(Continued from page 1) Whether EUROFLOAT, EUROWHITE, VSG, SILVERSTAR, LUXAR or way mirror - the products are presented in a structured form and linked. All data are available, whether product brochure, product, or CE mark. In addition, each user can watch a short slide show selected objects, which were equipped with the appropriate glasses.
10:06 Uhr
Seite 1
Winners of the issue 02/2009 Even in the last edition you have puzzled very well. The fairy godmother has determined the following winners: Jens Gabriel (right) and Frank Ulrich Lorenz (left), Kölling Glas GmbH. The lucky winners can be happy about VIP cards for a play of the Handball Club of Magdeburg. Congratulations to you!
Christmas puzzle
Please find 8 words with 5 letters each. The first letters combined lead you to the password. You already have some letters given. 1
2 3 4 5 6
Of course, the new processing plant located in Haldensleben is appreciated. Whether a brief history of the building, or information about the new product - with a few clicks are all the information are available. Other innovations will be our mailing list. Register only once and in future all news go out via e-mail immediately and are available within seconds on the screen. The idea of user-friendliness also highlights the new contact page. Either use the contact form, or by clicking on the map of Europe and the world or any country to display the appropriate customer service with contact information and picture. Visit our new website and simply click on the desired information. Of course, we also look forward to your comments and suggestions. Happy surfing on:
1. PC entry
GLAS TRÖSCH and EUROGLAS company group
Euroglas GmbH Dammühlenweg 60 D-39340 Haldensleben Tel ++49 (0) 39 04/638-0 Fax ++49 (0) 39 04/638-1100 4
Edition December 2009
Information for Clients and Partners
Dear readers! Christmas and New Year’s Eve are coming very soon. This is the opportunity to review the year 2009. Financial crisis, economic crisis, overcapacity, price turbulence - all terms which have influenced the year 2009. Was the past year really that bad? Of course, the truth lies, as always in the eye of the beholder. Nevertheless, I am convinced that even here a differentiated view has the best account of the events.
1 Editorial
It is true that the financial crisis started in late 2008 and thus the onset of descent also covered the glass industry in the stock market and the consequent global economic slowdown. The effects were different. Above all, the automotive glass has been hit in the demand strongly, therefore a significant part of glass overcapacity in the base area were the result. The construction glass was fairly stable in Central Europe. Primarily the Iberian Peninsula, but also Great Britain and some Eastern European countries have been hit strongly. All this has led to the unprecedented price war in the first 6 months of this year.
2. Direction
3. Part of the mouth
4. The blue planet
5. Opposite to left
6. Time of day
7. A number
8. What does a teacher?
Please send your solution to the following address - deadline 31th Januar 2010. EUROGLAS GmbH, keyword: SILVERSTAR christmas puzzle 02/09, Dammühlenweg 60, 39340 Haldensleben, Germany. Especially for the cold season, we have arranged wellness prizes for you. 1st prize Enjoy an exotic day in Tropical Island and enjoy a voucher for the value of 100 Euro 2nd prize Enjoy yourself with a Sauna& Wellness set 3rd prize Be well informed about temperatures with the EUROGLAS Radio & Weather station 4th-10th prize Shoe cleaning kit
SILVERSTAR direct - information for clients and partners - is also available online at, heading EURONEWS. Reprinting and reproduction - even of excerpts - is only permitted with the consent of the editors. All rights reserved.
December 2009 edition
Page 1
Retrospect / Prospect
1 is new
3 SILVERSTAR Product worlds
SWISSPANEL - Parapet wall plates
4 SILVERSTAR - Get on top New Monte Rosa Hut, Swiss Alps East Thames Housing Group, London Press in Haldensleben is new Winner of the issue 01/2009 Christmas puzzle 02/2009
2 3 3 4
EUROGLAS news is new
However, the capacity of the demand could be adjusted. We have finished the investment started at our house and with Euroglas Ujazd we have the world largest float plant of its kind in Poland. Also we have started the production in EUROWHITE SOLAR for our customers and for thin-film solar industry. It is important for us to note that despite all the market problems we had in 2009 we were able to assert the position of Glas Trösch and EUROGLAS in conjunction with our partners. For 2010 we expect and hope for a recovery in all markets. In this sense, I would like to thank you - our customers - for the good cooperation. I wish you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a successful 2010.
