Nosbisch Dispersal & German Masters Sale 2023

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Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023 | Friday, October the 20th 2023 Niederweis - Germany Start: 12:00 Uhr GERMAN MASTERS SALE 2023 WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM Budjon Select B anana Select x Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97 She sells open and ready to flush along with her dtrs. VG-86-DE 2yr. NOSBISCH HERDENVERKAUF &


 Professionell organisierter Milchviehbetrieb

 2 Herdenmanager, 1 Kälber- und Aufzuchtexpertin

 hochmoderne Stallanlage mit Tagesbett bereich und 80ha Weidefläche

 große Kapazität zur Embryo-Aufnahme

 hohe Trächtigkeitsquote

 Zuchtberatung und Embryotransfer-Service

 transparente Embryo-Nachverfolgung

 „Donor-Hotel“

 monatliche, transparente Rechnungsstellung

Neu! OPU/IVF Service


Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Möck Milch GbR Bergstraße 11

91629 Weihenzell

Tel.: +49 (0)151.55887619


KÄLBERWUNSCHPROGRAMM. Ihr sendet uns Euer hochwertiges Spendertier. Wir liefern Euch die Kälber.

InformierT EUCH!

Wagyu Frankenhöhe GbR Bergstraße 11 D - 91629 Weihenzell mobil: +49 (0)151.55 88 76 19

Hol dir dein Umami- Erlebnis! saftig & unvergleichlich zart Japanisches Edel-Rindfleisch aus Franken Ein unvergessliches Geschmackserlebnis  FRANKENHÖHE Online bestellen:

Willkommen / Welcome

Liebe Züchterfreunde, wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen einen ganz speziellen Katalog präsentieren zu dürfen!

Der 20.10.2023 wird für uns als Nosbisch Holsteins ein ganz besonderer Tag, da wir aus Gründen der Betriebsumstrukturierung unsere gesamte melkende Herde, sowie die weibliche Nachzucht in einer großen Hofauktion anbieten.

Zusätzlich wird die in diesem Jahr bereits die 10. Ausgabe des German Masters Sales stattfinden! Dieses Jahr, nicht wie gewohnt in Fließem, sondern erstmals auf unserem Hof in Niederweis und wird dort als Teil der großen Auktion in die Nosbisch Holsteins Herdenverkaufs Auktion eingegliedert.

Somit werden am 20.10.2023 auf unserem Hof in Niederweis an einem Tag zwei Auktionen, gebündelt in einer großen Auktion mit über 330 Katalognummern, im Angebot versteigert. Dies wird sicherlich in dieser Größe & Qualität eimalig für Europa sein!

Unser Dank geht auch dieses Jahr an die Beschicker aus aller Welt, die uns ihre allerbesten Tiere für den diesjährigen GMS gemeldet haben!

Danke sagen wir auch an unsere vielen treuen Sponsoren, ohne die eine solche Auktion nicht durchzuführen wäre.

Der Katalog, den Sie jetzt in den Händen halten umfasst die vielleicht exklusivste GMS Kollektion aller Zeiten. Verkauft wird u.a. das höchste GTPI Rind, welches jemals in Europa angeboten wurde. Direkte Töchter aus einigen der besten Kühe der Welt sind im Angebot. Und das egal ob in rot oder schwarz und ob bei Holsteins, Jerseys, Wagyu’s, Brown Swiss oder sogar bei der Rasse Normandie.

Mit etwas Wehmut aber auch mit großem Stolz freuen wir uns, Ihnen die Nosbisch Holsteins Herde anbieten zu können, über 265 Katalognummern aus über 50 verschiedenen Kuhfamilien umfasst das Angebot. Verkauft werden nicht nur 14 Exzellente Kühe und über 70 VG eingestufte Kühe. Es sind fast 50 tragende Rinder im Angebot, davon die allermeisten gesext tragend, wie auch ein großteil der Kühe. Dazu fantastische Typkälber und hohe genomische Rinder. Die Herde überzeugt aktuell mit einer Leistung von fast 13.000kg mit 4.19%F & 3.56%E und einer Zellzahl von 78.000.

Wir möchten die Chance nutzen, uns von ganzem Herzen bei all unseren treuen Wegbegleitern zu bedanken, bei unseren Freunden, Partnern & Kunden, die uns die ganzen Jahre tatkräftig zur Seite gestanden sind und uns dabei unterstützt haben, Nosbisch Holsteins zu dem zu machen, was es heute ist.

Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, Sie am 20. Oktober 2023 zu einer einzigartigen Auktion auf dem Betrieb Nosbisch in Niederweis zu begrüßen!

Ab 09.00 Uhr heißt es ‘Open Barn’ & pünktlich um 12.00 Uhr startet die Live Auktion!

Seien Sie unser Gast und überzeugen Sie sich vor Ort von der fantastischen Tierqualität! Nutzen sie diese einmalige Chance und werden Sie Teil der Geschichte von Nosbisch Holsteins & des German Masters Sales!

Wir sehen uns am 20. Oktober!

Familie Nosbisch & das German Masters Sale Team

Dear breeders,

We are very excited to present you a very special and unique sale catalogue.

The 20th of October will be a very special day for us at Nosbisch Holsteins, for the future we want to restructuring our business and for this reason we will sell our complete milking herd and the female progeny in a big on farm auction sale.

On top of this we are very happy to announce that this year the already 10th edition of the German Masters Sale will also take place at the farm of Nosbisch Holsteins and will be part of the Nosbisch Holsteins Dispersal Sale.

That means Friday, October 20th, will be marked as a very unique day in the European Sale calendar. One big auction at the farm in Niederweis, with around 68 exceptional lots of the German Masters Sale combined with over 265 lots of the Nosbisch herd!

We want to thank the consignors which entered their very best and made it possible to make this great selection we have for the German Masters Sale 2023.

Also we want to say THANK YOU to all our sponsors and supporters to make an event like this possible!

The catalogue you have in your hands includes propably the most exclusive group of heifers ever sold at the GMS!

For example the highest GTPI heifer ever to be sold in Europe is in the sale! As well many direct daughters from the finest cows in the breed! It doesen’t matter what you are searching, R&W’s, B&W’s, Jersey’s, Wagyu’s, Brown Swiss or even a Normandie heifer, this Sale includes the very best of all worlds!

With a bit of melancholy but also with lots of proud we present you the Nosbisch Holstein herd, which offers over 265 lots, with over 50 different interational familys to choose from! No less then 14 excellent cows are in the Sale as well over 70 scoring VG. Around 50 incalf heifer selling, most of them incalf to sexed semen, as well many of the cows are! An amazing group of calves selling with great type & high numbers and all from deep deep families! The herd is impressing today with close to 13.000kgM averrage with 4.19%F & 3.56%P with a cellcount as low as 78.

We want to take the chance to thank all our long term supporters, friends and customers for there continues support over the last years and for helping us to bring Nosbisch Holsteins to the level where it is today.

We look forward to seeing you all on Friday, October the 20th at the most special Sale day Europe has ever seen.

Sale barn opens at 9.00 am & auction will start prompt at 12.00 pm.

Be our guest have a look at the fantastic quality of animals and take the once in a lifetime chance and get part of the Nosbisch Holsteins & German Masters Sale history!

See you on October, 20!

Family Nosbisch & the German Masters Sale team


Nosbisch Holsteins Herdenverkauf & GMS Sale 2023 @ Nosbisch Holsteins

Addresse: Sonnenhof, 54668 Niederweis - Deutschland


DE Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388

DE Matthias Nosbisch +49(0)1711243728

NL Arjan v.d. Vlis +31 (0)6 43985150

NL Emma Scholten +31 (0)6 52897333

NL Laura Uineken +31 (0)6 25566674

NL Jan de Vries +31 (0)6 26250502

DE Gerd Grebener +49 (0) 1725353693

DE Uwe Müller +49 (0)1725353691

DE Torben Melbaum +49 (0)17661303019

DE Johannes Brendl +49 (0)1725366188

DE Andreas Middelkampf +49 (0)1711979157

CH Marcel Egli +41 (0)764274524

DK Martin Rasmussen +45 28 99 86 25

LU Tom Elsen +352(0)621246498

IT Vki Singh +39 (0)3343037095

FR Jan v.d. Oord +33 (0)679961625

FR Louis Jacquin +33 (0)683803325

FR Daniel Schwartz +33 (0) 698619557

AT Rupert Wenger +43 (0)6769712913

AT Meinhard Huber +43 (0)6644545385

PL Adrian Kupka +49 (0)1722369138

UK Mark Lee +44 (0)7980924179

UK Ryann Spackman +44 (0)7725653542 UK Mike Potter +44 (0)7802604949

NA Sebastien Dion +1 (0)5193200656

IE Gareth O’Brien +353 (0)851539046

Pedigrees Torben Melbaum, Cord Hormann & Mark Lee

Auktionator Nici Nosbisch

Gast Auktionator Paul Nosbisch +49 (0)1722441089

Ringmen Henrik Wille (DE), Jörg Seeger (DE), Pablo Reboiro (ES), Marcel Egli (CH), Erik Büscherhoff (DE), Sebastien Dion (DE), Udo Richter (DE), Rupert Wenger (AT) & Mike Potter (UK)

Barn Team Torben Melbaum & Team

Fitting Crew Devon Lohmöller, Steffen Mersch, Rupert Wenger, Gerhard Stadler, Magdalena Moser, Jonas Melbaum, Paul Petriffer, Erica Rijneveld, Rob Schouten & Nicolas Pröpper

Organisation Auf-& Abbau Helmut Maas, Christian Bales & Freunde!

SALE ORGANISATION: Nosbisch Holsteins, Eurogenes & RUW




Gerne buchen wir für Sie Ihr Hotel: Jutta Nosbisch - Tel. +49 (0)65687187 - Email. We will be happy to assist in your travel arrangements and hotel reservations.


The following airports are all nearby the sale place:

* Frankfurt / Hahn

* Köln

* Luxembourg

* Düsseldorf

We can organize for you the Transport from the Airport and back again and help with your reservations. Nici Nosbisch: +49(0)1714368388

Hotel Eifelbräu
Hotel Louis Müller - Bitburg - Tel.
9190 Hotel Bitburger Hof - Bitburg - Tel. +49
94520 Hotel
BITBURG (Vormals Eifelstern) - Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 91500
- Tel. +49 (0)6561 9100
+49 (0)6561
+49 (0)6526690


Die Auktion ist im Artikel 10 Gebiet! BHV1 frei nach Artikel 10! Alle Tiere können sofort nach der Auktion zu Festpreisen in alle Länder ohne Quarantäne exportiert werden! Alle Tiere über 2 Jahre sind negativ auf Para TBC untersucht. Alle Auktionstiere können sofort nach der Auktion in alle freien Gebiete exportiert werden.

The Auction is in Article 10 Area! IBR Free area! No quarantine needed to any other countries! Purchases will be exported right away after the sale for a flat rates. All sale animals qualify for export within Europe, exceptions will be mentioned in the sale update. We will take care of the export until your barn with speciliazed elite animal transport. In case animals can’t be exported right after the sale, they will be housed at the sellers place until export, the first 30 days of housing will be free, after that EUR 3 / day will be charged. All sale heifers >2 years are tested negative on Para TBC. All sale heifers can be exported right after the sale to all countries & areas.

TRANSPORT PRICES (Preise variieren nach Anzahl der gekauften Tiere und Stückzahl je LKW / Prices vary depending on number of cows per truck and per buyer.)

* GERMANY EUR 100-500


* BELGIUM EUR 250-600

* FRANCE EUR 250-600



* DENMARK EUR 300-600

* ITALY EUR 250-750


* Export documents EUR 50 / animal


Wenn Sie ein oder mehrere Tiere kaufen, können Sie diese mit dem eigenen Hänger abtransportieren!


Export is possible Saturday 21.10.2023 & Monday 23.10.2023 form 10:00 - 14:00 hr

Oraganisation & Abwicklung Transport & Export / Organisation Transport & Export: Mathias Mertes: +49 (0)1712049591

Gaby Dieckmann: +49 (0)1728460842

Tiere in Abwesenheit: Exportpreis kann variieren. Exportpreis wird berechnet von dem Ort / Land aus wo das Rind steht, dieser Ort / Land wird im Auktionsupdate bekannt gegeben.

Absentee lots: Export price could be different for the lots selling in absentee, export price will be charged from the place the heifer is located, which can be seen in the catalogue / or update.


Für das Auktionsupdate und die aktuellen News besuchen Sie:

/ For the sale updates and latest news visit:




Über folgende Website kann die Auktion online verfolgt & geboten werden: / For interested people who can't attent the sale, there is an option to follow the sale live and bid through the sale website:


Für das leibliche Wohl ist den ganzen Tag durch einen professionellen Caterer bestens gesorgt, dazu können Sie den ganzen Tag alle Getränke kostenlos genießen.

Catering will be available the whole day trough a professional caterer. The whole day you can enjoy the free drinks.


Nosbisch Holsteins - Breeding Power Since 1975

Where Cow families, Index & Showtype coming together!

A few examples of successful results of the Nosbisch Holsteins breeding programm:

Wilstar Amber-Red EX-90-DE Sold as fresh 2yr. Old Owner: Future Genetics (DE) NH DG Crushtime Zodiac GP-83-CH VG-85-MS 2yr. Crushtime x Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE Owner: All-Star Holstein (CH) NH Evolution Skyliner-Red @ Bullseye Genetics #1 R&W RZG bull in the breed!! Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT World Classic Sale record for $620.000 in 2017 NH Solito-Red @ Masterrind #1 R&W RZG daughter proven bull NH DG Zalando *RC VG-89-DK EX-MS 2yr. Awesome-Red x Bel Doorman Zita VG-89-DE EX-MS La2 Owner: Stakkehavegaard - SHG Breeding (DK) NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total One of the most complete daughter proven bulls in the breed. NH Mogul Champaine EX-90-BE EX-91-MS Res. Junior Champion Agriflanders 2017 Owner: L. & S. Peeters (BE) NH Azzopardi Sir Silky-Red @ Bullseye Genetics Ronald *RC x NH DG Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS NH Mogul Brasiliangirl EX-91-NL Owner: ARGH Holsteins (NL) NH Gen Spirit-Red @ AI-Total Type, health & production in one package!


NH Roumare Belle EX-92-DE 3E

Senior Champion Sudwest-Show 2016

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3.

DG Charley x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

NH DG Anastacia-P VG-86-DE 2yr.

Sold @ NH Winter Fun Sale ‘21 - Shown @ National Show ’23

Owner: Nessetalmilch GmbH (DE)

NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

Sold for 84.000€ to Nosbisch & Sunview Holsteins >200.000€ in progeny and embryos sold.

NH McCutchen Isabella EX-93-DE La5.

1st & H.M. Int. Champion RUW Show 2017

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

NH Sunview Milo EX-91-DE La4.

Direct daughter of MARILYN MONROE!

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

Arethusa NH DG Victoria Secret VG-88-DE 3yr.

Junior 2-Yr Old Champion German Dairy Show 19

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins, DG & A. v.d. Vlis

NH DG Arvis Silky EX-91 EX-92-MS 4yr.

Res. All German & Res. Junior Champion DHV Schau ‘19

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins & Azzopardi Holsteins Malta

LB Asia-Red VG-89-DE 3yr. 2nd place Schau der Besten 2022

Owner: T. Melbaum & Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

HS-NH Mercedes VG-85-NL VG-89-MS

Former #1 RZG Heifer World Wide!!

Owner: Anderstrup Holsteins (DK) & DG (NL)

NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS

1st place & in final four German Dairy Show 2023

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

Owner: Suprême Holstein (CH)


A few examples of successful results of cows owned or delivered through Nosbisch Holsteins:

Loh TJ Alessja EX-95-DE

German National Champion 2019

Owner: J. Lohmöller, T. Melbaum & Nosbisch Holsteins & M. Blaise

ME.Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX

Int. Champion European Show Libramont 2019

Owner: Rising Star Holsteins (LUX)

Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE

Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE) & DG (NL)

AMH Amelia EX-91-LUX

Dam sold as calf from Nosbisch Holsteins

Owner: Antimonium Holstein Farms (LUX)

NH Azzopardi Sunshine-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.

Direct daughter of NH DG Silky-Red EX-91-DE

Owner: Azzopardi (MT) & Nosbisch Holsteins (DE)

R DG Alyssa Red VG-87-DE EX-91-MS La3.

Dam to Solito-Red @ Masterrind

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Hennecke (DE)

NH DG Alma VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Crushabull x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins (DE) & DG (NL)

EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Dam to NH Evolution Skyliner-Red @ Bullseye

Owner: Evolution (CAN) & European Livstock Service (DE)

NH Moovin Baraba VG-87-DE 2yr. Sold @ NH Winter Fun Sale ‘21 - Shown @ National Show ‘23

Owner: Bernd Lohmann (DE)

Momehailey Du Tombuy EX-90 EX-92-MS La3.

Successful shown at European Show Libramont 2019

Owner: Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Hennecke (DE)

NH Chief Malente VG-89-DE 3yr.

Junior Champion RUW Schau 2021

Owner: Josef Henneke (DE)

AGH Fitz Lola VG-89-IT

2nd place European Show 2019

Sold through the European Masters Sale 2019

Owner: Bel Holstein (IT)


Bullseye-Genetics GmbH Lütke Berg 2 | 48341 Altenberge Tel.: +49 176 61 30 30 19 162 RZG Sputnik x VG-85-2yr Gywer x VG-85 Styx x VG-85 Pat x VG-85 Hydro x VG-88 Epic x Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90 x 3. Gen VG #1 Rotbunt WELTWEIT nach RZG & RZ€ +162 RZG & 2697 RZ€ KOMPLETTES EXTERIEUR: +124 RZE +132 Fundament DER NEUE SUPERSTAR ÜBERRAGENDE GESUNDHEITSMERKMALE: +121 RZS +107 RZR +106 RZD +124 RZGesund +113 DD +107 Kälberfitness
ROBOTER- & RINDERBULLE: +106 Strichlänge +123 KVd
Deutschland, Österreich und Luxemburg
STg Germany verfügbar Foto Credit: W.Schulze
sofort in



NH Solito Red @ Masterrind #1 Töchtergeptüfter RZG Bulle in Deutschland (08/23) NH Evolution Skyliner Red @ Bullseye Genetics #1 Rotbunt nach RZG weltweit (08/23) NH DG Arvis Silky EX-91 EX-92 Euter Hl 2 305t 14.832kgm 4.15%f 3.39%e Arvis x VG-86 Snowman x EX-90 Planet Silk x 9 .Gen VG or EX Splendor´s · Res. Jr Champion DHV Schau & Res. All German´19 · Mutter von NH Azzopardi SIR SILKY Red @ Bullseye Genetics Gemeinschaftsbesitz mit R. Azzopardi, Malta

#1 NH DG Zamara VG-88-NL-2yr

Crushtime x Bel Doorman Zita EX-90

Besitzer: M. Spaander (NL) Verkauft von NH & DG am GMS´21

#2 NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH-3yr

Crushabull x Al-Lew Monterey Ahley EX-93-USA (Mutter von Arrow & Armagedon & Aristocrat) Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

· Besitzer: Supreme Holsteins (CH) · Verkauft als Embryo von NH, DG & A.vd. Vlis

#3 NH Arvis Princy EX-90-LUX-4yr Arvis x VG-86 Mascalese x EX-90 Atwoodx EX-92 Gelpro Princess

· Besitzer: Tom Leonardy (LUX) · Verkauft von NH am GMS´20

Klassensiegerin German Dairy Show 2023 &

... DANKE an alle unsere treuen Freunde, Partner & Kunden für das Vertrauen & alles GUTE und viel GLÜCK mit euren Zukäufen! Sonnenhof 1 54668 Niederweis T 01714368388 E
Nosbisch Holsteins
4.La 4/3
10.438kgm 3.95%f 3.61%e
Como Finja EX-91 EX-93 Euter La 305t Como x VG-86-Fever x VG-89 Buckeye x VG-87-2yr Champion x VG-87 Manat x EX-90 Esentation NH Fidji x EX-92 Finabel x EX-90 x VG x EX-97 letzte 4 Siegerauswahl Alt #3


Einige Beispiele von erfolgreichen Zukäufen an den letzten German Masters Sales: / A few examples of successful animals sold through the previous editions of the German Masters Sale:

Budjon Sidekick Baywatch VG-87-UK 2yr.

Sidekick x Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA

Owner: Willsbro Holsteins (UK)

Apple PTS Jones LB Apple-Red VG-87-DE 2yr.

Warrior-Red x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA

Owner: Snickerdoodle-Boys / Edi Linder (DE)

HAM Diamondback Beaujolais-P EX-91-CH

Great-grand dtr to Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA

Owner: Rebin Holstein (CH)

Schwartz Spoutnik EX-90-CH EX-MS

Sold through the German Masters Sale 2019

Owners: Marcel Müller & Lukas Steffen (CH)

Mattenhof Tatoo Haisha VG-89-DE 3yr.

Tatoo x Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH

Owner: Heidehof Ahrens & E. Spangenberg (DE)

VHH Silly VG-88-BE La1.

Sold in the German Masters Sale 2019

Owner: CRV (BE/NL)

FG Applestar-Red VG-86-IT 2yr.

1st, Best Udder and H.M. R&W Cremona Int. Holstein Show ‘22

Owner: M.E.Dal Farm Ladina (IT)

Drentex Colton Pebbles VG-87-DE 2yr.

Int. Champion German Digital National Show 2021

Owner: Y. & M. Spangenberg and D. Kumlehn (DE)

Lucky Cat VG-88-DE 3yr.

Sold through the German Masters Sale 2019

Owner: Loh-An Holsteins (DE)

Colton Esperanza EX-93-DK

Grand dtr of Extreme Electra EX-95-USA 6E

Sold through the German Masters Sale 2021

Owner: Dueholm Breeding I/S (DK)

NH DG Zamara VG-88-NL 2yr.

Crushtime x Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE

Sold trough the German Masters Sale 2021

Owner: M. Spaander (NL)

DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR VG-89-MS (MAX) 3yr.

King Doc x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 EX-95-USA

Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion

SPACE Show Rennes, 2023

Owner: GAEC Toullec (FR)

NH Lambda Mona

2nd place Verona Dairy Holstein Show 2022

Owner: V. Singh, Di Basano & E. Tavazzani (IT)


NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

Sold through the German Masters Sale 2020

Owners: Steffen & Maike Schreck GbR (DE)

Mattenhof Unix Gaiana EX-93-UK

Sold in the German Masters Sale 2021

Owner: Willsbro Holsteins (UK)

MS KD Dassani *RC EX-91-UK

Sold in the German Masters Sale 2021

Owner: Willsbro Holsteins (UK)

NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

#1 RZG Cow in Germany , Sold @ GMS ‘14

Owner: Nosbisch & Sunview Holsteins Canada

KhW Goldina-Red VG-89-DK EX-MS

Grand Champion R&W Danish National Show

Owner: Dueholm Breeding I/S (DK)

ESH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.

Dam to SKYLINER-RED - Nr. 1 R&W RZG sire at +163 RZG

Owner: Evolution Holsteins & European Livestock Service (CAN/ DE)

WWS Addiction Armanada VG-87-AT 2yr.

Incredible 2yr. old of the Apple family

Owner: Hirschhuber & Wenger (AT)

GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC EX-90-DE

Sid x Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH

Owner: La Brasserie Holstein (FR)

PG Hailey VG-85-DE 2yr.

Topseller German Masters Sale 2019

Former +168 RZG heifer!! (08/19)

Owner: P. Arnold (LUX)

KNS Miss Board P VG-85-DE 2yr.

Nom. German Cow of the Year '20 & HI Cow of the Year '20

Sold trough the German Masters Sale 2019

Owner: Fösges Holsteins (DE)

Liddlehome Beemer Rockstar EX-92-IT

Sold in the German Masters Sale 2018

Owner: Cioli Farms (IT)

Diese Kühe werden alle verkauft! / All these cows will sell!

Lot 131. NH Sunview Milo EX-90-DE La3. Lot 322. Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS Lot 230. NH Mc Isabella EX-93-DE Lot 90. NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. Lot 206. NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS Lot 43. LB Asia-Red VG-89-DE 3yr. Lot 207. Momehailey du Tombuy VG-86-DE 2yr. Lot 53. NH DG Silky-Red EX-91-DE Lot 214. EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Lot 78. NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE La3. Lot 46. Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE La3. Lot 142. Vekis PSH Belinda EX-92-DE Lot 171. NH Sympatico Destiny-Red EX-92-DE Lot 55. NH Azzopardi Sunshine-Red Lot 30. Budjon Select Banana VG-86-DE 2yr.

Direkte Töchter aus den besten KÜHEN der Welt! / Daughters selling from the WORLD's ELITE!


Dam to lot 24. Damestar Doorman Brandy EX-93-CAN Dam to lot 253. Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio EX-96-CAN Dam to lot 200. Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA Dam to lot 201. Comestar Lamagic Impression EX-93-CAN Dam to lot 281. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA Dam to lot 163. Nipponia R D Lizabeth EX-96-CAN Dam to lot 330. Gloryland Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA Dam to lot 24. Budjon-Vail Sol Apache EX-94-USA Dam to lot 104. Blondin Unstopabull Cheerios EX-93-CAN Dam to lot 90. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Dam to lot 204. Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN Dam to lot 284. Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA Dam to lot 296. Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip EX-96-USA Dam to lot 299. Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93-USA Dam to lot 167. Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E


Arrow’s @ Anderstrup Holsteins
Switzerland (ITP +133)
198 Swiss
#1 dtr proven TPI bull in the World >2.8 PTAT & > -0.1 Fertility Index
#1 dtr proven PTAT bull in the breed >2.5 UDC, + Milk, Sloped Rumps & >-0.1 Fertility Index
ITP Type
- based on
dtrs The
King Doc x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA EX-95-MS x EX-91 x VG-86 x EX-90 Durham x EX-92 Charles x EX-94 Blackstar x EX-92 x EX-91 x EX-90 GARY JONES (Judge Agronord ‘23) about ARROW Anna
“This cow is my kind, she got the perfect combination between Dairyness and Strength. She is the modern frame cow.”
Kaergaargd Arrow Anna Champion Agronord ‘23 Arrow’s @ Willsbro Holsteins Hamant-Peltre Rasberry Gorgala Arrow Charcoal La Waebera Arrow Raven Molanges Arrow Erinne

01. NH DG Lambda Amanda

x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

- Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• Egemaliges #12 PTAT Rind in Europa! / Former #12 PTAT Calf in Europe!

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000 •

+2766 GTPI / +3.08 PTAT Lambda aus Arrow's Vollschwester! +2766 GTPI / +3.08 PTAT Lambda from Arrow's full sister!

• Fantastische tragende Delta-Lambda Tochter aus der EX-92 Vollschwester zu NG DG Arrow @ AI-Total.

• Exciting pregnant Delta-Lambda daughter from the EX-92 full sister to NG DG Arrow @ AI-Total.

• Dam, is fresh looks AMAZING & scored EX-92-UK!

• Tragend mit Holysmokes: + 3115

View-Home MONTEREY Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P • 7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her pedigree NEXT DAMS 4e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 5e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 6e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM 7e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 8e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 11e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E Farnear
NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK Conf. EX-92-UK 2.11 305d 10.749kgM 4.4% 474F 3.8% 409P • Vollschwester zu:
to: NH DG
& DG
/ Full sister
Arrow @ AI-Total
NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr.
KING DOC Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS 2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @
and ARROW @
Amazing EX-92-UK
Brother to M. NH DG Arrow @
2. M.
Monterey Ashley 1346 DE 0771045143 Geb. Datum. 05.04.2021 Consignor European Livestock Service, DG & A. vd. Vlis - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 24.01.2023 Cookiecutter HOLYSMOKES | TU+ / PREGNANT
überragend aus & wurde kürzlich neu eingestuft: EX-92-UK! • Perfekter Index: >1000kgm, + 3.08 PTAT, + 2.98 UDC, + 1.47 FLC, < 2.0 Größe.
• Amazing
3.08 PTAT, + 2.98 UDC,
• Mutter Amazing sieht 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1088 +0.06 +0.05 59 49 3.04 -1.7 3.2 2.2 1.23 2.98 +3.08 653 2766
& + 2.04
+ 1.47
< 2.0 Stature. • Pregnant to Holysmokes: + 3115 GTPI & + 2.04
= UNLIMITED Potential

02. Liddleholme Lacey Red

Farnear ALTITUDE-RED (Arvis*RC x McCutchen x Destry *RC)

Liddleholme Jordy Lu *RC EX-92-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-92-USA 3yr.

• EX-92 Direkt aus LU / EX-92 straight from LU!

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Liddleholme Luver-Red EX-91-USA

- 4th Sr. 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo ‘22

- 2nd Sr. 2-Yr Old New York State R&W ‘21

- Member 1st Dam & Daughter, NY State Show ‘21

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red EX-97-USA

- Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo '19

- 1st Lifetome Production Cow Northeast Spring National Holstein Show 2022

Cycle McGucci JORDY-RED

Liddleholme Resur Lu *RC EX-97-USA

Carrousel RESURRECT-RED Brigeen-HH Sept ST Lulu-Red EX-91-USA 2E Conf. EX-91-USA 2E

• V. / s. Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM *RC

• >95.000kgM Lebensleistung!!

• 1st 150,000lb Cow World Dairy Expo 2018

• All-American 150,000lb Cow 2018

• All-Canadian Longtime Production Cow 2018

• H.M. Grand Champion N-E Fall National '18

• H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2018

• Reserve All-American Mature Cow 2017

• 1st Aged Cow & Reserve Grand Champion NY State Fair 2017 & 2016

• 1st Aged Cow, Grand & Supreme Champion All-American Dairy Show 2017

• Senior & Grand Champion E. Nat'l 2017 • H.M. Grand Champion NY State Fair 2015

ROTE Altitude Enkelin von RESUR LU EX-97

• EINZIGARTIGE ROTE Enkelin von ALTITUDE-RED (nicht verfügbar in Europa) aus der ‘one and only’ RESUR LU EX-97!!

• Liddleholme Resur Lu *RC ist eine der spektakulärsten Kühe der Rasse, eingestuft mit EX-97-USA EX-98 Euter und H.M. Grand @ Royal 2018!

• Gleiche Familie wie Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red EX-97-USA EX-99-MS

• ROTE Altitude Red x 6. Generationen EXZELLENT!


4e Hanoverhill Sheik Lulu EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 4*

5e Tora Triple Threat Lulu EX-96-USA GMD DOM 11*

6e Ormsby Lougo Alta EX-90-USA 2E GMD

7e Ormsby Alta Pride VG-85-USA

R&W Altitude grand dtr of RESUR LU EX-97

• UNIQUE R&W grand dtr by ALTITUDE-RED (not available in Europe) of the ‘one and only’ RESUR LU EX-97!!

• Liddleholme Resur Lu *RC is one of the most impressive cows in the breed, classified EX-97-USA EX-98 MS and H.M. Grand @ Royal 2018!

• Same family as Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red EX-97-USA EX-99-MS

• R&W Altitude straight from 6. genrations EXCELLENT!

3-10 2x 365d 13.454kgM 4.2% 571F 3.4% 460P 6-03 2x 305d 11.158kgM 4.4% 486F 3.4% 380P
2-09 2x 305d 10.061kgM 3.8% 383F 3.3% 327P
6-01 2x 356d 11.784kgM 4.1% 478F 3.5% 415P 7-03 2x 332d 12.519kgM 3.8% 480F 3.4% 423P 8-04 2x 316d 12.574kgM 4.4% 550F 3.5% 445P 9-04 2x 305d 12.057kgM 4.4% 533F 3.3% 392P
EX-97-USA EX-98-MS
2. M. Liddleholme Resur Lu *RC EX-97-USA EX-98-MS 2. M. Liddleholme Resur Lu *RC EX-97-USA EX-98-MS Sister to M. Liddleholme Luver-Red EX-91-USA DE 0364926051 Geb. Datum. 22.02.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email. heidehofaahrens@web.d


Jasmine EX-96-CAN / Grand daughter from Knonaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN • Halbschwester von Kingsway Windbrook Jazz EX-95-CAN EX-96-MS 2E / Maternal sister to Kingsway Windbrook Jazz EX-95-CAN EX-96-MS 2E

Regancrest REGINALD Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 4.08 305d 13.662kgM 4.6% 625F 3.3% 449P • Top 10 5 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘17 • Res. Int. Champion Ontario Summer Show ‘15 • 1st 3 Yr. Old Ontario Summer Show ‘15 • HM All-Canadian Junior 3 Yr. Old ‘15 • 1st Jr. 2 Yr. Old East. On Champ ‘14 • 1st Jr. 2 Yr. Old Stormont ‘14 NEXT DAMS 4e Knonaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN EX-97-MS 11* 5e Knonaudale Elsy EX-92-USA 6e Knonaudale Anna VG-88-CAN EX-90-MS Woodcrest
Duckett Doorman Onyx Val-Bisson
Knonaudale Orangecrush EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3* 3/3La 300d 11.199kgM 4.6% 516F 3.3% 374P HL2 305d 11.739kgM 4.7% 548F 3.4% 398P • 5th Junior 3 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair 2017 • 3rd Junior Yearling Stormont 2015 • Enkelin
- Grand
KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)
von Knounaudale
Champion Northhumberland ‘18
2. M. Knonaudale Orangecrush EX-93-USA 3. M. Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA
4. M. Knonaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN EX-97-MS LU 18146843 Geb. Datum. 25.06.2021 Kalb Datum. 01.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / Last test (13.09.2023): 43,0kgM 3.35%F 2.89%P ZZ: 45 Conf. 86/86/86/85 = VG-86-DE 2yr. @ 4 weeks fresh Index 08/23 +0.18%F / +0.05%P / +2.44 F. Udder Attachment / +1.82 UDC / +1.60 FLC / +3.24 PTAT Abgekalbte King Doc Enkelin von Orangecrush Orangecrush EX-93 her Doc grand daughter! • Schaufertige & hochleistende abgekalbte King Doc mit +3.24 PTAT & ihr LAMBDA Kalb aus einer der besten Exterieurfamilien Nordamerikas! • Die Familie von Knonaudale Muddy EX-94-CAN, Kingsway Windbrook Jazz EX-95-CAN und Kingsway Doorman Jet EX-92-CAN • Showy & high producing fresh King Doc with +3.24 PTAT & here LAMBDA daughter from a showwinning family! • She is from the same family as Knonaudale Muddy EX-94-CAN, Kingsway Windbrook Jazz EX-95-CAN and Kingsway Doorman Jet EX-92-CAN M. Duckett Doorman Onyx Beta Casein: A2A2 04.
Orangina DE 0771390550 Geb. Datum. 01.08.2023 Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam: MD-West-View Doc Orange VG-86-DE 2yr. +2670 GTPI / +2.60 PTAT / +2.29 UDC / +664kgM (09/23)
MD-West-View Doc Orange VG-86-DE 2yr.
NH Lambda



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Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach Tieren in allen Kategorien: Jungrinder, tragende Färsen, abgekalbte Rinder & Kühe, sowie ganze Bestände.

Profitieren sie von der mittlerweile 8-jährigen Erfahrung durch ELS und unserem weltweiten Netzwerk an Käufern & Verkäufern.

Mehr als 3500 vermarktete Tiere in 2021 in 14 verschiedene Länder sprechen eine deutliche Sprache!

European Livestock Service GmbH & Co. KG Nici Nosbisch Sonnenhof 1 54668 Niederweis Deutschland T 0049 / 1714368388 M W

05. NH Sunview Marisol VG-86-DE La2.

06. NH A2P2 Maripol Pp

Siemers Charley MERRYGUY (Charley x Montross x McCutchen)

NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE La2.


De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P

HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P

3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz

German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Marilyn Monroe / Gesext Tragend />14.000kgM / HORNLOS A2P2 Marilyn Monroe / PD+ to SEXED / >14.000kgM / POLLED A2P2

• Tolle Merryguy Tochter & Enkelin der legendären Marilyn Monroe!

• Hochgerechnet mit >14.000kgm in der 2. Laktation mit 4.5% Fett & 3.5% Eiweiß

• Gesext Tragend von William!

• Außerdem im Sale, ihre wunderschöne HORNLOSE A2P2 Tochter!

• Super milking Merryguy granddaughter of the legendary Marilyn Monroe!

• Projected with >14.000kgm in her 2. lactation with 4.5% FAT & 3.5% PROTEIN

• Back incalf to FEMALE William!

• Also selling, her beautiful POLLED A2P2 daughter!

3/2La 305d 11.407kgM 4.9% 555F 4.0% 455P HL2 305d 13.844kgM 4.6% 636F 3.9% 538P
VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE
Conf. VG-86-DE
2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-NL 2yr. M. NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. 4. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK DE 0770971996 Geb. Datum. 19.02.2022 Kalb. datum. 08.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/11 305d 11.628kg 4.2% 555F 4.0% 455P 276d 13.800kgM 4.45% 614F 3.46% 478P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 47.5kgM 5.07%F 3.73%P ZZ: 32 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 21.07.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT DE 0771273264 Geb. Datum. 08.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Vogue A2P2-PP Mutter / Dam: NH Sunview Marisol VG-86-DE La2. +139 RZG / +928kgM / +0.39%F / +0.03%P (08/23)

07. NH Sunview Mylady

08. NH Azzopardi Mysha GP-84-DE 2yr. 10. NH Sunview Mokana VG-87-DE La2. 11. NH Evolution Mara *RC

09. NH Azzopardi Mia

VG-86-DE La2.
DE 0770825671 08.07.2019 02.12.2022 European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/09 305d 10.916kgM 4.4% 482F 3.8% 410P 282d 14.492kgM 4.02% 582F 3.60% 521P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 47.9kgM 4.43%F 3.88%P ZZ: 17 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 29.04.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM - TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire De-Su 14222 KENOBI Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771273262 Geb. Datum. 02.12.2022 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Progenesis MONTEVERDI Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mylady VG-86-DE La2. La21/09 305d 10.916kgM 4.4% 482F 3.8% 410P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771123331 Geb. Datum. 21.07.2021 Kalb. datum. 04.07.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 42.2kgM 3.87%F 3.31%P ZZ: 38 Conf. 85/84/83/84 = GP-84-DE 2yr. Vater / Sire KAX GLADIUS Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mylady VG-86-DE La2. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0770790146 Geb. Datum. 10.07.2019 Kalb. datum. 14.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 119d 6.158kgM 4.34% 267F 3.26% 201P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 50.0kgM 4.87%F 3.50%P ZZ: 22 Conf. 87/88/86/87 = VG-87-DE La2. Vater / Sire De-Su 14222 KENOBI Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771197306 Geb. Datum. 06.01.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 02.06.2023 FEMALE Sir SILKY-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire ZFZ CRISASLIS RF Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mokana VG-87-DE La2. La22/01 305d 10.687kgM 4.7% 505F 3.9% 418P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. Beta Casein: A2A2 Kapa Casein: BB 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1285 +0.07 +0.03 70 50 2.70 -1.2 3.0 1.4 0.31 1.42 +1.87 650 2736 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +831 +0.19 +0.06 88 43 2.62 -0.3 5.2 1.3 0.29 0.91 +0.96 910 2838 08/23 Milk %F %E RZD RZKd RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund DDConrol RZE RZG +515 +0.53 +0.11 103 114 133 128 2123 124 107 123 115 110 146 +143 RZG (08/23) +146 RZG (08/23) +144 RZG (08/23) +138 RZG (08/23)

114. NH Charl Pompeye

Directly from the Legend herself: Marilyn Monroe

117. NH Parsly Pepper


zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 De-Su 11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P • Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500 • Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS,
#1 RZG Rind
für 70.000€ und
EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS,
#1 RZG Heifer in
• >1000 kg
Protein NEXT DAMS 4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK 5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.
14222 KENOBI (Jedi
NH Sunview Mystery
La2. Conf. VG-87-DE La2. 3/2La 305d 11.407kgM 4.9% 555F 4.0% 455P HL2 305d 13.844kgM 4.6% 636F 3.9% 538P
der Rasse, verkauft
the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN
Kombiniert Fett &
/ >1000 kg combined Fat +
x AltaSpring x Supersire)
NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Boldi V GYMNAST P3. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Brother. NH Sunview MITCH @ AI-Total

12. NH Merryguy Cowsmo VG-87-DE La2.

13. NH Parfect Cowgirl

Siemers Charley MERRYGUY (Charley x Montross x Mccutchen)

Westcoast KERRIGAN

Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL 2yr.

2.03 305d 9.041kgM 5.0% 446F 3.8% 343P

• Anderer Zweig von: / Different branch from the Larcrest Cosmopolitan cow family!

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: O-Cosmopolitan, Contrast, Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic & Charley!

• Mutter ist halbschwester zu: / Dam is maternal sister to Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA

• Mutter von / Dam to: DG Checkmate @ Cogent and to DG Al.Be.Ro Blooper @ AI-Total


4e Larcrest Chenile VG-86-USA 2yr.

5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM

6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM

7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA

8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA

Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM

• Tolle abgekalbte Merryguy Tochter mit tollem Euter & 60kg Milch!

• Außerdem im Sale, ihre frühe Parfect Tochter mit +1412kg Milch & positiven Inhaltsstoffen!

• Cowsmo ist die 9. Generation VG oder EX in direkter Serie aus der fantastisch züchtenden Larcrest Cosmopolitan Kuhfamilie!

• Die Familie von Commander, Chevrolet, Fantatic, Charley, u.v.m.

• Super fresh Merryguy daughter with a great Udder & 60kg milk!

• Also selling, her beautiful calf by PARFECT with niece numbers, +1412kg milk & positve components!

• Cowsmo is the 9th generation of VG or EX cows in a row, straight from the heart of the fantastic Larcrest Cosmopolitan family!

• The family of Commander, Chevrolet,

Kerrigan Cosmo VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La2. 2/1La 305d 8.213kgM 4.2% 346F 3.7% 306P • ‘OUTCROSS’ Pedigree • 3.7% EIWEIß
DG Crispine VG-87-DE VG-87-MS Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La3. 6/5La 302d 13.259kgM 3.6% 481F 3.4% 452P HL4 305d 14.720kgM 3.8% 556F 3.4% 504P
4. M. Larcrest Chenile VG-86-USA 2yr. 3. M. Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. 5. M. Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM
Fantatic, Charley
and many more! DE 0770900327 Geb. Datum. 24.01.2020 Kalb. datum: 03.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/12 305d 12.924kgM 3.6% 465F 3.3% 431P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 55.2kgM 3.75%F 3.35%P ZZ: 20 Conf. 88/85/87/87 = VG-87 La2. DE 0771273308 Geb. Datum. 03.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Rengd PARFECT-ET Mutter / dam: NH Merryguy Cowsmo VG-87-DE La2. US 08/23 +1412 Milk / +0.10%F / +0.05%P / 2.94 SCS / +1.31 PTAT / +2784 GTPI
NH Merryguy Cowsmo VG-87-DE La2. | SHE SELLS

Be First

WWW.AI-TOTAL.COM production +1481 Milk +0.09%F +84F +0.08%P +69P fertility +2.1 DPR +4.2 CCR +2.9 Fertility Index fitness 2.81 SCS +1.3 Mastitis +5.2 PL calving 1.8% SCE +1.5% DCE milkingspeed 102 MSP CAN Jalapeno x NC Moonshiner x VG-USA 2yr. Huey x Siemers Lambda Paris 27856 EX-91-USA 515HO00459 Siemers 3. dam: Siemers Lmbda Paris 27856 EX-91-USA Phenomenal brood cow 4. dam: Siemers Denver Paris EX-91-USA 3071 1.77 2.1 1.8% Bull in the breed combining >1480 MILK, >2.1 DPR & >1.77 UDC POGACAR The #1 GTPI
High Elite Easy Positive Exceptional +1.77 UDC +0.18 FLC +1.61 PTAT at the top of your breedinggoals

14. NH Charl


ompeye GP-84-DE 2yr.

15. NH Wheel Papaya

16. NH Kenobi Prada

Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1.

17. NH Parsly Pepper

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis)) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing production specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%P (NL base)) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!
Geb. Datum.
VG-86-DE La2.
DE 0770825659
datum. 23.08.2022 / Kalbt wieder kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the sale
Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire De-Su 14222 KENOBI
Beta Casein: A2A2 DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P 86d 4.934kgM 4.40% 217F 3.30% 163P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 53.3kgM 4.42%F 3.38%P ZZ: 99 Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE 2yr. DE 0771197375 Geb. Datum. 02.06.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak WHEELHOUSE Mutter / Dam Vekis Charl Pompeye GP-84-DE 2yr. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +810 +0.19 +0.08 86 47 2.88 -0.2 4.1 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 +2740 GTPI (08/23)

The Wilcoxview Form Patricia family


NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Conf. VG-85-DE La1.

• Kurz nach dem Kalben verunglückt / Died at at barn accident after calving

• Mutter von NH Gen POWER @ AI-Total / Dam to NH Gen POWER @ AI-Total

Westcoast KERRIGAN

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL 2yr.

2.03 305d 11.175kgM 3.7% 413F 3.5% 391P

• Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh/ Former #1 RZG cow!

• Super Leistungskuh: >12.000kgM mit 3.8% EIWEIß! / Super production cow: Proj > 12.000kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN!

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53%F / +0.25%P (NL) & aAa 561

• Schwester wurde verkauft für 17.500 EUR auf dem HM Sale ‘14 / Sister sold for 17.500 EUR in the HM Sale ‘14

• Großmutter von NH GEN POWER @ AI-Total / Grand dam to NH GEN POWER @ AI-Total

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Vekis Popeye, Powerboss, Panther, Poeme & more!


4e Vekis Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr.

5e RR Polly VG-87-NL

6e Philadelphia VG-86-DE 2yr.

7e Durham Prinzessin TV VG-86-DE 2yr.

8e Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91-USA DOM

9e Lylehaven Star Philly EX-91-USA DOM

10e El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM

11e El-Dor Forcaster VG-88-USA DOM

Richard CHARL (Charley x Yoder x Supersire)
5/5La 305d 11.968kgM 4.7% 558F 3.8% 451P HL3 305d 12.552kgM 4.7% 587F 3.8% 471P
DG Penda VG-89-DE La4.
VG-89-DE La4.
3. M. Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. 2. M. Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4. 4. M. Vekis Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr.

18. NH Crown P anic VG-85-DE 2yr.

19. NH P arade *RC

VH CROWN (Charley x Silver x Beacon)

NH Pana VG-86-DE La1. Conf. VG-86-DE La1.

• Großmutter ist die Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh / Granddam is the former #1 RZG cow!

• Verkauft als frisch abgekalbte Färse / Sold as a fresh 2yr. Old

• Super Leistungskuh: >12.000kgM mit 3.8% EIWEIß! / Super production cow: Proj > 12.000kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN!

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53%F / +0.25%P (NL) & aAa 561

• Schwester wurde verkauft für 17.500 EUR auf dem HM Sale ‘14 / Sister sold for 17.500 EUR in the HM Sale ‘14

• Großmutter von NH GEN POWER @ AI-Total / Grand dam to NH GEN POWER @ AI-Total

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL 2yr.

2.03 305d 11.175kgM 3.7% 413F 3.5% 391P

• Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh/ Former #1 RZG cow!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Vekis Popeye, Powerboss, Panther, Poeme & more!


4e Vekis Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr.

5e RR Polly VG-87-NL

6e Philadelphia VG-86-DE 2yr.

7e Durham Prinzessin TV VG-86-DE 2yr.

8e Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91-USA DOM

9e Lylehaven Star Philly EX-91-USA DOM

10e El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM

11e El-Dor Forcaster VG-88-USA DOM

> 55kg VH Crown Färse & Enkelin von Penda > 55kg VH Crown 2yr & gdtr to Penda

• Tolle frisch abgekalbte VH Crown Tochter mit extrem viel Power und über 55kg in der letzten Kontrolle.

• Außerdem im Sale ihre RC Solitair

• Diese Familie züchtet fantastisch! Hohe Leistung, hoher Index & tolles Exterieur!

• Aus 11. Generationen VG oder EX in Folge!

• Super fresh calved VH Crown daughter with lots of Power and over 55kg milk in her last milk test.

• Also selling here RC Solitair daughter!

• This family is breeding very well! Great production, hugh components, high Index & very good Type!

• Out of 11 generations VG or EXCELLENT dams

La20/11 305d 615kgM 5.0% 31F 3.3% 26P
Endco SUPREME Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4. Conf. VG-89-DE La4. 5/5La 305d 11.968kgM 4.7% 558F 3.8% 451P HL3 305d 12.552kgM 4.7% 587F 3.8% 471P
3. M. Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. 2. M. Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4. 4. M. Vekis Phantastic VG-88NL 5yr. DE 0771045083 Geb. Datum. 28.11.2020 Kalb. datum. 28.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 55.2kgM 3.73%F 2.99%P ZZ: 16 Conf. 84/86/83/85 = VG-85-DE 2yr.
Beta Casein: A2A2 DE 0771390547 Geb. Datum. 28.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Caudumer SOLITAIR P-RED Mutter / Dam NH Crown Panic VG-85-DE 2yr. +136 RZG / +1819 kgM / +119 RZE (08/23)

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Choice out of: 2 Live Kälber, beide Kälber sind auf der Auktion & werden beide verkauft / 2 LIVE ANIMALS - both will be presented at the sale and will sell both

MDF Jagger Baby DE 0771090980 09.03.2023

MDF Jagger Bath DE 0771090977 03.03.2023

21. 2nd Choice Female



Sister to M. Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA

1st 5-Yr Old MB Spring Show 2008

World Dairy Expo 2010

- 1st Royal Winter Fair 2010

- Nom All-American Jr 3-Yr-Old 2008

JAGGER x EX-94 Schwester zu Talent Barbara!! JAGGER x EX-94 sister to Talent Barbara!!

• Peak JAGGER (nicht verfügbar in Europa) Töchter aus der mit EX-94 eingstuften Schausiegerin & Goldwyn Schwester zu Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA.

• Mutter war Reserve Grand Champion Midwest Fall National Jr. Show ‘05.

• Direkt aus 4 Generation EX Müttern mit im Schnitt 92 Punkten!

• Peak JAGGER (not available in Europe) daughters from the EX-94 classified show winning Goldwyn sister to Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA 14*.

• Dam was Reserve Grand Champion Midwest Fall National Jr. Show ‘05.

• Directly from 4 generations EX-dams at EX-92,0 average!!

Comestar OUTSIDE Rayverley Briana Milan EX-CAN 2E 6* Conf. EX-CAN 2E 6* 4-02 2x 365d 9.934kgM 3.1 % 305F 3.1% 310P 6-03 2x 365d 12.281kgM 3.4% 421F 3.2% 391P 7-11 2x 316d 11.837kgM 3.4% 397F 2.9% 340P • V. / s. Shoremar MILAN NEXT DAMS 4e Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9* 5e Despics Tempo Diana VG-85-CAN Peak JAGGER (Hunk x King Doc x Doorsopen) MDF Goldwyn Breezier 39 EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 6/6La 305d 13.827kgM 4.4% 606F 3.2% 442P HL2 305d 17.107kgM 3.9% 674F 3.2% 542P • Reserve Grand Champion, Midwest Fall National Jr Show 2015 • 3rd Senior 3-Year-Old, Midwest Fall National ’14 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA - Unanimous All-American 5-Yr-Old 2010 - Unanimous All-Canadian 5-Yr-Old 2010 - HM All-American Aged Cow 2011 - 1st
RF Outside Breeze EX-95-USA 2E Conf. EX-95-USA 2E 2-03 2x 365d 10.818kgM 6.2% 670F 4.3% 463P 4-02 2x 334d 14.479kgM 4.7% 675F 3.5% 505P 8-00 3x 365d 17.223kgM 3.9% 673F 3.4% 589P
- HM. Grand Champion Calgary Spring Show ‘09 •
• 1st 125,000lb Cow, Senior & Grand Champion, Southern Spring National 2011
3rd Aged Cow, Southern Spring National ‘09
M. MDF Goldwyn Breezier 39 EX-94-USA Sister to M. M. MDF Goldwyn Breezer 40 EX-93-USA 20. 1st Choice Female

22. Col Lambda Arabella

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman) Milksource Annelise VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.


• 3.89% EIWEIß!! /


Enkelin von Weeks

Regancrest DUNDEE

Whittier-Farms Gold Anna VG-85-CAN 5yr. 6*

VG-85-CAN 5yr. 6*

• 8 VG und 2 EXCELLENT eingestuften Töchter in Kanada / 8 VG and 2 EXCELLENT dtrs in Canada

• 2 Superior Lactations in Canada!

• Selbe Familie wie / Same family as: Atwood, Aftershock, Golden Dreams & more


4e BK Abby EX-95-USA 3E DOM

5e Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA 3E 13*

Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2000

1st 5-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2000

5e C Aikenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM 4*

Dundee Anika!! Lambda grand dtr of Weeks Dundee Anika!!

• Wow, was für ein Kalb!! Ihr Vater ist der sensationelle Delta-Lambda und sie ist eine Enkelin der (VG-86-DE 2yr. Sidekick Mutter) Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18: Weeks Dundee Anika EX-97-USA!

• 4. Mutter Abby ist mit EX-95-USA eingestuft und hat eine Lebensleistung von >80.000kgM und ist eine direkte Tochter aus Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2000!!

• What an offering!! Sired by the sensation Delta-Lambda and a grand dtr (VG-86-DE 2yr. Sidekick dam) from the Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2018: Weeks Dundee Anika EX-97-USA!!

• 4th dam Abby scored EX-95 in the United States, produced >80.000kgM and is a direct dtr to Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA

- Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2000!!

5-02 2x 305d 13.464kgM 5.1% 691F 3.7% 499P 8-04 2x 305d 13.658kgM 4.6% 622F 3.8% 515P
Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.
100d 3.375kgM 4.44%F 3.89%P
PROTEIN!! • Verkauft
2021 Walnutlawn SIDEKICK Weeks Dundee Anika EX-97-USA Conf. EX-97-USA 3-11 2x 296d 12.143kgM 3.8% 456F 3.6% 437P 5-00 2x 293d 12.143kgM 4.1% 492F 3.7% 446P • Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18 • Reserve All-Canadian 5-Yr Old 2016 • Reserve All-American 5-Yr Old 2016 • 2nd 5-Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2016 • 2nd 5-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2016 • Res. Senior & Grand Champion WI State Holstein Championship Show 2016 • Nominated All-American 4-Yr Old 2015 • Reserve All-Canadian 4-Yr Old 2015 • 2nd 4-Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2015 • Res. Int. Champion Midwest Nat’l Spring Show ‘14 • H.M. All-American Junior 2-Yr Old 2013 • 2nd Junior 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2013
am German Masters Sale
at German Master Sale
3E 13*
5. M. Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA
2. M. Weeks Dundee Anika EX-97-USA 2. M. Weeks Dundee Anika DE 0542542747 Geb. Datum. 26.01.2023 Consignor Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)151 12121766 - Email. Index 08/23 +0.18% Fat / +0.11% Protein / 2.90 SCS / +1.70 UDC / +0.39 FLC / +1.91 PTAT 08/23 +10 Dairy Strength / +9 Mammary System / +8 Feet & Legs / +11 Conformation

23. BHA Treasure *RC


*RC Showtime x TREASURE!!

G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA 2E

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Duckett Crush TATOO @ Select Sires

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Duckett FBI Twizzler EX-92-USA & Duckett Goldwyn Toby EX-95-CH

- Jr. Champion Aargauer Elite Show 2013

- HM Grand Champion & B.U. Aargauer 2014

-Grand Champion Olma-Vierrassen Schau ‘15

- Best Udder 6-Yr Jr. Expo Bulle 2015

Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS

EX-96-USA EX-99-MS

• Res. Grand Champion Mid-West Spring 2014

• 1st 150,000 lb Cow & BU of Show Mid-West Spring Show 2014

• 1st 150,000 lb Cow & BU of show Wisconsin State Show 2013

• 1st 150,000 lb Cow & HM Senior Champion Mid-West Spring 2013

• Reserve All-American Aged Cow 2011

• 2nd Mature Cow ROYAL 2011

• 3rd Aged Cow World Dairy Expo 2011

• 4th 125,000 Lb Cow World Dairy Expo 2010


Talk-About Linjet Try EX-90-CAN

*RC Showtime x TREASURE!!

• Super stylisches Rind was die besten Blutlinien Nordamerkias verbindet: Shakira EX-97 auf der Vater- & Durham Treasure EX-96 auf der Mutterseite!!

• Großmutter Duckett G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA ist die Mutter des populären Exterieurvererbers Duckett Crush TATOO @ Select Sires

• Treasure ist eine der besten Euterkühe der Welt EX-99-Euter!!

• Stylish heifer that combines two of the best North-American show cows in one package: Shakira EX-97 on the paternal side and Durham Treasure EX-96 on the maternal side!!

• Grand dam Duckett G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA is dam to the heavily used show sire Duckett Crush TATOO @ Select Sires

• Treasure is one of the best uddered cows with EX-99-MS!!

Chassity GOLD CHIP
4.10 365d 15.966kgM 4.0% 635F 3.4% 551P 7.07 365d 16.012kgM 3.8% 611F 3.5% 556P 9.04 365d 18.507kgM 3.9% 719F 3.1% 568P
Jacobs SHOWTIME *RC (Excalibur x O’Kaliber x Redburst) HAM Tahi VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. TL23/03 4.020kgM 3.3% 131F 3.2% 129P
Conf. EX-93-USA 2E 3/3La 293d 10.877kgM 3.6% 395F 3.4% 365P HL3 305d 12.785kgM 3.8% 489F 3.4% 432P
• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:
Crush TATOO @ Select Sires Golden-Oaks MASTER
2. M. Duckett G Chip Tokyo EX-93-USA 2E 2. M. Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96-USA EX-99-MS
3561874 - Email. DE 0818439246 Geb. Datum. 03.03.2023 Consignor Thomas Bentele - Tel. +49 (0)160
Beta Casein: A2A2

24. Budjon Jagger Asia

US 08/23 +3.91 PTAT

CA 08/23 +13 Conformation

• 1st Milking Yearling World Dairy Expo 2019

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Budjon-Vail Dlam Andover VG-89-USA 2yr. - Res. Intermediate Champion Midwest Spring ‘23

• 6. Generation EXZELLENT / 6th generation EXCELLENT

Walnutlawn SOLOMON

Budjon-Vail ABS Angelique *RC VG-89-USA Conf. VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. (MAX)

• All-Wisconsin Sr. 2yr. Old 2016

• Nominated All-American Winter Yearling ‘15

• Reserve All-Wisconsin Winter Yearling 2015

• 2nd Winter Yearling Midwest Spring National ‘15

• 5th Winter Yearling WDE 2015

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Milksource Brxtn Acclaim EX-94-USA, Milksource Aftrshk Aimee EX-93-USA & more!

• Grand Champion, WI Championship Show ‘15

• Grand Champion, Wisconsin Championship Show 2012 & 2014

• Grand Champion, Midwest Spring National 2012 and 2014

• Res. All-Canadian Aged Cow 2014


4e Butz-Butler Durham Angel EX-90-USA EX-MS 5e EO Siemers Ashlyns Angel EX-96-USA 3E GMD

Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E GMD DOM 19*

Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite EX-92-USA 2E DOM

+3.91 PAT / +13 Conf. JAGGER aus World Dairy Expo Champions! +3.91 PAT / +13 Conf. JAGGER from World Dairy Expo winners!

• Peak JAGGER (nicht verfügbar in Europa) Tochter mit extrem hohen Typzahlen, +3.91 PTAT & +13. Conf. mit +12 Euter direkt aus der Klassensiegerin der Milking Yearlings World Dairy Expo 2019: Budjon-Vail Solm Apache EX-95-USA

• Halbschwester zu Budjon-Vail Dlam Andover VG-89-USA 2yr.

- Reserve Intermediate Champion Midwest Spring 2023

• Geht zurück auf die 19 Sterne Zuchtkuh: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96!!

• Peak JAGGER (not available in Europe) dtr with skyhigh Index numbers, +3.91 PTAT & +13 Conformation with +12 Udders straight from the classwinner Milking Yearlings World Dairy Expo 2019: Budjon-Vail Solmn Apache EX-95-USA

• Maternal sister to Budjon-Vail Dlam Andover VG-89-USA 2yr.

- Reserve Intermediate Champion Midwest Spring 2023

• Going back on the 19 STAR brood cow: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96!!

2E Conf. EX-95-USA 2E 2-02 2x 305d 11.739kgM 3.5% 415F 3.4% 394P 3-07 2x 305d 14.048kgM 4.0% 563F 3.1% 432P 6-02 2x 305d 14.810kgM 3.7% 551F 3.0% 443P
Goldwyn Africa EX-95-USA
Peak JAGGER (Hunk
Conf. EX-95-USA 1.10 365d 11.945kgM 4.2% 496F 3.5% 421P
x King Doc x Doorsopen)
Solmn Apache EX-95-USA
2.03 365d 11.445kgM 4.9% 559F 3.7% 424P
3. M. Milksource Goldwyn Africa EX-95-USA
Sister. Budjon-Vail Delta-Lambda Andover VG-89-USA 2yr. - Res. Int. Champion Midwest Spring ‘23 M. Budjon-Vail Solmn Apache EX-95-USA DE 0364926052 Geb. Datum. 22.02.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

25. PrismaGen Hailey VG-85-DE 2yr.

Siemers Charley MERRYGUY (Charley x Montross x McCutchen)

Pine-Tree 6660 Band 7234 VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: BIGTIME @ Select Sires

• Mutter von: / Dam to: YEARWOOD

• Verkauft für / Sold for $52,000 in the World Classic Sale 2017

26. GPH Hallelujah P *RC



• V. / s. Roylane Socra ROBUST

• Viele Söhne auf Station/ Several sons in A.I.


4e Farnear Plant Hali 11862 VG-87-USA

5e Screaming-Vis-R Heaven EX-91-USA EX-MS DOM

6e Darlawn Marshell Heaven VG-86-USA VG-MS 7e Darlawn Mtoto Honibea VG-85-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 8e Darlawn Rudolph Hera VG-86-USA

9e Wallmac Bstar Dixie Honi EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM

10e Dixie-Lee Legacy VG-87-USA GMD DOM

11e Lar-Lin Glendell Haiti EX-93-USA GMD DOM

12e Ground Round-Oak Hagen Helen EX-92-USA

13e Ground Hagen Mil-Key Maud EX-90-USA

Hailey: Fantastische Kuh & Topseller GMS Hailey: Amazing Cow & Topseller GMS

• Tolle Möglichkeit! Kaufen Sie den Topseller des German Master Sale 2019, gerade frisch in der 2. Laktation & immernoch +146 RZG!!

• Tolle Väterfolge: Merryguy x Bandares x Kingboy x Robust

• Tiefe US Kuhfamilie, die 14. Generation VG oder EX in Folge!!

• Das komplette Packet: Tolles Exterieur, fantastische Leistung, hoher Index & tolle Familie!

• Unique opportunity! The Topseller German Master Sale 2019 sells fresh with her 2nd calf and still noting +146 RZG!!

• Rare sire stack: Merryguy x Bandares x Kingboy x Robust

• Deep American pedigree, Hailey is the 14th generation VG- or EX!

• The complete package: Super Type, amazing production, high Index & great cow family!

Robust Harp VG-87-USA DOM Conf. VG-87-USA 3.02 365d 15.023kgM 4.7% 701F 3.5% 525P
La1 305d 7.904kgM 4.1% 327F 3.7% 296P
Wa-Del Yoder BANDARES Pine-Tree 14 Kingboy6660 VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA 4/3La 299d 13.968kgM 4.4% 611F 3.3% 465P HL3 305d 15.940kgM 4.5% 715F 3.3% 527P • Mutter von: /
Dam to: BIGTIME @ Genervations
VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE
5. M. Screaming-Vis-R Heaven EX-91-USA EX-MS DOM
M. Darlawn Mtoto Honibea VG-86-USA
GMD DE 0361838485 Geb. Datum. 14.06.2019 Kalb. datum. 18.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & GPH - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/12 305d 14.328kgM 3.9% 560F 3.5% 507P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1612 +0.00 -0.02 64 53 141 116 2000 123 100 115 107 114 146 Beta Casein: A2A2 Kappa Casein: BB +2726 GTPI (08/23) DE 0771390571 Geb. Datum. 18.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & GPH - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Tirsvad 3STAR MEMBER PP-RED Mutter / dam PrismaGen Hailey VG-85-DE 2yr. Im Test für RZG / in test for RZG

27. HAM ZB Megaline VG-85-DE 2yr.

28. NH Azzopardi Musthave

29. NH Azzopardi Remover Magic P

Frisch gekalbt / Tolle Kuh / 70kg Milch / Hendel Shottle Mica

• Megaline wird frisch verkauft, gerade zum zweiten mal gekalbt und aktuell bei 70kgM!

• Eine Kuh wie sie sich jeder Milchviehhalter wünscht!

• Aus der fantastischen Mica Familie von Hendel, die 9. Generation VG oder EX!

• Hohe Leistung, super Exterieur, postive Bullen, diese Familie kann alles!

• Ihre hohe & frühe HORNLOSE Remover Tochter ist genauso im Sale wie ihre tragende Nexus Tochter!

FRESH / Great Cow / 70kg Milk / Hendel Shottle Mica

• Megaline is just fresh with here 2nd calf and giving already 70kgM!

• This cow is a pure dairymans dream!

• Out of the fantastic Mica family of Hendel, 9th. generation of VG or EXCELLENT!

• Hugh production, great Type, bulls in AI, this family does everything!

• Also selling here early & high POLLED Remover daugher as well here pregnant Nexus! DE 0771123366 Geb. Datum. 12.10.2021 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 20.06.2023 FEMALE Ocd Parfect SOYSAUCE | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Peak NEXUS Mutter / Dam HAM ZB Megaline VG-85-DE La1. LA22/02 305d 14.813kgM 3.9% 581F 3.5% 520P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: ZB Madame VG-86-DE 2yr.
Beta Casein: A2A2 DE 0362022637 Geb. Datum. 18.07.2019 Kalb. datum. 28.07.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/02 305d 14.813kgM 3.9% 581F 3.5% 520P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 69.2kgM 4.16%F 2.99%P ZZ: 21 Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. Vater / Sire Peak AltaDATELINE Mutter / Dam ZB Madame VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771390549 Geb. Datum. 28.07.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Stantons REMOVER PP Mutter / Dam HAM ZB Megaline VG-85-DE La1. LA22/02 305d 14.813kgM 3.9% 581F 3.5% 520P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: ZB Madame VG-86-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE UDC NM GTPI +1284 +0.02 +0.03 54 50 2.59 0.3 5.6 1.6 0.66 793 2682 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE UDC NM GTPI +1858 +0.02 +0.00 76 59 2.62 -1.4 4.2 1.8 0.84 855 2749 +145 RZG / +2026 RZ€ / +1846kgM / +120 RZGesund (08/23) +2731 GTPI / +2144kgM / +0.03%F / +0.0%P (09/23) +147 RZG / +1085kgM / +0.01%F / +0.04%P / RZS +125 / RZN +123 / RZR +114 / RZE +112 (08/23)

The Hendel Durham Mitzi cow family

De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY Mata VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La3. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La3. 2.01 365d 16.669kgM 4.2% 697F 3.1% 515P 4.10 362d 19.804kgM 3.4% 678F 3.1% 613P NEXT DAMS 4e Fly-Higher Bookem Mace VG-86-USA 5e Hendel Shottle Mica 2144 VG-88-USA DOM 6e Hendel Durham Mitzi 1390 EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Hendel Mnfred Mistique 1149 VG-88-USA DOM 8e Hendel Langs Misty VG-85-USA Peak AltaDATELINE (Hotline x Montross x Day) ZB Madame VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. La1. 305d 11.081kgM 3.6% 402F 3.3% 368P 3/2La 305d 11.802kgM 3.6% 420F 3.3% 389P HL2 305d 12.523kgM 3.5% 437F 3.3% 410P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Masurati @ RUW, Pioneer @ Masterrind, Masterkey P @ RUW, Mitchell @ RUW & Myspace @ Semex Silverridge V IMAX ZB Miriam VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-De La2. 4/3La 305d 13.016kgM 3.4% 443F 3.4% 441P HL4 305d 14.325kgM 3.4% 492F 3.3% 475P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Sandy-Valley Planet Melody VG-87-CAN 2yr. @ Ferme Gillette, Canada
3. M. Mata VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La3. 4. M. Fly-Higher Bookem Mace VG-86-USA 6. M. Hendel Durham Mitzi 1390 EX-90-USA


Avant-Garde Unix SELECT (Unix x McCutchen x Lavanguard)

Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA Conf.

VG-86 2yr. Select x Rosiers Blexy GOLDWYN

• Näher kommen sie nicht mehr an die legendäre Supreme Champion und Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2017: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA

• Eine der wertvollsten Kühe die jemals in Europa angeboten wurde! Sie hat alles: Tolles Exterieur, fantastisches Pedigree, tolle Vererbung & überragende ET & IVF Ergebnisse!

• Banana wird offen & bereit für ET / IVF verkauft! UNBEGRENZTES POTENTIAL!

• 9 Töchter sind VG und EX in Kanada /

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Rosiers Burkan Thriumphant EX-90-CAN 7*, dam to Porpo Goldwyn Barby EX-94-USA


4e Rosiers Burdy Vision VG-87-CAN 3yr. 9*

VG-86 2yr. Select x Rosiers Blexy GOLDWYN

• You can’t get any closer to the Supreme Champion and Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2017: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA

• One of the most valuable Cows to be ever sold in Europe! She has it all: Great Type, amazing Pedigree, proven transmitter & a great flush & IVF history!

• Banana sells open & ready to flush! UNLIMITED POTENTIAL!

2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P
Rosiers Burka Thriumphant EX-90-CAN 7* Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 5yr. 7*
• 3rd Senior Calf Sorel 2003
9 VG or EXCELLENT dtrs in Canada
EX-97-USA 2.06 305d 11.340kgM 4.4% 503F 3.0% 345P 4.05 305d 15.327kgM 4.3% 652F 3.0% 452P 5.05 305d 14.883kgM 4.5% 663F 3.1% 464P Life: 2.104d 98.417kgM 4.2% 4.153F 3.3% 3.257P • SUPREME CHAMPION 2017 World Dairy Expo • Grand Champion 2017 International Holstein Show • 1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017 • Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2017 • Champion NY International Spring Show 2016 • Nominated All-American 5yr. Old 2016 • Grand Champion Wisconsin State Championship Show 2016 & 2017 • >1000kg kombiniert Fett + eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein
5e Rosiers Branda Prelude VG-88-CAN 5yr. 6e Rosiers Bernet Persistent EX-CAN 4E GOLDWYN Rosiers Beyonce Dundee EX-90-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-92-MS 5yr. 2* 2.03 365d 9.950kgM 4.6% 457F 3.3% 324P 3.09 365d 12.634kgM 4.2% 526F 3.4% 438P 5.01 365d 11.886kgM 3.8% 446F 3.3% 425P • 2* STAR Canadian brood cow
Sister. MS Sid Blexy EX-94-USA
M. Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA MS
anana VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771053510 Geb. Datum. 26.01.2021 Kalb. Datum. 03.06.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 99d 3.164kgM 4.36%F
M. Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA
Select B
3.19%P ZZ: 55 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. @ 3 weeks fresh!
MS Select Banana VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. | SHE SELLS

31. NH Crystalclear Bermuda

32. NH Crystalclear Bahamas

33. NH Crystalclear Bikini

34. NH Crystalclear Beyonce

Delta-Lambda Enkeltöchter von Blexy EX-97! Delta-Lambda’s from Blexy EX-97!

• Ihre Chance auf wunderschöne Delta LAMBDA Enkeltöchter der Grand Champion und Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017 Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA!

• Blexy ist eine überragende Zuchtkuh und die Mutter von u.a.: 5guys Blexy Black Raptor VG-88-UK 2yr., Klassenseigerin UK Dairy Day 2021, MS Sid Beauty EX-94-USA, Int. Champion Wisconsin Summer Show & Blexs Crush Budweiser EX-91, Res. Jr. Champion WDE ‘19 & viele mehr!

• Your chance to buy amazing Delta-Lambda grand daughters to the tremendous Grand Champion and Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017: Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA!

• Blexy is dam to many successful daughters, like 5guys Blexy Black Raptor VG-88-UK 2yr., the classwinner at the UK Dairy Day 2021, MS Sid Beauty EX-94-USA, Int. Champion Wisconsin Summer Show & Blexs Crush Budweiser EX-91, Res. Jr. Champion WDE´19 & many more! DE 0771273261 Geb. Datum. 01.12.2022
Mutter / Dam MS Select Banana VG-86-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI -85 +0.08 +0.03 19 5 2.68 -0.2 1.9 2.3 0.08 1.89 +1.81 250 2308
Consignor European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
/ Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA DE 0771273278 Geb. Datum. 02.02.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam MS Select Banana VG-86-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +391 +0.09 +0.03 40 22 2.82 -0.9 2.5 2.5 0.35 2.01 +2.23 424 2476 DE 0771273295 Geb. Datum. 04.04.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam MS Select Banana VG-86-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +65 +0.09 +0.04 28 14 2.84 -1.1 0.4 2.6 -0.21 1.13 +1.54 225 2234 DE 0771273320 Geb. Datum. 04.07.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam MS Select Banana VG-86-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +407 +0.02 +0.02 21 18 2.96 +1.5 2.2 2.2 0.13 1.52 +1.77 344 2389 +9 Conformation (08/23) +10 Conformation (08/23) +7 Conformation (08/23) +9 Conformation (08/23)

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

• Schwester zu: / Sister to:

Sid Blexy EX-94-USA

- Intermediate Champion & H.M. Grand Wisonsin Summer Championship Show 2019 Blexys Crush Budweiser EX-91-USA

- Res. Junior Champion World Dairy Expo 2019

• SUPREME CHAMPION 2017 World Dairy Expo

• Grand Champion 2017 International Holstein Show

• 1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017

• Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2017

• Champion NY International Spring Show 2016

• Nominated All-American 5yr. Old 2016

• Grand Champion Wisconsin State Championship Show 2016 & 2017

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein

Rosiers Bernet Persistent EX-CAN 4E

5yr. 2* 2.03 365d 9.950kgM 4.6% 457F 3.3% 324P 3.09 365d 12.634kgM 4.2% 526F 3.4% 438P 5.01 365d 11.886kgM 3.8% 446F 3.3% 425P
brood cow
Braedale GOLDWYN Rosiers Beyonce Dundee EX-90-CAN 5yr.
EX-90-CAN EX-92-MS
• 2*
NEXT DAMS 4e Rosiers Burka Triumphant EX-90-CAN 7* 5e Rosiers Burdy Vision VG-87-CAN 3yr. 9* 5e Rosiers Branda Prelude VG-88-CAN 5yr.
VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 99d 3.164kgM 4.36%F 3.19%P ZZ: 55
Select Banana VG-86-DE VG-86-MS
Avant-Garde Unix SELECT Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA Conf. EX-97-USA 2.06 305d 11.340kgM 4.4% 503F 3.0% 345P 4.05 305d 15.327kgM 4.3% 652F 3.0% 452P 5.05 305d 14.883kgM 4.5% 663F 3.1% 464P Life: 2.104d 98.417kgM 4.2% 4.153F 3.3% 3.257P
2. M. Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA M. MS Select Banana VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Sister to M. 5Guys Blexy Black Raptor VG-88-UK 2yr.

35. NH Lambda Beyonce VG-86-DE 2yr.

36. NH Parfect Baybay

37. NH Select Barbie FRESH

38. NH Dynasty Barbara

Super PTAT x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA 3E High PTAT x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA 3E

• Tolle Möglichkeit auf extrem hoch testende Mitglieder der Barbara/ Barbie Familie!

• Im Sale sind die spezielle VG-86-DE 2yr. eingestufte Lambda Tochter Beyonce mit +2.99 PTAT sowie ihre spezielle Parfect Tochter mit +2747 GTPI & +2.98 PTAT

• Außerdem, die frisch abgekalbte Select Tochter mit hohen PTAT Werten, sowie ihre tolle & hohe Dynastie Tochter!

• 13. Gen. VG oder EX Barbie! 5. Mutter ist Barbara EX-96, Grand Champion WDE ‘19

• Great chance to secure your own high PTAT Barbara / Barbie descendant

• Selling are the incredible VG-86-DE 2yr. scored Lambda daughter Beyonce with +2.99 PTAT & her special Parfect daughter with +2747 GTPI & +2.98 PTAT

• Also selling the fresh calved Select daughter with high PTAT numbers, as well here early and high PTAT Dynastie! •

VG or EX Barbie! 5. dam is Barbara EX-96, Grand Champion WDE ’19 DE 0771045146 Geb. Datum. 15.04.2021 Kalb. datum. 16.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 43.5kgM 4.90%F 2.97%P ZZ: 73 Conf. NC Index +0.13%F / +0.03%P / 2.92 SCS / +1.58 UDC / +2.80 PTAT (08/23) Vater / Sire Avant-Garde Unix SELECT Mutter / Dam NH Artist Barbados VG-86-DE
13. Gen. DE 0771045128 Geb. Datum. 06.03.2021 Kalb. datum. 07.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. TL23/02 100d 3.611kgM 3.8% 140F 3.4% 121P 215d 8.188kgM 3.93% 322F 3.48% 285P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 39.9kgM 3.89%F 3.58%P ZZ: 15 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 29.07.2023 FEMALE AOT HIGHCLASS | TU+ / PREGNANT Index +537 Milk / +0.04%F / +0.02%P / +2.23 UDC / +2.90 PTAT / +2462 GTPI (08/23) Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam NH Artist Barbados VG-86-DE DE 0771273283 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Index +1088 Milk / +0.05%F / +0.04%P / +2.46 UDC / +2.98 PTAT / +2747 GTPI (08/23) Vater / Sire Siemers Rengd PARFECT Mutter / Dam NH Beyonce VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La1. TL23/02 100d 3.611kgM 3.8% 140F 3.4% 121P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Artist Barbados VG-86-DE DE 0771390556 Geb. Datum. 16.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Kings-Ransom DYNASTY Mutter / Dam NH Select Barbie NC 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Artist Barbados VG-86-DE in TEST

The Butz-Butlr Gold Barbara line

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

NH Artist Barbados VG-86-DE Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS

Baltimore VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

• Archrival (nicht verfügbar in Europa) Enkelin von Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA! / Archrival (not available in Europe) grand daughter of Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA!

