Bondbone es 4bone prospektus magyar oldalpar jav1

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Product Information

Synthetic Bone Graft

© MIS Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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Product Information

Introduction. Bevezetés Az évtizedben a technológiai fejlesztéTheelmúlt past decade’s technological advancements sek egybrought új korszakot hoztak a csontregeneráhave about a new era in our ciós eljárásokbanofésbone felhasznált understanding growthanyagokban. and repair. Az augmentációs eljárás része a napi sebészeti Augmentation procedures became a part of rutinnak különböző csontpótló anyagokkal, routine dental surgical care, using different mint például az autograftok, allograftok és methods and various granulated materials from alloplastok. A BONDBONE® egy forradalmian different sources, such as autografts, allografts új szintetikus csontpótló anyag, mely megand alloplasts. BONDBONE® is a revolutionary könnyíti a csontpótlás menetét. synthetic bone grafting material, designed to facilitate handling and reduce the time required for dental augmentation procedures.

MIS Warranty: MIS exercises great care and effort in maintaining the superior quality of its products. All MISʼ products are guaranteed to be free from defects in MIS Garancia: Az MIS sok energiát fektet a material and workmanship. However, should a customer

kiváló és tökéletes minőség garantálásába. to the directions, the defective product will be replaced. Minden MIS termék garantáltan hibamentes, amennyiben mégis előfordul bármi, azt azonnal cseréljük.

MIS Warra maintaining products a material an find fault w to the direc

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Overview. Áttekintés ® BONDBONE isegy a novel synthetic bone grafting material, A BONDBONE® új szintetikus csontpótló anyag, amely áttöconsidered be a breakthrough in the field of bone rést jelent a to fogászati csontpótlási eljárásoknál. A dental BONDBONE® ® augmentation. is composed of és biphasic egy kétfázisú BONDBONE kalcium-szulfát, jól bevált szélescalcium körbensulfate, dokuwell-established and widely documented for its biocompatibility, mentált, biológiailag kompatibilis, oszteoconduktiv. Használatát osteoconductivity and bioresorbability. Biphasic calcium sulfate nem és vérproperties jelenléte. are not affected by the is fastbefolyásolja setting and aitsnyál physical presence of blood and saliva.

Fast setting; Preventing particle migration

A Multi-Purpose solution. Több célú megoldás BONDBONE®® can keverhető máswith csontpótló termékekkel, hogy BONDBONE be mixed other granular bone-filling

megakadályozza a részecskék vándorlását. A BONDBONE® önproducts to prevent particle migration, creating an outstanding ® composite By itself, BONDBONE provides an excellenta magában isgraft. kiválóan alkalmazható. Meghatározott esetekben solution for socket preservation procedures. In specific BONDBONE® használható felszívódó membránként máscases, csont® BONDBONE can be used as a resorbable barrier over other pótló anyagokkal. bone grafting materials.

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Advantages. Előnyök

Kiváló kötőanyag Excellent binder

® A BONDBONE® kiváló kötőanyag más csontpótló anyagok keveBONDBONE is an excellent binder for other granular augmentation

BONDBONE is available in a powder 1cc and 0.5cc A BONDBONE® por formában érhetőform, el, 1supplied és 0.5 ccin kiszerelésben, ®

materials. easy handling andvalamint preventsmegakadályozza particle migration, a résével. EzIt facilitates megkönnyíti a kezelést, supporting predictable outcomes. részecskék mozgását.

easy-to-use driverstubusban. and packed in 3 unit packages. With its unique használatkönnyítő 3 fecskendő van csomagolva egy egy® driver and simple delivery method,mód BONDBONE provides a new ségdobozba. Egyedülálló és egyszerű a csontdefektus javítására. approach to bone defect reconstruction.

Sokoldalú Versatile

A BONDBONE®-t használni akár kötőanyagként csont® BONDBONE maylehet be used either as a bonding materialmás within a pótlóval, vagy Növeliother a hatást másmaterials anyagokkal nacomposite graftönmagában. or by itself. It boosts grafting for the augmentation of large defects and can be used tökéletes alone for small gyobb beavatkozásoknál, önmagában pedig kisebb defects and foréssocket preservation is procedures. BONDBONE® defektusoknál, akár membránként használható. can also be used as a barrier over other augmentation materials.

Easy handling Könnyű kezelhetőség

® The initialképlékeny pliable BONDBONE paste to five A kezdeti BONDBONE® pasztasets 2-5 within percig two használható, minutes, allowing both significant reduction of procedure time és kiválóan kezelhető, alakítható. Nagymértékben csökkenti a keand excellent handling.

zelésre fordítandó időt.

Perfect stability Tökéletes stabilitás

Setting is not affected by the presence of blood or saliva. A felhasználást nem befolyásolja vér és nyál jelenléte

100 %

Tiszta&és biztonságos Pure safe

® A BONDBONE® csak kalcium-szulfátot BONDBONE does not contain any tartalmaz components other than

calcium sulfate.

Osteoconductive Oszteokonduktív

® The uniquely advantageous structure of BONDBONE incorporates A BONDBONE® egyedi strukturája egyesíti a mikro és makro strukmicropores infiltration ofsejtproliferáció growth factors, and macropores túra előnyeit- allowing – csontbeszűrődés, és angiogenezis. - facilitating cell proliferation and angiogenesis.

Teljesen felszívódó Completely resorbs

® A BONDBONE® teljesen felszívódik a csontnövekedés ütemében BONDBONE completely resorbs, leaving behind newly regenerated natural bone.

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9. 99.

Material Characteristics Anyagtulajdonságok A BONDBONE® struktúrájára jellemző mind a makropórus, mind a mikrópórus, Featuring both macropores and micropores, BONDBONE® structure is melynek porozitása 46%.

A BONDBONE® termék klinikaiinfelhasználásra, a munkaidő ® BONDBONE isideális an ideal product terms of clinical use, 3-5

perc. Egyedülálló összetétele ember biológiai környezeallowing reasonable workingmegfelel time of az three to five minutes. tének: a hőmérséklet szintcomplies nem haladja a 30 ° C-ot, pH semleges, Its unique composition withmeg the human biological surrounding: the temperature level reached during setting will a környező szövetek stabilak maradnak. not exceed 30°C (85°F) and the neutral pH of the surrounding tissue is kept stable.

characterized by a porosity rate of 46%.

Macropores Makropórusok

Ranging 300μma makropórusokat to 800μm, macropores 300 µm-tőlfrom 800 µm-ig, lehetővé allow teszi azangiogenesis angiogenezist and (vérér cell proliferation, inducing bone tissue regeneration. képződés) és sejt szaporodást, kiváltja a csont szöveti regenerációt.

