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Member Organisations | Organisations membres
from Annual Report 2020
EUROPEAN and INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS | RÉSEAUX EUROPÉENS et INTERNATIONAUX n AEERPA - Association européenne des entreprises de restauration du patrimoine architectural –European Association of Architectural
Heritage Restoration Companies (based in Spain) n Association of Castles and Museums Around the Baltic Sea (based in Finland) n Association of European Royal Residencies (based in France) n C.E.M. Centre Européen de Musique (based in France) n European Confederation of Conservators-Restorers Organisations
ECCO (based in Belgium) n ECOVAST – the European Council for the Village and Small Town (based in the United Kingdom) n Europäisches Burgeninstitut - The European Castles Association (based in Germany) n European Association of Archaeologists (based in Czech Republic) n European Cultural Foundation (based in the Netherlands) n European Federation of Associations of Technical & Industrial Heritage
E-FAITH (based in Belgium) n European Federation of Game Archives, Museums and Preservation
Projects (EFGAMP) (based in Germany) n European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations FEG (based in Portugal) n European Heritage Association (based in Croatia) n European Heritage Volunteers (based in Germany) n European Historic Houses Association (based in Belgium) n European Institute for Cultural Tourism EUREKA (based in Bulgaria) n European Landowners Organisation (based in Belgium) n European Maritime Heritage (based in the Netherlands) n European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education (ENCoRE) (based in Denmark) n European State Studs Association e.V. (based in Germany) n European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH) n FEDECRAIL – European Federation of Museum and Tourist Railways –
Fédération Européenne des Chemins de Fer Touristiques et Historiques (based in the Netherlands) n Fédération Internationale des Jardins Familiaux (based in Luxembourg) n Internationales Städteforum Graz (ISG) – The International City Forum
Graz (based in Austria) n PERSPECTIV – Association of Historic Theatres in Europe (based in Germany) n Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (based in Belgium) n Union internationale des organisations Terre et Culture (based in France)
ALBANIA | ALBANIE n ADCT – Association for Development of Cultural Tourism n Gjirokastra Conservation and Development Organisation n The Past for the Future
ARMENIA | ARMÉNIE n Bnorran Armenian Society for Preservation of the Historical Sites n Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena CSDCA - Study and Documentation Centre of Armenian Culture (based in Italy) n Karas Revival Heritage Foundation
AUSTRIA | AUTRICHE n Österreichische Gesellschaft der Denkmalfreunde - Austrian
Association for the Friends of Monuments n Verein Historische Gebaüde Österreich - Austrian Historic Houses
AZERBAIJAN | AZERBAÏDJAN n Union of Architects
BELGIUM | BELGIQUE n Belgian Historic Vehicle Association BEHVA n Bruxelles-Fabriques - Brusselfabriek n Het Convent n Foundation for the Urban Environment (FFUE) n Herita vzw n Horta Museum / Musée Horta n Kempens Landschap vzw n Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden van België –
The Royal Historic Houses Association of Belgium n Kunstwijk vzw – Quartier des Arts asbl - Art Neighbourhood
BELGIUM | BELGIQUE n Natuurpunt Beheer n PARCUM n Vereniging Jean van Caloen vzw – Jean van Caloen Association
BULGARIA | BULGARIE n Buzludzha Project Foundation
CYPRUS | CHYPRE n Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation n Costas & Rita Severis Foundation n Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Architects
CZECHIA | TCHÉQUIE n Asociace majitelu hradu a zámku – Association of Castle and Manor ˚ ˚ ˚
House Owners n Cesko-lichtenstejnská spolecnost (Czech-Liechtenstein Society) ˘ ˘ ˘ n The Friends of Czech Heritage (based in the United Kingdom) n Institut pro památky a kulturu - The Institute for Monuments and Culture n Klub Za starou Prahu – Association of Old Prague n Nadace Obcanského fóra – Civic Forum Foundation n Sdruzení historickych sídel Cech, Moravy a Slezska – Assocation of Czech,
