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LIBRAMONT 12 APRIL EUROPEAN MASTERS SALE 2019 Friday, 12. April | 19:30 PM | Libramont, Belgium (in the show ring) During the European Show ‘19


AGH Fitz



2nd Swiss Expo ‘19 & 2nd Montichiari ‘19

© Guillaume Moy




ear breeders,

We are very proud to present you the catalogue for the 1st European Masters Sale - which will be held on Friday, the 12th of April in Libramont. The city which will be the centre of the Global Holstein breed during these days! The greatest cows from the breed will compete with each other in the Libramont Show ring on the 12th and 13th of April - the European Masters Sale will be held on the Friday-night in the same show ring right after the R&W show. We would like to thank all breeders from all around the World which decided to sell their very best genetics in the European Masters Sale. The incredible consignements resulted in one of the greatest sale catalogues ever on a European Sale. The sale offers something for everybody, multiple lots offered from cows which shined on the coloured shavings on the highest level, with direct opportunities selling out of cows like the previous European Champion Galys-Vray EX-94-CH, the World Dairy Expo R&W Champions Strans-Jen-D Tequila Red EX-96-USA, Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA, KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA, a direct daughter of the Supreme Champion of Madison ‘17 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA and direct daughters of Du Bon Vent Inkapi EX-93-IT, Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA, Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA, PEAK Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-USA and more! Also for the people who are looking for the best index lots, the European Masters Sale is the place to be, some top charting females are selling which will be a great addition to any breeding program and which can stamp their influance on the breed through their future daughters and sons. Some of the breeds highest females are selling, like the #2 Net Merit heifer in Europe (NM $ 1032), the highest NM heifer ever to be sold in Europe, a Top 5 R&W female in Europe for PTAT & Conformation, the #1 RED CARRIER PTAT Female in Europe, the #1 R&W Conformation heifer in Europe, the #3 GTPI Redrock in Europe with GTPI +2838 and 163 RZG, the #1 RZG Casino daughter with RZG 166, the #4 PTAT heifer in Europe, the #1 Red Carrier Conformation heifer in the WORLD, a Top 5 R&W PTAT female in Europe, the #4 PTAT Red Carrier heifer in Europe, a Top 10 GTPI & Top 10 NM heifer of the March run, the #1 PTAT High Octane daughter in Europe and multiple heifers with unique combinations between fitness, production and high type! We like to thank the organisation of the European Show for giving us the opportunity to organise the sale during this great event. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday, April the 12th during the European Masters Sale. Best regards, The European Masters Sale team


her éleveurs,

Avec fierté on vous présente le catalogue de la première édition du European Master Sale, qui se déroulera le vendredi 12 Avril 2019 à Libramont. Pendant ces jours, cette ville fera le centre mondiale de la race Holstein ! Les meilleures vaches de la race seront en compétition l’une à l’autre dans le ring de concours à Libramont le 12 et 13 avril – Le European Master Sale se déroulera vendredi soir dans le même ring, après le concours des Holstein Rouges . On aimerait bien remercier tous les éleveurs, venant du monde entier, qui ont décidé de vendre leurs meilleurs génétiques au European Master Sale. Les consignations incroyables ont abouti à l’un des plus grands catalogues jamais à une vente Européenne. La vente offrira quelque chose pour tout le monde. Plusieurs lots consistent des descendantes des vaches qui ont brillées aux sciures colorées au plus haut niveau, des descendantes directes des vaches comme la dernière championne Européenne Galys-Vray EX-94-CH, la championne Rouge de World Dairy Expo Strans-Jen-D Tequila Red EX-96-USA, Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA, KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA, une fille directe de la Championne Suprême de Madison ’17 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA et des filles directes de Du Bon Vent Inkapi EX-93-IT, Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA, Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA, PEAK Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK et plus ! Aussi pour les acheteurs des lot haut en index, le European Master Sale est l’endroit pour être ! Certaines femelles en tête de liste seront vendues et elles vont faire un excellent ajout de toute programme d’élevage et elles vont marquer leur influence sur la race à travers leurs futurs filles et fils ! Quelques-unes des plus hautes de la race seront à vendre, comme la #2 Net Merit en Europe (NM $1032), la génisse la plus haute en NM jamais vendue en Europe, une génisse top 5 Européenne Rouge en PTAT et conformation, la facteur rouge #1 PTAT d’Europe, la #1 Conformation Rouge d’Europe, la #3 GTPI Redrock d’Europe avec GTPI +2838 et 163 RZG, la #1 RZG fille de Casino avec 166 RZG, la #4 GTPI d’Europe, la #1 Facteur Rouge en conformation du Monde, une top 5 PTAT Rouge d’Europe, la #4 PTAT Facteur Rouge d’Europe, une Top 10 GTPI et Top 10 NM de l’indexation de mars, la #1 High Octane d’Europe et des multiples génisses aux combinaisons uniques entre production type et caractères secondaires ! On aimerait bien remercier l’organisation de la Confrontation Européenne pour l’occasion d’organiser la vente pendant cette super évènement ! Nous avons hâte de vous voir tous le vendredi 12 Avril pendant le European Master Sale. Meilleures salutations, L’équipe du European Master Sale





ADDRESS LIBRAMONT FAIR | Rue des Aubépines, 50 | BE-6800 Libramont, Belgium The EUROPEAN MASTERS SALE booth and animal line-up can be found in Hall 3 of the Exhibition Area.

PROGRAM Thursday, 11. April 2019 Open Farm Days More info @ Friday, 12. April 2019

10:00 - 13:00 Clipping contest for young breeders 14:00 - 15:00 Opening Ceremony European Show ‘19 15:00 - 18:00 R&W Holstein Show (individual & country competition)

19:30 Saturday, 13. April 2019

European Masters Sale




09:00 - 12:00 Showmanship of Young breeders & championship 14:00 - 18:00 B&W Holstein Show (individual & country competition) 20:00 The Night of the Breeders


Ivo Hulsbosch Nici Nosbisch Arjan v.d. Vlis Jan de Vries Jan Postma Emma Scholten Torben Melbaum Markus Mock Martin Rasmussen Tom Elsen Angelo Pozzatti Giuseppe Beltramino Vki Singh Alberto Medina Jan v.d. Oord Louis Jacquin Rupert Wenger Markus Hirschhuber Agnieszka Jonczyk Mark Lee Richard Bostock Andy Cope Hendrik Albada Sebastien Dion Declan Patten Gareth O’Brien

+32 (0)496614477 +49 (0)1714368388 +31 (0)6 43985150 +31 (0)6 26250502 +31 (0)6 42778550 +31 (0)6 52897333 +49 (0)17661303019 +49 (0) 1703151251 +45 (0)28998625 +352 621246498 +39 (0)3356776396 +39 (0)3407610224 +39 (0) 334 303 7095 +34 669 35 92 79 +33 (0)679961625 +33 (0)683803325 +43 6769712913 +43 (0)6765488579 +48 514281060 +44 (0)7980924179 +44 (0)7989219686 +44 7778 056327 +1 240 5201566 +1 5193200656 +61499 949 292 +353(085)1539046

Pedigrees Mark Lee & Frederic Lepoint Aucioneer Nici Nosbisch Ringmen

Henrik Wille (DE), Sebastien Dion (CAN), Hendrik Albada (NL) Torben Melbaum (DE), Isaac Lancaster (UK)

Barn Team Fitting Crew

Torben Melbaum & Team Alberto Medina, Rupert Wenger, Mattia Motta





TRANSPORT - EXPORT Export - Transport The sale takes place in Article 9 area, export of the sale heifers can take place right after the sale (on Sunday, 14. April) to countries with the same or lower article code. Export to countries in Article 10 area need to be in quarantaine first. The sale will coördinate the paperwork which is necesary to export your heifers. Transport possibilities are: - Bring your own trailer - Check with the country team to export after the sale with show cows - Transport through the organisation More info about export & prices for transport: / Pour plus d’info concernant exportation & prix de transportation : Ivo Hulsbosch - +32 (0)496614477 - Nici Nosbisch - +49 (0)1714368388 - Quarantaine In case heifers need a quarantaine pre-export to the final destination, the sale organisation have a quarantaine barn available for € 3,50 / day Absentee lots Some lots are selling in absentee, the lots which are selling in absentee can be found in the sale update, along with their location. These lots will qualify to export to all European countries, unless stated differently in the sale update. The sale organisation will help the buyers to assist in the export to the final destination if requested.

La vente a lieu dans une zone sous Article 9, exportation des animaux de la vente peut être faite le dimanche 14 avril. Les animaux peuvent être exportés directement vers des pays qui ont un statut inférieure ou égale. Exportation vers des pays qui sont en zone d’article 10 ont besoin d’une quarantaine avant départ. L’organisation de la vente se chargera de coordonner l’administratif de l’exportation. Possibilités de transport sont : Quarantaine Dans le cas les animaux ont besoin d’une période de quarantaine avant exportation vers leur destination finale, l’organisation de la vente a une étable de quarantaine à disposition pour 3.5€/jour Lots vendus en absence Quelques lot vont être vendus en absence. Let lots qui seront vendus en absence, seront marqués dans les mises à jour de la vente, avec leur localisation. Ces lots qualifient pour l’exportation vers tous les pays Européen, si ce n’est pas marqué différemment dans les mises à jour. L’organisation de la vente assistera les acheteurs dans l’exportation vers la destination finale, si demandé.

SALE UPDATE & NEWS The sale update will be online on sale day through: WWW.EUROPEANMASTERSSALE.COM / Les mises à jour seront online le jour de la vente sur WWW.EUROPEANMASTERSSALE.COM The printed version of the sale update is available at the sale booth / La version imprimée des mises à jour sera disponible au stand de la vente.

ONLINE BIDDING For interested people who can not be present at the sale live, there is the option to follow the sale live and bid online through the online bidding website:



EUROPEAN Consignor

Crescentmead DB

BE 920461824 D.O.B. 05.06.2018 Bart Staels - Tel. +32 (0)471927279 - Email.








Sister to dam: Miss Hot Mama-Red EX-92-USA

Dam: Miss Real Hot-Red EX-92-USA

2. D: Starmark AD Hotstuff-Red EX-94-USA

Mr D Apple DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent *RC x Regiment-Red)


Miss Real Hot-Red EX-92-USA

Starmark AD Hotstuff-Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

Conf. EX-92-USA 2.02 365d 10.841kgM 4.8% 525F 3.3% 359P • 3rd 5yr. Old Class World Dairy Expo ‘15 • Nominated Jr. AA R&W 4yr. Old 2014 • Sister to Miss Hot Mama-Red EX-92-USA & Miss Hot Tamale-Red VG-88-USA

The best for R&W!! • Direct dtr of REAL HOT - Grand dtr of HOTSTUFF! • From 10 generations EXCELLENT in a row • Going back on the 2x Queen of the Breed: ROXY • Incredible heifer, dtr of DIAMONDBACK which is making a huge impression now with milking dtrs • One of the greatest pedigrees you can find for R&W

3.04 305d 10.415kgM 4.5% 472F 3.4% 351P 5.00 305d 12.864kgM 5.6% 714F 2.9% 369P • Reserve Grand Champion WDE 2012 • Senior & Grand Champion New York Spring Show ‘13 • Dam of Miss Hot Mama-Red EX-92-USA: - 1st Milking Fall Yearling, WDE 2015, 2nd Milking Fall Yearling, RWF BW 2015 & Res Grand, Le Supreme Laitier 2015 • Dam of Miss Hot Tamale-Red VG-88-USA: - Res. Jr Champ, Spring Dairy Expo R&W Jr Show 2014

Das BESTE für ROT!! • Direkte Tochter von REAL HOT – Enkelin von HOTSTUFF! • Aus 10 Generationen EX in Folge! • Geht zurück auf die 2 x Königin der Rasse: ROXY • Fantastisches Kalb, Tochter von Diamondback, dessen melkende Töchter die Schauringe dominieren • Ein traumhaftes Pedigree für Rotbuntfans!

KHW Kite ADVENT-RED Scientific SS Hottie-Red EX-93-USA 2E Conf. EX-93-USA 2E 2.05 305d 11.095kgM 4.7% 523F 3.5% 390P 4.09 305d 12.801kgM 4.4% 565F 3.4% 436P 7.09 305d 11.598kgM 4.6% 529F 3.1% 354P • s. Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM NEXT DAMS 4e Scientific Raes Hope-Red EX-92-USA 5e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM 6e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 9e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 11e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Le meilleur en ROUGE!! • Fille directe de REAL HOT – 2e mère HOTSTUFF • 10 générations EX de suite • Remonte 2X à Roxy, la Reine de la race • Génisse remarquable, fille de Diamondback, taureau qui impressionne beaucoup avec ses filles en lait ! • L’un des plus grands pedigrees ROUGES que vous pouvez trouver ! Consignor


Apple Pie RED







DE 0770753654 D.O.B. 03.11.2018 Philipp Rüben - Tel. +49 (0)157 57337249 - Email.

03/19 SCE 2.71 // DPR +0.7 // SCE 8.1 // Rump Angle +0.01 // UDC +3.21 // FLC +2.45 // PTAT +3.29 03/19 (DGV) DS +2 // Rump +2 // F&L +14 // MS +16 / Conf. +15

Top 10 R&W PTAT Female in Europe!! // Super complete index!! // HUGE udder index & sloped rumps!

2. D: Ms Apple Atarah VG-86-USA

Dam: Milksource Byway Affection *RC VG-87-USA 2yr. Top 10 Jr. 2-yr. Old Royal Winter Fair 2018

3. D: KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

Riverdown UNSTOPABULL-RED (Avalanche *RC x Applejack Red x Niagra) incl. ETN

Oh-River-Syc BYWAY

Milksource Byway Affection VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr.

Ms Apple Atarah VG-86-USA Conf. VG-86-USA

See sale update • 8th Junior 2yr. Old Royal Winter Fair 2018 • Dam to Mr Affection ANALYST-RED (+3.82 PTAT) • Sold for $23,500 @ Milksource Select Sale 2017

1.10 217d 7.545kgM 3.8% 286F 3.1% 235P • Nominated All-American Milking Yrlng 2016 • 6th in Milking Yearling Class World Dairy Expo ‘16 • Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2016 • 4th in Milking Yearling Class Royal Winter Fair ‘16

Maple-Downs-I GW ATWOOD KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • The One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Colver-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM x EX-94 x EX-96 x EX-90 x EX-90

First R&W Unstopabull in Europe! • Believed to be the first R&W Unstopabull in Europe! • Top 10 R&W PTAT heifer in Europe • One of the highest R&W udder heifers in the breed • Super complete index with + DPR, easy calving index, >800 Milk, sloped rumps and huge type! • Dam is an incredible young cow with a great future • Full sister to Mr Affection ANALYST-RED (+3.82 PTAT)

Die ERSTE Unstopabull in Europa! • Hier wird die allererste Unstopabull in Europa verkauft! • Top 5 ROTES PTAT Rind in Europa • Super kompletter Index mit + DPR, leichtkalbigkeit, >800 für Milch, leicht abfallenden Becken und hohem Typ! • Die Mutter ist eine fantastische junge Kuh mit großer Zukunft! • Vollschwester zu Mr Affection ANALYST-RED (+3.82)

Première Unstopabull ROUGE en EU • On croit que c’est la première UNSTOPABULL Rouge en Europe! • Génisse top 5 PTAT Rouge en Europe! • Index super complète + DPR, index vêlage facile, >800 lait, croupe fuyante et top type! • Mère est une incroyable jeune vache avec un super avenir! • Pleine sœur de Mr Affection ANALYST-RED +3.82 Consignor

Mox Jordy

Attitude Pp RED *

DE 0817112662 D.O.B. 04.10.2018 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1703 151251 - Email.

03/19 FUA +3.94 // RUW +3.58 // RUH +3.89 // UDC +3.15 // FLC +1.82 // PTAT +3.07 02/19 (DGV) Rump +6 // DS +9 // F&L +12 // Mammary System +17 // Conf. +17







#1 R&W Conformation heifer in Europe: DGV-Conf. +17!!

Mox Jordy Attitude | She sells!

Dam: WWS Apples Aya-Red P VG-89-DE 3yr.

3. D. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)


WWS Apples Aya-Red P VG-89-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr.

Ms Apples Abigail *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA

La2 305d 11.300kgM 4.5% 503F 3.4% 389P (proj) • Great YOUNG cow with a big future in front of her! • Scored VG-89-DE with EX-MS a 3yr. Old! • Grand dtr of the One Million Dollar Cow!!

La1 305d 11.940kgM 4.6% 584F 3.5% 414P • Maternal sister to Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA - HM. Grand Champion Madison & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘13• • • Sister to Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red, Armani *RC and many more!

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 5.03 365d 13.975kgM 5.0% 693F 3.9% 550P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 3.6% 3.882P • The One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 NEXT DAMS

4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Colver-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM x EX-94 x EX-96 x EX-90 x EX-90

#1 R&W & POLLED Type heifer! • The #1 R&W and POLLED heifer sells for Conformation: +17 (DGV) in Canada!! • Great line of the APPLE cow family • This heifer is an incredible show heifer! • Grand dam is a maternal sister to Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN & more!

#1 ROT & HORNLOSES TYP Rind! • Das #1 ROTE & HORNLOSE Typrind für Conformation wird verkuft! +17 (DGV) in Kanada! • Toller Zweig der Apple Dynastie! • Unglaublich gutes Schaukalb! • Großmutter ist die Halbschwester zu Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicous Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAn & mehr!

Génisse de type #1 ROUGE et Pp! • Génisse ROUGE et POLLED #1 en conformation : +17 (DGV) en Canada! • Belle lignée de la famille Apple! • Une génisse de show formidable! • Grand-mère est la sœur maternelle de Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN et plus! Consignor









FR 3526107889 D.O.B. 08.06.2018 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email.

2. D. Holywell Lyster Polly EX-94-CAN 7*

Dam. Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93-CAN 6yr.

Dam. Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93-CAN 6yr.

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93-CAN 6yr.

Holywell Lyster Polly EX-94-CAN 7* Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS

Conf. EX-93-CAN EX-92-MS 6yr. 3.09 365d 12.985kgM 4.2% 545F 3.6% 462P 5.11 195d 9.146kgM 4.1% 378F 3.2% 288P • Nominated All-Canadian 5yr. Old 2016 • HM. Grand Champion Quebec Spring 2017 • 1st in her section Royal Winter Fair 2016 • Grand Champion Kamouraska 2015 • Res. Grand Champion Chasse 2015

2.04 365d 12.537kgM 3.8% 477F 33% 412P 3.10 365d 16.421kgM 4.1% 681F 3.3% 544P 6.04 365d 16.137kgM 3.6% 578F 3.0% 485P • 2 EX and 11 VG dtr in Canada! • Nominated All-Quebec Mature Cow 2009 • Nominated All-Canadian Sr. 3yr. Old 2006 • 2nd Mature Cow Montmagny Show 2009 • 1st Mature Cow Bedford Show 2010 • 2nd Mature Cow Bedford Show 2009 • 3rd 4yr. Old Class Quebec Spring Show 2007

Tcet LYSTER Westavi Progress Polly VG-88-CAN 2* Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-88-MS 3.05 365d 10.840kgM 3.8% 417F 3.3% 361P 4.09 365d 12.571kgM 4.0% 507F 3.3% 411P • s. Duncan Progress • 3rd in her section 1yr. Old Dufferin 2000

NEXT DAMS 4e Miss Paula VG-88-USA 5e Staffordshire Glendell Petunia VG-86-USA 6e Staffordshire Magic Petite EX-91-USA 3E 7e Staffordshire Prophet Pearsan EX-91-USA 2E

Dtr of GOLDWYN PAULA EX-93 • Great DOORMAN heifer from the Grand Champion Kamouraska 2015: Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93-CAN • Family with several All-Americans & All-Canadians • Grand dam has 11 VG and 2 EX daughters in Canada till date • Deep American cow family from origin!

Tochter aus GOLDWYN PAULA EX-93 • Tolles DOORMAN Rind aus dem Grand Champion Kamouraska 2015: Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93 • Familie mit vielen All-American & All-Canadian Nominierungen! • Großmutter hat bislang 11 VG und 2 EX Töchter in Kanada • Tiefe US-Kuhfamilie!

Fille de GOLDWYN PAULA EX-93 • Superbe DOORMAN de la Grande Championne Kamouraska ‘15 : Holsbec Goldwyn Paula EX-93 • Famille avec plusieurs nominations All-American et All-Canadian • Grand-mère compte à ce jour 11 filles VG et 2 filles EX • Profonde famille de vache avec des origines Américaines !

AGH Fitz

Lola VG-86-IT 2yr.






LIBR Consignor

FR 2255512078 D.O.B. 04.11.2016 Bel Holstein (Beltramino) - Tel. +39 340 761 0224 - Email.

Prod. SHOW

1.11 47d 1.476kgM 4.1% 61F 3.2% 47P 2nd Milking Yearling Swiss Expo (Lausanne) 2019 2nd Junior 2yr. Old International Show Montichiari 2019

Among the greatest Young Cows in Europe! // SELECTED for the European Show Libramont - Team Italy

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN Full sister to grand dam

AGH Fitz Lola VG-86-IT - 2nd @ Swiss Expo 2019 | She sells!

Toc-Farm FITZ (Doorman x Snowman x Goldwyn)

Braedale GOLDWYN

AGH Goldwyn Lila EX-90-IT

Lylehaven Durham Laurel EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-MS 1* 2E

Conf. EX-90-IT 2.02 305d 10.280kgM 3.5% 359F 3.0% 306P 3.05 269d 12.144kgM 3.6% 442F 2.8% 342P • 1st place Swiss Expo 2019 • 2nd place Italian National Show Cremona 2018 • 4th generation EXCELLENT in a row

2.11 305d 11.010kgM 3.6% 392F 3.2% 351P 4.02 305d 12.824kgM 3.8% 487F 3.2% 409P 5.09 305d 15.763kgM 3.5% 545F 3.0% 472P 7.06 305d 15.757kgM 3.9% 617F 3.0% 465P • Full sister to Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA, sold for $1,150,000 • 4 EX and 5 VG daughters till date!

Dam. AGH Lila EX-90-IT

Regancrest Elton DURHAM Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA DOM GMD Conf. EX-94-USA DOM GMD 8* 3E 2.00 305d 12.274kgM 3.8% 470F 3.0% 367P 2.11 305d 13.776kgM 3.7% 514F 2.8% 391P 4.02 305d 13.172kgM 3.8% 507F 3.0% 391P 6.02 305d 13.898kgM 4.2% 577F 3.0% 415P 8.08 305d 15.440kgM 3.8% 590F 3.0% 468P • Dam to Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA • HM. All-American 4yr. Old 2003 • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2002 NEXT DAMS 4e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 5E 5e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN

Start your European dream! • Start YOUR European dream with one of the greatest young cows in Europe right now! • AGH Fitz Lola was already 2nd at the Swiss Expo in Lausanne & International Show in Montichicari • Her dam was 1st at the Swiss Expo 2019 • Along with a GREAT pedigree • Grand dam is the full sister to LILA Z EX-94!!

Ein EUROPÄISCHER TRAUM • Ihr Ticket für die Europaschau! Eine der gefragtesten jungen Kühe Europas! • AGH Fitz Lila war bereits 2. in Lausanne auf der Swiss Expo und in Montichiari. • Ihre Mutter war 1. auf der Swiss Expo 2019 • Dazu ein fabelhaftes Pedigree • Großmutter ist die Vollschwester von LILA Z EX-94!

Vache de SHOW des Lila Z! • Commencez VOTRE rêve Européen avec une des meilleures jeunes vaches à l’instant en Europe! • AGH Fitz Lola était déjà 2ième à Swiss Expo & Show International de Montichiari! • Sa mère était 1ière à Swiss Expo ‘19 • Et en plus un pédigrée attrayant! • Grand-mère est la pleine sœur de LILA Z EX-94!! Consignor

HAM Delight








DE 0361097391 D.O.B. 17.11.2018 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Mayerlane Atwood Catamohnt EX-92-USA Full sister to dam

Dam: Atwood Lynx VG-88-NL 2yr.

Same family: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA

Car-J Brokasa DELIGHT (Defiant *RC x Atwood x Mac)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Krudikker Atwood Lynx VG-88-NL 2yr.

Lylehaven Damion Lynx EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

Conf. VG-88-NL 2yr. 2.04 305d 8.927kgM 4.6% 411F 3.5% 312P 4.02 354d 13.257kgM 4.5% 592F 3.6% 481P • 2nd place NRM 2014 • Her Gold Chip dtr was 2yr. Old Champion at Veekeuring Fryslân, Oenkerk 2017 • Full sister to Mayerlane Atwood Catamohnt EX-92-USA

2.01 365d 9.232kgM 4.4% 406F 3.4% 317P 3.02 358d 12.937kgM 4.5% 582F 3.5% 450P 4.04 365d 17.139kgM 5.1% 872F 3.2% 548P • 5th North Easter Fall National Jr. 2yr. Old ‘08 • Maternal sister to Lylehaven Formation Laura EX-94-USA & Lylehaven Durham Lassie EX-94-USA

Erbacres DAMION Thiersant Lily Starbuck EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 3.11 338d 11.954kgM 4.5% 543F 3.3% 390P 5.00 358d 13.694kgM 4.6% 629F 3.2% 444P 9.11 365d 14.021kgM 4.5% 628F 3.3% 464P 14.02 365d 11.236kgM 4.7% 531F 3.4% 381P • s. Hanoverhill STARBUCK • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2002 • HM. All-American 4yr. Old 2003 • Dam to Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA, the dam of Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN

The LYNX family! • Fancy Delight dtr of Atwood Lynx VG-88-NL second in her section at the National NRM Show (Dutch National Show) 2014! • Same family as Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA - sold for 1,15 million dollars, All-Canadian and a successful show cow! • Dam is full sister to Mayerlane Atwood Catmohnt EX-92-USA!!

Die LYNX Familie! • Aufregende Delight aus Atwood Lynx VG-88-NL – 2. in ihrer Klasse auf der holländischen Nationalschau NRM 2014! • Gleiche Familie wie Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA – verkauft für 1.15 Milionen Dollar, All-Canadian und erfolgreiche Schau - & Zuchtkuh! • Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zu Mayerlande Atwood Catmohnt EX-92-USA!

La famille LYNX! • Chouette Delight de Atwood Lynx TB-88-NL – 2ième de section au Show National NRM (des Pays-Bas) 2014! • Même famille que Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA – vendue pour 1.15 millions dollars, All-Canadian et vache de show couronnée! • Mère est la pleine sœur de Mayerlane Atwood Catmohnt EX-92-USA! Consignor

Agrilat Unix Little








DE 0360940292 D.O.B. 14.09.2018 Höven Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 4588469 - Email.

Sister: Agrilat Golddust Loreen - Reserve Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017

D. Agrilat Meridian Lil Kim VG-89-IT EX-MS 3yr.

D. Agrilat Meridian Lil Kim VG-89-IT EX-MS

Croteau Lesperron UNIX (Numero Uno x Domain x Goldwyn)


Agrilat Meridian Lil Kim VG-89-IT 3yr.

Agrilat Atwood Lapdancer-ET VG-89-IT Conf. VG-89-IT

Conf. VG-89-IT EX-MS 3yr. 2.03 305d 11.045kgM 4.2% 468F 3.2% 353P 3.06 305d 14.896kgM 4.2% 625F 2.9% 434P • Dam to Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2017 & Res. Jr. Champion Cremona 2016: Agrilat Golddust Loreen • Former top 10 PTAT Meridian in Europe

2.03 305d 10.295kgM 3.6% 365F 3.0% 310P 4.05 305d 12.663kgM 4.0% 505F 3.2% 408P • Close family to Delaberge PEPPER @ Genervations

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD Rinetta Stormatic Lucille-ET EX-90-IT Conf. EX-90-IT 2.00 305d 8.335kgM 3.7% 311F 3.3% 271P 3.07 305d 13.461kgM 3.5% 464F 3.3% 442P • s. Comestar STORMATIC • Sister to Delaberge SHOCKER @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN 2E 5* 5e Bryhill Rudolph Lulu VG-87-CAN 21* 6e Bryhill Lindy Lilly VG-85-CAN 14* 7e Templedale Leola Starbuck VG-85-CAN 11* 8e Templedale Raquel D GP-CAN 2yr. 9e Templedale Raquel VG-87-CAN 6*

TYPE source of the Lucille’s • Great opportunity to buy a sister to the Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2017: Agrilat Golddust Loreen • Great TYPE source: Lil Kim was the former Top 10 PTAT Meridian in Europe! • Deep Canadian cow family with 7 generations VG or EXCELLENT dams! • Goes back on the Canadian Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN family

Typquelle aus den Lucille´s • Großartige Möglichkeit eine Schwester zum Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo ´17 zu ersteigern: Agrilat Golddust Loreen • Tolle Exterieurquelle: Lil Kim war eine Top 10 PTAT Meridian Tochter • Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie mit 7. Exzellent oder VG eingestuften Müttern • Geht zurück auf die kanadische Kuhfamilie von Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN

Source de Type des Lucilles • Belle opportunité d’acheter une sœur de la Championne Réserve Junior Swiss Expo 2017 : Agrilat Golddust Loreen • Grande source de morphologie : Lil Kim est une ancienne top 10 PTAT Meridian de l’Europe • Profonde famille Canadienne avec 7 générations TB ou EX • Remonte à la famille Canadienne de Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN


Combination Production

4 Female


Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins- Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. 4 x FEMALE Oh-River-Syc CRUSHABUL x JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL 2yr. ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location: The Netherlands







Dam: JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL

Full sister to Gold Chip Darling 2: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-95-CH - Supreme Champion Swiss Expo 2017 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2018

FEMALE Oh-River-Syc CRUSHABUL (Crush x Mogul x Meridian)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL 2yr.

