A $50 BILLION PROBLEM: What You Need to Know About Ad Fraud
new study from Juniper Research, an independent UK based researcher, forecasts that advertisers will lose $42 billion of ad spend globally this year to fraudulent activities committed via online, mobile and in-app advertising. To be more specific, for every $3 spent on digital ads, $1 is lost to fraud.This is a 68 europeanbusinessmagazine.com
21 percent increase from the $35 billion lost to ad fraud in 2018. According to the World Federation of Advertisers (WEF), such numbers mean that up to 30 percent of advertising is unseen by consumers, affecting about 21 trillion online ads annually. The WEF predicts that ad fraud will become the biggest market for
organized crime by 2025, worth $50 billion. Such an increase will be influenced by differing factors but the main one will be the fact that fraudsters will start to rely on more advanced techniques such as spoofing ad networks to falsify clicks, or exploiting the programmatic ad buying