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Main Bodies and Committees Principaux organes etComités
from Annual Report 2019
Main Bodies and Committees | Principaux Organes etComités
President | Président ■ Plácido Domingo (ES)
Executive President | Présidentexécutif ■ Hermann Parzinger (DE)
Executive Vice-President |Vice-présidentexécutif ■ Guy Clausse (LU) Vice-Presidents | Vice-président(e)s ■ Bertrand de Feydeau (FR) ■ Federico Guasti (IT) ■ PietJaspaert(BE) ■ Alexander Fürstzu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (DE) ■ Simone Mizzi (MT) ■ Jacek Purchla (PL) ■ Androulla Vassiliou (CY) Treasurer | Trésorier ■ Huub Doek (NL)
Secretary General | Secrétaire générale ■ Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic (RS/NL) ˘ ´
Elena Alliaudi (FR) Koen van Balen (BE) Stefan Balici (RO) Raluca Barbulescu (RO) Isabelle de Broglie (FR) Costa Carras (GR) Gaianè Casnati (IT/AM) Jorge Chaminé (FR) Pavlos Chatzigrigoriou (GR) Peter Collins (UK) Felipe Criado-Boado (ES) Sara Crofts (UK) Claus-Peter Echter (DE) SiegwartGraf zu Eulenburg und Hertefeld (DE) Bertrand de Feydeau (FR) Grete Horntvedt(NO) Jimmy Jamar (BE) PietJaspaert(BE) Joop de Jong (NL) Alexander Kottulinsky (AT) As at/au 01/01/2020 Pierre Laconte (BE) Michael Lehmann (DE) Wenceslas de Lobkowicz (BE) Karel Loeff (NL) Fani Mallouchou-Tufano (GR) Lida Miraj (AL) Kirsi Moisander (FI) Natalia Moussienko (UA) Simon Murray (UK) Helen Müller (DE) Laurie Neale (NL/Canada) Araceli Pereda Alonso (ES) Agni Petridou Skordi (CY) Charles Pictet(CH) Pedro Ponce de León (ES) Etienne Poncelet(FR) Alexandra Prokopiou (GR) Jacek Purchla (PL) Hortensia von Roten (CH) Jacques de Saussure (CH) Alexander Fürstzu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (DE) Paloma Sobrini (ES) Helle-Silvia Solnask (EE) Anna Soloveychikova (RU) Petr Svoboda (CZ) Mark Thomasin-Foster (UK) Philippe Toussaint(FR) Olivier de Trazegnies (BE) Nato Tsintsabadze (GE) Laurence de La Vaissiere de Lavergne (FR) Patrizia Valle (IT) John Vassallo (MT) Emílio Rui Vilar (PT) Erik Vind (DK) Diego Visconti (IT) Slavica Vujovic (RS) ´ Tina Wik (SE) Sander Winckel (NL/CH) Marianne Ytterdal (NO) Nuran Zeren Gulersoy (TR)
N.B. In red members of the Council nominated by Individual members.In blue members of the Council nominated by Country Representations and Member Organisations | N.B. En rouge,les membres du Conseil nominés par les membres individuels.En bleu,les membres du Conseil nominés par les Délégations nationales etOrganisations membres.