Moravian and Silesian Historic Towns
DENMARK | DANEMARK n Apoteker SC. Str¢ybergs Fond n Bygnings Frednings Foreningen (BYFO) – The Association of Private
Owners of Historic Houses n Danish National Society for the Preservation of Ancient and Historic
Buildings n Gisselfeld Kloster n Landbrug & Fødevarer n Landsforeningen for Bygnings og Landskabskultur – The Association of
Architectural and Landscape Heritage ESTONIA | ESTONIE n Eesti Muinsuskaitse Selts – Estonian Heritage Society
FINLAND | FINLANDE n Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland n Finlands Riddarhus - The House of Nobility n Finnish Museums Association n Nordic Association of Conservators, Finnish Section n Pro Manilla Foundation (Pro Manilla Säätiö rs.) n Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto SAFA – The Finnish Association of Architects n Suomen Kotiseutuliitto – The Finnish Local Heritage Federation
FRANCE n Art et Jardins Hauts-de-France n Comité des Parcs et Jardins de France – Committee for Parks and
Gardens in France n La Demeure Historique – The Historic Home n Féderation Patrimoine-Environnement –Heritage and Environment
Federation n Fondation du Patrimoine – The Heritage Foundation n Maisons Paysannes de France – Country Houses of France n Union des Exploitants de Chemins de Fer Touristiques et Musées -
Heritage and Tourist Railways Association n Vieilles Maisons Françaises – Old French Houses
GEORGIA | GÉORGIE n Georgian Arts and Culture Centre (GACC)
GERMANY | ALLEMAGNE n Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Fachwerkstädte e.V. - Working Group
German Timber Wood Towns n Bund Heimat und Umwelt in Deutschland e.V. – The Federation for
Country and Environment in Germany n Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e.V. – The German Castles Association n Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz – The German Foundation for the
Preservation of Monuments n FörderKreis Kultur & Schlösser – The Association for Culture and Castles
n Fraunhofer Institut – Fraunhofer Institute (Competence Centre for
Cultural Heritage and Preventive Conservation) n Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz e. V. –
Associationfor the Protection of Monuments and Landscapes in the
Rhineland Area n Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg - Prussian
Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg n Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz - Prussian Culture Foundation n UNESCO-Welterbestätten Deutschland e.V. n Verein zur Erhaltung Privater Baudenkmäler und sonstiger Kulturgüter in
Bayern – The Association for the Preservation of Built Monuments and
Other Cultural Property in Bavaria n Verein zur Kunst- und Kulturförderung in den Neuen Ländern e.V. –
Association for the Promotion of Art and Culture in the New Federal
States of Germany
GREECE | GRÈCE n Elliniki Etairia – The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the
Environment and the Cultural Heritage n Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation n PERREVIA Network n Philodassiki Enossis Athinion - Philodassiki Society of Athens,
Environmental and Cultural Society
HUNGARY | HONGRIE n ICOMOS Magyar Nemzeti Bizottsag n Magyar Reneszánsz Alapítvány (Hungarian Renaissance Foundation)
IRELAND | IRLANDE n An Taisce - The National Trust for Ireland n Irish Georgian Society n Irish Heritage Trust
ITALY | ITALIE n Association of Private Committees for the Safeguarding of Venice n Associazione ARS.UNI.VCO n Associazione Culturale Imago Mundi onlus n Associazione per il Restauro del Patrimonio Artistico Italiano (ARPAI) –
The Association for the Restoration of Italian Cultural Heritage n Fondazione Antonio e Marietta Rossi n Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte n Fondazione Oristano n Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano – The Italian Environment Fund n Istituto Italiano dei Castelli – The Italian Castles Institute n Istituto Italiano dei Castelli – Sezione Toscana – The Italian Castles’
Institute – Tuscany Section n Italia Nostra n Le Dimore del Quartetto srl n Südtiroler Burgeninstitut – The South Tyrol Castles’ Institute n Touring Club Italiano n The National Carlo Collodi Foundation n Youth Europe Service Y.E.S.