JK Eder DG Gold Chip Darling 2 EX-90-NL 4yr. Conf. EX-90-NL 4yr.

Conf. VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.02 142d 3.721kgM 4.3% 161F 3.7% 137P • Lovely Doorman dtr from the incredible DARLING! • Full cousin to DARLINGO @ Masterrind • Out of the great Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 family!!

2. D. JK Eder DG Gold Chip Darling 2 EX-90-NL

2.01 339d 8.401kgM 3.6% 302F 3.3% 277P 4.00 305d 10.362kgM 3.8% 398F 3.2% 329P • Champion 2-Yr. Old Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt ‘14 • Full sister to DH Gold Chip Darling - Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ‘17 • Incredible milking sisters in different countries • 4th dam is the full sister to the legendary DURHAM

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP Darling VG-89-NL Conf. VG-89-NL 2.05 305d 9.810kgM 4.3% 420F 3.3% 325P 4.05 305d 11.554kgM 4.4% 504F 3.2% 370P • s. Regancrest-Mr Drham SAM • 1st in her class and 3rd in the Championship at Hamm 2008 • Dam to DH Gold Chip Darling - HM Grand Swiss Expo and Expo Bull 2016 NEXT DAMS 4e Meadows-LLC BWM Dancia VG-88-USA 5e Regancrest Jolt Diantha VG-87-USA 1st La. GMD DOM 6e Regancrest Elton Dream VG-86-USA 1st La. GMD DOM 7e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM

Embryos from the Darling’s!!! • FEMALE embryos from the DARLING family • Her dam is the full sister to Darling EX-94-CH, Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ‘17 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle ‘18 • 8 generations EXCELLENT or VG-dams! • 6th dam is the full sister to the legendary bull DURHAM and maternal sister to DUNDEE

Embryonen aus den Darling´s! • WEIBLICHE Embryonen aus der DARLING Familie • Ihre Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zu Darling EX-94-CH, Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ´17 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle ´18! • 8. Generationen von EX oder VG Müttern! • 6. Mutter ist die Vollschwester des legendären Bullen DURHAM und Halbschwester von DUNDEE!

Embryons de la famille de Darling!!! • Embryons SEXES de la famille de DARLING • Grand-mère est la pleine sœur de Darling EX-95CH, Championne suprême Swiss Expo ’17 & Grande Championne Expo Bulle ‘18 • 8 générations EXCELLENTES ou TB!! • 6e mère est la pleine sœur du taureau légendaire DURHAM et sœur maternelle de DUNDEE Consignor



Vilma 7144

HUN 3316771444 D.O.B. Milkmen Ft. - Email.



































02/19 (DGV) +2316M +136F +104P // Conf. +9 // Herd Life 109 // LPI +3605

#2 NET MERIT heifer in Europe // #4 GTPI heifer in Europe!!

Milkmen Outlook @ Semex (Superman x Mogul x Vilma 4558)

Sister to 3rd dam: Vilma (s. Mogul) > dam to Milkmen Outlook @ Semex

Cookiecutter HUMBLENKIND (Modesty x Epic x Man-O-Man)


Milkmen Vilma 51408

Vilma 33507 GP-81-HU

In flush program - will be bred back after next flush

La1 305d 13.721kgM 3.6% 498F 3.1% 418P

4. M. Vilma (s. Planet)

Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Vilma 20491 GP-82-HU La1 305d 13.658kgM 3.8% 522F 3.2% 430P • s. De-Su FORK • Sister is dam to Milkmen Outlook @ Semex (s. Superman) - 12/18 GTPI +2513 / NM $ 774 • Sister is 2. dam to Milkmen Recipe @ Semex (s. Modesty) - 12/18 GTPI +2667 / PTAT +2.90

• The #2 GTPI Denver dtr World Wide (NM $ 946) • The #7 GTPI & #5 Net Merit cow in Europe (>2yr.) • She has 4 genomic tested Jedi dtrs which are all tesing > 80 lbs PROTEIN

NEXT DAMS 4e Vilma 4558 GP-81-HU (s. Ensenada Taboo Planet) 5e Vilma 0260 (s. Barbi-Lyn M Matches) 6e Vilma 6501 (s. Fustead Emory Blitz) 7e Vilma 5702 (s. Manat) 8e Vilma 1670 (s. Ralena Bullet) 9e Vilma 8163 (s. Adaz Bell) 10e Vilma 7744 (s. Profit) 11e Vilma 6394 (s. E-L-V Maple Laddie) 12e Vilma 4591 (s. Sunnyside Challenger Elevation)

Vilma 51408 as a calf

Start a new era with the VILMA’S • Put yourself in the driving seats, be the first in the World to work with this NEW FAMILY! • The Vilma’s are the best performing cow family on a large commercial farm (700 milking cows) in Hungary! • This is the #2 Net Merit heifer in Europe • Highest NM heifer ever to be sold in Europe • This is the #4 GTPI heifer in Europe • SUPER complete index!

Eine neue Ära mit den Vilma´s • Setzen Sie sich selbst an die Spitze des Spiels, sein Sie der erste, der diese neue Kuhfamilie entwickelt! Jede Station wird Bullen aus diesem Rind wollen! • Die Vilma´s sind die besten und produktivsten Kühe auf einem großen kommerziellen Betrieb ( 700 kühe) in Ungarn. • Das #4 GTPI Kalb in Europa!

Une nouvelle ère: la famille VILMA • Mettez-vous aux commandes, soyez le premier au Monde à travailler avec cette NOUVELLE FAMILLE ! • La famille de Vilma est la famille la plus perfor= mante d’une grande ferme commerciale (700 vaches laitières) en Hongrie ! • Elle est la génisse #2 Net Merit en Europe ! • La plus haute Net Merit jamais vendue en Europe ! • Elle est la génisse #4 GTPI en Europe Consignor


WD Holsteins Delta








NL 666236999 D.O.B. 04.11.2018 Henk van Rijswijk - Tel. +31 6 24925995 - Email. Milk




























01/19 (DGV) +1643 Milk +0.53%F +0.15%P // HL 105 // Fert. 108 // Milking Speed 108 // Mammary System +13 // Conf. +11 // LPI +3442

2. D. Shiloh USA Mogul 9017 EX-90-USA

Dam. Shiloh-USA Kingboy Calla VG-85-USA 2yr.

Sire: Mr Mogul DELTA - #4 GTPI dtr proven sire Not available in Europe!!

Mr Mogul DELTA 1427 (Mogul x Robust x Planet)

Morningvieuw Mcc KINGBOY

Shiloh-USA Kingboy Calla VG-85-USA 2yr.

Shiloh USA Mogul 9017 EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA

Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. La1 365d 13.408kgM 4.4% 585F 3.6% 483P

2.09 346d 15.608kgM 3.8% 587F 3.0% 469P

• Impressive PTAT cow: +3.13 PTAT with • Dam to the former #3 Flagship dtr in the breed! • Flagship dtr sold for $ 33,000 in the WI Convention Futures Sale 2017

Mountfield S-S-I DCY MOGUL Shiloh USA Gabor 6601 VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA VG-MS 1.10 306d 11.403kgM 4.1% 467F 3.1% 349P 2.09 346d 15.608kgM 3.8% 587F 3.0% 469P 3.10 305d 14.506kgM 3.9% 561F 3.0% 431P • s. Willow-Marsh-Cc GABOR

NEXT DAMS 4e Shiloh-USA Mac 5141 VG-85-USA

EXCLUSIVE! #2 Delta in Europe! • The #2 GTPI Delta dtr in Europe • 1 out of only 5 heifers in Europe which combine: >2780 GTPI with >3 UDC index!! • Very exclusive opportunity to buy a dtr of one of the greatest dtr proven sires ever: DELTA • Her sire DELTA is not available in Europe • Great combination between type, production and fitness traits!

EXKLUSIV! #2 Delta in Europa! • Die #2 GTPI Delta in Europa ist im Sale! • 1 von nur 5 Rindern in Europa mit der Kombination aus: >2780 GTPI mit >3 für Euter! • Ganz exklusive Möglichkeit eine Tochter, einer der besten Bullen aller Zeiten zu kaufen: DELTA! • Delta ist in Europa nicht verfügbar! • Tolle Kombination aus Exterieur, Leistung & Fitnesmerkmalen!

Exclusif! #2 Delta en Europe • Fille de Delta #2 GTPI en Europe • 1 des seulement 5 génisses en Europe combinant >2780 GTPI et > 3 UDC • Opportunité très exclusive d’acheter une fille d’un des meilleurs taureaux confirmés : Delta • Son père DELTA n’est pas disponible en Europe • Combinaison superbe entre morphologie, production


Combination Production

4 Female








Diamond Genetics & partners- Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. 4 Peak ALTADATELINE x Ms DG Delta Bridgett *RC VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. (MAX) Grade A - IVF Location: The Netherlands

Full sister: Ms DG-TM Delta Blake

Dam: MS DG Delta Bridgett *RC VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. (MAX)

FEMALE Peak ALTADATELINE (Hotline x Montross x Day) US 12/18 GTPI +2831 / PTAT +2.88 Ms DG Delta Bridgett *RC VG-89-USA La1 Conf. VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. (MAS) La1. 85d 4.144kgM 4.7%F 3.0%P • MAXIMUM scored cow in the USA!!! • #4 GTPI RED CARRIER cow in the USA (12/18) • Multiple sons in AI - dam to BRICHANCE RED (s. Chancelor) - GTPI +2676 • Multiple progeny in the top rankings for RED CARRIER • Full sister to BLAKE - Blake has many sons in AI, including Select Sires, her dtr topped the Nat’l Conv. Sale ‘17 for $ 105.000, she has now grsons >2900 GTPI and >1040 Net Merit!

Make RC Dateline’s from Bridgett! • FEMALE DATELINE embryos from the maximum scored BRIDGETT - VG-89-USA La1 - EX udder! • Bridgett is the #4 GTPI Red Carrier cow in the USA • Bridgett her Chancellor son is in AI and is one of the highest R&W bulls in the breed for GTPI! • Full sister to BLAKE - incredible source for NM! • Goes back on the All-American cow Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA!

Mr Mogul DELTA Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.859kgM 4.2% 582F 3.4% 471P • Sold for $ 265.000 • Many sons in AI!

4. D: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA

Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Rainyridge Super Beth *RC VG-86-CAN 2yr. 2* Conf. VG-86-CAN 2yr. 2* 2.03 365d 10.768kgM 3.7% 398F 3.5% 373P 4.06 365d 15.267kgM 3.9% 588F 3.5% 540P • s. Charlesdale SUPERSTITION • Top seller of the Rocky Mountain High Sale for $79.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA 2* 5e RF Outside Breeze EX-95-USA 2E 6e Rayverley Briana Milan EX-CAN 2E 7e Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* 8e Despics Tempo Diana VG-85-CAN .

Mache RF Datelines aus Bridgett! • WEIBLICHE Dateline Embryonen aus der maximal eingestuften BRIDGETT – VG-89-USA 1. La. - EX – EUTER!! • Bridgett ist die #4 GTPI Rotfaktor Kuh in den USA. • Bridgett ihr Chancellor Sohn steht in der Besamung und ist einer der höchsten roten Bullen der Rasse! • Vollschwester Blake – einmalige Zuchtkuh für NM! • Geht zurück auf die legendäre All-American Kuh Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA!

Faites une Dateline *RC de Bridget! • Embryons SEXES de DATELINE de BRIDGET VG-89-USA EX-SM 2A, score maximale!! • Bridget est la vache FR #4 GTPI aux USA • Fils de Bridget par Chancellor est en CIA et il est l’une des plus hauts taureaux ROUGES de la race en GTPI! • Pleine sœur de BLAKE – souche incroyable de NM! • Remonte à la All-American Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA Consignor

Mattenhof High Octane

CH 120143739932 D.O.B. Mattenhof Holsteins (Junker) - Tel. +41 (0)41 7944737



03/19 +421 Milk // UDC +2.50 // RUH +4.01 // FLC +2.17 // PTAT +3.62 01/19 (DGV) Rump +5 // Dairy Strength +13 // F&L +13 // Mammary System +10 / Conf. +14







#1 PTAT High Octane dtr in Europe / #3 in the World

Dam: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS |

A beauty from every angle!!

Stantons HIGH OCTANE (McCutchen x Observer x Shottle)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS

Corse-Vray EX-92-FR Conf. EX-92-FR

Conf. VG-87-FR VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.02 305d 8.763kgM 3.6% 319F 3.2% 284P 3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P 4.05 305d 11.989kgM 3.8% 459F 3.3% 399P • Grand Champion European Show Colmar 2016 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016 • Grand Champion Expo Bulle ‘15 & ‘16 • Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015 • Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014 • Jr. 2yr. Old Champion Space 2013 • Dam to SIRWOOD @ ST Jacobs ABC • Top PTAT cow: +3.25 PTAT (12/18)

#1 European High Octane dtr! • The #1 PTAT dtr in Europe and #3 in the World of the proven champion maker: HIGH OCTANE! • One of the greatest dtrs to buy ever from the multiple champion Galys-Vray • Galys is THE type cow in the World which combines SHOW Championships with huge genomic type! Dam to GRAND @ Semex (PTAT +4.2)

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.47% 321F 3.49% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.38% 332F 3.20% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P • Dam to Hanna Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS - Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2017

Erbacres DAMION Naples Vray EX-90-FR Conf. EX-90-FR 2.01 305d 8.762kgM 3.47% 304F 3.04% 266P 3.01 305d 10.282kgM 3.38% 348F 3.05% 314P 4.04 305d 10.817kgM 3.48% 376F 3.04% 329P 5.09 305d 10.061kgM 3.42% 344F 3.25% 327P • s. Fraeland LEADOFF • Grand Champion Loire Atlantique 2000 NEXT DAMS 4e Lassie EX-90-FR 5e Gentille VG-88-FR 6e Lentille EX-90-FR - Same family which produced Besne Buck

#1 High Octane in Europa! • Die #1 PTAT Tochter in Europa & #3 der Welt, des Championmachers: HIGH OCTANE! • Eine der besten Töchter die jemals aus der mehrfachen Siegerkuh Galys-Vray angeboten wurde. • Galys ist DIE Kuh weltweit, wenn es darum geht Schausiege und hohe genomische Exterieurzahlen zu kombinieren! Mutter von GRAND @ Semex (PTAT +4.2)

La fille #1 Européen de High Octane! • La fille #1 PTAT en Europe et #3 au monde de High Octane, taureau qui a déjà prouvé de faire des championnes ! • L’une des plus belle filles de la multiple championne Galys-Vray à vendre ! • Galys est LA vache type au monde qui combine des Championnats de SHOW avec des génomiques de type énorme. • Mère de Grand@Semex (PTAT +4.2) Consignor









FR 4429827223 D.O.B. 04.12.2018 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email.

Stantons HIGH OCTANE @ Semex Grand son of Chassity

Trefle Chassep Doorman EX-92-USA | Doorman x Atwood x Mac x CHASSITY Sold for $ 200.000 - 1st Jr. 3-Yr. Old World Dairy Expo ‘17

Brenland DENVER (High Octane x Doorman x Atwood)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Butler Nohl-Chipa Vray

Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA

Due: April ‘19 • Direct daughter of CHASSITY! • Sister is dam to CAPITAL GAIN & HIGH OCTANE @ Semex, 2 incredible dtr proven sires! • Maternal sister to GOLD CHIP • Close related to Trefle Chassep Doorman EX-92-USA, one of the greatest Doorman’s in the breed

Grand dtr of CHASSITY!! • Dtr of DENVER - his progeny impress breeders from all over the WORLD • Grand dtr of Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA • Dam is sister to Gold Chip and to the dam of High Octane & Capital Gain • Close related to Chassep Doorman (1st Madison)

Grand dam: Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA

2.01 365d 16.638kgM 4.3% 711F 3.3% 541P 3.10 365d 19.178kgM 4.3% 816F 2.7% 522P • Dam to Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP, grand dam to Capital Gain & High Octane • The World famous CHASSITY • Working on a great legacy in the Holstein breed • Full sister to Regancrest S Celebrity EX-94-CAN 2E 32* // >100.000 kg milk // already 10 EX dtrs in Canada til date!

Enkelin von CHASSITY!! • Tochter von Denver- seine Töchter überzeugen derzeit in der ganzen Welt • Enkeltochter von Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu GoldChip sowie der Mutter von High Octane & Capital Gain • Selbe Familie wie Chassep Doorman (1. Platz WDE)

Picston SHOTTLE Regancrest Cinderella EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA 2.05 365d 14.651kgM 4.4% 652F 3.2% 467P 5.00 365d 15.522kgM 4.1% 643F 3.1% 487P • s. Callbrett-I HH CHAMPION

NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 9e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA 10e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

Petite-fille de CHASSITY!! • Une fille de DENVER – sa descendance impressionne les éleveurs de partout au MONDE • Petite-fille de Regancrest S. Chassity EX-92-USA • Mère est la sœur de Gold Chip et de la mère de High Octane et Capital Gain • Proche famille de Chassep Doorman (1er Madison) Consignor



NL 634602733 D.O.B. 16.10.2018 Siepermann, Stäme, Belfast & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. 01/19 UDC +2.84 // FUA +3.95 // RUH +3.75 // PTAT +3.08 12/18 (DGV) Rump +4 // DS +6 // Mammary System +11 // Conformation +11







3. D. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH

Dam: Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-89-NL EX-92-MS 4yr. (in her 2nd lactation) O’Kadabra as a 2yr. Old - Best Udder Nat’l show

Cycle Doorman JACOBY (Doorman x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-89-NL EX-92-MS

GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE

Conf. VG-89-NL EX-92-MS 4yr. 2.01 305d 10.888kgM 3.80% 414F 3.20% 348P 484d 15.505kgM 4.1%F 3.4%P Fresh in her 2nd lactation! • 1st, Best Udder & HM. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH-Show 2016 • Udder Champion & HM. Champion 2yr. Old Wintershow Pesse 2017 • Topseller of the Schau der Besten Sale 2015 for 35.000 EUR

The best of the O’Kalibra’s • Incredible JACOBY dtr with high type genomics! • One of the greatest lines of the O’Kalibra family! • O’Kalibra was 3x SUPREME CHAMPION Swiss Expo • O’Kalibra has won EVERYTHING she could and is leaving a huge legacy as a brood cow! • O’Kadabra won many show titles already and now scored VG-89 with an EX-92 udder as a 4yr. old

La1 305d 12.502kgM 2.9% 356F 3.1% 389P • RC Sid dtr straight out of KALIBRA • Fresh in her 3rd lactation • Embryos have been exported world wide! • Sister to Champion-maker O’Kaliber @ Semex

Pine-Tree SID Decrausaz Iron O’ Kalibra EX-97-CH Conf. EX-97-CH 2.02 305d 9.166kgM 3.6% 329P 3.3% 302P 4.01 305d 14.247kgM 4.0% 571F 2.9% 416P 5.11 305d 14.313kgM 4.0% 573F 3.0% 426P • Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘12, ‘13 & ‘15 • 3x SUPREME CHAMPION SWISS EXPO NEXT DAMS 4e Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH 2E 5e O Kitten RC VG-89-CH 6e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN 7e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr. 8e Cloverlands Skylar Cherry Red VG-87-CAN DOM 12* 9e Cloverlands Sexation Courtney GP-81-CAN 10e Cloverlands King Colorado-Red VG-85-CAN

Das Beste aus den O´Kalibra´s • Unglaubliche JACOBY Tochter mit hohen Typzahlen! • Eine der besten Linien der O´Kalibra Familie! • O´Kalibra war 3 x SUPREME CHAMPION Swiss Expo • O´Kalibra hat alles gewonnen was es zu gewinnen gab und hat bereits jetzt eine fantastische Nachkommenschaft • O´Kadabra hat bereits viele Schautitel errungen und ist jetzt neu mit VG-89 und EX-92 im Euter 4yr. eingestuft.

Le meilleur de O’Kalibra!! • Une JACOBY incroyable avec génomiques hautes en type ! • L’une des meilleures lignées de la famille d’O’Kalibra • O’Kalibra était 3X Championne Suprême Swiss Expo • O’Kalibra a gagné TOUT ce qu’elle pouvait et laisse un héritage énorme en tant que vache souche ! • O’Kadabra a déjà gagné plusieurs shows, elle est TB89 avec SM- EX92 à 4 ans !


Choice out of Due


Choice Female







La Brasserie Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)6 83803325 - Email. 3 FEMALE pregnancies: Stone-Front ARTIST x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM 12.10.2019 // 10.11.2019 // 21.12.2019 Location: France

Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA Talent x KHW Regiment Apple-Red

Dam: KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-94-USA Redburst x KHW Regiment Apple-Red

Stone-Front ARTIST (Crush x McCutchen x Man-O-Man)


KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM

Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM.

2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 5.03 365d 13.975kgM 5.0% 693F 3.9% 550P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • The R&W One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 • Dam to Absolute Red, Big Apple Red, Armani RC, grand dam to Diamondback *RC and more!

Direct dtr of APPLE! • Incredible opportunity to get a DIRECT dtr of the R&W One Million Dollar cow APPLE!!! • Apple was Res. Grand Champion WDE ‘13 & Grand Champion WDE ‘11!! • Your chance to buy a sister to Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN & more!

2.00 365d 13.077kgM 3.8% 498F 3.7% 484P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘09 • Dam to Jotan, Acme, Axion & Advent-Red • Dam to KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91-USA

Regancrest Elton DURHAM Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 2.00 361d 10.682kgM 5.1% 540F 3.6% 386P 3.01 365d 13.921kgM 4.9% 678F 3.6% 503P 5.03 365d 15.726kgM 4.8% 750F 3.5% 553P 6.09 365d 14.855kgM 4.2% 630F 3.5% 515P 8.07 365d 16.747kgM 4.2% 704F 3.4% 571P 12.03 365d 12.311kgM 4.9% 602F 3.5% 434P • s. A Ronneybrook PRELUDE NEXT DAMS 4e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 5e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 6e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 7e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

DIREKTE Tochter aus APPLE! • Unglaubliche Möglichkeit, sichern sie sich eine DIREKTE Tochter der ROTEN One Million Dollar Kuh APPLE! • Apple war Res. Grand Champion WDE´13 & Grand Champion WDE´11! • Ihre Chance auf eine Schwester zu: Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicous Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN & vielen mehr!

Fille directe de Apple! • Opportunité unique d’acquérir une fille directe de « La Vache d’un million dollar » Apple-Red!!! • Apple : Grande Championne WDE’11 et Réserve Grande Championne WDE’13 • Votre opportunité d’acheter une sœur de Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN & plus ! Consignor


Dassani RC *







DE 0361182510 D.O.B. 10.12.2018 Andreas Middelkampf- Tel. +49 (0)171 1979157 - Email. 03/19 +728 Milk // FUA +4.43 // RUH +4.74 // RUW +4.36 // UDC +3.18 // FLC +2.13 // PTAT +4.29 02/19 (DGV) +5 Rump // +15 DS // +7 F&L // +12 Mammary System // Conf. +14

The #1 RED CARRIER heife in Europe // #1 PTAT heifer in Europe of the March ‘19 run

3.D. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

2. D. MS Apple Angel EX-94-USA

Sister to dam: MS Im an Angel EX-91-USA

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)

Oh-River-Syc BYWAY

MS Angel Damali GP-84-USA VG-MS 2yr. Conf. GP-84-USA VG-MS 2yr.

MS Apple Angel EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

See sale update • Sister to Mr. Anaheim-Red • VG Mammary System • One of the most dominant R&W cow families in the World for type!

2.00 365d 10.133kgM 3.7% 381F 3.3% 334P 4.04 365d 13.712kgM 4.0% 552F 3.4% 470P 6.00 365d 20.144kgM 4.0% 803F 3.3% 671P • Dam to Mr. Anaheim-Red • Sister is dam to Diamondback “RC • Sister to Big Apple & Absolute Red

Erbacres DAMION KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 3.6% 3.882P • The One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Colver-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM x EX-94 x EX-96 x EX-90 x EX-90

The #1 RED CARRIER PTAT! • The #1 RC PTAT Heifer in Europe!! • The #1 PTAT heifer in Europe of the March ‘19 run • Incredible Type linear!! Huge udder traits • A dream pedigree: King Doc x Byway x EX-94 x APPLE! • 3rd dam APPLE is the ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ and was Res. Grand Champion WDE ‘13 & Grand Champion WDE ‘11!!

Das #1 ROTFAKTOR PTAT Rind! • Das #1 ROTFAKTOR PTAT Rind in Europa! • Das #1 PTAT Rind der Märzliste • Tolles Linear! Fantastische Euterzuchtwerte! • Ein Pedigree wie gemalt: King Doc x Byway x EX-94 x APPLE! • 3. Mutter: APPLE, die ´One Million Dollar Cow´ war Res. Grand Champion WDE´13 & Grand WDE´11!

#1 PTAT Facteur Rouge! • La #1 PTAT Facteur Rouge en Europe! • La génisse #1 PTAT de l’indexation Européen de mars ’19! • Caractères linéaires morpho impressionnants, traits mammaires super hauts! • Un pédigrée de rêve : King Doc X Byway X EX-94 X APPLE! • 3ième mère APPLE est « La vache d’un million Consignor


Deeka RED *







FR 3526107954 D.O.B. 19.12.2018 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email. 03/19 UDC +3.08 // FLC +2.54 // PTAT +3.47 02/19 (DGV) +6 Rump // +12 Dairy Strength // +13 Mammary System // +15 Conformation

Top 5 R&W female in Europe for PTAT & Conformation!!! (12/18 ranking)

Dam. Hahncrest Atw Danica VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX)

3. Dam. Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA 2E

Sister to 2. D. Ms D Apple Danielle-Red EX-94-USA

Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Hahncrest Atw Danica VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX)

Ms D Apple Dreamer EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA

Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 4yr. (MAX) 4.00 303d 13.368kgM 4.7% 643F 3.3% 451P • MAX scored ATWOOD dtr!! • 1st place Iowa State Fair Holstein Show ‘17 • Former Top 10 PTAT Heifer in the USA

2.03 365d 11.889kgM 4.2% 498F 3.4% 403P 4.03 365d 12.714kgM 4.2% 534F 3.3% 419P 5.09 410d 10.551kgM 4.1% 436F 3.4% 355P • Sister to Ms D Apple Danielle-Red EX-94-USA - Grand Champion All-American R&W Show ‘14 • Also sister to Ms D Apple Dawn EX-92-USA & Ms D Apple Dicette EX-90-USA

Picston SHOTTLE Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2.02 365d 12.002kgM 3.9% 470F 3.1% 372P 4.03 305d 14.896kgM 3.7% 557F 3.2% 481P 5.11 365d 18.443kgM 3.9% 712F 3.5% 639P 7.02 364d 21.097kgM 4.0% 836F 3.3% 686P • Dam to Mr D Apple Diamondback *RC • Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow 2014 • Member All-American R&W Dam & Daughter ‘14 • Nom. All-American R&W Jr. 2yr. Old 2010 NEXT DAMS 4e KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 4E DOM 5e Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E DOM 6e Colver-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM x EX-94 x EX-96 x EX-90 x EX-90

PTAT & SHOW from the Apple’s • Top 5 PTAT R&W hefer in Europe • Incredible pedigree: JORDY x ATWOOD x SHOTTLE • Grand dam is sister to Ms D Apple Danielle EX-94-USA - the dam to Mr Danielle DEVOUR *RC @ Select • 9 generations EXCELLENT Apple’s! • Same family as Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armana EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Applause EX-94-CAN & more!

PTAT & SCHAU aus den Apple´s • Top 5 ROTES PTAT Rind in Europa! • Wunderbare Abstammung: JORDY x ATWOOD x SHOTTLE • Die Großmutter ist eine Schwester zu MS D Apple Danille EX-94-USA – der Mutter von Mr Danielle DEVOUR *RC @Select • 9. Generationen EXZELLENTER Apple´s • Gleiche Familie wie Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-

PTAT & SHOW de la famille Apple! • Génisse ROUGE top 5 PTAT en Europe ! • Pédigrée inégalé : JORDY X ATWOOD X SHOTTLE • Grand-mère est une sœur de MS D Apple Danielle EX-94-USA – mère de Mr Danielle DEVOUR RC @ Select • 9 générations EX de la famille de Apple ! • Même famille que MS Candy Apple-Red EX-94USA, Consignor

Ocilia du Neuhof RED







FR6868687912 D.O.B. 12.06.2018 GAEC Gutzwiller- Tel. +33 (0)670939350 - Email.

D. FG Attico Madalyn- Red VG-87-FR 2yr.

3. D. RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE EX-95-MS

Full sister 2. D. FG Destry Madame EX-92-DE - Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017

Farnear Apples IMAC *RC (Kingboy x Mccutchen x Goldwyn)


FG Attico Madalyn-Red VG-87-FR 2yr.