Mikropórusok Micropores

from 1μmbiztosítják to 50μm, amicropores infiltration of growth factors. 1Ranging µm-tól 50 µm-ig, növekedésiallow faktort. The needle-like particles reinforce the mechanical characteristics of the material.

AThe tű-szerű részecskék megerősítik a mechanikai tulajdonságokat. composition is characterized by a bioresorption rate, compatible to that Aofkészítményt jellemzi a gyors biorezorpció,melynek the new bone regeneration. Turnover time is four időtartalma to ten weeks.4-10 hét. 30

T max = 29.5 cº (03: 35)

Temperature {cº}




T setting T setting = 25.20=cº25.20 (01: 10)cº (01: 10)





T ambient = 20.9 cº 20 00:00







Time {mm:ss} Source: RMS Foundation

SEM images: RMS Foundation

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The Concept of

Sulfate. Koncepció:Biphasic KétfázisúCalcium kalcium-szulfát

Mechanism of Action. Hatásmechnanizmus ® MiutánBONDBONE a BONDBONE®-t sóoldattal a granulált por egy gyorsíOnce is mixed withösszekeverjük saline, the granulated powder goes tott folyamaton megy keresztül. A kötési The folyamat során egy merev through an accelerated setting process. setting process forms szerkea rigid structure that ismely highly crystalline, even in the presence of blood, zetet kapunk, nagymértékben kikristályosodott a vér és nyálproteins, jelenléte and saliva. uniqueeloszlatása particle-size distribution the reaction ellenére is. AThe csontpótló és ellenőrzése egycontrols időben zajlik az anyag rate, optimizing bothmikroszerkezet. setting time and resulting microstructure. Thisa kötésével kialakítva Ez the a mikroszerkezet határozza meg microstructure determines mechanical and resorption mechanikai tulajdonságokat, a felszívódásicharacteristics sebességet. rate, comparable to that of bone remodeling.

Predictable setting time

Biphasic Calcium Sulfate

1. Seed crystals

2. Rapid growth and crystallization

3. A crystal net is rapidly built despite the harsh environment

▪ Jól alakítható ■ Moldable ▪ Könnyű kezelhetőség ■

Easy handling






Resorption rate compatible to that of bone growth

▪ merev affected by ▪Not Csontnövekedéssel blood and saliva egyidejű felszívódás ▪ Nem befolyásolja vér és nyál jelenléte

13. 12. 12

13. 13

Clinical Klinikai Cases. esetek

Histology. Szövettan

Histological sections present a dense lamellar bone formed without remnants of BONDBONE®. Histological sections present a dense lamellar bone formed without remnants of BONDBONE®.

Case 1 exemplifies BONDBONE® being used in a composite graft, combined with other granular graft material. Case 2 shows BONDBONE® being used as a stand-alone product.

Case 1. eset1.

1. 1.

Nagy defektus Large defect in a narrow ridge following implant failure keskeny gerincen

Case 2.


Socket preservation

2. eset

csontgerinc megőrzés

Socket preservation

1. 1.

Csontdefect defektus Bone before treatment kezelés előtt

Regenerated bone after healing Regenerated bone after healing regenerálódott csont gyógyulás után

2. A BONDBONE® 2. elhelyezése Placement of a composite

graft made of BONDBONE® and a granular material

3. Gyógyulás 3. 3 hónap után Healing after three months Photos: Dr. Amos Yahav

2. BONDBONE® elhelyezése 2. BONDBONE® placement


Gyógyulás 3.

3 hónap után Healing after three months

Photos: Dr. Robert A. Horo Photos: Dr. Robert A. Horowitz

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Packaging. Csomagolás A BONDBONE® ® elérhető 1 0,5 cc kiszerelésben, 3 fecskendő van egy dobozBONDBONE is available in 1cc and 0.5cc practical ban. and packed in three-unit packages. drivers


3 Drivers - 1cc


3 Drivers - 0.5cc

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in an electronic retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, or be transmitted in any form whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Warning: The products referred to in this document should be used by a licensed dentist only.

Synthetic Bone Graft

MIS Garancia: Az MIS sok energiát fektet a MIS Warranty:MIS exercises great care and effort in maintaining kiváló és tökéletes minőség garantálásába. the superior quality of its products. All MIS products are guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship. However, Minden MIS termék garantáltan hibamentes, according to the directions, the defective product be replaced. amennyiben mégis előfordul bármi, aztwillazonnal cseréljük.

Synthetic Bone Graft

MIS Warranty:MIS exercises great care and effort in maintaining the superior quality of its products. All MIS products are guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship. However, according to the directions, the defective product will be replaced.



MIS Csontpótlási

1CC & 2.5CC

MIS’ Bone Grafting megoldások Solutions.

Az MIS széles skálát kínál csont- és szöve-

ti regenerációs termékekből, amikbone teljes MIS offers a variety of advanced körűen klinikai és sebéand tissuemegfelelnek regenerationa products aimed követelményeknek. Minden termék atszeti a wide range of clinical conditions and surgical méretű requirements. All products különböző kiszerelésekben kapinható, this hogy category are esethez packedainlegoptimávarying az adott weights and volumes lisabb megoldást kínálja. and in userfriendly containers and utensils, allowing practitioners to choose the precise quantity required for each procedure.

Published by MIS, which reserves the right to ameliorate the products described in this manual as well as to revise this publication at any time and without informing any person of such revision or change. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in an electronic retrieval system translated to any language or computer language, or be transmitted in any form whatsoever without the written consent of the publisher.

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Product Termékleírás Description. Porozitás: Porosity

Az optimális tulajdonságok megfelelő környezetet bizThe optimizedmorfologiai morphology featured by 4BONE BCH forms an ideal tosítanak csontnövekedéshez, ellentétben a legtöbb más anyaghabitat foravital bone growth. Contrary to most other ceramics, the structure of 4BONE BCHbiztosít featuresazboth micropores gal, a 4Bone strukturája anyagnak több and mintmacropores, 70%-os poproviding material anaoverall rate of 70% and compatibility rozitást, ésthe kompatibilis csont porosity saját sejtméreteivel. with the bone generating cellselőseíti size. teszi a vér és egyéb folyadéAz anyag áteresztő képessége kok megfelelő áramnlását.