KOSOVO n Kosovo Foundation for Cultural Heritage without Borders n Network for Civic Activism
LATVIA | LETTONIE n Riga Latvian Society
LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBOURG n Les Amis du Châteaux de Vianden - The Friends of Vianden Castle n Luxembourg Centre for Architecture (LUCA)
MALTA | MALTE n Din l-Art Helwa – The Association for the Safeguarding of the National
Heritage n Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) n Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti n Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - Malta HeritageTrust n St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation
NETHERLANDS | PAYS-BAS n BOEi n Bond Heemschut – The Association for Heritage Protection n De Hoge Veluwe National Park Foundation n Dutch Culture n Erfgoed Brabant n Erfgoed Gelderland n Federatie Instandhouding Monumenten (FIM) n Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen - The Gelderland Trust n Nationaal Restauratiefonds n Nederlandse Kastelenstichting – The Dutch Castles Foundation n Oude Kerk n Stadsherstel Amsterdam N.V. – Amsterdam Urban Restoration n Stichting Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis n Stichting Limburgse Kastelen – The Foundation for Castles in Limburg n Stichting Menno van Coehoorn – The Menno van Coehoorn Foundation n Vereniging De Hollandsche Molen (Dutch Mills Association) n Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser – The Hendrick de Keyser Association n Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland n Vereniging Vrienden van de Amsterdamse Binnenstad
NORWAY | NORVÈGE n Confraternity of St. James n Forbundet KYSTEN – Norwegian Coastal Federation n Foreningen Fredet n Fortidsminneforeningen – The Society for the Preservation of Norwegian
Ancient Monuments n Kjell Holm Foundation n Norsk Kulturarv (Stiftelsen) – Norwegian Heritage n Norske Landskapsarkitekters Forening – Norwegian Association of
Landscape Architects n The Oseberg Viking Heritage Foundation n The Oslo Heritage Society
POLAND | POLOGNE n Foundation for the Preservation of the Industrial Heritage of Silesia n Fundacja Odbudowy Dworu Sarny n Society of Friends of History and Monuments of Krakow PORTUGAL n Associaçao Portuguesa das Casas Antigas – The Portuguese Old Houses
Association n Associaçao Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Castelos –The Portuguese
Association of Friends of Castles n Centro Nacional de Cultura – The National Centre for Culture n Fundação das Casas de Fronteira e Alorna – The Foundation for the
Houses of Fronteira and Alorna
ROMANIA | ROUMANIE n ARA - Architecture. Restoration. Archaeology n ARCHÉ Association n Associatia Prin Banat n Cultural Association “Heritage for the Future” n Monumentum Association n Pro Patrimonio Foundation n The Transylvania Trust Foundation n Union of Architects of Romania
RUSSIA | RUSSIE n Heritage without Borders
SERBIA | SERBIE n Society for Heritage Promotion and Development of Sremski Karlovci
SPAIN | ESPAGNE n Ars Civilis Foundation n Asociación Amigos de los Pazos – The Association for the Friends of Los
Pazos n Asociación Española de Amigos de los Castillos – The Spanish
Association of Friends of the Castles n Fundación Lumbreras-Colección Adrastus n Fundación Marcelino Botín n Hispania Nostra n The Gabarron Foundation
SWEDEN | SUÈDE n The Elna Bengtssons Foundation n Gunnebo House and Gardens n Malmö Förskönings- och Planteringsförening – The Society for
Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Green Parks in Malmö n Kulturmiljö Halland, Stiftelsen Hallands Iänsmuseer (Heritage Halland) n Samfundet S:t Erik n Society of Architectural Conservation n Stiftelsen Skansen Open Air Museum n Svenska Byggnadsvardsforeningen – The Swedish Association for
Architectural Heritage Preservation n Sveriges Arkitekter - The Swedish Association of Architects n Sveriges Hembygdsförbund-Swedish Local Heritage Federation n Sveriges Jordägareförening - The Swedish Landowners Association n Swedish Association for Industrial Heritage (SIM)
SWITZERLAND | SUISSE n Association des amis des bateaux à vapeur du Leman(ABVL) n Domus Antiqua Helvetica n Förderverein ISOCARP Schweiz n Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity & Crafsmanship n NIKE – Centre national d’information pour la conservation des biens culturels n Patrimoine suisse, Section vaudoise – Swiss Heritage, Vaudoise Section n Schweizer Heimatschutz / Patrimoine suisse – Swiss Heritage Society n Société d’Histoire de l’Art en Suisse – The Society for Art History in
Switzerland n Stiftung Baukultur – The Architecture Foundation
TURKEY | TURQUIE n Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage n Cultural Awareness Foundation n Kulturel Mirasin Dostlari Dernegi (KUMID) – Friends of Cultural Heritage (FOCUH) UKRAINE | UKRAINE n St Andrew's Passage Initiative
UNITED KINGDOM | ROYAUME-UNI n Ancient Monuments Society n The Arkwright Society Ltd. n Built Environment Forum Scotland n The Churches Conservation Trust n The Cultura Trust n Edinburgh World Heritage Trust n The Georgian Group n The Gibraltar Heritage Trust n Glasgow City Heritage Trust n The Headley Trust n The Heritage Alliance n Heritage Trust Network n The Landmark Trust n The Leventis Foundation n The National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland n New Lanark Conservation Trust n Oxford Preservation Trust n The Prince’s Foundation n SAVE Britain’s Heritage n The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings n The South Wales Building Preservation Trust Ltd n World Monuments Fund in Britain n The York Civic Trust