Eurogenes Summer Sale @ JK Eder

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Eurogenes Summer Sale @ JK Eder Holsteins | Oudendijk 75 | 4285 WJ Woudrichem | Netherlands 25 MEI 2013 - Vanaf 10:00 uur MAY the 25th 2013 - From 10:00 AM



-- Š Alex Arkink

gerald werkt ® met OVALERT ‘Ik VERTROuw Op hET sysTEEm’ de familie Scholten linde uit rossum werkt nu een half jaar met Ovalert. gerald Scholten linde: ‘Ik vertrouw helemaal op Ovalert, dat elke dag, 24 uur lang, alle tochtigheden registreert. de cyclus van elke koe komt perfect in beeld. daardoor is het aantrekkelijker om gesekst sperma in combinatie met Belgisch-witblauwsperma te gebruiken. door Ovalert worden er meer koeien drachtig én met een kortere tussenkalftijd. Ovalert geeft rust en een goed gevoel. Het systeem werkt super!’ OValert IS Het SUCCeSVOlle VrUCHtBaarHeIdSmaNagemeNtSYSteem waarBIJ StaPPeNtellerS wOrdeN gekOPPeld aaN kI-dIeNStVerleNINg, StIeradVIeS, INFOrmatIePrOdUCteN eN VrUCHtBaarHeIdSmaNagemeNt. OValert IS VerkrIJgBaar IN VerSCHIlleNde PakketVOrmeN VaN BaSIS tOt UItgeBreId.

wilt u meer weten over Ovalert? Bezoek de website of bel met de CrV klantenservice voor een afspraak: (088) 00 24 440.









13:00 uur (AM)


17:00 uur (AM)


ADRES VEILING / ADRESS SALE JK Eder Holsteins Oudendijk 75 - 4285 WJ Woudrichem - Nederland / The Netherlands

Nederland / Algemeen Jan de Vries +31 (0)6 26250502 Nederland / Algemeen Arjan van der Vlis +31 (0)6 43985150 Nederland Jan Kolff +31 (0)6 53803396 Nederland Jan Postma +31 (0)6 4278550 Nederland Roelof Dekker +31 (0)6 44016220 Nederland Gerriët de Groot +31 (0)6 17590113 United Kingdom Alison Maddrell +44 (0)7748960267 France Jan van den Oord +33 (0)679961625 France Louis Jaquin + 33 (0)683803325 Duitsland Andreas Middelkampf +49 (0) 1711979157 Duitsland Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388 Denemarken Niels Erik Haahr +45 (0)61181631 Luxembourg Arno Grengs +352 (0)621326128 USA Steve Mower +1 240-520-5906 Canada Albert Cormier +1 9056910740 Ierland Joseph O’Callaghan +353 (0)862607445 Ierland Denis A. Barrett +353 (0)878560672 Italy Angelo Pozatti +39 (0)3356776396 Italy Carlo Valsecchi +39 (0)335274512

Htoels & Tour

Auctioneer Eric Lievens +32 (0)476456509 Pedigrees Mark Lee +44 (0)7980924179 Alice Booij +31 (0)6 53256456 Ringmen

Nici Nosbisch (DE), Isaac Lancaster (UK), Richard Hull (Australië), & IJsbrand Spoor (NL)

Fitting Crew

Erica Rijneveld & Cameron Baty

Hotel Dahlia / Campanille Hotel Gorinchem Hotel Meerkerk

Franklinweg 1 - Gorinchem Van Hogendorpweg 8-10 - Gorinchem Energieweg 116 - Meerkerk

Tel. +31 (0)183 625877 Tel. +31 (0)183 622400 Tel. +31 (0)183 352198

EUROGENES helpt u graag met uw hotel reserveringen en reis schema EUROGENES will be happy to assist in your travel arrangements and hotel reservations. Do not hesitate to contact us: +31 (0)38 4606922 - Also Eurogenes will organize tours from different countries to the sale. Do not hesitate to contact us for the trip which is leaving from your country!


Veiling dieren worden binnen Nederland thuis afgeleverd voor € 75 / dier All sale animals are qualifying for export. Eurogenes will take care of the export to the final destination. SALE MANAGEMENT Eurogenes Wipstrikkerallee 95 - 8023 DW Zwolle (NL) Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Making the best genetics available!

Caps Mairy 14 #1 GTPI Jeeves in the breed! #12 GTPI Cow Europe

Neerduist Planet Cherso - as a maiden heifer Now fresh and the #1 GTPI Cow in Europe

BG E.T. @ OHG #1 Shottle son in France

Mars Yorick @ Ascol Fantastic Atwood son, international sire of sons

Diamond Genetics and Eurogenes organize tours for Sire Analysts and Breeders in several countries


Diamond Genetics Wipstrikkerallee 95 | 8023 DW Zwolle | The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 Email.


De Volmer Epic Gold Red

NL 925343231

Genomic test




De Volmer Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53792568 |

D.O.B. 1-March-2013

Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. 1*

Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87-CAN 2yr. | Dam to the #1, #2 & #3 GLPI VCR hfrs Canada

Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter x Lead Mae’s) Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. 86R 86DS 88MS 87FL / VG-87-CAN 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.876kgM 4.2% 462F 3.5% 381P (Proj.) • US 04/13 Conf. +11 / GLPI +2671 • 3 zonen bij Genervations / 3 sons @ Genervations already • Moeder van de #1, #2 en #3 GLPI Rode Rosabel pinken in Canada / Dam to the #1, #2 & #2 GLPI R&W Rosabel heifers in Canada • Verkocht voor $ 64.000 / Sold for $ 64.000 in the Genetics by Design Sale ‘12 • Haar Epic-dochter in Canada is verkocht voor $ 55.000 / Her Epic dtr in Canada sold for $ 55.000

Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. 1* Conf. 89DS 87R 89MS 86FL / VG-88-CAN 3yr. 2.04 365d 17.667kgM 3.6% 638F 3.0% 534P 4.03 365d 23.019kgM 3.8% 881F 2.9% 663P

Islehaven Gold Dancer Red VG-88-CAN 4yr. Full sister to Stoneden Fools Gold Red

Braedale GOLDWYN Marktwain Lee Diana VG-CAN 3yr. 2* Conf. VG-85-CAN VG-88-MS 3yr. 2* 4 La. 27.224kgM 3.8%F 3.0%P

• 1st Int. Calf Tri-County (Canada) 2007

NEXT DAMS 4th Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-CAN EX-MS 8 La. 71.246kgM 4.1%F 3.1%P 5th Marktwain Yolanda Red VG-86-CAN 3yr. 9 La. 86.238kgM 3.9%F 3.1%P 6th Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN 3yr.

UNIEK: RODE EPIC x MAN-O-MAN x GOLDWYN UNIQUE: RED x GOLDWYN Full sister to PIONEER!!!! One of the highest DGVEPIC LPIx MAN-O-MAN Planet dtrs!! UNIEK: RODE Epic-dochter uit de schitterende Man-O-Man dochter Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87-CAN 2yr., verkocht voor $ 64.000 en moeder van de #1, #2 en #3 GLPI Rosabel pinken in Canada, waarvan er één is verkocht voor $ 55.000! Grootmoeder is de bekende Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN, volle zuster van Islehaven Gold Dancer VG-88-CAN!

UNIQUE: RED Epic dtr from the beautiful Man-O-Man dtr Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-87-CAN 2yr., sold for $ 64.000 and dam to the #1, #2 and #3 GLPI Rosabel heifers in Canada, from which one sold for $ 55.000! Grand dam is the famous Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN, full sister to Islehaven Gold Dancer VG-88-CAN!

Rainyridge RZH Planet Elaine VG-88-NL 2yr.

DE 0664101904

Production Conformation Genomics Show Results

2.05 203 7.504kgM 4.59%F 3.41%P (L.L.) 88FR 86DS 89MS 86FL / VG-88-NL 2yr. (MAX udder score) US 04/13 (50K) PTAT +2.62 / NM 615 / GTPI +2125 | CA 04/13 (DGV) Conf. +10 / DGV LPI +2957 2nd 2-Yr. Old Class National HHH-Show 2012 - Judge M. Rueth (USA)


Huyben Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 15567472 |


D.O.B. 07-May-2010

Rainyridge Mr. Burns Eara VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX)


Rainyridge RZH Planet Elaine VG-88-NL 2yr. | One of the greatest Planet dtrs in the World

Ensenada Taboo PLANET (Taboo x Amel x Duster) Rainyridge Mr Burns Eara VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX) Conf. 90DS 89R 88MS 90FL / VG-89-CAN 4yr. 2.01 365d 12.435kgM 4.5% 561F 3.4% 418P 3.11 360d 14.051kgM 4.7% 655F 3.3% 465P • Nom. All-West Jr. 2-Yr. & Jr. 1-Yr. • All-West Jr. Calf 2008 • HM Jr. MB Spring 2009 • HM Jr. Morris 2009 • 2nd Jr. 1-Yr. Calgary Spring 2009 • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Morris 2010 • Maximale score als 2e kalfs koe in Canada / Maximum score for a 2nd calver in Canada • Kalft opnieuw in Augustus ‘13 om op de Royal te kunnen schitteren! / Will calf again in August ‘13 to be one of the cows to beat at the Royal! • Elaine is de hoogte GLPI dochter van Eara! / Elaine is the highest GLPI dtr of Eara!


Dudoc Mr BURNS

Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E Oldest cow ever to win Grand at Madison! 14 yr!


Rainyrdige Shottle Etain VG-89-CAN 3yr. Conf. 89R 92DS 88MS 91FL / VG-89-CAN 3yr. 2.00 327d 11.339kgM 4.0% 525F 3.6% 407P • Nom. All-West Jr. 2-Yr. 2008 • 2nd Jr. 2-Yr. MB Spring 2008 • Maximale score op 3 jaar in Canada! / Maximum score at 3 years old in Canada!

Rayverley Leader Eva EX-CAN 1* Conf. 88R 92DS 91MS 91FL / EX-CAN 1* 6.03 318d 10.062kgM 5.0% 503F 3.9% 394P 7.04 365d 14.052kgM 5.1% 716F 4.0% 558P

NEXT DAMS 4th Rayverley Prelude Evelyn EX-90-CAN 3E 13* 5th Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* All-Canadian Mature C. ‘92, ‘93, 95 & ‘99 All-American Mature C. ‘92, ‘95 & ‘99 Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘93 & ‘99 OLDEST COW EVERY WHICH WON GRAND CHAMPION MADISON | 14 YEAR OLD!! 6th Despics Temp Diane VG-CAN 3yr.

ELAINE SELLS!! One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Rainyridge RZH Planet Elaine VG-88-NL 2yr. sells! She is one of the

Rainyridge RZH Planet Elaine VG-88-NL 2yr. wordt verkocht! Zij is één van de meest succesvolle en beste Planet-dochters wereldwijd en behaalde een 2e plaats in haar rubriek op de HHH-Show 2012! Met een GLPI van +2957 behoort ze bij de hoogste GLPI koeien in Europe! Ze is de hoogste dochter van Eara VG-89-CAN 4yr. en heeft een Epic-zoon bij de KI met meer dan 2300 GTPI!

most successful and very best Planet dtrs World Wide, she won a 2nd Place in the 2-Yr. old Class at the National HHH-Show ‘12 (Judge: M. Rueth) and is one of the highest GLPI cows in Europe: GLPI +2957. She is the highest dtr of Eara VG-89-CAN 4yr. and has an Epic son in AI already with over 2300 GTPI!


RZH Bente-RZ *RC

DE 0666321944

Genomic test

US 04/13 (9K) +995M -0.10%F +0.03%P +9F +37P NM 252 / GTPI +1904 US 04/13 PL +1.7 / SCS 3.16 / DPR +0.4 / SCE 8 / FLC +1.79 / UDC +2.28 / PTAT +3.06 CA 04/13 +1059M +14F +39P HL 107 / SCS 3.13 / Fert. 101 / Conf. +12 / GLPI +2449


Rinderzuhtbetrieb Hellwig (DE) | +49 1713214773 |

D.O.B. 07-November-2012

Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN

Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-CAN

Husberger ALCHEMY *RC (Destry x Shottle x Oman) Rainyridge Super Beauty *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85DS 84R 85MS 87FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.03 305d 10.072kgM 4.8% 487F 3.1% 313P • Volle zuster van: / Full sister to Rainyridge Super Beth *RC VG-86-CAN 2yr., dam to the #1 GLPI & GTPI RC heifer in the World and one of the most popular heifers for R&W

Rainyridge Super Beauty *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.


Ladino-Park TALENT *RC

Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-CAN Conf. E E E E E / EX-95-USA 2.05 298d 11.213kgM 4.1% 464F 3.2% 358P 3.05 365d 15.663kgM 3.6% 570F 3.3% 514P • 1st 5-Yr. Royal 2010 • 1st 5-Yr. Madison 2010 • HM. Grand Calgary Spring 2009 • Grand Champion Morris 2010 • All-Canadian 5-Yr. 2010 • Unfortunately died October 2012, in the tremendous shape of her life!


Schitterende kans om een Rood Factor kleindochter naar uw stal te halen van de beroemde Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-CAN, o.a. 1e op de Royal en in Madison! Bente behoort bij de hoogste PTAT (Exterieur) Rood Factor dieren in Europa. Voert terug op de oudste (14 jaar oud) Algemeen Kampioene van Madison ooit, Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN.

RF Outside Breeze EX-95-USA 8yr. Conf. E E E E E / EX-95-USA 8yr. 2.03 365d 10.818kgM 6.2% 670F 4.3% 463P 4.02 334d 14.479kgM 4.7% 675F 3.5% 505P • Grand Champion S. Spr. Nat. Holstein Show ‘11 • 1st 5-Yr. MB Spring & Morris 2008

NEXT DAMS 4th Rayverley Briana Milan EX-CAN 2E 6* 5th Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* All-Canadian Mature C. ‘92, ‘93, 95 & ‘99 All-American Mature C. ‘92, ‘95 & ‘99 Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘93 & ‘99 OLDEST COW EVERY WHICH WON GRAND CHAMPION MADISON | 14 YEAR OLD!! 6th Despics Temp Diane VG-CAN 3yr.

RED CARRIER OF BARBARA the highest DGV GR LPIDTR Planet dtrs!! Great opportunity to bring a Red Carrier grand dtr to your herd of the famous Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-CAN, 1st Royal and Madison 5-Yr. Old! Bente belongs to the highest PTAT Red Carrier heifers in Europe. She goes back on the oldest Grand Champion of Madison ever, Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN, won as a 14-yr. old cow!!


1e Keuze Vaarskalf / 1st Choice Female



Willemshoeve Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53685488 |


Farnear-TBR Shottle Bailey VG-87-USA 3yr. DOM

Willemshoeve Atwd Baily 653 VG-88-NL 2yr.

Mars YORICK @ ASCOL | Full brother to Baily 653 04/13 PTAT +4.30 | DGV Conf. +21

ZIE VEILING UPDATE / SEE SALE UPDATE MD Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD Willemshoeve Atwd Bailey 653 VG-88-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. @ 4 weeks fresh 2.01 305d 10.958kgM 3.98%F 3.34%P LW 122+ (Proj.) US 04/13 +739M +0.12%F +0.01%P +59F +22P FLC +3.32 / UDC +3.30 / PTAT +4.16 / GTPI +1967 • #2 PTAT (Exterieur) koe wereldijd!! / #2 PTAT (TYPE) cow World Wide!! • Volle zuster van de super populaire Mars YORICK / Maternals ister to the very popular bull and sire of sons Mars YORICK! • Eén van de beste jonge vaarzen in Europe! / One of the greatest young cows in Europe! • Haar HUNTER-zoon is verkocht voor €24.000 in de Online Elite Bull Sale / Her HUNTER son sold for € 24.000 in the Online Elite Bull Sale and has 02/13 GTPI +2309 / PTAT +4.01 - DGV LPI +3378 / Conf. +19

Farnear-TBR Shottle Bailey VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 3yr. DOM 2.06 365d 16.543kgM 4.4%F 734F 3.5%P 574P • Moeder van Mars YORICK @ Ascol! / Dam to Mars YORICK @ Ascol • Zelfde sire stack, zelfde familie als Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, moeder van Colt 45, Gold Chip & meer! / Same sire stack, same family as Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, dam to Colt 45, Gold Chip & more!


Picston SHOTTLE Palmcrest Blackcap EX-90 EX-MS Conf. EX-90-USA EX-MS 2.05 365d 10.578kgM 3.6%F 381F 3.2%P 336P • Zuster van Breakout @ ABS and Blade @ Select Sires / Sister to Breakout @ ABS & Blade @ Select • Sires / 6 VG dtrs in the USA

NEXT DAMS 4th Regancrest Durham Bliss VG-89-USA 2yr. GMD 5th Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92 GMD 6th Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90 7th Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD 8th Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90

#2 TYPE DGV COW WORLD WIDE dtrs!! of the highest LPI Planet Willemshoeve Atwd Baily 653 VG-88-NL 2yr. belongs to the greatest

Willemshoeve Atwd Baily 653 VG-88-NL 2yr. behoort bij de allerbeste jonge koeien in Nederland en is met een PTAT +4.16 de #2 exterieur (PTAT) koe wereldwijd! Haar Hunter-zoon werd verkocht voor € 24.000 naar Ascol in Spanje waar ook de populaire volle broer van Baily 653 gehuisvest staat: Mars YORICK!!! Een schitterende kans op het allerbeste uit de BARBIE koefamilie!

young cows in the Netherlands and is the #2 type (PTAT) bull World Wide with PTAT +4.16! Her Hunter son sold for € 24.000 to Ascol in Spain which is also the owner to the very popular full brother to Baily 653, Mars YORICK!!! A great opportunity for the very best from the BARBIE cow family!


Tir-An N.U. Nyala

DK 2371402483

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (9K) +1449M +0.09%F +0.06%P +75F +61P NM 875 / GTPI +2525 US 04/13 PL +6.3 / SCS 2.53 / DPR +1.0 / SCE 7 / FLC +2.71 / UDC +2.76 / PTAT +3.07 DE 04/13 RZM 130 / RZS 128 / RZN 133 / RZR 113 / RZK 115 / RZE 141 / RZG 155 #4 GTPI heifer in Europe / #2 RZG Numero Uno World Wide


Anderstrup Holsteins (DK) | . +45 61181631 | & Tirsvad Holsteins (DK) | +45 40421670

D.O.B. 16-December-2012

Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr.

Tirsvad BT Noma (Picture April ‘13)

Amighetti NUMERO UNO (Numero Uno x Shottle x Boss Iron) Tirsvad BT Noma Due / Kalft: August ‘13

Tir-An Oman Neblina VG-87-DK 2yr.

Klassic BIG TIME


Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DK 2yr. La1 305d 13.999kgM 3.3% 456F 3.2% 449P

• Kalft in Augustus 2013 en lijkt zeer beloftevol / Calves in August 2013 and looks very promising • 3 dtrs in de Europese Top 25 / 3 dtrs in the European Top 25 GTPI • Eerste 3 zonen getest in Duitsland met / First 3 tested sons in Germany are: RZG 149 Numero Uno, RZG 161 Lexor and 2 RZG 154 Lexor’s!

#4 GTPI & #2 to RZGPIONEER!!!! UNO Full sister

• De #1 Stol Joc in Europa / #1 Stol Joc Europe • Volle zuster van Nele, voormalige #1 RZG koe in Duitsland / Full sister to Nele, former #1 RZG cow in Germany • Volle zuster is moeder van Beauty (s. Beacon) @ OHG, #7 RZG Stier Duitsland, 04/13 RZG +155 / Full sister is dam to Beauty (s. Beacon) @ OHG, #7 RZG bull Germany, 04/13 RZG +155

Tir-An Oman Neblina VG-87-DK 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DK 2yr. La1 305d 12.083kgM 4.2% 504F 3.4% 413P • Moeder van Manur / Dam to Manur

NEXT DAMS 4th BW Marshall Neblina VG-87-NL 2yr. 5th Etazon LL Neon VG-85-USA 6th Tui Onyx Nick VG-86-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 7th Tui Opel Ned Boy VG-89-USA GMD DOM 8th Tui Odyessa Bell VG-86-USA GMD DOM

#4 GTPI DGV & #2 RZG One of the highest LPI UNO Planet dtrs!! One of the most interesting heifers in the world with a unique com-

Eén van de meest interessante dieren wereldwijd met een unieke combinatie van wereldklasse GTPI en RZG! Met een GTPI van +2525 is zij de #4 GTPI pink in Europe en met RZG +155 de #2 Numero Uno op Duitse basis! UIt de super opkomende Neblina familie, moeder Noma kalft in Augustus en al haar geteste zonen vertrekken naar de KI, waaronder een Lexor-zoon met RZG +161!!

bination of World Class GTPI and RZG! The #4 GTPI heifer in Europe with GTPI +2525 and RZG +155 the #2 RZG Numero Uno! From the great up-coming Neblina cow family, dam Noma will calf in August and looks great, all her tested sons so far are going to AI, under which a Lexor son with RZG +161!


