Fabulous @ 760F Ascol3.1% / 589P 6.01 352d 4.0% Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol • Grand Champion QC International ‘11 • 1st Royal Winter Fair ‘11 • Nom. All-Quebec Mature Cow ‘13 • Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers ‘13 • Res. All-Canadian & Quebec ‘11 • Nom. All-Quebec Jr. 2yr. old ‘09

Top 10 GTPIWEIBLICHE EXKLUSIVE Schwester zu Crush Charley Embryonen! • WEIBLICHE Top 10 GTPIEmbryonen Polled heifer von inCRUSH!! Europe! Nicht verfügbar in Europa und • Super seine ersten fitnessTöchter & type: haben SCS 2.77 den/ WOW +2.6 DPR Faktor!! / PTAT +2.13 • Aus The maternal einer Archrival, sister of welcher the global in Europa sensation ebenfalls DG Charley nicht verfügbar @ ABS ist • Schwester Goes back to zurLarcrest Mutter ist Crimson Sid Beauty EX-94-USA EX-95 - Int. Champion Madison 2015 und verkauft für $ 170.000 • Ihre Chance für eine Enkeltochter von Jacobs Britany EX-96-CAN

DKR Pronto Faith 2yr.4yr. Jacobs Jasper BestVG-86-DE VG-88-CAN VG-86-DE 2yr. 88FL / VG-88-CAN 4yr. 16* Conf. 88R 88DS 88MS 5.01 342d 305d 10.996kgM 11.719kgM 4.2% 3.6% 460F 422F 3.4% 3.2% 376P 375P 2.08 6.09 336d 305d 18.638kgM 13.127kgM 4.0% 3.8% 741F 499F 3.3% 616P 433P 4.07 Topseller NH2006 Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • 3rd Jr. 1-Yr. Montmagny Topseller NH und Sale 11 ‘10 VG for Töchter EUR 42.000 • 6/ EXZELLENTE in Kanada / 6 EXCELLENT and 11 VG dtrs in Canada NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. NEXT DAMS 5e Jacobs Ralma Finley Chuckle EX-90-USA 4e StormC-F Bette EX-91-cAN 2E GMD DOM 6e Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA 5e Ralma Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-CAN 2E GMD DOM 7e JurorStarbuck Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 5e Ralma Cotopierre Bine EX-90-CAN 4* 8e Cotopierre Ralma Leadman VG-89-USA 6e TempoFashion BinetteVEEVV EX-90-CAN 7e Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86-CAN 3yr. 2* 8e Cotopierre Superstar Binette GP-CAN 2yr.

Top 10 GTPIFEMALE EXCLUSIVE POLLEDCrush sisterembryo’s! to Charley • FEMALE Top 10 GTPI embryos Polled of heifer CRUSH!! in Europe! Not available in Europe and • Super his first fitness dtrs are & type: looking SCSSPECIAL!! 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • From The maternal an Archrival sisterdtr, of also the global not available sensation in Europe DG Charley @ ABS • Sister Goes back to dam to Larcrest is Sid Beauty Crimson EX-95 EX-94-USA - Int. Champion Madison 2015 and sold for $ 170.000 • Your change for a grand dtr of Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN

97. 4 Female Combination


4 x FEMALE Cycle Doorman JACOBY x Watermolen Archrival Cammolle

2. M. Butlerview Doorman Class VG-88-USA 2yr.

3. M. Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA

Cycle Doorman JACOBY (Doorman x Gold Chip) US 08/17 PTAT 3.90 Watermolen Archrival Cammolle US 8/17 PTAT +3.39 • Fantastisches Rind!! / Fantastic heifer!!! • High PTAT Heifer / High PTAT Heifer • Ihr Vater, Archrival ist NICHT in Europa ver fügbar, seine ersten Töchter in Milch begeistern mit fantastischen Eutern / Her sire Archrival is NOT available in Europe, his first milking dtrs are very impressive with great udders!

M. Watermolen Archrival Cammolle

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Butlerview Doorman Class EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA • 3rd Spring Heifer Calf @ Madison ‘14 • Progeny >4 PTAT / Progeny >4 PTAT • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Butlerview Doorman Camilla: Int. & Res. Grand Champion Western Spring National Holstein Show ‘16 • Schwester zu: / Sister to Wedgwood WH Camomile VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX) successful at multiple shows including World Dairy Expo

Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA Conf. E E E E E / EX-95-USA 2.03 313d 9.126kgM 4.0% 361F 3.5% 320P 3.03 365d 14.637kgM 4.1% 602F 3.6% 526P • Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘11 • Int. Champion & Res. Grand Ch. Madison ‘11 • All-Canadian & All-American Jr. 2-Yr. ‘10 • Für 290.000 $ auf dem Int/ Intrigue Sale 2012 verkauft / Sold for $ 290.000 in the Int. Intrigue Sale 2012 NEXT DAMS 4e Stanhope Camila Goldwyn VG-85-CAN 5e Kendu Triumphant Charity EX-93-CAN 3* - HM. Grand Champion Vancouver Island 6e Kendu Broker Cleopatra GP-CAN 2yr. 7e Elm-Creft Tab Crystal VG-88-CAN

WEIBLICHE Embryonen aus den Camomile´s • WEIBLICHE Jacoby Embryonen! Seine ersten Töchter sehen super aus! • Aus einer überragenden PTAT +3.39 Archrival Tochter!! • Arcrhival ist in Europa nicht verfügbar und seine ersten Töchter beeindrucken • Ganz interessante Linie der wunderbaren Camomile Familie

FEMALE embryo’s from the Camomile’s • Embryos by FEMALE Jacoby! His first dtrs looking great! • From a fantastic PTAT +3.39 Archrival dtr!! • Arcrhival isn’t available in Europe and his first milking dtrs are looking very impressive! • Very intersting line of the Camomile cow family

98. AM-HJ Consignor


DE 0359563608 Geb. Datum. 20.09.2016 A. Middenlkampf & H. Jungclaus - Tel. +49 (0)171 1979157

M. M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2

Full sister to this lot: NH Mccutchen Isabella VG-87-DE 2yr.

De-Su Bkm MCCUTCHEN 1174-ET (Bookem x Shottle) M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2 Conf. 86 88 87 88 / VG-88-DE La2

2. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT

Braedale GOLDWYN


M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT Conf. EX-95-IT

M.E.DAL Rudolph Ilary EX-91-IT 2E Conf. EX-91-IT 2E

La1 305d 9.543kgM 4.1% 392F 3.5% 330P HL2 305d 11.170kgM 4.4% 489F 3.4% 378P

2.01 305d 11.160kgM 4.0% 444F 3.0% 333P 3.00 305d 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P 6.00 305d 14.566kgM 3.8% 550F 2.9% 421P

• GOLDWYN Tochter aus ILMA EX-95! / GOLDWYN daughter from ILMA EX-95! • Verkauft für EUR 20.000 über den German Master Sale ‘14 / Sold for EUR 20.000 through the German Master Sale ‘14

• Sr. Champion & Best Udder Cremona ‘12 • Vater: / Sire: Rudolph • Int. Champion European Show Cremona ‘10 • Res. Grand Champion National Show Cremona ‘10 • Halbschwester zu / Maternal sister to M.E.DAL Goldwyn Icon (Res. 2yr. old Champion Cremona ‘12

7/7LA 11.690kgM 4.2% 496F 3.0% 345P HL 5 13.368kgM 4.6% 620F 2.9% 388P Lifetime: 94.791kgM 4.3% 3.0%

NEXT DAMS 4e M.E.DAL Raider Jewel VG-87-IT 5e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT 6e Sace Elevation Janet J. EX-96 2E 7e Flettdale Marquis Janet EX-94

Enkeltochter von ILMA EX-95! • Enkeltochter des European Int. Champion: ILMA EX-95-IT! • Fantastisches Pedigree: Mccutchen x Goldwyn x M.E.DAL Ilma EX-95 • Vollschwester zu NH Mccutchen Isabella VG-87-DE 2yr. • Mutter wurde für EUR 20.000 verkauft.

Grand daughter of ILMA EX-95! • Grand daughter of the European Int. Champion: ILMA EX-95-IT! • Incredible pedigree: Mccutchen x Goldwyn x M.E.DAL Ilma EX-95 • Full sister to NH Mccutchen Isabella VG-87-DE 2yr. • Dam sold for EUR 20.000

99. NH County Consignor


DE 0770497948 Geb. Datum. 13.11.2016 J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388

3. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT

2. M. M.E.DAL NH Goldwyn Inlove VG-88-DE La2

Edg Cat Door COUNTY (Doorman x Snowman) De Wijk Aftershock Inlove VG-85-DE VG-MS 2yr. Conf. 85 84 85 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.084kgM 3.9% 354F 3.3% 298P • Tolle Väterfolge: / Super sire stack: Aftershock x Goldwyn x ILMA EX-95! • 5 Generationen EXZELLENT im Pedigree / Backed by 5 Excellent cows in her pedigree

4. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT

Mr Atlees Sht AFTERSHOCK-ET M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2 Conf. 86 88 87 88 / VG-88-DE La2 La1 305d 9.543kgM 4.1% 392F 3.5% 330P HL2 305d 11.170kgM 4.4% 489F 3.4% 378P • GOLDWYN Tochter aus ILMA EX-95! / GOLDWYN daughter from ILMA EX-95! • Verkauft für EUR 20.000 über den German Master Sale ‘14 / Sold for EUR 20.000 through the German Master Sale ‘14

Braedale GOLDWYN M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT Conf. EX-95-IT 2.01 305d 11.160kgM 4.0% 444F 3.0% 333P 3.00 305d 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P 6.00 305d 14.566kgM 3.8% 550F 2.9% 421P • Sr. Champion & Best Udder Cremona ‘12 • Int. Champion European Show Cremona ‘10 • Res. Grand Champion National Show Cremona ‘10 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to M.E.DAL Goldwyn Icon (Res. 2yr. old Champion Cremona ‘12 NEXT DAMS 4e M.E.DAL Rudolph Ilary EX-91-IT 2E 5e M.E.DAL Raider Jewel VG-87-IT 6e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT 7e Sace Elevation Janet J. EX-96 2E 8e Flettdale Marquis Janet EX-94

Die M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma Familie! • Tolle Väterfolge: County x Aftershock x Goldwyn x ILMA EX-95! • 3te Mutter ist der Europa Champion: ILMA EX-95-IT! • Ihre Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zu NH Mccutchen Isabella VG-87-DE 2yr., eine der besten Mc Cutchen´s in Europa! • Großmutter verkauft für EUR 20.000

The M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma family! • Incredible sire stack: County x Aftershock x Goldwyn x ILMA EX-95! • 3rd dam is the the European Champion: ILMA EX-95-IT! • Her dam is maternal sister to NH Mccutchen Isabella VG-87-DE 2yr., one of the best Mccutchen dtrs in Europe! • Grand dam sold for EUR 20.000

100. DG NH Consignor

DE 0770598973 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2017 HH. - Nosbisch, A. v.d. Vlis & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

08/17 Sister to ARISTOCRAT!!! GTPI +2921 / NM $ 1001 #13 GTPI bull World Wide






















+3.1 9.2







IT 08/17: Milk +1357, +0.29%F, +0.18% Pro, SCS 113, FL 5.17, UDC 3.60, Type +2.89, GPFT 4346

#2 GTPI Charley in Europa & § GPFT Rind aller ausländischen Rinder im italienischen System!

#2 GTPI Charley dtr in Europe & the 3 GPFT Heifer in the foreign Italian ranking list! (8/17)

M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346

DG CHARLEY (Supershot x Mogul)

2. M. GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM

3. M. Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1069 EX-90-USA 3yr.

4. M. GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA 3yr.

Full sister to 2. M. GBM Shottle Africa EX-90


Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346

Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207-ET VG-88-USA La2. Conf. VG-88-USA La2.

Kalbt: März 2018 / Due: March 2018

2.04 365d 13.738kgM 4.1% 564F 3.4% 469P

• Mutter zu: ARISTOCRAT (GTPI +2921)!! / Dam to ARISTOCRAT (GTPI +2921)!! • Aristocrat ist der #13 GTPI Bulle der Rasse & der einzige Bulle der Welt der folgendes kombiniert: > 2900 GTPI, > 1000 Milch & > 2.60 PTAT! (09/17) / Aristocrat is the #13 GTPI bull in the breed & the ONLY bull who combines > 2900 GTPI, > 1000 Milk & > 2.60 PTAT! (09/17) • Das einzige Rind der Rasse mit der Kombination aus: / The ONLY heifer in the breed who combines: >2650 GTPI / >3.6 PTAT / >1000 Milk / >1 DPR

• 7 Genartionenen Exzellent im Pedigree / 7 Generations Excellent in her pedigree • Jedi Enkeltochter mit GTPI +2838 / PTAT +3.09 / Jedi granddtr with GTPI +2838 / PTAT +3.09 • Kingboy Tochter ist VG-87-USA 2yr. old / Kingboy dtr scored VG-87-USA 2yr. old

#2 GTPI Charley in Europa – EINMALIGER Index! • Die #2 GTPI Charley Tochter in Europa wird verkauft!! (GTPI +2749) • Sie ist außerdem das #3 GPFT Rind in der italienischen Liste der ausländischen Rinder • Einziges Rind der Rasse mit der Kombination aus: >1000M / >0.04%F & E / >2.3 PTAT / >2.3 UDC / >1.8 FLC / <2.6 SCS / <6.5 SCE!!! • Halbschwester zu Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT: #13 GTPI Bulle der Rasse & der EINZIGE Bulle mit der Kombination aus> 2900 GTPI, > 1000 Milch & > 2.60 PTAT!! (9/17)

Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-90-USA 3yr. 3.05 365d 15.169kgM 3.7% 557F 3.4% 515P • Eine der besten Domain Töchter der Rasse / One of the best Domain dtrs in the breed

NEXT DAMS 4e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 5e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-3YR DOM 6e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 7e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 9e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E

#2 GTPI Charley in Europe - UNIQUE index! • The #2 GTPI Charley daughter in Europe sells!! (GTPI +2749) • She is also the #3 GPFT Heifer in the Italian foreign ranking list • ONLY heifer in the breed who combines: >1000M / >0.04%F & P / >2.3 PTAT / >2.3 UDC / >1.8 FLC / <2.6 SCS / <6.5 SCE!!! • Maternal sister to Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT: #13 GTPI bull in the breed & the ONLY bull which combines > 2900 GTPI, > 1000 Milk & > 2.60 PTAT!! (9/17)

101. 1st Consignor Choice out of:


Choice Female

Carlo Valsecchi & Garbelli - Tel. +39 (0)335274512 - Email. Garbelli Modesty-Shila - IT 18990193591 - DOB. 11.03.2017





















+2.2 7.1







Garbelli Modesty-Shila - IT 18990193590 - DOB. 02.03.2017






















+2.7 8.0







2. M. RZN Shila

4. M. Brookview-ET Moviestar VG-86-USA GMD

Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY (Pety x Supersire) Peak Shils Sshot 8653-ET Weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / See sale update for more info • Tolle Väterfolge: / Great sire stack: Supershot x Massey x Robust x Shottle • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Supersire, Mogul, Powerball-P, Monterey, Balisto, Oak, Sid & many others! • Verkauft über den German Masters Sale / Sold through the German Masters Sale

5. M. Carters-Cornor Shot Melody EX-90-USA


Co-Op Bosside MASSEY

RZN Shila GP-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. GP-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. 2.04 339d 10.443kgM 4.1% 427F 3.5% 362P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to SERGIO @ ST / TWG

Hohe NET MERIT Möglichkeit! • Tolle Möglichkeit: Suchen Sie sich ihre Favoritin aus mit bis zu 2744 GTPI / NM $ 892!! • Aus einer der erfolgreichsten Bullen Familie die es jemals gab: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92-USA Familie • Aus dieser Familie stammen bereits die Bullen: Supersire, Monterey, Powerball-P, Mogul, Balisto, Oak, Sid & mehr

Ms Moviestar Shaker VG-85-USA DOM Conf. VG-85-USA DOM 2-04 305d 12.083kgM 3.2% 382F 3.4% 406P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: MARDI GRAS NEXT DAMS 4e Brookview-ET Moviestar VG-86-USA DOM 5e Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90-USA DOM 6e Pine-Tree Missy Melinda VG-85-USA DOM GMD 7e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 10e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM

High NET MERIT opportunity! • Great opportunity to pick your favorite out of these 2 interesting females up to 2744 GTPI / NM $ 892!! • Out one of the most succesful bull producing cow families ever: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92-USA family • This family already producing successful sires such as: Supersire, Monterey, Powerball-P, Mogul, Balisto, Oak, Sid & more

102. NH Sunview Consignor

DE 0770497960 Geb. Datum. 04.12.2016 Sunview Holsteins & NH - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Milk 08/17 GTPI +2630 Kerrigan and close to flush age!


M adison
























































NH Sunview Madison | SHE SELLS!!

M. NH HS Marilyn Monroe @ German National Show ‘17

Westcoast KERRIGAN-ET (Kingboy x Numero Uno) NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 86 85 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 478P • #1 RZG in Deutschland / #1 RZG cow in Germany • Fantastische Leistungsfärse mit 4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!! • 11 Söhne auf Station / 11 sons in AI • Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000 • Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

2. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr.

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P • Verkauft für: / Sold for EUR 20.500 • Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Heifer der Rasse, verkauft für EUR 70.000 und>4% EIWEIß / Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

Ganz hohe Inhaltsstoffe: +0.15% EIWEIß • Diese Familie steht für hohe Inhaltsstoffe • +0.15% EIWEIß in ihrem deutschen Index • Sie kann sofort gespült werden, hat 2630 TPI und hat eine Outcross Abstammung für den TPI Markt • Marilyn Monroe: Hohe Nachkommen in verschiedenen Systemen, viele Söhne in der Besamung, hohe Eiweiß und noch erfolgreich auf der DHV Schau 2017!

Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • Halbschwester zu Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, verkauft für EUR 58.000 & und verschiedene Söhne auf Station/ Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for EUR 58.000 & has multipl sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. 5e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 7e Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 8e Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 9e Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM

Huge component heifer: +0.15% PROTEIN • PROTEIN is one of the trademarks of this family! • +0.15% PROTEIN in her German index • She is almost ready to flush, had 2630 TPI and has a different pedigree for the GTPI market! • Huge offspring in different systems, sons in AI, huge protein and she was successful @ the German National Show ‘17


ZWS 12/2015 Fotos: C. Massfeller, W. Schulze

Karat PP 811534 Benares Pp 811538 Kitano PP 811518 Kanu P x GP 84 Laron P x VG 85 Ralstorm

Balisto x VG 85 Cameron x VG 86 Destry

Kanu P x GP 83 Bookem x VG 86 Mr.Sam

10.811581   149 gRZG 148 gRZG 134    gRZM 130 gRZM 127 gRZM 121 Flattop x NH Marilyn Monroe VG 86 (Balisto) x Vekis Mellow VG 87 (Sudan) x Vekis Xaco Melody VG 87 (Xacobeo)    gRZE 126 gRZE 134 gMkg +1969   Fund 134 FundgRZG 127 152  gRZEfstall125 kühe L au    gRZN 129 gRZN 128 gRZNltsst124 offe Inha t gRZFit 136 ndhei e rg e s u  gRZG

Foto: Wolfhard Schulze




Eiweiß-% +0,27

Alle Zuchtwerte von Karat PP u

Alle Zuchtwerte von Benares P u

#1 PP-Bulle nach RZG RBB Rinderproduktion Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH


Exterieurvererber Lehniner Straße 9 D-14550 Groß Kreutz (Havel)


Telefon: +49 (0)33207 533-0 Telefax: +49 (0)33207 533-199

Alle Zuchtwerte von Kitano PP u


M: NH Marilyn Monroe VG 86

E-Mail: Internet:

Unsere Experten beraten Sie gerne zu den Themen: ü

Futtermittelberatung & -konzepte


Mahlen & Mischen




Getreidereinigung & -konservierung





Ansprechpartnerin: Janine Baum 0171 126 70 29



103. PrismaGen Miss Consignor

DE 0359235019 Geb. Datum. 11.03.2017 HH. - PrismaGen GmbH - Tel. +49 (0)173 5429187 - Email.

Milk 08/17 #4 GTPI Superstar dtr in Europe!





















+1.6 7.5



































7. M. Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92-USA

4. M. Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-91-USA

De-Su AltaSUPERSTAR (Halogen x Supersire)

Full brother to 3. dam: Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE

Woodcrest Mogul YODER

Ladys-Manor MAN-O-SHAN

PG Miss Sweden

Seagull-Bay Miss Shambry NC Conf. Not classified yet

Kalbt: / Due: November ‘17

2.07 302d 13.459kgM 3.5% 471F 2.9% 390P

• #2 GTPI Yoder Tochter / #6 GTPI Kuh (> 2 Jr. Europa! / #6 GTPI cow (> 2 yrs) in Europe! / #2 GTPI Yoder dtr / #2 GTPI Yoder dtr / #6 GTPI cow (> 2 yrs) in Europe! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Supersire, Mogul, Silver, Mardi Gras, Monterey, Balisto, Oak, Powerball-P, Sid & more!!

• Enkeltochter der einmaligen Zuchtikone Shauna, Mutter von: / Grand dtr of the incredible brood cow Shauna, dam to: Super sire, Headliner, Platinum, Sargeant, Shaw & more

#4 GTPI Superstar in Europa • #4 GTPI Superstar Tochter in Europa: GTPI +2701 • Super interessanter Index:: +1165M / SCS 2.51 / DPR +1.6 / PL +7.5 / PTAT +2.61 / UDC >3!!!! • Ihre Mutter ist eine Tochter von Yoder (nicht verfügbar in Europa) • Die 3.te Mutter ist die Vollschwester von SUPERSIRE! • Selbe Familie wie: Mogul, Supersire, Silver, Monterey, Balisto, Oak & mehr!

Seagull-Bay Miss Universe GP-USA Conf. GP-82-USA DOM 3.01 365d 15.164kgM 3.6% 546F 3.4% 515P • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter von: SILVER! / Her maternal sister is the dam to: SILVER! • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: SUPERSIRE! NEXT DAMS 4e Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-91-USA GMD DOM 5e Pine-Tree Martha Sheen VG-86-USA DOM 6e Pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET VG-86-USA GDM DOM 7e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 10e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM

#4 GTPI Superstar in Europe • #4 GTPI Superstar daughter in Europe: GTPI +2701 • Very interesting combination: +1165M / SCS 2.51 / DPR +1.6 / PL +7.5 / PTAT +2.61 / UDC >3!!!! • Her dam is a daughter of Yoder (not available in Europe) • 3rd dam is the full sister to SUPERSIRE! • Same family as: Mogul, Supersire, Silver, Monterey, Balisto, Oak & more!

104. DG DV Consignor

NL 727983822 Geb. Datum. 03.02.2017 HH. - Diamond Genetics & De Volmer Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17

Darita C




















+2.8 8.1



































2. M. DG Uno Daloria VG-86-NL 2yr.

M. DG DV Dahlia *PO

DG CHARLEY (Supershot x Mogul) DG DV Dahlia *PO NC Conf. Just fresh 2.02 40d 1.232kgM 4.3% 53F 3.5% 43P (Inc.)

5. M. Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA

View-Home POWERBALL-P DG Uno Daloria VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 84DS 85MS 86FL / VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.10 305d 10.683kgM 4.4% 473F 3.4% 362P • Söhne auf Station / Sons in AI

• Eine der höchsten hornlosen Rinder ihrer Altersgruppe / One of the highest Polled Heifers from her age

Amighetti NUMERO UNO Regan-Alh Planet Deloria VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 13.336kgM 4.4% 590F 3.6% 476P • Halbschwester von: / Maternal sister to Goldday & Danillo NEXT DAMS 4e A-L-H Destiny VG-87-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 5e Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA 3E GMD DOM 7* 7e Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95 GMD DOM 8e Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM 9e Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM

Die Markwell Durham Daisy Familie • Charley Tochter aus der Markwell Durham Daisy Familie • Ihre 2.te Mutter ist die extrem hoch leistende Uno Tochter Daloria • Selber Zweig wie Dukefarm Mon Deloria, ehemaliges Top 5 Rind in Europa • Selbe Familie wie Danillo & Goldday • Die Familie von UNIX!

The Markwell Durham Daisy family • Charley daughter from the Markwell Durham Daisy family • Her 2nd dam is the very high producing Uno dtr Daloria • Same branch as Dukefarm Mon Deloria, former top 5 Female in Europe • Same family as Danillo & Goldday • The same cow family as UNIX!

105. DG Consignor



NL 759220434 Geb. Datum. 15.07.2017 HH. - Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.





















+2.4 8.9







2. M. DG Ruby

3. M. Diepenhoek Rozelle 54

DG CHARLEY (Supershot x Mogul) DG Ruth • Außergewöhnliches Pedigree / Different pedigree • Selbe Familie wie Hul-Stein Elena (V. Bandares) #2 GTPI Bandares in Europa / top 20 GTPI Calve in Europe! / Same family as Hul-Stein Elena (s. Bandares) - #2 GTPI Bandares in Europe / top 20 GTPI Calve in Europe! (GTPI +2777)

4. M. Diepenhoek Rozelle 38 VG-86-NL 2yr.



DG Ruby 2.07 186d 4.846kgM 4.5%F 3.5%P • 1 GTPI & GLPI Cashcoin Tochter / #1 GTPI & GLPI Cashcoin dtr • Halbschwester zu: / Mat. sister to: Chevvy, Buick & Romain

Komplette Charley Tochter aus den Rozelle´s • > 2600 GTPI Charley Tochter mit tollem komplettem Index! • Runa: +1523 Milch mit +0.03% EIWEIß, DPR +2.4 & SCE 6.9!! • Außergewöhnliche Abstammung: Charley x Main Event x Cashcoin x Iota x Jeeves x Shottle

Diepenhoek Rozelle 54 NC Conf. NC 2.07 294d 9.455kgM 3.7% 349F 3.3% 316P • V. / s. Iota • Ehemalige #1 GTPI Kuh in Europa / Former #1 GTPI cow in Europe NEXT DAMS 4e Diepenhoek Rozelle 38 VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 5e Diepenhoek Rozelle 25 VG-87-NL 2yr. 6e Diepenhoek Rozelle 4 TV VG-87-NL 2yr. 7e Broeks Rozelle VG-89-NL 8e Gazelle EX-91-FR 9e Colombe EX-92-FR 10e Uguettecia VG-85-FR

Complete Charley dtr from the Rozelle’s • > 2600 GTPI Charley daughter with a great complete index! • Runa: +1523 Milk with +0.03% PROTEIN, DPR +2.4 & SCE 6.9!! • From a different pedigree: Charley x Main Event x Cashcoin x Iota x Jeeves x Shottle

106. DG PG Consignor

DE 0539701708 Geb. Datum. 02.01.2017 HH. - Diamond Genetics & S.J. Kat - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17 DGV














GTPI 2544







+1.4 6.0

































2. M. Langs-Twin-B Mogul 4915 VG-86-USA 2yr.

4. M. Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA EX-MS

De-Su AltaSUPERSTAR (Halogen x Supersire) Miss Langs Twin-B Kboy 5106 VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. Fresh: see sale update • Mutter von / Dam to TILLIAN @ Ascol • One of the very few cows who combines > 2580 GTPI, +3.30 PTAT & > 1500lbs Milk in her index / One of the very few cows who combines > 2580 GTPI, +3.30 PTAT & > 1500lbs Milk in her index

6. M. Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Morningview Mcc KINGBOY

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

Langs-Twin-B Mogul 4915 VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.03 205d 11.300kgM 4.0% 452F 3.3% 373P • Mutter von / Dam to Farrel @ Jetstream • Schwester zu: / Sister to Odessy @ Genervations • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Cricket, Focus, Gold Crown, Bouw Finder, Rocky, Final & many others!

Die Ralma Juror Faith´s • Vollschwester zu TILLIAN @ Ascol • Hohes Fett & Eiweiß (+0.10%F) & niedrige Zellzahl (2.67) • Die Mutter ist eine der wenigen Kühe mit der Kombination aus hohem GTPI, +3.30 PTAT & > 1500kg Milch in ihrem US-Index • Diese Familie liefert positive Bullen am laufenden Band

Ralma Shottle Oreo VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. DOM 2.01 365d 16.792kgM 4.0% 671F 3.3% 551P • Schwester zu: / Sister to Crown & Chairman NEXT DAMS 4e Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA EX-MS DOM 5e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 8e Ralma Melwood Fortress 9e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 11e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD

The Ralma Juror Faith’s • Full sister to TILLIAN @ Ascol • High Fat & Protein (+0.10%F) & low SCS (2.67) • Dam is one of the ver few cows combining high GTPI, +3.30 PTAT & > 1500lbs Milk in her American index • Very successful bull producing cow family

107. Siepermanns Consignor


DE 0539683060 Geb. Datum. 15.10.2016 Zuchtbetrieb Siepermann - Tel. +49 (0)2337 482730 - Email.

