2 minute read
Five Elements Acupuncture to unlock the heart
With a notable celebrity following for his women’s health expertise, Five Elements Acupuncture specialist Ross J Barr describes his background and journey in wellness
Often the path to wellness is first discovered when you are experiencing trauma or looking for recovery from some significant life event. This was also the way I discovered Five Elements acupuncture and set out on my own path into wellness.
As a child I remember that my mother was very much into homeopathy, acupuncture and crystal healing. We were brought up with her complementary approach, not with antibiotics or the more traditional western approach to medicine.

Ross J Barr
When I was around 20 years old our father died. Our mother asked myself and my brothers to go and have acupuncture sessions – many people don’t know but it is extremely good for grief, bereavement and heartbreak. Five Element Acupuncture is very heart-centred. I remember vividly the difference I felt when coming out of that first session – I thought that somehow, despite how awful everything was, I was going to be OK.
After six months of treatment, I took the decision to change my job and train to become an acupuncturist. I fell in love with it, and I knew then I had found my path.
Five Elements Acupuncture takes time to get to the root cause. We look at the emotional aspect of health and then use our techniques to rebalance the body back to its default settings – to bring balance back.
Today I dedicate my time to optimising people’s personal health, whether its assisting with matters of fertility, helping to manage stress, sleep issues or simply creating an overall sense of wellbeing.