FG Marilyn *RC EX-91-DE EX-MS Conf. EX-91-DE EX-MS

Conf. VG-87-FR 2yr. 2.01 305d 10.075kgM 4.1% 415F 319P 3.3%

La1 305d 10.071kgM 3.3% 333F 3.6% 361P 3/2La 305d 11.434kgM 3.1% 349F 3.6% 406P HL2 305d 12.797kgM 2.9% 365F 3.5% 451P

• Same family as RH Norwin @ KI-Samen • Full sister to FG Madame EX-92-DE - Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017 & full sister to FG Madonna VG-89-CH - 2yr. Old Champion Schau der Besten 2014 • Full sister to MAD MAX @ Rinder Allianz

Scientific DESTRY *RC RH Maxima EX-94-DE EX-95-MS Conf. EX-94-DE EX-95-MS 4/4La 305d 12.220kgM 4.1% 504F 3.4% 416P HL3 305d 14.375kgM 4.1% 585F 3.3% 472P 1La 305d 10.470kgM 4.1% 427F 3.5% 368P • 4x ALL-German: ‘06, ‘07, ‘10 & ‘12 • Grand Champion Thuringa Holstein Open, Bismark, Lastrup & many more! • Res. Senior Champion R&W DHV-Show ‘15 • Int. Champion National Show Oldenburg ‘09 • Res. 2yr. Old Champion DHV-Show ‘07 • HM. Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘06 • 3th place Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘10 • Senior Champion Konvent ‘10 NEXT DAMS 4e RH Meggilee EX-91-DE 5e RH Meggy VG-88-DE (s. Benefit)

An incredible R&W MAXIMA! • A RED decendant of the R&W show cow with the longest victory list: RH Maxima EX-94-DE!! • Successful family with several All-German’s & Grand Champions @ National shows! • Same family as MAD MAX @ Rinder Allianz & FG Madame EX-92-DE - Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017!!

Eine fantastische ROTE MAXIMA! • Ein ROTER Nachkommen der ROTEN Schaukuh mit der längsten Erfolgsliste: RH Maxima EX-94 • Mega erfolgreiche Familie mit vielen All-German´s & Grand Champion Titeln auf Nationalschauen! • Die Familie von MAD MAX @ Rinder Allianz & FG Madame EX-92-DE – Grand Champion Schau der Besten 2017!

Une superbe MAXIMA ROUGE! • Un descendant ROUGE de la vache de show ROUGE au plus grand palmarès : RH Maxima • Famille couronnée de succès avec plusieurs titres « All-German » et Grandes Championnes Nationales! • Même famille que MAD MAX@ Rinder Allianz & FG Madame EX-92-DE – Grande Championne Schau Der Besten 2017!!


5 Female








Milksource - Tel. +1 920-759-4641 - Email.

Combination Sire: 5 FEMALE Farnear ALTITUDE-RED or FEMALE Braedale GOLDWYN (Buyer’s choice) Dam: Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red EX-96-USA Production 5 embryos - IVF - Grade A Location: United States of America

Milksource Taelyn *RC (Armani x Tequila) Junior Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18

Dam. Strans-Jen-D Tequila EX-96-USA 2E

Dam. Strans-Jen-D Tequila EX-96-USA 2E



Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E

Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA 3E Conf. EX-95-USA 3E

Conf. EX-96-USA 2E 2.05 365d 11.136kgM 4.7% 519F 3.4% 377P 3.09 306d 10.882kgM 4.4% 475F 3.3% 360P 4.10 293d 12.628kgM 4.4% 558F 3.0% 382P 6.04 360d 14.791kgM 4.3% 646F 3.2% 474P • Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo 2014 & 2015 • Res. All-American R&W 5yr. Old 2016 • Unanimous All-American R&W 4-Yr-Old Cow ‘15 • Unanimous All-American R&W Sr 3-Yr-Old Cow ‘14 • Grand Champion MN State Holstein Show ‘13 • 6x All-American Nominee • Dam to the Junior Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18: Milksource Taelyn (s. Armani *RC) • Sister to: Strans-Jen-D Taffeta-Red EX-90-USA

Make your direct dtrs of TEQUILA! • Make direct daughters from one of the greatest R&W cows in the World: Strans-Jen-D Tequila! • Tequila her Armani dtr was Jr. Champion at the World Dairy Expo in Madison ‘18 • Her dam: Tiffany has 9 All-American nominees and was Grand @ MN State Fair R&W 2016! • Great opportunity, your choice: ALTITUDE (not available in Europe) or the legend: GOLDWYN

2.04 365d 12.174kgM 4.1% 497F 3.3% 406P 4.01 365d 13.531kgM 4.3% 586F 3.3% 450P 5.04 316d 12.301kgM 3.9% 475F 3.3% 407P 6.06 365d 16.393kgM 4.1% 668F 3.3% 542P 8.07 365d 16.406kgM 4.3% 701F 3.0% 491P

Dutchline RED DEVIL Jen-D Pred Tosha-Red VG-88-USA EX-MS Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS 3.07 365d 12.528kgM 3.0% 380F 2.9% 363P 4.07 365d 14.275kgM 2.7% 390F 3.5% 507P • s. Heatherstone PREDESTINE-RED

• 9x All-American Nominee • Grand Champion MN State Fair R&W Show ‘16 • Sr. Champion Mid-West Fall/Nat ‘15 • Grand Champion, Midwest Spring Nat’l 2014 • Supreme Champion, MN State Fair 2011 • Int. & HM. Grand Champion MN State Show ‘09 • All-American R&W Winter Calf 2007


Direkt aus TEQUILA!!!

Faites vos filles directes de TEQUILA!

• Ihre Chance auf eine direkte Tochter aus einer der großartigsten ROTEN Kühe der WELT: Strans-Jen-D Tequila! • Die Armani Tochter aus Tequila war Jr. Champion auf der World Dairy Expo 2018 • Ihre Mutter: Tiffany hat 9 All-American Nominierungen und war Grand @ MN State Fair • Tolle Möglichkeit, ihre Wahl: ALTITUDE (nicht verfügbar in Europa) oder die Legende: GOLDWYN

4e R-Sher Itsa Tosha-Red (s. Gerhome ITSA-RED) 5e R-Sher Badger Tesa (s. Badger) 6e R-Sher Geneticist Tasha (s. Geneticis-Red)

• Faites naitre des filles directes de l’une des meilleures vaches ROUGES au Monde : StransJen-D Tequila-Red • Sa fille par Armani était Championne Jr. à World Dairy Expo à Madison ‘18 • Sa mère, Tiffany a été nominée 9 fois All-American et elle était Grande Championne @ MN State Fair • Superbe opportunité, votre choix : ALTITUDE (pas disponible en Europe) ou le légendaire GOLDWYN Consignor









FR 2235531941 D.O.B. 16.06.2018 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email.

Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA Full sister to Adeen

6. Dam: MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM

D: Rotaly Doorman Ashlyne VG-86-CAN 3yr.

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP (Goldwyn x Shottle x Champion)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Rotaly Doorman Ashlyne VG-86-CAN 3yr.

MD-Maple-Dell GLD Ashley EX-92-CAN Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-95-MS 3E

Conf. VG-86-CAN VG-86-MS 3yr. 2.01 282d 8.220kgM 3.9% 319F 3.6% 292P 3.00 305d 9.670kgM 3.7% 356F 3.6% 346P (proj) • Jr. Champion Kamouraska 2016 • 2nd Sr. 1yr. Old Kamouraska 2017 • 1st Sr. Calf Kamouraska 2016 • Housed at Ferme Rotaly (Quebec, Canada)

2.06 305d 10.708kgM 3.5% 369F 3.3% 355P 3.09 281d 11.541kgM 3.7% 421F 3.2% 368P 4.08 305d 14.101kgM 3.6% 503F 3.3% 460P 5.09 275d 12.820kgM 3.5% 454F 3.2% 407P 6.08 305d 15.215kgM 3.7% 558F 3.0% 459P

Braedale GOLDWYN MD-Maple-Dell Cous Amber EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3.11 365d 16.597kgM 4.1% 672F 3.0% 496P • 1 EX-dtr in Canada! • 2nd Sr. 2-year-old MD State Show 2006 • Sister to: MD-Maple-Dell J Ashley EX-94-USA - Grand Tennessee State Show ‘07 & ‘09

NEXT DAMS 4e MS M-M-D Nobel Aruba EX-94-USA 2E 5e MD-Delight Storm Adeline VG-88-USA 3yr. 6e MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM 7e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

Show heifer from the Adeen’s • Showy Gold Chip heifer from the Jr. Champion Kamouraska 2016: Doorman Ashlyne VG-86-CAN! • Show winning pedigree with multiple All-Americans! • 5 generations EXCELLENT dams in this pedigree • Family tracing back to MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM

SCHAU-Rind aus den Adeen’s • Typvolles Gold Chip-Jungrind aus dem Jr. Champion im Kamouraska 2016: Doorman Ashlyne VG-86-CAN • Zahlreichen All-American Gewinnerinnen! • 5 Generationen Excellent eingestufte Kühe im Pedigree • Aus der bekannten Kuhfamilie von Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM

Show de la famille Adeen • Fille de Gold Chip stylée de la Championne Jr. Kamouraska 2016 : Doorman Ashlyne VG-86-CAN • Pédigrée des gagnantes de show avec multiples ALL-American ! • 5 générations de mères EXCELLENTES dans ce pédigrée • Famille remonte à MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM Consignor


Bling Bling







0667211916 D.O.B. 25.10.2018 Nosbisch Holsteins & Allendörfer - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA Maternal sister to dam

Grand dam: Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS 2E

Morningview Mcc KINGBOY (McCutchen x Super x Shottle)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

MS Archrival Blingo VG-85-USA 2yr.

Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E Conf. EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS 2E

Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. See sale update • Maternal sister to: Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA - Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 & sold for $150,000

Grand dtr of BRITANY!! • Grand dtr sells of one of the one & only Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E!! • 5 EXCELLENT generations in this pedigree! • Dam is sister to Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2015! • Deep Canadian cow family • Very reliable sire stack

Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E

Braedale GOLDWYN Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 12* 4yr.

2.01 308d 10.992kgM 3.9% 432F 3.3% 359P 3.00 302d 9.758kgM 4.7% 455F 3.7% 362P 4.01 365d 16.946kgM 3.9% 660F 3.3% 557P 6.01 352d 18.800kgM 4.0% 760F 3.1% 589P

2.08 342d 10.996kgM 4.2% 460F 3.4% 376P 4.07 336d 18.638kgM 4.0% 741F 3.3% 992P

• Reserve All-Canadian 4yr. Old 2011 • Nominated All-Quebec Mature Cow 2013 • Grand Champion QC International 2011 • Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers 2013 • 1st place 4yr. Old class Royal Winter Fair 2011 • 3rd place Montmagny Show 2013 • 2nd place Three Rivers Show 2013 • Dam of Jacobs Sid Beauty - Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2015


Enkeltochter von BRITANY!

Petite-fille de BRITTANY!

• Eine wunderbare Enkeltochter der einzig wahren Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E! • 5 EXZELLENTE Generationen in diesem Pedigree! • Mutter ist eine Schwester von Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA – Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2015! • Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie • Tolle verlässliche Väterfolge!

• s. Wilcoxview JASPER • 3rd Jr. 1yr. Old Montmagny 2006 • 7 EX and 10 VG dtrs in Canada

4e Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-CAN 2E 6* 5e Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-CAN 2E 25* 6e Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4* 7e Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN 8e Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86-CAN 2*

• Petite-fille de la seule et unique Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN 2E !! • 5 générations EXCELLENTES dans ce pédigrée ! • Mère est la sœur de Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA – Championne Int. World Dairy Expo 2015 • Profonde famille Canadienne ! • Alignement des taureaux confirmés ! Consignor

03/19 02/19









DE 0540264033 D.O.B. 29.12.2018 Hans-Peter Paeßens - Tel. +49 (0)173 7352647 - Email. Milk
























































Kapa Casein: BB Beta Casein: A2A2

4. D. Miss Shottle Sadie EX-91-USA

2. M. Simple-Dreams MD Candi VG-87-USA

O-Bee Manfred Justice (OMAN) THE LEGEND - from this cow family!!

REDROCK-View Klutch (Jedi x Kingboy x Numero Uno)

Westcoast KERRIGAN

Kerrigan-Md Candi

Simple-Dreams MD Candi VG-87-USA Conf. VG-87-USA

Due: October ‘19 • Sister to Fendi @ Masterrind • Top 10 GTPI Kerrigan dtr in Europe • Great pedigree from the JEZEBEL’S

La1 305d 11.072kgM 3.5% 389F 3.3% 366P • One of the very best Delta dtrs in the breed! • Dtr of DELTA (not available in Europe)

Mr Mogul DELTA 1427 Miss Clark Clair EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA La2 305d 12.277kgM 3.6% 445F 3.5% 423P • s. Dool-Leigh Goldwyn CLARK

NEXT DAMS 4e Miss Shottle Sadie EX-91-USA 5e Wysslawn Ramos Reba EX-91-USA 6e Golden Oaks Rolex Jinnie VG-88-USA 7e O-Bee Aaron Jinnie EX-90-USA 8e Meier-Meadows EL Jezebel EX-92-USA GMD DOM 9e Meier-Meadows Melwood Jacki VG-87-USA DOM

Huge RZG & GTPI combination • HUGE Redrock dtr - #3 GTPI Redrock in Europe • One of the very few heifers in the breed testing >2800 GTPI, >900 NM & >160 RZG!!! • Incredible index: low stature (+0.44), super udders (UDC +2.36), SCS 2.59, DPR +4 & +1859 Milk! • Great sire line going back on Meier-Meadows EL Jezebel EX-92-USA - the dam of the legendary bull OMAN!!!

Ganz hoch im RZG & TPI!! • Mega hohe Redrock - #3 GTPI Redrock in Europa • Eines der wenigen Rinder der Rasse mit >2800 GTPI, >900NM & >160 RZG! • Fantastischer Index: Geringe Größe (+0.44), super Euter (+2.36), niedrige Zellzahl (2.59), super Fruchtbarkeit (+4) & 1859 für Milch! • Tolle Väterfolge aus der Familie von Meier-Meadows Jezebel EX-92-USA – der Mutter des legendären OMAN!!

Combinaison haute en RZG et GTPI • #3 GTPI Redrock en Europe • L’une des rares génisses de la race qui teste >2800GTPI, >900NM & >160 RZG • Index incroyable : petite stature (+0.44), super pis (UDC +2.36), SCS 2.59, DPR +4& +1859 Lait • Remonte à Meier-Meadows EL Jezebel EX-92-USA – la mère du taureau légendaire OMAN ! Consignor



Woodstock D.O.B.

DE 0540332687 Welsing Milchvieh GbR




































Beta Casein: A2A2 The #1 RZG Casino dtr in the World!

Same family: WEL Wiesel VG-85-DE Sire: Veelhorst DG Casino (+161 RZG) @ Vost

Veelhorst DG CASINO (DG Charley x Mardi Gras x Planet)

Farnear ROXY B 54505

WEL Wembley

WEL Werla 4 VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE

Due: April ‘19 • Great production- & very long livable cow family • 25% of the WEL-herd trace back from this W-family • This family delivered 3 x 100.000 kg lifetime and a 10.000 kg Fat + Protein cow already

HL1 305d 10.524kgM 4.3% 454F 3.7% 385P • Rare sire stack :Big KAHUNA x MAXIMUM

Genervations BIG KAHUNA WEL Wusel VG-86-DE Conf. VG-86-DE HL3 305d 11.694kgM 3.9% 453F 3.3% 388P • s. MAXIMUM

NEXT DAMS 4e WEL Wuxi NC 5e WEL Wenga 8 GP-84-DE 6e WEL Wita NC 7e WEL Wendy VG-86-DE 2yr. 8e WEL Werda NC 9e WEL Wilma VG-85-DE 10e WEL Werde VG-87-DE

#1 RZG Casino: +166 RZG • The #1 RZG Casino daughter in the breed sells!! • +166 RZG in combination with +133 RZE & 143 RZM!! • Great index with huge fitness traits: >1700 Milk | +120 F+P | 106 KvD | 140 RZN | 131 RZR!! • She is A2A2 • Different sire stack: Casino x Roxy B x Big Kahuna • NEW upcoming German cow family with something very early for sale!

#1 RZG Casino: +166 RZG • Die #1 RZG Casino Tochter der Rasse wird verkauft! • +166 RZG in Verbindung mit +133 RZE & 143 RZM! • Toller Index mit fantastischen Fitnessmerkmalen: >1700 Milch / +120kg F&E / 106KvD / 140 RZN / 131 RZR!! • A2A2 getestet! • Outcross Väterfolge: Casino x Roxy B x Big Kahuna • Neue aufstrebende Kuhfamilie, ihre Chance!

#1 RZG Casino: +166 RZG • La fille de CASINO #1 RZG de la race à vendre ! • +166 RZG en combinaison avec +133RZE & 143 RZM !! • Super index avec des caractères de santé très hautes : >1700 Lait| +120 kg MU |106 KvD | 140 RZN |131 RZR !! • Elle est A2A2 • Pédigrée différent : Casino X Roxy B X Big KAHUNA • L’une des premières à vendre de cette nouvelle famille


Combination Grade

5 Female








Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 5 x FEMALE T-Spruce Frazzled HUEY x NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. ET - Grade A Location Germany

Dam: NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

Dam: NH HS Marilyn Monroe @ German National Show ‘17 | Also the #1 RZG cow in Germany

FEMALE T-Spruce Frazzled HUEY (Frazzled x Silver x Liquid Gold)

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

NH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr.

La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P • The #1 RZG in Germany since she is born • Highest producing 2yr. Old in Germany of her year! • More than 13 sons in A.I. • Topseller German Masters Sale ‘14 for 84.000 EUR • Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo • Dam to NH Gym Mystery (s. Gymnast) GTPI +2780 // RZG 166 - #1 RZG heifer in Germany

Marilyn Monroe!!! • FEMALE embryos from the highest production 2yr. old & highest RZG index cow in Germany! • Marilyn Monroe is a true phenomen, she participated at the National Show, has >10 sons in AI, has been #1 RZG for many years and is an incredible brood cow!!! • An outcross line out of the incredible Caps Mairy cow family!

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P • Sold for 20.500 EUR • Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS former #1 RZG heifer in the breed, sold for 70.000 EUR and >4% PROTEIN!

2. D. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr.

Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK VG-88-MS Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • s. Xacobeo • Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for 58.00 EUR & has multiple sons in A.I. NEXT DAMS 4e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. 5e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 7e Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 8e Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 9e Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM

Marilyn Monroe!!! • Weibliche Embryonen der #1 Leistungsfärse & #1 RZG Kuh in Deutschland • Marilyn Monroe ist ein wahres Phänomen: Teilnehmerin der Nationalschau, mehr als 10 Söhne auf Besamungsstationen und #1 RZG-Kuh seit mehreren Jahren • Outcross-Zweig der außergewöhnlichen Caps Mairy-Kuhfamilie

Marilyn Monroe!!! • Embryons SEXES de la vache à la plus haute production à 2A et au plus haut index RZG en Allemagne ! • Marilyn Monroe est un vrai phénomène, elle a participé aux Show National, elle a >10 fils aux centres IA, elle a été #1 RZG pendant plusieurs années et elle est une vache souche incroyable ! • Une lignée outcross de la famille superbe de Caps Mairy! Consignor

MS Jordy

Seisme RED *







DE 0360940363 D.O.B. 01.11.2018 Höven Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 4588469 - Email.

2. D. Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA

2. D. Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA

D. Milksource LD Shania-Red EX-92-USA

Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)

Tiger-Lily LADD-P-RED

Milksource LD Shania-Red EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA EX-94-MS

Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA Conf. EX-97-USA

3/3La 305d 10.310kgM 4.2% 429F 3.6% 373P HL3 305d 11.966kgM 4.3% 512F 3.5% 424P

2.00 353d 10.134kgM 3.6% 360F 3.5% 354P 3.09 365d 19.851kgM 3.6% 719F 3.1% 615P 6.00 305d 18.797kgM 4.0% 756F 3.6% 677P

• EX-92 EX-94-MS Ladd P dtr of SEISME! • Jordy dtr sold for 10.500 EUR @ Schau der Besten - Die Auktion 2019 • Same family as Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-96-USA 2E

R&W grand dtr of SEISME • Unlimited potential in this amazing pedigree: Jordy-Red x EX-92 Ladd x SEISME EX-97 • Full sister sold for 10.500 EUR @ Die Auktion ‘19 • Seisme was 3x in a row Grand Champion R&W Show Royal Winter Fair & 2x Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo! • Same family as Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-96-USA - SUPREME Champion Jr. Show WDE ‘15

• Grand Champion R&W Show WDE ‘10 & ‘12 • Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Grand Champion R&W Royal Winter Fair 2011 • Res. Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair 2011 • Grand Champion R&W Royal Winter Fair 2012 • Only RED HOLSTEIN with EX-97-USA & EX-99-MS • 4x All-Canadian R&W • Red Holstein Cow of the Year 2012 in Canada • All-American R&W 125.000 lbs 2014 • Several EXCELLENT dtrs!

ROTE Enkelin von SEISME • Unglaubliches Potential steckt in diesem Pedigree: Jordy Red x EX-92 Ladd x SEISME EX-97 • Vollschwester verkauft für 10.500€ @Die Auktion SDB´19 • Seisme war 3 x in Folge Grand Champion Rotbunt Royal Winter Fair & 2 x Grand Champion Rotbunt auf der WDE! • Gleiche Familie wie Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-96-USA – Supreme Champion Jr. Show WDE´15!

Valleyriver Ruben REDMAN Blondin R Marker Supra VG-89-USA Conf. VG-89-USA 2.03 365d 10.235kgM 4.1% 415F 3.2% 330P 3.06 364d 13.724kgM 4.2% 581F 3.2% 435P • Grand Champion Lachute 2003 • 3rd Jr. 3yr. Old Eastern Champ 2004 • 1st Sr. 2yr. Old Lachute 2003 • 3rd Jr. 1yr. Old Eastern Champ 2002 NEXT DAMS 4e Blondin Skychief Supra EX-93-3E-CAN 35* 5e Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-CAN 17* 6e Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-CAN 7e Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-CAN 8e Diamond Hill Poplar B VG-85-CAN 9e Broughton Lea Poplar EX-CAN

Petite-fille ROUGE de SEISME • Potentiel illimité dans cet incroyable pedigree : Jordy-Red X EX-92 Ladd X Seisme EX-97 • Pleine sœur vendue à 10.500 EUR @ Die Auktion • Seisme était 3X de suite Grande Championne R&W @ Royal Winter Fair & 2X Grande Championne R&W @ World Dairy Expo! • Même famille que Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-96-USA – Championne Suprême du Show Junior WDE’15


Choice out of Grade

4 Female








Bert-Mar Farms (USA) - Tel. +1 6083176052 - Email. 4 FEMALE Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED x Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA IVF- Grade A Location United States of America

D: Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA

Dam: Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA

D: Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA

FEMALE Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci x Gold Chip x Loin King *RC)


Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

Luck-E Rubens Kaylie *RC EX-92-USA GMD Conf. EX-92-USA

2.08 305d 7.729kgM 5.6% 434F 3.5% 270P 3.09 365d 14.243kgM 4.9% 699F 3.5% 505P 5.04 365d 18.298kgM 4.7% 851F 3.4% 625P

2.04 352d 12.592kgM 5.2% 655F 3.7% 460P 4.05 365d 19.741kgM 5.7% 1.119F 3.7% 724P

• Unanimous All-American 5-Yr. Old 2014 • Senior, Best Udder & Res. R&W Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014 • Red & White Cow of the Year 2014! • Grand Champion Nat’l R&W Cow Show 2014

KANDIE TIME!! • Make your own progeny straight out of Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA • Kandie is one of the GREATEST R&W cows in the World, she won Senior-, Best Udder & Res. Grand Champion Madison ‘14 • FEMALE embryos with 5 EXCELLENT dams in a row! • Kandie is from the heart of the Luck-E families! Opportunity knocks!

STBVQ RUBENS Luck-E Royal Klassy EX-94-USA GMD Conf. EX-94-USA 2.05 343d 9.163kgM 3.7% 337F 3.2% 292P 3.05 365d 14.638kgM 3.8% 558F 3.2% 464P 5.08 365d 17.282kgM 3.6% 616F 3.1% 534P 8.05 365d 18.920kgM 4.1% 776F 2.9% 554P • s. Cracin ROYAL NEXT DAMS 4e Luck-E Command Karlyn EX-94-USA 2E 5e Luck-E Mars Karlie-Twin EX-90-USA 2E 6e Sun-Made Glendell Karmin-ET VG-87-USA 7e Hiatt Kay EX-90-USA DOM 8e Bayless Fury Kat EX-92-USA GMD DOM 9e Daisy Killybracken Spruceland VG-88-USA 10e Duke Daisy Spruceland VG-87-USA

KANDIE TIME!! • Ihre Chance auf eine direkte Tochter aus Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA • Kandie ist eine der großartigsten ROTEN Kühe der Welt, sie war Senior-, Bestes Euter & Res. Grand Champion Madison ´14! • WEIBLICHE Embryonen aus 5 Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter!

KANDIE TIME!! • Faite vos propres descendantes de Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA • Kandie est l’une des meilleures vaches ROUGES du monde, elle était Championne Senior, Meilleure Pis et Réserve Grande à Madison ‘14 • Embryons SEXES de 5 générations EXCELLENTES consécutives ! Consignor









DE 01604136707 D.O.B. 09.12.2018 Nessetalmilch Goldbach - Tel. +49 (0)170 2458822 - Email.

2. Dam: Gloryland Goldwyn EX-94-USA

Full sister: Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA

Full sister: Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Gloryland Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA

Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-88-USA 3yr.

Conf. EX-94-USA 1.11 365d 11.345kgM 4.9% 554F 3.6% 408P 3.08 365d 16.634kgM 4.3% 717F 3.6% 594P 4.11 365d 16.939kgM 5.0% 842F 3.6% 606P 6.06 349d 16.253kgM 4.4% 722F 3.7% 595P

2.03 365d 10.365kgM 3.8% 389F 3.5% 360P

• Incredible brood-cow! • Dam to Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA: - Nom. ALL-CANADIAN Jr. 3yr. Old 2016 - Nom. ALL-AMERICAN Jr. 3yr. Old 2016 - 3rd World Dairy Expo 2018 - 1st in her section Northeast Fall National 2018 - Grand Champion Vermont State Holstein Show ‘17 - 3rd Jr. 3yr. Old Royal & WDE 2016

The full sister to LOCKET • Full sister to one of the greatest DOORMAN dtrs in the breed: LOCKET!!! • Locket is one of the greatest show cows of her generation! • 7 generations EXCELLENT dams in this pedigree! • Incredible cows in her pedigree like Lana Rae, Tony Rae, Roxy & more!

Ocean View ZENITH Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2.02 365d 9.403kgM 3.6% 335F 3.8% 355P 4.00 365d 11.422kgM 3.3% 379F 3.3% 382P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0% 526F 3.4% 450P 7.05 365d 12.510kgM 3.6% 447F 3.3% 413P • s. Startmore RUDOLPH • 22 EXCELLENT dtr in the USA

NEXT DAMS 4e Scientific Liza Rae EX-90-USA 5e C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 6e C Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 7e Mil R More Roxette EX-90-USA 8e C Clenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

Die Vollschwester von LOCKET • Vollschwester einer der besten DOORMAN Töchter der Rasse: LOCKET!! • Locket ist eine der besten Schaukühe ihrer Generation! • 7. Generationen EX Kühe in ihrem Pedigree! • Fantastische Kühe in der Mutterlinie wie Lana Rae, Tony Rae, Roxy & mehr!

La pleine sœur de LOCKET • Pleine sœur de l’une des meilleures DOORMAN de la race : LOCKET!! • Locket est l’une des meilleures vaches de show de sa génération! • 7 générations EXCELLENTES dans ce pedigree ! • Famille des vaches renommées comme Lana Rae, Tony Rae, Roxy & plus ! Consignor

Bel Chief








IT001991166195 D.O.B. 13.12.2018 Bel Holstein (Beltramino) - Tel. +39 340 761 0224 - Email.

Sister: Bel Bag2 Solomon Bella 2nd Swiss Expo 2018 | Solomon x Inkapi

Dam: Du Bon Vent Inkapi EX-93-IT @ Swiss Expo 2019 Right Inkapi as a 2yr. old

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer)


Du Bon Vent Inkapi EX-93-IT

Du Bon Vent Glenda VG-85-FR Conf. VG-85-FR

Conf. EX-93-IT 3.01 305d 11.470kgM 4.1% 472F 3.5% 403P

2.00 6.871kgM 4.3% 296F 3.5% 238P 3.00 8.011kgM 4.1% 325F 3.7% 294P

• Reserve Senior Champion & HM. Grand Champion Montichiari ‘19 • 2nd place Swiss Expo ‘19 • HM. Senior Champion Cremona ‘18 • Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘17 • Int. Champion & Best Udder Swiss Expo ‘16 • Intermediate Champion European Open Show Cremona ‘16 • Reserve 2yr. Old Champion & Best Udder Space ‘15 • Selected for Team Italy for the European Show in Libramont ‘19!!