• Fantastische Leistungskuh, mit >15.500kgM & hohem PTAT / Great production cow with over 15.500kgM with sky high PTAT

Eclipse Atwoods

ARCHRIVAL Ms Gold Barbara Brooke EX-91-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-91-USA 3yr.

Mutter ist: / Dam was: Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘19, Int. Champion World Dairy Expo ‘13 & Nom. 4x All-American

NEXT DAMS 4e Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA 3E GMD 5e Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA 2E 4* DOM 6e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 8e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM

Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 11e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA

Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

2/2La 305d 14.387kgM 3.8% 544F 3.4% 490P HL2 305d 15.549kgM 3.7% 572 3.3% 510P
2.09 365d 14.353kgM 3.2% 466F 3.4% 489P
1La 305d 9.996kgM 3.4% 336F 3.5% 350P 2/2La 305d 11.832kgM 3.5% 416F 3.5% 408P HL2 305d 13.667kgM 3.6% 336F 3.5% 350P
2yr. - Erfolgreich
• Halbschwester zu NH Moovin Barbara VG-87-DE
auf der German Dairy Show
/ Maternal sister to NH Moovin Barbara VG-87-DE 2yr. - successfull at German Dairy Show ‘23
Stone-Front ARTIST 4. M. Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA Sister to NH Artist Barbados: NH Moovin Barbara VG-87-DE 2yr. (National Show Cow) 2. M. A-L-H Baltimore VG-88-DE

39. NH Brasilia

40. NH Lambda Barbiegirl

41. NH Lambda Barcadi FRESH

42. NH Barilla

Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM

• Mehrere tolle melkende Mitglieder der Barbie Familie sind im Sale!

• Frisch abgekalbte Lambda´s, Chief & Klutch Töchter die alle zurück gehen auf NH Mogul Brasiliangirl EX-91 EX-93 im Euter!

• Fantastische Kühe mit hoher Leistung, überragenden Eutern & toller Fruchtbarkeit, ein Genuss für jeden Milchviehhalter!

• Die Barbie Familie von Regancrest, eine der am besten züchtenden Familien der Welt!

• Great opportunity to buy fresh milking Cows by Lambda, Chief & Klutch from the heart of the Barbie´s!

• Going all back to one Europe´s best Mogul daughters: NH Mogul Brasiliangirl EX-91 EX-93MS

• Fantastic cows, high production, unreal Udders & great fertility, a breeders dream!

• The Barbie family from Regancrest, one of the most consistent familys in the World! DE 0771123334 Geb. Datum. 01.08.2021 Kalb. datum. 21.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 38.4kgM 3.91%F 3.15%P ZZ: 27 Conf. NC Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam NH Merandy Bali EX-90-DE La4. 1La 305d 12.035kgM 3.5% 415F 3.3% 392P 4/4La 305d 14.481kgM 3.4% 494F 3.3% 473P HL4 305d 15.176kgM 3.5% 533F 3.3% 505P
VG-88-MS La2. DE 0770972030 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2020 Kalb. datum. 01.05.2023
Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/02 9.773kgM 3.3% 323F 3.1% 305P 132d 6.924kgM 3.13% 217F 2.83% 196P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 51.1kgM 3.12%F 2.94%P ZZ: 165 Conf. VG-87-DE VG-88-MS La2. Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF Mutter / Dam NH Merandy Bali EX-90-DE La4. 1La 305d 12.035kgM 3.5% 415F 3.3% 392P 4/4La 305d 14.481kgM 3.4% 494F 3.3% 473P HL4 305d 15.176kgM 3.5% 533F 3.3% 505P
Consignor DE 0771273299 Geb. Datum. 01.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam NH Brasilia VG-87-DE VG-88-MS La2. La22/02 9.773kgM 3.3% 323F 3.1% 305P La2 132d 6.924kgM 3.13% 217F 2.83% 196P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Merandy Bali EX-90-DE La4. 1La 305d 12.035kgM 3.5% 415F 3.3% 392P 4/4La 305d 14.481kgM 3.4% 494F 3.3% 473P HL4 305d 15.176kgM 3.5% 533F 3.3% 505P
VG-86-DE VG-87-MS DE 0770825662 Geb. Datum. 03.06.2019 Kalb. datum. 10.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 12.927kgM 4.0% 514F 3.5% 458P HL2 305d 15.095kgM 4.0% 609F 3.5% 533P Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La2. Vater / Sire REDROCK-View Klutch Mutter / Dam NH Dozer Brasi 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Mogul Brasiliangirl EX-91-NL
VG-86-DE VG-87-MS
NH Barilla

The Regancrest-Pr Barbie cow family

Mountfield SSI DCY

Familie wie: / Same family as the top bulls Gold Chip, Yorick, Cameron Beau, Capital Gain, High Octane & more • EX-91 mit EX-93 Euter / EX-91 with EX-93-MS • Gefragter Embryodonor / Popular donor cow

after calving • Halfschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96: Grand Champion WDE ‘19 & Int. Champion WDE ‘13 •


8e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM

9e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA

10e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA

11e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

NH Mogul Brasiliangirl
Conf. EX-91-NL EX-93-MS 2.03 305d 10.578kgM 4.7% 494F 3.4% 362P 5.00 305d 13.344kgM 4.4% 590F 3.1% 418P Lifetime: 1.762d 59.609kgM 4.9%F 2.897F 3.6% 2.128P
EX-91-NL EX-93-MS
MOGUL Butz-Butler Freddie Bani Conf. N.C.
zu: / Sister to Bankrol @ Select NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA 2E 4* DOM 5e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 7e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA
4/4La 305d 14.481kgM 3.4% 494F 3.3% 472P HL4 305d 15.176kgM 3.5% 533F 3.3% 505P • 1b RUW Färsenschau & 2nd Place RUW Show
Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer) NH Merdany Bali EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE
Willsbro MERANDY
Sister to 3. M. Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA 2. M. NH Mogul Brasiliangirl EX-91-NL EX-93-MS 5. M. Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA

43. LB Asia Red

VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr.

AWESOME-RED (Absolute-Red x Advent-Red x Blitz)

Conf. EX-95-USA

• Mutter von / Dam to: Mr. D Apple DIAMONDBACK *RC @ Select Sires!

• Res All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2015

• Res All-American Aged Cow 2014

• Member All-American Dam & Daughter 2014

• Nom All-AmericanJunior 2yr Old 2010


• Asia wird kurz vor der Auktion zum 3 x kalben und könnte die ROTE Kuh sein, die es in den nächsten Jahren zu schlagen gilt!

• Sie hat nicht nur ein perfektes Euter, nein sie hat auch das perfekte

Pedigree: VG-89 3yr. Awesome-Red x EX-95 Destry *RC x EX-94

Talent *RC x EX-96 Regiment APPLE RED!

• Sie ist eine Halbschwester des populären Bullen: Mr. Danielle Devour @ Select Sires

• Aus 8. Generationen EXZELLENTER Apple´s

• Asia will be fresh with here 3rd calf just before the Auction and could be the R&W cow to beat in the next couple of years!

• She not only has the PERFECT Udder, no, she also has the PERFECT pedigree: VG-89 3yr. Awesome-Red x EX-95 Destry *RC x EX-94

Talent *RC x EX-96 Regiment APPLE RED!

• Maternal sister to the popular bull: Mr. Danielle Devour @ Select Sires

• From 8. generations of EXCELLENT Apple´s

Ladino Park TALENT *RC KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P 9.01 365d 16.670kgM 4.3% 718F 3.5% 581P 10.11 365d 14.415kgM 4.5% 653F 3.5% 509P 2898d 109.153kgM 4.7% 5.168F 3.7% 4.088P • The ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ • Res Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show ‘13 • Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show ‘11 • All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 5e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E
Ms D Apple
3.11 2x 305d 13.218kgM 3.8% 504F 3.4% 452P
Sires! •
Old 2015
2014 •
2yr. Old
Ms Delicious
Conf. EX-94-USA 2.02 2x 365d 12.002kgM 3.9% 470F 3.3% 395P 4.03 2x 355d 16.739kgM 3.7% 621F 3.1% 513P 5.11 2x 365d 18.443kgM 3.9% 712F 3.3% 604P 7.02 2x 365d 21.097kgM 4.0% 836F 3.1% 646P 1546d 72.489kgM 3.9% 2.818F 3.2% 2.300P
Danielle-Red EX-95-USA
• Mutter von / Dam to: Mr. Danielle DEVOUR *RC @ Select
Grand Champion R&W NY Spring Int’l Show ‘15 • Nominated All-American 4yr.
• Nominated R&W Cow of the Year
• H.M. All-American Sr.
Nominated All-American Sr.
Scientific DESTRY *RC
Apple-Red EX-94-USA
M. Ms D Apple Danielle-Red EX-95-USA Asia Red VG-89-DE EX-90-MS 3yr. | SHE SELLS 2. M. Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA FR 2923863932 Geb. Datum. 09.08.2018 Kalb. datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / Will be fresh before the Sale Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, European Livestock Service & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 11.723kgM 3.5% 414F 3.3% 391P HL2 305d 13.648kgM 3.6% 485F 3.3% 454P Conf. VG-89-DE EX-90-MS 3yr. Bel. / Ins. 15.12.2022 Poppe 3STAR FLIGHT-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT

44. NH Lambda Apple *RC VG-86-DE 2yr.

45. NH Doral Africa Red DE 0771390554 Geb. Datum. 11.08.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, European Livestock Service & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire ST-Gen DORAL-RED

Mutter / Dam NH Lambda Apple *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. in TEST

Apple Danielle-Red EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

• Grand Champion R&W NY Spring Int’l Show ‘15

• Nominated All-American 4yr. Old 2015

• Nominated R&W Cow of the Year 2015

• H.M. All-American Sr. 3yr. Old 2014

• Nominated All-American Sr. 2yr. Old

Das BESTE aus den Apple’s An APPLE treatment!

• Frisch abgekalbte ROTFAKTOR DELTA-LAMBDA Färse aus einer der besten roten Kühe Europa’s: LB Asia-Red!!

• Ihre 4. Mutter ist die unglaubliche ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA. Die Mutter von Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA & MS D Apple Danielle Red EX-95-USA.

• Ebenfalls in der Auktion, die wundervolle rote Doral Tochter direkt aus Lambda Apple!

• FRESH Red Carrier DELTA-LAMBDA 2yr. Old from the R&W cow to beat: LB Asia-Red!!

• Her 4th grand dam is the amazing ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA. The dam to Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA & MS D Apple Danielle Red EX-95-USA.

• Also selling, the beautiful R&W Doral straight out of Lambda Apple!

Scientific DESTRY *RC Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2.02 2x 365d 12.002kgM 3.9% 470F 3.3% 395P 4.03 2x 355d 16.739kgM 3.7% 621F 3.1% 513P 5.11 2x 365d 18.443kgM 3.9% 712F 3.3% 604P 7.02 2x 365d 21.097kgM 4.0% 836F 3.1% 646P 1546d 72.489kgM 3.9% 2.818F 3.2% 2.300P • Res All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2015 • Res All-American Aged Cow 2014 • Member All-American Dam & Daughter 2014 • Nom All-American Junior 2yr. Old 2010 NEXT DAMS 4e KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 28* DOM 5e Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 6e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman) LB Asia-Red VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr. 2/2La 305d 11.723kgM 3.5% 414F 3.3% 391P HL2 305d 13.648kgM 3.6% 485F 3.3% 454P
to: Mr D
Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED Ms D
3.11 2x 305d 13.218kgM 3.8% 504F 3.4% 452P
zu: / Maternal sister
Daniele DEVOUR *RC @ Select Sires
3rd place Schau der Besten 2022
M. LB Asia-Red VG-89-DE EX-MS 3yr.
EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM Same
EX-97-CAN 2E
4. M. KHW Regiment
family. Erbacres Snapple Shakira DE 0771123341 Geb. Datum. 10.08.2021 Kalb. datum. 11.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, European Livestock Service & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 34.4kgM 3.83%F 3.34%P ZZ: 94 Conf. 85/85/86/86 = VG-86-DE 2yr. @ 4 weeks fresh

47. NH Moon Lilla FRESH

48. NH Charl Chayla

49. NH Parsly Coco

Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

• Hochleistende Mitglieder der Laurie Sheik Familie mit hohen Zuchtwerten!

• Lilya 2, die Vollschwester von Hero @ AI Total mit hochgerechnet 16.460kgM & fantastischen Inhalsstoffen!

• NH Charl Chayla, die Mutter von NH Lockdown @ Bullseye-Genetics & fast 15.000kgm, tragend mit Allied, hohes GTPI Potential!

• Außerdem frisch melkende Moon Tochter & hochtragend Parsley Enkelin von Lilya 2

• Aus einer der beständigsten Familien der Rasse: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

• Hard milking Cows out of the Laurie Sheiks combined with high Index numbers!

• Lilya 2, the full sister to Hero @ AI Total & projected with 16.460kgM & hugh components!

• NH Charl Chayla, dam to NH Lockdown @ Bullseye-Genetics & close to 15.000kgm, pregnant to Allied, high GTPI potential!

• Also selling the fresh Moon daughter & pregnant Parsley grand dtr to Lilya 2, due soon to SEXED.

• From one of the most consistend familys in the breed: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23*

VG-85-DE La2. DE 0770790114 Geb. Datum. 08.06.2019 Kalb. datum. 12.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Conf. VG-85-DE La2. Prod. 2La 305d 14.566kgM 4.07% 593F 3.42% 498P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 35.4kgM 4.86%F 3.93%P ZZ: 167 Bel. / Ins. 22.03.2023 x Winstar ALLIED (+3069 GTPI 08/23) | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La3.
Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE La3. NL 674527142 Geb. Datum. 06.05.2017 Kalb. datum. 30.03.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Conf. VG-89-DE VG-89-DE La3. Prod. 164d 10.179kgM 4.07% 414F 3.63% 369P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 62.2kgM 3.30%F 3.51%P ZZ: 56 Vater / Sire Endco SUPERHERO Mutter / Dam Retraitehoeve Lilya 1 VG-86-NL 3yr.
46. DE 0771123333 Geb. Datum. 29.07.2021 Kalb. datum. 01.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Sandy-Valley MOON Mutter / Dam Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La3. 3/2La 305d 13.459kgM 4.3% 577F 3.7% 497P HL2 305d 14.766kgM 4.9% 663F 3.7% 544P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Retraitehoeve Lilya 1 VG-86-NL 3yr. DE 0771123376 Geb. Datum. 28.10.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 26.03.2023 FEMALE Cogent Koepon ROLO | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY Mutter / Dam NH Aristocrat Lil 44 VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La1. La21/10 296d 9.516kgM 4.2% 403F 3.6% 340P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La3. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1124 +0.02 +0.05 49 50 3.03 +0.9 3.3 1.9 -0.29 0.87 +0.27 672 2602 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1360 +0.09 +0.01 79 46 2.79 +1.0 5.0 1.3 0.16 0.53 +0.09 922 2784 Mutter von / Dam to: NH LOCKDOWN @ Bullseye-Genetics

Different branch from the Laurie Sheik cow family

• Selbe Familie wie Comestar Lamadona Doorman EX-94-CAN, Großmutter zu: Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex mit +12 Conformation und Comestar LAMORREY *RC mit +10 Conformation / Same family as Comestar Lamadona Doorman EX-94-CAN, granddam to Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex at +12 Conformation and Comestar LAMORREY *RC @ Semex at +10 Conformation

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Snowbiz LITTLETON, LEEROY & LIVEWIRE @ Semex

• Eine der besten Bullen produzierenden Kuhfamilien aller Zeiten / One of the best bull producing cow families

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Stormatic, Lauthority, Lhee, Outside, Lheros & more

2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.01 365d 16.669kgM 4.2% 697F 3.1% 515P 4.10 362d 19.804kgM 3.4% 678F 3.1% 613P
Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Freurehaven FGS Lucy-ET VG-86-CAN
Endco SUPERHERO (Supershot x Numero Uno x Shamrock) Retraitehoeve Lilya 1 VG-86-NL 3yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 3yr. 1.10 318d 11.042kgM 4.0% 437F 3.3% 365P 2.10 305d 12.271kgM 4.0% 492F 3.4% 421P 4.00 295d 12.783kgM 4.1% 526F 3.4% 437P 4.11 298d 12.849kgM 4.1% 523F 3.4% 433P
NEXT DAMS 4e Freurehaven Shottle Lautella VG-89-3YR-CAN 5e Freurehaven Lautella Bolton EX-92-CAN 6e Comestar Lautella Goldwyn VG-87-CAN 7e Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-CAN 21* 8e Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-CAN 2* 9e Comestar Lausan Black VG-87-CAN 23* 10e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23* 11e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15*
• Mutter zu: / Dam to HERO @ AI-Total
2yr. La1 339d 11.431kgM 3.9% 446F 3.3% 375P
Snowbiz Lilyan GP-NL VG-86-MS
Conf. GP-NL VG-86-MS
5. M. Freurehaven Lautella Bolton EX-92-CAN Retraitehoeve Lilya 2 VG-89-DE La3. | SHE SELLS 3. M. Freurehaven FGS Lucy VG-86-CAN 2yr.


RN Gameday Tahaya 1

RMD-Dotterer SSI GAMEDAY (Big Ai x Blowtorch x Yoder) RN Parfect


• +3016 GTPI / +2.74 PTAT (08/23)

• Eine der höchsten Parfect Töchter Europas! / One of the highest Parfect daughters in Europe!

• Vollschwester eingestuft mit VG-86-NL 3yr. (09/23) / Full sister scored VG-86-NL 3yr. recently (09/23)

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: the huge mating sires Tarrino and Thonmaker

• 3.7% EIWEIß!! / 3.7% PROTEIN!!


4e Buiner Tmc Taya VG-85-NL 2yr.

5e MS Welcome Colby Taya VG-88-USA GMD DOM

5e Clear-Echo FBI 1461 EX-90-USA DOM

6e Clear-Echo 2635 Bol 1204 VG-88-USA GMD DOM

7e Clear-Echo Addisn Thea 635 VG-85-USA GMD DOM

8e Clear-Echo Matt Thea 380 GP-USA

9e Clear-Echo Lake Thea EX-90-USA

10e Caernarvon Thor Shea EX-90-USA

Höchstes Rind welches jemals in Europa verkauft wurde! +3135 GTPI!! Highest GTPI ever to be sold!

• Ja es stimmt wirklich! Das #1 GTPI Rind in Europa >2.00 PTAT wird verkauft! Das höchste GTPI Rind welches jemals in Europa verkauft wurde!

• Die #1 GTPI Gameday Tochter in Europa!

• 3. Mutter ist die ehemalige #2 GTPI Kuh in Europa und stammt aus einer tollen Outcrosslinie der super züchtenden MS Welcome Colby Taya VG-88-USA GMD DOM Familie!!

• Yes it’s true! The #1 GTPI heifer in Europe >2.00 PTAT sells!! The highest GTPI heifer ever, to be sold in a European auction!

• The #1 GTPI Gameday daugher in Europe!

• 3rd dam is the former #2 GTPI Cow in Europe and from a very different maternal line going back on MS Welcome Colby Taya VG-88-USA GMD DOM!!

Woodcrest KING DOC De Oosterhof Mon Tahaya VG-86-NL Conf. VG-86-NL 4.04 305d 11.634kgM 4.1% 472F 3.4% 390P 5.06 305d 11.992kgM 4.1% 491F 3.6% 429P 6.06 305d 10.888kgM 4.1% 447F 3.4% 365P
in Europa
The former #2 GTPI Cow in Europe
#2 GTPI Kuh
Siemers Renegade PARFECT RN King Doc Tahaya 2 Conf. N.C. 2.00 364d 8.800kgM 4.3% 380F 3.7% 323P
4. M. Buiner Mc Taya VG-85-NL 2yr. 3. M. De Oosterhof Mon Tahaya VG-86-NL 5. M. Ms Welcome Colby Taya VG-88-USA DOM NL885049857 Geb. Datum. 15.05.2023 Consignor Robert Neppelenbroek - Tel. +31 (0)6 13905867 Email.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1673 +0.24 +0.06 135 70 2.88 -1.5 3.6 2.3 +0.85 1.86 +2.03 1047 3135 +3698 gLPI (08/23) The #1 GTPI heifer in Europe >2.00 PTAT (08/23) HU1+
RN Gameday Tahaya 1 | SHE SELLS

51. PM Skyliner A lyssa Red

NH Evolution SKYLINER-RED (Sputnik *RC x Gywer *RC x Styx-Red)

PM Gigolo Alisa *RC GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr. @ 3 weeks fresh Erste Kontrolle / first test: 35.4kgM 4.5%F


• RUW Donor Cow


PM Spark Red Alena VG-87-DE VG-89-MS La2. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-89-MS

• 3.5% EIWEIß!! / 3.5% PROTEIN!!

• RUW Donor Cow

• Aus der selben Linie 5 Generationen 100.000kg Kühe in direkter Reihenfolge, einmalig! / From the same line: 5 generation cows in a row with >100.000kg lifetime production, unique!


PM Ashley VG-86-DE La3. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La3.

4/3La 305d 9.938kgM 4.5% 444F 3.8% 379P

HL3 305d 10.753kgM 4.7% 510F 3.7% 399P

• V. / s. BALU

• RUW Donor Cow


4e PM Topsy Albina VG-86-DE La3.

5e PM Julandy Anja VG-85-DE

6e PM Tableau Astrid VG-86-DE

7e PM Carmano Antin GP-83-DE 2yr.

8e PM Faber Alice VG-85-DE VG-85-MS

9e MAX Laredo Anika VG-86-DE

10e Ermatt Andia EX-93-DE - European Champion 1998 & 2000

ROT / +160 RZG / +123 RZE / Perfekter INDEX RED / +160 RZG / +123 RZE / Perfect INDEX

• Tolle & frühe SKYLINER Tochter mit dem perfekten INDEX!

• +160 RZG / +130 RZGesund/ +123 RZE & >1400kg Milch mit guten Inhaltsstoffen & Beta Casein BB!

• Tiefe deutsche Kuhfamilie mit extrem hohen Lebensleistungen, die zurück geht auf die 2 x Europasiegerin Ermatt Andia EX-93

• Great Red & White early SKYLINER daughter at +160 RZG in combination with +130 RZGesund/ +123 RZE and >1400 Milk with positive solids, as well Beta Casein BB.

• Deep German cow family with multiple generations VG- or EXCELLENT scored dams & amazing lifetime production!

• Going back to the 2 x European Champion Ermatt Andia EX-93

La2. La21/07 305d 11.467kgM 3.9% 447F 3.5% 406P
2. M. PM Spark Red Alena VG-87-DE VG-89-MS La2.
DE 0771351067 Geb. Datum. 22.07.2023 Consignor Peter Meutes - Tel. +49 (0)160 6111783 - Email.
M. PM Gigolo Alisa *RC GP-84-DE 2yr.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +1428 +0.07 +0.03 67 53 142 122 2511 124 130 127 109 123 160 Kappa Casein: BB
10. M. Ermatt Andia EX-93-DE



SHA FOREMAN (Freemax x Rubicon x Balisto)

DHG Norwegen GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr. TL22/11


• Topseller Sunrise Sale 25 für 27.500€ / Topseller at the 25. Sunrise Sale for 27.500 EUR



• +153 RZG Foreman Tochter mit +130 RZE & +125 Euter!! Dazu hoch und komplett in allen Werten: +120 RZGesund & 110 RZR mit >1.000kgM und positiven Inhaltsstoffen!

• Tolle mütterliche Outcross Abstammung mit Foreman x Timberlake x Dynamo x Eclair x Doorman

• Die höchste Tochter aus dem Topseller @ 25. Sunrise Sale für 27.500 EUR wird verkauft!

Mr Rubicon DYNAMO

BFH Naomi EX-90-DE 5yr. Conf. EX-90-DE 5yr.

La3 305d 11.500kgM 4.9% 559F 3.6% 418P

• 7. Generation VG oder EX in direkter folge! / 7th generation VG- or EXCELLENT in a row!


4e BFH Doorman Naima VG-86-DE 2yr.

5e Baxter Nathalie VG-89-DE

6e O-Man Australie VG-89-FR

7e Forbidden Urtille VG-86-FR 2yr.

8e Addison Sonia VG-88-FR

9e Bellwood Monica VG-89-FR

• +153 RZG Foreman dtr with +130 RZE and +125 Udders!! As well very complete in all management traits: +120 RZGesund, +110 RZR with >1.000kgM and positive components!!

• Interesting maternal outcross bloodline with Foreman x Timberlake x Dynamo x Eclair x Doorman


Sale for 27.500

13.560kgM 4.4% 591F 3.4% 463P
• >50kgM pro Tag in den ersten 200 Tagen! / >50kgM per day in the first 200 days! TIMBERLAKE DHG Nairobi VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La2. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La2. 3/3La 305d 10.436kgM 4.4% 459F 3.6% 379P HL3 305d 11.247kgM 4.4% 491F 3.6% 400P • 3.6% EIWEIß / 3.6% PROTEIN
3. M. BFH Naomi EX-90-DE
4. M. BFH Doorman Naima VG-86-DE 2yr. Same family. Mercedes VG-85-DE 2yr. Foreman mit +153 RZG & perfektem Profil! Foreman with +153 RZG & perfect profile!
• The highest daughter sells from the Topseller at the 25.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1007 +0.19 +0.11 61 48 137 113 2023 120 110 120 125 130 153 DE 0542126943 Geb. Datum. 29.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

53. NH DG Arvis S

54. 4 Female

55. NH Azzopardi Sunshine Red VG-85-DE 2yr. ETC

56. NH Mooi Summer *RC P

57. NH Sally Red

58. NH Sammira Red DE 0771045077 Geb. Datum. 16.11.2020 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HR La1. 305d 10.750kgM 3.8% 410F 3.3% 349P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 33.2kgM 4.40%F 3.47%P ZZ: 12 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 12.04.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen DORAL-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Riverdown UNSTOPABULL-RED (incl. ETN) Mutter / Dam NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS DE 0771273271 Geb. Datum. 20.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Jacobs SHOWTIME RC Mutter / Dam NH Sally-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS
EX-91-DE DE 0770497930 Geb. Datum. 07.10.2016 Kalb. datum. 02.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/2La 305d 12.828kgM 4.3% 549F 3.4% 439P HL2 305d 14.832kgM 4.2% 616F 3.4% 503P 220d 11.259kgM 3.93% 443F 3.15% 355P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 41.2kgM 3.67%F 3.58%P ZZ: 127 Conf. EX-91-DE EX-92-MS La3. Vater / Sire MR LR Edg ARVIS 18196 *RC Mutter / Dam Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr.
VG-85-DE 2yr.
ETC DE 0771045055 Geb. Datum. 01.10.2020 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HR La1. 305d 11.015kgM 4.1% 452F 3.4% 373P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 37.1kgM 3.97%F 3.47%P ZZ: 18 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 24.04.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen DORAL-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Riverdown UNSTOPABULL-Red Mutter / Dam NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. FEMALE AOT HEATWAVE P-RED x NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
Embryos DE 0771273255 Geb. Datum. 20.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Mr Aija Mirand MOOI P *RC Mutter / Dam NH Sunshine-Red VG-85-DE La1. TL22/11 7.197kgM 3.6% 262F 3.2% 229P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE EX-92-MS SELLS OPEN & READY TO FLUSH! Great flush cow

The Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk cow family

MR LR EDG ARVIS 18196-ET (Defender x Numero Uno x Regiment-Red)

Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 3yr.

NH DG Arvis Silky EX-91 EX-92 Euter

• Eine der spektakulärsten Kühe von Nosbisch Holsteins!

• EX-91 mit EX-92 Euter, Res. All German & Res. Jr Champion DHV Schau ’19

• Topseller GMS´19 für 42.000€

• Mutter von NH Azzopardi Sir Silky-Red @ Bullseye-Genetics

• Ihre 2 wunderschönen abgekalbten VG eingestuften Töchter, beide wieder von DORAL gesext tragend sind im Sale, ebenfalls ihrer spektakulären Enkeltöchter und GESEXTE Heatwave P-Red Embryonen.

Ensenada Taboo PLANET-ET

Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr.


4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38*

7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

10e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

11e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN

12e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

NH DG Arvis Silky EX-91 EX-92-MS

• One of the Stars of the Nosbisch Holsteins Herd!

• EX-91 with EX-92 Udder, Res. All German & Res. Jr Champion DHV Schau ‘19

• Topseller GMS '19 for 42.000€

• Dam to NH Azzopardi Sir Silky-Red @ Bullseye-Genetics

• Also selling her 2 beautiful VG-2yr daughters, both back incalf to SEXED Doral and 2 fancy grand daughters! As well SEXED Heatwave P-Red embryos.

2.04 365d 13.609kgM 4.6% 631F 3.6% 485P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P
305d 12.519kgM 4.6% 573F 3.8% 469P 2/2La 305d 13.831kgM 4.1% 567F 3.3% 452P • Verkauft für:
EUR • Vollschwester zu:
sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-92-MS 2.02 365d 13.603kgM 4.5% 613F 3.2% 435P 4.01 305d 12.946kgM 4.1% 527F 3.3% 424P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Sympatico RC, Seneca RC & Stoic RC • One Million Dollar Cow
VG-86-DE 2yr. NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE | Res. 2yr. Old Champion German Dairy Show ‘19 | SHE SELLS NH Azzopardi Sunshine-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS
/ Sold for: 26.000
/ Full
M. Des-Y-Gen Snowman

59. NH KD Shirin

60. NH Lambda Samba

61. NH Topstone Siri

62. NH Mitchell Soom

Das BESTE aus den Splendor’s

• Fantastische Nachkommen der super züchtenden Splendor Familie!

• NH KD Shirin, die super King Doch aus der Schwester zu Silky-Red EX-91 wird verkauft!

• Wieder gesext tragend mit William & hochgerechnet > 13.665kgM mit 4.6 Fett & 3.7% EIWEIß, fantastische Kuh!

• Außerdem ihre tolle Lambda Tochter, tragende Topstone Schwester & Mitchell Cousine!

• 13. Generationen VG oder EX Splendors

The very BEST out of the Splendor’s

• Fantastic members from the amazing Splendor Family are selling!

• NH KD Shirin, the super King Doch out of the sister to Silky-Red EX-91 sells!

• Back incalf to SEXED William & porjected with > 13.665kgM with 4.6 FAT & 3.7% PROTEIN, tremendous cow!

• Also selling, here beautiful Lambda daughter, pregnant Topstone sister & Mitchell cousin.

• 13. generationens VG or EX DE 0771123388 Geb. Datum. 23.11.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 29.04.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire DG OH TOPSTONE Mutter / Dam DG Susi VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5. 6/5La 305d 12.854kgM 3.6% 456F 3.2% 410P HL5 305d 15.353kgM 3.2% 499F 3.1% 485P
VG-88-DE La2. DE 0770825633 Geb. Datum. 26.03.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/08 305d 11.004kgM 4.6% 510F 3.8% 413P 287d 13.046kgM 5.24% 684F 3.51% 458P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 32.9kgM 5.98%F 4.07%P ZZ: 39 Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 05.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Woodcrest KING DOC Mutter / Dam DG Susi VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5. 6/5La 305d 12.854kgM 3.6% 456F 3.2% 410P HL5 305d 15.353kgM 3.2% 499F 3.1% 485P DE 0771273258 Geb. Datum. 27.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear Delta LAMBDA Mutter / Dam NH KD Shirin VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2. La21/08 305d 11.004kgM 4.6% 510F 3.8% 413P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: DG Susi VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5. 6/5La 305d 12.854kgM 3.6% 456F 3.2% 410P HL5 305d 15.353kgM 3.2% 499F 3.1% 485P DE 0771273256 Geb. Datum. 20.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam NH Joplin Sore VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La1. La1. 305d 10.641kgM 3.8% 399F 3.3% 355P 3/2La 305d 10.829kgM 3.8% 410F 3.3% 355P HL2 305d 11.017kgM 3.8% 420F 3.2% 354P 2. Mutter / 2nd dam: DG Susi VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5. 6/5La 305d 12.854kgM 3.6% 456F 3.2% 410P HL5 305d 15.353kgM 3.2% 499F 3.1% 485P

The Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk cow family

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman) DG Susi VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5.

für: / Sold for: 26.000 EUR

zu: / Full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex

Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-92-MS 2.02

• Mutter zu: / Dam to: Sympatico RC, Seneca RC & Stoic RC

• One Million Dollar Cow


4e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.

5e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

6e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

7e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38*

8e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

9e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

10e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

11e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

12e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN

13e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN
365d 13.603kgM 4.5% 613F 3.2% 435P 4.01 305d 12.946kgM 4.1% 527F 3.3% 424P
6/5La 305d 12.854kgM 3.6% 456F 3.2% 410P HL5 305d 15.353kgM 3.2% 499F 3.1% 485P
Des-Y-Gen Snowman
Conf. VG-86-DE 3yr. La1 305d 12.519kgM 4.6% 573F 3.8% 469P 2/2La 305d 13.831kgM 4.1% 567F 3.3% 452P • Verkauft
VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La5.
Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr.
3. M. Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Sister to M. NH DG Arivs Silky-Red EX-91-DE 4. M. Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr.

63. NH S

64. NH Augustus Sun Red



Vater / Sire Drouner K&L AUGUSTUS P-RED

Mutter / Dam NH Samana-Red EX-91-DE EX-94-MS La4.

65. NH Bankroll Selma VG-87-DE La3.

66. NH Sailormoon

67. NH Sealmoon

Die wunderbaren Schwestern von Silky-Red EX-91 The beautiful sisters to Silky-Red EX-91

• Diese Familie züchtet! Eine der besten Familien bei Nosbisch Holsteins!

• NH Samana Red kalbt frisch vor der Auktion! Lieben sie unfassbar gute Euter? Dann lieben Sie Samana!

• Samana ist ein ganz heißer Kandidat für die nächsten Schauen & die Rotbunten Senior Klassen!

• Außerdem im Sale ihre tolle Augustus Tochter!

• NH Bankroll Selma wird verkauft, die Bankroll Schwester zu Silky, dazu ihre frisch abgekalbte Moon & ihr Jährling von Lambda!

• This family breeds! One of the best & most consistent familys at Nosbisch

• NH Samana Red will be fresh just before the sale! Do you like incredible Udders? If yes you will fell in love with Samana!

• Samana will be a very strong candiate for the upcoming show season and will compete at the highest level in the R&W Senior classes!

• Also selling here beautiful daughter by Augustus!

• NH Bankroll Selma sells, the Bankroll sister to Silky, as well here fresh Moon dtr & here yearling by LAMBDA!

EX-91-DE EX-94-MS La4. DE 0771123324 Geb. Datum. 01.07.2021 Kalb. datum. 02.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 44.7kgM 3.23%F 3.17%P ZZ: 16 Conf. NC Bel. / Ins. 18.09.2023 Kings-Ransom DYNASTY Vater / Sire Sandy-Valley MOON Mutter / Dam NH Bankroll Selma VG-87-DE La3. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. DE 0770497936 Geb. Datum. 13.10.2023 Kalb. datum. 06.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/4La 305d 13.7354gM 3.3% 446F 3.3% 448P HL4 305d 16.326kgM 3.5% 567F 3.2% 520P Conf. EX-91-DE EX-94-MS La4. Bel. / Ins. 01.01.2023 NH Azzopardi Sir SILKY-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire BREKAN-RED Mutter / Dam Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr.
Red DE 0770655506 Geb. Datum. 18.03.2018 Kalb. datum. 13.09.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Azzopardi - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 305d 14.008kgM 3.91% 548F 3.26% 457P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 29.2kgM 4.89%F 4.22%P ZZ: 698 Conf. VG-87-DE La3. Bel. / Ins. 26.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Vater / Sire Crasdale BANKROLL Mutter / Dam Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. DE 0771273236 Geb. Datum. 13.09.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA
Bankroll Selma VG-87-DE
Mutter / Dam NH
La3. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Des-Y-Gen Snowman
DE 0771197357 Geb. Datum. 06.05.2022
Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
/ Ins. 29.07.2023 FEMALE

The Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk cow family

HAH BREKAN-RED (Brekem *RC x Destry *RC x Ralstorm *RC)

Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 3yr.

Ensenada Taboo PLANET-ET

Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr.


4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38*

7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

10e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

11e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN

12e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3*

2.04 365d 13.609kgM 4.6% 631F 3.6% 485P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P
La1 305d 12.519kgM 4.6% 573F 3.8% 469P 2/2La 305d 13.831kgM 4.1% 567F 3.3% 452P • Verkauft für: / Sold for: 26.000 EUR • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to SYMPATICO *RC @ Semex
Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-92-MS 2.02 365d 13.603kgM 4.5% 613F 3.2% 435P 4.01 305d 12.946kgM 4.1% 527F 3.3% 424P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: Sympatico RC, Seneca RC & Stoic RC • One Million Dollar Cow
Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN
Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 2yr.
NH Samana-Red
M. Des-Y-Gen
2. M. Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA

68. Luck-E Kandie Red VG-86-DE 2yr.

Vater / Sire Farnear ALTITUDE-RED

Dam / Mutter: Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red EX-94-USA


69. NH Mooi Kyra *RC Pp

Vater / Sire Mr Aija Mirand MOOI P *RC

Dam / Mutter: Luck-E Kandie-Red VG-86-DE 2yr.

70. 3 Female Embryos


71. 2 Female Embryos



Sensationelle ROTE Abgekalbte Altitude von Luck-E Amazing fresh R&W Altitude from Luck-E

• Einmalige Gelegenheit: VG-86-DE 2yr. Altitude-Red Enkelin von Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95: Rote Kuh des Jahres 2014, Unanimous All-American 5yr. Old 2014, Senior Champion & Bestes Euter R&W Expo 2014 und Res. Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2014 wird verkauft!

• Ihre Chance auf eine tolle & exklusive Abgekalbte, bereit für die Schau, bereit für ET, mit >40kg und 6 direkten EXZELLENTEN Müttern aus insgesamt 11 Gen. VG oder EX.

• World class chance: VG-86-DE 2yr. Altitude-Red grand daugter to Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95: Red & White Cow of the Year 2014, Unanimous All-American 5yr. Old 2014, Senior Champion & Best Udder of the show R&W Expo 2014 and Res. Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2014

• Your change to buy a fantastic & exclusive fresh Altitude, ready to show, ready to flush, giving >40kgm straight from 6 EXCELLENT dams & from 11. gen. VG or EX NL 574205302 Geb. Datum. 16.01.2021 Kalb. datum. 19.04.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 144d 5.443kgM 4.19%F 3.20%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 37.7kgM 4.57%F 3.35%P ZZ: 23
VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.
Conf. DE 0958147696 Geb. Datum. 05.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49
4368388 - Email.
2yr. Method ET
Comb. FEMALE AOT HEATWAVE P-RED x Luck-E Kandie-Red VG-86-DE
A -
Transfer Location Germany
+49 (0)171 4368388
Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel.
- Email.
FEMALE AOT HEATWAVE P-RED x Luck-E Kandie-Red VG-86-DE 2yr.
ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
KHW Kite ADVENT-RED Luck-E Rubens Kaylie *RC EX-92-USA GMD Conf. EX-92-USA GMD 2.04 2x 253d 12.592kgM 5.2% 655F 3.7% 460P 4.05 2x 365d 19.741kgM 4.7% 1.119F 3.7% 724P • V. / s. STBVQ RUBENS *RC NEXT DAMS 4e Luck-E Royal Klassy EX-94-USA GMD 5e Luck-E Command Karlyn EX-94-USA 2E 6e Luck-E Mars Karlie-Twin EX-90-USA 2E 7e Sun-Made Glendell Karmin-ET VG-87-USA 8e Hiatt Kay EX-90-USA DOM 9e Bayless Firy Kat EX-92-USA GMD DOM 10e Daisy Killybracken Spruceland VG-88-USA 11e Duke Daisy Spruceland VG-87-USA Farnear ALTITUDE-RED (Arvis *RC x McCutchen x Destry *RC) Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2/2La 283d 8.852kgM 3.9% 346F 3.5% 306P HL2 305d 9.430kgM 3.9% 368F 3.5% 330P • Reserve Senior Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Jr. Show Midwest National Spring Red & White Show 2023 Cycle McGucci JORDY-RED Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-97-MS 3.09 2x 365d 14.243kgM 4.9% 699F 3.5% 505P 5.04 2x 365d 18.198kgM 4.7% 851F 3.4% 625P • Unanimous All-American 5yr. old 2014 • Senior, Best Udder & Res. R&W Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014 • Red & White cow of the Year 2014 • Grand Champion Nat’l R&W Cow Show 2014
Kandie-Red EX-95-USA Luck-E Kandie Red VG-86-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS M. Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red EX-94-USA
2. M. Luck-E Advent

72. Mox Hot Chilly

/ last test (13.09.2023): 44.8kgM 2.98%F 2.94%P ZZ: 11

Conf. 86/86/83/85 = VG-85-DE 2yr.

Bel. / Ins. 07.09.2023 FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE


Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer)

Kings-Ransom Claire 58 VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2. LA21/05

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Kings-Ransom Kroy Climax EX-94-USA

Kings-Ransom Montry Cans EX-95-USA EX-97-MS

- Nominated All-American 4yr. ‘20

Kings-Ransom KD Carnival EX-92-USA

- Dam to Kings-Ransom Camero @ Blondin Sires

Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE

• Vollschwester zu / Full sister to:

Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE

• Potenzial 11. Generation EXZELLENT in Folge! / Potential 11th generation EXCELLENT in a row!

Woodcrest KING DOC

MG Cleavage EX-95-USA

Abgekalbte CHIEF Enkelin von CLEAVAGE EX-95!!

• Was will man mehr?! Ein absolutes Traumpedigree mit CHIEF auf der Vaterseite & 10. Generationen EXZELLENTER Roxy´s auf der Mutterseite!

• Ihre Großmutter ist die wohl beste MOGUL der WELT mit extrem vielen hoch eingestuften Nachkommen!

• Mox Hot Chilly, leistet ganz fantastisch und wird offen & ready to flush verkauft!

Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL

Golden-Oaks Gwyn Classy EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 3E

• V. / s. Braedale GOLDWYN

• 1st 4yr. Old NY Spring Jr. Show 2014

• Schwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Golden-Oaks Atwd Charla EX-93-USA DOM - Grand dam to GOLDENWAY @ AI-Total & dam to Golden-Oaks BCK Chaline EX-92-USA


4e Golden-Oaks Champ Rae EX-93-USA

5e Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

6e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

7e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

8e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

9e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM

9th C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD

FRESH Chief from CLEAVAGE EX-95!!

• What else do you want? She has a dream of a predigree with CHIEF on the topside and 10 generations of EXCELLENT ROXY’s on the bottom!

• Her grand dam is the most famous Mogul daughter WORLDWIDE and has many daughters classified with VG or EXCELLENT!

• Mox Hot Chilly, is working on a huge record and will sell open & ready to flush!

2-04 3x 305d 11.744kgM 2.9% 336F 3.3% 386P 3-05 3x 305d 14.325kgM 4.1% 582F 3.4% 482P
9.240kgM 4.3% 397F 3.5% 322P
Conf. EX-95-USA EX-97-MS 3E 1-11 3x 305d 12.324kgM 4.2% 513F 3.4% 418P 2-11 3x 305d 14.814kgM 4.6% 688F 3.6% 534P 4-10 3x 305d 13.762kgM 5.0% 686F 3.4% 464P
most famous MOGUL dtr in the World!
• Mogul Tochter mit EX-97 EUTER / Mogul daughter with a EX-97 Mammary System • Die wohl beste & bekannste
/ Probably the best and
2. M. Kings-Ransom Cleavage EX-95-USA 3E
M. Kings-Ransom Claire VG-88-DE La2. & maternal sister Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE
Sister to M. Kings-Ransom Monterey Cans EX-95-USA
VG-85-DE DE 0817676314 Geb. Datum. 29.01.2021 Kalb. datum. 23.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 110d 4.773kgM 3.79%F 3.12%P Letzte Kontrolle

73. NH Lambda C leavage

74. NH Lambda C ool Girl

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Mox Hot Chilly VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr.

La1 110d 4.773kgM 3.79%F 3.12%P

• Delta-Lambda heifer from her full sister sold for 11.000 EUR @ Mox Sale 2023 / Delta-Lambda heifer from her full sister sold for 11.000 EUR @ Mox Sale 2023

LAMBDA x 10. Gen EX ROXY’s!

Stantons CHIEF

Kings-Ransom Claire 58 VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2.

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Kings-Ransom Kroy Climax EX-94-USA

Kings-Ransom Montry Cans EX-95-USA EX-97-MS

- Nominated All-American 4yr. ‘20

Kings-Ransom KD Carnival EX-92-USA

- Dam to Kings-Ransom Camero @ Blondin Sires

Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE

• Potenzial 11. Generation EXZELLENT in Folge! / Potential 11th generation EXCELLENT in a row!

Woodcrest KING DOC

Kings-Ransom Cleavage EX-95-USA 3E Conf. EX-95-USA EX-97-USA 3E

3x 305d 14.814kgM 4.6% 688F 3.6% 534P

3x 305d 13.762kgM 5.0% 686F 3.4% 464P

• Mogul Tochter mit EX-97 EUTER / Mogul daughter with an EX-97 Mammary System

• Die wohl beste & bekannste MOGUL der Welt / Probably the best and most famous MOGUL dtr WORLD WIDE!


4e Golden-Oaks Gwyn Classy EX-92-USA 3E

5e Golden-Oaks Champ Rae EX-93-USA

6e Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

7e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

8e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

9e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

LAMBDA x 10 gen. EXCELLENT Roxy’s!

• Tolle Delta-Lambda Töchter mit fantastischem Pedigree & hohen & kompletten Zuchtwerten!

• 3. Mutter ist die Vollschwester zu Kings-Ransom MG Cleo EX-95-USA, Mutter von Kings-Ransom Monterey Clash EX-94-USA: Senior & Grand Champion NY Spring Show 2020

• Geht zurück auf die 2 x Königin der Rasse: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

• Fancy Delta-Lambda daughters with a proven pedigree & super complete & high Index numbers!

• 3rd dam is is full sister to Kings-Ransom MG Cleo EX-95-USA, dam to Kings-Ransom Monterey Clash EX-94-USA, she was Senior and Grand Champion NY Spring Show

back on the

3x 305d 12.324kgM 4.2% 513F 3.4% 418P
LA21/05 305d 9.240kgM 4.3% 397F 3.5% 322P
Close family. Kings-Ransom Monterey Clash EX-94-USA Sister to 2. M. Kings-Ransom Canteloupes VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 2yr. Sister to 3. M. Kings-Ransom MG Cleo EX-95-USA DE 0771273306 Geb. Datum. 23.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater
/ Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA
• Going
2x Queen of the breed: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA DE 0771273279 Geb. Datum. 02.02.2023
Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA US 08/23 +977 Milk / 2.87 SCS / +2.9 PL / +2.35 UDC / +2.19 PTAT / +2568 GTPI US 08/23 +691 Milk / +0.14%F / +0.04%P / 2.69 SCS / +2.40 UDC / +2.44 PTAT / +2690 GTPI

75. 4 Female Embryos

FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Mox Move Colorado VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

Letzte Kontrolle: / Last test: 34,0kgM ZZ38

• Delta-Lambda Rind aus der King Doc Schwester zur Mutter verkauft für 11.000 EUR @ Mox Sale 2023 / Delta-Lambda heifer from her dam’s King Doc sister sold for 11.000 EUR @ Mox Sale 2023

Lindenright MOOVIN *RC (incl. ETN)

Kings-Ransom Cersei VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

Our-Favorite UNDENIED

Kings-Ransom MG Cleavage EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-97-MS 3E

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Kings-Ransom Kroy Climax EX-94-USA

Kings-Ransom Montry Cans EX-95-USA EX-97-MS

- Nominated All-American 4yr. ‘20

Kings-Ransom KD Carnival EX-92-USA

- Dam to Kings-Ransom Camero @ Blondin Sires

Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE

• Potenzial 11. Generation EXZELLENT in Folge! / Potential 11th generation EXCELLENT in a row!

• Mogul Tochter mit EX-97 EUTER / Mogul daughter with a EX-97 Mammary System

• Die wohl beste & bekannste MOGUL der Welt / Probably the best and most famous MOGUL dtr in the World!


4e Golden-Oaks Gwyn Classy EX-92-USA 3E

5e Golden-Oaks Champ Rea EX-93-USA

6e Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

7e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

8e Hannoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

9e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

10e A Mill-R-Mor Roxette EX-90-USA

11e Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

Embryonen aus toller CLEAVAGE Enkelin Embryos of grand dtr of Mogul Cleavage!

• WEIBLICHE Embryonen direkt aus Mox Move Colorado VG-86-DE 2yr.!!

Mutter ist eine VG-88 Undenied aus der besten Mogul Tochter der Welt: Kings-Ransom MG Ceavage EX-95-USA mit EX-97 im Euter!!

• 10 Generationen EXZELLENTER Roxy’s!

• Geht zurück auf die 2x Königin der Rasse: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

• FEMALE embryos from Mox Move Colorado VG-86-DE 2yr.!!

Dam is an VG-88 Undenied followed by Mogul his best daughter: Kings-Ransom MG Ceavage EX-95-USA with an EX-97 Mammary System!!

• 10 generations EXCELLENT Roxy’s

• Going back on the 2x Queen of the breed: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA

1-11 3x
2-11 3x
305d 12.324kgM 4.2% 513F 3.4% 418P
305d 14.814kgM 4.6% 688F 3.6% 534P
3x 305d 13.762kgM 5.0% 686F 3.4% 464P
3/2La 305d 10.075kgM 4.8% 480F 3.7% 374P HL2 305d 11.746kgM 4.8% 558F 3.6% 427P
M. Mox Move Colorado VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. Kings-Ransom Claire & Kings-Ransom Cairo EX-92-DE
3. M. Kings-Ransom MG Cleavage EX-95-USA
Diamond Genetics & Fam. Scholten - Tel. +31 (0)6 52897333 - Email. Comb. FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA x Mox Move Colorado VG-86-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

77. NH Melodi *RC

NH SOLITO-RED (Salvatore *RC x Atwork x Detox)

Mox Markiss EX-91-DE Conf. EX-91-DE EX-90-MS


Markwell KITE Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE Conf. EX-93-DE

• Halbschwester zu: / Full sister to:

Talent Mandy Red EX-95-CH 4E

- Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2013

- 1st place Swiss Expo 2012

- 1st place Class 18 Swiss Expo 2020 & Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH

- Int. Champion Swiss Expo 2013

- Int. Champion Expo Bulle 2013

• Topseller Mox Sale ‘08 für EUR 30.400 / Topseller Mox Sale ‘08 for EUR 30.400

• All-German Holstein Champion Red Heifer

• Res. Int. Champion R&W German Open ‘08

• H.M. Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘08

• Ihre Mutter war Res. Grand RBT German Open / Her dam was Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open

• Res. Champion Steiermarkschau 2008

• Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open 2004

• All- German 2004

• 3rd Rang European Championship Show 2006


4e WDF Mercedes VG-88-DE

5e La Présentation Memo Et Red VG-86-DE

6e De La Presentation Mary VG-86-CAN 4*

7e De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-CAN 13*

8e De La Presentation Lyne VG-CAN

9e De La Presentation Valentine VG-CAN

Rot / GESEXT Tragend / VG-86 2yr. / Maryrose R&W / PD+ to SEXED / VG-86 2yr.

• Wunderbare harmonische Färse mit tollem Euter aus der Maryrose Dynastie!

• Vater NH SOLITO Red ist die #1 RZG & RZE der töchtergeprüften Bullen!

• Maryflower ist wieder GESEXT mit DORAL tragend!

• Ihre stylische Mooi Tocher ist ebenfalls im Sale!

• Großmutter MARYROSE - verkauft für 30.400 € & die beste ROTE Schaukuh ihrer Dekade!

/ Maryrose

• It’s SHOW TIME beautiful balanced VG-86-DE 2yr. old sired by Solito-Red from the EXCELLENT Talent daughter: Mox Markiss EX-91-DE

• Sire NH SOLITO Red is the #1 daughter prove Sire for RZG & RZE!

• Maryflower is back incalf to SEXED DORAL!

• Her Mooi P *RC daughter looks also very promising!

• Backed by MARYROSE - sold for 30.400 EUR, multiple Champion and incredible brood cow

La2 305d 13.225kgM 3.4% 444F 3.2%
305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P
5/4La 305d 10.604kgM 3.9% 415F 3.4% 365P Hl3 305d 13.327kgM 3.9% 515F 3.2% 423P
3/3La 305d 12.709kgM 4.9% 620F 3.5% 446P HL3 305d 14.667kgM 4.7% 685F 3.5% 506P
Ladino Park TALENT Mox Kite Maryrose
Conf. EX-90-CH
Sister to M. Mox Talent Mandy EX-95-CH 4E 2. M. Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH
aryflower VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0363437998 Geb. Datum. 20.11.2020 Kalb. datum. 13.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HR. La1. 305d 8.914kgM 3.9% 347F 3.5% 309P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 27.1kgM 4.06%F 3.65%P ZZ: 80 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 02.05.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen DORAL-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT
3. M. Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE
76. NN M DE 0771273284 Geb. Datum. 13.02.2023 Vater / Sire Mr Aija Mirand MOOI P *RC Mutter / dam: NN Maryflower VG-86-DE 2yr.

ZZ: 73 Conf. VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3.

Bel. / Ins. 28.04.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ /


Die Schwester von Arrow, Armageddon und Aristocrat The sister to Arrow, Armageddon und Aristocrat

• Das POWERHOUSE wird verkauft: VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. Schwester des Topseller World Classic Sale 2017: - Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT - verkauft für $620,000

• Halbschwester zu NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH La2., the Jr. Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• Unglaubliche Familie: Hohe Zahlen, fantastisches Exterieur & super Leistung!

• Amalia ist ein Traum für jeden Züchter, >14.200kgm mit 4.2% Fett & 3.62% Eiweiß!

• The POWERHOUSE sells: VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. sister to the topseller World Classic Sale 2017: - Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT - sold for $620,000

• Maternal sister to NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH La2., the Jr. Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• This family is one of a kind: High numbers, fantastic type & great production!

• Amalia is a breeders dream, >14.200kgm with 4.2% fat & 3.62% protein!

• Pregnant to SEXED Delta LAMBDA!

Mountfield Ssi Dcy MOGUL Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-90-USA 3yr. 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P NEXT DAMS 6e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 7e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM 8e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 9e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 10e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 11e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 12e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E
CHARLEY (Supershot
Observer) Al-Lew Monterey Ashley
Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS 2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
2nd Aged
& Res. Senior
Mutter von:
teuerste Tier was JEMALS
verkauft wurde für
/ Aristocrat is
Classic Sale topseller
• Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total View-Home MONTEREY Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P • 7 Generationen Exzellent
VG-88-FR 3yr.
Champion SPACE '23 NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. | SHE SELLS M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 EX-95-USA
malia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. DE 0770598973 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2017 Kalb. datum. 31.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3La 305d 14.200kgM 4.2% 597F 3.6% 514P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 35.4kgM 4.71%F 3.97%P
x Mogul x
Champion Maryland State Fair 2023 •
/ Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT • Aristocrat
am World Classic Sale in Madison
the World
every for $620,000
im Pedigree! /
in her
Sister. DG NH Aschley
Udder & Reserve Grand
78. NH DG A
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +436 +0.11 +0.06 47 31 2.66 -0.3 3.1 1.6 1.05 1.29 +1.11 595 2578

79. 2

Female Embryos

80. NH Hot Alena

81. NH Helix Aruba VG-85-DE 2yr.

Die Ashley Familie! The Ashley Family!

• Ihre Chance in eine der heißesten Familien der Welt zu investieren!

• Einmalige Familie: Hohe Zahlen, fantastisches Exterieur & hohe Leistung!

• Stammkuh Ashley ist mit EX-95 & EX-96 Euter eingestuft und Mutter von vielen erfolgreichen Bullen wie, z.B.: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P und Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

• Lieben sie Kühe mit viel Milch, hohen Inhaltsstoffen und tollem Exterieur, dann kaufen sie sich eine Ashley!

• Your chance to invest in one of the hottest cow families in the World!

• This family is one of a kind: High numbers, fantastic type & great production!

• Foundation cow Ashley is classified with EX-95 EX-96-MS and dam to many successful sires, like: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P and Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

• If you like, lots of milk, high components & great type, you need to buy an Ashley!

VG-86-DE La2. DE 0770972005 Geb. Datum. 14.03.2020 Kalb. Datum. 27.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/02 305d 13.297kgM 3.6% 480F 3.4% 455P La2 107d 5.707kgM 3.91%F 3.63%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 53.3kgM 3.66%F 3.52%P ZZ: 15 Conf. 87/84/87/87 = VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins. 01.09.2023 FEMALE Sandy-VALLEY EQ Vater / Sire Peak ALTAHOTHAND Mutter / Dam NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1522 +0.00 +0.04 59 59 2.70 -1.1 2.4 1.7 0.68 1.38 +1.29 761 2728 DE 0771045141 Geb. Datum. 26.03.2021 Kalb. Datum. 15.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 87d 3.799kgM 3.61%F 2.87%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 43.2kgM 3.59%F 3.02%P ZZ: 63 Conf. 85/84/85/85 = VG-85-DE 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 15.09.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen REDLEA *RC Vater / Sire Aot Silver HELIX Mutter / Dam NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1110 +0.11 +0.03 76 42 2.81 -1.8 2.3 2.2 0.38 0.96 +1.04 616 2593 Beta Casein: A2A2
Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388
Email. Comb. FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA x NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
- DE 0771273246 Geb. Datum. 17.10.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire SHA Foreman Mutter / Dam: NH Hot Amerika GP-83-DE 2yr.

US 08/23 +2797 GTPI

83. NH Nexus Alaska DE 0771123385 Geb. Datum. 12.11.2021


/ Ins. 26.05.2023 FEMALE Ocd Parfect SOYSAUCE US 08/23 +2719 GTPI


Beta Casein: A2A2


SHA FOREMAN (Freemax x Rubicon x Balisto)

Hot Amerika GP-83-DE



Enkeltöchter von Amalia!


• Ehemaliges #3 GPFT Rind in Italien list! / Former #3 GPFT Heifer in the Italian index list!

• 3.8% EIWEIß / 3.8% PROTEIN

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total & DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr.

Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023 & ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. - Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

3. M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

• +2797 GTPI Foreman Tochter mit A2A2 und eine +2719 GTPI Nexus, tragend mit GESEXTEM Soysauce (+3029 GTPI /+997 NM$) aus der fantastischen Durham Annabell Kuhfamilie mit 9 Generationen

EXZELLENTEN Müttern im Pedigree!

• Stammkuh Ashley ist mit EX-95 eingestuft und Mutter von vielen erfolgreichen Bullen wie, z.B.: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P und Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000

• Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total


4e Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA

5e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA

Grand daughters of Amalia!

• A +2797 GTPI Foreman daughter with Beta Casein A2A2 and a +2719 GTPI Nexus daughter pregnant to Soysauce (+3029 GTPI / +997 NM$) from the incredible Durham Annabell cow family with 9 generations EXCELLENT dams!

• 3rd dam Ashley is classified with EX-95 and dam to many successful sires, like: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P and Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
2yr. Conf.
6e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 2yr. HR. La1. 305d 11.300kgM 4.4% 501F 3.6% 411P
• Verkauft auf dem Highlightsale ‘23 / Sold at Highlightsale ‘23
3La 305d
4.2% 597F 3.6% 514P
• Ehemalige #20 GTPI Tochter in Europa / Former #20 GTPI heifer dtr in Europe
DG Amalia VG-89-DE La3. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3.
• Ehemalige #2 GTPI Charley Tochter in Europa / Former #2 GTPI Charley dtr in Europe
Sister to 2. M. NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. 7. M. GMB Durham BC Annabell EX-93-USA 2E DOM 82. NH Foreman Alaska
Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak NEXUS Mutter / Dam: NH Hot Amerika GP-83-DE 2yr.


mit Sonderauktion im Zeichen der Gesundheit

SAVE THE DATE 10.11.2023

10:00 Uhr

Zentralhallen Hamm

RUWschau und Sonderauktion an einem Tag!

+ Sonderauktion für Top-Färsen mit Schaupotenzial und besten Gesundheitswerten

+ Die schönsten Kühe Westdeutschlands

+ Gesundheit und Lebensleistung im Fokus

+ Nachzucht eines Top-Vererbers

+ Verlosung eines wertvollen Zuchtkalbes

Die siebenkalbige Laura EX-94, präsentiert von ihrem Besitzer Tom Hamacher aus Kürten, wurde bei der RUWschau 2021 als Schaukuh mit der höchsten 3-Generationen-Lebensleistung ausgezeichnet. Sie ist ein Sinnbild für Langlebigkeit und Vitalität.

Rinder-Union West eG, Schiffahrter Damm 235a, 48147 Münster T +49 251 92880, F +49 251 9288-219/236,,

85. NH Hypnotic Alicante

86. NH Pairing Antarctica

87. NH Pairing Asia

Die Ashley Familie!

• Ihre Chance in eine der heißesten Familien der Welt zu investieren!

• Einmalige Familie: Hohe Zahlen, fantastisches Exterieur & hohe Leistung!

• Stammkuh Ashley ist mit EX-95 & EX-96 Euter eingestuft und Mutter von vielen erfolgreichen Bullen wie, z.B.: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P und Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

• Lieben sie Kühe mit viel Milch, hohen Inhaltsstoffen und tollem Exterieur, dann kaufen sie sich eine Ashley!

The Ashley Family!

• Your chance to invest in one of the hottest cow familys in the World!

• This family is one of a kind: High numbers, fantastic type & great production!

• Foundation cow Ashley is classified with EX-95 EX-96-MS and dam to many successful sires, like: NH DG Arrow, NH DG Armagedon P and Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat!

• If you like, lots of milk, high components & great type, you need to buy an Ashley! DE 0771273310 Geb. Datum. 05.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Cookiecutter HYPNOTIC Mutter / dam: NH Amanya VG-86-DE La2. DE 0771197344 Geb. Datum. 17.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Cd PAIRING Mutter / dam: NH Amanya VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins. 06.09.2023 FEMALE OAT HIGHCLASS DE 0771197343 Geb. Datum. 17.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Cd PAIRING Mutter / dam: NH Amanya VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins. 06.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP - TU+ / PREGNANT 84. NH Mitchell Amanya VG-86-DE La2. DE 0770972000 Geb. Datum. 28.02.2020 Kalb. Datum. 05.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/04 305d 12.198kgM 4.4% 533F 3.7% 450P 97d 4.340kgM 4.47% 194F 3.53% 153P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 43.6kM 4.56%F 3.89%P ZZ: 15 Conf. 86/88/83/87 = VG-86-DE La2. Vater / Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +379 +0.19 +0.07 68 32 2.61 +0.2 2.7 1.8 0.67 1.60 +1.80 610 2709 HH2 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +974 +0.17 +0.08 87 52 2.76 +0.2 4.6 1.7 0.34 1.32 +1.64 938 2903 HH2

Haplotype: HH1

Beta Casein: A2A2

US 08/23 +2797 GTPI

The Al-Lew Monterey Ashley family

US 08/23 +2719 GTPI

Haplotype: HH1

MITCHELL (Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield)

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

#2 GTPI Charley Tochter in Europa /

#2 GTPI Charley dtr in Europe

• Ehemaliges #3 GPFT Rind in Italien list! / Former #3 GPFT Heifer in the Italian index list!

• 3.8% EIWEIß / 3.8% PROTEIN

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total & DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr.

Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023 & ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

- Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000

• Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total

View-Home MONTEREY Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P • 7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her pedigree NEXT DAMS 4e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059-ET EX-90-USA 5e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 6e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM 7e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 8e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 11e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E Aurora
3La 305d 14.200kgM 4.2% 597F 3.6% 514P
Amalia VG-89-DE La3.
VG-89-DE EX-91-MS La3.
2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
M. NH DG Amalia VG-89-DE La3. Sister to M. NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. - Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022 2. M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1133 +0.11 +0.07 75 56 2.98 +0.1 3.7 2.4 2.36 2.19 +2.93 732 2964 Beta Casein: A2A2 DE 0958147692 Geb. Datum. 01.06.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service, Diamond Genetics & A. vd. Vlis - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1191 +0.03 +0.04 55 48 2.86 +0.3 3.8 2.6 1.89 2.27 +2.54 596 2813

Sister to 2. M. NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

Siemers Rengd PARFECT (Renegade x Delta-Lambda x Denver)

NH DG Tropic Anytime VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Production: Just fresh - See update

Peak TROPIC NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK

Conf. EX-92-UK

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. - Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• Egemaliges #12 PTAT Rind in Europa! / Former #12 PTAT Calf in Europe!

+2964 GTPI / +2.93 PTAT / +1133kg Milch / +DPR / A2A2

• Extrem interessante Parfect Töchter aus der Ashley Dynastie!

• Perfekte & extrem seltene Kombination von +2964 GTPI & +2.93 PTAT mit +1133kg Milch & dazu noch positiver Töchterfruchtbarkeit!

• Fantastisches Linear, nur +2.15 Größe, +2.36 Fundament & +0.56 Strichlänge

• Die Ashley Familie verbindet wie kaum eine andere Familie Exterieur, Schausiege, Leistung & hohe Zuchtwerte in jeder Generation!

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000


4e Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA

5e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059-ET EX-90-USA

6e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM

7e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM

8e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM

GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM

+2964 GTPI / +2.93 PTAT / +1133kg Milk / +DPR / A2A2

• Extrem interesting Parfect daughters from the Ashley Dynasty! • Perfect & extreme rare combination of +2964 GTPI & +2.93 PTAT with +1133kg Milk & positive DPR.

• Great Linear, with only +2.15 Stature, +2.36 FLC & +0.56 Teath Length

Woodcrest KING DOC
2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
• Cousine zu: / Full cousin to THE ALPS (+3.46 PTAT) @ ABS / St. Jacobs 2.11 305d 10749kgM 4.4% 474F 3.8% 409P
• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr. Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023
2. M. NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK 3. M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 EX-95-USA Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair ‘23 DE 0771090971 Geb. Datum. 15.02.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service, Diamond Genetics & A. vd. Vlis - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
88. NH DG Parfect Anyday
• The Ashley familiy is THE family right now if you want high Type, Show winners, super production and high Index in one package!
89. NH DG Parfect Anywhere

(Crush x Mogul x Meridian)

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023 •

• 7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her pedigree

Vollschwester zum 2yr. Old Champion Expo Bulle ‘22 Full sister to the 2yr. Old Champion Expo Bulle ‘22

• Überragende VG-86-DE 2yr. eingestufte Crushabull und Vollschwester zum 2yr. Old Champion Expo Bulle 2022: NH DG Crushabull Atlantis

Halbschwester der Bullen: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total mit +2.84 PTAT und +2639 GTPI, NH DG Armagedon P und zu Mr. Frazzled

- Topseller World Classic Sale 2017

• Fantastic VG-86-DE 2yr. old sired by Crushabull and full sister to the 2yr. Old Champion Expo Bulle 2022: NH DG Crushabull Atlantis

Maternal sister to the daughter proven sires: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total at +2.84 PTAT and +2639 GTPI, NH DG Armagedon P and to Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat - Topseller World Classic Sale 2017

Mountfield Ssi Dcy MOGUL Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 3yr. Conf. EX-90-USA 3yr. 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P NEXT DAMS 4e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 5e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM 6e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 7e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 9e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E 11e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E Oh-River-Syc
Al-Lew Monterey
2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS
Mutter von:
Mutter von:
& NH DG Crushabull
3yr. - Junior
View-Home MONTEREY Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P
/ Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT •
ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft
für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000 •
/ Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total
Atlantis VG-87-CH
Champion Expo Bulle 2022
NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS Full sister. NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. 90. NH DG
lma VG-86-DE 2yr. NL 587188030 Geb. Datum. 20.12.2019 Kalb. datum. 26.10.2022 Consignor European Livestock Service, Diamond Genetics & A. vd. Vlis - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La1 305d 12.921kgM 4.0% 514F 3.5% 453P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 39.4kgM 3.58%F 3.81%P ZZ: 61 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.
Maternal brother. NH DG ARROW @ AI-Total
• +3.59 PTAT
+2.92 EUTER
Pedigree • +3.59 PTAT / +2.92 Udder / +2.25 FLC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +372 -0.02 -0.01 10 9 2.92 -1.6 2.0 2.8 2.25 2.92 +3.59 181 2385 HH5 Beta Casein: A2A2 Sells Open & READY TO FLUSH
9 EXZELLENTE Mütter im Pedigree
/ +2.25
9 EXCELLENT Dams in the

91. NH DG Aria

Beta Casein: A2A2 / BB READY TO FLUSH!!

92. NH DG Arkansas

EBA DAVINCI (Dylan x Sillian x Kingboy) NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH La2. - 2yr. Old Champion Expo Bulle ‘22

- 1st place Junior Expo Bulle 2021

DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr.

- 2nd place SPACE Show, Rennes 2022


Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000

• Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total

+3.73 PAT & 3.26 PTAT aus den Ashley’s EX-95

• +3.73 PTAT / +11 Conformation Davinci Tochter & +3.26 PTAT / +10 Conformation Arrow Tochter aus der fantastischen Crushabull: NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Schwester zur Mutter war 2. auf der National SPACE Schau in Rennes ‘22 (FR)

• Vollschwester der Mutter war 2yr. Old Champion National Schau Schweiz ‘22

• Aus der unglaublichen Durham Anabell Kuhfamilie mit 9 Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter im Pedigree.

+3.73 PAT & 3.26 PTAT from the Ashley’s EX-95

• +3.73 PTAT / +11 Conformation Davinci daughter and a +3.26 PTAT / +10 Conformation Arrow daughter from the fantastic VG-86-DE 2yr. Old Crushabull:

• Sister to dam was 2nd at the National SPACE show in Rennes ‘22

• Dam her sister was 2yr. Old Champion National Show Switzerland ‘22

• From the incredibull Durham Anabell cow family with 9 generations EXCELLENT dams!

2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P
6e GBM
7e GBM
8e GBM Val
9e GBM
2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell
2E DOM 12e Sylvan-Dell
Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA
• 7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her
Al-Lew Monterey Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 3yr.
GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM
Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM
Charles Janelle EX-93-USA
Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA
Valiant Janice EX-92-USA
M C Janice EX-91-USA
Atlas Jill EX-90-USA
La1 305d 12.921kgM 4.0% 514F 3.5% 453P
Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS 2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
Sister. NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. M. NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. Sister. NH DG Aschley VG-88-FR VG-89-MS (MAX) 3yr. DE 0771273226 Geb. Datum. 25.08.2022 Vater / Sire EBA DAVINCI Mutter / Dam: NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr.
NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771273251 Geb. Datum. 26.10.2022 Vater / Sire NH DG ARROW Mutter / Dam: NH DG Alma VG-86-DE 2yr. US 08/23 +3.73 PTAT CA 08/23 +11 Conformation US 08/23 +3.26 PTAT CA 08/23 +10 Conformation READY TO FLUSH!!

93. NH DG Mirand Amy P *RC VG-85-DE 2yr.

VG-88-FR 3yr.

Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

- Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• Egemaliges #12 PTAT Rind in Europa! / Former #12 PTAT Calf in Europe!

• 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair 2023

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000

• Mutter von: / Dam to: ARMAGEDDON @ AI-Total and ARROW @ AI-Total

Frisch ABGEKALBT, ROTFAKTOR, HORNLOS, +2.99 PTAT aus den Ashley’s Fresh MILKING, REDCARRIER, POLLED, +2.99 PTAT from the Ashley´s

• Tolle frisch abgekalbte Mirand Tochter direkt aus der EX-92 Vollschwester von NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total und Halbschwester zum GTPI-Giganten und Topseller des World Classic Sale 2017: Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat - verkauft für $620,000!!!

• Amy hat frisch gekalbt gibt über 50kgM und hat immernoch +2499 GTPI mit + 2.99 PTAT!

• Gleicher Zweig wie NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr., Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022!

• Super fresh milking 2yr by Mirand straight from the EX-92 full sister to NG DG Arrow @ AI-Total and maternal sister to the GTPI-giant and topseller World Classic Sale 2017: Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat - sold for $620,000!!!

• Amy is just fresh, producing over 50kgM and is still +2499 GTPI with + 2.99 PTAT!

• Close family member to NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH

View-Home MONTEREY Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P 3.08 285d 10.827kgM 4.2% 452F 3.3% 362P • 7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her pedigree NEXT DAMS 4e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA 5e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM 6e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM 7e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM 8e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM 10e Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM 11e Sylvan-Dell Atlas Jill EX-90-USA 2E Coomboona Zipit MIRAND PP
(Zipit-P x Kingboy x Ladd P-Red) NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK Conf. EX-92-UK 2.11 305d 10.749kgM 4.4% 474F 3.8% 409P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total DG NH Aschley
Al-Lew Monterey
Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS 2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
Woodcrest KING DOC
Ashley EX-95-USA
NH DG Undenied All-In VG-87-UK 4yr. & M. NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK NH DG Mirand Amy P *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS
Brother to M. NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total
Bulle 2022!
Junior Champion Expo DE 0771045103 Geb. Datum. 18.01.2021 Kalb. datum. 01.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 71d 3.274kgM 4.49%F 2.96%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 51.1kgM 3.30%F 2.99%P ZZ: 24 Conf. 85/86/85/84 = VG-85-DE 2yr. US 08/23 +2.99 PTAT CA 08/23 +8 Conformation

94. NH DG Amazone P

Houin Ssi Parfect ISON P (Parfect x AltaZarek x Reason)

NH DG Amazon P

Conf. Frisch gekalbt in NL, sieht sehr gut aus / Just fresh calved in NL, looks very good!

• Ehemalige #15 PTAT Tochter in Europa / Former #15 PTAT heifer dtr in Europe

NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK


• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

NH DG Arrow @ AI-Total

DG NH Aschley VG-88-FR 3yr. Udder, Senior & Reserve Grand Champion SPACE Show, Rennes 2023

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

ARMAGEDDON P & Mr Frazzled ARISTCRAT & NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr.

- Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

• Egemaliges #12 PTAT Rind in Europa! / Former #12 PTAT Calf in Europe!


• Frühe exklusive HORNLOSE Ison-P Tochter aus der wunderbaren

Mirand Tochter NH DG Amazon P

• Tolle hohe PTAT Quelle für die HORNLOSZUCHT aus den fantastischen Ashley´s

• Die Familie die alles kann, Schausieger, Exterieur, Leistung & hohe Zuchtwerte

Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT

• Aristocrat ist das teuerste Tier was JEMALS am World Classic Sale in Madison verkauft wurde für $ 620,000 / Aristocrat is the World Classic Sale topseller every for $620,000


4e Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207 EX-91-USA

5e Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059 EX-90-USA

6e GBM Shottle America VG-86-USA DOM

7e GBM Durham BC Annabell EX-90-USA DOM

8e GBM Charles Janelle EX-93-USA 2E DOM

9e GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM

10e GBM Valiant Janice EX-92-USA 2E DOM

Sylvan-Dell M C Janice EX-91-USA 2E DOM

POLLED Ashley with +2.58 PTAT / +2781 GTPI

• Early and exclusive POLLED Ison-P daughter from the beautiful Mirand daughter NH DG Amazon P

• Great new PTAT soure for the POLLED breeding from the fantatic Ashley family

This family is one of a kind: High numbers, fantastic type & great production

Woodcrest KING DOC
2.09 348d 14.006kgM 4.2% 590F 3.7% 512P 4-07 254d 13.800kgM 4.2% 525F 3.4% 427P
Coomboona Zipit MIRAND PP *RC
2.11 305d 10749kgM 4.4% 474F 3.8% 409P
3. M. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 EX-95-USA Res. Senior Champion Maryland State Fair ‘23 Sister to 2. M. NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. Sister to 2. M. Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. DE 0771273315 Geb. Datum. 20.06.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service, Diamond Genetics & A.vd. Vlis - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +633 +0.09 +0.06 50 37 2.89 +1.6 4.8 2.5 0.82 2.15 +2.58 627 2781 CA 08/23 +9 Conformation / +3418 gLPI

95. NH Lambda Mama Mia LU 18240002 Geb. Datum. 22.07.2021 Bel. / Ins. 01.01.2023

96. NH Dynasty Miracle

501F 3.4% 441P

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Lambda MIGOS @ St. Jacobs ABS

Woodcrest KING DOC

Ms Doorman Mitzy VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA

• DOORMAN Tocher von Goldwyn MONIQUE / DOORMAN daughter of Goldwyn MONIQUE

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA

• Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo '13

• Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair '13

• 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Best Udder, Intermediate & Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2012

• Int. & H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair '12

• All-American & Res. All-Canadian 4-Yr Old 2013

• Grand & Intermediate Quebec Spring Show 2012

• Unanimous All-American Senior 3-Yr Old 2012

• All-Canadian Senior 3-Yr Old 2012


4e Cookview Igniter Monika GP-81-CAN 2yr.