Veenhuizer Yorick Nola

NL 881059100

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (50K - DGV) +1407M +0.08% +0.14% +61F +62P DGV LPI +2970 CA 04/13 HL 109 / SCS 2.55 / R +7 / DS +13 / FL +13 / MS +12 / Conf. +16 US 04/13 +1030M +0.06% +0.05% +54F +46P FLC +2.80 / UDC +2.76 / PTAT +3.37 / GTPI +2125 DE 04/13 +1395M -0.12% +0.05% +45F +52P RZS 118 / RZN 122 / RZM 127 / RZE 125 / RZG 140


Veenhuizer Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 55325038 |

D.O.B. 17-September-2012

Veenhuizer Naomie | Roumare sister to Nemo

Beauty @ OHG | Beacon-son from the Neblina’s. #6 bull Germany, RZG +155

Mars YORICK (Atwood x Shottle x Barbie family) Veenhuizer Nellele VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 85DS 88MS 86FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.04 226d 7.525kgM 4.5% 339F 3.7% 276P L.L.

Manur @ RSA Germany Full brother to Veenhuizer Nemo

Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Veenhuizer Nemo VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 84FR 84DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.074kgM 4.4% 441F 3.6% 361P 4.05 305d 11.170kgM 4.4% 516F 3.5% 411P 5.07 322d 9.876kgM 4.5% 447F 3.8% 378P Nu in 4e lactatie / Now in 4th lactation

MASCOL BW Marshall Neblina VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 87MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.01 305d 10.854kgM 4.0% 438F 3.4% 367P

• Super Man-O-Man-dochter. Begin Mei wordt • Geimporteerd als embryo uit Amerika / ze gefotografeerd! / Great Man-O-Man dtr. Will Imported as an embryo from the USA be pictured early May! See • Volle zuster van Manur @ RSA / • Meerdere zonen bij de KI, in verschillende landen! Full sister to Manur @ RSA / Several sons in AI already in different countries! • Halfzuster van Oman Neblina, grootmoeder van • Uit de beroemde Neblina koefamilie met vele o.a.: / Maternal sister to Oman Neblina, grand nakomelingen in de toplijsten! / From the great dam to Beauty at the OHG, #6 RZG bull in Neblina cow family with several members in the Germany, RZG 155 and dam to the #1 RZG cow in top rankings Germany Nele and to Stol Joc Nemo, grand dam to NEXT DAMS 4th Etazon LL Neon VG-85-USA one of the most interesting heifers in the breed, 5th Tui Onyx Nick VG-86-USA 2yr. GMD DOM Tir-An N.U. NYALA!! 6th Tui Opel Ned Boy VG-89-USA GMD DOM 7th Tui Odyessa Bell VG-86-USA GMD DOM


GREAT CALF THE NEBLINA’S of the highest DGVFROM LPI Planet dtrs!! Great Mars YORICK dtr from the very strong Neblina cow family with

Schitterende Mars Yorick-dochter uit de sterk opkomende Neblinafamilie met verschillende stieren en vrouwelijke dieren in de top lijsten in meerdere landen en systemen! Deze Yorick komt uit de super Man-O-Man dochter Veenhuizer Nellele VG-87-NL 2yr. met meerdere zonen bij de KI. Grootmoeder Nemo is de volle zuster van Manur en halfzuster van Oman Neblina, gr.moeder van Beauty @ OHG en moeder van Nele, #1 RZG koe!

plenty of bulls and heifers in the top rankings in difrerent countries and test systems! This Yorick comes from the great Man-O-Man dtr Veenhuizer Nellele VG-87-NL 2yr. with several sons in AI. Grand dam Nemo is the full sister to Manur and maternal sister to Oman Neblina, grand dam to Beauty @ OHG and dam to Nele, #1 RZG cow!

Rinderzuhtbetrieb Hellwig (DE) | +49 1713214773 |



RZH Gwen-P Red

DE 06 663 21949

Genomic test Ranking

DE 04/13 +1522M -0.04%F +0.31%P +60F +81P RZM 143 / RZG 153 DE 04/13 RZS 110 / RZN 115 / RZR 114 / RZK 110 / RZD 105 / RZE 130 US / CAN - Result will be back May 2013 - See sale update #1 RZG POLLED heifer in the breed

D.O.B. 07-February-2013

Molenkamp Grietje 48 VG-86-NL 2yr.

Molenkamp Grietje 58 VG-87-NL 2yr. | Maternal sister to Grietje 48 (Grand dam)

Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED (Destry x Lawn Boy x September Storm) Molenkamp Grietje 111 *RC Kalft: / Due: 18-May-2013


Heihoeve Delta SPENCER

Molenkamp Grietje 48 VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 85FR 88DS 85MS 86FL / VG-86-NL 2yr.

2.02 305d 11.168kgM 3.7% 408F 3.5% 393P • DE familie voor Roodbont / THE cow family for R&W 4.02 305d 12.511kgM 3.6% 448F 3.6% 455P • Haar zwarte Ladd P dtr is de #1 GTPI Ladd P in Europa & #5 GLPI Ladd P Wereldwijd / • Halfzuster van Grietje 58 VG-87 2yr. (s. Mr. Burns), Her B&W Ladd P dtr is the #1 GTPI Ladd P in show koe, hoge zonen bij de KI en wereldwijd Europe & #5 GLPI Ladd P World Wide gecontracteerd / Maternal sister to Grietje 58 (s. Mr. Burns), show cow, high sons in AI and World Wide contracted, including Japan and dam to the #1 RZE (TYPE) RED bull in Germany: KUYT RED - RZE 137 @ RSH (s. Destry) • Halfzuster van Molenkamp Grietje 61 *RC VG-88 / Maternal sister to Molenkamp Grietje 61 *RC VG-88, Nom. Global R&W Cow of the Year ‘13 (HI) • Volle zuster is moeder van / Full sister is dam to ADVENTURE @ CRV, #18 NVI R&W Bull Holland • Volle zuster is moeder van / Full sister is dam to GRIFFIT @ CRV, #5 RED & Polled NVI Bull Holland


Molenkamp Grietje 61 *RC VG-88-NL Nom. Global R&W Cow of the Year ‘13 (HI)

Molenkamp Grietje 28 VG-89-NL Conf. 89FR 93DS 88MS 88FL / VG-89-NL 2.04 305d 10.348kgM 4.0% 418F 3.4% 356P 4.04 305d 11.514kgM 3.3% 376F 3.3% 386P 6.04 305d 12.849kgM 4.0% 512F 3.3% 423P 7.09 305d 10.782kgM 3.7% 398F 3.4% 363P • Vader: / Sire: Jocko Besne • Al haar zonen zijn bij de KI / All her sons are in AI • Moeder van / Dam to - Molenkamp FARFAN @ CRV - #5 NVI Proven sire - Molenkamp ANDY @ CRV - #2 RF NVI Proven sire

NEXT DAMS 4th Molenkamp Grietje 23 VG-87-NL 5th Molenkamp Grietje 13 VG-85-NL

#1 RZG POLLED WORLD WIDE of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Polled is HOT! This R&W heifer GWEN-P is by far the highest POLLED

Hoornloos is HOT! De rode GWEN-P is de veruit de hoogste hoornloze pink wereldwijd op basis van de Duitse RZG index, en tevens behoort ze bij de wereldtop voor Roodbont met RZG +153! Ze stamt uit de bekende Molenkamp Grietje’s, één van de allerbeste Rode koefamilies van dit moment met meerdere stieren in de fokstieren en genomic stieren toplijsten in verschillende landen!

heifer in the breed based on the German RZG index and also belongs to the highest R&W heifers with RZG +153! She is out of the famous Molenkamp Grietje cow family, one of the very best R&W cow families World Wide right now and several sons in the proven- & genomic sire top lists in different countries!

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Cover Febr2013.indd 4


JK Eder DG Emeraude

NL 713493177

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (50K) +1781M -0.17% -0.09% +49F +49P GLPI +2766 CA 04/13 HL 109 / SCS 2.94 / Fert. 102 / FL +10 / MS +10 / Conf. +14 US 04/13 +1485M -0.08% -0.04% +32F +35P FLC +2.06 / UDC +2.28 / PTAT +2.58 / GTPI +2000


JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 23-September-2012

Agathe VG-88-FR | 3rd Sr. Cow National Show FR ‘11

Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL | One of the greatest cows in the Netherlands

Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter x Lead Mae’s) Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL Conf. 165cm 93FR 92DS 91MS 89FL / EX-91-NL 2.03 305d 10.593kgM 4.03% 427F 3.31% 349P 4.00 305d 12.673kgM 4.0%F 3.2%P (Proj. after 77d) • Champion 2-Yr. Old France ‘11 (SPACE) • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Old National Show Le Mans (FR) ‘11 • Champion 2-Yr. Old Noordeloos (NL) ‘12 • 1st 2-Yr. Old National NRM ‘12 (NL) • 1st 2-Yr. Old National HHH-Show ‘11 (NL) • Nu in 2e lactatie en beter dan ooit! 165 cm groot en ingeschreven met EX-91-NL met EX-91 uier!! / Now in 2nd lactation and better than ever! 165 cm tall and scored EX-91-NL with an EX-91 udder!!

Cabon FERNAND @ Semex | Same family #6 GTPI Man-O-Man son World Wide

Braedale GOLDWYN


Agathe VG-88-FR Conf. VG-88-FR 2.03 305d 10.366kgM 3.2% 332F 3.1% 321P 3.06 305d 13.338kgM 3.5% 467F 3.1% 413P • 3rd Sr. Cow at the Nat. Show Le Mans 2011



Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-89-FR 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.804kgM 4.0% 432F 3.2% 346P 3.11 305d 11.653kgM 4.3% 501F 3.2% 373P • Volle zuster van Texas @ Genes Diffusion / Full sister to Texas @ Genes Diffusion • Halfzuster van Umelin, moeder van de beroemde Amarante VG-88-FR / Maternal sister to Amarante’s dam, grand dam to FERNAND @ Semex

#4 (Grade A / 1e Klasse) embryos DOORMAN x Carf Emeraude EX-91-FR DOORMAN US 04/13 GTPI +2372 / PTAT +4.28 - One of the highest PTAT bulls in the breed!

NEXT DAMS 4th Rosiere EX-90-FR 5th Menthe VG-89-FR 6th Ixias EX-93-FR 7th Eglantine EX-94-FR

FIRST DTR OF EMERAUDE AUCTION One of the highest DGV LPI PlanetINdtrs!! The first opportunity to buy a dtr of Emeraude in auction! Emeraude

De eerste mogelijkheid op een dochter van Emeraude in een veiling! Emeraude behoort bij de beste koeien in Nederland, als vaars behaalde zij succesen met o.a. het Nationaal Vaarzenkampioenschap in Frankrijk. Nu is zij 2e kalfs en beter dan ooit! Haar schitterende Epic-dochter met show stijl wordt verkocht! Super koefamilie, van o.a. de Semex topstier Cabon Fernand, de #6 GTPI Man-O-Man Wereldwijd!

belongs to the greatest cows in the Netherlands. She was very successful as a 2yr. old with many show titles like the National 2-Yr. Old title in Frnace! Now she is in 2nd lactation and better than ever! Her great show style Epic dtr sells! Great cow fmaily, same family as the #6 GTPI Man-O-Man son, Cabon Fernand @ Semex!


LJ Uno Hoine

FR 6125092051

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (9K) +1780M +0.01%F +0.05%P +69F +68P NM 706 / GTPI +2410 US 04/13 PL +4.4 / SCS 2.76 / DPR -0.7 / SCE 8 / FLC +2.38 / UDC +3.12 / PTAT +3.55 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1775M +66F +69P HL 111 / SCS 2.71 / Fert. 103 / Conf. +17 / DGV LPI +3244 #16 GTPI Calf in Europe (<9 Months) - One of the highest PTAT heifers in Top 25 GTPI Europe


Drakkar Holsteins (FR) | +33 (0)679961625 |

D.O.B. 08-December-2012

Cremone VG-88-FR | Full sister to Cigale

Explosive VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2yr.

Amighetti NUMERO UNO (Man-O-Man x Shottle x Boss Iron) LJ Explosive VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.04 305d 13.066kgM 3.3% 425F 3.2% • Planet x Duplex x Lancelot!

Avocate VG-87-FR 2yr. Maternal sister to 3rd dam

Ensenada Taboo PLANET

Mesland DUPLEX

LJ Cigale VG-86-FR VG-88-MS 3yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-88-MS 3yr. 3.02 305d 9.055kgM 3.7% 335F 3.1% 282P • Volle zuster van Cremone VG-88-FR, moeder van Fracasse (s. Cassano), 1st Jr. 2-Yr. en Beste Uier Space ‘13 en Orne ‘13 / Full sister to Cremone VG-88-FR, dam to Fracasse (s. Cassano), 1st Jr. 2-Yr. and Best Udder at the Space ‘13 and Orne ‘13

2.05 305d 10.824kgM 3.9% 420F 3.5% 377P 3.09 305d 12.515kgM 4.1% 514F 3.4% 428P • Beste fokkoe, vele AB dochters en kl. dochters / Great brood cow, many VG dtrs and grand dtrs

NEXT DAMS 4th LJ Sister VG-89-FR 2yr. (s. Jesther) 5th LJ Paraffine EX-90-FR (s. Manfred) 2nd National Show France 2003 6th Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7th Peckensteain Beatrice Kay VG-87-USA GMD DOM s. Leadman 8th Ramadaly Melvin 209 EX-90-USA GMD DOM


LJ Very Best GP-83-FR 2yr. Conf. GP-83-FR 2yr.

TOP 25 GTPI FROM GREAT of the highest DGVHEIFER LPI Planet dtrs!! FAMILY Top 25 GTPI heifer in Europe with GTPI +2410. One of the highest

Top 25 GTPI pink in Europa met GTPI +2410, met een PTAT van +3.55 is zij één van de hoogste PTAT pinken in de Europese GTPI Top! Tevens een torenhoge GLPI index met DGV LPI +3244 en ook daar opnieuw hoog exterieur (+17!). Ze heeft een schitterende pedigree als Numero Uno uit een Planet uit een Duplex uit de Amerikaanse Peckenstein Luke Kirsten koefamilie, die van o.a. Niagra & Formation Bret!

type heifers in the European GTPI top with PTAT +3.55! Also a skyhigh GLPI index with DGV LPI +3244 and also high type in this index with +17!! She has a great pedigree as a Numero Uno from a Planet from a Duplex from the American Peckenstein Luke Kirsten cow family, the same as that of Niagra & Formation Bret!


Gen-I-Beq DG Sudan Bellamy

NL 610976412

Genomic test

US 04/13 (50K) +1321M +0.14%F +0.05%P +86F +52P NM 533 / GTPI +1999 US 04/13 PL +2.1 / SCS 2.91 / DPR -0.7 / SCE 7 / FLC +2.05 / UDC +0.59 / PTAT +1.28 CA 04/13 +1425M +94F +61P HL 108 / SCS 2.84 / Fert. 102 / Conf. +5 / GLPI +2880 DE 04/13 +1497M +74F +53P RZM 131 / RZE 119 / RZS 113 / RZD 97 / RZN 120 / RZK 107 / RZG 140


& Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 22-July-2012

Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi EX-92-CAN EX-95-MS

Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi EX-94-USA | Full sister to Bellamy’s grand dam

Gen-I-Beq Manoman Bibi VG-CAN 2yr. Full sister to Bellita. Sold for $ 83.000

VA-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI (Jammer x Sailor x Duster)

Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN)

Gen-I-Beq Manoman Bellita GP-CAN 2yr. Conf. GP-83-CAN 2yr.

Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi EX-92-CAN EX-95-MS 6* Conf. 87R 92DS 95MS 90FL / EX-92-CAN 6*

2.00 330d 9.848kgM 4.6% 454F 3.6% 351P

2.00 365d 13.737kgM 4.3% 591F 3.5% 480P 4.11 365d 14.620kgM 4.6% 668F 3.6% 520P • Full sister to Gen-I-Beq Manoman Bibi VG-CAN 2yr., 6.06 305d 13.832kgM 4.8%F 3.4%P (Proj.) Top GLPI Cow in Canada, sold for $ 83.000 in the Designer Sale ‘12 where her Snowman dtr made • EX-92 with 95 udder! $ 125.000 • Probably the highest scored Shottle dtr • Maternal sister to BRAWLER (s. Baxter) @ Semex, in the breed for udders??? Top 10 GLPI proven bull in Canada • Over 10 sons in AI, under which Brawler @ Semex • Kalft opnieuw in ‘13 met verwachting voor AB score / • Full sister to the famous Gen-I-Beq Shottle Calves again in ‘13 with expections for VG score Bombi EX-92-USA!! Dam to Boulder, Brewmaster and more!!

Picston SHOTTLE Gen-I-Beq Champion Bambi EX-90-CAN 4* Conf. 91R 91DS 90MS 92FL / EX-90-CAN 4* 2.02 365d 11.999kgM 4.2% 509F 3.4% 410P 3.09 365d 14.351kgM 4.1% 592F 3.2% 456P 6.02 303d 12.744kgM 4.1% 521F 3.2% 410P • Maternal sister to GOLDWYN!!! • 7 VG and EX dtrs in Canada to date • Full sister to Gen-I-Beq Champion Bally EX-95-CAN, one of the greatest Champions in the breed!

NEXT DAMS 4th Braedale Baler Twine VG-86-CAN 2yr. 32* 5th Braedale Gypsy Grand VG-88-CAN 5yr. 37* 6th Braedale Moonriver GP-CAN-JAPAN 7th Sunnylodge Chief Vick VG-86-CAN 2yr. 31* 8th Sunnylodge Elevation Jan VG-87-CAN 3yr. 13*


SUDAN FROM One of the highest DGV GOLDWYN’S LPI PlanetFAMILY dtrs!! Sudan dtr from the family of the legendary Breadale GOLDWYN!

Sudan-dochter uit de familie van de legendarische Braedale GOLDWYN! Moeder is de halfzuster van de Top 10 GLPI stier in Canada, Brawler van Semex en is een volle zuster van Bibi, verkocht voor $ 83.000 en haar Snowman voor $ 125.000! Grootmoeder Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi EX-92-CAN heeft een EX-95 uier en was Genomineerd voor Canadese Koe van het Jaar ‘13!!

Her mother is the maternal sister of the Top 10 GLPI bull in Canada, Brawler @ Semex and a full sister to Bibi, sold for $ 83.000 and her Snowman sold for $ 125.000! Grand dam is Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi EX-92-CAN with an EX-95 udder and was nominated Canadian Cow of the Year ‘13!


NH Mogul Champ

DE 0769870823

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (9K) +802M +0.19% +0.06% +78F +40P NM $ 828 / GTPI +2420 US 04/13 PL +6.2 / SCS 2.58 / DPR +1.5 / SCE 7 / FLC +2.08 / UDC +3.25 / PTAT +2.67 CA 04/13 (DGV) +985M +103F +52P HL 118 / SCS 2.47 / Fert. 108 / Conf. +11 / DGV LPI +3285 #1 GTPI OUTCROSS HEIFER IN EUROPE / #15 GTPI HEIFER IN EUROPE


Nosbisch Holsteins (DE) | +49 (0)1714368388 |

D.O.B. 16-February-2013

Charm & her Michael sister / & haar Michael zuster

Bremer Active Charm VG-86-USA 2yr. | Tremendous outcross cow, from great American family!

