Table of Contents Welcome to the European Projects Academy ................................................ 5 Improving efficiency and effectiveness in developing European projects....6 Student testimonials ....................................................................................... 8 My Europa network – The ideal environment to develop European Projects ...10 Master Background ........................................................................................ 12 Scientific Committee ........................................................................................ 13 Teaching Methodology .................................................................................... 14 Programme structure ...................................................................................... 15 Preliminary course – My-Europa: the innovative network to develop your projects ...............................................................................................................19 Course 1 - European Institutions and Funding Policies ................................ 20 Course 2 - European Funding Opportunities ................................................. 21 Course 3 - European Projects English............................................................... 23 Course 4 - European Projects Development .................................................. 24 Course 5 - Lobbying and Networking for European Projects ........................ 26 Course 6 - Professional Improvement Program .............................................. 28 Location and social activities ........................................................................... 31 Partners .............................................................................................................. 36 How to apply ...................................................................................................... 38 Contact Information ......................................................................................... 39
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Welcome to European Projects Academy The European Academy for Education and Social Research is an institution addressed at developing a better Europe through the knowledge sharing and a research based use of the Information and Communication Technologies. The European Academy for Education and Social Research achieves its educational aim through the European Projects Academy. The social research, instead, is conducted through the My Europa platform that is based on the results of a research project of the European Projects Association. The European Projects Academy is an educational programme realised by the European Academy for Education and Social Research in collaboration with the European Projects Association.
The courses are tailored to provide a collaborative and stimulating environment for learning through in-class lectures, case studies and workshops led by professors, project managers, consultants and European affair advisors. Each course also includes individual work on My Europa platform (, a web-based lifelong eLearning platform designed to develop European projects. The My Europa platform, that counts more than 1400 members, fosters the use of the Information and Communication Technologies in order to create a new generation of professionals able to use the European funds more efficiently, enhancing the absorption capacity of the involved stakeholders and lowering the overall costs of the entire lifecycle of European projects.
The European Projects Academy, through a set of training courses as the Master in Technologies for the Development of European Projects, aims to improve the knowledge of European funds and develop skills in writing and managing European projects through the learning by doing methodology.
for education and social research page 5
Altiero Spinelli “..the road must be travelled, and it will be!”
Improving efficiency and effectiveness in developing European projects
Jean Monnet
The development is in your hands
“When an idea meets the needs of the time, it ceases to belong to its creators and becomes more powerful than those responsible for it... There is no such thing as premature ideas, there are only ripe times that one should wait for.”
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Everybody can contribute to the development of a better European society.
Projects are the way Good ideas can become excellent European projects if the efforts are well addressed.
Together is better
Funds are available The European Union has funding programmes for each society sector and it is not the only way to finance a project.
Robert Schuman
Developing partnerships, sharing knowledge and experiences are natural processes.
“Make men work together show them that beyond their differences and geographical boundaries there lies a common interest.”
The Institutions are developing the rules, we just have to follow them.
The technologies are here Professional networking, online project development tools, easy access to information and education are giving you the chance to be part of the European development.
Paul - Henri Spaak
The rules are clear
“Because it is here that all of Europe comes together ..because there are occasions like today’s when problems arise..”