5e Cookview Progress Melanie GP-81-CAN 3yr.

6e Starhaven Bailor Mavis VG-85-CAN 4yr.

7e Starhaven Clover May VG-85-CAN 3yr.

Frisch gekalbte Lambda mit +2634 GTPI / +3.02 PTAT x MONIQUE Fresh calved Lambda dtr with +2634 GTPI / +3.02 PTAT x MONIQUE

• Frisch abgekalbte Delta LAMBDA Tochter aus der VG-87-CAN King Doc x VG-88 Doorman aus einer der erfolgreichsten Schaukühe ihrer

Generation: MONIQUE EX-96!!

• Vollschwester zu NH Lambda Mona - 2nd place Verona Dairy Show ‘22

• 3. Mutter ist die Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2013 & World Dairy Expo 2012 & 2013: Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-96-USA!

• Ihre frühe Dynasty Tochter mit +2774 GTPI & +2.94 PTAT kann ebenfalls ihnen gehören!

• Fresh calved Delta-Lambda from the VG-87-CAN King Doc x VG-88 Doorman followed by one of the most successful North-American show cows: MONIQUE!!

• Full sister to NH Lambda Mona - 2nd place Verona Dairy Show ‘22

• 3rd dam is the Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2013 & World Dairy Expo 2012 & 2013: Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-96-USA!

• Her early Dynasty dtr with +2774 GTPI & +2.94 PTAT can be yours as well!

365d 14.279kgM 4.3% 615F 3.3% 477P
Brandt-View Doc Miami VG-87-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-88-MS 3yr. 2.03 305d 10.514kgM 3.9% 410F 3.2% 336P 3.06 305d 12.948kgM 3.9%
Uno x Snowman)
1-11 2x 277d 10.256kgM 3.8% 388F 3.0% 311P
Full sister. NH Lambda Mona 3. M. Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-96-USA M. Brandt-View Doc Miami VG-87-CAN 3yr.
Cookiecutter HARRISENNA Kalb. Datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the sale Vater / Sire. Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. US-index +3.02 PTAT / +2634 GTPI / +2.58 UDC / +1.25 FLC / +991 Milk / +0.02% Protein (08/23) DE 0771273293 Geb. Datum. 01.04.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Kings-Ransom DYNASTY Mutter / Dam: NH Lambda Mama Mia US-index +2.94 PTAT / +2.10 UDC / +2774 GTPI / +1274 Milk Kappa Casein: BB

97. HAH Noel Like Predator

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Our-Favourite Sidekick Pamela VG-85-CH La2. Conf. VG-85-CH VG-88-MS 2yr.

Walnutlawn SIDEKICK Our-Favourite Staying Power VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA

Walnutlawn SOLOMON

Our-favourite Voracious VG-87-USA 3yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 3yr.

2x 365d 13.290kgM 4.4% 581F 3.6% 479P

• V. / s. Morningview Mcc KINGBOY

• Mutter von PREDATOR (+16 Conf.) @ Semex mit +4.18 PTAT / Dam to PREDATOR (+16 Conf.) @ Semex at +4.18 PTAT

• 5 EXZELLENTE Mütter im Pedigree / 5 EXCELLENT dams in the pedigree

+3.32 PTAT / +14 Conf. Schwester zu PREDATOR

• Sind sie bereit? Ja sie wird wirklich verkauft das top PTAT Rind in Europa! Geht zurück auf Our-Favourite Unlimited EX-94-USA EX-96-MS

• Ganz hoch im kanadischen System dazu: +14 Conf. / +9 Euter, Halbbruder war 1. weltweit für Conformation!!

• 3. Mutter ist die Schwester zu Our-Favorite UNDENIED @ Select Sires

• 3.6% EIWEIß / 3.6% PROTEIN

• Mutter von Our-Favourite Victor @ABS / Dam to Our-Favourite Victor @ABS


4e Our-Favourite Unlimited EX-94-USA EX-96-MS 2E

5e Our-Favourite Obvious EX-93-USA

6e Our-Favourite Outburst EX-93-USA GMD

7e Our-Favourite Conceited EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM

8e Our-Favorite Morgan EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM

9e Our-Favourite Megan VG-89-USA GMD DOM

10e EDR V I Angie Melvina VG-89-USA GMD DOM

+3.32 PTAT / +14 Conf. sister to PREDATOR

• Set off your sights! It’s true the top PTAT female in Europe sells! Going back on Our-Favourite Unlimited EX-94-USA EX-96-MS

• Huge Canadian Index as well with: +14 Conf. / +9 Udders, maternal brother was Nr. WORLD WIDE for Conformation!!

• 3rd dam is the maternal sister to Our-Favorite UNDENIED @ Select Sires

474d 12.936kgM 5.1% 653F 3.8% 496P
142d 6.002kgM 4.7% 274F 3.4% 201P
2.01 356d 11.099kgM 3.7% 415F 3.5% 391P
4. M. Our-Favorite Unlimited EX-94-USA EX-96-MS M. Our-Favourite
Sidekick Pamela VG-85-CH La2. Brother. PREDATOR (+16 Conf.) @ Semex #1 Conformation bull available! DE 1604632372 Geb. Datum. 18.12.2022 Consignor Nessetalmilch GmbH, NOEL & HAH - Tel. +49 (0)170 2458822 - Email. Index 08/23 +0.06% Fat / +0.05% Protein / +2.62 UDC / +1.19 FLC / +3.32 PTAT 08/23 +10 Rump / +11 Dairy Strength / +9 Mammary System / +14 Conformation

98. River-Valley Barbie Red

Trent-Way-Js ROMPEN-RED (AltaAltuve *RC x Splendid P *RC x Silver)

Valley Goldwyn Barbara 6 EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA

Braedale GOLDWYN

Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

Ladino Park TALENT *RC

• ROTFAKTOR Goldwyn aus Barbara / RED CARRIER Goldwyn dtr from Barbara!!

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: River-Valley Barbara 5-ET *RC EX-91-USA EX-MS & Rainyridge Sanchez Beth EX-92-CAN EX-94-MS 7*


• Unanimous All-American 5-Yr-Old 2010

• Unanimous All-Canadian 5-Yr-Old 2010

HM All-American Aged Cow 2011

1st World Dairy Expo 2010 • 1st Royal Winter Fair 2010 • Nom All-American Jr 3-Yr-Old 2008 • HM. Grand Champion Calgary Spring Show ‘09

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Goldwyn Breezer 40 EX-93-USA

Reserve Grand Champin Midwest Fall National Junior Show 2015

• ROTE ROMPEN-RED x EX-90 Goldwyn x Talent Barbara EX-95 x EX-95 Outside x EX-Milan x Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN!!

• Großmutter ist die All-American und All-Canadian: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA!!

• 1st 125,000lb Cow, Senior & Grand Champion, Southern Spring National 2011

• 3rd Aged Cow, Southern Spring National ‘09

• 1st 5-Yr Old MB Spring Show 2008


Rayverley Briana Milan EX-CAN 2E 6*

Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5E 9*

Despics Tempo Diana VG-85-CAN


• R&W ROMPEN-RED x EX-90 Goldwyn x Talent Barbara EX-95 x EX-95 Outside x EX-Milan x Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN!!

• Grand dam is the All-American and All-Canadian: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA!!

2-03 2x 365d 10.818kgM 6.2% 670F 4.3% 463P 4-02 2x 334d 14.479kgM 4.7% 675F 3.5% 505P 8-00 3x 365d 17.223kgM 3.9% 673F 3.4% 589P
Outside Breeze EX-95-USA 2E
EX-95-USA 2E
2/2La 305d 10.306kgM 4.3% 443F 3.4% 354P HL1 305d 10.832kgM 4.2% 453F 3.3% 353P
3/3La 303d 12.657kgM 3.9% 487F 3.2% 399P HL2 305d 13.762kgM 3.6% 500F 3.2% 443P
Sister to M. Rainyridge Sanchez Beth EX-92-CAN 2. M. Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA
5E 9*
5. M. Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN DE 1505174097 Geb. Datum. 15.01.2023 Consignor Wout van der Horst - Tel. +49 (0)173 3248548 - Email.

99. Duckett Footprint

Geb. Datum. Wird vor der Auktion geboren Oktober ‘23 / Will be born before the sale - October ‘23 See update for more infos Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173

Kings-Ransom D CADILLAC (King Doc x Kingboy x Mogul)

Oakfield Denver Fairy VG-88-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-88-USA 2yr.

• Direkte Tochter von FOOTLOOSE! / Direct daughter of FOOTLOOSE!

Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA EX-98-MS

Walnutlawn SOLOMON

Duckett Braxton Frisco EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

• 1st 5-Yr Old, Senior, Grand & SURPEME Champion World Dairy Expo 2022

• 1st 4-Yr Old, Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2021

• Sold for $355,000 @ Duckett Summer Sale ‘21

• All-American 3-Yr Old 2020

Supreme Champion WORLD DAIRY EXPO ‘22

• Ja es stimmt wirklich! Die allererste FOOTLOOSE auf dem europäischen Festland wird verkauft! Ihre tolle Cadillac Enkelin ist im Sale!!

• Footloose ist die aktuelle SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo!

• Zwei World Dairy Expo GRAND CHAMPIONS in einem Packet!!

• Geht zurück auf Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD: 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo (2009 & 2010)!!

• V. / s. Regancrest BRAXTON

• 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old New York State Fair 2014

• Direke Tochter von FROSTY / Direct dtr of FROSTY:

- Voted All-World Holstein International ‘10

- 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo ‘09 & ‘10

- Grand Champion International Show (WDE) ‘10 & 09

- Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘09


4e Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD

5e Harvue Sam Heidi VG-87-USA

6e Harvue Skybuck Harmony VG-88-USA

Supreme Champion WORLD DAIRY EXPO ‘22

• Yes it’s true! The very first offering in Europe mainland from FOOTLOOSE! Her amazing Cadillac grand dtr sells!!

• Footloose is the reigning SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo!

• Two World Dairy Expo GRAND CHAMPIONS in one package!!

• Going back on Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD: 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo (2009 & 2010)!!

2-05 3x 365d 11.340kgM 3.7% 419F 3.4% 380P 3-08 3x 365d 10.532kgM 3.4% 363F 3.3% 350P 5-01 3x 365d
3.3% 497F 3.1% 465P
2-00 2x 183d 7.548kgM 4.1% 307F 3.1% 236P
Brenland DENVER
3-00 2x 309d 14.642kgM 4.0% 636F 3.4% 501P
4. M. Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD 2. M. Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA - Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2022 2. M. Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA
6404184 - Email.
Regancrest DUNDEE Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD Conf. EX-97-USA 3E GMD 2-03 365d 11.227kgM 4.2% 473F 3.3% 370P 3-10 365d 17.008kgM 4.5% 762F 3.1% 553P 5-07 365d 20.280kgM 5.0% 1.008F 3.0% 604P 6-08 365d 18.416kgM 5.3% 977F 3.1% 566P Life: 2285d 98.543kgM 4.8% 4.766F 3.2% 3.112P • Voted All-World Holstein International ‘10 • 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo • All-American Aged Cow ‘10 • Unanimous All-American & Canadian ‘09 • Grand Champion International Show ‘10 & 09 • Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Harvue Sam Heidi VG-87-USA 5e Harvue Skybuck Harmony VG-88-USA Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn) Duckett-Harvue Finesse EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 5-08 2x 316d 16.211kgM 3.7% 601F 3.4% 546P • Enkelin von FROSTY!! / Grand dtr of FROSTY!! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA - 1st 5-Yr Old, Senior, Grand & SURPEME Champion World Dairy Expo 2022 - 1st 4-Yr Old, Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2021 - Sold for $355,000 @ Duckett Summer Sale ‘21 - All-American 3-Yr Old 2020 Maple-Downs I GW ATWOOD Harvue Dundee Foxy EX-92-USA 2E Conf. EX-92-USA 2E 2-03 2x 303d 11.681kgM 3.5% 408F 3.0% 351P 4-08 2x 365d 19.890kgM 3.7% 738F 3.3% 653P • EX-92 DUNDEE Tochter von FROSTY! / EX-92 DUNDEE daughter of FROSTY! M. Duckett-Harvue Finesse EX-94-USA 2E 3. M. Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD - 2x SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo Same family. Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA DE 0365207759 Geb. Datum. 09.01.2023 Consignor Erik Büscherhoff - Tel. +49 (0)171 3221976 - Email.
Val-Bisson DOORMAN (mehrfach bester Vater der World Dairy Expo) aus 3. Generationen EXZELLENTER Frosty’s!! • Geht zurück auf Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD: 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo (2009 & 2010)!! • Gleiche Familie wie Oakfield Solmono Footloose EX-96-USA: - SUPREME & Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2022 • Val-Bisson DOORMAN (multiple times SUPREME sire World Dairy Expo) from 3 generations EXCELLENT Frosty’s!! • Going back on Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD: 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo (2009 & 2010)!! • Same family as Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-96-USA: - SUPREME & Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2022
100. Duckett Doorman Funny
DOORMAN aus 3. Gen. EX-Frosty’s!! DOORMAN from 3 gen. EX-Frosty’s!! •

101. GPH Aristo Geneva

102. NH GPH Bambino Gina

Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT (Frazzled x Monterey x Mogul)

Mattenhof Beemer Guiliana VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

• Schwester zu: / Sister to the bulls Mattenhof GRAND @ Swissgenetics & Mattenhof GRANDPRIX @ Synetics

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

Mattenhof Beemer Georgia VG-87-CH La2.

- 1st place Swiss Expo 2020

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Mattenhof High

Octane Graziana - Sold for 50.000 EUR

@ European Master Sale ‘19 & Mattenhof Solomon Georgina VG-87-CH La2.

- 2nd place Swiss Expo 2020


• Fantastische frisch abgekalbte 2. Kalbskuh von Aristocrat, ready to show & Enkelin der Legende: GALYS-VRAY EX-94-CH - European Champion ‘16, Grand Champion Expo Bulle & Res. Grand Swiss Expo ‘15

• Vollschwester zu Galys-Vray: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98 EUTER war Res.

Grand Champion & Euter Champion 2020 auf der Swiss Expo in Genf!

• Außerdem im Sale ihre wundervolle tragende Bambino, GESEXT TRAGEND von Bullseye!

Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD Corse-Vray EX-92-FR


• V. / s. Erbacres DAMION

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2022

- Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2020

- Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020


4e Naples Vray EX-90-FR

- Grand Champion Loire Atlantique 2000

5e Lassie EX-90-FR

6e Gentille VG-88-FR

7e Lentille 81 EX-90-FR


• Beautiful fresh 2nd calver by Aristocrat, ready to show & grand daughter of the legend: GALYS-VRAY EX-94-CH - European Champion ‘16, Grand Champion Expo Bulle & Res. Grand Swiss Expo ‘15

• Full sister to Galys-Vray: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98 UDDER was Res. Grand Champion and Udder Champion 2020 at the Swiss Expo in Genève!

• Also selling, her fancy pregnant Bambino daugher, INCALF to SEXED Bullseye!

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.5% 321F 3.5% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.4% 332F 3.2% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P
La20/03 305d 9.069kgM 4.2% 381F 3.6% 327P
Mc BEEMER Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS Conf. EX-94-CH EX-95-MS 2.02 305d 8.763kgM 3.6% 319F 3.2% 284P 3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P 4.05 305d 11.989kgM 3.8% 459F 3.3% 399P • Grand Champion European Show Colmar ‘16 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016 • Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2015 & 2016 • Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015 • Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014 • Jr. 2-Yr. Old Champion SPACE 2013 • Dam to SIRWOOD @ ST Jacobs ABC
M. Mattenhof Beemer Guiliana VG-86-DE 2yr. 2. M. Galys-Vray EX-94-CH
Sister to 2. M. Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS
VG-85-DE DE 0770972001 Geb. Datum. 03.04.2020 Kalb. datum. 18.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/05 305d 11.849kgM 3.8% 450F 3.4% 399P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Vater / Sire Mr. Frazzled ARISTOCRAT
2yr. DE 0771197364 Geb. Datum. 17.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 18.05.2023 FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Mr. Winstar BAMBINO Mutter / Dam: GPH Aristo Geneva VG-85-DE 2yr. US 08/23 +2.19 PTAT US 08/23 +2.70 PTAT HH5

103. NH GPH Gruezi FRESH

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer)

Mattenhof Beemer Guiliana VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

• Schwester zu: / Sister to the bulls Mattenhof GRAND @ Swissgenetics & Mattenhof GRANDPRIX @ Synetics

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Mattenhof Beemer Georgia VG-87-CH La2.

- 1st place Swiss Expo 2020

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Mattenhof High Octane Graziana - Sold for 50.000 EUR @ European Master Sale ‘19 & Mattenhof Solomon Georgina VG-87-CH La2.

- 2nd place Swiss Expo 2020


Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD Corse-Vray EX-92-FR


• V. / s. Erbacres DAMION

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2022

- Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2020

- Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020


4e Naples Vray EX-90-FR

- Grand Champion Loire Atlantique 2000

5e Lassie EX-90-FR

6e Gentille VG-88-FR

7e Lentille 81 EX-90-FR

CHIEF x Galys-Vray! FRESH CHIEF x Galys-Vray!

• Tolle frisch abgekalbte CHIEF Enkelin der fantastischen Galys- Vray!

• Traum Pedigree!

• Fantastische Färse mit tollem potential und einem CHIEF Euter!

• Diese Familie enttäucht nie, Siegerkühe in jeder Generation!

• Super fresh 2yr. Old by CHIEF and grand daughter from Galys-Vray herself!

• Dream Pedigree!

• Fantastic 2yr. with hugh potential and a CHIEF Udder on her!

• This family is never missing!

You get winners in every generation!

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.5% 321F 3.5% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.4% 332F 3.2% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P
La20/03 305d 9.069kgM 4.2% 381F 3.6% 327P
Pol Butte Mc BEEMER Galys-Vray
EX-95-MS Conf. EX-94-CH EX-95-MS 2.02 305d 8.763kgM 3.6% 319F 3.2% 284P 3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P 4.05 305d 11.989kgM 3.8% 459F 3.3% 399P • Grand Champion European Show Colmar ‘16 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016 • Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2015 & 2016 • Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015 • Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014 • Jr. 2-Yr. Old Champion SPACE 2013 • Dam to SIRWOOD @ ST Jacobs ABC
Sister to M. Mattenhof Solomon Georgina - 2nd place + Best Udder Swiss Expo 2020 Sister to M. Mattenhof Solomon Ghardaia EX-92-NL | Senior Champion National HHH-Show 2022 Sister to M. Mattenhof Unix Gaiana EX-93-UK LU 18146868 Geb. Datum. 12.07.2021 Kalb. datum. 24.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 45.0kgM 3.64%F 2.71%P ZZ: 72 Conf. NC

104. Blondin Charlene *RC

Blondin DESTINATION (Alligator x Hotline x Delta)

Blondin Unstopabull Cheerios EX-93-CAN 4yr. Conf. EX-93-CAN EX-94-MS 4yr. 1.10 305d 9.602kgM




4.0% 493F 3.2% 397P (Inc.)

• 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old Trios-Rivieres 2021

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Blondin Unstopabull Cheetos VG-86-CAN 2yr.

- dam to Blondin CHEERFUL P-RED @ Blondin Sires

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Cheers Avalanche Charley VG-89-USA

- Nom. All-American Spring Yearling ‘21

- Jr. Champion Western Spring National ‘21

- Nom. All-American Spring Calf 2020

Unique Dempsey Cheers EX-95-USA 5yr. 2* Conf. EX-95-USA 5yr. 2*

• 2nd Aged Cow Midwest Spring National ‘21

• Res. Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2018

• Intermediate & H.M. Grand Champion Wisconsin Championship Show 2018

• H.M. Int. Champion Ontario Summer 2017

• 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old Ontario Summer 2017

• 2nd Jr. Calf Autum Opportunity 2015

• 1st Jr. Calf Bruce-Grey 2015

• Res. All-American Jr. 3-Yr Old 2018

• Res. All-Canadian Jr. 2-Yr Old 2017

• Verkauft für / Sold for $155,000 at Blondin and Partners Sale 2017!!

• 2 EXZELLENTE und 6 VG-Töchter in Kanada (07/23)/ 2 EXCELLENT and 6-VG daughters in Canada (07/23)


• Frühe ROTFAKTOR Blondin DESTINATION Enkelin der Res. Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2018: Unique Dempsey Cheers EX-95-USA 5yr.

• Mutter ist EX-93-CAN EX-94 Euter und war 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old at the Trois-Rivieres Show 2021!!

• Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zu der Mutter von Blondin CHEERFUL P-RED @ Blondin Sires!

Unique Alexander Charm VG-88-CAN 3yr. 2* Conf. VG-88-CAN EX-MS 3yr 2*

• V. / s. Golden-Oaks ST ALEXANDER

• >60.000kgM Lebensleistung/ >60.000kgM lifetime production


4e Stoneden Baxter Canada EX-91-CAN EX-92-MS 2E

5e Stoneden Goldwyn Candace EX-95-CAN 3E 17*

6e Stoneden Leduc Christa EX-92-CAN 2E 6*

7e Stoneden Rudolph Crystal VG-88-CAN 5yr. 3*

8e Gillette Astre Chria VG-88-CAN 4yr. 6*

9e Maeford Starbuck Chrissy EX-CAN 17*

10e Montmaple Christina EX-CAN 6*

RED CARRIER grand dtr


• RED CARRIER early Blondin DESTINATION grand daughter of the Res. Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2018: Unique Dempsey Cheers EX-95-USA 5yr.

• Dam scored EX-93-CAN with EX-94-MS and was 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old at the Trois-Rivieres Show 2021!!

• Dam is full sister to the dam of Blondin CHEERFUL P-RED @ Blondin Sires!

12.636kgM 4.3% 547F 3.4% 431P 5.00 305d 13.082kgM 4.3% 567F 3.5% 460P
Riverdown UNSTOPABULL-RED (incl. ETN)
3.01 305d 12.052kgM 4.8% 582F 3.5% 417P
M. Blondin Unstopabull Cheerios EX-93-CAN 4yr. 2. M. Unique Dempsey Cheers EX-95-USA 5yr.
3E 17*
5. M. Stoneden Goldwyn Candace EX-95-CAN DE 1604681710 Geb. Datum. 07.04.2023 Consignor Dirk Benkstein - Tel. +49 (0)174 3454098 - Email. Index 08/23 +700 Milk / +2.20 PTAT 08/23 +8 Conformation 08/23 +119 RZE

105. SH Humble Locket

Die Schwester zu Doorman Locket EX-95 The maternal sister to Doorman Locket EX-95

• Humblenkind Tochter direkt aus Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA, der Mutter von Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA, dem Grand Champion Vermont State Holstein Show 2017, All-American, All-Canadian & vieles mehr!

• Locket EX-94-USA ist eine überragende Zuchtkuh! Sie hat bereits 10x EXZELENNTE und 31 VG eingstufte Töchter in den USA.

@ ST-Gen

• Humblenkind straight out Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA, dam to Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA, the Grand Champion Vermont State Holstein Show 2017, All-American, All-Canadian & much more!

• Locket is an extremely successful breeding cow: 10x EXCELLENT and 31x VG daughters in the United States!

Ocean-View ZENITH-TW Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA EX-MS 2E DOM 2.02 365d 9.403kgM 3.6% 335F 3.6% 338P 4.00 365d 11.421kgM 3.3% 379F 3.2% 361P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0% 526F 3.2% 425P 7.05 365d 12.510kgM 3.6% 447F 3.1% 390P
Lana Rae has 23 Excellent daughters, all
DAMS 4e Scientific Liza Rae EX-90-USA 5e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 6e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 9e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA Cookiecutter HUMBLENKIND (Modesty x Epic x Man-O-Man) Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA EX-95-MS 2E 1.11 365d 11.345kgM 4.9% 554F 3.6% 408P 3.07 365d 16.620kgM 4.3% 717F 3.4% 562P 4.11 365d 16.924kgM 5.5% 841F 3.4% 573P 6.06 305d 14.574kgM 4.4% 640F 3.6% 526P • Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2011 • 2nd Sr. Calf Altantic Championship 2010 • 2nd Sr. Yearling Heifer Egmont Bay Expo ‘11 • Doorman Tochter verkauft
$117,000! / Doorman daughter sold for
Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS 3yr. 2.03 365d 10.365kgM 3.8% 389F 3.3% 341P • All-Virginia Junior 2-Yr Old 2008 • Winning Jr. 2-Yr Old & H.M. Champion Virginia Summer Show
with EX-MS! More then the
$117,000! Braedale GOLDWYN
M. Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA EX-95-MS
Maternal sister. Walkerbrae Doorman Locket Maternal sister. Golden-Oaks
VG-85-DE 2yr. NL 869090271 Geb. Datum. 07.01.2020 Kalb. Datum. 29.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/05 305d 9.142kgM 4.4% 404F 3.6% 329P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 27.12.2022 Aurora MITCHELL | TU+ / PREGNANT Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the Sale
• Nichte zu Sunnypoint Paradise *RC mit +3.01
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +296 -0.02 +0.01 7 12 2.88 +1.6 3.2 1.7 1.44 1.87 +1.95 310 2398
• Niece to Sunnypoint Paradise
at +3.01
@ ST-Gen

106. NH Lambda L exi DE 0771273233 Geb. Datum. 07.09.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Sire / Vater Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA

Mutter / Dam SH Humblenkind Locket VG-85-DE 2yr.

107. NH Bambino L izzy DE 0771197386 Geb. Datum. 05.07.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Sire / Vater Mr Winstar BAMBINO Mutter / Dam SH Humblenkind Locket VG-85-DE 2yr.

Bel. / Ins. 09.09.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

SH Humblenkind Locket VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La22/05 305d 9.142kgM 4.4% 404F

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA

- Nom. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2016

- Nom. All-American Jr. 3yr. Old 2016

- 3rd place World Dairy Expo 2018

- 1st place Northeast Fall National 2018

- Grand Champion Vermont State Holstein Show ‘17

- 3rd 3yr. Old Royal & World Dairy Expo 2016 & Golden-Oaks Devine Lady EX-91-USA

• Verkauft auf dem Eurogenes Easter Heifer Sale 2021 / Sold in the Eurogenes Easter Heifer Sale 2021

Cookiecutter HUMBLENKIND

Braedale GOLDWYN


• Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2011

• 2nd Sr. Calf Altantic Championship 2010

• 2nd Sr. Yearling Heifer Egmont Bay Expo ‘11

• Doorman Tochter verkauft für $117,000! / Doorman daughter sold for $117,000!

• Locket ist die Mutter von: / Lockett is dam to: Blondin LAS NIGHT (s. Classic) @ Blondin Sires

Delta-Lambda & Bambino aus den LOCKET’s!!

• Tolle Delta-Lambda und Bambino Rinder aus der schönen

Humblenkind Schwester zu Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA!

• Locket EX-94-USA ist eine überragende Zuchtkuh! Sie hat bereits 10x EXZELENNTE und 31 VG eingstufte Töchter in den USA.

• 8 Generationen EXZELLENTER Roxy´s im Pedigree!

Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA EX-MS 3yr.

2.03 365d 10.365kgM 3.8% 389F 3.3% 341P

• All-Virginia Junior 2-Yr Old 2008

• Winning Jr. 2-Yr Old & H.M. Champion Virginia Summer Show


4e Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA

5e Scientific Liza Rae EX-90-USA

6e Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA

7e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

8e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90-USA GMD DOM

9e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD

10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA

Delta-Lambda and Bambino from LOCKET!!

• Delta-Lambda and Bambino heifer from the adorable Humblenkind sister to Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA!

• Goldwyn Locket is an extremely successful breeding cow: 10x EXCELLENT and 31x Very Good daughters in the United States!

• 8 generations EXCELLENT Roxy’s!!

3.6% 329P
Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA EX-95-MS 2E 1.11 365d 11.345kgM 4.9% 554F 3.6% 408P 3.07 365d 16.620kgM 4.3% 717F 3.4% 562P 4.11 365d 16.924kgM 5.5% 841F 3.4% 573P 6.06 305d 14.574kgM 4.4% 640F 3.6% 526P
2. M. Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA Maternal sister to M. Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA Sister to M. Golden-Oaks Line Em Up EX-94-USA

108. NH Sunview Madison

109. NH Etesian Missouri

110. NH Martini VG-86-DE La2.

111. NH Mactivating

112. NH Mazzel

Die Vollschwester zu NH Sunview MITCH! The full sister to NH Sunview MITCH!

• Das BESTE aus der Marilyn Monroe Dynastie!

• Verkauft wird die Vollschwester des ehemaligen #1 töchtergeprüften Bullen der Niederlande: NH Sunview Mitch @ AI Total.

• Madison ist wieder gesext mit RUBICON tragend und in der nächsten Laktation bereit für eine EX Einstufung!

• Fast 15.000kg Milch mit 3.8% EIWEIß, willkommen bei den Monroe´s!

• Außerdem im Sale, ihre Töchter und Enkeltöchter!

• The very best from the Marilyn Monroe Dynasty!

• The full sister to the former #1 daughter proven bull in the Netherlands: NH Sunview Mitch @ AI Total.

• Madison is back in calf to FEMALE RUBICON and ready to go EXCELLENT next lactation!

• Nearly 15.000kg milk with 3.8% PROTEIN, welcome to the Monroe's!

• Also selling, here daughters & grand daughters! DE 0770825680 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2019 Kalb. datum. 20.03.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/12 305d 11.470kgM 4.3% 495F 3.8% 434P 174d 8.631kgM 4.44% 383F 3.34% 288P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 42.7kgM 4.10%F 3.51%P ZZ: 20 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-85-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 22.08.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP Vater / Sire Oakfield Modest EINSTEIN Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE La3. DE 0771197302 Geb. Datum. 17.12.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Larcrest CAPTIVATING Mutter / Dam NH Martini VG-86-DE La2. DE 0771273290 Geb. Datum. 20.03.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam NH Martini VG-86-DE La2.
VG-88-DE La3. DE 0770497960 Geb. Datum. 04.12.2016 Kalb. datum. 31.07.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/3La 305d 12.983kgM 4.5% 590F 3.9% 503P HL3 305d 14.808kgM 4.5% 668F 3.8% 561P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 33.3kgm 5.29%F 3.99%P ZZ: 55 Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La3. Bel. / Ins: 03.04.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Westcoast KERRIGAN Mutter / Dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771197391 Geb. Datum. 31.07.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 21.08.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Silverridge V ETESIAN Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE La3.

113. NH Mia

114. NH Melody

305d 8.736kgM 4.8% 420F 3.8% 331P

2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE La3.

3. Mutter/ 3rd dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

115. NH Madelyn DE 0771197342 Geb. Datum. 16.04.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Bel. / Ins: 03.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Gen PIKACHU

Mutter / Dam NH Einstein Muri

2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2.

3. Mutter/ 3rd dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771123362 Geb. Datum. 03.10.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 18.04.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Mr Farnear Helix TWITCH Mutter / Dam NH Huey Marie VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. La21/10 305d 8.736kgM 4.8% 420F 3.8% 331P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE La3. 3. Mutter/ 3rd dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771123361 Geb. Datum. 03.10.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 24.03.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Mr Farnear Helix TWITCH Mutter / Dam NH Huey Marie VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. La21/10

114. NH Charl P

Directly from the Legend herself: Marilyn Monroe

Westcoast KERRIGAN (Kingboy x Numero Uno x Robust) NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

117. NH Parsly Pepper


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein

Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for 58.000 EUR and has multiple sons in AI


Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Mutter zu NH Sunview Mitch, vormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / Dam to NH Sunview Mitch, former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561 • Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family! • High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1.
ompeye DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • Halbschwester von Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, verkauft für 58.000 EUR und hat mehrerre Söhne auf Station: / Maternal sister to Caps
DAMS 5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.
Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.
La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La
5.8% 634F 4.3%
305d 11.034kgM
De-Su 11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P
P2. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE NH Sunview Madison VG-88-DE La3. | SHE SELLS 5. M. Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

116. NH Sunview Maritim VG-85-DE 2yr.

117. NH Sunview Mystery

118. NH Miles

119. NH Evolution Maya VG-85-DE 2yr.

120. NH Mercury

121. NH Methyn

VG-87-DE La2. DE 0770599046 Geb. Datum. 24.10.2017 Kalb. datum. 14.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/2La 305d 11.407kgM 4.9% 555F 4.0% 455P HL2 305d 13.844kgM 4.6% 636F 3.9% 538P Conf. VG-87-DE VG-86-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 08.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT Crown Sohn mit +166 RZG auf Station / Crown son with +166 RZG sold to AI Vater / Sire Boldi V GYMNAST Mutter / Dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771273285 Geb. Datum. 14.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0770971997 Geb. Datum. 22.02.2020 Kalb. datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / Will be fresh before the Sale Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/05 305d 12.690kgM 4.8% 610F 3.8% 481P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 34.4kgM 5.99%F 4.51%P ZZ: 20 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 12.12.2022 COMEBACK | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Siemers Charley MERRYGUY Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2.
VG-85-DE La2. DE 0770900338 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2020 Kalb. datum. 11.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/04 305d 13.136kgM 4.0% 520F 3.4% 446P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 52.4kgM 4.17%F 3.51%P ZZ: 130 Conf. 86/85/85/85 = VG-85-DE La2. Vater / Sire Siemers Charley MERRYGUY Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771390553 Geb. Datum. 11.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM Mutter / Dam NH Mercury VG-85-DE La2. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. Beta Casein: A2A2 Kapa Casein: BB HH1 William Sohn @ Phönix 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1295 +0.14 +0.05 91 54 2.72 -1.9 3.4 2.0 0.47 0.63 +1.24 833 2800 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1168 +0.41 +0.11 94 52 148 122 1992 113 104 113 109 115 145 HH1 HH6 +136 RZG / +0.51%F / +0.15%P (08/23) DE 0770655451 Geb. Datum. 04.11.2017 Kalb. datum. 29.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La1 305d 8.383kgM 5.1% 428F 4.0% 335P La2 255d 11.432kgM 5.0% 568F 3.7% 425P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2022): 43,3kgM 5.15%F 4.10%P ZZ: 19 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Vater / Sire Boldi V GYMNAST Mutter / Dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. +133 RZG (09/23) HH1

114. NH Charl Pompeye

Directly from the Legend herself: Marilyn Monroe

Boldi V GYMNAST (Doorsopen x Jabir x Epic) NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

117. NH Parsly Pepper


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein

Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for 58.000 EUR and has multiple sons in AI


Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Mutter zu NH Sunview Mitch, vormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / Dam to NH Sunview Mitch, former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561 • Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family! • High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • Halbschwester von Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, verkauft für 58.000 EUR und hat mehrerre Söhne auf Station: / Maternal sister to Caps
La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d
5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.
Caps Mairy 1
Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.
De-Su 11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P
NH Evolution
VG-85-DE 2yr.
SHE SELLS NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE 3yr. | SHE SELLS
PSister. NH Sunview County Milo EX-91-DE EX-91-MS


123. NH Migel Margret


125. NH Miley Cyrus

126. NH Milano

Cogent Koepon ROLO | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Peak AltaPLINKO

2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2.

+2750 GTPI (08/23)

+141 RZG (08/23)

arca VG-87-DE La2.
NH Sunview
yday VG-85-DE La2. DE 0770900307 15.12.2019 03.02.2023 Prod. La22/01 305d 10.043kgM 4.6% 457F 3.7% 374P 219d 9.761kgM 4.98% 486F 3.33% 325P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 41.2kgM 4.96%F 3.68%P ZZ: 17 Conf. 83/87/87/87 = VG-87 La2. Bel. / Ins: 25.05.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Alta Alanzo Sohn mit +159 RZG & +2921 GTPI @ Bullseye Genetics / Alta Alanzo son with +159 RZG & +2921 GTPI @ Bullseye Genetics Vater / Sire Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0770900287 Geb. Datum. 30.10.2019 Kalb. datum. 05.01.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/12 305d 10.042kgM 4.2% 420F 3.6% 364P 248d 11.327kgM 4.01% 454F 3.57% 404P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 39.2kgM 4.82%F 3.72%P ZZ: 33 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 17.03.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. +136 RZG / +127 RZGesund (08/23)
122. NH
124. DE 0771197307 Geb. Datum. 12.01.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
Mutter / Dam NH Sunview
+139 DE 0771273276 Geb. Datum. 05.01.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Myday VG-85-DE 2yr. 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771123394 Geb. Datum. 01.12.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 01.04.2023 FEMALE
Bel. / Ins: 18.05.2023 FEMALE OCD Parfect SOYSOUCE | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire RZH MIGEL
Marca VG-87-DE La2.
RZG / +127 RZGesund (08/23)
Mutter / Dam
NH Sunview Myday VG-85-DE 2yr.
08/23 Milk %F %E RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG -166 +0.61 +0.16 118 132 1926 129 122 130 119 111 145 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1362 +0.05 -0.05 60 41 134 109 1652 109 108 112 134 134 143 HH1

114. NH Charl P

The Protein Queen...

117. NH Parsly Pepper

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands



• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo


Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
ompeye GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 De-Su 11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P • Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500 • Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS,
HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS,
DAMS 4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK 5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL
La2. 3/2La 305d 11.407kgM 4.9% 555F 4.0% 455P HL2 305d 13.844kgM 4.6% 636F 3.9% 538P
ehemaliges #1
Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4%
/Dam to
former #1
Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN
>1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg
Fat + Protein NEXT
Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT (Frazzled x Monterey x Mogul) NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2.
NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
PNH Sunview Marca VG-87-DE 3yr. NH Sunview Marca VG-87-DE 3yr. | SHE SELLS M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

127. NH SunviewMon Cherie VG-87-DE

128. NH Monika

129. NH Mona Lisa

130. NH Marry B

DE 0770405835 09.09.2016 Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the Sale! Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/4La 302d 11.961kgM 4.5% 532F 3.9% 463P HL4 305d 14.235kgM 4.3% 607F 3.8% 547P Conf. VG-87-DE VG-85-MS La4. Bel. / Ins: 07.01.2023 Aurora MITCHELL | TU+ / PREGNANT
/ Sire S-S-I Davinci EMERICH
/ Dam NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.
GP-84-DE 2yr. DE 0771197336 Geb. Datum. 24.03.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 15.05.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam NH Crown Mercy HR 1La 12.485kgM 4.1% 506F 3.6% 445P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mon Cherie VG-87-DE La4. 3. Mutter/ 3rd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771197356 Geb. Datum. 04.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 26.08.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam NH Crown Mercy HR 1La 12.485kgM 4.1% 506F 3.6% 445P
Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mon Cherie VG-87-DE
Mutter/ 3rd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771045087 Geb. Datum. 14.12.2020 Kalb. datum. 08.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. PM 02 18d 36.9kgM 2.9%F 3.4%P Conf. 83/85/83/85 = GP-84-DE 2yr. Vater / Sire K.N.S. Holsteins BACHELOR P Mutter / Dam NH Hotspot Mary P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview Mon Cherie VG-87-DE 3. Mutter/ 3rd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. +136 RZG (08/23) +0.06% Fat +0.29% Protein +144 RZG (08/23) +151 RZM +1389 Milk +0.03% Fat +0.11% Protein

131. NH Sunview County M ilo EX-91-DE

132. NH Mitchell Michelle FRESH

133. NH Malaysia Pp

134. NH Marie-Lou

135. NH Montana FRESH DE 0771045138 Geb. Datum. 24.03.2021 Kalb. datum. 10.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 92d 4.316kgM 4.19% 181F 3.13% 135P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 46.2kgM 4.47%F 3.20%P ZZ: 23 Vater / Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam NH Sunview County Milo EX-91-DE EX-91-MS 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771273313 Geb. Datum. 10.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Vogue A2P2 PP Mutter / Dam NH Mitchell Michelle (FRESH) DE 0771273241 Geb. Datum. 01.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
/ Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam NH Sunview County Milo EX-91-DE EX-91-MS 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.
Vater DE 0771123377 Geb. Datum. 10.06.2023 Kalb. datum. 07.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Gen PIKACHU Mutter / Dam NH Aristo Mila VG-85-DE 2yr. 2/1La 305d 11.737kgM 4.0% 467F 3.4% 402P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Sunview County Milo EX-91-DE EX-91-MS 3. Mutter/ 3rd dam: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0770405842 Geb. Datum. 20.09.2016 Kalb. datum. 01.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/4La 304d 12.485kgM 4.7% 588F 3.8% 478P HL4 305d 15.089kgM 5.0% 762F 3.8% 568P 3La 305d 15.089kgM 5.05% 762F 3.76% 568P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 45.2kgM 5.47%F 4.00%P ZZ: 22 Conf. EX-91-DE EX-91-MS La4. Bel. / Ins: 25.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons CHIEF - TU+ / PREGNANT +129 RZG (08/23) +419kgM +0.46% Fat +0.06% Protein

114. NH Charl P

Marilyn Monroe...

Edg Cat Door COUNTY (Doorman x Snowman x Shottle)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein

Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for 58.000 EUR and has multiple sons in AI


Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Mutter zu NH Sunview Mitch, vormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / Dam to NH Sunview Mitch, former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561 • Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family! • High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
ompeye GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN CRI Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • Halbschwester von Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, verkauft für 58.000 EUR und hat mehrerre Söhne auf Station: / Maternal sister to Caps
5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.
Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.
La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d
5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE
VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P
P2. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE NH Sunview County Milo EX-91-DE EX-91-MS | SHE SELLS M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

136. NH Milena

GP-83-DE 2yr.

137. NH Meleni

116. NH Wheel Papaya


Siemers Charley MERRYGUY (Charley x Montross x Mccutchen)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

Boldi V GYMNAST NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

NH Sunview Miley GP-83-DE La2. Conf. GP-83-DE La2.

2/2La 305d 13.105kgM 4.5% 590F 3.7% 379P

Hl2 305d 16.317kgM 4.3% 700F 3.6% 589P

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz

German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

Die Familie von Vekis

• >16.000kgM mit 3.6% EIWEIß! / >16.000kgM with 3.6% PROTEIN!



• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN • >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

@ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Consignor Vater / Sire Mutter / Dam Prod. Conf. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda Consignor Vater / Sire Mutter / Dam 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 De-Su 11236 BALISTO Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P • Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500 • Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS,
ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4%
/Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL
5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
305d 11.656kgM
4. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. 3. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE DE 0770972034 Geb. Datum. 01.06.2020 Kalb. datum. 05.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/05 305d 12.616kgM 4.1% 513F 3.5% 445P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 53.0kgM 4.09%F 3.31%P ZZ: 112 Conf. GP-83-DE GP-84-MS 2yr. DE 0771197367 Geb. Datum. 23.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 26.05.2023 FEMALE Wilra SSI Regal ENCLAVE | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM Mutter / Dam NH Merryguy Maribor NC x NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE x Marilyn Monroe +136 RZG (08/23) +0.55% Fat +0.15% Protein

138. NH Maria

116. NH Wheel


(Renegade x Legendary x Delta)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

• Enkelin der LEGENDE selbst / Grand daughter of the LEGEND herself: NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Verkauft als Färse / Sold as 2yr. Old

Die Familie von Vekis



• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands


• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000


4e Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE

The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

5e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Consignor Vater / Sire Mutter / Dam Prod. Conf. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda Consignor Vater / Sire Mutter / Dam 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743
KERRIGAN NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Über 4 Jahre
#1 RZG
NH Zekon Marie VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. 3/2La 276d 8.854kgM 4.3% 380F 3.7% 323P HL2 272d 9.483kgM 4.3% 406F 3.7% 348P
Siemers Renegad
No-Pe ZEKON NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE La2. 3/2La 305d 11.407kgM 4.9% 555F 4.0% 455P HL2 305d 13.844kgM 4.6% 636F 3.9% 538P
P4. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. 3. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE DE 0771123351 Geb. Datum. 01.09.2021 Kalb. datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the Sale! Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / Will be fresh before the sale - see sale updates Bel. / Ins: 01.01.2023 COMEBACK | TU+ / PREGNANT 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +862 +0.21 +0.05 58 35 131 106 1713 117 115 115 107 115 141 HH5

139. GPH Arizona I lluminati

#2 RZG Arizona in the WORLD! / +152 RZÖko, #1 RZÖko heifer in the WORLD!

PRO ARIZONA (Roz x Merryguy x Salvatore *RC)

GPH Ilija

Kalbt: / Due: March 2024 Looks super!



3.6% EIWEISS / 3.6% PROTEIN • Halbschwester ist die Mutter von GPH Picard (+159 RZG) @ Phönix / Maternal sister is dam to GPH Picard (+159 RZG) @ Phönix


EBH All-Star Ina VG-88-DE La3. Conf. VG-88-DE La3.

La3 305d 15.105kgM 3.9% 594F 3.8% 575P

• Grossmutter ist die Vollschwester zu BOARD @ RUW / Grand dam is full sister to BOARD @ RUW


4e RUW Indira VG-86-DE 2yr.

5e Inga 20 VG-87-DE La3.

5e Veneriete Epic Ida 66 VG-88-NL

6e Veneriete Ida 31 VG-87-NL

7e Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88-NL

8e Butemare Venriete Ida O VG-86-NL

9e Butemare Ida Ronald VG-87-NL

10e Butemare Ida Jabot VG-85-NL VG-86-MS

11e Butemare Ida Curious VG-85-NL

+164 RZG / +151 RZÖko / #1 WELTWEIT +164 RZG / +151 RZÖko / #1 WORLDWIDE

• Eines der interessantesten RZG Rinder der WELT!

• Perfekter Index! +164 RZG / +2728 RZ€ / +120 Euter / 1877kgM / +134 RZN / +130 RZGesund / +101 Strichlänge

• Die #2 RZG Arizona der Welt mit tollem Outcross Papier aus der super züchtenden Ina Familie!

• +151 RZÖko, das #1 RZÖko Rind der Welt!

• Ina ist die Großmutter des populären Bullenvaters GPH Picard +159 RZG (08/23) @ Phönix, außerdem die Familie von Board!

• One of the most interesting RZG heifers in the WORLD

• Perfect Index! +164 RZG / +2728 RZ€ / +120 Udder / 1877kgM / +134 RZN / +130 RZGesund / +101 Teat length

• The #2 RZG Arizona dtr in the WORLD with a great Outcross Pedigree from the fantastic transmitting Ina´s!

• +151 RZÖko, the #1 RZÖko heifer in the WORLD!

• Ina is the granddam to the popular sire of sons GPH Picard +159 RZG (08/23) @ Phönix, also the family of RUW Board!

GPH Illit GP-84-LU 2yr. Conf. GP-84-LU 2yr.
305d 9.476kgM 4.1% 319F 3.6% 337P
Full sister to 2. M. GPH Ilvy GP-84-DE 2yr. LU 18302596 Geb. Datum. 22.08.2023 Consignor Philippe & Gaby Arnold - Tel. +352 (0)621 221909 - Email.
Grand son of 3. M. GPH PICARD +159 RZG @ Phönix
Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1877 -0.11 -0.04 61 60 143 123 2728 134 110 109 120 119 164
7. M. Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88-NL

140. SPH Precision H exa

PRECISION (Proximo x Swift x Gymnast)


Kalbt: / Due: January 2024


• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Aurora RADDISON @ Synetics

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Aurora DZUNDA (+2870 GTPI / +1.43 PTAT) @ Jetstream Genetics


+161 RZG & +133 RZE Precision

• Top 10000 GTPI Cow in the States

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein

• V. / s. S-S-I 1stClass FLAGSHIP

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Aurora RAGNAR @ Select Sires


4e Aurora Monterey 15925 VG-85-USA

5e Aurora Dean 13810 GP-83-USA

6e Aurora Beacon 11964 VG-85-USA

7e Aurora Roy 6339 VG-88-USA

8e Aurora Die-Hard 4683 VG-85-USA

9e Aurora-Air Rosalee 3776 GP-83-USA

10e Aurora-Air Alin Rosalee GP-82-USA

11e Lorrinda Mascot Rosie VG-86-USA DOM

12e Lorrinda Blackstar Rose VG-86-USA DOM

+161 RZG & +133 RZE (Type) Precision

• FRÜHE & EXKLUSIVE Precision Tochter mit einem OUTCROSS Pedigree & fantastischen Zuchtwerten!

• Seltene Kombination: +161 RZG, +133 RZE mit +127 Euter & +120 Fundament!!

• Tiefe US Kuhfamilie mit der Stammkuh Lorrinda Blackstar Rose


of Merit!

• EARLY & EXCLUSIV PRECISION heifer with a super OUTCROSS Pedigree & sky high numbers!

• Rare combination: +161 RZG, +133 RZE (Type) with +127 Udders and +120 F&L!!

• Going back on a deep US-family to Lorrinda Blackstar Rose

2-00 3x 336d 14.116kgM 4.0% 559F 3.3% 461P
T-Spruce Frazzled HUEY Aurora Flagship 18508 GP-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-USA 2yr.
RADAR Aurora
2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 2/2La 305d 12.735kgM 4.4% 562F 3.5% 446P HL1 305d 12.161kgM 4.9% 598F 3.6% 442P
Huey 20846 VG-85-USA
4. M. Aurora Monterey 15925 VG-85-USA DE 0667828684 Geb. Datum. 28.04.2023 Consignor Jochen Geisel - Tel. +49 (0)177 8884727 - Email.
Dam of Merit.
Same family. Aurora DZUNDA @ Jetstream Genetics
09/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +623 +0.17 +0.07 73 40 2.67 -0.7 6.1 1.8 +0.95 2.25 1.87 892 2865 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +573 +0.44 +0.16 71 37 135 121 2313 128 133 120 127 133 161
5. M. Aurora Dean 13810 GP-83-USA

141. RZN C arwash PP Red

DE 0771331141 Geb. Datum. 11.02.2023

Consignor Johannes Nöhl - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 - Email.

Aprilday MCDONALD P-RED (Ronald *RC x Pat-Red x Clarence)

RZN Car P *RC GP-83-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-83-DE 2yr.

+145 RZE / +149 RZG / ROT / PP / CARLA

• Das komplette Packet!

• Sie ist ROT, sie ist HOMOZYGOT HORNLOS, sie hat 149 RZG mit 145 RZE & stammt aus der Familie der legendären AHA Rubens Carla EX-95

• 10. Generationen VG oder EX eingestufter Mütter im Pedigree aus der super züchtenden AHA Rubens Carla EX-95 Familie

• Diese Familie kann alles, hohe Leistungen, positive Bullen & tolles Exterieur


RZN Silver Cameron VG-87-DE La3. Conf. VG-87-DE La3.

• V. / s. Seagull-Bay SILVER

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein


4e RZN Candy VG-87-DE La3. (s. Maximum)

5e Cayenne VG-88-DE (s. Gibor)

6e AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE - Dam to Girod ALL (s. Gibor), Schaffner (s. Shottle) and Tequila *RC (s. Talent)

7e Camilla VG-88-DE (s. Stardom)

8e Carmel VG-87-DE (s. Ned Boy)

9e Delight EX-90-DE (s. Chef III)

10e EX-92 (s. Chef II)

11e EX-90 (s. Performer)

+145 RZE / +149 RZG / RED / PP / CARLA

• This heifer has the complete package! She is RED, homozygote polled and guarantees a great index of +149 RZG in a rare combination with +145 RZE!!

• Going back 5 generations VG- or EXCELLENT scored dams to the famous matriarch AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE!

• This family does everything, great production, postive bulls & super Type.

4/3La 305d 12.760kgM 4.3% 544F 3.4% 434P HL2 305d 13.026kgM 4.3% 553F 3.5% 451P
La21/10 11.066kgM 3.6% 400F 3.3% 360P • DONOR DAM MATCH P *RC RZN Casablanca VG-89-DE EX-MS La3. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-MS La3. 3/3La 305d 11.695kgM 4.2% 486F 3.4% 400P HL3 3 05d 14.335kgM 4.1% 587F 3.1% 448P 6.
M. AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE
6. M. AHA Rubens Carla EX-95-DE
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +787 +0.06 -0.12 38 15 116 121 2685 126 124 111 146 145 149
Full sister to 5. M. Gibor Canion VG-89-DE Les Ponts Chief Elina EX-91 | Supreme Champion GDS 2023 Aurora Mitchell KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96 (3.Mutter) Aircraft: +3,80 PTAT und +3,11 Euter Arrow-Töchter bei Anderstrup (DK) HET Copy William *CV 149 RZG, 134 RZE, 132 Euter
W Welcome In Our
3013 TPI, 149
ST Gen Doral-Red
130 RZE
STG Germany GmbH ∙ Lütke Berg 2 ∙ 48341 Altenberge ∙ Tel. 02505-939220 ∙ Fax: 02505-9392222 ∙ ∙ CHIEF MITCHELL WILLIAM AIRCRAFT-RF ARROW DORAL-RED DELTA-LAMBDA FÜR SCHAUSIEGER UND TOPSELLER Bull Power IN OUR WORLD
LOH Lambda Milana VG 87 | Supreme Junior Champion GDS 2023


ROTER EXTERIEURSTAR AUS 9. GENERATIONEN EX Der neue komplette Exterieurbulle in Deutschland!

KOMPLETTES EXTERIEUR: + 135 RZE | + 137 Euter mit moderater Größe (115) & Stärke (114)


GESUNDHEITSMERKMALE: + 117 RZS | + 111 RZR | + 116 RZN | BCS 108 | Rinderbulle: KVd +110

FANTASTISCHES PEDIGREE: 135 RZE aus 9. Generationen EX mit im Schnitt 93,3 Punkten!

Rompen Red x EX-90 Olympian x EX-96 Miss Snapple-Red x EX-96 KHW Regiment Apple Red x EX-95 Kamps-Hallow Altitude x 5 Gen. EX.


DER EINZIGE AKTIVE HORNLOS BULLE DER WELT MIT: > 2950 GTPI | > + 1200KG MILCH | > 1.90 PTAT + 2966 GTPI | + 930 NM$ | + 1.99 PTAT & A2A2 Moderate Größe gepaart mit Stärke!

SUPER HORNLOS BULLE MIT: > 1200kg Milch & 1.99 PTAT & + 1.94 für EUTER!


SELTENE KOMBINATION: Moderate Größe gepaart mit Stärke!

Remover PP x VG-86 Cockpit x Topnotch x VG-87 Jedi x VG-85 Mardi Gras x EX-91 Observer x VG86 Socrates x Sonray-Acres R Shottle Star EX-92

Alle reden von hohen kompletten Bullen aus guten Kuhfamilien ... WIR HABEN SIE!



Fantastische Kombination aus Leistung & Exterieur mit top Profil


Internationaler Bullenvater mit OUTCROSS Abstammung




+1747kg Milch mit guten

Inhaltsstoffen & + 124 Euter


Melkbarkeit: + 116 | Zellzahl: + 115

ROBOTER-& RINDERBULLE: Striche hinten (90) + 114 KVd

ZUCHTWERTEN +3080 GTPI | + 1025 NM$ | + 2.07 PTAT
Bullseye-Genetics GmbH Lütke Berg 2 | 48341 Altenberge Tel.: +49 176 61 30 30 19
Alta Alanzo x GP-84-2yr Batman x VG-86 Burley x VG-86 Octoberfest x VG-85 Moonray x VG87 Bookem x VG-86 Shottle x VG-86 x EX-90 Manat x EX-91
DER EINZIGE BULLE DER WELT MIT > + 1700KG MILCH, > 124 EUTER & > 115 RZD +158 RZG | + 2930 GTPI | + 960 NM$ | A2A2 + 158
Monteverdi x VG-85 Aristocrat x VG-85 Charl x EX-90 Salvatore x EX-90 Brekem x VG-88 Snowman x VG-89 Shottle x VG-88 Ramos Foto Credit: A.Joose & V. Fletcher

142. Vekis PSH Belinda *RC EX-92-DE

143. NH Chief Belladonna DE 0771123378 Geb. Datum. 29.10.2021

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Bel. / Ins. 04.04.2023 Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF

Mutter / dam: Vekis PSH Belinda RC EX-92-DE La5.

144. NH Chief Bella

Belinda EX-92 & ihre 2 wundervollen Chief’s Belinda EX-92 & here 2 beautiful Chief’s

• Belinda EX-92 wird verkauft! Frisch gekalbt & Sie sieht ganz fantastisch aus!

• Sie wird besser mit jedem Kalb und ist bereit für die Schauen im Herbst & Frühjahr und ein heißes Eisen für die Senior Kuhklassen!

• Aus der super züchtenden Mrs Poll Familie mit vielen hohen Bullen!

• Außerdem im Sale, ihre zwei wunderschönen Chief Töchter, eine davon tragend mit gesextem LAMBDA!

• Belinda EX-92 sells! Just fresh & looks incredible!

• She looks better with every calf! She is in perfect shape for all the upcoming shows in fall & spring and a very strong candidate for the Senior Classes!

• From the super transmitting Mrs Poll Family with many sky high bulls in AI!

• Also selling, here beautiful daughters by Chief! Belladonna is pregnant with SEXED LAMBDA! NL 728252590 Geb. Datum. 01.01.2016 Kalb. datum. 09.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/4La 305d 12.371kgM 4.2% 523F 3.6% 49P HL4 305d 15.416kgM 4.5% 687F 3.7% 567P 93d 5.213kgM 4.09% 213F 2.95% 154P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 53.9kgM 3.33%F 2.99%P ZZ: 68 Conf. 93/89/92/92 = EX-92-DE La5. Vater / Sire View-Home POWERBALL-P DE 0771273311 Geb. Datum. 09.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF Mutter / dam: Vekis PSH Belinda RC EX-92-DE La5.

Diamond are the future. Forever.

Genervations EPIC SHB

Mrs Poll-P RF VG-86-DE
LA 11.389kgM
2yr. Conf.
2yr. 1
4.4% 505F 3.6%
Wulfstock Mabelpoll P VG-87-DE 2yr.
Wulfstock Maracuja VG-85-DE 2yr.
Luke Mabelle VG-88-DE 2yr.
Mabelle VG-88-DE
Marien VG-89-DE 9e Mati VG-88-DE View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt P x Robust x Zenith) KNS Miss Bali P *RC VG-86-DE Conf. VG-86-DE 1La 305d 8.632kgM 5.3% 460F 3.9% 338P 2/2La 305d 9.719kgM 5.3% 510F 3.8% 372P HL2 305d 10.806kgM 5.2% 559F 3.8% 406P • Vollschwester ist die Mutter von: / Full sister is dam to: KNS Abi Red PP • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as KNS Simon P & KNS Bachelor P • Sehr populäre Familie mit vielen Bullen in der Besamung / Very popular family with several bulls in A.I. De-Su 11236 BALISTO KNS Miss Epic P *RC GP-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-82-DE 2yr. La15/03 305d 10.586kgM 3.9% 414F 3.1% 329P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Laptop Red-P
• One of the most interesting polled cows in the breed NEXT
Vekis PSH Belinda *RC EX-92-DE | SHE SELLS
zu Mutter: / Full sister to dam: KNS Miss Balisto P *RC GP-84-DE +2406 GTPI (08/23)
Selbe Familie: / Same family: KNS Abi Red PP

145. NH Charl Grand


+2699 GTPI (08/23)

146. NH Zazzle Gracia

Beta Casein: A2A2


147. NH Log Granada

VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. DE 0771123315 Geb. Datum. 16.06.2021 Kalb. datum. 14.05.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Conf. 85/84/85/86 = VG-85-DE 2yr.

Beta Casein: A2A2

Prod. 119d 4.529kgM 4.73% 214F 3.55% 161P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 39.7kgM 4.91%F 3.86%P ZZ: 62

Bel. / Ins: 01.08.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Coockiecutter LOGISTICS

Mutter / Dam NH Charl Grand VG-86-DE La2.

148. NH Hypnotic Grateful

Beta Casein: A2A2

Outcross Familie mit hohen Zuchtwerten & toller Leistung

• Outcross Kuhfamilie mit toller Väterfolge!

• NH Charl Grand, mit WILLIAM tragend & >13.000kgM mit 4.8% FETT & 3.7% EIWEIß

• Großmutter Grana war die ehemalige #1 NM$ Färse in Europa & #2 GTPI Montross der Welt!

Outcross Pedigree with super production & hugh %

• Outcross family with great sire stack!

• NH Charl Grand, incalf to WILLIAM & >13.000kgM with 4.8% FAT & 3.7% PROTEIN

• Grand dam Grana was the former #1 NM$ heifer in Europe & #2 GTPI Montross in the World!

La2. DE 0770825639 Geb. Datum. 05.04.2019 Kalb. datum. 15.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 12.043kgM 4.7% 565F 3.7% 450P HL2 305d 13.069kgM 4.8% 628F 3.7% 482P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 27.6kgM 5.87%F 4.97%P ZZ: 124 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-88-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 11.07.2023 HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam Bertoni Holsteins Grana DE 0771197399 Geb. Datum. 15.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam NH Charl Grand VG-86-DE La2. DE 0771273305 Geb. Datum. 14.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Cookiecutter HYPNOTIC Mutter / Dam NH Log Granada VG-85-DE 2yr. 119d 4.529kgM 4.73% 214F 3.55% 161P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 39.7kgM 4.91%F 3.86%P ZZ: 62 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +873 +0.22 +0.06 98 49 2.83 -1.6 3.7 2.0 -0.08 1.29 +1.23 841 2808 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +97 +0.33 +0.11 97 35 3.06 -1.4 2.2 2.5 1.39 1.14 +1.38 671 2697 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +760 +0.21 +0.08 89 48 2.82 -2.3 3.7 2.7 1.08 1.83 +1.96 810 2811

The Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk cow family

Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL (Let It Snow x Goldwyn x Shottle) Bertoni Holsteins Grana


Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Bertoni Holsteins Cocca VG-86-IT

• Ehemalige #1 Net Merit Färse in Europa & Ehemalige #2 GTPI Montross Tochter weltweit / Former #1 Net Merit Heifer in Europe & Former #2 GTPI Montross daughter world wide

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein

• Neue Kuhfamilie aus einer großen kommerziellen Herde in Italien / NEW family which has been proven on a big commercial Italian farm

/ s. Ensenada Taboo PLANET


4e Bertoni Holsteins Anica VG-88-IT 4yr. 5e Bertoni Holsteins Vitella GP-IT 2yr. 6e Bertoni Holsteins Striscia GP-IT 2yr. 7e Bertoni Holsteins Noemi VG-85-IT

1.11 305d 9.65kgM 3.8% 367F 3.5% 335P 3.02 305d 15.658kgM 3.6% 570F 3.3% 521P
HR. La1. 305d 11.562kgM 4.3% 500F 3.7% 429P
Conf. GP-83-IT 1.09 305d 10.119kgM 4.0% 400F 3.8% 386P 4.05 305d 14.171kgM 4.3% 603F 3.6% 509P
Holsteins Evo GP-83-IT
3. M. Bertoni Holsteins Cocca VG-86-IT 2. M. Bertoni Holsteins Evo GP-83-IT Vater. / Sire. Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL
Lot 147. NH Log Granada VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. | SHE SELLS

• Reserve Champion Hamm 2012

• Unglaubliche Leistungskuh / High producing cow in the herd @ Nosbisch

• Sanchez aus einer Bolton Schwester zu Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88, ehemalige #1 GTPI Kuh der Rasse / Sanchez from a Bolton sister to Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88, former #1 CTPI Cow

Lead Mae EX-95-USA

• Tolle Kuh aus der wunderbaren Famile von Lead Mea EX-95

• Überragende Leistung gepaart mit tollem Exterieur und super Kuhfamilie!

• Diese Familie züchtet! Die Familie von: Explode, Emmet, Epic, Wonder & mehr!

Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ

Anderstrup Bolton Elita VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr.

2.03 305d 12.313kgM 3.8% 461F 3.3% 410P

• V. / s. Sandy-Valley BOLTON

• Bolton Schwester zur weltbekannten Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88 2yr. verkauft für 630.000 $ / Bolton sister to the World famous Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr. sold for $630.000


4e Crokett-Acres Elita VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM

5e Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8*

6e Wauregan Rudolph Elly Mae EX-90-USA

7e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM

• Super Cow from the wonderful Lead Mae EX-95 family!

• Amazing production in combination with fantastic type and super cow family!

• This family breeds! Same family as the popular bulls Explode, Emmet, Epic, Wonder & more

Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La2. 3/3La 305d 13.279kgM 3.4% 448F 3.4% 457P HL2 305d 15.152kgM 3.2% 489F 3.5% 522P La1 305d 11.409kgM 3.3% 368F 3.3% 379P
Fantasy Allmei SHARPE (Alta1stClass x Epic x Hayden) NH Cashcoin Elite VG-87-DE La2.
Fantastische Milchkuh
Brunder @
CASHCOIN Vendairy Elita VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 2yr. 3/3La 305d 13.677kgM 3.6% 487F 3.5% 473P La1 305d 13.223kgM 3.8% 501F 3.6% 470P
/ Huge
cow! •
RSH / Brother @ RSH Farnear-TBR-BH
6 Töchter VG / 6 dtrs scored VG till now
breed •
NH Elita VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La3. | SHE SELLS
2. M. Vendairy Elita VG-87-DE
VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La3. DE 0770753316 Geb. Datum. 29.07.2018 Kalb. datum. 02.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Hennecke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La3/2 305d 12.259kgM 4.5% 425F 3.2% 392P 220d 12.629kgM 3.52% 444F 2.99% 377P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 54.3kgM 3.55%F 3.11%P ZZ: 21 Conf. 89/85/87/89 = VG-88-DE La3. Whittier-Farms
3E GMD Whittier-Farms
7. M. Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA
149. NH Elita
Lead Mae

>15.000kgM aus 9. Gen VG oder EX

• Tolle Salvatore Kuh mit fantastischer Leistung von >15.000kgm

• Outcross Väterfolge für die Rotbuntzucht!

• Mutter nach England exportiert und dort mit EX-92 mit einem EX-94 Euter eingestuft!

• Toller Zweig der Muranda Rubens Lilly EX-92 Familie!

>15.000kgM from 9 gen. VG or EX

• Super Salvatore daughter with >15.000kgm

• Outcross Pedigree for the R&W breed!

• Dam was sold to the UK and scored EX-92 with EX-94 Udder!

• Great branch of the Muranda Rubens Lilly EX-92 family!

B-Hiddenhills Mar MARMAX Muranda Rubens Lily EX-92-USA 4yr. Conf. EX-92-USA 4yr. 2-07 305d 14.220kgM 3.8% 540F 3.3% 471P 4-07 305d 16.384kgM 4.1% 673F 3.3% 537P • Extrem gefragte Bullenmutter / Very popular bull dam NEXT DAMS 4e Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA 2E 5e Beachlawn Bellwood Tammy VG-86-USA 5yr. 6e Beachlawn Bell Pro Tammy VG-89-USA 4yr. 7e Beachlawn Bell Cleitus Pro EX-93-USA 3E GMD DOM 8e Beachlawn Dutchoe Bell EX-92-USA 2E 9e Beachlawn Dutchoe Elly VG-87-USA 6yr. Mr SALVATORE *RC (Supershot x Sympatico *RC x Snowman) Crystalclear Charlton Lilly-Red EX-92-UK Conf. EX-92-UK EX-94-MS 1La 305d 10.920kgM 3.4% 375F 3.3% 355P 3/2La 305d 11.258kgM 3.6% 400F 3.3% 367P HL2 305d 11.596kgM 3.7% 425F 3.3% 379P • EX-92 mit EX-94 im Euter / EX-92 with EX-94 Udder! • POWERHOUSE!
CHARLTON-RED Lithe *RC 568 VG-89-DE La3. Conf. VG-89-DE La3. 6/5La 305d 10.889kgM 3.8% 411F 2.9% 316P HL3 305d 11.391kgM 4.2% 476F 2.9% 2334P • Familie von Lotus @ Semex & St. Louis @ Select / Family of Lotus @ Semex & St. Louis @ Select!
Lilly-Red EX-92-UK
VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La3. DE 0770634534 Geb. Datum. 22.06.2018 Kalb. datum. 14.03.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/2La 305d 13.558kgM 3.4% 462F 3.3% 443P HL2 305d 15.462kgM 3.4% 527F 3.3% 506P 180d 11.997kgM 3.14% 377F 3.02% 362P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 60.8kgM 3.66%F 3.04%P ZZ: 132 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La3.
Same family. Richmond-FD Al Lorelei EX-90-USA M. Crystalclear Charlton 4. M. Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly
150. Lacarna *RC

151. NH Gen Penelope

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171

- Email.

La22/04 12.499kgM 4.3% 539F 3.6% 453P La2 70d 3.171kgM 4.73%F 3.82%P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 49.4kgM 4.23%F 3.45%P ZZ: 19

Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Vater / Sire De-Su 14222 KENOBI

Mutter / Dam Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4.

152. NH Luster P aris P DE 0771273318 Geb. Datum. 02.07.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Cherry-Lily Zip LUSTER P

Mutter / Dam NH Gen Penelope VG-85-DE 2yr.

153. NH Lambda Paprika DE 0771273227 Geb. Datum.

154. NH P arma

155. Vekis DG Penda

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

Beta Casein: A2A2
563896614 Geb. Datum.
09.09.2019 Kalb. Datum. 02.07.2023
27.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Mutter / Dam Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4. DE 0771123321 Geb. Datum. 25.06.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 20.08.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP Vater / Sire Cookiecutter LOGISTICS Mutter / Dam Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4.
VG-89-DE La4. NL 582441433 Geb. Datum. 15.07.2014 Kalb. Datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / Will be fresh just before the sale Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/5La 305d 11.968kgM 4.7% 558F 3.8% 451P HL3 305d 12.552kgM 4.7% 587F 3.8% 471P Conf. VG-89-DE La4. Bel. / Ins. 06.01.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP - TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire De-Su 11236 BALISTO Mutter / Dam Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +886 +0.08 +0.04 57 40 2.61 +1.3 5.3 2.0 1.04 2.13 +1.77 777 2823

The Wilcoxview Form Patricia family

Mario XACOBEO RR Polly VG-87-NL Conf. VG-87-NL 2.08 305d 10.382kgM 3.3% 347F 3.5% 361P 4.09 305d 13.569kgM 3.2% 434F 3.3% 448P 7.00 305d 15.968kgM 3.5% 558F 3.2% 511P • V. / s. STOL JOC • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI with high Genomics • Tolle Zuchtkuh / Great brood cow NEXT DAMS 4e Philadelphia VG-86-DE 2yr. 5e Durham Prinzessin TV VG-86-DE 2yr. 6e Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91-USA DOM 7e Lylehaven Star Philly EX-91-USA DOM 8e El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 9e El-Dor Forcaster VG-88-USA DOM De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson x O Man) Vekis Paige VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 11.175kgM 3.7% 413F 3.5% 391P • Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh/ Former #1 RZG cow! • Mutter von: / Dam to: Vekis Popeye, Powerboss, Panther, Poeme & more! Amighetti NUMERO UNO Vekis Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr. Conf. VG-88-NL 5yr. 2.03 305d 11.762kgM 3.4% 403F 3.5% 413P 4.03 313d 14.713kgM 3.4% 494F 3.5% 509P • Embryonen weltweit exportiert, u.a. nach Japan / Embryos exported World Wide including Japan • Mehrere Söhne auf Besamungsstationen / Several sons went to A.I.
VG-87-NL 2yr. Vekis DG Penda VG-89-DE La4. | SHE SELLS 2.
Phantastic VG-88-NL 5yr.
M. Vekis Paige
M. Vekis


VG-86-MS 2yr. DE 0771123330 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2021 Kalb. datum. 02.06.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Prod. 100d 3.354kgM 4.26% 143F 3.22% 108P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 34.1kgM 3.90%F 3.51%P ZZ: 11

Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Bel. / Ins. 29.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA


3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

oder EX / The

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Pine-Tree AltaOAK

Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Full sister to 4. M. Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90



Realsnow EX-91-DE EX-92-MS Conf. EX-91-DE EX-92-MS

• Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

Tolle abgekalbte CHIEF x 13. Gen. VG oder EX

• Frisch abgekalbte CHIEF Tochter mit einem fantastischen Euter!

• Bereits wieder gesext besamt!

• Direkt aus 13. Gen VG oder EX eingestufen Müttern! 10 x EX!

• Die Familie von Mr. Sam @ Select & Mr. Samuelo @ Semex

• Die Familie von Mox Rihanna EX-93, mehrfache Siegerkuh RBW Schau


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Super fresh CHIEF x 13. Gen. VG or EX

• Fresh calved Chief daughter with an amazing Udder!

• Already breed back to SEXED semen.

• Straight out of 13. Gen VG or EX scored dams! 10 x EX!

• The family of Mr. Sam @ Select & Mr. Samuelo @ Semex

• Same family then Mox Rihanna EX-93, multiple Grand Champion RBW Show

2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P
Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr.
• Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P
Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel
6/5La 303d 12.131kgM 4.2% 511F 3.5% 430P
3/2La 305d 10.262kgM 4.2% 426F 3.5% 358P HL2 305d 11.020kgM 4.2% 463F 3.6% 391P NEXT DAMS 4e Renita VG-88-DE La2. 5e Kerndtway Metro Rosey EX-90-USA 6e Regancrest-UR Robin VG-86-USA 2yr. 7e Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA GMD DOM 8e Sher-Est Emory Swanny EX-90-USA 2E DOM 9e Sher-Est Prelude Swan EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 10e Sher-Est-S Wind Saturday EX-90-USA GMD DOM 11e Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 12e Buena-Vista Tony Sandra EX-91-USA 2E DOM 13e Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90-USA Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer) NH Reunion VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS La2. 1La 305d 9.143kgM 3.9% 355F 3.3% 304P 3/2La 305d 11.543kgM 3.7% 425F 3.2% 372P HL2 305d 13.942kgM 3.5% 494F 3.2% 441P • Die 13. Generation VG
13th generation VG or EX!
7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM NH Realgirl EX-90-DE EX-90-MS Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS Show ‘16
EXZELLENT Eingestuft und > 12.000kgM mit 3.6% EIWEIß / Scored EXCELLENT and produced > 12.000kgM with 3.6% PROTEIN
• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE - Grand Champion & Best Udder RBW
Pol Butte Mc BEEMER
Selbe Familie: / Same family: Mox Rihanna EX-93-DE 3. M. FrG Realsnow EX-91-DE EX-92-MS 156. NH Chief Real

• >77.000kgM Lebensleistung / >77.000kgM lifetime production

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same line as the HOT type bull UNIX @ Semex

Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA

• Tolle junge Kuh von CHIEF aus der überragenden

Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA Familie!

• Fantastische 1. Laktation mit >14.500kgm als Färse in 305 Tagen!

• Postitive Bullen, hohe Leistung & Schausiege, diese Familie liefert alles!


Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA

• Super young cow, sired by the udder king CHIEF out of the Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA family!!

• Hugh 1st Lactation with >14.500kgM as 2yr. in 305 days

• Bulls in AI, hugh records & show winners, the Raven's never miss!

ATWOOD Markwell Eland Rose VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE HL2 305d 12.620kgM 3.8% 484F 3.0% 380P 2/2La 305d 11.337kgM 4.2% 473F 3.2% 361P
Four-Of-A-Kind ELAND
/ s.
Schwester zu:
to: Markwell
/ Sister
Durham Daisy
Laurin Raven
Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA
Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA
Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM
Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM
Numero Uno
VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. 2/1La 305d 9.745kgM 4.0% 394F 3.2% 308P • 7th place Swiss Expo '18
SOLOMON A+H Atwood Rose VG-87-AT Conf. VG-87-AT 7/7La 305d 11.082kgM 4.0% 438F 2.8% 308P HL3 305d 13.304kgM 3.9% 520F 2.8% 370P
Schönhof's Rebecca
(in a class of 21)!!! Walnutlawn
5. M. Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95-USA 2. M. A+H Atwood Rose VG-87-AT
VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. DE 0770825621 Geb. Datum. 06.03.2019 Kalb. datum. 27.02.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/02 305d 14.587kgM 3.5% 506F 3.2% 472P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 16.04.2023 Aurora MITCHELL | TU+ / PREGNANT
M. Schönhof's Rebecca VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.
157. NH Rosaly

NH L ia VG-85-DE 3yr.