Full sister to Loveheart: Belfast Doorman Lovestruck All-Canadian & HM. All-American

M. Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza EX-93-CAN

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza EX-93-CAN Conf. 90R 96DS 91MS 95FL / EX-93-CAN 1.10 365d 11.837kgM 3.7% 436F 3.4% 407P 3.10 305d 15.559kgM 3.6% 560F 3.3% 516P 5.00 365d 16.018kgM 3.7% 586F 3.3% 611P • 1st Jr. 2-Yr @ Royal & Madison ‘13 / • All-Canadian & American Jr. 2-Yr. ‘13 • All-Ontario & Quebec ‘13 • > 10 Championships titles on her name / > 10 Championships titles on her name 7 VG dtrs til date (5 Doorman’s) • Mutter von: / Dam to: Belfast Doorman Lovestruck VG-87-CAN 3yr. (All-Canadian & HM. All-American, HM. Jr. Champion Royal) & Lust VG-87-CAN 2yr. (Grand Champion BrantWentworth ‘16 & All-Ontario Jr. 2yr. ‘16)

Full sister to Loveheart: Belfast Doorman Lust

Braedale GOLDWYN

Regancrest Elton DURHAM

Lylehaven Durham Lekysya EX-92-CAN Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-92-MS 2.04 365d 11.683kgM 4.1% 483F 3.6% 416P 3.07 365d 15.722kgM 4.2% 655F 3.4% 540P 6.06 365d 15.230kgM 3.9% 600F 3.4% 515P • Nom. All-Quebec 4yr. ‘12 • HM. All-Canadian, Res. All-American & more • 2nd Sr. 3-Yr. Royal Winter Fair ‘11

DOORMAN direkt aus Lasenza!!! • Ein fantastisches Rind, bereit für die großen Schauen • GOLDEN CROSS: Doorman aus Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza!! • Loveheart ist die Vollschwester zu Belfast Doorman Lovestruck VG-87- CAN 3yr.: Nom. All-Canadian & HM. All-American • Lasenza war 1st @ Royal & Madison als 2-Yr. Old

Lylehaven Leah EX-91-USA 2E Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2.09 365d 14.656kgM 4.0% 585F 3.4% 495P 4.05 365d 18.330kgM 3.8% 705F 3.2% 580P 6.08 365d 21.083kgM 3.8% 800F 3.1% 648P • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter von Lyle haven Lila Z EX-94-CAN / Her maternal sister is the dam to Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN NEXT DAMS 4e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E 5e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1*

DOORMAN straight out of Lasenza!!! • This is an INCREDIBLE heifer which is ready for the big shows! • GOLDEN CROSS: Doorman from Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza!! • Loveheart is the full sister to Belfast Doorman Lovestruck VG-87CAN 3yr.: Nom. All-Canadian & HM. All-American • Lasenza was 1st @ Royal & Madison as a 2-Yr. old

108. Blondin Doorman Consignor


DE 0359824463 Geb. Datum. 05.09.2016 Torben Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)176 61303019 - Email.

M. Ms Licorice GC Lovely *RC VG-88-CAN 3yr.

2. M. Rockymountain Talent Licorice *RC EX-95-USA

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Ms Licorice GC Lovely *RC VG-88-CAN Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 3yr. 2.03 350d 11.033kgM 4.5% 500F 3.3% 364P 3.05 365d 12.552kgM 4.5% 561F 3.3% 415P • Verkauft für $ 41.000 / Sold for $ 41.000 • Tolle Gold Chip Tochter direkt aus Talent Licorice EX-95! / Beautiful Gold Chip dtr straight from Talent Licorice EX-95! • Selbe Famile wie: / Same faimily as: Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95-CAN, Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX), Idee Lustre EX-95-USA: Grand champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘02 & others

2. M. Rockymountain Talent Licorice *RC EX-95

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP

Ladino Park TALENT

Rockymountain Talent Licorice *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 5yr. 2.03 318d 11.140kgM 3.3% 368F 3.3% 371P 3.10 323d 15.772kgM 4.0% 628F 3.4% 532P • Int. & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal ‘10 • Sr. & HM. Grand Champion @ Madison ‘11 • All-Canadian & All-American 4-Yr. Old • All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr. Old ‘10 • Res. All-American Sr. 3-Yr. Old ‘10 • Grand Champoin New York Spring ‘11 • Eine der besten Schaukühe ihrer Zeit! / One of the greatest show cows from her age!

Doorman Enkelin aus LICORICE EX-95! • Diese Doorman ist bereit für ET und für die Schauen und sie ist eine Enkelin von: LICORICE!!! • Perfekte Blutführung für jeden Schauenthusiasten: Doorman x Gold Chip x Rockymoutain Talent Licorice EX-95-USA • Großmutter hat viele Schauen gewonnen, u.a.: Int. Champion @ Royal Winter Fair & Senior Champion @ Madison • Eine der erfolgreichsten Schaufamilien der letzten Jahre

Idee Rudolph Liberty VG-89-CAN 3yr. (MAX) Conf. VG-89-CAN 3yr. (MAX) 5.11 365d 15.349kgM 3.4% 528F 3.3% 500P 4.05 365d 14.681kgM 3.5% 512F 3.3% 489P 3.04 354d 13.603kgM 3.7% 497F 3.2% 442P (4 Lacs): 53.818kgM 3.6% 1.919F 3.3% 1.788P • 2nd Jr. 3-Yr. Westerner Champ ‘04 • 3rd Jr. 3-Yr. Old Saskatoon Expo ‘04 NEXT DAMS 4e Idee Skychief Latoya VG-88-CAN 7yr. 8* 5e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 19* 6e Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG-85-CAN 7e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 8e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3* 9e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8* 10e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5* 11e Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG-CAN 3* 12e Eveermot Pabst Ormsby VG-CAN 3*

Doorman grand dtr of LICORICE EX-95! • A SHOW- & FLUSH age Doorman grand dtr of LICORICE!!! • Perfect bloodlines for the big time show lovers: Doorman x Gold Chip x Rockymoutain Talent Licorice EX-95-USA • Granddam won multiple shows such as: Int. Champion @ Royal Winter Fair & Senior Champion @ Madison • One of the most successful show families over the past years

109. Mox Consignor


DE 0816557167 Geb. Datum. 16.01.2017 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)170 3151251 - Email.

M. Mox Rocklady VG-87-DE 2yr.

Full sister to dam: Mox Sid Rocky EX-93-DE EX-94-MS

Pol Butte Mc BEEMER (Mccutchen x Goldwyn) Mox Rocklady VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 85 86 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 100d 3.308kgM 4.3% 142F 3.6% 118P (Inc.) • Vollschwester zu Mox Rocky EX-93-DE EX-94-MS & Mox Sid Roxette EX-91: Intermediate Champion RBW Show ‘14 / Full sister to Mox Rocky EX-93-DE & Mox Sid Roxette EX-91-DE : Intermediate Champion RBW Show ‘14

Mox Rockbaby | SHE SELLS!!

Pine-Tree SID

Braedale GOLDWYN

Derbovens Rocket VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 86 87 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La3/1 305d 9.240kgM 4.5% 418F 3.4% 316P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Derbovens Goldwyn Reggy EX-92-DE: 1st @ Schau de Besten 2012 & 2013 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Detox, Deman, Destry, Control, Ciderman & many others


Traumhaftes Pedigree aus den ROXY´S!! • Aus einer fantastischen und extrem erfolgreichen Linie der Roxy´s • BEEMER x SID x GOLDWYN – Königin der Rasse- Roxy Familie • Selbe Familie wie: Detox, Deman, Destry, Control, Ciderman & und viele weitere! • Die Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zur unglaublichen Sid Tochter Rocky EX-93-DE EX-94-MS

Derbovens Lee Ready EX-90-DE Conf. VEX-90-DE La5/5 305d 11.504kgM 4.1% 473F 3.3% 382P HL3 305d 12.681kgM 4.2% 529F 3.3% 417P • Super interessanter und erfolgreicher Zweig der Familie der Königin der Rasse I & II: Roxy EX-97-USA! / Very interesting and successful show branch from the Queen of the breed I & II: Roxy EX-97-USA! NEXT DAMS 4e Derbovens BJ Relana VG-87 5e Derbovens Raider Regina VG-85 6e Scientific Blackstar Ranität EX-91-USA 7e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 10e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 11e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 12e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Dreamline from the ROXY’S!! • From an incredible & successful line of the Roxy’s • BEEMER x SID x GOLDWYN - Queen of the Breed Roxy family • Same family as: Detox, Deman, Destry, Control, Ciderman & many others! • Dam’s full sister is the amazing Sid dtr Rocky EX-93-DE EX-94-MS

110. Hobbies Consignor

Pandora *RC

DE 0359537441 Geb. Datum. 21.10.2016 Jürgen Hobbie - Tel. +49 (0)170 7801999 - Email.

2. M. Holbra Atwood Patty VG-88-DE

M. Hobbies Princes EX-90-DE

De Oosterhof GODEWIND *RC (Gold Chip x Sanchez x KHW Goldwyn Aiko) Hobbies Princes EX-90-DE Conf. 90 90 90 90 / EX-90-DE La2 La1 305d 10.306kgM 4.2% 436F 3.2% 328P La2/2 305d 10.865kgM 4.3% 469F 3.3% 353P HL2 305d 11.424kgM 4.3% 502F 3.3% 377P • Intermediate & Grand Champion Excellent Schau Leer ‘17 • 1st & Jnr. Champion Excellent Schau Leer ´16 • 3rd Place 2yr. old European Show Colmar´ 16 • Aus der mega erfolgreichen Holbra Prudence Kuhfamilie, DIE Familie, für hohe Leistung, EIWEIß und fantastische Typkühe! / From the ultra successful Holbra Prudence family, THE family which delivers huge production, PROTEIN & great type cows!

M. Hobbies Princes EX-90-DE


Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Holbra Atwood Patty VG-88-DE Conf. 90 89 88 86 / VG-88-DE La2/2 305d 9.104kgM 4.9% 449F 3.2% 287P HL2 305d 9.479kgM 4.8% 455F 3.1% 292P • Halbschwester zu: Holbra Sana VG-89-NL: leistet> 26.500 kg Milch in ihrer 2. Laktation! / Maternal sister to the production topper: Holbra Sana VG-89-NL: produced > 26.500 kg Milk in her 2nd lactation! • Holbra Sana ist die Mutter von: Sanador, Elysiym, Sansire & Rodanas: dem ehemaligen #1 GPFT Bullen in Italien / Holbra Sana is dam to: Sanador, Elysiym, Sansire & Rodanas: the former #1 GPFT bull in Italy

Direkte Tochter aus PRINCES! • Fantastische Möglichkeit mit einer direkten Tochter aus Hobbies Princes! • Princess ist der aktuelle Grand Champion und die Miss Ostfriesland ‘17 • Großmuuter ist die Halbschwester zu Holbra Sana: Eine der höchsten Leistungskühe Europas mit > 26.500 kg Milch in ihrer 2. Laktation • Selbe Linie wie Holbra Rodanas, ehemaliger #1 Bulle in Italien

Holbra Bolton Paulona VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.610kgM 4.8% 462F 3.9% 375P • 3.9% EIWEIß! / 3.9% PROTEIN!

NEXT DAMS 4e Holbra Oman Paula VG-87-NL 2yr. 5e Holbra Morty Petra EX-90-NL 6e Sunday Alh Durham Prudence VG-88-NL 7e Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90-USA DOM 8e Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 5E GMD DOM 9e Ogden Hanover Sex Prudence EX-91 DOM 10e Dreamstreet Rorae Pocohontis EX-93 2E GMD DOM 11e Sher-Mar Highmark Hiawatha EX-94-USA 4E GMD D 12e Sher-Mar Lee Mitzi EX-91-USA 4E GMD DOM 13e Sher-Mar Mingo Mimi EX-90-USA 2E 14e Sher-Mar Misty Jo VG-85-USA 15e Maroy Roburke Sue VG-86-USA

Direct daughter of PRINCESS! • Fantastic opportunity for a direct dtr of Hobbies Princes! • Dam is the Grand Champion Excellent Show & Miss Ostfriesland • Grand dam is the maternal sister to Holbra Sana: one of the highest production cows in Europe who produced > 26.500 kg Milk in her 2nd lactation! • Same branch as Holbra Rodanas, former #1 bull in Italy

111. TGD Consignor

Irina *RC

CH 120136109414 Geb. Datum. 07.05.2017 Thomas Greber - Tel. +41 (0)627566223 - Email.

And a TRANSMITTING family!! From L-R: Iris (Mr. Burns x Irene), ISA (Butler x Irene), IRENE, Indiana (Italian x Irene), Billie (Barbwire x Irene)

3. M. Suard-Red Irene-Red EX-96-CH EX-97-MS - 2 x R&W European Champion & WORLD Champion!!

Mr Lr Edg ARVIS *RC (Defender x Numero Uno) Jrma *RC NC Conf. NC Gekalbt: / Fresh since: 07.05.2017 2.05 145d 3.684kgM 5.3% 195F 3.3% 120P (Inc.)

Mr Apples ARMANI *RC


Schrago Barbwire Ira-Red GP-CH VG-88-MS Conf. GP-CH VG-88-MS 3yr. • Ganz frisch in der 2. Laktation! / Just fresh in 2nd lactation • Schwester zu: / Sister to: - Schrago Italia Indiana EX-93-CH 2E

• Enkeltochter des 2x RBT Europa GRAND Champion IRENE EX-96!! / Grand daugther from the 2x R&W European GRAND Champion: IRENE EX-96!!

Einmalige Gelegenheit aus IRENE!! • Eine der weltweit ersten Möglichkeiten etwas aus der IRENE Familie zu kaufen • IRENE: 2x Europaschau Rotbunt GRAND Champion!! • Irene ist die älteste Kuh die jemals den Titel als Grand Champion Rotbunt der Europaschau erringen konnte, das im Alter von 11 Jahren!

Irene winning GRAND @ Colmar ‘16!!!

Suard-Red Irene-Red EX-96-CH EX-97-MS 2E Conf. 95FR 95DS 97MS 97FL / EX-96-CH 2E 2.09 305d 8.599kgM 4.1% 348F 3.3% 283P 3.10 305d 10.553kgM 4.5% 472F 3.5% 369P 5.03 271d 12.219kgM 4.4% 537F 3.3% 405P 6.02 305d 13.329kgM 4.7% 452F 3.4% 549P 10.01 305d 14.223kgM 4.9% 627F 3.3% 424P Lifetime: 93.607kgM 4.7%F 3.4%P • 2x GRAND Champion R&W European Show!! • Die älteste Kuh die jemals den Grand Champion Titel Rotbunt der Europaschau gewonnen hat!! Im Alter von 11 Jahren!! / The oldest cow who ever won R&W Grand Champion @ the European Championships on the age of 11-Yrs!! • Udder Champion Swiss Expo, Lausanne ‘13 • R&W Holstein Champion & Best Udder Jr. Expo Bulle Swiss National Show ‘12 • Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘14

Unique opportunity for an IRENE!! • One of the first GLOBAL opportunities to get in the IRENE fam.! • IRENE: 2x EUROPEN R&W GRAND Champion!! • Irene is the oldest cow who ever won the R&W European GRAND Championships on the age of 11-Yrs!!

112. Fradon Jacoby Consignor

Joan *RC

DE 0667050590 Geb. Datum. 25.12.2016 HH. Red Carrier Maik Diebel - Tel. +49 (0)170 5720353 - Email.

US 08/17 PTAT +2.73 / UDC +2.36

3. M. Fradon Rudolph Jodie EX-90-CAN

GS Alliance Alando Jodie Red EX-93-CH Alando x September Storm x Jodie-Red

2. M. Fradon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN 14*

Cycle Doorman JACOBY (Doorman x Gold Chip) Fradon Shottle E Jodie *RC VG-89-CAN 3yr. Conf. 87R 93DS 91MS 89FL / VG-89-CAN 3yr. 1* 1.11 360d 11.833kgM 4.2% 500F 3.2% 377P 3.05 365d 13.179kgM 4.1% 540F 3.1% 411P • Erste Töchter in Kanada sind bereits VG 2yr. / First dtrs in Canada already scoring VG 2yr. • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter von GS Alliance Alando Jodie Red EX-93-CH: Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘16, Int. Champion R&W Swiss Expo ‘14 & mehr / Her maternal sister is dam to GS Alliance Alando Jodie Red EX-93-CH: Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘16, Int. Champion R&W Swiss Expo ‘14 & more


Indianhead ENCOUNTER *RC

Fradon Encount Jodie-Red EX-94-CAN 14* Conf. 90R 96DS 95MS 93FL / EX-94-CAN 14* 3.11 365d 12.435kgM 4.6% 578F 3.5% 431P 5.08 365d 13.779kgM 4.9% 671F 3.5% 486P • 1st R&W Mature Cow Madison ‘08 • Grand Champion QC International ‘06 • All-American R&W Mature Cow ‘08 • HM. All-Canadian R&W Mature Cow ‘08 • Nom. All-American R&W Jr. 2-Yr ‘04

ROTFAKOTOR JACOBY aus den Jodie´s!! • Eine ROTFAKTOR Enkeltochter von Jacoby aus Encounter Jodie!! • Encounter Jodie war All-American R&W Mature Cow in ‘08!!! • Die Halbschwester der Mutter war Res. Grand & Int. Champion @ Swiss Expo Lausanne: GS Alliance Alando Jodie EX-93-CH • FRÜHE Tochter von Jacoby, dessen Töchter überall begeistern!

Fradon Rudolph Jodie EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN 2E 13* 2.02 330d 10.510kgM 4.0% 420F 3.3% 346P 4.03 365d 15.076kgM 4.5% 681F 3.2% 485P 6.05 365d 13.483kgM 3.8% 511F 3.1% 421P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Fradon REDLINER

NEXT DAMS 4e Bridon Inspira Jodie EX-CAN 5* 5e Bridon Threat Janice VG-86-CAN 4yr.

Red Carrier JACOBY from the Jodie’s!!! • A RED CARRIER Jacoby grand dtr of Encounter Jodie!! • Encounter Jodie was All-American R&W Mature Cow in ‘08!!! • Dam her maternal sister is the dam to the Res. Grand & Int. Champion @ Swiss Expo Lausanne: GS Alliance Alando Jodie EX-93-CH • EARLY dtr of Jacoby who’s daughters are making a huge impression

113. NH Consignor


DE 0770498023 Geb. Datum. 12.05.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

2. M. Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA

M. Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr.

Luck-E AWESOME-Red (Absolute-Red x Advent-Red) Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. Conf. 85 88 86 85 / VG-86-DE 3yr. La1 305d 12.519kgM 4.6% 573F 3.8% 469P Fresh in 2nd lactation • Topseller ZBH Hessens Zukunft Sale ‘13 für EUR 26.000 / Topseller ZBH Hessens Zukunft Sale ‘13 for EUR 26.000 • Die Vollschwester zu SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex: #1 töchtergeprüft GTPI RC Bulle der Welt / The full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex: #1 dtr proven GTPI RC bull World Wide • Eine der höchsten Leistungsfärsen in Deutschland: La1 12.519kgM 4.6% FETT & 3.8% EIWEIß!! / One of the highest production cows in Germany: La1 12.519kgM 4.6% FAT & 3.8% PROTEIN!!

Full brother to dam: Sympatico *RC @ Semex

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN

Ensenada Taboo PLANET

Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-92-MS 2.02 365d 13.603kgM 4.5% 613F 3.2% 435P • Ehemalige #1 GTPI RC Kuh der Rasse / Former #1 GTPI RC cow in the breed • Mutter von: / Dam to: Sympatico *RC, Seneca *RC & Stoic *RC • Großmutter von Sunfish *RC @ Masterrind / Grand dam to Sunfish *RC @ Masterrind

ROTE Awesome Enkeltochter von Silk!! • Eine ROTBUNTE Enkeltochter von Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA! • Mutter ist einer der höchsten Leistungsfärsen in Deutschland: La1 12.519kgM mit 4.6% Fett & 3.8% EIWEIß!! • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex • Selbe Familie wie: Durham-Red, Sunfish *RC, Sniper, Symaptico *RC, Secure-Red, Mr Savage & viele weitere

Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.609kgM 4.6% 631F 3.6% 485P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P • Schwester zu: / Sister to Secure-Red & Mr Savage • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: DurhamRed, Seagual, Sniper, Sympatico & many others NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* 10e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4* 11e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN 12e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

R&W Awesome grand dtr of Silk!! • A Red & White gr.dtr of Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA! • Dam is one of the highest production cows in Germany: La1 12.519kgM with 4.6% Fat & 3.8% Protein!! • Dam is the full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex • Same family as: Durham-Red, Sunfish *RC, Sniper, Symaptico *RC, Secure-Red, Mr Savage & many others

114. WEH Consignor

DE 0360044540 Geb. Datum. 19.03.2017 WEH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)5848822 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17











HH. -















































+200 Futtereffizienz in ihrem amerikanischem Index mit tollen Fitnesswerten / +200 FEED EFFICIENCY in her American index with great fitness traits!

4. M. Boon-Apart Shottle Asra VG-86-NL 2yr.

3. M. WEH Asta VG-85-DE 2yr.

Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY (Pety x Supersire) WEH Alana NC Ganz frisch gekalbt, mehr Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 1st test: 33.4kgM 4.5%F 3.6%P

7. M. Canyon-Breeze EM Ashley EX-94-USA

Kerndtway KINGPIN

Mountfield SSI DCY MIXER

WEH Anni VG-86-DE Conf. 85 88 85 85 / VG-86-DE La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • #2 GTPI Mixer Tochter in Europe / #2 GTPI Mixer dtr in Europe

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: CB Allen, Atom, Allegro & more

WEH Asta VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-MS 2yr. La1 305d 12.402kgM 4.8% 595F 3.6% 446P • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Multiple sons in AI • Ihre Großmutter ist die Mutter von CB Alaska @ Semex / Her granddam is dam to CB Alaska @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Boon-Apart Shottle Asra VG-86-NL 2yr. 5e Canyon-Breeze Mar Addison VG-85-CAN 2yr. 6e Canyon-Breeze Ashes VG-88-CAN 7e Canyon-Breeze EM Ashley EX-94-USA 3E DOM 8e Canyon-Breeze Wst Amber EX-93-USA GMD DOM 9e Clarney W C Mark Abigail EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 10e Dirkmar Bell Aggiebell VG-85-USA

Hoch rangierende Modesty Tochter • > 2700 GTPI Modesty Tochter und sie kann bald gespült werden! • Super Leistungsindex: +1650M +0.06%F & +0.06%E + 67E • Sie kombiniert +200 Futtereffizienz +2.8 DPR / PL 7.1 / SCE 6.2 • Outcross Mutterlinie: x Kingpin x Mixer • Gehr zurück auf Canyon-Breeze EM Ashley EX-94-USA

Top ranking Modesty dtr • > 2700 GTPI Modesty daughter very close to flush age! • Super production index: +1650M +0.06%F & +0.06%P - 67P • She combines +200 Feed Efficiency with +2.8 DPR / PL 7.1 / SCE 6.2 • Different maternal line: x Kingpin x Mixer • Goes back to Canyon-Breeze EM Ashley EX-94-USA

115. KNS Consignor


Flicka *RC

DE 0359771005 Geb. Datum. 11.02.2017 HH. HHR KNS Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)172 2713211 - Email.





















+3.9 9.5







Das #3 GTPI & #2 Net Merit ROTFAKTOR Rind in Europa!! / The #3 GTPI & #2 Net Merit RED CARRIER heifer in Europe!! Fantastische Fitnessmerkmale / Huge fitness traits: PL +9.5 / DPR +3.9 / SCS 2.73!!!

3. M. Fiona-PP-Red GP-84-DE 2yr. 2. M. Fioka-P *RC GP-84-DE VG-85-MS

Endco The ANSWER-P (Montross x Earnhardt)

Cogent SUPERSHOT Fioka-P *RC GP-84-DE Conf. GP-84-DE VG-85-MS

KNS Fantastic-P-RC

Fiona-PP-Red GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

La2/2 305d 10.137kgM 4.5% 459F 3.4% 346P HL1 305d 10.032kgM 4.7% 474F 3.5% 353P

• Verschiedene ganz hoch rangierende Töchter / Multiple high ranking dtrs! • Mutter des #3 GTPI RC Rindes in Europa! / Dam to the #3 GTPI RC Heifer in Europe! (GTPI +2691)

La1 305d 10.057kgM 3.5% 353F 3.3% 335P La2/2 305d 9.964kgM 3.8% 382F 3.3% 331P NEXT DAMS 4e Filou P *RC GP-DE (s. Boss Iron)


KNS Fidelity *RC *PP Sire

DE 0359771040 Endco The Anwer PO


Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Geb. Datum. 27.04.2017 Dam KNS Fantastic-P-RC






















+2.4 5.8







Das #2 GTPI PP Rind in Europa & #1 PP & RC Rind in Europa / #6 weltweit!!! The #2 GTPI PP heifer in Europe & #1 PP & RC heifer in Europe / #6 World Wide!!!

#3 GTPI RC & #1 PP Rind in Europa!! • Zwei unglaubliche Tiere der KNS F Kuhfamilie werden verkauft! • Eine Familie die alles kann! Sie züchtet Weltklasse RC und PP Rind er die die Listen dominieren! • Flicka ist das #3 GTPI & #2 NM RC Rind in Europa! • Fidelity ist das #1 GTPI RC / PP Rind in Europa & #6 der Welt • Diese Familie besticht durch ihre vorzüglichen Fitnessmerkmale!

#3 GTPI RC & #1 PP Heifers in Europe!! • Two incredible heifers are selling from the KNS F cow family! • A family who can do it all! Making World Class top charting heifers in the Polled & RC ranking! • Flicka is the #3 GTPI & #2 NM RC heifer in Europe! • Fidelity is the #1 GTPI RC / PP Heifer in Europe & #6 World Wide • This family excels in super fitness tratis!



28. COL YLOVE 117. DG andera *PO Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0539782118 Geb. Datum. 15.05.2017 24.05.2016 HH. HHP - Genesland D. Schwarz-- Tel. +41 +49 (0)794178314 (0)151 12121766 - Email. - Email.

Milk Milk

%F %F

%E %E

Fat Fat

Eiw Eiw



08/16 09/16

Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

+1095 2.74 +1218 +0.06 +0.02 +0.03 +0.05 56 50 41 49 2.79 -1.2 +3.4 3.6 7.5 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS MS HL 7 GTPI HORNLOS Rind in Europa / #7 GTPI POLLED heifer in Europe!! 08/16 DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105





9.0 8.4 DCA

2.89 1.83 2.88 2.60 +3.38 +2.17 569 725 2489 2641 DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI







M. Colfamily: Candygold *PO Same Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

2. ColDKR Carmen VG-86-DE 2yr. 3rdM.dam: Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Wa-Del Yoder BANDARES (McCutchen x Robust) (Yoder x Massey) Faithlove NC *PO Col Candygold fresh, sale updates forhornlos more info •Just Eines dersee interessantesten Rinder der Welt / One of the most interesting polled USheifers 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 in the breed • Mutter des #1 GTPI Answer-P Rindes in Europa • Top GTPI- & /#16 cow Europe / / #450 Weltweit! DamPTAT to the #1inGTPI Top 50 GTPI& #16 PTAT cow Europe Answer-P heifer in Europe / #4inWorld Wide! • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe (GTPI +2738) One of the BandaresTochter highest outcross>cows inGTPI the breed • PHornlose 2700 / /Polled One ofBandares the highest cows in the breed dtr >outcross 2700 GTPI • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast, Chevrolet, Commander, Fanatic, Charley & more

Sister to 3. M. Larcrest Crimson EX-94 GMD (96-MS) 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK View-Home POWERBALL-P


Holyfaith 2yr. Col CarmenVG-86-FR VG-86-DE 2yr. VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. 2yr. Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE

9.970kgM 3.3% La1 305d 11.565kgM 4.3%329F 494F3.0% 3.6%299P 413P Sister tovon: NH Col Fabulous / & • Mutter Simon @ @ Ascol AI-Total Sister to NH @ Ascol Superstar @Fabulous CRV / Dam to: Col Simon @ AI-Total & Superstar @ CRV • Fantastische Zuchtkuh, verschiedene Töchter & Enkeltöchter in den Toplisten / Incredible brood cow, multiple dtrs and granddtrs in the top rankings

Top 10 10 GTPI GTPIHORNLOS Schwester Rind! zu Charley • Ganz Top 10interessante GTPI PolledHORNLOSE heifer in Europe! Bandares Tochter • Top Super 10fitness GTPI HORNLOS & type: SCS Rind 2.77 in Europa / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Toller The maternal Index: +0.05% sister ofEIWEIß, the global 2.79 sensation SCS / DPR DG+3.4!! Charley / PL @ +7.5 ABS / • Goes UDC +2.60 back to / GTPI Larcrest +2641!! Crimson • Die EX-94-USA Larcrest Cosmopolitan’s

5.01 305d305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F623F 3.2% 375P475P La14/04 12.644kgM 4.9% 3.8% 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Verkauft für: / Sold for EUR 42.000 Topseller NH Sale ‘10 EUR 42.000 • Eine der höchsten Fettfor & Eiweiß Kühe in / Topseller NH /Sale for EUR 42.000 Deutschland: One‘10 of the highest fat & protein cows in Germany: 12.644kgM with 4.9% Fat & 3.8% Protein! NEXT DAMS • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: 4eLarcrest Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 7e Ralma Faith EX-91-USA GMD GMD DOM DOM 4e LarcrestJuror Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA 8e Larcrest Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 5e Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

Top 10 10 GTPI GTPIPOLLED POLLEDheifer! sister to Charley •• Top Very10 interesting GTPI Polled POLLED heiferBANDARES in Europe!dtr •• Super Top 10fitness GTPI POLLED & type:heifer SCS 2.77 in Europe / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 •• The Great maternal index: +0.05% sister ofPROTEIN, the global 2.79 sensation SCS / DPR DG Charley +3.4!! /@ ABS • Goes PL +7.5 back / UDC to Larcrest +2.60 /Crimson GTPI +2641!! EX-94-USA • The Larcrest Cosmopolitan’s

118. COL Consignor


Caroline *PP

DE 0539782149 Geb. Datum. 29.07.2017 HH. HPP Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0) 15112121766 - Email.





