The unique combination it offers between macro and micro porosity is of great importance when it comes to penetration of biological fluids. The material’s permeability allows for vascularization of biological fluids into the material’s granule. Once biological fluids flow into the granule, its micro porosity acts as a sieve that attracts bone generating cells, allowing the formation of new bone from inside the granule. MIS 4BONE BCHegy is a teljesen fully synthetic bone Synthetic Bone Graft Az MIS 4BONE szintetikus graft material made HA (60%) and csontpótló anyag (HAof60%, TCP 40%). TCP(40%). Its osteoconductive structure, Oszteokonduktív szerkezetű, 70%-os poporosity 70% interconnected macrorozitású, összekapcsolt makro és mikro poporosity and micro-porosity, promotes rozitások, melyek elősegítikcells az oszteogén colonization of osteogenic and allows sejtek szaporodását. the diffusion of biological fluids. The combination of 4BONE BCH’s A 4BONE kombinálja az and optimális moroptimized morphology resorption fologiai és enables felszívódási tulajdonságokat, properties predictable treatment outcomes. melyek lehetővé teszik a kiszámítható ke-

zelési eredményeket.

Macroporosity Makroporozitás:

Comprising 300-600 macropores, 2/3 A pórusok mérete 3-600μm nanométer, mely 4BONE elősegíti BCH’s az oszteomacroporosity a deep invasion of osteogenic cells by kondukció soránpromotes az oszteogén sejtek mély behatolását. osteoconduction.

Mikroporozitás: Microporosity

Kisebb mintsmaller 10 nanométer, és biztosítja vér és 1/3 egyéb folyadékok With pores than 10μm, 4BONEaBCH’s microporosity comprises áramlását. interconnected micropores allowing for biological fluids diffusion.

Osteogenic Properties Oszteogén Tulajdonságok:

Természetéből adódóanBCH a 4BONE támogatja az egészésges By its nature, 4BONE supports the regeneration ofcsontszönew vital bone tissue. TheA hydroxyapatite in 4BONE BCH is vet regenerációt. kalcium foszfátokcomprised speciális fajtája a hidroxiapatit amely specific form ofcsontszövetként calcium phosphate, composed to felszívódó. mimic the természetes viselkedik, és teljesen natural bone. Thanks to its small crystals dimensions (HA crystals at nano level), obtained by a low temperature sintering process, the hydroxyapatite comprised in 4BONE BCH is completely resorbable.

Macropores 400μm, 70-80% macroporosity

Micropores <10μm, 20-30% microporosity



Comparison Comparison


Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. 9. 9. Bone Graft Types. Comparison

9. Comparison Comparison Comparison 23 Among the available Among materials used for pre-implant bone reconstruction, Among thebone available materials used pre-implant bone reconstruction, the available materials Among the used available for pre-implant materials used reconstruction, for pre-implant bonefor reconstruction,

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9. 9. 9.

Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Graft Types. Types. Bone

autologous bone is considered to be is theconsidered gold standard it does bone ispre-implant considered to be the gold standard since it does autologous bone autologous to bone besince the is autologous considered gold standard to be since the gold it does standard since it does Among the available materials used for bone reconstruction, not require any resorption/substitution process. To overcome not autograft require any resorption/substitution process. To overcome autograft not require any resorption/substitution not require any process. 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To overcomecomposed autograft not any resorption/substitution not any resorption/substitution process. To overcome process. autograft To overcome autograft not require any resorption/substitution process. To overcome autograft of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). of hydroxyapatite With a bone (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate With a of hydroxyapatite (HA) of hydroxyapatite and beta-tricalcium (HA) phosphate and beta-tricalcium (ß-TCP). With phosphate a used (ß-TCP). With abone(ß-TCP). were them, biphasic phosphate, composed limitations, wide range of biomaterials - natural products ofamong human limitations, and a wide of and biomaterials -human natural products of human and limitations, aavailable wide limitations, of developed, biomaterials a wide range - natural of biomaterials products ofrange human -calcium natural products ofpre-implant and Among the aavailable materials used for range pre-implant bone reconstruction, Among the available materials reconstruction, Among the materials Among the used for pre-implant materials used reconstruction, for pre-implant bonefor reconstruction, Comparison Comparison Comparison Comparison limitations, aavailable wide range ofpatients biomaterials -aincreased natural products of human and chemical composition that mimics bone apatites and aincreased chemical clinically composition that mimics natural bone apatites aincreased clinically chemical composition chemical that mimics composition natural bone that mimics apatites natural clinically bone apatites and aincreased clinically of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a animal origins - have been offered, patients to an animal origins -and have been offered, exposing patients toand an animal origins -exposing have animal been offered, origins -exposing have been offered, to exposing an patients to an Among the available materials used for pre-implant bone reconstruction, autologous bone is considered tonatural be theconsidered gold standard since autologous it does bone is considered to be the gold standard since it does autologous bone is autologous to bone be the is considered gold standard to be since the gold it does standard since it does animal origins -reconstruction. have been offered, exposing patients an potential Comparison proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers potential for bone proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great for overcome bone reconstruction. Comparison proven efficiency, 4BONE proven BCH efficiency, offers great 4BONE potential BCH for offers bone great reconstruction. potential for bone reconstruction. chemical composition that mimics bone apatites and aincreased clinically risk of cross-contamination. Consequently, of synthetic risk origin of cross-contamination. Consequently, products of synthetic origin risk of cross-contamination. risk of To cross-contamination. Consequently, products Consequently, of synthetic products origin of to synthetic origin autologous bone is considered tonatural be the gold standard since it origin does not require any resorption/substitution process. overcome not autograft require any resorption/substitution process. To autograft not require anygreat resorption/substitution notproducts require any resorption/substitution process. To overcome process. autograft To overcome autograft risk ofdeveloped, cross-contamination. Consequently, products of synthetic proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great potential for bone reconstruction. were developed, among them, biphasic calcium phosphate, composed were developed, among them, biphasic calcium phosphate, composed were developed, among were them, biphasic among calcium them, phosphate, biphasic composed calcium phosphate, composed not require resorption/substitution process. To overcome autograft limitations, a wide range of biomaterials - natural products of human limitations, and a wideofrange of and biomaterials natural products of human and limitations, a wide range limitations, of biomaterials aany wide range - natural of biomaterials products human -calcium natural products of -human and were developed, among them, biphasic phosphate, composed típusok of hydroxyapatite (HA) and origins beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). of hydroxyapatite With a and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a of hydroxyapatite (HA) of hydroxyapatite and beta-tricalcium (HA) phosphate and beta-tricalcium (ß-TCP). With phosphate a (ß-TCP). With a limitations, a wide range ofpatients biomaterials -Csontpótlás natural products of and animal origins - have been offered, patients to an increased animal origins - exposing have been offered, exposing patients to an increased animal -exposing have animal been offered, origins -exposing have been offered, to an(HA) increased patients to anhuman increased of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). 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Consequently, products Consequently, of natural synthetic products origin ofnatural synthetic origin chemical composition that bone apatites and aincreased clinically provendeveloped, efficiency, BCH offers great potential for bone reconstruction. proven efficiency, 4BONE offers potential for bone reconstruction. proven efficiency, proven BCH efficiency, offers 4BONE potential BCH for offers bone reconstruction. potential for bone reconstruction. autologous bone4BONE is considered tobone be the autologous gold standard bone since isthe autologous considered itgold does bone to great be isthe the considered gold standard to be since the gold does standard since it does autologous iscalcium considered togreat be standard since itBCH does risk ofdeveloped, cross-contamination. 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To autograft of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). of With a biphasic (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a ofnot hydroxyapatite (HA) of hydroxyapatite and beta-tricalcium (HA) phosphate and beta-tricalcium With phosphate a overcome (ß-TCP). autologous bone is considered to beresorption/substitution the gold standard since ithydroxyapatite does autologous bone is considered beofrange the gold standard since itWith does limitations, aany wide range of biomaterials -range natural limitations, products wide of range human range limitations, ofand biomaterials a to wide natural of biomaterials products of -human human natural and products of human and limitations, a wide ofmimics biomaterials natural products and of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a limitations, aa wide of biomaterials --human natural products of and chemical that mimics natural bone apatites and a-chemical clinically composition that mimics natural bone apatites and a clinically chemical composition chemical that composition natural bone that mimics apatites natural and a clinically bone apatites and a clinically not requirecomposition resorption/substitution process. To overcome autograft not require any resorption/substitution process. To overcome autograft animal origins - have been offered, exposing animal patients origins togreat an have increased animal been origins offered, -great exposing have been patients offered, toand exposing anpotential increased patients toreconstruction. an increased animal origins - 4BONE have been offered, exposing patients to an potential increased chemical composition that mimics bone apatites aincreased clinically animal origins --reconstruction. have been offered, exposing patients to an proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great for bone proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great for bone proven efficiency, proven BCH efficiency, offers 4BONE potential BCH for offers bonenatural reconstruction. for bone reconstruction. limitations, a wide range of biomaterials - potential natural products of human and limitations, a wide range of biomaterials natural products of human and risk of cross-contamination. Consequently, risk products of cross-contamination. of to synthetic riskproducts origin of cross-contamination. Consequently, products Consequently, of synthetic synthetic products origin of synthetic origin of offered, cross-contamination. Consequently, of great synthetic origin proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers potential for bone reconstruction. risk of cross-contamination. Consequently, products of origin animal origins - have risk been exposing patients increased animal origins - an have been offered, exposing patients to ancalcium increased were among them, biphasicamong calcium were developed, phosphate, among composed were them, developed, biphasic among calcium them, phosphate, biphasic composed phosphate, composed were developed, them, biphasic calcium phosphate, composed were developed, among them, biphasic calcium phosphate, composed risk ofdeveloped, cross-contamination. Consequently, products of synthetic origin risk of cross-contamination. Consequently, products of synthetic origina of hydroxyapatite (HA)ofAutograft and beta-tricalcium ofAutograft phosphate hydroxyapatite (ß-TCP). (HA) of Autograft hydroxyapatite With and abeta-tricalcium beta-tricalcium (HA)Autograft and phosphate (ß-TCP). Allograft phosphate With (ß-TCP). With a hydroxyapatite and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). Withbeta-tricalcium a (cadaver) of hydroxyapatite (HA) and phosphate (ß-TCP). With a (cadaver) Type of Allograft (cadaver) Type Hydroxyapatite of Hydroxyapatite Type of biphasic (HA) Type of Allograft (cadaver) Allograft Hydroxyapatite Hydroxyapatite were developed, among them, calcium phosphate, composed developed, among them, biphasic phosphate, composed chemical composition that mimics natural were chemical bone apatites composition and achemical clinically that mimics composition natural bone that mimics apatites natural and clinically apatites bone graft Xenograft bone graft Xenograft composition that mimics natural bone apatites and calcium a bone clinically bone graft bone graft Xenograft Xenograft Synthetic Bone Graftaa bone Synthetic Boneand Grafta clinically Synthetic Bone Graft chemical composition that natural apatites and clinically TCPmimics TCP TCP TCP Type of Autograft Allograft (cadaver) Hydroxyapatite of hydroxyapatite (HA)chemical and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP). With a proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offersnatural great potential proven for efficiency, boneand reconstruction. 4BONE BCH efficiency, offers great 4BONE potential BCHfor for offers bone great reconstruction. potential proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great potential for bone reconstruction. bone graft Xenograft Synthetic Bone Graft proven efficiency, 4BONE BCH offers great potential bone reconstruction. TCP for bone reconstruction. chemical composition that mimics bone apatites aproven clinically chemical composition that mimics natural bone apatites and a clinically proven efficiency, 4BONEPatient BCHbone offers great potential fororigin bone reconstruction. Human Calcium Biphasic phosphate Human origin Calcium phosphate Patient bone Human origin Human Calcium origin Biphasic Calcium phosphate Biphasic Patient bone Patient proven efficiency, 4BONE BCHbone offers great potential for bone reconstruction.

Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types.

Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types. Bone Graft Types.

Csomagolás Bone Resorption / Substitution. A 4BoneBCH megkönnyíti az architekturális vázat an biztosítva a csontfelépülésnek. 4BONE facilitates architectural bone csontképződést, formation by providing osteoconductive scaffolding. A pótoltBCH csontserves mechanikai stabilitása a hidroxiduring apatitbone lassú formation felszívódása és a túlzott 4BONE as a scaffold forbiztosított bone deposition process. The mechanical stability of the augmented bone is maintained thanks to the resorption több rate rezorpció által. A 4Bone biokémiai hatékonyságát, biokompatibilitását ésslow hatékonyságát of hydroxyapatite the prevention mint 20 év klinikai and tapasztalat biztosítja.of excessive resorption. Unlike other biphasic calcium phosphates, 4BONE BCH is not only a combination of HA and TCP, but is chemically synthesized as a composite in order to ensure homogenous distribution of the two phases. 4BONE BCH is being integrated with the natural human bone remodeling process and eventually replaced Ajánlott gyógyulási by the natural bone.idők: 4BONE BCH’s effectiveness, its safety and biocompatibility have been Sinus: 6-8 hónap, Alveolus proven feltöltés:over 5-6 the hónap clinically and scientifically last 20 years . It is widely documented and backed A gyógyulási idő csökkenthető saját csonttal keverés esetén. by vast scientific and clinical literature since való 1986.