160. NH Arrow Lana

Senior Champion RUW Schau 2019

Senior Champion RUW Schow 2019

RAMOS Lena 3/2La 299d 8.879kgM 3.5% 310F 3.3% 291P HL2 305d 9.147kgM 3.4% 309F 3.4% 312P • V. / s. AARON Farnear-TBR
GRADE (Alta1stClass x Mccutchen x Superstition) Mr Sam Lena EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS 7/6La 305d 12.937kgM 3.6% 471F 3.0% 389P HL4 305d 15.016kgM 3.8% 567F 3.0% 443P 1La 305d 10.748kgM 3.4% 368F 2.9% 308P • Fantastische Leistungskuh / Great production Cow • 1st & Senior Champion RUW Show 2019 Regancrest-Mr Drham SAM Ramos Lena 3/2La 301d 8.565kgM 3.7% 317F 3.1% 267P HL2 296d 9.481kgM 3.6% 339F 3.1% 296P
BH 1st
M. Mr Sam Lena EX-90-DE 1st place RUW Show M. Mr Sam Lena
Fantastische hochleistende körperstarke Kühe mit >15.000kg Milch! • Daughter, Grand-& Great grand daughter of the Senior Champion RUW Show 2019 • Great powerful Cows with >15.000kg Milk! DE 0770655490 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2018 Kalb. datum. 25.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. HL2 305d 15.545kgM 3.4% 524F 3.0% 465P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 40.4kgM 3.10%F 2.98%P ZZ: 23 Conf. VG-85-DE 3yr. Bel. / Ins: 27.08.2023 Belgium Blue 159. DE 0771045142 Geb. Datum. 27.03.2021 Kalb. datum. 05.09.2023 Vater / Sire Dirt-Road FERRARI Mutter / dam: NH Lia GP-84-DE La1.
• Tochter, Enkelin-& Urenkelin der Siegerkuh Alt der RUW Schau 2019! •
158. DE 0771390566 Geb. Datum. 05.09.2023 Vater / Sire NH DG ARROW Mutter / dam NH Lila (FRESH)

161. NH Casa S

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• Halbschwester zu ie sehr popular bullen: / Maternal sister to the very populair sire of sons: Gold Chip & Colt 45

• Selbe Familie wie die erfolgreichen Zuchtun Schaukühe: / Same family as the very successfull breed and show cows: Trefle Chassep Doorman EX-92-USA, Farnear-TBRBH AT Corona EX-92-USA, Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA & many others!


• Eine der besten Zuchtkühe von Ihrer Generation / One of the greatest brood cows of her generaction!

• Großmutter zu: / Grand dam to: Cashcoin, Cashmoney, High Octane & Capital Gain



4e Regancrest Cinderella EX-92-USA GMD DOM

6e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM

7e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD

8e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM

9e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM




Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA

EX / Barbie / 13. Gen VG oder EX / GESEXT Tragend EX / Barbie / 13. Gen VG or EX / PD+ to SEXED

• NH Casa S EX-90 wird verkauft! GESEXT tragend von William!

• EXZELLENT eingstuft & >14.000kgm mit 3.7% EIWEIß, die 13. Generation VG oder EX in Serie!

• 8. Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter im Pedigree!

• 3. Mutter ist Regancrest S Chassity, eine der besten Zuchtkühe ihrer Generation & Mutter von Gold Chip!

• NH Casa S EX-90 sells! Incalf to SEXED William!

• Classified EXCELLENT & >14.000kgm with 3.7% PROTEIN & the 13th generation VG or EXCELLENT in a row

• 8. generations of EXCELLENT dams in the pedigree!

• 3rd dam is Regancrest S Chassity, one of the best brood cows of here generation and dam to Gold Chip!

DKR Pronto
VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P
Topseller NH
for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale
Sale ‘10
‘10 for EUR
4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM
Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM
Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr.
VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • Sister
Pine-Tree AltaOAK
to NH Fabulous @ Ascol /
3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam:
Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Ms Chassity Domain Caya EX-91-CAN 6yr. Conf. EX-91-CAN EX-92-MS 6yr. 2.00 365d 15.166kgM 3.6% 550F 2.9% 436P 4.00 365d 17.122kgM 3.8% 647F 2.9% 488P 5.11 365d 17.952kgM 4.4% 781F 2.7% 501P
Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel
Ralma Juror
DOM 2.01 365d 16.638kgM 4.3% 711F 3.3% 541P 3.10 365d 19.178kgM 4.3% 816F 2.7% 522P
Ronelee Toystory DOMAIN
Regancrest S Chassity
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA
Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA
MS Chocolate Truffels VG-86-UK 2yr. Conf. VG-86-UK VG-87-MS
HR 1La 8.866kgM 4.0% 358F 3.7% 327P
Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition x Shottle) Panda
RUW 2yr
’16 •
• 2. Platz RUW
Färsenschau ‘16 / 2nd place
Selbe Familie
/ Same family as: Braxton, Bradnick, Brokaw & others
Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL M. Panda Ms Chocolate Truffels VG-86-UK 2yr. 3. M. Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM 2. M. Ms Chassity Domain Caya EX-91-CAN 6yr.
EX-90-DE DE 0770405763 Geb. Datum. 17.04.2016 Kalb. datum. 14.01.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/4La 305d 11.415kgM 4.2% 481F 3.7% 423P HL4 305d 14.253kgM 4.2% 605F 3.7% 520P 239d 12.557kgM 3.88% 487F 3.38% 425P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2022): 41.8kgM 4.30%F 3.75%P ZZ: 310 Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS La5. Bel. / Ins. 23.05.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT

162. Hamming Darling

Doorman x Goldwyn x Dundee x Durham

• Doorman Tochter aus der EX-91 Goldwyn Schwester zu Oakfield Gold Chip Darby EX-95-CAN - Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019 und Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2019!!

• The GOLDEN CROSS: Doorman x Goldwyn!!

• Direkt aus 6 Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter in Kanada!

Doorman x Goldwyn x Dundee x Durham

• Doorman daughter from the EX-91 Goldwyn sister to Oakfield Gold Chip Darby EX-95-CAN - Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019 and Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2019!!

• The GOLDEN CROSS: Doorman x Goldwyn!!

• Straight out of 6 generations Canadian EXCELLENT dams!

Regancrest DUNDEE Woodlawn Durham Dolly EX-92-USA 5yr. Conf. EX-92-USA 5yr. 3.08 305d 12.764kgM 3.7% 478F 3.5% 443P 5.04 305d 13.240kgM 4.1% 542F 3.3% 438P • V. / s. Regancrest Elton DURHAM NEXT DAMS 4e Woodlawn Juror Daisy EX-93-USA 3E DOM 5e Gorecroft W Victor Doll EX-90-USA 5yr. 6e Gorecrof Dolly EX-90-USA GMD Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem
Goldwyn) Oakfield Goldwyn Damsel
2E Conf. EX-91-CAN EX-91-MS 2E 3/3La 305d 10.704kgM 4.3% 462F 3.4% 368P HL3 305d 12.451kgM 4.6% 572F 3.5% 439P • GOLDWYN x DUNDEE x DURHAM
Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Oakfield Gold
EX-95-CAN - Res.
Res. Senior
Champion World Dairy Expo 2019 - Res. Grand
Royal Winter Fair 2019 - Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show ‘19 - H.M. All-Ontario Jr. 3-Yr Old 2017
Woodlawn Dundee Daphne EX-91-USA 5yr. Conf. EX-91-USA 5yr. 2/2La 305d 8.632kgM 3.4% 293F 3.3% 283P HL1 305d 9.258kgM 3.4% 312F 3.2% 298P • 2 EXZELLENTE und 3 VG Töchter in Kanada (07/23) / 2 EXCELLENT and 3-VG daughters in Canada (07/23)
x Shottle x
Chip Darby
Grand Champion Circleville
& Res. Grand
Braedale GOLDWYN
M. Oakfield Goldwyn Damsel EX-91-CAN 2E Sister to M. Oakfield Gold Chip Darby EX-95-CAN - Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2019 Sister to M. Oakfield Gold Chip Darby EX-95-CAN DE 0364252150 Geb. Datum. 20.10.2022 Consignor Gerrit Kumlehn - Tel. +49 (0)152 27956239 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

163. Nipponia Goldwyn Lollapalooza

• 3rd place Ontario Summer ‘14

• Grand Champion Northumberland ‘12 & ‘14

• H.M. All-Canadian Longtime Production Cow '16

• H.M. All-Ontorio Mature cow 2016

• 11 EXZELLENTE und 13 VG-Töchter in Kanada

/ 11 EXCELLENT and 13 VG-dtrs in Canada

GOLDWYN aus Lizabeth EX-96

• Einzigartige und exklusive GOLDWYN direkt aus dem Grand Champion Northumberland '12 & '14: LIZABETH EX-96!!

• Tolle Familie welche zurück geht auf den Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 1998, 3x Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair & All-American: Acme Star Lily EX-94-USA 8*


GOLDWYN from Lizabeth EX-96

• Rare and exclusive GOLDWYN daughter straight out the Grand Champion Northumberland '12 & '14: LIZABETH EX-96!!

• Great family tracing back to the Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 1998, 3x Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair & All-American: Acme Star Lily EX-94-USA 8*

Comestar LEE Acme Star Lily EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 4.00 2x 305d 11.407kgM 3.5% 395F 3.0% 346P 5.03 2x 305d 13.727kgM 3.8% 519F 3.2% 437P 7.07 3x 305d 14.423kgM 3.8% 542F 2.9% 416P Lifetime: 76.808kgM 3.7% 2.809F 3.2% 2.473P
V. / s. Hanoverhill STARBUCK
• Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 1998
• Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 1997, 1998 & 1999
All-American 5-Yr Old 1998
VG-85-CAN VG-86-MS Braedale GOLLDWYN (James x Storm B/R x AltaGrand) Nipponia R D Lizabeth EX-96-CAN 3E 9* Conf. EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS 3E 9* 3.05 2x 305d 11.493kgM 3.6% 409F 3.2% 372P 4.08 2x 305d 13.917kgM 3.5% 492F 3.1% 428P 6.06 2x 305d 15.153kgM 3.3% 503F 3.1% 476P 8.05 2x 305d 16.465kgM 3.9% 635F 3.1% 512P Lifetime: 77.213kgM 3.6% 2.778F 3.2% 2.469P
4e Acme Anthony Lil VG-88-CAN 5yr. 5e Kruisdale Sheik Lilly VG-85-CAN VG-86-MS 6e
Mark Snowwhite
• HM. Grand Champion Ontario Summer ‘16
(07/23) Regancrest DUNDEE AltaGen Lee Lena EX-91-CAN 2E 4* Conf. EX-91-CAN 2E 4* 3.07 2x 305d 11.552kgM 3.5% 401F 3.1% 361P 5.03 2x 305d 17.624kgM 3.1% 543F 2.9% 516P 7.02 2x 305d 10.516kgM 2.8% 291F 2.9% 308P Lifetime: 61.698kgM 3.2% 1.965F 3.1% 1.922P • >60.000kgM Lebensleistung / >60.000kgM lifetime production • 1st 5-Yr Old Ontario Summer Show 2006 • 2nd Sr. 3-Yr Old ON Spring Discovery 2004 • 3rd Sr. 3-Yr Old Autumn Opportunity 2004 • 2nd Sr. 3-Yr Old Dufferin & Wellington 2004
4. M. Acme Star Lily
Grand WDE ‘98 & 3x Grand Royal Winter
3E 9*
M. Nipponia R D Lizabeth EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS
3E 9* M. Nipponia R D Lizabeth EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS DE 0365176281 Geb. Datum. 11.06.2023 Consignor Erik Büscherhoff - Tel. +49 (0)171 3221976 - Email.

Eclipse PERENNIAL (Crushabull x High Octane x Atwood)

VG-85-IT 2yr. Conf. VG-85-IT

CHIEF direkt aus Dandy P! / CHIEF direct from Dandy P! Stantons

• Grand Champion Nuit de la Holstein 2023

• Grand Champion Luxembourg National Show ‘19

• Grand Champion Luxembourg National Show ‘21

• Grand Champion Agrimax Metz 2020

• Verkauft am European Masters Sale 2019 für 18.000 EUR / Sold through the European Masters Sale 2019 for 18.000 EUR

• 1st & Best Udder National Show Cremona ‘18

• 2nd International Show Montichiari 2019

Intermediate Champion Europaschau '19

• Perennial Enkeltochter des aktuellen Grand Champion

Nuit de la Holstein 2023 & Intermediate Champion

European Show 2019: M.E. Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX!!

• Geht zurück auf Islehaven Gold Dancer, tolle Kuhfamilie aus Kanada!

• Eine der ersten Chancen überhaupt auf einen Nachkommen einer der besten Schaukühe Europa’s!

M. Scarlet VG-85-IT 2yr.

Rollen-NS Camr LONG P *RC

Dal Brax. Dancer-Red VG-86-IT Conf. VG-86-IT

5.04 305d 12.654kgM 3.9% 498F 2.8% 349P

• V. / s. Regancrest BRAXTON

• ROTE Braxton Tochter @ Ladina, Italien / RED Braxton dtr at Ladina, Italy


4e Islehaven Gold Dancer VG-88-CAN 4yr. 5*

5e Marktwain Lee Diana VG-85-CAN 3yr. 2*

6e Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-90-CAN EX-MS

7e Marktwain Yolanda-Red VG-86-CAN 3yr.

Intermediate Champion European Show '19

• Perennial grand daughter of the reigning Grand Champion Nuit de la Holstein 2023 and Intermediate Champion

European Show 2019: M.E. Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX!!

• Going back on Islehaven Gold Dancer, fantastic cow family from Canada!

• One of the first chances ever to buy a descendant of one of Europe’s best Showcows!

8e Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN 3yr. 2yr. La1 305d 12.320kgM 4.4% 536F 3.4% 422P
CHIEF M.E. Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX Conf.
4/4La 296d 12.357kgM 4.4% 549F 3.1% 387P HL3 305d 15.246kgM 4.7% 718F 3.1% 466P
• Intermediate Champion European Show ‘19
2. M. M.E. Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX 2. M. M.E. Dal Long P Dandy P EX-92-LUX Intermediate Champion European Show 2019 DE 0364635095 Geb. Datum. 04.11.2022 Consignor Rohdemann & Wallrichs - Tel. +49 (0)17681207969 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!
164. ZR Perennial Danger

165. Budjon Jagger So Sexy

• Doorman x SUBLIMINAL EX-97-USA!!

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS

- 5th Milking Yearling Madison ‘17 and BEST UDDER & Nom. All-American ‘17

- H.M. Grand Champion Ontario Summer ‘19

- Int. Champio Ontario Summer ‘19

Val-Bisson DOORMAN Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E Conf. EX-97-USA 4E

• Star of the Breed 2021

• All-National 150,000 Pound Cow 2021

• All-American 150,000 Pound Cow 2017

• Senior & Grand Champion Midwest National Spring Holstein Show 2021

• The ‘Supreme Champion’ of Junior Show World Dairy Expo 2015, 3rd 150,000lbs WDE 2019

• 1st place Wisconsin Holstein Show 2017

• 1st place 150.000lbs class World Dairy Expo ‘17

• All-Canadian & All-American Mature Cow 2016

• All-American Longtime Production Cow 2017

• Top 5 Aged Cow Madison ‘15

• Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2012

Das BESTE aus SUBLIMINAL EX-97 Jagger x the best:

Braedale GOLDWYN Blondin Marker Sublime EX-93-CAN Conf. EX-93-USA 2.03 445d 12.089kgM 5.2% 626F 3.8% 455P 3.11 362d 14.073kgM 5.5% 790F 3.5% 487P 5.02 472d 17.786kgM 4.6% 816F 3.7% 663P 8.11 349d 11.170kgM 4.9% 548F 3.7% 417P 10.08 454d 18.589kgM 4.8% 885F 3.4% 636P • 8 EX- and 26 VG daughters in Canada • 2nd 4yr. Old Three Rivers Show 2006 • 2nd Jr. 1yr. Old Berthier Show 2003 NEXT DAMS 4e Blondin James Supra EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9* 5e Blondin Skychief Supra EX-93-3E-CAN 35* 6e Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-CAN 17* 7e Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-CAN 8e Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-CAN Peak JAGGER (Hunk x Doc x Doorsopen) Budjon-Vail Superwoman EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA La1 305d 11.358kgM 3.9% 440F 3.6% 406P Hl3 305d 14.178kgM 4.8% 683F 3.3% 469P 3/3La 305d 13.411kgM 4.2% 561F 3.4% 461P
Life: 2.891d 134.559kgM 3.9% 5.248F 3.2% 4.306P
M. Budjon-Vail Superwoman EX-90-USA Sister to M. Budjon Atwood Stylish EX-94-CAN - Best Udder Milking Yearling WDE 2017 2. M. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E LU 18223963 Geb. Datum. 10.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 05.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT
SUBLIMINAL EX-97 • Tolle tragende Jagger x EX-90 Doorman x SUBLIMINAL EX-97! • Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS, H.M. Grand Champion & Int. Champion Ontario Summer 2019!! • Gleiche Familie wie Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA EX-99-MS: 2x Grand Champion R&W @ World Dairy Expo und 2x Grand Champion R&W @ Royal Winter Fair • Vollschwester verkauft auf dem Mox Sale ‘23 für 8.000€ • Showy pregnant Peak Jagger x EX-90 Doorman x SUBLIMINAL EX-97! • Dam is sister to Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS, H.M. Grand Champion & Int. Champion Ontario Summer 2019!! • Same family as Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA EX-99-MS: 2x Grand Champion R&W @World Dairy Expo and 2x Grand Champion R&W @Royal Winter Fair • Full sister sold at Mox Sale ‘23 for 8.000€
mbryos Comb. FEMALE Kings-Ransom DROPBOX x Budjon Jagger So Sexy Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
166. 3 Female E

M. Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E @ RWF ‘19

Blue-Spruce RINGER (Rubicom x Bingo x Reality)


• 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old, Int. Champion and H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019

• All-Quebec Sr. Yearling 2018

Ayrshire aus ROYAL CHAMPION!! Ayrshire from ROYAL CHAMPION!!

• Europapremiere! Die erste Aysrshire wird verkauft!

• Eine wunderschöne Ayrshire aus dem H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019: Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E

• Aus 5. Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter!

• Großmutter war Nom. All-Canadian & All-Quebec 2014!!

• Unique first offer in EUROPE! The first Ayshire to sell!

• An Ayrshire from the H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019: Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E

• Backed by 5 generations EXCELLENT dams!

• Grand dam was Nom. All-Canadian & All-Quebec 2014!!

Cedervale CHARLESTON Sunny-Acres Jerincho’s Layla EX-93-USA 3E Conf. EX-93-USA 3E 4-00 305d 10.378kgM 4.2% 432F 3.4% 349P 6-01 305d 11.866kgM 4.3% 505F 3.2% 379P 7-02 305d 10.782kgM 4.4% 479F 3.2% 340P Life: 2589d 78.463kgM 4.2% 3.284F 3.3% 2.559P • V. / s. Sunny-Acres Soldier’s JERINCHO NEXT DAMS 4e Sunny-Acres Proly Linen EX-93-USA 2E - 2nd 4-Yr Old Mid-Atlantic National 2005 5e Sunny-Acres Black Lace 6e Sunny-Acres J.J. Louise EX-92-USA 3E
Lola EX-93-CAN 5E Conf. EX-93-CAN 5E
2021 • Jr. Champion Supreme Laitier, Trois-Rivieres & St-Hyacinthe 2017 • All-Canadian Sr. 2-Yr Old 2019 • All-Quebec Sr. 2-Yr Old 2019
• All-Canadian Sr. Calf 2017 CALIMERO Sunny-Acres CC Lola EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2-03 305d 8.537kgM 4.4% 375F 3.4% 288P • Nom. All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr Old 2014 • Nom. All-Quebec Sr. 3-Yr Old 2014
M. Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E M. Margot Calimero Lola EX-93-CAN 5E @ RWF ‘17 DE 0364926214 Geb. Datum. 14.08.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.
167. Margot Alina Red

168. WIT Okidoki

• Inhaltstoffe / Eiweiß / Components / Protein

• Hohe genomische Werte, sehr gute Leistung! / High genomic values, with super production!

Etwas ganz spezielles...

• Die ganz spezielle Möglichkeit!!

Direkt aus Frankreich importiert! / DONOR DAM directly imported from France!

• Eine ganz exklusives NORMANDIE Rind von PRESTIGE und Enkelin der Bullenmutter und direkt aus Frankreich importierten Oilette!

• Tolle Leistungen mit ganz hohen Inhaltstoffen (kg + %) !!

• „Zweinutzung“ : Bunt, freundlich & fleißig!

• Halbschwester am GMS ‘22 verkauft für: 10.400€

aus Frankreich / NORMANDIE from France NEXT

Something very special...


• A lovely & exclusive NORMANDIE heifer by PRESTIGE and grand dtr to Oilette, directly imported from France!!

• High production in combination with lots of PROTEIN (kg + %) !!

• Cross breed, kind cows and muscles!!

• Maternal sister sold @ GMS ‘22 for 10.400€

MAANOU Guinguette 4/4La 305d 8.064kgM 4.4% 357F 3.7% 295P HL3 305d 8.956kgM 4.2% 379F 3.6% 326P
/ s.
Voiture (s.
Orchidee La1/1 294d 7.622kgM 4.05%F 3.84%P
Typographe) 5e
PRESTIGE (Montfort x Unnoel)
GENNARO Oilette 2/2La 305d 10.694kgM 4.45%F 3.93%P
M. Orchidee (L) & M. Oilette (R) WIT Okidoki | SHE SELLS
M. Oilette
2. DE 0542287433 Geb. Datum. 28.05.2022 Consignor Wiethege Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

169. 4 Grade A Embryos


Arubial Bond Q007 x EMW Himawari

Arubial BOND Q007 Progeny proven, Eye Muscle Area +15.1 // Marcble Score +3.1 The #1 bull proven sire in the Wagyu breed for this combination!

EMW HIMAWARI Recessive free // AA9 (Top 6.25% of the breed) // Exon-5 BB


Diamond Genetics Wagyu - Tel. +31 (0)643985150 - Email.

Donor: EMW Himawari AA9 = Beautiful long bodied and strong heifer!

MYMFQ007 Arubial Bond Q007

09/23(2) EMA +15.1 MS +3.1 MF +0.47

EMW Himawari

• Erbfehler frei / Recessive free

• Tolles Rind, langer Körperbau & feiner Knochen! / SUPERB donor, long bodied & fine bone


• SCD / Tenderness: AA9, Top 6.25%

• Exon 5: BB

Wagyu at it’s best!

Hitoshi (Hirshigetayasu 001 x World K’s Michifuku)


• BOND Q007 Embryonen! Bond ist der #1 WAGYU Bulle für die wichtigsten Wagyu Merkmale: Marmorierung & Ribeye Ausprägung

• Himawari ist AA9 / BB und Erbfehler frei!

• Aus einer fantastischen Familie die bereits einige der legendärsten Tiere der Rasse hervorgebracht hat!

World K’s Michifuku (2 x in her pedigree)

From same maternal line, a LEGEND! Semen has been sold @ AU$ 70.000 / straw

Bar R Nakagishiro 56T FB 7719 (s. World K’s Sanjirou)

LMR MS Hiroshi 1214Y FB13107


4e LMR Michifuku 6285 (s. Michifuku)

5e CHR MS Hiroshige 055J

6e CHR Kikuhaniahime FB3311 Bred by Takeda Farms, JAPAN

7e Hikokura 2/8

8e Ezokintou 1A

Wagyu at it’s best!

• BOND Q007 embryo’s! Bond is the #1 WAGYU bull for the most important Wagyu traits: Marbling & Eye Muscle Area

• Himawari is AA9 / BB and Recessive Free!

• From a legendary cow family who produced some of the best Wagyu’s in the World

170. 4 Grade A Embryos

Combination ET Poll Wagyu Perfection PP Q722 x Terutani 103


TERUTANI 103 Exceptional cow out of the SUZUTANI cow family

Consignor Diamond Genetics Wagyu - Tel. +31 (0)643985150 - Email. & Norlin Wagyu Denmark

TERUTANI 103 - Exceptional donor out of the SUZUTANI Cow family


09/23(2) MS +1.5 / EMA +5.7

Recessive free | #1 PP Wagyu bull

Terutani 103

• Fantastische Donorkuh mit überrangenden Werten! / Fantastic donor cow with great maternal traits

• Eine der besten Wagyu's in Europa aus der Suzutani Familie / Among the best European Wagyu’s from the Suzutani cow family

Goorambat Terutani F146 (Terutani 40/1 x Itoshigenami)


• Tochter der Legende: / Daughter of the legend: SHIGESHIGETANI

Sire of the embryos: PERFECTION PP The #1 PP bull in the Wagyu breed

World K’s Shigeshigetani

CHR MS Sanjirou 320 (s. World K’s Sanjirou)


4e Suzutaka 2 (s. Takazukura)

5e World K’s Suzutani The Queen of the WAGYU Breed!


• Exklusive Embryonen des #1 PP Wagyu Bullen der Rasse Poll Wagyu PERFECTION PP Q722

• 100% in Australien (AWA Association) registriert

• Die Suzutani Kuhfamilie, die Königin der Rasse

• Tolles Pedigree: HORNLOSx Terutani x Shigeshigetani x Sanjirou x Takazukura x SUZUTANI!!

• Exclusive embryos by the #1 PP Wagyu bull in the breed Poll Wagyu PERFECTION PP Q722

• 100% Australian (AWA Association) registred

• The Suzutani cow family, the QUEEN OF THE BREED

• Tremendous pedigree: POLLED x Terutani x Shigeshigetani x Sanjirou x Takazukura x SUZUTANI!!


171. NH Destiny Red


S SYMPATICO *RC (Snowman x Planet x Bolton)

Destiny Red: 7. Gen. EXZELLENT

• Destiny Red hat gerade frisch abgekalbt & sieht besser aus als je zuvor!

• Destiny: Über 11.500kg mit 3.5% EIWEIß, dazu mehrere Schausiege, u.a. Res. Int. Champion BZT Schau ‘17

• Tiefe Kuhfamilie mit fantastischen Leistungen, großen Schausiegen & 7. Generationen EXZELLENT in ROT!

• 3. Mutter ist eine der besten Schaukühe ihrer Generation: Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA!

Destiny Red: 7 generations EXCELLENT!

• Destiny is just fresh again and looks better then ever!

• Destiny: More then 11.500kgm with 3.5% PROTEIN & numerous show success as beeing named Res. Int. Champion BZT-Show ‘17

• Deep cow family with numerous All-Americans and show winning cows!

• 3rd dam is one of the best show cows of her generation: Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA!

KHW Kite ADVENT-RED Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC
Conf. EX-96-USA 3E GMD 5.03 2x 365d 21.564kgM 4.2% 906F 2.9% 632P • Reserve All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2007 • Nominated All-American Aged Cow 2006 • Unanimous All-American 5-Year-Old 2005 • Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo 2005 NEXT DAMS 4e Triple-A Danee EX-92-USA 3E 5e Triple-A Linc Fancy EX-90-USA 2E 6e C Lessia Warden
3/3La 305d 13.498kgM 4.2% 561F 3.6% 482P Hl2 305d 13.716kgM 4.1% 562F 3.9% 535P 1la 305d 13.767kgM 4.0% 548F 3.5% 479P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: ARIZONA-RED @ ABERIKIN •
PROTEIN • 6. Generation
/ 6th gen. EXCELLENT Scientific DESTRY *RC Budjon-Nitzi Destiny Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 4E 2.03 317d 12.084kgM 3.9% 476F 3.4% 407P 3.02 310d 14.629kgM 3.3% 485F 3.2% 475P 4.03 305d 14.474kgM 3.3% 479F 3.3% 472P • Unanimous All-American 4-Year-Old 2011 • HM Senior Champion, International R&W Show ‘11 • Unanimous All-American Jr 3-Year-Old ‘10 • Junior Champion, International R&W Show ‘08
Pre Foxie EX-90-USA
Foxie VG-85-CAN Dymentholm
D Devils-Red EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA
/ 3.9%
M. Milksource D Devils-Red EX-90-USA
Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA
3. M. Budjon 2. M. Budjon-Nitzi
Destiny Red EX-94-USA DE 0770041361 Geb. Datum. 08.04.2014 Kalb. datum. 28.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 6/5La 305d 11.098kgM 3.7% 408F 3.5% 384P HL4 305d 11.566kgM 4.0% 458F 3.5% 402P Conf. EX-92-DE 3E Show results 2nd place RUW Show 2017 Res. Intermediate Champion BZT-Show ‘17
NH Destiny-Red EX-92-DE 3E | SHE SELLS

172. NH Dewi *RC FRESH DE 0771123371 Geb. Datum. 16.10.2021

Kalb. datum. Kalbt kurz vor der Auktion / will be fresh just before the Sale

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Prod. Frisch gekalbt - weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh - see sale update for more info!

Conf. NC

Bel. / Ins. 31.12.2022 FEMALE ST-Gen DORAL-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Trent-Way-Js RONALD *RC

Mutter / dam: NH Destiny Red EX-92-DE 3E

173. NH Doris Day *RC DE 0771390548 Geb. Datum. 28.07.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Siemers STARS *RC

Mutter / dam: NH Destiny Red EX-92-DE 3E

174. NH Daydream *RC DE 0771197381 Geb. Datum. 17.06.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Trent-Way-Js RONALD *RC

Mutter / dam: NH Amaretto Derlara N.C. (Sold as a 2yr. Old) TL22/06 25d 725kgM 3.3% 24F 3.2% 23P

2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH Destiny Red EX-92-DE 3E

Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96!

• Das beste aus den Desire’s! Ein wundervolles Stars *RC Kalb & eine frisch abgekalbte Ronald Tochter direkt aus dem Reserve Intermediate Champion BZT Schau 2017 & 2. Platz RUW Schau´17

• 4. Mutter ist die Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2005: Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

• Tiefe Kuhfamilie mit hohen Leistungen, super Inhaltsstoffen, unzähligen Schausiegen & 7. Generationen EXZELLENT!

Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96!

• The very best from the Desire´s! A beautiful Stars *RC calf sells as well with here FRESH Ronald sister, both straight from the Reserve Intermediate Champion BZT-Show 2017 & 2nd place RUW-Show 2017

• 4th dam is the Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2005: Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

• Deep cowfamily with numerous All-Americans, high production, hugh components & 7. gen. EXCELLENT!

The Budjon Redmarker Desire family

Scientific DESTRY *RC Budjon-Nitzi Destiny Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 4E 2.03 317d 12.084kgM 3.9% 476F 3.4% 407P 3.02 310d 14.629kgM 3.3% 485F 3.2% 475P 4.03 305d 14.474kgM 3.3% 479F 3.3% 472P • Unanimous All-American 4-Year-Old 2011 • HM Senior Champion, International R&W Show ‘11 • Unanimous All-American Jr 3-Year-Old ‘10 • Junior Champion, International R&W Show ‘08 NEXT DAMS 4e Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA 5e Triple-A Danee EX-92-USA 3E 6e Triple-A Linc Fancy EX-90-USA 2E 7e C Lessia Warden Pre Foxie EX-90-USA 8e Lessia Pre Foxie VG-85-CAN Trent-Way-Js RONALD *RC (Salvatore *RC x Silver x Numero Uno) NH Destiny Red EX-92-DE 3E Conf. EX-92-DE 3E 6/5La 305d 11.098kgM 3.7% 408F 3.5% 384P Hl4 305d 11.566kgM 4.0% 458F 3.5% 402P 1la 305d 10.081kgM 3.7% 368F 3.4% 338P • Reserve Int. Champion BZT-Show ‘17 • 2nd place RUW-Show ‘17 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: ARIZONA-RED @ ABERIKIN Dymentholm S SYMPATICO *RC Milksource D Devils-Red EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3/3La 305d 13.498kgM 4.2% 561F 3.6% 482P Hl2 305d 13.716kgM 4.1% 562F 3.9% 535P 1la 305d 13.767kgM 4.0% 548F 3.5% 479P • Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Sympatico Destiny-Red EX-90-DE - Res. Int. Champion BZT-Show ‘17 - 2nd place RUW-Show ‘17
Sister to M. NH Awesome Dina-Red VG-88-DE
4. M. Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA 3. M. Budjon-Nitzi Destiny Red EX-94-USA

175. NH Diana Red

Großartige Kuh mit großartigem Pedigree

• NH Diana Red kalbt kurz vor der Auktion zum 2. mal und könnte eine der Kühe sein die es nächstest Jahr zu schlagen gilt!

• Eine überragende junge Kuh mit großartiger Zukunft & der Liebling von vielen Besuchern!

• Fast 13.000kgm mit 4.3% Fett & 3.6% Eiweiß in ihrer erster Laktation

4e Budjon-Nitzi Destiny-Red EX-94-USA 2E

5e Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA

6e Triple-A Danee EX-92-USA 3E

7e Triple-A Linc Fancy EX-90-USA 2E


• NH Diana Red will be fresh with here 2nd just before the sale and could be the cow to beat in the next show season!

• Amazing young cow with a big future & one of the crowd favourites to many visitors at Nosbisch

• Close to 13.000kgM with 4.3% Fat & 3.6% Protein in her 1st lactation

3/3La 305d 13.498kgM 4.2% 561F 3.6% 482P Hl2 305d 13.716kgM 4.1% 562F 3.9% 535P 1la 305d 13.767kgM 4.0% 548F 3.5% 479P
Mutter von:
Dam to: NH Sympatico
D Devils-Red EX-90-USA
Destiny-Red EX-90-DE
Res. Int. Champion BZT-Show ‘17
2nd place RUW-Show ‘17
(McGucci x Gold Chip x Lion King *RC)
Awesome Dina-Red VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La2. 3/2La 305d 9.988kgM 4.2% 416F 3.6% 361P Hl2 305d 11.433kgM 4.2% 478F 3.6% 409P • 3.6% EIWEIß / 3.6% PROTEIN • 1b hinter der Siegerfärse auf der RUW Schau 2019 / 2nd behind the Juniorchampion RUW show 2019 Luck-E AWESOME-RED NH Destiny Red EX-92-DE 3E Conf. EX-92-DE 3E 6/5La 305d 11.098kgM 3.7% 408F 3.5% 384P Hl4 305d 11.566kgM 4.0% 458F 3.5% 402P 1la 305d 10.081kgM 3.7% 368F 3.4% 338P • Reserve Int. Champion BZT-Show ‘17 • 2nd place RUW-Show ‘17 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: ARIZONA-RED @ ABERIKIN
Destiny Red EX-94-USA M. NH Awesome Dina-Red VG-88-DE VG-89-MS La2. 5.
8e C Lessia Warden Pre Foxie EX-90-USA 9e Lessia Pre Foxie VG-85-CAN Cycle McGucci JORDY-RED
4. M. Budjon-Nitzi
M. Budjon Redmarker
Desire *RC
VG-86-DE DE 0770900259 Geb. Datum. 16.09.2019 Kalb. datum. Sie kalbt zum 2. mal kurz vor der Auktion / Will be fresh with here 2nd just before the Sale Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/05 305d 12.814kgM 4.3% 552F 3.6% 455P Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 07.01.2023 FEMALE NH Sir SILKY-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT
NH Jordy Diana-Red VG-86-DE 2yr. SHE SELLS

177. NH Powerstar Olivia

178. 4 Female E

179. NH Zazzle Orlando

180. NH Zazzle Omira DE 0771197374 Geb. Datum. 30.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 25.08.2023 FEMALE Sandy-Valley ESQUIRE Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam: GAH Olga Des Grilles VG-87-DE La2. DE 0771197337 Geb. Datum. 04.01.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 19.05.2023 FEMALE SDG GS GOTTI | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Peak AltaZAZZLE Mutter / Dam: GAH Olga Des Grilles VG-87-DE La2.
mbryos Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. FEMALE ST-Gen REDLEA *RC x GAH Olga Des Grilles VG-87-DE La2. Method ET - Grade A Location Germany GTPI index of sire ST-Gen REDLEA *RC: 176. GAH Olga Des Grilles VG-87-DE FR 2833165598 Geb. Datum. 30.07.2018 Kalb. datum. 02.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 14.755kgM 4.1% 597F 3.6% 535P HL2 305d 16.344kgM 4.0% 649F 3.6% 580P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 30.5kgM 5.59%F 4.76%P ZZ: 37 Conf. VG-87-DE La2. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1473 +0.18 +0.06 109 64 2.82 -0.3 4.8 1.7 +1.09 1.70 1.81 1067 3067 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +750 +0.49 +0.15 83 42 140 113 1905 113 107 112 117 118 144 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1758 +0.05 +0.04 83 66 2.89 -2.8 2.9 1.4 0.33 1.33 +1.32 849 2812 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1293 +0.16 +0.05 70 50 141 107 1604 105 97 110 111 120 139 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1820 +0.00 +0.03 69 64 2.88 -0.5 3.4 1.7 0.52 0.83 +1.04 766 2791 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1771 +0.03 +0.03 74 64 149 112 1980 114 110 110 112 121 148 DE 0771390559 Geb. Datum. 21.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak POWERSTAR Mutter / Dam: GAH Olga Des Grilles VG-87-DE La2. in TEST +142 RZG (09/23)

The Peckenstein Luke Kirsten family

2. M. Jacotte des Grilles VG-86-FR GAH Olga des Grilles

Boldi V GYMNAST (Doorsopen x Jabir x Epic) Mancelle Des Grilles VG-85-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-85-FR 2yr.

- Topseller Paris Dairy Sale ‘19 for 130.000 EUR Bryceholm BRODIE

Olga: Genomischer Superstar


• Olga selbst wird verkauft! Die ehemalige #1 nach RZG der Welt!

• Topseller des Paris Dairy Sale für 130.000€

• Immernoch +148 RZG & +2791 GTPI & +3688 GLPI

• Fantastische Kuh mit >16.000kgm & 3.6% EIWEIß

• Außerdem im Sale: Ihre WEIBLICHEN Redlea RC Embryonen mit hohem Index Potential & ihre tragenden Zazzle Töchter


4e La Jungletiere Fidji GP-83-FR

5e La Jungletiere Drome VG-86-FR

6e La Jungletiere Agape EX-91-FR

7e La Jungletiere Sister VG-89-FR 2yr.

8e Paraffine EX-90-FR

9e Peckenstein Luke Kirsten EX-91-USA GMD DOM

10e Peckenstein Beatrice Kay VG-87-USA GMD DOM

Olga: Genomic Giant

• Olga sells! The former #1 RZG heifer in the breed!

• Topseller @ Paris Dairy Sale for 130.000€

• Still +148 RZG & +2791 GTPI & +3688 GLPI

• Amazing Cow with >16.000kgm & 3.6% PROTEIN

• Also in the Sale: Here FEMALE Redlea RC Embryos with high Index potential & here pregnant Zazzle daughters!

De-Su 11236 BALISTO Hippie
2.02 305d 9.255kgM 4.0% 366F 3.4% 299P 3.04 305d 10.241kgM 3.9% 403F 3.5% 342P 4.08 305d 11.832kgM 4.4% 524F 3.2% 375P
des Grilles VG-87-FR
• 2.00 141d 4.637kgM 3.9% 182F 3.2% 142P
sister to HALTERE des Grilles VG87-FR, bull dam and show winner, who has an impressive progeny with 6 dtrs all >VG.
Conf. VG-86-FR 2.08 305d 8.183kgM 4.8% 391F 3.8% 295P
• Mutter von: / Dam to: GAH Olga des Grilles
des Grilles VG-86-FR
• Tolle franzöische Kuhfamilie mit US Ursprung / Great french cow family from American Origin
M. Mancelle Des Grilles VG-85-FR 2yr. NEXT DAMS

181. NH Cameron Sacarna

182. NH Mitchell Sapaya

183. NH Santashot VG-85-DE 2yr.

Hiltop Hanover K Sassy EX-92-CAN

• Tolle abgegalbte aus der Familie von Hiltop Hanover K Sassy EX-92-CAN

• Gefragte Outcross Familie, mit fantastischer Leistung & hohen Zuchtwerten!

• Die Familie von Bonus, Bonhof & Damgo.

Hiltop Hanover K Sassy EX-92-CAN

• Super milking Cows out of the family of Hiltop Hanover K Sassy EX-92-CAN

• Requested outcross family, amazing production & high numbers!

The family of Bonus, Bonhof & Damgo.
VG-86-DE La2. DE 0770655536 23.06.2018 02.01.2023 Prod. 3/2La 305d 12.282kgM 3.7% 451F 3.7% 456P HL2 305d 13.840kgM 3.8% 525F 3.8% 520P 251d 12.877kgM 4.44% 572F 3.83% 493P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 48.6kgM 4.03%F 3.78%P ZZ: 154 VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La2. Bel. / Ins: 10.08.2023 Aurora MITCHELL | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Progeneis CAMERON Mutter / Dam ZHW Santaproud VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La2. DE 0771273275 Geb. Datum. 02.01.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam NH Cameron Sacarna VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La2. DE 0770825638 Geb. Datum. 05.04.2019 Kalb. datum. 30.04.2022 Kalbt zum 3. mal kurz vor der Aukion / Will be fresh with here 3rd just before the Sale! Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 11.560kgM 3.8% 437F 3.5% 403P HL2 305d 12.835kgM 3.6% 467F 3.5% 447P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 28.12.2022 Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Wilder HOTSPOT P Mutter / Dam ZWH Santaproud VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La2.

114. NH Charl P

The Santafee’s

CAMERON (Penmanship x Yoder x Mcctuchen)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

ZWH Santaproud VG-86-DE VG-87-MS

VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La2.

• Donor Cow

• Outcross Pedigree: Proud x Shottglass x Bookem

Progenesis PROUD

ZWH Santafee EX-90-DE EX-MS Conf. EX-90-DE EX-MS

• Ihrer Lighter-Tochter war Topseller bei Zukunft Rind ‘17 für 25.000 EUR: / Her Lighter daughter was topseller at Zukunft Rind ‘17 for 25.000 EUR

• >16.000kgM mit 3.5% Eiweiß / >16.000kgM with 3.5% PROTEIN

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561 • Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family! • High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1.
ompeye DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Butz-Butler SHOTGLASS Sambooka GP-DE Conf. GP-83-DE La1 305d 7.948kgM 4.5% 354F 3.7% 290P • V. / s. De-Su BOOKEM NEXT DAMS 4e Savannah EX-90-DE 5e Goldwyn Saturday EX-90-DE 6e Santje EX-90-DE 7e Saphir 67 EX-90-DE 8e Hilltop-Hanover-K Sassy EX-92-CAN 9e Delbar Astro Splendor EX-95-USA Progenesis
2/1La 305d 11.814kgM 3.9% 455F 3.5% 411P
3/2La 305d 16.337kgM 4.0% 652F 3.5% 575P HL2 305d 11.814kgM 3.9% 455F 3.5% 411P
P5. M. Goldwyn Saturday EX-90-DE 4. M. Savannah EX-90-DE 6. M. Santje EX-90-DE

188. NH William Santa

Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM

Mutter / Dam NH Murphy Sarina VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

Hohes RZG Potential aus den Santafee's HIGH RZG potential from the Santafee's

• Mehrere hohe RZG Nachkommen aus dem extrem leistungstarken Santafee Zweig

• Gefragte Outcross Familie, mit fantastischer Leistung & hohen Zuchtwerten!

• Bullen auf Station, Topseller auf Sonderauktionen & Embryonen nach Japan exportiert!

• NH Col Sara ist frisch gekalbt und leistet bereits über 50kg!

• Different high RZG progeny from the amazing production branch of the Santafee family.

• Sought after Outcross family, amazing production & high Index!

• Sons in AI, Topselling females & Embryos exported to Japan!

• NH Col Sara is just fresh and already producing >50kgM.

ara VG-85-DE 2yr. DE 0770475943 05.09.2018 13.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 15.195kgM 3.9% 590F 3.4% 522P HL2 305d 16.803kgM 4.0% 674F 3.4% 575P Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins: 22.12.2022 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire S-S-I Franchise BENZ Mutter / Dam ZHW Santaproud VG-85-DE VG-85-MS La2. 185.
arende 187.
Col Saturday
184. NH Gen Benz S
186. NH Col S
NH DE 0771045110 Geb. Datum. 29.01.2021 Kalb. datum. 23.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 45.4kgM 5.96%F 2.81%P ZZ: 60 Conf. NC Vater / Sire Rosylane-LLC MURPHY Mutter / Dam NH Gen Benz Sara VG-85-DE 2yr. DE 0771273301 Geb. Datum. 02.05.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire BGP FB RIDERCUP Mutter / Dam NH Col Sara (FRESH) DE 0771390541 Geb. Datum. 08.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire COMEBACK Mutter / Dam NH Col Sara (FRESH) DE 0771273273 Geb. Datum. 27.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
08/23 Milk %F %E RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZD RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +863 +0.00 -0.20 137 118 1926 113 106 116 113 114 120 144 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1187 +0.09 +0.03 71 47 2.79 0.5 4.8 1.8 0.20 0.83 +0.54 819 2727 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1408 +0.16 +0.02 74 51 142 121 2301 123 111 123 107 107 150 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1330 +0.07 +0.02 61 48 138 111 2062 119 116 119 115 115 148 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +717 +0.20 +0.08 86 46 2.63 -0.4 5.3 2.1 0.87 1.13 +1.05 881 2835 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +669 +0.43 +0.13 73 37 135 128 2326 128 110 128 114 123 156 Beta Casein: A2A2

114. NH Charl Pompeye

The Santafee’s

Franchise BENZ (Franchise x Montross x Numero Uno)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

ZWH Santaproud VG-86-DE VG-87-MS

VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La2.

• Donor Cow

• Outcross Pedigree: Proud x Shottglass x Bookem

Progenesis PROUD

ZWH Santafee EX-90-DE EX-MS Conf. EX-90-DE EX-MS La3.

• Ihrer Lighter-Tochter war Topseller bei Zukunft Rind ‘17 für 25.000 EUR: / Her Lighter daughter was topseller at Zukunft Rind ‘17 for 25.000 EUR

• >16.000kgM mit 3.5% Eiweiß / >16.000kgM with 3.5% PROTEIN

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561 • Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family! • High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2. Conf. VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Butz-Butler SHOTGLASS Sambooka GP-DE Conf. GP-83-DE La1 305d 7.948kgM 4.5% 354F 3.7% 290P • V. / s. De-Su BOOKEM NEXT DAMS 4e Savannah EX-90-DE 5e Goldwyn Saturday EX-90-DE 6e Santje EX-90-DE 7e Saphir 67 EX-90-DE 8e Hilltop-Hanover-K Sassy EX-92-CAN 9e Delbar Astro Splendor EX-95-USA S-S-I
2/1La 305d 11.814kgM 3.9% 455F 3.5% 411P
3/2La 305d 16.337kgM 4.0% 652F 3.5% 575P HL2 305d 11.814kgM 3.9% 455F 3.5% 411P
P4. M. Savannah EX-90-DE 5. M. Goldwyn Saturday EX-90-DE 6. M. Santje EX-90-DE

189. NH Sunview S

VG-87-MS 2yr.

Bel. / Ins: 23.07.2023 ABS MEDLEY | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Leaninghouse Big BUBBA Mutter / Dam Leaninghouse Delta 22086 N.C.

190. NH Zasberilla Sandra FRESH DE 0771123342 Geb. Datum. 11.08.2021 Kalb. datum. 01.09.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

191. NH Crisalis Sun

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.


2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Leaninghouse Delta 22086-ET N.C.

Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 3E GMD DOM Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 3E GMD DOM

• Sichern Sie sich ihre eigene Rudy Missy!

• Die wohl einflussreichste Familie der letzten Zeit!

• Die Familie von: Monterey, Powerball, Missouri, Silver, Balisto, Mogul. u.v.m.

• Fantastische Leistung mit hohen Inhaltsstoffen bei Sunny!

Ihr Enkelsohn ist bei Phönix!

• Secure your own Rudy Missy!

• Propably the most influential bull breeding family on the planet!

• The family of: Monterey, Powerball, Missouri, Silver, Balisto, Mogul and many more!

• Great production & hugh components on Sunny! Here grand son is sold to Phönix!

unny VG-85-DE 2yr. DE 0770753318 29.07.2018 23.12.2022 Prod. La21/08 305d 10.860kgM 4.7% 513F 3.9% 428P 261d 12.565kgM 4.38% 550F 3.49% 439P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 40.3kgM 4.53%F 4.13%P ZZ: 24 Conf. VG-85-DE
test (13.09.2023): 28.6kgM 4.42%F 3.32%P ZZ: 34
Kontrolle / last
Conf. NC Vater / Sire Claynook ZASBERILLA
/ Dam NH Sunview Sunny VG-85-DE VG-87-MS
2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: Leaninghouse Delta 22086 N.C.
Geb. DE 0771273272
Datum. 23.12.2022
Mutter / Dam NH Sunview Sunny VG-85-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

114. NH Charl Pompeye

Big BUBBA (Jedi x Supersire x Oman Oman)

117. NH Parsly Pepper

Delta 22086 N.C.

Mr Mogul DELTA 1427 View-Home Shan Scramento VG-86-USA Conf. VG-86-USA

PSister to 4. M. Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-92-USA

von: / Dam to: Leaninghouse Pepe @ Select, Bubble @ SBS & Mr. Future @ Synetics

• Eine der erfolgreichsten Familien der Rasse! / One of the most succesfull families in the breed!

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as the heavily used sire of sons: Monterey, Powerball-P, Missouri, Cashflow, Mardi Gras, Balisto, Mogul & others

Die Familie von Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total The family of Vekis POPEYE @ AI-Total

• Tolle Leistungskühe aus der Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 Familie!

• Die Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Eiweißspezialisten Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.25%E (NL Basis) und aAa 561

• Toller Zweig der El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 Kuhfamilie!

• Fantastische Leistung gepaart mit super Inhaltsstoffen!

• Amazing productino specialists from the Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 family!

• Dam is the full sister to the protein specialist Vekis Popeye @ AI-Total (+0.53% F / +0.275%P (NL base) and aAa 561

• Beautiful branch of the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 cow family!

• High production with amazing components!

VG-86-DE La2.
VG-86-DE La2. Bel. / Ins: 03.01.2023 Farnear Delta Lambda
GP-84-DE La1. DE 0770825609 Geb. Datum. 12.02.2019 Kalb. datum. 16.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL Mutter / Dam NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. Prod. HL2 305d 11.242kgM 5.5% 620F 4.0% 450P Conf. GP-84-DE La1. DE 0771273224 Geb. Datum. 23.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Town PARSLY 32480-ET Mutter / Dam NH Kenobi Prada VG-86-DE HL2 305d 13.572kgM 4.4% 602F 3.6% 494P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: NH DG Passion VG-85-DE La1. SCE FLC 1.6 -0.07 0.59 +0.59 830 2743 Ladys-Manor Man-O-SHAN Pine-Tree 2149Robst 4846 VG-87-USA Conf. VG-87-USA DOM La1 305d 7.948kgM 4.5% 354F 3.7% 290P • Mutter von: / Dam to: LITTLEROCK, MONTGOMERY, MANDATE, MISSOURI, POWERBALL-P, CASHFLOW & MORE • Mutter ist halbschwester zu Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-92-USA - Mutter zu: Supersire, Headliner, Shaw & mehr! / Dam is maternal sister to Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-92-USA - dam to: Supersire, Headliner, Shaw & more! NEXT DAMS 4e Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen VG-87-USA DOM 5e Pine-Tree Martha Sheen VG-86-USA DOM 6e Pine-Tree Missy Martha VG-86-USA GDM DOM 7e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 3E GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9e Wesswood
10e Wesswoord
Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11e Wesswood
La1. 279d 7.589kgM 3.3% 253F 3.5% 265P 2/2La 292d 8.292kgM 3.4% 285F 3.6% 298P HL2 305d 8.995kgM 3.5% 317F 3.7%
Astro Matt
Bell Claudette
• Diese Familie brachte unzählige hochrangige Bullen und Tochters in verschieden Systemen / This family produced countless high ranking males and females in different systems 2/1La 305d 11.863kgM 4.2% 496F 3.3% 394P
3. M. Pine-Tree 2149 Robst 4846 VG-87-USA 4. M. Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen VG-87-USA DOM The Pine-Tree Rudy Missy cow family

192. NH 1st Price

193. NH Pina Colada DE 0771197358 Geb. Datum. 11.05.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF

Mutter / Dam NH 1st Price EX-90-DE La3.

Bel. / Ins. 08.07.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT

194. NH Chief Paris

EXZELLENTE Kuh & CHIEF im Doppelpack Excellent 1ST GRADE & 2 dtrs by CHIEF

• Tolle frisch melkende 1st Grade Tochter und Halbschwester zur Res. Junior Champion RUW Schau 2019: NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-LU 4yr. - für 6.000€ am German Masters Sale 2020 nach Luxemburg verkauft.

• Außerdem im Sale, ihre 2 wunderbaren CHIEF Töchter, perfekte Anpaarung!

• Tolle franzöische Familie mit Schausiegern in jeder Generation, die Familie von Heidi EX-96-FR

• Super EXCELLENT 1st Grade daughter, just fresh again and maternal sister to the classwinner and Res. Junior Champion RUW Show 2019: NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-LU 4yr. - sold for 6.000 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2020

• Also selling: her beautiful daughters by CHIEF!!

• Fantastic French cow family with show winners in every generation tracing back to Heidi EX-96-FR DE 0771390557 Geb. Datum. 18.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF Mutter / Dam NH 1st Price EX-90-DE La3.
EX-90-DE La3. DE 0770655472 Geb. Datum. 25.12.2017 Kalb. Datum. 18.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/3La 305d 12.925kgM 3.2% 416F 3.3% 428P HL2 305d 13.725kgM 3.8% 515F 3.4% 460P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 42.5kgM 4.09%F 3.16%P ZZ: 39 Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS La3. Vater / Sire Farnear-BH 1ST GRADE

The French Heidi family

Farnear-BH 1ST GRADE (Alta1stClass x McCutchen x Super) NH Mascalese Princess VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.


NH Atwood Priceless EX-90-DE La3


• 1st & Int. Champion Webenheim 2016

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

• 1st & Junior Champion BZT Show 2019

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-LU 4yr.

- 1st & Res. Junior Champion RUW Show 2017

- 1st & Junior Champion BTS Fließem 2017

• Direkt aus 3 Generationen EX Müttern / Straight out of 3 EX-dams

NH I-Cow Huddlesford Princess

- sold for 7.800 EUR @ Eurogenes Sale

- European participant Colmar ‘16

• Schwester / Sister to: Virgule EX-92-FR

- Grand Champion Epina´09


Princesse EX-92-DE Conf. EX-92-DE

• Res. Grand Champion Epinal ‘09

• 1st Metz ‘01

• 1st Epinal ‘02

• 1st & Best Udder Metz ‘02

• 1st & Best Udder Epinal ‘05


Heidi EX-96-FR (s. Fussy)

- 1st & Best Udder Epinal ‘99

- 1st & Best Udder Metz ‘95

- 1st & Best Udder Metz ‘97

3/La 305d 12.100kgM 3.8% 465F 3.0% 359P HL2 305d 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P
4/3La 305d 11.655kgM 3.6% 424F 3.3% 385P HL3 305d 12.597kgM 3.7% 462F 3.3% 411P
La3 4/4La 305d 11.389kgM 3.7% 420F 3.4% 389P HL4 305d 12.473kgM 3.7% 461F 3.3% 416P
M. NH Mascalese Princess VG-86-DE 2yr. Maternal sister. NH Arvis Silky *RC EX-90-LU 4yr. 3. M. Gelpro Princesse EX-92-DE

195. NH Dynasty Pole Position

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

aus dem Res. Jr. Champion RUW Schau / A direct daughter from the Res. Jr. Champion RUW Show ‘19!

Pine-Tree AltaOAK Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR


Mascalese Princessa VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Verkauft für 6.000 EUR auf dem German Masters Sale 2020 / Sold for 6.000 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2020

• 1st & Res. Junior Champion RUW Show ‘19

• 1st & Res. Junior Champion RUW Show 2017 • 1st & Junior Champion BTS Fließem 2017 • >12.500kgM in 305 days!

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• Frühe Arrow Tochter / Early Arrow daughter!

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

• Mutter von: / Dam to: NH 1stGrade Price VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Direkt aus 3 Generationen EX Müttern / Straight out of 3 EX-dams


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

Frühe DYNASTY aus der Princess Dynastie An early Dynasty PRINCESS

• Frühe Dynasty Tochter mit super ausgeglichenen Zuchtwerten!

+2.64 PTAT, +1.77 Euter, +1.42 Fundament, abfallende Becken, dazu +393kg Milch mit positiven Inhaltsstoffen!

• Aus der wunderbaren Princess EX-92 Familie!

• Seit diese Familie bei Nosbisch Holsteins ist liefert sie Schausieger & fantastische Kühe in jeder Generation!

• Vollschwester zu NH Priceless war erfolgreich für das UK Team auf der Europaschau in Colmar!

• Early Dynasty daughter with super compelte numbers! +2.64 PTAT, +1.77 Udder, +1.42 FLC, sloped Rumps, as well +393kg Milk with positive components!

• From the amazing Princess EX-92 family!

• Since this family is at Nosbisch Holsteins she is delivering Show winners and fantastic cows in every single generation!

• Full sister to NH Priceless was successfull show for the UK Team at the European Show in Colmar!

2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P
Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr.
NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • Sister
to NH
@ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Gillette WINDBROOK
EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-LU La3. Conf. EX-90-LU La3. 4/3La 305d 11.818kgM 3.9% 466F 3.5% 417P HL3 305d 12.999kgM 3.8% 493F 3.4% 442P
Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel
4/3La 305d 11.655kgM 3.6% 424F 3.3% 385P HL3 305d 12.597kgM 3.7% 462F 3.3% 411P
DAMS 4e NH Atwood Priceless EX-90-DE La3. - 1st & Int. Champion Webenheim 2016 5e Gelpro Princess EX-92-DE - Res. Grand Champion Epinal 2009 6e Heidi EX-96-FR Kings-Ransom DYNASTY (Parfect x Legacy x Helix) NH Arrow Pricefull VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. 2/1La 301d 8.300kgM 4.4% 365F 3.6% 296P
• Direkte
4. M. NH Atwood Priceless EX-90-DE La3. 2. M. NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-DE 5. M. Gelpro Princesse EX-92-DE
Geb. Datum. 26.04.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
09/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +393 +0.22 +0.07 77 31 2.90 -1.2 2.2 2.7 1.42 1.77 +2.64 556 2688

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Farnear Delta-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman) NH Crushtime Paypal Conf. N.C. La22/09 305d

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

9.100kgM 3.8% 349F 3.4% 306P

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

Pine-Tree AltaOAK





• 1st & Junior Champion BTS Fließem 2017

• >12.500kgM in 305 days!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: NH 1stGrade Price VG-86-DE 2yr.

• Direkt aus 3 Generationen EX Müttern / Straigh out of 3 EX-dams

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:



- sold for 7.800 EUR @ Eurogenes Sale - European participant Colmar ‘16

• Schwester / Sister to: Virgule EX-92-FR

- Grand Champion Epina´09


5e Heidi EX-96-FR

- 1st & Best Udder Epinal ‘99

- 1st & Best Udder Metz ‘95


• Tolles Lambda Jungrind aus dem Herzen der Princess Familie!

• Siegerkühe in jeder Generation!

• 4. Mutter Princess wurde in Epina '09 nur von ihrer Tochter Virguele geschlagen!

• Vollschwester von NH Priceless war erfolgreich auf der Europaschau in Colmar für das Team UK!

• Delta-Lambda daughter out of the Princess family!

• From the amazing Princess EX-92 family!

• 4th dam Princess was only beaten in Epinal '09 by her own daughter Virguele!

• Full sister to NH Priceless was successfull show for the UK Team at the European Show in Colmar!

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
6e Ralma Christmas
7e Ralma Juror
8e Ralma
4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e
Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM
Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P •
to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol
3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror
EX-91-USA GMD DOM NH Mascalese Princessa VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 4/3La 305d 11.655kgM 3.6% 424F 3.3% 385P HL3 305d 12.597kgM 3.7% 462F 3.3% 411P
Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel
• 1st & Res. Junior Champion RUW Show 2017
4/4La 305d 11.389kgM 3.7% 420F 3.4% 389P HL4 305d 12.473kgM 3.7% 461F 3.3% 416P
Atwood Priceless EX-90-DE La3
EX-90-DE EX-MS La3
• 1st & Int. Champion Webenheim 2016
I-Cow Huddlesford Princess
4e Gelpro Princess EX-92-DE - Res. Grand Champion Epinal 2009
- 1st & Best Udder Metz ‘97
• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-LU 4yr. - 1st & Res. Junior Champion RUW Show 2019
Sister to 3. M. Virguele EX-92-FR - Grand Champion Epina 2009 Sister to M. NH Arvis Princy *RC EX-90-DE 2. M. NH Mascalese Princess VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0771273232 Geb. Datum. 05.09.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
196. NH Lambda Priceless

197. NH Daisy

VG-2yr. Aristocrat aus den Raven’s

• Tolle melkende Aristocrat, tragend mit Lockdown und leistet immernoch fast 40kgM/ mit einer abgeschlossenen 1. Laktation von >13.000kgM!

• Toller Zweig der Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 Familie!

• Die Familie von Dakota, Duke & Goldday

• 10. Generationen VG oder EX!

VG-2yr. Aristocrat from the Raven’s

• Super milking Aristocrat, pregnant to Lockdown and still milking close to 40kgM/ with a full first lactation of >13.000kgM!

• Great branch of the Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 family!

• The family of Dakota, Duke & Goldday

• 10 generations VG or EX!

Daydream 13 GP-84-NL 3yr. Conf. GP-84-NL 3yr. 2.07 305d 11.374kgM 3.9% 443F 3.2% 365P 4.09 305d 12.910kgM 3.7% 474F 3.2% 416P
7 Generationen Exzellent im Pedigree! / 7 generations excellent dams in her pedigree • Kingboy Tochter ist VG-87-USA 2yr. Old / Kingboy dtr scored VG-87-USA 2yr. Old
Rhala MOM Daydream 5 VG-88-NL 2yr.
Rhala Shottle Daydream VG-87-NL VG-88-MS
ALH Morty Dream VG-86-USA 2yr.
Markwell Durham
Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA 3E GMD DOM 7*
Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM
Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT (Frazzled x Monterey x Mogul) NH Darla 907 VG-85-DE La2. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-F&L La2. La1 305d 11.292kgM 3.8% 424F 3.5% 397P HL2 305d 13.851kgM 3.8% 526F 3.5% 488P 2/2La 305d 12.572kgM 3.8% 475F 3.5% 443P • > 13.800kgM mit 3.5% EIWEIß / > 13.800kgM with 3.5% PROTEIN CITIZEN NH Day Night VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2/1La 305d 9.090kgM 4.9% 446F 4.0% 366P • 4.0% EIWEIß / 4.0% PROTEIN
16 EX-90-NL
Same family.
Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
Daydream 5 VG-88-NL 2yr.
7. M. Markwell
4. M. Rhala MOM
VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. DE 0770900297 Geb. Datum. 20.11.2019 Kalb. Datum. 05.07.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/07 305d 13.305kgM 3.7% 491F 3.3% 443P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 40.4kgM 4.18%F 3.70%P ZZ: 22 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 01.05.2023 LOCKDOWN | TU+ / PREGNANT

198. Ekkel P isa

Cookiecutter HYPNOTIC (Moonshiner x Renegade x Slamdunk)

Ekkel Pivo

Kalbt: / Due: November 2023


• Revolution Sohn mit +3001 GTPI @ Masterrind / Revolution son with +3001 GTPI @ Masterrind

• Nachkommen mit bis zu +3067 GTPI / Progeny up tot +3067 GTPI

Co-Op Aardema SUBZERO

Ekkel Precision GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

La1 305d 10.295kgM 3.6% 375F 3.4% 729P

• V. / s. Boldi V GYMNAST


4e Ekkel PG Patty VG-85-DE 2yr.

5e Sandy-Valley Cashcoin Panacea VG-87-USA

6e Sandy-Valley Uno Paisley VG-86-USA

7e Pine-Tree Monica Planeta VG-86-USA

8e Pine-Tree Monica Suela VG-87-USA

9e Pine-Tree Missy Monica VG-85-USA

10e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92-USA

#1 GTPI Hypnotic der WELT: +3074 GTPI / +152 RZG / A2A2 #1 GTPI Hypnotic in the WORLD : +3074 GTPI / +152 RZG

• Ihre Eintrittskarte in die Champions League! Die #1 GTPI Hypnotic der Welt mit +3074 GTPI und super Einzelwerten im Index: +1554 Milch & + Inhaltsstoffe, tolle Sekundärmerkmale: +0.1 DPR / +6.0 PL / +1.8 Mastitis Index!!

• Das komplette Packet: Outcross, >3074 GTPI, > 1031 NM$, >1.90 PTAT & A2A2 mit +152 RZG

• Aus der europäischen Linie der Rudy Missy Familie

• Your ticket to the Champions League! The #1 GTPI Hypnotic daughter in the World at +3074 GTPI with a super production index (+1554 Milk & + components) and health figures (+0.1 DPR / +6.0 PL / +1.8 Mastitis Index)!!

• The complete package: Outcross, >3074 GTPI, > 1031 NM$, >1.90 PTAT & A2A2 with +152 RZG

• From the European branch of the Rudy Missy family

Peak AltaPLINKO Ekkel Pinot Grigio Conf. N.C. 2/2La 305d 9.945kgM 4.3% 423F 3.8% 375P HL2 305d 11.060kgM 4.2% 466F 3.7% 411P • 3.8% EIWEIß / 3.8% PROTEIN
7. M. Pine-Tree Monica Planeta VG-86-USA
DE 0365476414
Datum. 31.03.2023 Consignor
- Tel. +49 (0)162-9848124 - Email.
3. M. Ekkel Precision GP-84-DE 2yr.
Beta Casein: A2A2 09/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1554 +0.08 +0.08 84 73 2.77 +0.1 6.0 1.9 +1.19 1.90 1.92 1031 3074 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +923 +0.30 +0.20 70 54 143 112 2212 121 115 112 114 120 152 #1 GTPI Hypnotic in the World!
10. M. Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92-USA

199. A tlantika Red DE 0668002264

Geb. Datum. 18.03.2023

1765 VG-88-USA GMD DOM

Red Rocks MASK-RED (Stamkos *RC x Wisent x Sunfish *RC)

ZWH Atlantik *RC

Kalbt: / Due: Oktober 2023


• Familie von Westcoast Alcove / Family of Westcoast Alcove, former #1 LPI bull @ Semex

• Serge Red Sohn @ RSH / Serge Red son @ RSH

/ s. Mr PACE-RED

• >15.000kgM mit 3.8% EIWEIß / >15.000kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN


4e Westcoast Penman Aria 3774 VG-87-USA

5e Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-88-CAN 4yr. 2*

6e MS Gold-N-Oaks Adore 2500 GP-83-USA 4yr.

7e Gold-N-Okas Arabell 1765 VG-88-USA GMD DOM

8e Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella VG-89-USA GMD DOM

9e Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu EX-94-USA 2E

Consignor Florian Viering - Tel. +49 (0)162 2369875 - Email. ROT / KOMPLETT / +159 RZG / +122 RZE / 2445 RZ€ R&W / COMPLETE / +159 RZG / +122 RZE / 2445 RZ€

• Super interessante Mask Red Tochter mit perfekten Zuchtwerten!

• +159 RZG / +122 RZE / 2445 RZ€ / >1200kg Milch & positive Inhaltsstoffe & dazu ein perfektes Linear mit längeren Strichen!

• Ihre Bullenmutter von morgen

• Die Familie von Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-88-CAN 4yr. züchtet fantastisch mit hohen Zuchtwerten & positiven Bullen in allen Systemen!

• Super interesting Mask Red daugher with perfect numbers!

• +159 RZG / +122 RZE / 2445 RZ€ / >1200kg Milk & positive components & a perfect linear with postive teat length!

• Your future bull dam

• The family of Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-88-CAN 4yr. is breeding very well with high numbers and positive bulls in every Index system!

3/2La 305d 13.246kgM 4.3% 574F 3.9% 518P HL2 305d 15.016kgM 4.4% 665F 3.8% 576P
GYWER *RC Atlanta VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2.
ZHW Atlantis VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE La21/07 305d 11.780kgM 3.8% 451F 3.8% 446P • 3.8% EIWEIß!! / 3.8% PROTEIN!!
7. M. Gold-N-Okas Arabell 4. M. Westcoast Penman Aria 3774 VG-87-USA
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +1290 +0.12 +0.05 65 50 140 127 2445 130 126 116 118 122 159
9. M. Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu EX-94-USA 2E

200. NH Mahomes High Five

Progenesis MAHOMES (Eldorado x Milktime x Modesty) NH Sunview Halo VG-87-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 3yr.

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to NH Sunview Arriba @ RUW and NH Sunview Aristo @ VOST

• Verkauft @GMS ‘22 an Future Gentics (DE) / Sold @GMS ‘22 to Future Gentics (DE)

• 3.7 % EIWEIß / 3.7 % PROTEIN

W HANGON (+2457 Milk / +975 NM$ / +2862 GTPI)


Progenesis Supershot Hope VG-87-USA 4yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 4yr.

• Viele Bullen auf Station! / Many bulls in A.I.!

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Durham, Dundee, Iota, Mac, Halogen and many more!


4e Ms Hue Tango 57644 VG-86-USA 2yr.

5e Lookout Pesce Epic Hue VG-86-USA 3yr. 3*

6e Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 17*

7e Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-92-USA DOM

8e Cookiecutter Gld Holler VG-88 EX-MS DOM

9e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley EX-90-USA 4yr.

10e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-5YR-USA GMD DOM

11e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM

2/2La 305d 11.398kgM 4.0% 455F 3.7% 418P HL2 305d 12.868kgM 4.1% 527F 3.7% 471P
Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT NH Sunview Hazienda VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. 3/2La 304d 11.076kgM 3.9% 433F 3.5% 386P HL2 305d 13.041kgM 4.0% 515F 3.5% 450P • 3.5% EIWEIß /
@ AI-Total
von NH Sunview Arriba @ RUW & NH Sunview Aristo @ VOST / Dam to NH Sunview Arriba @ RUW & NH Sunview Aristo @ VOST • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as:
6. M. Lookout Pesce Epic Hue
VG-86-CAN 3yr.
Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 2.
Hazienda VG-85-DE 2yr.
5. M. Cookiecutter MOM
M. NH Sunview DE 0771273231 Geb. Datum. 01.09.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. +156 RZG Mahomes & Bereit für ET x MOM Hue VG-88 +156 RZG flush age Mahomes x MOM Hue VG-88 family • Tolle Mahomes Tochter, sofort bereit für ET mit super Index: +156 RZG / +124 RZE/ +1119kgM /+117 RZR / +125 RZN / +126 RZS / +111KVD • Toller Outcross Zweig der Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88 Familie! • 11. Gen VG oder EX • Mutter ist eine Vollschwester zu NH Sunview Arriba @ RUW und NH Sunview Aristo @ VOST • Mahomes daughter ready to flush with great Index: +156 RZG / +124 RZE/ +1119kgM /+117 RZR / +125 RZN / +126 RZS / +111KVD • Great OUTCROSS branch of the Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88 family! • Dam is full sister to NH Sunview Arriba @ RUW and NH Sunview Aristo @ VOST 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1227 +0.02 +0.04 54 51 2.60 +0.5 5.5 1.6 -0.19 1.50 +1.05 780 2780 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1119 +0.06 +0.05 51 45 134 126 2238 125 117 129 125 124 156 READY TO FLUSH!!

201. Comestar Alligator Laurie

Die Schwester zu Comestar LEMAGIC!

• Die Halbschwester von Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex at +12 Conf wird verkauft!

• Die allererste Tochter die in Europa verkauft wird aus der heißesten Kuh von Comestar Holsteins: Comestar Lamagic Impression EX-93-CAN 4yr.

• Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie die zurück geht auf die legendäre 23*

Zuchtkuh Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 5yr. 23*

• Vater Stantons Alligator ist aktuell einer der gefragtesten Bullen der Rasse!


4e Comestar Lautama Goldwyn VG-88-CAN 3yr.

5e Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-CAN 2yr.

6e Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-CAN 4yr. 21*

7e Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2*

8e Comestar Lausan Black VG-87-CAN 6yr. 23*

9e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 5yr. 23*

10e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 6yr. 15*

The maternal sister to Comestar LEMAGIC!

• The maternal sister to Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex at +12 Conf.

• The very first daughter to sell in Eruope from the hottest Cow of Comestar Holsteins at this moment: Comestar Lamagic Impression EX-93-CAN

• Deep Canadian cow family going back on the famous 23 STAR

brood cow: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 5yr. 23*

• Sire Stantons Alligator is one of the hottest bulls on the Planet!

Val-Bisson DOORMAN Comestar Lautamai Man O Man VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN 2yr. 19* 2.00 2x 365d 13.290kgM 4.4% 581F 3.6% 479P • V. / s. Long-Langs OMAN OMAN • Mutter von Comestar Lautrust @Semex / Dam to Comestar Lautrust @Semex Stantons ALLIGATOR (Kingboy x McCutchen x Observer) Comestar Lamagic Impression EX-93-CAN 4yr. Conf. EX-93-CAN EX-94-MS 4yr. 1.10 2x 365d 15.012kgM 3.8% 563F 3.5% 531P 3.01 3x 365d 13.928kgM 4.5% 627F 3.6% 502P 4.07 3x 322d 13.160kgM 4.1% 541F 3.8% 493P • Mutter von Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex mit +12 Conformation und Comestar LAMORREY *RC mit +10 Conformation / Dam to: Comestar LEMAGIC @ Semex at
Conformation and Comestar LAMORREY *RC @ Semex at +10 Conformation Monument IMPRESSION Comestar Lamadona Doorman EX-94-CAN Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 23* 2.00 2x 305d 14.455kgM 4.8% 687F 3.8% 549P 3.01 2x 305d 14.762kgM 4.3% 639F 3.7% 545P 4.05 2x 305d 19.154kgM 4.7% 898F 3.6% 690P 5.09 2x 305d 22.383kgM 4.8% 1076F 3.6% 803P • Holstein Canada Cow of the Year ‘22 • 3rd place 5yr. Old Quebec Spring Show ‘18 • Reserve Grand Champion Victoriaville ‘16 • H.M. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old ‘16 • Res. All-American Jr. 3yr. Old ‘16 • Res. All-Quebec Jr. 3yr. Old ‘16 • Nom. All-American Jr. 2yr. Old • 1st Summer Yearling Quebec Spring Show ‘14 • 23 Stars Broodcow • 5 Excellent daughters and 24 Very Good daughters
2. M. Comestar Lamadona Doorman EX-94-CAN 2E
5yr. 23*
M. Comestar Lamagic Impression EX-93-CAN EX-94-MS
9. M. Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN DE 1604661422 Geb. Datum. 02.02.2023 Consignor HAH, Bernd Deuerling & Nessetal - Tel. +49 (0)170 2458822 - Email. Index 08/23 +7 Rump / +7 Dairy Strength / +9 Feet & Legs / +8 Conformation / +3144 LPI

202. Liddleholme Latenite Rave *RC

203. 2 Female Embryos


4e Roylane Socra Mira 1760 EX-91-USA DOM

5e Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror VG-86-USA DOM

6e Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage EX-90-USA GMD DOM

7e Lynmead Celsius Minnow EX-91-USA GMD DOM

8e CMV Melwood Mindy VG-85-USA GMD DOM

9e Briarpatch-R Misty VG-85-USA GMD DOM

10e Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91-USA GMD DOM

11e Rilara Haven Charming Las-Twin VG-87-USA GMD DOM

12e Rag Apple Locust Grove Charm VG-86-USA GMD DOM

ROTFAKTOR direkt aus ‘The Yoder’!!

• ROTFAKTOR Latenite Tochter und WEIBLICHE Embryonen direkt aus Macland-HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA DOM, der Res. Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Show ‘23 & Klassensiegerin der 150,000 Lb. Production Klasse der World Dairy Expo 2022!!!

• Rachel EX-96 ist auch die Großmutter von Peak SHAWARMA @ CRV und Peak AltaREVERSE @ Alta

RED CARRIER dtr of ‘The Yoder’!!

• RED CARRIER Latenite daughter and FEMALE embryos of Macland-HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA DOM, the Res. Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Show ‘23 and 1st 150,000 Lb. Production Cow World Dairy Expo 2022!!!

• Rachel EX-96 is as well the grand dam to Peak SHAWARMA @ CRV and Peak AltaREVERSE @ Alta

Amighetti NUMERO UNO S-S-I Snowman Rachel 7516 EX-90-USA DOM Conf. EX-90-USA DOM 2-05 2x 365d 16.964kgM 3.6% 605F 3.2% 544P • Mutter von: / Dam to: S-S-I Uno ROADRUNNER @ Select Sires Avant-Garde-I LATENITE P-RED (Mirand PP *RC x Bailey *RC x Doorman) Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA DOM Conf. EX-96-USA DOM 3.01 305d 12.120kgM 4.2% 503F 3.5% 423P 5.06 305d 14.393kgM 3.9% 560F 3.5% 504P 6.08 305d 15.699kgM 4.0% 633F 3.4% 539P • Die am höchsten eingestufte Indexkuh der Welt / Highest scored indexcow in the World! • Senior & Res. Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Show 2023 • 1st 150,000 Lb. Production Cow World Dairy Expo 2022 • 3rd Mature Cow New York Spring Dairy Carousel ‘22 • 1st placed Aged Cow, Senior and Grand Champion
Show 2021!! • 1st 5-Yr Old Mid-West Fall National 2020 • 3rd 4-Yr Old Mid-West Fall National 2019 Woodcrest Mogul YODER S-S-I Uno Rapa 8431 VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA 3-04 2x 365d 13.281kgM 4.1% 539F 3.6% 478P
Eastern Fall National Holstein
1st 150,000 Lb. Production Cow World
M. Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA DOM
Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA
Dairy Expo 2022
M. S-S-I Snowman Rachel 7516 EX-90-USA
DOM DE 0364926185 Geb. Datum. 27.07.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.
Grade A
Consignor Fam. Scholten - Tel. +31 (0)6
- Email. Comb. FEMALE Trent-Way-JS ROMPEN-RED x Macland-HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA Method
- Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands


204. 1st Choice Female

Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

First choice out of:

2 pregnancies: FEMALE Toc-Farm ASHTON x Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS 5yr. | Due: October 2023

2 pregnancies: FEMALE Stantons ALLIGATOR x Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS 5yr. | Due: March 2024

Garantiert mindestens 2 lebende weibliche Kälber zur Auswahl / Guaranteed at least 2 live females to choose from

Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS 5yr.


Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS

• Holstein Canada Cow of the Year

• B&O Champion & Res. Grand Champion Royal ‘22

• All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr Old 2020

• Int. Champion Fall Invitational 2020

• H.M. All-Canadian Sr. 2-Yr Old 2019

• 2nd Sr. 2-Yr Old Royal 2019

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

Jacobs High Octane Beverly EX-92-CAN 4yr.

- 2nd Int. 1-Yr Old Trois-Rivieres 2018

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Jacobs Control Brisk EX-94-USA 4yr.

- Res. All-American Jr. 3-Yr Old 2020

2 Yr. Old Trois-Rivieres ‘19 - 5th place

2 Yr. Old World Dairy Expo ‘19

Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘22

• Ein absolutes HIGHLIGHT in Europa: Die ERSTE Tochter in Europa die zum Verkauf kommt aus dem aktuellen Res. Grand Champion

Royal Winter Fair 2022 & Best Bred & Owned: Jacobs High Octane

Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr.

• Großmutter ist die Canadian Cow of the Year: BRITANY EX-96!

• 6 Generationen EXZELLENT in dieserm tiefen kanadischen Pedigree

Braedale GOLDWYN

Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-CAN 4yr. 22* Conf. VG-88-CAN 4yr. 22*

• V. / s. Wilcoxview JASPER

• 3rd place Jr. 1 Yr. Old Montmagny ‘06

• 7 EX- and 10 VG dtrs in Canada


4e Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-CAN 2E 6*

5e Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-CAN 2E 25*

6e Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4*

7e Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN

Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘22

• A true highlight in Europe: The very first daughter to be sold from the reigning Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2022 and Best Bred & Owned: Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr.

• Grand dam is the Canadian Cow of the Year: BRITANY EX-96!

• 6 generations EXCELLENT dams in this Canadian pedigree

2.08 342d 10.006kgM 4.2% 460F 3.4% 376P 4.07 336d 18.638kgM 4.0% 741F 3.3% 616P
3.02 305d 14.375kgM 3.6% 515F 3.1% 440P 5.00 305d 16.062kgM 4.0% 648F 3.0% 487P
- 1st place
Conf. EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS 2E 27* 2.01 305d 10.897kgM 3.9% 428F 3.3% 356P 4.01 305d 14.346kgM 3.7% 533F 3.2% 461P 6.01 305d 17.310kgM 4.0% 688F 3.4% 723P
‘17 •
Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers ‘13 • Nom. All-Quebec Mature Cow ‘13 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Montmagny ‘11 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Quebec International Show ‘11 • Grand Champion Quebec International show ‘11 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘11 • Res. All-Canadian 4 Yr. Old ‘11 • Res. All-Quebec 4 Yr. Old ‘11 • Nom. All-Quebec Jr. 2 Yr. Old ‘09
Sister to M. Jacobs Control Brisk EX-94-CAN 4yr. M. Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN EX-94-MS 5yr. - Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘22 M. Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr.

205. Jacobs Baby Girl

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer)

Jacobs High Octane Beverly EX-92-CAN 4yr. Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-94-MS 4yr.

• 2nd Int. 1-Yr Old Trois-Rivieres 2018

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN

- B&O Champion & Res. Grand Champion Royal ‘22

- All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr Old 2020

- Int. Champion Fall Invitational 2020

- H.M. All-Canadian Sr. 2-Yr Old 2019

- 2nd Sr. 2-Yr Old Royal 2019

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-CAN

- Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 & Jacobs Solomon Bridal EX-90-USA

- 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2019

Braedale GOLDWYN Jacobs Jasper Best VG-88-CAN 4yr. 22*

VG-88-CAN 4yr. 22*

• V. / s. Wilcoxview JASPER

• 3rd place Jr. 1 Yr. Old Montmagny ‘06

• 7 EX- and 10 VG dtrs in Canada

4e Jacobs Storm Bette EX-91-CAN 2E 6*

5e Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-CAN 2E 25*

6e Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4*

7e Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN

CHIEF aus der Vollschwester zu Babe CHIEF from Babe’s full sister!!

• Tolles CHIEF Rind aus der EX-92 Vollschwester des aktuellen Res. Grand Royal Winter Fair Champion: Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr.

• Großmutter ist die Canadian Cow of the Year: BRITANY EX-96!

• Mutter ist auch eine Schwester zum Intermediate Champion WDE ‘15: Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA & Jacobs Sid Bubble EX-93-USA

• Incredible CHIEF heifer from the EX-92 full sister to the reigning Res. Grand Royal Winter Fair Champion: Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 5yr.

• Grand dam is the Canadian Cow of the Year: BRITANY EX-96!

• Dam is sister to the Intermediate Champion WDE ‘15: Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA & Jacobs Sid Bubble EX-93-USA

2.08 342d 10.006kgM 4.2% 460F 3.4% 376P 4.07 336d 18.638kgM 4.0% 741F 3.3% 616P
3.03 303d 12.097kgM 3.4% 405F 3.0% 365P 4.02 305d 12.872kgM 3.7% 476F 3.2% 410P
Stantons HIGH OCTANE Jacobs Goldwyn Britany
EX-96-MS Conf. EX-96-CAN EX-96-MS 2E 27* 2.01 305d 10.897kgM 3.9% 428F 3.3% 356P 4.01 305d 14.346kgM 3.7% 533F 3.2% 461P 6.01 305d 17.310kgM 4.0% 688F 3.4% 723P • Holstein Canada Cow of the Year ‘17 • Res. Grand Champion
Rivers ‘13 • Nom. All-Quebec Mature Cow ‘13 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Montmagny ‘11 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Quebec International
‘11 • Grand Champion
‘11 • 1st place 4 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘11 • Res. All-Canadian 4 Yr. Old ‘11 • Res. All-Quebec 4 Yr. Old ‘11 • Nom. All-Quebec Jr. 2 Yr. Old ‘09
Full sister to M. Jacobs High Octane Babe EX-94-CAN 2. M. Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-CAN Sister to M. Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-CAN 5yr. DE 0364926088 Geb. Datum. 11.04.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

206. NH Como F

Klassensiegerin German Dairy Show 2023

• NH Como Finja EX-91 EX-93 Euter wird verkauft!

• Sie war die Klassensiegerin in der Rubrik der 4. Kalbskühe auf der German Dairy Show im Juni & unter den letzten 4 bei der Senior Champion Wahl, da bei ihrem ersten Schauauftriit!

• Eine Kuh wie ein guter Wein, sie wird jeden Tag besser!

• Wieder GESEXT mit Rubicon tragend & bereit für ihre nächsten Auftritte!

• 9. Gen. VG oder EX aus der NH Fidji Familie!






Classwinner German Dairy Show 2023

• NH Como Finja EX-91 EX-93-MS sells!

• She was the class winner in the section with 4 calves at the German Dairy Show in June & in the last 4 for the Senior Championship, at here very first Show!

• This cow is aging like fine Wine, she is getting better every single day!

• Back incalf to SEXED Rubicon and ready for her next dance!

• 9 generations VG or EX from the NH Fidji cow family!

R-E-W BUCKEYE NH Champion Flower VG-87-DE VG-88-MS Conf. VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 3/2La 302d 8.427kgM 4.8% 403F 3.6% 306P HL1 305d 9.618kgM 4.7% 451F 3.6% 349P
Mehrfache Bullenmutter / Sons in A.I.
NH Manat Florida VG-87-DE
NH Fidji EX-90-DE (s. Esentation) - Nominiert zur Weltkuh
des Jarhes ‘06 / Nominated for Global Cow of the Year ‘06
Finabel EX-92-DE
(s. Ugela Bell)
Dauphine EX-90-DE
Alliance VG-85-DE (s.
Alliance EX-97-DE Edg Lillico COMO (Cashcoin x Robust x Planet) NH Fantasy 534 VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. 3/3la 302d 14.288kgM 3.3% 467F 3.0% 428P HL3 305d 15.115kgM 3.5% 533F 3.0% 458P • >15.000kg Milch! / >15.000kg milk! Crackholm FEVER NH Buckeye Fantasy VG-89-DE La2. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-90-MS La2. 2/2LA 293d 10.089kgM 4.4% 444F 3.4% 347P Hl2 287d 11.380kgM 4.6% 523F 3.4% 382P • Semex Covergirl for Buckeye • Res. Champion RUW Färsenschau ‘09 NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS | SHE SELLS NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS
EX-91-DE EX-93-MS La4. DE 0770497946 Geb. Datum. 11.11.2016 Kalb. datum. 28.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/3La 305d 10.438kgM 4.0% 412F 3.6% 380P HL2 305d 11.335kgM 4.0% 454F 3.7% 421P 185d 9.497kgM 3.72%F 3.23%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 29.6kgM 3.89%F 3.49%P ZZ: 148 Conf. EX-91-DE EX-93-MS La4. Bel. / Ins. 01.05.2023 FEMALE Edg RUBCION | TU+ / PREGNANT
NH Buckeye Fantasy VG-89-DE La2.

207. Momehailey Du Tomboy


x Shottle x Goldwyn)

Dempsey Enkelin von RH GOLDWYN HAILEY

/ Dempsey grand daughter of RF

Europaschaukuh Hailey EX-90

• Ihre Chance! Hailey wird verkauft! Eingestuft mit EX-90 & EX-92 im Euter!

• Sie wird tragend mit Delta LAMBDA gesext verkauft!

• Ihre Ur-Ur-Großmutter ist eine der besten Schaukühe die es jemals in Nordamerika gab: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS

• Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90 war erfolgreich für das deutsche Team auf der Europaschau ‘19 in Libramont und hat eine tolle Leistung von 13.400kgM mit 3.47% EIWEIß

European Show Cow Hailey EX-90

• Your Chance! Hailey sells! Scored EX-90 with EX-92 for here great Udder!

• Sells pregnant to FEMALE DELTA-LAMBDA!

• She is the Doorman daughter and great grand daughter from one of the World’s greatest show cows of all time: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS

• Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90 was succesful shown in Libramont ‘19 and produces 13.400kgM with 3.47% PROTEIN

RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E Conf. EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS 5E 8* 2.07 365d 11.304kgM 4.3% 486F 3.6% 404P 5.01 305d 14.172kgM 4.1% 574F 3.0% 423P 6.01 365d 15.646kgM 4.2% 658F 3.3% 513P 8.01 365d 16.775kgM 4.3% 713F 3.4% 564P
VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR 2.00 305d 8.725kgM 4.9% 427F 3.7% 323P •
Crackholm Baxter Hannah EX-90-CAN 2* Conf. EX-90-CAN 2* 2.00 305d 9.370kgM 4.5% 421F 3.5% 324P 2.00 651d 16.253kgM 4.6% 750F 3.7% 608P 6.01 220d 10.834kgM 4.0% 437F 3.3% 362P • Bislang 1 EX und 3 VG Töchter
1 EXCELLENT dtr and 3 VG dtrs till date!
• All-Canadian ‘12, ‘13 & ‘14 • All-American ‘14 • Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘14 & ‘12 • Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘12
4e Mellholm Louie Hanah EX-92-CAN
Mellholm Jolt Harriet EX-90-CAN
HAILEY EX-97-CAN! • Mutter von: / Dam to: LECOME @ Origenplus Lirr Drew DEMPSEY
EX-90 BAXTER Töchter direkt aus HAILEY! / EX-90 Baxter dtr of HAILEY!
Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90-DE EX-92-MS Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90-DE EX-92-MS | SHE SELLS 3. M. RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E 8* FR 5502402513 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2015 Kalb. datum. 06.06.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/2La 305d 13.669kgM 3.8% 516F 3.5% 471P HL3 305d 13.898kgM 3.8% 525F 3.4% 475P Conf. EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 24.06.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT
US 08/23 +2.28 PTAT

208. NH Hail M

Larcrest KENOSHA (Kingboy x Atwood x Ramos)

Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3.

Hailey See VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR


Crackholm Baxter Hannah EX-90-CAN 2* Conf. EX-90-CAN 2*

• EXZELLENTE Doorman Tochter, erfolgreiche Teilnehmerin für Deutschland auf der Europaschau ‘19 in Libramont! / EXCELLENT Doorman daughter - succesful shown in Libramont ‘19 for team Germany


• Dempsey Enkelin von RH GOLDWYN HAILEY EX-97-CAN / Dempsey grand daughter of RF GOLDWYN HAILEY EX-97-CAN!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: LECOME @ Origenplus

• Bislang 1 EX und 3 VG Töchter / 1 EXCELLENT dtr and 3 VG dtrs till date!

• Die EX-90 BAXTER Töchter direkt aus HAILEY! / EX-90 Baxter dtr of HAILEY!


4e RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E

5e Mellholm Louie Hanah EX-92-CAN

6e Mellholm Jolt Harriet EX-90-CAN


• Ihre Chance, die VG eingestufte und wieder mit GESEXTEM EQ tragende Kenosha Tochter aus der Europaschaukuh Tombuy Hailey EX-90

• Die Familie einer der besten Kühe aller Zeiten: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS

• Mit 5. Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter im Pedigree!

• Your chance to buy the VG scored Kenosha daughter, back incalf to SEXED EQ straight from the European Show cow Tombuy Hailey EX-90!

• The Family of one of the all time greatest: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS

• From 5 generations EXCELLENT dams!

2.00 305d 9.370kgM 4.5% 421F 3.5% 324P 2.00 651d 16.253kgM 4.6% 750F 3.7% 608P 6.01
10.834kgM 4.0% 437F 3.3% 362P
3/2La 305d 13.669kgM 3.8% 516F 3.5% 471P HL3 305d 13.898kgM 3.8% 525F 3.4% 475P
Val-Bisson DOORMAN
2.00 305d 8.725kgM 4.9% 427F 3.7% 323P
Momehailey Du Tomboy EX-90-DE EX-92-MS 4. M. RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E 3. M. RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E 8*
ary VG-86-DE La2. DE 0770753395 Geb. Datum. 16.11.2022 Kalb. datum. 20.09.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 2/2La 305d 11.380kgM 4.0% 453F 3.4% 388P HL2 305d 12.647kgM 4.1% 524F 3.4% 427P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 27.1kgM 5.53%F 3.75%P ZZ: 43 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La2. Bel. / Ins. 31.05.2023 FEMALE Sandy-Valley EQ | TU+ / PREGNANT

209. NH Handsome

READY TO FLUSH!! Beta Casein: A2A2

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer) NH Humor VG-86-DE 2yr.

Du Tomboy

Val-Bisson DOORMAN

Hailey See VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR

2.00 305d 8.725kgM 4.9% 427F 3.7% 323P

• Verkauft für 8.300 EUR am Masterrind Exclusive Sale 2023 / Sold for 8.300 EUR in the

Tolle Chief aus Topseller SDB ‘23

• Tolles Chief Rind, bereit für ET & für die Schau

• EXZELLENTE Doorman Tochter, erfolgreiche Teilnehmerin für Deutschland auf der Europaschau ‘19 in Libramont! / EXCELLENT Doorman daughter - succesful shown in Libramont ‘19 for team Germany

• Dempsey Enkelin von RH GOLDWYN HAILEY EX-97-CAN / Dempsey grand daughter of RF GOLDWYN HAILEY EX-97-CAN!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: LECOME @ Origenplus


4e Crackholm Baxter Hanna EX-90-CAN 2*

5e RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E

6e Mellholm Louie Hanah EX-92-CAN

7e Mellholm Jolt Harriet EX-90-CAN

Super Chief from the Topseller SDB ’23

• Fantastic Chief heifer, ready to Show & ready to Flush

• Mutter ist die mit VG-86-2yr eingestufte NH Arrow Humor, Topseller der abgekalbten & Publikumsliebling auf der Schau der Besten ‘23

• Tolle Väterfolge: Chief x VG-86-2yr Arrow x EX-90 Doorman x VG-87 Dempsey x EX-90 Baxter x EX-97 Goldwyn

• Aus der Familie der mehrfachen Grand Champion der WDE & Royal: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97

• Dam is the VG-86-DE 2yr. scored NH Arrow Humor, Topseller of the fresh Cows & crowd favourite at the Schau der Besten ‘23

• Great sire stack: Chief x VG-86-DE 2yr. Arrow x EX-90 Doorman x VG-87 Dempsey x EX-90 Baxter x EX-97 Goldwyn

• The family of the multiple Grand Champion WDE & Royal: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97

2yr. HR La1. 305d 9.736kgM 3.9% 382F 3.6% 354P
NH DG ARROW Momehailey
Conf. EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. 3/2La 305d 13.669kgM 3.8% 516F 3.5% 471P HL3 305d 13.898kgM 3.8% 525F 3.4% 475P
Conf. VG-86-DE
Exclusive Sale 2023
M. NH Humor VG-86-DE 2yr. 5. M. RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E 8* 5. M. RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN 5E 8* DE 0771273254 Geb. Datum. 16.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

210. 3STAR OH Riya VG-85-DE 2yr.

211. NH William Rana


Maker VG-85-USA

Fustead Sperhero LAVONTE (Superhero x Rubicon x AltaOak)

Peak River

• Outcross DONOR DAM

• Mehrere Brüder auf Station / Many brothers in AI

Silverridge V IMAX

Simple-Dreams Rockstar

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Peak AltaINDULGE


Ri-Val-Re Money Maker VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA

2/2La 305d 13.277kgM 4.1% 540F 3.4% 456P HL2 305d 13.957kgM 3.9% 538F 3.5% 484P

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Garioni Royal VANHALEN


4e Sonray-Acres Mcthn Vi GP-84-USA

5e Sonray-Acres Soc Observr Vi EX-91-CAN 2E 11*

6e Sonray-Acres Shot Socrts Pi VG-86-USA

7e Sonray-Acres R Shott Star EX-92-USA

8e Sonray-Acres Air Rudlf Stew VG-85-USA

Bullenmutter & William Tochter mit +151 RZG Bull dam & her William dtr with +151 RZG

• Riya die Outcross Bullenmutter wird tragend mit Comeback verkauft! Super hohes RZG Potential!

• Monteverdi Sohn aus Riya geht zu Bullseye-Genetics!

• US Kuhfamilie mit vielen Bullen in der Besamung, u.a. van Halen!

• Ihre tolle & frühe William Tochter mit +151 RZG ist auch im Sale!

• Riya, the Outcross bull dam sells back incalf to Comeback! High RZG potential!

• Monteverdi son from Riya will go to Bullseye-Genetics!

• US family with many bulls in AI like van Halen and many more.

• Also selling here early & super William daughter with +151 RZG!

Selbe Familie: / Same family: Garioni 3. M. Ri-Val-Re Money 5. M. Sonray-Acres Soc Observr Vi EX-91-CAN
0771197394 Geb. Datum. 08.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM Mutter / dam: 3STAR OH Riya VG-85-DE 2yr. DE NL 585783035 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2017 Kalb. datum. 10.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. TL22/12 200d 7.138kgM 4.1% 292F 3.4% 241P - Letzte Kontrolle: 32.2kgM 4.26%F 3.41%P ZZ: 31 Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS La1. Bel. / Ins. 10.04.2023 COMEBACK | TU+ / PREGNANT +143 RZG / +115 RZE (08/23) +2664 GTPI (08/23)
RZG / +126 RZE (08/23)
3STAR OH Riya VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS

212. Kirikkale Armani De L’Esperance

213. NH Mitchell Espace

Aurora MITCHELL (Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield)

Kirikkale Armani De L'Esperance *RC VG-86-DE Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La4.

Mr Apples ARMANI *RC

All-Ankara EX-91-FR Conf. EX-91-FR

Markwell KITE *RC Sagano du Tombuy EX-93-FR Conf. EX-93-FR

4.00 305d 11.711kgM 4.2% 493F 3.4% 395P

• V. / s. Silky GIBSON

• Erfolgreich @ Nuit de la Holstein '18 / Sucessfull @ Nuit de la Holstein '18

• Die potentielle 5. Generation EX / She will be the 5 Generation EX in a row!

Das Beste aus den Sagano's!!

• 4 Töchter VG-2yr & erfolgreich Nuit de la Holstein '18 / 4 dtrs VG-2yr & sucessfull Nuit de la Holstein '18

• Super Zuchtkuh / Great transmitter!!

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Alliance Arlinda EX-90-FR - dam of Wilt Goldwyn Amely EX-92-FR

• Reserve Champion Swiss Expo 2006

• Grand Champion Eurogénétique Show 2006

• Reserve Champion National Show France ‘04

• 1st place European Show Oldenburg 2006

• 2nd place European Show 2004


4e Nagano du Tombuy EX-95-FR (s. Storm) - Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2003

5e Lamali du Tombuy EX-92-FR (s. Cracin Royal)

6e Hachette du Tombuy VG-86-FR (s. Bluff)

7e EX-91 Milking

8e EX-95 Frosty

The best of the Sagano's!

• Die tolle Kuhfamilie der Reserve Champion Swiss Expo ‘06 & Grand Eurogénétique Show ‘06: Sagano du Tombuy EX-93-FR

• Sagano du Tombuy ist eine der besten Schau-& Zuchtkühe Frankreichs, alle Töchter >VG-85!!

• Tiefe franzöische Kuhfamilie mit 6. Generationen EXZELLENT im Pedigree!!

• L’Esperance: Tolle Euterkuh, fast 13.000kg Milch, wieder tragend von Dynasty & ihre tolle Mitchell Tochter sind im Sale!

• The great family of the Reserve Champion Swiss Expo ‘06 & Grand Eurogénétique Show ‘06: Sagano du Tombuy EX-93-FR

• Sagano du Tombuy is one of the most famous show cows in France with all daughters scoring >VG-85!!

• Deep French cow family with 6 EXCELLENT dams!!

• L’Esperance: super uddered cow, close to 13.000kg milk, back incalf to Dynasty & her beautiful Mitchell daughter are selling!

4/3La 305d 12.748kgM 4.1% 517F 3.4% 428P HL4 305d 13.470kgM 4.0% 540F 3.3% 449P
4/4La 305d 11.246kgM 3.4% 387F 3.0% 335P HL3 305d 12.974kgM 3.4% 434F 3.1% 397P
EX-94-MS 4. M. Nagano du Tombuy EX-95-FR M. Kirikkale Armani De L'Esperance *RC VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La4. 3. M. Sagano du Tombuy EX-93-FR FR 7040355396 Geb. Datum. 08.09.2015 Kalb. Datum. 13.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Schönhof Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La4 305d 13.470kgM 4.01% 540F 3.33% 449P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test: (13.09.2023) 40.3kgM 3.85%F 3.42%P ZZ: 290 Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La4. Bel. / Ins. 25.05.2023 Kings-Ransom DYNASTY | TU+ / PREGNANT DE 0771197397 Geb. Datum. 13.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Schönhof Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Aurora MITCHELL Mutter / Dam: Kirikkale Armani De L’Esperance VG-86-DE VG-87-MS La4. Bel. / Ins. 11.09.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA
EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS

215. NH Culcha Candela EX-90-DE

Mr Coin DRACO (Cashcoin x Robust x Planet)

Zandenburg Super Camilla VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Schwester zu / Sister to:

Zandenburg Meridian Camilla VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX)

- Successful shown European Show in Colmar

- 1st place 2yr. Old National HHH-Show ‘15!

- Lifetime production: >100.000kgM!

• Mutter von NH Rubicon Milla, verkauft für 75.000€ / Dam to NH Rubicon Milla, sold for: 75.000€



Zandenburg Snowman Camilla VG-89-NL Conf. VG-89-NL

Flevo-Genetics SNOWMAN Anderstrup Ramos Camill EX-90-DK Conf. EX-91-USA

• Söhne auf Station von Mascalese & Supersire / Sons by Mascalese & Supersire in AI

• Großmutter von NH Rubicon Milla, verkauft für 75.000€ / Grand dam to NHl Rubicon Milla, sold for

• Verkauft für: / Sold for €26.000 (Holland Masters Sale ‘10)

• Embryonen exportiert nach: / Embryos exported to Japan, USA and more

• Mutter von: / Dam to Cinema 7 @ Select & Camera @ RSH


4e Anderstrup Laudan Camille VG-89-DK 2yr.

5e Chemello Jocko Benge VG-87-IT 2yr.

6e Chemello Mtoto Farfalle VG-85-IT 2yr.

7e Chemello Slocum Gia VG-88-IT

Unique EXCELLENT Camilla!

• Culcha Candela wird verkauft! Die EXZELLENTE Draco Tochter mit hochgerechnet über 15.000kg Milch in dieser Laktation aus überragender Familie!

• Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Zandenburg Meridian Camilla VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX), Klassensiegerin der National HHH-Show ‘15

• Tolles Outcrosspedigree: Draco x VG-85 2yr. Supersire x VG-89 Snowman x EX-90 Ramos x VG-89 Laudan.

• Culcha Candela sells! The EXCELLENT Draco daughter which is projected with over 15.000kgm this lactation from a fantastic family!

• Dam is maternal sister to Zandenburg Meridian Camilla VG-89-NL 2yr. (MAX), she was 1st at the National HHH-show ‘15

• Interesting sire stack: Draco x VG-85 2yr. Supersire x VG-89 Snowman x EX-90 Ramos x VG-89 Laudan x Chemello Jocko Benge VG-87-IT 2yr.

2.05 305d 10.998kgM 3.9% 425F 3.5% 382P 7.03 305d 11.029kgM 3.8% 419F 3.4% 375P 8.10
11.704kgM 3.3%
12.503kgM 4.6% 577F 3.7% 465P
5/4La 305d 12.782kgM 4.1% 529F 3.4% 428P HL4 305d 13.802kgM 4.2% 582F 3.3% 459P
M. Zandenburg Super Camilla VG-85-DE
Sister to M. Zandenburg Super Camilla VG-89-DE
3. M. Anderstrup Ramos Camil EX-90-DK DE 0770405755 Geb. Datum. 26.03.2016 Kalb. datum. 27.03.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/4La 305d 13.781kgM 3.7% 516F 3.4% 467P 167d 9.518kgM 3.91%F 3.14%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 54.9kgM 3.24%F 3.11%P ZZ: 29 Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS La5. Bel. / Ins. 03.09.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM

216. NH O’ Lala *RC VG-87-DE La3.

Mr D Apple DIAMONDBACK *RC (Doorman x Talent *RC x Regiment-Red)

Wilcor Goldwyn O’Karina GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE GP-84-MS 2yr.

GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS


Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH Conf. EX-97-CH EX-96-MS

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

Wilcor Goldwin O’Kadabra VG-89-NL EX-92-MS

- 1st, Best Udder & H.M. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show ‘16

- Udder Champion & H.M. Champion 2yr. Old Pesse ‘17

Frisch abgekalbte O’Kalibra!

• Direkt aus O’KALIBRA!! / Straight out of O’KALIBRA!!

• Goldwyn Tochter verkauft für 35.000 EUR auf der Schau der Besten / Goldwyn daughter sold for 35.000 EUR at the Schau der Besten

• Most influential cow of Switzerland ‘13!!

• European Champion ‘13 & 3x Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘15, ‘13 & ‘12

• Res. Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2011 & Res. Udder Champion Expo Bulle ‘11

• Hon. Mention Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘11


4e Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH 2E

5e O’Kitten *RC VG-89-CH

6e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN

7e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr.

GBM Val Blackstar Jean EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM

A FRESH O’Kalibra!

• Tolle Möglichkeit! Eine frisch abgekalbte ROTFAKTOR Diamondback *RC und Urenkelin der 3x Grand Champion Swiss Expo Champion: O’Kalibra!

• Gleiche Familie wie GS Alliance Lotus O’Kiki EX-91-CH, die Reserve Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2016 und wie SBro Army O’Kaboom-Red VG-87-CH La2.!

• Opportunity KNOCKS! A fresh Red Carrier sired by Diamondback *RC and great-grand daughter to the 3x Grand Champion Swiss Expo Champion: O’Kalibra!

• From the same family as GS Alliance Lotus O’Kiki EX-91-CH, the Reserve Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2016 and to SBro Army O’Kaboom-Red VG-87-CH La2.!

2.02 305d 9.166kgM 3.6% 329F 3.3%
4.01 305d 14.247kgM 4.0%
305d 14.313kgM
573F 3.0% 650P
305d 14.883kgM 4.3% 646F 3.0% 878O
3/2La 305d 10.257kgM 3.6% 372F 3.2% 328P HL2 305d 10.150kgM 3.8% 382F 3.2% 321P
Braedale GOLDWYN
3/2La 305d 14.191kgM 3.0% 427F 3.0% 427P HL3 305d 15.880kgM 3.1% 497F 3.0% 471P
Sister to 2. M. S Bro Atwood O’Karina 3. M. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH 2. M. GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC EX-90-DE DE 0770598957 Geb. Datum. 05.06.2017 Kalb. Datum. 17.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/3La 305d 11.321kgM 3.9% 443F 3.7% 417P HL3 305d 13.125kgM 4.0% 518F 3.7% 486P 55d 2.682kgM 3.39%F 3.09%P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 46.4kgM 3.76%F 3.37%P ZZ:27 Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La3.

217. Faithfun

218. NH Faithlady

219. NH Faithbabe

220. NH Faithsun EX-91-DE EX-MS

221. NH Faithkind

Die Ralma Juror Faith Familie!

• Mehrer Nachkommen dieser tollen Familie werden verkauft!

• Eine der konstantesten Familien bei Nosbisch!

• NH Faithsun & NH Faithlady, beides Schwestern, frisch gekalbt & >106.000kg Lebensleistung!

• Die Linie von DKR Faith, Topseller NH Sale ‘10 mit 42.000€ & fantastische Zuchtkuh & Bullenmutter!

The Ralma Juror Faith Family!

• Multipe offspring, including 2 sisters with both > 106.000kgM and EXCELLENT scored cows from the great outcross branch of the Ralma Juror Faith family selling!

• One of the most consistens cow familys at Nosbisch over the last years!

• Foundation cow is the famous DKR Faith, Topseller NH Sale ‘10 with 42.000 EUR and successfull bull dam and brood cow!

VG-87-DE DE 0769757383 Geb. Datum. 16.07.2012 Kalb. Datum. 06.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 9/8La 305d 12.475kgM 3.5% 430F 3.3% 413P HL7 305d 14.443kgM 3.7% 530F 3.3% 477P Lebensleistung / lifetime: > 108.000kgM - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 51.0kgM 3.95%F 3.16%P ZZ: 23 Conf. VG-87-DE La5. Vater / Sire Hunsberger ALCHEMY *RC Mutter / Dam DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. DE 0771390552 Geb. Datum. 06.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire ABS MEDLEY Mutter / Dam NH Faithlady VG-87-DE La5. DE 0769870732 Geb. Datum. 05.08.2012 Kalb. Datum. 24.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 8/8La 305d 11.722kgM 3.6% 418F 3.2% 375P HL7 305d 12.388kgM 3.8% 474F 3.3% 402P Lebensleistung / lifetime: >106.000kgM Conf. EX-91-DE EX-MS La8. Vater / Sire Ladys-Manor PI SHAMROCK Mutter / Dam DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.
EX-90-DE FR 6771246359 Geb. Datum. 16.07.2016 Kalb. Datum. 17.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/4La 305d 12.239kgM 4.2% 519F 3.7% 448P HL4 305d 13.936kgM 4.3% 596F 3.6% 503P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 29.4kgM 5.39%F 4.58%P ZZ: 307 Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 29.04.2023 Edg RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire View-Home MONTEREY Mutter / Dam NH Oak Faithlove VG-89-FR DE 0771390560 Geb. Datum. 24.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire HET Copy WILLIAM Mutter / Dam NH Faithsun EX-91-DE EX-MS

The Ralma Juror Faith’s

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust x Zenith)

NH Oak Faithlove VG-89-FR Conf. VG-89-FR

HL2 455d 17.893kgM 4.22%F 3.54%P

Lebensleistung / lifetime: 76.307kgM & noch am produzieren / still producing

• Outcross Abstammung: Oak x Windbrook / Different pedigree: Oak x Windbrook

• Super Typquelle mit toller Fitness & hohen Leistungen / Great source for type combined with good fintess and production!


DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr.

La10/08 305d 12.155kgM 4.1% 499F 3.4% 418P

• Topseller auf dem NH Sale ‘10 für 42.000 EUR / Topseller at the NH Sale ‘10 for 42.000 EUR

• Embryos have been exported World Wide

• Ehemaliges #6 GTPI Pronto in Europa / Former #6 GTPI Pronto in Europe


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.

5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

6e Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM

7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

9e Ralma Melwood Fortress

10e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM

11e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM

NH Holyfaith VG-88-FR
VG-88-FR 3/3La 305d 12.471kgM 3.2% 399F 2.9% 358P HL3 305d 14.663kgM 3.2% 462F 2.8% 417P Lebensleistung / lifetime: 107.774kgM & noch am produzieren / still producing
Pine-Tree AltaOAK
Close family. La Portea Lauthority Fabiola EX-92-IT Faithfun EX-90-DE | SHE SELLS 7. M. Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

222. NH F eline DE 0771197310 Geb. Datum. 16.01.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Avant-Garde Unix SELECT

Mutter / Dam: NH Festival EX-91-DE

Bel. / Ins. 12.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons CHIEF | TU+ / PREGNANT

223. NH F inally DE 0771273309 Geb. Datum. 03.06.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Stantons CHIEF

Mutter / Dam: NH Festival EX-91-DE


Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA

• >100.000kgM Lifetime Production / >100.000kgM Lifetime Production!

• Alchemy Schwester ebenfalls >100.000kgM Lebensleistung! / Alchemy sister also > 100.000kgM Lifetime Production!



DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr.

La1 232d 9.662kgM 4.2% 406F 3.4% 329P

• Topseller auf dem NH Sale ‘10 für 42.000 EUR / Topseller at the NH Sale ‘10 for 42.000 EUR

• Embryos have been exported World Wide

• Ehemaliges #6 GTPI Pronto in Europa / Former #6 GTPI Pronto in Europe


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.

5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM

7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

9e Ralma Melwood Fortress

10e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM

11e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM

12e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD

Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA

• Tolle mit CHIEF gesext tragende Unix Select & ein CHIEF Kalb aus Tochter aus dem Herzen der Ralma Jurror Faith EX-91-USA Familie!

• Mutter 2E & >75.000kgM LL, Großmutter frisch zum 9. gekalbt, 4E & >100.000kgM LL, was will man mehr?!

• Very nice pregnant Unix SELECT, incalf to FEMALE CHIEF & a sweet baby calf by CHIEF from a beautiful line of the Ralma Jurror Faith EX-91-USA family!

• Dam is 2E & >75.000kgM Lifetime Production, Grand dam just fresh in here 9th lactation, 4E & > 100.000kgM Lifetime Production, really all a breeder can ask for!

Festival EX-91-DE Conf.
EX-92-F&L HL5 305d 15.431kgM 3.4% 552F 3.2% 491P 6/5La 296d 12.193kgM 3.5% 421F 3.3% 407P
Production! Lookout Pesce Ponde KOOPER NH Faithsun EX-91-DE La8. Conf. EX-91-DE EX-94-F&L La8. 8/8La 305d 11.722kgM 3.6% 418F 3.2% 375P
CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x
>75.000kgM / >75.000kgM Lifetime
3. M. DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Faithfun EX-90-DE | SHE SELLS 6. M. Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM


Organisation & Abwicklung von Auktionen aller Art.

Lizensierter Auktionator am World Wide College of Auctioneering, Mason City, USA.

Kommende Veranstaltungen:

20.10.2023: NH Herdenverkauf & GMS Sale

Niederweis - Deutschland

04.11.2023: Show Style Sale bei Schönhof Holsteins

Maishofen - Österreich

01.12.2023: International Livestock

Auction Zootecniche

Cremona - Italien

16.12.2023: ProRind Weihnachts-Sale

Kempten - Deutschland

Nici Nosbisch Auctioneering

ihr Partner #1 für:

• Eliteauktionen

• Kommerziele Viehauktionen

• Charity-Auktionen

• Kunstauktionen

• Maschinen & Bestandsauktionen

Nici Nosbisch Auctioneering Nici Nosbisch Auctioneering

Sonnenhof 1

54668 Niederweis

T 0049 / 171 4368388



224. NH Indy Red

225. NH Col Hokovit Irene Red DE 0771390558 Geb. Datum. 18.08.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, Colonia Cows & Hokovit - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire NH Evolution SKYLINER-RED Mutter / Dam NH Indy-Red VG-87-DE La3.

226. NH Col Hokovit I llinois Red

227. NH Indianglamour Pp *RC VG-89-DE La6.

Gourmette EX-92 / ROT / HORNLOS / 100.000kg / Inhaltsstoffe Gourmette EX-92 / RED / POLLED / 100.000kg / Components

• Ihre Chance auf Mitglieder der fantastischen Gourmette EX-92 Familie

• Im Sale sind u.a. Indy Red, das ehemalige #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, frisch gekalbt & ein absolutes Powerhouse! Außerdem ihre Töchter von Freestyle & Skyliner Red!

• Mögen Sie tolle alte Kühe?! Indianglamour: 100.000kg Kuh mit fantastischen Inhaltstoffen, Hornlos, wieder tragend und bereit für die nächsten Laktation!

• Die Familie von Gunnar!

• Your chance on different members of the fantastic breeding Gourmette EX-92 family!

• Selling are Indy Red, the former #1 RZG heifer in the breed, just fresh and an absolute Powerhouse, as well here daughters by Freestyle Red & Skyliner Red!

• Do you love good old cows?! Indianglamour: 100.000kg Cow with amazing components, polled, back incalf and ready for many years to come!

• The proven family of Gunnar!

datum. 18.08.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, Colonia Cows & Hokovit - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 4/3La 305d 12.537kgM 3.8% 479F 3.6% 452P HL3 305d 13.969kgM 3.7% 519F 3.5% 487P Conf. VG-87-DE VG-88-MS La3. Vater / Sire MISSION P *RC
VG-87-DE La3. DE 0539782090 Geb. Datum. 01.04.2017 Kalb. DE 0771197370 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins, Colonia Cows & Hokovit - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Poppe FREESTYLE-RED Mutter / Dam NH Indy-Red VG-87-DE La3. DE 0769962999 Geb. Datum. 12.03.2013 Kalb. datum. 29.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 7/7La 305d 12.465kgM 3.9% 486F 3.7% 456P HL7 305d 13.730kgM 4.0% 553F 3.6% 492P Lebensleistung: >100.000kgm / Lifetime production >100.000kgm Fantastische Inhaltsstoffe / Hugh components! Letzte Kontrolle / las test (13.09.2023): 36.1kgM 4.05%F 3.94%P ZZ: 141 Bel. / Ins: 19.07.2023 Delta LOUIS P-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED Mutter / Dam NH Bogart Indira *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. +128 RZG (08/23) 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1215 +0.04 +0.02 54 45 134 122 1786 115 101 116 104 107 138 09/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1694 +0.02 -0.08 72 50 141 126 2342 123 102 122 108 117 153 Kappa-Casein: BB

M. NH Indiansunshine-Red VG-89-DE EX-MS La2.

MISSION P *RC (Colt P-Red x Dolman x Goldwyn)

NH Indiansunshine-Red VG-89-DE EX-MS La2. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-MS La2.

• 1st place RUW-Färsenschau 2018

• Ehemaliges #1 RBT Rind der Welt!! /

The former #1 R&W RZG Heifer World Wide

McCutchen DURANGO *RC NH Dakker Indianagirl-Red VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS


• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

NH Indian Summer Red *PO, former #1 Red & Polled Heifer in the breed!

Kings-Ransom O DAKKER

NH Bogart Indira *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P

• Mutter des ehemaligen #1 RZG Rindes der Rasse!/ Dam to the former #1 RZG POLLED Heifer in the breed!

• Tochter von: / Daughter of:

NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE - one of the greatest Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide


4e NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE.

5e Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

6e Elwillo Isabell VG-85-DE

7e Aerostar Imperiale VG-89

8e EX-92 Ugela Bell

9e EX-94 Ben

4.1% 545F 3.7% 484P HL3
4.5% 653F
305d 13.209kgM
305d 14.546kgM
• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH Ikea VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La4. La2. 3/3La 305d 10.582kgM 4.3% 454F 3.7% 390P HL2 305d 11.194kgM 4.4% 494F 3.7% 416P
• Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh in Deutschland / Former #1 R&W RZG cow in Germany
3. M. NH Bogart Indira VG-86-DE 2yr. 2. M. NH Dakker Indianagirl-Red VG-87-DE La2. The NH Lawn Boy India family

228. NH Irlando

Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer) NH

NH Super Islandsun VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La2.


NH Island EX-91-DE EX-93-MS Conf. EX-91-DE EX-93-MS 3/3La

• >14.300kg Milch / >14.300kg

• 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Südwestschau

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: NH Indian Summer Red *PO, former #1 Red & Polled Heifer in the breed! & NH Dertour Indian Summer-Red VG-86-NL, Former #1 RZG POLLED Heifer in the breed!

• V. / s. Picston SHOTTLE

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE

- one of the greatest Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide

• Embryonen exportiert zu Semex / Embryos exported to Semex


4e Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

5e Elwillo Isabell VG-85-DE

6e Aerostar Imperiale VG-89

7e EX-92 Ugela Bell

8e EX-94 Ben

Gourmette EX-92 / Fantastische Leistung / Chief Gourmette EX-92 / Amazing porduction / Chief

• Frisch abgegkalbte 2. Kalbskuh von CHIEF aus der Gourmette EX-92 Familie

• Tolle Väterfolge: Chief x Mogul x Super x Shottle x Ford Isabella

• Mutter NH Mogul Islandsund mit über 14.000kg & erfolgreiche Schaukuh!

• Diese Familie züchtet! Leistung, Exterieur & hohe Zuchtwerte!

• Fresh calved 2nd calver by CHIEF out of the Gourmette EX-92 family

• Great Sire Stack: Chief x Mogul x Super x Shottle x Ford Isabella

• Dam NH Mogul Islandsun with over 14.000kg & sucessfull show cow!

• Fantastic family! Production, Type & high numbers!

295d 14.102kgM
579F 3.4%
HL2 305d 15.613kgM
603F 3.4% 531P
2yr. 4/3La 305d 13.077kgM 3.8% 490F 3.4% 444P HL2 305d 14.337kgM 3.4% 493F 3.2% 464P
Islandsun VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE
Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL
3/2La 305d 12.218kgM 3.3% 399F 3.3% 407P HL2 305d 13.509kgM 2.8% 374F 3.3% 448P
M. NH Mogul Islandsun VG-87-DE 2yr. Same family. NH Shottle Irland EX-90-DE 4. M. Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS
GP-84-DE 2yr. DE 0770900302 Geb. Datum. 01.12.2019 Kalb. datum. 10.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La21/12 305d 11.725kgM 3.3% 392F 3.2% 377P Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 56.4kgM 3.47%F 3.05%P ZZ: 29 Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

229. EBH All-Star Ina


Großmutter von GPH Picard +159 RZG @ Phönix

• Eines der höchsten RZG Rinder ihrer Generation & super Zuchtkuh mit vielen hohen Nachkommen!

• Ina ist ein absolutes Powerhouse mit toller Leistung & überragenden Inhaltstoffen!

• Großmutter ist die Schwester von BOARD

Grand dam of GPH Picard +159 RZG

• One of the highest RZG heifers of here generation & great brood cow with many high progeny!

• Ina is an absolute POWERHOUSE with super production & hugh components!

• Grand dam is sister to BOARD @RUW • Ina is the grand dam of

KNS BOSS Veneriete Epic Ida 66 VG-88-NL Conf. VG-88-NL 2.05 305d 9.028kgM 4.6% 413F 3.7% 330P 3.08 305d 10.804kgM 4.7% 505F 3.6% 464P 4.11 305d 11.275kgM 3.5% 536F 3.5% 399P NEXT DAMS 4e Veneriete Ida 31 VG-87-NL 5e Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88-NL 6e Butemare Venriete Ida O VG-86-NL 7e Butemare Ida Ronald VG-87-NL 8e Butemare Ida Jabot VG-85-NL VG-86-MS 9e Butemare Ida Curious VG-85-NL S-S-I Penley ALL-STAR (Penley x Lucid x Maxum) RUW Indira VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. La18/10 305d 8.374kgM 5.7% 473F 3.8% 318P • Diese Familie steht für
type! DE-SU 12109 BATTLECRY Inga 20 VG-87-DE La3. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-86-MS La3. 3/2LA 305d 11.817kgM 4.6% 541F 3.6% 428P HL2 305d 12.424kgM 4.6% 574F 3.5% 440P
sister to BOARD @RUW
hohes FETT &
- super Fitnessmerkmale und funktionelles
/ This family marks high FAT &
- super Fitness and functional
/ Full
Veneriete Epic Ida 66 VG-88-NL
Full brother to grand dam: BOARD @
5. M.
Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88-NL
VG-88-DE DE 0539701958 Geb. Datum. 18.09.2017 Kalb. datum. 12.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & GPH - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La3 305d 15.105kgM 3.9% 594F 3.8% 575P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 38.0kgM 4.66%F 4.16%P ZZ: 186 Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 16.09.2023 Vogue A2P2-PP
Bullenvater GPH Picard +159 RZG (08/23) @ Phönix
@RUW •
ist die Großmutter des
GPH Picard +159 RZG (08/23)
Phönix 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +547 +0.10 +0.18 32 39 126 129 1606 122 101 127 116 118 142 Beta Casein: A2A2 HH3 HH5
the sire sons

230. NH Mc Isabella EX-93-DE

231. NH Indiana

De-Su Bkm MCCUTCHEN (Bookem x Shottle x Oman)

M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2.

• Traum Pedigree / Dream pedigree!

• Tochter con: / Daughter of M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT

• Verkauft für 20.000€ auf dem GMS ‘14 / Sold for EUR 20.000 through the German

Isabella EX-93 wird verkauft!

• Isabella kalbt kurz vor dem Sale und ist defintiv einer der speziellsten Senior Kühe die jemals in Deutschland angeboten wurde!

• Isabella ist die Kuh mit der höchsten Einstufung die es jemals bei NH gab!

• Isabella ist ein Kuh wie sie jeder möchte! Überragende Leistung, Schauerfolge & ein Pedigree wie man es sich nur wünschen kann!

• Enkelin der Intermediate Champion European Show 2010 und mehr: M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT!

• 6 Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter in diesem außergewöhnlichen

Rudolph Illary EX-91-IT 2E

• Mutter von: / Dam to: M.E.DAL Goldwyn Icon VG-86 Res. 2-Yr. Old Champion Cremona 2012


M.E.DAL Raider Jewel VG-87-IT 5e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT

6e Sace Elevation Janet J. EX-96 2E 7e Flettdale Marquis Janet EX-94

Isabella EX-93 sells!

• Isabella will be fresh just before the Sale and is definitely one of the most special Senior cows to ever offered in a German Sale!

• Isabella is the highest scored Cow ever at Nosbisch!

• Isabella is doing everything you can ask for! Amazing production, Show success & a dream pedigree!

• Grand daughter to the Intermediate Champion European Show 2010 and more: M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT!

• 6 generations EXCELLENT dams in this amazing PEDIGREE!

7/7LA 11.690kgM 4.2% 496F 3.0% 345P HL 5 13.368kgM 4.6% 620F 2.9% 388P
Conf. EX-91-IT 2E
La1 305d 9.543kgM 4.1% 392F 3.5% 330P HL2 305d 11.170kgM 4.4% 489F 3.4% 278P
Sale ‘14
M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT 3E Conf. EX-95-IT 3E 3La 305d 12.100kgM 3.8% 465F 3.0% 330P HL2 305d 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P
Sr. Champion & BU National Show Cremona 12
H.M. Jr.
Champion European Show Cremona
Champion National Show Cremona
Champion National Show Cremona ‘09
2. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT 3E NH Mc Isabella EX-93-DE | SHE SELLS
M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2. DE 0770050379 Geb. Datum. 28.03.2014 Kalb. datum. 01.09.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/5La 305d 11.142kgM 4.5% 501F 3.4% 381P HL4 305d 11.885kgM 5.1% 604F 3.4% 408P Conf. EX-93-DE EX-93-MS 3E DE 0771197351 Geb. Datum. 26.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 25.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA Vater/ Sire Mr. Winstar BAMBINO
/ Dam NH MC Isabella EX-93-DE

232. NH Imara VG-88-DE

233. NH Lambda Irish

Vater / Sire Farnear Delta-Lambda Mutter / dam: NH Imara VG-88-DE La3.

Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn) NH McCutchen Isabella EX-93-DE Conf. EX-93-DE EX-93-MS 3E

• Traum Pedigree / Dream pedigree! •

• 1st & H.M. Int. Champion RUW-Show 2017

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiwiẞ / >1000 kg Combined Fat + Protein

• 6. Generation EXZELLENT / 6th generation EXCELLENT

Tolle abgekalbte DOORMAN x ISABELLA EX-93!

• Frisch abgekalbte Val-Bisson DOORMAN aus einer der besten Kühe der Herde: NH McCutchen Isabelle EX-93-DE EX-93-MS 3E:

- 1st & H.M. Intermediate Champion RUW-Show 2017

• Geht zurück auf M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT: Intermediate Champion European Show ‘10 & mehr!

• 6. Generationen EXZELLENT in diesem tollen Pedigree!

• Auch im Sale, ihre tolle LAMBDA Tochter!

M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT 3E Conf. EX-95-IT 3E

• Sr. Champion & BU National Show Cremona 12

• Int. Champion European Show Cremona ‘10

• Res. Champion National Show Cremona ‘10

• H.M. Jr. Champion National Show Cremona ‘09


4e M.E.DAL Rudolph Illary EX-91-IT 2E

5e M.E.DAL Raider Jewel VG-87-IT

6e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT

7e Sace Elevation Janet J. EX-96 2E

8e Flettdale Marquis Janet EX-94


• Fresh Val-Bisson DOORMAN from one of Nosbisch’s best: NH McCutchen Isabelle EX-93-DE EX-93-MS 3E:

- 1st & H.M. Intermediate Champion RUW-Show 2017

• Going back on M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT: Intermediate Champion European Show ‘10 & more!

• 6 generation EXCELLENT dams in this amazing pedigree!

• Also selling: her fancy LAMBDA daughter!

Braedale GOLDWYN
3La 305d 12.100kgM 3.8% 465F 3.0% 330P HL2 305d 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P
5/5La 305d 11.142kgM 4.5% 501F 3.4% 381P HL4 305d 11.885kgM 5.1% 604F 3.4% 408P
De-Su Bkm MCCUTCHEN M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2. La1 305d 9.543kgM 4.1% 392F 3.5% 330P HL2 305d 11.170kgM 4.4% 489F 3.4% 278P
20.000€ auf
con: / Daughter of M.E.DAL Stormatic
EX-95-IT •
dem GMS ‘14 / Sold for EUR 20.000 through the German
3. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT 3E
Ilma EX-95-IT 3E
3. M. M.E.DAL Stormatic
M. NH McCutchen Isabella DE 0770599025 Geb. Datum. 26.09.2017 Kalb. datum. October '23 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/3La 305d 10.497kgM 4.4% 460F 3.8% 400P Conf. VG-88-DE VG-87-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 26.12.2022 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT
DE 0771197392 Geb. Datum. 05.08.2022

234. R DG Alyssa Red VG-87-DE EX-91-MS

235. NH Aranka Red

Bel. / Ins: 13.04.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen DORAL-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT

Vater / Sire Blondin WILLOWS-RED Mutter / Dam R DG Alyssa-Red VG-87-DE EX-91-MS

236. NH Nexus Amir

NH SOLITO-RED @ Masterrind / #1 RZG & #1 RZE Töchtergeprüft (08/23)

Die Mutter & Schwestern von NH SOLITO - #1 RZG & #1 RZE

• Was für eine Chance!

• Die Mutter von NH Solito Red, dem aktuellen #1 Töchtergeprüften RZG (+143) & #1 RZE Bullen (+140) in Deutschland wird verkauft!

• Außerdem seine tolle hochtragende Willows Schwester, gesext tragend mit DORAL-RED & ihre Cousine tragend mit SPIRIT-RED!

• Aus 9. Generationen VG oder EX aus einem etwas anderen Zweig der Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Dynastie!

The Dam & Sister to NH SOLITO - #1 RZG & #1 RZE

• Once of a lifetime chance!

• The dam to NH Solito Red, the current #1 daughter proven RZG (+143) & #1 RZE bull (+140) in Germany sells!

• Also selling Solito his beautiful Willows sister, due soon with SEXED DORAL-RED! & here cousing pregnant to SPIRIT-RED!

• Out of 9. generations VG or EX scored cows from a different line of the Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA dynasty! DE 0771123393 Geb. Datum. 01.12.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins: 14.06.2023 Gen NH SPIRIT-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Index Vater / Sire Peak NEXUS Mutter / Dam NH Humblenkind Amara *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. TL21/12 61 1.943kgM 4.3% 83F 3.4% 66P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: R DG Alyssa-Red VG-87-DE EX-91-MS La3. NL 707440655 Geb. Datum. 13.07.2015 Kalb. datum. 20.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 5/4La 305d 10.596kgM 4.5% 479F 3.6% 380P HL4 305d 12.327kgM 4.4% 540F 3.5% 432P 202d 8.757kgM 4.15% 363F 3.25% 285P - Letzte Kontrolle / last test (13.09.2023): 38.4kgM 4.79%F 3.64%P ZZ: 162 Conf. VG-87-DE EX-91-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 20.08.2023 FEMALE AOT HEATWAVE P-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT Mutter von: / Dam to: NH SOLITO-RED @ Masterrind / #1 RZG & #1 RZE Töchtergeprüft (08/23) / #1 RZG & #1 RZE daughter proven bull (08/23) Vater / Sire Willsbro ATWORK *RC Mutter / Dam BTS-Avea Red VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
Datum. DE 0771123387 Geb.
Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
La3. 5/4La 305d 10.596kgM 4.5% 479F 3.6% 380P HL4 305d 12.327kgM 4.4% 540F 3.5% 432P 2. Mutter/ 2nd dam: BTS-Avea Red VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. +131
RZG / +124 RZE (08/23)

The Khw Goldwyn Aiko’s

/ Maternal sister to the ‘One Million Dollar Cow’ KHW Regiment

EX-96-USA - Res Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show ‘13, Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show ‘11 & All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Advent-Red, Jotan-Red & Acme RC


Emerald-Acr-Sa T BAXTER
2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P
Aiko *RC EX-91-USA DOM
6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E
7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E Willsbro ATWORK *RC (Supersire x Supersition x Goldwyn) BTS-Avea Red VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2.03 323d 9.529kgM 4.1% 386F 3.3% 314P 3.09 305d 9.908kgM 4.2% 418F 3.5% 342P • Res. Champion 2yr. old Opmeer (B&W Class) • Very popular bull dam for GTPI & RZG • Mutter zu: / dam to: Aviator, Alphaman & Adam Our-Favorite DETOX *RC KHW-I Aika Baxter VG-89-CAN 5yr. (MAX) Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 5yr. 2.01 365d 13.577kgM 5.8% 785F 3.7% 499P 5.06 365d 18.414kgM 5.9% 1079F 3.3% 616P • Mutter zu: / Dam to: AIKMAN *RC • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Applejax *RC, Perfect Aiko *RC & Fraiko *RC
VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. R DG Alyssa Red VG-87-DE EX-91-MS | SHE SELLS 2.
VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 5yr.
4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 5e
Alisha EX-93-USA
M. BTS-Avea Red
M. KHW-I Baxter

237. NH Star Lady in Black FRESH DE 0771123347 Geb. Datum. 17.08.2021 Kalb. Datum. FRESH

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire STAR P *RC

Mutter / Dam: WEH Liana VG-85-DE 2yr.

Prod. Frish gekalbt - weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh - see sale update for more info! Conf. NC

Bel. / Ins. 18.12.2022 Progenesis MONTEVERDI | TU+ / PREGNANT

238. NH Twitch Leyla

239. NH Arozzo Lulu

240. NH Pickachu Lana

Die Bertaiola Bolton Lidia Familie

• 4 Halbschwestern sind im Sale aus der super züchtenden

Bertaiola Bolton Lidia Familie!!

• Outcross Väterfolgen mit: Star P *RC, Twitch, Arrozo x Soundcloud x Kerrigan x Balisto

• 6. Mutter ist die Vollschwester des äußerst populären

italienischen töchtergeprüften Bullen: Bertaiola Mincio!

The Bertaiola Bolton Lidia’s

• Four sisters are selling from the well-known and huge transmitting Bertaiola Bolton Lidia family!!

• Interesting sire line: Star P *RC, Twitch, Pickachu or Arrozo x Soundcloud x Kerrigan x Balisto

• 6th dam is the full sister to the very successful Italian daughter proven sire: Bertaiola Mincio!

08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +830 +0.25 +0.08 61 37 133 119 1883 117 109 123 126 127 148 DE 0771123392 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Mr Farnear Helix TWITCH Mutter / Dam: WEH Liana VG-85-DE 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 03.05.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen REDLEA *RC | TU+ / PREGNANT 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +580 +0.18 +0.03 73 27 2.52 -0.7 4.3 1.8 +0.39 2.02 1.32 705 2705 DE 0771123383 Geb. Datum. 10.11.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Siemers Renegade ARROZO Mutter / Dam: WEH Liana VG-85-DE 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 23.04.2023 Gen PERCIVAL | TU+ / PREGNANT 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1114 +0.16 +0.03 89 42 2.81 -0.4 4.6 2.3 +0.60 1.38 1.46 779 2805 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1243 +0.30 -0.04 83 38 138 110 1942 116 109 112 109 113 142 LU 18156408 Geb. Datum. 21.04.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Gen PICKACHU Mutter / Dam: WEH Liana VG-85-DE 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 25.03.2023 FEMALE AltaZAZZLE | TU+ / PREGNANT 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1030 +0.12 +0.02 75 39 2.57 -0.2 4.7 1.9 +0.30 1.05 0.53 780 2740 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +713 +0.37 +0.05 69 30 131 118 1860 119 110 121 116 116 144

The Bertaiola Bolton Lidia family

STAR P *RC (Solitair P-Red x Semino x Racer)

WEH Liana VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Verkauft auf dem German Masters Sale 2019 / Sold through the German Masters Sale 2019

• Die 6. Mutter ist die Mutter des äußerst populären geprüften Verebers: Bertaiola Mincio! / 6th dam is the full sister to the very successful Italian daughter proven sire: Bertaiola Mincio!

• Mutter der ehemaligen #1 GTPI Arrozo der Welt / Dam to the former #1 GTPI Arrozo in the World!

WEH Kerrigan Lucia VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE La2.

Westcoast KERRIGAN

WEH Lucy GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

La18/20 305d 9.747kgM 3.7% 365F 3.4% 333P

• V. / s. De-Su BALISTO

• Achiever Sohn @ Viking Genetics / Achiever son @ Viking Genetics

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Wendland Holsteins Yonder @ Masterrind


4e DG Scream & Shout VG-85-DE 4yr.

5e Bertaiola Alexander Lidia *TY VG-88-NL 2yr.

6e Bertaiola Bolton Lidia *TY VG-86-NL 2yr.

7e Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT

8e Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85-IT

9e Bel Astre Unforgettable EX-91-IT

10e Bel Mark Susanne VG-89-IT

8.285kgM 5.0% 413F 3.7% 306P
3/2La 305d 11.529kgM 3.6% 416F 3.3% 381P HL1 305d 13.612kgM 3.7% 498F 3.4% 456P
5. M. Bertaiola Alexander Lidia VG-88-NL 2yr. 3. M. WEH Lucy GP-84-DE 2yr. 6. M. Bertaiola Bolton Lidia *TY VG-86-NL 2yr.

NH Sunview MITCH (Kerrigan x Balisto x Sudan)

NH Emily VG-85-DE La2. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-DE La2.



• Champion Heifers EYBS Battice 2014 • Halbschwester verkauft für 6.100€ / Her maternal sister is sold for 6.100

EUR at the Holland Masters Sale

Roccafarm Iota Evy VG-86-BE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-BE 2yr.

2.05 305d 9.135kgM 4.0% 366F 3.6% 330P

• Gleiche Linie wie: / Same family as Explode, Emmett, Epic, Wonder & more

• Eine der besten Iota Töchters Europa’s / One of the greatest Iota dtrs in Europee


4e Wabash-Way Gldwn Eva VG-87-CAN 4yr.

5e Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr.

6e Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87-USA 4yr.

7e Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly EX-90-USA

8e Wauregan Rudolph Elly Mae EX-90-USA

9e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA

Gesext Tragend x 9. Gen. VG oder EX Lead Mae EX-95 SEXED Pregnant x 9. Gen. VG or EX Lead Mae EX-95

• Tolle Mitch Tochter, tragend mit Rubicon GESEXT direkt aus 10. Gen. VG oder EX!

• Großmutter war Klassensiegerin der RUW Schau 2015

• Die Familie von Emmett, Epic, Wonder & vielen mehr!

• Geht zurück auf einer der besten Zuchtkühe der Rasse: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA

• Beautiful Mitch daughter, pregnant to SEXED Rubicon straight from 10. Gen. VG or EX!

• Her grand dam was classwinner at the RUW Schau 2015.

• This family also produced the top bulls Emmett, Epic, Wonder & more

• Goes back on Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA, amongst the World’s greatest brood Cow

HL2 305d 15.712kgM 3.6% 560F 3.3% 517P 2/2La 305d 13.573kgM 3.7% 499F 3.3% 451P
• Überragende Leistungskuh: > 15.700kgM / Amazing production: > 15.700kgM HL3 305d 14.516ykgM 4.2% 612F 3.5% 511P 4/4LA 305d 13.370kgM 4.2% 559F 3.4% 455P
Mascalese Elly VG-88-DE La2. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-88-MS La2.
• 1st place RUW Schau 2015
9. M. Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA
2. M. Roccafarm Mascalese Elly VG-88-DE
5. M. Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr. DE 0771123363 Geb. Datum. 07.10.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Henneke - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 28.03.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT
241. NH Mitch Elke

242. NH Captivating Brandy DE 0771123397 Geb. Datum. 14.12.2021

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Bel. / Ins. 06.05.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT

Larcrest CAPTIVATING (Riveting x Hotline x Octoberfest)

NH Bonaire GP-83-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-83-DE GP-84-MS 2yr. 2/2La 305d 12.035kgM 4.1% 491F 3.5% 415P

305d 12.903kgM 4.1% 526F 3.5% 449P

• >12.900kgM mit 3.5% EIWEIß dazu!! / >12.900kgM wit 3.5% PROTEIN as well!

Plain-Knoll S-S-I JAGUAR

Oosterbrook Burning Star VG-86-DE La1. Conf. VG-86-DE La1. La19/06 305d

• Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Sunview BRIGHTSIDE (+143 RZG) @ RSH

• Verkauft für 20.500€ am German Masters Sale 2016 / Sold for 20.500 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2026


Oosterbrook Chevrlet Jazzs VG-85-NL Conf. VG-85-NL VG-86-MS

2.07 305d 12.901kgM 3.6% 459F 3.2% 412P

305d 14.107kgM 3.5% 487F 3.4% 485P

• Ehemalige #2 GTPI Chevrolet in Europa / Former #2 GTPI Chevrolet in Europe

• Mutter von: / Dam to BURNING - former #1 RZG Afterburner World Wide


4e Benthemmer Supersonnie Jazz GP-NL 2yr.

5e Hol-Steins Colby Jazzstar VG-88-NL 2yr.

6e Hol-Stiens Laudan Janet VG-88-NL 2yr.

7e Hol-Stiens Janelle VG-87-NL 2yr.

8e Hol-Stiens Jazz EX-90-NL

9e Hol-Stiens Dannix June EX-91-NL

Burning Star her son NH

10e Havep Daydream Jacky EX-90-NL - Lifetime: 111.907kgM

GESEXT Tragend & fantastische Kuhfamilie Incalf to SEXED & from bull producing family

• Mit RUBICON gesext tragende Captivating Tochter aus der Familie der mega Leistungskuh Hol-Stine Jazz EX-90

• Großmutter wurde als Kalb am GMS’16 für 20.500€ verkauft & war später die #1 Leistunskuh in Luxemburg

• Großmutter Burning Star ist die Mutter des töchtergeprüften Bullen NH Sunview BRIGHTSIDE (08/23 +143 RZG) @ RSH!!

• Captivating heifer PREGNANT by sexed Rubicon from the bull producing family with huge productions of Hol-Stine Jazz EX-90

• Grand dam sold as calf on GMS’16 for 20.500 EUR & was later on the #1 Prodcution Cow in Luxemburg.

• Grand dam Burning Star is the dam of the daughter proven Bull NH Sunview BRIGHTSIDE (08/23 +143 RZG) @ RSH!!

4.0% 512F 3.4% 436P
Sunview BRIGHTSIDE 3. M. Oosterbrook Chevrlet Jazzs VG-85-NL 2. M. Oosterbrook Burning Star VG-86-DE La1. 4. M. Benthemmer Supersonnie Jazz GP-NL 2yr.

243. NH Arrow Destiny

244. NH Arrow Davina

Future Dream H. Darina EX-90-NL Conf. EX-90-NL EX-92-MS

• Tochter von: / Daughter to: the 2yr. Old Reserve Champion NRM show 2012: Daydream EX-91-NL

• Europaschaukuh / Successful shown at the European Show Colmar 2016 for the Dutch team


4e HBC Goldwyn Daydream EX-91-NL

5e HBC Daydream VG-89-NL

6e Meadows-LLC BWM Dancia VG-88-USA

7e Regancrest Jolt Dream VG-86-USA GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Dream VG-86-USA GMD DOM

Wunderschöne ARROW’s aus den DELLIA’s! Stunning ARROW’s from the DELLIA’s!

• Tolle Arrow Töchter aus der EX eingestuften Jetset Tochter mit >15.000kgM mit 3.6% EIWEIß & die 9. Generation von VG oder EX Kühen aus den Dellia’s!


• Great ARROW heifers from an EX Jetset dtr with >15.000kgM with 3.6% PROTEIN & 9. generation of VG or EXCELLENT Cows in a row from the Dellia’s.

• From the same family as the Supreme Champion Swiss Expo 2017 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2018: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH! • Backed by

2.02 305d 10.984kgM 3.6% 394F 3.3% 362P 4.02 305d 14.489kgM 3.6% 514F 3.0% 431P 6.11 305d 16.229kgM 3.3% 539F 2.9% 469P
10e Sylvan-Dell
EX-91-USA 2E
x Mogul) NH Dellia EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-MS La1 305d 10.631kgM 3.7% 393F 3.5% 373P HL3 305d 15.029kgM 4.1% 617F 3.6% 538P 4/3La 305d 13.153kgM 3.9% 511F 3.6% 469P • Gleiche Familie wie: / Same family as: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH - Supreme Champion Swiss Expo 2017 - Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2018 - Dam to DH Darlingo @Synetics • > 15.000kgM mit 3.6% EIWEIß / > 15.000kgM with 3.6% PROTEIN JETSET FDH Davina VG-87-NL Conf. VG-87-NL VG-87-MS 5/4La 305d 12.392kgM 3.5% 431F 3.2% 402P HL4 305d 13.427kgM 3.5% 465F 3.3% 447P • Schwester zu: / Sister to PR Darla EX-90-NL: - 2nd in her class at the national NRM Show ‘19
9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA
M C Janice
x Monterey
2. M.
Same family. DH Gold Chip Darling
Sister to
PR Darla EX-90-NL
M. Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA DE 0771123354 Geb. Datum. 12.09.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 14.04.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | TU+ / PREGNANT
Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM
Die gleiche
wie die Supreme Champion Swiss Expo 2017 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2018: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH! • Die Familie der Legende: Snow-N Denises
Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM DE 0771273269 Geb. Datum. 20.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

245. NH Pikachu Morata DE 0771123391 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2021

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Bel. / Ins. 01.08.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT

Gen PIKACHU (Charl x Gymnast x Battlecry)

NH Sunview Mara VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

La21/11 305d 9.929kgM 5.0% 496F 3.9% 391P

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz

German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• 5% Fett & 3.9% EIWEIß / 5% Fat & 3.9% PROTEIN!


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P

HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P

3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

+135 RZG / +1496kgM / +0.18%F / +142 RZM +135 RZG / +1496kgM / +0.18%F / +142 RZM

• Tragende Gen Pickachu Tochter mit komplettem Index: +135 RZG / +140 RZM / +1496kgM / 0.18%F

• Großmutter Marilyn Monroe war nominiert zur Weltkuh des Jahres & ist u.a. die Mutter des ehemaligen #1 NVI Bullen NH Sunview Mitch @ AI-Total.

• Tolle Väterfolge: Pikachu x Zekon x Balisto x Xacobeo

• Pregnant Gen Pickachu daughter with a very complete GERMAN index: +135 RZG / +140 RZM / +1496kgM / 0.18%F

• Grand dam Marilyn Monroe VG-86 was nominated as Global Cow of the Year & is also the dam to the former #1 NVI Bull NH Sunview Mitch @ AI Total

• Great sires stack: Pikachu x Zekon x Balisto x Xacobeo

No-Pe ZEKON NH Balisto
VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Marilyn Monroe
Sister to M. NH Evolution Maya VG-85-DE 2yr. 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. 4. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund KVD RZD RZG +1448 +0.21 -0.03 82 46 142 94 1846 110 111 109 109 112 134
Beta Casein: A2A2

246. NH Hulk Marbella

Wilder HULK P (Hotspot P x Euclid x Lineman)

NH Sunview Marla N.C. Conf. N.C.

La22/05 9.948kgM 4.9% 489F 3.6% 362P

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

Gesext tragende Marilyn Monroe Enkelin

• GESEXT tragende Enkelin der Legendären Marilyn Monroe!

• Outcross Abstammung aus den Marilyn Monroes!

• Marilyn Monroe: Nationalschaukuh, Leistungsrekordkuh & 15 x Bullenmutter!

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P

HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P

3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Pregnant grand dtr from Marilyn Monroe

• Hulk P grand daughter to the legendary Marilyn Monroe, incalf to SEXED William

• Outcross Pedigree from the Marilyn Monroes!

• Marilyn Monroe: National show cow, Production record & 15 sons of AI!

NH Balisto
VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Franchise BENZ
Marilyn Monroe
Sister to M. NH Sunview Mystery VG-87-DE 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.
Sister to M. NH Sunview Marca VG-85-DE DE 0771197360 Geb. Datum. 12.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 08.08.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT

247. NH Carenzo Malibu DE 0771197320 Geb. Datum. 13.02.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 26.05.2023 Wilra Ssi Regal ENCLAVE | TU+ / PREGNANT

CARENZO (VG Crown x Charley x Supershot)

NH Sunview Miley GP-83-DE La2. Conf. GP-83-DE La2.

2/2La 305d 13.105kgM 4.5% 590F 3.7% 379P

Hl2 305d 16.137kgM 4.3% 700F 3.6% 589P

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• >16.000kgM mit 3.6% EIWEIß! / >16.000kgM with 3.6% PROTEIN!


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

Tragende Carenzo aus den Marilyn Monroe!

• Tolle +139 RZG Carenzo Tochter mit +0.60% FETT & +0.19% EIWEIß aus den Monroe´s!

• Tragend mit GESEXTEM Enclave (+163 RZG) super Anpaarung!

• Marilyn Monroe war über 4 Jahre in Folge das #1 RZG Rind oder Kuh in Deutschland & war die #1 Leistungfärse & Nationalschaukuh!!

• Sie wollen hohe INHALTSSTOFFE? Malibu ist die Antwort!

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P

HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P

3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Pregnant Carenzo from Marilyn Monroe!

• Super +139 RZG Carenzo daughter with +0.48% Fat and +0.19% Protein from the Marilyn Monroe family!

• Pregnant to FEMALE Enclave (+163 RZG ) great mating!

• Marilyn Monroe was over 4 years in a row the #1 RZG heifer or cow in Germany & highest production 2yr. Old in Germany!!

• Searching for high COMPONENTS? Malibu is the ANSWER!

2yr. La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Boldi V GYMNAST NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS
4. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK 2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. 3. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +157 +0.48 +0.19 56 25 125 122 1482 116 106 116 125 129 139
Beta Casein: A2A2 HH1 DE 0771123338 Geb. Datum. 08.08.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 28.03.2023 FEMALE EDG RUBICON | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire DYNAMIC P Mutter / Dam: NH Hotspot Marl GP-84-DE 2yr. x NH Emerich Monaco VG-87-DE La3. x Anton x Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE

2. M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.

CEH MUSIC (Pursuit x Gymnast x Silver)

NH Mariah VG-86-DE La4. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-88-MS La4. Hl3 305d 11.518kgM

• Halbschwester zu NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1a RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Platz

German Dairy Show ‘19 / Mat. sister to NH County Milo EX-91-DE La4. - 1st RUW Färsenschau ‘19 & 6. Place German Dairy Show ‘19

• Halbschwester zu NH Sunview Mitch / maternal sister to NH Sunview Mitchvormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

S-S-I Platinum FLATTOP

NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

De-Su 11236 BALISTO

Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P

HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P

3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P

• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Outcross Mutterlinie: / Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo

• 2 x die Chance auf GESEXT tragende Rinder aus der Monroe Dynastie!

• Hohe Leistung, tolles Exterieur, extreme INHALTSTOFFE, alles in einem Packet!



• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK

5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.

6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.


• Double chance for an INCALF heifer, PD to SEXED from the Monroe's!

• The Marilyn Monroe familys just breeds trough and gurantee for great type, high Index & phenomenal components!

• Incalf to SEXED William & RUBICON!

4.5% 512F 3.8% 384P
305d 10.248kgM 4.4% 451F 3.8% 437P
• >11.500kgM mit 3.8% EIWEIß! / >11.500kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN! La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
Sister to M. NH County Milo EX-90-DE Sister to 2. M. HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL VG-89-MS DE 0771197349 Geb. Datum. 24.04.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 09.05.2023 FEMALE HET Copy WILLIAM | TU+ / PREGNANT
248. NH Music Madonna
249. NH Marlene P

250. NH William Illinois

HET Copy WILLIAM (Copyright x Skywalker x Modesty) NH Incasa VG-87-DE La4. Conf. VG-87-DE

Willsbro KL ECLAIR

NH Enforcer Indiana VG-87-DE La3. Conf. VG-87-DE La3.


KHE Windbrook India VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE

• Verkauft auf dem German Masters Sale 2022 / Sold in the German Masters Sale 2022

• Ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind & Kuh der Rasse! / Former #1 RZG heifer & cow in the breed!

• >15.900kgM mit 3.8% EIWEIß dazu!! / >15.900kgM wit 3.8% PROTEIN as well!

• >1200 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1200 kg Combined Fat + Protein

• Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Edlock @ Masterrrind (+137 RZG)

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as:

NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE - one of the greatest Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide


4e KHE Jeeves Illionois VG-88-DE La2.

5e Goldwyn Ida VG-85-DE 2yr.

5e Ford Ivonne VG-85-DE 2yr.

6e Elwillo Isabell VG-85-DE

7e Aerostar Imperiale VG-89

8e EX-92 Ugela Bell

9e EX-94 Ben

Frühe William / Gesext Tragend / 10 Gen. VG oder EX Early William / Incalf to SEXED / 10 Gen. VG or EX

• Ganz ftühe und super entwickelte William, gesext tragend aus der Familie von Areostar Imperiale VG-89

• Mutter ist die Vollschwester des töchtergeprüften Bullen NH Edlock (+137 RZG) @ Masterrind.

• Tiefe Kuhfamilie mit fantasticher Leistung & 10. Gen. VG oder EX

• Early WILLIAM heifer, well grown, incalf to sexed semen and deep pedigree going back to Areostar Imperiale VG-89

• Dam is the full sister to the top Daughter proven RZG bull in Germany: NH Edlock (+137 RZG) @ Masterrind.

• Deep cow family, dam is already the 10th. generations VG- or

305d 12.544kgM 3.4% 425F 3.3% 415P
305d 14.995kgM 3.0% 451F 3.2% 484P
4/4La 305d 13.052kgM 3.3% 434F 3.4% 447P HL4 305d 13.015kgM 3.8% 500F 3.6% 467P
5/5La 305d 14.633kgM 4.1% 606F 3.7% 535P HL3 305d 15.972kgM 4.2% 678F 3.8% 601P
2. M. NH Enforcer Indiana VG-87-DE La3.
3. M. KHE Windbrook India VG-88-DE 4. M. KHE Jeeves Illionois VG-88-DE
EXCELLENT in a row!
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +140 +0.03 -0.04 57 43 134 101 1574 109 107 109 120 128 140 DE 0771197393 Geb. Datum. 07.08.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 03.08.2023 FEMALE Ocd Parfect SOYSAUCE | TU+ / PREGNANT

251. NH Etesian Irene DE 0771123373 Geb. Datum. 24.10.2021

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 20.06.2023 FEMALE Stantons REMOVER PP | TU+ / PREGNANT


Silverridge V ETESIAN (Supershot x McCutchen x Snowman)

NH India VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La3. Conf. VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La3.



Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED

NH Bogart Indira *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P

• >14.200kg Milch / >14.200kg Milk

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH Indian Summer Red *PO, former #1 Red & Polled Heifer in the breed! & NH Dertour Indian Summer-Red VG-86-NL, Former #1 RZG POLLED Heifer in the breed!

• Mutter des ehemaligen #1 RZG Rindes der Rasse! / Dam to the former #1 RZG POLLED Heifer in the breed!

• Tochter von: / Daughter of:

NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE - one of the greatest Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide


4e NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE

5e Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

6e Elwillo Isabell VG-85-DE

7e Aerostar Imperiale VG-89

8e EX-92 Ugela Bell

9e EX-94 Ben

• Mit Remover PP GESEXT tragende Etesian x VG-89 President Tochter x VG-89 Ladd P-Red, direkt aus NH Lawn Boy India *RC EX-90-DE

• Halbschwester zur Großmutter verkauft für 27.000€ nach NL

• Die Familie von NH Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis

• Incalf to FEMALE Remover PP Estestian heifer from a VG-89 President daughter followed by a VG-89 Ladd P-Red, going back on NH Lawn Boy India *RC EX-90-DE

• Maternal sister to grand dam sold for 27.000 EUR to NL

• Great-grand dam is dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis

4/4La 305d 12.884kgM 3.6% 469F 3.2% 414P HL3 305d 14.254kgM 3.5% 494F 3.1% 448P
NH Indiana Glamour *RC PP VG-89-DE Conf. VG-89-DE
• 1a RUW Färsenschau 2018 / 1st Place RUW Färsenschau 2018 7/7La 305d 12.465kgM 3.9% 486F 3.7% 456P HL7 305d 13.730kgM 4.0% 553F 3.6% 492P
EX-91-F&L La6.
• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein
4. M. NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE
to 2. M. NH Dertour Indian Summer-Red VG-86-NL
3. M. NH Bogart Indira VG-86-DE 2yr.
Gesext tragende Etesian x VG-89 President x India’s Incalf to Sexed Etesian x VG-89 President x India’s


Your ticket to the Champions League

• First DAVINCI son available for the World!

• The #1 GTPI bull >3.47 PTAT & >0.85 Rump Angle

• 1 out of ONLY 4 bulls in the breed cominbing >3.4 PTAT & >11 Conformation

• Positive Fertility & Healthy Udders

• The ONLY bull in the breed >11 Conformation, >10 Udders, >13 PIN WIDTH & >4 Chest Width

• PSG brings BALANCE, PRODUCTION & components & FITNESS

• From a great French cow family with many generations of VG and EX cows

• The most desired caseines: BB & A2A2

• Beautiful bull himself!

First DAVINCI son available for the World!


08/23 +2.41 UDC +1.51 FLC +3.46 PTAT
515HO00448 DGF A2A2 BB
Davinci x VG-FR 2yr. King Doc x VG-87 2yr. Monterey x VG 2yr. Enforcer x VG-88 EX-MS x VG-88 x EX-91
Sister to dam: DGF Maud Sister to dam: DGF Marrit Sister to dam: Drakkar Manuela Dam: DGF Magalia Grand dam: Madona Du Bois de Pins
MILK & COMPONENTS +465 MILK +0.12%F +0.09%P FITNESS 2.89 SCS +0.3 Fertilility Index 2.3% SCE +2730 GTPI +11 Conformation +10 Mammary System +3 Rump Angle • +13 Pin Width • +0 Thurl Placement +4 Chest Width • +7 Body Depth PSG has CONVENTIONAL and Sexed (UltraPlus) available

252. NH Darwin Maredo DE 0771223305 Geb. Datum. 21.05.2021

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Bel. / Ins.

26.04.2023 EMBRYO übertragen / EMBRYO implanted:

FEMALE DELTA-LAMBDA x Budjon Jagger So Sexy (Jagger x EX-90 Doorman x EX-97 Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97) | TU+ / PREGNANT

Siemers DARWIN (Superhero x Silver x Doorman)

NH Forza Conf. NC

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as:

NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS

- 1st and at final 4 for Senior Champion German Dairy Show 2023

Stantons CHIEF


NH Champion Florenz EX-91-UK La4. Conf. EX-91-UK EX-91-MS La4.

La1 305d 11.438kgM 4.0% 453F 3.5% 398P

HL2 305d 12.121kgM 3.7% 450F 3.4% 410P

• Tolle Leistungskuh mit >80.000kg Lebesleistung / Hugh production cow with >80.000kg lifetime produdction

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Crystalclear Lauthority Florenz EX-92-UK

• Erfolgreiche Schaukuh / Successfull showcow


4e NH Manat Floriday VG-87-DE

5e NH Fidji EX-90-DE (s. Esentation)

- Nominiert zur Weltkuh des Jarhes ‘06 / Nominated for Global Cow of the Year ‘06

6e Finabel EX-92-DE (s. Ugela Bell)

7e Dauphine EX-90-DE

8e Alliance VG-85-DE (s. S-W-D Valiant)

9e Alliance EX-97-DE


• Tragendes Darwin Rind aus der NH Fidji Familie!

• Die Familie von NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS

- Klassensiegerin & letzte 4 Siegerauswahl Alt German Dairy Show 2023

• Trächitgkeit: WEIBLICHER Embryo LAMBDA x JAGGER x EX-90 Doorman x Blodin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97

• PREGNANT Darwin heifer from the NH Fidji family!

• Same family as NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS

- classwinner and at final four for Senior Champion German Dairy Show 2023

• Pregnancy: FEMALE embryo LAMBDA x JAGGER x EX-90

Doorman x Blodin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97

NH Stol Joc Firedance VG-87-DE 4yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 4yr. 7/7La 305d 11.644kgM 3.3% 388F 3.3% 384P
Same family. NH Como Finja EX-91-DE EX-93-MS Sister to 2. M. Crystalclear Lauthority Florenz EX-92-UK 6. M. Finabel EX-92-DE

253. NH Ferrari Iris

S.J.K. I AM RED & PP (Solitair P-Red x Powerfull PP *RC x Delta)

NH Ikea VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La4. Conf. VG-89-DE VG-89-MS La4.

NH Dakker Indianagirl-Red VG-87-DE La2. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La2.

Kings-Ransom O DAKKER

NH Bogart Indira *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P

• 4.1% EIWEIß!! / 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

NH Indiansunshine-Red VG-89-DE EX-MS La2.

- The former #1 R&W RZG Heifer World Wide

- 1st place RUW-Färsenschau 2018

NH Lawn Boy India EX-90

• Ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh in Deutschland / Former #1 R&W RZG cow in Germany

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: NH Indian Summer Red *PO, former #1 Red & Polled Heifer in the breed!

• Mutter des ehemaligen #1 RZG Rindes der Rasse!/ Dam to the former #1 RZG POLLED Heifer in the breed!

• Tochter von: / Daughter of:

NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE - one of the greatest Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide


4e NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE.

5e Isabella EX-90-DE EX-91-MS

6e Elwillo Isabell VG-85-DE

7e Aerostar Imperiale VG-89

8e EX-92 Ugela Bell

9e EX-94 Ben

NH Lawn Boy India EX-90

• 3 Schwestern aus der VG-89 eingestuften Schwester zu NH Indiansunshine-Red, ehemaliges #1 RBT Rind der Welt!!

• Aus der super züchtenden India Linie, Familie von Gunnar!

• NH In Your World hat den ROTFAKTOR & ist HORNLOS!

• NH Louis Italia Red P, ROT & HORNLOS & 4.1 EIWEIß bei der Mutter!

• NH Ferrari Indian ist tragend von einem Embryo: CHIEF gesext x BEL Doorman ZITA EX-90-DE

• 3 sisters from a VG-89 sister to NH Indiansunshine-Red, the former #1 R&W RZG Heifer in the World!!

• From the successful German India cow family, the family of Gunnar!

• NH In Your World is RC & POLLED!

• NH Louis Italia Red P, R&W & POLLED & 4.1% PROTEIN at the Dam!

• NH Ferrari Indian is pregnant by

304d 9.461kgM 4.4% 412F 4.0% 376P
305d 9.961kgM 4.4% 435F 4.1% 412P
HL2 305d 11.194kgM 4.4% 494F 3.7% 416P
305d 10.582kgM 4.3% 454F 3.7% 390P
EX-90-DE Same
3. M. NH Bogart Indira VG-86-DE 2yr.
4. M. NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO
line. NH Islandtime VG-87-DE
BEL Doorman
EX-90 DE 0771123326 Geb. Datum. 08.07.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Dirt-Road FERRARI Mutter / Dam: NH Ikea VG-89 VG-89-MS 4.La. Bel. / Ins. 13.04.2023 EMBRYO übertragen / EMBRYO Implanted: FEMALE Stantons CHIEF x Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE | TU+ / PREGNANT 254. NH In Your World Pp *RC DE 0771273240 Geb. Datum. 01.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire S.J.K I AM RED & PP Mutter / Dam: NH Ikea VG-89 VG-89-MS 4.La. 255. NH Louis Italia P Red DE 0771390568 Geb. Datum. 09.09.2023 Vater / Sire LOUIS P-RED Mutter / dam NH Ikea VG-89-DE
CHIEF sexed x

256. Jacobs Tatoo Brazil


Duckett Crush TATOO (Crush x Gold Chip x Durham)

Tatoo Schwester zu Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95

• Wunderbare TATOO Schwester zu Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95-CAN

- 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2021!!

• Tolle Väterfolge: TATOO x EX-93 Doorman (All-Canadian) x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-92 Champion!!

• Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie, entwickelt bei Ferme Jacobs!!


Tatoo sister to Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95

• Stunning TATOO sister to Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95-CAN

- 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2021!!

• Huge sire stack: TATOO x EX-93 Doorman (All-Canadian) x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-92 Champion!!

• Deep Canadian cow family developed at Ferme Jacobs!!

4.03 305d 12.151kgM 3.3% 395F 3.0% 359P 5.04 305d 14.525kgM 3.4% 491F 2.9% 427P
GOLDWYN Wendybrooke Champion Briana EX-92-CAN 5yr.
EX-92-CAN EX-96-MS 5yr.
• V. / s. Calbrett-I H H CHAMPION
• EX-96 Euter!! / EX-96 Mammary System!!
DAMS 4e Wendybrooke Nany GP-CAN 3yr. 5e Wendybrooke Counselor Mindy VG-85-CAN 4yr. 6e Wendybrooke Starbuck Silkie VG-87-CAN 4yr. 3* 7e Mashat Mark Silver VG-85-CAN VG-85-MS 4yr.
5yr. 3/2La 282d 10.188kgM 3.9% 396F 3.2% 328P HL2 305d 11.034kgM 3.7% 412F 3.2% 354P
Yearling 2017
Yearling 2017 • 3rd Milking Yearling Royal Winter Fair 2017 • 3rd Sr. 1-Yr Old Becancour Show 2017 • 2nd Sr. Calf Becancour Show 2017 • Mutter von: / Dam to: Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95-CAN - 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2021 - 2nd 4-Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2022 Val-Bisson DOORMAN Damestar Goldwyn Brady EX-93-CAN 6E Conf. EX-93-CAN 6E 5.01 305d 13.399kgM 4.0% 537F 3.0% 406P 7.05 305d 14.082kgM 4.0% 559F 3.1% 442P 9.01 305d 14.805kgM 3.9% 372F 3.1% 457P • >100.000kgM Lebensleistung / >100.000kgM lifetime production • 3 EXZELLENTE Töchter in Kanada(07/23)/ 3 EXCELLENT daughters in Canada (07/23) • 3rd Sr. 3-Yr Old Becancour Show 2015 • 3rd Sr. Calf Becancour Show 2012
Damestar Doorman Brandy EX-93-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-93-CAN EX-93-MS
• H.M. All-Canadian Milking
• All-Quebec Milking
Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95-CAN M. Damestar Doorman Brandy EX-93-CAN EX-93-MS 5yr. Sister. Jacobs Unix Brandina EX-95-CAN 2nd Old Royal Winter Fair 2022 DE 03 64926101 Geb. Datum. 29.04.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

257. Milksource Cognac

JAGGER direkt aus CHEERIO EX-96

• Tolle Peak JAGGER (nicht verfügbar in Europa) Tochter direkt aus der H.M. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘15 & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016: CHEERIO EX-96!!

• Halbschwester zu Milksource CHEERS @ St. Jacobs ABC

• Die erste Chance in Eruopa auf eine Tochter aus CHEERIO EX-96!!


• Lovely Peak JAGGER (not available in Europe) daughter straight out the H.M. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘15 & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016: CHEERIO EX-96!!

• Maternal sister to Milksource CHEERS @ St. Jacobs ABC

• Deep Canadian cow family with 6 gen. VG or EX-dams!

• First Chance ever in Europe to buy a direct daughter of CHEERIO EX-96!

Braedale GOLDWYN Brackleyfarm Co Star VG-88-CAN 5yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 5yr. 4.03 305d 10.955kgM 3.7% 402F 3.5% 388P 5.05 305d 10.118kgM 4.4% 443F 3.4% 342P
V. / s. Derianne COLORADO
4e Brackleyfarm Marks Stripper GP-CAN 3yr. 5e Brackleyfarm Aero Stripe VG-85-CAN 3yr. 6e Diamond Hill Lancer Star VG-88-CAN 3yr. 2* 7e Holmesdale Star Lancer-Red VG-85-CAN 2yr. Peak JAGGER (Hunk x King Doc x Doorsopen) Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio EX-96-USA 2E Conf. EX-96-USA 2E 3.09 305d 13.857kgM 4.3% 592F 3.4% 470P 4.10 305d 12.773kgM 4.3% 554F 3.4% 431P 5.10 305d 15.640kgM 4.8% 758F 3.3% 521P • Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016
2nd Milking Yearling World Dairy Expo 2012 • All-American 4-Yr Old 2015
H.M. All-Canadian 5-Yr Old 2016
3rd 6-Yr Old & Older, Midwest National Spring Show, 2018 • 5th Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017 • H.M. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 • Nom. All-American Sr. 3-Yr Old Cow 2014 • H.M. All-American Fall Milking Yrlg 2012 • H.M. All-Canadian 4-H Sr Calf 2011 • Mutter von: / Dam to: Milksource CHEERS @ St. Jacobs ABC Domicole CHELIOS Brackleyfarm Goldwyn Corine VG-88-CAN 1* Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-88-MS 6yr. 1* 4.06 365d 11.425kgM 4.9% 557F 3.6% 412P 6.00 305d 11.461kgM 4.6% 528F 3.6% 406P 6.11 310d 10.035kgM 4.7% 474F 3.7% 376P • >60.000kgM Lebensleistung
>60.000kgM lifetime production
M. Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio EX-96-USA
M. Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio EX-96-USA 2E M. Brackleyfarm Chelios Cheerio EX-96-USA 2E Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016 DE 0364926042 Geb. Datum. 07.02.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

258. Siemers Altitude Tequila Red

Farnear ALTITUDE-RED (Arvis*RC x McCutchen x Destry *RC)

Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E Conf. EX-96-USA 2E


• Unanimous All-American R&W 4yr. Old ‘15

• Unanimous All-Americana R&W Sr. 3yr. Old ‘14

• Grand Champion MN State Holstein Show ‘13

• 6x All-American Nominee

• Mutter von: / Dam to: the R&W Junior Champion World Dairy Expo ‘19: Milksource Thunder-Red (s. Avalanche *RC)

• Mutter von: / Dam to: the Junior Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18: Milksource Taelyn (s. Armani *RC)

• V. / s. Heatherstone PREDESTINE-RED


R-Sher Itsa Tosha-Red (s. Gerhome ISTA-RED)

R-Sher Badger Tesa (s. Badger)

R-Sher Geneticist Tasha (s. Genetics-Red)

Altitude x Tequilla!! So werden Champions gemacht! Altitude x Tequilla!! The combination of Champions!

• Fantastische ROTE ROTE ALTITUDE-RED Tochter, bereit für ET direkt aus dem Grand Champion der World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15: Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E

• Halbschwester zu Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USAReserve Intermediate Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2022

• Großmutter Tiffany hat 9 All-American Nominations und war Grand Champion @ MN State Fair 2016.

• Stunning R&W ALTlTUDE-RED daughter, ready to flush, straight from the Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15: Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E

• Maternal sister to Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USAReserve Intermediate Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2022

• Grand dam Tiffany has 9 All-American nominations and was Grand Champion @ MN State Fair 2016.

3.07 365d 12.528kgM 3.0% 380F 2.9% 363P 4.07 365d 14.275kgM 2.7% 390F 3.5% 507P
Dutchline RED DEVIL
Pred Tosha-Red VG-88-USA EX-MS
2.05 365d 11.136kgM 4.7% 519F 3.4% 377P 3.09 306d 10.882kgM 4.4% 475F 3.3% 360P 4.10 293d 12.628kgM 4.4% 558F 3.0% 382P 6.04 260d 14.791kgM 4.3% 646F 3.2% 474P
• Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15 • Res. All-American 5yr. Old 2016
Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA 3E Conf. EX-95-USA 3E 2.04 365d 12.174kgM 4.1% 497F 3.3% 406P 4.01 365d 13.531kgM 4.3% 586F 3.3% 450P 5.04 316d 12.301kgM 3.9% 475F 3.3% 407P 6.06 365d 16.393kgM 4.1% 668F 3.3% 542P 8.07 365d 16.406kgM 4.3% 701F 3.0% 491P • 9x All-American Nominee • Grand Champion MN State Fair R&W Show ‘16 • Sr. Champion Mid-West Fall/ Nat’l ‘15 • Grand Champion, Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘14 • Supreme Champion, MN State Fair 2011 • Int. & HM. Grand Champion MN State Show ‘09 • All-American R&W Winter Calf 2007 Sister. Milksource Thunder-Red Junior Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2019
Sister. Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USA Res.
Champion R&W World Dairy Expo DE 1505174109 Geb. Datum. 22.01.2023 Consignor Wout van der Horst - Tel. +49 (0)173 3248548 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

259. 4 FEMALE Embryos

260. 4 FEMALE Embryos

Comb. FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA x Milksource RZN Tabea VG-85-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

261. 4 Embryos

Comb. Aot HEATWAVE P-RED x Milksource RZN Tabea VG-85-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany


Milksource RZN Tabea-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Milksource Thunder-Red EX-91-USA

- Supreme Champion Heifer Junior & Open Show, World Dairy Expo 2019 & Milksource Taelyn (s. Armani *RC)

- Junior Champion World Dairy Expo 2018

- Res. Supreme Champion Heifer WDE 2018 & Milksource ABT Tessa-Red EX-92-USA

- Grand Champion Midwest Nat’l R&W Jr. Show ‘19

- Int. Champion Midwest Nat’l Spring R&W Jr. Show ‘19

& Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USA

- Res. Int. Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2022

- 1st Sr. 3yr. Old and Best Udder Wisconsin State Show ‘22




combinations for champions!

• Great chance to get a granddaughter from the Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15: Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E

war Reserve Intermediate Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2022, 1st Sr. 3yr. old & Bestes Euter Wisconsin State Show ‘22 und zu Milksource Thunder-Red EX-91-USA, die Supreme Champion Heifer Show & Open Show WDE 2019

• Maternal sister to dam is Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USA, she was Reserve Intermediate Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2022, 1st Sr. 3yr. old and Best Udder Wisconsin State Show ‘22 and to Milksource Thunder-Red EX-91-USA, the Supreme Champion Heifer Show & Open Show WDE 2019

Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA 3E Conf. EX-95-USA 3E 2.04 365d 12.174kgM 4.1% 497F 3.3% 406P 4.01 365d 13.531kgM 4.3% 586F 3.3% 450P 5.04 316d 12.301kgM 3.9% 475F 3.3% 407P 6.06 365d 16.393kgM 4.1% 668F 3.3% 542P 8.07 365d 16.406kgM 4.3% 701F 3.0% 491P • 9x All-American Nominee • Grand Champion MN State Fair R&W Show ‘16 • Sr. Champion Mid-West Fall/ Nat’l ‘15 • Grand Champion, Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘14 • Supreme Champion, MN State Fair 2011 • Int. & HM. Grand Champion MN State Show ‘09 • All-American R&W Winter Calf 2007 NEXT DAMS 4e Jen-D Pred Tosha-Red VG-88-USA EX-MS 5e R-Sher Itsa Tosha-Red (s. Gerhome ISTA-RED)
Conf. EX-96-USA 2.05 365d 11.136kgM 4.7% 519F 3.4% 377P 3.09 306d 10.882kgM 4.4% 475F 3.3% 360P 4.10 293d 12.628kgM 4.4% 558F 3.0% 382P 6.04 260d 14.791kgM 4.3% 646F 3.2% 474P • Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15 • Res. All-American 5yr. Old 2016 • Unanimous All-American R&W 4yr. Old ‘15 • Unanimous All-Americana R&W Sr. 3yr. Old ‘14 • Grand Champion MN State Holstein Show ‘13 • 6x All-American Nominee
EX-92-USA Sister
Thunder-Red EX-91-USA Supreme Champion Heifer Junior & Open Show WDE ‘19
Consignor European Livestock Service & T. Melbaum - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. FEMALE Farnear AIRCRAFT *RC x Milksource RZN Tabea VG-85-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
Sie den
Kreieren sie eine Enkelin der Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15: Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E • Die Halbschwester zur Mutter ist Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-92-USA,
2. M. Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red
Sister to M. Milksource Tantrum-Red
von Morgen! The

262. SHA June Pp Red FR6771495671 Geb. Datum. 14.02.2023 Consignor Daniel Schwartz - Tel. +33 (0)6 98619557 - Email.

Gen NH SPIRIT-RED (Ronald x Apprentice *RC x Delta)

Luck-E Jess Red VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR La1 305d 8.329kgM 3.57%F 3.19%P

• Eine der besten jungen Kühe bei Wilt Holsteins (FR) / One of the best young Cows at Ferme Wilt (FR)


Awesome Jacuzzi Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA


Luck-E Ladd Jubilee Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

2x 365d 14.656kgM 4.0% 590F 3.2% 492P

• 1st and H.M. Int. Champion Mid-West Spring Nat’l 2015

ZBW-JLP Mirand Joyfull PP-Red @ 1.10 years

• 1st & Grand Champion PA Northern Show ‘20

• 1st & Grand Champion PA Northern Show ‘20

• 1st Sr. 3yr. Old All-American R&W Show ‘19

• Verkauft für: / Sold for $30,000 in the Best of Luck-E Sale

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Luck-E Awesome Joy P-Red EX-93-USA

- Top 5 PTAT & UDC Red Polled cow World Wide

- 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old & BU Northeast Fall Red & White Show 2020

- Dam to: ZBW-JLP Mirand Joyfull PP-Red

VG-86-USA 2yr. - Sold for $45,000 at the Best of Luck-E Sale 2023


4e Double-D Mr Burns Jess EX-94-USA 2E

5e Hy-Class Advnt Jessi-Red EX-90-USA EX-92-MS

6e Hy-Class Rang Jathe-Red-TW EX-90-USA

7e Hy-Class Jacob Jackie-Red EX-91-USA EX-MS

8e Jandi-Mac June Logic-Red EX-91-USA 2E

9e Ja-Bob Harry Jerry-Red EX-90-USA 2E

10e Ja-Bob Harmony Joy-Red EX-90-USA EX-MS

11e Ja-Bob Mark Heavenly Joy EX-92-USA DOM

12e Sky-Hi Mars Hellen EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM

HORNLOSE & ROTE Enkelin von Jacuzzi EX-93 Polled and R&W grand dtr of Jacuzzi EX-93

• ROTE & HORNLOSE SPIRIT-RED Enkelin einer der besten Kühe von Luck-E Holsteins : Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red EX-94-USA

• 4. Mutter Mr. Burns Jessie EX-94-USA 2E war Grand Champion Jr. Show NY Spring Show ‘17

• Aus 11 Generations EXZELLENTER Mütter aus der Familie von Ski-Hi Mars Helen EX-92-USA!

• POLLED and Red & White SPIRIT-RED grand daughter from one of Luck-E Holsteins finest R&W’s: Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red EX-94-USA

• 4th dam Mr. Burns Jessie EX-94-USA 2E was Grand Champion Jr. Show NY Spring Show ‘17

• Backed by 11 generations EXCELLENT dams going back on Ski-Hi Mars Helen EX-92-USA!

1.11 2x 365d 10.687kgM 4.3% 457F 3.5% 375P 3.01 2x 305d 11.127kgM 3.9% 437F 3.0% 341P 4.01 2x 365d 15.468kgM 4.3% 666F 3.2% 490P 5.11 2x 305d 15.132kgM 3.9% 597F 2.9% 452P
Sister to 2. M. Luck E Awesome Joy P-Red EX-93-USA M. Luck-E Jess-Red VG-87-FR 2. M. Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red EX-94-USA

263. Kingsway RZN Lambda Alexa

Alisha.. Delta-Lambda x Academia EX-92

• Eine +2.34 PTAT / +12 Conformation Delta-Lambda Tochter direkt aus Kingsway Unix Academia EX-92-CAN 5yr.

• 3. Mutter, Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-CAN war 3. auf der Royal Winter Fair 2014 und ist die Vollschwester zu Kingsway Sanchez Armadillo EX-95-CAN, Grand Champion Northumberland 2007 und Reserve Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007.


4e Kingsway Dundee Abra Codabra EX-90-USA 25*

5e Kingsway Terrason Allie EX-95-CAN 2E 8*

6e Kingsway Progress Ashley EX-CAN 2E 8*

7e Nelcam Tab Astra EX-CAN 3E 6*

Alisha.. Delta-Lambda x Academia EX-92

• A +2.34 PTAT / +12 Conformation Delta-Lambda daughter straight out of Kingsway Unix Academia EX-92-CAN 5yr.

• Her 3rd dam, Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-CAN was 3rd at the Royal Winter Fair 2014 and is full sister to Kingsway Sanchez Armadillo EX-95-CAN, she was Grand Champion Northumberland 2007 and Reserve Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007.

Chassity GOLD CHIP Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-CAN 2E Conf. EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 2E 21* 1.11 2x 334d 10.641kgM 4.4% 467F 3.6% 378P 3.04 2x 305d 11.036kgM 4.1% 457F 3.4% 377P 4.04 2x 305d 12.337kgM 4.4% 539F 3.5% 426P 6.01 2x 305d 14.578kgM 4.7% 690F 3.3% 478P • Honorable Mention All-Canadian 4yr. ‘14 • Reserve All-Ontario Mature Cow ‘16 • 2nd Mature Cow Ontario Summer Show ‘16 • 3rd Royal Winter Fair 2014 • 1st Autumn Opportunity Show Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman) Kingsway Unix Academia EX-92-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-94-MS 5yr. 1.11 2x 342d 10.673kgM 4.4% 467F 3.2% 341P 3.01 2x 365d 15.388kgM 4.5% 688F 3.2% 487P • Mutter von 12 Töchter mit >+10 Conf. / Dam to 12 daughters testing >+10 Conf.
Kingsway Gold Chip Arabella EX-92-CAN Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-91-MS 2E 10* 1.11 2x 325d 8.682kgM 4.9% 421F 3.4% 293P 2.10 2x 305d 11.268kgM 5.3% 592F 3.4% 385P 4.11 2x 305d 14.927kgM 4.3% 648F 3.2% 472P 7.11 2x 305d 15.531kgM 4.9% 756F 3.1% 477P • 3rd Jr. 3yr. Old Ontario Summer Show ‘16 • 1st Jr. 2yr. Old Quinte EX. ‘15 • 2nd Jr. 2yr. Old Northumberland ‘15 • 1st Summer Yearling Lindsay EX. ‘14 • 3rd 4-H Summer 1yr. Old Ontario Show ‘14 • Sister to Kingsway Alligator A Twix - Jr. Champion World Dairy Expo 2021 & 2022 - H.M. Jr. Champiom Supreme Laitier 2022 - Jr. Champion Maxville Spring Show 2022 - Jr. Champion Quebec Spring Show 2022
Croteau Lesperron UNIX
M. Kingsway Unix Academia EX-92-CAN
VG-87-CAN 2yr. - Junior
2021 & 2022
3. M. Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-CAN 2E Sister to 2. M. Kingsway Alligator A Twix
Champion World Dairy Expo DE 0771243343 Geb. Datum. 16.11.2022 Consignor Johannes Nöhl - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 - Email. Index 08/23 +792 Milk / +0.6 DPR / +2.12 UDC / +0.48 FLC / +2.34 PTAT 08/23 +9 Rump / +9 Feet & Legs / +10 Mammary System / +12 Conformation
Full sister. Kingsway Lambda Ashton VG-87-USA 2yr. 1st Sr 2yr. & Res Grand Champion Lindsay Exhibition '23

264. Lohmann Rovelli Rozan

ALONGSIDE mit 14. Gen. EX im Pedigree!! Alongside out of 14 generations EXCELLENT dams!

• Was für ein Pedigree! Brabantdale ALONGSIDE Tochter aus einer tollen Durham und dann sage und schreibe 14!! EXZELLENTE Mütter in direkter Folge!

• Die Familie von Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK: 3x Grand Champion auf der UK Dairy Expo

• What a dream pedigree! Show heifer by Brabantdale ALONGSIDE out of a great Durham daughter and then straight from 14 generations EXCELLENT dams!

• The GOLDEN CROSS: Alongside x Durham x Roy!

• Same family as Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK: 3x Grand Champion at the UK Dairy Expo

Roylane Jordan (ROY) Astrahoe LJ Rosa Rebel EX-92-USA 2E Conf. EX-92-USA 2E 7.05 365d 22.036kgM 4.2% 917F 2.8% 624P 3.02 305d 14.569kgM 3.9% 567F 3.1% 457P 1186d 50.331kgM 3.9% 1.962F 3.2% 1.601P NEXT DAMS 4e Pinehurst Royal Rosa EX-91-USA 2E 5e Pinehurst Roulade EX-92-USA 2E 6e Pinehurst Sweet Cleo EX-90-USA 7e Pinehurst Sweet Freedom EX-90-USA 8e Pinehurst Sweet Delight EX-91-USA 9e Pinehurst Rapture EX-96-USA 10e Pinehurst Fragrance EX-90-USA 11e Hayssen Fond Ariel EX-90-USA 12e Hayssen D V Audrey EX-90-USA 13e Whirlhill Q Rag Apple Ariel EX-92-USA 14e Arlite Posch EX-92-USA EX-92-USA 15e Audrey Posch EX-93-USA Brabantdale ALONGSIDE (Sidekick x Jacoby x McCutchen) EPH Rolls Rose VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 2/2La 305d 8.875kgM 3.9% 344F 3.2% 283P HL2 305d 9.365kgM 4.0% 375F 3.2% 298P • 3rd Junior Heifer Normandy Show ‘16! Regancrest Elton DURHAM Kingsmill Roy Roulette EX-92-USA 2E Conf. EX-92-USA 2E 2.04 365d 8.412kgM 3.8% 317F 2.9% 177P 4.03 347d 11.035kgM 3.8% 423F 3.0% 334P 6.04 365d 12.710kgM 4.0% 508F 3.1% 396P • 14. Generation EXZELLENT / 14 generation EXCELLENT
M. EPH Rolls Rose VG-86-DE 2yr. Same family. Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX-97-UK
3. M. Astrahoe LJ Rosa Rebel
EX-92-USA DE 0542540202 Geb. Datum. 27.12.2022 Consignor Bernd Lohmann - Tel. +49 (0)175 6160107 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

265. NH GPH

Perfection PP Red

266. NH GPH Polled Power PP *RC

Tirsvad 3STAR MEMBER PP RED (Matty P *RC x Solitair P-Red)

BuLa Gladius Parade P *RC Kalbt / Due: März '24 / March '24 - Looks great!


• Ehemaliges #1 RC & Pp RZ€ Rind der Welt / Former #1 *RC and POLLED RZEuro heifer in the WORLD

• Verkauft auf dem GMS '21 für 21.000€ / Sold at GMS '21 for 21.000€


• Gladius Sohn in der Besamung / Gladius son @ A.I.


AM Mission Daylight PP VG-87-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 3yr.

10.945kgM 4.3% 471F 3.8% 414P

• 3.8% EIWEIß / 3.8% PROTEIN

• Verkauft für 7.000€ am German Masters Sale 2018 / Sold for 7.000 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2018

• Mutter ist vollschwester zu:/ Dam is full sister to: Sandor @ Masterrind


4e DK 2371402799 VG-86-DK 2yr.

5e Langmosegaard Epic Demi VG-89-DK

6e Langmosegaard Massey Draw VG-89-DK

7e Langmosegaard Goldwyn Dream VG-88-DK

8e Langmosegaard Lam Dream EX-90-DK

9e Langmosegaard Funk Dina VG-89-DK

HORNLOS / ROT / +153 RZG / GMS Topseller '21 POLLED / RED / +153 RZG / GMS Topseller '21

• ROTE & RC HORNLOSE Töchter aus Gladius Parade!

• Mutter Gladius Parade wurde am GMS '21 für 21.000€ verkauft!

• Hornloszucht in Perfektion! Hoch in allen Merkmalen & dazu >2000kgM.

• Tiefe dänische Kuhfamilie mit Outcross Pedigree und 8. Generationen VG oder EX Müttern im Pedigree!

• RED & RC POLLED daughters straight from Gladius Parade!

• Dam Gladius Parade was sold @ GMS '21 for 21.000€!

• Polled breeding perfection! High in all traits and as well >2000kgM.

• Deep Danish cow family with 8 generations VG- or EXCELLENT scored dams in the back!!

KAX GLADIUS BuLa Daisy VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. 2/1LA 305d 11.177kgM 4.2% 464F 3.3% 363P
3. M. AM Mission Daylight PP VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 3yr.
5. M. Langmosegaard Epic Demi VG-89-DK 7. M. Langmosegaard Goldwyn Dream VG-88-DK DE 0771390563 Geb. Datum. 01.09.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. 09/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +2111 -0.01 -0.06 86 67 153 116 2459 120 99 113 108 117 153 DE 0771390567 Geb. Datum. 07.09.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Kappa-Casein: BB in TEST for RZG

267. D iana P Red DE 0771281325 Geb. Datum. 03.02.2023

SHOUT *RC (Sputnik *RC x Swift x Barcley)

STB Diana P *RC

Kalbt: / Due: Spring 2024


• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as:

OHB Dream EX-93-DE

- 1st & Int. Champion Schau der Besten 2020

- Res. 2-Yr Old Champion Schau der Besten 2019

- Classwinner Schau der Besten 2019

- 2-Yr Old Champion German Dairy Show 2019

- European participant Libramont 2019


KNS Daddy Cool VG-85-DE La3. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS La3.

• V. / s. Westcoast STYX-RED

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as the heavily used bulls TABLEAU-RED & STADEL-RED


4e KNS Dorte (s. Apoll P-Red)

5e KNS Dalista VG-87-DE

6e KNS Dream Rock GP-84-DE

7e KNS Dreamday VG-85-DE

8e KNS Daybright EX-91-DE

9e KNS Daylight EX-90-DE

10e KNS Dorfgirl EX-93-DE

11e KNS Dorfliebe VG-85-DE

Consignor Paul Steinebach - Tel. +49 (0)151 18338188 - Email. ROT / HORNLOS / +160 RZG / +132 RZE RED / POLLED / +160 RZG / +132 RZE

• WOW, extrem interessante Möglichkeit für die HORNLOS Zucht!

• 8 Monate alt, +160 RZG in Kombination mit +132 RZE und +135 Fundament!!

• Dazu >900kg Milch mit super Inhaltstoffen & langen Strichen!

• Tolle Gesundheitsmerkmale!

• Gleiche Familie wie der Intermediate Champion Schau der Besten 2020: OHB Dream EX-93-DE

• WOW, unique Red & White offering! Noting +160 RZG in combination with +132 RZE and +135 Feet & Legs score!!

• Already 8 months old and soon ready for IVF & ET work!

• As well a incredible production index with >900 Milk and +0.14% Protein & long teats. Incredible health traits!

• Same family as the Intermediate Champion Schau der Besten 2020: OHB Dream EX-93-DE

305d 11.566kgM 3.7% 425F 3.1% 362P
HOST PP *RC KNS 916 GP-83-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-83-DE 2yr. 2/2La 305d 10.250kgM 3.7% 380F 3.1% 322P HL2 305d 11.043kgM 3.9% 428F 3.2% 356P
3. M. KNS Dalista VG-87-DE 6. M. KNS Dreamday VG-85-DE
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +946 +0.11 +0.14 50 47 134 118 2313 128 129 135 124 132 160 Kappa Casein: BB
Same family. OHB Dream EX-93-DE Intermediate Champion Schau der Besten 2020

268. COL Hokus Pokus

Cookiecutter HOLYSMOKES (Highjump x Renegade x Slamdunk)

N.C. - just fresh!

3rd test: 29,2kgM 4.56%F 3.70%P

• Sie ist die #7 GTPI Zasberilla Tochter in Europa mit +2932 GTPI! (08/23) / She is the #7 GTPI Zasberilla daughter in Europe at +2932 GTPI! (08/23)

Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL

Hit *PO VG-85-DE VG-87-MS La2.

VG-85-DE VG-87-MS La2.

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein


4e Wilder Herz P VG-87-DE La2.

5e Wilder Hira VG-85-DE 2yr.

6e CCC Snowman Konny VG-85-DE 2yr.

7e CCC Goldwyn Konny VG-87-DE 2yr.

8e Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE

9e Batke Klivia 11 VG-88-DE

10e Batke Klivia 63 VG-85-DE

Das #8 GTPI Rind in Europa mit +3058 GTPI! The #8 GTPI female at +3058 GTPI!

• Das #8 GTPI Rind des Juli Indexruns in Europa mit +3058 GTPI in toller und seltener kombination mit +2.24 PTAT!

• 4. Mutter ist Wilder Herz P VG-87-DE La2., die Mutter des mega Bullenvaters Wilder Hotspot P @ RUW

• Geht zurück auf den Europachampion von ‘06: Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE

• She is the #8 GTPI female in Europe in the July intermediate run at +3058 GTPI in unique combination with +2.24 PTAT!

• 4th dam is Wilder Herz P VG-87-DE La2., the dam to the daughter proven sire Wilder Hotspot P @ RUW

• Going back on the European 2yr. Old Champion ‘06: Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE

3/3La 305d 12.886kgM 4.2% 547F 3.7% 480P HL2 305d 14.362kgM 4.4% 637F 3.8% 551P
Col 2185
Gen 1903 Conf. N.C. TL21/07 44d 1.143kgM 4.0% 46F 3.4% 39P
4. M. Wilder Herz P VG-87-DE La2. 8.M. Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE 5. M. Wilder Hira VG-85-DE 2yr.
DE 0542681826 Geb. Datum. 01.05.2023 Consignor Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)151 12121766 - Email.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1172 +0.24 +0.09 116 63 2.77 -1.3 3.5 2.9 +0.65 2.04 +2.24 965 3058 +3625 gLPI (08/23)

269. 2 Embryos

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Comb. Siemers Wolf HULU *RC x Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.

Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

Suami her current GTPI-index:

270. 4 Embryos

271. 4 Embryos

Embryonen mit 7 Geschwistern >3056 GTPI! Embryos with 7 brothers & sisters >3056 GTPI!

• Siemers Wolf HULU *RC (+2911 GTPI & 3.91 PTAT), Siemers Rz PAZZLE (+3053 GTPI & 3.23 PTAT) & Siemers ROZTAC (+3060 GTPI & 2.73 PTAT) Embryonen aus der Mutter von DG Stewart (+3129 GTPI) & DG SEABORN (+3057 GTPI / +2.17 PTAT) @ AI-Total, Suami: VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.!!

• Suami züchtet unglaublich: 3 Nachkommen >3120 GTPI & 7 Nachkommen >3056 GTPI

• Aus einer der einflussreichsten Familien aller Zeiten: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23*

• Siemers Wolf HULU RC (+2911 GTPI & 3.91 PTAT), Siemers Rz PAZZLE (+3053 GTPI & 3.23 PTAT) & Siemers ROZTAC (+3060 GTPI & 2.73 PTAT) embryos of DG Stewart (+3129 GTPI) & DG SEABORN (+3057 GTPI / +2.17 PTAT)

@ AI-Total his dam Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.!!

• Suami is a breeding machine: 3 progeny >3120 GTPI & 7 progeny >3056 GTPI!

• From one of the most successful cow families ever: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN

2yr. 23* 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +411 +0.27 +0.16 92 59 2.91 +0.3 4.9 2.2 1.01 2.09 +1.95 923 2984
Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. Siemers Rz PAZZLE (+3053 GTPI / +3.23 PTAT) x Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. Siemers ROZTAC (+3060 GTPI / +2.73 PTAT) x Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

HULU *RC (+2911 GTPI & 3.91 PTAT) / PAZZLE (+3053 GTPI & 3.23 PTAT) / ROZTAC (+3060 GTPI & 2.73 PTAT)

Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.

2.04 204d 6.238kgM 4.89%F 3.92%P (Inc.)

• Mutter von: / Dam to:

DG Seaborn (+3057 GTPI / +2.17 PTAT) @ AI-Total

• Viele Nachkommen >3000 GTPI bis zu +3119

GTPI (08/23) / Several offspring >3000 GTPI up to +3119 GTPI (08/23)

• 3.9% EIWEIß!! / 3.9% PROTEIN!!

• A2A2 / BB

• Die ehemalige #1 GTPI King Doc Tochter der WELT! / The former #1 GTPI King Doc daughter in the WORLD!

• Verkauft für: / Sold for $85,000 in the National Holstein Convention Sale 2018

Woodcrest KING DOC

Comesatr Laumay Jedi GP-83-CAN 2yr. Conf. GP-83-CAN 2yr.

HL2 305d 13.674kgM 5.2% 711F 3.9% 530P

• >13.600kgM mit 3.9% EIWEIß!! / >13.600kgM with 3.9% PROTEIN!!


4e Comestar Laumaple Pepper VG-86-CAN

5e Comestar Lautamalou Mayfield GP-84-CAN

6e Comestar Lautamai Man O Man VG-87-CAN

7e Comestar Lautama Goldwyn VG-88-CAN 3yr. 10*

8e Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-CAN 2yr.

9e Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-CAN 21*

10e Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2*

11e Comestar Lausan Black VG-87-CAN 23*

12e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23*

13e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15*

2-06 3x 305d 12.793kgM 5.1% 658F 3.6% 466P
Laumabia Doc Conf. N.C.
12. M. Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23* M. Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 6. M. Comestar Lautamai Man O Man VG-87-CAN
When genomics are meeting the reality...

272. Sophia Pp

+1141 kgM / +0.05%F / -0.02%P / +132 Milchwert / +103 Zellzahl / +109 Fitnesswert / +107 Nutzungdauer / +115 Persistenz / +111 Rahmen / +108 Becken / +105 Euter / +103 Fundament / +110 Burstbreite / +116 Rumpftiefe / +144 gZW (08/23)

Hornlose Spitze der Brown-Swiss Zucht!

• gGZW 144 und HORNLOS aus Bullenmutterfamilie

• Top 10 aller hornlosen Brown Swiss- Tiere in DEU/AUT

• Nr. 4 von über 120 Nachkommen des Mega- Bullenvaters BOXER Pp

• Halbrüder BSG Dior (gGZW 142) und BSG Dago (gGZW 143) im Besamungseinsatz

• Leistungsstärke und Exterieurqualität sind über die weitere Väterfolge Vassli x Anibal x Hussant fest verankert


Champions League of the Brown Swiss breed!

• gGZW 144 & POLLED from bull dam family

• Top 10 of all POLLED Heifers in Germany / Austria

• #4 daughter of 120 progeny of the hugh sire of sons BOXER Pp

• 2 maternal Brothers in AI: BSG Dior (gGZW 142) & BSG Dago (gGZW 143)

• Production & Type is secured by the great sire stack in here pedigree: Vassli x Anibal x Hussant

Schärz BS Vigor ANIBAL Selma VG-85-DE Conf. VG-85-DE 7/6La 305d 9.705kgM 4.4% 431F 3.8% 368P HL3 305d 10.240kgM 4.5% 456F 3.8% 385P • V. / s. HUSSANT
Susi (s. Goldfinger) 5e Sally (s. Vinman) BOXER Pp (Bison x Isaria Pp x Isar) Köpfli Vassli Sita VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE 2/2La 305d 10.105kgM 4.6% 463F 3.5% 356P HL2 305d 11.081kgM 4.3% 480F 3.5% 391P • 4.9% FETT & 3.5% EIWEIß / 4.9% FAT & 3.9% PROTEIN • Mutter von BSG Dior (gGZW 142) & BSG Dago (gGZW 143) auf Station / Dam to BSG Dior (gGZW 142) & BSG Dago (gGZW 143) in A.I. VASSLI Saskia GP-84-DE La5. Conf. GP-84-DE La5. 6/5La 305d 9.020kgM 4.5% 404F 3.7% 335P HL5 305d 10.678kgM 4.3% 460F 3.6% 384P • >11.000kg Milch mit 3.7% EIWEIß / >11.000kg Milk with 3.7% PROTEIN
M. Köpfli Vassli Sita VG-88-DE Isaria Pp – Mutter von Boxer Pp
/ Maternal brother. DIOR DE 0542464199 Geb. Datum. 08.05.2023 Consignor Rainer Thönes & A. Kuppel - Tel. +49 (0)163 3799861 - Email.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

273. 3 Embryos

Consignor Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Combination VOLKER x Kedar Blooming Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS

Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

Scherma Glenn BLOOMING Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK

Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel

Faithlove NC

Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS Conf. EX-90-DE EX-MS

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

- topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 for CHF 15.000

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89 EX-MS

- Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day ‘16


• 1st Sr. Cow & HM. Grand UK National ‘13

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89 EX-MS , Grand - Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day ‘16

• Mutter von: / Dam to: G-Swiss Elite Glen Shakira VG-86-CH 2yr., - topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 for CHF 15.000

• Mehrere hoch eingestufte Nachkommen und Schausieger unter ihren Töchtern / Multiple high scoring and show winning daughters

• Was für eine tolle Möglichkeit! VOLKER Embryonen aus der EXZELLENTEN Bloomin Tochter und Schaukuh Snickers! In der dritten Generation finden wir die 6 x Grand Champion Kuh der World Dairy Expo, die LEGENDE: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA!!

• Großmutter war: 1. Platz Alte Kühe & HM. Grand UK National 2013

• Ihre Chance auf eine eigene SNICKERDOODLE, nur das BESTE ist gut genug!



• What a specail oppurtnity, Volker embryos from the EXCELLENT show cow sired by Blooming and then on the 3rd generation the 6x Grand Champion of the World Dairy Expo, the LEGEND: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA!!

• Grand dam was 1st Sr. Cow & HM. Grand UK National 2013

• Get your own SNICKERDOODLE, get the BEST!!

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
2yr. 5e Ralma
GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA
Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA
Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • Sister to NH Fabulous
Ascol / Sister
NH Fabulous
Ascol Gillette WINDBROOK
Pine-Tree AltaOAK
EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror
EX-91-USA GMD DOM Mort Jades STARBUCK Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2.01 310d 18.630kgL 4.3% 807F 3.6% 675P 3.02 365d 10.387kgM 4.6% 474F 3.4% 357P 4.08 365d 14.148kgM 4.5% 633F 3.5% 497P 6.09 365d 15.236kgM 4.2% 643F 3.6% 541P • Supreme Champion WDE ‘03 • 6 x Grand Champion
Dairy Expo! • Supreme Champion
3/2La 305d 9.039kgM 4.5% 410F 4.0% 363P HL1 305d 9.220kgM 4.5% 418F 4.1% 376P
Shakira VG-86-CH 2yr.
CHF 15.000
Glen Shakira VG-86-CH
PA All-American ‘08 & ‘09
Unanimous All-American 4-Yr. Old ‘03
4 All-American titles •
Champion Centraion National ‘03, ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘08 & ‘09 NEXT
4e Old Mill E Cookie EX-90-USA 5e Old Mill Dollys Taffy (All-American Jr. Calf & 2-Yr. Old)
Old Mill Dolly Anne (Nom. All-American Jr. Calf)
(Vassli x AG Volvo x Juleng) Kedar Blooming
• Champion Reg. Area Show ‘18 • Schwester zu G-Swiss elite Glen
- Topseller Swiss Sale ‘11 für
/ Sister to G-Swiss elite
Conf. EX-94-UK 2.03 305d 8.404kgM 4.5% 377F 3.9% 326P 3.10 305d 9.814kgM 4.4% 431F 3.6% 354P 4.11 305d 10.514kgM 4.3% 456F 4.0% 424P
M. Kedar Blooming Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS 3. M. Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA 2. M. Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK

Consignor Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. Combination FEMALE Stantons CHIEF x Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL EX-90-MS 4yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

Same family: Ralma

EX-90-NL EX-90-MS 4yr. Sister

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe /

50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

Pine-Tree FEMALE Stantons CHIEF (High Octane x Numero Uno x Observer) Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr. Conf. EX-90-NL EX-90-MS 4yr. 5.04 219d 10.529kgM 3.4% 356F 3.2% 335P • Die einzige Control Tochter von Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS in Europa / The only Control daughter from Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS in Europe

AltaOAK JK Eder-I CONTROL Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN 2E Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS 2E 2.00 322d 9.515kgM 3.4% 324F 3.3% 311P 3.00 365d 14.453kgM 3.4% 490F 3.2% 457P 5.00 365d 16.885kgM 3.7% 623F 3.1% 527P 6.03 365d 16.092kgM 2.8% 456F 3.2% 644P

• Grand & Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016


Tochter von Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS: Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL

• Gold Liann war Grand & Int. Champion auf der Royal Winter Fair '16 •


EXZELLENTE Kühe in Folge, züchten SIE Nummer 5!

• FEMALE Stantons Chief embryos from the only Control daughter in Europe from Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS:

• 2nd dam was Grand & Int. Champion at the Royal Winter Fair '16

• 4 EXCELLENT cows in a row! Get the next generation excellent!

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
5e Ralma
6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV
DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.
Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA
Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Gillette WINDBROOK
• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP Redama Allen Lice EX-93-CAN 3E 9* Conf. EX-93-CAN 3E 9* 3.00 305d 15.527kgM 3.4% 530F 3.2% 503P 4.05 305d 13.225kgM 3.2% 426F 3.2% 428P 5.11 305d 14.914kgM 3.5% 519F 3.0% 447P 8.00 241d 10.867kgM 3.7% 405F 3.0% 322P • H.M. Int. Champion Montmagny Show 2008 • 1st Jr. 3yr. old Quebec Spring Show 2008 • 1st Jr. 3yr. old Bedford Show 2007 • Nom. All-Quebec 4yr. old 2009 • Nom. All-Quebec Jr. 3yr. old 2008 NEXT DAMS 4e Redama Chrome Lysa EX-90-CAN 2E 18* 5e Redama Merrick Lys GP-CAN 5yr. 6e Redama Raider Laos GP-CAN 3yr. 7e Deslacs Chief Lorie VG-86-CAN 4yr. 8e Deslacs Sheik Leeds VG-86-CAN 3yr.
• 8th 5yr. old Wolrd Dairy Expo 2018 • Res. Grand Champion Trios-Rivieres 2016 • All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. old 2016 • All-American Jr. 3yr. old 2016 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Jacobs Fever Lydia VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 4yr. • Grand & Intermediate Champion Dairy Supreme ’16
2. M. Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS
M. Jacobs Nohl Lyana
M. Jacobs Fever Lydia
274. 4 Female Embryos
Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016 Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016 • WEIBLICHE CHIEF Embryonen aus der einzigen europäischen
Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL

275. Southland Mabel 2


4e Illona Tual VG-85-IT

5e Francine Tual VG-86-FR 2yr.

6e Aurore Tual VG-86-FR

7e Uvel Tual GP-84-FR

8e Brett Tanzany

9e Vision-Gen Lantz Quartz

10e Tolare Jimtown QP VG-85-USA 2yr. GMD DOM

+3039 GTPI / +2.23 PTAT / READY to FLUSH PARFECT Tochter +3039 GTPI / +2.23 PTAT & READY to FLUSH Parfect dtr

• Eines der interessantesten Index Rinder Europas ist im Sale!

• Sie kann sofort gespült werden!

• Perfekter Index: +1.2 DPR / +5.5 PL / +1292 Milk / +2.35 UDC

• 5 Brüder zur Mutter stehen auf Besamungsstationen

• Gleiche Familie wie der Europachampion: Hermine Tual EX-94-FR

• One of the most intresting Index heifers in Europe sell!


• Top Parfect daughter with a tremendous index of +1.2 DPR / +5.5 PL / +1292 Milk / +2.35 UDC / +0.13% Fat / +0.06% Protein

• Dam has 5 brothers in AI

• From the same family as the European Champion: Hermine Tual EX-94-FR

Progenesis GRANITE Maybelline Tual VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 3/3La 305d 10.005kgM 4.6% 460F 3.5% 350P HL2 305d 10.582kgM 4.7% 493F 3.6% 380P • V. / s. Edg RUBICON • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Hermine Tual EX-94-FR Siemers Rengd PARFECT (Renegade x Delta-Lambda x Denver) 3STAR OH Martini VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.03 305d 10.313kgM 4.3% 446F 3.8% 392P • Eine der höchsten Einstein Töchter Europas!
One of
Einstein daughters in Europe! Silverridge V EINSTEIN K&L OH Mabel Conf. N.C. 2/2La 305d 9.292kgM 4.9% 458F 3.8% 349P HL2 305d 9.606kgM 5.0% 482F 3.6% 350P • Mutter von: / Dam to: - De Oosterhof 3STAR Mobi (s. Moline) @ Zooservis
the highest
2. M. K&L OH Mabel
3. M. Maybelline Tual VG-85-NL 2yr. NL 731484555 Geb. Datum. 12.09.2022 Consignor Southland Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 25038540 - Email.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1292 +0.13 +0.06 88 58 2.84 +1.2 5.5 2.1 +0.82 2.35 +2.23 848 3039 +3665 gLPI (08/23) READY TO FLUSH!! DE 0668065712 Geb. Datum. 04.07.2023

Consignor Jochen Geisel - Tel. +49 (0)177 8884727 - Email.

Same family. M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT 3E

THI SCOTT PP (Star P *RC x Match P x Salvatore *RC)

SPH Italia

Kalbt: / Due: January 2024


• Ehemaliges #4 RZG Rind in Europa / Former #4 RZG heifer in Europe


CGH Gywer Icy VG-86-DE 2yr.

+158 RZG / HORNLOS / +2563 RZEuro

• Frühe Scott PP Tochter mit tollen Zuchtwerten: +158 RZG kombiniert mit >1000 Milch, positiven Inhaltsstoffen & +2563 RZEuro dazu +129 RZGesund!

• Aus einer absoluten Outcrosslinie der zurück geht auf die legendäre A.E. Inspiration Janette EX 93, einer der bedeutensten Schau-& Zuchtkühe ihrer Generation!

3. M. RIT Idalia VG-86-DE 2yr.




• V. / s. Seagull-Bay SILVER


4e RIT Imke VG-86-DE 2yr. (s. Commander)

5e RIT Ilk VG-86-DE (s. Borussia)

6e RIT Inga VG-86-DE (s. Roumare)

7e RIT Italia VG-87-DE (s. Derry)

8e RIT Italia GP-84-DE 2yr. (s. Starleader)

9e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT

10e Sace Elevation Janet EX-96-IT

+158 RZG / POLLED / +2563 RZEuro

• Early SCOTT PP heifer with +158 RZG in combination with >1000 Milk, + components and +2563 RZEuro and +129 RZGesund!

• From an alternative bloodline, which goes back to the cow family of the legendary Italian show and breeding icon A.E. Inspiration Janette EX 93, which impresses over generations with its extreme components.

Idalia VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf.
VG-86-MS 2yr. 3/2La 305d 13.464kgM 4.1% 548F 3.5% 467P
305d 15.413kgM 4.1% 631F 3.4% 526P
VG-86-MS 2yr. La21/12 305d 10.616kgM 4.2% 442F 3.7% 395P • 3.7% EIWEIß!!
• +2850 GTPI / +925 NET MERIT $ (08/23) -
/ 3.7%
• Mutter von: / Dam to: SPH Imola
heifer on RZG and PFT
276. SPH I nes P
Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZGesund FL UDD. RZE RZG +1195 +0.36 +0.04 89 45 143 124 2563 125 129 114 113 117 158
2. M. CGH Gywer Icy VG-86-DE 2yr.
2023 vom 30. NOVEMBER zum 02. DEZEMBER
Cremona Messegelände 78. Ausgabe Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Die einzige internazionale Zuchtmesse in Europa
Paul Trapp Zuchtrichter und Auktionator
Veranstaltungsprogramm auf
Nici Nosbisch

277. 5 Embryos

278. 4 Embryos

279. 4 Embryos

280. NH Nexus S

ilvia *RC

#1 RZG Bulle der Welt: SKYLINER Red! #1 RZG bull in the World: SKYLINER Red!

• Was für eine Chance! Die Schwester des #1 RZG RBT Bullen der Welt wird verkauft!

• Außerdem im Sale, Embryonen direkt aus Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.

• Ihre Wahl: CR7P (+162 RZG) oder MEMBER PP-RED x Siri-Red

• Siri-Red ist die Mutter de #1 RBT RZG & RZ€ Bullen der Welt: NH Evolution SKYLINER RED @ Bullseye Genetics mit +162 RZG und +2697 RZ€ (08/23)

• Rare offering! The sister to the #1 RZG R&W bull SKYLINER-RED sells!!

• As well embryos directly from Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. herself!

• Your choice: CR7P (+162 RZG) or MEMBER PP-RED x Siri-Red

• Siri-Red is dam to #1 R&W RZG Bull in the World: NH Sunview SKYLINER RED @ Bullseye Genetics with +162 RZG (08/23)

Comb. CR
2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
Consignor European
Service & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.
7 P (+162 RZG #1 ROT & Hornlos RZG Bulle) x EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE DE 0771123379 Geb. Datum. 01.11.2021 Consignor European Livestock Service & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 15.06.2023 MO RED PP | TU+ / PREGNANT Vater / Sire Peak NEXUS Mutter / dam: EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1243 +0.03 -0.02 53 40 132 122 1911 120 109 116 110 113 143
Consignor European Livestock Service & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. Tirsvad 3STAR MEMBER PP-RED (+154 RZG) x EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany
Consignor European Livestock Service & Evolution Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Comb. Tirsvad 3STAR MEMBER PP-RED (+154 RZG) x EsH Siri-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

The family of Skyliner-Red

VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE

• Mutter von: NH Sunview Skyliner Red @ Bullseye Genetics - #1 RBT RZG Bulle der Welt (08/23) / Dam to NH Sunview Skyliner Red @ Bullseye Genetics - #1 R&W RZG Bull in the World (08/23)

• Ehemaliges #1 RBT Rind der Rasse / Former #1 R&W RZG heifer in the breed


• Verkauft für 24.000€ auf dem German Masters Sale 2018 / Sold for 24.000 EUR through the German Masters Sale 2018

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: NH DG Arvis Silky-Red EX-91-DE

Res. 2yr. Old Champion GDS ‘19

Westcoast STYX-RED

Coyne-Farms Pt Silky-Red VG-85-USA Conf. VG-85-USA

La1 305d 8.939kgM 4.9% 437F 4.4% 392P

• V. / s. Coyne-Farms Sympati PAT-RED

• Selbe Familie wie: / dam to:

RUW Syvana-Red VG-88-DE 2yr. - Nominated German Cow of the Year 2022

• Verkauf für: / Sold for 9.000 EUR in the National Holstein Convention Sale ‘16


4e Hartford Hydro Savor *RC VG-85-USA

5e Dymentholm Sunview Scoby VG-88-USA

6e Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA EX-92-MS

7e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence VG-85-CAN 2yr.

8e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 20*

9e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 8*

Peak NEXUS (AltaCabot
La22/02 305d 14.070kgM 3.9% 541F 3.4% 476P
x Frazzled x
EsH Siri-Red
GYWER *RC RUW Silky VG-85-DE Conf. VG-85-DE 3/3La 305d 11.775kgM 3.8% 445F 3.4% 399P HL2 305d 12.289kgM 3.8% 471F 3.5% 433P
Sold for 42.000 EUR @ GMS 2020
6. M. Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA EX-92-MS
M. ESH Siri-Red VG-85-DE
family. Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE

281. Blondin Sunshine

Walnutlawn SIDEKICK (Abbott x McCutchen x Lavanguard)

Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E Conf. EX-97-USA 4E

All-National 150,000 Pound Cow 2021

All-American 150,000 Pound Cow 2017

Senior & Grand Champion Midwest National Spring Holstein Show 2021 • The ‘Supreme Champion’ of Junior Show World Dairy Expo 2015, 3rd 150,000lbs WDE 2019

1st place Wisconsin Holstein Show 2017

1st place 150.000lbs class World Dairy Expo ‘17

All-Canadian & All-American Mature


4e Blondin Skychief Supra EX-93-3E-CAN 35*

5e Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-CAN 17*

6e Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-CAN

7e Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-CAN

8e Diamond Hill Poplar B VG-85-CAN

Sidekick direkt aus SUBLIMINAL EX-97 Sidekick from SUBLIMINAL EX-97

• SHOWTIME! Sidekick Tochter DIREKT aus dem Grand Champion Midwest National Spring Holstein Show 2021: Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E!

• Gleiche Familie wie Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA, Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2010 & 2012

• Subliminal EX-97 ist eine der besten alten Schaukühe ihrer

Generation & hat Fans auf der ganzen WELT!

• SHOWTIME! Sidekick daughter straight from the Grand Champion Midwest National Spring Holstein Show 2021: Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E!

• From the same family as Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA, the grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2010 & 2012

• Subliminal EX-97 is one of the best Senior Cows for so many people! She has fans all over the WORLD!

Blondin James Supra
Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9* 2.04 2x 365d 11.348kgM 4.2% 474F 3.5% 398P 4.08 2x 365d 15.282kgM 4.8% 740F 3.6% 547P 7.00 3x 365d 14.348kgM 4.5% 644F 3.7% 690P • H.M. Grand Champion Ontario Summer 2005 • H.M. Grand Champion Quebec 2005 • Grand Champion Eastern Champ. 2004
Lebensleistung: / Life: 2.891d 134.559kgM 3.9% 5.248F 3.2% 4.306P • Star
Cow 2016 • All-American Longtime Production Cow 2017 • Top 5 Aged Cow Madison ‘15 • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2012 Braedale GOLDWYN Blondin Marker Sublime EX-93-CAN Conf. EX-93-USA 2.03 445d 12.089kgM 5.2% 626F 3.8% 455P 3.11 362d 14.073kgM 5.5% 790F 3.5% 487P 5.02 472d 17.786kgM 4.6% 816F 3.7% 663P 8.11 349d 11.170kgM 4.9% 548F 3.7% 417P 10.08 454d 18.589kgM 4.8% 885F 3.4% 636P Life: 73.707kgM 5.0% 3665F 3.6% 2656 • 8 EX- and 26 VG daughters in Canada • 2nd 4yr. Old Three Rivers Show 2006 • 2nd Jr. 1yr. Old Berthier Show 2003
EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9*
of the Breed 2021
M. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA M. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E Same family. Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA DE 1604687721 Geb. Datum. 02.05.2023 Consignor Nessetalmilch GmbH & Bernd Deuerling - Tel. +49 (0)170 2458822 - Email. Index 08/23 +0.08% Fat / +0.04% Protein / +2.06 UDC / +1.02 FLC / +2.50 PTAT 08/23 +6 Rump / +6 Dairy Strength / +9 Mammary System / +10 Conformation

282. Col Lambda Submit

DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

• Star of the Breed 2021

• All-National 150,000 Pound Cow 2021

• All-American 150,000 Pound Cow 2017

• Senior & Grand Champion Midwest National Spring Holstein Show 2021

• The ‘Supreme Champion’ of Junior Show World Dairy Expo 2015, 3rd 150,000lbs WDE 2019

• 1st place Wisconsin Holstein Show 2017

• 1st place 150.000lbs class World Dairy Expo ‘17

• All-Canadian & All-American Mature Cow 2016

• All-American Longtime Production Cow 2017

• Top 5 Aged Cow Madison ‘15

• Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3yr. Old 2012

Die Subliminal Story geht weiter!

• Tolle Lambda aus der Schwester zu Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN

• Gleiche Familie wie Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA EX-99-MS: 2x Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo und 3x Grand Champion R&W auf der Royal Winter Fair!

• Subliminal war Klassensiegerin der WDE mit 12 Jahren, 8 Kälbern & > 110.000kg Lebensleistung - EINZIGARTIG!


4e Blondin James Supra EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 9*

5e Blondin Skychief Supra EX-93-3E-CAN 35*

6e Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-CAN 17*

7e Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-CAN

8e Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-CAN

9e Diamond Hill Poplar B VG-85-CAN

Submit.. Subliminal breeds on!

• Her dam is sister to Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN 2E

• Same family as Blondin Redman Seisme EX-97-USA EX-99-MS: 2x Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo and 3x Grand Champion R&W at the Royal Winter Fair!

• Subliminal won here Class at the WDE with 12 years of age, 8 calves & > 110.000kg lifetime production - UNIQUE!

Braedale GOLDWYN Blondin Marker Sublime EX-93-CAN Conf. EX-93-USA 2.03 445d 12.089kgM 5.2% 626F 3.8% 455P 3.11 362d 14.073kgM 5.5% 790F 3.5% 487P 5.02 472d 17.786kgM 4.6% 816F 3.7% 663P 8.11 349d 11.170kgM 4.9% 548F 3.7% 417P 10.08 454d 18.589kgM 4.8% 885F 3.4% 636P • 8 EX- and 26 VG daughters in Canada (07/23)
Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. La21/11 305d 9.956kgM 4.2% 416F 3.6% 356P • RAPTOR x SUBLIMINAL EX-97!! Blondin
Conf. EX-97-USA Life: 2.891d 134.559kgM 3.9% 5.248F 3.2% 4.306P
Say VG-87-DE 2yr.
Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA
Sister to M. Budjon-Vail Atw Stylish EX-94-CAN 2E M. Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97-USA 4E M. HAM Say VG-87-DE 2yr. DE 0542681832 Geb. Datum. 15.05.2023 Consignor Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)151 12121766 - Email.

283. Lilly DE 0542371493

Geb. Datum. 17.11.2022

Consignor Dirk vom Stein - Tel. +49 (0)160 94854706 - Email.


Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Lilly 83 VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.

• 3.7% EIWEIß / 3.7% PROTEIN

Lindenright MOOVIN *RC (incl. ETN)

Goldi 35 VG-85-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 3yr.

Braedale GOLDWYN

Lily 175 GP-83-DE La4. Conf. GP-83-DE La4.

• Geht zurück auf / Goes back to: Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA - Verkauft für / Sold for $1,150,000

Fantastische Lambda aus den LILA Z’s

• It’s SHOWTIME! Wunderbares Schaurind von Delta-Lambda, bereit für ET & bereit für die großen SCHAUEN!

• Geht zurück auf die ‘one million dollar cow’

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA

• Mutter ist eine VG-86-DE 2yr. Moovin Tochter bei Wiethege Holsteins, mit 3.7% EIWEIß

• V. / s. Regancrest Elton DURHAM


4e Lylehaven D-Man Latifah VG-88-USA

5e Lylehaven Atwood Lylly EX-95-USA

- 1st 5-Yr Old Mid West Spring Show ‘15

- 1st Aged Cow North Eastern National ‘16

- Sister to: Lylehaven Durham Lassie EX-94-USA

6e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA

7e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 6yr. 1*

Delta-Lambda from the LILA Z’s

• It’s SHOWTIME! BIG TIME Show heifer by Delta-Lambda, which is READY TO FLUSH & READY for the RIBBONS

• Going back on the ‘one million dollar cow’

Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA

• Dam is a VG-86-DE 2yr. Moovin daughter @ Wiethege Holsteins with 3.7% PROTEIN

12.146kgM 3.2%
305d 13.711kgM
TL22/11 272d 7.672kgM 4.52%F 3.78%P
3/2La 305d 9.825kgM 3.8% 376F 3.5% 339P HL2 305d 10.720kgM 3.8% 405F 3.4% 361P
5. M. Lylehaven Atwood Lylly EX-95-USA Same family. Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-USA Sister to 5. M. Lylehaven Durham Lassie EX-94-USA

284. Budjon Paradise P Red

Avant-Garde-I LATENITE P-RED (Mirand PP *RC x Bailey *RC x Doorman) Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

• Nominated All-American R&W Milking

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Paradise-RV Premonition EX-91-USA & Paradise-RV PJ EX-90-USA EX-MS


4e Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX-96-USA

5e Vandyk-K Broker Pansy EX-90-USA DOM 6e Vandyk-K Mark Patty EX-94-USA

DOM 7e Vandyk-K Melvin Pappy VG-88-USA

DOM 3*

HORNLOSE Latenite aus Pretty in Red EX-94!! POLLED Latenite from Pretty in Red EX-94!!

• Exklusive ROTE Latenite Tochter aus dem Grand Champion Jr. Show WDE ‘18: Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA!!

• Geht zurück auf die All-American und SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo 2002: Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX-96-USA 2E DOM. • Aus 6. Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter!

• Exclusive Red & White Latenite daughter of the Grand Champion Jr. Show WDE ‘18: Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA!!

• Going back on the All-American and SUPREME Champion World Dairy Expo 2002: Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX-96-USA 2E DOM.

• Backed by 6 generations EXCELLENT dams.

KHW Kite ADVENT-RED Miss Paradise Christine EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2-03 2x 365d 13.953kgM 3.9% 545F 3.0% 420P 3-05 2x 365d 14.869kgM 4.1% 605F 3.1% 466P 5-00 2x 305d 13.095kgM 4.9% 638F 3.0% 390P
• V. / s. Silky GIBSON
3-03 2x 305d 11.140kgM 5.1% 569F 3.3% 372P • Grand Champion
Dairy Expo 2018!! • Grand
2018 • 1st Sr. 3yr. Old
2017 • 2nd Sr. 3yr.
R&W Junior Show World
Champion Iowa State Show
New York Spring Show
Old WI R&W Championship ‘17
Yearling 2015
Rosedale Champagne EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3-06 2x 305d 10.238kgM 3.5% 357F 3.1% 314P 4-07 2x 305d 11.412kgM 3.6% 409F 3.0% 348P 5-08 2x 305d 10.192kgM 3.5% 359F 3.0% 305P • Enkelin von der All-American & SUPREME Champion WDE 2002: PARADISE EX-96!! / Grand dtr of the All-American & SUPREME Champion WDE 2002: PARADISE EX-96!!
Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA Grand Champion R&W Jr. Show WDE 2018
Pretty In-Red EX-94-USA 4. M. Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX-96-USA 2E DOM 3*
• 4th
Yearling R&W World Dairy Expo ‘15 Mr Apples ACTION-RED
M. Robin-Hood
M. Robin-Hood DE 0364925986 Geb. Datum. 04.12.2022 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

285. Kings-Ransom Clea DE 1505174111 Geb. Datum. 23.01.2023

Consignor Wout van der Horst - Tel. +49 (0)173 3248548 - Email.

zu: /

Montry Cans EX-95-USA EX-97-MS - Nominated All-American 4yr. ‘20 Kings-Ransom KD Carnival EX-92-USA

- Dam to Kings-Ransom Camero @Blondin Sires

• 11.

EXZELLENT in Folge! / 11th generation EXCELLENT in a row!

• Mogul Tochter mit EX-97 EUTER / Mogul daughter with a EX-97 Mammary System

• Die wohl beste & bekannste MOGUL der Welt / Probably the best and most famous MOGUL dtr in the World!

Die 11. Gen. EXZELLENT Roxy mit +3.09 PTAT

• Tolles Aot Homecoming Rind mit +3.09 PTAT, +2640 GTPI and +9 Conf. aus 10. Generationen EXZELLENTER ROXY´s!!

• Mutter Climax ist eine der besten King Royal Töchter der Welt und eine von vielen hoch EXZELLENT eingestuften Schwestern aus Mogul Cleavage!!

• Geht zurück auf die Legende: Hannoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA


5e Golden-Oaks Champ Rea EX-93-USA

6e Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

6e Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM

7e Hannoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

8e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

9e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD

10e C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA

11e Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA

Potential 11th generation EXCELLENT Roxy with +3.09 PTAT

• Great Aot Homecoming heifer at +3.09 PTAT, +2640 GTPI and +9 Conf. out of the 10 generations EXCELLENT dams!

• Dam Climax is one of the best King Royal dtrs in the World & is one of many high scoring EXCELLENT sisters straight from Mogul Cleavage!!

• Going back to the famous Hannoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA

2-04 3x 305d 11.744kgM 2.9% 336F 3.3% 386P 3-05 3x 305d 14.325kgM 4.1% 582F 3.4% 482P • V. / s. Braedale GOLDWYN Aot HOMECOMING (Spartacus x Delta x Day)
Conf. EX-94-USA EX-95-MS 1-11 3x 305d 12.678kgM 4.8% 614F 3.5% 441P 2-11 3x 300d 14.665kgM 4.8% 705F 3.7% 537P 3-11 3x 305d 16.121kgM 5.2% 843F 3.6% 588P 5-00 3x 305d 17.205kgM 4.8% 819F 3.7% 638P
Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL
Gwyn Classy EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 3E
Kings-Ransom Kroy Climax EX-94-USA
Maternal sister to: Kings-Ransom
Cleavage EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA EX-97-MS 3E 1-11 3x 305d 12.324kgM 4.2% 513F 3.4% 418P 2-11 3x 305d 14.814kgM 4.6% 688F 3.6% 534P 4-10 3x 305d 13.762kgM 5.0% 686F 3.4% 464P
Plain-Knoll KING ROYAL
M. Kings-Ransom Kroy Climax EX-94-USA 2. M. Kings-Ransom MG Cleavage EX-95-USA Close family. Kings-Ransom Monterey Clash EX-94-USA
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +621 +0.15 +0.04 66 31 3.18 -1.3 0.3 1.9 +1.19 2.66 +3.09 508 2640 Beta Casein: A2A2 08/23 +6 Dairy Strength / +4 Feet & Legs / +8 Mammary System / +9 Conformation

286. Liddleholme Royal Flush P *RC

Avant-Garde-I LATENITE P-RED (Mirand PP *RC x Bailey *RC x Doorman)

Liddleholme Roxy G-Chip EX-94-USA 4E Conf. EX-94-USA 4E

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP

Liddleholme-R Drhm Rhonda EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

Regancrest Elton DURHAM

Miss Ridgedale Rhonda EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Liddleholme Beemer Rockstar EX-92-IT

- Sold in the German Masters Sale 2018

• Mutter von: / Dam to:

H G Rae EX-94-USA EX-96-MS: All-Minnesota Aged Cow ‘17, All-Minnesota 4yr. Old ‘15, Grand Champion MN State Show ‘15 •

zu: / Maternal sister to:

Shottle EX-94-USA 3E

• V. / s. Donnandale SKYCHIEF

• 19 EXZELLENTE Töchter bis heute! / 19 EXCELLENT dtrs till date!

• Verkauft für $40,000 auf dem Ridgedale Sale / Sold for $40,000 at the Ridgedale Sale


4e Hanover-Hill-R Rhonda EX-94-USA GMD DOM

5e C Hanoverhill Star Roxy EX-92-USA GMD DOM

6e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90-USA GMD DOM

7e C Glenrigde Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD 6*

8e Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA 6*

9e Norton Court Reflection Val VG-85-USA 5*

RC & HORNLOS x 8. Gen EXZELLENTER Roxy’s RC & POLLED x 8 gen. EXCELLENT Roxy’s!!

• Stylische RC & HORNLOSE Latenite P aus fantastischen 8 Generationen EXZELLENTER Roxys mit EX-93 im Schnitt.

• Mutter ist die EX-94 Gold Chip Schwester zu Liddleholme-Y H G Rae EX-94-USA EX-96-MS - Grand Champion, Midwest Fall National Jr. Show 2018

• Super stylish RED CARRIER and POLLED Latenite from 8 generations EXCELLENT Roxy with EX-93 in average!!

• Dam is the EX-94 Gold Chip sister to Liddleholme-Y H G Rae EX-94-USA EX-96-MS - Grand Champion, Midwest Fall National Jr. Show 2018

2.02 365d 9.466kgM 4.3% 407F 3.2% 307P 4.00 365d 13.032kgM 4.0% 518F 3.4% 437P 6.07 365d 11.630kgM 4.6% 533F 3.5% 406P
4/4La 305d 11.222kgM 3.7% 416F 3.2% 359P HL4 305d 13.218kgM 3.9% 513F 3.1% 415P
5/5La 305d 11.939kgM 3.5% 412F 3.2% 376P HL5 305d 13.729kgM 3.4% 472F 3.1% 428P
2. M. Liddleholme-R Drhm Rhonda EX-95-USA Sister to M. Liddleholme Beemer Rockstar EX-92-IT Sister to M. Liddleholme-Y H G Rae EX-94-USA EX-96-MS DE 0364805995 Geb. Datum. 16.02.2023 Consignor Züchtersyndicat Listrup - Tel. +49 (0)152 56849855 - Email.