Sister to 3rd dam: Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

3. M. Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr.

MISSION *P *RC (Missouri x Asterix)

4. M. Larcrest Cosmopoiltan VG-87-USA



Col Caroline *PP

Col Cosmopolitan *PO GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 84 84 84 / GP-84-DE 2yr.

Vor dem kalben gestorben / Died before calving

La1 305d 10.455kgM 3.5% 368F 3.5% 362P

• Ehemaliges #5 GLPI PP Rind in Europa und eines der höchsten RZG PP Rinder (auf SBT Färse) ihrer Altersgruppe! / Former #5 GLPI PP Heifer in Europe and one of the highest RZG PP Heifers (on B&W base) of her age! • Homozygous HORNLOS x Cosmopolitan’s! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast, Chevrolet, Commander, Fanatic, Charley & more

• Halbschwester zu Col Carmen VG-86-DE 2yr., Mutter von: Col Simon @ AI-Total & Superstar @ CRV / Maternal sister to Col Carmen VG-86-DE 2yr., dam to: Col Simon @ AI Total & Superstar @ CRV • Carmen ist die Großmutter von Col DG Cookie *PO (s. Bandares) GTPI +2701, Col DG Charlot *PO (s. Bandares) GTPI +2693 & anderen / Carmen is the Granddam to Col DG Cookie *PO (s. Bandares) GTPI +2701, Col DG Charlot *PO (s. Bandares) GTPI +2693 & others


• Eines der höchsten HOMOZYGOT HORNLOSEN Rinder im deutschen System: RZG +148 • Toller Leistungsindex: +1450kgM, +0.06% Eiweiß & RZM +139 • All ihre Nachkommen werden hornlos sein, ganz egal welchen Bullen sie einsetzen • Ihre Chance die nächste Generation von weiblichen und männlichen hornlosen Listenführern zu züchten

Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La14/04 305d 12.644kgM 4.9% 623F 3.8% 475P • Verkauft für: / Sold for EUR 42.000 • Eine der höchsten FETT & EIWEIß Kühe in Deutschland: / One of the highest fat & protein cows in Germany: 12.644kgM with 4.9% Fat & 3.8% Protein! • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

RZG 148 (B&W Base) & Homozygous POLLED! • One of the highest Homozygous POLLED Heifers in the German index system: RZG +148 • Great production index: +1450kgM, +0.06% Protein & RZM +139 • Her offspring will be polled, no matter what bull you use • Get ready for the next generation top ranking RZG polled bulls and heifers! • From the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family

119. Schurtis Consignor

M amma-Mia *RC

CH 120131860464 Geb. Datum. 12.06.2017 BG Herren & Schurtenberger- Tel. +41(0)795308005 - Email.

Sister to M. Gen-I-Beq Snowman Akiliane EX-91-CAN 5th Royal Winter Fair ‘15

Sister to M. INAIKA-RED - Grand National Show FR

3. M. KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA

Ladys-Manor ADVICE *RC (Olympian *RC x Mogul) Gen-I-Beq Malone Malaika-Red NC Conf. NC 2.04 141d 4.180kgM 4.3% 178F 3.3% 136P (Inc.) • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Gen-I-Beq Akilian EX-91-CAN (Top 5 Royal Winter Fair), AIKMAN RC (Great RC dtr proven sire), Anaika-Red (Grand Champion R&W French National Show), Avea-Red (Incredible show & brood cow)

Hurtgenlea Alex MALONE

Emerald-Acr-Sa T BAXTER

KHW-I Aika Baxter VG-89-CAN 5yr. (MAX) Conf. VG-89-CAN 5yr. (MAX) 2.01 365d 13.577kgM 5.8% 785F 3.7% 499P 5.06 365d 18.414kgM 5.9% 1.079F 3.3% 616P • Maximale Einstufung in der 2. Laktation / Maximum score in 2nd lactation • Mutter zu: / Dam to: AIKMAN *RC • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC, Applejax *RC & more

KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P • Halbschwester zu Advent, Jotan, Acme & Apple-Red EX-96-USA: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison! / Maternal sister to Advent, Jotan, Acme & Apple-Red EX-96-USA: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison! NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 9e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

Enkeltochter von Baxter Aiko! • ROTFAKTOR Advice aus der AIKO / APPLEKuhfamilie • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu der großartigen Schau- & Zuchtkuh: BTS Avea- Red: Res. 2-Yr. Champion @ Opmeer & Mutter von Adam-Red, Aviator, Alphaman & Großmutter von Spitfire-Red @ CRV • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu AIKMAN *RC, ehemaliger#1 RZG RC Bulle der Rasse • Selbe Familie wie Advent, Jotan, Acme & APPLE-Red EX-96!

Grand dtr of Baxter Aiko! • Red Carrier Advice dtr from the AIKO / APPLE cow family • Dam is maternal sister to the great brood & Show cow: BTS AveaRed: Res. 2-Yr. Champion @ Opmeer & dam to Adam-Red, Aviator, Alphaman & granddam to Spitfire-Red @ CRV • Dam is sister to AIKMAN *RC, former #1 RZG RC bull in the breed • Same family as Advent, Jotan, Acme & APPLE-Red EX-96!

120. Wilder Consignor

DE 0539675049 Geb. Datum. 24.03.2017 HH. - Wilder Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)151 46245204 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17





















+1.4 6.4



































2. M. Wilder Hira VG-85-DE 2yr.

M. Wilder Hilly VG-86-DE

Progensis HARMONY (Supershot x Oak) Wilder Hilly VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 86 85 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 100d 3.260kgM 3.9% 128F 3.5% 113P (Inc.) • #1 GTPI Modena Tochter der Rasse! / #1 GTPI Modena daughter in the breed! • Mutter der #1 GTPI Harmony Tochter in Europa! / Dam to the #1 GTPI Harmony dtr in Europe • Mehrer Söhne auf Station wie z.B.: Wilder Help (GTPI +2640), Herkules (GTPI +2585) @ Semex & andere / Multiple son in AI such as: Wilder Help (GTPI +2640), Herkules (GTPI +2585) @ Semex & others

5. M. Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE


Sandy-Valley SALOON

Wilder Hira VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-E 2yr.

CCC Snowman Kora VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr.

La15/10 260d 8.768kgM 4.2% 369F 3.5% 307P • One of the highest OUTCROSS cows in Europe / One of the highest OUTCROSS cow in Europe • #1 GTPI Saloon dtr / former #3 Cow in Europe / #1 GTPI Saloon dtr / former #3 GTPI cow in Europe • Already delivered the #1 GTPI , GLPI & RZG dtrs with 4 different sires / Already delivered the #1 GTPI , GLPI & RZG dtrs with 4 different sires

#1 GTPI Harmony Tochter in Europa! • Die #1 GTPI Harmony Tochter in Europa / Top 10 weltweit! • > 1000kg Milch, +0.33% Fett & +0.17% EIWEIß • Aus einer Outcross Mutterlinie: Harmony x Modena x Saloon • Mutter ist die #1 Modena Tochter der Rasse & hat mehrere Bullen auf Station • Geht zurück auf den Europachampion Kora!

2.01 305d 9.204kgM 4.0% 370F 3.3% 305P • Saloon Sohn @ Semex / Saloon son @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e CCC Goldwyn Konny VG-87-DE 2yr. 5e Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE 6e Batke Klivia 11 VG-88-DE 7e Batke Klivia 63 VG-85 8e Batke Raider Klaidia 165 VG-89 9e Batke Klaidia 165 VG-89 10e Batke Kordula VG-89 11e Batke Koralle EX-90 12e Batke Klivia 126 EX-90 13e Batke Karin 106 GP 14e Batke Karela 85 GP 15e Batke Karla EX-93

#1 GTPI Harmony daughter in Europe! • The #1 GTPI Harmony daughter in Europe / Top 10 World Wide! • > 1000kg Milk, +0.33% Fat & +0.17% Protein in her German index! • From an “Outcross” maternal line: Harmony x Modena x Saloon • Dam is the #1 Modena dtr in the breed & has several sons in AI • Going back on the European Champion Kora!

121. Föskes Consignor



DE 0770373598 Geb. Datum. 30.01.2017 Friedrich Foesges - Tel. +49 (0)175 2437050 - Email.

HH. A2/A2





























Same family: TARZAN @ AI-Total (GTPI +2728)

3. M. Nova Garret Edielou VG-85-CAN 2yr.

BALU (Balisto x Epic)

4. M. Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr.



Col Eva

Edimary VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 88 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr.

Tot / Dead

La1 305d 11.203kgM 3.1% 345F 3.3% 371P

• Vollschwester zu Col Erya VG-86-DE 2yr. / Full sister to Col Erya VG-86-DE 2yr.

Nova Garrett Edielou VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.02 365d 14.844kgM 5.8% 861F 3.4% 510P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: TARZAN @ AI-Total (GTPI +2728) & SHOCKWAVE @ Alta (GTPI +2771) NEXT DAMS 4e Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-2YR GMD DOM 6e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 8e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 9e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM

RZG 155 / A2A2 Rind • RZG 155 und A2A2 • Ganz interessanter Zweig der UFM-Dubs Eroy Kuhfamilie • Anders: Balu x Commander x Mayfield x Garrett • Selbe Familie wie TARZAN @ AI-Total (GTPI +2728), SHOCKWAVE @ Alta (GTPI +2771) & mehr

RZG 155 / A2A2 heifer • RZG 155 and A2A2 • Very interesting branch from the UFM-Dubs Eroy cow family • Different: Balu x Commander x Mayfield x Garrett • Same family as TARZAN @ AI-Total (GTPI +2728), SHOCKWAVE @ Alta (GTPI +2771) & more

Galactic *RC

122. Ms Styx Consignor

DE 0360157694 Geb. Datum. 23.06.2017 Robken Gbr - Tel. +49 (0)5961 315

Milk 08/17 08/17

























































Eines der höchsten Rotfaktor ISET Rinder der Welt / Believed to be one of the highest Red Carrier heifers for ISET in the breed tested!!

2. M. WEH Gini VG-85-DE 2yr.

3. M. WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr.

Westcoast STYX-Red (Entitle *RC x Sympatico *RC)

3. M. WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home Day MISSOURI


WEH Galaxy

WEH Gini VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Kalbt / Due: December 2017

La15/09 305d 13.141kgM 4.8% 633F 3.4% 450P

• Eine der höchsten Missouri Töchter ihrer Altersgruppe / One of the highest Missouri dtrs of her age • Eine der frühesten Missouri´s in Europa / One of the earliest Missouri dtrs in Europe!

• Mutter zu GLORYDAY @ Masterrind - #1 Genestar Sohn im Deutschland (RZG +150) / Dam to GLORYDAY @ Masterrind - #1 Genestar son in Germany (RZG +150) • Charley granddtr scores: GTPI +2643 / Charley granddtr scores: GTPI +2643

Hohes RC ISET / RZG Rind! • Sehr interessantes RC Rind aus tiefer amerikanischer Kuhfamilie • Tolle Väterfolge: Styx-Red x Missouri x Supersire x Baxter • Extreme Leistung: > 2300kg Milch in Deutschland & hoch im Exterieur: +134 Fundament, +131 Euter & RZE +138!! • Tolle Möglichkeit aus der deutschen G-Familie, entwickelt in der Herde von Hintze (WEH Holsteins)

WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 86 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La2/1 305d 13.466kgM 4.1% 551F 3.2% 431P • Tolle Baxter Tochter / Tremendous Baxter dtr NEXT DAMS 4e WEH Grazia VG-86-DE 2yr. 5e WEH Galina VG-88-DE 6e Gale EX-90-DE 7e Schleif Southwind Gale EX-90-USA DOM 8e Schleif Melwood Dynasty Gayle EX-90-USA DOM 9e Schleif Bova Dove Dynasty VG-86-USA 10e Schleif Angel Lad Dove EX-91-USA 11e Schleif Faith Supreme Angel VG-85-USA

Huge RC ISET / RZG heifer! • Very interesting RC Heifer from a deep American cow family • Great mix of bloodlines: Styx-Red x Missouri x Supersire x Baxter • Huge production: > 2300kg milk in Germany & huge type: +134 F&L, +131 Udders & RZE +138!! • Great opportunity from the German G-family, developed at the herd of Hintze (WEH Holsteins)



Es ist so einfach erfolgreicher zu sein. Lassen Sie die HOKOVIT-Mikronährstoffe für sich arbeiten.,

123. MS Consignor Recessives Genomics

Haruku 243-ET


DE 0359301243 (FB27668) Geb. Datum. 04.12.2016 (READY TO FLUSH!) PrismaGen GmbH – Hubertus Diers – Tel. +49 (0) 173 5429187 – Email. Free from all recessives / Getestet frei von allen Erbfehlern Tested AA in SCD-test


M. LMR Ms Haruki 1201Y

TBR Itoshigefuku 9059W FB11166 (Itoshigefuji FB3681 x Kimifuku 3 FB4568)

World K’s Haruki 2 FB1614 LMR Ms Michifuku 612S FB6430

LMR Ms Haruki 1201Y FB11923

World K’s Michifuku FB1615 JVP MS Kikushige 08E FB3086

NEXT DAMS 4e JVP Yuriko-1 050 FB2103 5e Yuriko 795455 FB340 6e DAI6 Yuri 710676 FB 342

Bald spülbereites OUTCROSS Wagyu Rind

OUTCROSS flush age Wagyu heifer

Hakuru 243 hat ein Outcross-Pedigree für die Wagyu Zucht mit ganz hoher Qualität. Vater ist Itoshigefuku 9059W, der ein Sohn von Itoshigefuji ist, der wiederum bekannt ist für Wachstum, guten Charakter und hohe Marmorierung. Itoshigefuku 9059W ist AA im SCD-Test und somit optimal getestet. Die Mutter stammt aus der berühmten Lone Mountain Ranch Herde in USA und hat Haruki 2 zum Vater, der 1993 aus Japan importiert wurde und auch der Vater von Shigeshigetani ist. Nächste Mutter ist von Michifuku, dann Kikuyasu 400 und dann die Kuh JVP Yuriko-1, die direkt aus Japan importiert wurde. Originale japanische Genetik in diesem Pedigree.

Hakuru 243 has an Outcross Pedigree for the Wagyu breed with very high quality. Sire is Itoshigefuku 9059W who is a son of Itoshigefuji, the bull that is known for growth, good character and high marbling. Itoshigefuku 9059W is perfectly tested AA in SCD-Test. The dam comes from the famous Lone Mountain Ranch herd in USA and hasHaruki 2 as her sire who was imported in 1993 from Japan and who is also the sire of Shigeshigetani. Next dam in the pedigree is by Michifuku, then Kikuyasu 400, and then the cow JVP Yuriko-1 who came directly from Japan. Original Japanese genetics in this pedigree.

124. MS Consignor Recessives Genomics

Yuriko 253-ET


DE 0359301253 FB17670 Geb. Datum. 14.12.2016 (READY TO FLUSH!) PrismaGen GmbH – Hubertus Diers – Tel. +49 (0) 173 5429187 – Email. Free from all recessives / Getestet frei von allen Erbfehlern Tested AV-7 in SCD / Tenderness and BC in Exon 5 Test


Sire: Sanjirou FB2501

World K’s SANJIROU FB2501 (Michifuku FB1615 son of Suzutani FB1617)

World K’s TAKAZAKURA FB2892 CHR Ms Kitaguni 036H FB4246

CHR Ms Kitiguni 121M FB5342

World K’s Kitaguni Jr. FB 2422 JVP Ms Kikushige 403 FV3081

NEXT DAMS 4e JVP Yuriko-1 050 FB2103 5e Yuriko 795455 FB340 6e DAI 6 Yuri 10676 FB342

Das Beste der Wagyu Zucht!!

The best of the Wagyu breed!!

Züchter von Ms Yuriko 253 ist Ralph Valdez, Crescent Harbor Ranch in USA, der wohl beste Wagyu-Züchter außerhalb Japans. Sie ist eine Tochter von Sanjirou FB2501, dessen Mutter Suzutani ist, die 1993 aus Japan importiert wurde. Sanjirou ist gerade dabei, einer der besten Tajima Vererber zu werden. Sein genetischer Hintergrund steht für großes Ribeye, ideale Fleischproduktion und gute Zunahmen. Die Mutter von Yuriko 253 stammt von Worls K’s Kitaguni JR, dem bekannten Vererber mit hohem Shimane- und Kedaka-Anteil. Kuhfamilie mit viel Potenzial und bewährten Erfolgen im Embryo Transfer.

Breeder of Ms Yuriko 253 is Ralph Valdez, Crescent Harbor Ranch in USA, recognized as the best Wagyu breeder outside of Japan. She is a daughter of Sanjirou FB2501 who is a son of Suzutani, the cow which was imported from Japan in 1993. Sanjirou is currently becoming one of the very best Tajima sires. His genetic background stands for large Ribeye area, ideal meat production and good daily gain. The dam of Yuriko 253 is by Worls K’s Kitaguni JR, the well known sire with a high percentage of both Shimane and Kedaka blood in his pedigree. Cow family with lots of potential and proven to be successfull in Embryo Transfer.


125. 4 WAGYU Consignor

PrismaGen GmbH – Hubertus Diers – Tel. +49 (0) 173 5429187 – Email.


4 embryos by 2 different combinations:

2x 2x

World K’s Shigeshigetani FB2907 LMR Yojimbo FB6761

Sire / Vater: Sire / Vater:

Ribeye vom Yojimbo Ochsen / Ribeye by a Yojimbo steer

2 embryo’s World K’s Shigeshigetani FB2907 (Haruki 2 FB1614 x World K’s Suzutani FB1617 by Tanishige 1526 FB211)

Dam: / Mutter: TBR Yasu 1218Y FB13398 Dam: / Mutter:: 2+K Kibouza 53HJ FB12531

World K’s Shigeshigetani, Vater / Sire

TF Itomichi 1 / 2 FB2126 TBR Yasu 9022W FB10496

TBR Yasu 1218Y FB13398

LMR Yojimbo FB6761 LMR MS Sanjirou 617S FB6434 4e CHR Kikuhanahime FB3311 5e TF Hikohime 3/2 FB560

2 embryo’s LMR Yojimbo FB6761 (Fukutsuru 36H FB425 x Yasufuku Jr FB5061)

Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 FB8376 2+K Kibou FB9093

2+K Kibouza 53HJ FB12531

JVP Fukutsure-068 FB2101 2+K Asako 08 FB7865 4e 5e 6e 7e 8e

CHR MS Hirashige 056J FB4831 CHR Kikuhanahime FB3311 TF Hikohime 3/2 FB560 Hikohime 3 FB479 Hikokura 2/8 FB487

World Class Wagyu Embryo’s!!

World Class Wagyu Embryo’s!!

Hier ist ein spezielles Embryonenpaket mit Embryonen aus USA, die sehr selten in der Wagyu Zucht sind. Vater der ersten beiden Embryonen ist der originale Shigeshigetani FB2907, der 1994 geboren wurde und ein Sohn von Suzutani ist, der Kuh, die 1993 aus Japan importiert wurde und die eine der berühmtesten Kühe der Wagyu Zucht ist. Sie ist die Mutter sowohl von Shigeshigetani als auch von Sanjirou, zwei der großen Vererber aller Zeiten. Die Mutter der Embryonen kommt aus Idaho und hat Itomichi 1 / 2 als Vater, der bekannt ist für Wachstum und gute Milchproduktion. Dahinter im Pedigree der berühmte Yojimbo.

Here is a very special embryo package with embryos, imported from USA, that are very rare in the Wagyu breed. Sire of the first 2 embryos is the original Shigeshigetani FB2907 who was born in 1994 and is a son of Suzutani, the cow that was imported from Japan in 1993 and is one of the most famous cows in the breed. She is the dam of both Shigeshigetani and Sanjirou, two of the great sires ever. The dam of the embryos comes from Idaho and is sired by Itomichi 1 / 2, the bull who is known for growth and good milk production. Behind that in the pedigree the famous Yojimbo.

Die zweite Embryonenpaarung stammt von LMR Yojimbo, dem Bullen, der im ersten Lone Mountain Sale für 35.000$ verkauft wurde und der bekannt ist als einer der besten Vererber aller Zeiten für Schlachtkörperqualität und Marmorierung. Sperma von ihm ist nicht mehr am Markt verfügbar. Die Mutter dieser Embryonen ist eine der Top Kühe in der bekannten Clear Creek Herde in Ocala, Florida. Sie hat den australischen Starbullen Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 zum Vater, der großen Rahmen, viel Milch und gute Schlachtkörperqualität vererbt.

The second set of embryos is by LMR Yojimbo, the bull that was sold in the first Lone Mountain Sale for 35.000$ and who is known to be one of the best bulls for carcass quality and marbling ever. Semen of him is no longer available on the market. The dam of these embryos is one of the top cows in the famous Clear Creek herd in Ocala, Florida. She is sired by Australian star bull Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 who is transmitting good frame, good milk and high carcass quality.

Väter und Mütter dieser Embryonen sind alle getestet erbfehlerfrei.

Sires and dams of the embryos are all free of all recessives.



April 2018

Wagyu Spring Sale auf dem Hof Holtmann Ventrup 60, Münster-Albachten

Alle Tiere in der Auktion werden 100% Fullblood und frei von allen Erbfehlern sein. All animals in this sale will be 100% Fullblood and free of all recessives. Für weitere Informationen / For more information: Hubertus Diers: +49 (0) 173-5429187,

Tel. +49 (0) 2536-6710

Tel. +49 (0) 2505-939220

Farnear-TBR-BH At Corona VG-88 Atwood x VG-87 Sanchez x Sho�le Celebrity EX-94 x Regancrest Cinderella EX-92 x Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92

Mu�er von Mr Bubba Top Typbulle mit +3,78 PTAT @ STgene�cs

Hohe Typ-Nachkommen Eine Tochter mit +4,15 PTAT wurde beim ECS 2016 für 28.000€ verkau�

Corona ist gerade gespült mit Scien�fic Drive +4,05 PTAT aus Debutante Rae Familie. Klasse I Embryonen verfügbar! Embryos Drive x Corona available!

Farnear-TBR-BH At Corona VG-88

Für weitere Informa�onen:

Hermann Niermann: +49 (0) 173-9794490, Lütke Berg 2 - 48341 Altenberge - Tel. 02505-939220 - -

126. 3 FEMALE Consignor Combination


RinderzuchtHolstein-Wagyu (F. Marquardt) - Tel. +49 (0)176 31122695 - Email. FEMALE CHR Hirashige Tayasu 533 FB13499 x HW Kumiko

100% FULLBLOOD WAGYU (weiblich gesext / female embryos)

Sire of the embryos: CHR Hirashige Tayasu 533 FB13499

CHR Hirashige Tayasu 533 FB13499 (Hirashigetayasu 001 FB670 x Takazakura FB2892)

Fukutsuru TF 004 AU87854480629 GWG 1016 DE0945603102

HW Kumiko DE0120768466

BK Kinuyasudoi AU8938260350 B Hikohime W AU8938240477

WEIBLICHE Wagy embryos

FEMALE Wagyu embryos!!

Weiblich gesexte Embryonen von Tayasu 533, dem Enkelsohn von Suzutani, aus der Zucht von Ralph Valdez. Diese Embryonen kommen aus der Zucht von Holstein Wagyu und haben mit Hirashigetayasu, Takazakura, Suzutani, Fukutsuru 068, Hikohime und Kinuyasudoi viele Größen der Wagyuzucht im Pedigree.

Female sexed embryos by Tayasu 533, the grandson of Suzutani, bred by Ralph Valdez in Washington State, USA. These embryos come from Holstein Wagyu. With Hirashigetayasu, Takazakura, Suzutani, Fukutsuru 068, Hikohime and Kinuyasudoi they have some of the real great names of Wagyu breeding in their pedigree.


127. GS Ruegruet Consignor

CH 120131860099 Geb. Datum. 06.11.2016 BG Herren & Schurtenberger- Tel. +41(0)795308005 - Email.

2. M. MS Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91-USA

M. Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP (Goldwyn x Regancrest S Chassity) Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH Conf. EX-91-CH 6yr. 2.08 305d 8.759kgM 5.0% 438F 3.6% 313P 3.11 305d 12.609kgM 4.8% 600F 3.5% 444P 5.08 305d 12.329kgM 4.5% 558F 3.4% 418P • 2nd place @ Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘14 • Die ADEEN Familie, eine der erfolgreichsten Schautyp-Kuhfamilien der Geschichte / The ADEEN family, one of the most successful show type cow families in the history!

Sister to lot: Engelkes Windbrook Atlantis

Wilcoxview JASPER-ET

Braedale GOLDWYN

Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-91-USA DOM 2.00 365d 14.427kgM 4.1% 592F 3.2% 462P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Atwood, Golden Dreams, Delete & others! • Maternal sister to: / Maternal sister to: AFTERSHOCK @ ABS • Vollschwester zu Ms Atlees Goldwyn Ariel EX-92-USA, verkauft für $ 1.500.000 / Full sister to Ms Atlees Goldwyn Ariel EX-92-USA, sold for $ 1.500.000

Aus dem Herzen der Atlee´s • Gold Chip x EX-91 Jasper x EX-91 Goldwyn x ATLEE EX-92! • Aus den ADEEN´S, eine der erfolgreichsten Schautyp-Kuhfamilien der Geschichte! • Selbe Familie wie Atwood, Golden Dreams, Archrival, AftershocK und viele weitere!

MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA DOM Conf. EX-92-USA DOM 2.08 365d 14.751kgM 4.2% 635F 3.3% 487P 3.11 365d 17.413kgM 5.5% 948F 3.3% 567P • All-American Sr. 3yr. Old ‘05 • Res. Intermediate Champion @ Madison ‘05

NEXT DAMS 4e MD-Delight Strm Amberlee VG-88-USA 3yr. DOM 5e MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94-USA 2E DOM 6e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

Out of the heart of the Atlee’s • Gold Chip x EX-91 Jasper x EX-91 Goldwyn x ATLEE EX-92! • From the Adeen’s, one of the most successful type families in the history! • Same family as bulls like Atwood, Golden Dreams, Archrival, Aftershock and many others!

128. NH DG Sid All Time Consignor


DE 0770497982 Geb. Datum. 16.01.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

M. Seeger’s Alexis VG-87-DE 2yr. Champion 2yr. old RUW Show ‘16

NH DG All Time Favourite |

She sells!

Pine-Tree SID (Mr Sam x Finley) Seeger’s Atwood Alexis VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 88 85 88 86 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.331kgM 4.2% 396F 3.6% 331P • 1st 2-Yr. Old & Champion RUW Show ‘16 • 2nd 2-Yr. Old Hessens Zukunft Show ‘16 • Toller Zweig der Shoremar S Alicia EX-97 Familie / Beautiful branch of the Shoremar S Alicia EX-97 family!

5. M. Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Crackholm FEVER

Fever Alster VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr.

Best Almira EX-1-DE Conf. EX-91-DE

La3/2 290d 8.264kgM 4.1% 340F 3.3% 269P HL2 305d 8.990kgM 4.5% 406F 3.4% 306P • Selbe Famlie wie: / Same family as: Atwood, Aftershock, Golden Dreams, Archrival & many others!