Jürgen Servais Member of the group management of Glas Trösch
Imprint Publisher
SILVERSTAR direct international
At 30 November EUROGLAS started with a new internet presence. A website which is characterized by a high level of user friendliness, appears in a fresh layout and is characterized by its clear and direct structure. With the new all requirements are met for an international company. The clear three-column design determines the overall appearance and pervades all aspects of the site. Any visitor of the site and user will benefit from wellcalibrated relationship between text and images. Any important information will be supported by the corresponding illustration. And not only that. At a glance between them, which opens up the EURONEWS all current information, whether news about products or new developments, whether customers event, press release. All information is compressed and user-friendly. Of course, all press releases can be downloaded in pdf format. (more on page 4) To the end of the year To burn down a candle and take your time, to do nothing more than this. (Author unknown) In this sense, we wish all readers a peaceful Christmas and a successful start into the new financial year. We are very happy to welcome you as our loyal reader in 2010. 1
SILVERSTAR Product worlds
The elements are manufactured in a new procedure in our Glas Trösch company in Altshausen. In the past the parapet wall plates were produced with an opaque silicone layer. With this layer there was still improvement potential regarding the quality, in order to optimize also the subsequent treatment for the customers. The boundary region had to be always decoated, so that no silicone layer was to be proven. With the new manufacturing process this step got redundant. Further advantages are the delivery times, which shortened with the new parapet wall plates substantially. The objects EFC and Wanzl show impressively how harmonious the design of facades with the new parapet wall plates can look.
Object EFC Sindelfingen – SANCO SILVERSTAR SUNSTOP T Silver 20 different constructional systems. Parapet wall plates Swisspanel BD 64 S.
Object Wanzl, SILVERSTAR COMBI 41/21 and 51/26. Parapet wall plate BD 70 in 6 and 8 mm. Final parapet wall plate SILVERSTAR-Layer
Colour adapted panel
ENplus / TRIII
BD 66 S
COMBI neutral 70/40 / SELEKT
BD 72
COMBI neutral 70/35
BD 70
COMBI neutral 61/32
BD 62 S
COMBI neutral 51/26
BD 70
COMBI neutral 41/21
BD 78
COMBI T silver 48
BD 64 S
SUNSTOP T blue 30
BD 60 S
SUNSTOP T blue 50
BD 62 S
SUNSTOP T silver 20
BD 64 S
SUNSTOP T neutral 50
BD 66 S
Seite 3
SILVERSTAR - Get on top
SWISSPANEL – Colour adapted parapet wall plates For the design of colour adapted or consciously accented complete glass facades we supply to all front-glass the appropriate parapet wall elements. Since beginning of the year there is an innovation to the panels.
10:06 Uhr
At the top of the technology
Front Design in the context with the environment
The new Monte Rosa hut, a joint project of ETH Zurich, SAC, Lucerne University – Engineering and EMPA, is a trend-setting building project with excellent architecture and a model character in the range of energy and resources efficiency. Only by co-operation of experts and specialist on highest level the innovative idea of a building project on scarcely 3`000 M. over sea with consideration of necessary risk security can be realized.
The new headquarters of the East Thames housing Group at the West Ham LINE in London lies in the middle of an environment, which is shaped by most different activities, aliveness and a character. With the thought to take up and embed the new building in the best possible way in the existing surrounding field these external influences, an except usual architectural work was created: Depending on an individual view the front in the context presents itself to the neighbourhood. Of course the architects and planner put however likewise their attention to energy efficiency and used building materials, which are sufficient both for the high requirements at aesthetics and functionality. The layer design SILVERSTAR COMBI neutral 61/32 captivates on the one hand by its aesthetic external reflection and provides on the other hand with the low G-value of 34% for a pleasant room climate in the summer, the approximately 750 staff members profits ot the East Thames housing Group. .
