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Specialised breath programmes to combat respiratory illness at Vivamayr
Vivamayr Medical Health Resort has introduced an Active Breath medical programme at its lakeside centre in Maria Wörth, designed to aid people struggling with respiratory illness due to asthma, Covid-19 or other lung-related medical issues.
“Active Breath is both a reaction to the ongoing respiratory issues we see among our clients, and a response to the growing global demand for serious respiratory healthcare,” says Dr Werner Zancolo, medical director at the resort.
The programme begins with the foundations of the centre’s medical services, including clinical examinations, dietary consultations and thorough tests to determine which treatments are most vital for each patient.
A highly personalised treatment plan then features therapies such as Interval Hypoxic Hyperoxic Treatment, nasal reflex therapy and saline inhalations, all partnered by its world-leading personalised nutritional programme. Breathing exercises and yoga are also included in varying degrees, depending on the client’s need. www.vivamayr.com/en