7/6 La 305d 10.948kgM 3.7% 409F 3.4% 370P HL3 305d 13.929kgM 3.6% 494F 3.3% 455P • Enkeltochter von Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA: GRAND & Supreme Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘00 / Granddtr of Shoremar S Alicia EX-97USA: GRAND & Supreme Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘00 NEXT DAMS 4e Alh Durham Alida VG-86-DE 2yr. 5e Shoremar S Alicia-ET EX-97-USA 3E 7* 6e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

Sid mit dem WOW Faktor! • Eine Januar ‘17 Sid bereit für die Schauen und für ET • Ihre Mutter war bereits mehrfach auf Schauen erfolgreich • Diese Anpaarung hat bereits mehrfach bewiesen das sie magisches kann: SID x ATWOOD aus der legendären Alicia EX-97-USA Dynastie

Sid with the WOW-factor! • A January ‘17 Sid ready to show & flush! • Dam has been very successful at multiple shows • A cross which delivered multiple great show heifers: SID x ATWOOD and going back on Alicia EX-97-USA

129. Ruben Consignor Kalbt / Due

Adeenia *RC

DE 0770394986 Geb. Datum. 17.05.2016 HH. HHR HCD Philipp Rueben - Tel. +49 (0)157 57337249 - Email. Inseminated 29.06.2017 FEMALE Stantons CHIEF

US 08/17 PTAT +2.78 / UCD +2.13 (DPR +0.8)

Mat. sister to 2nd dam: BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA

Mat sister to 2nd dam: BVK Atwood Abbie EX-95-USA

Scientific B DEFIANT *RC (Braxton x Goldwyn) Adeen VG-86-DE La1. Conf. 88 84 86 87 / VG-86-DE La1. La1 305d 7.625kgM 4.4% 338F 3.5% 269P

3. M. MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E

Mr Apples ARMANI *RC


BVK Advent Delightful *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.02 315d 8.192kgM 4.1% 337F 3.1% 253P • Halbschwester zu: Amlaird Lee Alice EX-94USA, 3.te Mutter von: ARCHRIVAL, ehemaliger #1 PTAT Bulle der Rasse! / Maternal sister to: Amlaird Lee Alice EX-94USA, 3rd dam to: ARCHRIVAL, former #1 PTAT bull in the breed! • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA: 1st Jr. 2-Yr. @ Madison & royal & to BVK Atwood Abrianna EX-92-USA: Grand Champion Illinois State Fair & Illinois Championship Show ‘13 & Abbie EX-95

RF, GESEXT TRAGEND & ADEEN!! • Eine super hohes ROTFAKOTOR Typrind, tragend mit CHIEF gesext und als 3.te Mutter die weltbekannte MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 • Großmutter ist die Schwester von Abbie EX-95, Arianna EX-94, Abrianna EX-92 und weiteren! • Ihre Chance auf einen roten Zweig dieser Familie!!

Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-92-USA 2E DOM 8* 3.05 310d 13.689kgM 4.0% 548F 3.6% 489P 6.04 365d 13.073kgM 4.1% 540F 3.5% 459P 4.05 324d 11.000kgM 3.8% 423F 3.7% 405P 1382d 45.704kgM 4.0% 4010 3.6% 1.655P • 2x Member All-American Produce • 2x All-American Nominees • Dam of 24 EXCELLENT offspring • Großmutter von ATLEE EX-92-USA, Mutter zu: Atwood, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & mehr / Granddam to ATLEE EX-92-USA, dam to: Atwood, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & more NEXT DAMS 4e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

RC, Pregnant with Female semen & Adeen! • A high type RC Defiant, pregnant with female Chief and the incredible brood cow MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 as her 3rd dam • Grand dam is the sister of Abbie EX-95, Arianna EX-94, Abrianna EX-92 and more! • Make a RED branch of this #1 TYPE Family!!

130. DG Hullcrest Consignor


DE 0539462989 Geb. Datum. 09.11.2016 HH. - Hullcrest Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 5731164 - Email.

08/17 UDC +2.29 / FLC +2.18 / PTAT +3.46 08/17

MS +14 / F&L +17 /

DGV-Conf. +17

The #7 PTAT Solomon dtr in Europe

Full brother to 2. M. ARCHRIVAL

M. H.Tobias AM Mcc Adele

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) H. Tobias AM Mcc Adela NC Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Update / Just fresh, see sale updates for more info • Topseller Italian Style Sale ‘15: EUR 34.000 • Ehemaliges #1 PTAT Rind in Europa / Former #1 PTAT Heifer in Europe • Mutter von DG Hullcrest Aida-ET - #1 PTAT Solomon Tochter / #5 PTAT Calf in Europe (PTAT +3.76) / Dam to DG Hullcrest Aida-ET - #1 PTAT Solomon dtr / #5 PTAT Calf in Europe! (PTAT +3.76) • Mutter Adele ist die Vollschwester zu Adeena, welche die Großmutter des neuen #2 PTAT Bullen der Welt ist: Flora Adress (9/17 PTAT +4.40) / Dam Adele is the full sister to Adeena, which is dam to the new #2 PTAT bull World Wide, Flora Adress (9/17 PTAT +4.40)

2. M. Flora Atwood Adele VG-86-ES 2yr.


Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD

Flora Atwood Adele VG-86-ES 2yr. Conf. VG-86-ES 2yr. La1 305d 10.103kgM 3.6% 364F 3.2% 328P • Ehemalige #10 PTAT Kuh in Europa / Former top 10 PTAT cow in Europe • Vollschwester zu ARCHRIVAL, ehemalier #1 PTAT Bulle der Rasse / Full sister to ARCHRIVAL, former #1 PTAT bull in the breed • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von: / Her full sister is dam to: - Flora Beemer Adriana (PTAT +3.94) #2 PTAT Heifer (> 9 Months) in Europe - Flora Beemer Adaline (PTAT +3.81) #7 PTAT Heifer (> 9 Months) in Europe

Top 10 PTAT Solomon! • Die #7 PTAT Solmon Tochter in Europa: PTAT +3.46! • Diese Familie liefert das beste vom besten für Typ, wie z.B. Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & mehr • Mutter war der Italian Style Sale ‘15 Topseller für EUR 34.000 • Vollschwester zur Großmutter ist die Großmutter des #2 PTAT Bullen der Rasse: Flora Adress: 9/17 PTAT +4.40

Bolleholster Anya VG-87-NL 3yr. Conf. VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 3yr. 2.07 371d 9.276kgM 4.1% 377F 3.4% 313P 3.09 305d 9.841kgM 3.8% 378F 3.2% 312P • Überragende Zuchtkuh / Incredible brood cow • Eine der interessantesten Typquellen der Rasse / One of the most interesting type sources in the breed NEXT DAMS 4e Sherona-Hill Champ Angel VG-89-USA 2yr. 5e Amlaird Lee Alice EX-94-USA - All-American Jr. 2yr. ‘03 & 1st at Madison! 6e Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM 7e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

Top 10 PTAT Solomon! • The #7 PTAT Solmon daughter in Europe: PTAT +3.46! • This family delivered the cream of the crop for TYPE, like Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & more • Dam was the Italian Style Sale ‘15 topseller for EUR 34.000 • Full sister to grand dam is grand dam of the new #2 PTAT bull in the breed: Flora Adress: 9/17 PTAT +4.40

131. ZS Consignor Bel.: / Ins:


DE 070164754 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2015 Zens Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)175 8011412 - Email. 16.02.2017 - Mit KINGPIN

Sid x Goldqueen: ZS Sid Laticia VG-86 2yr.

2. M. ZS Goldqueen EX-92-DE

Barnkamper EPOCHAL (Epic x Planet) ZS Gold VG-88-DE Conf. 90 88 89 86 / VG-88-DE La1 305d 9.360kgM 4.1% 379F 3.0% 278P La3/3 305d 10.760kgM 4.0% 427F 3.0% 322P HL3 305d 11.571kgM 4.0% 459F 2.9% 340P

Sister to 5th dam: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA


Braedale GOLDWYN

ZS Goldqueen EX-92-DE Conf. 93 95 92 89 / EX-92-DE La6/5 305d 11.268kgM 4.0% 453F 3.2% 360P HL3 305d 12.663kgM 4.0% 500F 3.0% 384P • Int. & Grand Champoin RUW Show ‘11 • Champion 2-Yr. RUW Show ‘09

• Toller Zweig aus den Ashlyn’s! / Great branch from the Ashlyn’s! • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to ZS Sid Lancia VG-86 2yr. - Grand Champion Keli Show

Bonnie Ade Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P • Ihre Großmutter ist die Halbschwester zu: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA - Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘01!! / Her granddam is the maternal sister to: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘01!! NEXT DAMS 4e Queen Adee 5e Tri-Day Mistress Queen EX-91-USA - Mat. sister to Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 6e Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite EX-92-USA 2E DOM 7e Bendy-Brook Star Fonda VG-86 VG-MS

Tragendes Rind aus den Ashlyn´s • Ein hochtragendes Rind aus der Tri-Day Ashlyn Kuhfamilie • Die Halbschwester der Mutter war bereits Champion auf einer Schau • Goldqueen: Intermediate & Grand Champion @ RUW Show • Toller Zweig der Ashlyn Familie • 5.te Mutter ist die Halbschwester zu der famosen Zucht- & Schaukuh: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA: Grand Champion Royal & Madison!

Pregnant heifer of the Ashlyn’s • A pregnant heifer of the Tri-Day Ashlyn cow family • Dam her maternal sister won Champion at the Keli Show • Goldqueen: Intermediate & Grand Champion @ RUW Show • Great branch from the Ashlyn cow family • 5th dam is the maternal sister to the great brood &- show cow: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA: Grand Champion Royal & Madison!

132. 4 Consignor Combination


ARGH Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. Wilt Emilio x Flora Atwood Adeena

Full brother to Adeena: ARCHRIVAL

Beemer x Adeena: Flora Beemer Adriana Dam to Adress (#2 PTAT bull World Wide: +4.40!!!)

M. Flora Atwood Adeena VG-87-ES 2yr.

Wilt EMILIO (Capital Gain x Yorick) US 8/17 PTAT +4.01 Flora Atwood Adeena VG-87-ES 2yr. Conf. VG-87-ES 2yr. 2.04 351d 10.360kgM 4.3% 444F 3.5% 359P • 4th. Jr 2-Yr. Old Int. Show Montichiari Italy ‘14 • Großmutter des #2 PTAT Bullen der Welt: / Grand dam to the #2 PTAT bull World Wide: Flora Adress (PTAT +4.40) - s. Emilio • Super PTAT Quelle: / Super PTAT source: - Flora Beemer Adriana (PTAT +3.94) #2 PTAT Heifer (>9 Months) in Europe - Flora Beemer Adaline-ET (PTAT +3.81) #7 PTAT Heifer (>9 Months) in Europe - Caps Flora Atwood Ad (PTAT +3.64) - DG ARGH Jacoby Atlee (PTAT +3.71) • Vollschwester zu ARCHIRVAL: ehemaliger #1 PTAT Bulle der Rasse / Full sister to ARCHIRVAL: former #1 PTAT bull in the breed

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD


Bolleholster Shottle Anya VG-87-NL 2yr Conf. VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.07 371d 9.276kgM 4.1% 377F 3.4% 313P • Unglaubliche Zuchtkuh / Incredible brood cow! • Eine der besten Typquellen der Rasse / One of the most interesting type sources in the breed • Aus ihr stammen bereits viele hohe VG Färsen / Delivered many high scoring 2yr. olds til date! • Die Kuh hinter dem #1 PTAT Rind in Europa: PTAT +4.22 / Also the cow behind the #1 PTAT female in Europe: PTAT +4.22 (Emilio x McCutchen x Atwood x Anya)

DIE PTAT Quelle der Rasse!! • Diese Familie züchtet hohen PTAT Generation für Generation • Adeena ist die Mutter des #2 PTAT Rindes in Europa: PTAT +3.94 • Adeena ist die Großmutter des #2 PTAT Bullen der Welt: +4.40!! • Vollschwester zu Adeena ist die Großmutter des #1 PTAT Rindes in Europa: PTAT +4.22!!

Sherona-Hill Champ Angel VG-89-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. 2.09 365d 13.431kgM 4.1% 553F 3.3% 449P • Maximale Einstufung in der 1. Laktation / Maximum score in her 1st lactation • Verkauft für $ 46.000 / Sold for $ 46.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Amlaird Lee Alice EX-94-USA - All-American Jr. 2-Yr. ‘03 & 1st @ Madison! 5e MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94-USA 2E DOM 6e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

THE PTAT source in the breed! • This family makes high PTAT generation after generation!! • Adeena is dam of the #2 PTAT heifer in Europe: PTAT +3.94 • Adeena is grand dam of the #2 PTAT bull World Wide: +4.40!! • Full sister of Adeena is grand dam of the #1 PTAT female in Europe: PTAT +4.22!!

133. RZN Mission Consignor

DE 0770451133 Geb. Datum. 14.03.2017 Nöhl GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 - Email.

Milk 08/17 HUGE RZG POLLED & RC heifer: RZG 160!!!


Mystique *PO *RC

















































+1.2 6.6







3. M. Aija Man O Man Naomi VG-85-CAN 3yr.

2. M. Aija Supersire Makea GP-83-CAN 3yr.

MISSION *P *RC (Missouri x Asterix-P) RZN Mackenzie VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 85 85 84 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 9.122kgM 4.6% 419F 3.5% 319P • Eine der höchsten GTPI Commander Tochter in Europa / One of the highest GTPI Commander dtrs in Europe • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: COVER @ RUW • Aus einer neuen exklusiven Kuhfamilie / From a new and exclusive cow family

Full sister to M. RZN Mary-Lou



Aija Supersire Makea GP-83-CAN 3yr. Conf. GP-83-CAN 3yr. 2.11 365d 14.838kgM 4.2% 631F 3.5% 515P • Super vererbende Kuh mit mehreren hohen Söhnen und Töchtern / Super trans mitting cow with multiple high ranking sons & daughters • Mutter von: / Dam to: Robert @ Select, Moneyman & Mystro @ ABS, Mogambo @ Semex & Cover @ RUW

Eines der höchsten HORNLOSEN & RF RZG Rinder! • Eines der höchsten HORNLOSEN & ROTFAKTOR RZG Rinder der Rasse: RZG 160!!! • Mutter hat mehrere Schwestern > 2700 GTPI • Mutter ist die Schwester zu: Cover @ RUW, Magambo @ Semex & und vielen anderen • Aus einer ganz exklusiven Kuhfamilie mit bislang nur wenigen Tieren in Europa

Aija Man O Man Naomi VG-85-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 3yr. 2.01 365d 11.207kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 409P 3.04 365d 15.858kgM 4.1% 657F 3.4% 545P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Newman @ Semex

NEXT DAMS 4e Aija Shottle Jenny VG-85-CAN 5e Aija Goldwyn Joyfull VG-86-CAN 6e Aija Out Joy EX-90-CAN 3E

One of the highest POLLED & RC RZG heifers!! • One of the highest POLLED & RED CARRIER RZG heifers in the breed: RZG 160!!! • Dam has multiple sisters > 2700 GTPI • Dam is sister to: Cover @ RUW, Magambo @ Semex & many more • From a very exclusive cow family, one of the few descendants in Europe available from this cow family

134. ST Consignor



DE 0539627382 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2017 HH. HRR Stegemann Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)170 3543712 - Email.





























Ganz hoch rangierendes ROTES Rind / Top charting R&W heifer - RZG 159!!! RZG 159!! Hoher Leistungsindex: +2500 Milch!! / Huge production index: +2500 Milk!!!

Brother to dam: Present-Red @ RUW

M. ST Lisette-Red

Westcoast STYX-Red (Entitle *RC x Sympatico *RC)

Mission P sister to this lot


Co-Op Oman LOGAN

ST Lisette-Red NC

ST Lara *RC GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 1st test: 31.7kgM 4.49%F 3.14%P

La3/3 305d 12.123kgM 4.0% 79F 3.4% 410P HL3 305d 13.243kgM 4.1% 547F 3.4% 446P

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Present-Red @ RUW (s. Perfect Aiko *RC)

ST Lisa *RC VG-86-DE Conf. 85 85 86 87 / VG-86-DE La1 305d 8.071kgM 3.8% 308F 3.6% 288P La6/6 305d 9.842kgM 4.0% 390F 3.5% 341P HL6 305d 10.321kgM 4.3% 447F 3.15 359P

NEXT DAMS 4e Lisella VG-87-DE (s. Loudhoeve)

ROT – RZG +159 & +2500kg Milch! • Eines der höchsten verfügbaren ROTEN Rinder nach RZG • Sie notiert RZG +159 mit einer überragenden Leistung von +2500kg Milch! • Ihre Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zu Present-Red (RZG 142) @ RUW

RED - RZG +159 & +2500kg Milk! • One of the highest R&W Heifers in the German index availalbe! • She scores RZG +159 with a huge prodcution of +2500kg Milk! • Dam is the maternal sister to Present-Red (RZG 142) @ RUW

135. GIL Emerich Consignor

DE 0770464417 Geb. Datum. 06.10.2016 HH. HH3 Kurt Gillessen - Tel. +49 (0)177 7476354 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17

M inna
























































Same family: Price @ RUW

3. M. Morningview Freddie Mimi VG-88-USA

S-S-I Davinci EMERICH (Davinci x Snowman) GIN Megan VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 83 83 86 / VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 12.619kgM 3.7% 469F 3.3% 413P • Fantastische Leistungsfärse / Huge production 2yr. old!

Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA GMD DOM


De-Su 521 BOOKEM

GIN Mae NC Conf. NC

Morningview Freddie Mimi VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA

• Vollschwester zu GIN Bookem Mimi VG-86 2yr., Mutter zu Price @ RUW / Full sister to GIN Bookem Gini VG-86-DE 2yr., dam to Price @ RUW • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Explode, Epic, Emmett, Wonder, Kingboy & others

2.09 305d 12.664kgM 4.4% 560F 3.6% 460P • Söhne @ Semex, ST Genetics, ABS & mehr / Sons @ Semex, ST Genetics, ABS & more NEXT DAMS 4e Morningview Shottle Maui EX-90-USA 5e Morningview Fnly Mikki EX-90-USA GMD 6e Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae VG-87-USA GMD DOM 7e Wauregan Maebell EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e Raymau Bstar Monica VG-89-USA 2yr. DOM 10e Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA DOM 11e JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA GMD DOM 12e La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 13e La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-86-USA 14e La-Ko-Land Monitor Nancy EX-90-USA

OUTCROSS aus der Lead Mae Familie • Ein tolles Outcross Pedigree aus den Whittier-Farms Lead Mae’s • Emerich x Commander x Bookem x Freddie x Shottle x Finley • Selbe Mutterlinie wie PRICE @ RUW: #1 RZG President Sohn in Deutschland mit RZG +150 • Selbe Familie wie: Explode, Epic, Emmett, Wonder, Kingboy & mehr

OUTCROSS From the Lead Mae family • A great outcross pedigree from the Whittier-Farms Lead Mae’s • Emerich x Commander x Bookem x Freddie x Shottle x Finley • Same maternal line as PRICE @ RUW: #1 RZG President son in Germany with RZG +150 • Same family as: Explode, Epic, Emmett, Wonder, Kingboy & more

136. HBL Consignor



DE 0666976445 Geb. Datum. 05.01.2017 HH. - Bernhardt Höhler - Tel. +49 (0)177 6946851 - Email.





























Sister to dam: Cinema

2. M. Anderstrup Snowman Heaven VG-87-DK 2yr.

JETSET (Doorman x Ermes)

4. M. Cogent B Heaven VG-87-NL 2yr.


Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN

Tir-An Boss Heather

Anderstrup Snowman Heaven VG-87-DK 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DK 2yr.

See sale update

La1 305d 19.034kgM 3.9% 742F 3.2% 609P

• Schwester zu / Sister to: CINEMA @ Vost, HEAVY @ AI-Total, BALTIKUM @ LTR / ZBH, BEAT @ Masterrind, CHEVALIER @ LTR / ZBH & more!

• Genomische Mega-Bullenmutter / Huge Genomic Giant! • Ihre Söhne dominieren die RZG Toplisten / Her sons have been in the top of the RZG Ranking lists • Mutter von: / Dam to: Cinema, Heavy, Baltikum, Beat, Chevalier & more • Überragende Leistungskuh: / Incredible production cow: > 19.000kgM in 305 days!

Aus der HEAVEN Familie • Eine tolle Jetset aus der Schwester zu: Cinema, Baltikum, Heavy, Beat, Chevalier & vielen anderen! • Die Großmutter ist eine der besten und gefragtesten Zuchtkühe im deutschen System! • “OUTCROSS”: Mogul & Supersire FREI!! • Jetset x Boss x Snowman x Shottle x Boliver x Marshall x Mtoto

Anderstrup Shottle Heidi VG-89-DK Conf. VG-89-DK La1 213d 11.451kgM 3.7% 423F 3.3% 803P • Söhne in der Besamung / Sons went to AI • Halbschwester zu: / Her dam is mat. sister to: Screaming-Vis O Heaven EX-91-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Cogent Boliver Heaven VG-87-NL 2yr. - 1st @ National Dutch NRM & HHH Show 5e Darlawn Marshall Heaven VG-86-USA VG-MS 6e Darlawn Mtoto Honibea VG-85-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 7e Darlawn Rudolph Hera VG-86-USA 8e Wallmac Bstar Dixie Honi EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Dixie-Lee Legacy VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Lar-Lin Glendell Haiti EX-93-USA GMD DOM 11e Ground Round-Oak Hagen Helen EX-92-USA 12e Ground Hagen Mil-Key Maud EX-90-USA

From the HEAVEN family • A lovely Jetset daughter out of the sister to: Cinema, Baltikum, Heavy, Beat, Chevalier & many others! • Grand dam is one of the greatest brood cow for in the German index system! • “OUTCROSS”: Mogul & Supersire FREE!! • Jetset x Boss x Snowman x Shottle x Boliver x Marshall x Mtoto


28. MS Modesty 137. YLOVE Consignor

08/16 09/17 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!


FR 6771204363 NL 562237348 Geb. Datum. 18.05.2017 24.05.2016 Emma D. SchwarzScholten Tel.-+41 Tel. (0)794178314 +31 6 52897333 - Email.

HH. -















+1095 +134

+0.06 +0.22

+0.03 +0.07

56 65

41 23

2.74 6.9

-1.2 7.7 +2.7 3.6

9.0 6.9

2.89 2.58

2.88 3.06

+3.38 +2.71

569 697

2489 2596

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS MS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI Super Inhaltsstoffe / Huge components: +0.22% FAT & +0.97% PROTEIN - with +2.7DPR & UDC +3.06!!!! 08/16 DGV +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105 106 14 13 13 +16 3020

Same 2. M. family: KHW Regiment Ralma Goldwyn Apple-Red Carmel EX-96-USA EX-92-USA

3rd Ms M. dam: Apples DKR Pronto Uno Aleetra Faith *RC VG-87-DE EX-90-USA 2yr.

View-HomePety MONTEREY Bacon-Hill MODESTY (McCutchen x Robust) (Pety x Supersire) Faithlove Ms ApplesNC Uno Aleetra *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 4yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info • RC Tochter aus APPLE EX-96! / USRC 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI EX-96! +2483 daughter from APPLE • Vollschwester zu Ms Apples Uno Armana *RC • Top 50 GTPI-Mutter & #16von: PTATArvis cow *RC in Europe / EX-91-USA, @ ST & Top 50Pie GTPI#16 PTAT cow in Europe Apple Red&@ AI-Total / Full sister to Ms • #4 GTPIUno OakArmana in Europe #4 GTPI Oak in to: Europe Apples *RC /EX-91-USA, dam • One the@highest outcross cows the breed Arvisof*RC ST & Apple Pie Red @ in AI-Total One of thezu: highest outcross cows in the breed • /Schwester / Sister to: Absolute-Red, Armani *RC, Big Apple-Red & more • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Ms Candy Apple Red: HM Grand Champion @ Madison & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair

7thM.dam: 3. Kamps-Hollow Ralma JurorAltitude Faith EX-91-USA EX-95-USA GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Gillette WINDBROOK Carrousel REGIMENT-Red

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA DOM VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. EX-96-USA DOM La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 2.02 365d9.970kgM 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P • Sister to13.975kgM NH Fabulous @ 693F Ascol3.9% / 550P 5.03 365d 5.0% Sister to 15.096kgM NH Fabulous @ Ascol 7.00 365d 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P • Grand & Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo, Madison! • All-American R&W Mature Cow ‘11 • The “One Million“ Dollar Cow! • Schwester zu: Advent, Jotan, Acme & Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, der Mutter von Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC & more / Sister to: Advent, Jotan, Acme & Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, the dam to Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC & more

Top 10 aus INDEX GTPIden Schwester APPLE´S!zu Charley • Die Top höchste 10 GTPI INDEX Polled Tochter heifer inaus Europe! einer EXZELLENT eingestuften • Super Tochterfitness aus Apple: & type: ALEETRA! SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • INDEX The maternal aus densister Apple’s! of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Tolle Goes Qualitäten back to Larcrest in ihrem Crimson Zuchtwert: EX-94-USA Ganz hohe Inhaltsstoffe mit +2.3 DPR >3 Punkten für Euter & +2.71 PTAT

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC 2yr. EX-95-USA 2E VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5.01 305d 13.077kgM 11.719kgM 3.8% 3.6% 498F 422F 3.7% 3.2% 484P 375P 2.00 6.09 365d 305d 13.803kgM 13.127kgM 4.2% 3.8% 575F 499F 3.3% 459P 433P 4.03 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller Sale EUR‘09 42.000 • Red ImpactNH Cow of ‘10 thefor Year NEXT DAMS Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 4e Langs-Twin-B Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD2yr. DOM Ralma FinleyAugy C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Clover-Mist Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM Ralma August Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA 6e D-R-A EX-96-USA 4E DOM GMD DOM Ralma Ideal Juror Precious Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 2E 7e D-R-A Leader EX-90-USA Ralma Princess LeadmanLad Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 8e D-R-A Leader EX-90-USA 3E

Top 10 from INDEX GTPI the POLLED APPLE’S! sister to Charley • The Top 10 highest GTPI INDEX Polled dtr heifer of the in Europe! EXCELLENT Uno dtr of Apple: • Super ALEETRA! fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • INDEX The maternal of the Apple’s! sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Great Goes back qualities to Larcrest in this Crimson index: Huge EX-94-USA components with +2.3 DPR >3 points Udders & +2.71 PTAT

138. 1st Consignor

Choice Female

La Brasserie Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)6 83803325 - Email.

Wahl aus / Choice out of: 2 FEMALE pregnancies AWESOME RED x Ms Apples Danielle Red EX-94-USA 1 FEMALE pregnancy JORDY-RED x Sunspark Ladd Appleton Red 2 FEMALE pregnancies JORDY-RED x Alh Atwood Allie 2174

Due: 09/11/17 & 14/12/17 Due: 05/03/18 Due: 19/02/18 & 26/02/18

Left: M. MS D Apple Danielle Red EX-94-USA Top: 2. M. Ms Delicious Apple Red EX-94-USA

Left: 2. M. MS Apples Applause EX-94-CAN 2E Top: Udder of Sunspark Ladd Appleton Red

Left: ABSOLUTE-RED Full brother to 2nd dam Top: Apple’s where they feel it their best: THE SHOWRING!!

Das APPLE Paket!! • Unglaubliches Angebot mit dem allerbesten aus der Apple Dynastie • Eine erste Wahl aus 5 weiblichen Trächtigkeiten • Auch dabei: 2 Trächtigkeiten aus einer der Kühe die es in dieser Schausaison zu schlagen gilt: DANIELLE-RED!!!

The APPLE Package!! • Incredible oppportunity from the very best of the Apple cow family • A 1st choice out of 5 FEMALE pregnancies • Includes 2 pregnancies from one of the cows to beat for this year’s show season: DANIELLE-RED!!!

The Apple Package Der Käufer hat die Wahl aus allen geborenen weiblichen Kälbern aus folgenden Trächtigkeiten: Buyers choice ouf of all resulting females from pregnancies below:

2 FEMALE pregnancies AWESOME RED x Ms Apples Danielle Red EX-94-USA Due: 09/11/17 & 14/12/17 Luck-E AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent) Ms D Apple Danielle Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA EX-95-MS 3.11 305d 13.218kgM 3.8% 504F 3.4% 452P • Res. Grand Champion All-American Dairy Show R&W ‘17 • One of the cows to beat for the big shows (Madison) ‘17 • Nom. R&W Cow of the Year ‘15! • Nom. All-American 4-Yr. old ‘15 • Sr. & Res. Grand Champion All-American R&W Show ‘15 • Grand Chamion R&W NY Spring Show ‘15 • HM. All-American Sr. 3-Yr. Old ‘14 • Grand champion All-American R&W Show ‘14 • Nom. All-American Sr. 2-Yr. Old • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Devour @ Accelerated & Daniel @ ABS

Scientific DESTRY *RC

Ladino Park TALENT *RC

Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2.02 365d 12.002kgM 3.9% 470F 3.3% 395P 4.03 355d 16.739kgM 3.7% 621F 3.1% 513P • Nom. All-American R&W Jr. 2-Yr Old ‘10 • Member All-American R&W Produce of Dam ‘10 • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red, Armani *RC, Mcgucci *RC & more!