Mountfield-SSI DCY MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh x Pine-Tree Missy’s) Bremer Active Charm VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.01 308d 9.952kgM 4.7% 465F 3.6% 362P • Eén van de beste Outcross koeien Wereldwijd / One of the greatest Outcross cows in the breed • Embryos wereldwijd geëxporteerd / Embryos exported around the World • Superlarge dtr testte over 2400 GTPI / Superlarge dtr tested over 2400 GTPI

Alpag Iron ACTIVE


Comestar OUTSIDE

Solid-Gold Cheesecake VG-88-USA EX-MS Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS DOM 2.01 365d 12.542kgM 4.1% 520F 3.3% 413P 4.03 365d 15.191kgM 4.4% 665F 3.5% 540P 5.07 365d 18.280kgM 4.6% 841F 3.4% 628P • Volle zuster van COLBY @ Select Sires / Full sister to COLBY @ Select Sires • 2 Active zonen bij de KI (Alta & Semex) / 2 Active sons in AI (Alta & Semex)

Solid-Gold Cheesecake VG-88-USA EX-MS DOM

MS Solid-Gold Rud Cherry VG-89-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-89-USA 3yr. DOM 2.01 365d 18.148kgM 3.5% 627F 3.0% 545P • Fantastische fokkoe / Great brood cow • Vader: / Sire: Startmore RUDOLPH

NEXT DAMS 4th Whiteleather Conquest 385 EX-93-USA 4yr. 5th Whiteleather Rex SWD Val 2079 EX-91-USA 2E Nom. Global Cow of the Year ‘05 (HI)

#1 OUTCROSS EUROPE One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! The #15 GTPI heifer in Europe and #1 for Outcross! One of the high-

De #15 GTPI Pink in Europa en #1 voor Outcross! Eén van de allerhoogste OUTCROSS pinken wereldwijd zonder Shottle, Goldwyn, Planet, Oman of Mtoto in de eerste generaties! Schitterende sire stack met Mogul x Active x Outside x Rudolph uit een super Amerikaanse koefamilie. Grootmoeder is de volle zuster van Colby bij Select Sires. Zij voert het complete pakket met ongelimiteerde mogelijkheden.

est outcross heifers in the breed and no Shottle, Goldwyn, Oman, Planet or Mtoto in the first generations! Great sire stack as a Mogul x Active x Outside x Rudolph from a tremendous American cow family. Grand dam is the full sister to Colby @ Select Sires. She has the complete package with unlimited possiblities.


Fabrick Cameron Rae

UK 10451201821

Genomic test

US 04/13 (9K) +1375M -0.07%F -0.06%P +34F +27P NM 523 / GTPI +2145 US 04/13 PL +4.1 / SCS 2.62 / DPR +0.0 / SCE 9 / FLC +2.59 / UDC +3.45 / PTAT +3.35 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1790M +31F +36P HL 113 / SCS 2.61 / Fert. 99 / Conf. +15 / DGV LPI +2641


Fabrick Holsteins (UK) | +44 (0)7748960267

D.O.B. 07-December-2012

Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA EX-MS 3yr.

Gloryland Liberty Rae EX-95-USA 3E

|   3/4th full sister to grand dam

Sheema JEEVES CAMERON (Jeeves x Pontiac x Regancrest S Chassity) - NOT AVAILABLE IN EUROPE MS Lakota Raes Livia VG-USA 2yr. Conf. V V V + V / VG-85-USA 2yr. 2.04 157d 4.328kgM 3.6%F 3.1%P • Volle zuster van: / Full sister to: - Gloryland-LB Linette Rae VG-89-USA 3yr. - Gloryland-LB Leasha Rae VG-88-USA 2yr. - Gloryalnd-I Goldwyn Locket VG-87-CAN 2yr. Nom. All-Canadian Milking 1-Yr. 2011 / 2nd Sr. Calf Atl. Champ ‘10 & 2nd Sr. 1-Yr. EB ‘11

Gloryland-I Locket VG-87-CAN 2yr. Full sister to dam, Nom. All-Canadian Milking 1-Yr. ‘11

Braedale GOLDWYN

Ocean-View ZENITH

Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA 3yr. Conf. V V V + E / VG-88-USA 3yr. DOM 2.03 365d 10.365kgM 3.8% 389F 3.5% 360P • 3/4th kwart zuster van: / 3/4th sister to Gloryland Liberty Rae EX-95-USA

Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E Conf. E E E E E / EX-94-USA 2E DOM 2.02 336d 9.403kgM 3.6% 335F 3.8% 355P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0% 526F 3.4% 450P • Haar 21 dochters scoren gemiddeld over de EX-90! / 21 dtrs averaging over EX-90! • 16 EXCELLENT dtrs • Vader: / Sired by Rudolph

NEXT DAMS 4th Scientific Liza Rae EX-90-USA 5yr. 5th Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 6th Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 7th Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-CAN GMD DOM 30* 8th Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 9th Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 13yr.


EXCLUSIVE HEIFER FROM THE ROXY’S of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Great branch of the ROXY cow family. This heifer combines the best of

Schitterende tak uit de ROXY koefamilie. Deze zeer fraaie pink combineert het allerbeste met de BARBIE familie aan de vaders kant via CAMERON en ROXY aan moederskant. Vader CAMERON is niet beschikbaar in Europa. Haar moeder is de volle zuster van de beroemde Linette, Leasha en Locket, terwijl haar grootmoeder de 3/4e zuster is van Liberty Rae EX-95-USA!

all with the BARBIE familie on the topside through sire CAMERON which is not available and ROXY on the bottom! Her mother is the full sister to the famous Linette, Leasha and Locket, while her grand dam is the 3/4th sister to the Gloryland Liberty Rae EX-95-USA!


JK Eder DG Cindy

NL 729406857

Genomic test Ranking

CA 04/13 (50K) DGV +1525M -0.08% +0.01% +49F +52P DGV LPI +3149 CA 04/13 HL 115 / SCS 2.64 / Fert. 102 / FL +12 / MS+22 / Conf. +20 US 04/13 +1421M +0.00%F +0.02%P FLC +2.71 / UDC +3.12 / PTAT +3.68 / NM 570 / GTPI +2250 #2 (DGV) Conformation Numero Uno dtr Europe, #6 World Wide!


JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 18-October-2012

Giseen Cinderella 15 EX-90-NL | Res. Int. Ch. HHH ‘ 10

Giessen Bolton Cinderella 20 VG-87-NL 2yr.

Amighetti NUMERO UNO (Man-O-Man x Shottle x Boss Iron) Giessen Cinderella 20 *TY VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.329kgM 3.4% 351F 3.3% 341P • Embryos geëxporteerd naar: / Embryos exported to: USA, Canada, Australia and more • Snowman-dochter verkocht in de Sale of Stars voor $ 20.000 / Snowman dtr in the Sale of Stars in Toronto for $ 20.000 • Meerdere hoge stieren bij de KI / Several sons in AI • Moeder van / Dam to Control, Captain and Cider @ Semex, Cancellara and Ciderman in Spain and many more

JK Eder Control @ Semex- Snowman x Cinderella 20 CA 04/13 DGV LPI +3164 / DGV Conf. +19

Sandy-Valley BOLTON


Giessen Cinderella 15 EX-90-NL Conf. E V E E / EX-90-NL 3.02 328d 10.693kgM 3.9% 413F 3.5% 380P 4.03 305d 11.452kgM 3.7% 427F 3.65% 418P • Res. Intermediate Champion HHH-Show ‘09 • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to Giessen Cinderella 17 EX-90-NL

2.08 365d 10.364kgM 4.2% 438F 3.7% 383P 5.01 305d 11.913kgM 4.1% 490F 3.6% 424P • Ook moeder van / Also dam to Riedmuller Blitz Colombe EX-90-SW

NEXT DAMS 4th Wilcoxview Cinderella EX-92-USA 3E 5th Scientific Cinderella VG-88-USA EX-MS 6th Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 7th Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-CAN EX-94-USA 2E 8th Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-CAN 3E 9th Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E 2 x QUEEN OF THE BREED


Durham Cinderelle VG-89-NL Conf. VG-89-NL

GREAT NUMERO UNO x ROXY’S of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Beautiful Numero Uno dtr from the family of the double Queen of the

Schitterende Numero Uno-dochter uit de familie van de 2-voudige Queen of the Breed, Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA! Met +20 exterieur in Canada behoort Cindy bij de hoogste exterieur pinken wereldwijd, en is ze de #2 DGV Conf Uno in Europa en #6 wereldwijd! Haar halfbroer Control bij Semex is één van de hoogste Snowmanzonen op GLPI & exterieur! Grootmoeder Cinderella 15 EX-90-NL (v. Shottle) was Reserve-kampioene Middenklasse HHH ‘09!

Breed, Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA! Cindy is one of the highest Conformation heifers in the breed with +20, and #6 DGV Conf. Uno in the world and #2 in Europe! Her maternal brother Control @ Semex is one of the highest Snowman sons on GLPI and Type! Grand dam Cinderella 15 EX-90-NL (s. Shottle) was Reserve Intermediate Champion at the National HHH-Show 2009!


JK Eder LL Cintha

NL 714295992

Genomic test



Les Laurier Holsteins (FR) | +33 (0)1231250911 | & Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins

D.O.B. 10-February-2013

Giessen Cinderella 20 VG-87-NL 2yr.

JK Eder Cinderella | Great Snowman dtr from Cinderella!

Sully-Hart MERIDIAN (Domain x Planet x Shottle) JK Eder Cinderella Kalft: / Due: 3-10-2013 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1651M +72F +53P HL 111 / SCS 2.70 / FL +11 / MS +13 / Conf. +14 / DGV LPI +2921 • Super Snowman-dochter uit Cinderella / Great Snowman dtr from Cinderella • Volle zuster van Control @ Semex, de #1 Snowman zoon voor exterieur met +16 (DGV Conf. +19 / LPI +3164) / Full sister to Control @ Semex, the #1 Snowman son for Type with +16, DGV Conf. +19 (DGV LPI +3164) • Volle zuster verkocht in de Sale of Stars (Canada) voor $ 20.000! / Full sister sold for $ 20.000 in the Sale of Stars in Canada to Deslacs Holsteins

JK Eder Control @ Semex- Snowman x Cinderella 20 #1 Conformation Snowman son: +16 / DGV +19!!

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN

Sandy-Valley BOLTON

Giessen Cinderella 20 *TY VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.329kgM 3.4% 351F 3.3% 341P • Embryos geëxporteerd naar: / Embryos exported to: USA, Canada, Australia and more • Snowman-dochter verkocht in de Sale of Stars voor $ 20.000 / Snowman dtr in the Sale of Stars in Toronto for $ 20.000 • Meerdere hoge stieren bij de KI / Several sons in AI • Moeder van / Dam to Control, Captain and Cider @ Semex, Cancellara and Ciderman in Spain and many more


Giessen Cinderella 15 EX-90-NL Conf. E V E E / EX-90-NL 3.02 328d 10.693kgM 3.9% 413F 3.5% 380P 4.03 305d 11.452kgM 3.7% 427F 3.65% 418P • Res. Intermediate Champion HHH-Show ‘09 • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to Giessen Cinderella 17 EX-90-NL • Vader: / Sire: SHOTTLE NEXT DAMS 4th Durham Cinderelle VG-89-NL 5th Wilcoxview Cinderella EX-92-USA 3E 6th Scientific Cinderella VG-88-USA EX-MS 7th Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 8th Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-CAN EX-94-USA 2E 9th Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-CAN 3E 10th Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E 2 x QUEEN OF THE BREED

EARLY MERIDIAN SNOWMAN x ROXY’S the highest DGV LPIxPlanet dtrs!! Early Meridian dtr from a SNOWMAN! Dam to this calf is the full sister

Vroege Meridian-dochter en al uit een SNOWMAN! Moeder van dit kalf is de volle zuster van JK Eder Control bij Semex, de #1 EXTERIEUR SNOWMAN-zoon op Canadese basis met +19 DGV Conformation. Volle zuster van JK Eder Cinderella verkocht voor $ 20.000 naar Deslacs Holsteins Canada. Voert terug op de fantastische familie van de 2-voudige Queen of the Breed, Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA via de Cinderella tak van Giessen Holsteins!

to JK Eder Control @ Semex, the #1 TYPE Snowman son on Canadian base with +19 DGV Conformation. Full sister to JK Eder Cinderella sold for $ 20.000 in Canada to Deslacs Holsteins. Goes back on the great cow family of the double Queen of the Breed, Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA through the Cinderella branch at Giessen Holsteins!


Vekis Lani TR

NL 875306588

Genomic test



Vekis Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)6 46115216 |

D.O.B. 04-February-2013

Morningview Shtl Lucy EX-90-USA EX-MS 2E

Morningview Destry Lani VG-88-USA 2yr. | VG-88 as a 2yr. Old in the USA!

Sheema Jeeves CAMERON (Jeeves x Pontiac x Regancrest S Chassity) Morningview Destry Lani *RC VG-88-USA 2yr. Conf. V E V V V / VG-88-USA 2yr. 1st test: 39kgM 3.7%F 3.2%P • VG-88 als vaars in Amerika! / VG-88 as 2yr. old in the USA! • Uit de fantastische LEAD MAE familie / From the great LEAD MAE cow family • Zelfde familie als de stieren / Same family as the sires Explode, Wonder, Legend & more! • Owner Norman Nabholz (USA): “She is the nicest young cow to calve here since Apple and Hazel”

Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM

Scientific DESTRY *RC


Morningview Shtl Lucy EX-90-USA 2E EX-MS Conf. V V E V E / EX-90-USA 2E DOM 2.03 365d 14.629kgM 3.4% 494F 3.4% 494P 4.05 365d 18.176kgM 3.7% 679F 3.2% 573P • 8 VG dtrs in the USA to date

Morningview Oman LIbby VG-86-USA 4yr. DOM Conf. VG-86-USA 4yr. DOM 2.04 365d 12.946kgM 4.5% 589F 3.7% 483P 4.00 365d 16.774kgM 4.4% 740F 3.7% 619P 5.10 365d 15.254kgM 4.4% 674F 3.4% 525P • Volle zuster van Legend / Full sister to Legend

NEXT DAMS 4th Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae VG-87-USA GMD DOM 5th Wauregan Maebell EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 6th Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 7th Raymau Bstar Monica VG-89-USA 2yr. DOM 8th Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA 3yr. DOM 9th JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA 7yr. GMD DOM 10th La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11th La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-85-USA 12th La-Ko-Land Monitor Nancy EX-90-USA


EXCLUSIVE CAMERON x LEADdtrs!! MAE’S of the highest DGV LPI Planet Daughter of the very exclusive bull CAMERON, not available in Europe

Dochter van de exclusive CAMERON, niet beschikbaar in Europa en afkomstig uit de Barbie familie! Moeder Destry Lani scoorde VG-88-USA als vaars en is één van de beste vaarzen in haar stal ooit! Voert terug op de wereldberoemde Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA koefamilie, van o.a. Wonder, Explode, Legend en meer!

and out of the great Barbie cow family! Dam, Destry Lani scored VG-88USA 2yr. and is one of the very best 2yr. Olds in the herd ever according her owner. Goes back on the world famous Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA, same family as Wonder, Explode, Legend & more.

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Anderstrup DG Calico

DK 237142406

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (50K) +1534M +0.11%F +0.03%P +85F +54P NM 886 / GTPI +2431 US 04/13 PL +7.3 / SCS 2.79 / DPR +0,8 / SCE 6 / FLC +1.75 / UDC +2.62 / PTAT +2.45 CA 04/13 +1550M +90F +59P HL 113 / SCS 2.77 / Fert. 105 / Conf. +8 / GLPI +3067 #2 GTPI Heifer in Europe (>9 Months) / #1 Net Merit Heifer Europe (>9 Months)


Anderstrup Holsteins (DK) | +45 61181631 | Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 28-May-2012

Stantons Lucky Cameo VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX)

Stantons Freddie Cameo VG-85-CAN 2yr. | One of the greatest Genomic Brood Cows World Wide

Ladys-Manor PL SHAMROCK (Planet x Shottle x Ladys-Manor family) Stantons Freddie Cameo VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85DS 83DS 85MS 87FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.02 305d 11.499kgM 4.6% 528F 3.3% 376P • Vader Freddie is niet beschikbaar in Europe / Sire Freddie is not available in Europe • Vele zonen en dochters met zeer hoge indexen / Many high sons & dtrs with high indexes • 1e Keuze Shamrock-zoon verkocht voor € 29.000 in de Online Elite Bull Sale naar TAG / 1st Choice Shamrock son sold for € 29.000 in the Online Elite Bull Sale to TAG • Moeder van / Dam to Stantons Coco Chanel, #2 Shamrock World Wide: 04/13 GTPI +2608

#2 GTPI PINK to IN EUROPA Full sister PIONEER!!!!

Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Stantons Lucky Cameo VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX) Conf. 89MS 88FL 93DS 90R / VG-89-CAN 4yr. 2.09 293d 13.914kgM 4.0% 555F 3.1% 434P 3.09 365d 19.612kgM 4.6% 760F 3.3% 661P • Maximale score als 2e kalfs koe in Canada / Maximum score in 2nd lactation in Canada • Super fokkoe bij Stantons / Great cow in the Stantons herd • Outcross bloed / Different blood lines

Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA Famous family member

Bofran LUCKY STAR Sher-Est Mtoto Sharon VG-85-USA 3yr. 5* Conf. VG-85-USA 3yr. 5* 2.01 365d 14.311kgM 4.1% 588F 3.5% 502P 3.08 365d 15.186kgM 4.3% 659F 3.4% 509P • 2 EX & 2 VG dtrs • Zelfde families als / Same family as MR. SAM and MR. SAMUELO

NEXT DAMS 4th Sher-Est Thor Soup VG-88-USA GMD DOM 5th Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6th Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7th Buena-Vista Tony Sandra EX-91-USA 2E DOM 8th Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90-USA

#2 GTPI DGV HEIFER IN Planet EUROPE!dtrs!! One of the highest LPI This is the #2 GTPI flush age (> 9 months +) in Europe with GTPI

Met een GTPI van +2431 is ze de #2 GTPI spoelbare pink (>9 mnd +) in Europe! Haar volle zuster is de #2 Shamrock wereldwijd (GTPI +2608) en een 1e keuze stier van deze combinatie werd aangekocht door TAG voor € 29.000 in de Online Elite Bull Sale! Voert terug op de bekende Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday familie, dezelfde familie als o.a. Mr. Sam en Mr. Samuelo!!

+2431! Her full sister is the #2 Shamrock dtr in the breed (GTPI +2608) and a 1st choice bull from the same combination was purchased in the Online Elite Bull Sale by TAG for € 29.000! She goes back on the famous Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday cow family, the same family as Mr. Sam and Mr. Samuelo!

Baltschanahof Einstein Pepita

SW 966693696


D.O.B. 22-October-2012

Baltschanahof Rollingstone Peseta VG-88-SW La2. One of the highest scored BS cows in 2nd La.


Baltschanahof Genetics (SW) | +41 (0)797020691 |


Neutop Payoff EINSTEIN (Payoff x Jordan x Pete Rose) Baltschanahof Rollingstone Peseta VG-88-SW Conf. 90FR 89R 85Z 89MS 86FL / VG-88-SW La2. 3.06 305d 11.029kgM 4.71% 519F 3.80% 419P • Eén van de hoogst ingeschreven Brown Swiss koeien in 2e lactatie in Zwitserland! / One of the highest scored Brown Swiss cows in 2nd lactation in Switzerland • Hoog eiwit! / High protein!

Baltschanahof Kongo Pisa EX-94-SW EX-95-SW

Baltschanahof RocknRoll ROLLINGSTONE Baltschanahof Kongo Pisa EX-94-SW EX-95-MS Conf. 95FR 93R 93Z 95MS 92FL / EX-94-SW 4.05 353d 10.882kgM 3.9% 428F 4.0% 430P 6.00 303d 11.113kgM 3.9% 431F 3.7% 414P 7.00 305d 11.990kgM 3.5% 422F 3.6% 433P Lifetime: 60.154kgM 3.8%F 3.8%P • Nog steeds in liven / Still alive • Champion at the show in Vilters

Horni Top BS Prelude KONGO Baltschanahof Perkins Peggy GP-83-SW 3yr. Conf. GP-83-SW 3yr. Lifetime: 59.930kgM 4.1%F 2220F 3.3% 1778P • Vader: / Sire: Perkins

NEXT DAMS 4th Baltschanahof Stani Nina VG-85-SW


GREAT BROWN SWISS One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Daughter of EINSTEIN, one of the very best Brown Swiss-bulls of the

Dochter van EINSTEIN, één van de allerbeste Brown Swiss-stieren van de laatste jaren waar geen sperma meer van beschikbaar is. De familie werd ontwikkeld in de super Zwitserse Brown Swiss fokstal Baltschanahof Genetics waar het bekend staat om de hoge levensproductie, duurzaamheid, super eiwit in combinatie met subliem exterieur. Gr. moeder Pisa scoort EX-94 met een 95 uier en won de show in Vilters!

past years from which is no semen available anymore. The family is developed in the great Brown Swiss herd from Baltschanahof Genetics in Switzerland and is well known for their high lifetime productions, durability, high protein in combination with great type! Grand dam Kongo Pisa has EX-94 with an EX-95 udder and won the Show in Vilters!