The large medial interest shows the trail-blazing idea of the new Monte Rosa hut. Beside of radio and television also daily and technical literature reported on the building project again and again and the building project were seen during the planning phase in different national and international exhibitions, e.g. to the World Expo in Aichi/Japan (2005). That not only professionals and hikers, but also a wide public at home and abroad are interested in the project emphasizes the importance of purpose: The new Monte Rosa hut combines impressive and expressive examples of architecture with modern technology and comprehensive energy management. All the glass facade of the new, rock crystal; in the Swiss Alps SILVERSTAR COMBI Neutral 61/32 and SILVERSTAR SELEKT T, are assembled to triple glazing by a Swiss company of Glas Trösch.
Glass designed for life
Press trip to the factory in Haldensleben
On 3 September it was completed. Organized by the Federal Association of Flat glass the trip took 20 invited journalists, including from the Sueddeutsche and the Handelsblatt to the plant in Haldensleben. Already a day before the trip a dinner took place held at the castle Wanzleben. In this frame, the press representatives were given an introductory presentation by the Chief Executive of the Association, Mr Jochen Grönegräs, who gave an overview of the development of glass and window market in Europe and in Germany. Professionally attuned on 3 September EUROGLAS offered the reporters, a complete factory tour full of experiences. The tour was opened by the Managing Director, Mr. Christian Winter, who gave an overview of the company, its orientation, its position on the market and of course the perspective development. During the tour the journalist experienced the production of float glass. They could even touch the raw materials to get a feeling for the whole process. Mr. Christian Winter explained the manufacturing process very clear and answered many questi-
ons. Mr. Mario Radke as the production manager showed the production of laminated safety glass. On this occasion, the visitors once again convinced themselves of the tensile strength of the used layer and experienced the ball drop test, which checks the load capacity of the laminated glass. The coating of the glass explained in detail Mr. Jürgen Nahr as the production manager. The youngest member of the EUROGLAS family, EUROGLAS SOLAR, presented by production manager, Mr. Kevin Bosse. The journalists learned about the cutting and drilling tools on first hand. Finally, they were allowed to pick up the seeds and smash a toughened glass sheet. Then they estimated in how many pieces have broken the glass. In conclusion, it can be stated: 20 journalists have taken a happy lasting impression. The results have been published in the press in different media. This also reflected a consistently positive response. 3
SILVERSTAR Product worlds
The elements are manufactured in a new procedure in our Glas Trösch company in Altshausen. In the past the parapet wall plates were produced with an opaque silicone layer. With this layer there was still improvement potential regarding the quality, in order to optimize also the subsequent treatment for the customers. The boundary region had to be always decoated, so that no silicone layer was to be proven. With the new manufacturing process this step got redundant. Further advantages are the delivery times, which shortened with the new parapet wall plates substantially. The objects EFC and Wanzl show impressively how harmonious the design of facades with the new parapet wall plates can look.
Object EFC Sindelfingen – SANCO SILVERSTAR SUNSTOP T Silver 20 different constructional systems. Parapet wall plates Swisspanel BD 64 S.
Object Wanzl, SILVERSTAR COMBI 41/21 and 51/26. Parapet wall plate BD 70 in 6 and 8 mm. Final parapet wall plate SILVERSTAR-Layer
Colour adapted panel
ENplus / TRIII
BD 66 S
COMBI neutral 70/40 / SELEKT
BD 72
COMBI neutral 70/35
BD 70
COMBI neutral 61/32
BD 62 S
COMBI neutral 51/26
BD 70
COMBI neutral 41/21
BD 78
COMBI T silver 48
BD 64 S
SUNSTOP T blue 30
BD 60 S
SUNSTOP T blue 50
BD 62 S
SUNSTOP T silver 20
BD 64 S
SUNSTOP T neutral 50
BD 66 S
Seite 3
SILVERSTAR - Get on top
SWISSPANEL – Colour adapted parapet wall plates For the design of colour adapted or consciously accented complete glass facades we supply to all front-glass the appropriate parapet wall elements. Since beginning of the year there is an innovation to the panels.
10:06 Uhr
At the top of the technology
Front Design in the context with the environment
The new Monte Rosa hut, a joint project of ETH Zurich, SAC, Lucerne University – Engineering and EMPA, is a trend-setting building project with excellent architecture and a model character in the range of energy and resources efficiency. Only by co-operation of experts and specialist on highest level the innovative idea of a building project on scarcely 3`000 M. over sea with consideration of necessary risk security can be realized.