Sunspark Ladd Appleton Red VG-87-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-87-MS 3yr. 1.10 335d 9.232kgM 4.2% 386F 3.3% 303P 2.11 365d 13.55kgM 3.7% 512F 3.1% 433P

2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P 9.00 365d 16.670kgM 4.3% 718F 3.3% 549P Life:2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • GRAND & Res. GRAND Champion R&W @ Madison! • All-American Aged Cow ‘11 • One Million Dollar cow! NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 9e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

1 FEMALE pregnancy JORDY-RED x Sunspark Ladd Appleton Red Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip)

KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA DOM

Due: 05/03/18

Tiger-Lily LADD P-Red


MS Apples Applause EX-94-CAN 2E Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS 2E

KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA DOM

4.03 365d 13.628kgM 4.4% 606F 3.3% 449P 5.08 365d 15.685kgM 3.6% 558F 3.1% 488P Lifetime: 4La. 60.102kgM 4.0%F 3.2%P

2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P 9.00 365d 16.670kgM 4.3% 718F 3.3% 549P Life:2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • THE LEGENDARY RED COW!!!

2 FEMALE pregnancies JORDY-RED x Alh Atwood Allie 2174 Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip) A-L-H Atwood Allie 2174 VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. See sale update

Due: 19/02/18 & 26/02/18

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD MS Talent Applicious-Red EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 2.03 365d 12.746kgM 4.7% 601F 3.5% 450P 3.07 305d 13.073kgM 4.2% 552F 3.5% 458P 5.10 365d 13.186kgM 5.4% 712F 3.4% 450P Lifetime: 49.275kgM 4.9%F 3.4%P • 2nd Sr. 3yr. Old MD State Fair R&W ‘11 • Full sister to ABSOLUTE RED!!! • Full sister to MS Candy Apple Red EX-94-USA

Ladino Park TALENT KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P 9.00 365d 16.670kgM 4.3% 718F 3.3% 549P Life:2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • THE LEGENDARY RED COW!!!

139. HAM Consignor


DE 0359766092 Geb. Datum. 05.03.2017 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Sister to lot: Hellender Goldwyn Glinnia EX-93-CH Res. Grand Champion & Best Udder Swiss Expo ‘16

2. M. Hellender Jurgolin EX-92-CH in the Swiss Expo Ring @ 15 yrs old & 132.000 kg Lifetime!!!

De-Su McCUTCHEN (Bookem x Shottle) Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-CH 3E Conf. 95FR 91R 93MS 96FL / EX-94-CH 3E 2.03 305d 8.506kgM 3.9% 335F 3.5% 299P 3.03 305d 9.641kgM 4.4% 419F 3.5% 336P 4.04 305d 10.250kgM 4.7% 486F 3.4% 353P 5.09 305d 13.286kgM 3.9% 518F 3.4% 451P 8.02 305d 13.603kgM 4.4% 600F 3.5% 471P Lifetime: 72.213kgM 4.4%F 3.6%P • 4th Swiss Expo 2009 • 3rd place Swiss Expo 2010 • 4th Jr. Expo Bulle National Holstein Show ‘10 • HM. Champion & Res. Best Udder Brunegg ‘09 • Mutter von: / Dam of Hellender Goldwyn Glinnia EX-93-CH - Res. Grand & BU Swiss Expo ‘16 • 2 EXZELLENTE Töchter bis heute / 2 EX dtrs til date • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Calanda EX-95, Corina EX-94, Galaxy EX-91 & Galacia VG-89

M. Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-CH 3E

Calbrett-I-HH CHAMPION Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-CH 7E 29* Conf. EX-92-CH EX-94-MS 7E 29* 3.02 305d 10.706kgM 3.8% 410F 3.4% 364P 5.11 305d 13.061kgM 4.5% 584F 3.3% 409P 10.11 305d 13.332kgM 4.8% 425F 3.2% 582P Llifetime: (9) 150.893kgM 4.7%F 3.6%P • Eine wahre Legende was ihre eigene Leistung, ihre Schausiege und ihre Vererbungskraft betrifft / A truly legend in own performance, show results & as a brood cow! • Supreme Champion & Brunegg ‘11 • 1st place Swiss Expo ‘08 & ‘09 • Tochter: / Daughter, Calanda EX-95: HM. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘11 • Tochter / Daughter: Griffen EX-91: 4th @ European Holstein Show Colmar ‘16 • Höchste Sternezuchtkuh der Schweiz: / Highest brood cow in Switzerland with 29 STARS! • Gestorben im Alter von 17 Jahren / Died at the age of 17-Years old! • 8 EX Töchter in der Schweiz bis heute / 8 EX dtrs in Switzerland til date

Aus der Legende JURGOLIN! • Eine seltene Gelegenheit das allerbeste aus Jurgolin zu kaufen. • Schwester zu Glinnia EX-93-CH - Res. Grand & BU Swiss Expo ‘16 • Jurgolin hat bereits 8 EX eingestufte Töchter in der Schweiz

KED JUROR Hellender Design Desgolin VG-86-CH 6* Conf. VG-86-CH 6* 2.02 305d 9.325kgM 3.9% 362F 3.5% 328P 3.02 305d 9.328kgM 4.2% 388F 3.6% 328P 4.07 305d 9.419kgM 4.7% 439F 3.6% 334P • Vater: / Sire: DESIGN NEXT DAMS 4e Hellender Gopoly Golinda EX-92-CH 2E 7* 5e Linda VG-85-CH VG-87-MS 4*

Dam & 2 full sisters to dam!!

Unique opportunity of the JURGOLIN’S! • A unique opportunity to buy the very best of the Jurgolin fam. • Sister to Glinnia EX-93-CH - Res. Grand & BU Swiss Expo ‘16 • Jurgolin has 8 Excellent daughters in Switzerland

140. Wilcor GD Consignor

O’Kassidy *RC

DE 0360239944 Geb. Datum. 27.04.2017 Wilcor Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 7793828 - Email.

Sister to Lot: Wilcor O’Kadabra VG-88-NL 2yr. 1st, Best Udder & HM. Champion 2yr. old HHH Show ‘16 & gr. dtr of O’Kalibra: O’Kiki - 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 16

2. M. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH

Heavenley GOLDEN DREAMS (Goldwyn x MD-Delight Durham Atlee) GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC VG-88-DE Conf. 87 89 88 88 / VG-88-DE La2 La1 305d 12.502kgM 2.9% 356F 3.1% 389P • RC Sid Tochter direkt aus KALIBRA!! / RC Sid dtr straight out of KALIBRA!! • Tragend mit dem 3. Kalb / Pregnant with her 3rd calf now • Embryonen wurden weltweit exportiert / Embros exported world wide

Pine-Tree SID


Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH Conf. EX-97-CH 2.02 305d 9.166kgM 3.6% 329P 3.3% 302P 4.01 305d 14.247kgM 4.0% 571F 2.9% 416P 5.11 305d 14.313kgM 4.0% 573F 3.0% 426P • Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo in ‘12, ‘13 & ‘15 • 3x SUPREME CHAMPION Swiss Expo! • Multiple Expo Bulle Champion • World Champion (HI Reader’s Choice) ‘13 • Titel: Einflussrechste Kuh der Schweiz ‘13 / Titel: Most influential cow in Switzerland ‘13 • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to GS Alliance Lotus O’Kiki - 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo ‘16 & 1st Milkingclass ‘17 • Mutter von O’Kalif Red @ Semex / Dam to O’Kalif Red @ Semex

RC Enkeltochter aus O´KALIBRA EX-97!! • Wunderschöne ROTFAKTOR Enkeltochter von Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97!! • O’Kalibra war 3 x Supreme Champion Swiss Expo, war Europa & Welt Grand Champion! • Halbschwester zu O’Kadabra VG-88 2yr. welche Bestes Euter & HM. Champion 2yr. old National HHH-Show ‘16 war • O’Kalibras Rote Enkeltochter O’Kiki hat 2 x ihre Klasse in Lausanne gewonnen!

Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH 2E Conf. EX-90-CH 2E 3.01 305d 11.292kgM 3.1% 349F 3.3% 369P 4.03 290d 12.250kgM 3.1% 380F 3.1% 375P 5.03 299d 13.372kgM 3.4% 449F 3.1% 419P 6.03 303d 11.970kgM 3.5% 422F 3.2% 377P • Selbe Familie wie Tribute & Mr Burns *RC / Same family as Tribute & Mr Burns *RC NEXT DAMS 4e O Kitten RC VG-89-CH 5e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN 6e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr. 7e Cloverlands Skylar Cherry Red VG-87-CAN DOM 12* 8e Cloverlands Sexation Courtney GP-81 9e Cloverlands King Colorado-Red VG-85

RC Grand daughter of O’KALIBRA EX-97!! • Lovely Red Carrier grand dtr of Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97!! • O’Kalibra has been 3 x Supreme Champion Swiss Expo, won European & World Grand Champion! • Maternal sister to O’Kadabra VG-88 2yr. which won Best Udder & HM. Champion 2yr. old National HHH-Show ‘16 • O’Kalibra Red grand dtr O’Kiki won her class 2x in Lausanne!

141. NH DB Consignor


DE 0770598953 Geb. Datum. 23.05.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins & Josef Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Dam: Wilcor Goldwyn O’Karina

3. M. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH - Right: full sister to dam: Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra

Mr D Apples DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent x Apple)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Pine-Tree SID

Wilcor Goldwyn O’Karina

GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC VG-88-DE Conf. 87 89 88 88 / VG-88-DE La2

Kalbt / Due: December 2017

La1 305d 12.502kgM 2.9% 356F 3.1% 389P

• Vollschwester zu Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-88-NL 2yr. - Bestes Euter & HM 2-Yr. Champion @ National HHH Show ‘16 / Full sister to Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-88-NL 2yr. - Best Udder & HM 2-Yr. Champion @ National HHH Show ‘16 • Schwestern wurden für Rekordpreise auf verschiedenen Auktionen verkauft / Sisters sold for record prices at different auctions

• Golden cross: SID x O’KALIBRA!! / Golden cross: SID x O’KALIBRA!! • Selbe Familie wie Tribute & Mr Burns *RC / Same family as Tribute & Mr Burns *RC

SHOW RESULTS O’KALIBRA: • Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo in ‘12, ‘13 & ‘15 • 3x SUPREME CHAMPION Swiss Expo! • World Champion (HI Reader’s Choice) ‘13 • Titel: Einflussrechste Kuh der Schweiz ‘13 / Titel: Most influential cow in Switzerland ‘13

Ein TRAUM aus O´Kalibra EX-97! • Unglaubliche Möglichkeit etwas aus den heißen O’Kalibra’s zu bekommen • Tolle Kombinationen von Blutlienen mit Apple auf der Vaterseite durch den Doormansohn Diamondback x Goldwyn x Sid!! • Vollschwester der Mutter ist Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-88-NL 2yr.: 1st, Bestes Euter & HM. Champion 2yr. old @ National HHH Show ‘16

Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH Conf. EX-97-CH 2.02 305d 9.166kgM 3.6% 329P 3.3% 302P 4.01 305d 14.247kgM 4.0% 571F 2.9% 416P 5.11 305d 14.313kgM 4.0% 573F 3.0% 426P • Mutter von O’Kalif Red @ Semex / Dam to O’Kalif Red @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH 2E 5e O Kitten RC VG-89-CH 5e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN 6e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr. 7e Cloverlands Skylar Cherry Red VG-87-CAN DOM 12* 8e Cloverlands Sexation Courtney GP-81 9e Cloverlands King Colorado-Red VG-85

DREAM pedigree of the O’Kalibra cow • Incredible opportunity to buy something of the hot O’Kalibra’s • Great combination of bloodlines with Apple on the top side through Doorman son Diamondback x Goldwyn x Sid!! • Full sister to dam is Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-88-NL 2yr.: 1st, Best Udder & HM. Champion 2yr. old @ National HHH Show ‘16

142. Lohman Consignor


DE 0539280234 Geb. Datum. 07.09.2016 Bernd Lohmann - Tel. +49 (0)175 6160107 - Email.

Same family: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA

2. M. SD Miss Rosanne EX-91-DE

GS Alliance O’KALIF-Red (Destry *RC x Kalibra *RC EX-97) Wit Rommy VG-86-DE Conf. 88 84 85 86 / VG-86-DE La3/3 305d 7.931kgM 4.6% 364F 3.5% 281P HL2 305d 8.318kgM 4.9% 404F 3.4% 280P

Gen-I-Beq SECURE-Red


SD Miss Rosanne EX-91-DE Conf. 90 93 90 91 / EX-91-DE

Rama-Way Outside Rosemary VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr.

La4/4 305d 11.904kgM 4.5% 532F 3.4% 400P HL3 305d 13.878kgM 4.5% 630F 3.2% 449P • Teilnehmerin der Europaschau 2010 / Participated at the European Show 2010 • Siegerin der RUW Färsenschau 2010 / 2-Yr. Champion RUW Show 2010

La1 305d 12.343kgM 4.3% 525F 3.4% 417P • Halbschwester zu Ladino Park Talent *RC / Maternal sister to Ladino Park Talent *RC

NEXT DAMS 4e Markwell Leader Rose *RC EX-91-USA 5e Stookey Elm Park Blackrose *RC EX-96-USA 6e Nandette TT Speckle Red EX-93-USA 7e Nandette Riley Nana-Red VG-87 8e Nandette Bootmaker Gale VG-89

ROT – O´Kalibra x Redrose, genug gesagt! • Traumhaftes Rotbuntpedigree: O’Kalibra auf der Vater – und Blackrose auf der Mutterseite • Ihre Großmutter SD Miss Rosanne hat fantastische Schauerfolge gefeiert • Selbe Mutterlinie wie die legendäre ROTE Schauikone: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA! • 3.te Mutter ist die Halbschwester zu Ladino Park Talent *RC

R&W - O’Kalibra’s on the Redrose’s! • Dream R&W pedigree: O’Kalibra on the topside of the pedigree and Blackrose family on the bottom! • Her granddam SD Miss Rosanne had some great show successes • Same maternal line as the legendary R&W show cow: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA! • 3rd dam is the maternal sister to Ladino Park Talent *RC

143. HAM Consignor


DE 0359766036 Geb. Datum. 30.12.2016 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

2. M. SD Jacobs Jenn VG-89-NL EX-MS

3. M. Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN

M. SD Damion Jenna EX-90-DE

Toc-Farm FITZ (Doorman x Snowman x Quality GW Flansco) SD Damion Jenna EX-90-DE Conf. 90 87 90 91 / EX-90-DE La3 La4/3 305d 10.194kgM 4.0% 409F 3.5% 359P HL2 305d 12.250kgM 3.9% 481F 3.5% 426P • Exzellente Damion Enkeltochter des Res. Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair: Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN!! / Excellent Damion granddtr out of the Res. Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair: Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN!!

Erbacras DAMION

Braedale GOLDWYN

SD Jacobs Jen VG-89-NL EX-MS Conf. VG-89-NL EX-MS 2.03 305d 11.017kgM 5.1% 567F 4.0% 441P 4.08 305d 10.831kgM 4.5% 482F 3.8% 406P 7.00 274d 9.700kgM 4.4% 427F 3.6% 345P • Die Goldwyn Tochter aus Jenn EX-94 mit 3.8% EIWEIß im durschnitt von 3. Laktationen!! / THE Goldwyn daughter from Jenn EX-94 with 3.8% PROTEIN average over 3 lactations!! • War mehrfach erfolgreich an Schauen, u.a.: Jr. Champion @ Summer Show Beilen / Achieved several successes in the show ring, under which: Jr. Champion @ Summer Show Beilen

Fitz Tochter aus der kanadischen JENN • Eine tolle Fitz Tochter mit perfekter Väterfolge für den Schauring • Fitz x Damion x Goldwyn x Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN! • Ihre Großmutter hat im Schnitt. 3.8% EIWEIß über 3.Laktationen • 3.te Mutter Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN war the Res. Intermediate Champion der Royal ‘08!

Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-96-MS 8* 2.00 305d 10.567kgM 5.4% 568F 3.7% 388P 3.09 365d 15.210kgM 4.5% 683F 3.5% 533P • Res. Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘08 • Int. & Res. Grand Champion QC International ‘08 • All-Quebec Sr. 3-Yr. & 1-Yr. Old NEXT DAMS 4e Valleyville Integrity Brenna EX-90-CAN 2E 17* 5e Valleyville Lisa Jet VG-88-CAN 17*

FITZ dtr from the Canadian JENN family! • A great Fitz daughter with a super interesting sire stack for show • Fitz x Damion x Goldwyn x Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN! • Her 2 dam avgd. 3.8% PROTEIN over 3 lactations • 3rd dam Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN was the Res. Intermediate Champion of the Royal ‘08!

144. Seegers Consignor


DE 0359040422 Geb. Datum. 18.07.2016 HH. - Seeger Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)177 5521143 - Email.

2. M. Pierstein Leadoff Berthe EX-91-CAN

Sister to dam: Blondin Lyster Beauty EX-92-CAN

M. Beauty VG-87-DE

Braedale GOLDWYN (James x Storm) Beauty VG-87-DE Conf. 88 87 86 87 / VG-87-DE La1 305d 6.539kgM 4.7% 306F 3.7% 243P La2/2 305d 8.002kgM 4.8% 386F 3.5% 281P HL2 305d 9.464kgM 4.9% 465F 3.4% 318P • Selbe Familie wie Miss Sunrose Bristol VG86- CAN 2yr.: 1st 3-Yr. Old & HM. Int. Cham pion Indiana State Show ‘16 / Same family as Miss Sunrose Bristol VG-86-CAN 2yr.: 1st 3-Yr. Old & HM. Int. Champion Indiana State Show ‘16 • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Blondin Lyster Beauty EX-92-USA: Int. Champion & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘07 & Int. Champion @ Madison ‘08

Dupasquier CARISMA

Fraeland LEADOFF

Pierstein Leadoff Berthe EX-91-CAN 2E 14* Conf. 88R 93DS 92MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 2E 2.00 365d 10.918kgM 4.2% 464F 3.4% 372P 3.02 365d 11.821kgM 3.9% 464F 3.3% 396P 4.05 365d 11.245kgM 4.1% 465F 3.5% 391P 6.05 365d 13.780kgM 4.0% 555F 3.4% 464P • Grand Eastern Champion 2005 • 1st Sr. 2-Yr. QC International 2001 • Nom. All-Canadian Sr. 2-Yr. 3-Yr. & 4-Yr. Old • All-Quebec Sr. 2-Yr. & Sr. 3-Yr. Old • Nom. All-American Sr. 2-Yr. & 3-Yr. Old • Res. All-Quebec 4-Yr. old • 1 EX & 18 VG dtrs in Canada til date

Eine GODLWYN! Aus den Leadoff Berthe´s • Eine GOLDWYN aus der Leadoff Berthe Kuhfamilie • Mutter ist eine Schwester zum Int. Champion Madison: Blondin Lyster Beauty! • Diese Familie hat bereits viele fantastische Schaukühe geliefert • Großmutter ist eine 14 Sterne Zuchtkuh mit 1 EX & 18 VG Töchter in Kanada! • Eine der letzten Möglichkeiten eine Tochter der LEGENDE zu kaufen!

Elm Bend Bethany VG-87-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-88-MS 4.01 305d 10.070kgM 3.4% 347F 3.1% 315P 5.02 305d 10.277kgM 4.0% 409F 3.3% 342P 6.09 365d 13.058kgM 4.0% 516F 3.2% 431P 10.01 365d 13.397kgM 4.8% 638F 3.3% 439P Lifetime: 7La. 79.951kGM 4.1%F 3.3%P • Dam to Blondin Lyster Beauty EX-92-CAN: Int. Champion & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘07 & Int. Champion @ Madison ‘08 / Dam to Blondin Lyster Beauty EX-92-CAN: Int. Champion & HM. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair ‘07 & Int. Champion @ Madison ‘08

A GOLDWYN! From the Leadoff Berthe’s • A GOLDWYN from the Leadoff Berthe cow family • Dam is a sister to Int. Champion Madison: Blondin Lyster Beauty! • A family which delivered many great show cows • Grand dam is a 14 STAR brood cow with 1 EX & 18 VG dtrs in Can! • One of the very last opportunities to buy a dtr of the LEGEND!

145. WIT Consignor

M aryam

DE 0539703500 Geb. Datum. 04.02.2017 Wiethege Holsteins & Dirk vom Stein - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email.

Sister to 3rd dam: Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97 7x National GRAND Champon & European Champion ‘10 Same family: Wiesenfeld Meldoy

KH CINDERDOOR (Doorman x Iota) Ms Chip VG-89-DE EX-MS Conf. 90 89 86 90 / VG-89-DE La1 305d 9.290kgM 4.2% 392F 3.5% 326P La3/2 305d 9.660kgM 4.3% 418F 3.6% 343P HL2 305d 10.030kgM 4.4% 444F 3.6% 359P

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP

Roylane Jordan (ROY)

Mylady EX-90-DE Conf. 90 89 88 91 / EX-90-DE

Marit VG-87-DE Conf. 86 89 85 88 / VG-87-DE

La6/5 305d 11.827kgM 4.0% 469F 3.3% 385P HL3 305d 13.304kgM 4.5% 596F 3.2% 424P

• Die 8te Generation von VG oder EX Kühen in Serie! / 8th generation VG or EX cow in a row!

La1 305d 9.809kgM 4.2% 412F 3.4% 331P La4/2 305d 11.725kgM 3.9% 462F 3.2% 377P HL2 305d 13.640kgM 3.8% 511F 3.1% 423P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE: 7x Natinal GRAND Champion & Grand Champion European Holstein Show Brussel ‘00 NEXT DAMS 4e Lylehaven Melvin Marrietta EX-93-CAN 5e Matt Mistys Marriette EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Mity-Fine Matt Misty EX-96-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Muroc P I Mike Mit EX-93-USA 3E GMD 8e Beerston Pioneer Mitzi VG-86-USA

Fantastisches Schaurind aus den Maryam´s • Eine überragende Tochter von KH Cinderdoor!! • Aus 8 Generationen VG oder EX eingestufter Kühe! • Die 3te Mutter ist die Schwester von Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE: 7x nationaler GRAND Champion & Europa Champion Brussel ‘00

Fantastic show heifer from the Maryam’s • An incredible dtr of KH Cinderdoor!! • Out of 8 generations VG and EX cows! • 3rd dam is the sister to Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE: 7x National GRAND Champion & European Champion Brussel ‘00


146. CNN Modesty Consignor


DE 0539447579 Geb. Datum. 09.06.2017 HH. HCD CNN Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 5886272 - Email.





















+2.1 6.9







Eines der höchsten GTPI Kälber in Europa! / One of the highest GTPI claves in Europe!!

Robust x Echo: CNN Miss America VG-85-DE 2yr.

2. M. Nova-TMJ Golden Echo VG-88-USA DOM

Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY (Pety x Supersire) CNN Estelle GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. La1 100d 3.584kgM 4.0% 143F 2.9% 103P (Inc.) • Mutter von: / Dam to: CNN Excelsior @ Semex (s. Missouri) - GTPI +2619 • Mehrere Töchtern > 2600 GTPI / Multiple dtrs > 2600 GTPI

3. M. UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA GMD DOM


Braedale GOLDWYN

Nova-TMJ Golden Echo VG-88-USA DOM Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS DOM 2.05 305d 12.151kgM 3.9% 474F 3.4% 414P 6.08 365d 9.997kgM 4.8% 475F 3.8% 377P • Vollschwester zu Goldroy @ Select / Full sister to Goldroy @ Select Sires • Ihre Halbschwester ist die Kuh, hinter einigen der höchsten weiblichen in Europa, zum Beispiel: Shakira 2 (s. Siler) GTPI +2721 & BB DG Sheira (s. Bourbon) GTPI +2757 / Her maternal sister is the foundaction cow behind some of the highest GTPI Females in Europe, including: Shakira 2 (s. Silver) - GTPI +2721) & BB DG Sheira (s. Bourbon) - GTPI +2757)

Eine von Europa´s höchsten!! • Eines der höchsten verfügbaren GTPI Tiere in Europa • Fantastischer Index: +1940M / +0.07%F / DPR +2.1 / SCE 5.9!!! • Kombiniert mit super funktionellem Typ: +0.29 Größe & +2.34 Euter! • Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zum ehemaligen #1 Bullen in Deutschland: MAXIM • Aus der mega erfolgreichen EROY Familie

UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA GMD DOM Conf. VG-87-USA GMD DOM 2.03 365d 12.982kgM 4.2% 544F 3.1% 408P 4.06 305d 15.785kgM 4.4%F316F 3.0% 473P • s. Roylane Jordan (ROY) • Über 10 Söhne auf Station / More than 10 sons in AI • Schwester zu: / Sister to: AltaEsquire NEXT DAMS 4e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 5e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 6e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 7e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM

One of the highest available in Europe! • One of the highest GTPI heifers available in Europe! • Incredible index: +1940M / +0.07%F / DPR +2.1 / SCE 5.9!!! • Combined with very functional type: +0.29 Stature & +2.34 UDC! • Dam is maternal sister to the former #1 RZG bull in Germany: MAXIM • From the extremely successful EROY cow family

147. KNS Consignor

DE 0358665763 Geb. Datum. 12.09.2016 HH. - KNS Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)172 2713211 - Email.

Milk Hoch rangierende spülbereite Rubicon Tochter / High ranking flush age Rubicon dtr! Super ET-Ergebnisse / Good flush history

08/17 08/17





















+2.8 5.9



































M. Tramilda KNS Cutchen VG-85-DE 2yr.

2. M. Pencroft-Ammon G Chiffon EX-90-USA

EDG RUBICON (Mogul x Robust) Tramilda KNS Cutchen VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 85 85 84 / VG-86-DE 2yr.

3. M. Ammon-Farms Mac Classic EX-92-USA

De-Su Bkm MCCUTCHEN 1174-ET Pencroft-Ammon G Chiffon EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-MS

La1 305d 8.530kgM 4.9% 417F 3.4% 289P

3.03 305d 12.434kgM 3.8% 472F 3.0% 373P 4.04 305d 12.677kgM 3.8% 482F 3.1% 393P

• Großartige Quelle für GTPI, RZG & NVI Great source for GTPI, RZG, & NVI • Super Exterieur-pedigree / Super type pedigree

• Eine der ersten Exzellenten Gold Chip Töchter der Welt / One of the very first Excellent Gold Chip dtrs in the breed!

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP Ammon-Farm Mac Classic EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 2.02 365d 12.156kgM 4.0% 480F 3.3% 396P 3.08 305d 13.916kgM 4.4% 615F 3.2% 450P • Mehrere Söhne aug Station / Several sons in AI

NEXT DAMS 4e MD-Maple-Dell Titan Cloe VG-87-USA GMD 5e MD-Maple-Dell Durham Cecel EX-92-USA 2E GMD DO 6e MD-Maple-Dell Airliner Char EX-90-USA 2E 7e MD-Maple-Dell Ambition Ceal GP-USA 8e MD-Maple-Dell AJ Chassity EX-90-USA 9e Keystone JP Chris EX-91-USA DOM 10e Keystone Starlet Cameo VG-88-USA 11e Keystone Leading Christy VG-86-USA 12e Keystone Sparkling Crystal EX-91-USA 2E

Eines der höchsten spülfähigen Rinder • #8 GTPI Rubicon Tochter in Europa (GTPI +2677) mit tollem Exterieur Index von PTAT +2.41, > 2.20 Fundamente & > 2.40 für Euter • Super Fitnessmerkmale in ihrem US-Index: SCS 2.74 / +2.7 DPR • Outcross Abstammung mit Bullen wie Mccutchen, Gold Chip, Titanic & Durham in ihrem Pedigree! • Aus einer tiefen US-Kuhfamilie

Top ranking flush age heifer • #8 GTPI Rubicon dtr in Europe (GTPI +2677) with a great type index of PTAT +2.41, > 2.20 Feet & Legs and > 2.40 for udders • Super fitness traits in her American index: SCS 2.74 / +2.7 DPR • Backed by an outcross sire stack with bulls like Mccutchen, Gold Chip, Titanic & Durham in the pedigree! • From a very deep American cow family

148. NH DG Emerich Consignor

DE 0770475526 Geb. Datum. 13.11.2016 HH. - Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17





















+1.6 5.5



































Full brother to dam: Vekis DG Popeye

M. Vekis DG Penda VG-86-DE 2yr.

S-S-I Davinci EMERICH-ET (Davinci x Snowman) Vekis DG Penda VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 87 85 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 (Proj) 305d 10.353kgM 4.3%F 3.9%P • Tolle Leistungskuh: Proj > 10.000kg Milch mit 3.9% EIWEIß!! / Great production cow: Proj > 10.000kg milk with 3.9% PROTEIN! • Vollschwester zu Vekis POPEYE @ AI Total: RZE 129 / Euter 133 & +0.23% EIWEIß!! / Full sister to Vekis POPEYE @ AI Total: RZE 129 / UDC 133 & +0.23% PROTEIN!!

