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to kitchen design
Know your kitchen area
Start with a canvas, or in this case, a oorplan. When generating a oorplan be sure to clearly mark the locations of utilities in and out of the kitchen. It may seem obvious but when creating your design ideas, the positioning of water inlet ttings and valves, waste pipes, gas supply points and power cabling all need to be considered. Some
Design for efciency
Once a oorplan has been created the next key consideration is developing a kitchen design that is efcient and promotes natural ow. The best way of achieving this is by dividing the kitchen into “zones” (i.e. food prep, cooking, serving, washing),
Perform your checks
Whilst performing step two, a hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) check needs to be carried out to ensure the layout does not promote risk of cross contamination, particularly essential when serving large volumes of students on a regular basis. This is especially important as pupils study within a close proximity of each other, meaning food borne diseases can quickly spread, becoming an institute-wide epidemic. A core of which may require upgrading to support more modern equipment. allowing staff to operate within a specic area, reducing the risk of accidents. Separation of stations also decreases meal preparation times by improving kitchen efciency. suggestion of HACCPs is the separation of areas where raw and cooked meat are prepared and stored.
When marking them on your oorplan, ensure that each utility is colour-coded to prevent confusion. In addition, note room dimensions and measurements to aid with space allocation.
Whilst doing this we would also suggest you review commercial kitchen regulations and legislations such as minimal space requirements between opposite workspaces, access clearance, rst aid placement and other such things.