The new headquarters of the East Thames housing Group at the West Ham LINE in London lies in the middle of an environment, which is shaped by most different activities, aliveness and a character. With the thought to take up and embed the new building in the best possible way in the existing surrounding field these external influences, an except usual architectural work was created: Depending on an individual view the front in the context presents itself to the neighbourhood. Of course the architects and planner put however likewise their attention to energy efficiency and used building materials, which are sufficient both for the high requirements at aesthetics and functionality. The layer design SILVERSTAR COMBI neutral 61/32 captivates on the one hand by its aesthetic external reflection and provides on the other hand with the low G-value of 34% for a pleasant room climate in the summer, the approximately 750 staff members profits ot the East Thames housing Group. .
The large medial interest shows the trail-blazing idea of the new Monte Rosa hut. Beside of radio and television also daily and technical literature reported on the building project again and again and the building project were seen during the planning phase in different national and international exhibitions, e.g. to the World Expo in Aichi/Japan (2005). That not only professionals and hikers, but also a wide public at home and abroad are interested in the project emphasizes the importance of purpose: The new Monte Rosa hut combines impressive and expressive examples of architecture with modern technology and comprehensive energy management. All the glass facade of the new, rock crystal; in the Swiss Alps SILVERSTAR COMBI Neutral 61/32 and SILVERSTAR SELEKT T, are assembled to triple glazing by a Swiss company of Glas Trösch.
Glass designed for life
Press trip to the factory in Haldensleben
On 3 September it was completed. Organized by the Federal Association of Flat glass the trip took 20 invited journalists, including from the Sueddeutsche and the Handelsblatt to the plant in Haldensleben. Already a day before the trip a dinner took place held at the castle Wanzleben. In this frame, the press representatives were given an introductory presentation by the Chief Executive of the Association, Mr Jochen Grönegräs, who gave an overview of the development of glass and window market in Europe and in Germany. Professionally attuned on 3 September EUROGLAS offered the reporters, a complete factory tour full of experiences. The tour was opened by the Managing Director, Mr. Christian Winter, who gave an overview of the company, its orientation, its position on the market and of course the perspective development. During the tour the journalist experienced the production of float glass. They could even touch the raw materials to get a feeling for the whole process. Mr. Christian Winter explained the manufacturing process very clear and answered many questi-
ons. Mr. Mario Radke as the production manager showed the production of laminated safety glass. On this occasion, the visitors once again convinced themselves of the tensile strength of the used layer and experienced the ball drop test, which checks the load capacity of the laminated glass. The coating of the glass explained in detail Mr. Jürgen Nahr as the production manager. The youngest member of the EUROGLAS family, EUROGLAS SOLAR, presented by production manager, Mr. Kevin Bosse. The journalists learned about the cutting and drilling tools on first hand. Finally, they were allowed to pick up the seeds and smash a toughened glass sheet. Then they estimated in how many pieces have broken the glass. In conclusion, it can be stated: 20 journalists have taken a happy lasting impression. The results have been published in the press in different media. This also reflected a consistently positive response. 3
(Continued from page 1) Whether EUROFLOAT, EUROWHITE, VSG, SILVERSTAR, LUXAR or way mirror - the products are presented in a structured form and linked. All data are available, whether product brochure, product, or CE mark. In addition, each user can watch a short slide show selected objects, which were equipped with the appropriate glasses.
10:06 Uhr
Seite 1
Winners of the issue 02/2009 Even in the last edition you have puzzled very well. The fairy godmother has determined the following winners: Jens Gabriel (right) and Frank Ulrich Lorenz (left), Kölling Glas GmbH. The lucky winners can be happy about VIP cards for a play of the Handball Club of Magdeburg. Congratulations to you!