2. M. Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr.

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 87DS 89MS 85FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 11.175kgM 3.7% 413F 3.5% 391P • Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh! ! / Former #1 RZG cow! • Mutter von: / Dam to: Vekis Popeye, Powerboss, Panther, Poeme & others

Outcross aus den Penda´s • Super komplettes Rind: PL 5.5, DPR +1.6, SCE 6.0 & +0.07% EIWEIß!! • Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu POPEYE @ AI Total: Einem der komplettesten Balisto Söhne: RZE 129 / Euter 133 & +0.23% EIWEIß!! • Die Großmutter ist die ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh und hat viele Söhne in der Besamung

Vekis Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr. Conf. VG-88-NL 5yr. 2.03 305d 11.762kgM 3.4% 403F 3.5% 413P 4.03 313d 14.713kgM 3.4% 494F 3.5% 509P • Super OUTCROSS Zuchtkuh! / Super OUTCROSS brood cow! • Embryonen wurden weltweit exportiert, u.a. nach Japan / Embryos exported all over the World, including to Japan NEXT DAMS 4e RR Polly VG-87-NL 5e Philadelphia VG-86-DE 2yr. 6e Durham Prinzessin TV VG-86-DE 2yr. 7e Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91-USA DOM 8e Lylehaven Star Philly EX-91-USA DOM 9e El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 10e El-Dor Forcaster VG-88-USA DOM

Different pedigree from the Penda’s • Super complete heifer: PL 5.5, DPR +1.6, SCE 6.0 & +0.07% PROTEIN!! • Dam is the full sister to POPEYE @ AI Total: One of the most complete Balisto sons: RZE 129 / UDC 133 & +0.23% PROTEIN!! • Grand dam is the former #1 RZG cow and has multiple sons in AI


28. 149. DG YLOVE oppy Consignor

FR DE 6771204363 0539701721 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 07.01.2017 HH. - D. Diamond SchwarzGenetics Tel. +41 - Tel. (0)794178314 +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. - Email.

Milk Milk %F%F %E%E FatFat EiwEiw SCSRZM DPRRZSPL KVdSCERZNFLCRZR UDCFL PTAT UDD.NMRZE GTPI RZG 9/17 08/16 *Prelim+1095 +1642+0.06 +0.18+0.03 +0.1156 85 41 63 2.74 67 -1.21153.6112 9.01232.89 116 2.88 108 +3.38 123 569117 2489 161 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS MS HL DCA DS FL Offiziele Genomics kommen vor der Auktion zurück. Weitere Infos auf dem Update. / 08/16 DGV +1458 -0.04 51 sale. 58See sale 2.70update. 102 105 106 14 13 Official genomics will be back +0.09 before the






SameBeaucoise M. family: Ralma PlanetGoldwyn Plane VG-85-CAN Carmel EX-92-USA 3yr.

Beaucoise Goldwyn Clarika 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith VG-88-CAN EX-91-USA 2yr. GMD DOM HM. All-Canadian ‘08 / Mat. sister to 5th dam

3rd dam: brother: Maternal DKR Pronto Mr.Faith PUMAVG-87-DE @ AI Total 2yr.- International sire of sons

Westcoast KERRIGAN View-Home MONTEREY (Kingboy x Numero Uno) (McCutchen x Robust)

De-Su 11236 BALISTO Pine-Tree AltaOAK

Genervations LEXOR Gillette WINDBROOK

Gen-I-Beq Lexor Plage VG-87-CAN 4yr. Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. 87R 90DS 88MS 86FL / VG-87-CAN 4yr. 1* Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Murrayholm Balisto Penny VG-85-CAN 3yr. Conf. 87R NC 88DS 85MS 84FL / VG-85-CAN 3yr. Faithlove 2.03 365d 12.411kgM 4.5% 563F 3.6% 442P Just fresh, see sale updates for more info •USEhemaliges #1 RZG Rind+2483 der Rasse!! / 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI Former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed!! • Mutter Mr. &PUMA AI-Total: RZG Icone Top 50 zu GTPI#16 @ PTAT cow in #2 Europe / Sohn / Dam to:cow Mr. in PUMA @ AI-Total Top 50Weltweit! GTPI- & #16 PTAT Europe - #2GTPI RZG Oak Icone in the breed! • #4 inson Europe / #4 GTPI(RZG Oak +157) in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

2.05 365d 15.172kgM 4.4% 664F 3.3% 499P La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 3.07 305d 12.508kgM 4.0% 498F 3.3% 418P 4.08 (Proj) 305d 13.907kgM 4.1% 572F 3.3% 456P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH @ Ascol • Verkauft für Fabulous EUR 20.000 / Sold for EUR 20.000 • Halbschwester zu Gen-I-Beq Perle, eine der höchsten Satisfation Töchter der Rasse! / Maternal sister to Gen-I-Beq Perle, one of the highest Satisfaction dtrs in the breed

150. AH NH PriskaGeb.(Cons. Allendörfer & Nosbisch) DE 0667030583 Datum. 08.02.2017 HH. Sire


Dam Murrayholm Balisto Penny


Westcoast Kerrigan



























Top 2 Schwestern 10 GTPI Schwester des Bullenvaters zu Charley Mr. PUMA!! • 2Top Schwestern 10 GTPI Polled des weltbekannten heifer in Europe! MR. PUMA! • PUMA Super ist fitness internationaler & type: SCS Bullenvater 2.77 / +2.6 und DPR notiert / PTAT aktuelle +2.13 noch RZG 157 • Eine The maternal Hotshot sister mit vorläufigem of the global RZGsensation von 161DG dazu Charley bald spülbereit! @ ABS • Goes 150 RZM!!! back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA • Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie!

Beaucoise Planet Plane VG-86-CAN 2yr. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86R 88DS 85MS 86FL / VG86-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2.00 365d 14.495kgM 3.8% 556F 3.3% 480P 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Muttero von Iceman @ Semex / Dam to Iceman @ Semex • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS Bolton Princess VG-85-CAN 2yr. 4e Beaucoise 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold AshleyVG-8-6cAN VG-87-USA2yr. 2yr.4* 5e Beaucoise Rolex Palmira 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Beaucoise Inquirer Citation VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6e Christmas VG-88-USA 2yr. GMD9* DOM 7e Ralma Beaucoise DombiFudge Cally VG-88-CAN 7e JurorPrelude Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Beaucoise Celine VG-85-CAN 3* 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 9e Beaucoise Leadman Colbri VG-86-CAN 3yr. 10e Beaucoise Mark Cigoogne VG-87-CAN 4yr. 11e Beaucoise Star Carline VG-86-CAN 12e Beaucoise Tempo Cara VG-85-CAN 3yr.

Top 2 Sisters 10 GTPI of the POLLED top sire sister Mr.toPUMA!! Charley • 2Top Sisters 10 GTPI selling Polled of the heifer great in Europe! sire MR. PUMA! • PUMA Super fitness is international & type: SCS sire2.77 of sons / +2.6 andDPR still/isPTAT RZG +2.13 157 •A The Hotshot maternal with sister a Prelim. of theindex globalofsensation 161 and almost DG Charley ready@ ABS • Goes to flush! back150 to Larcrest RZM!!! Crimson EX-94-USA • Deep Canadian cow family!

151. A-L-H Consignor

NL 658145632 Geb. Datum. 04.10.2016 Alh Genetics - Tel. +31 (0) 511 424243 - Email.

Milk 08/17 08/17 DGV











HH. -




GTPI 2462







+1.8 6.2

































2. M. Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA

M. MS Chassity Snowman Clea EX-90-USA

Mr Mogul DELTA 1427-ET (Mogul x Robust) Ms Chassity Snowman Clea EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.05 365d 15.882kgM 3.7% 588F 3.3% 524P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Gold Chip & Colt 45! • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Multiple sons in AI • Selbe Familie wie :/ Same family as: Brokaw, Braxton, Bradnick & others! • Schwester ist die Mutter von: / Sister is dam to HIGH OCTANE & CAPITAL GAIN

4. M. Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN


Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA GMD DOM 18* 2.01 365d 16.638kgM 4.3% 711F 3.3% 541P 3.10 365d 19.178kgM 4.3% 816F 2.7% 522P • Mutter von Gold Chip & Colt 45 und Großmutter von: Capital Gain, High Octane, Cashcoin & Cashmoney / Dam to Gold Chip & Colt 45 and granddam to Capital Gain, High Octane, Cashcoin & Cashmoney

Exklusive DELTA!! Aus den Chassity´s! • Exklusive Möglichkeit eine Tochter des #1 Töchtergetesteten Bullen der Geschichte zu kaufen: Mr. Mogul DELTA!! • Ihr Vater DELTA ist nicht verfügbar in Europa! • Aus einer EXZELLENTEN Snowman, dann CHASSITY EX-92 • Die Mutter ist eine Schwester zu GOLD CHIP! • Schweste r der Mutter ist die Mutter von High Octane & Capital Gain!

Regancrest Cinderella EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 2.05 365d 14.651kgM 4.4% 652F 3.2% 467P 5.00 365d 15.522kgM 4.1% 643F 3.1% 487P • Direkte Tochter von der einzig wahren: BARBIE! / Direct dtr from the one and only: BARBIE! NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6* 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 9e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA 10e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

Exclusive DELTA!! From the Chassity’s! • Exclusive opportunity to buy a dtr of the #1 dtr proven sire in the history! Mr. Mogul DELTA!! • Her sire DELTA is not available in Europe! • From an EXCELLENT Snowman, then CHASSITY EX-92 • Dam is the sister to GOLD CHIP! • Sister to dam is dam of High Octane & Capital Gain!

152. Scientific Beemer Consignor

Rae *RC

DE 0359690511 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 A. Middelkampf - Tel. +49 171 1979157​⁠​

RC aus 10. Generationen EXZELLENT / RC & backed by 10 generations EXCELLENT!

2. M. Scientific Decadent Rae *RC EX-94-USA

4. M. Scientific Debutante Rae *RC EX-92-USA

M. Scientific Sid Designer Rae *RC EX-90-USA

Pol Butte Mc BEEMER (McCutchen x Goldwyn) Scientific Sid Designer Rae *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2E La1 291d 10.510kgM 4.1% 434F 3.5% 365P La2/2 298d 11.414kgM 4.0% 454F 3.5% 397P HL2 305d 12.317kgM 3.9% 474F 3.5% 429P • Die 10. Generation EXZELLENT IN FOLGE!! / The 10th Generation EXCELLENT IN A ROW! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Deman, Defiant *RC, Demello *RC, Rolling *RC & more

Pine-Tree SID

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ

Scientific Decadent Rae *RC EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2.06 65d 14.143kgM 3.7% 529F 3.2% 453P 3.09 365d 19.096kgM 3.7% 702F 3.0% 575P • Res. Int. Champion Midwest Fall Nat’l ‘13 • Mutter zu: / Dam to Dynasty-Red • Halbschwester des #1 töchtergeprüften RC PTAT Bullen der Rasse: DEFIANT *RC / Maternal sister to the #1 dtr proven RC PTAT bull in the breed: DEFIANT *RC (PTAT +3.55)

RC Rind x 10. Genartionen EXZELLENT! • Einzigartiges RC Rind: Beemer x Sid x Sanchez x Goldwyn x Durham!! • Aus 10. Generationen EXZELLENTER Kühe in Folge!! • Ihre Großmutter ist die Halbschwester zu DEFIANT *RC: #1 töchtergetesteter RC PTAT Bulle der Rasse (PTAT +3.55) • Geht zurück auf die Königin der Rasse: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97!

Scientific Gold Dior Rae *RC EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 4yr. DOM 2.02 365d 14.470kgM 4.7% 673F 3.7% 532P 4.02 365d 14.474kgM 4.7% 678F 3.4% 499P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Detox *RC, Destry *RC, Scientific Deluxe Rae EX-91 & Gold Dana EX-95 NEXT DAMS 4e Scientific Debutante Rae *RC EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM 6e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 9e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 11e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

RC Heifer x 10 generations EXCELLENT! • Unique RC Heifer: Beemer x Sid x Sanchez x Goldwyn x Durham!! • From 10 generations straight EXCELLENT cows!! • Her granddam is the maternal sister to DEFIANT *RC: #1 dtr proven RC bull in the breed (PTAT +3.55) • Goes back to the Queen of the breed: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97!


28. Goedekers 153. YLOVE Consignor Bel./ Ins.:

08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV


FR 6771204363 DE 0358714083 Geb. Datum. 19.10.2015 24.05.2016 HH. - Friedr.-Wilhelm D. Schwarz- Tel.Goedeker +41 (0)794178314 - Tel. +49 (0)172 - Email.4106366 - Email. 01.05.2017 - Confirmed pregnant with Female COMINGO Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM

GTPI 2489









































Same 2. M. family: Gloryland-I Ralma Goldwyn Goldwyn Locket Carmel EX-94-USA EX-92-USA

3rd dam: Full sisterDKR to dam: Pronto Walkerbrae Faith VG-87-DE Doorman 2yr.Locket VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 3yr.

View-Home MONTEREY Morningview Mcc KINGBOY Robust) (McCutchen x Superstition) FaithloveDoorman NC Crasdale Liberty VG-85-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 3yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info 2.03 305d 8.186kgM 4.0% 327F 3.6% 295P US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 /4.0% GTPI 366F +24833.5% 320P 3.03 305d 9.145kgM Top 50 GTPI- &zu#16 PTAT cowDoorman in EuropeLocket / • Vollschwester Walkerbrae Top 50 GTPI-EX-91-MS & #16 PTAT cowder in ersten Europe VG-89-CAN 3yr., • #4 GTPI Oak #4 GTPI Oak3yr. in Europe Doorman dieininEurope Kanada/ mit VG-89 • One of the highest outcross cows ist in the eingestuft wurde und nominiert für breed /All-American One of the highest outcross cows in the&breed & All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr. 3rd Jr. 3-Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘16 / Full sister to Walkerbrae Doorman Locket VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 3yr., the first Doorman dtr classified in Canada with VG-89 3yr. and Nom. All-American & All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr. & 3rd Jr. 3-Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘16

7thM.dam: 4. Gloryland Ralma Juror Lana Rae FaithEX-94-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Val-Bisson DOORMAN


Holyfaith VG-86-FR Gloryland-I Goldwyn2yr. Locket EX-94-USA Conf. EVG-86-FR E E E E /2yr. EX-94-USA 5yr. 2E La1 305d 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P 1.11 305d9.970kgM 9.648kgM 4.8% 464F 3.6% 33P 3.07 305d 16.620kgM 4.3% 717F 3.6% 594P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister Familie to NH Fabulous @ Ascol • Selbe wie: / Same family as: Destry *RC, Detox *RC, Deman, Defiant *RC, Demello *RC, Rolling *RC & more • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Scientific Debutante Rae *RC EX-92-USA: Res. Grand Champion Madison ‘05

Top 10 GTPI Tragendes RindSchwester aus Locket´s zu Vollschwester! Charley • Eine Top 10 tragende GTPI Polled KINGBOY heifer Tochter–kalbt in Europe!im Februar von gesextem Sperma • Aus Super derfitness Vollschwester & type: SCS von2.77 Walkerbrae / +2.6 DPR Doorman / PTAT Locket +2.13VG-89 MAX • Locket The maternal war Nom. sister All-American of the global & All-Canadan sensation DG‘16 Charley @ ABS • 8Goes EXZELLENTE back to Larcrest Generationen Crimson in EX-94-USA diesem Pedigree • Geht zurück auf die fantastische Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA

DKR ProntoLakota Faith Rae VG-86-DE 2yr. 3yr. DOM Gloryland VG-88-USA VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-88-USA 2yr. DOM 2* 5.01 365d 305d 10.365kgM 11.719kgM 3.8% 3.6% 389F 422F 3.5% 3.2% 360P 375P 2.03 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • s. Ocean-View Zenith • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4e Gloryland 4e Scientific Langs-Twin-B Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Liza Gold Rae EX-90-USA 5yr. 5e Hanoverhill Ralma FinleyTony C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM DOM 5* 6e Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD 6e Christmas Fudge EX-94-USA VG-88-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Ralma Hanoverhill TT Roxette 7e Juror Faith EX-91-USA 8e Ralma Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMDGMD DOMDOM 8e CRalma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA 9e Glenridge Citation RoxyVEEVV EX-97-USA 4E GMD 10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 11e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Top 10 GTPI Pregnant heifer POLLED fromsister Locket’s to Charley full sister! •A Top pregnant 10 GTPIKINGBOY Polled heifer dtr -in due Europe! in February to sexed semen • From Superthe fitness full sister & type: toSCS Walkerbrae 2.77 / +2.6 Doorman DPR /Locket PTAT +2.13 VG-89 MAX • Locket The maternal was Nom. sister All-American of the global & All-Canadan sensation DG‘16 Charley @ ABS • 8Goes EXCELLENT back to generations Larcrest Crimson in this EX-94-USA pedigree!! • Going back on the incredible Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA

154. Schwartz Consignor Bel. / Ins.:

M ilka

FR 6771204340 Geb. Datum. 09.01.2016 Daniel Schwartz - Tel. +33 (0) 698619557 - Email. 30.05.2016 - Pregnant with Female Stantons EXPANDER (High Octane x Uno) - US 8/17 PTAT +3.26

3. M. Savage-Leigh Shottle Leony EX-91-USA

4. M. Savage-Leigh Leona EX-96-USA EX-96-MS

Seagull-Bay SILVER (Mogul x Snowman) NH Lolita VG-85-FR Conf. VG-85-DE 3yr. La2 (Proj) 305d 11.417kgM 3.1%F 3.1%P

5. M. Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA GMD DOM



NH Leony VG-87-DE Conf. 88 86 85 88 / VG-87-DE La3/3 305d 10.358kgM 3.8% 388F 3.5% 358P HL2 305d 11.470kgM 3.8% 441F 3.5% 399P • Aus 5. Generationen EXZELLENT / Backed by 5 generations Excellent • Ihre Großmutter, Leona EX-96 hat mehrere All-American & All-Canadian Nominierungen / Her granddam, Leona EX-96 has several All-American & All-Canadian Nominees

Tragende Silver aus den Leona´s! • Eine tragende Silver die im Februar mit GESEXTEM EXPANDER kalbt • Toller Zweig der Savage-Leigh Linda Familie • Silver x Mascalese x Lauthority x Shottle x Allen Leona • Allen Leona ist eine der erfolgreichsten nordamerikanischen alten \ Schaukühe der vergangenen Jahre

Savage-Leigh Shottle Leony EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA EX-MS 2.01 365d 14.754kgM 4.5% 669F 3.1% 461P • Enkeltochter der All-American Siegerin: / Granddtr of the All-American winner: Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Savage-Leigh Leona EX-96-USA EX-96-MS GMD 5e Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7e Savage-Leigh Star Linda VG-87-USA 3YR GMD 8e Savage-Leigh Glenview Linda EX-90-USA 7YR GMD DOM 9e Savage-Leigh Lindas Chairman GP-84 10e Savage-Leigh Creek Lydia VG-88 11e Savage-Leigh Kate Linda VG-85

Pregnant Silver from the Leona’s! • A Pregnant Silver dtr due in February to EXPANDER (Female) • Great line of the Savage-Leigh Linda family • Silver x Mascalese x Lauthority x Shottle x Allen Leona • Allen Leona is one of the most successful Sr. cows in the North-American showring of the past years

155. 1st Consignor

Choice Female

Birkenhof Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)6433945945 - Email.

Choice out of: Kalb datum: / Due: Location:

2 FEMALE pregnancies November 2017 Deutschland / Germany

2. M. Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA

2. M. Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) Ms Milksource RL Kalypso Kalbt: / Due: March 2018 • Archrival Tochter direkt aus KATRYSHA EX-96! / Archrival dtr straight from KATRYSHA EX-96! • Die ersten melkenden Archrival Töchter sehen überragend ausl!! / The first milking Archrival dtrs are looking special!

M. Ms Milksource RL Kalypso

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

Braedale GOLDWYN

Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA 5yr. Conf. EX-96-USA 5yr. 3.05 365d 12.565kgM 5.0% 630F 3.3% 416P 4.09 305d 13.876kgM 4.0% 665F 3.1% 428P • GRAND & Supreme Champion @ Madison ‘15 • Res. Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘14 • All-American & Res. All-Canadian Aged Cow ‘15 • Unanimous All-American 5-Yr. Old ‘14 • Eine der besten Schaukühe der Rasse / One of the greatest show cows in the breed

Erste KATRYSHA in Europa! • Unglaubliche Gelegenheit, 1. Wahl aus 2 WEIBLICHEN SOLOMON Trächtigkeiten welche Enkeltöchter aus KATRYSHA EX-96-USA werden! • Erste Gelegenheit in Europa überhaupt etwas aus Katrysha zu bekommen!! • Katrysha ist eine der besten Schaukühe der Rasse: Res. Grand Champion @ Royal & Madison ‘14 & mehrere All-American & Canadian Nominierungen

Bienert Encounter Kim EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN 9.01 365d 9.676kgM 4.5% 436F 3.3% 316P Life:2244d 57.036kgM 4.7% 2.702F 3.4% 1.933P • V. / s. Indianhead Encounter NEXT DAMS 4e Bienert Inspiration Kesha VG-87-CAN 5e Bienert Sheik Katherine VG-86-CAN 6e Bienert Starlite Kimmy VG-85-CAN 7e Hor-Mar Kim Supreme EX-CAN 4* 8e Hor-Mar Karen Queen VG-CAN

First Katrysha opportunity in Europe!! • A UNIQUE offering, 1st choice from 2 FEMALE pregnancies by SOLOMON which will be grand dtrs of KATRYSHA EX-96-USA! • First European offering for a dtr of Katrysha!! • Katrysha is one of the greatest show cows in the breed: Res. Grand Champion @ Royal & Madison ‘14 & several All-American & Canadian Nominees

156. 4 FEMALE Consignor Comb.

Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. FEMALE Le Croteau Lesperron UNIX x JK Eder DG Esemeralda VG-89-NL 3yr.

157. 4 FEMALE Comb.



FEMALE Walnutlawn SOLOMON x Carf Emeraude EX-91-FR

M. JK Eder DG Esmeralda VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX)

Le Croteau Lesperron UNIX (Numero Uno x Domain) #1 Type dtr proven bull in Canada! JK Eder DG Esmeralda VG-89-NL 3yr. (MAX) Conf. VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX)

2. M. Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Braedale GOLDWYN

Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL Conf. 93FR 92DS 91MS 89FL / EX-91-NL

2.02 323d 8.888kgM 4.3% 382F 3.5% 311P 3.02 305d 10.450kgM 3.9%F 3.4%P (Proj.)

2.03 365d 12.624kgM 4.1% 515F 3.4% 425P 4.00 330d 15.317kgM 3.9% 598F 3.2% 482P 5.05 305d 15.930kgM 3.7% 589F 3.1% 497P

• 1st Int. cow Dutch National NRM Show ‘17 • Res. Int. Champion Dairy Fairy Mariënwaerdt ‘17 • Res. Champion 2-Yr. National HHH Show ‘16 • Champion 2-Yr. Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt ‘16 • Res. Int. Champion Mariënwaerdt ‘17 • Mutter von: / Dam to DG JK Eder Carmen (PTAT +3.41) #3 PTAT Atwood dtr in Europe

• Fantastische Zuchtkuh! / Fantastic brood cow! • Champion 2-Yr. French National Show ‘11 • Grand Champion Wintershow West-Brabant ‘14 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Capj Irana: Grand Champion French National Show SPACE ‘17 & 1st place @ European Show Colmar ‘16

Left: Family member Capj Irana - Colmar Classwinner & French National Grand Champion

Her FEMALE Solomon embryos selling!

Exklusive UNIX & SOLOMON Embryonen • EXKLUSIVE einig der allerersten WEIBLICHEN UNIX Embryonen die in Europa verkauft werden! • Aus dem Res. Int. Champion HHH & NRM Klassensieger!! • WEIBLICHE Solomon Embryonen werden verkauft aus ihrer Mutter EMERAUDE • Selbe Familie wie die Colmar Klassensiegerin und aktuelle französische Nationalsiegerkuh Capj Irana!!

Agathe VG-88-FR Conf. VG-88-FR 2.03 305d 10.366kgM 3.2% 332F 3.1% 321P 3.06 305d 13.338kgM 3.5% 467F 3.1% 413P • Selbe Familie wie Amarante EX-92-FR: 2 x französische Kuh des Jahres r / Same family as Amarante EX-92-FR: 2x French cow of the Year NEXT DAMS 4e Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr. 5e Rosière EX-90-FR 6e Menthe VG-89-FR 7e Ixias EX-93-FR 8e Eglantine EX-94-FR

Exclusive FEM. UNIX & SOLOMON embryos • EXCLUSIVE, one of the very FEW FEMALE UNIX embryos to be offered in Europe!!! • From the Res. Int. Champion HHH & NRM Classwinner!! • FEMALE Solomon embrys selling from her dam EMERAUDE • Same family as the Colmar classwinner & French National Grand Champion Capj Irana!!

158. HAM Consignor


DE 0359766180 Geb. Datum. 24.06.2017 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Sister to dam: Drointon Million Rose EX-90-UK

2. M. Ridgefield Shottle Rosie EX-95-UK 3E

2. M. Ridgefield Shottle Rosie EX-95-UK 3E (as a 2nd calver)

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard) Mox HH Rosa EX-92-DE Conf. 91 91 90 93 / EX-92-DE La1 305d 10.650kgM 4.0% 421F 3.4% 357P La4/3 305d 12.184kgM 3.9% 480F 3.3% 403P HL2 305d 13.133kgM 4.1% 533F 3.3% 427P • Die 5.te Generation EXZELLENT in ihrem Pedigree / The 5th EXCELLENT generation in this pedigree

Den-K Marshall LI LAURIN


Ridgefield Shottle Rosie EX-95-UK 3E Conf. 96FR 95DS 95MS 94Fl / EX-95-UK 3E 2.06 305d 10.724kgM 4.1% 436F 3.5% 379P 4.10 305d 13.304kgM 4.0% 525F 3.3% 443P 6.01 305d 13.539kgM 4.6% 619F 3.1% 426 8.00 305d 10.888kgm 3.5% 384F 3.1% 340P • Viele Schauen gewonnen!/ Won many shows! • Nom. All-Britain Sr. Maiden Heifer ‘10 • Die am höchsten eingestufte Tochter von Gibson Rosie! / The highest scored daughter from Gibson Rosie!

Solomon aus den Rosie`s! • Eine Solomon Enkelin von Ridgefield Shottle Rosie EX-95-UK!! • Sie hat 5 EXZELLENTE Mütter in ihrem Pedigree • Großmutter Rosie EX-95 hat viele Schauen gewonnen! • Tiefe kanadische Familie, die zurück geht auf Bosdale Storm Rose EX-93!

Ridgefield Gibson Rosie VG-88-UK 3E Conf. 89FR 89DS 87MS 87FL / VG-88-UK 3E 2.07 305d 10.005kgM 3.4% 343F 2.9% 295P 4.01 305d 11.231kgM 4.4% 493F 3.2% 359P • Tiefe Kanadische Familie / Deep Canadian roots

NEXT DAMS 4e Bosdale Storm Rose EX-93-UK 3E 5e Bosdale Stardust Rosa EX-90-CAN 4* 6e Bodale Royal M Rose VG-85-CAN 4yr. 7e Bosdale A Jet Rose EX-90-CAN 2* 8e Bosdale Rosemary Sheik VG-87-CAN 3yr.

Solomon from the Rosie’s! • A Solomon grand dtr from Ridgefield Shottle Rosie EX-95-UK!! • She has 5 EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree • Grand dam Rosie EX-95 won many shows! • Deep Canadian roots, going back on Bosdale Storm Rose EX-93!

159. FG King Alpha Consignor

Marabou-Red *P

DE 0359340044 Geb. Datum. 03.05.2017 Future Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)170 7722531 - Email.

2. M. RH Talent Maxima-Red EX-94-DE

KING ALPHA (Kingboy x Gold Chip x Apple) FG Metallica-Red *PO VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 83 85 85 85 / VG-85-E 2yr.

FG Madame | Destry x Maxima Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘17

FG Madison | Goldwn x Maxima

FG Marry Joe VG-85-DE 2yr. Full sister to dam

FG Madonna *RC | Destry x Maxima

Tiger-Lilly LADD P-Red

Lidno Park TALENT *RC

RH Talent Maxima-Red EX-94-DE Conf. EX-94-DE EX-95-MS

La1 305d 8.146kgM 4.5% 367F 4.0% 326P

2/2 305d 11.479kgM 4.2% 480F 3.4% 395P HL2 305d 12.488kgM 4.3% 533F 3.4% 422P

• Halbschwester zu FG Madame VG-89: Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘17 & zu FG Madonna VG-89 @ Sr. Bro Switzerland - Int. Champion Schau der Besten ‘14 / Maternal sister to FG Madame VG-89: Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘17 & to FG Madonna VG-89 @ Sr. Bro Switzerland - Int. Champion Schau der Besten ‘14 • Vollschester zu: / Full sister to MAX-MAX

• 4x ALL-GERMAN: ‘06, ‘07’10 & ‘12 • GRAND Champion Thuringia Holstein Open, Bismark, Lastrup & more • Int. Champion National Show Oldenburg ‘09 • One of the best R&W Show cows in the World with longest show victory list / One of the best R&W Show cows in the World with longest show victory list • 10 dtr till date: All are VG-2yr.