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Student testimonials Student testimonials from the first edition of the Master in Technologies for the Development of European Projects (November 2011 – June 2012) “I learned a lot of new things about European Projects... I want to thank to the professors! It was nice to meet so good people at this course European Projects Development!” Ivanka Lamot, International Projects Department, Region of Istria (Croatia)
“I am very happy to have done these courses! It is the start of a professional cooperation with European Academy for Education and Social Research and European Projects Association!” Stefano Salbitani, Ken Parker Sistemi Srl – Rome (Italy)
“Thank you very much! I am grateful for having participated to this course...I have learned a lot! Thanks to the My Europa platform we will be able to communicate in future!” Rose Bugarčić, Ministry of Internal Affairs, EU funded Projects Department (Serbia)
“Something that seemed an impossible task it looks achievable now! Thanks to all the staff!” Eimhin David Shortt, B.A. in Philosophy at the National University of Ireland
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“I consider myself really lucky and happy for being part of European Projects Association… I will be your ambassador! Thanks a lot for what you are doing!” Justin Ndungutse, Electrical Engineer (Rwanda)
“It was very good and interesting course and I hope Serbia will soon have the chance to use that knowledge! We will be prepared thanks to you!” Ida Dursun, Ministry of Internal Affairs, EU funded Projects Department (Serbia)
“It was a great course! A lot of useful information for my work on projects. Great international environment! Thanks!” Mirna Medica, External expert for the implementation of the project SEED at Region of Istria in Brussels (Belgium)
“Thank you for the perfect organisation. It was impressive both the organisation and the content! Thank you so much!” Nino Mennella, Ken Parker Sistemi Srl – Rome (Italy)
We got knowledge that we can implement in real world... thanks to the professors! Bojan Radetić, Accounting Professional at Matrix d.o.o. (Croatia)
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MyEuropa The My Europa network ( has been developed by the European Academy for Education and Social Research based on the results of a research project of the European Projects Association. My Europa is the networking community platform that connects all the stakeholders involved in European projects with the aim to develop opportunities for public and private organisations, entrepreneurs, freelancers, SMEs, NGOs, researchers and students. The on-line community offers to their members the opportunity to change the way of developing projects by adopting an innovative methodology. Professionals, involved in the European project development, are aware that a well written proposal is not enough to obtain the European funds needed to co-finance their projects. My Europa aims to overcome the difficulties in absorbing the European funds, giving to the members the opportunity to expand their network, share information, exchange best practices, promote their project ideas, create and manage their projects or join other partnerships. All these features are integrated in My Europa through the following tools: eAcademy, Projects Showroom, Funds Forum, Projects Factory, Europa News and Work in Projects.
eAcademy Is the eLearning tool where the courses of the Master in technologies for the Development of European Projects are streamed. The eAcademy gathers all the eLearning materials connected to our training. The students can follow the recordings video lessons, download all course materials and test the acquired knowledge in a friendly environment.
ProjectsShowroom Is the place where every project can be showcased in each stage of its lifecycle. Thanks to the different thematic working groups, the members of My Europa can post project ideas, look for partners, upload events and find the last call for proposals. By posting projects, the members of My Europa can also compete for European Projects Awards that prize the best ideas, ongoing and concluded projects. The Projects Showroom aims to map the diffusion of European projects and partnerships, showing the cooperation efforts in achieving European objectives. The intention is to foster the development of ever better projects linking the partners and facilitating a long term communication and follow-up as a good way to strength the cooperation between all the stakeholders.
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FundsForum The Funds Forum gathers all information about European programmes and other funds available to co-finance projects. The Funds Forum is a place where it is possible to discuss about EU funding opportunities and where every connected question can find a specific answer. The great opportunity to target messages and promote activities focusing on a specific thematic allows everybody to access and share knowledge and information about European programmes.
ProjectsFactory Is a project management warehouse that permit to set up a projects, add all partners involved, set up a roadmap with a timeline, upload files, set milestones, assign tasks, organize schedules or events and meetings, and interact with the team on all the daily activities of project planning and implementation. The reporting system and the activities stream help the teamwork, giving to the project manager a transparent overview of the work in progress from the starting date to the last deadline.
EuropaNews Is an information center collecting news from EU related websites that constantly monitors the updates of institutional webpages, news portals and alternative sources of information which guarantees an “at-a-glance� overview of what is on in European affairs. The Europa News is a time-saving system which gathers fresh news, information, daily events, activities, reports, conferences, seminars, calls, projects and job opportunities published on the most relevant European portals. The objective is to gather all the fragmented information about EU issues in one place, giving also to every user the opportunity to contribute to the growing of the stream by suggesting new information sources.
WorkInProjects Is the meeting point for both organisations interested in finding new professionals in the EU affair sector and individuals that look for a job position and new experiences. This is not only an on-line job marketplace but also a real opportunities box for professional growth and carrier opportunities related to the European affairs. The tools for finding the right profiles and for simplifying the selection process are available to the employers. The job seekers have the chance to develop their curriculum and track the new opportunities available in their fields of interest. The future of Europe can be shaped through European projects made by experienced people. The right person in the right place is always making the difference!
