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Welcome to MMVA - Conflict Management & Physical Intervention Specialists
Whilst there is some great practice across the education sector, there are still too many services that focus on management of behaviour or risk rather than on prevention and better meeting of needs.
A positive and proactive approach is vital to anticipate potential triggers for behaviour that challenges, and minimise the likelihood of, or avoid the need to use, restraint
We are specialists in the management of violence and aggression (MVA) training in many workplace sectors such as social care,education, health & the NHS and commercial clients.
Schools and Education
MMVA provide a bespoke de-escalation and positive handling training for children and young people. Our team teaches to the highest standards expected from any quality training provider. Our positive behaviour and handling strategies have been implemented into many sectors and allow flexibility for the management of challenging individuals reducing work based stress and increasing safety and security for everyone. Managing challenging behaviour in schools and education can be significantly reduced by staff understanding conflict management and having the skills to cope.
MMVA - (Minimising & Managing Violence & Aggression) offers training in:
• Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
• Conflict Resolution / Management
• Physical Intervention training
• Understanding Body Mechanics
• Other associated training - Training Courses
MMVA also provides individuals with the understanding and skills to build positive relationships and defuse, prevent, reflect and learn from conflict. The physical intervention and restraint techniques taught on our courses have been independently, medically risk assessed by the Institute of Conflict Management. Our Physical intervention and restraint techniques are taught within the guidelines of the following organisations:
• NHS Protect
• BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities)
• Department of Education
• Department of Health & Social Care
• Restraint Reduction Network (RRN)
MMVA (Minimising & Managing Violence & Aggression) is equivalent to:
• PMVA (Prevention Management of Violence and Aggression)
• Positive Handling (a term often used in schools and education services)
• MAPA (managing aggression and potential aggression)
• MOVA (management of violence and aggression)
MMVA do not use pain compliance-based skills, nor any restraint that compromises the airway, breathing or circulation. Our training is safe, ethical and always emphasises the importance of prevention and de-escalation.