Tirsvad Freddie Cosmopolitan Drachtig / Due

DNK 2441201314 D.O.B. 24-March-2011 Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE (#1 GTPI stier / bull) - Kalft / Due: 01-08-2013

Genomic test

US 04/13 (50K) +742M +0.11%F +0.04%P +55F +31P NM 625 / GTPI +2165 US 04/13 PL +4.1 / SCS 2.66 / DPR +2.7 / SCE 7 / FLC +2.28 / UDC +1.60 / PTAT +1.76 CA 04/13 +1119M +66F +43P HL 111 / SCS 2.67 / Fert. 111 / Conf. +6 / GLPI +2783


Bouw Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)341 491274 |


Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA | Mat sister to this Lot.

Tirsvad Freddie Cosmopolitan | Als pink / As a maiden heifer - SHE SELLS

Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE (Oman x Die-Hard x Metro) Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. E + V V V / VG-87-USA 3yr. 2.04 365d 14.030kgM 4.1% 572F 3.6% 508P • Voormalige #1 CTPI koe in Amerika / Former #1 CTPI cow in the USA • Eén van de meest populaire fokkoeien Wereldwijd / One of the hottest brood cows World Wide • Moeder van o.a. / Dam to bulls like O-Cosmopolitan @ Zooservis, O-Cosmo @ Select, Cancun @ ABS and many more!! • 3e moeder van CHEVROLET @ CRV en FANATIC WEU, #1 GTPI en RZG Freddie zonen!! / 3rd dam to CHEVROLET @ CRV and FANATIC @ the #1 GTPI & RZG Freddie sons

Vekis Chevrolet @ CRV Freddie son x Planet x Ramos x Cosmopolitan


Comestar OUTSIDE

Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.01 365d 14.311kgM 4.1% 588F 3.5% 502P 3.08 365d 15.186kgM 4.3% 659F 3.4% 509P • Moeder van / Dam to Calculate @ Select


Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-93-USA GMD DOM 3.07 305d 12.692kgM 4.3% 547F 3.5% 443P 6.05 365d 18.058kgM 4.1% 738F 3.5% 630P 9.00 365d 21.981kgM 4.0% 881F 3.4% 748P Lifetime: >100.000 kg milk

NEXT DAMS 4th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 5th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

DIRECT DTR COSMOPOLITAN of the highest DGVOFLPI Planet dtrs!! Freddie is a Golden Cross on the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family,

Freddie is de Golden cross op de Larcrest Cosmopolitan, getuige de twee toppers Vekis CHEVROLET bij CRV en FANATIC bij de WEU in Duitsland, de #1 GTPI en #1 RZG Freddie-zonen en veelgebruikte stiervaders. Deze Tirsvad Freddie Cosmopolitan is drachtig van de #1 TPI stier SUPERSIRE!

see the 2 toppers Vekis CHEVROLET @ CRV and FANATIC at the WEU in Germany, the #1 GTPI and #1 RZG Freddie sons and heavily used as sire of sons! This Tirsvad Freddie Cosmopolitan is pregnant with the #1 TPI bull SUPERSIRE!

Blarinckhorst Holsteins | +31 (0)6 23395362 |



Blarinckhorst Chanel

NL 842451994

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (80K) +530M +0.21%F +0.03%P +72F +25P NM 697 / GTPI +2283 US 04/13 PL +6.0 / SCS 2.74 / DPR +0.9 / SCE 7 / FLC +1.98 / UDC +3.40 / PTAT +3.47 CA 04/13 (DGV) +257M +83F +20P HL 117 / SCS 2.59 / Fert. 106 / Conf. +17 / GLPI +3031 #9 PTAT Shamrock Europe / One of the highest DGV Conf. Shamrock’s World Wide

D.O.B. 25-December-2012

4 Generations of the Cosmopolitan cow family

Larcrest Constance VG-88-USA EX-MS 4yr.

Ladys-Manor PL SHAMROCK (Planet x Shottle x Ladys-Manor family) Larcrest Constance VG-88-USA EX-MS 4yr. Conf. V V V V E / VG-88-USA EX-MS 4yr. 2.00 305d 10.918kgM 4.1% 444F 3.3% 362P 3.10 305d 12.424kgM 3.7% 456F 3.2% 401O • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La. • VG-88 met een EX uier in haar 2e lactatie / VG-88 with an EX udder in her her 2nd lactation • De familie van o.a. / the family from CHEVROLET, FANATIC, O-COSMO, O-COSMOPOLITAN, CANCUN & many more...!!

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1. Maternal sister to Constance

Regancrest-HHF MAC

Comestar OUTSIDE

Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.01 365d 14.311kgM 4.1% 588F 3.5% 502P 3.08 365d 15.186kgM 4.3% 659F 3.4% 509P • Moeder van / Dam to Calculate @ Select • Moeder van / Dam to the famous brood cow Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La.


Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-93-USA GMD DOM 3.07 305d 12.692kgM 4.3% 547F 3.5% 443P 6.05 365d 18.058kgM 4.1% 738F 3.5% 630P 9.00 365d 21.981kgM 4.0% 881F 3.4% 748P Lifetime: >100.000 kg milk

NEXT DAMS 4th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 5th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

TOPPER DGV FROMLPI THEPlanet LARCREST FAMILY of the highest dtrs!! This Blarinckhorst Chanel belong to the highest PTAT Shamrock dtrs

Deze Blarinckhorst Chanel behoort bij de hoogste PTAT Shamrockdochters en behoort tevens met een DGV Conf van +17 in Canada tot de hoogste exterieur Shamrock’s wereldwijd! Haar moeder is een VG-88 Mac met een EXCELLENT uier en halfzuster van Larcrest Cosmopolitan. De familie achter o.a. Chevrolet, Fanatic, O-Cosmopolitan en vele anderen!

and with DGV Conf +17 in Canada one of the highest type Shamrock’s in the breed! Her mother is a VG-88 Mac with an EX udder and maternal sister to Larcrest Cosmopolitan. The family behind bulls like Chevrolet, Fanatic, O-Cosmopolitan and many others!


Huyben Cosmo Yorick

NL 549475499

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (80K) +1305M +0.13% +0.06% +64F +49P GLPI +2759 CA 04/13 HL 107 / SCS 2.85 / Fert. 97 / FL +12 / MS +8 / Conf. +14 US 04/13 +1370M +0.05% +0.02% +65F +48P FLC +2.98 / UDC +2.35 / PTAT +3.38 / GTPI +2067


Huyben Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 15567472 | Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 13-January-2013

Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA | Mat sister to Polo

The Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family, 4 generations still alive!!

Mars YORICK (Atwood x Shottle x Barbie family) Huyben DG Earnit Polo VG-88-NL 2yr. Conf. 89FR 89DS 87MS 87FL / VG-88-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.292kgM 4.3% 443F 3.4% 350P (Proj.) • Met VG-88 ingeschreven als vaars !! / Scored VG-88 as a 2yr. Old!! • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to the famous Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA • De #2 Earnit in Europa / #2 Earnit in Europe • Vader Earnit is niet beschikbaar in Europa / Sire Earnit is not aviailable in Europe

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1.

Brandt-View Z EARNIT CRI


Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. E + V V V / VG-87-USA 3yr. 2.04 365d 14.030kgM 4.1% 572F 3.6% 508P

Larcrest Ouside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM

2.01 365d 14.311kgM 4.1% 588F 3.5% 502P • Voormalige #1 CTPI koe in Amerika / Former #1 3.08 365d 15.186kgM 4.3% 659F 3.4% 509P CTPI cow in the USA • Eén van de meest populaire fokkoeien Wereldwijd • Moeder van / Dam to Calculate @ Select / One of the hottest brood cows World Wide • Moeder van o.a. / Dam to bulls like O-Cosmopolitan @ Zooservis, O-Cosmo @ Select, Cancun @ ABS and many more!! NEXT DAMS 4th Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM >100.000 kg milk lifetime production 5th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 6th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA


Mars YORICK kleindochter van één van de meest populaire fokkoeien van dit moment, Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1. Moeder van dit kalf is ingeschreven met VG-88 als vaars en de #2 GTPI dochter van Earnit in Europa, een stier die niet beschikbaar is in Europa! Deze Polo VG-88NL 2yr. is de halfzuster van o.a. de beroemde Larcrest Crimson EX-91USA en van de veelgebruikte stieren O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun e.a.

YORICK GR DTRLPI OF Planet COSMOPOLITAN the highest DGV dtrs!! Mars YORICK grand dtr of one of the hottest cow families of the moment, Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La. Dam to this heifer scored VG-88 as a 2yr. Old and is the #2 GTPI dtr of Earnit, a bull which is not available in Europe! This Polo VG-88 2yr. is the maternal sister of the famous Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA and to the heavily used bulls O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun and more!


AJDH Epic Cosco

NL 920432394

Genomic test

US 04/13 (9K) +1062M +0.06%F +0.00%P +54F +31P NM 469 / GTPI +2025 US 04/13 PL +3.1 / SCS 2.89 / DPR +0.3 / SCE 9 / FLC +2.07 / UDC +2.02 / PTAT +2.52 CA 04/13 +1214M +61F +39P HL 109 / SCS 2.99 / Fert. 104 / Conf. +13 / DGV LPI +2770


Duindam Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 25159462 |

D.O.B. 15-December-2012

Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM

Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA | Maternal sister to DG Alx Cosco

Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter x Lead Mae’s) DG Alx Cosco VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 85FR 87DS 86MS 86FL / VG-86-NL 2yr.

Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Golden-Oaks St. ALEXANDER Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. E + V V V / VG-87-USA 3yr.

Picston SHOTTLE Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM

2.04 365d 14.030kgM 4.1% 572F 3.6% 508P • VG-86 na 6 dagen vers! / VG-86 at 6 days fresh! 2.01 365d 14.311kgM 4.1% 588F 3.5% 502P • Droog na omstandigheden / Dry after circumstances • Voormalige #1 CTPI koe in Amerika / Former #1 3.08 365d 15.186kgM 4.3% 659F 3.4% 509P • Verkocht naar Engeland / Sold to the UK CTPI cow in the USA • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to the famous • Eén van de meest populaire fokkoeien Wereldwijd • Moeder van / Dam to Calculate @ Select Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA / One of the hottest brood cows World Wide • De #3 Alexander in Europa / #3 Alexander in Europe • Moeder van o.a. / Dam to bulls like O-Cosmopo• Schitterende combiantie, Alexander x Cosmopolitan litan @ Zooservis, O-Cosmo @ Select, Cancun @ / Great combination, Alexander x Cosmopolitan ABS and many more!!

NEXT DAMS 4th Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM >100.000 kg milk lifetime production 5th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 6th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA


GRAND DTR COSMOPOLITAN of the highest DGVOFLPI Planet dtrs!! Great opportunity for a grand dtr of the ultra popular Larcrest

Schitterende kans op een kleindochter van de super populaire Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1., moeder van de bekende Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA, de grootmoeder van de veelgebruikte Vekis CHEVROLET @ CRV! Moeder van dit kalf is de half zuster van O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, O-Cosmo en meer! DG Alx Cosco werd als 1e keuze geveild voor € 24.500 en is een Alexander rechtstreeks uit Cosmopolitan.

Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1., dam ot the famous Larcrest Crimson EX-91-USA, the grand dam of the heavily used Vekis CHEVROLET @ CRV! Dam of this heifer is the maternal sister to O-Cosmopolitan, OCosmo, Cancun and more! DG Alx Cosco was sold as a 1st Choice for € 24.500 and is an Alexander straight out of Cosmopolitan.


Sioux Mogul Nueva 8

NL 924731668

Genomic test Ranking

CA 04/13 +1454M +0.51% +0.24% +105F +73P GLPI +3430 / DGV LPI +3638 CA 04/13 HL 112 / SCS 2.78 / Fert. 105 / MS +13 / FL +12 / Conf. +13 / DGV Conf. +15 US 04/13 (9K) +1063M +0.22%F +0.10%P +95F +57P / PTAT +2.76 / NM 757 / GTPI +2370 #3 GLPI heifer in Europe / #7 GLPI Mogul dtr World Wide / Top 50 GTPI Heifer Europe


Sioux Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 50268759 | & Kings Court Dairies (NL) | +31 (0)6 29350817 |

D.O.B. 28-December-2012

JK Eder Nueava 4 VG-87-NL

JK Eder Nueva 14 VG-87-NL 2yr.

Mountfield-SSI DCY MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh x Pine-Tree Missy’s) King’s Court Nueva 0600 Conf. Net vers / Just fresh Current day production: +/- 35 kg M • Vers sinds maart ‘13 / Fresh since March ‘13 • Zie veilingupdate voor meer informatie / See sale update for more information

JK Eder Nueva 2 EX-90-NL EX-MS

Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) JK Eder Nueva 14 VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 86DS 87MS 85FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 9.769kgM 4.54% 444F 3.56% 348P 5.05 305d 11.369kgM 4.49% 510F 3.35% 381P 6.08 (Proj.) 305d 11.297kgM 4.43%F 3.34%P • Voormalige #1 GTPI koe in Europa / Former #1 GTPI Cow in Europe • 6e in de Vaarzen-finale Hoornaar 2008 / 6th in the 2-Yr. Old finals Hoornaar 2008

#3 GLPI PINK to EUROPA Full sister PIONEER!!!!

Picston SHOTTLE JK Eder Nueva 9 VG-86-NL VG-86-MS Conf. VG-86-NL VG-86-MS 2.03 305d 8.948kgM 4.8% 430F 3.8% 336P 4.06 305d 9.868kgM 5.3% 519F 3.9% 385P • Vader: / Sire: Lancelot

NEXT DAMS 4th JK Eder Nueva 4 VG-87-NL (s. Marshall) 5th JK Eder Nueva 2 EX-90-NL EX-MS (s. Tugolo) 6th JK Eder Nuea VG-86-NL 2yr. (s. Gibbon) 7th Jolie Dan EX-90-FR (s. Dannix) 8th Grenada EX-92-FR 9th Miss Tradition Lolli EX-93-USA GMD DOM 10th Joki Valiant Lolani VG-85-USA GMD DOM 11th Joki Ro Eelvation Mumu EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 12th Fairview-Crest Astro Missy VG-88-USA GMD DOM

#3 GLPI HEIFER IN Planet EUROPE dtrs!! One of the highest DGV LPI Sioux Mogul Nueva 8 is the #3 GLPI heifer in Europe with a skyhigh

Sioux Mogul Nueva 8 is de #3 GLPI pink in Europa met een torenhoge index van DGV LPI +3638 met +15 voor exterieur. Daarmee is ze de #7 GLPI Mogul-dochter wereldwijd en met een GTPI van +2370 staat ze ook in de Europese GTPI Top 50! Ze is afkomstig uit de Nueva’s van JK Eder, grootmoeder is de voormalige #1 GTPI koe in Europa en was ondermeer 6e in de finales op de show in Hoornaar als vaars!

index of DGV LPI +3638 and +15 for Conformation! She is the #7 GLPI Mogul dtr in the breed and Top 50 GTPI heifer in Europe with GTPI +2370! She stems from the great Nueva’s from JK Eder, grand dam is the former #1 GTPI cow in Europe and was 6th in the finals of the heavy show in Hoornaar as a 2yr. Old.


JK Eder Lazia

NL 967556136

Genomic test



Het Gouden Kalf Syndicaat (NL) - Contact. Jan Kolff +31 (0)6 5380396 |

D.O.B. 08-March-2013

Ralma Marion Classic EX-91-USA

DG Spr Creamy | As a maiden heifer, Due May 2013 - First 3 sons over 2400 GTPI and 3 PTAT

Genervations LATIMER (Freddie x Goldwyn x Lila Z’s) DG Spr Creamy Kalft: / Due: Mei 2013 / May 2013


Veazland MARION

Ralma Marion Classic EX-91-USA 2E DOM Conf. E E V V E / EX-91-USA 2E DOM

2.01 389d 15.917kgM 4.5% 711F 3.6% 576P • Kalft in Mei 2013 en zeer beloftevol / 4.05 378d 17.681kgM 3.7% 655F 3.4% 608P Calves in May 2013 and very promising • Verkocht voor € 32.000 in the DG JK Sale ‘11 / • Eén van de beste Marion-dochters wereldwijd / Sold for € 32.000 in the DG JK Sale ‘11 One of the greatest Marion cows in the World • Haar Numero Uno-dochter is verkocht voor • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to Ralma € 18.000 / Her Numero Uno dtr sold for € 18.000 Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA, CROWN @ Select in the Paris Dairy Sale ‘13 Sires en meer! • Eerste eerste 3 geteste zonen, van O-Cosmopolitan, testen allen over de 2400 GTPI en 3 PTAT / Her first 3 tested sons, by O-Cosmopolitan are all over 2400 GTPI and 3 PTAT and are sold to Semex, CRV and one sold in the Online Elite Bull Sale to Bova Genetic Giants for € 17.500


Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA La1.

Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA La1. Conf. VG-89-USA La1. GMD DOM 2.06 365d 13.023kgM 4.5% 588F 3.4% 439P • De bekende COOKIE! / The famous COOKIE! • Volle zus van / Full sister to Cricket & Focus • Al meer dan 5 EX dtrs / >5 EX dtrs already

NEXT DAMS 4th Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-89-USA 2yr. 5th Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA 2yr. 6th Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA 7th Ralma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA 8th Ralma Melwood Fortress 9th Ralma Golden Fortune VG-89-USA GMD DOM 10th Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM

LATIMERDGV FROMLPI CREAMY One of the highest Planet dtrs!! Beautiful pedigree, Latimer (Freddie x Goldwyn x Lylehaven Lila Z)

Schitterende bloedvoering, Latimer (Freddie x Goldwyn x Lylehaven Lila Z) uit één van de hoogst testende takken van de Ralma Juror Faith’s! Moeder van Lazia, DG Spr Creamy haar eerste 3 zonen testen allen over de 2400 voor GTPI en over de 3 voor PTAT, waarvan er 1 naar Semex, 1 naar CRV en 1 is verkocht in de Online Elite Bull Sale voor € 17.500 aan Bova Genetic Giant!

from one of the highest testing branches of the Ralma Juror Faith’s nowadays! Dam to Lazia, DG Spr Creamy her first 3 tested sons are all over 2400 GTPI and 3 PTAT, from which 1 goes to Semex, 1 to CRV and 1 sold through the Online Elite Bull Sale for € 17.500 to Bova Genetic Giants!



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Rocca DG Snowbreeze

NL 885375327

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +562M +0.17%F +0.05%P +65F +31P NM 414 / GTPI +2197 US 04/13 PL +2.9 / SCS 2.80 / DPR +0.6 / SCE 8 / FLC +2.70 / UDC +3.11 / PTAT +3.43 CA 04/13 (DGV) +287M +66F +27P HL 111 / SCS 2.79 / Fert. 104 / Conf. +17 / GLPI +2901


Roccafarm Holsteins (BE) | +32 (0) 496614477 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |


D.O.B. 25-November-2012

Ven Dairy Mac Breesh VG-86-NL 2yr.

Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA

Amighetti NUMERO UNO (Numero Uno x Shottle x Boss Iron) Ven Dairy Breesh VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.253kgM 3.8% 390F 3.3% 336P • Veilingtopper HM Sale ‘10 voor € 42.000 / Topseller HM Sale ‘10 for € 42.000 • Ze heeft een Snowman-dtr bij Braedale Holsteins, Canada! / She has a Snowman dtr at Braedale Holsteins in Canada • Moeder van Uno Breeze @ AI Total, de #10 uier stier wereldwijd, UDC +3.88 (GTPI +2315) / Dam to Uno Breeze @ AI Total, the #10 udder bull World Wide, UDC +3.88 (GTPI +2315)


Regancrest Shottle Barabara EX-92-USA Full sister to Breeshia

Regancrst-HHF MAC


Regancrest Breeshia NC Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA GMD DOM

• Verongelukt net na kalven, ze was de enige Shottle uit Barbie gecontraceerd als pink! Super 2.06 365j 14.374kg 3.9% 561MG 3.3% 573MP vaars!! / She died before calving and was the only dtr of Barbie who was contracted before calving! • De enige echter Barbie / The one and only Barbie! • Volle zuster van: / Full sister to Braxton @ Select • De Barbie’s domineren de PTAT toplijsten & Baltimor @ Semex wereldwijd! / The Barbie family dominates the • Full sister to Regancrest Brasillia EX-92-USA PTAT rankings World Wide (MAX) which sold for $1.500.000

NEXT DAMS 4th Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 5th Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6th Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 7th Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA

THE BARBIE’S One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! A great opportunity to bring a Barbie to your herd. Numero Uno dtr

Een schitterende kans om een Barbie aan uw stal toe te voegen. Numero Uno-dochter uit de bekende Breesh, Snowbreeze is volle zuster van de #10 uierstier wereldwijd, Uno Breeze met +3.88! Ook Snowbreeze heeft een torenhoge exterieur index met PTAT +3.43 en +17 voor Conformation in Canada. De Barbie’s hebben o.a. Braxton, Bradnick, Gold Chip, Colt 45 en anderen topstieren reeds geleverd.

from the famous Breesh, Snowbreeze is a full sister to the #10 udder bull World Wide, Uno Breeze with +3.88! Also Snowbreeze has a skyhigh type index with PTAT +3.43 and +17 for Conformation in Canada. The Barbie’s delivered bulls like Braxton, Bradnick, Gold Chip, Colt 45 and others already!