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Master Background European funds are available for almost every field of interest: from innovation and sustainable development, agriculture and environment, human rights and democratic reforms, education and new employment to regional growth and neighbouring partnerships. It represents a relevant alternative way to traditional methods of financing for individuals and all kind of organisations including Small Medium Enterprises, NGOs, Universities and Public Bodies. The Master in Technologies for the Development of European Projects provides the tools needed to become an expert in technologies for the development and management of projects granted by European Commission. A detailed insight into practical approaches will make the students familiar with both all funding opportunities provided by the European Commission for the 2007 - 2013 budgetary period and the guidelines of the next multiannual EU budget 2014 – 2020. The immediate application of the learned concepts through the use of My Europa platform ( eu) is the big innovation provided by the Master in Technologies for the Development of European Projects. Thanks to the European Projects Association individual membership, the enrolled students will take part in the interactive projects activities on My Europa platform during the whole Master programme. By using My Europa platform ICT tools, the Master aims to create a new generation of professionals able to use the European funds more efficiently, enhancing the absorption capacity of the stakeholders involved and lowering the overall cost of the entire process.
Your Benefits •
Acquiring the knowledge of how the European Union works and the structure of EU budget;
Learning about the European funding opportunities for your projects;
Improving your English skills in order to communicate successfully with international project partners, write effective project proposals and submit official documents to the European Commission commensurate with the standards of the EU;
Learning how to develop and manage the entire life-cycle of your projects;
Finding new potential partners and meeting the European affair advisors;
Visiting the EU Institutions and taking part to the European Projects Awards 2012 Ceremony at the European Economic and Social Committee;
By successfully completing the Master programme, the students will get the European projects Association Expert membership.
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Scientific Committee European Academy for Education and Social Research Andrea Debeljuh, PhD in pedagogy at the University of Bologna (Italy), Academic Director of European Academy for Education and Social Research and researcher at the University of Pula (Croatia). He has been involved in various training and seminars focused on education and management of European funds. He has 10 years of research experience in the field of education. He spent a semester as a University Scientist at the ‘Brown University’ in Providence (USA) and was a research teacher at the Faculty of Arts in Rijeka (Croatia).
Atlas Language School Gary Tennant, PhD is the academic director of Atlas Language School in Dublin (Ireland), has as record of developing and delivering a range of purposeful, challenging and innovative learning and life experiences for those who work and study in language teaching organisations. He ensures an appropriate timetabling of courses, teachers, students and classrooms to achieve the educational and budgetary objectives of a year-round adult English language school and junior summer centre. He also delivers exceptional service to all students and partners in a sustainable way through our student and teacher pathway frameworks. He believes that actively listening to customers, employees and partners with a focus on action is the best way to deliver purposeful, challenging and innovative work, learning and life experiences, as well as a sustainable and profitable teaching and learning organisation.
Business Academy Rijeka (PAR) Gordana Nikolić, PhD has started as a graduate engineer of traffic technology at Maritime Faculty, continue with Master of science and PhD in Economics, earned at University of Rijeka (Croatia). Her science carrier started as a research assistant at the Faculty of Economics. She has been worked on several reputable programs and projects for Ministry of Science, education and sports in Croatia. She founded in 2007 the Business Academy Rijeka as a company to carry out cooperation activities and advocacy for research institutions to promote their projects and organization of seminars, courses and lectures related to business management. As the result of years of collaboration with other national and international higher educational institutions, she formed institution for higher education Business School PAR (Visoka poslovna skola “PAR”) in August 2011. Currently, Gordana Nikolić, PhD is on Dean position of Business school PAR, as the only accredited business school in this region of Croatia by Ministry of Science, education and sports. The models of educations represented with her institutions have the purpose of preparing clients for continuing their business careers and facilitating students for their successful embarkation into the business world.
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Teaching Methodology Our educational methodology is student-centred. By developing an interactive teaching environment, the courses are designed in order to match the educational needs with the individual interests of the students. The teaching methodology is a combination of classroom teaching based on lectures, case studies, workshops and the individual on-line work on My Europa platform ( that permits to the enrolled students to develop projects starting from their ideas and personal motivations. Besides the fundamental needs for acquiring theoretical knowledge from leading experts, it is also important to give the students practical tools in order to implement from the very beginning what has been learned. For this reason each course will be complemented by the use of My Europa platform to manage the projects easier and to be more coordinated and effective. The European Projects Association experts will support the students in order to give them all the needed skills to use the My Europa platform in a useful way in order to make the most effective use of the knowledge provided by the leading teachers. Thanks to the network of the My Europa platform, the students will have the chance to interact with more than 1400 European project stakeholders in order to find the right way to develop European projects. The immediate application of the learned concepts and skills through the use of the My Europa platform is the big innovation provided by the Master course. Indeed, My Europa is a lifelong eLearning platform that provides to the all enrolled students useful tools and contacts for their entire professional career. The connections realised through My Europa will give to the students an added value that can be spent in the job market putting them ahead from others. During the whole Master programme, enrolled students will be active by working on their projects using the innovative technologies for the development of European projects. The hard-copy materials will be provided for each course while handouts and videos will be uploaded on the eAcademy section of the My Europa platform.
