2 minute read
Talk to SAL: Empowering Digital Youth Support for a Brighter Future

A Safe and Confidential Online Platform for Under 25’s and Parents/Carers
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, young people often face a multitude of challenges and uncertainties. Amidst this, having access to a safe and confidential platform for support and guidance becomes essential. Enter Talk to SAL (Support, Advocacy & Live Chat) a ground breaking digital youth support service that provides a secure space for individuals under 25 and their parents or carers to access resources, engage in live chat sessions with trainined SAL practitioners, and discuss a wide range of important topics.
Designed to Address
Pressing Concerns:
Talk to SAL recognizes the pressing concerns faced by young individuals today. From healthy relationships and consent to online safety, gender identity, sexuality, peer pressure, bullying, and exploitation, SAL offers a safe haven where young people can initiate and engage in discussions surrounding these difficult topics. By fostering an environment of trust, Talk to SAL empowers them to share their worries and seek guidance and support from trained practitioners.
Expanding Reach and Support:
Originally aimed at individuals under 16, Talk to SAL has experienced a surge in demand since its launch in February 2021. In response, the project has expanded its age range to include young people up to the age of 25. This expansion ensures that Talk to SAL can adapt to the evolving needs of young adults as they navigate the transitional period from adolescence to adulthood. Furthermore, the platform hosts weekly parent, carer and professional sessions as well as regular open forums, providing comprehensive support for young individuals and their support networks.
Vital Prevention Work and Wellbeing Promotion:
Talk to SAL not only addresses immediate concerns but also enables Savana to carry out vital prevention work. By helping young people understand the importance of consent, fostering healthy relationships, and promoting reporting and seeking support when needed, Talk to SAL plays a pivotal role in prevention efforts. Moreover, the platform promotes positive mental health, empowering young individuals to build resilience and navigate life’s challenges with confidence. Talk to SAL also serves as a valuable resource for signposting children and young people to appropriate professional and specialist help, ensuring their holistic well-being.
The Power of Digital Support: Talk to SAL, has proven to be a vital resource for young people seeking support. Its digital nature ensures accessibility regardless of location, allowing individuals to access support whenever they need.

• Teachers: calm teachers = calm children
• Primary school children: Reception to Year 4

• Yrs 5-9: managing stress & anxiety
• Teaching Mindfulness in Nature to children: a certified program for teachers

“Hi Ciaran, the Yr 6 workshop you ran was a great success! I hope you enjoyed it as much as the kids did”
M: +44 0 7979 595704
E: breathe@mindful-kids.co.uk

W. www.mindful-kids.co.uk