Recommendations based on experience with 4BONE BCH: Sinus-healing - 6 to 8 months ■ Alveolus filing - 5 to 6 months ■ Healing period can be shortened if 4BONE BCH is mixed with autologous bone.

Originof Type bone graft

Origin Autograft Type of bone graft

Originof Allograft (cadaver) Animal origin Autograft Type Type Xenograft bone of graft Origin bone graft

phosphate Origin Type Hydroxyapatite of Autograft Allograft (cadaver) Animal origin Patient bone

Quantity Type of Origingraft bone

Limited Quantity Patient Autograft Type bone of

Unlimited Limited Quantity Human Patient Allograft (cadaver) Autograft Typebone oforigin Originof Quantity Xenograft Animal origin bone graft Type

Benefits Quantity Origin Type of bone graft Type of bone graft Benefits Quantity Disadvantages

Best & fastest Benefits Patient bone results autograft takes 4 to 6 Limited Quantity Originto mature in months Autograft theType sinus of

-Best Available in large & fastest Benefits Human originresults Patient bone quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Unlimited Limited Quantity Benefits Origintoorigin Animal months mature in Quantity - Mechanical Allograft Type of (cadaver) Origin the sinusof Autograft Type properties

Origin Origin Benefits Disadvantages Quantity Quantity Disadvantages Benefits Bone




Disadvantages Disadvantages 20 0 0




Origingraft bone

bone graft Autograft Best & fastest results Limited Benefits Quantity - Considerable volume Disadvantages

autograft takes 4 to 6 Patient needed (5-10cc monthsbone to matureper in side) for typical sinus theOrigin sinus Patient bone augmentation Best & fastest Benefits - Harvested fromresults intraautograft 4 to 6 oral donortakes sites - Considerable volume Disadvantages months to mature in Limited Quantity per - needed Requires additional the sinus(5-10cc side) for typical invasive surgerysinus Limited augmentation -- Harvested from intraConsiderable volume Disadvantages Best & fastest results oral donor sites Benefits needed (5-10cc per autograft takes 4 to 6 side) for typical sinus - Best Requires months toadditional mature in & fastest results augmentation invasive surgery the sinus takes 4 to 6 autograft - months to mature in Harvested from intrathe oralsinus donor sites oral donor sites. Requires additional --Considerable Harvested from intravolume Disadvantages invasive(5-10cc surgeryper needed sinus augmentation. for typical sinus - side) Considerable volume per side)(5-10cc fortypical needed per augmentation needed side) for (5cc-10cc typical sinus - Harvested Considerable volume intraoral donor from sites. augmentation oral donor sites - Harvested from intrafrom intra-- Harvested Requires additional sinusdonor augmentation. oral sites invasive surgery per side) fortypical - Requires additional needed (5cc-10cc oral donor sites. invasive surgery volume Harvested from intra- Considerable sinus augmentation. per side) fortypical needed (5cc-10cc Considerable volume oral donor sites. - Harvested from intraoral sites. sinusdonor augmentation. from intra- Harvested per side) fortypical sinus augmentation. needed (5cc-10cc Considerable volume per side) fortypical

Origin bone graft

Xenograft bone graft graft bone Allograft Type of in(cadaver) -Limited Available large Best & fastest results Unlimited Xenograft Benefits Quantity Csontpótló fajtája bonebone graft - Dead - Considerable Disadvantages quantities Benefits autograft takesvolume 4 to 6 Quantity Human origin provides limitedper needed (5-10cc Patient bone months to mature in Disadvantages -side) Mechanical bone foringrowth typical Origin Animal origin sinus the sinus Origin properties origin -Human augmentation Very slow resorption -Best Available in large & fastest origin Benefits Eredet -Animal - Harvested Origin Contamination risks fromresults intraquantities autograft takes 4 to 6 oral donor sites Benefits - Dead - Considerable bone volume Limited Disadvantages tostorage mature in -months Mechanical Unlimited Limited Quantity Disadvantages Quantity provides limitedper - needed Requires additional the sinus(5-10cc properties boneforingrowth side) typical invasive surgerysinus Unlimited - Very Quantity augmentation slow resorption Mennyiség -- Contamination -- Harvested risks from intraDead bone volume Disadvantages -Considerable Available in large Best & (5-10cc fastest Benefits oral donor sitesresults Benefits provides limited needed per - quantities Limited storage Disadvantages autograft takes 4 to 6 boneforingrowth typical sinus --side) Requires additional Available inmature large months to in -augmentation Benefits -Mechanical invasive surgery Very slow resorption quantities the sinus properties Előnyök from intra-Mechanical --Harvested Contamination risks oral donorstorage sites -properties Limited oral donorstorage sites. - Limited additional -Requires Dead bone fromvolume intraDisadvantages Considerable -- Harvested Disadvantages - provides Contamination invasive surgery limitedrisks needed (5-10cc per sinus augmentation. bone ingrowth - Dead bone side) for typical sinus Very slow resorption Disadvantages per side) fortypical provides limited -needed augmentation Very slow resorption cell proliferation (5cc-10cc bone ingrowth - Contamination Dead bone limited Considerable volume risks Harvested from intraoral donor sites. -- Very slow resorption Limited storage oral donor sitesintrafrom storage - Harvested - Limited Hátrányok Contamination risks Contamination risks -sinus Requires additional augmentation. - Limited invasive surgery storage Very slow resorption per side) fortypical celldonor proliferation needed (5cc-10cc oral sites. -Considerable Limited storage Dead bone limited volume intra- Harvested from - Contamination risks sinus augmentation. Very slow resorption per side) fortypical cell proliferation needed (5cc-10cc Dead bone limited Considerable volume oral donor sites. - Limited storage - Harvested from intra- Contamination risks - Limited storage sinus augmentation. Very slowfortypical resorption per side) - Contamination risks cell proliferation needed (5cc-10cc Very slow Dead boneresorption limited Considerable volume

Synthetic Bone Graft Biphasic phosphate HA/TCP

HA/TCP phosphate Autograft Allograft Hydroxyapatite (cadaver) Animal origin Human origin Allograft (cadaver) Xenograft Synthetic Bone Graft TCP origin Animal Xenograft