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Programme structure The Master course is structured in six individual courses. Each course includes in-class lectures, workshops and interactive projects work on My Europa platform. The successful conclusion of all courses leads to the Professional Improvement Program that gives to the attendants a chance to put in practice the acquired knowledge, methodologies and techniques in order to develop opportunities for the hosting organisations and the entire community of partners. It is possible to apply for the full master programme or for the single courses. After the successful conclusion of all courses and the final online examination on the eAcademy, the students will obtain the diploma in Technologies for the Development of European projects and the European Projects Association Expert membership. The attendance of a single course leads to a certificate of participation.
Courses: •
Preliminary course: My Europa, the innovative network to develop your projects (eLearning on eAcademy: 1. EU Institutions and Funding Policies (eLearning on eAcademy: 2. European funding opportunities (18 – 21 October 2012, Rovinj – Rovigno, Croatia) 3. European Projects English (12 – 16 November 2012, Dublin, Ireland)
4. European Projects Development (27– 30 November 2012, Brussels, Belgium) 5. Lobbying and networking for European Projects (03 – 06 December 2012, Brussels, Belgium) 6. Professional Improvement Program (January – April 2013, host organisations)
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Preliminary Course My-Europa: the innovative network to develop your projects This course introduces the Master’s student to the use of the lifelong eLearning platform My-Europa. This is a professional network that combines, in a single space, different tools that are of fundamental importance for every step of the project idea and development. The student will be trained on the use of every single part of the platform, and during the following lectures he/she will be able to use the knowledge acquired to gain the maximum benefits from the tools at his/her disposal. CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS
• How to register on, set up your personal profile, build your network of experts and future project’s partners and find all the information that you might need about European projects • The use of the Projects Showroom and the advantages of the subscription to specific Working Groups • How to use the Project Factory, the project cycle management tool that will allow you to write a project in the easiest and more practical way • An overview of other useful tools like the Funds Forum, Europa news and Work in Projects
DATE October 2012 TIME SCHEDULE eLearning LOCATION eAcademy ( 5 hours during the in-class lecture of each course COURSE LEADER Ms. Rita Borgnolo Executive coordinator at European Projects Association
• The eAcademy: the learning process does not end in class. It continues at home where you can review all the materials and watch again the lectures
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Course 1 European Institutions and Funding Policies The course starts with presenting and analysing the process of European Integration from its intellectual origins to the practice of actual EU affairs: it will focus on the main events from the Schuman Plan to the present. Historical and theoretical patterns will be confronted to the realities of EU politics. The course will also investigate the most recent institutional, political and economic developments in the light of the new challenges the EU has to meet. The second part of the course aims to analyze the financial principles of the EU budget, the “Own resources system”, the budget adoption, the budget execution and expenditure, the EU budget control system through the European Court of Audit and the political control of the EU Parliament. The main EU Funding expenditures will be explained through the system of the structural funds, funding of the European Policies and European tenders. The course also focuses on both the current budget and funding period 2014/2020. The last part of the course is focused on exploring the origins of EU Regional Policy, its evolution process and major changes introduced by the Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS • The origins and development of European Union, the process of EU enlargement, the EU Institutions and how they work • The EU Budget and its five headings, EU guidelines for the funding period 2007 – 2013, the next multiannual EU budget 2014 – 2020 and the preview of Europe 2020 strategy • History and evolution of EU Regional Policy, Lisbon Strategy and the reform of EU Regional Policy
DATE October 2012 TIME SCHEDULE eLearning LOCATION eAcademy ( COURSE LEADERS Mr. Claudio Cressati Professor at International University Institute for European Studies
Ms. Roberta Mancia
Lawyer and lecturer at European Academy for Education and Social Research
Mr. Roberto Bernardis Professor at International University Institute for European Studies
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Course 2 European Funding Opportunities The course is addressed to provide a comprehensive understanding of all European funding opportunities: from the Community Programmes, to Structural Funds and to European external aid supports available for third countries such as the Instrument for Pre – Accession (IPA) for the Western Balkans. The community programmes are directly managed by the European Commission in order to grant projects in the field of research, innovation, competitiveness, environment, education, youth, culture and citizenship. The management of Structural funds are decentralised at national and regional level and the impact of these funds mainly concerns the investments to improve the competitiveness and innovation of the enterprises, to sustain the job creation, to support the environment and use of renewable energies, to develop infrastructure and transportation systems and to support the rural areas. The external aids support have been designed to enhance the role of the European Union as a global player in order to spread their proper values (prosperity, democracy and human rights) through the cooperation with third countries. CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS • The future cohesion policy of the EU: towards 2014 / 2020 programming – Europe 2020;
DATE 18 – 21 October 2012
• Structural funds, Cohesion fund, the reform of the common agricultural policy and the EU Solidarity Fund; • Overview of European direct funding programs: FP7; CIP; Horizon 2020; LLP; Environment, Energy, Consumer, Health, Justice, International Cooperation, Working condition, Citizenship and Youth ; • Instrument for Pre – Accession (IPA) and other EU programmes available for the Western Balkans; • Trip around Istria Region on Sunday 21 October 2012 to visit the infrastructures created through EU projects.