287. Smith-Crest Alina Red

ROTE Altitude aus 6 EXZELLENTEN Ashlyn’s RED Altitude from 6 EXCELLENT Ashlyn’s

• Was für ein Pedigree: ROTE Altitude-Red (nicht verfügbar in Europa) direkt aus 6 Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter mit der Stammkuh: Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E 19* GMD DOM!!

• Großmutter war All-American & Klassensiegerin der World Dairy Expo 2014: Arethusa Fever Almira EX-96-USA 5E!!

• Mutter war 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old @ Wisconsin District 8 Show ‘20!!

• Red & White Altitude-Red (not available in Europe) straight out 6 generations EXCELLENT dams going back on Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E 19* GMD DOM!!

• Grand dam is the All-American and classwinner World Dairy Expo 2014: Arethusa Fever Almira EX-96-USA 5E!!

• Dam was 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old @ Wisconsin District 8 Show ‘20!!

Crackholm FEVER Arethusa Affection EX-92-USA EX-MS Conf. EX-92-USA EX-MS 2.10 305d 12.365kgM 4.1% 508F 3.1% 379P 4.09 310d 11.263kgM 4.6% 513F 3.2% 365P 5.10 244d 10.287kgM 5.1% 530F 3.1% 317P
All-American Milking Yearling 2009
Res. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2009
1st Milking Yearling World Dairy Expo 2009
1st Milking Yearling Eastern Fall National ‘09 • 5th Sr. 2-Yr Old Northeast Fall National 2010
EO Siemers Ashlyns Angel EX-96-USA 3E GMD 5e Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E 19* GMD DOM 6e Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite EX-92-USA 2E DOM 7e Bendy-Brook Star Fonda VG-86-USA Farnear ALTITUDE-RED (Arvis*RC x McCutchen x Destry *RC) Ernest-Anthony Alias EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 2E 3/3La 305d 11.682kgM 4.3% 502F 3.4% 391P HL1 305d 11.784kgM 4.4% 523F 3.4% 399P • 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old Wisconsin District 8 Show 2020 • 6. Generation EXZELLENT in Folge! / 6th generation EXCELLENT in a row! • 6 generations with EX-94 in average! / 6 generations with EX-94 in average!
DIAMONDBACK Arethusa Fever Almira EX-96-USA 5E Conf. EX-96-USA 5E 2.10 305d 12.478kgM 5.4% 675F 3.2% 397P 6.06 359d 18.974kgM 4.6% 864F 3.2% 606P 8.11 305d 19.377kgM 4.1% 795F 3.4% 650P • Unamimous All-American Sr. 2-Yr Old 2014 • 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2014 • 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old Eastern Fall National 2014 • Res. All-American Milking Yearling 2013 • 2nd Milking Yearling World Dairy Expo 2013 • 1st Aged Cow & H.M. Senior Champion MD State Fair 2018 • 4. Generation All-American / 4th generation All-American
5E 5.
Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E 19* GMD DOM
Mr D Apple
M. Ernest-Anthony Alias EX-93-USA 2. M. Arethusa Fever Almira EX-96-USA
M. Tri-Day DE 0364926071 Geb. Datum. 27.03.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

288. NH Mirand Fantasy Pp *RC




• Great source for type combined with good fitness and production!




Tragend - ROTFAKTOR - HORNLOS - +2.97 PTAT Pregnant - RC - POLLED & + 2.97 PTAT

• Tolle Mirand PP *RC Tochter und tragend mit dem GTPI Giganten: Mr. T-Spruce Frazz LIONEL at +3099 GTPI

• Pedigreeindex der Trächtigkeit: >2800 GTPI & 1.8 PTAT mit der Chance auf eine RC & HORNLOSE LIONEL!

• Vollschwester zur Mutter ist die Mutter des PTAT Listenführers: DGF Dani mit +3.69 PTAT @ Ascol

• Great Mirand PP *RC daughter pregnant to the GTPI giant: Mr. T-Spruce Frazz LIONEL at +3099 GTPI

• Pedigreeindex of the pregnancy: >2800 GTPI & 1.8 PTAT with the chance for a RC & POLLED LIONEL!

• Full sister to the dam is dam to the PTAT topper DGF Dani at +3.69 PTAT @ Ascol

Oak Faithlove VG-87-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-87-FR 2yr.
La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P
NH Holyfaith EX-90-FR
DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.
6e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.
7e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckie EX-90-USA GMD DOM
8e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 9e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA
VG-86-MS La3. 3/2La 304d 6.894kgM 4.6% 314F 4.1% 282P La3 305d 10.183kgM 4.1% 418F 3.4% 400P (proj.)
Zipit MIRAND PP *RC (Zipit P x Kingboy x Ladd P Red) NH Doc Fire VG-87-LU La3.
Mutter von: / Dam to: NH FIRE @ Göpel Genetik
• Schwester zu: / Sister to: NH Doc Fun
PTAT • Verkauft nach Luxemburg / Sold to Luxemburg Woodcrest KING DOC Monterey Faithfun EX-90-DE La3. Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-DE La3. 4/3La 305d 11.673kgM 4.2% 493F 3.7% 429P HL3 305d 13.624kgM 4.3% 584F 3.6% 493P • Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Funboy @ Ascol at +2649 GTPI / 2.69 PTAT (08/23)
- Dam to: DGF Dani P @ Ascol at +3.69
Sister to M. NH Doc Fun
Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.
2. M. Monterey Faithfun EX-90-DE La3.
5. M. DKR DE 0771045088 Geb. Datum. 17.12.2020 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 17.03.2023 Mr. T-Spruce Frazz LIONEL | TU+ / PREGNANT
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +736 +0.01 +0.02 31 28 3.04 -0.6 2.1 2.6 1.01 2.42 +2.97 358 2503 +121 RZE +119 Euter (08/23)

289. NH Luster Funtime Pp *RC

290. NH Augustus Fire P *RC

291. NH Augustus Fanny PP Red

292. NH Augustus Forever P Red

293. NH Ison Ferrari P *RC

294. NH Alanzo Fearless

Hoch testende PTAT, ROTE & RC Schwestern! Chart topping PTAT, POLLED, R&W & RC sisters!

• Starten sie ihren eigene hohe PTAT Linie mit den super hoch testenden hornlosen ROTEN & RC Augustus-P, Alta Alanzo, Ison-P und Luster-P Schwestern

• Einzigartige PP & Pp Augustus Schwestern mit super PTAT / GTPI kombination & sehr komplettem Index

• Gleiche Linie wie die hohen PTAT Bullen DGF Dani & NH Funboy

• NH Funtime Luster P RC - eines der höchsten *RC / PTAT hornlos Rinder Welt: +2836 GTPI / 2.70 PTAT mit tollem Linear & +1160kg Milch!

• Start your own R&W & POLLED program with these unique & interesting sisters by Augustus-P, Luster-P, Ison-P & Alta Alanzo

• Super Index with high PTAT / GTPI combination, great opportunity for every R&W & RC POLLED breeding program

• Same maternal line as the high PTAT sires DGF Dani & NH Funboy

• NH Funtime Luster P *RC - one of the highest RC / PTAT POLLED heifers in the World: +2836 GTPI / 2.70 PTAT with super Linear & +1160kg Milk! DE 0771273280 Geb. Datum. 02.02.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Drouner K&L AUGUSTUS P RED Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1030 -0.02 +0.00 34 34 2.88 +0.2 3.6 2.5 0.69 1.99 +1.99 501 2563 DE 0771273248 Geb. Datum. 22.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Drouner K&L AUGUSTUS P RED Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +698 -0.02 +0.03 21 30 2.91 +0.8 3.7 2.1 1.20 2.11 +2.16 460 2533 DE 0771273265 Geb. Datum. 10.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak AltaALANZO Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +368 +0.49 +0.26 67 40 135 105 1495 104 102 114 112 117 135 READY TO FLUSH!! HH6 Beta Casein: A2A2 READY TO FLUSH!! DE 0771273247 Geb. Datum. 21.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Drouner K&L AUGUSTUS P RED Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +700 +0.02 +0.04 33 34 2.80 -0.4 4.3 2.5 1.39 2.60 +2.91 499 2647 Kappa Casein: BB DE 0958147702 Geb. Datum. 07.06.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Cherry-Lily Zip LUSTER-P Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1160 +0.14 +0.04 84 48 2.80 -1.3 2.4 2.4 1.22 2.20 +2.70 725 2836 +134 RZE (08/23) +124 RZE / +1470kgM (08/23) +128 RZE / +851kgM (08/23) DE 0771390542 Geb. Datum. 09.07.2023 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Houin SSI Parfect ISON-P Mutter / Dam NH Mirand Fantasy P *RC 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +919 +0.01 +0.02 37 33 2.88 +0.9 4.0 2.4 0.70 2.05 +2.63 460 2635

The Ralma Juror Faith family

Woodcrest KING DOC Monterey Faithfun EX-90-DE La3. Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-DE La3. 4/3La 305d 11.673kgM 4.2% 493F 3.7% 429P HL3 305d 13.624kgM 4.3% 584F 3.6% 493P • Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Funboy @ Ascol at +2649 GTPI / 2.69 PTAT (08/23)
DAMS 4e NH Oak Faithlove VG-87-FR 2yr. 5e NH Holyfaith EX-90-FR 6e DKR Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 8e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckie EX-90-USA GMD DOM 9e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 11e Ralma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA Cherry-Lily Zip LUSTER-P (Zipit-P x Kingboy x Supersire) NH Mirand Fantasy PP *RC Conf. N.C. Kalbt: / Due: Winter 2023 • +2.97 PTAT Mirand PP *RC daughter • Schwester zu: / Sister to: NH FIRE @ Göpel Genetik Coomboona Zipit MIRAND PP *RC NH Doc Fire VG-87-LU La3. Conf. VG-87-LU VG-86-MS La3. 3/2La 304d 6.894kgM 4.6% 314F 4.1% 282P La3 305d 10.183kgM 4.1% 418F 3.4% 400P (proj.) • Schwester zu: / Sister to: NH Doc Fun - Dam to: DGF Dani P @ Ascol at +3.69 PTAT • Verkauft nach Luxemburg / Sold to Luxemburg
Same family. Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA 3. M. Monterey Faithfun EX-90-DE La3. 10. M. Ralma Jurror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

295. NH Crisalis Queeny DE 0771390545 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Vater / Sire Zfz CRISALIS *RC

Mutter / dam: NH Missouri Queeny VG-86-DE La3.

ZFZ CRISALIS *RC (Gywer *RC x Salvatore *RC x Powerball-P)

NH Missouri Queeny VG-86-DE La3. Conf. VG-86-DE La3.

View-Home Day MISSOURI

Buttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS


Buttighofer Qualle 05 VG-87-DE La3. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS La3.

3/1La 305d 13.682kgM 4.7% 648F 3.6% 488P

• Full sister to Boateng and Borsati in Germany

• Mutter von: / Dam to: NH Massey Queen Girl, sold for €67.000!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Ipster P @Genes Diffusion

#1 PFT Kuh: Quantita EX-91-IT

• Outcross Väterfolge

• Mutter Queeny eine absolute Leistungskuh mit >15.000kgm & 1068kg Fett & Eiweiß in der letzten Laktation in 305 Tagen!

• Schwester zur Mutter wurde auf dem EG Summer Sale '13 für 67.000€ verkauft

• Aus der tollen italienischen Kuhfamilie von der ehemaligen #1 PFT Kuh, New-Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT, der Mutter der geprüften Bullen Colombiano & Omatido!


4e Buttighofer Quality 17 VG-87-DE

5e New Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT

6e New-Farm Aero Ottima EX-90-IT

7e Pizz-Farm Leadman Mimma VG-85-IT 2yr.

#1 PFT cow: Quantita EX-91-IT

• An unique and different sire stack

• Dam Queeny is a fantastic production cow >15.000kgM & 1068kg Fat & Protein in the last lactation within 305 days!

• Her sister is sold for 67.000 EUR in the EG Summer Sale ‘13

• From a great Italian cow family which goes back on the #1 PFT cow in Italy, New-Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT, she is dam to the proven sires Colombiano & Omatido!

HL4 305d
3.8% 576F 3.2% 492P
5/4La 305d 13.945kgM
2yr. 2/2La 305d 11.291kgM 4.4% 495F 3.5% 390F Hl1 305d 11.003kgM 3.4% 579F 3.8% 390F
Sister to M. NH Massey Queengirl VG-85-NL 2yr. 2. M. Buttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Close family. DG Bomb Queengirl VG-85-NL 2yr.

296. Avonlea ASKN Crunchie

297. 4 Female Embryos

Brookbora Valentino ASKN (Valentino x T-Bone x Augustus)

ASKN x Chocolate Chip EX-96

• Erste Möglichkeit in Europa und eine der wenigen weltweit direkt aus dem Grand Champion Fall Invitational Show 2020: Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip EX-96-CAN!!

• Halbschwester des populären Bullen Chocolatier @ AG3, Halbschwester zum Verkaufstier wurde kürzlich für 27.500$ verkauft!

• 7 Generationen EXZELLENTER Jerseys in diesem tollen Pedigree!

ASKN x Chocolate Chip EX-96

• The first offering in Europe and rare World Wide directly from the Grand Champion Fall Invitational Show 2020: Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip EX-96-CAN!!

• Sister to the popular sire Chocolatier @ AG3, sister to the heifer selling sold recently for 27.500 $!

• 7 generations EXCELLENT JERSEY’S in this amazing pedigree!

Forest Glen Avery ACTION Avonlea Renaissance Kookie EX-92-CAN 7E Conf. EX-92-CAN 7E 2.11 301d 8.053kgM 4.7% 376F 3.7% 297P 3.11 305d 8.563kgM 4.9% 421F 3.8% 326P 5.01 305d 8.602kgM 5.4% 461F 3.8% 324P • All-Canadian Jr. 2-Yr Old 2002 • All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr Old 2001 • Reserve Grand Champion Quinte District / Trent
Grand Champion
Championship 2001
NEXT DAMS 4e Avonlea Juno Kracker
5e Avonlea Valiant Kitty EX-CAN 3E 6e Avonlea Advance Fairy EX-91-CAN 7e Avonlea Records Golden Fairy EX-90-CAN
Avonlea Premier Chocolate
Conf. EX-96-CAN 2E HL2 305d 9.648kgM 6.1% 504F 3.7% 324P 4/4La 305d 8.826kgM 5.7% 504F 3.7% 353P
2nd Jr. 2-Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2015 • All-Ontario Junior 2-Yr Old 2015
PREMIER Avonlea Kookie Dough EX-93-CAN EX-95-MS Conf. EX-93-USA EX-95-MS 2.00 300d 5.521kgM 4.9% 268F 3.6% 201P 3.00 299d 8.814kgM 4.6% 406F 3.4% 300P 3.11 274d 7.764kgM 4.6% 359F 3.5% 271P • 2nd 4-Yr Old Ontario Summer Show ‘14 • Nominated All-Canadian 4-Yr Old ‘14 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Avonlea Signature Kendra EX-94-DE - Grand & Udder Champion Jersey Swiss Expo ‘14
Grand Champion & 1st 4-Yr Old Quinte Championship Jersey Show 2022
Int. & H.M. Grand Champion Royal 2001
EX-94-CAN 4E
Chip EX-96-CAN
• Grand Champion Fall Invitational Show ‘20 • Grand Champion New York Spring Show ‘19 • Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show ‘18 • All-Canadian & All-American 5-Yr Old ‘18 • Grand Champion Trent Parish Show ‘18 • Grand Champion Quinte Championship Show ‘18 •
Senior Champion World Dairy Expo ‘18 • Grand Champion Quinte Parish Show 2017 • Grand Champion Quinte Championship Show ‘17 •
Grand Champion, Int. Champion and 1st
2-Yr Old Quinte-Belleville
Show ‘15 •
Hawarden Impuls
2. M. Avonlea Kookie Dough EX-93-CAN
M. Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip EX-96-CAN ASKN Crunchie | SHE SELLS DE 0771252524 Geb. Datum. 01.09.2022 Consignor Sebastian Weide - Tel. +49 (0)151 59830635 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!
Sebastian Weide - Tel. +49 (0)151 59830635 - Email. Comb. FEMALE Cheap TRICK / FEMALE BOOMERANG x Avonlea ASKN Crunchie Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

298. Redcarpet Candy Bar

Sultan Bryce EX-95-USA & Billings Impression Backstage EX-93-USA

VICTORIOUS x Booboo EX-93 x EX-93

• Wunderschönes VICTORIOUS Schaurind aus der All-American Jr. 2-Yr Old 2017 & Grand Champion Wisconsin Championship 2018: Billings Impression Of Booboo EX-93-USA

• Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Billings Impression Backstage EX-93-USA - 1st 4-Yr Old California State Show 2019

• Aus 7. Generationen VG oder EX.

VICTORIOUS x Booboo EX-93 x EX-93

• Amazing VICTORIOUS show heifer from the All-American Jr. 2-Yr Old 2017 and Grand Champion Wisconsin Championship 2018: Billings Impression Of Booboo EX-93-USA

• Dam is sister to Billings Impression Backstage EX-93-USA

- 1st 4-Yr Old California State Show 2019

• From 7. generations VG or EX dams

Lester SAMBO Billings Berretta Breezy EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA 5.10 305d 7.793kgM 5.4% 424F 4.1% 319P NEXT DAMS 4e Breezy Hill Lester Brew EX-91-USA 5e Breezy Hill Royal Brandy VG-85-USA 6e Breezy-Hill Royalist Bright EX-90-USA 7e Breezy Hill Fascinator Brilliant VG-88-USA River Valley VICTORIOUS (Barnabas x Iatola x Duaiseoir) Billings Impression Of Booboo EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3/3La 305d 9.355kgM 4.7% 435F 3.6% 336P HL3 305d 10.615kgM 4.9% 518F 3.5% 374P • Verkauft für: / Sold for $89,000 at the Define Your Destiny Sale 2018 • ABA All-American Jr. 2-Yr Old 2017 • 1st & Best Udder Jr. 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2017 • Nominated ABA All-American Jr. 3 Yr-Old ‘18 • Grand Champion Wisconsin Championship Show 2018 • 3rd Jr. 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2018 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Billings Remake Bounty EX-94-USA, Billings Sambo Buttermilk EX-92-USA, Billings
Ella IMPRESSION Billings LS Boo Boo EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA 3.02 305d 8.478kgM 5.5% 462F 4.1% 346P 5.10 305d 8.958kgM 5.1% 458F 3.8% 342P 7.06 305d 9.117kgM 4.8% 434F 3.8% 346P
M. Billings Impression Of Booboo EX-92-USA 4yr. M. Billings Impression Of Booboo EX-93-USA Sister to M. Billings Impression Backstage EX-93-USA DE 0364926062 Geb. Datum. 13.03.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

River Valley VICTORIOUS (Barnabas x Iatola x Duaiseoir) Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA


• Nominated ABA




• 2nd Jr. 3-Yr Old New York Spring Jersey Show ‘19


- 2nd Milking Yearling WDE 2018

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to:

Elliotts Fizz Charade EX-91-USA

- H.M. Int. Champ. Western National ‘20

Victorious aus Casino’s Vollschwester

• Tolles VICTORIOUS Rind aus der Schausiegerin & Vollschwester zu CASINO @ Select Sires: Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93-USA

• Mutter war Nomiated ABA All-American 4-Yr Old 2019!!

• Direkt aus 5. Generationen EX aus der Familie von Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus EX-97-USA - 2x National Champion


Victorious from Casino’s full sister

• Lovely VICTORIOUS heifer from CASINO @ Select Sires his full sister and show winning: Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93-USA

• Dam was Nomiated ABA All-American 4-Yr Old 2019!!

• Direct from 5 gen. EX-dams going back to Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus EX-97-USA - 2x National Champion

3-04 2x 365d 12.460kgM 6.2% 781F 4.0% 471P
@ Select Sires NEXT DAMS 4e
- 2x
2-02 2x 305d 7.384kgM 4.4% 325F 3.6% 263P 3-09 2x 305d 9.679kgM 5.6% 545F 3.5% 335P 4-09 2x 365d 14.002kgM 4.6% 643F 3.4% 474P
Impuls PREMIER Sires
Hill Connection Chilli EX-91-USA
• Nom. ABA
Senior 2-Yr Old 2007
Mutter von: / Dam to: Chilli Action COLTON
Pleasant Nook F Prize Circus EX-97-USA
National Grand Champion
Hill Brook Citrus EX-91-USA
Old 2019 • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to CASINO
4-Yr Old Jersey Show World Dairy Expo 2019
zu: / Maternal sister to: Elliotts Vitality Cisco EX-92-USA
Conf. EX-93-USA 2-11 2x 305d 9.829kgM 5.4% 535F 3.8% 372P 4-01 2x 305d 9.603kgM 5.6% 538F 3.9% 374P
Premier Cinema EX-93-USA
ABA All-American Produce of Dam 2018 • ABA All-American
3-Yr Old 2015 • 1st Jr.
3-Yr Old, Reserve Intermediate &
Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 •
zu: / Maternal sister to:
Nitro Cabo EX-93-USA
Res. Int. Champ. All-American Show ‘17
2. M. Chilli Premier Cinema EX-93-USA
M. Elliotts Regency Corrina EX-93-USA Sister to M. Elliotts Vitality Cisco EX-92-USA DE 0364926072 Geb. Datum. 27.03.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.
299. MD-West-View Caroline

300. 5 Embryos

Consignor Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Combination Victory S-S-I Miami FRINGE x Noorder ARGH Barnabas S VG-85-NL 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Victory S-S-I Miami FRINGE (A2A2) (Miami x Mackenzie x Dividend) Noorder ARGH Barnabas S VG-85-NL

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

Pine-Tree AltaOAK

VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr.

Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• Einzigartige Jersey Familie!! / UNIQUE Jersey family!!


Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM Shf Centurion SULTAN BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA

V. / s. Rock Ella REMAKE

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• Super Jersey mit toller Leistung! 8785kgM mit 5.9% FETT & 4.0% EIWEIß / Great Jersey with big production! 8785kgm with 5.9% FAT & 4.0% PROTEIN!

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN

- All-Canadian & Grand Champion Royal '02 & '04!

• 1st 75.000 Lbs Class Wisconsin State Jr. Show '07

• Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Fair '10


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.

Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA

NEXT DAMS 4e Fillpail Sparkle Margaret EX-94-USA


• FRINGE (A2A2), +1.30 PTAT und +94 JPI, Embryonen aus der VG-85 2yr. Barnabas Enkeltochter von BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA!!

• 3. Mutter war Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Fair '10!

• Gleiche Familie wie Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN

- All-Canadian & Grand Champion Royal '02 & '04!

• FRINGE (A2A2), +1.30 PTAT and +92 JPI, embryos from the VG-85 2yr. Barnabas grand daughter of BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA!!

• 3rd dam won Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Fair '10

• Same family as: Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN - All-Canadian & Grand Champion Royal '02 & '04!

2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P
Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr.
• Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P
8-09 305d 2x 8.333kgM 4.7% 389F 3.7% 304P
2yr. 2.04 305d 8.540kgM 5.1% 438F 3.8% 323P 3.07 305d 8.785kgM 5.9% 515F 4.0% 355P
2yr. Conf.
S Minnie VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. 2.02 353d 5.825kgM 5.4% 317F 3.8% 220P 3.04 328d 6.611kgM 5.1% 320F 3.7% 245P
Jars of Clay BARNABAS 3. M. BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA Sister to M. ARGH Tequila Minnie VG-85-NL 2yr. Same family. Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN
IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

Peak JAX

• 2yr. Old Champion Danish National Show ‘18 • Direkte Tochter von: / Direct daughter from Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA

Ms Apples ARMANI *RC

Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM


• Groẞmutter von: / Granddam to: Cashcoin, Cashmoney, High Octane and Capital Gain

• Mehrere hohe Nachkommen auf der Welt / Several high offspring all over the world

2. M. Regancrest Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM

Cinderella EX-92-USA



4e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM

5e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM

6e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA GMD DOM

7e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA

8e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA

Chassity EX-92, Cinderella EX-92, Barbie EX-92 Chassity EX-92, Cinderella EX-92, Barbie EX-92

• Was wollen Sie mehr? WEIBLICHE Peak JAX (+3.95 PTAT / +2770 GTPI) Embryonen aus der Siegerfärse der Dänischen Nationalschau '18.

• Sie könnte ihre 7. Generation EXZELLENTER BARBIES werden!

• Gleiche Familie wie die top Bullen Gold Chip, High Octane, Capital Gain, Yorick, Caeron, Beau und viele mehr!

• What do you want more? Female Peak JAX (+3.95 PTAT / +2770 GTPI) embryos from the 2yr. Old Champion of the Danish National Show 2018!

• She could be your 7th generation EXCELLENT BARBIE!

• Same family as the top bulls Gold Chip, High Octane, Capital Gain, Yorick, Caeron, Beau and more!

2-05 2x 365d 14.651kgM 4.4% 652F 3.2% 467P 5-00 2x 365d 15.522kgM 4.1% 643F 3.1% 487P
(Jagger x Axl x Doc) +3.95 PTAT
+2770 GTPI
2.03 305d 10.642kgM 4.5% 478F 3.3% 356P
Conf. EX-92-USA
• Schwester zu: / Sister to: DOM 2.01 2x 365d 16.638kgM 4.3% 711F 3.3% 541P 3.10 2x 365d 19.178kgM 4.3% 816F 2.7% 522P
G Brocade EX-92-USA 4yr. DOM - Ehemalige #1 PTAT Kuh der Rasse! / Former #1 PTAT cow and sold with offspring for $900.000
Chassity Armani Chablis *RC EX-90-DK La2. Conf. EX-90-DK La2.
• Mutter von: / Dam to: GOLD CHIP
out of Chassity's sister. Midas-Touch Monterey 1127 EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS Grand Champion Quebec Spring 2022
M. Ms Chassity Armani Chablis *RC EX-90-DK Consignor Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. Combination FEMALE Peak JAX x Ms Chassity Armani Chablis *RC EX-90-DK La2. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands
301. 4 Female Embryos

302. 4 Female Embryos

FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman) Derboven's Gymnast Goldgym VG-88-NL 3yr. Conf. VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.


• Semex Covergirl for Gymnast

• 3. Platz TASS Schau 2022 & unter den letzten 6 für Int. Champion / 3rd place TASS Show 2022 & at final 6 for Int. Champion

• Verkauft für 7.600€ @ Masterrind 'Die Auktion' '21 / Sold for 7.600 EUR @ Masterrind 'Die Auktion' '21

Derboven's Goldstar VG-88-DE La3. Conf. VG-88-DE La3.

Same family. Derboven’s McCutchen Goldlieschen EX-94-DE 2nd place Schau der Besten 2022

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Derboven's Alexander Gondela VG-89-DE

- 2-Yr Old Champion Schau der Besten 2013 & Derboven's Goldsun Gelinda VG-87-DE La2.

- 2-Yr Old Champion Schau der Besten 2015 & Derboven's McCutchen Goldlieschen VG-88-DE

- 1st place Schau der Besten 2019

- 1st place German Dairy Show 2019 & Derboven's Goldsun Grandy EX-90-DE

- 2nd place German Dairy Show 2019


4e Goldengel VG-85-DE La2.

5e Black Jack Golda VG-85-DE

6e Lee Goldy VG-87-DE

7e Blackstar Glora EX-92-DE

8e Cleitus Gloria VG-89-DE

9e Starbuck Glorinette EX-92-DE

10e Donovan Sheik Gloriette EX-94-UK

- Imported as calf from Canada

WEIBLICHE Lambda Embryonen aus GOLDGYM FEMALE Lambda embryos from GOLDGYM!!

• WEIBLICHE Embryonen der Sensation DELTA-LAMBDA direkt aus der heißen VG-88 3yr. eingestuften Derboven's Gymnast Goldgym: VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.!!

• Gleiche Familie wie Derboven's McCutchen Goldlieschen EX-94-DE

- 1.Platz German Dairy Show 2019 & Schau der Besten 2019

• Die bekannte G-Familie des Rinderzuchtbetriebs Derboven!

• FEMALE embryos by the sensation: DELTA-LAMBDA straight out the hot German & Dutch 4-Yr Old: Derboven's Gymnast Goldgym VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.!!

• Same family as Derboven's McCutchen Goldlieschen EX-94-DE

- 1st place German Dairy Show 2019 & Schau der Besten 2019

• The famous G-family of Rinderzuchtbetrieb Derboven!

4/3La 305d 11.514kgM 3.7% 420F 3.1% 358P HL3 305d 12.678kgM 3.8% 475F 3.1% 391P
Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD Derboven's Goldsun VG-86-DE La3. Conf. VG-86-DE La3.
• V. / s. Emerald-Acr-SA T-BAXTER
1.10 305d 9.556kgM 4.1% 391F 3.4%
3.03 305d 12.796kgM 4.1% 527F 3.2%
305d 12.162kgM 4.14%F 3.46%P
5/5La 305d 12.723kgM 4.2% 529F 3.2% 412P HL4 305d 15.396kgM 4.2% 665F 3.2% 487P
M. Derboven's Gymnast Goldgym VG-88-NL VG-88-MS Same family. Derboven's Goldsun Gelinda VG-87-DE
2-Yr Old
Schau der Besten 2015
Consignor Fam. Scholten - Tel. +31 (0)6 52897333 - Email. Comb. FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA x Derboven's Gymnast Goldgym VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 3yr. Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

303. 1st Choice Female

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

Choice out of: 2 Live Kälber, beide Kälber sind auf der Auktion & werden beide verkauft / 2 LIVE ANIMALS - both will be presented at the sale and will sell both

Leighside Delta-Lambda Jett DE 0958147693 01.06.2023

Leighside Delta-Lambda Joel DE 0958147695 05.06.2023

304. 2nd Choice Female

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Jet EX-92-CAN 2E

• Superior Lactation in Canada!

• Eine der heißesten kanadischen Kuhfamilien! / One of the hottest Canadian families at the moment!

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Knonaudale Sid Muddy EX-94-CAN & Kingsway Windbrook Jaz

EX-96-MS, Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA

• Nominated for Canadian Cow of the Year ‘20

• Res. All-Canadian Longtime Production ‘17

• 2nd Longtime Production Royal ‘17

• Grand Champion Nothumberland ‘17

• 1st Longtime Production Ontario Summer Show ‘17

• Grand Champion Autumn OPP ‘17

• All-Ontario Longtime Production ‘17

• H.M. All-Ontario Mature Cow ‘15

• Res. Grand Champion Northumberland ‘13

• 28 VG oder EXZELLENTE Töchter in Kanada / 28 VG or EXCELLENT daughters in Canada!

Lambda x EX-92 x JASMINE EX-96

• Wundervolle Delta-Lambda Enekeltöchter aus dem Grand Champion Nothumberland ‘17 und vieles mehr: Knodaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN 4E 12*.

• Mutter ist eine EX-92 Doorman Tochter mit >1400kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß

• Mutter ist u.a. eine Schwester zu Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA

- Reserve Intermediate Champion Ontario Summer Show ‘15

GOLDWYN Knonaudale Elsy EX-92-USA


4e Knonaudale Anna VG-88-CAN

5e Knonaudale Toodie GP-83-CAN 2yr.

6e Knonaudale Perpetue VG-87-CAN

7e Knonaudale Liz VG-88-CAN

Lambda x EX-92 x JASMINE EX-96

• Stunning Delta-Lambda grand daughters from the Grand Champion Nothumberland ‘17 and more: Knodaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN 4E 12*.

• Dam is an EX-92 Doorman dtr with >1400 Combined Fat + Protein

• Dam is maternal sister to Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA

- Reserve Intermediate Champion Ontario Summer Show ‘15

2.02 365d 11.573kgM 3.7% 425F 3.4% 389P 3.09 365d 15.581kgM 3.3% 507F 3.2% 504P
EX-92-USA 7*
VG or EXCELLENT daughters in Canada
• 2nd 2yr. Old Maxville Spring ‘07
• 2nd
2yr. Old Stormont ‘07
• 2nd yearling Maxville Spring ‘06
1.11 305d 9.108kgM 4.4% 401F 3.4% 309P 3.03 305d 11.315kgM 5.9% 663F 3.4% 384P 4.11 305d 15.778kgM 5.9% 931F 3.3% 515P
Kingsway Doorman
Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-92-MS 2E
EX-96-CAN 4E 12* Conf. EX-96-CAN EX-97-MS 4E 12* 5.04 322d 12.524kgM 4.3% 533F 3.6% 447P 6.07 365d 14.028kgM 5.0% 707F 3.6% 509P 8.02 365d 15.242kgM 4.9% 746F 3.4% 519P
Val-Bisson DOORMAN
Sister to M. Knonaudale Mudpie EX-94-USA 2. M. Knonaudale Jasmine EX-96-CAN EX-97-MS 4E 12* M. Kingsway Doorman Jet EX-92-CAN 2E

305. Ernest-Anthony KD Dragon

Woodcrest KING DOC (Kingboy x Mack x Snowman)

Ernest-Anthony Debutante VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr.


• Aus 3. Generationen EXZELLENTEN Müttern / Backed by 3 generations EX-dams

KING DOC Enkelin von DEZI!!

• Nominated All-American 150,000# Cow ‘17 & ‘18

• 1st Production Cow, Senior, Grand & Supreme Champion, Maryland State Fair 2018

• 1st 150,000# Cow, Senior & Grand Champion, Northeast Spring National Holstein Show 2018

• 1st Production Cow, Best Udder, Senior, Grand & Supreme Champion, Maryland State Fair ‘17

• 1st 5 Yr-Old & Best Udder, Royal Winter Fair ‘15

• 1st 5 Yr-Old & Best Udder Le Supreme Laitier ‘15

• 1st 5-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2015

• Grand Champion All-American Dairy Show ‘15

• Supreme Champion Maryland State Fair ‘15

• 1st 4-Yr Old & BU Royal Winter Fair ‘14

• Sold for $115,000 Destination Vegas 2014

• Seid ihr bereit?! Cache Valley Lheros 2331 ‘Dezi’ EX-96-USA 3E ihre fantastische DOC Enkelin wird verkauft!! Aus 3. Generationen


• Dezi hat bereits viele Titel in Nordamerika gewonnen und ist einer der beeindruckensten Kühe ihrer Generation: Grand Maryland State Fair ‘18, Grand Northeast Spring ‘18, Grand Maryland State Fair ‘17 und vieles mehr!

Apache Danika VG-87-USA

KING DOC grand dtr of DEZI!

• Set off your sights!! Cache Valley Lheros 2331 ‘Dezi’ EX-96-USA 3E her stunning Doc grand dtr sells! Backed by 3 gen. EX-dams!!

• Dezi won multiple titles in North-America and is one of the most sought alter cows from her generation: Grand Maryland State Fair ‘18, Grand Northeast Spring ‘18, Grand Maryland State Fair ‘17 and many more!!

Comestar LHEROS Cache-Valley W Dezi Dur EX-93-USA 2E Conf. EX-93-USA 2E 2.02 3x 365d 13.345kgM 4.3% 573F 3.6% 487P 3.04 3x 365d 14.140kgM 5.3% 757F 3.6% 513P 5.09 3x 365d 15.277kgM 3.9% 596F 3.4% 524P Life: 1818d 56.867kgM 4.3% 2,426F 3.5% 2,010P • V. / s. Regancrest Elton DURHAM
DAMS 4e West-Wind-Acres
Dezi EX-95-USA 3E DOM 5e West-Wind-Acres
VG-85-USA 6e Sky-Rise
7e Sky-Rise
8e Je-Way
Mark Dumbo
Calypso Doreen
Atarwars Delight VG-86-USA
Cache Valley Lheros
Conf. EX-96-USA 3E 4.07 2x 340d 9.911kgM 3.5% 343F 2.9% 286P
M. Ernest-Anthony Debutante VG-86-USA 2yr. 2. M. Cache Valley Lheros 2331 ‘Dezi’ EX-96-USA 3E
2. M. Cache Valley Lheros 2331 ‘Dezi’ EX-96-USA DE 0771272788 Geb. Datum. 01.05.2023 Consignor Steffen & Maike Schreck - Tel. +49 (0) 17632528455 - Email.

5. M. Rockymountian Talent Licorice EX-95-USA

SHOWTIME *RC (Excalibur x O’Kaliber x Redburst)


Direkt aus


2/1La 305d 11.709kgM 4.1% 474F 3.2% 369P

• Int. Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Schau der Besten ‘22

• Eine der besten & spektakulärsten Kühe Deutschlands / One of the best cows in Germany at the moment!

• Maximale Einstufung in der 2. Laktation / MAX score as 2nd calver

Intermediate Champion Schau der Besten ’22

• Tolle ROTFAKTOR Showtime Enkelin aus dem Res. Grand & Int. Champion Schau der Besten 2022: HH Jordy Lara Croft EX-90-DE!!

• Wunderbares Pedigree mit 9. Gen. VG oder EX aus der Familie von Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95 - H.M. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘11 & Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘11

Cycle McGucci JORDY-RED

Blondin Doorman Laola EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3/2La

• EXZELLENTE Doorman Enkelin von Rockymountian Talent Licorice *RC EX-95-USA / EXCELLENT Doorman grand daughter to Rockymountian Talent Licorice *RC EX-95-USA


4e MS Licorice Gold Chip Lovely VG-88-CAN 3yr. 5*

5e Rockymountian Talent Licorice *RC EX-95-USA 8*

6e Idee Rudolph Liberty VG-89-CAN 3yr. (MAX) 11*

7e Idee Skychief Latoya VG-88-CAN 7yr. 10*

8e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 19*

9e Spring Farm Miss Lynn VG-85-CAN 3yr.

Intermediate Champion Schau der Besten ’22

• A RED CARRIER grand dtr of the Res. Grand & Int. Champion Schau der Besten 2022: HH Jordy Lara Croft EX-90-DE!!

• Deep Canadian cow family going back to Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95 - H.M. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘11 & Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘11

8.406kgM 4.6%
390F 3.7% 307P
2 305d 9.113kgM
433F 3.7% 334P
10e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2 FG Layla VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. HR. La1. 305d 10.522kgM 4.3% 451F 3.4% 359P
LARA CROFT! / Directly from LARA CROFT!
(incl. ETN) HH Jordy Lara Croft EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE 2. M. HH Jordy Lara Croft EX-90-DE DE 0364368438 Geb. Datum. 03.01.2023 Consignor Future Genetic (Henrik Wille) - Tel. +49 (0)170 7722531 - Email.
2. M. HH Jordy Lara Croft EX-90-DE
306. FG Lucky
Lady *RC

307. BHA Erica

Kings-Ransom DYNASTY (Parfect x Legacy x Helix)

Mox Early Bird VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS

Stantons CHIEF

• Halbschwester verkauft fur 6.700 EUR auf dem German Masters Sale 2022 / Maternal sister sold for 6.700 EUR at German Masters Sale 2022


• Eine der besten jungen Kühe der Mox Herde!/ 0ne of the best young cows at Mox Holsteins!

• Teilnehmering German Dairy Show ‘23 / Successfull show at German Dairy Show ‘23

aus 6 Gen. EXZELLENT Erle’s

• Frühe & tolle Dynasty mit super Genomics, (+140 RZE) & 6. Gen. EXZELLENTEN Müttern im Pedigree aus der Familie der einzigartien Field Of Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK - Verkauft für 76,000 GNS!!

• Großmutter ist gerade neu eingestuft mit EX-90!!

• Ganz exklusive & super züchtende Familie mit noch wenigen Nachkommen auf dem europäischen Festland!

• Schwester zu: / Sister to: Wyndford Damion Erle 3 EX-93-UK

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Wyndford Sanchez Erle 10 EX-93-UK - Sold for 18,000 GNS at Wyndford dispersal!


4e Wyndford Goldwyn Erle EX-95-UK

5e Field of Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK 3E 9*

6e Smiddiehil Jed Erle EX-95-UK 4E 15*

7e Smiddiehil Inspiration Erle EX-92-UK 3E 8*

8e Barbican Starbuck Erle EX-91-UK 2E

Dynasty from 6 EXCELLENT Erle’s

• Super Dynasty show heifer with great german Index (+140 Type) from 6 generations EXCELLENT dams going back on Field Of Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK - Sold for 76,000 GNS!!

• Grand dam is fresh in her 3rd lactation and just scored EX-90!!

• Very exclusive & super breeding family with only a very few members yet at the european mainland!

3/2La 305d 11.706kgM 3.6% 419F 3.3% 390P HL2 305d 12.643kgM 3.6% 459F 3.3% 420P
Woodcrest KING DOC Wyndford Aftershock Erle VG-88-DE 5yr. Conf. VG-88-DE VG-89-MS 5yr.
1 Kontrolle / 1st test 33.4kgM 4.05%F 3.26%P 2 Kontrolle
2nd test 36.7kgM 2.94%F 3.07%P
Mox King
Conf. EX-90-DE EX-90-MS La3. 3/2La 304d 12.604kgM 3.8% 478F 3.4% 422P HL2 303d 13.097kgM 4.0% 529F 3.3% 437P
Doc Erle
VG-86-DE VG-86-MS
4. M. Wyndford Goldwyn Erle EX-95-UK Mox Early Bird
2. M. Mox King Doc Erle EX-90-DE EX-90-MS La3. DE 0818439266 Geb. Datum. 16.04.2023 Consignor Thomas Bentele - Tel. +49 (0)160 3561874 - Email. +126 RZG / +140 RZE (08/23)

308. Idee LB Lyana FR 2934800734 Geb. Datum. 11.07.2023

Consignor La Brasserie Holstein - Tel. +33 (0)6 83803325 - Email.

Champion Quebec Spring ‘19

- H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘17

- Grand Champion Quebec Spring ‘16

• Mutter von 10 EXZELLENTEN Töchtern / Dam to 10 Excellent daughters!

• 1st place 5yr. Old Atlantic Summer ‘07

• Res. Grand Champion Atlantic Spring ‘06

• Nom. All-Canadian 4yr. Old ‘06

• All-Atlantic 4yr. Old ‘06


4e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA 3yr.

5e Spring Farm Miss Lynn VG-85-CAN 3yr.

6e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 3yr.

7e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 4yr.

8e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN

9e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN

Vollschwester zum Grand Royal Winter Fair Full sister to the Grand Royal Winter Fair

• Ihre Chance auf die Vollschwester zum Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘21 und Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘19: Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN

• Lynzi EX-94 ist die Mutter von Doorman Lysa EX-94-USA, dem Grand Champion Rimouski 2019!

• Fantastisches Pedigree: Windbrook x EX-92 Goldwyn x EX-94 Louie

• Great chance to get the full sister to the Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘21 and Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘19: Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN

• Lynzi EX-94 is dam to Idee Doorman Lysa EX-94-USA, the Grand Champion Rimouski 2019!

• Great pedigree: Windbrook x EX-92 Goldwyn x EX-94 Louie

Wil-Hart E LOUIE Idee Bellwood Ladonna VG-87-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-87-MS 4yr. 3.03 305d 10.231kgM 4.0% 414F 3.5% 353P 4.05 305d 11.469kgM 4.1% 475F 3.3% 375P • V. / s. Maizefield BELLWOOD • 2 Stars Brood Cow Gillette
Storm) Idee Goldwyn Lucia EX-92-CAN 5yr. Conf. EX-92-CAN EX-92-MS 5yr. 4* 2.02 305d 10.459kgM 4.4% 463F 3.3% 349P 3.05 305d 13.451kgM 4.1% 551F 3.2% 425P 5.02 305d 11.089kgM 4.2% 460F 2.9% 323P 6.10 305d 12.664kgM 3.9% 497F 2.8% 360P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN - 1st Longtime Production Cow and Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘21 - All-Canadian Longtime Production ‘21 - Holstein Canada
of the Year ‘20 - All-Canadian 5yr. Old ‘19 -
‘19 - H.M.
Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair
Idee Louis Luise EX-94-CAN 2E Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 20* 3.04 305d 12.601kgM 4.0% 504F 3.5% 437P 5.02 305d 13.109kgM 3.9% 510F 3.4% 441P 6.08 305d 12.395kgM 4.0% 500F 3.4% 419P
Braedale GOLDWYN
M. Idee Goldwyn Lucia EX-92-CAN 5yr. Sister. Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN Niece. Idee Doorman Lysa EX-94-USA

309. HQH Perennial Evalyn

Eclipse PERENNIAL (Crushabull x High Octane x Atwood)

ZEG Evita VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

1st test 41.6kgM 3.46%F 3.51%P 2nd test 46.2kgM 2.91%F 2.97%P

• +4.06 PTAT / +2.83 UDC / +1.71 FLC (08/23)

• Verkauft am German Masters Sale 2021 / Sold at German Master Sale 2021

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

JK Eder DG King Doc Elise VG-88-NL 3yr.

• Zurückgehend auf: / Going back on: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

- Champion 2-Yr. Old SPACE 2011

- 1st Jr. 2-Yr. National Show Le Mans 2011

- 6th in the finals at the Nat. NRM Show 2012

- Grand Champion Wintershow West-Brabant ‘14

- The ONLY living legendary cow with 6 EXCELLENT daughters in Europe

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS

- 6th place European Show Libramont ‘19

Woodcrest KING DOC

JK Eder DG Elise VG-85-NL VG-88-MS 3yr. Conf. VG-85-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.

La1 588d 17.309kgM 3.8% 653F 3.7% 632P La1 305d 9.942kgM 3.23%F 3.41%P

V. / s. Butz-Butler ATWOOD BRADY


4e JK Eder DG Elise VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.

5e JK Eder Emeraude 2 VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.

6e Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

7e Agathe VG-88-FR

8e Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr.

9e Rosière EX-90-FR

10e Menthe VG-89-FR

11e Ixias EX-93-FR

12e Eglantine EX-94-FR

#3 PTAT Kalb in Europa mit +4.32 PTAT #3 PTAT Calf in Europe at +4.32 PTAT

• Sie ist die EINE!! Das #3 PTAT Kalb (<9 Monate) in Europa mit +4.32 PTAT in Kombination mit +12 Conformation!!

• Direkt aus 11 Generationen VG- oder EXZELLENTEN Müttern aus der LEGENDE: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL!!

• Gleiche Familie wie Amarante EX-FR - 2 x Französische Kuh des Jahres!

• It’s her!! The #3 PTAT Calf (<9 months) in Europe at +4.32 PTAT in combination with +12 Conformation!!

• Backed by 11 generations VG- or EXCELLENT dams going back on the LEGEND: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL!!

• Same family as Amarante EX-FR - 2 x French Cow of the Year

VG-86-DE 2yr. TL20/11 200d 6.392kgM 3.8% 245F 3.4% 214P
Lindenright MOOVIN
*RC (incl. ETN)
AK Else VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf.
Full sister to 2. M. JK Eder DG King Doc Elise VG-89-NL 3yr. 2. M. AK Elise VG-86-DE 2yr.
6. M. Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL DE 1604620478 Geb. Datum. 04.02.2023 Consignor Quality Holsteins / Züchtergemeintschaft Görsbach / Gerbothe - Tel. +49 (0)174 3454098 - Email. Index 08/23 +0.10% Fat / +0.03% Protein / 2.79 SCS / +3.49 UDC / +1.91 FLC / +4.32 PTAT 08/23 +7 Dairy Strength / +11 Mammary System / +7 Feet & Legs / +12 Conformation 08/23 +135 RZE

Consignor Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Combination FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE x JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS

Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (Delta-Lambda x Unix x Doorman)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

3.02 439d 15.325kgM 4.2% 649F 3.6% 550P 4.07 313d 13.160kgM 4.2% 560F 3.3% 437P

8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

Pine-Tree AltaOAK

Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL Conf. EX-91-NL 2.03 570d 17.721kgM 3.9% 694F 3.4% 601P 4.00 330d 15.317kgM 3.9% 598F 3.2% 482P 5.06 305d 15.930kgM 3.7% 589F 3.1% 497P

Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• 6th place European Show Libramont 2019

• Udder Champion Noordeloos ‘18

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• Champion 2-Yr. Old SPACE 2011 • 1st Jr. 2-Yr. National Show Le Mans 2011

• 6th in the finals at the Nat. NRM Show 2012

• Champion 2yr. Old Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt ‘16

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• Res. Int. Champion Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt ‘17

• 1st Intermediate Class National NRM Show ‘17

• Res. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show ‘16

• Res. Champion 2yr. Old Hoornaar ‘16

• Grand Champion Wintershow West-Brabant ‘14

• Mutter von: / Dam to: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS

- 6th place European Show Libramont ‘19

• Die EINZIGE lebende Kuh in Europa mit 6 EXZELLENT eingestuften Töchtern / The ONLY living legendary cow with 6 EXCELLENT daughters in Europe


• WEIBLICHE Bullseye (+3.12 PTAT / +16 Conf.) Embryonen aus der 6. platzierten Europaschaukuh von Libramont '19 & mehrfachen

Nationalsiegerkuh: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS

• Emeraude ist die EINZIGE lebende Kuh in Europa mit 8 EX eingestuften Töchtern!

• Gleiche Familie wie Amarante EX-FR – 2x französische Kuh des Jahres!



2. M. Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL




VG-88-FR Conf. VG-88-FR


Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.


Menthe VG-89-FR

6e Ixias EX-93-FR

7e Eglantine EX-94-FR

FEMALE embryos from Esmeralda

• FEMALE Bullseye (+3.12 PTAT / +16 Conf.) embryos from the 6th placed European Show Libramont ‘19 & multiple National show winner: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS

• Emeraude is the ONLY cow alive in Europe with 8 EX-dtrs!!

• Same family as Amarante EX-FR - 2x French Cow of the Year

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller
42.000 / Topseller NH Sale
NH Sale ‘10
‘10 for EUR
6e Ralma Christmas
7e Ralma
8e Ralma
Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM
Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM
Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P •
Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA
2.03 305d 10.366kgM 3.2% 332F 3.1% 321P 3.06 305d 13.338kgM 3.5% 467F 3.1% 413P •
7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM
3rd Sr. Cow at the Nat. Show Le Mans 2011
Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr.
JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS Conf. EX-92-NL EX-94-MS
Val-Bisson DOORMAN
M. JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS Full sister. Riverdane Doorman Elke EX-93-UK 310. 3 Female Embryos

311. NH DG Summer Red

Poppe FLIGHT-RED (Rubels-Red x Born P *RC x Silver)

Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

2/1La 305d 11.405kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 412P

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED (+1459 ISET / +126 ITP) @ AI-Total

• Verkauft für 27.000 EUR am Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale / Sold for 27.000 EUR in the Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale

• Vollschwester der Mutter ist die Mutter von Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED und Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex / Dam’s full sister is dam to Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED and Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex


Ms Sofias Delta Spirit *RC Conf. N.C.

• Exklusive Rotfaktor Delta Tochter / Unique RED CARRIER Delta dtr

• Vollschwester zu Ms Sofias Delta Sky *RC @ Westcoast – Mutter des #1 ROTEN Rindes der Welt / Full sister to Ms Sofias Delta Sky *RC @ Westcoast - dam to the #1 R&W heifer in the World

• Halbschwester des populären Bullenvaters Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics / Maternal sister to the popular sire Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics


• Exklusive Möglichkeit, die einzige Flight-Red Schwester des internationalen Spitzenbullen: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total!!

• Sie testet hoch in allen Systemen und wird die nächste gefragte Bullenmutter sein: +141 RZG / +117 RZE, +2601 GTPI!

• Gleiche Familie wie die ‘one million dollar cow’ Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA EX-92-MS

Mr Mogul DELTA

Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr.

2-04 305d 11.678kgM 4.0% 466F 3.2% 369P

• Unglaubliche Zuchtkuh! / Incredible brood cow!

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics

• Viele Söhne und Enkelsöhne auf Station & ehemalige #1 ROTE GTPI & RZG Kuh der Rasse! / Multiple sons and grand sons in AI already & former #1 R&W GTPI & RZG cow in the breed!


4e Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.

5e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Secretly *BY VG-87-CAN 5yr. 4*

6e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

7e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

8e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-CAN 2yr. 38*

9e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

10e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*


• Unique opportunity to buy the only Red & White Flight-Red sister to the GLOBAL R&W sensation: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total!!

• She is testing high in several systems: +141 RZG / +117 RZE, +2601 GTPI!

• Tracing back to the same family as the ‘one million dollar cow’ Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA EX-92-MS

3. M. Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. M. Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit-Red VG-85-DE 2yr. 4. M. Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +820 +0.14 +0.02 73 32 2.77 -1.5 3.7 1.8 1.02 0.82 +0.81 651 2601 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1218 +0.25 -0.09 76 33 134 112 1750 112 103 114 115 117 141 DE 0771197376 Geb. Datum. 05.06.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 13.08.2023 FEMALE NH Evolution SKYLINER-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT

08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1007 +0.04 +0.05 51 46 2.65 -0.5 6.0 1.9 0.98 1.02 +1.27 789 2711 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +1002 +0.14 +0.08 56 43 134 120 1986 122 109 116 116 123 148 DE 0771197372 Geb. Datum. 29.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 19.09.2023 FEMALE ST-Gen REDLEA *RC

Kappa Casein: BB

3STAR OH RANGER-RED (Rubels-Red x Salvatore *RC x Rubicon)

NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

La22/07 305d 10.913kgM 4.3% 472F 3.4% 368P

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED (+1459 ISET / +126 ITP) @ AI-Total

• Wurde am GMS ‘20 für 22.500€ verkauft, Vollschwester für 10.750€ / Was sold for 22.500 EUR and full sister for 10.750 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2020!!


Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Verkauft für 27.000 EUR am Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale / Sold for 27.000 EUR in the Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale

• Vollschwester der Mutter ist die Mutter von Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED und Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex / Dam’s full sister is dam to Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED and Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex

+148 RZG / +123 RZE / +2711 GTPI

• +148 RZG / +123 RZE & +2711 GTPI und das in ROT - aus der fantastischen Vollschwester von SPIRIT RED & STAR RED!

• Großmutter ist eine CD-FREIE & ROTE Apprentice Tochter, war die ehemalige #1 GTPI RBT Kuh >2 Jahre in Eruope und wurde für 27.000€ verkauft.

• 3. Mutter ist die Halbschwester des ulta populären


Ms Sofias Delta Spirit *RC Conf. N.C.

• Exklusive Rotfaktor Delta Tochter / Unique RED CARRIER Delta dtr

• Halbschwester des populären Bullenvaters Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics / Maternal sister to the popular sire Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics


4e Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr.

5e Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.

6e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Secretly *BY VG-87-CAN 5yr. 4*

7e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

8e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

9e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-CAN 2yr. 38*

10e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

11e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

12e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

13e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

+148 RZG / +123 RZE / +2711 GTPI

• +148 RZG and +2711 GTPI R&W with unlimited potential!! • Dam is the full sister to Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total!! • Grand dam is a CD-FREE & R&W Apprentice dtr, who is the former #1 GTPI R&W cow >2 years in Europe and sold for 27.000 EUR.

3rd dam is the maternal sister of the popular RC sire: Mr. Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics

2/1La 305d 11.405kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 412P
Full brother to M. Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total M. NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. 2. M. Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.
Bullenvaters: Mr. Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics •
312. NH Ranger Sissy Red

313. NH Ranger Salitos Red

3STAR OH RANGER-RED (Rubels-Red x Salvatore *RC x Rubicon)

NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

La22/07 305d 10.913kgM 4.3% 472F 3.4% 368P

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED (+1459 ISET / +126 ITP) @ AI-Total

• Wurde am GMS ‘20 für 22.500€ verkauft, Vollschwester für 10.750€ / Was sold for 22.500 EUR and full sister for 10.750 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2020!!

ROT & hoch in allen Systemen!


Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Verkauft für 27.000 EUR am Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale / Sold for 27.000 EUR in the Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale

• Vollschwester der Mutter ist die Mutter von Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED und Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex / Dam’s full sister is dam to Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED and Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex


Ms Sofias Delta Spirit-ET *RC Conf. N.C.

• Exklusive Rotfaktor Delta Tochter / Unique RED CARRIER Delta dtr

• Halbschwester des populären Bullenvaters Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics / Maternal sister to the popular sire Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics


4e Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr.

5e Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.

6e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Secretly *BY VG-87-CAN 5yr. 4*

7e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

8e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

9e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-CAN 2yr. 38*

10e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

11e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

12e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

13e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

R&W & high in every Index!

• +152 RZG +135 RZE / +2739 GTPI & Kappa-Kasein BB ROTE Ranger Tochter direkt aus der fantastischen Vollschwester der weltweit extrem populären Bullen Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total & NH STAR Red @ Ascol!

• Die Mutter wurde als Kalb für 22.500€ verkauft und ist aktuell eine der besten jungen Kühe @ Nosbisch Holsteins und wurde bereits 5 Wochen nach der Kalbung VG-86-DE 2yr. mit VG-87 Euter eingestuft und produziert super!

• +152 RZG / +135 RZE / +2739 GTPI & kappa casein BB RED Ranger daughter directly from the fantastic full sister to the ultra popular bulls Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total & NH STAR Red @ Ascol!

• Dam was sold for 22.500€ as calf and is currently one of the best young cows @ Nosbisch Holsteins and scored VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. already 5 weeks after calving and is producing super!

2/1La 305d 11.405kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 412P
Full brother to M. Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total M. NH GL Soroya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. M. Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit-Red VG-85-DE 2yr.
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +520 +0.11 +0.06 52 33 2.61 -0.3 6.6 1.7 1.32 1.62 1.60 805 2739 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZ€ RZN RZR RZGesund UDD. RZE RZG +786 +0.32 +0.08 65 36 133 124 2043 128 103 116 127 135 152 DE 0771197385 Geb. Datum. 02.07.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!! Kappa Casein: BB

314. NH Azzopardi Sissi

315. NH Azzopardi Sacramento

316. NH Azzopardi Sienna *RC

Hoch testende Schwestern aus der SPIRIT Familie! High testing sisters from SPIRIT’s family!

• Halbschwestern von Alonzo, Luster P und Boraz *RC!!

• Mutter ist eine Schwester zu Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total

• Großmutter ist eine CD-FREIE & ROTE Apprentice Tochter, sie ist die ehemalige #1 GTPI ROTE Kuhe >2 Jahre in Europa und wurde verkauft für 27.000 EUR im Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale!!

• Urgroßmutter ist die Halbschwester des ultra populären Rotfaktorbullen: Mr. Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics

• Die Familie von Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA EX-92-MS – verkauft für $ 1,000,000

• Maternal sisters sired by Alonzo, Luster P and Boraz *RC!!

• Dam is the maternal sister to Gen NH SPIRIT-RED @ AI-Total

• Grand dam is a CD-FREE & R&W Apprentice dtr, who is the former #1 GTPI R&W cow >2 years in Europe and sold for 27.000 EUR.

• 3rd dam is the maternal sister of the popular RC sire: Mr. Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics

• Same family as Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA EX-92-MS - sold for $ 1,000,000 DE 0771273297 Geb. Datum. 20.04.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Peak AltaALONZO Mutter / Dam Gen Twitch Samana GP-84-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1059 +0.25 +0.08 113 55 2.94 -1.2 3.2 2.0 0.24 1.11 +0.93 895 2857 DE 0771273286 Geb. Datum. 16.02.2023 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Cherry-Lily Zip LUSTER P Mutter / Dam Gen Twitch Samana GP-84-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +872 +0.19 +0.03 87 37 2.84 -0.6 1.4 2.2 0.90 1.54 +1.83 640 2704 DE 0771273263 Geb. Datum. 06.12.2022 Consignor European Livestock Service & Azzopardi Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire DG DGF BORAZ *RC Mutter / Dam Gen Twitch Samana GP-84-DE 2yr. 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +993 +0.20 +0.06 95 47 2.98 -0.9 2.1 2.0 -0.05 1.37 +1.43 759 2764 Beta Casein: A2A2 READY TO FLUSH!!

Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red her legacy continues...

DG DGF BORAZ *RC (Mitchell x Resolve x Delta)

NH Gen Twitch Samana *RC GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. GP-84-DE 2yr.

TL23/02 88d 3.763kgM 5.4% 204F 3.6% 134P

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Gen NH SPIRIT-RED (+1459 ISET / +126 ITP) @ AI-Total & NH STAR-RED (+2709 GTPI) @ Ascol & NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

- One of the best 2yr. Olds @ Nosbisch Holsteins

• Wurde am GMS ‘20 für 22.500€ verkauft, Vollschwester für 10.750€ / Was sold for 22.500 EUR and full sister for 10.750 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2020!!

Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr.

• Verkauft für 27.000 EUR am Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale / Sold for 27.000 EUR in the Eurogenes Online Winter Heifer Sale

• Vollschwester der Mutter ist die Mutter von Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED und Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex / Dam’s full sister is dam to Westcoast SWINGMAN-RED and Westcoast SOUNDCLOUD @ Semex


Ms Sofias Delta Spirit *RC Conf. N.C.

• Exklusive Rotfaktor Delta Tochter / Unique RED CARRIER Delta dtr

• Halbschwester des populären Bullenvaters Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics / Maternal sister to the popular sire Salvatore *RC @ Jetstream Genetics


4e Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr.

5e Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr.

6e Gen-I-Beq Bolton Secretly *BY VG-87-CAN 5yr. 4*

7e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 6*

8e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7*

9e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-CAN 2yr. 38*

10e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18*

11e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14*

12e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7*

13e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4*

Mr Farnear Helix TWITCH
2/1La 305d 11.405kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 412P
3. M. Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. Sister to M. NH GL Soraya-Red VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. 4. M. Gen-I-Beq Snowman Summer *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Westcoast SWINGMAN @ Semex

317. MS Mooi Hanna P *RC

Mr. Aija Mirand MOOI P *RC (Mirand PP *RC x King Doc x Commander)

Tatoo Haisha VG-89-DE EX-MS


• Verkauft für 12.000€ am German Masters Sale 2021 / Sold for 12.000 EUR in the German Masters Sale 2021

• Vollschwester zur Mutter von Mattenhof Harris @ Semex / Full sister to the dam of Mattenhof Harris @ Semex

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH:

- Grand Champion European Show Colmar ‘16

- Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2015 & 2016

- Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015

- Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014

- Jr. 2-Yr. Old Champion SPACE 2013


4e Naples-Vray EX-90-FR

5e Lassie EX-90-FR

6e Gentille VG-88-FR

7e Lentille 81 EX-90-FR

RC & Polled aus der Schweizer Nationalsiegerin! RC & Polled grand dtr of the Swiss National Champion!

• Was für eine Chance, ROTFAKTOR & HORNLOSE Mooi Enkeltochter mit fantastichen Zuchtwerten, aus der Schweizer Legende und Nationalsiegerin Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS 5E.

• Hanna-Vray ist die Vollschwester des European Champion Colmar 2016 & Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS

• Mutter war. 1. auf der SDB ‘23 und ist die Vollschwester der Mutter von Mattenhof HARRIS (+15 Conf.) @ Semex!!

• Red Carrier and POLLED Mooi grand dtr with amazing Type figures from the Swiss National Champion: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS 5E, it doesn’t get any better!!

• Hanna-Vray is the full sister to the European Champion Colmar ‘16 & Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS

• Dam wast 1. Place SDB ‘23 and is a full sister to the dam of Mattenhof HARRIS (+15 Conf.) @ Semex!!

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.5% 321F 3.5% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.4% 332F 3.2% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P
Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD
4yr. La21/07 305d 9.365kgM 4.0% 371F 3.3% 311P
4yr. Conf. VG-89-DE EX-MS
• 1st
Schau der Besten 2023
Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS 5E Conf. EX-96-CH EX-98-MS 5E 4.02 305d 10.915kgM 3.3% 362F 3.4% 367P 5.02 305d 11.551kgM 3.5% 404F 3.6% 414P 7.00 305d 13.490kgM 3.5% 472F 3.5% 471P 9.01 305d 13.697kgM 3.4% 469F 3.5% 478P • Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2022 • Res. Udder Champion Expo Bulle 2022 • Udder Champion Jr. Expo Bulle 2021 • H.M. Grand Champion Jr. Expo Bulle 2021 • Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2020 • Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020 • Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2017 • 3rd place Swiss Expo 2017 • Res. Udder Champion Expo Bulle 2016 • 1st place Expo
place Swiss Expo
• Vollschwester
Duckett Crush TATOO
Bulle 2016
zu: / Full sister to: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-95-MS
2. M. Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS 5E M. Mattenhof Tatoo Haisha VG-89-DE EX-MS 4yr. Full sister to 2. M. Galys-Vray
EX-94-CH DE 0771090931 Geb. Datum. 24.12.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & European Livestock Service - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. +134 RZE / +129 Euter (08/23) READY TO FLUSH!! 08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +34 +0.07 +0.04 20 11 2.77 -1.9 1.5 2.8 0.68 2.22 +2.83 191 2301

318. GPH Lambda Georgia

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Mattenhof High Octane Graziana VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.

• Verkauft für: / Sold for 50.000 EUR in the EMS ‘16 in Colmar

• Schwester zu: / Sister to:

Mattenhof Unix Gaiana EX-92-UK

- Sold for 30.000 EUR at the GMS 2018

Mattenhof Solomon Georgina VG-87-CH La2.

- 1st place Swiss Expo ‘20

Mattenhof Beemer Georgia VG-87-CH La2.

- 1st place Swiss Expo ‘20

Sister to the sires: Mattenhof Grand @ Swiss Genetics and Mattenhof Grandprix @ Synetics

• V. / s. Erbacres DAMION

• Mutter von: / Dam to: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2022

- Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2020

- Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020


4e Naples Vray EX-90-FR

- Grand Champion Loire Atlantique 2000

5e Lassie EX-90-FR

6e Gentille VG-88-FR

7e Lentille 81 EX-90-FR

Tolle Lambda Enkelin von Galys-Vray EX-94! Delta-Lambda grand dtr to Galys-Vray EX-94!

• Super DELTA-LAMBDA Rind mit +2.67 PTAT & tollem Index! +2.18 UDC, +1.19 FLC, abfallendem Becken, + 2.50 Größe aus der VG-87 2yr. High Octane Tochter aus Galys-Vray EX-94-CH

- European Champion ‘16 und mehrfache Swiss Expo Champion!!

• Vollschwester zu Galys-Vray: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98 Euter

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle (Swiss National Show) 2022

- Res. Grand Champion & Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020

• Lovely DELTA-LAMBDA heifer with +2.67 PTAT & great Index! +2.18 UDC, +1.19 FLC, sloped Rumps, + 2.50 stature from the VG-87 2yr. High Octane dtr of Galys-Vray EX-94-CH - European Champion ‘16 and multiple Swiss Expo Champion!!

• Full sister to Galys-Vray: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98 UDDER

- Grand Champion Expo Bulle (Swiss National Show) 2022

- Res. Grand Champion & Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2020

2.04 305d 9.287kgM 3.5% 321F 3.5% 324P 3.07 305d 10.404kgM 3.4% 332F 3.2% 332P 6.10 305d 11.637kgM 3.4% 390F 3.3% 379P
G W ATWOOD Corse-Vray EX-92-FR
HR 1.La 305d 10.917kgM 4.5% 489F 3.4% 374P
Stantons HIGH OCTANE Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-94-MS Conf. EX-94-CH EX-95-MS 2.02 305d 8.763kgM 3.6% 319F 3.2% 284P 3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P 4.05 305d 11.989kgM 3.8% 459F 3.3% 399P
• Jr. Milking
Expo 2014 • Jr. 2-Yr.
Dam to
Champion European Show Colmar
Champion Swiss Expo
Champion Expo Bulle 2015 & 2016 • Res. Grand Champion Swiss
Champion Swiss
Old Champion SPACE 2013 •
M. Galys-Vray EX-94-CH EX-94-MS
VG-87-DE 2yr.
M. Mattenhof High Octane Graziana
to 2. M. Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH LU 118224000 Geb. Datum. 16.05.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & P. Arnold - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 27.08.2023 FEMALE NH DG ARROW
08/23 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +689 +0.01 +0.01 28 24 2.89 -0.6 2.7 2.7 1.19 2.18 +2.67 342 2469

319. Luncrest Miss Montreal P Red

Avant-Garde-I LATENITE P-RED (Mirand PP *RC x Bailey *RC x Doorman)

Woodmansees DBK Mackaron *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA

Arethusa GC Mackenna EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

Arethusa Dundee Mallory EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

• 4. Generation EXZELLENT in Folge! / 4th generation EXCELLENT in a row!

• >1000kg kombiniert Fett + Eiweiß / >1000kg combined Fat + Protein

• 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old Northeast Fall National ‘17

• 2nd Milking Yearling Northeast Fall National ‘16

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Arethusa GC Mio EX-94-USA - 1st 5-Yr Old Northeast Spring National ‘19

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Arethusa Dundee Melissa EX-93-USA GMD

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Arethusa SS Melody EX-93-USA

Arethusa Aspen Mardigras EX-93-USA


4e Hillcroft Leader Melanie EX-96-USA 3E 2*

5e Hillcroft Skychief Michelle VG-89-CAN EX-MS 2*

6e Hillcroft Cascade Minie VG-88-CAN 2*

7e Hillcroft Comm Maria VG-85-CAN

ROTE Latenite x EX-90 x EX-94 x EX-94 R&W Latenite x EX-90 x EX-94 x EX-94

• ROTE und HORNLOSE Latenite P-Red (nicht verfügbar in Europa) direkt aus 4. Generationen EXZELLENTER Mütter mit im Schnitt EX-93,5!!

• Seltenes & exklusives Mitglied aus der Familie von Hillcroft LeaderMelanie EX-96-USA 3E 2* - Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2004 und All-America Aged Cow 2004!!

• Red & White POLLED Latenite P-Red (not available in Europe) straight out 4 generations EXCELLENT dams with EX-93,5 in average!!

• Going back on Hillcroft Leader Melanie EX-96-USA 3E 2*

- Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2004 and Unamious All-America Aged Cow 2004!!

Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP
4-10 2x 302d 13.816kgM 4.4% 1341 3.3% 450P 7-05 2x 347d 15.422kgM 3.9% 602F 3.1% 484P Life: 1623d 61.779kgM 3.9%
2.429F 3.3%
La21/07 296d 8.913kgM 4.1% 365F 3.6% 321P
5/5La 304d 11.795kgM 4.7% 556F 3.3% 390P HL3 305d 13.449kgM 4.7% 637F 3.3% 443P
2. M. Arethusa GC Mackenna EX-94-USA 4. M. Hillcroft Leader Melanie EX-96-USA 3E 2* - Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2004 3. M. Arethusa Dundee Mallory EX-94-USA
DE 0364926012 Geb. Datum. 02.01.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

320. Jacobs HAM V alana

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Jacobs Unix Vaccina Conf. N.C.

Frisch gekalbt @ Jacobs & sieht sehr gut aus / Just fresh @ Jacobs and looks very good!

2x 147d 7.441kgM 4.4% 326F 3.0% 222P

• Direkte UNIX aus VALANA EX-95!! / Direct UNIX of VALANA EX-95!!

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA

- 2nd & Best Udder 5-Yr Old Cow World Dairy Expo 2021

- 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old & Reserve Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2019

- 1st Sr. 3-Yr Old, Intermediate and H.M.

- Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019

- Verkauft für/ Sold for $195,000 @ Best of Jacobs Sale ‘19

- Reserve All-American 5-Yr Old 2021

- All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr Old 2019

- All-American Sr. 3-Yr Old 2019

• V. / s. Hanover-Hill-R SPIRIT

• Grand Champion Montmagny Show 2005

• Res. Grand Champion Quebec Spring 2007

• 3rd 5-Yr Old Royal Winter Fair 2005

• Grand Champion Three Rivers Show 2005

• All-Canadian 4-Yr Old 2004

• H.M. All-Canadian 5-Yr Old 2005


4e Jacobs Rudolph Valso GP-84-CAN 2yr. 6*

5e Jacobs Jubilee Valse EX-CAN 2E 7*

Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo!! Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo!!

• WOW, WOW, WOW!! Sehr exklusive Delta-Lambda Enkelin der Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo: Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 2E!!

• Gleiche Familie wie: Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA - Reserve Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2019 and sold for $195,000!!

• WOW, WOW, WOW!! Unique offering to buy a DELTA-LAMBDA grand dtr of the Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo ‘15: Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 2E!!

• Same family as: Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA - Reserve Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2019 and sold for $195,000!!

Braedale GOLDWYN Jacobs Spirit Valsie EX-92-CAN 2E 9* Conf. EX-92-CAN 2E 9* 5.01 305d 13.356kgM 4.1% 553F 3.1% 409P 7.04 305sd 13.588kgM 4.3% 589F 3.0% 405P
Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN 2E Conf. EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 2E 2.05 305d 10.375kgM 4.9% 511F 3.6% 376P 3.07 305d 13.854kgM 4.6% 633F 3.4% 468P 4.11 305d 17.379kgM 4.6% 800F 3.4% 587P 7.06 305d 16.889kgM 4.5% 763F 3.2% 542P • Res. Grand Champion WDE 2015 • 2nd Mature Cow WDE 2017 • H.M. Grand Champion WDE 2014 • H.M. Grand Champion Royal 2014 • 1st Mature Cow Supreme Dairy 2017 • >5 Very Good daughters in Canada (08/23)/ >5 Very Good daughters in Canada (08/23) • >75.000kgM Lebensleistung / >75.000kgM lifetime production Same family. Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA 2nd & Best Udder 5-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2021
Croteau Lesperron UNIX 2. M. Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN 2E 2. M. Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN 2E DE 0364926155 Geb. Datum. 01.07.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

321. HAM Red Lady Red

Trent-Way-Js ROMPEN-RED (AltaAltuve *RC x Splendid P *RC x Silver)

Oakfield Latenite Rosanna-Red

Tragend, kalbt Anfang ‘24 / Pregnant, due early ‘24

- Sieht super aus - Looks very good!

• HORNLOSE Rote Latenite aus ROSE-RED EX-94 / POLLED R&W Latenite of ROSE-RED EX-94

• Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as:

Ladyrose Caught Your Eye EX-92-USA 4yr.

- 1st place 3-Yr Old class WDE 2022

- Mutter von: / Dam to: Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (+16 Conf.)E @ Semex, Mb-Luckylady

EYE CANDY (+3.13 PTAT) @ Select Sires and D2 Summerfest CAUGHTUP (+2.90 PTAT) @ AI-Total / AG3

Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA

Rainyridge PERSEUS *RC

Rosedale Crown of Thorns *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA

• 1st Aged Cow & HM Senior Champion, NY Spring R&W Show ’18

• H.M.

• V. / s. Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ

• Tochter von: / Dtr of REDROSE EX-96:

- Reserve Senior Champion, World Dairy Expo ‘04

- Supreme Champion, World Dairy Expo ‘05


4e Lavender Ruby Redrose-Red EX-96-USA

5e Northrose-I Lavender EX-90 EX-MS 4*

6e Rosedale Lea-Ann EX-93-USA 2E

7e Stookey Elm Park Blackrose *RC EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM

8e Nandette TT Speckle Red EX-93-USA

9e Nandette Riley Nana-Red VG-87-USA

10e Nandette Bootmaker Gale VG-89-USA

ROTE Rompen x 7 Gen. EX-REDROSE’s R&W Rompen x 7 gen. EX-REDROSE’s

• ROTE Enkelin der fantastischen Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red EX-94-USA

2E: Senior & Grand Champion NY State Fair R&W 2017!!

• Gleiche Familie wie: Ladyrose Caught Your Eye EX-92-USA 4yr.

- 1st place 3-Yr Old WDE ‘22 Mutter von: Bullseye, Eyecandy und Caughtup

• Geht zurück auf die Grand & Supreme Champion WDE ‘05: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA

• Red & White grand dtr of Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red EX-94-USA 2E: the Senior & Grand Champion NY State Fair R&W 2017!!

• Same family as: Ladyrose Caught Your Eye EX-92-USA 4yr.

- 1st place 3-Yr Old WDE ‘22 and dam to: Bullseye, Eyecandy and Caughtup

• Tracing back to the Grand & Supreme Champion WDE ‘05: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA

3-00 2x 365d 12.356kgM 3.8% 470F 3.4% 424P 4-05 2x 334d 13.748kgM 3.7% 515F 3.3% 459P
3/3La 295d 12.557kgM 4.1% 511F 3.2% 403P HL2 305d 15.313kgM 4.5% 682F 3.2% 491P
All-American R&W Aged Cow 2017 • 1st Aged Cow, Senior and Grand Champion, NY State Fair R&W ’17 • Nom. All-American R&W 5-Year-Old, 4-Year-Old, Jr 3-Year-Old R&W
4. M. Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA
Your Eye EX-92-USA 4yr. 1st place 3-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2022
2. M. Rosedale Lucky Rose-Red EX-94-USA
family. Ladyrose Caught DE 0364926184 Geb. Datum. 27.07.2023 Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

322. Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE

323. 2 Female Embryos


Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017!

• Ihre Chance den Jr. Champion der Swiss Expo 2017 zu kaufen! Eingestuft mit EX-90-DE und EX-92 für ihr unglaubliches Euter in der 3. Laktation.

• Fantastisches Pedigree: EX-90 Doorman x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-93 Progress x Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK!

• Zita ist das komplette Packet, super ET Kuh, EX-90, tolle Familie und dazu >13.500kgM mit 3.8% Eiweiß!