ROTE & HORNLOSE Enkeltochter aus MAXIMA! • Eine ROTE & HORNLOSE Enkelin von MAXIMA EX-94!! • Ihre Mutter hat mehrere Schwestern die Schauen gewonnen haben wie z.B.: FG Madonna, Int. Champion Schau der Besten 2014 & FG Madame, Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017 • Großmutter ist eine der besten roten Schaukühe der Geschichte

RH Meggilee *RC EX-91-DE Conf. EX-91-DE 6/5 LA 305d 11.999kgM 4.3 519F 3.3% 400P HL 4 305d 13.177kgM 4.5% 599F 3.3% 441P • Mutter von: / Dam to RH Norwin *RC @ KI-Samen • Tolle Zuchtkuh, mit mehreren Bullen auf Station / Great brood cow with several sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e RH Meggy VG-88-DE 5e VG-88 Benefit 6e EX-91 Stockholm 7e VG-87 Orkan 8e VG-85 Templer 9e VG-86 Magie

RED & POLLED grand dtr of MAXIMA! • A RED & POLLED grand dtr of MAXIMA EX-94!! • Dam has multiple show winning sisters like: FG Madonna, Int. Champion Schau der Besten 2014 & FG Madame, Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017 • 2nd dam is one of the greatest R&W Cows in teh breed

160. Aurora-Rama Consignor


CH 120129008045 Geb. Datum. 18.08.2017 Dominic Sieber - Tel. +41 798556408 - Email. siegas12@hotmail.comr

M. Aurora-Rama Ava *RC EX-92-USA

3. M. RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92-USA

Regancrest Elton DURHAM (Elton x Chief Mark) Aurora-Rama Ava *RC *TY EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 4yr. 2.02 305d 11.918kgM 4.4% 524F 3.5% 417P 3.03 301d 15.514kgM 4.8% 745F 3.5% 543P

2. M. RMW Pembroke Adore *RC VG-86-USA 3yr.

Hunsberger ALCHEMY *RC


RMW Pembroke Adore *RC VG-86-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 3yr. 2.03 365d 15.255kgM 4.5% 686F 3.3% 503P 4.01 365d 14.500kgM 4.3% 479F 3.3% 479P

• Sr. Champion Ohio Jr. Holstein Show ‘16

RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92-USA DOM Conf. EX-92-USA DOM 2.02 365d 15.179kgM 4.5% 685F 3.4% 513P 3.10 365d 17.069kgM 4.9% 838F 3.3% 555P • HM. Jr. All-American Jr. 2-Yr. • Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMITAGE NEXT DAMS 4e Catoctin O Man Lisa 1122 VG-86-USA 5e Catoctin Convnc Luster 576 VG-86-USA 6e Catoctin Duster 442 VG-85-USA 7e Catocin MGR Luckster GP-USA 8e Unicorn Lucky Lynn VG-85-USA 9e Unicorn Chairman Lynn EX-90-USA 10e Unicorn Star Bright

Eine DURHAM!!!! • Es ist nie zu spät für eine Tochter des legendären: DURHAM! • Durham ist der Vater von unglaublich vielen fantastischen Zuchtkühen • Starten sie ihre tolle Kuhfamilie, mit dieser Durham! • Ihre EX-92 USA Mutter war Siegerkuh Alt auf der Ohio Show ‘16 • Aus der exklusiven RC-LC Goldwyn ATM Kuhfamilie

A DURHAM!!!!! • It is never to late to purchase a dtr of the legendary: DURHAM! • Durham sired MANY incredible foundation cows! • Start your great cow family with this DURHAM dtr • Her EX-92 USA dam was Sr. Champion at the Ohio Show ‘16 • From the exclusive RC-LC Goldwyn ATM cow family

161. NH Beemer Consignor


DE 0770498002 Geb. Datum. 25.02.2017 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

NH Goldsun Belle VG-87-DE 2yr. Goldsun x Fortune x Jesther Beauty

M. NH Roumare Belle EX-93-DE 4E @ 10-Years old!

Pol Bute Mc BEEMER (McCutchen x Goldwyn) NH Roumare Belle EX-93-DE 3E Conf. 92 94 94 93 / EX-93-DE La7 4E La4/4 298d 10.697kgM 3.5% 370F 3.3% 353P HL2 305d 12.380kgM 3.6% 440F 3.3% 404P • Siegerkuh Alt Südwestschau ‘16 als 10 jährige! / Sr. Champion Sudwest-Show ’16 as a 10 year old cow! • Senior Champion RUW Schau ‘13 • Eine der besten Roumare Töchter der Rasse / One of the very best Roumare dtrs in the breed • Schwester zu: / Sister to: NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. - HM. 2-Yr. Champion Hoornaar ‘08

NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. | Goldwyn x Jesther



Jesther Beauty VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-De 2yr. La2/1 305d 13.217kgM 3.7% 488F 3.4% 452P • Zenith Sohn @ Select Sires / Zenith son @ Select Sires • Viele Söhne auf Station / Many sons in AI

Beemer Tochter aus BELLE!! • Ganz tolle Beemer Tochter, direkt aus der einmaligen NH Roumare Belle EX-93-DE, eine der besten Roumare Töchter der Welt • Mutter war Siegerkuh alt auf der Südwestschau als 10 Jährige • Tiefe US-Kuhfamilie, geht zurück auf: Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA

Belinda VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La3/3 305d 12.199kgM 4.2% 515F 3.4% 410P HL2 305d 14.304kgM 4.3% 618F 3.4% 480P • Geht zurück auf / Goes back to Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90 NEXT DAMS 4e Biala VG-87-DE 5e Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Rupp-Vue Rockie Britt VG-87-USA

Beemer daughter from BELLE!! • A lovely Beemer daughter sells straight out NH Roumare Belle EX-93-DE, one of the best Roumare dtrs in the breed! • Dam was Sr. Champion of the Sudwest-Show as a 10-Yr. old cow!! • Deep American cow family, going back on: Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA


28. Gödeckers 162. YLOVE Consignor

FR 6771204363 DE 0359825582 Geb. Datum. 25.12.2016 24.05.2016 HH. - Friedr.-Wilhelm D. Schwarz- Tel.Goedeker +41 (0)794178314 - Tel. +49 (0)172 - Email.4106366 - Email.

Milk 08/16 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

M alibu













GTPI 2489









































Same 2. M. family: HPH Malmo Ralma EX-91-DE Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

3rd dam: Sister to grand DKR Pronto dam: Faith GHH VG-87-DE Goldwyn Frency 2yr. EX-92-CH

Maple-Dows I GW ATWOOD View-Home MONTEREY (Goldwyn x Durham) (McCutchen x Robust) GHH Miami Faithlove NCVG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 85 85 84 / VG-85-DE 2yr. Just fresh, see sale updates for more info HR. La1 10.883kgM 3.6% 395F 3.1% 336P US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 • Halbschwester zu GHH Felici 2, Mutter von WI Beemer (PTAT +3.51) Felicitation • Top 50 GTPI-Felli & #16 PTAT cow in& Europe / (PTAT Maternal sister GHH Top 50+3.71) GTPI- & /#16 PTAT cow in to Europe Felici 2, Oak dam in to Europe WI Beemer • #4 GTPI / #4Felli GTPI(PTAT Oak in+3.51) Europe& Felicitation (PTAT +3.71) • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Same family: Quality Flansco GMD DOM 7th dam: Ralma JurorGoldwyn Faith EX-91-USA

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Pine-Tree AltaOAK


HPH Malmo EX-91-DE Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. 93 94 88 92 VG-86-FR 2yr./ EX-91-DE

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Engstad QF Lad Madleine EX-95-DE VG-86-DE 2yr./ EX-95-DE Conf. 95 96 94 95

La4/3 302d 11.948kgM 3.6% 3.2% 384P La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F431F 3.0% 299P HL3 305d 14.599kgM 3.6% 519F 3.1% 449P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / • 6Sister Generation EXZELLENT to NH Fabulous @/Ascol 6th Generation EXCELLENT Cow! • Selbe Familie wie die Royal Siegerkühe Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-CAN, Quality Goldwyn Flansco EX-95-CAN und viele wietere großartige Schausieger / Same family as the Royal wintter Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-cAN, Quality Goldwyn Flansco EX-95-CAN and multiple other huge show winners

Top Quality Die 10 GTPI FSchwester Kuhfamilie zu Charley • Toller Top 10Zweig GTPI der Polled Quality heiferF Kuhfamilie in Europe! • Einen Super Familie fitness &mit type: unglaublich SCS 2.77 tollen / +2.6Kühen DPR / wie PTATFlansco, +2.13 Frantisco, • The und maternal viele weitere! sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • 6Goes EXZELLENTE back to Larcrest Kühe inCrimson diesem Pedigree EX-94-USA • Tolle Väterfolge: Atwood x Snowman x Shottle

5.01 305d La5/4 305d11.719kgM 13.658kgM3.6% 3.8%422F 513F3.2% 3.2%375P 442P 6.09 305d HL3 305d13.127kgM 15.373kgM3.8% 4.2%499F 638F3.3% 3.2%433P 492P Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for BC EURFrantisco 42.000 EX-96, • Selber Zweig wie Quality / Topseller Sale for EUR 42.000 2x SupremeNHauf der‘10 Royal Winter Fair und Gründungskuh einer fantastischen Schau-familie bei Quality Holsteins, Canada / Same branch of the family as Quality BC NEXT DAMS EX-96, 2xAshley Supreme Champion 4eFrantisco Langs-Twin-B Gold VG-87-USA the Royal and foundation cow of a great show 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM Quality Fudge Holsteins, CanadaGMD DOM 6efamily Ralma at Christmas VG-88-USA 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 4e Quality Astre Felic EX-95 5e Quality Astro Jet Felicia EX-90-CAN 6e Plushanski Valiant Fran EX-90-USA DOM 35* 7e Plushanski Chief Faith EX-94-USA 4E GMD

Top 10 The Quality GTPI FPOLLED cow family sister to Charley • Great Top 10line GTPI of Polled the Quality heiferFin cow Europe! family • Family Super fitness which & produced type: SCS successful 2.77 / +2.6 cowsDPR like/ Flansco, PTAT +2.13 Frantisco, • The and maternal many others! sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • 6Goes EXCELLENT back to cows Larcrest in this Crimson pedigree EX-94-USA • Great cross: Atwood x Snowman x Shottle

163. Ivo’s Gain Consignor


DE 0667050604 Geb. Datum. 27.01.2017 HH. - Maik Diebel - Tel. +49 (0)170 5720353 - Email.

US 08/17: PTAT +3.55 / UDC +2.82

CA 08/17: DGV-Conf. +17 / MS +18

DE 08/17: RZE 135 / 138 UDDER

Top 15 PTAT Calf in Europe #3 PTAT Capital Gain World Wide

Siemers Mogul PETY @ Select Sires Grand son of Mac Peyton - sire of MODESTY!!!

Sister to grand dam:

3. M. Welcome Mac Peyton VG-87-USA

Ranson-Rail Facebk Paris VG-87-USA 2yr.

Stantons CAPITAL GAIN (McCutchen x Observer)

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Ronelee Toystory DOMAIN

Ransom-Rail Dmain Pazley-ET Primado VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 88 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 12.167kgM 3.7% 454F 3.4% 413P • Fantastische Leistungsfärse, über 12.000kg Milch in der 1. Laktation / fantastic production Heifer, >12.000kg Milk in here first lactation • Teilnehmerin Hessens Zukunft / shown @ Hessens Zukunft

• Halbschwester zu Ransom-Rail Explode Pati VG-86-CAN 2yr. / Maternal sister to Ransom-Rail Explode Pati VG-86-CAN 2yr.

Die #3 PTAT Capital Gain der WELT! • Die 3. höchste Typtochter des sehr erfolgreich töchtergetesteten Bullen Capital Gain!! • Diese Familie hat einen wahnsinnig großen Einfluss auf die Zucht genommen durch den Bullen Pety, welcher der Vater ist von MODESTY!! • Etwas spezielles & exklusives!

Welcome Mac Peyton VG-87-USA Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2.04 365 14.356kgM 4.7% 671F 3.6% 539P 4.08 322d 17.813kgM 5.4% 956F 4.0% 711P • Großmutter von PETY @ Select – dem Vater von MODESTY!!! / Grand dam to PETY @ Select, the sire of Modesty NEXT DAMS 4e Welcome Goldwyn Penya VG-89-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e Welcome Ozzie Peya-ET EX-90-USA DOM 6e Welcome Aaron Penel VG-87-USA DOM 7e Welcome Merrill Perky VG-85-USA

The #3 PTAT Capital Gain World Wide! • The 3rd highest TYPE dtr of the great dtr proven type sire Capital Gain!! • Family which get a huge influance in the breed through the dtr successful dtr proven sire Pety which is the sire of MODESTY!! • Something special & exclusive!

164. Wilstar Apples Consignor

Anastasia Red

DE 0539789052 Geb. Datum. 06.01.2017 A. Middelkampf - Tel. +49 (0)171 1979157

3. M. Ms Angelinas Super Ava *RC EX-93-USA

5. M. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA

KHW ANAHIEM (Numero Uno x Kamps-Hollow Altitude) Wilstar Archive Alas-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. Fresh, see sale updates for more info • ROT aus der AIKO / APPLE Familie / RED out of the AIKO / APPLE family

4. M. Ms Apples Angelina *RC EX-90-USA

Aurora-Rama ARCHIVE-Red

Hunsberger ALCHEMY

Ms Angelinas Ana-Red EX-90-USA 4yr. Conf. EX-90-USA 4yr. 2.06 365d 15.641kgM 3.3% 516F 3.4% 532P 3.08 305d 16.759kgM 3.8% 637F 2.9% 486P • Ihre Mutter ist die Schwester zu:/ Her dam is the sister to: Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red & Armani *RC

Ms Angelinas Super Ava *RC EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 2.01 347d 11.906kgM 4.4% 524F 3.3% 389P 4.03 305d 16.205kgM 4.1% 664F 3.2% 519P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: AMAURY-RED @ Semex • Nächste Mutter ist die Halbschwester zu: / Next dam is the maternal sister to: Ms Candy Apple Red: HM Grand Champion @ Madison & Res Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair NEXT DAMS 4e Ms Apples Angelina *RC EX-90-USA EX-MS 5e KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA DOM 6e Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 7e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 9e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 10e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 11e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

10 x EX aus den Apple´s • Unglaubliches Pedigree mit 10 Generationen EXZELLENT • Geht zurück auf die legendäre KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA • Apple: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison • 4te Mutter ist die Schwester zu Ms Candy Apple Red: HM. Grand @ Madison & Res. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair

10 EX generations from the Apple’s • Incredible pedigree with 10 gerenations EXCELLENT! • Goes back to the legendary HW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA • Apple: Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison • 4th dam is the sister to Ms Candy Apple Red: HM. Grand @ Madison & Res. Grand Champion @ Royal Winter Fair

165. DG ARGH NH Consignor


NL 919951509 Geb. Datum. 26.04.2017 Diamond Genetics, NH & ARGH Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 55893867 - Email.

2. M. Luck-E Advent Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA

M. Luck-E Redburst Aphrodite-Red VG-87-NL 3yr.

Mr. Apples ARMANI *RC (Goldwyn x KHW Regiment Apple Red) Luck-E Redburst Aphrodite-Red VG-87-NL 3yr. Conf. VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 3yr. 2.01 365d 10.676kgM 3.9% 417F 3.4% 358P • Top 5 R&W 2-Yr. Old @ Swiss Expo ‘16 • 1st 2-Yr. Old Schau der Besten (B&W classes) • Res. All-German R&W 2-Yr. Old ‘16 • Ihre Armani Tochter war 1. auf dem Bundes Z. Treffen ‘16 / Her Armani dtr was 1st Bundes Z. Treffen ‘16 • Eine der besten roten Schau-& Zuchtkühe in Europa / One of the best young R&W Show & brood cow in Europe • Mutter von Dice RC (PTAT +3.47) @ Masterrind / Dam to Dice RC (PTAT +3.47) @ Masterrind

2. M. Luck-E Advent Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA

Lookout P REDBURST-Red


Luck-E Advent Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2.04 349d 12.143kgM 4.0% 490F 3.0% 364P 3.05 365d 17.599kgM 3.9% 694F 3.0% 533P 5.03 365d 18.044kgM 3.7% 668F 3.0% 545P • Die fantastische Advent Tochter: Atlanta! / The incredible Advent dtr: Atlanta! • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von: / Her full sister is dam to: AWESOME-RED & ADONIS-RED!

Wunderschönes ROTES Rind aus den Luck E´s!! • Ganz aufregendes ROTBUNTRIND, ihr Vater ist der Apple Sohn Armani und auf der Mutterseite finden wir die unglaubliche Luck-E Atlanta / Asia Kuh familie!! • Vollschwester zur Großmutter ist die Mutter von Awesome Red! • Mutter Aphrodite ist eine der besten ROTEN Schaukühe in Europa, Top 5 Swiss Expo & 1. Platz Schau der Besten (gegen die schwarzbunte Konkurrenz)

Luck-E Blitz Australia VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 2.02 365d 17.232kgM 4.0% 693F 3.0% 513P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: ARBANY @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Luck-E Skychief Arizona EX-90-USA GMD DOM - National Fat record holder! 5e Hart-Lyn Starbuck Ashley EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Kachina Valiant Act VG-86-USA 7e Dodeb Matt Actress EX-93-USA 3E 8e Lamkinland B Matt Actress VG-85-USA VG-85-USA

Lovely RED heifer from the Luck E’s!! • Very exciting R&W heifer, sired by Apple’s son Armani and out of the incredible Luck-E Atlanta / Asia cow family!! • Full sister to grand dam is the dam to Awesome Red! • Dam Aphrodite is one of the greatest R&W’s in Europe, Top 5 Swiss Expo & 1st at the Schau der Besten (Between B&W’s)

166. Wilcor vt Consignor

M arlene-Red

DE 0539294623 Geb. Datum. 19.09.2016 Wilcor Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 7793828 - Email.

Talent x Maryrose: Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH

Maternal sister to dam: Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH

Scientific B DEFIANT *RC (Braxton x Goldwyn) Wilcor Magic Tale-Red EX-92-DE Conf. 93 91 93 91 / EX-92-DE La1 305d 9.133kgM 3.7% 340F 3.6% 326P La4/3 305d 10.502kgM 3.8% 398F 3.5% 370P HL3 305d 11.685kgM 4.1% 477F 3.6% 418P • Halbschwester zu Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90, eine der besten roten Schaukühe ihrer Zeit: / Maternal sister to Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90, one of the greatest R&W show cows from her age! • Maryrose won: - All-German Holsteins Champion Red Heifer - Res. Int. Champion R&W German Open ‘08 - HM. Grand Cahmpion Swiss Expo ‘08 - Topseller Mox Sale ‘08 for EUR 30.400

Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH Joyboy x Maryrose | Int. Champoin Swiss Expo

Ladino Park TALENT


Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE Conf. 95 93 91 93 / EX-93-DE La1 305d 13.225kgM 3.4% 444F 3.2% 430P La2 305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P • Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open ‘04 • Nom. All-German ‘04 • 3rd @ European Championships ‘06 • Mutter von Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH: Res. Jr. Champion @ Expo Bulle ‘10 / Dam to Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH: Res. Jr. Champion @ Expo Bulle ‘10 • Großmutter von Ruegruet Joyboy Minne apolis EX-91-CH: Int. Champion Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle ‘12 / Grand dam to Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH: Int. Champion Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle ‘12

ROTE Enkelin von Mabel höchstpersönlich! • Fantastische Gelegenheit: eine ROTE Enkeltochter von Birkenhof Mabel EX-93 • Ihre Mutter ist die Halbschwester zu Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH: Einer der besten roten Schaukühe ihrer Zeit • Eine Familie die bereits unzählige erfolgreiche Schaukühe geliefert hat • Selbe Familie wie Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH & Ruegruet Joyboy Minne apolis EX-91-CH

WFD Mercedes *RC VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.340kgM 3.5% 358F 3.3% 345P La2 305d 11.890kgM 3.6% 431F 3.5% 417P • Vater: / Sire: Comestar LEADER

NEXT DAMS 4e La Presentation Memo Et Red VG-86-DE 5e De La Presentation Mary VG-86-CAN 4* 6e De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-CAN 13* 7e De La Presentation Lyne VG-CAN 8e De La Presentation Valentine VG-CAN

R&W Grand dtr from Mabel EX-93 herself! • Incredible opportunity: a RED Grand dtr to Birkenhof Mabel EX-93 • Her dam is the maternal sister to Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH: One of the greatest R&W show cows of her age! • Family which produced many successful show cows • Same family as Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH & Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH

167. DG R Consignor


Nicolette *PO

DE 0539463003 Geb. Datum. 22.01.2017 HH. HHP Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.





























RZG kommt vor der Auktion zurück – siehe Saleupdate / German Genomic results will be back before the sale - See sale update

4. M. Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr.

M. DG RH Nikita as a maiden heifer

Endco The ANSWER-PO (Montross x Earnhardt) DG RH Nikita NC Conf. NC 3.01 122d 4.190kgM 4.1% 171F 3.4% 141P 305d 9.1.232kgM 4.2% 3.6% (Proj) • Eine der höchsten Balisto Tochter ihres alters / One of the highest Balisto dtrs of her age • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Bailando, Nikkelback, New York & more

2. M. Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Amighetti NUMERO UNO

Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL La1 Conf. VG-86-NL La1 2.11 305d 10.792kgM 4.2% 447F 3.5% 380P • Beste Leistungsfärse der Herde / #1 production 2yr. old in the herd • Topseller EG Summer Sale für EUR 84.000 / Topseller EG Summer Sale for EUR 84.000 • Nahezu alle ihre Söhne sind in der Besamung / Almost all her sons went to AI • Halbschwester zu LEXINGTON, ehemaliger #1 RZG Bulle in Deutschland! / Maternal sister to LEXINGTON, former #1 RZG bull in Germany!

Ganz komplettes HORNLOS Rind • HORNLOSE Answer P Tochter aus der Nyala Familie • Hohes hornloses EIWEIß Rind: +61 lbs! • Ihre Großmutter war der Topseller des EG Summer Sale für EUR 84.000 und war eine fantastische Zuchtkuh • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Bailando, New Yorick, Nikkelback & mehr!

Tirsvad BT Nemo VG-89-DK 2yr. Conf. VG-89-DK 2yr. La1 305d 12.953kgM 4.2% 544F 3.4% 440P • Max. score in 1st lactation / MAX. score in her 1st lactation NEXT DAMS 4e Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr. 5e Tir-An Oman Neblina VG-87-DK 2yr. 6e BW Marshall Neblina VG-87-NL 2yr. 7e Etazon LL Neon-ET VG-85 8e Tui Onyx Nick VG-86-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 9e Tui Opel Ned Boy VG-89-USA GMD DOM 10e Tui Odyessa Bell VG-86-USA GMD DOM 11e Tui Vanessa Boot Mark

Very complete POLLED Heifer • POLLED Answer P dtr of the Nyala cow family • High polled PROTEIN heifer: +61 lbs! • Her granddam is the topseller of the EG Summer Sale for EUR 84.000 and has been a great brood cow • Dam is sister to Bailando, New Yorick, Nikkelback & more!

168. DG Consignor



DE 0539463043 Geb. Datum. 04.07.2017 HH. - Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.





















+0.9 7.0







3. M. Ladys-Manor M Ruby D Shay VG-88-USA

2. M. Ladys-Manor RD Sashay VG-85-USA 2yr. GMD DOM

DG CHARLEY (Supershot x Mogul) Ladys-Manor Kboy Shalva GP-USA VG-MS 3yr. Conf. GP-83-USA VG-85-MS 3yr. 2.05 5.314kgM 3.8%F 2.8%P • Mutter der #3 GTPI Hang Time Tochter der Rasse!/ Dam to the #3 GTPI Hang Time dtr in the breed! (GTPI +2780) - Budjon-Vail Shay • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Olympian *RC, Man-O-Shan, Marbach & more

5. M. Ladys-Manor Ruby D EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Morningview Mcc KINGBOY


Ladys-Manor RD Sashay VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. DOM 2.02 365d 12.315kgM 4.4% 546F 3.4% 424P • Selbe Mutterlinie wie De Volmer Sabine (V. Jedi) - #1 GTPI Jedi Tochter in Europa & das #5 GTPI Rind in Europa! (GTPI +2850)/ Same maternal line as De Volmer Sabine (s. Jedi) - #1 GTPI Jedi dtr in Europe & the #5 GTPI Female in Europe! (GTPI +2850)

Die Ladys-Manor Kuhfamilie • Aus dem Herzen der Ladys-Manor Ruby D Kuhfamilie • Ganz komplettes Rind: +2166M / SCS 2.75 / 0.9 DPR / PL +7 +2.09 Euter & +2.35 PTAT • Ganz erfolgreiche nordamerikanische Kuhfamilie

Ladys-Manor M RubyD Shay VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS 2.02 305d 11.920kgM 4.6% 45F 3.3% 388P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Ladys-Manor PL SHAMROCK NEXT DAMS 4e Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90-USA EX-MS 5e Ladys-Manor Ruby D-ET EX-90-USA EX-MS GMD DOM 6e Ladys-Manor Ruby Jen EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Ladys-Manor Temp Jeana VG-87-USA 8e Ladys-Manor Temptress Jem EX-91 GMD DOM 9e Ladys-Manor Top Gun Jemini EX-93 3E GMD DOM 10e Ladys-Manor Delightful Jem VG-88 GMD DOM 11e Ladys-Manor Donnas Delight VG-85-USA 12e Ladys-Manor Nancy Archie EX-90 2E GMD

The Ladys-Manor cow family • From the heart of the Ladys-Manor Ruby D cow family • Very complete heifer: +2166M / SCS 2.75 / 0.9 DPR / PL +7 +2.09 UDC & +2.35 PTAT • Very successful North-American cow family

169. WEH Consignor



DE 0360044592 Geb. Datum. 07.08.2017 WEH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)5848 981126 - Email.

HH. -





























2. M. WEH Gini VG-85-DE 2yr.

3. M. WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr.

Progenesis OUTLAST (Doorsopen x Oak)

3. M. WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home Day MISSOURI


WEH Golden Girl

WEH Gini VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Kalbt / Due: February 2018

La15/09 305d 13.141kgM 4.8% 633F 3.4% 450P • Mutter von GLORYDAY @ Masterrind - #1 Genestar Sohn in Deutschland (RZG +150) / Dam to GLORYDAY @ Masterrind - #1 Genestar son in Germany (RZG +150) • Charley Enkeltochter mit: GTPI +2643 / Charley granddtr scores: GTPI +2643

Super Outcross Index! • Ganz komplettes RZG Rind mit interessantem Pedigree • Outlast x Missouri x Supersire x Baxter • Hoch für Exterieur: 131 RZE mit 131 für Euter • Tolle Möglichkeit aus der deutschen G-Familie, entwickelt in der Herde von Hintze. (WEH Holsteins)

WEH Georgia VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 86 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La2/1 305d 13.466kgM 4.1% 551F 3.2% 431P • Tolle Baxter Tochter / Tremendous Baxter dtr NEXT DAMS 4e WEH Grazia VG-86-DE 2yr. 5e WEH Galina VG-88-DE 6e Gale EX-90-DE 7e Schleif Southwind Gale EX-90-USA DOM 8e Schleif Melwood Dynasty Gayle EX-90-USA DOM 9e Schleif Bova Dove Dynasty VG-86-USA 10e Schleif Angel Lad Dove EX-91-USA 11e Schleif Faith Supreme Angel VG-85-USA

Outcross very complete index heifer! • Very complete RZG heifer with interesting pedigree • Outlast x Missouri x Supersire x Baxter • High type index: 131 RZE with 131 udders • Great opportunity from the German G-family, developed at the herd of Hintze (WEH Holsteins)


28. 5 Straws 170. YLOVE of

Goldwyn SEMEN Consignor FR 6771204363 Christian Bange - Tel. +49 (0)171 Geb. 22984384 Datum. - Email. 24.05.2016 HH. - Consignor D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email. # of straws 5 Portionen GOLDWYN SPERMA / 5 Straws of Goldwyn SEMEN Location Germany Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV

GTPI 2489




























Lovhill GOLDWYN KATRYSHA Same family: Ralma GoldwynEX-96-CAN Carmel EX-92-USA

Robrook GOLDWYN Cameron EX-95-USA 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

3rd dam: DKR Hailey Pronto EX-97-CAN Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. RF GOLDWYN

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Faithlove NC

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Eastside Lewisdale GOLD Missy EX-95-CAN

Top 10 GTPI GOLDWYN SPERMA!!! Schwester zu Charley • Top Eine10 derGTPI allerletzten Polled heifer Möglichkeiten in Europe! um GOLDWYN SPERMA zu kaufen • DER SuperKÖNIG fitness DES & type: SCHAURINGS!!! SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Bereits The maternal >3000sister EXZELLENTE of the global Töchtersensation in Kanada DGbis Charley heute@ ABS • Der GoesVater backvon to Larcrest unzähligen Crimson Siegerkühen EX-94-USA • DIE LEGENDE

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P Ashlyn-Vray EX-97-ES

• Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000

NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

Top 10 GTPI GOLDWYN SEMEN!!! POLLED sister to Charley • One Top 10 of the GTPIFINAL Polledopportunities heifer in Europe! to buy GOLDWYN SEMEN!! • THE SuperKING fitness OF THE & type: RING!!! SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • Already The maternal >3000sister EXCELLENT of the dtrs global in sensation Canada til DG date Charley @ ABS • Sired Goes back manytoBIG Larcrest show Crimson winners EX-94-USA • THE LEGEND

171. FG KOE Consignor


DE 0359340013 Geb. Datum. 21.02.2017 Future Genetics & F. Köster - Tel. +49 (0)170 7722531 - Email. EINZIGARTIG: LADY GAGA ihr Atwood Sohn wird verkauft! / UNIQUE: LADY GAGA her Atwood son sells!