MS R A Adora

NL 938181442

Genomic test



R. Gerards (NL) - Tel. +31 (0)527 202339

D.O.B. 22-January-2013

MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA GMD DOM

MS Regancrest A Adora VG-87-USA 3yr.

Regancrest S BRAXTON (Shottle x Regancrest-PR Barbie) MS Regancrest A Adora VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. V V V V V / VG-87-USA 3yr. 2.03 365d 14.302kgM 3.9% 557F 3.1% 372P • Wat een extrerieur kracht: Alexander kleindochter van ATLEE!! / What a great TYPE potential, Alexander grand dtr of ATLEE!! • Zelfde familie als de hoge exterieur topstieren ATWOOD & AFTERSHOCK / Same family as the high type bulls ATWOOD & AFTERSHOCK!

Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood Goldwyn grand son of Atlee

Golden-Oaks St ALEXANDER La-Foster Adam Arlene VG-86-USA 3yr. DOM Conf. V V V V / VG-86-USA 3yr. 2.06 365d 13.662kgM 3.5% 474F 3.4% 461P • Halfzuster van o.a. / Maternal sister to the bulls: - ATWOOD - #1 Conf & PTAT bull: PTAT +4.57 - GOLDEN DREAM - #2 dtr proven PTAT bull: +3.86 - DELETE - #9 dtr proven PTAT bull: +3.62 - AFTERSHOCK - #2 Conf. bull Canada: +16 • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to the cows: MS Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91-USA, Ariel EX-92-USA, Shottle Aubry EX-91-USA & more...!

Timlynn ADAM MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. E E E E E / EX-92-USA 4yr. 2.08 365d 14.751kgM 4.3% 635F 3.3% 487P 3.11 365d 17.368kgM 5.5% 948F 3.3% 567P • All-American Sr. 3-Yr. 2005 • Res. Int. Champion Madison 2005 • 1st Sr. 3-Yr. Madison 2005

NEXT DAMS 4th MD-Delight Strm Amberlee VG-88-USA 3yr. DOM 5th Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM Full sister to Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA 6th Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM


THE BARBIE’S THEPlanet ATLEE’Sdtrs!! One of the highest DGV xLPI What a great combination of cow families, the Barbies on the paternal

Wat een schitterende combinatie van bloedlijnen, de Barbie’s via vader Braxton gecombineerd met de ATLEE’S: 2 van de allerbeste exterieur famlies wereldwijd! Moeder is een Alexander kleindochter van MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA, de moeder van de 2 grootheden Atwood & Aftershock en ook van Delete en Golden Dream en de beroemde koeien Ariel EX-92-USA, Abigail EX-91-USA, Aubry EX-91-USA en meer!

side through Barbie’s son Braxton and the ATLEE’S on the maternal side! 2 of the greatest type families in the breed! Dam is an Alexander grand dtr of MD Delight Durham Atlee EX-92-USA, dam to great bulls like Atwood, Aftershock, Delete, Golden Dream and famous cows like Ariel EX-92-USA, Abigail EX-91-USA, Aubry EX-91-USA and more

DJM Sudan Daniele Genomic test

NL 878396506 D.O.B. 18-October-2012 DE 04/13 +880M +0.47%F +0.16%P +83F +45P DE 04 /13 RZK 108 / RZR 116 / RZN 115 / RZS 121 / RZE 121 / RZM 129 / RZG 143 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1106M +83F +53P HL 108 / SCS 2.72 / Fert. 103 / Conf. +5 / LPI +2814


Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |


Regan-Alh G Destini VG-88-USA

Regancrest-I Mac Destina VG-87-CAN 4yr. (Picture as a 2yr. Old) | #1 Producing 2yr. Old Quebec

VA-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI (Jammer x Sailor x Duster) Regancrest-I Mac Destina VG-87-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN 4yr. 111 315d 16.015kgM 3.8% 608F 3.1% 491P 4.06 305d 12.836kgM 4.3%F 3.1%P (Proj.) • Eerste melkende dochter van Spearmint scoort VG-86-CAN 2yr. / First milking dtr by Spearmint scores VG-86-CAN 2yr. • Meerdere zonen bij de KI in Europa en N-Amerika / Several sons in AI in Europe and N-America • Hoogst melk productie als vaars in Quebec, #2 van Canada en #1 Mac!! / High milk producing 2yr. Old in Quebec, #2 in Canada and #1 Mac!


Regancrest-HHF MAC

Braedale GOLDWYN

Regan-ALH G Destini VG-88-USA 2* GMD DOM Conf. VG-88-USA 5yr. 2* GMD DOM 2.04 365d 15.041kgM 3.9% 584F 3.7% 552P 4.06 365d 16.833kgM 4.0% 673F 3.5% 587P • Volle zuster van DANILLO & GOLDDAY / Full sister to DANILLO & GOLDDAY! • Meer dan 10 zonen bij de KI / Over 10 sons in AI

Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA

A-L-H Destiny VGF-87-USA 3yr. GMD DOM Conf. VG-87-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 2.04 305d 12.515kgM 3.9% 486F 3.6% 449P • Vader: Oman / Sired by Oman • Volle zuster van: / Full sister to OSAKA, DUKE & DAKOTA

NEXT DAMS 4th Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA GMD DOM Nom. All-American Sr. 2-Yr. Old 2002 5th Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA 4E 5* GMD DOM 6th Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA 3E 5* GMD DOM Queen of the Breed II Finalist 7th Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E 3* GMD DOM 8th Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM

RZG TOPDGV FROMLPI DANILLO’S One of the highest Planet FAMILY dtrs!! High RZG Sudan dtr from the Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 cow

Hoge RZG Sudan-dochter uit de Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 familie! Grootmoeder Destini is de volle zuster van de #3 NVI stier in Nederland, DANILLO en van de Duitse Goldday! 3e moeder Destiny is de volle zuster van de fokstieren Duke, Dakota en Osaka, gevolgd door Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA uit de RAVEN EX-95 familie!

family! Grand dam Destini is the full sister to the #3 NVI bull in the Netherlands DANILLO and to Goldday! 3rd dam Destiny is the full sister to the proven sires Duke, Dakota and Osaka, followed by Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA from the RAVEN EX-95 cow family!

Zuchtbetrieb Siepermann (DE) | +49 (0)2337482730 |


Siepermann’s Aidia TR TY

DE 356348093

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +1687M +83F +54P PL +3.5 / SCS 2.80 / PTAT +2.88 / NM 655 / GTPI +2246 CA 04/13 (DGV) +2137M +104F +76P HL 111 / SCS 2.90 / FL +13 / MS +7 / Conf. +14 / LPI +3210 DE 04/13 +1506M +0.17%F +0.05%P +80F +57P DE 04 /13 RZK 117 / RZR 108 / RZN 129 / RZS 104 / RZE 122 / RZM 135 / RZG 147

D.O.B. 13-December-2012


KHW-I Aika Baxter VG-87-CAN 2yr.

De Jonge Aiko VG-86-NL 2yr.

Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter x Lead Mae’s) De Jonge Aiko BY RC VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 85FR 85DS 87MS 86FL / VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.013kgM 4.4% 3.4% LW 117+ (Proj.) • Halfzuster van AIKMAN @ Genervations, #4 GTPI en #1 RZG Rood Factor stier wereldwijd, GTPI +2261 en RZG +157 / Maternal sister to AIKMAN @ Genervations, #4 GTPI & #1 RZG Red Carrier bull World Wide, GTPI +2261 / RZG +157 • Eerste zonen al bij de KI / First sons in AI • De #1 GLPI & GTPI Sahara dtr! / The #1 GLPI & GTPI Sahara dtr • Volle zuster van Full sister to Salve Red @ RUW

DE AIKO’S Full sister

to PIONEER!!!!

Apple EX-95-USA | Grand Champion R&W Madison Maternal sister to 3rd dam


Emerald-Acres SA T-BAXTER

KHW-I Aika Baxter VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85R 86DS 88MS 87FL / VG-87-CAN 2yr. 2.01 365d 13.577kgM 5.8% 785F 3.7% 499P • Moeder van o.a. / Dam to Salve, Aikman & more • Halzuster van: / Maternal sister to: - KHW Fraiko *RC (s. Freddie) 04/13 GTPI +2212 - #8 GTPI RC bull World Wide - Belvedere Perfect Aiko *RC (s. Freddie) 04/13 GTPI +2200 - #11 GTPI RC bull World Wide 04/13 RZG +151 - #3 RZG RC bull - Holbra Applejax *RC (s. Superstition) 04/13 GTPI +2115 - Skyhigh RC Superstition son

KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91-USA DOM Conf. E E E V E / EX-91-USA DOM 2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.223kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P • Halzuster van: / Maternal sister to: - KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-95-USA Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo ‘11 - ACME, JOTAN, ADVENT & more...

NEXT DAMS 4th Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5th Clover Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM 6th Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7th D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8th D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 3E 9th D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

THE AIKO’S One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! A great consignment from the Aiko’s! An Epic from the #1 Sahara in

Een super inzending uit de Aiko’s! Een Epic uit de #1 Sahara wereldwijd, De Jonge Aiko, volle zuster van Salve, en halfzuster van de veelbenutte AIKMAN van Genervations. Grootmoeder Baxter Aiko is de halfzuster van o.a. Applejax, Fraiko en Perfect Aiko, terwijl de 3e moeder de halfzuster is van Apple EX-95-USA en de fokstieren Acme, Jotan, Advent en meer! Super combinatie van hoge GTPI, GLPI & de Duitse RZG index!

the World, De Jonge Aiko, full sister to Salve, a maternal sister to the heavily used AIKMAN @ Genervations. Grand dam Baxter Aiko is the maternal sister to Applejax, Fraiko and Perfect Aiko, while her 3rd dam is the maternal sister to Apple EX-95 and the proven sires Acme, Jotan, Advent and more! Combines high GTPI, GLPI & RZG!


JK Eder DG Silvana

NL 966693672

Genomic test



JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 27-February-2013

La Felce Seretta VG-88-IT

All. Nure Baxter Silvy VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr. | Former #1 GTPI Cow in Europe

S-S-I Domain LITHIUM (Domain x Bolton x Oman) All. Nure Baxter Silvy VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr. 2.00 305d 12.718kgM 3.8% 483F 3.2% 402P • Voormalige #1 GTPI koe in Europa / Former #1 GTPI cow in Europe • Wereldwijd gecontracteerd / Contracted World Wide • Vele hoge zonen bij de KI / Many sons in AI • Haar Shamrock-dochter is de #1 RZG Shamrock in Duitsland, RZG 149 / Her Shamrock dtr is the #1 RZG Shamrock dtr in Germany, RZG 149

All. Nure Baxter Silvy VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr.

Emerald-Acres SA T BAXTER La Felce Seretta VG-88-IT Conf. VG-88-IT 1.11 305d 13.843kgM 3.5% 485F 3.4% 461P • Goldwyn x Durham uit de Judy’s / Goldwyn x Durham from the Judy’s

Braedale GOLDWYN Aurora Nesta EX-91-IT Conf. EX-91-IT 5.08 305d 14.980kgM 4.25% 637F 3.70% 554P 7.07 305d 12.934kgM 3.56% 460F 3.33% 427P • 7 VG 2yr. dtrs • Vader: / Sire: DURHAM

NEXT DAMS 4th Morningview Bellwood July GP-USA 5th Morningview Converse Judy EX-93-USA GMD DOM 6th Morningview Aerostar Jix VG-87-USA 7th Walnutt-Knoll Judy VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8th Walnutt-Knoll Rorae Jenny EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM


EARLY LITHIUM FROM SILVYdtrs!! One of the highest DGV LPI Planet Early Lithium dtr from the former #1 GTPI cow, All. Nure Baxter Silvy

Vroege LIthium-dochter uit de voormalige #1 GTPI koe, All. Nure Baxter Silvy VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr. met vele zonen bij de KI en moeder van de RZG topper JK Eder Silvy 1, #1 Shamrock-dochter in Duitsland, RZG 149. Voert terug via Goldwyn en Durham op de bekende Amerikaanse fokkoe Morningview Converse Judy EX-93-USA GMD DOM, dezelfde familie als de bekende Silver’s van Heidenskipster en meer!

VG-86-IT EX-MS 2yr. with many sons in AI and dam to the RZG topper JK Eder Silvy 1, the #1 Shamrock dtr in Germany, RZG 149. Goes back on the famous brood cow Morningview Converse Judy EX-93USA GMD DOM from the USA, the same family as the famous Silver’s at Heidenskipster and more!


DG Lexor Love

NL 611137685

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +1498M +0.09%F +0.06%P +79F +60P NM 625 / GTPI +2267 US 04/13 PL +2.7 / SCS 2.78 / DPR -0.6 / SCE 6 / FLC +2.51 / UDC +2.52 / PTAT +2.83 CA 04/13 +1744M +87F +72P HL 109 / SCS 2.82 / MS +10 / FL +10 / Conf. +11 / GLPI +3097


Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 14-January-2013

Bertaiola Bolton Lidia VG-86-NL 2yr.

Ven Dairy Lidia 4 | One of the greatest Snowman dtrs in the breed

Genervations LEXOR (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn x Lila Z’s) Ven Dairy Lidia 4 Kalft: / Due: June 2013 • Grote belofte / Very promising! • Verkocht voor € 40.000 / Sold for € 40.000 • Halfzuster van de bekende Bertaiola Alx Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr. / Maternal sister to the famous Bertaiola Alx Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr.


Bertaiola MINICO @ Inseme Italy #9 PFT bull in Italy. Full brother to Bolton Lidia

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN

Sandy-Valley BOLTON

Bertaiola Bolton Lidia *TY VG-86-NL 2yr Conf. VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.918kgM 4.4% 438F 3.4% 340P Pregnant with her 2nd calf now • Volle zuster van de stiervader MINICO, de #9 PFT stier in Italië / Full sister to the Sire of Sons, MINCIO, the #9 PFT bull in Italy • Haar Snowman-kleindochter is de #1 Snowman in Duitsland - RZG +150 en verkocht voor € 31.000 / her Snowman grand dtr is the #1 Snowman in Germany - RZG +150 and sold for € 31.000

Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT Conf. EX-90-IT 2.01 305d 11.021kgM 5.1% 558F 3.2% 351P 3.05 305d 12.621kgM 4.7% 590F 3.6% 449P 4.09 305d 13.975kgM 4.4% 609F 3.2% 448P • 5 zonen bij de KI / 5 sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4th Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85-IT 5th Bel Astre Unforgettable EX-91-IT Lifetime: 89.454kgM 4.2%F 3.4%P Several sons in AI | Great Show Cow 6th Bel Mark Susanne VG-89-IT Class Winner National Show ‘96 7th Bel Inspiration Pamy VG-85-IT 8th Ronchi Mars Pamela EX-91-IT 9th Ronchi King Paloma VG-86-IT 10th Ronchi Ultimate Ciquite VG-85-IT

THE AWESOME LIDIA’S One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! The Bertaiola Lidia’s is one of the greatest cow families in Europe.

De Bertaiola Lidia’s behoren bij de allerbeste koefamilies in Europa. Snowman Lidia 4 is een schitterende en super beloftevolle Snowmandochter en kalft in Juni, zij werd als kalf verkocht voor € 40.000 en komt rechtstreeks uit de volle zuster van de populaire Italiaanse topstier MINCIO! De pedigree wordt vervolgd door een EX-IT Boss Iron, op een diepe koefamilie met show winnaressen en hoge levensproducentes.

Snowman Lidia 4 is a beautiful and very promising Snowman dtr and calves in June. She sold for € 40.000 as a calf and stems straight out of the very popular Italian Top bull, MINCIO! The pedigrees goes back on an EXCELLENT Boss Iron followed by a very deep cow family with show winners, and high lifetime productions.


De Rith Lidioxy

NL 611137717

Genomic test

DE 04/13 +1539M +0.18% +0.08% +82F +61P DE 04 /13 RZK 116 / RZR 104 / RZN 121 / RZS 96 / RZD 101 / RZE 122 / RZM 137 / RZG 145

D.O.B. 30-January-2013


De Rith Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 22410126 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

Amerikaanse & Canadese index volgen in mei ‘13, zie update / USA and CAN index will be back in May ‘13, see update

Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT

Bertaiola Alx Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr. | Fantastic Alexander dtr! #2 Alexander dtr in Europe

Genervations LEXOR (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn x Lila Z’s) Bertaiola Alexander Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 87DS 87MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.708kgM 4.38% 469F 3.24% 347P

Golden-Oaks St. ALEXANDER Bertaiola Bolton Lidia *TY VG-86-NL 2yr Conf. VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.918kgM 4.4% 438F 3.4% 340P Pregnant with her 2nd calf now

• De #2 GTPI Alexander dtr in Europa / • Volle zuster van de stiervader MINICO, de #9 The #2 GTPI Alexander in Europe PFT stier in Italië / Full sister to the Sire of Sons, • Fantastische koe, embryos wereldwijd verkocht / MINCIO, the #9 PFT bull in Italy Great young cow, embryos exported World Wide • Haar Snowman-kleindochter is de #1 Snowman • Top 25 GTPI Outcross cow! in Duitsland - RZG +150 en verkocht voor € 31.000 • Eén van de meest populaire Alexander dtrs wereldwijd / her Snowman grand dtr is the #1 Snowman in / One of the most popular Alexander dtrs in the breed Germany - RZG +150 and sold for € 31.000 • Haar Snowman dtr is de #10 RZG pink in Duitsland en #1 Snowman met RZG 150, verkocht voor € 31.000 / Her Snowman dtr is the #10 RZG heifer in Germany and #1 Snowman dtr with RZG 150, sold for € 31.000


RZH Lynn (Snowman x Bertaiola Alx Lidia) #1 RZG Snowman dtr in Germany, RZG +150

Sandy-Valley BOLTON Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT Conf. EX-90-IT 2.01 305d 11.021kgM 5.1% 558F 3.2% 351P 3.05 305d 12.621kgM 4.7% 590F 3.6% 449P 4.09 305d 13.975kgM 4.4% 609F 3.2% 448P • 5 zonen bij de KI / 5 sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4th Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85-IT 5th Bel Astre Unforgettable EX-91-IT Lifetime: 89.454kgM 4.2%F 3.4%P Several sons in AI | Great Show Cow 6th Bel Mark Susanne VG-89-IT Class Winner National Show ‘96 7th Bel Inspiration Pamy VG-85-IT 8th Ronchi Mars Pamela EX-91-IT 9th Ronchi King Paloma VG-86-IT 10th Ronchi Ultimate Ciquite VG-85-IT

LEXOR FROM One of the highest DGV THE LPILIDIA’S Planet dtrs!! Lexor with RZG +145 in Germany from one of the most popular Al-

Lexor met RZG +145 in Duitsland uit één van de meest populaire Alexander-dochters wereldwijd, Bertaiola Alx Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr., gevolgd door de volle zuster van de #9 PFT stier in Italië, MINCIO! Lidioxy is de half zuster van de #10 RZG pink in Duitsland en #1 Snowman-dochter RZH Lynn met RZG +150 en verkocht voor € 31.000! Fantastische diepe Italiaanse koefamilie.

exander dtrs in the breed, Bertaiola Alx Lidia VG-87-NL 2yr., followed by the full sister to the #9 PFT bull in Italy, MINCIO! Lidioxy is the maternal sister to the #10 RZG heifer in Germany and #1 Snowman dtr RZH Lynn with RZG +150 which sold for € 31.000! Great pedigree from a deep Italian cow family.


JK Eder Faith 2

NL 966693689

Genomic test



JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 04-March-2013

Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA La1.

DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. | Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for € 42.000

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x MD-Delight Durham Atlee) DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. V V V V / VG-87-DE 2yr. 2.02 305d 12.155kgM 4.10% 499F 3.43% 418P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for € 42.000 • Hoogst producerende vaars in haar gebied in Duitsland in 2011 / Highest producing 2-Yr. old in her area in Germany in 2011 • Super Pronto-dochter / Great Pronto dtr • Pronto is niet beschikbaar in Europa / Pronto is not available in Europe


Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

Windy-Knoll-View PRONTO

Braedale GOLDWYN

Langs-Twin B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. 2.03 365d 15.091kg 4.3% 642F 3.4% 509P • Neef van CROWN bij Select Sires / Cousin to CROWN @ Select Sires

Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.06 365d 17.672kgM 3.5% 610F 3.5% 619P • Halfzuster van Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89 / Maternal sister to Ralma Christams Cookie VG-89 • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to sires Cricket & Focus

NEXT DAMS 4th Ralma Christmas Fudge TB-88-USA 2a GMD DOM 5th Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 6th Ralma Leadman Fashion TB-89-USA 7th Ralma Melwood Fortress 8th Ralma Godlen Fortune TB-88-USA GMD DOM 9th Ralma Nugget Goldie TB-85-USA GMD DOM 10th Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD

ATWOODDGV x FAITH One of the highest LPIFAMILY Planet dtrs!! Beautifull Atwood calf with show style. Dam Pronto Faith was the

Schitterend Atwood-kalf met show stijl! Moeder Pronto Faith was de veilingtopper van de NH Sale ‘10 voor € 42.000 en een super Prontodochter uit de Ralma Juror Faith’s! Dezelfde familie als de fokstieren Cricket, Focus, Crown en meer! Vader van dit kalf is Atwood, wiens dochters schitteren in de show ring. Goldwyn uit de befaamde Atlee.

topseller at the NH Sale ‘10 for € 42.000 and a great Pronto dtr from the Ralma Juror Faith’s! This family delivered proven sires like Cricket, Focus, Crown and more! Sire of this heifer is Atwood, which dtrs are star shining in the show ring right now! Goldwyn from the great Atlee!

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KNS High Tech

DE 354165805

Genomic test Progeny

US 04/13 +1357M +29F +33P PL +4.2 / SCS 2.66 / DPR +2.0 / PTAT +3.38 / NM 554 / GTPI +2067 CA 04/13 +1594M +45F +39P HL 111 / SCS 2.74 / MS +11 / FL +4 / Conf. +10 / DGV LPI +2647 Zandenbrug Uno Hispanje - 04/13 GTPI +2443 - #7 GTPI Heifer Europe Go-Farm Hascish - 04/13 GTPI +2376 - #3 Outcross Europe - IT 04/13 PFT +2839 - #14 ITALY!!


Bouw Holsteins | Tel. +31 (0)341 491274 |

D.O.B. 06-January-2011 Kalft: / Due: 26-August-2013 MORGAN

KNS Hispania VG-88-DE

KNS Hich Tech | Als pink / As a heifer - 2 daughters in the European GTPI top ranking

Charlesdale SUPERSTITION (Boliver x Oman x Ked Juror) KNS Hispania VG-88-DE Conf. 91 91 86 87 / VG-88-DE 2/2La 305d 11.396kgM 4.42% 504F 3.34% 381P HL2 305d 12.164kgM 4.36% 530F 3.31% 403P • Super outcross pedigree / Great outcross pedigree


KNS Jocko Helsinki VG-89-DE


KNS Helsinki VG-89-DE Conf. VG-89-DE 3/3La. 305d 11.161kgM 4.60% 513F 3.32% 370P HL2 305d 14.165kgM 4.84% 685F 3.33% 471P • Eén van de meest populaire stiermoeders van haar generatie / One of the most popular bull dams of her generations

KNS History VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE 4/3La. 305d 11.477kgM 3.87% 444F 3.28% 377P • Vader: / Sire: FORMATION

NEXT DAMS 4th VG-88-DE Enjoy Rota 5th VG-88-DE Clayton 6th VG-85-DE Futura 7th VG-87-DE Woodbine

MOEDER VAN to #7 PIONEER!!!! GTPI & #3 OUTCROSS Full sister One

DAM TO DGV THE #7LPI GTPI & #3 OUTCROSS of the highest Planet dtrs!! Outcross sire stack from the great breeding H cow family from Nier-

Outcross sire stack uit de super H-familie van Niermann uit Duitsland. Moeder is een Manager uit de super populaire Jocko-dochter Helsinki VG-89-DE! KNS High Tech kalf in Augustus van Morgan en haar eerste dochters staan hoog in de toplijsten. Haar Numero Uno-dochter is de #7 GTPI pink in Europa met GTPI +2443 en haar Mogul-dochter in Italië is de #3 GTPI Outcross pink in Europa (GTPI +2376) en is de #14 PFT pink in Italie met PFT +2839!

mann in Germany! Dam is a Manager from the very popular Jocko dtr Helsinki VG-89-DE! KNS High Tech will calf in August by Morgan and her first tested dtrs are very high in the top rankings already. Her Uno dtr is the #7 GTPI heifer in Europe (GTPI +2443) and her Mogul in Italy at Go-Farm the #3 Outcross in Europe (GTPI +2376) and also the #14 PFT heifer in Italy with PFT +2839!


Ven Dairy N.U. Liza

NL 919137015

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +908M +0.16%F +0.04%P +78F +37P NM 669 / GTPI +2231 US 04/13 PL +4.2 / SCS 2.51 / DPR +0.8 / SCE 8 / FLC +2.14 / UDC +2.07 / PTAT +2.64 CA 04/13 (DGV) +809M +73F +34P HL 113 / SCS 2.44 / MS +8 / FL +10 / Conf. +8 / DGV LPI +2805

Ven Dairy Holsteins | Tel. +31 (0)6 42474002 |

D.O.B. 02-February-2013


Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG-87-NL 2yr.

Anderstrup Pronto Liza VG-87-NL 2yr. | Grand dtr of the One Million Dollar cow!

Amighetti NUMERO Uno (Man-O-Man x Shottle x Boss Iron) Anderstrup Pronto Liza VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 88MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.143kgM 4.0% 365F 3.2% 292P • Verkocht voor € 17.500 / Sold for € 17.500 • Vader Pronto is de volle broer van Pledge EX-95 en is niet beschikbaar in Europa / Sire Pronto is the full brother to Pledge EX-95 and is not available in Europe!

Windy-Knoll-View PRONTO

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN

Braedale GOLDWYN

Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG-88-CAN 2yr. 3* Conf. 88R 87DS 88MS 89FL / VG-88-CAN 2yr. 2.04 365d 14.590kgM 4.1% 602F 3.5% 513P • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Autumn Opp. 2008 • Jr. Champion Durham 2007 • 1st Jr. 1-Yr. Durham 2007 • Volle zuster / Full sister to LEXICON @ Genervations • Volle zuster van / Full sister to Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN 4yr., dam to LEXOR & LATIMER and grand dam to LIQUID GOLD & WILLPOWER • Anders volle zusters zijn de moeder van: / Other full sisters are dam to LAVAMAN, LARSON and more!

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 15* Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.04 365d 16.187kgM 3.5% 571F 3.3% 542P 4.05 365d 22.272kgM 4.0% 889F 3.5% 769P 6.05 365d 21.141kgM 4.1% 867F 3.3% 703P • The One Million Dollar Cow • Many All-American & Canadian Titles and Nom. • Hon. Mention Int. Class Royal 2004

NEXT DAMS 4th Lylehaven Formation Laura EX-94-USA 3E 5th Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 3E 6th Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 2yr.


NUMERODGV UNO FROM THE LILA Z’S One of the highest LPI Planet dtrs!! Fancy Numero Uno dtr from the Lylehaven Lila Z’s! Dam Anderstrup

Fraaie Numero Uno-dochter uit de Lylehaven Lila Z koefamilie! Moeder Anderstrup Pronto Liza VG-87-NL 2yr. is verkocht voor € 17.500 en komt uit het hart van de Lila Z’s. Haar moeder, Liza heeft meerdere show successen op haar naam en volle zusters brachten veelgebruikte stieren zoals Lexor, Latimer, Lavaman, Larson en meer, terwijl ook de populaire Lexicon, Liquid Gold en Willpower uit deze familie stammen!

Pronto Liza VG-87-NL 2yr. sold for € 17.500 and is out of the heart of the Lila Z’s. Her mother, Liza has several show successes on her name and full sisters delivered popular bulls like Lexor, Lavaman, Larson and more, and also Lexicon, Liquid Gold and Willpower are from this fantastic cow family.


Caps Mairy 4243

NL 547842437

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +1344M -0.04%F +0.04%P +38F +50P NM 608 / GTPI +2166 US 04/13 PL +4.8 / SCS 2.73 / DPR +0.8 / SCE 6 / FLC +1.43 / UDC +2.13 / PTAT +2.44 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1663M +48F +68P HL 110 / SCS 2.65 / MS +12 / FL +7 / Conf. +12 / DGV LPI +2931


Caps Farm (NL) | +31 (0)6 40630587 |

D.O.B. 04-December-2012

Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Caps Mairy 14 | Sold for € 58.000 - Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 9

ECOYNE ISY (Planet x Formation Bret x Manfred) Caps Mairy 9 NC Conf. Zie veiling update / See sale update 2.06 61d 2.827kgM 4.1%F 3.0%E • Hoogst productieve vaars op bedrijf ooit met meer dan 60 kg Melk in haar piek / Highest producing 2 yr. old in the herd ever with over 60 kg Milk on her highest day • Volle zuster van / Full sister to Neidahl @ RSH • Zeer beloftevol, wordt ingeschreven voor de veiling / Very promising, will be scored before the sale • Volle zuster van Braedale Niagra Gouda VG-86-CAN 2yr., bij Braedale Holsteins Canada! / Full sister to Braedale Niagra Gouda VG-86-CAn 2yr. at Braedale Holsteins Canada • Zie foto: / See picture: WWW.EGSUMMERSALE.COM


Vekis Xaco Melody (Xaobeo sister to Mairy 9) Dam to the #1 RZG heifer in Germany, RZG 155


Braedale GOLDWYN

Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.098kgM 4.2%F 428kgF 3.7%P • GENOMIC GIANT!! • Top Genomic nakomelingen in vele systemen! / Transmitting WORLD CLASS in every system! • Dam to the #1 GTPI Jeeves, #1 Magna P, #1, Snowball, #2 Xacobeo, #4 Niagra, #5 Lonar & more!! • Grootmoeder van de #1 RZG pink, RZG 155 / Grand dam to the #1 RZG heifer, RZG 155

Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG--85-NL 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.474kgM 3.7% 392F 3.6% 375P 3.04 305d 12.548kgM 3.4% 429F 3.7% 468P

NEXT DAMS 4th Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. Sired by DURHAM 5th Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 6th Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 7th Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8th Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM 9th Jo-Wal Valiant Millie VG-85-USA

RARE PEDIGREE THE dtrs!! MAIRY’S One of the highest DGV LPIFROM Planet A rare sire stack as an Ecoyne Isy dtr (Planet x Bret x Manfred) from

Wat ander bloed als Ecoyne Isy-dochter (Planet x Bret x Manfred) uit een Niagra uit de Genomic Giant Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Moeder Caps Mairy 9 is de hoogst producerende vaars ooit op het bedrijf met meer dan 60 liter melk in haar piek! Zelfde familie als de #1 RZG pink in Duitsland, Mellow met RZG 155! Volle zus van Mairy 9 staat bij Braedale Holsteins in Canada, Braedale Niagra Gouda VG-86-CAN 2yr.

a Niagra from the Genomic Giant Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Dam to Caps Mairy 9 is the highest producing 2 yr. old on the farm ever with over 60 kg milk in her top! Same family as the #1 RZG heifer in Germany, Mellow with RZG +155! Full sister to Mairy 9 at Braedale Holsteins is Braedale Niagra Gouda VG-86-CAN 2yr.


Waterland Paris

BE 111534060

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +856M +0.03%F +0.05%P +37F +38P NM 685 / GTPI +2248 US 04/13 PL +6.3 / SCS 2.57 / DPR +2.0 / SCE 9 / FLC +1.05 / UDC +2.58 / PTAT +2.39 CA 04/13 (DGV) +820M +44F +47P HL 114 / SCS 2.50 / MS +13 / FL +7 / Conf. +11 / DGV LPI +2863


Waterland Holsteins (BE) | +32 (0)93790427 |

D.O.B. 17-Januari-2013

Outside Pandora @ 13 years old in October ‘12

Rabur Gold Panzer VG-87-USA 2yr.

O-COSMOPOLITAN (Planet x Larcrest Cosmopolitan) Paladina Kalft: / Due: Juni 2013 / June 2013 • Zeer beloftevolle vaars / Very promising cow • Zij wordt één van de eerste melkgevende vaarzen uit de Pandora familie in Europa! / She will be one of the very first milking 2yr. olds from this family in Europe!!

Rabur S Pandora VG-87-USA 2yr. Shottle sister to Panzer


Braedale GOLDWYN

Rabur Gold Panzer VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. V V + + V / VG-87-USA 2yr. 2.02 365d 15.654kgM 3.8% 598F 3.2% 499P • Super Goldwyn dtr / Great Goldwyn dtr

Rabur Outside Pandora EX-91-USA 3E GMD DOM Conf. E V E E E / EX-91-USA 3E GMD DOM 1.11 320d 11.272kgM 3.7% 418F 3.4% 378P 2.11 362d 16.933kgM 3.6% 610F 3.3% 554P 4.01 365d 16.416kgM 3.6% 596F 3.4% 550P • 39 VG en 9 EXCELLENT dochters in Amerika / 39 VG and 9 EXCELLENT dtrs in the USA already

NEXT DAMS 4th Rabur Rudoph Pair EX-91-USA 3E GMD DOM Lifetime: 123.488 kg Milk 5th Rabur Inspired Parallel EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 6th Rabur TT Pol Annie EX-91-USA 3E GM DDOM 7th Rabur M Pollyann EX-90-USA GMD DOM

DE PANDORA’S Full sister to


THE PANDORA’S One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! The Pandora cow family from Rabur Holsteins belongs to the greatest

De Pandora-familie van Rabur behoort bij de beste koefamilies van Amerika. Stammoeder Rabur Outside Pandora EX-91-USA is de 5e generatie EXCELLENT op rij en heeft al 39 VG en 9 EXCELLENTE dtrs in Amerika! De familie is erg exclusief voor Europa en moeder van dit lot, Paladina bij het Belgische Waterland Holsteins zal één van de allereerste melkende vaarzen zijn van de familie in Europa!

cow families from the USA. Foundation cow Rabur Outside Pandora EX91-USA is the 5th generation EXCELLENT in a row and has 39 VG and 9 EXCELLENT dtrs in the USA already! This family is very exclusive for Europe, dam to this lot, Paladina at Waterland Holsteins in Belgium will be one of the very first milking members of this family in Europe!


Twin Tabea

NL 752770204

Genomic test

DE 04/13 +1897M -0.18% +0.02% +58F +66P DE 04/13 RZK 112 / RZR 101 / RZN 117 / RZS 109 / RZD 97 / RZE 122 / RZM 137 / RZG 144

D.O.B. 18-January-2013


Twin Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)6 51108323 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

Amerikaanse & Canadese index volgen in mei ‘13, zie update / USA and CAN index will be back in May ‘13, see update

Creek Oman Tabitha VG-86-USA DOM

Ralma Planet Tabea VG-85-NL 2yr.

Genervations LEXOR (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn x Lila Z) Ralma Planet Tabea VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 86DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.01 305d 10.050kgM 3.7% 371F 3.2% 321P • Moeder van de #2 Lonar & #4 Jordan dtrs in Europa / Dam to the #2 Lonar and #4 Jordan dtr in Europe • Zeer succesvolle koefamilie, o.a. van de fokstieren / Very successful cow family, from the proven sires Crown, Coach, Cricket, Focus en meer!

Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Ensenada Taboo PLANET

O-Bee Manfred Justice (OMAN)

Creek Oman Tabitha VG-86-USA 2yr. DOM Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. DOM 2.02 365d 15.128kgM 4.3% 651F 3.2% 484P 3.10 305d 15.132kgM 4.2% 636F 3.2% 485P • Bijzondere tak van de Ralma Juror Faith’s / Rare branch of the Ralma Juror Faith’s

Ralma Outside FS Tide VG-87-USA DOM Conf. VG-87-USA DOM 2.03 365d 16.094kgM 4.5% 730F 2.9% 460P 3.11 345d 14.048kgM 4.1% 570F 2.9% 411P 5.00 258d 14.755kgM 3.4% 368F 2.7% 293P 6.01 365d 18.108kgM 3.1% 557F 2.8% 494P

NEXT DAMS 4th Ralma Convincer Feast VG-89-USA GMD DOM 5th Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 6th Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA 7th Ralma Melwood Fortress 8th Ralma Golden Fortune VEEV VG-88-USA GMD DOM 9th Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 10th Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD


RARE JUROR One of the highest DGVFAITH LPI Planet dtrs!! A rare branch of the Ralma Juror Faith’s. Lexor dtr with 144 RZG from

Een aparte tak van de Ralma Juror Faith’s. Lexor dtr met 144 RZG uit de Planet-dochter Ralma Planet Tabea VG-85-NL 2yr., één van de hoogste RZG Planet’s en moeder van de #2 Lonar en #4 Jordan-dochters in Europa voor GTPI! De Juror Faith’s zijn beroemd met meerdere fokstieren zoals Crown, Coach, Cricket, Focus en anderen!

the Planet dtr Ralma Planet Tabea VG-85-NL 2yr., one of the highest RZG Planet dtrs and dam to the #2 Lonar and #4 Jordan dtrs in Europe for GTPI! The Juror Faith’s are famous with their high proven sires like Crown, Coach, Cricket, Focus and others!


SD Windbrook Jenneke

NL 747651507


Scholten Dairies (NL) | +31 (0)6 10232286 |

D.O.B. 14-June-2012

SD Jacobs Jenn VG-88-NL 2yr.

Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-CAN EX-96-MS 6* | Res. Intermediate Champion Royal 2008

Gillette WINDBROOK (FBI x Blitz x Gypsy Grand family) SD Jacobs Jenn VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2.03 11.017kgM 5.1% 567F 4.0% 441P • 1st Beilen 2009 • Jr. Grand Champion Beilen 2010 • VG-88 als vaars / VG-88 as a 2yr. Old! • Embryos over de gehele wereld geexporteerd / Embryos exported all around the World • Haar Sanchez-dtr is verkocht naar Ruegruet Holsteins in Switzerland en was 1st Jr. Expo en 3rd at Lausanne ‘13 / Her Sanchez dtr sold to Ruegruet Holsteins (SW) and was 1st Jr. Expo and 3rd at Lausanne ‘13


Braedale GOLDWYN

SD Sanchez Jenn @ Ruegruet Holsteins (SW) Sanchez sister to this lot! 1 Jr. Expo & 3rd Lausanne ‘13

Comestar LHEROS

Valleyville Lheros Jen EX-94-CAN EX-96-MS 6* Conf. 86R 94DS 96MS 93FL / EX-94-CAN 6* 2.00 318d 10.929kgM 5.4% 593F 3.7% 403P 3.09 365d 15.210kgM 4.5% 683F 3.5% 533P 5.08 298d 11.545kgM 4.6% 529F 3.4% 393P

Valleyville Integrity Brenna EX-90-CAN 2E 15* Conf. 89R 92DS 90MS 85FL / EX-90-CAN 2E 15* 2.04 315d 9.712kgM 4.5% 440F 3.4% 326P 4.07 319d 10.464kgM 5.0% 527F 3.2% 337P

• All-American Sr. 3-Yr 2008 & 2009 • Res. Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘08 • 2nd Sr. 3-Yr West On. Champ 2011 • HM. Int. QC International 2006, Res Grand • Grand Perth Waterloo 2002 & Int. Champ QC International 2008 • 11 STAR Brood Cow • All-Quebec Sr. 3-Yr and Milking 1-Yr

NEXT DAMS 4th Valleyville Lisa Jet VG-88-CAN 17*

BEAUTIFUL JENN One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! Beuatiful Windbrook grand dtr of Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94-

Schitterende Windbrook kleindochter van Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX94-CAN, Reserve Middenklasse Kampioene van de Royal ‘08. Moeder SD Jacobs Jenn VG-88-NL 2yr. heeft meerdere show successen en 4% EIWIT en haar Sanchez-dochter is verkocht naar Ruegruet Holsteins in Zwitserland waarvoor ze de 3e plaats behaalde op de Swiss Expo ‘13!

CAN, Res. Int. Champion at the Royal ‘08. Mother, SD Jacobs Jenn VG-88-NL 2yr. has several show successes and 4% PROTEIN and her Sanchez dtr sold to Ruegruet Holsteins in Switzerland for which she won a 3rd place at the Swiss Expo 2013!


