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Touchless technology: Rebalance Impulse
Rebalance Impulse
What is its USP?
Rebalance Impulse is a non-invasive mental wellness and neuro relaxation machine. Based on applied neuroscience and cognitive training it can be used to help tackle chronic stress, improve sleep quality and enhance the immune system.
Key features
A lounger created in a zero-gravity position, Rebalance Impulse offers users a series of indicators on its MyRebalance smartphone app to help identify which sessions would be the most beneficial. Choices include Vitality, Emotional Balance, Sleep Quality and Relaxation. Sessions then offer a selection of methodologies including breathing exercises, guided mental imagery, full body chromotherapy, neuromeditation exercises, sound therapy and binaural synchrotherapy – a new therapeutic discipline emerging from neuroscience. It combines three techniques – chromotherapy protocols using targeted wavelengths expressed in nanometers, pulsed light protocols expressed in hertz and lux, anddynamic light scenarios in the shape of an iris (patent registered) acting on targeted frequencies.
A Rebalance Impulse session can be used by spa guests for relief from chronic stress, sleep disturbances and emotional imbalance. It also helps to improve vitality, brain agility and concentration.
The device measures users’ psychological and neurophysiological responses via a neurofeedback headset – similar tech to EEG technology – and a biofeedback wristband that tracks cardiac rhythm in real time.
How much does it cost?
Price on application. www.spavision.com/product/2d92f0