Showheifer from INKAPI!! • LOVELY Chief dtr straight out of Inkapi! • Sire Chief is a tremendous complete typ sire with production, fitness & incredible TYPE!! • Sister to BELLA: 2nd place @ Swiss Expo ‘18 • Inkapi is the cow to beat this year and won many titles already in her show carreer: 2nd @ Swiss Expo and Res. Senior & HM. Grand Champion Montichiari!

Sicy KNOWLEDGE Du Bon Vent Epopee VG-89-FR Conf. VG-89-FR 2.00 275d 7.736kgM 3.9% 297F 3.3% 256P 3.00 305d 10.271kgM 3.7% 379F 3.2% 328P • s. Regancrest DOLMAN NEXT DAMS 4e Du Bon Vent Amazonia

Schaukalb aus INKAPI!! • Tolles Chief Schaukalb aus einer der momentan gefragtesten Kühe: Du Bon Vent Inkapi EX-93-IT wird verkauft! • Chief Schwester zu Bel Bag3 Solomon Bella: 2. Platz in der jüngsten Klasse @ Swiss Expo ´18 • Inkapi ist die Kuh die es dieses Jahr zu schlagen gilt: Sie war bereits 2. auf der Swiss Expo und Res. Senior & HM Grand Champion Montichiari!

Génisse de show de Inkapi!! • Une Chief stylée de l’une des vaches de show les plus chaudes du moment : Du Bon Vent Inkapi • Sœur maternelle de Bel Bag2 Solomon Bella : 2e @ Swiss Expo ’18 dans la classe des plus jeunes ! • Inkapi est la vache à battre cette année et elle était déjà en 2019 : 2ième @ Swiss Expo et Championne Réserve Sr. et Mention Honorable @ Montichiari ! Consignor

RZN Solomon








DE 0770776738 D.O.B. 08.11.2018 Nöhl GbR- Tel. +49 (0)1 604009205 - Email.

03/19 Rump Angle +0.82 // UDC +2.13 // FLC +1.97 // PTAT +3.63 12/18 (DGV) +10 Rump // +13 DS // +7 F&L // +11 MS // Conf. +14

D. Watermolen Archrival Cammolle VG-88-NL 2yr.

2. Dam. Butlerview Doorman Class EX-91-USA

3. D. Silvermaple Damion Camomille EX-95-USA

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard x FBI)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

Watermolen Archrival Cammolle VG-88-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL 2yr.

Butlerview Doorman Class EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA

2.01 91d 3.095kgM 4.5% 138F 3.6% 113P 305d 9.142kgM 4.6%F 3.8%P (proj) • Incredible Archrival grand dtr of the phenomenal CAMOMILE EX-95-USA! • Sired by Archrival (not available in Europe)

2.02 294d 8.676kgM 4.5% 390F 3.7% 325P 3.01 327d 11.286kgM 4.5% 511F 3.8% 429P • 1st Spring Yearling and Reserve Junior Champion of the Mid-East National Holstein Show 2015 • 3rd Spring Calf World Dairy Expo 2014 • HM Junior Champion Wisconsin Junior Show ‘15 • 4th Jr. 2-Yr-Old WI Championship Jr. Show ‘16 • Res. Jr. All-American Spring Yearling Heifer ‘15 • HM All-American Spring Calf ‘14

Val-Bisson DOORMAN Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2.03 313d 9.126kgM 4.0% 361F 3.5% 320P 3.03 365d 14.637kgM 4.1% 602F 3.6% 526P Life:1536d 59.274kgM 4.2% 2.497F 3.5% 2.066P • 2x All-American and All-Canadian • Dam of several All-Americans and All-Canadians • Int. Champion Royal ‘11 • Int. Champion & Res. Grand at Madison ‘11

NEXT DAMS 4e Stanhope Camila Goldwyn EX-90-CAN 5e Kendu Triumphant Charity EX-93-CAN

The CAMOMILE’S • High Type heifer from great line going back on the ROYAL & MADISON INT CHAMPION: Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA!! • Dam scored already VG-88 2yr. • Multiple generations high PROTEIN % • Grand dam CLASS EX-91-USA was 3rd as a calf at the World Dairy Expo

Die CAMOMILE’S • Hohes Typrind aus toller Linie des ROYAL & MADISON Int. CHAMPION: Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA!! • Mutter ist bereits mit VG-88 2yr. eingestuft! • Mehrere Generationen mit hohen Eiweiß % • Großmutter CLASS EX-91-USA war 3. als Kalb auf der WDE!

Une CAMOMILE • Génisse top type remontant à la belle lignée de la famille de Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95 CHAMPIONNE INTERMEDIAIRE ROYAL & MADISON! • Mère classifie déjà TB-88-2A! • Multiple générations avec beaucoup de protéine! • Grand-mère CLASS EX-91-USA était 3ième dans la classe des veaux à World Dairy Expo! Consignor


NH Doc




DE 0770753377 D.O.B. 08.11.2018 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Milk































01/19 (DGV) LPI +3313 / Conf. +16 | The ONLY heifer in the breed combining >1700 M & >4.25 PTAT!

6. M. Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA

4. M. DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

3. M. Holyfaith VG-88-FR 3yr.

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)


Faithfun NC

NH Oak Faithlove VG-87-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-87-FR VG-88-MS 2yr.

Conf. NC Fresh and looks great!! Will be easily VG 2yr. • Due in the Spring ‘19, looks great! • King Doc son sold to AI (Ascol, Spain) with great type and a complete profile • Full sister scored already VG-88-2yr-FR

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P • Different pedigree: Oak x Windbrook • Great source for type combined with good fitness and production

Pine-Tree AltaOAK NH Holyfaith EX-90-FR. Conf. EX-90-FR 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • s. Gilette WINDBROOK

NEXT DAMS 4e DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Sold for € 42.000 (NH Sale ‘10) 5e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 6e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Type Chart Topper • The #4 PTAT heifer in Europe (12/18) • The ONLY heifer in the breed combining >1700 milk with >4.25 PTAT! UNIQUE!! • Full brother sold to AI • Different blood on the maternal line • Goes back on the extraordinary brood cow Ralma Juror Faith

Einzigartige Listenführerin!! • Das #4 PTAT Rind in Europa (12/18) • Das EINZIGE Rind der Rasse mit >1700 Milch & > 4.25 PTAT! • Vollbruder ist bereits an eine Besamungsstation verkauft! • Alternative Outcross Mutterlinie • Geht zurück auf die fantastische Zuchtkuh Ralma Juror Faith

Morphologie au top! • Génisse #4 PTAT en Europe (12/18) • La SEULE génisse de la race combinant >1700 lait avec >4.25 PTAT! Unique!! • Pleine frère au centre IA • Lignée maternelle différente! • Remonte à la vache souche extraordinaire Ralma Juror Faith

weekend 2. MOX

Tag-Sale August 24th-25th, 2019, Markdorf, GERMANY Get the best!

Kings-Ransom Mogul Cleavage EX-95 (97 MS) The best Mogul-daughter in the world! Maximum Score! She is a 10th Generation EX Roxy! Her Undenied-daughter can be yours!


Mox Moocha P Red VG-87 2 yr The new Star at Mox Holsteins. Fantastic Ladd P directly from the one and only Mox Kite Maryrose EX. We have great offers from this Red Dynasty!


Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90 Mox Talent Mandy EX-95

Alpengirl EX-91

3-305 14.614 4,05 592 3,70 540. The number one milking machine at Mox Holsteins and just a fantastic cow! One of the finest in the breed. German National Champion 2016. Her very first daughter will sell. Get your own Browny!


Contact: Mox Holsteins Markus & Kerstin Mock GbR phone 049 170 3151251


Over 50 Lots will be offered! Offspring from our very best cows and families. We sell milking cows, bred heifers, show heifers, calves and embryos. Consignor

Golden Oaks BY








DE 0816843133 D.O.B. 04.02.2018 Mox Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1703 151251 - Email. 03/19 +425 Milk // UDC +2.44 // PTAT 2.83

D. Golden-Oaks Atw Charla EX-93-USA

Golden Oaks BY Chacalaca | She sells!

Sister Chacalaca: Golden-Oaks BCK Chaline EX-92-USA EX-93-MS

Oh-River-Syc BYWAY (Meridian x Atwood x Shottle)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Golden-Oaks Atwd Charla EX-93-USA GMD

Golden-Oaks Champ Rae EX-93-USA EX-MS Conf. EX-93-USA EX-MS

Conf. EX-93-USA GMD 2.01 365d 14.969kgM 4.2% 631F 3.6% 534P 3.06 305d 16.302kgM 4.1% 670F 3.4% 562P 4.07 365d 18.135kgM 4.5% 817F 3.7% 676P • The 9th generation EX Roxy! • Dam to Golden-Oaks Mccutchen Charlina EX-90-USA & Golden-Oaks BCK Chaline EX-92-USA 5th 4yr. Old Madison ‘16, GRAND Champion Land Of Lincoln ‘16, Res. Grand Champion IL State Fair ‘16 • Grand dam to GOLDENWAY @ AI Total

Byway from 9 EX Roxy’s! • Incredible show heifer from 9 generations of EXCELLENT ROXY’S in a row! • Sister to Chaline - Top 5 in Madison and Grand Champion at the Illinois State Fair ‘16 • Going back on the 2 x Queen of the breed: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

2.03 365d 12.428kgM 4.4% 544F 3.6% 448P 3.10 365d 16.388kgM 4.4% 721F 3.3% 545P 6.04 365d 18.865kgM 4.1% 777F 3.0% 562P • Grand dam to Kings Ransom MG Cleavage EX-95-USA

Calbrett-I HH CHAMPION Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA DOM 2.00 365d 12.054kgM 4.7% 562F 3.6% 435P 4.03 365d 15.291kgM 4.7% 723F 3.7% 564P • Maternal sister to Debutante Rae EX-92-USA - Res. Grand Champion WDE Madison 2005 NEXT DAMS 4e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM 5e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 8e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 9e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 10e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Byway aus 9 x EX ROXY´S! • Tolles Schaurind aus 9. Generationen EXZELLENTER ROXY´S in direkter Linie! • Schwester zu Chaline – Top 5 in Madison & Grand Champion auf der Illinois State Fair´16 • Geht zurück auf die 2 x Königin der Rasse: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

Byway de 9 générations EX de Roxy • Fantastique génisse de show issue de 9 génération consécutives EX de Roxy ! • Sœur de Chaline – 4ième@ Madison et Grande Championne @ Illinois State Fair ‘16 • Remonte 2 fois à « la Reine de la race » Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA Consignor

NH Undenied


DE 0770753390 D.O.B. 06.12.2018 Diamond Genetics, European Livestock Service & A. v.d. Vlis- Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.



































01/19 (DGV) +667M +0.39%F +0.12%P // HL 107 // Fert. 103 // Conf. +14 // LPI +3159

1 out of only 6 heifers in Europe comining >2450 GPTI with >3.80 PTAT!!

Maternal brother: Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT 12/18 +2869 gTPI +2.76 PTAT | Sold for $ 620,000

Dam: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 VG-89-USA EX-MS La1 (MAX)

2. D. Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA

Our-Favorite UNDENIED (Solomon x Atwood x Shottle)


Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 VG-89-USA La1

Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA

Conf. VG-89-USA EX-MS La1 (MAX) 2.09 244d 10.201kgM 4.2% 428F 3.4% 351P Proj. 365d 12.827 kg Milk • One of the most spectular brood cows in the breed from this decade, many sons in AI: > Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat (s. Frazzled) 12/18 GTPI +2869/ PTAT+2.76 Sold for $ 620.000 > NH DG Doc All-Time (s. King Doc) 12/18 GTPI +2690 / PTAT+3.80 > DG Allegro (s. Charley) 12/18 Top ranking PFT bull Italy > NH DG Ayden & Ashton (s. Undenied) PTAT +4.39 & PTAT +4.66 > NH DG Ash (s. Crush) PTAT +3.82



2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.2% 443P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.2% 341P • From 8 generations EXCELLENT

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3yr. 2.00 365d 11.834kgM 3.6% 425F 3.0% 354P 3.04 365d 15.168kgM 3.7% 558F 3.2% 486P • One of the best Domain daughters in the breed 4e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 5e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA 3yr. DOM 6e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 7e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 9e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E

4 x FEMALE embryos x


FEMALE Oh-River-Syc CRUSHABULL x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley VG-89-USA La1 (MAX) Grade A / IVF | Location: The Netherlands | Make your next chart toppers!

Huge type sister to Aristocrat! • Unique opportunity! 1 out of only 6 heifers in Europe combining >3.8 PTAT & >2450 GTPI • Full sister to AYDEN & ASHTON, PTAT +4.39 & PTAT +4.66 (combined with +DPR / RA & SCE) • Sister to ARISTOCRAT - huge sire of sons and topseller World Classic Sale ever: $ 620.000 • Ashley is one of the most special brood cows of the past decade combining TYPE & genomics

Ganz hohe Schwester zu Aristocrat!

Sœur de Aristocrat au morphologie top

• Einzigartige Möglichkeit! 1. von nur 6. Rindern in Europa mit der Kombination aus >3.8 PTAT & >2450 GTPI! • Vollschwester zu AYDEN & ASHTON, PTAT +4.39 & PTAT + 4.66 ( kombiniert mit +DPR / RA & SCE) • Schwester zu ARISTOCRAT – ganz heißer Bullenvater und absoluter Topseller des World Classic Sales: $ 620.000 • Ashley ist eine der besten Zuchtkühe der Rasse die wie keine andere hohe Exterieurwerte und haushohe Genomics verbindet!

• Opportunité unique ! L’une de seulement 6 génisses en Europe qui combinent >3.8 PTAT & >2450 GTPI • Pleine sœur de AYDEN & ASHTON, PTAT +4.39 & PTAT +4.66 (combiné avec +DPR/RA & SCE) • Sœur de Aristocrat – père à taureau super haut et top vente World Classic Sale jamais: $620.000 • Ashley est l’une des plus spéciales vaches souches de la dernière décennie, combinant top valeurs génomiques et type!



Choice Female







Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Choice out of 3 FEMALE pregnancies Location: Germany Due Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn x Maverick CRUSH (female semen) - Due: August ‘19 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn x Croteau Lesperron UNIX (female semen) - Due: August ‘19 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn x Blondin RAPTOR (female semen) - Due: June ‘19

Dam: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA 2E

Dam: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA 2E - SUPREME CHAMPION World Dairy Expo 2017

CRUSH / UNIX / RAPTOR 1st Choice

Braedale GOLDWYN

Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA 2E

Rosiers Beyonce Dundee EX-90-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-92-MS 2* 5yr.

Conf. EX-96-USA 2E 2.06 305d 11.340kgM 4.4% 503F 3.0% 345P 4.05 305d 15.327kgM 4.3% 652F 2.9% 452P 5.05 305d 14.883kgM 4.5% 663F 3.1% 464P

Family member: Porpo Goldwyn Barby EX-94-USA

2.03 365d 9.950kgM 4.6% 457F 3.3% 324P 3.09 365d 12.634kgM 4.2% 526F 3.4% 438P 5.01 365d 11.886kgM 3.8% 446F 3.3% 425P

• SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo 2017 • Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2017 • 1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017 • All-American & All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017 • Champion NY International Spring Show 2016 • Grand Champion Wisconsin State Championship Show 2016 & 2017

Regancrest DUNDEE Rosiers Burka Triumphant Conf. EX-90-CAN 7* 2.02 305d 8.950kgM 4.4% 392F 3.3% 294P 3.03 305d 9.906kgM 4.7% 468F 3.4% 338P 4.09 305d 9.980kgM 4.7% 465F 3.4% 344P 6.08 305d 11.559kgM 4.6% 537F 3.3% 380P • 3rd Senior Calf Sorel Show 2003 • 9 VG or EXCELLENT daughters till date • Full sister to Rosiers Burkan Triumphant EX-90-CAN 7*, dam to Porpo Goldwyn Barby EX-94-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Rosiers Burdy Vision VG-87-CAN 3yr. 9* 5e Rosiers Branda Prelude VG-88-CAN 5yr. 2* 6e Rosiers Bernet Persistent EX-CAN 4E 12*

Daughter of BLEXY!! • First European opportunity to buy a direct dtr of one of the greatest Madison Champions of all time: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA 2E • Blexy was also All-American & All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘17 & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Show ‘16 & ‘17 • Deep Canadian cow family from origin! • Great combination with 3 incredible sires!

Tochter aus BLEXY!! • Erste Möglichkeit in Europa, für eine direkte Tochter aus einer der großartigsten Madison Champions aller Zeiten zu ersteigern: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn • Blexy war ebenfalls All-American & All-Canadian Mature Kuh ´17 & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Show ´16 & ´17! • Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie! • Tolle Kombination mit diesen 3 fantastischen Bullen!

Fille de BLEXY!! • Première opportunité en Europe pour acquérir une fille directe de l’une des meilleures championnes de Madison de tous les temps : • Blexy était aussi All-American & All-Canadian Mature Cow ’17 & Grande Championne @ Wisconsin State Show ’16 & ‘17 • Profonde famille de vache avec ses origines en Canada! Consignor


Aphrodita RED







DE 0361097189 D.O.B. 18.03.2018 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Dam: Luck-E Redburst Aphrodite-Red VG-87-NL

Armani sister to Lot: Loh TJ Alessja VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr. Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘19

Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent-Red x Blitz)


Luck-E Redburst Aphrodite-Red VG-87-NL 3yr.

Luck-E Advent Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA

Conf. VG-87-NL 3yr. 2.01 365d 10.676kgM 3.9% 417F 3.4% 358P • One of the greatest R&W 2-Yr. Olds in Europe • Top 5 R&W 2yr. old Swiss Expo Lausanne 2016 • Dam to Loh TJ Alessja VG-86-DE 2yr. - Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘19 - 2yr. Old Champion Schau der Besten ‘18 - Reserve Junior Champion Bundesjungzüchtertreffen ‘16 • Dam to Loh Dice-Red @ Masterrind • Selected for the European Show for Team Germany

Allesja her R&W sister SELLS! • Great opportunity to buy a R&W siste of one of the greatest young cows in Europe: Allesja! • R&W sister to DICE-RED @ Masterrind • Grand dam is the famous Luck-E Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA - full sister to Luck-E Advent Asia EX-94-USA • Same family as the populair R&W show sires: AWESOME-RED & ADONIS-RED!

2. D: Luck-E Advent Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA 2E

KHW Kite ADVENT-RED Luck-E Blitz Australia VG-87-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA

2.04 349d 12.143kgM 4.0% 490F 3.0% 364P 3.05 365d 17.599kgM 3.9% 694F 3.0% 533P 5.03 365d 18.044kgM 3.7% 668F 3.0% 545P

2.02 365d 17.232kgM 4.0% 693F 3.0% 513P

• Full sister is dam to: AWESOME RED & ADONIS RED!

• Full sister to Australia EX-90-USA

NEXT DAMS 4e Luck-E Skychief Arizona EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Hart-Lyn Starbuck Ashley EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Kachina Valiant Act VG-86-USA 7e Dodeb Matt Actress EX-93-USA 3E 8e Lamkinland B Matt Actress VG-85-USA VG-85-USA

Allesja ihre ROTE Schwester!! • Tolle Möglichkeit: Ersteigern Sie eine ROTE Schwester einer der aufregendsten jungen Kühe Europas! • ROTE Schwester zu DICE-RED @ Masterrind • Großmutter ist die weltbekannte Luck-E Atlanta *RC EX-94-USA – Vollschwester zu Luck-E Advent Asia EX-94-USA • Gleiche Familie wie die populären ROTEN Schaubullen: AWESOME-RED & ADONIS-RED

La sœur ROUGE de Allesja à vendre! • Unique opportunité d’acheter une sœur ROUGE d’une des meilleures jeunes vaches en Europe : Allesja! • Sœur ROUGE de DICE-RED @ Masterrind • Grand-mère est la fameuse Luck-E Atlanta RC EX-94-USA – pleine sœur de Luck-E-Advent Asia • Même famille que les taureaux de show R&W populaires : AWESOME-RED & ADONIS-RED Consignor

Panda TakTic

Atlanta RC *







UK 375762300097 D.O.B. 28.01.2019 Panda Holsteins - Tel. +44 (0)7772 207841 - Email. 03/19 UDC +3.41 // FLC +2.48 // PTAT +4.16

03/19 (DGV) Rump +8 // Dairy Strength +15 // F&L +14 // Mammary System +17 / Conf. +20

The #1 Conformation heifer in Europe! // Believed to be the #1 RED CARRIER conformation heifer in the breed!

2. D: Ms Apples Aria EX-92-USA EX-94-MS

3. Dam: KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

4. D: Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E

Duckett Crush TATOO (Crush x Gold Chip x Durham)


Golden-Oaks M Atlnta-Red

Ms Apples Aria EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA EX-94-MS

Due: April ‘19 • Former #1 R&W PTAT female in the World! • Still +4.01 PTAT!!! • Her R&W Unstopabull dtr in Canada is the #1 Conformation heifer in the World: +24 DGV-Conf.

2.01 365d 11.072kgM 4.9% 544F 4.1% 449P 3.10 312d 13.531kgM 4.8% 655F 3.6% 488P 5.07 305d 10.070kgM 4.6% 460F 3.9% 397 • Junior Champion Iowa State Holstein Show 2011

Scientific DESTRY *RC KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • The One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Colver-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM x EX-94 x EX-96 x EX-90 x EX-90

The #1 Conformation RC heifer!! • The #1 Conf. in the World and #2 RC PTAT in Europe sells! She is also the #1 Tatoo for Type in the World and the #1 PTAT female in the UK!! • Sister to the #1 heifer in the breed: +24 DGV Conf. • 3rd dam APPLE is the ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ and was Res. Grand Champion WDE ‘13 & Grand Champion WDE ‘11!!

Das #1 Conformation RC Rind!! • Das #1 Conf. Rind der Rasse & #2 RC PTAT in Europa wird verkauft! Sie ist auch die #1 Tatoo der Welt und das #1 Typ Tier in England! • Schwester des #1 Rindes der Rasse: +24 DGV Conf. • 3. Mutter APPLE ist die ´One Million Dollar Kuh´ und war Res. Grand Champion WDE ´13 & Grand Champion WDE ´ 11

La génisse #1 morpho FR!! • Le #1 Morpho en Europe et le #2 au monde Facteur Rouge à vendre ! Elle est aussi le #1 fille de TATOO en PTAT au monde et la génisse #1 PTAT en Angleterre ! • Sœur de la #1 de la race : Conf +24 DGV • 3ième mère est « La vache d’un million dollar » Apple-Red : Grande Championne WDE’11 et Réserve Consignor

Arethusa Viva








DE 0770776752 D.O.B. 08.12.2018 Johannes Nöhl - Tel. +49 (0)11604009205 - Email.

Sister to Loca: Elliotts Blackstone Charlotte EX-94-USA

Dam. Arethusa Veronicas Comet EX-95-USA

2.D. Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA

River Valley Cece CHROME (Critic-P x Celebrity x Lyon)

Piedmont Nadine FUROR

Arethusa Veronicas Comet EX-95-USA

Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA Conf. EX-97-USA 5E

Conf. EX-95-USA 3.07 305d 8.227kgM 6.0% 494F 3.8% 314P 4.06 305d 9.077kgM 6.5% 590F 3.7% 336P 7.05 305d 8.741kgM 5.5% 481F 3.4% 297P • Direct dtr of the LEGEND: Veronica EX-97-USA - 6 x All-American Nominations, Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Dam to: Arethusa Fizz Callie - Res. Jr. Champion WDE ‘18 • Dam to: Elliotts Blackstone Charlotte EX-94-USA - Res. Grand Champion Jersey Show WDE ‘17 & HM. Grand Champion Jersey Royal Winter Fair ‘17 • Sister to Arethusa Response Viviv EX-95-USA - Supreme Champion Royal 2014

The JERSEY dream! • An amazing chance to buy a grand daughter of the LEGEND: Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA • Veronica was 6x All-American nominated & Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Dam is sister to Arethusa Response Vivid EX-95-USA, SUPREME Champion Royal Winter Fair • Loca herself is a sister to the Res. Jr. Champion WDE ‘18: Arethusa Fizz Callie!

2.00 334d 8.857kgM 5.5% 480F 4.1% 347P 2.11 365d 11.710kgM 5.1% 577F 4.1% 478P 4.09 365d 11.144kgM 5.6% 635F 4.0% 443P 6.08 365d 11.087kgM 5.6% 650F 3.6% 433P • One of the most legandary Jersey cows in the history! • Winner of the Jersey Journal Great Cow Contest ‘16 • 3x GRAND, 2x Res. Grand & 2. SUPREME Champion at World Dairy Expo, Madison

Sooner CENTURION Genesis Renaissance Vivianne VG-87-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 1.11 305d 4.252kgM 4.8% 203F 4.1% 173P 4.00 305d 4.577kgM 4.8% 220F 4.0% 183P 5.00 305d 5.492kgM 4.2% 233F 3.8% 209P 6.00 305d 4.843kgM 4.5% 220F 3.9% 188P • s. Hollylane RENAISSANCE NEXT DAMS 4e Genesis Juno Virginia EX-91-CAN 4E 5e Swissbell F Veronica SUP EX 6e Swissbell Ella virginia EX-90 7e Swissbell Virginia SUP EX-90 8e Belmont Jester Virginia SUP EX

Ein JERSEY Traum! • Ihre Chance auf eine Enkeltochter der LEGENDE: Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA • Veronica war 6 x All American nomniert & Grand @ Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Die Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Arethusa Response Vivid EX-95-USA, SUPREME Champion RAWF • Loca selbst ist die Schwester des Res. Jr. Champion WDE ´18: Arethusa Fizz Callie!

Le rêve JERSEY! • Une opportunité incroyable d’acheter une petite-fille de la LÉGENDE Huronica Centurion Veronica EX-97 • Veronica est nommé 6X All-American & Grande Championne Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Mère est la sœur de Arethusa Response Vivid EX95-USA, Championne SUPREME Royal Winter Fair • Loca elle-même est une sœur de la Championne Réserve Junior WDE’18 : Arethusa Fizz Callie! Consignor









DE 0361097418 D.O.B. 27.12.2018 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Grand dam: Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-93-USA | Grand Champion Junior Jersey Show WDE ‘10

Chilli Action COLTON (Action x Connection x Prize)


Metalica Genie VG-87-USA 2yr.

Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA

Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. La1 305d 5.530kgM 4.2% 234F 3.9% 214P • Maternal sister to River Valley Magic GENIE @ Select Sires

3.02 305d 7.448kgM 4.2% 313F 3.4% 252P • 2011 National Jr. Grand Champion • 2x Jr. All-American 2010 & 2011 • Reserve All American Sr. 3-Year-Old, 2010 • Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo Jr. Show ‘10 • Second, Sr. 3yr. Old World Dairy Expo ‘10 & All American Jersey Show

Grand dam GENIE

VINDICATION Claessic Fields Chairs Gloria GP-CAN Conf. GP-CAN 3.00 290d 7.306kgM 4.4% 324F 3.5% 259P • s. Giprat Belles CHAIRMAN

NEXT DAMS 4e Claessic Fields Cosmos Ginger EX-93-CAN 5E

x 6 generations VG or EXCELLENT

Grand dtr of GENIE!!! • One of the GREATEST Jersey pedigrees you can find in Europe!! Colton grand dtr of GENIE!!! • Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-93-USA was SUPREME Champion Jersey at the 2011 Jr. Show at Madison • 9 VG or EXCELLENT cows in this pedigree • Dam is the sister to River Valley Magic GENIE @ Select Sires

Enkelin von GENIE!!! • Eines der besten Jersey-Pedigrees, die Sie in Europa finden können! Verkauft wird eine Colton-Enkeltochter von Genie! • Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-93 war SUPREME Champion auf der Jr. Show in Madison • 9. Generationen VG oder EX im Pedigree • Mutter ist die Schwester zu River Valley Magic Genie

Petite-fille de GENIE!!! • L’un des meilleures pédigrées Jersey qu’on sait trouver en Europe ! Une Colton, petite-fille de GENIE • Claessic Fields Vindicat Genie EX-93-USA était Championne Suprême Jersey au Junior Show à Madison 2011 • 9 VG ou EXCELLENTES dans le pédigrée • Mère est la sœur de River Valley Magic GENIE @ Select Sires Consignor

WIT Snicker








DE 0540433110 D.O.B. 05.03.2018 Wiethege & C. Lüpschen - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email.

2. Dam: Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK

3. Dam: Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK THE LEGEND

Full sister to M. Kedar Blooming Snickerdee VG-88-UK

Cozy Nook Carter TEQUILA (Carter x Alloy x AltaPronto)

Scherma Glenn BLOOMING

Kedar Blooming Snickers VG-87-DE 2yr.

Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK Conf. EX-94-UK

Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.220kgM 4.53%F 418F 4.08%P 408P • Champion Reg. Area Show ‘18 • Sister to G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH 2yr. - topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 for CHF 15.000 • Sister to Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89 EX-MS - Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day ‘16

2.03 305d 8.404kgM 4.5% 377F 3.9% 326P 3.10 305d 9.814kgM 4.4% 431F 3.6% 354P 4.11 305d 10.514kgM 4.3% 456F 4.0% 424P • 1st Sr. Cow & HM. Grand UK National ‘13 • Dam to Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89 EX-MS - Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day ‘16 • Dam to G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH 2yr. -topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 for CHF 15.000 • Multiple high scoring and show winning daughters

Mort Jades STARBUCK Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2.01 310d 18.630kgL 4.3% 807F 3.6% 675P 3.02 365d 10.387kgM 4.6% 474F 3.4% 357P 4.08 365d 14.148kgM 4.5% 633F 3.5% 497P 6.09 365d 15.236kgM 4.2% 643F 3.6% 541P • Supreme Champion WDE ‘03 / 6 x Grand Champion World Dairy Expo! • Supreme Champion PA All-American ‘08 & ‘09 • Unanimous All-American 4-Yr. Old ‘03 • 4 All-American titles • Grand Champion Centraion National ‘03, ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘08 & ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Old Mill E Cookie EX-90-USA 5e Old Mill Dollys Taffy (All-American Jr. Calf & 2-Yr. Old) 6e Old Mill Dolly Anne (Nom. All-American Jr. Calf)

A SNICKERDOODLE • The very best for the Brown Swiss breed • SNICKERDOODLE is the Queen of the Brown Swiss breed • Snickerdoodle is the truly legend with winning 6x Grand Champion Brown Swiss @ MADISON! • Grand dam was 1st. Sr. Cow & HM. Grand UK National ‘13 an ddam to G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH: topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 for CHF 15.000

Eine SNICKERDOODLE • Das Beste der Braunviehzucht • SNICKERDOODLE ist die Queen der Braunvieh rasse • Snickerdoodle ist 6x Grand Champion Brown Swiss der WDE gewesen • Großmutter war 1st. Sr. Cow & HM. Grand Champion UK National ´13 und Mutter von G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH: topseller Swiss Sale ´11 für 15.000 CHF

Une SNICKERDOODLE • Le tout meilleur de la race Brune! • SNICKERDOODLE est la Reine de la race Brune! • Snickerdoodle est une vraie légende par ses 6 victoires de Grande Championne Brown Swiss @ Madison • Grand-mère était 1ière Vache Sr. & Mention Honorable Grande @ UK National ’13 et elle est la mère de G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH : Top vente Swiss Sale ’11 à 15.000 CHF Consignor

Absolute Callen








DE 0360940254 D.O.B. 27.08.2018 Nosbisch Holsteins & Torben Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 03/19 +586 Milk // SCE 7.1 // UDC +2.81 // PTAT +3.43

12/18 (DGV) Rump +3 // Dairy Strength +15 // F&L +9 // Mammary System +14 / Conf. +17

D. Absolute Doorman Aringadingding VG-86-UK 2yr.

2. Dam: Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA

Full sister to Dam. Kingsway Doorman Andrea EX-91-USA 1st Sr. 2yr. Old World Dairy Expo ‘18

OCD 1stClass CALLEN (Alta1stClass x Mayfield x Atwood)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Absolute Doorman Aringadingding VG-86-UK 2yr.

Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

Conf. VG-86-UK 2yr. La1 305d 10.132kgM 4.7% 477F 3.3% 332P • Full sister to Kingsway Doorman Andrea EX-91-USA: 1st Sr. 2yr. Old WDE ‘18 & Grand Champion CT Show ‘18 • Full sister to Absolute Doorman Tangfastic VG-86-UK: 1st Winter Yrlng UK Dairy Expo ‘17

Huge genomic type from winners! • Huge genomic type heifer with +17 DGV Conformation in Canada, incredible udders and MILK!! • One of the very first to be offered from this family in Europe • Full sister to dam was 1st @ Madison ‘18 • Grand dam is the incrdible Arangatang EX-95-USA • Great opportunity to join the Kingsway Allie’s!

1.11 305d 9.875kgM 4.3% 426F 3.5% 346P 3.04 305d 11.036kgM 4.1% 457F 3.4% 377P 4.04 305d 12.337kgM 4.4% 539F 3.5% 426P 6.01 375d 16.295kgM 4.8% 778F 3.4% 549P

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ Kingsway Dundee Abra Codabra EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.02 365d 10.118kgM 3.9% 397F 3.4% 342F • All-Canadian Summer Yearling • All-Ontario Summer Yearling • 1st Summer Yearling Royal Winter Fair ‘07

• Honorable Mention All-Canadian 4 yr. 2014 • Res. All-Ontario Mature Cow 2016 • 2nd Mature Cow Ontario Summer Show ‘16, 3rd Royal Winter Fair ‘14, 1st Autumn Opportunity Show • All Canadian 4H Junior Yearling 2011


Hoher PTAT aus Siegerkühen!

Top Type issue des championnes!

• Ganz hohes genomisches Type Rind mit +17 DGV Conformation in Kanada, super Euter mit viel Milch. • Eines der ersten Angebote dieser Familie in Europa! • Vollschwester der Mutter war 1. @ Madison 2018 • Großmutter ist die fantastische Arangatang EX-95 • Fantastische Möglichkeit aus den Kingsway Allie´s!

4e Kingsway Terrason Allie EX-95-CAN 2E 5e Kingsway Progress Ashley EX-CAN EX-93-MS 6e Nelcam Tab Astra EX-CAN 3E 7e Nelcam Prestar Astra VG-88-CAN 4yr. 8e Nelcam Count Alice EX-CAN

• Génisse top type avec +17 DGV Conformation en Canada, des pis incroyables et beaucoup de lait! • L’une des toutes premières à vendre de cette famille en Europe! • Pleine sœur de la mère était 1ière@Madison ‘18 • Grand-mère est l’incroyable Arangatang EX-95-USA • Belle opportunité d’acquérir la famille de Kingsway Allie!



Choice Female


The MADISON package

La Brasserie Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)6 83803325- Email.

First choice out of: 2 pregnancies x Blondin RAPTOR (FEMALE semen) x Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA | Due: July 2019 1 pregnancy x Val-Bisson DOORMAN (FEMALE semen) x Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA EX-97-MS 2E | Due: August 2019







Left: Dam: Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA Top: Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish (Atwood x Subliminale) 5th Milking Yearling & Best Udder Madison ‘17 Nom. All-American ‘17

Dam: Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA

The MADISON package!! • 1st Choice from 2 of the very best cows ever showed on the coloured shavings in Madison! • Combined with the very best bulls in the breed • RAPTOR is not available in Europe and DOORMAN is the King of the Ring! • A once in a lifetime opportunity!!

Das MADISON Paket!! • 1. Wahl aus 2 der besten Kühe, die je auf der World Dairy Expo gezeigt wurden • Kombiniert mit den besten Typbullen der Rasse • Raptor ist nicht verfügbar in Europa und Doorman der König im Schauring! • Ein einmaliges Angebot

Le paquet MADISON!! • 1ier choix venant de 2 des toutes meilleures vaches qui ont jamais fait leur apparition aux sciures colorés à Madison ! • Combiné avec les meilleurs taureaux de la race ! • RAPTOR n’est pas disponible en Europe et DOORMAN est le « Roi du Show » • Voici une occasion unique dans la vie !





The Madison Package Buyers choice out of all resulting females from pregnancies below:

2 pregnancies: ♀ Blondin RAPTOR x Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA | Due: July 2019 Blondin RAPTOR (Solomon x Beemer x Reginald) 12/18 PTAT +4.46 / DGV-Conf. +20

Braedale GOLDWYN

Indianhead RED-MARKER *RC

Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-96-USA 2E Conf. EX-96-USA 2E

Blondin R Marker Sublime EX-93-CAN 15* Conf. EX-93-CAN 15*

Blondin James Supra EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9* Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9*

2.02 305d 9.460kgM 4.1% 391F 3.5% 327P 4.10 305d 13.544kgM 4.3% 584F 3.3% 442P 5.11 365d 17.327kgM 3.8% 656F 3.3% 572P 7.01 305d 15.867kgM 3.7% 609F 3.3% 545P

2.03 365d 10.678kgM 5.2% 556F 3.7% 397P 4.00 365d 14.216kgM 5.6% 798F 3.5% 491P 5.02 365d 14.460kgM 4.5% 648F 3.6% 525P 8.11 305d 9.928kgM 4.8% 479F 3.7% 365P 10.8 365d 16.234kgM 4.7% 768F 3.3% 535P

4.08 365d 15.282kgM 4.8% 740F 3.6% 547P

• Supreme Champion Junior Show WDE 2015 • 1st place Wisconsin Holstein Show 2017 • 1st place 150.000lbs class World Dairy Expo ‘17 • All-Canadian & All-American Mature Cow 2016 • All-American Longtime Production Cow 2017 • Top 5 Aged Cow Madison ‘16 • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2012 • 1st Mature Cow & BEST UDDER Royal ‘16 • 2nd Jr. 3yr. Old Royal Winter Fair 2012 • HM. All-American Jr. 3yr. Old Cow 2012

• 2nd 4yr. Old Three Rivers Show 2006 • 2nd Jr. 1yr. Old Berthier Show 2003 • Cousin to Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA

• s. Shoremar JAMES • Res. All-Canadian 4yr. Old 2004 • Res. All-Quebec 4yr. Old 2004 • 1st 4yr. Old QC International 2004 • HM. Grand Champion Ontoria Summer 2005 NEXT DAMS 4e Blondin Skychief Supra EX-93-CAN 35* 5e Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-CAN 17* 6e Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-CAN 7e Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-CAN 8e Diamond Hill Poplar B VG-85-CAN 9e Broughton Lea Poplar EX-CAN

1 pregnancy: ♀ Val-Bisson DOORMAN x Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA EX-97-MS | Due: August 2019 Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn) Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA EX-97-MS 4.09 305d 13.875kgM 4.8% 665F 2.9% 402P 6.09 300d 13.645kgM 3.8% 533F 3.1% 420P 5.09 307d 12.841kgM 4.4% 565F 3.1% 402P • All-American Aged Cow 2015 • Grand and Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 • Unanimous All-American 5-Yr Old 2014 • Res Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair & World Dairy Expo 2014

Braedale GOLDWYN Bienert Encounter Kim EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN. La1 338d 8.426kgM 4.6% 388F 3.3% 279P La2 365d 8.909kgM 4.7% 417F 3.5% 308P La3 311d 9.140kgM 4.8% 441F 3.5% 319P La4 329d 8.474kgM 5.2% 441F 3.6% 303P La5 349d 8.930kgM 4.8% 427F 3.4% 302P La6 365d 9.676kgM 4.5% 436F 3.3% 316P Life:2244d 57.036kgM 4.7% 2.702F 3.4% 1.933P

Indianhead ENCOUTER Bienert Inspiration Kesha VG-87-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 2.06 365d 9.762kgM 4.3% 422F 3.5% 345P 4.00 337d 9.505kgM 4.4% 414F 3.4% 322P 8.02 365d 9.838kgM 4.2% 416F 3.5% 343P 9.04 345d 9.047kgM 4.5% 405F 3.5% 315P • s. Hanover-Hill INSPIRATION

NEXT DAMS 4e Bienert Sheik Katherine VG-86-CAN 5e Bienert Starlite Kimmy VG-85-CAN 6e Hor-Mar Kim Supreme EX-CAN 4* 7e Hor-Mar Karen Queen VG-CAN Consignor









FR 4429827173 D.O.B. 13.03.2017 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email.

2. D. Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN 1* 5E

2. Dam. Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN 1* 5E

2. D. Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN 1* 5E

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD (Goldwyn x Durham x Storm B/R)

Erbacres DAMION

Pierstein Damion Jubilee VG-88-CAN 4yr.

Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN 1* 5E Conf. EX-97-CAN 1* 5E

Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 4yr. 2.01 365d 11.847kgM 4.0% 471F 3.5% 419P 4.08 305d 11.085kgM 3.7% 405F 3.1% 346P • Incredible combination: Damion x June! • 4 milking sisters in Canada all went VG 2yr. Old! • Her first milking Armani dtr scored VG-88-USA

3.07 365d 10.106kgM 4.0% 407F 3.4% 345P 4.11 305d 11.894kgM 4.1% 491F 3.2% 379P 6.01 365d 15.734kgM 4.8% 762F 3.5% 553P 8.00 305d 14.393kgM 4.3% 614F 3.3% 479P 9.03 365d 15.308kgM 4.2% 649F 3.3% 499P 11.07 305d 13.869kgM 4.3% 597F 3.1% 427P • Supreme Champion Expo-printemps du Quebec ‘18 • 2nd place World Dairy Expo 2018 • Grand Champion Supreme Laitier 2018 • HM. All-Canadian Mature Cow 2015 • 1st in class @ Royal Winter Fair ‘15 • HM. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2015 • Res. All-Canadian Mature Cow 2014 • HM. Grand Champion Supreme Laitier ‘14

Grand daughter of JUNE! • Exclusive opportunity to buy a grand dtr of Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN in Europe! • 1st milking sister to this heifer already scored VG-88 • Grand dam JUNE was 2nd in class @ WDE ‘18 as a 12yr. Old cow! UNIQUE!! • June was also Grand Champion Supreme Laitier ‘18, HM. Grand Champion Royal ‘15 & more!

Enkeltochter von JUNE! • Exklusive Möglichkeit für eine Enkeltochter von Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN zu ersteigern • Die erste melkende Schwester des Verkaufstieres ist bereits mit VG-88 eingestuft! • Großmutter JUNE war 2. in ihrer Klasse @ WDE ´18 als 12. jährige Kuh! EINZIGARTIG!! • June war ebenfalls Grand Champion Supreme Laitier ´18, Grand Champion Royal ´15 und mehr!

Braedale GOLDWYN Loyalyn Allen April EX-92-CAN 3E Conf. EX-92-CAN 3E 2.01 365d 9.443kgM 3.8% 360F 3.0% 284P 3.04 305d 8.570kgM 3.6% 310F 3.1% 269P 4.05 285d 9.062kgM 3.9% 349F 3.0% 272P • s. Canyon-Breeze ALLEN • 2 EXCELLENT daughters til date NEXT DAMS 4e Loyalyn Rudolph Julianna VG-87-CAN 5yr. 5e Loyalyn Lindy Wilhemina VG-86-CAN 3yr.

Petite-fille de JUNE! • Opportunité exclusive d’acquérir une petite-fille de Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-CAN en Europe! • Première sœur en lait classifie déjà TB-88! • Grand-mère June était 2ième de section @ WDE ’18 à l’âge de 12 ans! Unique! • June était aussi Grande Championne @ Supreme Laitier ’18 et Mention Honorable @ Royal ’15 et plus!

5 Straws of

Goldwyn SEMEN

Consignor J. van Belleghem - Tel. +32 (0) 471056508 - Email. # of straws 5 Straws of Goldwyn SEMEN Location Belgium







Milksource GOLDWYN Africa EX-95-USA

Blondin GOLDWYN Subliminal EX-96-USA 2E


Rogy GOLDYWN Ghardaia EX-95-CH

Rosiers Blexy GOLDWYN EX-96-USA

GOLDWYN SEMEN! • One of the FINAL opportunities to buy GOLDWYN SEMEN! • He is the KING OF THE RING! • The specialist: 3456 EXCELLENT & 14082 VG dtrs in Canada til date! • THE LEGEND!

Lovhill GOLDWYN Katrysha EX-96-USA

GOLDWYN SPERMA! • Eine der letzten Möglichkeiten an GOLDWYN Sperma zu kommen! • Er ist der König des Schauring´s! • Der Spezialist: Mit bislang 3456 EXZELLENTER & 14.082 VG eingestufter Töchter alleine in Kanada! • Die LEGENDE!!

Doses de GOLDWYN! • Une des dernières occasions d’acheter des doses de Goldwyn • Il est le ROI DES SHOWS! • Spécialiste de morpho : 3456 filles EXCELLENTES & 14082 filles TB en Canada à ce jour! • LA LEGENDE! Consignor

NH Doc Blind








DE 0360940387 D.O.B. 10.11.2018 Nosbisch Holsteins & Torben Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 03/19 +1235 Milk // +41 Protein // UDC +2.60 // RUH +4.32 // FLC +1.45 // PTAT +3.98 12/18 (DGV) Rump +3 // Dairy Strength +17 // F&L +1 // Mammary System +12 / Conf. +14

One out of only 24 heifers in the breed combining >1225 Milk / >3.95 PTAT

D. ALH Baltimore

3. D. Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA EX-96-MS 3 x Classwinner at the World Dairy Expo

2. D. Ms Gold Barbara Brooke EX-91-USA 3yr.

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

ALH Baltimore

Ms Gold Barbara Brooke EX-91-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-91-USA

Due: Spring ‘19 • Top ranking PTAT heifer: +3.43 PTAT (12/18) • Her sire ARCHRIVAL is not available in Europe, he has still PTAT+3.43 based on 373 USA dtrs

2.09 365d 14.353kgM 3.2% 466F 3.4% 489P • EX-91 DOORMAN straight out of Barbara! • From the ONE & ONLY Gold Barbara!

Val-Bisson DOORMAN Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA EX-96-MS Conf. EX-95-USA 2.06 339d 12.727kgM 4.4% 557F 3.5% 440P 3.07 365d 18.926kgM 3.9% 730F 2.8% 537P 6.02 532d 26.565kgM 4.3% 1140F 3.0% 805P • 3x in a row first place finish at World Dairy Expo • All-American Sr. 3-Yr Old 2013 • Int. Champion & Res. Int. Champion WDE ‘13 & ‘12 • 1st Aged Cow NY Spring Holstein Show 2016 • HM. Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘12 NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA 2E 4* DOM 5e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 7e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E 9e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 10th Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA

PTAT topper from the Barbara’s • Huge type heifer from the Barbara cow family • One out of only 24 heifers in the breed (3 in Europe), combining >1225 Milk / >3.95 PTAT! • Baltimore is due Spring ‘19 and looks very promising! • Going back on Barbara EX-95-USA, who was undefeated in her class at Madison for 3 years in a row!

PTAT Listenführerin aus den Barbara´s • Ganz hohes PTAT Rind aus der Barbara Familie • Eines von nur 24 Rindern weltweit (3 in Europa) mit der Kombination aus > +1225 M & 3.95 PTAT! • Baltimore kalbt im Frühjahr und sieht super aus! • Geht zurück auf Barbara EX-95-USA, welche 3. Jahre in Folge ihrer Klasse in Madison gewonnen hat!

Top PTAT de Barbara • Génisse top morpho, famille de Barbara! • L’une des 24 génisses de la race (3 en Europe) combinant >1225 Lait et >3.95 PTAT! • Mère Baltimore vêlera au printemps ’19 et elle est très prometteuse! • Remonte à Barbara EX-95-USA, gagnante de section à Madison 3 années consécutives! Consignor









LU 599662699 D.O.B. 04.07.2018 C-Sold Holsteins - Tel. +352 621624769 - Email.

Dam: Hellender Champion Galaxy EX-91-CH Hellender Champion Corina | Full sistert to dam

Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-CH | Full sister to dam

Hellender Atwood Genesis EX-92-CH Atwood x Champion x Jurgolin

Monument IMPRESSION (Socrates x Potter x Durham)


Hellender Champion Galaxy EX-91-CH

Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-CH 7E Conf. EX-92-CH EX-94-MS 7E

Conf. EX-91-CH 3.10 284d 9.518kgM 4.7% 446F 3.7% 349P 4.09 305d 10.583kgM 4.9% 515F 3.7% 388P • 3rd 5yr. Old Class World Dairy Expo ‘15 • Full sister to Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-CH: dam to Hellender Atwood Genesis - 1st place Swiss Expo 2019 • Full sister to Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-CH

Exciting grand dtr of Jurgolin!! • RELIABILITY: an IMPRESSION dtr x EXCELLENT Champion x Jurgolin!! • Jurgolin produced >150.000 kg milk in her life, won shows & produced many great cows! • Dam is a full sister to Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-CH - Hon. Mention Champion Swiss Expo 2010 & Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-CH and many more!

3.02 305d 10.706kgM 3.8% 410F 3.4% 364P 5.11 305d 13.061kgM 4.5% 584F 3.3% 409P 10.11 305d 13.332kgM 4.8% 425F 3.2% 582P Llifetime: (9) 150.893kgM 4.7%F 3.6%P

Hellender Goldwyn Glinnie EX-93-CH Goldwyn x Champion x Jurgolin

Ked JUROR Hellender Design Desgolin VG-86-CH 6* Conf. VG-86-CH 2.02 305d 9.325kgM 3.9% 362F 3.5% 328P 3.02 305d 9.328kgM 4.2% 388F 3.6% 328P 4.07 305d 9.419kgM 4.7% 439F 3.6% 334P • s. Dixellen DESIGN

• Supreme Champion & Hon. Mention Best Udder Brunegg ‘11 • 1st at the Swiss Expo in ‘08 and ‘09 & 3rd in ‘11 • Dam to COLIN (s. Champion) @ Swiss Genetics! • Dam to the Hon. Mention Gr. Champion Swiss Expo ‘11: CALANDA EX-95


Tolle Enkeltochter von Jurgolin!!

Petite-fille passionnante de Jurgolin

• SICHERHEIT: Eine Impression x EX Champion x Jurgolin! • Jurgolin hat bereits >150.000kg Milch in ihrem Leben produziert, viele Schauen gewonnen und fantastische Nachkommen gezüchtet! • Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zu Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-CH – Hon. Mention Champion Swiss Expo 2010 & Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-CH und vielen

4e Hellender Gopoly Golinda EX-92-CH 2E 7* 5e Linda VG-85-CH VG-87-MS 4*

• FIABILITE: Fille d’IMPRESSION X Champion EX X Jurgolin! • Jurgolin: production viagère >150.000kg, gagnante de show et mère de plusieurs superbes vaches • Mère est la pleine sœur de Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-CH – Mention Honorable Swiss Expo 2010 & Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-CH et plus! Consignor



DE 0540433167 D.O.B. 06.08.2018 Genesland & Wiethege Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)15 112121766 - Email. christoph.luepschen@t-online. 3/19 +377 Milk // Rump Angle +0.38 // PTAT +4.03 12/18 (DGV) Rump +7 // Dairy Strength +16 // F&L +9 // Mammary System +12 // Conformation +17







Full sister to D. WI Beemer Felli VG-87-NL 2yr.

Sister to grand dam: GHH Goldwyn Frency EX-92-CH EX-94-MS

Our-Favorite UNDENIED (Solomon x Atwood x Shottle)

Pol Butte Mc BEEMER

WI Felicitas VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

GHH Felici 2 VG-87-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 3yr.

Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. 2.04 78d 2.618kgM 3.8% 100F 3.6% 94P

TL16/07 200d 7.956kgM 3.8% 303F 3.2% 251P • Maternal sister to GHH Goldwyn Frency EX-92-CH - HM. Int. champion Schau der Besten ‘14 - Top 5 Swiss Expo ‘16 - Grand Champion Hohenrain (CH) ‘16

Same family: Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-CAN

Mr Hovden DELTA HPH Shottle Malmo EX-91-DE Conf. EX-91-DE 4/3 305d 11.948kgM 3.6% 431F 3.2% 384P HL3 305d 14.599kgM 3.6% 519F 3.1% 449P • s. Picston SHOTTLE • Dam to GHH Goldwyn Frency EX-92-CH EX-94-MS @ Ruegruet, Switzerland • Same family as Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-CAN - 2x Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair! NEXT DAMS 4e Engstad Madleine EX-94-CH 5e Quality Astre Felic EX-95 6e Quality Astro Jet Felicia EX-90-CAN 7e Plushanski Valiant Fran EX-90-USA DOM 35* 8e Plushanski Chief Faith EX-94-USA 4E GMD

CHART TOPPING! • CHART TOPPING type heifer from the incredible type family of Quality Frantisco • The Canadian Felic family from Quality Holsteins same family as Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-CAN, 2x Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair, Toronto! • Huge type with sloped rumps • Same family as FITZ @ Semex

Listenführerin!! • Listenführerin aus der unglaublichen Typfamilie von Quality Frantisco • Die kanadische Felic Familie von Quality Holsteins – gleiche Familie wie Quality BC Frantisco EX-96 Supreme Champion Royal Winter Fair, Toronto! • Ganz hohes Typrind mit leicht abfallender Beckenneigung im Index! • Die Familie von FITZ @ Semex!

Au top des listes! • Génisse au top index type ! Remonte à la famille de type renommée de Quality Frantisco ! • La famille Canadienne Felic de Quality Holsteins – même famille que Quality BC Frantisco EX-96-CAN, 2X Championne Suprême Royal Winter Fair • Super haute en type avec croupe fuyante ! • Même famille que FITZ @ Semex ! Consignor






DE 0361912847 D.O.B. 30.01.2019 Höven Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)173 4588469 - Email. Milk































02/19 (DGV) +1064M +70%F +0.21%P // HL 111 / Fert. 108 // MS +11 // Conf. +10 // LPI +3457

Top 10 GTPI & NM from the European March ‘19 run

4. D: Regancrest Dorcy Benishey VG-87-USA

Bluedevil @ Semex | Maternal brother to dam

Grand dam: Regancrest JS Betsie

Sandy-Valley CHALLENGER (Superhero x Silver x Supersire)

Progenesis GRANITE

Regancrest Granite Beth

Regancrest JS Betsie

Due: Summer ‘19 - very promising • One of the higest dtrs in the World of Granite!

La1 305d 11.100kgM 4.5% 496F 3.1% 346P Just fresh in 2nd lactation and looks very good Will be scored this lactation • Dam to BLUEDEVIL (s. Fortune) @ Semex 12/18 GTPI +2846 / PTAT +2.71

Uecker Supersire JOSUPER Regancrest Benishey 7527 VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA La1 305d 11.573kgM 3.5% 406F 3.2% 370P La2 305d 14.400kgM 4.2% 603F 3.1% 450P • s. Zani Bolton Mascalese

NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Dorcy Benishey VG-87-USA 5e Regancrest M Benisha VG-87-USA 6e Regancrest Breeshia NC 7e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 9e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 10e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E 11e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA

Exclusive CHALLENGER! • Exclusive dtr of CHALLENGER! One of the very very few in Europe!! • Different blood: CHALLENGER x GRANITE x JOSUPER x MASCALES x DORCY • Great index: high components / super fitness, teat length -0.07, UDC +2.43 & >950 NM!! • Great line from the Barbie cow family

Exklusive CHALLENGER! • Frühe und einzigartige Tochter des Bullen Challenger • Alternative Blutführung: Challenger x Granite x Josuper x Mascalese x Dorcy • Super index: hohe Inhaltsstoffe/ super Fitnessmerk male, Strichlänge -0,07, Euter +2,43 & >950 NM! • Hervorragender Zweig der Barbie-Familie!

Une CHALLENGER exclusive! • Fille de CHALLENGER exclusive : l’une des très rares en Europe ! • Pédigrée différent : CHALLENGER X GRANITE X JOSUPER X MASCALESE X DORCY • Super index : bons taux / superbes caractères de santé, longueur trayons -0.07, UDC +2.43 & >950 NM !! • Super lignée de la famille de Barbie ! Consignor






DE 0361080156 D.O.B. 04.12.2018 KNS Holsteins- Tel. +49 (0)172 2713211 - Email. Milk































03/19 (DGV) +1426 Milk +0.20%F +0.26%P // HL 114 // Fert. 112 // Mammary System +11 // Conf. +9 // LPI +3459 Great body composite (low stature: +0.34) - great udders (+2.34) and huge fitness (DPR +5.3 / PL +8.4)

4. M. Fiona PP Red GP-84-DE 2yr.

3. M. MHD Numero Uno Fioka *RC VG-86-DE

REDROCK-View Klutch (Jedi x Kingboy x Numero Uno)

Bacon-Hill Pety MODESTY

KNS Fettes Brot P *RC

KNS Fantastic P *RC Conf. NC

Due: June ‘19

La1 305d 8.443kgM 4.4% 370F 3.6% 302P (proj) • Multiple high ranking dtrs!

Cogent SUPERSHOT MHD Numero Uno Fioka *RC *P VG-86-DE Conf. VG-86-DE La 2/2 305d 10.137kgM 4.5% 459F 3.4% 346P HL1 305d 10.032kgM 4.7% 474F 3.5% 353P • s. Amighetti NUMERO UNO

NEXT DAMS 4e Fiona *PP GP-84-DE 2yr. 5e Filou GP-80-DE 6e Fichte *P (s. Polled Plus) GP-83-DE

GTPI >2800 with great index! • >2800 GTPI & >900 NET MERIT heifer! • Low body composite index, stature (+0.34) • Huge fitness traits: DPR +5.2 / PL +8.4 • The #1 GTPI daughter of KNS Fettes Brot P (s. Modesty), several sisters >2700 gTPI! • Family who delivered many bulls for A.I. • Deep German cow family with huge numbers!

GTPI >2800 mit tollem Index! • >2800 GTPI & >900 NET MERIT Rind! • Toller Index mit geringer Größe (+0.34) • Spitzen Fitnessmerkmale: DPR +5.2 / PL +8.4 • Die #1 GTPI Tochter aus KNS Fettes Brot P • Diese Familie hat bereits viele Bullen an Besamungsstationen geliefert! • Tiefe deutsche Familie mit tollen Zuchtwerten!