TIME SCHEDULE 20 Hours of in-class lectures 5 hours of individual work on My Europa Platform ( LOCATION Rovinj – Rovigno (Croatia) COURSE LEADERS Ms. Anita Klanac Lecturer at Business Academy Rijeka (PAR) Ms. Roberta Mancia Lawyer and lecturer at European Academy for Education and Social Research
Ms. Rita Borgnolo
Executive coordinator at European Projects Association
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Course 3 European Projects English The overall aim of the European Projects English course is to improve significantly the quality of students’ written project proposals to meet the expectations of professional proficiency-level (C2) readers of English. This will be achieved by the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and techniques, which can be applied to advantage in various written assignments. The course has been designed for professionals who need to use English accurately and appropriately in order to communicate successfully with international project partners, write effective project proposals and submit official documents to the European Commission commensurate with the standards of the EU. The course will cover aspects of developing an appropriate formal style for both oral and written communications, expressing and linking ideas in writing, synthesising information to arrive at a persuasive and coherent written conclusion, and acquiring the specific EU project proposal vocabulary and formulae needed in order to submit a successful project. Students can also expect to improve their wider communication and presentation skills. The course also includes a pre-arrival task concerning the language experience and the project ideas of the students in order to tailor the course according to their general background.
CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS • D eveloping an authorial voice for formal letters and documents; • Communicating in an English-speaking office environment (phone and email, conducting negotiations and participating in meetings more effectively); • Using the EU project vocabulary; • Accurately express and link ideas in writing; • Synthesising information to arrive at a persuasive and coherent written conclusion; • Producing written projects proposals commensurate with the standards of the EU; • Applying learning and skills development to produce a coherent and informative written project proposal abstract on a chosen theme; DATE
12 – 16 November 2012 TIME SCHEDULE 30 Hours of in-class lectures 5 hours of individual work on My Europa Platform ( LOCATION Atlas Language School Dublin (Ireland) COURSE LEADERS Mr. Gary Tennant Academic Director at Atlas Language School Mr. Sean Fitzgerald Ms. Rita Borgnolo
Teacher at Atlas Language School Executive coordinator at European Projects Association
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European Projects Development
Course 4
This course starts with giving a practical approach of where to find a call for proposal and how to build a partnership consortium. The students will acquire the needed skills in order to write a project proposal in a goal-oriented way, implement the project and manage its entire life-cycle including the project budget. The development of European projects will be supported by using the new web-based technologies of My Europa platform that makes easier to the students to find international partners in a network that gathers more than 1400 members, to post the project’s idea and find the suitable call for proposal in the targeted working groups of the Projects Showroom. The implementation and the management of the projects will be supported by the Projects Factory that permits to organise the work with the involved partners through milestones, tasks and file sharing. The students will also attend to the European Projects Awards 2012 ceremony on 28 November 2012 at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels (Belgium). The European Projects Awards 2012 is organised by the European Projects Association in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Academy for Education and Social Research. It will prize the best project ideas, ongoing and finished projects in the field of civil society. The students project ideas published on My Europa will compete for the European Projects Awards. CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS • Project Approach & Partnership Building (finding a call for proposal, requirements of project evaluation, how to build a partnership consortium, how to prepare a concept paper) • Project Implementation (how to draft a project proposal – work plan & project objectives; how to draft a project – details of tasks and sub activities; implementation of Work Packages and Project results) • Project Management (negotiation of funded projects; legal aspects of EU funded projects; Project management 1 – internal managing bodies and follow up of project activities; Project management 2 – problematic case as contract failure, change of partner, budget deviation, conflictive parties, conflict resolution and sanctions) • Project Budget – Monitoring and Reporting (how to draft a project budget; budget & cost follow up; project reporting 1 – the activity report and financial and administrative issues including special case for third countries) • The attendance of the European Projects Awards 2012 ceremony on 28 November 2012 at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels (Belgium)