Grand Champion Eastern & Dundas ‘99

Supreme Champion Royal Welsh & Res. Breed Champion RASE ‘03 • Supreme Interbreed Champion DFE & Best Udder NHS ‘03 NEXT

4e Sunnylodge Tab Ann EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 8* 5e Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18* 6e Sunnylodge He Man Judy VG-86-CAN 7e

Lolie VG-85-CAN

Edith EX-CAN

The Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017!

• Great chance to buy the Jr. Champion of the Swiss Expo 2017, classified with EX-90-DE and EX-92 for her Mammary System in her 3rd lactation!

• Dream pedigree: EX-90 Doorman x EX-93 Goldwyn x EX-93 Progress x Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK!

• Zita is the complete Package, great flush cow, EX classified, amazing family & >13.500kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN!

Duncan PROGRESS Sunnylodge
2E Conf. EX-95-UK 2E 2.02 305d 9.790kgM 4.2% 411F 3.6% 352P 3.07 305d 12.120kgM 4.3% 525F 3.5% 423P 5.04 305d 10.714kgM 3.6% 386F 3.4% 360P 7.00 305d 14.825kgM 4.1% 614F 3.3% 482P
Skychief Amy EX-95-UK
8e Sunnylodge
Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle x Goldwyn) Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT Conf. EX-94-IT 2.02 305d 9.172kgM 4.2% 385F 3.4% 307P 3.05 280d 10.068kgM 4.2% 520F 3.4% 338P 4.05 305d 11.481kgM 3.8% 451F 3.3% 389P 5.08 276d 11.502kgM 3.8% 441F 3.3% 382P 6.09 304d 11.363kgM 3.6% 411F 3.1% 358P
• Schwester
World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-96-IT / Sister to the World Champion Toc-Farm Ellen Amyly EX-95-IT • Queen war 2. in Verona 2016 / Queen was 2nd at Verona Show 2016
GOLDWYN Toc-Farm Progress Amy EX-93-IT Conf. EX-93-IT 2.00 300d 8.631kgM 4.0% 343F 3.6% 307P 3.00 305d 9.964kgM 4.1% 413F 3.7% 368P 4.02 305d 11.521kgM 4.6% 528F 3.3% 382P 5.07 305d 12.321kgM 4.7% 436F 3.5% 436P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Toc-Farm
Allen Amyly EX-95-IT
M. Bel Goldwyn Queen EX-94-IT Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. | SHE SELLS Sister to 2. M. Toc-Farm Ellen Amyly EX-95-IT IT 1990936278 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2015 Kalb. Datum. 06.11.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. 3/3La 305d 12.506kgM 4.0% 496F 3.7% 459P HL2 305d 13.540kgM 4.3% 582F 3.8% 516P Conf. EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. Bel. / Ins. 27.08.2023 FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA
Comb. FEMALE Stantons CHIEF x Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE Method ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location Germany

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

Zamara VG-88-NL VG-89-MS


Sale ‘21 for 9.000 EUR


Tragende Lambda aus den Zita’s


2. M. Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3.

• Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zu Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT / Dam is maternal sister to Toc Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT

• Amyly ist die Mutter von GOLDSUN / Amyly is the dam to GOLDSUN

• 3.8% EIWEIß / 3.8% PROTEIN

• Schwester zum World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-96-IT / Sister to the World Champion Toc-Farm Ellen Amyly EX-95-IT

• Queen war 2. in Verona 2016 / Queen was 2nd at the Verona Show 2016


4e Toc-Farm Progress Amy EX-93-IT

5e Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK 2E 5*

6e Sunnylodge Tab Ann EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 8*

Pregnant Lambda from the Zita’s

• Delta Lambda Tochter, gesext tragend mit CHIEF & Enkelin der Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017: Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3.

• Ihre Mutter ist eine Tochter der Typsensation: Col DG Crushtime!

• 3. Mutter ist eine Schwester zur WORLD CHAMPION: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT, der Mutter von Toc-Farm Goldsun

• Incalf to FEMALE CHIEF, Pregnant Delta-Lambda grand daughter to the Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017: Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3.

• Her dam is sired by the TYPE sensation: Col DG Crushtime!

• 3rd dam is a sister to the WORLD CHAMPION: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT, the dam to Toc-Farm Goldsun

Conf. EX-94-IT 2.02 305d 9.172kgM 4.2% 385F 3.4% 307P 3.05 280d 10.068kgM 4.2% 520F 3.4% 338P 4.05 305d 11.481kgM 3.8% 451F 3.3% 389P 5.08 276d 11.502kgM 3.8% 441F 3.3% 382P 6.09 304d 11.363kgM 3.6% 411F 3.1% 358P
Queen EX-94-IT
6e Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18* 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 3.02 305d 11.489kgM 3.4% 409F 3.3% 377P
für: / Sold at the German Masters
EX-92-MS La3. 3/3LA 305d 12.506kgM 4.0% 496F 3.7% 459P HL2 305d 13.540kgM 4.3% 582F 3.8% 516P
Col DG
Bel Doorman Zita
EX-90-DE EX-92-MS
• 1st and Jr. Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘17
M. NH DG Zamara VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 2. M. Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2017 DE 0771123339 Geb. Datum. 08.08.2021 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Bel. / Ins. 14.04.2023 FEMALE
324. NH DG Zinzi

325. NH DG Zaya

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)


Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. Conf. EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3.

• Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to:

NH DG Zamara VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr., - Verkauft für: / Sold at the German Masters Sale ‘21 for 9.000 EUR

• 1st and Jr. Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne ‘17

• Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zu Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT / Dam is maternal sister to Toc Farm Allen Amyly EX-95-IT

• Amyly ist die Mutter von GOLDSUN / Amyly is the dam to GOLDSUN • 3.9% EIWEIß / 3.9% PROTEIN

• Schwester zum World Champion Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-96-IT / Sister to the World Champion Toc-Farm Ellen Amyly EX-95-IT • Queen war 2. in Verona 2016 / Queen was 2nd at the Verona Show 2016


4e Toc-Farm Progress Amy EX-93-IT

5e Sunnylodge Skychief Amy EX-95-UK 2E 5*

6e Sunnylodge Tab Ann EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2E 8* 7e Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18*


• Ihre Chance auf einen Nachkommen von Delta-Lambda aus der Familie des Junior Champions der Swiss Expo 2017 Lausanne: Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE La3.

• Tolles Pedigree: Delta-Lambda x VG-85 Crushtime x EX-90 Doorman

• 3. Mutter ist eine Schwester zum WORLD CHAMPION: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly

• Tiefe kanadische Kuhfamilie!

• Get your own piece by Delta-Lambda from the Junior Champion of the Swiss Expo 2017 Lausanne: Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE La3.

• SUPER CROSS: Delta-Lambda x VG-85 Crushtime x EX-90 Doorman

• 3rd dam is a sister to the WORLD CHAMPION: Toc-Farm Allen Amyly

• Deep Canadian cow family from origin!

Bel Goldwyn
2.02 305d 9.172kgM 4.2% 385F 3.4% 307P 3.05 280d 10.068kgM 4.2% 520F 3.4% 338P 4.05 305d 11.481kgM 3.8% 451F 3.3% 389P 5.08 276d 11.502kgM 3.8% 441F 3.3% 382P 6.09 304d 11.363kgM 3.6% 411F 3.1% 358P
Val-Bisson DOORMAN
Queen EX-94-IT
9.391kgM 3.6%
3.6% 337P
NH Zazou VG-85-DE La2. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-F&L La2.
3/3LA 305d 12.506kgM 4.0% 496F 3.7% 459P HL2 305d 13.540kgM 4.3% 582F 3.8% 516P
Sister to 2. M. Toc-Farm Ellen Amyly EX-95-IT 2. M. Bel Doorman Zita EX-90-DE EX-92-MS La3. Sister to M. NH DG Zalando *RC VG-89-DK EX-MS 2yr. DE 0771273252 Geb. Datum. 30.10.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email.

326. HAM Kassandra

VG-86-DE 2yr.

- Best Udder at the All-American Jersey Show ‘21 - All-American Milking Yearling 2021

Du Sillon Joyride Kinder

- 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old & Grand Champion Halifax ‘23

Du Sillon Casino Koffe Krisp

- 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old Eastern Ontario/ Western Quebec Championship ‘23 & Du Sillon Casino Karamilk VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX)


• Schaufertige PREMIER mit einem traumhaften Pedigree und 7 EXZELLENTEN Müttern im Pedigree aus der Familie von Avonlea Advance Fairy EX-91-CAN!!

• Vollschwester zur heißesten Jersey Färse in Nordamerika:

Du Sillion Premier Kunchie

• 3. Mutter war Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘15, 1st Senior 3 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘06, All-Canadian Senior 2-Yr Old ‘05 und vieles mehr.

PREMIER dtr from 7 EXCELLENT dams!

• One of the best young Jersey Cows in Europe backed by 7 generations EXCELLENT dams going back on Avonlea Advance Fairy EX-91-CAN!!

• Full sister to: Du Sillion Premier Kunchie VG-87-CAN 2yr.

• 4th dam is the Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair ‘15, 1st Senior 3 Yr. Old Royal Winter Fair ‘06, All-Canadian Senior

All Lynns Valentino IRWIN Avonlea Renaissance Kenedy EX-95-CAN 3E Conf. EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 3E 3* 5-09 305d 8.583kgM 5.9% 507F 3.6% 311P 7-00 305d 8.198kgM 6.3% 515F 3.8% 312P • Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair 2005 • Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007 • Res. All-Canadian 5-Yr Old 2008 • Res. All-Canadian 4-Yr Old 2007 • All-Canadian Sr. 3-Yr Old 2006 NEXT DAMS 4e Avonlea Gemni Katrina EX-90-CAN 2E 5e Avonlea Valiant Kitty EX-CAN 3E 6e Avonlea Advance Fairy EX-91-CAN 7e Avonlea Records Golden Eairy EX-90-CAN Hawarden Impuls PREMIER (Impuls x Jace x Future) SSF-Mortdale Irwin Kashmir EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA EX-93-MS 3E 2.02 303d 6.427kgM 5.5% 354F 3.4% 221P 3.02 280d 7.141kgM 4.7% 335F 3.7% 335P 5.04 305d 7.957kgM 5.6% 446F 3.9% 348P 6.10 305d 8.871kgM 5.8% 512F 3.9% 348P 8.01 305d 8.735kgM 6.6% 575F 3.7% 323P • Dam to: / Mutter von: Du Sillion
Premier Krunchie VG-87-CAN 2yr. - All-American Yearling ‘20
1st Jr.
Mordale Action Kitti EX-92-CAN 2E Conf. EX-92-CAN 2E 2.07 305d 7.545kgM 5.7% 430F 3.8% 285P 3.10 305d 8.755kgM 5.3% 461F 3.8% 335P •
2-Yr Old Quinte Championship ‘23
Lynns Valentino IRWIN Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Premier Chocolate Chip EX-96-CAN 3. M. Avonlea Renaissance Kenedy EX-95-CAN HAM Kassandra VG-86-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS Sister. Du Sillion Premier Krunchie VG-87-CAN 2yr.
2-Yr Old ‘05 and many more!! DE 0362022777 Geb. Datum. 30.01.2020 Kalb. datum. 22.03.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Prod. La22/03 305d 7.360kgM 5.2% 381F 4.0% 293P Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 31.03.2023 FEMALE Audibel JORDAN | TU+ / PREGNANT

327. HAM CandymanV ioletta

South Mountain CANDYMAN (Chrome x Torpedo x Premier) GTI Vio VG-85-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 3yr.

Tower Vue Prime TEQUILA

Brown Cow Vivacious EX-92-USA Conf. EX-92-USA

Forest Glen Avery ACTION

Mayerlane Brown Cow Vanna EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.01 140d 4.737kgM 4.2% 201F 3.7% 177P

• Res. Senior Champion Quawest Calentes Mexico Show 2010

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Mayerlane Brown Cow Vermouth VG-89-USA 2yr. - Int. Champion WI State Jersey Show 2014 - Res. Supreme Champion Bred & Owned WI State Fair

- 1st Jr. Sr. 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo ‘14

- 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old & H.M. Int. Champion Midwest Spring Jersey Show ‘14

Das Beste der Jerseyrasse!

• Tolle Candyman aus 3 Generationen EXZELENTER Jersey’s aus

• 9th Jr. 3-Yr Old All-American 2009


Lackeys Response Victoria EX-95-USA 2E DOM

The finest of the JERSEY breed!

291d 5.572kgM 5.4% 298F 4.3% 240P
305d 5.990kgM 4.9% 293F 4.3% 257P
3/3La 305d 10.651kgM 5.5% 589F 4.0% 428P HL3 305d 12.484kgM 5.7% 711F 4.1% 512P • 1st Sr. 2-Yr Old Wisconsin Spring Spectecular Jr. Jersey Show 2011
2. M. Mayerlane Brown Cow Vivacious EX-92-USA Sister to M. Mayerlane Brown Cow Vermouth VG-89-USA 2yr. Dam to Sire. Elliots Torpedo Cyclone EX-90-USA
der Familie von Lackeys Response Victoria EX-95-USA 2E DOM • Eine der besten Jerseyfamilien Nordamerikas!
Mutter ist eine Schwester
Mayerlane Brown Cow Vermouth VG-89-USA 2yr. - Int. Champion WI State Jersey Show!
pedigrees in the breed!
Dam is sister to Mayerlane
Cow Vermouth VG-89-USA 2yr. - Int. Champion WI State Jersey Show 2014!
• Candyman heifer from 3 generations EXCELLENT Jersey’s going back on
Response Victoria EX-95-USA
DOM • One of the best North-American Jersey
Brown DE 0364925981 Geb. Datum. 28.11.2022 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. READY TO FLUSH!!

Farnear ALTITUDE-RED (Arvis *RC x McCutchen x Destry *RC)

Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA

4e R-Sher Itsa Tosha-Red (s. Gerhome ISTA-RED) 5e R-Sher Badger Tesa (s. Badger) 6e R-Sher Geneticist Tasha (s. Genetics-Red)

VG-85-DE 2yr. Altitude x TEQUILA EX-96!! VG-85-DE 2yr. Altitude x TEQUILA EX-96!!

• VG-85 2yr. eingestufte ROTE Altitude-Red Tochter aus Strans-Jen-D-Tequila EX-96!!

• Sie ist eine Halbschwester zu Milksource Thunder-Red EX-91-USA, dem Supreme Champion Heifer Junior & Open Show, World Dairy Expo ‘19

• Tequila war Grand Champion World Dairy Exopo 2014 & 2015!

• Tabea hat überragende IVF Ergebnisse!

• VG-85 2yr. old R&W Altitude-Red dtr of Strans-Jen-D-Tequila EX-96!!

• She is maternal sister to Milksource Thunder-Red EX-91-USA, the Supreme Champion Heifer Junior & Open Show, World Dairy Expo 2019.

• Tequila was Grand Champion World Dairy Exopo 2014 & 2015!

• Tabea has a tremendous IVF History!

Jen-D Pred
3.07 365d 12.528kgM 3.0% 380F 2.9% 363P 4.07 365d 14.275kgM 2.7% 390F 3.5% 507P
Dutchline RED DEVIL
Tosha-Red VG-88-USA EX-MS
• V. / s. Heatherstone PREDESTINE-RED NEXT DAMS
2.05 365d 11.136kgM 4.7% 519F 3.4% 377P 3.09 306d 10.882kgM 4.4% 475F 3.3% 360P 4.10 293d 12.628kgM 4.4% 558F 3.0% 382P 6.04 260d 14.791kgM 4.3% 646F 3.2% 474P • Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo ‘14 & ‘15 • Res. All-American 5yr. Old 2016 • Unanimous All-American R&W 4yr. Old ‘15 • Unanimous All-Americana R&W Sr. 3yr. Old ‘14 • Grand Champion MN State Holstein Show ‘13 • 6x All-American Nominee
Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA 3E Conf. EX-95-USA 3E 2.04 365d 12.174kgM 4.1% 497F 3.3% 406P 4.01 365d 13.531kgM 4.3% 586F 3.3% 450P 5.04 316d 12.301kgM 3.9% 475F 3.3% 407P 6.06 365d 16.393kgM 4.1% 668F 3.3% 542P 8.07 365d 16.406kgM 4.3% 701F 3.0% 491P • 9x All-American Nominee • Grand Champion MN State Fair R&W Show ‘16 • Sr. Champion Mid-West Fall/ Nat’l ‘15 • Grand Champion, Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘14 • Supreme Champion, MN State Fair 2011 • Int. & HM. Grand Champion MN State Show ‘09 • All-American R&W Winter Calf 2007
EX-92-USA Res. Intermediate
R&W World Dairy Expo ‘22
Sister. Milksource Tantrum-Red
M. Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red
Tabea VG-85-DE 2yr. DE 0770959830 Geb. Datum. 30.04.2020 Kalb. Datum. 28.08.2022
European Livestock Service & Crystalclear Holsteins UK - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-85-MS 2yr. Bel. / Ins. 20.07.2023 FEMALE NH Azzopardi Sir SILKY-RED | TU+ / PREGNANT
2. M. Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA
2E 328. Milksource RZN

329. 2 Female Embryos

Consignor Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email.

Combination FEMALE Blondin TOWER-RED x Wilcor Attraction O’Kina-Red VG-86-NL 2yr.

Method IVF - Grade A - Direct Transfer Location The Netherlands

Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA

3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.

7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

FEMALE Blondin TOWER-RED (Altitude-Red x Integral *RC x Regiment-Red)

Faithlove NC

Wilcor Attraction O’Kina-Red VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info US 8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

349P (proj.)

• Gleiche Familie von: / Same family as:

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

GS Alliance Lotus O’Kiki EX-91-CH La3.

- 1st Place & Res. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo ‘16

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

- 1st place Swiss Expo ‘17

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed

GS Alliance Knowledge O’Katanga EX-94-CH

- 1st place Swiss Expo ‘19

Pine-Tree AltaOAK


Wilcor Awesome O’Kamera *RC EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-MS


Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol

• 2nd place Jr. 3yr. Old German Dairy Show ‘19

• Schwester zu: / sister to:

Panda Autumn O’Kalibra Red EX-92-UK

- Res. Champion All-Britain Heifer in milk ‘19

- 1st place Heifer in Milk UK Dairy Expo ‘19

- Grand Champion Three Counties Show ‘19

Wilcor Goldwyn O’Kadabra VG-89-NL EX-92-MS 4yr.

- 1st, Best Udder and H.M. 2yr. old National HHH-Show ‘16

- Sold for 35.000 EUR at the Schau der Besten ‘15

Panda Lucky O’Kalibra VG-85-UK 2yr.

- Sold for 18.000 gns at the Black & White Sale ‘16


Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED

Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE

• Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: GS Alliance Knowledge O’Katanga *RC EX-94-CH - 1st Production Cow class Swiss Expo 2019


4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.

Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM

4e Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra *RC EX-97-CH

4e Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH 2E

5e O Kitten RC VG-89-CH

6e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN

7e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr.

8e Cloverlands Skylar Cherry Red VG-87-CAN DOM 12*

ROTE WEIBLICHE Embryonen x O'Kalibra EX-97-CH A Red & White O’Kalibra EX-97-CH!

• Ihre Chance auf einen roten Nachkommen aus der fantastischen O'Kalibra Familie mit diesen Blondin Tower-Red Embryonen x Wilcor Attraction O’Kina-Red VG-86-NL 2yr.

• 2. Mutter ist die Schwester zu Panda Autumn O’Kalibra-Red EX-92-UK: Grand Champion Three Counties Show ‘19

• 4. Mutter ist die Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘15, ‘13 & ‘12 und Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13: O’Kalibra EX-97-CH

• Get a female Red & White O’Kalibra EX-97-CH offspring with these Blondin Tower-Red embryos from Wilcor Attraction O’Kina-Red VG-86-NL 2yr.

• 2nd dam is sister to Panda Autumn O’Kalibra-Red EX-92-UK, she was Grand Champion Three Counties Show ‘19

• 4th dam is the Grand Champion Swiss Expo ‘15, ‘13 & ‘12 and Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13: O’Kalibra EX-97-CH

VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH
for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH
Pronto Faith
Sale ‘10
Sale ‘10 for EUR
Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM
Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM
Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3%
3.0% 299P •
VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf.
12.502kgM 2.9% 356F 3.1% 389P 3/2La 305d 14.191kgM 3.0% 427F 3.0% 430P Hl3 305d 15.880kgM 3.1% 497F 3.0% 471P
La1 305d
2.10 305d 10.292kgM 3.8%
4/3La 305d 10.434kgM 4.2% 437F 3.3% 345P Hl2 305d 11.764kgM 4.1% 487F 3.3% 386P
Same family. SBro Army O’Kaboom VG-87-CH La2. Reserve Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2016 M. Wilcor Attraction O’Kina-Red VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. 4. M. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra *RC EX-97-CAN

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

330. Gloryland Parfect Locket 2.0 DE 0364926161 Geb. Datum. 03.07.2023

Consignor Heidehof Ahrens KG - Tel. +49 (0)173 6404184 - Email.

Sister to 2. M. Gloryland Liberty Rae EX-95-USA



Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe /

50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2011

• 2nd Sr. Calf Altantic Championship 2010

• 2nd Sr. Yearling Heifer Egmont Bay Expo ‘11

• Doorman Tochter verkauft für $117,000! / Doorman daughter sold for $117,000!

Braedale GOLDWYN


2.03 365d 10.365kgM 3.8% 389F 3.3% 341P

• All-Virginia Junior 2-Yr Old 2008

• Winning Jr. 2-Yr Old & H.M. Champion Virginia Summer Show




Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA

Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM

Parfect x Locket EX-94-USA!

• Parfect Tochter DIREKT aus der überragenden Zuchtkuh

Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA, sie hat bereits 10x EXZELENNTE und 31 VG eingstufte Töchter in den USA.

• 8 Generationen EXZELLENTER Roxy’s im Pedigree!

• Parfect daughter straight from the successful breeding cow

Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA, she has 10x excellent and 31x VG daughters in the United States!

• 8 generations EXCELLENT and Very Good Roxy’s!

DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
5e Ralma
6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV VG-89-USA
NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.
Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA
• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P •
Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Gillette WINDBROOK
Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr.
2-02 2x 365d 9,403kgM 3.6% 335F 3.6% 337P 4-00 2x 365d 11,421kgM 3.3% 379F 3.2% 361P 5-06 2x 365d 13,159kgM 4.0% 526F 3.2% 425P 7-05 2x 365d 12,510kgM 3.6% 447F 3.1% 390P
7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM
Lana Rae EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA
7e Mil-R-Mor
GMD DOM 8e C Glenridge
• Mutter von 23 EXZELLENTEN Töchter, alle EX im Euter! / She has 23 Excellent dtrs, all with EX-MS
HI Global Cow of the Year Nominee
Scientific Liza Rae EX-90-USA
Roxette EX-90-USA
Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E
1.11 365d 11.345kgM 4.9% 554F 3.6% 408P 3.07 365d 16.620kgM 4.3% 717F 3.4% 562P 4.11 365d 16.924kgM 5.5% 841F 3.4% 573P 6.06 305d 14.574kgM 4.4% 640F 3.6% 526P
Siemers Rengd PARFECT (Renegade x Delta-Lambda x Denver)
Goldwyn Locket EX-94-USA 2E Conf. EX-94-USA 2E
Gloryland Lakota Rae VG-88-USA EX-MS 3yr. Conf. VG-88-USA EX-90-MS 3yr.
Maternal sister. Walkerbrae Doorman Locket EX-95-USA 3. M. Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA Parfect x Locket EX-94-USA!

331. WIT Zodi Janika


• Tolle Zodi Tochter direkt aus der überragenden Grand Champion

Kuh der German Dairy Schau 2023 in Alsfeld!

• Großmutter Jara war Grand Champion RUW Show & Reserve

Grand Thuringa Jersey Open ‘14: WIT JARA EX-94-DE EX-95-MS

• Diese Familie steht für Schausiege auf allen großen

Jerseyschauen & fantastische Leistungen!


• Fantastic Zodi straight from the reigning Grand Champion Jersey from the German Dairy Show 2023 in Alsfeld!

• Grand dam Jara was Grand Champion RUW Show and Res. Grand Thuringa Jersey Open ‘14: WIT JARA EX-94-DE EX-95-MS

• This family is dominating the German Jersey show rings and is also famous for there exepetional production records!

Bridon JAMAICA DE 0579341917 Conf. NC 3/2La 305d 5.577kgM 5.6% 314F 4.2% 236P HL2 305d 6.019kgM 5.6% 338F 4.1% 248P • V. / s. Molly Brook Berretta FUTURE Sexing Chrome ZODI (Chrome x Bancroft x Pharoah) WIT Jambalaya EX-92-DE EX-93-MS Conf. EX-92-DE EX-93-MS 3/3La 305d 8.879kgM 4.93%F 3.86%P HL3 305d 10.199kgM 4.84%F 3.89%P • Grand Champion Jersey German Dairy Show 2023
Grand Champion Jersey RUW Show 2021 • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: WIT Jannika EX-92-DE - 4th place German Dairy Show 2019 Guimo JOEL WIT Jara EX-94-DE Conf. EX-94-DE EX-95-MS 5/5La 305d 6.480kgM 5.5% 358F 4.1% 263P HL5 305d 8.286kgM 5.9% 485F 4.1% 338P • SUPREME Champion RUW Show 2015 • Grand Champion Jersey RUW Show 2015 • Res. Grand Champion Thuringia Jersey Open 2014 • Res. Grand Champion Jersey RUW Show 2013
2. M. WIT Jara EX-94-DE EX-95-MS
M. WIT Jambalaya
EX-92-DE EX-93-MS - Grand Champion Jersey German Dairy Show
M. WIT Jambalaya EX-92-DE EX-93-MS DE 0542287487 Geb. Datum. 10.10.2022 Consignor Wiethege Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)178 4222841 - Email.

332. NH Lambda Maria DE 0771273239 Geb. Datum. 26.09.2022

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA

333. NH Lambda Miry DE 0771390555 Geb. Datum. 12.08.2023

Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)171 4368388 - Email. Vater / Sire Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA

Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (Delta x Numero Uno x Snowman)

NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr.


• Über 4 Jahre #1 RZG Rind & Kuh in Deutschland / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany

• Unglaubliche Leistungsfärse mit4.1% EIWEIß!! / Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!

• >13 Söhne auf Station / >13 sons in AI

• Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 für EUR 84.000 / Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000

• Mutter zu NH Sunview Mitch, vormalig #1 töchtergeprüfter Bulle in den Niederlanden / Dam to NH Sunview Mitch, former #1 daughter proven Bull in the Netherlands

• Verkauft für: / Sold for: EUR 20.500

• Mutter von HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, ehemaliges #1 RZG Rind der Rasse, verkauft für 70.000€ und >4% EIWEIß! /Dam to HS-NH Mercedes VG-NL

VG-89-MS, former #1 RZG Heifer in the breed, sold for EUR 70.000 and >4% PROTEIN

• >1000 kg Kombiniert Fett & Eiweiß / >1000 kg combined Fat + Protein


Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS

• Halbschwester von Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, verkauft für 58.000 EUR und hat mehrerre Söhne auf Station: / Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 14 VG-87-NL, sold for 58.000 EUR and has multiple sons in AI


5e Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr.

Die letzten DIREKTEN Töchter aus MARILYN MONROE The last DIRECT daughters from MARILYN MONROE

• Die 2 letzten DIREKTEN Töchter bei Nosbisch aus der LEGENDE: Marilyn Monroe

• Lambda x Marilyn Monroe könnte die perfekte Anpaarung sein!

• Nationalschaukuh, Leistungsrekordhalterin, Mutter von 15 Bullen auf Station, Mutter eines #1 Bullen, diese Kuh hat alle Träume erfüllt!

• The 2 last DIRECT daughters @Nosbisch from the LEGEND: Marilyn Monroe

• Lambda x Marilyn Monroe, this could be the perfect Match!

• National showcow, Production recordcow, dam to 15 bulls in AI, dam to a #1 daughter proven bull, Marilyn Monroes did all a breeder can ask for!

3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F
305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P
La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P 2/2La 305d 11.034kgM 5.8% 634F 4.3% 469P
VG-88-DE La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.9% 534F 3.8% 421P HL2 305d 14.306kgM 4.3% 611F 3.7% 531P 3/2La 305d 12.645kgM 4.5% 573F 3.8% 476P
De-Su 11236 BALISTO
Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE Conf.
5. M. Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK M. NH Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. 2. M. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88-DE



Durchführung der Auktion: Nosbisch Holsteins, Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes Leitung: Nici Nosbisch, Gerd Grebener, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Jan de Vries / Veterinäraufsicht: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg. Auszug aus den Auktionsbestimmungen. Die vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im Auktionbüro zur Einsicht aus.

1. Die RUW verkauft die ausgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission.

2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer unterwirft sich diesen Auktionsbestimmungen.

3. Zugelassen zur Auktion sind nur Tiere aus amtlich tbc- und bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere kommen aus dem BHV1 freien Bestand Nosbisch.

4. Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen Tiere sind durch Ohrstanze und / oder Blutprobe negativ auf MD/ BVD untersucht.

5. Alle Tiere in der Auktion die über 24 Monate alt sind, sind wenn nicht anders angegeben innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate negativ auf Para TBC untersucht.

6. Bekannte wertmindernde Mängel werden vom Auktionator angesagt oder stehem im Update.

7. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werden angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbern mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer un-gleichgeschlechtlichen Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch Blutgruppenbestimmung nachweisbar) und keine Zwitter sind.

8. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht für fehlerhafte Angaben im Katalog verantwortlich gemacht werden.

9. Der Verkäufer leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt.

10. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direkt 25% vom Zuschlagpreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. Vor der Übernahmen sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle, dass die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück.

11. Bei Doppelgebot und Streitigkeiten entscheidet die Auktionsleitung.

12. Von Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 10,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. + Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr entsteht unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für eigene Rechnung (Eigengeschäft) oder für fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) tätig wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro zu erfolgen.

13. Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn der Schaden nicht durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt ist.

14. Auktionsversicherung: Die Tiere sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 EUR, Höherversicherung möglich. Für nicht verkaufte Tiere gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittpreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für Exporttiere an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staten.

Transportversicherung (100%): Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung von Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall.

Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Bei amtstierärtzlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt freien bzw. unverdächtigen Bestand. Gewährfrist ein Monat bei Tbc und Brucellose, drei Monate bei Leukose.

Para-TB und Neosporaversicherung: Es besteht die Möglichkeit, am Auktionstag eine Versicherung auf Salmonellose (1,00%) abzuschließen. Die Untersuchung muss von Kotproben durch bakteriologische Untersuchungsverfahren festgestellt werden. Bei Versicherungsverzicht trägt der Käufer das volle Riskio!

BHV1-Versicherung: Während des Antransports zur Auktion, bei der Autkion und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach derzeit gültiger BVO erfüllen. Wird gegen diese Obliegenheit verstoßen, ist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) im Käuferstall innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis ergibt. Die Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach dem Eingang der Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung durchführen zu lassen. Ergibt sich hierbei ein anderes Ergebnis, so ist die durch einen Amtstierartz gezogene Probe maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten und Folgeschäden werden nicht erstattet. Bei allen Versicherungsschadensfällen werden Verwertungslöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierartzkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung.

15. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz.

16. Incl. ETN ist im Pedigree notiert, wenn ein Auktionstier einen Klon im Pedigree hat.

Sale Conditions

Sale organisation: Nosbisch Holsteins, Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes Management: Nici Nosbisch, Gerd Grebener, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Jan de Vries / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg

Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of the sale can be inspected in the sale office.

1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its own behalf or on commission.

2. Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions.

3. All animals are from officially acknowledged tuberculosis-, leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn are coming from the IBR free Herd of Nosbisch Holsteins.

4. All animals are tested negative on MD/ BVD by a skin biopsy tissue or / and by blood test.

5. All animals in the sale which are older then 24 months are if not mentioned diffrent, tested negative within the last 12 months on Para TBC.

6. All known value-reducing defects of an animal are announced by the auctioneer or will be mentioned in the sale update.

7. Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, the seller is liable to a term of 2 years after the sale, that the female calves do not come from an opposite-sex twin pregnancy (by blood test detectable) and are no hermaphrodites.

8. The sale organisation can not be held responsible for any mistakes made in the catalogue.

9. The seller guarantees for a period of six weeks that all catalogue information is correct. The assurance of parental descent by blood group determination in ET-offspring occurred.

10. Buyer of first choice calves directly have to pay 25% of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three monts after the laast cow-calf is born, the selections has to be made. Prior to the acquisition the remaining 75% of the pruchase have to be paid. If the guarantee can not be fulfilled, the complete first payment will be paid back.

11. In the case of double bids and disputes the auction management will make a binding descision.

12. Price to be paid by the buyer: Auction price + 10,0% auction fee + tax + insurance premium (plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be charged regard-less whether RUW trades on own account (own business) or for commission business. Payment has to be made directly after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check.

13. The seller is responsible for justified complaints, if the damage is not covered by insurance.

14. Sale insurance: Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damges listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is 10.000 EUR, higher insuraance is possible. The insurance value for unsold animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will be at the end of the border for exported animals, except into the Benelux-countries.

Transport insurance (100%): In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrival in the German buyer’s stable.

Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): In case of official veterinary proven postive reaction (skin allery test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is one month for tuberculosis and brucellosis, 3 months for leucosis.

Johnes / Paratuberkulose and Neospora-insurance: The buyer has the option to put on sale day right after his purchase an insurance for Johnes / Paratu-berkulose (1.19%) and Neospora (4.76%) on his purchase. If the buyer does decide to not take the possibility to insure his purchase all risk is on his side.

Salmonellose: There is the possibility to insure your purchase for Salmonella on the auction day for 1%. If the buyer does decide to not take the possibility to insure his purchase all risk is on his side.

IBR / BHV1-insurance: During the transport to the place of sale, during the sale and during the transport to the buyer’s barn, animals may only get into contact with animals, which meet the requirements of a BHV1-free cattle according to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The insurance company is entitled within 14 days after receipt of the complaint to have made a follow-up analysis. If the result is different, the result of the sample, take by the official veterinarian, is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurances claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance.

15. Behaviour in case of damges: The buyer is obliged to contact Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 (0)6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness an accidents during the transport or during the stay on the auction place.

16. Incl. ETN will be mentioned on the page of lots which include a clone in the pedigree

REGISTER Nosbisch Holsteins Herdenverkauf

Abgekalbte Kühe / Fresh cows 3,5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 53, 55, 57, 59, 63, 65, 66, 68, 72, 76, 78, 80, 81, 84, 90, 93, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 142, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 171, 172, 175, 176, 181, 183, 184, 185, 189, 190, 192, 197, 206, 207, 208, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 224, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 234, 237, 322, 326, 328 Tragende Rinder / Pregnant heifers 1, 11, 28, 49, 61, 64, 87, 95, 102, 109, 113, 114, 115, 123, 126, 137, 143, 165, 179, 193, 222, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 280, 288, 311, 324 Jungrinder / Youngstock 4, 6, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 36, 38, 40, 45, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 67, 69, 73, 74, 77, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 106, 107, 111, 112, 118, 121, 125, 128, 129, 133, 134, 144, 146, 148, 152, 153, 154, 160, 173, 174, 177, 180, 182, 186, 187, 188, 191, 194, 195, 196, 200, 209, 211, 213, 219, 221, 223, 225, 226, 231, 233, 244, 254, 255, 265, 266, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 303, 304, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 325, 327, 332, 333 Embryonen / Embryos 54, 70, 71, 79, 166, 178, 259, 260, 261, 269, 270, 271, 277, 278, 279, 323
Arnold, Philippe & Gaby 139 Benkstein, Dirk 104 Bentele, Thomas 23, 307 Büscherhoff, Erik 100, 163 Colonia Cows 22, 268, 282 Diamond Genetics 273, 274, 300, 301 Diamond Genetics & Fam. Scholten 75 Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins 310, 329 Diamond Genetics Wagyu 169, 170 Ekkel Holsteins 198 Future Genetic 306 Geisel, Jochen 140, 276 HAH, Bernd Deuerling & Nessetal 201 Heidehof Ahrens KG 2, 24, 99, 167, 202, 204, 205, 256, 257, 284, 287, 298, 299, 319, 320, 321, 330 Kumlehn, Gerrit 162 La Brasserie Holstein 308 Lohmann, Bernd 264 Meutes, Peter 51 Neppelenbroek, Robert 50 Nessetalmilch GmbH & Bernd Deuerling 281 Nessetalmilch GmbH, NOEL & HAH 97 Nöhl, Johannes 141, 263 Quality Holsteins, Züchtergemeintschaft Görsbach, Gerbothe 309 Rhodemann & Wallrichs 164 Scholten, Fam. 203, 302 Schreck, Steffen & Maike 305 Schwartz, Daniel 262 Southland Holsteins 275 Steinebach, Paul 267 Thönes, Rainer & A. Kuppel 272 van der Horst, Wout 98, 258, 285 Viering, Florian 199 vom Stein, Dirk 283 Weide, Sebastian 296, 297 Wiethege Holsteins 168, 331 Züchtersyndicat Listrup 286

German Masters Sale 2023

the PLACE to be




Bullseye Genetics GmbH

Colonia Cows



Diamond Genetics

Elektro Leisen, Irrel


European Livestock Service GmbH & Co. KG

GPH - Gaby & Philippe Arnold Holsteins, Luxemburg

Harald Frenken Livestock & Genetics

Heidehof Ahrens

Lacher's Getränkewelt

Nessetalmilch GmbH

NN Auctioneering

Nosbisch Holsteins

Spedition Dirk Mühlen

Steffen & Maike Schreck GbR

STG Germany

Wout van der Horst

Wüstenrot, Jörg Malburg

Züchtervereinigung Eifel

La Brasserie Alice *RC | SHE SELLS!! 2. M. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM M. MS Apple Andorra *RC EX-91-USA
BULLEN • BETRIEBSREPORTAGE • KUHFAMILIE • MANAGEMENT Ein Jahresabo umfasst: 12x Holstein International + 5x KuhFacto + 1x Dairy Breeds International + 1x Brown Swiss International 12x pro Jahr 5x pro Jahr Das Monatsmagazin für den modernen Holsteinzüchter PRINT + DIGITAL SCANNEN UND ABONNIEREN Abonnieren Sie jetzt 10 € pro Monat

It always has to Start somewhere..

1975 1st use of B&W holstein bulls on a former R&W herd of 15 Cows

1979 1st time participating on a show and & public auction

1981 1st Embryo transfer done in our state by Nosbisch Holsteins

1988 NH Enzo Red, #1 RED Bull in Germany breed by Nosbisch Holsteins

1995 Import of Finabel EX-92 & Geranium EX-94 from France by Nosbisch & Kirch Syndicat

1996 Finabel, Sr & Grand Champion RUW Schau ´96 & foundation Cow of the F-Family

1995 Geranium EX-94, 1st Senior Cow DHV Schau´98 & Grand BZT Schau´02, >105.000kg LL with great progeny @ Kirch & Nosbisch

2001 End of the Nosbisch & Kirch Syndicat, continued under Nosbisch Holsteins

2006 NH Fidji EX-90 (Esentation x Finabel EX-92) nominated World Cow of the Year ´06, dam of 8 postive proven bulls such as Jurus!

2008 NH Marmax Valencia VG-89 3yr, 1st & Res Champion RUW Färsenschau´08, 1st RUW Schau´09, #1 RED RZG Cow in Germany 2009, Family of Kanzler@RSH

2010 Nobisch Holsteins Dirspersal with >80 Lots sold for Ø 4832€ to 11 countries.

2011 Restart of the Nosbisch Holsteins breeding program with NH Lawn Boy India EX-90 as one of the most influential brood cows.

2011 NH Lawn Boy India EX-90: - Granddam of Gero P RC @Masterrind, on of the highest proven bulls in Germany on 12/18. - G.dam of NH Indiansummer Red, former #1 Red Polled Heifer in the World &sold for 39.000€. - The Cow behind COL NH Indy Red RZG 156 12/18, former #1 Red Heifer in the World & owned together with Genesland & Hokovit,CH!

2013 NH Massey Queengirl sold for 67.000€ on the JK Eder Summersale, her son sold later 92.000 € for the new owners

2013 NH Roumare Belle EX-92: Senior Champion RUW Schau 2013

2014 1st German Master Sale, organized with Eurogenes and RUW, 82 Lots Ø 7377€, to 12 different countries. Topseller: NH HS Marily Monore @84.000€ to the new partnership of Nosbisch & Sunview, CDN

2014 NH HS Mercedes tested as 1st heifer in the World 170 RZG & sold afterwards @ Vekis Spring Sale for 70.000 €

2015 2nd German Masters Sale, 98 heifers sold for Ø 8336€ to 10 diffrent countires

2016 MR Puma RZG 173, the First bull in the World to be over 170 RZG, and the #1 RZG bull 01/16

2016 3rd German Masters Sale, 136 Lots Ø 5371€ to 14 diffrent countries.

2016 Crossfell Rubicon Milla, sold as an Embryo from Nosbisch Holsteins to Crossfell, #1 GTPI Heifer in Europe and sold for 75.000€

2017 Aristocrat, owned with the Ashley Syndicat, sold for 620.000$ at a new World Record at the World Classic Sale in Madison

2017 NH Sunview Fantastic (Flattop x NH HS Marilyn Monroe) #1 PLI Bull @Cogent UK!

2017 Destry Zarina EX-92 (Nosbisch & Rübru),.1st DHV Schau´17, 1st & Sr Champion R&W RUW Schau´17, 1st, Senior & Grand BZT Schau´17 & Res. All German´17

2017 4th German Masters Sale, 157 lots Ø 4728€ to 15 diffrent countries.

2018 LOH-TJ Allesja VG-86 2yr, owned with Lohmöller, T. Melbaum & Blaise, 1st & Junior Champion Schau der Besten´18.

2018 NH Solito Red, #1 overall Type Bull in the UK

2018 1 x All-German & 2 x Res. All-German for Nosbisch Holsteins

2018 Marilyn Monore VG-86 #1 RZG since 4.5 years,>15 sons in AI,numerous high ranking females.

2018 5th German Masters Sale, 145 lots Ø 6458€ to 14 diffrent countries

2019 NH DG Arvis Silky VG-89-3yr. - 1st. & Res Junior Champion R&W National Show & Res. All-German Loh Tj Allesja VG-89-DE 3yr. - Grand Champion German National Show, Schau der Besten & All-German 1st & Res. 2yr. Old Champion RUW Show & 1st & Senior Champion RUW Show B&W & 1st & Res. Int. Champion R&W RUW Show

Fantastic GMS, €5.525 averrage & >95% clearance

2020 NH HS Marilny Monore achieved 2nd Place as Germany´s Cow of the Year

German Masters Sale as Online Tag Sale+ with great success & €5.563 Ø >98% clearance

2021 1st NH Winter Fun Sale - Big success with €4.627 Ø Price & 95% clearance

NH Sunview Mitch, #1 Daughter Priven NVI Bull in NL

NH Chief Malente VG-89-DE 3yr., 2-Yr Old Champion RUW Show´21

German Masters Sale again Live and super successful with € 5.365 Ø & >98% clearance

2022 NH Solito Red, #1 Daughter Proven RZE Bull in Germany

DG NH Atlantis (Crushabull x Ashley) - Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022

NH Evolution Skyliner Red - #1 R&W RZG Bull in the World!

WWW.AI-TOTAL.COM GTPI +2899 PTAT +2.66 GLPI +3805 Conf. +11 +1427M +0.08%F +0.03%P // UDC +2.57 FLC +1.51 Positive Mastitis Index & Fertility Index +1599M +0.33%F +0.16%P // MS +8 F&L +11 103 Feed Efficiency 106 Herd Life 105 Milking Speed 1 out of only 2 bulls in the breed >3800 GLPI & >11 Conf. free of Ranger blood One of the highest overall GTPI bulls in the breed >1400M, >2.66 PTAT & >2.57 UDC The #1 GTPI *RC bull in the breed >2.66 PTAT & >1400 Milk DG ALVIN *RC is available with the AI Total ERS contract Contact AI Total or your AI Total distributor for more information 08/23 08/23 The new star for the B&W and R&W breed! © Jane Steele Grand Dam: DG OH Agriorio Red 3. Dam: OH DG Rubellia VG-86-NL 2yr. Foundation dam: Rainyridge Tony Beauty The oldest World Dairy Expo Champion ever! LAMBEAU x MITCHELL x ARGO x RUBICON The Rainyridge Tony Beauty’s! Reliable & Easy To Use sire stack! A2A2 BB ALVIN *RC
Unser Mischwagenfahrer hat keinen Urlaubstag! Wir beraten Dich gerne zum Lely Vector. LC Köln GmbH Tel.: 02203 988 410

1 out of only 6 bulls in the breed combining >3.5 PTAT and >15 CONFORMATION

1 out of only 3 bulls in the breed with >11 UDDERS which are +9 or higher on the the other type traits (F&L +12 / DS +9 / R +9 / CONF. +15)

PTAT +3.53 +15 Conformation RZE +148





Genetic Evaluation Summary

Genetic Evaluation Summary

Genetic Evaluation Summary

15:25 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Reverse Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Shallow Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Soft Median Suspensory 4 Weak Strong Fore Attachment 10 Weak Strong Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Close Rear Attachment Height 7 Low High Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Wide Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Close Teat Length 0 Short Long Foot Angle 9 Low Steep Heel Depth 10 Shallow Deep Bone Quality 8 Coarse Flat Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Curved Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Straight Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Straight Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Mobile Stature 10 T Short Tall Height at Front End 6 Low High Chest Width 7 Narrow Wide Body Depth 7 Shallow Deep Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Strong Rump Angle 1 L High Low Pin Width 15 Narrow Wide Thurl Placement 3 A Back Ahead FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed Average (SD) Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Efficient Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 15:25 Daughters: SCORECARD %RK -10 0 10 Conformation Mammary System Udder Depth 7 Soft Weak Strong Rear 7 High Rear Teat Placement 6 C Long Foot Angle Low Steep Bone Quality Coarse Flat Straight Rear Legs Rear View 11 Straight Straight Locomotion 4 T Height at Front End Low Body Depth Shallow Non-Angular Strong 1 L Thurl Placement A Rating Difference from Breed Average 98 GPA 42% Efficient High Herd Life 104 GPA 78% 100 Resistant Metabolic Disease Resistant Herds: Daughters: Reliability: SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Conformation 15 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 7 S Shallow Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Teat Placement Attachment Height Low Rear Wide Close Long Steep Heel Depth 10 Coarse Rear Legs Rear Hocked-in Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Mobile Stature 10 T High Chest Width 7 Deep High Low Thurl Placement 3 A Rating Difference from Breed (SD) Feed Efficiency Poor Efficient 78% Short Susceptible Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% 100 Resistant 15:25 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Reverse Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Shallow Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Soft Median Suspensory 4 Weak Strong Fore Attachment 10 Weak Strong Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Close Rear Attachment Height 7 Low High Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Wide Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Close Teat Length 0 Short Long Foot Angle 9 Low Steep Heel Depth 10 Shallow Deep Bone Quality 8 Coarse Flat Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Curved Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Straight Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Straight Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Mobile Stature 10 T Short Tall Height at Front End 6 Low High Chest Width 7 Narrow Wide Body Depth 7 Shallow Deep Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Strong Rump Angle 1 L High Low Pin Width 15 Narrow Wide Thurl Placement 3 A Back Ahead FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed Average (SD) Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Efficient Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 515HO00484 DG BLACKBURN Dam: Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. La1 305d 11.196kgM 4.3%F 3.4%P 3. Dam: Col DG Brylin VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.381kgM 4.2%F 3.6%P Foundation dam: Regancrest- PR Barbie EX-92-USA Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary
BLACKBURN SEP-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% JAN-20 10.30% 19% AUG-17 13.01% 20% LIFETIME PERFORMANCE INDEX GPA LPI 3296 75 PRODUCTION 1287 Rel DURABILITY 1477 TH & FERTILITY 552 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Weak Fore Attachment 10 Weak Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Rear Attachment Height 7 Low Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Teat Length 0 Short Foot Angle 9 Low Heel Depth 10 Shallow Bone Quality 8 Coarse Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Short Height at Front End 6 Low Chest Width 7 Narrow Body Depth 7 Shallow Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Rump Angle 1 L High Pin Width 15 Narrow Thurl Placement 3 A Back FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary BLACKBURN JUN-19 11.23% 19% PRODUCTION 1287 Rel Daughters: SCORECARD %RK -10 0 Conformation Mammary System Udder Depth 7 Weak Rear 7 Rear Teat Placement 6 C Foot Angle Low Bone Quality Coarse Rear Legs Rear View 11 Locomotion 4 T Height at Front End Low Body Depth Shallow Non-Angular 1 L Thurl Placement A Rating Difference from Breed A 98 GPA 42% High Herd Life 104 GPA 78% 100 Resistant Metabolic Disease Resistant Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary SEP-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% AUG-17 13.01% 20% PRODUCTION 1287 Rel TH & FERTILITY 552 Herds: Daughters: Reliability: SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 Conformation 15 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 7 S Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Teat Placement Attachment Height Low Rear Wide Heel Depth 10 Coarse Rear Legs Rear Hocked-in Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Chest Width 7 High Thurl Placement 3 A Rating Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency Poor 78% Short Susceptible Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% 100 Resistant Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary
BLACKBURN SEP-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% JAN-20 10.30% 19% AUG-17 13.01% 20% LIFETIME PERFORMANCE INDEX GPA LPI 3296 75 PRODUCTION 1287 Rel DURABILITY 1477 TH & FERTILITY 552 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Weak Fore Attachment 10 Weak Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Rear Attachment Height 7 Low Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Teat Length 0 Short Foot Angle 9 Low Heel Depth 10 Shallow Bone Quality 8 Coarse Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Short Height at Front End 6 Low Chest Width 7 Narrow Body Depth 7 Shallow Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Rump Angle 1 L High Pin Width 15 Narrow Thurl Placement 3 A Back FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary
BLACKBURN P-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% AN-20 10.30% 19% UG-17 13.01% 20% LIFETIME PERFORMANCE INDEX GPA LPI 3296 75 PRODUCTION 1287 Rel DURABILITY 1477 TH & FERTILITY 552 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Weak Fore Attachment 10 Weak Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Rear Attachment Height 7 Low Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Teat Length 0 Short Foot Angle 9 Low Heel Depth 10 Shallow Bone Quality 8 Coarse Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Short Height at Front End 6 Low Chest Width 7 Narrow Body Depth 7 Shallow Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Rump Angle 1 L High Pin Width 15 Narrow Thurl Placement 3 A Back FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary BLACKBURN JUN-19 11.23% 19% PRODUCTION 1287 Rel Daughters: SCORECARD %RK -10 0 Conformation Mammary System Udder Depth 7 Weak Rear 7 Rear Teat Placement 6 C Foot Angle Low Bone Quality Coarse Rear Legs Rear View 11 Locomotion 4 T Height at Front End Low Body Depth Shallow Non-Angular 1 L Thurl Placement A Rating Difference from Breed A 98 GPA 42% High Herd Life 104 GPA 78% 100 Resistant Metabolic Disease Resistant Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary P-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% UG-17 13.01% 20% PRODUCTION 1287 Rel TH & FERTILITY 552 Herds: Daughters: Reliability: SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 Conformation 15 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 7 S Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Teat Placement Attachment Height Low Rear Wide Heel Depth 10 Coarse Rear Legs Rear Hocked-in Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Chest Width 7 High Thurl Placement 3 A Rating Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency Poor 78% Short Susceptible Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% 100 Resistant Canadian Dairy Network - Genetic Evaluation Summary
BLACKBURN P-22 12 38%INB 19%R JUN-19 11.23% 19% AN-20 10.30% 19% UG-17 13.01% 20% LIFETIME PERFORMANCE INDEX GPA LPI 3296 75 PRODUCTION 1287 Rel DURABILITY 1477 TH & FERTILITY 552 CONFORMATION GPA 23*AUG Herds: Daughters: Reliability: 75% SCORECARD Rating %RK -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Conformation 15 99% Mammary System 11 99% Feet & Legs 12 99% Dairy Strength 9 96% Rump 9 97% DESCRIPTIVEUdder Floor 3 R Tilt Udder Depth 7 S Deep Udder Texture 10 Fleshy Median Suspensory 4 Weak Fore Attachment 10 Weak Front Teat Placement 8 C Wide Rear Attachment Height 7 Low Rear Attachment Width 12 Narrow Rear Teat Placement 6 C Wide Teat Length 0 Short Foot Angle 9 Low Heel Depth 10 Shallow Bone Quality 8 Coarse Rear Legs Side View 4 S Straight Rear Legs Rear View 11 Hocked-in Front Leg View 6 S Knock kneed Locomotion 4 Non-mobile Stature 10 T Short Height at Front End 6 Low Chest Width 7 Narrow Body Depth 7 Shallow Rib Structure 7 Non-Angular Loin Strength 3 Weak Rump Angle 1 L High Pin Width 15 Narrow Thurl Placement 3 A Back FUNCTIONAL Rating Rel Difference from Breed A Feed Efficiency 98 GPA 42% Poor Body Maintenance Requirements 92 GPA 67% High Low 100 Herd Life 104 GPA 78% Short Long 100 Mastitis Resistance 103 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100 Metabolic Disease 101 GPA 64% Susceptible Resistant 100 Hoof Health 104 GPA 61% Susceptible Resistant 100
Dam: Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. BALANCED OPTIMUM TRAITS HUGE QUALITIES WWW.AI-TOTAL.COM PRODUCTION (US) +516 Milk -0.04%F +0.05%P FERTILITY (US) +0.2 Fertility Index // (CAN) 104 Daughter Fertility UDDER HEALTH (US) 2.83 SCS +2.0 Mastitis Index // (CAN) 103 MR PEDIGREE DAVINCI x VG-86 VG-87-MS 2yr. HANIKO x VG-86-DE VG-89-MS 2yr x UNDENIED x VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. CRUSH x VG-87-USA MOGUL x EX-91-USA 4yr. x MERIDIAN x EX-91-USA 5yr. ATWOOD x EX-91-USA SHOTTLE x Regancrest-PR DURHAM Barbie EX-92-USA




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» Einem Bauwagen?

» Einem Tiny-House?

» Einem schicken Büroraum fürs Homeoffice?

» Einem Waldkindergarten?

Sie werden begeistert sein! Als bekannter Anbieter sind wir bereits lange Jahre am Markt etabliert. Wir setzen Ihre Wünsche um, egal ob es sich um einen Teilausbau oder um ein schlüsselfertiges Objekt handelt.

Jeder Bauwagen erhält durch höchste Sorgfalt und Liebe zum Detail seine eigene, ganz besondere Note. Von der Beratung über die Angebotsphase bis hin zur Ausführung, inklusive aller Umbaumaßnahmen, ist Ihr Bauwagen bei uns in besten Händen.

Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf interessante Gespräche und garantieren beste Betreuung!

» Den Transport zu Ihnen organisieren wir.

» Getreu dem Motto: Alles aus einer Hand.

» Lehnen Sie sich zurück und erwarten Sie Ihren Traum auf Rädern!

Natürlich liefern wir auch nach Luxemburg!

FA . BA UWAG EN -TINY- HOUS E  Stefan Valentin  Brunnenstraße 1 | 54636 Baustert  E-Mail:  Fon: 0049 157 86608146  BE SUCH EN SI E AU CH UN SE RE HOM EPAG E: WI R FR EUEN UN S AU F IH RE N KO NTAKT! SE RVI CE WI RD BE I UN S GR OSS GE SCH RI EB EN: UN SE RE MODE LLE GI BT ES IN ALLE N GRÖSSE N!
» Herdbuchführung » Leistungskontrolle » Zuchtberatung Ihre Genossenschaft für Tierzucht und Beratung in Luxemburg LUXEMBURG » Qualitätsprogramme » Beratung 4, zone artisanale et commerciale L-9085 Ettelbruck Tel.: +352 26 81 20-0 Fax: +352 26 81 20-612 REPRODUKTION » AI-Besamungsservice » EBB-Service » ET-Service » Spermaverkauf » Nationale und internationale Zucht-, Nutz- und Schlachtviehvermarktung von Rindern & Schweinen » Verkauf von Produkten rund um die Tierhaltung VIEHVERMARKTUNG PRODUKTVERKAUF 4, Zone artisanale & commerciale L-9085 Ettelbruck Tel.: +352 26 81 20-0 Fax: +352 26 81 20-612 email:

ONLINE AUCTIONS offer you an enormous potential for the marketing of your cows. They do not limit you to local clientele, but rather reach a wide international audience


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Neue Horizonte in der Milchviehfütterung dank


Auch der Zuchtbetrieb Nosbisch Holstein setzt seit Jahren die effizienten HOKOVITMikronährstoffe für Fitness und Leistung in der Kälber- und Kuhfütterung ein!

Hokovit Riveting POWERMAID

Herzlich willkommen
bei •
Für jede Fütterungssituation haben wir die individuell passende Produktlinie entwickelt, für beste Tiergesundheit und höchste Leistungsfähigkeit. Fragen Sie uns! BESTES FUTTER FÜR OPTIMALE MILCHLEISTUNG Entdecken Sie auch unsere neue Mineralfutterlinie Versamin 2.0 54298 Welschbillig Von-Eltz-Straße 32 T 06506 91450
Eurogenes Online EMBRYO Sales WWW.EUROGENES.COM Some examples of genetics delivered through Eurogenes / Diamond Genetics WWW.EUROGENES.COM DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH Supreme Champion Swiss Expo ‘17 & Grand Champion Expo Bulle ‘18 Sold as an embryo through Diamond Genetics Riverdane Doorman Elke EX-93-UK Grand Champion UK Dairy Expo 2022 Owned by: Riverdane Holsteins (UK) DG NH Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH 3yr. Junior Champion Expo Bulle 2022 (Swiss National Show) Owned by: Suprême Holstein (CH)
Embryo combinations in the previous and upcoming embryo sales: We’ll open up the World to your genetics! Huge GTPI source! Danhof-HH METCALF (+3111 GTPI) embryos out of Beerzedal HiPo Pfct Emelda (+2987 GTPI). Donor is full sister to the topseller of the GMS 2022: HiPo Pfct Emma - sold for 60.000 EUR! KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96 Many fantastic Apple descendants have embryos for sale!! APPLE was Res Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W Show 2013, 2013 HI Red Impact Cow of the Year, All-American R&W Aged Cow 201, HI World Champion R&W Cow 2010 & many more!! Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92 FEMALE Jax (+3.95 PTAT) embryos of the EXCELLENT Armani daughter Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM!!! The very best of the BARBIE”S!! The extraordinary Emeraude! One of the greatest brood cows of her generation, Carf Emeraude EX-91 - dam to many show winners! Swiss & European Champion FEMALE embryos selling from daughters and grand daughters of the Swiss & European Champions: Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH and Galys-Vray EX-94-CH!! 6x Grand Champion WDE!! Embryos from Snickers Blooming Snickerds EX-90-DEAll-German and grand dtr to one of the greatest of all-time: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA: Supreme Champion WDE ‘03 and 6 x Grand Champion World Dairy Expo! Eurogenes Online EMBRYO Sales Every 2 weeks through WWW.EUROGENES.COM Become an Eurogenes member! Unlimited NEWS articles Unlimited DONOR pages Unlimited marketing potential Contact us for more info:
Vorteilspaket sichern! Das neue Magazin für Züchter. Jetzt kennenlernen! Neu! Eine Ausgabe kostenlos Probe lesen ... Gratiszugabe Großes Gewinnspiel: CLAAS ARION 550 Teilnahmeschluss Gewinnspiel 15.03.2024. Die ausführlichen Teilnahmebedingungen finden Sie unter Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, Hülsebrockstraße 2 – 8, 48165 Münster, Telef on: 02 5 01 /8 01 3 04 0 E- M ail : leser ser v ice@milc hk bequem onl ine unt er w w w.milc hk /anzeige

Hoftierarzt von Nosbisch Holsteins und zuständig für die tierärztliche Betreuung der Auktionstiere

Das Team der Tierarztparxis Arnold, wünscht der Auktion einen erfolgreichen Verlauf und allen Käufern viel Glück und Gesundheit mit ihren Zukäufen!

deukalac NG 100

Protect Pellet

Für den besten Start in die Laktation!

Mit dem Plus an Energie für den aktiven Ketoseschutz

 Mit Propylenglykol zur Verbesserung der Energiebilanz

Mit dem Plus an Methionin

 Für eine verbesserte Fruchtbarkeit

Mit dem Plus an pansengeschütztem Protein

 deukalac NG UDP 33 liefert das „Mehr“ an darmverdaulichen Aminosäuren

Mit Immuno+ Komplex:

 Leberschutz durch pansengeschütztes Cholin und Methionin

Mit Immuno Care Komplex:

 Mit pansengeschütztem Vitamin A und organisch gebundenen Spurenelementen im Immuno Care Komplex

Ihre deuka-Ansprechpartner: Fiona Steimers 0163/54 70 515

Ernst Junk 0173/54 70 535 Werner Gebel 0151/11 17 91 32



für Ihre Milchkühe

→ Energieversorgung der Hochleistungskühe verbessern

→ Stabil im Pansen, im Dünndarm hochverdaulich

→ Milchleistung profitabel sichern

→ Nachhaltig – non GMO und ohne Palmfett

Wir informieren Sie gerne:

TIERARTZPRAXIS PHILIPPE ARNOLD 1A, Rue Dierwies | L-6432 Echternach Tel (+352)7203641 | Fax (+352)7203642 Tierarztpraxis PHILIPPE ARNOLD 1a, rue Dierwies, L-6432 Echternach Tel. +352 7203641 // Fax. +352 7203642
27793 Wildeshausen
10 Tel. (04431) Matthias Schmalen GELAMIN - Fachberater mobil 0170-5817661
für Tierernährung mbH
9905-0 / Fax. (04431) 9905-55
Tel- 00352 621 195 034 Email- Gerne senden wir Ihnen ein detailliertes Angebot zu. Anfragen! Stark im Kalk Superfein 0-0,5 0-1 50 CaCo3 40 MgCo3 Superfein 0-0,5 0-1 85-95 CaCo3 0 MgCo3 Vermieten von Kalkstreuer Streuen + Laden Komplett im Lohn // 6 Kalksorten 3x Dolomit +Mgo 3x Kalkstein ohne Mgo Kontakt:
Luxembourg Summer Classics 20 19 Junior Open Ettelbruck, Luxembourg International heifer show and showmanship 6. July 2024 24 SUPPORTED BY LSC Junior Open

Hohlgass 3 54636 Rittersdorf T 06561 97107 0

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 15 54595 Prüm-Dausfeld T 06551 14780

Lebacher Str. 31 66265 Heusweiler/Eiweiler T 06806 494960

RZE 144 RZE 154 Hoftrac ® 1390 – Next Generation. Vielfältige Ausstattung für Ihren Arbeitsalltag.
WM_Servatius&Ehlenz_German_Masters_210x148_1390.indd 2 30.08.2023 11:14:36




Brodenheckstr. 9,
Tel.: 06561 94775-0
Fax: -29
2. M. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM
54634 Bitburg
Raiffeisen Rhein-Ahr-Eifel Handelsgesellschaft mbH Geschäftsstelle Badem · Dudeldorfer Straße 59 · 54657 Badem Telefon: 065639676-0 · E-Mail: Agrarprodukte Futtermittel Saatgut Düngung Pfl anzenschutz Getreide individuelle Flüssig- düngermischungen RiVerGen e. V. | Ensbachstr. 17 | 89420 Höchstädt FLECKVIEH: Dein Ansprechpartner für Zuchtvieh & Besamung aus Bayern!
HOOFCOUNT DEUTSCHLAND · Holger Vismann Sassen Kamp 3 · 48477 Hörstel-Dreierwalde · Mobil: 0151 70330581 · AUTOMATISCHE KLAUENBÄDER ✓ Automatischer Wechsel von Wasser und Desinfektion nach Anzahl Kühe ✓ Tage und Melkzeiten sind einstellbar ✓ An den restlichen Tagen hält sich das Klauenbad automatisch sauber


Zucht– und Vermarktungszentrum

Jährlich 21 Auktionen mit einem Angebot von ca. 5.300 Jungkühen, sowie wöchentliche Kälbervermarktung mit mehr als 800 Kälbern aller Rassen!

2. ProRind-Eliteauktion am 16.12.2023 in Unterthingau

Kemptener Straße 46 · 87647 Unterthingau · · Tel.: +49(0)8377-92880-0 · info@p p
La Brasserie Alice *RC | SHE SELLS!! 2. M. KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA DOM M. MS Apple Andorra *RC EX-91-USA








”Walking past the Mitchell’s at the National HHH show I had to stop and ask about this bull because it’s very unusual to see a group of young heifers that were so open and deep in the rib with so high and wide rear udders. They are very balanced animals and have lots of quality”

Efficient feed conversion by dairy cattle has a direct impact on the animal’s carbon footprint MITCHELL EX-91-CAN EX-92-FL +855 Milk Daughter proven TPI bull THE OUTCROSS Tatum Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield x Iota GTPI +2802 PTAT +2.27 515HO00318 Aurora >3000 daughters with >2.2 PTAT and + DPR (+0.7 DPR) #1 MARK NUTSFORD | Riverdane Holsteins, United Kingdom WWW.AI-TOTAL.COM g g the quality of his incredible daughters Already over 3 000 daughters in his index! WIDE and CORRECT rumps Ideal set of legs Robot Udders Fantastic own conformation, classified EX-91 5yr in Canada! EXCELLENT on all traits, including EX-92 Feet & Legs CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG 2023) (# dtrs 3036 / # bedr 709) BETR 98% Mi k PTAM +855 lb Comb ned F+P CFP +113 lb Fat % PTAF% +0 13 Fat PTAF +71 lb Protein % PTAP% +0 05 Protein PTAP +42 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2 68 Net Merit NM$ +640 Produc t ve Life PL +2 7 Cheese Merit CM$ +655 L vability LIV +0 6 Fluid Merit FM$ +553 Fer tility Index FI +1 4 Grazing Merit GM$ +641 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0 7 Feed Eff ciency FE +167 Concept on Rate HCR/CCR +4 0 / +1 7 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1 9 / 2 0 Kappa Casein AB Sti Bir th SSB/DSB 6 7 / 5 7 aAa 432615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG 2023) BETR 96% GTPI +2802 PTAT +2 27 UDC +1 70 FLC +0 87 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 Stature +2 12 Shor t Tall Strength +1 19 Frail Strong Body Depth +1 89 Shallow Deep Dairy For m +2 52 Tight Rib Open Rib Rump Angle -0 07 High Pins Sloped Thurl Width +2 01 Nar row Wide Rear Legs - Side V ew +0 39 Posty Sickled Rear Legs - Rear View +0 88 Hock-in Straight Foot Ang e +1 23 Low Angle Steep Angle Feet & Legs Score +1 37 Low High Fore Udder Attachment +1 57 Loose Strong Rear Udder Height +3 05 Low High Rear Udder Width +2 88 Nar row Wide Udder Cleft +1 34 Weak Strong Udder Depth +1 22 Deep Shallow Front Teat P acement +0 37 Wide Close Rear Teat Placement +0 58 Wide Close Teat Length +0 16 Shor t Long M O LEN KAM P M ITCH ELL M ADISO N 5742 VG-87-N L 2YR - 2 01 305D 11 597KGM 4 3% F 3 4% P LW 118 M ITCH ELL DAU GH TERS @ W ILLSBRO H O LSTEIN S, U K SIRE: TATU M M ITCH ELL DA M : AU RO RA BO M BERO 15902GP-83 2-00 305D 14615KGM 3 8% 559F 3 4% 503P M G S: BO M BERO M G D : AU RO RA M AYFIELD 13965 VG -85 2-11 3X 336D 16043KGM 4 1% 665F 3 3% 527P M G G S: M AYFIELD M G G D : AU RO RA IOTA 11727 VG -88 3-01 3X 302D 13635KGM 4 0% 543F 3 3% 453P g g the quality of his incredible daughters Already over 3 000 daughters in his index! WIDE and CORRECT rumps Ideal set of legs Robot Udders Fantastic own conformation, classified EX-91 5yr in Canada! EXCELLENT on all traits, including EX-92 Feet & Legs NETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG 2023) (# dtrs 3036 / # bedr 709) BETR 98% M +855 b Combined F+P CFP +113 lb F% +0 13 Fat PTAF +71 lb PTAP% +0 05 Protein PTAP +42 b ell Score SCS 68 Net Merit NM$ +640 e Life PL +2 7 Cheese Merit CM$ +655 LIV +0 6 Fluid Merit FM$ +553 dex FI +1 4 Grazing Merit GM$ +641 y Rate DPR +0 7 Feed Efficiency FE +167 n Rate HCR/CCR +4 0 / +1 7 Beta Casein A1A2 se SCE/DCE 1 9 / 2 0 Kappa Case n AB SSB/DSB 6 7 / 5 7 aAa 432615 NETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG 2023) BETR 96% 2802 PTAT +2 27 UDC +1 70 FLC +0 87 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 +2 12 Shor t Tall +1 19 Frail Strong h +1 89 Shallow Deep m +2 52 Tight Rib Open Rib e -0 07 H gh P ns Sloped h +2 01 Nar row Wide - Side View +0 39 Posty Sickled - Rear View +0 88 Hock- n Straight e +1 23 Low Angle Steep Angle gs Score +1 37 Low H gh r Attachment +1 57 Loose Strong r Height +3 05 Low H gh r Width +2 88 Nar row Wide ft +1 34 Weak Strong pth +1 22 Deep Sha low Placement +0 37 Wide Close Placement +0 58 Wide Close h +0 16 Shor t Long M O LEN KAM P M ITCH ELL M ADISO N 5742 VG-87-N L 2YR - 2 01 305D 11 597KGM 4 3% F 3 4% P LW 118 M ITCH ELL DAU GH TERS @ W ILLSBRO H O LSTEIN S, U K TATU M M ITCH ELL AU RO RA BO M BERO 15902GP-83 2-00 305D 14615KGM 3 8% 559F 3 4% 503P BO M BERO AU RO RA M AYFIELD 13965 VG-85 2-11 3X 336D 16043KGM 4 1% 665F 3 3% 527P M AYFIELD AU RO RA IOTA 11727 VG-88 3-01 3X 302D 13635KGM 4 0% 543F 3 3% 453P
MITCHELL daughters at the 1500 head dairy of Willsbro Holsteins, UK

GEN Man City *A2A2

AltaAlanzo x GP-84 Batman x VG-86 Burley x VG-86 Octoberfest x VG-85 Moonray x VG-87 Bookem x VG-86 Shottle x VG-86 O-Man x EX-90 Manat x EX-91 Celsius


+ 2.07 PTAT + 1.37 UDC + 0.54 F&L


One of the highest FREE agent TPI bulls in the world @3080 gTPI


+ 4.2 PL

+ 2.3 Livability


+ 0.31% fat

+ 0.14% prtotein

ab sofort in Deutschland, Österreich und Luxemburg bei STg Germany verfügbar

Bullseye-Genetics GmbH Lütke Berg 2 | 48341 Altenberge +49 176 61 30 30 19
3080 TPI 1025 NM$

Nosbisch HolsteinsProduction / Type / Index Cow families

10 years German Masters Sale, 2014 - 2023
A Real Masterpiece Anderstrup Davinci 10067 NC Calved @ 1.10 yr. // Fresh for 2 months Current production: >50 kg Milk/day! Knoweside DAVINCI Lavish 1st @ Royal Highland Show 2023 LUAT ONS (DEC BETR 81% 88 b 52 b 36 b CS 504 524 357 480 P egnancy Rate DPR +0 3 Feed E f c ency FE +119 Concept on Rate HCR CCR +0 2 / +0 4 Be a Case n A1A2 Ca v ng Ease SCE DCE 2 2 / 1 2 Kappa Casein AB S l B r th SSB DSB 6 2 / 3 9 aAa 243165 CDCB GENET C EVALUAT ONS (DEC 2022) BETR 79% TPI +2732 PTAT +3 15 UDC +2 33 FLC +1 58 -2 -1 0 1 2 S a ure +3 40 Shor Ta S rength +1 90 Fra S rong Body Dep h +2 38 Sha ow Deep Da y Form +2 19 T gh R b Open R b Rump Ang e +0 38 H gh P ns S oped Thur Width +2 97 Nar ow W de Rea Legs - S de V ew -0 13 Posty S ck ed Rea Legs - Rea V ew +2 29 Hock- n S ra ght Foo Ang e +2 27 Low Ang e S eep Ang e Fee & Legs Score +2 14 Low H gh Fore Udder At achment +3 21 Loose S rong Rea Udder He gh +3 42 Low H gh Rea Udder W dth +3 27 Nar ow W de Udder Clef +2 16 Weak S rong Udder Dep h +2 62 Deep Sha ow Front Tea P acement +1 68 W de C ose Rea Teat P acement +1 68 W de C ose Teat Leng h +0 78 Shor Long DAM 397 MG 3 6% LA1 222D 8290KGM 4 8% 397F 3 5% 289P MGS: S LLIAN MGD: EBA LIZA VG-88 2-06 305D 10179KGM 4 5% 457F 3 6% 363P MGGS: K NGBOY MGGD: EBA HEAZY EX-90 6-08 305D 14778KGM 4 3% 635F 3 4% 501P TIC EVALU b Com % Fat AP% Pro Score SC Net fe PL Che Flui FI Gra Pregnancy Rate DPR +0 3 Fee Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0 2 / +0 4 Bet Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2 2 / 1 2 Kap Still Bir th SSB/DSB 6 2 / 3 9 aAa CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (DEC 2022) TPI +2732 PTAT +3 15 UD - 2 - 1 Stature +3 40 Shor t Strength +1 90 Frail Body Depth +2 38 Shallow Dairy For m +2 19 Tight Rib Rump Angle +0 38 High Pins Thurl Width +2 97 Nar row Rear Legs - Side View -0 13 Posty Rear Legs - Rear iew +2 29 Hock-in Foot Angle +2 27 Low Angle Feet & Legs Score +2 14 Low Fore Udder Attachment +3 21 Loose Rear Udder Height +3 42 Low Rear Udder Width +3 27 Nar row Udder Cleft +2 16 Weak Udder Depth +2 62 Deep Front Teat Placement +1 68 Wide Rear Teat Placement +1 68 Wide Teat Length +0 78 Shor t LA1 222D 8290KGM 4 8% 397F 3 5 M G S : S ILLIA N M G D : EB A LIZ A VG -8 8 2-06 305D 10179KGM 4 5% 457F 3 363P M G G S : K IN GB OY M G G D : EB A H EA Z Y EX-9 0 6-08 305D 147 78KGM 4 3% 635F 3 50 GTPI +2722 PTAT +3.07 UDC +2.24 FLC +1.51 +11 Conformation +5 Chest Width +11 Pin Width +1 Rump Angle +1 Thurl Placement +6 Rib Structure +10 Udder Texture +10 Rear Udder Width +5 Teat Length +3 Rear Teat Placement +10 Mammary System Balance Udders 515HO00383 EBA Dylan x Sillian x Kingboy Davinci Positive DPR Fertility +0.15%F +0.11% Solids Sloped & Wide Rumps Flawless & FANCY! Balanced INCREDIBLE DAUGHTERS!! Transmitting WWW.AI-TOTAL.COM

View-Home MONTEREY (McCutchen x Robust)

Faithlove NC

Just fresh, see sale updates for more info

8/16 PTAT +3.29 / GTPI +2483

• Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe / Top 50 GTPI- & #16 PTAT cow in Europe

• #4 GTPI Oak in Europe / #4 GTPI Oak in Europe

• One of the highest outcross cows in the breed / One of the highest outcross cows in the breed


DKR Pronto Faith VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. 5.01 305d 11.719kgM 3.6% 422F 3.2% 375P 6.09 305d 13.127kgM 3.8% 499F 3.3% 433P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 / Topseller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000
5e Ralma
6e Ralma Christmas Fudge VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror
EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VEEVV
DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr.
Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA
Holyfaith VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.3% 329F 3.0% 299P • Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Gillette WINDBROOK Same family: Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92-USA 3rd dam: DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. 7th dam: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 28. M YLOVE FR 6771204363 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2016 HH.Consignor D. Schwarz- Tel. +41 (0)794178314 - Email. Top 15 PTAT calf in Europe!! 08/16 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1095 +0.06 +0.03 56 41 2.74 -1.2 3.6 9.0 2.89 2.88 +3.38 569 2489 08/16 DGV Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS MS HL DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI +1458 -0.04 +0.09 51 58 2.70 102 105 106 14 13 13 +16 3020 Top 10 GTPI Schwester zu Charley Top 10 GTPI POLLED sister to Charley • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA • Top 10 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! • Super fitness & type: SCS 2.77 / +2.6 DPR / PTAT +2.13 • The maternal sister of the global sensation DG Charley @ ABS • Goes back to Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016, 16:00 Uhr | Friday, October the 21st 2016, 16:00 hr Bitburg - Germany WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM GERMAN MASTERS SALE 2016 WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM BUY THE BEST & BREED IT BETTER EXPORT QUALIFIZIERT * IBR Frei - Artikel 10 Gebiet * Alle Tiere älter als 24 Monate sind negativ auf ParaTB untersucht EXPORT QUALIFIED * IBR article 10 Free Area! * All heifers over 24 months are tested negative for Para TB
Pine-Tree AltaOAK

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