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Releasing postural tension and easing back pain
We talk to Loulou James about the Buttafly Technique, an innovative rehabilitation method for releasing postural tension and easing back pain that is ideal for spa treatments.
Recovery and rehabilitation have a long history in spa and wellness, and the Buttafly Technique, created by physiotherapist, yoga and clinical Pilates instructor Loulou James, is a new concept that helps clients gain mobility and eases pain.

Loulou James
James, who has worked in clinics in the UK and Hong Kong, specialises in musculoskeletal conditions, back pain and women’s health. Her journey to create the Buttafly Technique began with her own mobility issues. “This method for releasing postural tension and easing back pain evolved when I used it to heal chronic back pain caused by a fracture at the base of my spine ten years earlier,” she says.
James discovered that there was a way to position the Buttafly – which she originally designed to be an ergonomic yoga block – that allowed the lower end of the spine to ‘float’ in the indent, leaving it free of any direct pressure. This enabled her to lie on her back without additional padding. Repeated use of this posture resolved her symptoms in just a few weeks and she began using it to help others.
A unique technique
Endorsed by the Complementary Medical Association, the Buttafly Technique involves the client lying in the supine position with precise positioning of the Buttafly. The pelvis and spine need to be in a neutral alignment and a specific protocol for going into and out of the position must be followed. “The technique facilitates a natural ‘unwinding’ of the spine,” says James. “The body is highly sophisticated and has the innate capacity to bring itself back into balance. That said, we rarely – if at all – consider how this applies to posture, but it does and the Buttafly Technique harnesses it beautifully.”
Clients report an immediate improvement in posture and the changes are not restricted to any one demographic group. “The Buttafly Technique has shown me how people ‘hold’ their posture in some way mostly due to a combination of physical and emotional factors. Yet, regardless of age or condition, the body is also hard-wired for self-healing – it just needs the right opportunity. As compared to traditional manual therapy, this technique gives the spine a chance to find its own way at its own pace and in harmony with the rest of the body.” James explains. “People with a flat back will have an improved lordosis (natural backward facing curve) in the lumbar spine after treatment. Those with a hyper-lordosis will return to a more neutral alignment.” James says her clients find that improvements in their posture are evident on the couch and when they stand; they also report a wider range of movement and function afterward. The physical changes come with a subjective decrease in pain for many conditions, including non-specific low back and discogenic pain, sciatica, scoliosis, and back and pelvic pain due to pregnancy and post-partum.

The Buttafly Technique can improve the client’s overall sense of wellbeing too. People often report that they feel more grounded and centred, lighter and more vibrant. There’s a growing body of evidence that poor spinal movement or function, regardless of whether there is any complaint of pain, impacts and compromises the brain’s ability to accurately interpret what’s going on in both a person’s internal and external environment, which can interfere with the body’s ability to adapt to their current situation. “The theory is that when spinal function is restored, all of our biological systems benefit,” says James.
Gentle and complementary
James’s technique is very gentle, making it suitable for most people from teenagers to the elderly. It also works well with other modalities. A baseline response for each client must be established first, especially because the effects extend beyond the musculoskeletal system. “Often people have an emotional response, and therapists must be prepared for this. It’s crucial for the effectiveness of the technique that appropriate aftercare is given,” explains James. The procedure can be taught to practitioners and therapists who have training in hands-on manual therapy and understand the body and spine. The training programme takes three days and includes both theory and practical sessions; spine and posture analysis; anatomy and physiology; discussion about specific types of back pain and how they benefit; contraindications; and a clear protocol for the Buttafly Technique.

For more information about Buttafly training courses, please contact Loulou James at: www.thebuttafly.com