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DATE 27 – 30 November 2012 TIME SCHEDULE 20 Hours of in-class lectures 5 hours of individual work on My Europa Platform ( LOCATION Brussels (Belgium) COURSE LEADER Ms. Roberta Mancia Lawyer and lecturer at European Academy for Education and Social Research
Ms. Rita Borgnolo
Executive coordinator at European Projects Association
Participate in the European Projects Awards and seize the opportunity to bring visibility to your ongoing and finished projects! If your project is still just an idea, share it with our community and start converting it into reality… Just upload your project in the Project Showroom of My Europa platform (www. and start competing for deserved recognition. Also vote for other projects by clicking on the LIKE button; two lucky voters have a chance to win great prizes among which is the prize journey to the Awards ceremony which will be held in the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on the 28th November 2012.
Presentation of the European Projects Awards 2012 on 13 June 2012 at the European Economic and Social Committee endorsed by the Vice – President Ms. Ana Maria Darmanin and by the President of the European Projects Association, Mr. Dino Babić
In partnership with: European Economic and Social Committee
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Course 5 Lobbying and networking for the European Projects This course has been designed to provide to the students a real networking experience which will give them the opportunity to meet new international partners and European Affair Advisors that can help to develop their European projects. The course is also addressed to explain how European projects, as a lobby tool, can influence the EU policy-making process. European affair advisors and project managers, through the analyse of best practices in the utilisation of European funds, will give the students technical and practical advices of how to draft a successful project proposals and how to develop their current and future projects in the field of environment, research & innovation, information and communication technologies, competitiveness of enterprises, public administration, education, youth, culture, citizenship, media, tourism, rural development, regional growth and neighbouring partnerships. The course also includes a specific focus on the case histories in utilisation of European funds at regional level. The results and the impact of the most relevant European projects implemented at regional level will be presented and discussed by the representatives from different regions of the EU Member states, acceding country (Croatia will be the next EU Member state by 1st July 2013), candidate and potential candidate countries. The participants will also have the opportunity to meet Policy officers of the European Commission and other EU Institutions based in Brussels.
CURRICULUM AND COURSE DETAILS DATE 03 – 06 December 2012 TIME SCHEDULE 30 Hours of in-class lectures 5 hours of individual work on My Europa Platform ( LOCATION Brussels (Belgium) COURSE LEADERS Project Managers, EU Affairs Advisors, Regional representatives, EC policy officers... (see the list of our speakers)
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EU Institutions
• Ms. Anna Maria Darmanin, European Economic and Social Committee Vice – President, • Mr. Marko Curavic, Head of Unit – European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry – Entrepreneurship, • Mr. Luca Pirozzi, Programme Manager at DG Education and Culture - Unit C.1 – Higher Education, Erasmus;
Project Managers & European Affair Advisors • • • • • • • • •
Ms. Michelle Perello, Director – Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation, Mr. Juan Manuel Revuelta, Director of Finnovaregio, Mr. Srd Kisevic, Research and Youth Policy Officer at EU-CoE youth partnership, Mr. Leonardo Pinna, European Affairs Advisor at Confindustria Nord Sardegna, Mr. Milos Labovic, Lobbyist on Structural Funds for the Dutch regions, Mr. Emanuele Degortes, Policy Officer at American Chamber of Commerce to the EU, Mr. Stefano Battaggia, European Affairs Advisor at Veniceside, Ms. Cristina Bonafe, Project Manager at Paragon Europe, Ms. Ester Iacovelli, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Brussels office;