HA/TCP phosphate Allograft (cadaver) Animal origin Hydroxyapatite Calcium Hydroxyapatite Xenograft phosphate Synthetic Bone Graft TCP

phosphate HA/TCP Hydroxyapatite Biphasic phosphate HA/TCP Synthetic Bone Graft TCP

Ships/blocs Limited Unlimited Quantity Calcium Human origin Patient bone Type Hydroxyapatite of Autograft Allograft (cadaver) Patient bone phosphate Limited Origin bone Xenograft Animal origin Autograft TCP graft

Limited Granules Unlimited Ships/blocs Biphasic phosphate Patient bone Human Calcium origin Autograft Allograft Hydroxyapatite (cadaver) Human origin HA/TCP phosphate Unlimited Xenograft Animal origin Synthetic Bone Graft Allograft (cadaver) TCP Animal origin Xenograft

Unlimited Ships/blocs Granules Human origin Biphasic Calcium phosphate Allograft (cadaver) Hydroxyapatite Calcium HA/TCP phosphate Ships/blocs Xenograft Animal Synthetic Bone Graft Hydroxyapatite TCP origin phosphate

Ships/blocs Granules Calcium Biphasic phosphate Hydroxyapatite Biphasic phosphate phosphate HA/TCP Granules Synthetic Bone Graft TCP HA/TCP

Granules phosphate Biphasic HA/TCP Synthetic Bone Graft

-Best Available in large 100% Synthetic & fastest Benefits Calcium Human originresults Patient bone quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Biocompatible Ships/blocs Limited Unlimited Quantity phosphate Best & fastest results Origin Patient bone Animal origin months to mature in Limited -autograft Mechanical 4 to 6 Autograft Type Hydroxyapatite oftakes the sinus Allograft (cadaver) Autograft properties months to mature in bone graft Xenograft TCP the sinus Hydroxyapatite -Autograft Available in large 100% Synthetic Best & fastest results Ships/blocs Limited Unlimited Benefits Quantity Autograft TCP Slow resorption - -Best Dead Considerable Disadvantages & bone fastest results quantities autograft takesvolume 4 to 6 Biocompatible Limited Calcium Patient bone provides limited needed (5-10cc Human origin autograft takes 4per toin6 Patient bone months to mature --Considerable volume Mechanical phosphate bone ingrowth side) for typical sinus Origin months to mature in the sinus Animal origin needed (5-10cc per properties Calcium -side) augmentation the sinus Very slow resorption Patient bone for typical sinus -Best Available in large phosphate 100% Synthetic & fastest Benefits Beteg csontja - -augmentation Harvested fromresults intraContamination risks quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Biocompatible Best & bone fastest results oral donor sites Slow resorption - -Harvested Dead Considerable volume Disadvantages from Limited storage months to mature autograft takes 4intratoin6 Limited Ships/blocs Mechanical Unlimited Quantity ---Considerable Limited volume provides limited needed (5-10cc per Requires additional oral donor sites the sinus months to matureper in properties needed (5-10cc bonefor ingrowth side) typical invasive surgerysinus the sinus - Requires additional Ships/blocs typical sinus Limited -side) augmentation Veryfor slow resorption Korlátozott invasive surgery augmentation - -Harvested from intraContamination risks Slow resorption bone Considerable Disadvantages -Dead Available in volume large -- -Harvested Best fastest results 100% Synthetic from intraBenefits oral donor sites Best && fastest results provides limited needed (5-10cc Limited storage - -oral Considerable volume autograft takes 4per to 66 quantities donor sites Biocompatible autograft takes 4 to bonefor ingrowth side) typical sinus Requires additional needed (5-10cc per --Legjobb és leggyormonths to mature in 100% Synthetic months to mature in -Very Mechanical Best & fastest results - -Requires additional augmentation invasive surgery side) for typical sinus slow resorption the sinus Biocompatible sabb eredmény the sinus autograft takes 4 to 6 invasive surgery properties - -augmentation Harvested from Contamination risks months to mature in - Az Autograft 4-6intrahónap oralsinus donor from sites intra- -Harvested the Limited storage oral donor sites. alatt beépül a sinus-ba. Limited storage donor sites -- -oral Requires additional Slow resorption Considerable volume Harvested from intraDisadvantages - Dead bone Considerable volume donor sites. invasive surgery -oral Contamination risks needed (5-10cc per provides limited Requires additional needed (5-10cc per sinus augmentation. Harvested from intra---Nagy mennyiség side) for typical sinus Slow resorption bone ingrowth surgery side) for typical sinus Very slow resorption - invasive Considerable volume per side) fortypical 3 sinus augmentation. szükséges (5-10 cm augmentation Very slow resorption augmentation needed (5-10cc per cell proliferation (5cc-10cc per side) fortypical side) forbone typical sinus avolume tipikus Harvested from intraDead limited Considerable - Contamination risks --oldalanként) Harvested from intraoral donor sites. needed (5cc-10cc -oral Limited storage augmentation oral donor sites intradonor sites. sites augmentációhoz. Harvested from Considerable volume - Limited -sinus storage from intra-Harvested Contamination risks Requires additional ----Csontgyűjtés Requires additional sinus augmentation. oral donor sites invasive surgery Very slow resorption sinus augmentation. invasive surgery per side) fortypical intra-orálisan a betegtől - per fortypical Requires additional cellside) proliferation needed (5cc-10cc oral donor sites. - További sebészi -needed Limited storage (5cc-10cc invasive surgery Dead bone limited Considerable volume Harvested from intra-beavatkozás oral donor sites. szükséges Considerable volume Contamination risks from intra- Harvested sinus augmentation. Very slow resorption per side) fortypical sinus augmentation. cellside) proliferation needed (5cc-10cc per fortypical Dead bone limited Considerable volume needed (5cc-10cc Considerable volume oral donor sites. oral donorstorage sites. Limited Harvested from from intraintra--Harvested - Contamination oral donor sites. risks sinus augmentation. sinus augmentation. Very slow resorption Harvested from intra- per per side) side) fortypical fortypical needed (5cc-10cc cell augmentation. proliferation needed (5cc-10cc sinus Considerable volume Dead limited Considerable volume per side)bone fortypical