GTPI >2800 avec un index fabuleux! • >2800 GTPI & > 900 NET MERIT • Index stature médiocre (+0.34) • Caractères secondaires très hautes : DPR +5.2 / PL +8.4 • La fille #1 GTPI de KNS Fettes Brot P • Famille qui a livré plusieurs taureaux en CIA • Profonde famille Allemande aux index hautes ! Consignor

Orore PGC

FR 5233151555 D.O.B. PGC Coopelia Pierry - Tel. +33 (0)618805558








12/18 ISU +224 INEL +51 | In the top of the FRENCH index ranking Beta Casein Kappa-Casein


Dam: Mepica PGC

Same family: Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL VG-89-MS (MAX) 2yr.

Heidenskipster DOWNTOWN (Doorsopen x Supersire x Gerard)

S-S-I Partyrock PROFIT

Mepica PGC

Holec Mack Epica GP-83-NL Conf. GP-83-NL

Conf. NC 2.00 86d 2.540kgM 4,3%F 3,6%P

2.01 376d 12.086kgM 4.9% 590F 3.6% 435P 3.03 82d 3.462kgM 4.3% 150F 3.4% 118P

• +176 ISU in the French Index (12/18) • PROTEIN is the trademark of this family! - several generations >3.6% PROTEIN!

6. D. Holbra Morty Petra EX-90-NL

Coyne-Farms Srock MACK Holbra Epica GP-83-NL Conf. GP-83-NL 2.04 305d 10.784kgM 4.4% 479F 3.6% 391P 3.11 305d 10.640kgM 4.5% 527F 3.7% 426P 5.00 305d 10.907kgM 4.7% 516F 3.6% 393P • s. Genervations EPIC

NEXT DAMS 4e Holbra Glen Capta VG-87-NL 5e Holbra O-Man Paula VG-87-NL 6e Holbra Morty Petra EX-90-NL 7e Sunday Alh Durham Prudence VG-88-NL

Huge ISU & A2/A2 • Huge ISU heifer: +224 ISU with A2/A2 and B/B Kappa Casein from the Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA family! • The same family as Holbra Rodanas - #1 gPFT Domestic bull in Italy!! And former GTPI #5 Doorman son! • Same family as Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL 2yr. one of the highest Commander dtrs on GTPI & Type and projected with >16.000kgM La1

Ganz hoch im ISU & A2/A2 • Ganz hohes ISU Rind: +224 ISU dazu A2/A2 und BB für Kappa Casein getestet, aus der Familie von Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA! • Die Familie von Holbra Rodanas - #1 gPFT Bulle in Italien! Und ehemaliger #5 GTPI Doorman Sohn • Gleiche Familie wie Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL-2yr. - Eine der höchsten Commander Töchter für GTPI & Typ und hochgerechnet mit >16.000kg Milch La1.

Haute en ISU & A2/A2 • Génisse haute en ISU : +224 ISU avec A2/A2 et Kappa Caseine B/B de la famille de Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 • La même famille que Holbra Rodanas – taureau #1 gPFT de mestique en Italie ! Et anciennement #5 gTPI fils de Doorman • Même famille que Holbra Sancodi TB-88-NL – l’une des filles la plus haute de Commander en GTPI et Type et projetée à >16.000kg en 1La !

Consignor Choice from


Choice Female

(between 2 live calves)

Sebastian Weide - Tel. +49 (0)15 159830635 - Email. Duckett Undenied Tilda | DE 0667225001 | D.O.B. 13.02.2019 3/19 MS +12 / Conformation +15 3/19 DPR +0.4 // Rump Angle +0.18 // PTAT +3.68 Duckett Undenied Tammy | DE 0667225002 | D.O.B. 17.02.2019 3/19 MS +13 / Conformation +15 3/19 DPR +0.6 // Rump Angle +0.84 // PTAT +3.90







Great combination between huge TYPE, +DPR, Sloped rumps and incredible cow family! 01/19 (DGV) LPI +3313 / Conf. +16 | The ONLY heifer in the breed combining >1700 M & >4.25 PTAT!

Grand dam: Ducektt G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA

3. D. Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS

Our-Favorite UNDENIED (Solomon x Atwood x Shottle)

Maverick CRUSH

Duckett Crush Tulsa GP-USA VG-86-MS 2yr.

Duckett G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA

Conf. GP-83-USA VG-86-MS 2yr. Will be re-scored in June - expectations for VG-86-87 on her next classification Just fresh - see sale update • Full sister to the sensation TYPE sire: TATOO @ Select Sires > 12/18 PTAT +3.85, UDC +3.49 - Sloped rumps & + DPR • Her sire CRUSH is not available in Europe • Already VG-86 udder, will be rescored in June with expectations she’ll go VG-86-87!

2.08 305d 12.084kgM 3.5% 421F 3.2% 383P • Dam to Duckett Crush TATOO @ Select Sires • Sister to Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-93-CH - 3rd place Swiss Expo ‘19 • Sister to Duckett FBI Twizzler EX-94-USA • Sister to Duckett Fever Trendy EX-92-USA

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS Conf. EX-96-USA EX-99-MS!! 3.05 305d 12.646kgM 3.6% 461F 3.2% 409P 4.10 365d 15.966kgM 4.0% 635F 3.4% 551P 7.07 365d 16.012kgM 3.8% 611F 3.5% 556P 9.04 365d 18.507kgM 3.9% 719F 3.1% 568P • • • • • •

Res. Grand Champion Mid-West Spring 2014 1st place Wisconsin State Show 2013 1st & HM Sr. Champion Mid-West Spring ‘13 Reserve All-American Aged Cow 2011 2nd Mature Cow ROYAL 2011 3rd Aged Cow World Dairy Expo 2011

NEXT DAMS 4e Talk-About Linjet Try EX-90-CAN 5e Debello-Hills A Trinity VG-87-USA 6e Debello-Hills Star Trixster EX-90-USA 7e Rol-Chris Astro Jet Trixie EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM

A treasure from the Treasure’s! • Your choice from 2 incredible huge type heifers out of the full sister to TATOO! • Both heifers are huge for type combined with +DPR & sloped rump indexes! • 3rd dam TREASURE scored EX-96 with an EX-99 udder and is a great brood cow • Grand dam is the sister to Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-93-CH - recently 3rd in her class @ Swiss Expo

Ein Schatz aus den Treasure´s! • Sie haben die Wahl aus zwei ganz hervorragenden Typkälbern aus der Vollschwester von TATOO! • Beide Kälber testen sehr hoch für Typ, dazu positiv für Töchterfruchtbarkeit mit leicht abf. Becken! • 3. Mutter ist die weltbekannte Treasure EX-96 mit EX-99 im Euter & eine fantastische Zuchtkuh! • Großmutter ist die Schwester von Duckett Toby – vor kurzem war sie drittplatziert @ Swiss Expo!

Un trésor de la famille TREASURE! • Votre choix entre 2 superbes génisses de haute type, direct de la pleine sœur de TATOO ! • Les 2 génisses sont haute en type, combiné avec index +DPR et croupe fuyante ! • 3ième mère Treasure est EX-96 avec EX-99 PIS ! Superbe vache souche ! • Grand-mère est la sœur de Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-93-CH – recemment 3. de section à Swiss Expo Consignor









FR 6771329122 D.O.B. 16.07.2018 GAEC Wilt - Tel. +33 (0)6 16111949 - Email.

2. D. Roscow Baxter Delicia EX-93-FR

2. D. Roscow Baxter Delicia EX-93-FR

2. D. Roscow Baxter Delicia EX-93-FR

Our-Favorite UNDENIED (Solomon x Atwood x Shottle)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Wilt Doorman Desire VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. VG-86-LUX 2yr.

Roscow Baxter Delicia EX-93-FR Conf. EX-93-FR

See sale update • Sister to Wilt Laurie (s. Sid) VG-86-FR 2yr. • Same family as Lauthority, Starleader, Lautrust, Stormatic, Starleader, Lee & more

Grand dtr from DELICIA! • Undenied grand daughter of the popular show cow: Roscow Delicia EX-93-FR (s. Baxter) • Delicia was 1st @ Swiss Expo ‘15, 2nd @ Swiss Expo ‘13 & Grand Champion Eurogenetique ‘13 • This family traces back to the 23* Canadian cow: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr.! • Same family as Starleader, Lee, Stormatic, Lautrust, Lauthority & many more!

La1 305d 10.409kgM 3.7% 385F 3.4% 354P La2 305d 13.855kgM 4.2% 583F 3.0% 416P La3 305d 12.640kgM 4.4%549F 3.1% 392P • Best Udder finalist at the National Show 2011 • 1st place Swiss Expo ‘15 • 2nd place Swiss Expo 2013 • 3rd in her section at the European Show in Fribourg 2013 • Grand Champion Eurogenetique 2013 • Dam to Wilt Leader @ Ascol

Enkelin von DELICIA! • Undenied Enkelin der äußerst populären Schaukuh: Roscow Delicia EX-93-FR (v. Baxter) • Delicia war 1. @ Swiss Expo´15 & 2. @ Swiss Expo´13 & Grand Champion Eurogenetique ´13 • Die Familie der kanadischen 23 * Zuchtkuh: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr.! • Selbe Familie wie Starleader, Lee, Stormatic, Lautrust, Lauthority & vielen mehr!

Emerald-Acr-Sa T-BAXTER Angelina EX-90-FR Conf. EX-90-FR 3.11 305d 9.461kgM 4.1% 388F 3.3% 312P • s. Picston SHOTTLE NEXT DAMS 4e Barana de Bois Seigneur VG-89-FR 5e Haurana de Bois Seigneur GP-82-BE 6e Comestar Laurana Raider VG-86-CAN 15* 7e Comestar Laura Black VG-87-CAN 24* 8e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23* 9e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15*

Petite-fille de DELICIA! • Petite-fille par UNDENIED de la vache de show populaire Roscow Delicia EX-93-FR (P. Baxter) • Delicia était 1ière@ Swiss Expo ’15, 2ième @ Swiss Expo ’13 et Grande Championne Eurogénetique ‘13 • Cette famille remonte à la vache Canadienne Comestar Laurie Sheik TB-88-CAN – 23* • Même famille que Starleader, Lee, Stormatic, Lautrust, Lauthority et plus!


Choice out of Grade

2 Female








GAEC Wilt - Tel. +33 (0)6 16111949 - Email. 2 x FEMALE Duckett Crush TATOO x Wilt Emy EX-92-FR EX-93-MS ET / Grade A Location: France

Wilt EMILIO @ Ascol | Dtr of Wilt Emy

M. Wilt Emy EX-92-FR EX-93-MS

Duckett Crush TATOO (Crush x Gold Chip x Durham) 12/18 UDC +3.49 // PTAT +3.85 Wilt Emy EX-92-FR EX-93-MS Conf. EX-92-FR EX-93-MS 2.05 351d 10.785kgM 3.7% 399F 3.3% 356P 3.06 305d 12.481kgM 4.3% 533F 3.2% 399P 4.10 305d 12.083kgM 3.9% 471F 3.2% 389P • Dam to Wilt Emilio @ ASCOL, former #1 PTAT bull in the breed! • Res. Senior Champion Metz Show 2018 • 3rd place Swiss Expo Lausanne 2016 & 2017 • 6th place Swiss Expo Lausanne 2019 • Res. Int. Champion Eurogentique 2017!! • Grand Champion Departemental Bas Rhin 2014

Make sisters to EMILIO!! • FEMALE embryos from Wilt Emy EX-92!! • Emy was in the Top 3 of the Swiss Expo for 2 times • Emy is the dam of the former #1 bull EMILIO @ Ascol • 7 generations EX Elegance’s in the pedigree • Grand dam is Wilt Elena EX-93-CH also the dam to Wilt Excellence (s. Fever) - Int. Champion Best Udder Swiss Expo Lausanne 2015

Emy in the show ring

Mars YORICK Wilt Elena EX-93-CH Conf. EX-93-CH EX-93-MS 3.08 321d 9 .077kgM 4.6% 413F 3.3% 302P 4.09 350d 11.573kgM 3.8% 434F 3.4% 388P 5.11 339d 11.215kgM 4.1% 457F 3.3% 365P 7.00 345d 12.446kgM 3.9% 490F 3.3% 412P • Sister to Wilt Excellence (s. Fever) - Int. Champion Best Udder Swiss Expo ‘15 • Goldwyn sister is dam to Wilt Enia VG-88-FR - 1st place & 5th place Swiss Expo ‘12 & ‘14 • Multiple sons in AI • Grand dam to EMILIO - Former #1 PTAT Bull World Wide

Mache Schwestern zu EMILIO!! • Weibliche Embryonen aus Wilt Emy EX-92! • Emy war 2x in den TOP 3 auf der Swiss Expo • Emy ist die Mutter des ehemaligen #1 Bullen EMILIO • 7 Generationen EX-eingestufte Mitglieder der Elegance-Familie im Pedigree • Großmutter ist Wilt Elena EX-93-CH, die ebenfalls die Mutter von WILT Excellence (V. Fever) istInt. Champion Best Udder Swiss Expo 2015

Picston SHOTTLE Cradenhill Sam Elegace VG-88-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-88-FR 2yr. 4.01 417d 11.131kgM 5.1% 567F 4.0% 445P • 4.0 % PROTEIN!! • s. Regancrest-Mr Drham SAM NEXT DAMS 4e Cradenhill Encore Elegance NC 5e Krull Broker Elegance EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Krull TT Excellency EX-90-USA DOM 8e Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92-USA 4E GMD

Faites des sœurs de EMILIO!! • Embryons SEXES de Wilt Emy EX-92 !! • Emy était dans le top 3 à Swiss Expo à 2 reprises ! • Emy est la mère de l’ancien #1 : EMILIO @ Ascol • 7 générations d’Elegance EX • Grand-mère Wilt Elena EX-93-CH est aussi la mère de Wilt Excellence (p. Fever) – Meilleur Pis Intermédiare à Swiss Expo 2015


Combination Production

3 Female








Giessen Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 15330600 - Email. 3 x FEMALE Mr. Chassity GOLD CHIP x Giessen Charity 138 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. (MAX) ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location: The Netherlands

8. D: Brookview Tony Charity EX-97-USA 7 x GRAND @ Royal Winter Fair & 4 x Supreme Madison

Dam: Giessen Charity 138 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. (MAX)

FEMALE Mr. Chassity GOLD CHIP (Goldwyn x Shottle x Champion)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Giessen Charity 138 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.

Giessen Charity 37 EX-91-NL EX-93-MS Conf. EX-91-NL EX-93-MS

Conf. VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.. 2.07 305 (proj) 12.434kgM 4.9%F 3.7%P • The 2yr. Old Champion National HHH-Show ‘18!! • 2yr. Old Champion Wintershow Wanneperveen ‘18 • 4th dam was Grand Champion National NRM Show 2004!! • She goes back on one of the most succesfull Show Cows ever! Brookview Tony Charity EX-97 • Selected for the European Show in Libramont ‘19

Continue the CHARITY legacy! • Continue the CHARITY legacy with FEMALE embryos from this incredible young cow • MAXIMUM score VG-89 2yr.!! • 2yr. Old Champion National Show ‘18 • Goes back on the most successful show cow in the history: CHARITY EX-97 > 7 x GRAND @ Royal and the only cow who won 4 x SUPREME @ Madison • Charity 504 EX-94 was National Champion

2.03 436d 11.650kgM 4.5% 524F 3.7% 425P 3.07 530d 17.687kgM 5.2% 925F 3.9% 684P 5.08 475d 18.461kgM 5.2% 950F 3.6% 655P 7.07 409d 17.876kgM 5.1% 919F 3.5% 617P 8.10 60d 3.669kgM 5.1% 188F 3.0% 108P • Grand Champion Wintershow Pesse 2019 • Reserve Senior Champion Wanneperveen 2018 • 3rd place National HHH-Show 2018 • 2nd place National HHH-Show 2015 • 1st place National HHH-Show 2013

Die CHARITY Dynasty! • Schreiben Sie die CHARITY Geschichte weiter mit WEIBLICHEN Embryonen aus dieser fantastischen jungen Kuh! • Maximale Färseneinstufung mit VG-89 2yr.!! • 2yr Old Champion Nationalschau ´18 • Geht zurück auf eine der einflussreichsten Schaukühe der Geschichte: CHARITY EX-97, > 7 x GRAND @ Royal und die einzige Kuh die 4 x SUPREME @ Madison wurde!

2. D. Giessen Charity 37 EX-91-NL EX-93-MS - Grand Champion Wintershow Pesse 2019

England-Ammon MILLION Giessen Charity 13 VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.03 550d 17.440kgM 4.5% 779F 3.7% 636P 4.01 332d 14.446kgM 4.0% 580F 3.2% 462P 5.01 536d 19.528kgM 4.0% 777F 3.5% 683P • s. Braedale GOLDWYN

NEXT DAMS 4e Giessen Charity 2 5e Charity 504 EX-94-NL 6e Hanover-Hill Raider Char EX-CAN 4E 7e Hanoverhill SWD Charity EX-94-USA 2E DOM 8e Brookview Tony Charity EX-97-USA DOM 13* 9e Leaderwood Elevation Charm VG-86-USA

Continuez la légende de CHARITY! • Continuez la légende de CHARITY avec des embryons SEXES de cette jeune vache incroyable • Score MAXIMALE TB-89 2A!! • Championne Nationale 2Ans ‘18 • Remonte à la vache de show le plus couronnée de l’histoire : CHARITY EX-97 > 7 X Grande Championne @ Royal et la seule vache qui a fait 4X Championne Suprême @ Madison Consignor

Lausia de Bois Seigneur

BE 263716391 D.O.B. 28.10.2018 Eddy & Jonas Pussemier - Tel. +32 (0) 0472467920 0472467920 - Email. jonas_pussemier@hotmail.

Dam: Lasid de Bois Seigneur EX-90-BE Grand Champion Nuit De La Holstein ‘17

8. D: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

Brenland DENVER (High Octane x Doorman x Atwood)

Pine-Tree SID

Lasid de Bois Seigneur EX-90-BE Conf. EX-90-BE

Laurie de Bois Seigneur VG-86-BE VG-86-MS Conf. VG-86-BE VG-86-MS

La1 317d 10.125kgM 3.5% 355F 3.1% 316P La2 310d 12.519kgM 3.4% 429F 3.0% 379P La3 311d 15.649kgM 3.5% 549F 3.0% 467P La4 305d 14.252kgM 3.7% 534F 3.2% 458P (proj)

La1 317d 9.731kgM 3.7% 360F 3.1% 306P La2 392d 14.401kgM 3.6% 520F 3.2% 454P La3 348d 12.866kgM 3.5% 446F 3.0% 390P La4 389d 14.967kgM 3.8% 570F 3.2% 478P La5 305d 11.968kgM 3.7% 441F 3.1% 441P (proj)

• Grand Champion Nuit de la Holstein 2017 • Intermediate & Res. Grand Champion National Show Agribex Brussels ‘17 • Champion Young Cow Nuit De La Holstein Libramont ‘16

Direct dtr of LASID!! • October Denver dtr straight out of LASID!! • Dam was Grand Champion Nuit de la Holstein ‘17 • 7 generations VG or EXCELLENT dams! • Goes back on the incredible Comestar Laurie Sheik • The family who delivered bulls like Starleader, Lauthority, Outside, Stormatic & many more!







Den-K Marshall LL LAURIN Integree de Bois Seigneur VG-85-BE Conf. VG-85-BE VG-86-MS 2.00 305d 8.700kgM 3.8% 328F 3.1% 328P • s. Robthom INTEGRITY

• Same family as the sires: Comestar Lee, Lheros, Stormatic, Starleader, Outside, Lauthority & many others!!


Direkte Tochter aus LASID!

Fille direct de LASID!!!

• Oktober Denver direkt aus LASID! • Mutter war Grand Champion Nuit de la Holsteins ´17! • 7. Generationen VG oder EXZELLENTER Mütter! • Geht zurück auf die fantastische Comestar Laurie Sheik • Die Familie von Starleader, Lauthority, Outside, Stormatic u.v.m.

4e Aurana de Bois Seigneur VG-87-BE 5e Te Haurana de Bois Seigneur GP-82-BE 6e Comestar Laurana Raider VG-86-CAN 15* 7e Comestar Laura Black VG-87-CAN 24* 8e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

• Une Denver, née en Octobre, direct de LASID ! • Mère est Grande Championne Nuit de la Holstein ‘17 • 7 générations VG ou EX • Remonte à la phénoménale Comestar Laurie Sheik ! • La famille qui a produit les taureaux comme Starleader, Lauthority, Lee, Outside, Stormatic & plus ! Consignor









FR 6771334115 D.O.B. 12.10.2018 Daniel Schwartz - Tel. +33 (0)6 98619557 - Email.

Jacobs Sid Sunkiss EX-95-USA Sid x full sister to grand dam

Full sister to dam: Petitclerc Archrival Salta 1st Swiss Expo ‘19 & Res. Junior Champion Expo Bulle ‘19

2. D: Petitclerc Gold Saltalamacchia VG-89-CAN 2yr.

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

Petitclerc Nohl Sally VG-87-FR 2yr.

Petitclerc Gold Saltalamacchia VG-89-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN VG-89-MS 2yr. (MAX)

Conf. VG-87-FR 2yr. La1 89d 2.543kgM 3.6%F 3.1%P (Inc.) • Full sister to Petitclerc Archrival Salta - Res. Junior Champion Expo Bulle ‘19 • Top ranking PTAT 2yr. Old: +3.49 PTAT (12/18) • Sire Archrival is not available in Europe • Full sister to dam is dam to Petitclerc Sid Sunkiss EX-95-USA - sold for $ 150.000

1.10 365d 13.568kgM 4.0% 539F 3.1% 423P 3.08 365d 16.917kgM 3.6% 503F 3.1% 530P 5.08 190d 10.398kgM 3.5% 366F 2.8% 295P • 7 VG 2yr. Old daughters in Canada • All-Canadian 2014 • HM. All-Canadian 2013 • 1st Milking 1-Yr. @ Royal Winter Fair ‘14 • Res. Int. Champion Montmagny ‘14 • 1st 4yr. Old class Trois-Riviers ‘17

Braedale GOLDWYN Brabantdale Jasper Spades VG-88-CAN 19* Conf. VG-88-CAN 19* 2.03 305d 11.191kgM 3.8% 428F 3.4% 376P 3.05 305d 13.629kgM 4.2% 568F 3.2% 434P • Dam to Petitclerc Goldwyn Sidney - 1st Royal Winter Fair ‘12 and 1st during the EIHQ ‘12 • 8 EX & 15 VG dtrs in Canada til (February ‘19) • 19* STAR BROOD COW (02/19) • HM. All-Quebec Int. 1-Yr. 2007 NEXT DAMS 4e Brabantdale Triumphant Spooky EX-CAN 2E 54*

King Doc out of All-Canadian family • Lovely heifer from the SALTALAMACCHIA family! • Full sister to dam was 1st at the Swiss Expo ‘19 and Res. Champion at the Expo Bulle ‘19 • Same family as Petitclerc Sid Sunkiss EX-95-USA - sold for $150,000! • Goes back on the 54 star brood cow: SPOOKY!!

King Doc aus All-Canadian Familie • Wunderschönes Rind aus der SALTALAMACCHIA fam. • Vollschwester der Mutter war 1. @ Swiss Expo ´19 & Res. Champion auf der Expo Bulle ´19 • Gleiche Familie wie Petitclerc Sid Sunkiss EX-95-USA – verkauft für 150.000$ • Geht zurück auf die 54 Sterne Zuchtkuh: SPOOKY!!

King Doc d’une famille All–Canadian! • Génisse magnifique de la famille SALTALAMACCHIA! • Pleine sœur de la mère était 1ière à Swiss Expo ’19 et Championne Réserve à Expo Bulle ‘19 • Même famille que Petitclerc Sid Sunkiss EX-95-USA – vendue à 150.000$ • Remonte à la vache souche 54* SPOOKY ! Consignor

Olivette de l’Herbagère

BE 06167 9752 D.O.B. L’Herbagere Association - Tel. +32 (0)479259449








Olivette de l’Herbagère | SHE SELLS

M. Manchette de l’Herbagère HM. JR Champion Swiss Expo ‘18 & many other big titles!

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer)

Walnutlawn SOLOMON

Manchette de l’Herbagère

Jeannette de l’Herbagère EX-91-BE Conf. EX-91-BE EX-93-MS

2.02 305d 8.214kgM 4.4% 361F 3.6% 297P (proj) • Selected for the European Show for Belgium! • 2nd place Nuit de La Holstein 2017 • 1st place Wallon Holstein Show ‘2017 • HM. Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2018 • Reserve Champion Summershow Libramont ‘17 • HM. NDLH Libramont 2018 • 1st in her section @ Agriflanders Gent 2019 • 3 generations will be present in Libramont 2019

2. D: Jeannette de l’Herbagère

La1 369d 9.247kgM 4.4% 404F 3.5% 325P La2 340d 9.372kgM 4.3% 398F 3.6% 335P La3 305d 9.777kgM 4.5% 437F 3.6% 351P (proj) • Selected for the European Show for Belgium! • Udder champion Summershow Libramont 2017 • Champion young cows Summershow Libramont ‘17

Comestar LAUTHORITY Coquette de l’Herbagère EX-91-BE Conf. EX-91-BE EX-91-MS La1 364d 9.650kgM 4.5% 430F 3.5% 336P La2 493d 13.787kgM 4.4% 612F 3.4% 472P La3 297d 10.338kgM 4.2% 437F 3.4% 351P • s. Wilcoxview JASPER • Champion young Summershow Libramont 2010 • HM. young cows NDLH Libramont 2010 • 3rd in her class European show Cremona 2010 • Reserve Champion young Libramont 2011 • Reserve Champion Old NDLH Libramont 2013 • 4th of class European show Fribourg 2013 NEXT DAMS 4e Nichette de de l’Herbagère VG-88-BE 5e Cachette de l’Herbagère VG-89-BE - Selected as “Best daughter of DANNIX” by URCEO

The best from L’HERBAGERE! • L’Herbagere offers their very best!! • Chief straight out of Manchette - one of the very best young cows in Belgium - selected for Libramont • Manchette was HM Jr. Champion Swiss Expo ‘18 and won many more big show titles! • 3rd dam was 2x in the TOP 5 at the European Show! • Deep cow family with 4 generations VG or EX dams!

Das Beste von L’HERBAGERE! • L’Herbagere schickt das Beste! • Direkte Chief-Tochter aus Manchette- eine der besten jungen Kühe in Belgien- vorselektiert für Libramont • Manchette war HM Jr. Champion auf der Swiss Expo ‘18 und überzeugt mit mehreren großen Schauerfolgen • 3. Mutter war 2x in den Top 5 bei einer Europaschau • Tiefe Kuhfamilie mit 4. Generationen VG oder EX einge stuften Kühen

Le meilleur de l’HERBAGERE! • L’Herbagère offre son meilleur! • Une Chief de Manchette – une des meilleures jeunes vaches Belges – sélectionnée pour Libramont ‘19 • Manchette était Mention Honorable Jr. Swiss Expo ’18 et elle a obtenu plusieurs autres prix • 3ième mère était à 2 reprises TOP 5 au Confrontation Européen ! • Profonde famille de vache avec 5 générations TB ou EX ! Consignor


Wegas RC *







FR 3526107915 D.O.B. 06.08.2018 Nohl Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)66 3220352 - Email.

4. D. Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM

2. D. Ms Gold Chip Bright EX-94-USA 4yr.

3. D. Regancrest Mac Bikasa EX-90-CAN 7*

Mr D Apple DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent *RC x Regiment-Red)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Ms Bright Light of Vegas EX-92-CAN 4yr. (MAX)

Ms Gold Chip Bright EX-94-USA 4yr. Conf. EX-94-USA

Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-93-MS 4yr. (MAX) 3.00 291d 9.966kgM 3.9% 388F 3.2% 322P • EX-92 in Canada as a 4yr. Old - MAX! • Huge pedigree: Atwood x Gold Chip x Mac x BARBIE EX-92! • 4th place Fall Calves Illinois Holstein Show ‘15

2.04 282d 10.171kgM 4.1% 419F 3.2% 324P 3.08 249d 10.555kgM 4.4% 465F 2.9% 304P • 7th Senior 3-Year-Old, Royal Winter Fair 2015 • 10th Senior 2-Year-Old, WDE 2014 • Maternal sister to BROKAW • Same family as Braxton, Gold Chip, Cashcoin, Capital Gain and more!

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP Regancrest Mac Bikasa EX-90-CAN EX-MS 7* Conf. EX-90-CAN 7* 2.02 305d 11.580kgM 3.9% 455F 3.2% 374P 4.09 305d 14.782kgM 4.5% 668F 3.3% 482P 6.07 365d 12.587kgM 4.4% 558F 3.3% 420P • Grand Champion Lanark 2012 • Dam of BROKAW • Straight out of BARBIE • Maternal sister to Brasilia, Bellara, Breya, Brocade, Bedazzle and more! NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA

Red Carrier from the Barbie’s • RED CARRIER from Light of Vegas who scored EX-92-CAN as a 4yr. Old!! • 8 generations EXCELLENT Barbie’s in a row! • Unlimited potential in this huge pedigree! • Same family as the sires Gold Chip, High Octane, Capital Gain and multiple others!

Rotfaktor aus den Barbie´s • ROTFAKTOR aus Light of Vegas welche bereits mit EX-92-CAN als 4.yr eingestuft ist. • 8 x EXZELLENTE Barbies in direkter Linie! • Unglaubliches Vermarktungspotential mit diesem Pedigree und RF! • Gleiche Familie wie Gold Chip, High Octane, Capital Gain und viele mehr!