Vekis Ever TY

NL 932340528

Genomic test Ranking

CA 04/13 (80K - DGV) +2854M +0.25% +0.17% +130F +110P DGV LPI +3499 CA 04/13 HL 101 / SCS 3.11 / Fert. 91 / FL +7 / MS +16 / Conf. +17 US 04/13 +2384M +0.09% +0.05% +111F +85P FLC +1.70 / UDC +2.64 / PTAT +3.24 / GTPI +2310 #8 GLPI heifer in Europe / #1 heifer in Europe for FAT + PROTEIN production: +196!!!!


Vekis Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)6 46115216 |

D.O.B. 01-December-2012

SNOWMAN | Full brother to 3rd dam

Broeks Bolton Else VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | Bolton from Snowman’s full sister

O-COSMOPOLITAN (Planet x Lacrest Cosmopolitan) Vekis Elnia BY Kalft / Calves May ‘13 - Looks great! - See Sale Update • Verkocht in de Eurogenes Online Heifer Sale naar Engeland, waar ze in Mei 2013 zal kalven! Ze staat er super voor! / Sold through the Eurogenes Online Heifer Sale to the UK, where she will calf in May 2013! She is in a great condition and is big promise!


Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL

Sandy-Valley BOLTON

Broeks Bolton Else VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.00 305d 11.595kgM 3.6% 418F 3.4% 399P 4.10 305d 12.109kgM 3.9% 466F 3.4% 405P • Verkocht voor € 50.000 / Sold for € 50.000 • Embryos wereldwijd geëxporteerd / Embryos exported around the World • Eén van de meest populaire Bolton dtrs wereld wijd / One of the most popular Bolton’s from her generations

Broeks Elsie 2 VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-MS 2yr. 2.01 305d 12.198kgM 4.5% 554F 3.4% 412P • Volle zuster van SNOWMAN / Full sister to SNOWMAN

NEXT DAMS 4th Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL MONDIAL COW OF THE YEAR 2011 5th Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89-USA GMD DOM 6th Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92-USA GM DDOM 7th Ever-Green-View Le Grant EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8th Ever-Green-View Leisure EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM

#1 VETsister & EIWIT Full toPINK!! PIONEER!!!!

#1 FAT &DGV PROTEIN One of the highest LPI HEIFER!! Planet dtrs!! With an American Fat + Protein index of +196 (Fat and Protein

Met een Amerikaanse Vet + Eiwit productie index van +196 (Vet en Eiwit bij elkaar opgeteld) is Vekis Ever de hoogste Vet & Eiwit producente in haar index in Europa! Haar torenhoge productie index, in combinatie met haar super exterieur (+17 in Canada) maken haar de #8 GLPI pink in Europa met DGV LPI +3499! Ze voert terug op de Mondiale Koe van het Jaar, Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL, moeder van SNOWMAN!!

together), this Vekis Ever is the highest index Fat & Protein heifer in Europe! Her skyhigh production index, in combination with her great type (+17 in Canada) makes her the #8 GLPI heifer in Europe with DGV LPI +3499! She goes back on the Mondial Cow of the Year, Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL, dam to SNOWMAN!


JK Eder Danielle

NL 696352946

Genomic test

US 04/13 (9K) +957M +0.22%F +0.06%P +92F +44P NM 648 / GTPI +2120 US 04/13 PL +4.8 / SCS 2.79 / DPR -1.0 / SCE 8 / FLC +2.12 / UDC +1.46 / PTAT +1.44 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1463M +114F +67P HL 113 / SCS 2.68 / MS +5 / FL +6 / Conf. +4 / DGV LPI +3046


JK Eder Holsteins (NL) - | +31 (0)6 53803396 | & SCL Dijs (FR) | +33 (0)6 16667083 |

D.O.B. 12-August-2012

Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN 5*

DIJS Laxter VG-87-FR 2yr.

VA-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI (Jammer x Sailor x Duster) DIJS Laxter VG-87-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-87-FR 2yr.

Delaberge Justice Lucia VG-88-CAN 5yr. Full sister to DIJS Luci

Emerald-Acrest SA T-BAXTER Dijs Luci VG-85-FR Conf. VG-85-FR

2.00 305d 8.143kgM 4.4%F 385F 3.1%P 252P

2.04 305d 10.414kgM 3.7% 385F 3.4% 354P 5.03 297d 10.970kgM 4.2% 461F 3.3% 363P

• Halfzuster van de voormalige #5 NVI stier Synchyme bij CRV / Maternal sister to the former #5 NVI bull in Holland, Synchyme @ CRV • Halfzuster van / Maternal sister to Crater Isy

• Volle zuster van / Full sister to Delaberge Justice Lucia VG-88-CAN 5yr. 7* , which has 3 sons @ Genervations, 5 @ Semex, 2 @ ABS and much more!

O-Bee Manfred Justice (OMAN) Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN 2E 11* Conf. 95R 94DS 93MS 91FL / EX-93-CAN 2E 11* 2.04 365d 14.892kgM 3.8% 567F 3.7% 544P 5.07 365d 17.990kgM 3.8% 679F 3.5% 624P 7.06 345d 18.218kgM 4.2% 759F 3.7% 680P 9.00 365d 15.345kgM 3.6% 552F 3.2% 493P Lifetime: 70.275kgM 3.9%F 3.6%P

NEXT DAMS 4th Bryhill Rudolph Lulu VG-87-CAN 21* 5th Bryhill Lindy Lilly VG-85-CAN 14* 6th Templedale Leola Starbuck VG-85-CAN 11* 7th Templedale Raquel D GP-CAN 2yr. 8th Templedale Raquel VG-87-CAN 6*


THE DELABERGE FAMILY One of the highest DGV LPICOW Planet dtrs!! High GLPI Sudan dtr out of the Canadian Delaberge Durham Lucille

Hoge GLPI Sudan-dochter uit de Canadese Delaberge Durham Lucille koefamilie! Moeder DIJS Laxter VG-87-FR 2yr. is een dochter van de Franse Oman-dochter DIJS Luci VG-85-FR die wereldwijd volop werd gecontraceerd en de volle zuster van de Canadese Delaberge Justice Lucia VG-88-CAN 7* met vele zonen bij de KI.

cow family! Dam DIJS Laxter VG-87-FR 2yr. is a dtr of the French Oman dtr DIJS Luci VG-85-FR which contracted World Wide and a full sister to the Canadian Delaberge Justice Lucia VG-88-CAN 7* with many sons in AI.

• 900 wipes a bucket,

No more displaced abomasums


JK Eder Ada *RC

NL 696352939

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (9K - DGV) +553M +0.25% +0.19% +46F +37P DGV LPI +2724 CA 04/13 HL 110 / SCS 2.85 / Fert. 106 / FL +11 / MS +9 / Conf. +11 US 04/13 +557M +0.12% +0.06% +52F +32P FLC +2.14 / UDC +2.23 / PTAT +2.97 / GTPI +2041

JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 |

D.O.B. 07-Augustus-2012


Alumette VG-89-NL 2yr.

JK Eder Alumette VG-87-NL 2yr. | One of the highest NVI R&W Cows in the Netherlands

Ladys-Manor PL SHAMROCK (Planet x Shottle x Ladys-Manor family) JK Eder Alumette 2 VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 89FR 88DS 86MS 88FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.347kgM 4.8% 449F 4.0% 374P

Dudoc Mr BURNS

DCH Suzan EX-91-BE Int. Champion National Show Belgium

Poos Stadel CLASSIC

JK Eder Alumette NC Conf. E + V V V / VG-87-USA 3yr. 3.02 (Proj) 305d 9.846kgM 4.4% 430F 3.6% 353P

• Verongelukt na afkalven / Looked great, • 4th Jr. 2-Yr. Old at the Nat. HHH Show 2010 died unfortunately as a 2yr. Old • 4% EIWIT!! / 4% PROTEIN!! • Halfzuster van DCH Everspan @ CRV / • Moeder van All P Red, één van de hoogte hoornloze Maternal sister is dam to DCH Everspen, high pinken in Europe en verkocht naar een Canadees genomic bull in the Netherlands syndicaat voor € 20.000!! / Dam to All P Red, one of the highest polled heifers in Europe and sold to a Canadian syndicate for € 20.000!

DCH Alumette VG-89-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-89-NL 2yr. 1.11 305d 9.457kgM 4.5% 421F 3.4% 321P 5.00 305d 13.098kgM 4.6% 604F 3.4% 446P • Meerdere kampioenschappen in België / Several Championship titles in Belgium • Mega stiermoeder!! / Mega Bull Dam!! NEXT DAMS 4th DCH Suzan EX-91-BE 5th DCH Joyce EX-90-BE Lifetime: 80.000kgM 4.3%F 3.5%P #1 R&W Index Cow for several years! x GP Centra Red x NC Starbuck x EX-90 Triple Threat x VG Apache x Sleepy Hollow Apollo Kay VG-89-USA x EX-91-USA Kennedy


RED CARRIER One of the highest DGV SHAMROCK LPI Planet dtrs!! Very high Red Carrier Shamrcok dtr from the Alumette cow fam-

Hoge Rood Factor Shamrock-dochter uit de Alumette-koefamilie. Een Colt P halfzuster werd verkocht voor € 20.000 naar een Canadees / Italiaans syndicaat. Voert terug op de zeer succesvolle Alumette koefamilie, een van oorsprong Amerikaanse koefamilie, Sleepy-Hollow Apollo Kay VG-89-USA! Een familie die al vele fok- en hoge genomic stieren heeft geleverd.

ily. A Colt P maternal sister sold for € 20.000 to a Canadain / Italian syndicate. Goes back on the very successful Alumette cow family, an American cow family from origin, Sleepy-Hollow Apollo Kay VG-89USA! A family which delivered plenty of proven and high Genomic sires already!


Twin Gaya 6

NL 752769808

Genomic test

US 04/13 (50K) +675M +0.04%F +0.06%P +33F +38P NM 424 / GTPI +1979 US 04/13 PL +2.5 / SCS 2.97 / DPR +0.2 / SCE 6 / FLC +0.76 / UDC +2.46 / PTAT +2.45 CA 04/13 (DGV) +742M +31F +45P HL 110 / SCS 2.94 / Fert. 101 / Conf. +11 / GLPI +2560


Twin Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)6 51108323 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 12-June-2012

Campogallo Active Gaia VG-86-IT 2yr.

Campogallo Active Gaia VG-86-IT 2yr.

De-Su 521 BOOKEM (Planet x Ramos x Hershell) Campogallo Active Gaia VG-86-IT 2yr. Conf. VG-86-IT 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.178kgM 4.1% 373F 3.6% 326P • Super intresssante outcross koe / One of the most interesting OUTCROSS cows in the breed! • ACTIVE x LAUDAN !! • Meerdere hoog geteste zonen bij de KI / Several high testing sons in AI, also Bookem sons • Embryos geëxporteerd naar o.a. Japan / Embryos exported to Japan & more

Campogallo Simona VG-89-IT EX-MS

Alpag Iron ACTIVE


Campogallo Simona VG-89-IT EX-MS Conf. VG-89-IT EX-MS 2yr. 2.02 305d 11.094kgM 3.8% 416F 3.4% 376P 4.00 305d 13.417kgM 3.6% 477F 3.5% 466P 5.03 292d 13.522kgM 3.3% 445F 3.4% 465P • Super Laudan-dochter / One of the very best Laudan dtrs in the breed • Meerdere zonen bij de KI / Several sons in AI

OUTCROSS: x ACTIVE x LAUDAN Full sisterBOOKEM to PIONEER!!!! One of Mooie outcross pedigree, Bookem x Active x Laudan! Moeder Campogallo Active Gaia VG-86-IT 2yr. behoort bij de beste Active’s en meest interessante outcross koeien wereldwijd met reeds meerdere hoog geteste zonen bij internationale KI’s en embryos geëexporteerd naar Japan en meer! Voert terug op de bekende Conant-Acres HS Blackstar Zita EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM!!

QG BWM Zantie VG-87-IT Conf. VG-87-IT 4.01 305d 13.082kgM 3.9% 512F 3.2% 421P • Geimporteerd als embryo vanuit Amerika / Imported as an embryo from the USA

NEXT DAMS 4th Futuraland M Zantic 5th Futuraland C Zanda VG-86-USA 4yr. DOM 6th Futuraland Tesk Zanadu VG-89-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 7th Conant-Acres HS Blackstar Zita EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 8th Kemview Mark Zsa Zsa EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9th Kemview Zwarte VG-86-USA GMD DOM 10th Kemview Neil Ruby VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11th Gly-Dor Apostle Rachel VG-86-USA DOM

OUTCROSS: x ACTIVE x LAUDAN the highest DGVBOOKEM LPI Planet dtrs!! Nice outcross sire stack, Bookem x Active x Laudan! Dam, Campogallo Active Gaia VG-86-IT 2yr. belongs to the very best Active’s and most interesting outcross cows in the breed with several high testing sons in international AI stations already and embryos exported to Japan and more! Goes back on the famous Conant-Acres HS Blackstar Zita EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM!

Caps Ina 1

NL 918275888

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (50K) +1423M +0.11% +0.02% +64F +49P GLPI +2810 CA 04/13 HL 109 / SCS 2.85 / Fert. 104 / FL +9 / MS +8 / Conf. +9 US 04/13 +913M +0.06% +0.01% +48F +29P PL +3.3 / SCS 2.85 / DPR +1.1 / PTAT +2.00 / GTPI +2040


Caps Farm (NL) | +31 (0)6 40630587 | & Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |


D.O.B. 23-May-2012

O-Bee Titanic Ilsa EX-90-USA DOM

Han Hopman

O-Bee HWH Jetstream Ina VG-87-NL 2yr. | Dutch Topseller ‘11 for € 44.000

Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter x Lead Mae’s) O-Bee HWH Jet Stream Ina VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 86FR 87DS 87MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.587kgM 4.1% 430F 3.1% 329P LW 124 • Europese veilingtopper ‘11 voor €44.000 / Dutch Topseller of ‘11 for €44.000 • Zus van / Sister to Inspector @ Select & Indiana @ Semex • Eén van de weinige en beste nakomelingen wereldwijd uit de familie van OMAN! / One of the very few and very best descendents World Wide out of the family of the legend OMAN • Outcross pedigree

O-Bee Manfred Justice (OMAN) THE LEGEND - Family member


Hartline TITANIC

O-Bee Titanic Ilsa EX-90-USA DOM Conf. EX-90-USA DOM 2.01 365d 15.254kgM 4.1% 621F 2.9% 447P 4.05 365d 17.332kgM 4.0% 699F 2.9% 495P • Moeder van / Dam to Indiana @ Semex, Intel @ Select Sires & Inspector @ Select Sires


O-Bee BW Marshall Ida EX-90-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.01 365d 13.676kgM 4.1% 554F 3.2% 440P 4.04 365d 14.066kgM 4.2% 587F 3.0% 418P 5.11 305d 11.213kgM 3.7% 416F 3.1% 344P • Volle zuster van / Full sister to O-Bee JURYMAN @ Alta

NEXT DAMS 4th O-Bee Terry Judy VG-85-USA 2yr. 5th Meier-Meadows El Jezebel EX-92-USA GMD DOM Dam to OMAN!!! 6th Meier-Meadows Melwood Jacki VG-87-USA DOM

OUTCROSS FROM FAMILY of the highest DGV LPIOMAN’S PlanetCOW dtrs!! OUTCROSS from the family of the legendayr OMAN! Dam to this

OUTCROSS uit de familie van de legendarische OMAN! Moeder van dit kalf is de Europese veilingtopper van 2011, O-Bee HWH Jetstream Ina, voor € 44.000! Ze is één van de weinige en één van de allerbeste nakomelingen uit de Jezebel koefamilie wereldwijd!

heifer is the European Top seller for 2011, O-Bee HWH Jetstream Ina for € 44.000, one of the very best descendent from the great JEZEBEL cow family!


JK Eder Wenda

NL 713493038

Genomic test

US 04/13 (50K) +813M +0.13%F +0.05%P +66F +39P NM 455 / GTPI +1928 US 04/13 PL +1.6 / SCS 2.74 / DPR +0.0 / SCE 8 / FLC +1.86 / UDC +0.79 / PTAT +1.30 CA 04/13 +1443M +89F +63P HL 106 / SCS 2.70 / Fert. 100 / Conf. +5 / GLPI +2783


JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 |

D.O.B. 21-March-2012

Terbeek Glenda 7340 VG-88-NL

Terbeek Goli Glenda VG-86-NL 2yr.

VA-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI (Jammer x Sailor x Duster) Terbeek Goli Glenda VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 84FR 84DS 87MS 87FL / VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 239d 6.801kgM 4.9%F 3.6%P LW 117 (L.L.) • Halfzuster van Terbeek Glenda 9760 VG-88 2yr., verkocht voor € 48.000 HM Sale ‘12 / Maternal sister to Terbeek Glenda 9760 VG-88 2yr., sold for € 48.000 HM Sale ‘12 • Zeer succesvolle koefamilie, van o.a. / Very successful family, from Cash, Fortune, Festival, Figaro, Rolex en meer!

Terbeek Alta GHOST @ Alta (s. Man-O-Man) CA 04/13 Conf. +10 / GLPI +2980

De-Su Oman GOLI

2.05 305d 9.977kgM 4.3% 429F 3.5% 344P 4.04 305d 11.362kgM 4.0% 458F 3.5% 394P • Moeder van Alta GHOST / Dam to Alta GHOST • Vele zonen bij de KI / Many sons in AI • Volle zuster verkocht voor € 22.000 / Full sister sold for € 22.000

to PIONEER!!!!

Terbeek Adam Treasure VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 86MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 1.11 305d 9.970kgM 3.8% 382F 3.2% 321P 3.04 305d 10.611kgM 3.7% 390F 3.3% 346P 5.00 305d 12.924kgM 4.1% 523F 3.1% 400P

NEXT DAMS 4th Beek Altaglenda VG-87-NL VG-87-MS 5th Molenvliet Glenda VG-87-NL 2yr. 6th Eastland Glenda VG-86-NL 2yr. 7th Eastland Gala EX-90-NL 8th Eastland Golden VG-88-NL 9th Latuch Laurie Golden VG-85-USA 10th Latuch Ivanhoe Laura Star EX-92-USA GMD

EEN FullGLENDA sister


Ter Beek Glenda 7340 VG-88-NL Conf. VG-88-NL VG-89-MS

A GLENDA One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! A Sudan from the famous Glenda cow family. Mother, Terbeek Goli

Een Sudan uit de beroemde Terbeek Glenda koefamilie. Moeder Terbeek Goli Glenda VG-86-NL 2yr. is de halfzuster van o.a. Terbeek Glenda 9760 VG-88-NL 2yr., verkocht voor € 48.000! De Glenda’s zijn wereldberoemd en brachten succesvolle fokstieren als Cash, Fortune, Figaro Rolex en meer!

Glenda VG-86-NL 2yr. is the maternal sister to Terbeek Glenda 9760 VG-88-NL which sold for €48.000 in 2012! The Glenda’s are World famous for their successful proven sires like Cash, Fortune, Figaro, Rolex and more!


DG Windbrook Canberra

NL 934075622

Genomic test

CA 04/13 (50K - DGV) +2062M +0.17% -0.06% +94F +60P Conf. +10 / DGV LPI +2694 US 04/13 +1939M +0.05% -0.01% +85F +55P FLC +2.58 / UDC +1.90 / PTAT +2.47 / GTPI +1952


Diamond Genetics (NL) | +31 (0)38 4606922 |

D.O.B. 18-September-2012

Electorat @ Sersia | Planet x Canicule, ISU +164

Canicule VG-86-FR 2yr.

Gillette WINDBROOK (FBI x Blitz x Gypsy Grand’s) Canicule VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. 86FR 87DS 87MS 85FL / VG-86-FR 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.864kgM 3.8% 372F 3.5% 348P • Moeder van Electorat / Dam to Electorat @ Sersia, ISU +164 • Moeder van Fascicule en Fripon @ Semex / Dam to Fascicule and Fripon @ Semex

Axa VG-85-FR VG-87-MS 6yr.