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mr. Dino Babic, Representative of Region of Istria (Croatia), Ms. Katarina Sipic, Representative of Dubrovnik-Neretva Region (Croatia), Mr. Calin Chira, Representative of Romanian Municipalities Association, Mr. Dino Elezovic, Representative of Kanton Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina), Ms. Edita Smajic, Representative of Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (Bosnia Herzegovina), Ms. Esther Bülow Davidsen, Representative of Zealand Region (Denmark), Ms. Renata Jasiolek, Malopolska Region Office (Poland), Ms. Borka Tomic, Brussels Liaison Officer City of Kragujevac, Šumadija District (Serbia), Ms. Vendulka Raymova, Brussels office of Bohemia EU Planners (Czech Republic), Ms. Kristina Schaberl, Representative of Region of Burgenland (Austria), Ms. Claudia Conrads, Head of Stuttgart Region European Office (Germany), Mr. Cesar Morcillo Dorado, Director of Regional Office of Extremadura (Spain), Mr. Serafin Pazos Vidal, COSLA Head of Brussels Office (United Kingdom), Ms. Karolina Horbaczewska, Regional Office of Opolskie Region (Poland), Ms. Regine Kramer, Policy Coordinator at Assembly of European regions (Brussels), Ms. Daniela Casale, Project Manager at Veneto Region Brussels office (Italy), Mr. Jonas Groes, Director of the South Denmark European Office (Denmark), Ms. Eszter Lakos, Foreign Affairs Coordinator at the HunOR Office Brussels (Hungary);
Representatives of Regional Offices in Brussels
European Associations and networks based in Brussels • Mr. Matthieu Grandin, Project Manager at ERISA – European Regional Information Society Association, • Mr. Nicolas Brookes, Director responsible for Regional Policy and follow-up of the Atlantic Arc Commission at Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, • Mr. Nicolas Brookes, Director responsible for Regional Policy and follow-up of the Atlantic Arc Commission at Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, • Ms. Alice Jude, Network coordinator at NECSTour - Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism, • Ms. Ines Bulto Riera, Secretary General at JADE – European Confederation of Junior Enterprises.
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Course 6 Professional Improvement Program The Professional Improvement Program, organised by the European Projects Association, gives to the attendants a chance to apply the acquired knowledge, methodologies and techniques in order to develop opportunities for the hosting organisations and the entire community of partners. The opportunity of being part of a project development team and working with experienced professionals is a chance to establish the basis for personal growth and future professional career. The attendants, that already worked on My Europa platform, will be able to put in practice the use of My Europa at the host organisations in order to enhance their project development skills. By spreading the use of My Europa platform among the European projects stakeholders through an effective communication, networking, knowledge sharing and education, the Professional Improvement Program is fostering the use of Information and Communication Technologies. With a correct ethic approach, the Professional Improvement Program aims to create a new generation of professionals able to use the European funds more efficiently and build a better Europe by fostering the partnerships and enhancing the absorption capacity of the stakeholders involved in the projects.
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAILS • International work experience in the field of European project management • Project Development • Team work • Attending to EU conference, workshops and other events • Meeting with EU advisors
DATE January 2013 - April 2013 TIME SCHEDULE 420 hours LOCATION Host and partner organisations FOR MORE INFORMATION
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Locations and Social activities Rovinj-Rovigno Rovinj-Rovigno is a city in Croatia situated on the north Adriatic Sea with a population of 13,562. It is located on the western coast of the Istrian peninsula and is a popular tourist resort and an active fishing port. Built on an island close to the coast, it was connected with the mainland in 1763 by filling in the channel. The second course “European Funding Opportunities� will take place in Rovinj-Rovigno and on Sunday 21 October 2012 there will be planned a trip around Istria Region to visit the infrastructures created through EU projects.
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Locations and Social activities
Dublin Dublin is the capital of Ireland and it is located near the midpoint of Ireland’s east coast at the mounth of the River Liffely. Originally founded as a Viking settlement, it evolved into the Kingdom of dublin and became the island’s primary city following the Norman invasion. The city has an urban population of over 1 million people and it is a historical and contemporary cultural centre for the country, as well as a modern centre of education, the arts, administration, economy and industry. The third course ”European Projects English” will take place at the Atlas Language School.