Lady Gaga @ Colmar

M. Lady Gaga EX-97-DE in her 7th lactation!!!!

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x Durham) Lady Gaga EX-97-DE Conf. 96 98 94 98 / EX-97-DE La7/6 304d 13.293kgM 3.6% 483F 3.1% 416P HL6 305d 15.943kgM 3.9% 618F 3.0% 483P • Eine der besten Schaukühen der Welt / One of the greatest show cows in the breed! • Eine der ganz wenigen EX-97 eingestuften Kühe der Welt / One of the very few EX-97 cows in the breed

FG KOE Gentleman | He sells!

Regancrest-LH MODEST

SHOW RESULTS LADY GAGA: • 1st Senior Cow Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘15 • 1s Senior Cow Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘16 • Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘16 & ‘15 • Grand Champion Agras Leipzig ‘15 • Grand Champion DHV Show ‘15 & ‘17 • Grand Champion WEU Convent ‘14 • Grand Champion Thuringia Open ‘14 • Grand Champion Münsterland Schau ‘13 • 2nd Mature Cow European Show Colmar ‘16

172. 3 EMBRYOS Sire

Maple-Downs-I GW ATWOOD

Dam Lady Gaga EX-97-DE

2 EINZIGARTIGE Lady Gaga Möglichkeiten!! • Eine einmalige Gelegenheit um den unglaublichen ATWOOD Sohn aus LADY GAGA EX-97-DE zu kaufen!! • Das 2.te Auktionslos ist die erste Möglichkeit überhaupt Embryonen aus der Schaukönigin höchstpersönlich zu bekommen: 3 x ATWOOD Embryonen x LADY GAGA EX-97!!! • Eine der am weltweit meisten bewunderten Schaukühe der letzten Jahre, ihre Chance!!

2 UNIQUE Lady Gaga opportunities!! • An unique opportunity to purchase LADY GAGA EX-97-DE her incredible ATWOOD son!!! • Her 2nd lot is the first opportunity ever to buy embryos straight out of LADY GAGA EX-97 herself!!! • One of the most admired show cows in Europe of the past years!

Delivering the total package!

Picture: Alex Arkink

ELDORADO DG Albero Eldorado | 307HO00005 Montross x Supersire x Man-O-Man

■ ■ ■ ■



















Lots of milk High daughter pregnancy rate Easy calving High feed efficiency +217

Picture: Alex Arkink


OH DG Patt Alaska Red | 307HO00004 | HB-NO.: 298367 Pat-Red x Aikman *RC x Planet MILK


















■ ■ ■ ■

One of the highest R&W bulls available at +2479 GTPI Type and Health improver Lots of milk combined with high components From the excellent Tony Beauty EX-CAN family!

Picture:Patty Jones


Mr Puma | 515HO00277 | HB-NO.: 508233 Icone x Balisto x Lexor

■ ■ ■ ■

W W W. A I - TOTA L . C O M



















Very complete proof with no faults High type with tremendous udders Functional cows with perfect milking speed and teat length US index: +2446 GTPI / +1.93 PTAT / +6.1 PL / 2.60 SCS

Am Fockenberg 1, 37293 Herleshausen Tel.: +49 (0)5654 924988-0

Lütke Berg 2, 48341 Altenberge Tel.: +49 (0) 2505 93922-0



FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.

HH. -

Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Auktionsbedingungen Durchführung der Auktion: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins 08/16 +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41Veterinär2.74 -1.2 9.0 Bitburg 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 Leitung: JanJürgen de Vries, Arjan v. Jan d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, / Veterinäraufsicht: und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg3.6 Leitung: Dr. Hartmann, de Vries, Arjan v. d.Nici Vlis,Nosbisch Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch /VeterinärVeterinäraufsicht: und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Auszug liegen zur aus. Auszug aus aus den den Auktionsbestimmungen. Auktionsbestimmungen. Die Die vollständigen vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im im Auktionsbüro Auktionsbüro zur Einsicht Einsicht aus.MS Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL DCA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI 1. Die Top RUW verkauft die calf aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. 15 PTAT 1. Die RUW verkauft die aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. 2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer unterwirft sich diesen Auktionsbestimmungen. in Europe!! 08/16 DGV +1458 -0.04 sowie +0.09 51 58 Rinderbeständen. 2.70 102 105 106 13 Ergebnis +16auf BHV-1 3020untersucht. 2. Auktionsteilnehmer unterwirft diesen 3. Jeder Zugelassen in der Auktionshalle sind sich nur Tiere ausAuktionsbestimmungen. amtlich tbcund bruc.-freien leukoseunverdächtigen Alle Auktionstiere wurden 14 serologisch13 mit negativem 3. in deraufgetriebenen Auktionshalle sind aus amtlich tbc-auf undMD/BVD bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere wurden serologisch mit negativem Ergebnis auf BHV-1 untersucht. 4. Zugelassen Alle zur Auktion Tierenur sindTiere virologisch negativ untersucht. 4. Bekannte Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen sindvom virologisch negativ auf MD/BVD untersucht. 5. wertmindernde MängelTiere werden Auktionator angesagt oder stehen im Update. 5. Unvollständige 6. Bekannte wertmindernde Katalogangaben Mängelwerden werdenangesagt. vom Auktionator Bei weiblichen angesagt Zuchtkälbern oder stehenhaftet im Update. der Verkäufer mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch nachweisbar) keineder Zwitter einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen 6. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werdenBlutgruppenbestimmung angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbernund haftet Verkäufer 7. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht(durch für fehlerhafte Angaben im Katalog verantwortlich geamcht werden. Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen Blutgruppenbestimmung nachweisbar) und keine Zwitter sind. 8. Verkäufer leistetkann Gewähr fürfür diefehlerhafte RichtigkeitAngaben aller Katalogangaben mit einer Fristgeamcht von 6 Wochen. 7. Der Die Auktionsleitung nicht im Katalog verantwortlich werden. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. 9. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direkt 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. 8. Der Verkäufer leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. Vor der Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle, dass die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. 9. Käufer von erstenund Wahlen bezahlen entscheidet direkt 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. 10. Bei Doppelgebot Streitigkeiten die Auktionsleitung. Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zahlen. Im Falle+ das die+Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette entsteht Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. 11. Vor Vomder Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0%zuAuktionsgebühr MwSt. Versicherungsprämie (zzgl.erfüllt gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für 10. eigene Bei Doppelgebot Streitigkeiten entscheidet Auktionsleitung. Rechnung und (Eigengeschäft) oder für fremdedieRechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) tätig wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro zu erfolgen. 11. Vom Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. + Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr entsteht unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für 12. eigene Für berechtigte haftet wenn der Schaden nicht durch tätig eine Versicherung abgedeckt RechnungReklamationen (Eigengeschäft) oderder für Beschicker, fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) wird. Die Bezahlung des ist. Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro 13. Auktionsversicherung: Die Tiere sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 €, Höherversicherung möglich. Für nicht verkaufte zu erfolgen. gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der nicht Versicherungsschutz endet fürabgedeckt Exporttiereist. an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staaten. 12. Tiere Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn der Schaden durch eine Versicherung Transportversicherung (100%): Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis 13. Auktionsversicherung: Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. Die sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 €, in Höherversicherung möglich.freien Für nicht Tbc-,Tiere Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) einem amtlich anerkannt bzw.verkaufte unverdächtigen Bestand. Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA Tiere gilt alsein Versicherungswert der Brucellose, Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für Exporttiere an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staaten. Gewährfrist Monat bei Tbc und drei Monate bei Leukose. Transportversicherung (100%): Para-TB und Neosporaversicherung: Es besteht die Möglichkeit, am Auktionstag eine Versicherung auf Paratuberkulose (1,19%) und Neospora (4,76%) abzuschließen. Bei der Käufer volle Risiko! Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. Tod Versicherungsverzicht oder Nottötung infolgeträgt Krankheit oder das Unfall (einschl. Salmonellose Versicherung: Es besteht die Möglichkeit, am Auktionstag eine Versicherung auf Salmonellose (1,00%) abzuschließen. Die Untersuchung muss von Kotproben durch bakteriologische Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Untersuchungsverfahren festgestellt werden. Versicherungsverzicht trägt der Käufer das volle Risiko! Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiverBei Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt freien bzw. unverdächtigen Bestand. Gewährfrist ein Monat bei Tbc und Brucellose, drei Monate BHV1-Versicherung: bei Leukose. Während des Antransports zur Auktion, bei der Auktion und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach gültiger BHV1-Versicherung: BVO (Stand Dezember 2001) erfüllen. Wird gegen diese Obliegenheit verstoßen, ist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) Während des Antransports zur7 Auktion, bei dem der Auktion undpositives während Ergebnis des Transportes Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die dem Anforderungen BHV1-freien nach gültiger im Käuferstall innerhalb von Tagen nach Ankauf ein ergibt. in Dieden Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagendienach Eingang dereines Reklamation eineRindes Nachuntersuchung BVO (Stand Dezember Wirdein gegen dieseErgebnis, Obliegenheit ist dieAmtstierarzt Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Versicherungsfall istund gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) durchführen zu lassen.2001) Ergibterfüllen. sich hierbei anderes so istverstoßen, die durch einen gezogene Probe maßgebend.Der Untersuchungskosten Folgeschäden werden nicht erstattet. Bei allen im Käuferstall innerhalb von werden 7 TagenVerwertungserlöse nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis ergibt. Die und Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, von 14 Tagen nach dem Eingang der Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung Versicherungsschadensfällen angerechnet. Minderwertschäden Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstandinnerhalb der Versicherung. 14. durchführen Verhalten in zu Schadensfällen: lassen. Ergibt Der sichjeweilige hierbei ein Tierhalter anderesist Ergebnis, verpflichtet, so istunverzüglich die durch einen die Rinder-Union Amtstierarzt gezogene West eG (Tel.: Probe06569-9690-23) maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten zu benachrichtigenund bei Folgeschäden Erkrankung und werden Unfällen nicht während erstattet. desBei Transportes allen oder während des Aufenthaltes aufwerden dem Versteigerungsplatz. Versicherungsschadensfällen Verwertungserlöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung. 14. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel.: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz. 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

SaleView-Home Conditions MONTEREY Pine-Tree AltaOAK Sales organisation: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins (McCutchen xVries, Robust) Management: Jan de Arjan v.Jan d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinärund Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg Gillette WINDBROOK Management: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, de Vries, Arjan v. d.Nici Vlis,Nosbisch Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can be inspected in the sale office. Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can be inspected in the sale office. 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on itsHolyfaith own behalf or VG-86-FR on commission.2yr. 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its own behalf or on commission. DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. 2. Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. NC 2. Each auctionareparticipant accepts these termstuberculosis-, and conditions. VG-86-DE 2yr. on BHV-1. 3. Faithlove All animals from officially acknowledged leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn wereConf. serologically tested negative 3. All All animals animals are are virologically from officiallynegative acknowledged tuberculosis-, 4. tested on MD/BVD. leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn were serologically tested negative on BHV-1. La1 or305d 4. Just animals are virologically negative MD/BVD. 5. All known value-reducing of antested animal are announced will be9.970kgM mentioned in 3.3% the sale329F update.3.0% 299P fresh, see saledefects updates for onmore info by the auctioneer 5.01 305d 3.6% 422F 3.2% 6. catalogue information announced. the case ofbyfemale breeding or calves, thementioned seller is liable a term of 2 years after the sale, that the female calves11.719kgM do not come from an opposite-sex twin 375P pregnancy 5. Incomplete All known value-reducing defects ofisan animal areInannounced the auctioneer will be in thetosale update. blood test detectable) and are no hermaphrodites. 6.09 305d 3.8% 499F 3.3% 6. (by Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, to the NH sellerFabulous is liable to a term of 2 years/ after the sale, that the female calves13.127kgM do not come from an opposite-sex twin 433P pregnancy • Sister @ Ascol US 8/16 +3.29 GTPI +2483 for any mistakes made in the catalogue. 7. (by Theblood sale organisation can not held responsible testPTAT detectable) and/be are no hermaphrodites. Fabulous @ Ascol 8. guarantees for period of sixresponsible weeks thatforallany catalogue isSister TheNH assurance of parental descent by blood group determination in ET-offspring occurred. 7. The The seller sale organisation cananot be held mistakesinformation made in the catalogue. Topseller NHhasSale ‘10 forPrior EUR 42.000 9. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is•born, the selection to take place. to the acquisition the 8. • TheTop seller50 guarantees for a#16 periodPTAT of six weeks that all catalogue information is correct. The assurance of parental descent by blood group determination in ET-offspring occurred. GTPI& cow in Europe / remaining 75% of the purchase price have to be paid. If the guarantee can not be fulfilled, the complete first payment will be paid back. / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 forPrior EUR 42.000 9. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is born, the selection has to take place. to the acquisition the 10. In Top the case double & bids#16 and disputes the auction management will make a binding decision. 50ofGTPIPTAT cow in Europe 75% ofbythe purchase price have to+be If the fee guarnatee can not be premium fulfilled, (plus the complete first payment willauction be paidfee back. 11. •remaining Price to be paid the buyer: Auction price 9,0% + tax + insurance legal insurance tax). The will be charged regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe 10. or In for thecommission case of double bids and disputes auction a decision. business. Payment hasthe to be mademanagement directly afterwill themake purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. •TheOne the outcross in damage thefeebreed 11. Price to beof by highest the buyer: Auction price +cows 9,0% +istax insurance regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) 12. seller ispaid responsible for justified complaints, if auction the not+covered by premium insurance.(plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be chargedNEXT DAMS 13. or Sale insurance: /forOne of thebusiness. highestPayment outcross indirectly the breed commission has tocows be made after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Saleseller animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, higher insurance is possible. The insurance value for unsold 12. The is responsible for justified complaints, if the damage is not on. covered by insurance. animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 13. Sale insurance: Transport insurance (100%): 6ehigher Ralma Christmas Fudge DOM Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, insurance is possible. The VG-88-USA insurance valueGMD for unsold In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrival in the German buyer’s stable. 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): Transport (100%): Leadman Fashion VEEVV3 months VG-89-USA In case of insurance official veterinary proven positive reaction (skin allergy test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is8e oneRalma month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, for leucosis. In case of death or putting and downNeospora-insurance: as a result of illness The or accident (including fire,tolightning, theft) connection the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s(1.19%) barn tilland arrival in the(4.76%) German on buyer’s stable. Johnes / Paratuberkulose buyer has the option put on sale day in right after his with purchase an insurance for Johnes / Paratuberkulose Neospora his purchase. If the buyer does decide to leucosis-assurance not take the possibilty to insure his purchase all risk is on his side. Tuberculosis, brucellosis, (100%): Salmonellose: There is the possibility to inscure your(skin purchase fortest, Salmonella on the auctionday If the buyer does decideWarranty to not take the ispossibilty to insure his purchase all risk is on3 his side. for leucosis. In case of official veterinary proven positive reaction allergy blood test) in an officiallyfor free1%. or unsuspecting livestock. period one month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, months IBR IBR // BHV1-insurance: BHV1-insurance: During During the the transport transport to to the the place place of of sale, sale, during during the the sale sale and and during during the the transport transport to to the the buyer’s buyer’s barn, barn, animals animals may may only only get get into into contact contact with with animals, animals, which which meet meet the the requirements requirements of of aa BHV1-free BHV1-free cattle cattle according according to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The is, ifisthe serological test) in the buyer’s to barn shows result within If7 this daysresult after purchase. The insurance insurance case company entitled withininvestigation 14 days after(blood receipt of the complaint have madea positive a follow-up analysis. is different, the result of the sample, taken by the official veterinarian, is decisive. The insurance companyand is entitled days after receipt of the complaint to revenues have made a follow-up analysis. result Impairment is different, losses the result the sample, by the official Costs of investigation damageswithin are not14refundable. In all insurance claims the made by utilization will Ifbethis charged. and of veterinary coststaken are not covered by veterinarian, insurance. is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurance claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance. 14. Behaviour in case of damages: The buyer in is obliged to contact Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and accidents during the transport or during the stay on the auction place. 14. Behaviour case of damages: buyer obliged Polled to contactheifer Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and•accidents thePolled transport heifer or during in the Europe! stay on the auction place. •TheTop 10is GTPI in Europe! Top 10during GTPI

Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley

• Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA


17. RUW-Schau 26. Oktober 2017 17:00 Uhr Zentralhallen Hamm Seien Sie dabei, wenn die besten rot- und schwarzbunten Holsteinkühe Westdeutschlands den Schauring betreten. Neben den Schaukühen erwarten Sie attraktive Nachzuchten u. a. von EPOCHAL und die Verlosung eines wertvollen Zuchtkalbes. Kommen Sie in die Zentralhallen nach Hamm und freuen Sie sich mit uns auf ein interessantes Schauspektakel!

Rinder-Union West eG, Schiffahrter Damm 235a, D-48147 Münster T +49(0)251/92 88 0,,

28. Consignor

SPONSORS MBEER YLOVE FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.







HH. -







Top 15 PTAT calf Bernd Lohmann 08/16 DGV in Europe!!









































Christian Bange Diamond Genetics Dirk vom Stein Ekkel Elektro-Service Becker Eurogenes European Livestock Service Frank Rüben Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA Future Genetics Gaec Schwartz, Frankreich Gebr. Frenken, Viehgeschäft, Heinsberg-Dremmen Gödecker Holsteins Heidehof Ahrens Hul-Stein JK Eder Holsteins 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Jörg Malburg, Wüstenrot Josef Hennecke View-Home MONTEREY AltaOAK Kinderboutique Little Stars, Inh. S.Pine-Tree Heser-Schlaus Gillette WINDBROOK (McCutchen x Robust) Klaus Heser, Holyfaith VG-86-FR Freitag, 21. Ingendorf Oktober 2016, 16:00 Uhr | 2yr.Friday, October the 21st 2016, 16:00 hr DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. Faithlove NC Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. Kreutz Holsteins, Wilsecker La1 Bitburg 305d 9.970kgM-3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P Germany Just Leisen fresh, see GmbH, sale updates for more info Irrel 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Lis-Leck, Luxemburg US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Stefan Marx, • TopLohnunternehmen 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Landscheid / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe Mox Holsteins • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • OneNosbisch of the highest outcross cows in the breed Holsteins NEXT DAMS / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Reiterhof Michael Peschko, Niederweis 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM ReproVal, ET-Team Vaessen, Longsdorf 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA Rinderzucht Nöhl Stefan Siepermann Wiethege Holsteins Wilcor Holsteins & A. Middelkampf Züchtervereinigung Eifelzu Charley Top 10 GTPI Schwester Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley


• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

• Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Millenium liefert Mr Donalynn MILLENNIUM liefert mit seinen Töchtern in Milch überzeugende Resultate! MILLENNIUM = 3,58 PTAT mit solider Leistung aus der Outside Dabble EX-91 – Dynastie!

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Tierarztpraxis Philippe Arnold 1a, rue Dierwies L-6432 Echternach TEL: 00352/7203641 Fax: 00352/7203642

Das Team der Tierarztpraxis Arnold, wünscht der Auktion einen erfolgreichen Verlauf undallen Käufern viel Glück und Gesundheit mit ihren Zukäufen!

Gute Silage ist kein Zufall!

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Carolin Hartung I Key Account Manager Siliermittel Mobil: 0171 97 77 567 I E-Mail:

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Beitrag zum Erhalt der Milchqualität Milchfett-resistent Keine Risse durch Ozoneinfluss


22/09/2017 13:14

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Die neue Melkzeug-Generation


Delivered through Eurogenes Sales

Morandale Goldwyn Telstare EX-96 2nd EX-96 point cow in Spanish history 2nd Int. Cow Swiss Expo

Roccafarm S Zaeva Top 5 European Show Colmar Sold through the Roccafarm Open House Sale

Eclipse Atwoods Archrival Former #1 PTAT bull World Wide Sold through the Eurogenes Online Embryo Sale

Zandenburg Camilla VG-85 2yr. Dam of the #2 GTPI heifer in Europa Sold through the German Masters Sale

BTS Avea Red VG-87 VG-89-MS 2yr. Show winner & huge genomic transmitter Sold through the Vekis Spring Sale

Col Carmen VG-86-DE 2yr. Many sons in AI, grand dtr has +2900 GTPI Sold through the European Classic Sale

DH Gold Chip Darling HM. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘16 Sold as an embryo

Flora Atwood Adeena VG-87-ES 2yr. Dam to the #1 & #3 PTAT in Europe Sold through the Vekis Spring Sale

Double-M Manga VG-89 3yr. Grand dtr of Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH Sold through the German Masters Sale

WWW.EUROGENES.COM THE market place for top genetics of your demand!

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Made in Germany

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Hohlgass 3 · 54636 Rittersdorf Tel.: 06561 97 10 70 ·

Lebacher Straße 31 · 66265 Heusweiler/Eiweiler Tel.: 0 68 06 - 49 49 60 ·


Luxembourg Servatius & Ehlenz S.à r.l.

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 15 · 54595 Prüm-Dausfeld Tel.: 06551 14 78 0 ·

34, route de Luxembourg · L-7733 Colmar-Berg Tel.: 00352 - 26 88 73 50 ·

BvL Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG · Grenzstr. 16 · D-48488 Emsbüren Tel. +49 (0)5903/951-0 · Fax +49 (0)5903/951-34 ·

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18.09.17 16:11

S-S-I Robust Design 7220 EX-90 (Ur-Großmutter)

Our Favorite Atwood Unlimited EX-92 (Mutter) Email: • Fax: 02543 2385222 Bahnhofstraße 18 • D-48727 Billerbeck • Tel: 02543 2385220

Wir machen den Weg frei.

Jeder Mensch hat etwas, das ihn antreibt.

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Rufen Sie einfach an: 06561 63 265.

Mit dem VR-FinanzPlan Agrar unterstützen wir gezielt die Landwirtschaft – beim täglichen Finanz management genau wie bei Investitionen in Ihrem Betrieb. . Wir kennen Lösungen für die Landwirtschaft.

Thanks to Cowsmo for the pictures.


CONTACT | NOSBISCH HOLSTEINS | Sonnenhof - 54668 Niederweis - Germany Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. - -

Arnold.indd 1



ndert erä

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NON-GM O nis ch v erä


Nutzen Sie COUNTRY Saatgut für den erfolgreichen Futterbau! Intelligente Mischungskonzepte • Top-Leistungsfähigkeit • Neueste Züchtungsforschung Ihr DSV Berater vor Ort berät Sie gerne: Wolfgang Fisch Mobil +49 172 6106342

Raiffeisen Rhein-Ahr-Eifel Handelsgesellschaft mbh

Ihr kompetenter Partner für: • Futtermittel • Flüssigdüngung • Holzpellets • u.v.m.

Dudeldorfer Straße 59 • 54657 Badem • Telefon 06563 9676-30

What ever you look for, we will find it!

European Livestock Service: Your partner in mediation (purchase and sell) high quality livestock. From your request to the delivery up to your farm, we take care of the whole proces. #request #agency #inspection #purchase #delivery #statisfaction

Clients experiences

Christoph Lüpschen (Germany): “Over the last two Years we sold more then 100 Cows to European Livestock Service / Nici Nosbisch, we are really pleased how everything worked, from the selection they did on the farm to the day when the cows left our farm everyhing was just perfectly organized, we are looking forwards for future buisness with European Livestock Service” Roccafarm Livestock SA (Belgium): “Sourching quality cows and heifers had been easy, efficient and successfull for us trough European Livestock Service. Findind the right kind of animals makes customers happy.” The Livestock Exchange UK: “We at livestock exchange have nowworked with Nici over 1000 animals! Every part of the buisness is well organised, from finding quality we require, farm visits, relevant paper work trough haulage and delivery! We would not choose to work with anyone else!” Roel Dekker (The Netherlands): “We are very satisified with the cows we purchased last year through European Livestock Service. 70 of the 105 animals we purchased are now in 2nd lactation and developed well with great udders and feet & legs.”

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more info:

European Livestock Service Viehvermittlung

Nici Nosbisch Deutschland Tel: +491714368388 Email: Contact UK & Ireland: Isaac Lancaster - Tel. +44 (0)7739566538 Andy Cope - Tel. +44 (0)7778056327

Ready... set...

go! KNS


4/17 +1934M +0.05%F +0.05%P +86F +70P PL +6 / DPR +1.9 / SCE 6.9 / UDC +2.26

PTAT +2.49 | GTPI +2810

© KeLeKi

• One of the highest flush age heifers in the breed • Jedi x Mardi Gras x Iota x Goldwyn x Ramos In combined ownership with Nosbisch Holsteins



The #1 & #2 PTAT heifers in Europe: Col DG Brylin (GTPI +2510 / PTAT +4.03 / DGV Conf. +22) & Col DG Brylan (PTAT +4.07 / DGV Conf. +21). Pedigree: Crush x EX-90 Meridian (full sister to Byway - picture)



Incredible European branch of the Larcrest Cosmopolitan’s which has bred also the #2 GTPI heifer in Europe @ GTPI +2850, the former #1 GTPI polled heifer in Europe & more! The next generations is coming now!

We always have interesting genetics avaialble, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Genesland Schopscherhof 1 | 53797 Lohmar | Germany +49 (0) 15112121766 | |

Genesland is a daughter company of Genetics Consolidated and Colonia Cows


& Polled

Also the World’s highest Red & Polled heifers are at Genesland, like the #1 Homozgyous Polled heifer in the breed HaH Delila Red PP (in combined ownership with HaH), the newest #1 RZG RED heifer at 165 RZG and more!


Das weltweit führende Holstein-Magazin Unsere Leser geben uns immer die gleiche Rückmeldung: Sobald sie ihr Abonnement gestartet haben, wollen sie darauf nicht mehr verzichten. Deshalb möchten wir auch Ihnen heute ein

12 x pro jahr


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pro jahr

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€ 80 statt € 95

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✓ Ja, ich abonniere Holstein International und KuhFacto: HÖC

€ 39




€ 80

€ 80

€ 95

€ 95




■ 1 Jahr € 39 € 67 ■ 2 Jahre € 75 € 119

■ 1 Jahr € 80 € 95 ■ 2 Jahre € 152 € 180

■ 1 Jahr € 80 € 95 ■ 2 Jahre € 152 € 180

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Der fortschrittliche Milchviehhalter nutzt die Informationen der Milchleistungs- und Qualitätsprüfung zur Sicherung der Anforderungen - an den Verbraucherschutz - an den Klimaschutz - an die Tiergesundheit - an die Milchqualität - an den Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz - an den Erhalt und Ausbau der Wertschöpfung Landeskontrollverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V. Riegelgrube 15-17 55543 Bad Kreuznach

Tel. Fax Email: Internet:

0671 / 88 60 20 0671 / 67 21 6




Omura Brownie #1 bull in Japan. Delivered through Diamond Genetics

Supershot @ Cogent Bred by de Volmer Holsteins & Diamond Genetics



Mr. Salvatore *RC Out of the Diamond Genetics breeding program

DG Charley Bred by Diamond Genetics


DG CHARLEY on his way to the barns of ABS Global

Diamond Genetics Trawlerweg 19 | 8042 PZ Zwolle | The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 Email.

28. Consignor


FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email.











HH. -







Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!!

08/16 DGV









































Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Holyfaith VG-86-FR Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016, 16:00 Uhr | 2yr.Friday, October the 21st 2016, 16:00 hr DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr.

Faithlove NC

Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Bitburg - Germany

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe • #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA


Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

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