Sandy-Valley BOLTON

Latuch ROLEX

Axa VG-85-FR VG-87-MS 6yr. Conf. VG-85-FR VG-87-MS 6yt. 2.01 305d 9.776kgM 4.3% 418F 3.3% 319P 3.02 305d 11.320kgM 4.2% 474F 3.2% 366P 5.00 305d 12.313kgM 4.5% 555F 3.0% 369P

Upsa VG-88-FR EX-MS 6yr. Conf. VG-88-FR EX-MS 6yr. 7.00 305d 11.886kgM 4.5% 531F 3.4% 411P Avg 6La 305d 10.767kgM 4.5% 484F 3.4% 362P

NEXT DAMS 4th Pugolo (s. Tugolo)


FRENCH DGV TOP FAMILY One of the highest LPI Planet dtrs!! Windbrook with an outcross pedigree from a French top family! Dam

Windbrook met een outcross afstamming uit een Franse topfamilie. Moeder Canicule is de moeder van de hoge Bronco-zonen Fascicule en Fripon bij Semex en tevens moeder van de veelgebruikte Planet-zoon Electorat bij Sersia met ISU +164!

Canicule is the mother to the high Bronco sons Fascicule and Fripon at Semex and also the mother to the heavily used Planet son Electorat @ Sersia with ISU +164.


JK Eder CM Time

NL 930695318

Genomic test

US 04/13 (80K) +1001M +0.10%F +0.06%P +61F +47P NM 477 / GTPI +1992 US 04/13 PL +1.3 / SCS 2.80 / DPR +1.1 / SCE 6 / FLC +0.91 / UDC +0.84 / PTAT +1.58 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1440M +68F +61P HL 106 / SCS 2.83 / Fert. 101 / Conf. +3 / DGV LPI +2565


JK Eder Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 53803396 |

D.O.B. 28-July-2012

NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr.

Els Korsten

NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. | Great Goldwyn dtr with show attitude and sons in AI

E-Longview CM (Sharky x Outside x Rudolph) NH Big Time 1 VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 86DS 86MS 82FL / VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.06 158d 4.693kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P L.L. • Hele beste Bogart-dochter / Really good Bogart dtr

Macomber O-Man BOGART

Jesther Beauty VG-86-DE 2yr.

Braedale GOLDWYN

NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. Conf. 89FR 88DS 88MS 86FL / VG-88-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.868kgM 4.0% 396F 3.5% 350P • 3e in de Finales Vaarzenklasse Hoornaar ‘08 / Hon. Mention 2-Yr. Old Hoornaar ‘08 • Amerikaanse koefamilie van oorsprong / American cow family from origin

Jesther Beauty VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2/1La 305d 13.217kgM 3.7% 488F 3.4% 452P • Zenith-zoon bij Select Sires / Zenith son @ Select

NEXT DAMS 4th Belinda VG-88-DE 5th Biala VG-87-DE 6th Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7th Rupp-Vue Rockie Britt VG-87-USA

EEN TIME to FullBIG sister


A BIG TIME One of the highest DGV LPI Planet dtrs!! JK Eder CM Time is a dtr of the outcross Sharky son CM and stems

JK Eder CM Time is een dochter van de outcross Sharky-zoon CM en afkomstig uit de Big Time familie. Grootmoeder NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. werd uit Duitsland geïmporteerd en behaalde een 3e plaats in de finales van de vaarzenklasse in Hoornaar in ‘08. Ze voert terug op een sterke, van oorsprong Amerikaanse koefamilie.

from the Big Time cow family. Grand dam NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. was imported from Germany and was Hon. Mention 2-Yr. Old in Hoornaar 2008. She goes back on a very strong, American cow family.


De Vree Philline

NL 765205841

Genomic test

US 04/13 (50K) +929M -0.04%F +0.05%P +21F +40P NM 529 / GTPI +2018 US 04/13 PL +5,1 / SCS 2.65 / DPR -0.1 / SCE 6 / FLC +1.47 / UDC +1.85 / PTAT +1.93 CA 04/13 +1336M +38F +61P HL 110 / SCS 2.57 / MS +6 / FL +6 / Conf. +6 / GLPI +2703


De Vree Holsteins (NL) | +31 (0)6 20936390 |

D.O.B. 22-July-2012

RR Laudan Philadelphia VG-86-DE 2yr.

Vekis Phantastic | Als pink / As a maiden heifer | Nu vers en super! / Fresh now and looks great!

De-Su 521 BOOKEM (Planet x Ramos x Hershell) Vekis Phantastic NC Conf. Wordt ingeschreven voor de veiling, zie update / Will be scored prior the sale, see sale update 1st test: 41kgM 3.7%F 3.3%P - LW 123+ • Net vers en zeer beloftevol, ingeschreven voor de Koe Expo ‘13 / Just fresh and very promising, registred for the Koe Expo ‘13 • Embryos geexpotererd naar Japan / Embryos exported to Japan • Zie veilingupdate voor haar score / See her score in the sale update • Zie foto voor de veiling op / Zee picture before sale on: WWW.EGSUMMERSALE.COM



El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM


RR Laudan Phildelphia VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2.02 305d 12.767kgM 4.1% 525F 3.5% 448P • Halfzuster van Tom Teatro RC / Maternal sister to Tome Teatro RC

Durham Prinzessin *TV VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2.03 305d 12.624kgM 4.2% 534F 3.7% 465P • Super fokkende / Great brood cow

NEXT DAMS 4th Wilcoxview Formation Patricia EX-91-USA DOM 5th Lylehaven Star Philly EX-91-USA DOM 6th El-Dor Saber Pany EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 7th El-Dor Forcaster VG-88-USA DOM

OUTCROSS FROM One of the highest DGV LPIPHANTASTIC Planet dtrs!! Vekis Phantastic is one of the most popular Xacobeo dtr World Wide,

Vekis Phantastic is één van de meest populaire Xacobeo-dochters wereldwijd, embryos van haar werden al verkocht naar naar Duitse, Amerikaanse en Japanse KI’s! Schitterende outcross pedigree als Bookem x Xacobeo x Laudan x Durham x Formation! Voert terug op de schitterende familie van El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA!

embryos from her haven been exported already to German, American and Japanese AI Stations! Beautiful outcross pedigree as a Bookem x Xacobeo x Laudan x Durham x Formation! Goes back on the great family of El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA!


HS Mogul Eva

DE 0356424646

Genomic test Ranking

US 04/13 (9K) +1156M +0.10%F +0.06%P +67F +50P NM 770 / GTPI +2390 US 04/13 PL +5.5 / SCS 2.57 / DPR +0.5 / SCE 6 / FLC +2.72 / UDC +2.88 / PTAT +3.05 CA 04/13 (DGV) +1288M +86F +59P HL 118 / SCS 2.46 / MS +14 / FL +9 / Conf. +13 / DGV LPI +3239 #2 GTPI OUTCROSS Heifer in Europe / Top 25 GTPI Heifer in Europe

Holstein Select (DE) - +49 (0)1711979157 -

D.O.B. 10-February-2013


Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr.

Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90-IT | Gr. moeder van Eva / Grand dam to Eva

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh x Rudy Missy’s) Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr. Conf. V + V V / VG-86-IT 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.233kgM 4.5% 464F 3.5% 361P • Super producente / Fantastic production cow • Internationaal gecontracteerd / Internationally contracted

Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr.

Alpag Iron ACTIVE

Hartline TITANIC

Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90-IT Conf. E E E V / EX-90-IT 2.03 305d 12.755kgM 3.7% 477F 3.5% 448P 4.02 305d 13.942kgM 4.2% 570F 3.5% 473P • EXCELLENTE koe in Italië / EXCELLENT cow in Italy • De familie van o.a. / The family of Stol Joc, Bolton, Marshall, Murphy & more!

Royal Idevra Egna TV VG-85-IT 2yr. Conf. VG-85-IT VG-MS 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.716kgM 4.95% 529F 3.4% 369P 3.10 305d 11.457kgM 4.0% 459F 3.4% 389P • Vele AB dochters in Italië / Many VG dtrs in Italy

NEXT DAMS 4th Excelgen Manfred Brooke VG-86-USA 1st La DOM 5th Ricecrest Duster Brooke EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6th Ricecrest Luke Lauren EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7th Ricecrest Southwind Kaye VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8th Ricecrest Ned Boy Noreen EX-91-2E-USA GMD DOM 9th Ricecrest Jemini Jayanna VG-87-USA DOM 10th Ricecrest Elevation Ella VG-86-USA DOM


#2 GTPI DGV OUTCROSS EUROPEdtrs!! One of the highest LPI Planet The #2 GTPI Outcross heifer in Europe and Top 25 GTPI heifer with

De #2 GTPI Outcross pink in Europa en Top 25 GTPI pink met GTPI +2390 gecombineerd met een hoge exterieur index van meer dan 3 punten! Afkomstig uit de succesvolle Ricecrest Southwind Kaye koefamilie, van o.a. de fokstieren Stol Joc, Bolton en vele anderen! Schitterende pedigree als Motul x Active x Titanic. Grootmoeder, Royal Idevra Titanic Estate is een schitterende EXCELLENTE koe!

GTPI +2390 combined with over 3 points for PTAT! She comes from the very successful Ricecrest Southwind Kaye cow family, from the proven sires Stol Joc, Bolton and many others! Beautiful outcross sirestack as a Mogul x Active x Titanic! Grand dam, Royal Idevra Titanic Estate is a beautiful Excellent cow!

Aanpakkers gezocht! voor aantrekkelijke banen in de agro-foodsector ken Wer n? nde a h je met voor Kies ant! b a r AB B

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Kantoor Hoogeloon | Bezoekadres: DominĂŠpad 6a, 5528 NC Hoogeloon Postadres: Postbus 1028, 5528 ZG Hoogeloon T. (0497) 684800 F. (0497) 682480 E. Kantoor Deurne | Bezoekadres: Stationsstraat 31, 5751 HA Deurne T. (0493) 350510 F. (0493) 312707 E. Kantoor Etten-Leur | Bezoekadres: Bredaseweg 185, 4872 LA Etten-Leur Postadres: Postbus 150, 4870 AD Etten-Leur T. (076) 5083512 F. (076) 5083402 E. | Kantoor Etten-Leur wordt medio juni 2013 geopend!


1. Deze veilingvoorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle overeenkomsten die door middel van deze veiling tot stand komen. 2. Op deze overeenkomst is Nederlands recht van toepassing. 3. De veiling vindt plaats bij opbod. De geboden prijs is inclusief BTW. De veiling commissie, export en transport kosten zijn exclusief BTW. 4. De provisie ten laste van de koper bedraagt 10% (excl. BTW) 5. De organisatie van de Eurogenes Summer Sale is in handen van Diamond Genetics B.V. Deze partij wordt aangeduid als de “organisatie” . 6. De partij die zijn dieren te koop aanbiedt via deze veiling wordt in het navolgende aangeduid als “verkoper” en de partij die via deze veiling op een dier heeft geboden en dit krijgt toegewezen, wordt aangeduid als “koper”. 7. De organisatie treedt ten allen tijde slechts op als bemiddelaar in het tot stand brengen van een (koop)overeenkomst tussen verkoper en koper. 8. Biedingen worden gedaan in euro’s. 9. Iedere bieder is aan zijn bod gebonden totdat een hoger bod is geaccepteerd. 10. De koopovereenkomst komt tot stand tussen koper en verkoper op het moment van toewijzing door de veilingmeester. 11. Om de veiling vlot te laten verlopen wordt er gewerkt met koopnummers welke voor en tijdens de veiling verkrijgbaar zijn. Op het moment van afhalen van het koopnummer worden alle benodigde gegevens van de koper vastgelegd. 12. Indien de veilingmeester zich vergist, heeft hij het recht om de vergissing te herstellen. 13. De kosten voor export / transport van de veilingdieren zijn voor kosten van de koper. 14. Kopers waarvan dieren geëxporteerd dienen te worden dienen dit direct na de veiling kenbaar te maken aan de veilingorganisatie. De export kan via bemiddeling van Diamond Genetics worden geregeld. Alle kosten en risico’s zijn op het moment van afslag voor rekening van de koper. 15. Alle dieren zijn Lepto vrij gecertificeerd en negatief getest op IBR en BVD. 16. Wanneer dieren drachtig worden gegarandeerd staat dit in de catalogus of in de update vermeld. Reclames daaromtrendt (en alle andere reclames) dienen binnen 6 weken na de veiling, onder overlegging van een veterinaire verklaring bij de organisatie van de veiling te worden vermeld. Alle kosten die na aflevering op dit dier zijn gemaakt zijn voor rekening van de koper, de verkoper en de organisatie kan nimmer aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor de vervolgschade. 17. Nederlandse kopers dienen gebruik te maken van een rembours incasso opdracht. Het verkochte dier blijft in eigendom van de verkoper totdat het volledige bedrag inclusief alle kosten op rekening van de organisatie is bijgeschreven. 18. Bij in gebreke blijven van de koper komen alle gerechtelijke en buitengerechtelijke kosten voor diens rekening. 19. Kopers van eerste keus vaarskalven dienen direct na de veiling, 25% van de verkoopprijs vermeerderd met de provisie over de gehele verkoopprijs te betalen. Wanneer het laatst geboren kalf 3 maanden oud is dient de koper de keus te maken, het restant van de verkoopprijs 75% te voldoen en het kalf af te halen. Mocht er uit deze combinatie geen koekalveren geboren worden geboren dan kan de verkoper in overleg met de koper een vervangend kalf aanbieden. Indien de koper hiermee niet akkoord kan gaan krijgt hij de 25% aanbetaling minus de veiling kosten terug betaald. 20. Hoewel grote zorgvuldigheid is betracht, kunnen de organisatoren niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor fouten in de catalogus. 21. De organisatie is niet aansprakelijk voor zichtbare of onzichtbare gebreken van, aan of met betrekking tot het verkochte of de aflevering ervan, ongeacht de aard of omvang van de gebreken. 22. De organisatie is niet aansprakelijk voor schade aan personen of zaken die is ontstaan door of in verband met de veiling. 23. De organisatie kan nooit verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor de contracten die bij een veilingnummer worden geleverd. Deze verantwoordelijkheid voor de contracten ligt in handen van de organisatie die het contract levert. 24. Alle veiling dieren zijn klinisch gekeurd door een officiele dierenarts en goed bevonden 25. Bij verkoopvernietigende (al dan niet verborgen) gebreken, blijven de kosten van verkoop en koop voor rekening van respectievelijk verkoper en koper. De gemaakte dierenartskosten blijven voor rekening van de koper. De schade blijft beperkt tot maximaal het bedrag van de koopsom. Verkoper en de organisatie kunnen nimmer aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor gevolgschade. 26. Elke bieder wordt door het doen van een bieding geacht kennisgenomen te hebben van de veilingvoorwaarden en deze te hebben geaccepteerd. Het bieden is voldoende om kennis van de voorwaarden aanwezig te achten.

1. These general terms and conditions applies for every agreement made through this sale. 2. On this auction, sale conditions Dutch law applies. 3. The sale will take place by increasing bids. The prices include VAT over the animal but does include VAT over the sale commission, and excludes the transport, commission and insurance costs. 4. The purchase is subject to a buyer’s commission of 10% (excl. VAT) 5. The Eurogenes Summer Sale is managed by Diamond Genetics B.V., this party is being named as the sale organisation. 6. The side of the animals that are selling is named as the seller, the side that is buying is named as the buyer. 7. The sales organisation in all cases is an intermediatory in accomplishing an agreement between seller and buyer. 8. Bids will be taken in Euros. 9. Every bidder is bound to his bid until a higher bid has been taken. 10. The sale agreement is final on the fall of the auctioneers hammer. 11. Bid numbers can be obtained before and during the sale from the sales management team. Please use bid numbers at all times to assist sale organisation. 12. In the event that the auctioneer makes a mistake, he has the right to correct that mistake and reopen the bidding. 13. The sale organisation can arrange transport and export at the cost of the buyer. 14. Buyers of animals that wish to export the animals outside the Netherlands must inform the sales organisation immediately after the sale. The export can be organised by Diamond Genetics, with all risks associated to the purchase remaining the responsibility of the buyer. 15. All animals are certified lepto free and have been tested negative for IBR and BVD. 16. Animals that are sold in-calf will be stated within the sale update. Complaints on this subject (and other subjects) have to be lodged with the sale organisation within four weeks after the auction date, along with a veterinary declaration. All the costs are for the buyer. The seller and the organisation can never held be responsible. 17. Dutch buyers make use of rembours incasso for payment of their purchase. The ownership of the animal stays with the seller until the complete monies of the purchase price, sales commission and transport are within the bank account of the sales organisation. 18. When the buyer does not fullfil all buyers’ conditions, all legal costs will be at the expense of the buyer. 19. Buyers of first choice heifers shall pay a deposit of 25% of the sales price along with the complete auction commission immediately at the end of the auction sale. The buyer will make his choice of calf on or before three months of age. At this point the remaining 75% of the sales price has to be paid to the sales organisation. In the event of no heifer calves being born, the seller is allowed to suggest in close consultation with the buyer a replacement heifer calf. If no agreement can be made between the seller and buyer the 25% deposit will be refunded. 20. Great care has been taken to obtain correct sale information, however the organisation can never be held responsible or accountable for mistakes within the catalogue. 21. The sale organisation cannot be held responsible or accountable for any visible or non visible defects related to the sold animal or delivered animal no matter the size or scale of the defects. 22. The sale organisation can not be held responsible or accountable for any damage to any persons or possessions that are connected to the sale. 23. The sales organisation cannot be held responsible or accountable for any contracts offered with a sale animal, the responsibility is with the organisation offering the contract. 24. All animals have been inspected by an official Veterinarian and declared in good health 25. If the case of a purchase being cancelled due to visible or non visible defects, the sale costs remain the responsibility of the seller and buyer. The veterinary costs remain the property of the buyer, the maximum damage is the amount of the purchase price. Seller and organisation can never be held responsible for secondary damage. 26. Every bidder is held to conform to the auction sale conditions. The act of bidding implicates knowledge and acceptance of these conditions.


Huyben Cosmo Yorick

“Wij hebben behoefte aan een accountant die samen met ons aan onze toekomst werkt.”

Toekomstvisie voor uw bedrijfsontwikkeling Als ondernemer in de agrarische sector heeft u kennis en inzicht nodig om uw bedrijf toekomstbestendig te houden. Een goed beeld van uw bedrijf, uw mogelijkheden én de kansen voor de sector is daarbij essentieel. Flynth werkt volgens de filosofie kennis zaaien om perspectief te oogsten. Onze adviseurs kennen de melkvee­ houderij als geen ander en ondersteunen u met helder advies, toegespitst op uw persoonlijke aanpak en uw bedrijfsontwikkeling. Elke dag opnieuw.

Bel één van onze Flynth-kantoren in de regio Zwolle: Dalfsen (0529) 43 40 40, Deventer (0570) 63 83 83, Raalte (0572) 32 82 00 of Zwolle (038) 426 25 00 of kijk op

Ondernemen inspireert.

ACTIE 40 + 10 * 40 rietjes + 10 GRATIS * * Keuze uit de 6 onderstaande topstieren * * In alle combinaties mogelijk (Bestelling in tientallen) * Farnear-TBR-BH


(Observer x Goldwyn x Shottle x Barbie familie) +1422M +0.10%V +0.10%E PL +7.3 SCS 2.56 / DPR +1.4 / PTAT +2.87 / GTPI +2470

Eén van de hoogst beschikbare stieren #1 Observer-zoon

Hood MOM


(Freddie x Goldwyn x Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN) +1471M +0.02%V +0.05%E PL +5.1 SCS 2.76 / DPR +1.8 / PTAT +2.75 / GTPI +2383

(Superstition x Toystory x Ronelee Outside Dabble) +1759M -0.09%V +0.04%E PL +5.0 SCS 2.69 / DPR +1.4 / PTAT +2.67 / GTPI +2277

Eén van de hoogste Freddie-zonen Wereldwijd Super complete vererver



(Man-O-Man x Baxter x Shottle x Lead Mae familie) +1455M +0.10%V +0.08%E PL +4.9 SCS 2.79 / DPR +0.3 / PTAT +2.01 / GTPI +2279

De #4 GLPI Man-O-Man zoon in Canada Melk & EIWIT!!

Genervations LATIMER


(Atwood x Shottle x Champion x Barbie familie) +835M +0.18%V +0.01%E SCS 2.78 Uier +3.0 / Benen +3.56 / Frame +4.49 / PTAT +4.30

Eén van de hoogste EXTERIEUR stieren +21 EXTERIEUR in Canada


AI Total sperma is te bestellen via de regionale KI-clubs of via: Tel. 038 4604311 Email.

Outcross afstamming Allround topper uit 4 generaties excellent


(Planet x Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1.) +1610M +0.10%V +0.05%E PL +4.4 SCS 2.88 / DPR -0.6 / PTAT +3.18 / GTPI +2329

TOP Planet-zoon Melk, Eiwit & Super Exterieur



-- © Eurogenes

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