Facteur Rouge, remonte à Barbie • Facteur Rouge de Light of Vegas, EX-92-CAN 4a • 8 générations EX de suite, famille de Barbie ! • Potentiel illimité de ce pédigrée énorme ! • Même famille que les taureaux comme Gold Chip, High Octane, Capital Gain et plusieurs autres Consignor

Bons Holsteins Staels

BE 020461823 D.O.B. 25.05.2018 Bart Staels - Tel. +32 (0)497736269 - Email.








Sister to Kate: Bons Holsteins Koba 219 EX-94-NL

Sister to Kate: Bons Holsteins Koba 219 EX-94-NL EX-95-MS Sold for $ 46.000 (Half share) to Westcoast Holsteins (Sale Of Stars, Toronto)

Walnutlawn SOLOMON (Doorman x Lavanguard x FBI) Bons-Holsteins Koba 203 EX-91-NL EX-MS Conf. EX-91-NL EX-MS 2.07 325d 8.322kgM 4.0% 332F 3.3% 277P 3.07 307d 10.651kgM 3.5% 377F 3.6% 385P 4.08 623d 20.656kgM 3.8% 776F 3.4% 704P • Dam to: Bons Holsteins Koba 219 EX-94-NL - Grand Champion HHH-Show ‘17 & ‘18 - Grand Champion FVZH Wintershow 2018 - Grand Champion Nuit de la Holsteins 2018 - 1st in her sectino European Show Colmar 2016 - 2yr. Old Champion NRM-Show 2017 - 2yr. Old Champion HHH-Show 2016 - 2yr. Old Champion Hoornaar Show 2016 - Reserve Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2015 • Koba 219 sold for $ 46.000 (for half share) in the Sale of Stars in Toronto to Westcoast Holsteins

Sister to Koba 219!! • A sister to one of the greatest cows in the breed: Koba 219! Multiple Grand Champion and sold for $ 46.000 (half share) to Westcoast Holsteins! • 3 EXCELLENT dams in a row! • Unique pedigree with several show winners! • Same family as the well known Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL - Grand Champion NRM Show ‘14

Erbacres DAMION

2. D: Bons-Holsteins Koba 167 EX-91-NL


Bons-Holsteins Koba 167 EX-91-NL Conf. EX-91-NL

Bons-Holsteins Koba 152 EX-92-NL EX-92-MS Conf. EX-92-NL EX-92-MS

La1 305d 12.144kgM 4.0% 492F 3.6% 435P La2 305d 13.358kgM 4.0% 541F 3.44% 460P 5.10 336d 15.050kgM 4.5% 672F 3.8% 568P

3.10 305d 12.018kgM 3.8% 459F 3.4% 406P 4.11 305d 11.123kgM 4.3% 478F 3.6% 399P 6.01 305d 13.565kgM 4.1% 559F 3.4% 464P 7.11 611d 20.181kgM 4.5% 909F 3.5% 697P

• Res. Sr. Champion International Show Libramont ‘09 • Intermediate Champion Hoornaar 2009 • Intermediate Champion Koe Expo 2009

• 4th in her section Simagena Paris 2007 • Grand Champion Hoornaar 2008 • Res. Sr. Champion National NRM 2008 • Res. Sr. Champion Natinoal HHH Show 2009

NEXT DAMS 4th Bons-Holsteins Koba 116 VG 2yr. 5th Bons-Holsteins Koba 89 VG 2yr.

Schwester zu Koba 219! • Eine Schwester zu einer der spektakulärsten jungen Kühe Europas: Koba 219! Mehrfacher Grand Champion & verkauft für $ 46.000 (für 50% Anteil) an Westcoast Holsteins! • 3 EXZELLENTE Mütter in Reihe! • Einzigartiges Pedigree mit mehreren Siegerinnen! • Gleiche Familie wie die bekannte Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL – Grand Champion NRM Schau ´14

Sœur de Koba 2019!! • A sœur d’une des meilleures vaches de la race : Koba 219 ! Multiple grand-championne et vendu à Westcoast Holsteins pour $46.000 (part de 50%) • 3 mères excellentes consécutives ! • Pédigrée unique avec beaucoup de gagnantes de show ! • Même famille que la vache renommée Koba 191 EX-94-NL – Grande Championne NRM Zwolle ‘14 Consignor


Melania Pp RED







DE 0540493783 D.O.B. 21.10.2018 Andreas Middelkampf- Tel. +49 (0)171 1979157 - Email.

Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH Sister to dam | Int. Champion Swiss Expo & Bulle

Dam: Mox Lawn Boy Melexia EX-90-DE

2. D: Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH

Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent-Red x Blitz)

Aggravation LAWN BOY P-RED

Mox Lawn Boy Melexia EX-90-DE Conf. 91 92 89 90 / EX-90-DE La3

Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH Conf. EX-90-CH

La1 305d 9.863kgM 4.1% 401F 3.8% 370P 3/2La 305d 10.603kgM 4.3% 504F 3.6% 406P HL2 305d 11.343kgM 4.4% 620F 3.5% 446P • POLLED daughter from Maryrose • Sister to Mox Talent Mandy Red EX-93-CH - Junior Champion Expo Bulle ‘13 • Sister to Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH - Int. Champion Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle • Same family as Bonair, Denzel & Mr Burns

La1 305d 10.137kgM 5.0% 509F 3.7% 377P La2 305d 12.105kgM 4.9% 590F 3.4% 412P • Topseller Mox Sale 2008 for 30.400 EUR • 1 Rang & HM Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘08 • 1 Rang & Res. Int. Champion R&W German Open ‘08 • All German Holstein Champion Red Heifers • 1 Rang Jr. Bull Expo 2008

Markwell KITE Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE Conf. EX-93-DE La2 305d 13.225kgM 3.4% 444F 3.2% 430P La3 305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P • Res. Champion Steiermarkschau 2008 • Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open 2004 • All-German 2004 • 3rd Rang European Championship Show 2006 • s. STBVQ RUBENS NEXT DAMS 4e WFD Mercedes VG-88-DE 5e La Présentation Memo Et Red VG-86-DE 6e De La Presentation Mary VG-86-CAN 4* 7e De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-CAN 13*

Red & Polled from the Maryroses!! • Incredible R&W and Polled show heifer • From 3 generations EXCELLENT in a row!! • Dam is sister to Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH - Int. Champion Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle ‘13 • Grand dam was topseller at Mox Sale 2008 for 30.400 EUR & HM. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘08 • Same family as Bonair, Denzel & Mr. Burns

ROT & HORNLOS aus Maryrose! • Tolles ROTES & HORNLOSES Schaukalb! • Aus 3. Generationen EXZELLENT! • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH – Int. Champ. Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle ´13 • Großmutter war Topseller des Mox Sale 2008 mit 30.400€ & HM. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ´08 • Gleiche Familie wie Bonair, Denzel & Mr Burns.

POLLED x EX-90 x Maryrose • Superbe génisse de show ROUGE et polled • De 3 générations EXCELLENTES consécutives ! • Mère est la sœur de Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH – Championne Intermédiaire Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle ‘13 • Grand-mère : top-vente au Mox Sale 2008 avec 30.400 EUR & Mention Honorable Swiss Expo 2008 • Même famille que Bonair, Denzel & Mr. Burns


Zenta RC *

LU 99630101 D.O.B. 04.05.2018 Nosbisch Holsteins & Hennecke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.


4 x FEMALE embryos x


EUROPEAN Consignor

NH DG Awesome






MIX: FEMALE Ducett Crush Tatoo / FEMALE Col DG Crushtime x Bel Doorman Zita Grade A / ET | Location: Germany

2. D. Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT

Dam. Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. - Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017

Sister to 2.D. Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT

Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent-Red x Blitz)

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE 2yr.

Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT Conf. EX-94-IT

Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. La1 305d 9.101kgM 4.3%F 3.9%P (Proj.) • JUNIOR CHAMPION Swiss Expo 2017 • Scored VG-87-DE as a 2yr. Old!! • Dam is maternal sister to Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT • DREAM Pedigree

2.02 305d 9.172kgM 4.2% 385F 3.35% 307P 3.05 280d 10.068kgM 4.17% 520F 3.36% 338P 4.05 305d 11.481kgM 3.83% 451F 3.32% 389P 5.08 276d 11.502kgM 3.83% 441F 3.32% 382P 6.09 304d 11.363kgM 3.62% 411F 3.15% 358P • Sister to World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT • Queen herself was 2nd at Verona 2016 • Amyly is dam to Toc-Farm GOLDSUN

Braedale GOLDWYN Toc-Farm Progress Amy EX-93-IT Conf. EX-93-IT 2.00 300d 8.631kgM 4.0% 343F 3.6% 307P 3.00 305d 9.964kgM 4.1% 413F 3.7% 368P 4.02 305d 11.521kgM 4.6% 528F 3.3% 382P 5.07 305d 12.321kgM 4.7% 436F 3.5% 436P • s. Duncan PROGRESS • Dam to Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT NEXT DAMS 4e Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK 2E 5* 5e Sunnylodge Tab Ann EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 8* 6e Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18* 7e Sunnylodge He Man Judy VG-86-CAN 8e Sunnylodge Lolie VG-85-CAN 9e Sunnylodge Edith EX-CAN

A RED CARRIER Amyly! • The chance to buy a *RC daughter of the Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017: Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE 2yr. • Dream pedigree: Doorman x EX-94 Goldwyn sister to the World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT • Same family as the popular show sire: GOLDSUN!

Eine ROTFAKTOR Amyly!! • Ihre Chance auf eine *RC Tochter des Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017: Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE 2yr. • Traumhaftes Pedigree: Doorman x EX-94 Goldwyn Schwester zum World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT • Selbe Familie wie der populäre GOLDSUN!

Facteur Rouge de Amyly! • Opportunité pour acquérir une fille Facteur Rouge de la Championne Junior de Swiss Expo 2017 : Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE 2A • Pédigrée de rêve : Doorman X Sœur EX94 par Goldwyn de la Championne Mondiale Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT • Même famille que le taureau de type populaire GOLDSUN ! Consignor

Tramilda HAM








DE 0361097422 D.O.B. 02.01.2019 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

2. D. Budjon-JK emilys Edair EX-95-USA

Dam: Budjon-JK Atw Eware EX-94-USA

3. D. Budjon-JK Storm Emily EX-92-USA

Our-Favorite UNDENIED (Solomon x Atwood x Shottle)

Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD

Budjon-JK Atwd Eware EX-94-USA

Budjon-JK Emilys Edair EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

Conf. EX-94-USA EX-95-MS 2.02 352d 12.687kgM 3.9% 494F 3.3% 422P • All-Wisconsin Senior 2yr. Old 2015 • Res. Intermediate Champion Mideast National Fall Show 2015 • 5th Winter Yearling Midwest Spring National ‘14 • Dam to Budjon-Vail Doorman Emma - 2nd Place Spring Yearling WDE 2017

9 EXCELLENT Elegance’s!! • UNDENIED from 9 generations EX-dams in a row! • Dam was All-Wisconsin Sr. 2yr. Old & Res. Int. Champion at Mideast National Fall Show 2015 • Grand dam is an All-American and was 2nd in the Junior 3yr. Old class @ World Dairy Expo ‘10

2.02 305d 10.587kgM 3.5% 371F 3.3% 347P 3.03 305d 11.689kgM 3.6% 415F 3.3% 390P 4.03 305d 15.032kgM 3.2% 481F 3.2% 488P • Nominated All-American 4yr. Old 2011 • Reserve All-American Junior 3yr. Old 2010 • 2nd Junior 3yr. Old Cow World Dairy Expo 2010 • 4th 4yr. Old Cow World Dairy Expo 2011

Regancrest DUNDEE Budjon-JK Storm Emily EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 2.04 365d 14.846kgM 3.7% 543F 3.3% 486P 4.08 365d 18.638kgM 3.7% 687F 3.2% 603P • Reserve All-American Sr. 2yr. Old 2005 • Int Champion Midwest Spring Nat’l 2005 NEXT DAMS 4e Budjon-JK Linjet Eileen EX-96-USA 4E GMD DOM 5e Krull Broker Elegance EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Krull TT Excellency EX-90-USA DOM 8e Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92-USA 4E GMD

9 x EXZELLENTE Elegance!! • UNDENIED aus 9 Generationen EX-Mütter in Folge! • Mutter war All-Wisconsin Sr. 2yr. & Res. Int. Champion auf der Mideast National Fall Schau ‘15 • Großmutter ist All-American und war 2. in der Junior 3yr. Klasse auf der World Dairy Expo 2010!

9 générations EX d’ Elegance! • Undenied de 9 générations consécutives EX • Mère était ALL-Wisconsin 2A Senior & Réserve Championne Intermédiaire @ Mideast National Fall Show 2015 • Grand-mère est All-American et 2ième de classe 3A junior @ World Dairy Expo ‘10 Consignor Index


Alexis RC *







NL 729771560 D.O.B. 20.04.2018 Batouwe Holstiens & R. Schouten - Tel. +31 (0)6 57627524 - Email. US 12/18 UDC +2.93 // FLC +2.54 // PTAT +3.77 CA 12/18 (DGV) Rump +5 // Dairy Strength +11 // F&L +11 // Mammary System +15 / Conf. +16

The #4 PTAT *RED CARRIER heifer in Europe (12/18)

B&S Jordy Alexis *RC | She sells!

Dam: HC Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.

3. D: BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA

Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED (Mcgucci *RC x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

HC Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL 2yr.

Ms Ariannas Door Armani VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA

Conf. VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2.04 311d 8.804kgM 3.8% 334F 3.45% 305P • #1 PTAT Cow > 2 years in Europe! (12/18) • Sire Archrival is not available in Europe!

3.03 365d 12.852kgM 3.8% 488F 3.2% 409P • 2nd Jr. Winter Heifer Calf World Dairy Expo ‘14 • Res. Jr. All-American Winter Calf ‘14 • Same family as the sensation type sires: Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & more

Val-Bisson DOORMAN BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA EX-94-MS 5yr. Conf. EX-94-USA EX-94-MS 5yr. 2.02 305d 10.191kgM 4.6% 469F 3.5% 357P 3.11 305d 12.628kgM 3.2% 402F 2.9% 372P • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Old Word Dairy Expo & Royal 2012 • Unanimous All-American & Canadian Jr. 2-Yr. Old • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Old & Intermediate Champion IL Championship Show 2012 • Full sister to Abrianna - Grand Champ, Illinois State Fair & Illinois Championship Show ‘13 NEXT DAMS 4e MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94-USA 2E DOM 5e Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4* 6e Aitkenbrae Sheik Arlene GP-80-2YR-CAN 7e Aitkenbrae Ned Ada VG-86-USA

#4 RED CARRIER PTAT in Europe! • The #4 RED CARRIER in Europa sells: +3.77 PTAT!! • Dam is the #1 PTAT Cow in the breed: Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.!! • 3rd dam was 1st Jr. 2yr. Old @ WDE & Royal and Unamimous All-American & All-Canadian 2yr. Old!! • Same family as the sensation type sires: Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & more

#4 ROT FAKTOR PTAT in Europa! • #4 *RF PTAT-Rind in Europa wird verkauft: +3.77 • Mutter ist die #1 PTAT-Kuh der Rasse: Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL; VG-89-MS 2yr.!! • 3. Mutter war 1st Jr. 2yr. Old @WDE & Royal sowie Unanimous All-American & All-Canadian 2yr. OLD! • Gleiche Familie wie die überaus erfolgreichen Typ-Bullen: Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & mehr

#4 Facteur Rouge PTAT en Europe! • A vendre : le #4 Facteur Rouge PTAT : +3.77 PTAT!! • Mère est la vache #1 PTAT de la race : Archrival Arianne TB-87-NL TB-89-SM 2A !!! • 3ième mère était 1ière Jr. 2Ans @ WDE & Royal et était Unanimous All-American & All-Canadian 2 a • Même famille que les supers taureaux de type : Atwood, Archrival, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & plus !



Choice Female from 2 live calves

PEAK Holsteins - Tel. +44 (0)1298 83236 - Email.

Choice out of PEAK KINGGOLD RHAPSODY UK 0146201934 PEAK RHAPSODY UK 0146501937 Location PEAK Holsteins, United Kingdom

05.02.2019 10.02.2019







Milliedale Dusk Rhapsody EX-95-IE Grand Champion Irish Show 2018 | Dusk x Rhapsody -

Dam: Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman) Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK Conf. EX-97-UK 2.04 305d 10.722kgM 4.1% 435F 3.1% 337P 3.04 305d 13.028kgM 5.1% 657F 3.1% 405P 4.06 305d 12.856kgM 4.3% 550F 3.1% 402P 5.07 305d 15.620kgM 4.3% 679F 3.4% 526P 6 calves: >125.000 kg milk!! • 3 times Grand- & Supreme Champion UK Dairy Expo • HM. Grand Champion UK Dairy Day ‘18 • Grand Champion Agriscot 2014 • Supreme Champion, Grand Champion, Sr. Champion & Best Udder in the Show UK Dairy Expo 2018!! • Nominated All Britain Mature Cows 2013 • Nominated All-Britain Mature Cow 2018 •3x • Full sister to Peak Gold Rhapsody EX-93-UK (MAX) and Peak Golden Rhapsody EX-91-UK

Get a dtr of THE TANK!! • Incredible opportunity to buy a direct dtr of the highest scored cow in Europe: THE TANK!! • She won 3 x SUPREME at the UK Dairy Expo!! • >125.000 kg milk lifetime production • Her first dtr scores EX-95 and won Grand at the Irish National Show • 13 GENERATIONS of EXCELLENT in a row!! • Goes back on the phenomenal Audrey Posch

Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK

Braedale GOLDWYN Peak Shottle Rhapsody EX-90-UK EX-92-MS Conf. EX-90-UK EX-92-MS 2.05 305d 7.036kgM 3.4% 239F 3.2% 223P 4.10 305d 8.253kgM 3.3% 276F 3.2% 267P

Picston SHOTTLE Almond SM Rhapsody EX-90-UK Conf. EX-90-UK 3.11 305d 10.599kgM 3.9% 412F 3.2% 336P 5.07 305d 10.663kgM 3.8% 409F 3.2% 340P • s. Comestar STORMATIC

• 1st daughters classified: 1 EX-97, 1 EX-93, 1 EX-91 & 1 VG-88 • 12th generation EXCELLENT in a row!


Eine Töchter der TANK!!

Achète une fille de la TANK!!

• Atemberaubende Gelegenheit eine direkte Tochter der am höchsten eingestuften Kuh in Europa zu ergattern: THE TANK! • 3x SUPREME Champion der UK Dairy Expo! • > 125.000 Liter Lebensleistung • Ihre erste Tochter ist mit EX-95 Punkten bewertet und war Grand Champion der irischen National schau • 13 Generationen EXCELLENT eingestufte Kühe in Folge

4e Topmark Raider Rhapsody EX-92-UK 5e Pinehurst Rhapsody EX-92-USA 6e Pinehurst Sweet Delight EX-91-USA 7e Pinehurst Rapture EX-96-USA 8e Pinehurst Fragrance EX-90-USA 9e Hayssen Fond Ariel EX-90-USA 10e Hayssen D V Audrey EX-90-USA 11e Whirlhill Q Rag Apple Ariel EX-92-USA 12th Arlite Posch EX-92-USA EX-92-USA 13th Audrey Posch EX-93-USA

• Occasion unique pour acheter une fille directe de la vache avec la plus haute score en Europe : THE TANK !! • Elle était 3 fois Championne Suprême au UK Dairy Expo • Production viagère de > 125.000 kg ! • Sa première fille classifie EX-95 et était Grande Championne au Show National Irlandais ! • 13 générations EXCELLENTES consécutives !


4 Female


Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins- Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Combination 4 FEMALE Val-Bisson DOORMAN x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL Production Grade A - IVF Location: The Netherlands







JK DG Esmeralda EX-90-NL EX-92-MS 4yr. Full sister to embryos - Selected for Libramont!

Dam of embryos: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

Same family: Capj Irana - 1st in her section @ European Show Colmar 2016

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn)

Braedale GOLDWYN

Carf Emaurade EX-91-NL

Agathe VG-88-FR Conf. VG-88-FR

Conf. EX-91-NL EX-91-MS 2.03 365d 12.624kgM 4.1% 515F 3.4% 425P 4.00 330d 15.317kgM 3.9% 598F 3.2% 482P 5.05 305d 15.930kgM 3.7% 589F 3.1% 497P • One of the greatest Show- & Brood cows to find! • Champion 2-Yr. Old National Show France, Le Mans & Noordeloos! • Int. Champion Marienwaardt ‘13 • Int. Champion & Grand Champion Wintershow West-Brabant ‘14 • Dam to JK DG Esmeralda EX-90-NL EX-92-MS - selected for the Dutch Team, Libramont ‘19

FEMALE DOORMAN embryos! • FEMALE Doorman embryos from one of the greatest show- & brood cows in Europe!! • Full sister to these embryos is selected for the Dutch Team at the European Show!! • Same family as Capj Irana - 1st in her section at the European Show in Colmar 2016 • Very proven combination, multiple Doorman’s from Emeraude won shows and have HIGH classifications

2.03 305d 10.366kgM 3.2% 332F 3.1% 321P 3.06 305d 13.338kgM 3.5% 467F 3.1% 413P • 3rd Sr. Cow at the Nat. Show Le Mans 2011 • Same family as the 2 x French cow of the year ‘13 Amaranthe • Same family as Capj Irana - 1st European Show Colmar ‘16

Picston SHOTTLE Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-89-FR 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.804kgM 4.0% 432F 3.2% 346P 3.11 305d 11.653kgM 4.3% 501F 3.2% 373P • s. Sildahl BW DUTCH BOY • Full sister to the proven bull Texas at Genes Diffusion • Maternal sister to Umelin - Dam to the famous Amarante EX-90-FR • Amarante is the French Cow of the Year ‘13 & grand dam to Cabon Fernand @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Rosière EX-90-FR 5e Menthe VG-89-FR 6e Ixias EX-93-FR 7e Eglantine EX-94-FR

WEIBLICHE DOORMAN Embryonen! • WEIBLICHE DOORMAN Embryonen aus einer der besten Schau-& Zuchtkühe Europas! • Die Vollschwester ist im hollandischen Team für Libramont! • Gleiche Familie wie Capj Irana – 1. Platz in ihrer Kategorie auf der Europaschau in Colmar´16 • DOORMAN X EMERAUDE, das funktioniert! Bereits mehrere tolle Schaukühe mit hohen Einstufungen sind aus diesem Golden Cross hervorgegangen!

Embryons de DOORMAN sexés! • Embryons de Doorman sexé d’une des meilleures vaches de show et vaches souches de l’Europe • Pleine sœur de ces embryons est sélectionnée dans l’équipe de Hollande pour la confrontation Européenne ! • Même famille que Capj Irana – 1ière de section @ Confrontation Européenne Colmar 2016 • Combinaison éprouvé, plusieurs filles de Doorman de Emeraude ont gagnées des concours et ont des hautes classifs ! Consignor









DE 0361097414 D.O.B. 17.12.2018 Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)17 36404184 - Email.

Watermolen Archrival Cammolle VG-88-NL 2yr. Full sister to dam

2. Dam: Butlerview Doorman Class EX-91-USA

3. D: Silvermaple Damion Camomille EX-95-USA

Mountfield S-S-I Dcy MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh x O Man)

Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL

MD-Maple-Lawn Cara-TW VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr.

Butlerview Doorman Class EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA

See sale update

2.02 294d 8.676kgM 4.5% 390F 3.7% 325P 3.01 327d 11.286kgM 4.5% 511F 3.8% 429P

• Still testing +3.76 PTAT (12/18) • 6th place Maryland State Fair Show 2016 • Full sister to Watermolen Archrival Cammolle VG-88-NL 2yr. • Incredible Archrival grand dtr of the phenomenal CAMOMILE EX-95-USA! • Sired by Archrival (not available in Europe)

• 1st Spring Yearling and Reserve Junior Champion of the Mid-East National Holstein Show 2015 • 3rd Spring Calf World Dairy Expo 2014 • HM Junior Champion Wisconsin Junior Show ‘15 • 4th Jr. 2-Yr-Old WI Championship Jr. Show ‘16 • Res. Jr. All-American Spring Yearling Heifer ‘15 • HM All-American Spring Calf ‘14

Val-Bisson DOORMAN Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2.03 313d 9.126kgM 4.0% 361F 3.5% 320P 3.03 365d 14.637kgM 4.1% 602F 3.6% 526P Life:1536d 59.274kgM 4.2% 2.497F 3.5% 2.066P • 2x All-American and All-Canadian • Dam of several All-Americans and All-Canadians • Int. Champion Royal ‘11 • Int. Champion & Res. Grand at Madison ‘11

NEXT DAMS 4e Stanhope Camila Goldwyn EX-90-CAN 5e Kendu Triumphant Charity EX-93-CAN

The Camomile’s! • Great combination with MOGUL on the top going back on the Royal & Madison champion cow Camomile • 3rd dam is the Int. Champion Royal & Madison ‘11: Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA • Fantastic pedigree: Mogul x VG-87 Archrival x EX-91 Doorman x Camomile EX-95!!

Die Camomile´s! • Tolle Kombination mit MOGUL auf der Vaterseite und der Royal- & Madison Championkuh Camomile auf der Mutterseite! • 3. Mutter ist die Int. Champion Royal & Madison ´11: Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA • Fantastisches Pedigree: Mogul x VG-87 Archrival x EX-91 Doorman x Camomile EX-95!

La meilleure de Camomile! • Superbe pédigrée avec Mogul en haut et remontant au Championne Du Royal et de Madison : Camomile ! • 3ième mère : Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95USA : Championne Intermédiaire Royal et Madison • Pédigrée fantastique : Mogul X Archrival TB-87 X Doorman EX-91 X Camomile EX-95 !! Consignor Production Show results










LU 199517828 D.O.B. 10.01.2017 C-Sold Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)621624769 - Email. Just fresh - see sale update 1st place & BEST UDDER Junior Wintershow Ettelbrück 2019

Selected for team Luxembourg for the European Show in Libramont

2. D: Ven Dairy Mac Breesh VG-87-BE

C-Sold Belair-Red | SHE SELLS!

4. D: Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA

Apples ABSOLUTE-RED (Talent *RC x Regiment-Red x Durham)

Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED

Roccafarm Brelady VG-86-LU

Ven Dairy Mac Breesh VG-87-BE VG-89-MS Conf. VG-87-BE VG-89-MS

Conf. VG-86-LU VG-87-MS 2/2 305d 9.312kgM 4.4% 410F 3.7%P 345P • Sister to the proven bulls Brendy and Snowfall • Fancy Ladd P daughter!

R&W show cow from the Barbie’s!! • Lovely R&W show cow from the incredible Regancrest-PR Barbie cow family • She was already 1st & Best Udder at the Ettelbrück Wintershow • She is your ticket for this show season! • 5 generations EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree! • Pre-selected for Team Luxemburg for the European Show in Libramont!

2.00 305d 10.253kgM 3.8% 390F 3.3% 336P La2 (Proj) 305d 12.184kgM 3.8% 460F 3.2% 390P

Regancrest-HHF MAC Regancrest Breeshia NC Conf. NC Died before calving! • s. Picston Shottle • She was the only daughter of Barbie which was contracted before calving • Full sister to Breya VG-88 2yr., Belara EX-91, Brasillia EX-92 and more

• Incredible brood cow • Top selling female at the Holland Master Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Dam is full sister to Regancrest BRAXTON @ Select and BALTIMOR @ Semex • Dam her full sister, Regancrest Brasillia was sold for $1.500,000


ROTE Schau-Kuh aus der Barbie’s!!

Vache de show ROUGE des Barbie

• Hervorragende rotbunte Schaukuh aus der Familie von Regancrest-PR Barbie • Sie war bereits 1st & Best Udder auf der Wintershow in Ettelbrück • Ihr Ticket für die kommende Schausaison • 5 Generationen EX eingestufte Mütter im Pedigree • Vorselektiert für das belgische Team auf dem Weg nach Libramont!

4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 6e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E 8e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 9e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA

• Belle vache de show ROUGE de la famille renommée de Regancrest-PR Barbie! • Elle gagnait déjà sa section & Meilleur Pis @ Wintershow Ettlebrück • Elle est votre ticket pour cette saison de show! • 5 générations EXCELLENTES dans ce pedigree! • Présélectionnée pour la confrontation Européenne dans le lot Luxembourgeois!


Choice out of Grade

4 Female Apple Partners (USA)








4 FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM IVF- Grade A Location United States of America

Dam: KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM

Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA Talent x KHW Regiment Apple-Red

Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-94-USA Redburst x KHW Regiment Apple-Red

FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED (Avalanche *RC x Doorman x Atwood) 12/18 PTAT +4.13 - incl. ETN KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA 4E DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 5.03 365d 13.975kgM 5.0% 693F 3.9% 550P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P L.L. 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 36% 3.882P • The R&W One Million Dollar Cow • Res. Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2013 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show World Dairy Expo 2011 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 • Dam to Absolute Red, Big Apple Red, Armani RC, grand dam to Diamondback *RC and more!