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Locations and Social activities Brussels Brussels is the capital city of Belgium and of Brussels Capital Region. It is entirely surrounded by Dutch-speaking Flanders and its constituent Flemish Brabant province. Being at the crossroads of cultures (the Germanic in the North and the Romance in the South) and playing an important role in Europe, Brussels fits the definition of the archetypal “melting pot”, but still retains its own unique character. As headquarters of many European institutions, Brussels might also be considered something of a capital for the European Union. The courses “European Projects Development” & “Lobbying and Networking for European Projects” will take place in Brussels. The students will also attend to the European Projects Awards 2012 ceremony on 28 November 2012 at the European Economic and Social Committee.
Enrolled students will also have the benefits of a comprehensive social programme. Taking part in a group outside the classroom and sharing experiences with international colleague, will contribute to a pleasant stay in Rovinj - Rovigno, Dublin and Brussels.
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Partners The European Projects Association is a non – profit organisation focusing on research and development, innovation and internationalisation, using Information and Communication Technologies in order to become Europe’s leading cooperation network completely dedicated to the whole community of European projects stakeholders. The EPA supports the goals of young individuals, experts and organisations through a broad range of tools and services developed in cooperation with the European Academy for Education and Social Research, including the lifelong eLearning My Europa platform. The EPA team is composed by experienced people driven by the common aim of creating a unique resource centre to build a better Europe using in the best way European funds to co-finance development projects. The Headquarters are located in Brussels (Belgium), which makes it easier to represent its members and to stay constantly up-to-date with new information, changes and challenges of the European affairs environment. The Atlas Language School was established in 2003 in Dublin (Ireland) and has grown quickly in size and reputation in that time. It is a professional language school committed to providing a unique learning experience in a friendly and dynamic environment. With excellent teachers and facilities, fun social activities, and a perfect central location can be considerate one of the best school to learn English in Dublin.
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The Poslovna Akademija Rijeka (P.A.R ltd) - Business Academy Rijeka was founded in year 2007 with the vision to become a leading degree provider for academic fields that are underdeveloped in the region of Western Balkans. Business Academy Rijeka had established a strong collaboration with BA Nordhessen-F+U Heidelberg Academy and they have been offering a unique dual-curriculum program of study that represents the first of its kind in Croatia. They have offered a Business management programme for three generations of students, with strong emphasis on logistic management courses. They were legally constituted as a private body law until their business and experience expanded, so they have formed institution for a higher education Business School PAR (Visoka poslovna skola PAR). The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports had currently accredited only their business school in this region of Croatia. European professional dual-studies are known for their high quality expertise and development. Business School PAR is one of higher education entity in Croatia that offers bachelor degrees in business management with close entrepreneurial sector collaboration. Their aim was to provide students with the opportunity to gain internationally recognized degree and expert-tailored program of business management. As an educational institution they give a lot of significance to a long life learning so they offer various types of seminars and programs. Themes of their seminars include: management, personal development and branding, sales, marketing, leadership, public relations, finances, logistics, supply, production and EU funded project management.
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How to apply Admission Criteria •
High Motivation;
Bachelor degree preferably with a strong academic record
Working knowledge of both written and spoken English
Enrolment Period In order to be officially admitted to the master course you should complete, sign and return the application form that you can download here. Completed application form should reach the European Academy for Education and Social Research within 10 September 2012.
Tuition fee The Master tuition fee is EUR 4650. For those who will apply by 31 August 2012, it will be recognised a discount of 15% of the Master tuition fee. The fee does not cover travel, accommodation and health insurance.
Single courses You can also apply for the single courses of this Master programme. The fee is EUR 1250 for each course selected. A special discount of EUR 150 is available for early booking (three weeks before the start of the course). The fee does not cover travel, accommodation and health insurance.
Accommodation The accommodation can be arranged at special rates in the different location of the Master course.
Master in eLearning It is possible to follow the Master course in eLearning. The eLearning fee is for the whole Master is EUR 1825. For single courses it is EUR 365. The eLearning fee includes all the course materials and the recording of the live Master.
Scholarships The Master course is developed in cooperation with the EPA - European Projects Association ( which has established a Social contribution fund aimed also to provide scholarships for young professionals (under 30). Please send to your CV, a motivation letter and your project’s idea up to 20 August 2012. The EPA evaluation committee will publish the results on My Europa platform ( on 27 August 2012
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Contact Information Master Coordinator Alessandro Viola European Academy for Education and Social Research The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey Suite 302, 304 7 Dublin, Ireland E-mail: Phone: 00353 1 2542906 Fax: 00353 1 5261085
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for education and social research
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