Christmas puzzle
Please find 8 words with 5 letters each. The first letters combined lead you to the password. You already have some letters given. 1
2 3 4 5 6
Of course, the new processing plant located in Haldensleben is appreciated. Whether a brief history of the building, or information about the new product - with a few clicks are all the information are available. Other innovations will be our mailing list. Register only once and in future all news go out via e-mail immediately and are available within seconds on the screen. The idea of user-friendliness also highlights the new contact page. Either use the contact form, or by clicking on the map of Europe and the world or any country to display the appropriate customer service with contact information and picture. Visit our new website and simply click on the desired information. Of course, we also look forward to your comments and suggestions. Happy surfing on:
1. PC entry
GLAS TRÖSCH and EUROGLAS company group
Euroglas GmbH Dammühlenweg 60 D-39340 Haldensleben Tel ++49 (0) 39 04/638-0 Fax ++49 (0) 39 04/638-1100 4
Edition December 2009
Information for Clients and Partners
Dear readers! Christmas and New Year’s Eve are coming very soon. This is the opportunity to review the year 2009. Financial crisis, economic crisis, overcapacity, price turbulence - all terms which have influenced the year 2009. Was the past year really that bad? Of course, the truth lies, as always in the eye of the beholder. Nevertheless, I am convinced that even here a differentiated view has the best account of the events.
1 Editorial
It is true that the financial crisis started in late 2008 and thus the onset of descent also covered the glass industry in the stock market and the consequent global economic slowdown. The effects were different. Above all, the automotive glass has been hit in the demand strongly, therefore a significant part of glass overcapacity in the base area were the result. The construction glass was fairly stable in Central Europe. Primarily the Iberian Peninsula, but also Great Britain and some Eastern European countries have been hit strongly. All this has led to the unprecedented price war in the first 6 months of this year.
2. Direction
3. Part of the mouth
4. The blue planet
5. Opposite to left
6. Time of day
7. A number
8. What does a teacher?
Please send your solution to the following address - deadline 31th Januar 2010. EUROGLAS GmbH, keyword: SILVERSTAR christmas puzzle 02/09, Dammühlenweg 60, 39340 Haldensleben, Germany. Especially for the cold season, we have arranged wellness prizes for you. 1st prize Enjoy an exotic day in Tropical Island and enjoy a voucher for the value of 100 Euro 2nd prize Enjoy yourself with a Sauna& Wellness set 3rd prize Be well informed about temperatures with the EUROGLAS Radio & Weather station 4th-10th prize Shoe cleaning kit
SILVERSTAR direct - information for clients and partners - is also available online at, heading EURONEWS. Reprinting and reproduction - even of excerpts - is only permitted with the consent of the editors. All rights reserved.
December 2009 edition
Page 1
Retrospect / Prospect
1 is new
3 SILVERSTAR Product worlds
SWISSPANEL - Parapet wall plates
4 SILVERSTAR - Get on top New Monte Rosa Hut, Swiss Alps East Thames Housing Group, London Press in Haldensleben is new Winner of the issue 01/2009 Christmas puzzle 02/2009
2 3 3 4
EUROGLAS news is new
However, the capacity of the demand could be adjusted. We have finished the investment started at our house and with Euroglas Ujazd we have the world largest float plant of its kind in Poland. Also we have started the production in EUROWHITE SOLAR for our customers and for thin-film solar industry. It is important for us to note that despite all the market problems we had in 2009 we were able to assert the position of Glas Trösch and EUROGLAS in conjunction with our partners. For 2010 we expect and hope for a recovery in all markets. In this sense, I would like to thank you - our customers - for the good cooperation. I wish you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a successful 2010.
Jürgen Servais Member of the group management of Glas Trösch
Imprint Publisher
SILVERSTAR direct international
At 30 November EUROGLAS started with a new internet presence. A website which is characterized by a high level of user friendliness, appears in a fresh layout and is characterized by its clear and direct structure. With the new all requirements are met for an international company. The clear three-column design determines the overall appearance and pervades all aspects of the site. Any visitor of the site and user will benefit from wellcalibrated relationship between text and images. Any important information will be supported by the corresponding illustration. And not only that. At a glance between them, which opens up the EURONEWS all current information, whether news about products or new developments, whether customers event, press release. All information is compressed and user-friendly. Of course, all press releases can be downloaded in pdf format. (more on page 4) To the end of the year To burn down a candle and take your time, to do nothing more than this. (Author unknown) In this sense, we wish all readers a peaceful Christmas and a successful start into the new financial year. We are very happy to welcome you as our loyal reader in 2010. 1