Embryos straight out of APPLE • Incredible opportunity to make your OWN APPLE’S! • FEMALE embryos by the #1 R&W sire: WARRIOR • Warrior is an Avalanche son with >4 PTAT • Apple was Res. Grand Champion WDE ‘13 & Grand Champion WDE ‘11!! • Apple is dam to Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA, & more!

Carrousel REGIMENT-RED Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM. 2.00 365d 13.077kgM 3.8% 498F 3.7% 484P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘09 • Dam to Jotan, Acme, Axion & Advent-Red • Dam to KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91-USA

Regancrest Elton DURHAM Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 2.00 361d 10.682kgM 5.1% 540F 3.6% 386P 3.01 365d 13.921kgM 4.9% 678F 3.6% 503P 5.03 365d 15.726kgM 4.8% 750F 3.5% 553P 6.09 365d 14.855kgM 4.2% 630F 3.5% 515P 8.07 365d 16.747kgM 4.2% 704F 3.4% 571P 12.03 365d 12.311kgM 4.9% 602F 3.5% 434P • s. A Ronneybrook PRELUDE NEXT DAMS 4e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 5e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 6e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 7e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E

Embryonen direkt aus APPLE • Was für eine Möglichkeit?! IHRE eigene APPLE!! • WEIBLICHE Embryonen des #1 RBT: WARRIOR-RED • Warrior ist ein Avalanche Sohn mit >4 PTAT • Apple war Res. Grand Champion WDE ´13 & Grand Champion WDE ´11!! • Apple ist die Mutter von Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Delicous Apple-Red EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Uno Armani EX-94-USA u.v.m.!

Embryons direct de APPLE • Opportunité unique pour faire son propre APPLE ! • Embryons sexés du taureau #1 ROUGE : WARRIOR • Warrior est un fils de Avalanche avec >4 PTAT • Apple était Réserve Grande Championne WDE ’13 et Grande Championne WDE ‘11 • Apple est la mère de MS Candy Apple-Red EX-94, Ms Delicious Apple-RED EX-94-USA, Ms Apples Armani EX-94-USA & plus !




Sale Conditions • The sales conditions define the rules relating to the sale organized by Roccafarm Livestock (Angrica SA), Rue des prés 11, 1370 Saint-Jean-Geest, in collaboration with Eurogenes, Zwolle,NL and European Livestock Services, Niederweis, DE. Every bidder is held to conform to the auction sale conditions. The action of bidding implicates knowledge and acceptance of these conditions. • The sale organization in all cases, is an intermediary, accomplishing an agreement between seller and buyer. • The animals offered at the sale are officially registered by the national herd book. The information in this catalogue comes from the official pedigree concerning the first 3 generations and from other information concerning the deeper pedigree. Only the official pedigree is valid. The organization can never be held responsible for mistaken information in this catalogue. • All animals on the sale have been tested negative for BVD ag, IBR gB, neosporosis (serology) and paratuberculosis (= Johnes disease, serology). • All animals have been inspected by an official veterinarian and declared in good health • The organization can never be held responsible for any damage caused as a result of the event. The organization can never be held responsible for any animal diseases which are possibly spread during the event. The risks concerning the animals changes from seller to buyer at the moment of sale. • The sale will take place by increasing bids. The prices are excluding VAT. Bids will be in EURO. • Prices for embryos lots are mentioned in prices per embryo. • In the case that the auctioneer makes a mistake, he has the right to correct that mistake and reopen the bidding. The auctioneer can reopen the bid right after the hammer has fallen or at the end of the sale. • Sale costs: The sale price excludes VAT, sale commission of 10% and insurance. For foreign buyers, the invoicing will be without VAT, on presentation of its intra-community VAT-number. • The seller remains responsible for their animal until the end of the sale. In case of latent defects or litigation, the costs of the sale remain the responsibility of the buyer, veterinary costs are the responsibility of the buyer, in case of dispute, the seller is responsible for no more than the selling price of the animal. • All purchases have to be paid within 7 days after reception of the invoice and certainly before the transport of the animal. • Ownership: The responsibility of the animal will pass on from the seller to the buyer at the moment of the end of the sale; Before the complete payment of the animal, the seller remains the owner of the animal • Transport and export of the animals: All animals can be transported after full payment. The transport and export costs are for the buyer. For eventual quarantine costs and export costs, please contact sale organization. • For heifers selling in absentee, the costs for transport and export from the seller to the buyer will be for the buyer. • The cost for exporting embryos are for the buyer of the embryos. • The sale organization cannot be held responsible or accountable for any damage to any persons or possessions that are connected to the sale • The sale organization cannot be held responsible or accountable for any contracts offered with a sale animal, the responsibility is with the organization offering the contract • 1st Choice regulations - Buyer has the right to choose his 1st Choice female from all resulting females from the mentioned pregnancies in the catalogue - Buyer can make no claim against the seller in case less calves are born from the mentioned pregnancies - The buyer has to pay a 25% down payment + the full commission right after the sale - The choice has to be made within 3 months after the last calf is born - The remaining 75% payment has to be done within 1 month after the last calf is born • Any updates and changes will be mentioned in the sale update which will be available online and in the sale booth on sale day • In the case of a purchase being cancelled due to visible or non-visible defects, the sale costs remain the responsibility of the seller and buyer. The veterinary costs remain the property for the buyer, the maximum damage is the amount of the purchase price. Seller and organization can never be held responsible for secondary damage • For any dispute regarding this auction, allocation of jurisdiction is made to the Court of Nivelles. Belgian laws will apply to this auction

•Ces conditions de vente définissent les règles relatives à l’ European Master Sale. La vente est organisée par Roccafarm Livestock (Angrica SA), Rue des prés 11, 1370 Saint-Jean-Geest, Belgique, en collaboration avec Eurogenes, Zwolle, NL and European Livestock Services, Niederweis, DE. Les présentes conditions de vente sont réputées connues et acceptées sans réserve par les enchérisseurs. • Dans tous les cas, l’organisation de vente agit uniquement comme intermédiaire, avec le seul but de conclure un contrat de vente entre vendeur et acheteur. • Les animaux présentés à la vente sont titulaires d’une Déclaration de Naissance recevable et sont inscrits à un livre généalogique officiel. Les informations figurant dans ce catalogue proviennent des pédigrées officiels des animaux en vente pour les 3 premières générations et d’information recueillies sur les pédigrées des générations précédentes. Seul le pédigrée officiel fait foi. L’organisation ne peut jamais être responsable pour des erreurs éventuelles dans le catalogue. • Tous les animaux présentés à la vente ont subi un test négatif pour BVD aG, IBR gB, neospora et paratuberculose. • Tous les animaux ont été inspectés par un vétérinaire officiel et ont été déclarés en bonne santé. • L’organisation ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable des dommages résultant de l’événement. L’organisation ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable des maladies animales éventuellement propagées lors de cet événement. Les risques concernant les animaux passent du vendeur à l’acheteur au moment de la vente. • La vente se fera par augmentation des offres. Les prix sont hors TVA. Les offres seront en EURO • Dans le cas où le commissaire-priseur commet une erreur, il a le droit de corriger cette erreur et de rouvrir l’enchère. Le commissaire-priseur peut rouvrir l’offre juste après la chute du marteau ou à la fin de la vente • Frais de vente : Le prix d’enchère est hors TVA 6%, et sera majoré de 10% de frais de vente. Pour un acheteur étranger, la facturation se fera hors TVA, sur présentation de son numéro de TVA intracommunautaire. • Le vendeur reste responsable pour son animal jusqu’au fin de la vente. Dans le cas où il y aurait un vice caché ou litige, les frais de vente restent à la charge de l’acheteur, les frais vétérinaires sont à la charge de l’acheteur ; en cas de litige le vendeur est responsable au maximum pour le prix de vente de l’animal. • Tous les achats sont payables après réception de la facture dans les 7 jours et impérativement avant l’enlèvement de l’animal. • Propriété : Dès la fin de la vente, la responsabilité de l’animal passe du vendeur à l’acheteur. Avant le paiement intégral de l’animal, celui-ci reste la propriété du vendeur. • Enlèvement et transport des animaux : Les animaux peuvent être enlevés après paiement des sommes dues. Les frais de transport et exportation éventuels sont à charge de l’acheteur. Pour une estimation des frais de quarantaine et exportation, veuillez prendre contact avec l’organisation de vente. • Pour les génisses qui seront vendues en absence, les coûts de transport et d’exportation du vendeur à l’acheteur seront à la charge de l’acheteur. • Les coûts d’exportation des embryons sont à la charge de l’acheteur des embryons. • L’organisation ne peut être tenue responsable des dommages causés aux personnes ou aux biens liés à la vente. • L’organisation ne peut être tenue responsable des contrats proposés avec un animal vendu, cette responsabilité est à l’organisation offrant le contrat. • La réglementation du 1er choix : - L’acheteur a le droit de choisir son 1er choix parmi toutes les femelles résultantes des gestations mentionnées dans le catalogue. - L’acheteur ne peut faire aucune réclamation contre le vendeur si moins de veaux naissent des gestations mentionnées. - L’acheteur doit payer un acompte de 25% + la totalité de la commission juste après la vente - Le choix doit être fait dans les 3 mois après la naissance du dernier veau - Les 75% restants doivent être payés dans le mois qui suit la naissance du dernier veau • Pour les embryons, le prix est par embryon • Toutes les mises à jour et modifications seront mentionnées dans la mise à jour des ventes qui sera disponible en ligne et dans le stand de vente le jour de la vente. • En cas d’annulation d’un achat en raison de défauts visibles ou non visibles, les frais de vente restent à la charge du vendeur et de l’acheteur. Les frais vétérinaires restent la propriété de l’acheteur, le montant maximal des dommages est le montant du prix d’achat. Le vendeur et l’organisation ne peuvent jamais être tenus responsables de dommages indirects. • Pour tout litige concernant cette vente, tombant sous l’application des lois Belges, l’attribution de juridiction est faite aux Tribunaux de Nivelles.







Apple Partners Batouwe Holsteins & Schouten Bel Holsteins Bert-Mar Farms C-Sold Holsteins Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins Diamond Genetics & Nosbisch Holsteins Diamond Genetics & Partners GAEC Gutzwiller GAEC Wilt Giessen Holsteins Heidehof Ahrens Hennecke, J. & Nosbisch Höven Holsteins KNS Holsteins L’Herbagere Association La Brasserie Holsteins Mattenhof Holsteins Melbaum, T & Nosbisch Middelampf, Andreas Milksource Milmen Ft. Mox Holsteins Nässetaler Milch Nöhl BbR Nohl Holsteins Nosbisch Holsteins Nosbisch Holsteins & Allendörfer O’Kadabra syndicate Panda Holsteins PEAK Holsteins Peaßens, H-P PGC Coopelia Pierry Pussemier, Eddy & Jonas Rüben, Philipp Schwartz, Daniel Staels, Bart van Belleghem, Jarni van Rijswijk, Henk Weide, Sebastian Welsing Milchvieh Wiethege Holsteins & Lupschen

68 63 5, 28 26 45, 67 8, 65 61 11, 32, 33 18 51, 52 53 6, 34, 35, 38, 62, 66 60 7, 25, 47 48 56 15, 41 12 40, 44 16, 59 19 9 31 27 29, 37 4, 13, 17, 20, 42, 57 24, 30 21 14 36 64 22 49 54 2 55 1, 58 43 10 50 23 39, 46


du 26 au 29 juillet 2019 15 hectares d’exposition | 800 exposants | 5.000 marques | 5 parcours PRO (agriculture biologique, animaux & élevage, innovation, lait & santé animale et thématique)

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DRIVING INNOVATION, ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY Founded on a strong heritage of innovation and technical leadership, we deliver the future of productivity to dairy farms across the globe. Based on generations of experience, global R&D expertise and an intimate knowledge of the needs of local dairy businesses, our solutions answer tomorrow’s challenges.



Conf. Conf.


Friday, October the 18th 2019 | Fließem - Germany


FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email. Consignor

HH. -

Sold through the German Masters Sale ‘14 & ‘15







%F SCHAU %E AWARD Fat Eiw SCS Neu German gibt System Topam 15 PTAT calf Masters Neu am German MastersSale, Sale,esesMilk gibtein ein SCHAU AWARD System 2.70 für füralle alleTiere Tieredie dieihr ihrbeim beimGerman GermanMasters MastersSale Salekauft! kauft!Wenn Wenn Schau Schaueure eureLeidenschaft Leidenschaftist istund undihre ihregroßartige großartigeFamilien Familienliebt, liebt, dann Jahr genau das Yelena VG-89-DE dannhaben habenwir wirdieses diesesSPH Jahr genau dasrichtige richtigefür füreuch, euch,mit mit einer einerfantastischen fantastischenund undnie nieda dagewesenen gewesenenAuswahl Auswahlan anüberraüberragenden gendenSchautieren: Schautieren:Gewinnt Gewinntdie dieSchau, Schau,verdient verdientGeld Gelddamit, damit, entwickelt entwickelteure eureeigene eigenegroßartige großartigeFamilie Familiefür füreure eureHerde! Herde!Wir Wir geben gebeneuch eucheine eineextra extraAuszeichnung. Auszeichnung.Wenn WennDu Dugewinnst gewinnstununterstützen terstützenwir wirDich! Dich!Die DieAuszeichnungen: Auszeichnungen:

Some of the best in Europe have been sold through08/16 the DGV previous German Masters Sales:58 in Europe!! +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51
































Beechrow Twains Atwood Res. Jr. Champion Luxembourg Open ‘16 Jr. Champion Pesse ‘16

YOU YOU WIN WIN –– WE WE SUPPORT!! SUPPORT!! New Newininthe theGerman GermanMasters MastersSale, Sale,aaSHOW SHOWAWARD AWARDsystem systemfor for your youranimals animalspurchased purchasedthrough throughthe theGerman GermanMasters MastersSale! Sale!IfIf showing showingisisyour yourpassion passionand andyou youlike likegreat greatfamilies, families,we webelieve believe there thereisisaagreat greatoffering offeringofofpotential potentialshow showwinners winnerswho whocan cando do ititall allfor foryou: you:win winshows, shows,make makebusiness businesswith withthem themand anddevelop develop Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE 2yr. greatcow cowfamilies familiesininyour yourherd! herd!We Wegive giveyou youan anextra extraaward, award,ifif Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2017great you you win,we wesupport supportyou! you!The Theawards: awards: Doorman x EX-94 Goldwyn sister to win, Amyly EX-95

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

I-Cow Aurora Champion Calf Pesse & Jr. Champion Beilen ‘15

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

REGIONAL REGIONALSCHAU SCHAU//REGIONAL REGIONALSHOW SHOW 1st €€150 1st 150 View-Home MONTEREY €€300 Champion 300 Champion Pine-Tree AltaOAK (McCutchen x Robust) Res. €€200 200 Res.Champion Champion


FG Ladd Madagaskar P Top 3 R&W Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘16

Faithlove NC

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

NATIONAL NATIONALSCHAU SCHAU//NATIONAL NATIONALSHOW SHOW • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483 €€250 1st 1st 250 Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol 2nd €€150 WWS Addiction Armanada VG-87-AT Rocca-DG Abricot 150 2nd2yr. • Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Incredible 2yr. old of the Apple family UK National Show ‘17 3rd €Old 3rd50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT2nd €100 100 Top cowJr. in 2yr. Europe Owner: Hirschhuber & Wenger (AT) & Jackpot Holsteins (UK) • Champion #4 GTPI Oak in Europe /Owner: #4 GTPIFirstlookOak€in Europe Champion €500€ 500€ • One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Res. €€350 Res.Champion Champion 350 / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. Seegers Atwood Alexis VG-87-DE 2yr. 5e Ralma C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2yr.Finley old Champion RUW Show ‘16 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

INFOS INFOS - -Dies Diesististgültig gültigfür füralle alleeuropäischen europäischenLänder Länder - -Die Diemaximale maximaleAuszahlung AuszahlungististEUR EUR500€ 500€pro proTier Tier - -Auszahlungsformulare Auszahlungsformularesind sindüber überdie dieAuktionsorganisation Auktionsorganisationverfügbar verfügbarum umeuren eurenGewinn GewinnininBares Bareszuzuverwandeln! verwandeln!

Top NOTES NOTES10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley

- -These Theseare arevalid validininallallEuropean Europeancountries countriesyou youshow showyour yourheifer heiferinin • can Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! - -You winning price You canearn earnup uptotothe themaximum maximum winning priceofofEUR EUR500 500 - -Pay are ononrequest bybythe cash your • out Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / organisation +2.6 DPR /totoPTAT +2.13 Pay outforms forms areavailable available request the organisation cashLizzy yourprize! prize! Siepermanns Doorman

Double-M Manga Incredible R&W cow • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS Jr. Champion National Show ‘17 Owner: Dueholm Breeding (DK) • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson Owner: EX-94-USA B. Staels / Leus (BE)

Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6Lotus DPRJoy / PTAT Wiesenfeld Red +2.13 Show Ettelbrück ‘16 @ ABS • The maternal sister of Jr. theChampion global Nat’l sensation DG Charley Jr. Champion Luxembourg Open ‘16 • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA

ENTER your best NOW for the GERMAN MASTERS SALE 2019!! Nosbisch Holsteins +49 (0)1714368388 Eurogenes +31 (0)6 43985150 or through WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM

Proud of our successes ….

Rocca-DG Snowmaster Bremase VG-87-BE EX-MS, Udder Champion Night of the Holstein, Libramont 2017

Rocca-DG Windbrook Britt , Champion Young Cow @ Ath by Night 2014, now owned by Dock Holsteins, Ireland and scores VG-89-IE 2La (MAX Score)

Roccafarm Windbrook Zaninda, Junior Champion @ Night of the Holstein, Libramont 2013, now owned by Ponderosa, Spain and scores EX-90-ES EX-91-MS

delighted with the show successes of our customers !!!

Roccafarm Mascalese Elly VG-87-DE 2A, owned by Nosbisch & Hennecke, Germany, Champion @ EYBS Battice 2014 and classwinner @ RUW Show, Hamm 2015

Roccafarm Seaver Zaeva VG-87-DE, owned by Strüdthof, Germany, 5th @ European Championships Colmar 2016

Roccafarm Doorman Zandorra VG-87-DE 2A, owned by Ahrends, Germany, Grand Champion Südwest Show 2016

Some of our actual favorite cows : •

Roccafarm Megasire Bremega VG-88-BE 3A, daughter of Bremase

Roccafarm Archrival Dove VG-88-BE 2A (MAX), family of Blackstar Raven

Roccafarm Colt 45 Acolade Pp EX-90-BE 4A, grand-daughter of KHW Goldwyn Aiko

Den Hamer Battlecry Nicole : out of the Neblina family

Hulsbosch Ivo Rue des Prés 11 • 1370 Saint-Jean-Geest (Jodoigne) • Belgium roccafarm holsteins • +32 496 614477 •


Commerce d’animaux d’élevage Livestock trading Handel in fokvee

We assist you in buying… and in selling !

Always aiming for a fair deal !

Les garanties de Roccafarm Livestock :

The guarantees of Roccafarm Livestock :

De garanties van Roccafarm Livestock :

• Nous trouvons les animaux d’élevage que vous cherchez! • Nous livrons de la qualité à votre porte à un prix équitable! • Nous visons des clients satisfaits ! • Nous vous aidons à commercialiser votre génétique !

• We find the livestock you are looking for ! • We deliver quality to your doorstep at a fair price! • We are aiming for pleased customers ! • We assist you in marketing your genetics!

• Wij vinden het fokvee dat U zoekt ! • Wij leveren kwaliteit aan uw deur voor een eerlijke prijs! • Wij streven naar tevreden klanten! • Wij helpen U om uw genetica te vermarkten !

Roccafarm Livestock Livestock

Rue des prés 11 • 1370 Saint-Jean-Geest (Jodoigne) • Belgique Contact : Ivo Hulsbosch • +32 496 614477 •


Some examples of genetics delivered through Eurogenes / Diamond Genetics

DH Gold Chip Darling EX-94-CH

CCC Commander Summer VG-87

Majoric O’Kalif Brescia

Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ‘17 Sold through Diamond Genetics as an embryo

Sister to Sidekick! Dam is sister to Solomon! Sold through Eurogenes Embryo Sale

Res. Jr. Champion R&W Expo Bulle ‘17 R&W from the Regancrest Barbie’s

EurogenesWWW.EUROGENES.COM Online EMBRYO Sales Every 2 weeks through



Mr Frazzled


(Frazzled x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley VG-88-USA)

GTPI +2869 PTAT +2.76 The ONLY available bull in the breed combining: >2865 GTPI <2.65 SCS >2.80 UDC <7.2 SCE >2.75 PTAT Prod. +1699M +0.09% +0.03% +89 +61 Fitness SCS 2.64 // PL +7.1 // DPR +1.9 Conf. UDC +2.82 // FLC +1.47 // PTAT +2.76

ARISTOCRAT has semen available under special conditions for breeders all around the World through Diamond Genetics & AMS Genetics General N-America N-America & EU Europe Europe Germany France

Jan de Vries Steve Mower Hendrik Albada Arjan van der Vlis Jan Postma Cristoph LĂźpschen Jan van den Oord

+31 (0)6 26250502 +1 240-520-5906 +1 240-520-1566 +31 (0)643985150 +31(0)642778550 +49 (0) 15112121766 +33 679961625

It always has to Start somewhere.. 1975 1st use of B&W holstein bulls on a former R&W herd of 15 Cows 1979 1st time participating on a show and & public auction 1981 1st Embryo transfer done in our state by Nosbisch Holsteins 1988 NH Enzo Red, #1 RED Bull in Germany breed by Nosbisch Holsteins 1995 Import of Finabel EX-92 & Geranium EX-94 from France by Nosbisch & Kirch Syndicat 1996 Finabel, Sr & Grand Champion RUW Schau ´96 & foundation Cow of the F-Family 1995 Geranium EX-94, 1st Senior Cow DHV Schau´98 & Grand BZT Schau´02, >105.000kg LL with great progeny @ Kirch & Nosbisch 2001 End of the Nosbisch & Kirch Syndicat, continued under Nosbisch Holsteins 2006 NH Fidji EX-90 (Esentation x Finabel EX-92) nominated World Cow of the Year ´06, dam of 8 postive proven bulls such as Jurus! 2008 NH Marmax Valencia VG-89 3yr, 1st & Res Champion RUW Färsenschau´08, 1st RUW Schau´09, #1 RED RZG Cow in Germany 2009, Family of Kanzler@RSH 2010 Nobisch Holsteins Dirspersal with >80 Lots sold for Ø 4832€ to 11 countries. 2011 Restart of the Nosbisch Holsteins breeding program with NH Lawn Boy India EX-90 as one of the most influential brood cows. 2011 NH Lawn Boy India EX-90: - Granddam of Gero P RC @Masterrind, on of the highest proven bulls in Germany on 12/18. - G.dam of NH Indiansummer Red, former #1 Red Polled Heifer in the World &sold for 39.000€. - The Cow behind COL NH Indy Red RZG 156 12/18, former #1 Red Heifer in the World & owned together with Genesland & Hokovit,CH! 2013 NH Massey Queengirl sold for 67.000€ on the JK Eder Summersale, her son sold later 92.000 € for the new owners 2013 NH Roumare Belle EX-92: Senior Champion RUW Schau 2013 2014 1st German Master Sale, organized with Eurogenes and RUW, 82 Lots Ø 7377€, to 12 different countries. Topseller: NH HS Marily Monore @84.000€ to the new partnership of Nosbisch & Sunview, CDN 2014 NH HS Mercedes tested as 1st heifer in the World 170 RZG & sold afterwards @ Vekis Spring Sale for 70.000 € 2015 2nd German Masters Sale, 98 heifers sold for Ø 8336€ to 10 diffrent countires 2016 MR Puma RZG 173, the First bull in the World to be over 170 RZG, and the #1 RZG bull 01/16 2016 3rd German Masters Sale, 136 Lots Ø 5371€ to 14 diffrent countries. 2016 Crossfell Rubicon Milla, sold as an Embryo from Nosbisch Holsteins to Crossfell, #1 GTPI Heifer in Europe and sold for 75.000€ 2017 Aristocrat, owned with the Ashley Syndicat, sold for 620.000$ at a new World Record at the World Classic Sale in Madison 2017 NH Sunview Fantastic (Flattop x NH HS Marilyn Monroe) #1 PLI Bull @Cogent UK! 2017 Destry Zarina EX-92 (Nosbisch & Rübru),.1st DHV Schau´17, 1st & Sr Champion R&W RUW Schau´17, 1st, Senior & Grand BZT Schau´17 & Res. All German´17 2017 4th German Masters Sale, 157 lots Ø 4728€ to 15 diffrent countries. 2018 LOH-TJ Allesja VG-86 2yr, owned with Lohmöller, T. Melbaum & Blaise, 1st & Junior Champion Schau der Besten´18. 2018 NH Solito Red, #1 overall Type Bull in the UK 2018 1 x All-German & 2 x Res. All-German for Nosbisch Holsteins 2018 Marilyn Monore VG-86 #1 RZG since 4.5 years, >15 sons in AI, numerous high ranking females. 2018 5th German Masters Sale, 145 lots Ø 6458€ to 14 diffrent countries

The past.... The present.... & our FUTURE:

NH Sunview Gym Mystery Gymnast x NH HS Marilyn Monroe (Balisto) x Sudan x Xacobeo #1 RZG (12/18) RZG+166 & GTPI +2783 Owned with Sunview

Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red Apprentice x Delta x Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia (picture) #1 RED in Europe: GTPI +2752 Owned with Genesland

Aardema Sunset Beauty Rockstar x Spring x Supersire x Snowman x Planet (picture) x Lila Z’s GTPI +2841 & NMS +947 Owned with Genesland & DG

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. THE Dam of ARISTOCRAT and multiple other huge progeny Only cow in the breed >2645 GTPI & 3.65 PTAT!! Female Embryos available! Owned with A.vd Vlis, DG, & Hull

NH Sunview Bubba Sunny Big Bubba x Delta x Shan x Pine-Tree 2149 Robst (picture) GTPI +2857 & RZG +156 (#2 GTPI Bubba in the breed) #3 GTPI heifer in Europe Owned with Sunview

Mattenhof Unix Gaiana Unix x Galys-Vray EX-94 #1 Unix, PTAT+3.93 Owned with A.vd Vlis, DG, Siepermann & Stäme

Col NH Indy Mission x NH Indiansunhine VG-86 2yr. Former #1 Red, RZG +156 (12/18) Owned with Genesland & Hokovit,CH)

NH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. #1 RZG Cow, +159 RZG (12/18) The European Genomic Giant! >15 sons in AI

Absolute NH Emilio Sue Ellen Emilio x Absolute Beemer Suzy Sue x Lavanguard Sue (picture) PTAT +3.68 Emilio out of the sister to Solomon!

Bel Doorman Zita VG-87-DE-2yr Doorman x EX-94 Goldwyn - sister to Allen Amyly EX-95-IT THE Swiss Expo Junior Champion´17 Female Embryos available Owned with Diamond Genetics

Loh-Tj Allesja RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Armani x VG-87 Redburst x Luck-E Advent Atlanta EX-94 Junior Champion Schau der Besten´18 Just fresh and looks incredible Owned with Lohmöller, T. Melbaum & Blaise

Arethusa NH DG Victoria Secret Premier x EX-95 x Hurunia Centurion Veronica EX-97 Due in April and looks unreal Owned with A.vd Vlis & DG

Thank you to all our Customers, Partners & Friends, without you those achievements would be not possible!

Herd average : 144 Cows 11.012kgM 3.9%F 430kg 3.5%P 383kg

Nosbisch Holsteins Sonnenhof | 54668 Niederweis | Germany Email. | Tel. Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388

What ever you look for, we will find it!

European Livestock Service: Your partner in mediation (purchase and sell) high quality livestock. From your request to the delivery up to your farm, we take care of the whole proces. #request #agency #inspection #purchase #delivery #statisfaction

Clients experiences

Christoph Lüpschen (Germany): “Over the last two Years we sold more then 100 Cows to European Livestock Service / Nici Nosbisch, we are really pleased how everything worked, from the selection they did on the farm to the day when the cows left our farm everyhing was just perfectly organized, we are looking forwards for future buisness with European Livestock Service” Roccafarm Livestock SA (Belgium): “Sourching quality cows and heifers had been easy, efficient and successfull for us trough European Livestock Service. Findind the right kind of animals makes customers happy.” The Livestock Exchange UK: “We at livestock exchange have nowworked with Nici over 1000 animals! Every part of the buisness is well organised, from finding quality we require, farm visits, relevant paper work trough haulage and delivery! We would not choose to work with anyone else!” Roel Dekker (The Netherlands): “We are very satisified with the cows we purchased last year through European Livestock Service. 70 of the 105 animals we purchased are now in 2nd lactation and developed well with great udders and feet & legs.”

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more info:

European Livestock Service Viehvermittlung

Nici Nosbisch Deutschland Tel: +491714368388 Email: Contact UK & Ireland: Isaac Lancaster - Tel. +44 (0)7739566538 Andy Cope - Tel. +44 (0)7778056327








Golden-Oaks By

Chackalacka -

Mox Jordy


Red Pp

- Olivette

de L’Herbagere

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