Pierre Laconte (BE) Chair / Président David Morgan,MBE,TD (UK) Vice-chair / Vice-président Hildebrand de Boer (NL) (International Secretary) Peter Ovenstone (UK) (Committee Secretary) Paul Smith (FR) (Scientific Director) Eusebi Casanelles (ES) Cyril Winskell,MBE (UK) Francesco Calzolaio (IT) Dr.Piotr Gerber (PL) Prof.Christian Hanus (AT) Hesperia Iliadou-Suppiej (IT) Rienko Wilton (NL) (Founding Secretary) Dietrich Soyez (GE) (Corresponding Member)
Sander Winckel (NL/CH) Chair / Président Petr Svoboda (CZ) Enzo Unfer (LU)
HERITAGE AWARDS JURIES | JURYS DES PRIX DU PATRIMOINE For the 2019 European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards | Pour le Prix Européens du Patrimoine / Prix Europa Nostra 2019
Category 1 | Catégorie 1 Conservation ■ Koen van Balen (BE)
Chair/ Président ■ Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero (ES) ■ Markus Hilgert(DE) ■ Daniela Korolija Crkvenjakov (RS) ■ Hugh Maguire (IE) ■ Agni Petridou (CY) ■ Michiel Purmer (NL) ■ Jacques de Saussure (CH) ■ Paul Smith (FR) Category 2 | Catégorie 2 Research | Recherche ■ Etienne Poncelet(FR)
Chair/ Président ■ Sabine Nemec-Piguet(CH) ■ Ana Pereira Roders (NL/PT) ■ Attilio Petruccioli (IT) ■ Dubravka Preradovic (RS) ■ Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga (PL) ´ ■ Georgios Toubekis (GR)
Category 3 | Catégorie 3 Dedicated Service | Contribution exemplaire ■ LaurentLévi-Strauss (FR)
Chair/ Président ■ Natalia Moussienko (UA) ■ Charles Pictet(CH) ■ Marianne Ytterdal (NO) Category 4 | Catégorie 4 Education,Training and Awareness-Raising | Éducation,formation etsensibilisation ■ Goranka Horjan (HR)
Chair/ Présidente ■ Maria da Conseição Alves Amaral (PT) ■ Pavlos Chatzigrigoriou (GR) ■ Maka Dvalishvili (GE) ■ Yonca Kosebay Erkan (TR) ■ R0bertYoung (UK)
EUROPEAN and INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS | RÉSEAUX EUROPÉENS etINTERNATIONAUX ■ AEERPA - Association européenne des entreprises de restauration du patrimoine architectural –European Association of Architectural
Heritage Restoration Companies (based in Spain) ■ Association of Castles and Museums Around the Baltic Sea (based in Finland) ■ Association of European Royal Residencies (based in France) ■ C.E.M.Centre Européen de Musique (based in France) ■ European Confederation of Conservators-Restorers Organisations
ECCO (based in Belgium) ■ ECOVAST – the European Council for the Village and Small Town (based in the United Kingdom) ■ Europäisches Burgeninstitut- The European Castles Association (based in Germany) ■ European Association of Archaeologists (based in Czech Republic) ■ European Cultural Foundation (based in the Netherlands) ■ European Federation of Associations of Technical & Industrial Heritage
E-FAITH (based in Belgium) ■ European Federation of Game Archives,Museums and Preservation
Projects (EFGAMP) (based in Germany) ■ European Federation of TouristGuide Associations FEG (based in Portugal) ■ European Heritage Association (based in Croatia) ■ European Heritage Volunteers (based in Germany) ■ European Historic Houses Association (based in Belgium) ■ European Institute for Cultural Tourism EUREKA (based in Bulgaria) ■ European Landowners Organisation (based in Belgium) ■ European Maritime Heritage (based in the Netherlands) ■ European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education (ENCoRE) (based in Denmark) ■ European State Studs Association e.V.(based in Germany) ■ FEDECRAIL – European Federation of Museum and TouristRailways –
Fédération Européenne des Chemins de Fer Touristiques etHistoriques (based in the Netherlands) ■ Internationales Städteforum Graz (ISG) – The International City Forum
Graz (based in Austria) ■ Office International du Coin de Terre etdes Jardins Familiaux (based in Luxembourg) PERSPECTIV – Association of Historic Theatres in Europe (based in Germany) Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (based in Belgium) Union internationale des organisations Terre etCulture (based in France)
ALBANIA | ALBANIE ■ ADCT – Association for Developmentof Cultural Tourism ■ Fondacioni Tradita Popullore ■ Gjirokastra Conservation and DevelopmentOrganisation ■ The Pastfor the Future
ARMENIA | ARMÉNIE ■ Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena CSDCA - Study and Documentation Centre of Armenian Culture (based in Italy) ■ Karas Revival Heritage Foundation
AUSTRIA | AUTRICHE ■ Österreichische Gesellschaftder Denkmalfreunde - Austrian
Association for the Friends of Monuments ■ Verein Historische Gebaüde Österreich - Austrian Historic Houses
AZERBAIJAN | AZERBAÏDJAN ■ Union of Architects
BELGIUM | BELGIQUE ■ Bruxelles-Fabriques - Brusselfabriek ■ Centre for Religious Artand Culture CRKC ■ HetConvent ■ Foundation for the Urban Environment(FFUE) ■ Herita vzw ■ Horta Museum / Musée Horta ■ Kempens Landschap vzw ■ Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden van België –
The Royal Historic Houses Association of Belgium ■ Kunstwijk vzw – Quartier des Arts asbl - ArtNeighbourhood ■ NatuurpuntBeheer ■ Vereniging Jean van Caloen vzw – Jean van Caloen Association