-100% Available in results large Best & fastest Synthetic 100% Synthetic Biphasic phosphate Patient bone Human Calcium origin quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Biocompatible Biocompatible Limited Granules Unlimited Ships/blocs -HA/TCP Available in large phosphate Human origin Animal origin months to mature in Unlimited -Osteogenic Mechanical quantities Autograft Allograft (cadaver) the sinus origin Hydroxyapatite Animal Allograft (cadaver) properties -Synthetic Mechanical Xenograft Bone Graft Xenograft TCP properties Allograft (cadaver) Allograft -Synthetic Available in large Best & fastest results 100% Synthetic 100% Synthetic Limited Granules Unlimited Ships/blocs Bone Graft Xenograft - Xenograft initial --No Available in large Considerable volume Slow resorption Dead bone quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Biocompatible Biocompatible Unlimited Biphasic Human phosphate origin Patient bone needed (5-10cc per provides limited Calcium quantities Human origin months to mature in -mechanical Dead bone Osteogenic -HA/TCP Mechanical side) for typical sinus bone ingrowth phosphate properties Animal origin the sinus origin provides limited -Biphasic Mechanical Animal properties phosphate augmentation - bone Very slow resorption Human origin ingrowth properties Emberi eredetű -100% Available in results large HA/TCP Best & fastest Synthetic 100% Synthetic - Harvested from intraContamination risks Animal origin Very slow resorption Állati eredetű quantities autograft takes 4 to 6 Available in large Biocompatible Biocompatible oral donor sites - Considerable No initial volume Slow resorption Dead bone Limited storage Contamination months to maturerisks in quantities Osteogenic Limited Unlimited Granules Mechanical Ships/blocs -mechanical Unlimited Dead (5-10cc per - needed Requires additional provides limited the sinusbone Limited storage properties provides limited --properties Mechanical side) foringrowth typical sinus invasive surgery bone Granules bone ingrowth Unlimited augmentation - properties Very slow resorption Korlátlan - Very slow resorption -- Harvested --No from intraContamination risks initial Considerable volume Slow resorption Dead bone Available in large Best & fastest results 100% Synthetic Available in large 100% Synthetic Contamination risks oral donor sites needed (5-10cc per provides limited -mechanical Limited storage Dead bone quantities autograft takes 4 to Biocompatible quantities Biocompatible formennyiség typical sinus6 -properties bone ingrowth Limited storage - -side) Requires provides limited Nagy months toadditional mature 100% Synthetic Available in largein Mechanical --Osteogenic augmentation surgery -Mechanical bone ingrowth Very slow resorption the sinus Biocompatible -invasive Mechanikai quantities properties - properties - Harvested intraVery slowfrom resorption Contamination risks tulajdonságai -Osteogenic Mechanical oral donor sites risks -- Contamination oral donorstorage sites. Limited properties - Limited storage -- Harvested Requires additional No initial from intra-- Limited Dead bone Considerable volume Slowbone resorption Dead storage invasive surgery - Limited Contamination risks provides limited needed (5-10cc per storage mechanical provides limited sinus augmentation. bone ingrowth forslow typical sinus No initial bone ingrowth properties Very resorption -side) csont, limitált Dead bone -Élettelen Contamination risks per side) fortypical augmentation mechanical Very slow resorption -csontbeépülés provides limited needed (5cc-10cc Very slow resorption cell proliferation Very slow resorption properties bone ingrowth - Considerable -- Dead volume Harvested from intrabone limited Contamination risks Contamination oral donor sites. risks cell proliferation -oral lassú -Nagyon Limited storage donor sites Very slow resorption from intra-Limited - Harvested Limited storage Dead bone limited -felszívódás storage - Contamination risks - sinus Requires additional augmentation. -Fertőzés Contamination risks -invasive veszély surgery slow resorption - Very Limited storage per side) fortypical Very slow resorption - Korlátozott needed (5cc-10cc cell proliferation oral donor sites. -tárolhatóság Limited storage cell proliferation volume Dead bone limited Harvested from intra- Considerable Dead bone limited -- Limited storage Contamination risks sinus augmentation. Contamination Very slow resorption per side) fortypicalrisks needed (5cc-10cc Very slow resorption cell proliferation Considerable volume Dead bone limited cell proliferation Dead bone limited oral donor sites. -Limited Limited storage storage - Harvested from intraContamination risks --Contamination risks sinus augmentation. - Limited storage Very slow resorption Very slow resorption per side) fortypical - Contamination cell proliferation proliferation needed (5cc-10ccrisks cell Deadslow bone limited Considerable volume Very resorption Dead bone limited

100% Synthetic 100% Synthetic Calcium Biphasic phosphate Biocompatible Biocompatible Ships/blocs Granules phosphate HA/TCP 100% Synthetic Biphasic phosphate Granules Osteogenic Biocompatible HA/TCP

100% Synthetic Biphasic phosphate Biocompatible Granules HA/TCP Osteogenic

Autograft bone Xenograft TCP graft



- 100% Available in large 100% Synthetic Synthetic Human origin Biphasic Calcium phosphate quantities Biocompatible Biocompatible Unlimited Ships/blocs Granules HA/TCP phosphate 100% Synthetic Animal origin Calcium Ships/blocs - Osteogenic Mechanical Biocompatible phosphate Allograft Hydroxyapatite (cadaver) Hydroxyapatite properties

Synthetic Bone Graft

Synthetic Bone Graft

Hydroxyapatite Xenograft Synthetic Bone Graft Graft Synthetic Bone Graft Osteogenic TCP TCP Synthetic Bone TCP Hydroxyapatite -Hydroxyapatite, Available in large 100% Synthetic 100% 100% Synthetic Synthetic 100% Synthetic Unlimited Ships/blocs Ships/blocs Granules Granules 4BONE Slow resorption -Béta Synthetic Bone Graft Dead bone No Slow initial resorption No initial TCP 100% Synthetic 100% Synthetic quantities TCP Biocompatible Biocompatible Biocompatible Biocompatible Ships/blocs Granules

Human Calcium origin provides limited Biphasic phosphate mechanical Calcium Biocompatible Slow resorption - Osteogenic Mechanical phosphate bone ingrowth HA/TCP phosphate Animal origin properties - properties Very slow resorption Calcium -Kalcium-foszfát Available in large 100% Synthetic Synthetic phosphate - 100% Contamination risks quantities Biocompatible Biocompatible 100% Synthetic - No Dead bone Slow initial resorption Limited storage - Osteogenic Mechanical Unlimited Ships/blocs Granules Biocompatible Slow resorption Ships/blocs provides limited mechanical properties bone ingrowth properties Ships/blocs -Ömlesztve/blokVery slow resorption -kokban Contamination risks Dead bone Slow initial resorption -- No Available in large 100%Synthetic Synthetic 100% 100% Synthetic provides limited - mechanical Limited storage Slow resorption quantities Biocompatible Biocompatible Biocompatible bone ingrowth properties -- Mechanical Osteogenic 100% Synthetic Very slow resorption 100% szintetikus properties Biocompatible - Contamination Biokompatibilis risks - Limited storage - Limited storage Slow resorption - Dead bone No initial Slow resorption - Contamination provides limitedrisks mechanical bone ingrowth Very slow resorption properties Slow resorption -cell Veryproliferation slow resorption -Dead bone limited Contamination risks -Nagyon Limited storage - Limited lassú storage -felszívódás Contamination risks Very slow resorption cell proliferation - Limited storage Dead bone limited - Contamination risks Very slow resorption cell proliferation Dead bone limited - Limited storage - Contamination risks Very slow resorption cell proliferation Dead bone limited

Biphasic Calcium phosphate phosphate mechanical Biphasic Biocompatible No initial Osteogenic HA/TCP phosphate HA/TCP properties Osteogenic mechanical Biphasic phosphate properties 100%Synthetic Synthetic 100% HA/TCP Kétfázisú foszfát Biocompatible Biocompatible 100% Synthetic Slow resorption No initial Ships/blocs Granules Osteogenic Biocompatible No initial Granules mechanical Osteogenic mechanical properties Granules properties


Synthetic Bone Graft

Synthetic Bone Graft 100% Synthetic Granules No initial Biocompatible Biphasic phosphate mechanical Osteogenic HA/TCP properties 100% Synthetic Biocompatible No initial Osteogenic Granules mechanical properties

Slow resorption No initial 100% 100%Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic 100% mechanical No initial Biocompatible Biocompatible Biocompatible properties mechanical Osteogenic 100% Synthetic Osteogenic properties 100% szintetikus Biocompatible Biokompatibilis Osteogenic

No initial 100% Synthetic mechanical Biocompatible properties Osteogenic

No Slow initial resorption No initial mechanical mechanical properties No initial properties mechanical properties Nincs kezdeti

No initial mechanical properties

mechanikai tulajdonság


10. 24



4BONE BCH Advantages. Előnyök TM

Különböző kiszerelés indikációk. 0.5cc/1ccésIndications. 0,5 és 1cc: 4BONE BCH is intended for use as a bone void filler or augmentation material use in oral,ésperiodontal or defektusoknál maxillofacial adefects. It may Orális,forperiodontális maxillofaciális csontüreg felalsotöltésére, be used valamint as a bone graft extender. BCHidő is intended only a csont pótlására. A4BONE gyógyulási alatt folyamafor bony voids or gaps that are not intrinsic to the stability of the bony tosan szívódik fel, így biztosítva helyet csontnak. structure. When placed into a bony site,a növekedő 4BONE BCH is gradually resorbed and replaced with bone during the healing process.

Typical uses include: Periodontal/intrabony defects ■ Ridge lifting ■ Extraction sites (implant preparation/placement) ■ Sinus lifting ■ Cystic cavities ■ 4BONE BCH is also very efficient in immediate loading procedures and it may be used as a bone graft extender.

Architectural bone remodeling Architekturális csontképződés:

Specific microstructure and macrostructure represent a dynamic A speciális mikro és makrostruktúrájának köszönhetően a gyógyulási idő során fokozatosan előprocess, includingcsontépülést physico-chemical processes, crystal/protein segíti a dinamikus interactions, cell and tissue colonization, and bone remodeling.

Hatékonyság: Efficiency

Bioaktív, lehetővé teszi allows a sejtekcell tapadását, proliferációját és aand sejtbeépülést. Bioactive. 4BONE BCH attachment, proliferation cell expression.


Easy procedure mixing with saline and/or patient’s blood.


Injection of the fully absorbed 4BONE BCH substance into implantation site.


Biztonság: 100% Synthetic. No human or animal origin involved. The 100%bansafety szintetikus csontpótló. Nincs benne emberi product’s has been well established by sem twenty yearssem of állati eredetű anyag. Biokémiai hatékonyságát, clinical studies. bio-kompatibilitását és biztonságosságát 20 év klinikai tapasztalat bizonyítja.


Könnyű kezelhetőség:

Easy to handle. The granules of 4BONE BCH are easily mixed with A fecskendős kiszerelésnek a csontpótló szemcséi könnyen elnyelik a beteg the patient’s blood or with köszönhetően a physiological solution inanyag a syringe, vérét, vagy a sóoldatot. a praktikus kiszerelés megkönnyíti a csontpótló bevitelét és mienabling simple deliveryTovábbá to the augmented site.

nimalizálja az anyagveszteséget.

Important 1- Bone granules should be wetted with saline solution. 2-Do not compact or jam 4BONE BCH granules when delivery is attempted. 4BONE BCH is supplied within an easy-to-use syringe. Quantity: 0.5cc Granule size: 0.5-1mm

12. 26


2,5 cc: Indications. 2.5cc Nagyobb kontakt felületet biztosítva a sejtek tapadásának és több helyet hagyva a csont növekeWhen large defects and volumes are involved, particles need greater spaces around désének elsősorban nagyobb csonthiány feltöltéséhez Felszívódási lassabb, mely them in order to allow cells colonization. Using largerajánlott. particles of 4BONEideje BCH provides larger contact surface for cell attachment and bone ingrowth spaces. ebben az aesetben elengedhetetlen a kezelés sikerességéhez. 4BONE BCH Synthetic Bone Graft injections of 2.5cc are indicated for large augmentation sites, where long resorption time is crucial for the procedure’s successful results.


Csomagolás Packaging. A 4Bone steril fecskendőbe fiolábaninkerül kiszerelésre. 4BONE BCH isvagy supplied a sterile syringe or vial. - BS-4BS01 –The 0,5 cc 0,5-1mm szemcseméret, fecskendős kiszerelés syringe packaging facilitates both mixing of the with saline and with thekiszerelés patient’s blood and - BS-4BS1S –substance 1cc 0,5-1mm szemcseméret, fiolás placement into the augmented site. - BS-4BS25 –an 2,5easy cc 1,1-2mm szemcseméret, foilás kiszerelés

4BONE BCH is available in three quantities: BS-4BS01 0.5cc, granules size: 0.5-1mm syringe BS-4BS1S 1cc, granules size: 0.5-1mm, vial packaging BS-4BS25 2.5cc, granules size: 1-2mm, vial packaging


MIS Implants Technologies Ltd.


MIS Implants Technologies Ltd.

Euromedic Dent

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